I ' I '"I ' EVENING' MPDGERKHnJi!Ii3 FRIDAY FEBRUARY "VJ1917 .' - 4jf SEVEN ALLIED'PLANES WRECKED BY TEUTONS i German Aircraft Also Shell Dunkirk British Win and Loose Trenches t t rerun, Feb. 2. Seven Allied aeroplanes wero shot down In sky battle esterday, tho Oermnn War Office nnnouneed today In an ofllclal report on western front operations. Numerous reconnoltcrlng enterpriser were carried out at various points along tne front. On the Guedecourt-Heaulencourt road (Sommo front) on English dotachment, after strong artillery fire, succeeded In pene trating a position held by n German com pany, but was driven out by a counter-attack. On both sides of tho Ancre and Pommo rivers there were lively artillery duels. Snowstorms and sevens frosts hao pre vented any Important operations on the eastern front, tho War omce staled No mention was made of Rumanian opernttons. Tho situation on the Macedonian front l unchanged. 1'ARIS, Tcb. 2 Falluro of n German attack Thursday evening against a French trench nt Lcln trey, In Lorraine, was announced In toda's official statement. Around Verdun tho statement detailed artillery activity In the sector of Louvre mont. Dunkirk 'was bombarded by enemy air craft with small damage. There were no casualties In the air raid. BIG DRIVE EXPECTED ON ITALIAN FRONT ROME, .Tan. 12 (by mall to New York, Teb 2) -A Teutonic offensive against the Italians, on a bigger scale than that of last June, In which German and Bulgarian troops will tako part as well as Austro Hungarians, Is In prospect, nccordlnr to In formation reaching the Italian General .Staff On the other hand, from the contents of orders found on officers recently made pris oners and from other sources, the General Btaft has come to tho conclusion that these preparations must be regarded as proof that the Austrlans are fully aware that a gigantic Italian offensive against Trieste Is imminent and that they arc taking every precaution to meet It nnd check It nt Its v.ery beginning Direct nens from the front, besides con firming all previous Information concern ing the Teutons' preparations for an offen sive against Vlccnza, warn the Italian pub ljc thit there are signs of prepatatlons on even a larger scale for another offensive against tho GorMa-Isonzo lines In fact, tho civil population of tho towns of the Vlppacco Valley arc being gently Invited to move In from the Interior In order to avoid unnecessary hardships and at tho came time to leave tho artillery free to put In a state of defense everv town, farmhouse and hamlet, Reliable Information has It that the work of fortlfjlng these towns was begun enrlv In November under tho direc tion of Colonel l.leman. a German fortifi cation expeit, who acquired experience In Belgium and Fiance According to this expert the real war for Ital will begin tho moment she under takes an offensive against Conien, wliose guns guard the Monfalcone-Nabreslim load to Tlrestc In November tho Italians pushed their lines near the gates ot Castagnavlz7.i, which Is only about seven miles from Comen A chain of hills extending from Dulno, on the Adriatic, to Temnlzro,, on the north, and comprising Mount Querccto, 1100 feet high. Mount Noveto 1200 feet high, and Mount TerHtel, 2000 feet high, to ray noth ing of minor hills of strategic value, de fend any further npproach to Comen from the west: while from tho northwest nun , dreds of guns on Mount Trlgldo, 4300 feet high ; Mount Vellk ltob, ,i00 feet high : Mount Madrassovaz. 3900 feet high, and It series of lesser hills, guard the railway line to I.alhach These heights, tho German expert sav, can bo captured only at the cost of tre mendous sacrifices of men nnd materials, and that even If tho Italians should suc ceed east of Comen they will find suc cessive lines of defenses to the very thresh old of Trieste Besides this, the expert avers, that If tho Italians should tako Dulno, east of Monfalcone, nnd thus secure a comparatively free, but narrow road, to Trieste along the seashore, their left flank would be dangerously exposed to a counter attack from tho north and the east, which xvould eventually result In cutting tho ad vancing army from Its base nnd deprive the Italians of the only road at their disposal for retreat In Trentlno still larger movements of troops nnd materials are reported by the Italian Intelligence department and Inde pendent otnvrvers In Switzerland Be sides, the Italian general staff has often been warned that a surprise nttack even In midwinter Is not Improbable and that this time It would havo to leckon not only with Austro-Hungarlans, but Germans and Bulgarians as well, and with twice tho num ber of guns used In tho Teutonic offensive last June. 70 Years Married, Mark Anniversary " LANCASTER, Pa Feb. 2. Barr Spang ler and wife, of Marietta, are today cele brating their seventieth nnnlveisary of mar ried life, believed to be the oldest married couple In 1'ennsjhanla nnd both are In good health, though he Is ninety-one years old and she Is eighty-nine. He Is vice president of the Marietta National Bank and a merchant. Did that itching keep you awake last night? And how can you expect to sleep tonight unless you do something to re 'ievethetrouble? Eczema andotheritch tog ikin troubles don't oftenheal them selves. But it is surprising how quickly Resinol Helps Sick Skins Almost dally we hear from a sVln sufferer who says "Resinol Ointment stopped my itching at once and I got the first good night's sleep I had had In weeks. Now my skin is well." Reilool Ointment U told by droffUu CTirpthcrt. MONEY TO LOAN LOWIr RATI ON DIAMOND AND FURS FRIDENBERC 1 N.htt JTflM.IrtArtW lan for improvement of parkway plaza k r r uuuuuuuuuu t)'i f ir'ii . infill . iillli :.!!i: i itmrerz uuouuuuu uu uuucmouoD trtrcr i Plans for improvement of Parkway Plnzn, facing City Hall between Filbert, Arch, Broad and Sixteenth street1?, call for an ornamental band stand, facing City Hall along Arch street, and embrace other novel features, in cluding a disappearing fountain in center of plaza surrounded by moasaic walk and horticultural development of lawns. Triangular spaces between Fifteenth nnd Sixteenth streets are to bo laid out along similar lines. This design was awarded the Walter Cope Memorial prize. The artist was William R. Morton Keast. UN ULTIMATUM INVIAT0 BIGIA'ALLAGERMANIA? A Washington Si Dice Che Gli Stati Uniti Abbiano Minacciato la Rottura delle Relazioni WASHINGTON. D C . 2 Febbralo Nulla nncora dl posltlvo si sa circa I'nzlona die gli Statl 1'nitl si propongono dl lnlzlaro come rlsposta nlla nota del governo del kaiser circa 11 blocco delle coste dell'Intesa e la gueria dl sot tomarlnl, 1" certo pero die la rlsposta sara' quella cho deve et.sere o si dice cho una nota dl ammonlmento o' stata gla' man data alia Germanla Dl essa ad ognl modo si Ignora II contenuto, ma rorre voce cho e' tale che la rottura delle relarlonl dlplomatlche e' da attendcrsl da un glorno all'nltro. St crede generalmente, In base a notlzle raccolte a fori to nutorevole, die 1'ambasclatorn von Bernstorff, cho lerl uu glornale, II Providence Journal accusava apertamento dl essere stato l'lstlgatore dl Incendll e dl assasslnli In America, rl cevera' 1 suol passiportl ncllo spazto dl 48 ore' I.o speranze che il presldento Wilson po teva ancora nutrlre sulla posslblllta' dl evltare una rottura e convlncere la Gei inanla ad usare I suol sottomarlnl secondo le leggl lnterna7lonall e dl utnanita', sono Lompletamento svanlte SI sento dapper tutto che la guerra ' inevltahlle, la guerra e' la sola rlsposta che una grande nazlone neu'rale pun' dare al kaiser cho tenia dl calpestarne I dlrltti plu' ovvll SI nspotta che nell.i ginrnata dl oggl 11 Dlpartlmcnto dl Stato annuncil la sua llnea dl condotta dl fronto alia tlei mania Ad ognl modo si puo' csser certl che la rotluia si av vidua a rapid! passl A renderc la sltuazlone ancora plu" grave a rendere la rottura ancora plu' lmmlnente ed Inevltablle, e' enuta una nuova dichl aiazlone da parto delPambaselalore liern storft che fu consegnata dal Dlpartlmeiito dl Stato l.a nota, o per essere plu' pre clsl. II memorandum che. nccompagnata la nota originate, dice che dal momento che gli alleatt dell'Intesa hanno rlflutato dl dlscutere la pace eu has! dl "uguaglianza dl dlrltti " dl cul ccrtamente la Germanla non avrebbe parlato so avesse potuto es sere Mttorlosi sul grand! teatrl delta gueria, II governo del kaiser deve lluunclaro alio lestrlzlonl che si era lmposto nelt uso del suol sottomarlnl, ed esprlme la speran7a die gli Statl Unit! compre.ndcranno la sua necessita' e conseguentemente approveranno le suo mlsure. Ora si dice che anche II governo austrlaco na prescntato al governo amerlcano, o sta per picsentargll, una nota simile a quella della Germanla circa la guerra dl sotto marlnl' In nuestl clrcoll politic!, fatte poche ecce zlonl, si crede che 1'azlone del governo amerlcano dl fronte alia mlnaccla tedesca sara' pronta, declslva e lgorosa Questa azlone e' domandata dalla grandlsslma maggloranza del pubbllco amerlcano per bogco del grandl o plccoll giornall, con poche note dtscordl o'tre a quelle della stampa tedesco-amerlcana e dl quella, non nume- rosa In vertt.V, venduta alia causa della Germanla LA FLOTTA K' PIIONTA SI sa che l'ammlragllo Mnvo, comandanto in capo della pquadra dl battaglla degll Stall I'nKI. c' nvvertlto udlcialmente della posslblllta' dl uni rottura con la Germanla l.'ammlragllo, cho con la sua squadra e' alia base dl Guantanamo, bulla costa cu bana, ha rlsposlo die le sue navl sono pronto ed In nssctto dl guerra, provvlste dl tutto quanto occoire II fatto che II comandante della squadra dl battaglla c stato avvertlto iitllclalmcnte della sltuazlone e' una prova che II presl dento Wilson Intcndo dl nglrc come si con vlene ad una nazlono che rlspetta se' Messa Intanto si sa die le altra nazlonl ncu trail, conie 1 Olanda, la Spagna o la Nor vegli, o forso audio la Svczla, I cul Inte reshl martttlml sono pure in gluoco con il progranimi tedesco guardano agll Statl I'nltl como alia potenza die guldera' l'azl one del' neulrl In nitre parole sembre rebbo die Olandi, Spagna e Norvegla sa rebbero dlsposte a segulre la llnea dl con dotta cho sara' Imposta nll'Amerlca dalle clrcostanze Da Madrid glungo notlzia die lerl si ebbe in lunghlsslmo conslglio dl mlnlstrl dopo II quale II mlnlstrn degll Ksterl ebbe una lunga conferenza con laTibasdalore ame l Ic'ano, vioi.miA' i.a svizznrtA' BOMA, 2 Tebbialo SI rltlene qui che la campagua del sottomarlnl tedeschi sara' se gulta da altre spaveutose operozlonl dl tei rn I.a Germaiil i, dlcono notlzie da I.ondra, si propone dl vlolnre la neutrallta" della Svlzrera e dell Olanda U. S. GOVERNMENT PROBES SINKING OF GERMAN SHIP Reports Vessel Was Scuttled to Block Charleston Harbor Under Throuch Scrutiny WASHINGTON. Keb "The Gov em inent todav began a thorough Investigation of the sinking of the German steamship I.lebenfels nt Chaileston S (" , a few houis after Germany had announced her ruthless submarine warfare Intentions Itcports wero that the vessel was scuttled by her crew in an effort to block the harbor Tho Treasury Department ordered Col. lector Frederick C Peters, nt Charleston, to obtain the stories of the crew and anv other evidence Duad on Wife's Grave Heart disease vas given bv phvslclans as the cause of tho death of Gcoige J. Zlegler, prominent Kensington Mason, whose bodv was found lato vesterday. on the grave of his wife. In North Cedar" Hill Cemeterj, Krankfoid He was tvler for eight vears of Kensington Lodge, No 211, 1' and A M. Jk. hardwood ft k FLOORS JB tPINKERTONl If yqu are thinking of getting hardwood floors in the Spring that's good. If you consider that higher prices for this work will prevail in the Spring, due to the rising 'costs of labor, lumber and materials, that is better. If you let us put the flooring in now, at a consider able saving that's best. Call, write or visit PINKERTON 3034 West York St. rhllailelphln Iloth l'honrs Offerings Wanted Victor Talking Machine Common Stock C. K. GARRISON, 308 Widener Bldg., Philadelphia. MILLERS PIANO STORES VfJM' Records in All LanqUaqas CM-OOt5 &.SE.CONPST. IQin.REC0Rb556e Pick of thm World' Beit Music by Artittt of International Fame Bands. Sonss and All Instrument KVERtnonVN. IDA N. inth Ntrret Open Monday. Friday and Saturday Until 0 P.M Bend or New Catalogue 7 Heppe Viclrola Service C. J. Heppe & Son 1 117-1119 Chestnut Street 6th and Thompson Streets At HEPPE'S you can secure many operatic records for 75c, $1 and $1.25 We have the only large stock, in Philadelphia of the so-called "foreign-made" grand opera records, which are made abroad by foreign artists whose talent, in many respects, is as wonderful (although not as famous) as that of the Victor Red Seal artists. This stock of foreign records is only one of the many features exclusive to A HEPPE VICTROLA SERVICE In purchasing Victrolas our service offers outfits from ?15 up. Settlement may be made at the cash prices, either in cash, or charge account, or our rental-payment plan, by which all rent applies to purchase. Here are our outfits and the terms of our rental payment plan : De Segurola one of the viany foreign ar- tists who make grand i, opera records Belling VICTROLA IV $18.00 6 10-in. Double-face Records. 4.60 Total cost $19.50 . Pay $1 down, $2.50 monthly. VICTROLA VI $25.00 6 10-in. Double-face Records. 4.50 Xotal cost $29.50 Pay $2 down, $3 monthly. VICTROLA VIII $40.00 Records, your selection ..... 5.00 Total cost ..'... .48.00 Pay $4 down, $3.50 monthly. VICTROLA I $50.00 Records, your selection, 10,00 ' Total cost .. V t r.,.. $40.00 VICTROLA X $75.00 Records, your selection 10.00 Total cost $85.00 Pay $5 down, $5 monthly. VICTROLA XI .$100.00 Records, your selection .... 10.00 Total cost $110.00 Pay $8 down, $6 monthly. VICTROLA XIV '. . . .$150.00 Records, your selection .... 10.00 Total cost . , $180.00 Pay $0 down, $8 monthly. VICTROLA XVI $200.00 Records, your selection . . . . 10.00 ,; Total cost $210.00 .'J Py)$9jioffL. $J8 swmtMy. . U Women's $2 Kid Gloves $1.69 One-clasp. Washable; in pearl, ivory, butW and Inn. t..1" rotlifrs I inST FLOOIl, SOUTH HTORR OPKNB flAItY AT fl A. M. ClJoSKHAT Stl.!. K. HATS TRIMMED FREE OF CHARGE Lit BconMfss ONE YELLOW TRADING STAMP WITH EVERY 10c r-URCIIASE ALL DAY Market Eighth Filbert Seventh Cape Glofi $1.50 Ono - clasp. Tn shndes. Regular m endet sizes. T.lt ltrolhurs - Finsr FLoon. soim I Phenomenal February 4 An Event Looked Forward to bv Manv Men Who Know That This Sale Brings Fineiji JV ell-Made Clothing at Prices Far Below Real Worth ' Excellent Assortments in Up-to-Datc Models - Clothing Clearance MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S SUITS 39.75, $10.75, 312, 313.75, 315 All-wool in mixtuios, stripes and plaids. Various models for younc men. including new belt, ninch and plain back fashions single or double breasted. All sizes in lot. Men's .$12.50 to $22.50 Overcoats $9 50, .$! 1 9 $12.50, $14, $15, $16.75 Single and double breasted styles with plain, belted or pinch back. Mostly quarter-lined. Numerous patterns in blues, browns, grays, etc. Men's Trousers, $2.39, $2.89 and $3.89 Boys' Suits and Coats $2.98, $3.98 " $4.98 Norfolk Suit Mixtures, checks, plaidt nnd pin stripes; nlso corduroy. $3.98 ones have two pairs of trousers. Novelty Suit Junior Norfolk, Billy Boy, Tommy Tucker and Middy styles in blue or brown serpc, also gray and brown mixtures. Chinchilla Reefers In navy blue or brown; flannel lined. Have brass buttons and chevron. Polo Coals Pinch-back fashions in mixtures. Mackinaw s and SporU Coats Norfolk style with patch pockets, shawl or convertible collar. In mixtures. Overcoats Single and double breasted pinch-backs, with convertible collar. In checks, plaids, fjray and brown mix tures. Sizes 2V4 to 18 years. v. I i vSf t JPT ' J Men's Storm Ulsters, $12 and $15 Extra heavy; in Rrays and plaids. Men's Full-Dress Suits, $18 Regular and extra sizes. Boys' Norfolk Suits, $5.98 In checks, plaids and pin stripes. Boys' Trousers, 75c Knickerbockers and bloomers in checks, i! piaias and mixtures; sizes 6 to 17. Lit Brothers SECOND FLOOR, SEVENTH STREET Boys' Regatta Wash Suits.. $1 Junior Norfolk, Billy Boy, Tommy Tucker and Middy styles in chambiays, percales, madras, poplins, Bedford cords, etc. Sizes IVt to 10. Authentic Showing of New Spring Styles Sensational Clearance of Winter Fashions The values thrnuehout are such as will instantly arouse your Kl'liuiuu tMlUtU31U.5rn Women's and Misses' Coats Greatly Reduced . $35 . $45 . $50 $59.75 $18.d0 values .50 values $35 values $45 values !S&3mi8S. .P' $ S SV V- CI 1 la I 1 - ,'j I 4 Jm L l ill JHl rW, 10 Pi m P 0 ssW .. $10 $15 $1 0.75 $25 $55 values. $80 values, $87.50 values. $100 values. Many are handsomely trimmed with mole, hiench neal, raccoon or kit coney. Misses' and Women's Suits Marked for Clearance ?2? ) $12-75 values ) XsSi 535 UiQ.rW) allies MO $55 values. . ?4? 1 $22-50 values J Tww $45 values. .25 ?35 Misses' & Women's Newl$OC Spring Suits, Special. . . ' ,J Copies of a Hiijh'Prtced Models Mnrte of sprlnB weight poplin or French serge In navy, blue, sand, French blue and black. Misses' & Women's New Spring Dresses, Special $13 Ot silk and serge In navy blue, black and creen. charmlnsfly fashioned with tunic or plaited skirts and military braids or rich embroideries Lit mothers SECOND FLOOR OUR STUPENDOUS February Sale of Fine Furniture Is the Sale for Tin ifly Buyers Offering to all astounding money-savings on Furniture of high quality. A wonderful assemblage of smiles and pieces bought at lowest possible prices and sold to you at the closest margin of profit. Our Club Plan of " " lis. 1 1 I 1 J Purchasing Will enable ou to Immediately secure whatever furniture ou with. Xo Interest. No extras FOl'UTH I'LOOH MtVMUUMVlUMtUVtMtMMUtM HATS TRIMMED FREE Ready-to-WeaV & Untrimmed Chic, new styles that lead in vogue for immediate wear and itirly spring. $ 1 Ready- to-Wcar Hats, S2.98 'Variety of nd- value models In 5 new shapes ami colors Shiny Liseie Braid Hats, $2.98 & $3.98 I'll lure lio S3 OH tjlo Exclusive dress shapes in black and sprlrjg Lit llrothrrs FinST FLOOn. KORTtl Hats v February Sale of Guaranteed Furs Values that have never been surpassed in all of the tiventy odd years of our history. $30 & $35 FUR SETS Red Fox, Natural Raccoon, Black Opossum, Kit Fox, Kit Coney, Black 1'OV, Won, iNaiurai Lynx a. i.net w. 15 40 $80 Poiret Fox Sets BalMhape muffs and broad sllk-llned nei kpletes Important Among February's Many Extraordinary SILK Bargains U 39 ' Satin Messaline, 35-inch Ileautlful street and evenini: ' snaaes. niso macK anu vvmte All silk quality. Crepe Meteors, $1.98 & $2.25 Double width Strcetv and evening Bhades, also black and white. Lit mothers 1ST FLOOR, SOUTH New Washable $1 AQ Crepes ' ' Splendid heavy Kinde. I'lcntlful ihoke of pprliiK patterni with satin stripes. .)-' Inclits wide. Washable Satins, $1.89 & $1.98 35 Inches wide. One of tho beaqu'a moat popular silks Whlto and flesh. $22.50 & $25 Neck J $1 Q QQ Pieces Moufflon, kit conev, red fox. natural rac coon, black fox. black wolf, black dyed opossum and badger. $22.50 to $25 Muffs, $10.75 Ball shape, in golden beaver, (tray fox, rose wolf, black Manchurlan wolf, nutria, raccoon. Hudson seal, moufflon and opossum. I HUDSON SEAL COATS One or two of a kind. ... r.,,. jD.7S U5 CoU ..MT.S0 85 Coati ""'" ns Coal. ...S105 IDS CoU ..J0D.75 igoo t'otn .SI37.SO IltO Cost ?S "3 Coats .fUS.TS Lit Urolhers SECOND FLOOR Ready for Our Usual Busy Satttrday of Providing "1 SMART CLOTHES FOR GIRLS Many Wonderful Values Included Little Girls' Coats, $1.85, $2.85, $3.85, $5 & $7.50 ricture Shows one at S7.S0 Sealette Plush with fur trimmed collar and cuffs and belt at sides. Fully lined. Sizes 2 to 0 years. Pique Frocks, $7.98 Have double cape collar, velvet ribbon laccrs and bolt. Sizes 8 to 14 yearn Others In linen, gingham, colored rep and crash, 70c. to 10.0 . Sizes S to 14 years Clearance of Coats. $3.65 to $12.50 martlv tailored from chinchilla, zibellne and mixtures 7.50 belted styles with patch pockets. Sizes 8 to 14 years In lot. Lit mothers SECOND FLOOR t mm IllllllllllllH t P, VVVVVVVW'VMVVVVV1VV splendid Our s tratforb Shoes Values at Manv People Who Usually Pay Fiva or Six Dollars for Shoes Are Purchasing This Famous Branu ana neanzina ine oircnym u vi im '" . ... -... " ,, '$ 4 Women Or gun-meiai. patent con or slaied kid. Lace or button styles. Also a. sneclal lot of tan call lace shoes and brown kid with white tops. Men, in gun-metal, tan calf, patent colt and glazed ktdskln. All lasts. Children's Button Shoes, $1.59 i Of guh-raetal,or patent colt. Cloth or leather top.',,SIe(,to 8.t 1 Girls' Shoes $1.98 Dull and shlnv leathers. Regular and new high cut. Cloth and leather tops. Sizes 8tt to 2. Big and Little Boys' UO 1 Q Rbrw.fl (' Shoes Laoe,and bluoher shoe of 4tet eo Big GirK S hoes. Tn dull or shlnv leathers. & English lace ehapo. 8sm !U ' "I Infants' Show, U Talent colt with dull tops i Turned not. 8la i t Xlt5 tpMqw.t f ? V- for vac, i-aa fi.. , Pay $5 slW M wlB" Ipw 9W0mm PpMP k t--tv (evs-'j. r I J .. S ti fi