EVENING LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, FEIDAY, FEBRUABY 2, 1017 IT f i. iiiA i 1 jh'SINESS PEnSONAXS ALWAYS nUBT WIITT WR blSMVBIl TUB 00003 Quickly and Carefully Klsover's express and LAWRENCE ANt VINB BTB PI ONE MARKET H04. i. giMtNKD free Hi your home; graduate lomttriiil ! "'iSi satlsfact on guaran- A. mc..t-:,- ,.- 2., N, llUh. "JIM TV. : s-nSoi alllTS TO H'RB sTars Frks and Moderr Silk Hats. Bf&'JkcoOPER. 1U10 airard " ., Itne sddress Poplar B34-. arUiol'DdB OTHERS. wlMliniiuHra 7JtyStSSS. nund-jri Drtf!!. Bure. jturinicrw. - I BOO ;.ivil I'LOTHES TO HIRB Kw?,iiouS HAIR removed by I:lro!il'j. R3!n SMITH" Krtlh Theatre Building. . llWL sI!7.Vi rrncKa repaired, it . JL& I.ttVr how badly broken. ? parts at SW mV.ijA ra. Till Snnsnm nt , Room .1. . wSsjiSS-"" . ..n ..ill 1nt. -t nnttnil aMf-i- mc TonK joi'ui-"."' ,.""";.; .,.. Hiv; ""KKruVrr .Tbetween 1 am and 4 l1S; AdelphW Hotel Sample Room. No 708. Ks , .nd emeralds Appraisement. 11. i i f iinini iiiijiiii ASSAGE JnsHeed iiW. trr. Filbert. Tflsflecth. cXsYhoughtfor cash IBS a th. WAKINQ AND MILLINERY Stf nuBIAN Schoo , 173(1 Columbia v. Dress WSSS iiiM In all branches. Pstterna ! IB"1! '"n '" ln.-erlv with McDowell) jt, U, llIU"n-l-M. ; 4 FOR SALE irrrrinn POOL, combination. second-hand. Sf sold I rented, exchanged: repairing. l55J!r. ftfo Kenfer, American manufac 1 5$ 9!9 Olrarda?irhone Kens 2313., ,. 1 1 1 nil cool "law" s new. second-hand bovvl tIAn?'r easy pamcnts Rosstto-Barry. iKet Co". 222 S. ntht.rhonoVal 22R4 fLEl!sI-ifi-r--,,-n.Ant.paAliiO bowl. V.11.1. PhonoKrnphV. eV.V paVti. "nUUNS. fcCK.itAI.Kn"cOld.BNI)t:n CO 100J Arch 5rrMTWflttnre8 show rnsos mirrors 5 n p SlSlie?. " r"n"Voi. 1JL0-. Filbert at ! REtlisTEBS bought, exchanged, repaired ?iSLted. uppll', new and 'actor rebuilt iEHifm' new total adders a low ns $40. I nil JSd rour new modela Registers sold by ui !2r.;.v navments and fill v Kliiranteed Jta,'?rirjATIONAI. CAtH IIF.OISTCU CO EXreSfAfTrom block of building .t .nth and E?aaV mL i: i5?7!..W !&pa,Bnnd"?n. ffl :: X!sre. illss: tu?rc?l tank holder. 25 ft hlsh. with cedar JU.MI lim'nj " -X-- "ISltV City Hall. "team, hot-water plant, Hre ) Kli!i bilhtub. wash trays, toilet. hulldlnB ad paving brick, chandelier, bus nxiurea JJort h. chenp Qault HouscwrecklnB Co . Su N. 22d at Both phones IfiWP" 0-A "ovine-Picture machine 100: " Piarc. 130:' (rood as new. worth ICO. must i'SJMjMoB. cor0th and Vine. . SHrtwatora and fixtures, markets, hotels and ?"maurints. terms to suit. It T Uandall & ' C.i l N HP KATE9. fireproof; also with thin walls; closln Tntkunta lot of slightly used, all sizes and tJultM-'blg bargains. 210 North Fourth st; 3IrE3r fireproof, new nnd slightly used, nil DT-Tr.r t-i--. .nulrln nnonnP. nil makes; lour prices 11.11 Frankford ae 100 OAK CASKS a a.- nnnA tla nanasltv laeoBOB f. nAunn cooperaqe works Wf 81st and Maater sts. . TMlnn. -lcrrr 1?TTTyTTTT W tXverythmir Imaslnabla. In this l!n ami plenty -M ... .. n nnnvtnnn... H anil lifll IflltlA lfl Fblla.; free nuto dellory nowhere. IIUQIina 11th and !luttonooil HEATING HEATERS boilers, rangei. new awr rebuilt: !rfmoed Tor the JIaRln-Keisey neann neaii will install iheap 1SJ7 Filbert at, MACHINERY AND TOOLS wirmr AVTr.rTitrTioM MHTAI. for Ilninir vuachlne bearings embodies the quality, ilura i WUty and strength so essential In thn dav-ln-- I andKlay-out wear of machine hearing-'. IKON If and BRASS FOUNDRYS 145 North Second, h JAMES YOCOM tc SON POWER PLANT r.QUIPilENT Brnamos. motors, boiler, steam and oil en gines, pumps nlr compressors . FRANK TOOMBY. INC 127 N 3d st DTKAMO, motors and machinery bought, sold a iiw reniea. armatures repaireu Main yt. Uirtft anB3 Yearslejr Co., 224 N 3d St. botUCRMAKERS' heavy double-end punch and shears. Bertsch heavy-geared power shears. NUTTALU 174D N Bth BOOTH BEND LATHES 13, IS 1 18 in. In .'toclc; also used lathes, standard makes, Lt, F. Kmvtr'm Rnm .137 IV 3,1 nl FOR RUSH ORDERS of sprockets, chains, cle- vator buckets nnd transmission materials call J.on CHARLnS BOND COMPANY. B20 Arch at MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 5 ESTEY UPRIQHT PIANO In hand- 1148 some mahogany case, good ns new: cost 1473 Terms can bo arranged fA- Suit. i HOWARD VINCENT S3B-R38-8I0 N. OTII - established 0(1 Years. 181 NEW UPRIOHT PIANO, 1100 Quality Guaranteed TERMS Jl .-() WEEKLY BEI.I.An:. tl'0 ntmSTMITT 3T IesTER PLAYER, used" for demonstration oniy, cneap ice ensn. terms io a responsible party. Lester Piano Co., 820 Broadway. Cam den. IS YOUR PIANO.PI.AYBn out of order? See 1 um. -we are experts," I'none. write or call 'Grand Union Piano Co 3BK1 Kensington ne. PIANOS and'players, used. Write for Jlargaln a Booklet. Power Weyman. 3800 N. Broad. OLD GOLD OLD GOLD, silver, platinum, plated ware, old 1 t'S j!!?lr!?- teeth plates bought for cash ' Est 1870. J I, Clark, refiner. 807 Sansom. Ain nrw r L . .-"-; :-." tt . m.n nni r r . u r;-.' . . t. ..l"-.M,, a111 Ior -om voia auver. i,BRteRRcl05T ,dI'.7ttt,fcwl!" a -r- , s n sn uuiii jituiiT-i ITHYSTS. old gold, silver, diamonds, broksn ;V vii. '"leu ware uougni. H. SPRINOMAN, 722 Chestnut st. gAIMTING AND PAPERHANGING TfblE0 Jl!J"-ORADE oaperhanglng. reason S.'i? Q" aPerh ngl ng : good material and 1 ' P. Smith, 27th ft Huntingdon. Dla.2070. BOOFINQ AND IRON AWNINGS Rs0S?..?.EPAJn.ED..nl palnt'ed, guaranteed . ini nknii.V'A 10caiiiy. central Sheet Metal l!o?h phonne..nV' 10th ana Wlnt"' beIow STORAGE ijf FIDELITY , FIREPROOF WARKHOUSES 1811-1810 MARKET ST. 5trtfh ji-.?5OA5"5TORa..co- BroaTab: a brnrtf. e7.i-W. " ".ci'ivui auuiuon; rooms nre- Aln8IL MONARCH STORAGE CO. SERVICE 3870 LANCASTER AVE. JTYPETATRITERS AND SUPPLIES U U NEED Why not rent a Remington from the manufacturers? On mo.. 13; three moa.. 17.00. Rental nivmpnl nnnll.a nn irrPEWHiTEn REMINGTON ' YPE?VRITEn CO., 'iNC. w a, vill si. WANTED lQfs5.'.ll)'.,,.lhtl'V broken Jewelry, gold, all Kr Vi.teeth. diamonds bounht. 'Antioues .' ei.nesinut. Ph. UTalnn "fntA w. iaa Ms i. Jtlllu.r!i JS't osmandj highest HomeCo lejj Federal. Pb. rilck. 1874.. hUr hi.h... "raen "othlnsr bought: Pos -Kiy tS!in frlcea paid; calf anywhere, any IVU' bSmi? Jr'Vli or E.honffl Friedman Bros,, Clt South at. Phnna hiA),Wn 01B5i - Z-tSSSF' W'PX.'iSMWNJm Brijsoijojoi4rwh..nrn"qa Nrriiitie -, r. " . '. part KS...'."!?"' Earpeis, anilquei, entire .HUI. UOUSeS bOUffht fnw onur, nrt n...M W In.- n-T? --:V- -.. " ,,.,.4 f'- "emsiein JSB4 judge ve. reBo.l.l ,uril .?,ain!;, anything; every B7. 6l,T.. ." 4.?Bi?r lono; -ey. rarK WikijLilf.M.rc.: im vi-r?it-r ?.oubI5j"mf truck. Central ?&. &l? i?.'n,?.",4;'ir-',tt,'m'"' BOOMS FOR RENT !"ffi24H-1!4n,w"''u"'' ',on'l 'team 7i.7?r l references exchanged. l t;mVbupgSa;s:"onr Dclt nom' run- I. iVivV.iur:Var?, furnlshed.rooras, well . -t- rrv "n-' v-ir-ge..uii moo, v .u.J,?t7?.J!HH.?i55yrirT7 ..- -'-:T.tiy.f wwyiwi hwot, r WOOD AND CEMENT PAVING MODERN -wood bloek and cement pavements for bouses, shops and factories ' Cement cellars at modersts prices All work guaranteed Poplar 1031. W. .AMES K. SMART. 8B N. 21st St. BOARDING CIIESTNl T ST . corner 20ih (The Margrae)- acances, permanent, transient, sup board SPRUCE ST, IniJ 2 large 2d-story rooms, single rooms, tahlo board 4TH, S., lass Hernnd-floor rooms with or without board, convenient to cars: prliatn family. SANITARIUMS BCAtfTIFUt, I)CAT10N, special scientific rare: nervous, elderly: every comfort; nurses; book let. Dr nandal. City Line, Chestnut Hill. APARTMENTS tiif. montbvista nit) AND OXFORD STS phone ovnnnnootc 3n t'.F.RM NT01VN THE NEW ADDITION TO PELHAM COURT IS OPEN PELHAM COURT was not built In make an appeal in every one but tn you who demand the beat nnd are accustomed to receive lt at a price which, considering what you do de mand nnd receive, is moderate it will make s jtrnnw, compelling appeal. PELHAM COURT l located at Carpenter's Station. Germantown, Just off beautiful Lin coln Drive, on the Pennsylvania Railroad; BO er so trains a day, surely transportation enough for any one. Suites of 2 rooms and 1 bath to (1 rooms and 2 biths: the size tn suit your require ments Prices are from 130 up. T.BJi!A.M. COURT Is a oulet. perfect APARTMENT HOTEL, and located In an ab solutely ideal and exclusive suburban location In word, you may enn-e to PBLHAM COURT and find a perfect suburban location, with transportation unexcelled, an Ideally con . structed building, nulet. dignified elegant. tou may select an apartment of the aire tn suit ."our Individual needs, you will find all vour housekeeping problems solved and taken care of for you absolutely without effort on your part: ou will find a table of the utmost excellence nt ft most moderate price and the same courtesy service nnd attention Is uni form throughout the entlro estnbllsbment. For full information, arrangements for Inspection and reservations call, phone or write to NORMAN S SHERWOOD 1411 WALNUT ST SPRUCE 3071 RACE 3021 or his representative , on the premises at Pelham Court Appointments may be nude for automobiles to cill at vour residence or business place and take jou direct tn PBLIIAM COURT at your convenience and pleaaure. CARPENTER STATION, adjoining Pelham Court High class sunlit apartments, 1 or more rooms, furnished or unfurnished, latest Improvements nnd beititlful lawn, finest prop erty In Pelham 0733 Emlen at Pelham. 1 square east of Lincoln drive Ph Otn. 3077 W. HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS THERE ARE IFVERVL WAYS OF SECURING AN APARTMENT Rut suppose. Instead of trying nil these different ways. ou Just call at this office the largest, most attractive anil beat equipped In Philadelphia, devoted exclusively to seenr. Ing Just what they want for particular people Tell us your requirements The leading and destrnblo apartments In Philadelphia are listed with or may he rented through us. Our nutomoblles are waiting to take you to thq Hat of properties you designate, so that with the least possible effort you may secure ths one apartment In Phlla which most nearly approaches your exact Ideal NORMAN S. SHERWOOD 1111 WALNUT ST Spruce 3971 Race 3025 NEWCORONADO CHESTNUT AND TWENTY-SECOND STS. ExtMuUe alterations ha( been mad. tn cludlnrx nerlce elevator, additional atory for ervants quartern house telephone system, ttc Apply at bulldlnjr nr to Samuel J. Henderson API MORRIS niHLDINO l Largest Apartment Business In Philadelphia, leasing and minaglng n specialty Apartment Bureau W.ilnut o'JJfl MERTON GREIMS T Ihorty Itldg Broid & Chestnut 1401 N 1RTH ST Two largo furnished housekeeping rooms S. room bath. 4 30. room, kitchenette $4 30 HOUSEKEEPING "APTS . all p-vrU of city; rents 12.1 to 170 per mo tll. phone or write for Information. Samutl Stern. 1201 Chestnut. 2 ROOMS, bath nnd kitchen, fne. modern, center city, elevator npartment. refrigeration Mer tnn flrelms, 210 Liberty Building UTWTP2IIL,DELPIIIA TUB WARREN. 1003 8 40TH 2d floor. 0 rooms and hath all outside; private porch. TAYLOR & SON, 2B South 40th APARTMENTS WANTED REFINEDCOl'PLE. no children, desire West Phlla furn apt . refs. F 710, Led Central. APARTMENT HOTELS ALDINE HOTEL Chestnut and Nineteenth. THE BEST ROOMS AND SUITES With the best table in Philadelphia Day, Week, Month, Season, Year PARKSIDE APARTMENTS JIlss McGlade, Manager 40th and Glrard ave ' Opposite Kalrmount Turk ri'RNlbllED OR UNFURNISHED Attractive suites of two and threo rooms and hath UP-TO-DATE SERVICE EXCELLENT TABLE THE CLINTON TENTM$W 200 ROOMS. EVERY CONVENIENCE Furnished or unfurnished, either by lease or transiently, suites of one or four rooms, with bth DELMAR-MORRIS West Chelten ave.. Germantown: 20 minutes from Broad St. Station, furnished or un furnished apartments: 1 room and bath or more. alsohousekeeplng apartments. " THE GLADSTONE 11TH AND PINE STS. Absolutely Fireproof HOTEL-COLONIAL Spruce at Eleventh" st. A select family apartment hotel; all large, airy, light outside rooms, sitting room, bed "i ..., h.ih with meals for 2 Dersons. a ... nAlf nnd UDWard Irving hotel mt walnut ,UU ,,. "" American plan, 12 European, 11 jip. " THE TRACY , PERMANENT OR TRANSIENT GUESTS 36TH AND CHESTNUT REAL ESTATE FOR SALE CITY CALLOWHILL ST . 703 Through to Willow St., and 407-0 Franklin Bt ( about 02(10 square ft Melon st . 131(1-18-20, and 7 houses In rear, desirable for garage or manufacturing site. Brown at., 114-16 28x84; 3d ft. wide In rear. N American nnd Buttonwood ate., cor About 3000 square feet G. C. SEIDEL ft CO , INC N. B, cor. 4th and Callovvhlll sts. FOR SALE 125-7-0 S. luTII ST. Corner store and apartment building. In the right spot to Insure growth. in m ix!PATTgnaoNiiao.g isth. SHTVaIRMOUNT AVn7. IO rooms "and bath; In good order: large dining room and kitchen; hot-water heat; electric light, etc. Owner on premises. ' TOR SALE lO.'O LOCU8T ST. Handsome private residence. 10 rooms. 4 l" ths. J. A. PATTERSON, 130 S.p 15th St. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR RENT BARBER. 1IAHTMAN ft CO. 1201 Chestnut. CITY AND SUBURBAN REAL ESTATE 1.11 1 ",,"MKAUH 4 BROWN 202 B..13thst. e34DTAMOND ST.. 3 sty. 8 rooms &.bath, assessed 14000: make offer; good condition. KENNEDY lUMBp8740 Oermantownjiv. 1512"CATHARINE -10 rooms; rent 130: assessed 13100- can be bought at an outlay of 123 per month "etsi price 13300 Farrell. 710 3. 20th. ItnlMlnr Lots. Factory JlteS;Ete. SEVERAL exceptions ly ( business building sites, road facilities; large a well-located factory and with an wllhnnt rmtU i faellltiesilarge and small- ail prices. ?iioTcr"BUILDINO LOTS and large tracts of C1i?ound in all Srtsty: -lso over 200 mfg. ?. ! Htm It) Ti.nl Itlf TpilKt MlilBT. IteSt fllBIVIIIs M-U-W -.-. -.-.. -- ---- -; iai-i Walnut st. LOT ripe for Improvement on BOtb. at Locust St.: 400B. V BBO. Ledger Central. ,. Stores nnd Dwelllnge K. B. COR. HUNTWO PARK and Falrhlll: good !&&3SSi SS1 VE8T MPlin-UlHjriHA, BKND FOR BALE OR ItENT LIST Itate price and location desired. JOS ALLEN POTTS. 40U- Baltimore ave. !5THI3 NEW 8AMPLB HQUSB , PORCH. ENBURO,IlyILUEU. JF30JVILLOVS AVE.. B7th to Blthr furnish filoire; own?ra8i!tCtBUtst. ,SI ."TT i-r.' ' .--.T-.t Bui. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE wft rjm.ADKi,riiiA Contfnfird from TrAlirt rTnftimn OJfl.77,E EA.?T Bmn OF B4T1I ST, at Hprlng Unilh1 M? bl"'k onth) "nd Just Iblock Vmi- . .Ch,KfT "'' l located n most at home of "rand-new 2-stery, porth-front tnJ'lV. IV TJ't convenient tn transportation, n fl.0 on Chester ave, runs out Wal- i'ifi1dIn.rj"",nut ,0 n Clty'a Center. nn "iViii,r,nil.r"t Is a wide main street Wtk1" "' ,n " there roAd,-thMh,1.l, nt this description sound root to vnuT Most excellent hot-water heat K5iete,,r, htlng. with handsome fixtures. fhS.'.lTh-.1"1 "obstantlal hardwood floors i.K.h0,,ts ' kitchen, with unusually Inn n?nilcti rSnR'J basement laundry: electric C IJiR "i! .b? "bom-ds. skyllsht, shower bath. J L.Vi" tokesse and desk In Dutch hall, anil J'SN and one comfort-making extra re ""'""nts. which will be a constant source of appreciation and satisfaction to you. iM.f'A un"i"l circumstances make It pos. SIS'' to sen these houses at a ridiculously low ! .nn'' '.taw succeeded In arranging such IS.!!1'" that even though you have, only a small amount of cash, a tierfect new home Is X?.ur., wlln the balance of rurchnse price In m.n.!,h!y P-vyments to suit How much more sensible a plan than renting an old-fashlond and unattractive house! .,?W,M Jl?. " sample house ripen dsv and ?"nlng. Won't you pay us a visit NOW and see for jtiurself just now unusually nt UStJ!y?Jn'r really are? NORMAN R SHEllWOOD. 1411 Walnut at. Spruce 3971. Baca 3023. S W. COR 40T H ST. AND LAltCHWOOD AVE A hindsome 3-stnn residence possessing every modern appointment and Innovation: Inspec tion by appointment EUGENE L T0WNSEND ? B .cor 4t)th st and lisltlmnrs ave. IliilMIng lits IOTS 01x143 near P R R freight: light 4 sides I sq Woodl'd ave Smith, 22dftTnsker OKUMANTOWN STENTON Detached dwellings at attractive prices always open trains to Stenton Htn tlon Chestnut Hill Division. Reading Rallwiv. or drive out Stenton ave to nsnn north MAII RAN. DOWtAN ft CO . N E. cor. Broad nnd Chestnut. LAROE LtT OF GERMANTOWN HOMES 8MULLEN & BARRY Libert v Building Broad and Chestnut. REAL EUTX'TB SIJRVICK CVt.L WRITE OR IMIONE Olvndon Prlestmnn 330(1 Germantown nvc. OCR NEW RENT nnd sole list f GermantnvMi nnd Ci-estimt Hill properties snt on Mppllca tlon II It Lister Sons 3012 Oermnnt'n nve IF YOU ARE LOOKINO FOR A HOME In Oer mnntoun, Mt Airy or Chestnut Hill, tonsxill me A R Meehan. (1747 Germantown ave. OUR REAL ESTATE BULLETIN will be sent to jTiu by mall on application Germantown Trust Co . Chelten nnd Germantown aves. St.JMrtlir. Chestnut 1 1 111 BUILDING SITE ON LINCOLN DRIVE at ubout two-thirds uetuil valuo. Trontage 113 feet WARNOCK ft EMLEN Otis Bldg. 112 S Kith st. . Logan REAL ESTATE mortTages nnd convejanclng. WM D CHAMBERS 4111 N Broad st Pr.XXSYI.V MA HUI1CRBAN BROOKLINB Bungalow, brand new. white stucro, 50x123, hardwood floors, tile bath: water heat fruit trees, conveniently located. I4R00, J Elmer Watts Ardmore. ELKINS PARK New Colonial dwelling, in rooms, 2 baths hot water, big birgaln. 3 minutes from station McCORMICK Mi CORMICK 1011 Chestnut and EIklnaP.irk LaNSDOWNE Attractive home, hot-water heat, electric and gas lot 30x120; owner. L. n-.'i: Ledger imire 22-ACRE, developed slato and brick property In noted "Peach Bottom" slate district of York Co , Pa . best slate In Pennsylvania, 112,000 Write ' for descriptive circular Room 1 Woolworth Bldg Bethlehem Pa. CITY AND SUBURBAN REAL ESTATE MEARf. ft BROWN 202 S13thst . . SUBURBAN REAL ESTATE Anv price All locations Sale or rent CHAJRLKS J HOODCO Xfnrrls Illdg. LARGE LIST Cir SUBURBAN'HOMES " sale or rent on the .Main Line or Reading R. R WM H WILSON ft CO Morris Bldg SUBURBAN "RESIDENCES for sale or rent; attractive locntlons. prices right. Maurice J Hoover Real Estate Trust Bldg SnlinrbanI-its SOUTH ARDMORE Building sites nt Oikmont nnd South Ardmore nnv size up to 1 acre. 30(l to 11230 get booklet. WM S DAVIS, olllie at station SOUTH ARDMORE Owner will sacrifice 3 lots 73x123 with gas and water worth 1750, 1(100 for quick sale.F 213. Ledger Central ATTRACTIVE HOMES, modern conveniences, near churches schools and stations, sale or rent J M JFRONEFIELD Wajno. Pa. NV.1V JF.RF,Y SUBURBAN jLIPPINCOTT I.OTS AND HOMES ' HADDON HEIGHTS N J WILLET LIPPINCOTT rBNN-tyr.VANiA farms 150" BUCKS AND MONTGOMERY COUNTY FARMS Send for' List Now W. FORREST MAGEE SOUTHAMPTON PA. TuTCICS COUNTY FARMS, all sixes and prices? Write RENNINGER ft RENNINOER, Glen- slde Pa M ACRES at railroad station offered for quick "sale, 11830. J B THOMPSON. West Chester. Pa. . "FARMS of I See new the better class I catalog C I PETERS ft SON (101 CHESTNUT ST trnw j-F-rtsr.Y farm FARMS IN SOUTH JERSEY HENRY TAYLOR VINELAND. N J SEND TODAY for free list 100 firms. B M PHILLIPS ft SON CO . Trenton. N. J. REAL ESTATE SALE OR RENT iMTY AND SUBURBAN properties for sale or rent 1-ower Merlon Realty Compani, Land Title Bldg . Philadelphia. Pa CITY REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR RENT THE LAND TITLE AND TRUST CO. 1-ironn Bnu i.nraiui mn 2022 DE LANCEY PLACE 22x100 feet. 13 rooms 2 baths. SAMUEL W. j.gyig. Real Estate Trust Bldg. CENTRAL PROPERTIES For sale and rent. JAMES D WINCHELL. 17th and Sansom sts. PF.NNHYT.VAN1A SUBURBAN BALA-CYNWYD Largo list houses, sale or rent, at all prices. Samuel C Wagner. Jr.. Commercial Trust Bldg.. 15th and Market. MAIN LINE. P. B. R. MAIN LINE Best line of Main Line houses; either for sale or rent, at all prices HIRST ft McMULLIN, West End Trust Illdg. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE IP YOU HAVE REAL ESTATE to exchange see lis. It will pay vou Iaen ft Co . 102. jjjlth. too INVESTMENT houses for farms, with stock, etc IBEN. 1002 N. 8th at REAL ESTATE WANTED WANT SMALL HOUSES In West Philadelphia (South) for sale. We have the buyers. !gH. MAOINNIS3 ft 8ON.S000 Baltimor. av. OWNERS. EXECUTORS OF ESTATES If "Vou have any property, 1 to 100 houses, to dispose S? quickly. seV me. ISEN. 1902 N. 8th st. WILL BUY cheap real estate, any section Phll adelphla: Immediate answer, brokers pro- 5:td.fahester P. Rottnef. 1s20 Chestnut, WE HAVE CALLS for houses at 135 and 140. 1Vm.Sadlers8ons JBatlColumblajive i HOUSES west of 30th south ofWhartom clients waitin-i. urmmnit. i,,, ... WANT HOUSES DOWNTOWN for Investment, II on 1100. SMITH. 22d and Tasker. REAL ESTATE POR RENT CITY YOU KNOW THAT IT IS ALMOST IMPOSSIBLE to find a really satisfactory home In Philadel phia today, unless you are willing to buy, W. are. however, able to offer a few beuu tlful. modern, never-before-occupied and most attractive 2-story homes which we will finish to your order. This opportunity Is designed to appeal to those who do not wish to buy a house, yet who demand th; best and who are thoroughly reeponslble and willing to pas rental for a term In advance. CALL. PHONE OR WRITE for full particular, of our plan to secure a new. flntshed-to-order home with- BSto4SSWSbD. lell Walnut st. Sprue 3971 . Race 8025 COZY HOMES All new, 7, rooms, bath laun dry, gas and clectrlo lights, hot water beat. IV. DOUOHERTT. T ft Ontario sts. ITATTHIEW . 1613 NORTH I6TH ST. Fine dwelling with 11 larg room.. 3 bathg. stationary tub.; good order: i rent reaspnaole. HOltAqK XA U IJ I-JU Ir . mwui SI. STORES AND DWELLINGS In all section, of city. Be. our list In the Ledger Saturday, SAMUEL T. FOX ft CO. S. cor, win ano .imwuiu ' ' oiau V1UT I.KlIinil AVK 8-.tory Z-roomed dwelling:, good order; batb, range gasr large yard; only I14j ton 2168. Wm Yi. Craven's Sons. 1546 N. Tth St. 1825 DE LANCEY I'LACE12 room, and 3 baths: rental per n;uw, lli- jKlJlJAli VJ. v.--ywg, .? ."r?! - REAL ESTATETOR JIENT CITY Continued Irom Prrrtdlno Column "STOP PAYfNcT RENT and Apply that money toward the purchase of home. SO monthly will pay for each tinoo borrowed See me and let me go Into full details .... 11 A RICHARDSON 317 l Nottti American Illdg Phlla Pa I'nrtorlrs. IVnreliousrs, Mfg. Floors FLOOR SP.U'K ABOUT 0000 SQUARE FEKT V W COR I2TH AND RACK STS Fireproof building, modern, every convenience, light on four sides, suitable for large display room or light manufacturing desirable spar, for a desirable tenant Apply NIESSEN. first floor Cohocksink Mills Ji'VorVb. Hoors Boon tn lA.nno q ft cheap power. R P McNEBLY 1732 Randolph. FACTORIES sites, warehouses floor spaCe ex clusively. Alin Mlddleton Paetorv Spe cialist and Engineer in-ll Wldener Illdg HAVE PARTY who v . erect building central or other location for satlsfnetorv tenant. ntBTRICH.737 Walnut st 27 N 7TH Second floor 3230 squire feet: freight elevator, steam he-it MYERS A HARTH. RIDGE AVE nnd lOTlt FACTORIES ft floor spsce of every description. Phlla. A Vlclnltv FACTORY EXCHANGF., Stephen Glrartl Illdg Filbert 7(in Race 2(H3 " 4TH STREET NORTH 110 23 Manufacturing floors stenm heat nnd power. Apply Pennsylvania Co 317 Chestnut st. nrnr; nrsiNr.s nnnnq nTC. DRF.XEf4 1ILIM OFFICES Annual rentals. Slngla rooms Jinn JI20 ll.ts nvn !2',o,!sn0 Suites. 2 rms . 1141. Stnn,Stna-.s:nn.2.M.I2in Sultes. 3 rms . J273 I mo J423 ten r,nn.l730. Corner suites 4 tn S rooms. Jitlo to 11(110 ELLIS pWILLIAMS SHU Drexel Building Professional Offices SPRUCE. 1732 Desirable offices on first floor forphyslclan. 2 or 3 rooms. 1YFJ-T PHILADELPHIA 145211 S I4TH ST . 10 BOOMS AND 2 BATHS. ELEGANT CONDITION. 1 SQUARE FROM CAR-1 APPLY WM T DICKSON ft CO 5111 MARKET ST ALL ("LVS-IES UK VVI'-r PHILADELPHIA PROPFRTtE'4 WM II W QUICK ft BRIM . INC. t SllUTH Ifljjl STRCIIT flF.R1lNTOHN JI00 DETACHED S-TON11 DWELLING corner lot. garaae for two itirs lon lease to good tenant MAl'RAN. DOLMAN ft CO , N. E. cor. Ilroid and Chestnut DETACHED RESIDENCE 12 rooms and" S biths; garage, ll'.M per month to responslblo tenant. S C.Tourlson 7011 Bojer st. Tlogn 322H N 17th St. 3S3l!lHl N Sii st ....13.1 343d N 21st st 1011125 V Grits St.. 27 (MIARI.EHW RUETER I7H1 W TlogVSt. min mm: P It. It. TOR RUNT AT ARDVORE ll-ttnot HOUSE S MINUTES FltOJl STATION 1H WALTER HASSKTT SMITH 2131 N HID ST MORTGAGES MONEY TO LOAN ARTHUR BOSWELL ' 213. N 13TH ST. Trlvate. trust nnd Building Association funds. TOSECURnA MORTGAGE be It first or second If sou desire efficient servlre. quick anil satlsfai torv resu, s au.l moderate charge CALL PHONE OR WRITE TO US "Your mortgage will be us good as plred ' NORMAN H SHERWOOD, 1411 Walnut st ADVANCES TO BUILDERS AND OPERATION FINANCING A SPECIALTY $100,000 414 FLAT " SPECJAL TRUST FUND FOR GOOD FIRSr MORTGAGES HORACE H ritlTg 71.1 WALNUT ST , 130 NOTE OR MORTGAGE Immediate Settlements TO Unsettled Estate Loans Building Assoelntfon Funds 11000 DEMI'.SEY ft CO. 27 South 10th St. .$50 1100. J200 TO 5000 Morten tee or note ral pstatfl propprty; paya hie easv terms, itettlem-.it Rimo clay. LEWIS & CO. 1- !7 W GIRARD AVENITK FUNDS FOR MORTGAGES Northern Trust Company SIXTH AND SPRLVO GARDEN S&htMORTGAGES 8c2n" IN SUMS TO SUIT M. BERGER ft CO.. 7th and Greenjts. $100 000 TO INVEST In first mortgages In sums from 11000 up also building association money for second mortgages. G C. SEIDEL ft CO . 4th and OallowhIU sts FUNDS for first, second or split mortgages, collateral and short term loans, s-cond mort gages nn rows or building operations . ABERNETHY. 133 S. J2th. 2724 N. 5th. 11R00 fl PER CENT first mortgages for sale; houses actually selling $1000 each, title guar anteed by Land Title Company. CHEbTEIl ROTTNER 14 J 111 Chestnut WORRELL FUNDS FOR FIRST AND SECOND MORTGAGES 351 NORTH 17TH ST LOANS ON INTEREST IN ESTATES Reasonable charges JOHN A. BABUY B07 Land Title Bldg. TRUST FUNDS For any good mortgages J. EDWARD LlITZ. 240 N 17th st. MONEY FOR 1ST AND 2D MORTGAGES T. A. REDDING & hOV 709 WALNUT ST 5205 SPRUCE ST MONEY for mortgages. Burks County property. ARTHUR P TOW.VSBND Lincoln Building Philadelphia ALL AMOUNTS. 1ST AND 2D MORTGAGES Quick answer MAI'BICE II MATSINOER Bl Est Tr Bldg TRUST FUNDS FOR FIRST MORTGAGES HERKNESS ft STETSON LANDTITLEHIJILD1NU EMERGENCY funds plated at once, anv sum Immediately nnswer, lowest rates F X DE LANY. 1112I.lncnln Bldg Ilroid ft Penn sc ""ADVANCES TO BUILDERS A SPECIALTY IIAZLKTT ft MOSS 51B Walnut st FUNDS FOR 1ST AND 2"D MORTQAGES ANY AMOUNT POTTS ftJTHOMSON 2321 Frankford ave '"FUNDS FOR 1ST AND 2D MORTGAGES MORTGAGES FOR SALE THEO E.NICKLES25i:tGermantovv n ave. FIRST MORTGAGE FUNDS In amounts of $200(1 to $10 0OO C1IA8. L. BROWN A CO.. 217 P. Broad St. MONEY for first and second m rtgages, private funds for building associations WM FRIF.DRICH ft CO 8H1 N. 12th St. $50 TO $2000 to loan on real estato security; immediate settlement, fcavame as desired, JBDVV M MOLL, 133 S, 12th st. FUNDS for first and second mortgages, nny amount, quick nnswer CHAS W. MILLER,, 401-407 Commonwealth Building ' MONEY for first and second mortgrfges, building association and Installment mortgages. Willis- Winchester Co 1001 Chestnut st ALL AMOUNTS to loan on 1st und 2d mtge7 Chas .. Da Young, 400 W. End Trust Bldg. MONEY TO jLOAN MONEY T0L0AN Let us arrange ji loan for you. Strictly Iega rate. Payments as low as 12 per month Our service Is courteous, considerate, safe, AMERICAN LOAN CO. ' 5 145 CHESTNUT STREET Phone Belmont 4005 Welt 5(18 YOU CAN BORROW MONEY ON DIAMONDS. JEWELS. ETC. $21 AND UP 2 173 AND XIP , vlSOO AND 'IIP 1? V RIEDER-fl 128 MARKET ST. KIDQE AVE AND OXFORD ST. .'SUAWIJ HUUIJI HTH. MONEY LOANED to heirs of unsettled estates. Interests bought. FRANK P. MARTIN, 72V 23 Stephen Qirard Bldg.. 21 S. 12th st. PARCEL POST LELCJ UKU Vms. M& $2.50 H '"' $15 ' ' CENCTNE nAWAIIAN flu fl INSTRUMENTS M II rsd tor Prlea LM nlj JlFRED C. MEYER &ji Ink 1219 Arch St. (Tm iri PhiUde,phu nm( lTMIrfr-sssTVIIII,'a The Youiip; Lady Across the Way Tin- .votiiiK l.ijj across the way says lio Haw In tin' piper that one iiT tho i It host sml.i iIi)iiUh In the world Is In Afrlcu .1 ml lt nuisi bo u arcat tempta tion tn pcuplo In such u hot cllmato to ilrlnK more tlian Is ically good for tlicm. Hcassurinp; The DcputttnK Guest I hope my two weeks' stay here with you hadn't pioveil a IjIb additional expenso to you. lira, lnvvionsr Oh, no! GeorRC nnd I have wlmt wo call a "Catns tiopho Fund" that we've saved for Just such emeigencles. Will 4? AMfttOAOSl-OHCEORtfe.!! IV MUmtMfn ( v&: UH-HUH! HOAiarl . rWi-K( rr HUH-HUH' - LOA.0S AMD LOADS'. ) Ui W1 ) I HOAJEST'. OH 5-0Pvot:'." 'uis! ffl Ulr 1 I LOA0S AWO UOAsDS. Vi '. ' J&W y M BUSH-UO AiO BUHL, I &kl bWxsfr v uh-hum' ' OH ae,,wj6'yv Voo VYCOLDtif CALLTftrtTUTt,' WRK 5V0T K BCAV. SHADOW. THE SIMPLEST SOLUTION London Opinion. Old Darner I do "car as there be 'und'eds and thousands o' young policemen In England. I du think as they ought to to and order them Germans oft? The Modern Method Mary, nmall but up to date, had been to tea for- the first time with tho new neighbors. From all ac counts the little girl there had not been at all generous in permitting Mary to shure her playthings. "Well," i said Mary's mother when sho had heard about It, "if any body had treated me llko that when I was a little ghl I should have come straight home." Mary shrugged her small shoul ders. "Things have changed since your day, mother," she said. "I slapped her face and stayed." -7- "ASK DAD, trCRAPPLD L - --i JL - SCHOOL DAYS tr. ffeel txtir WS ( 7 i xonT TOwK I jr&feSE ' .v.- umv t& sttf&M So. i i ww ..... i AtitK INDISCREET t Ideas. Minnie I hear Miss Oldglrl has discharged her butler. Millie Yes, tho stupid fellow bragged that he had grown gray In her service. HE KNOWS" THE PADDED CELL ' A UTTLE Bur fji'a Jfe Wise Bird Mrs. Boodle was proud o her par rot, a wise and wily old bird; but she was prouder Btlll of the new gram ophone when It arrived. Thinking- to give the parrot a surprise, she started the Instrument off with "Rocked In the Cradlp of the Deep," Mr. Boodle'8 favorlto "warble." At the very first note Polly opened her eyes .In, sur pilse and then flew to her perch, where she rocked herself to and fro In deep and speechless astonishment, while the machine ground out the air. "There, Polly!" said Mrs. Boodle, when the bong had come to an end, "What do you think of that?' "ily word!" shrieked the old bird, her head on one side and winking wickediv. "my word, my word, my word! You've got the old man boxed up this time, and no mistake." Invisible Bobby" MDft h fw-lHil WInwrillr' ' 1F uw--.v-i .1 H I l--r r-iT&Jl --- V Pe.r-K-a'. Wskl7. i Nervous lady (In whoea Uthi. had bet-n narcrat burglri iw often do you policemen come down 'thl road? I nm constantly about, but X never you. Po!lc'akB Ah, very luttlx J mm 13 i 'ft 1 -'-t Vi O "rj ' ya ", t - vY'- " 1 V J y "7wy IRMK P.-wlns Sttow. imwi j w i' t. -- aWst fcjsv?,sawfi Pobtwoman (flellverlfni Itter)-"WoB't you lv m. a kW Jet HT ' tlttioMMTUH--KrsK(to4-wUl. L.Jl V4-----r M-UM-I -41 (ffi?i At- r- ' J I! U tl ) vwr imp m jfiSjaiTyzLzz: n' 't.i?ws&iafrmln -'- --- - " ",-,-:. : ,.n . ...... Wm