EVENING LEBER-PHILAt)ELPHIA, FRIDAY, FEBRtTART 2, 117 II If "i nrrrr innrnrri J MARKETS GRAIN AND FLOUR 121 7l. busti The nsfR' rnnv rteeelots. 1-2 nM bushel The msr. w ruled steady hut trade was nulet. Quota .i Car lot fof loeal trade, as to location LSarelloV. $1 13HWI.14'. No a, Ho, s M ffl No 4 do II in'idl 11H, No fl .1o ft DM 4 1 n'Jl rA?H necelpls. 2.1. flirt bushels There was uitie trnrtln and prices showed no Important KIAm Quotations, No a white, nsBS'ir, utSBri white. tl7f'tc. No a white, aitt Sv? i, No I white, (lriflfirtc. sample oats nJ turt Receipts 4M bbls. and flnfl BIO Urn i.lVrks The market was dull and lore-ly nominal .QuolV Winter, clear, I. Jir first clear, IT nBii, ao paiem, n : Pii vorlto lrndit fln Ml. city mill rholu Sol 'fsnev 'patent. I9&B 10. clly mills rrmilm t&V&W,?t.jr. clear. 17 ,SOT U do .lr.l.1.1 It W)0i.lo. patent. IRf : 'liK iHiihA wan unlet bu , wss 'quiet but sternly Wn quote I7.60W7 7B per hbl.. as to quallt PROVISIONS There was n fair Jobhlnit movement and .... ...t.i Arm. Pol1nvlrtiF nn tho nnotnllnns K! ,U. ki.r In !. smoked and nlr.drled. .lie western beef. In aeta. smoked, ate. city, beef knuckles and tenders smoiceti and air.uneii ;i'c western beef, knuckles and tendera smoked, :iv, &Vf nama I28O30. pork, family llioai An harni. B H cured, loose Ill's Willie, do skinned now. 2020'ic, do, do smoked lllWJIVir. ither hams, smoked, city cured, as to brand and average, 21o. hahia smoked western cored. 21c. boiled, boneless. BJc, picnic sboul 4rs S P. cured loose, lac. do, smoked lo'ic. bellies, In pickle, ncrordln to nvernce, loose. 18c, breakfast bacon as in brand and arrrsire. city cured, 21c, breakfast bacon weal srn cured, 21e, lard, weatern refined tierces 17Ho: do. do. do. tubs. 17Mic. lard, .puro clt, battla rendered. In tierces 17'4c. lord pure (Itr. kettle rendered In tubs, 17mi c REFINED SUGARS Thrt market wan quiet and unchnnsed riofln rs list prjcpi Hxtra Ann granulated 7rr SowIre1 8Rc, confectlonera A. .lc, oft Jtradea. 6Q0 60c DAIRY PRODUCTS BUTTKR Demand wan ulTlc.'nt to nbnnrb the limited receipts of dcalrable stock and prices ruled firm. Quotntlorn Weatern frenh, aolld sacked creamer, fancy specials 44c, extras GH3e, Htm firsts 8i)04Oci flrats 3rti .ih( veconda, 3130c. nearby prints fancy 4Rc aerat-e, extra, 4lB4lc, flrais. 3t'4nc, set enda. 3i08flc. special fancy brands of prints jobbing at 48Mc EGOS Supplies ere woll cleaned up and the market further advanced 7SlM)c per case Quotations follow Nearby extras 40c per doz nearby firsts, $13 fl por case, martn rurrcnt receipts $13 0 per case, western, extras 4lc pr dot i do extra, firsts ,$13 n" pr cns do. tint a, $13 HO per case, fancy selected Lnndled fresh esgs were Jobbing Bt nSOS3c CHEKSE Demand was falrli nctlve and the. market ruled er firm under lltfht nrferlnvs (ollOTflnr arc the quotations Nwr ork full frrtra. fancy held. tV. 02R4c do do fair to Sod held 2Vi 24 c, do. part skims 13 5lC" POULTRY LIVE Th market ruled firm with demand absorblnff the limited offerlnKs Quotations. Fowls as to quality, i'litft'j.'c. roosters i spring chickens sott-meated 2iJ JJc. Leghorns according: to quality. ItlMJIc as to alio and quality, 19JJc, turke Fowls as to quality. iHitii'J-'c, roosijrs lucniK m if duck nrkes. 2di 24c. gerse lOU.'c. pfpeons old pr pair J8 80c. do, jouns; per pair uu'.oc DREPSED Deslrablo stock was well cleaned up, and firm Quotations Krehkllled poul fry, dry packed fowls, 12 to box, dry-plckcd fancy, selected 2c. welphlng- 4 lbs and mer splece. 24Hc, wslKhlmr fttt lbs apiece 1'JW Sfic, welRhlne 3 Ibi apiece 20921c. fowH In bbls , fanc. drpicked, uelghina 4 lb nnrl oer apiece 24c, smaller -aires 182Jc old roosters dry-pit, ked 10c, roast Ins chit ken weatern do -picked In boxes weighing1 IKHO lbs per pair 2(SJrtc, roastlns thickens west ern, drv-nlcketl irr boxes wetshlng K lbs per pair. atl02V, roietlnff chickens upstern In Boxes welBhlmr 7 lbs per pair 224i'2e: roast Ins: chlckvna western drj -packed in bbls, welirhlnp X to 10 lb per pair 24c, rnnstlnfc hlckens weatern, In bbls weighing 7 lb per pair JOW Jlc, broiling chickens western Bi boxes weighing 3S4 lbs per pair 24h2V rnlckens welnninfr riftfM. lbs per pair lOftfJOc do, mixed sizes, l892Uc broilers other near by. welRhfng V tfj lbs apiece, 'WipliJi turkejs per lb Fancy nearb, 3JW3V. fanty weatern 3Jl3 fair to (rood .1(1 ft 31c old toms yOW.IOc common 24r27c, duck nHr by. 212pic do western 2J24c, iteese, near by igvfJle do western 1 H rf JOt. , squabs per dozen hlte welKhlng 11 to J lb por tlo7en I6fl2"i white welghlnR 0 to 10 lbs per dozen sr2A(Ff"t 83 while welshlnu 8 lbs per dozen $4 HO 4 TO do weighing 7 b per cozen i u"'y -i t't. nu wfiKnini? dvi ttM ins V do2en v.1 7AV.I dark $-' r.QP3, small and 2 flOcCTSl J"V FRESH FRUITS Demand1 was only moderate but nrlcea cen trally ruled steady as follows Applea, per bbt .York Imperial I8K4 21 nen I)als JT48 t SO Haldwln. No 1. J3 7.1 .1 nil do unRrndeil, 1303 .111, Greening- No 1 4..1H.1 .10, do un graded, 1304 21, Kings No 1. 14 llijfl. do ungraded, tafi4, Stajman N'o 1 $4i io un- Sraded (J MI01 IM. Wlnnsap No 1 4 in&NI, o. ungraded I.1 IOtr.0 Apples northwest ern, per box It fit)2 51) Lemons, per box. - 50WJ r,0 Oratuypa Florida per rrnte Bright 12 212 7,1, Russet. l-'2 311 Tanger ines Florida por strap 13 I Grapefruit, Florida per crute tJ.'S flfl rineapples, Flor ida Indian Rher perorate. 12 2fi(J3 21 Cran berries Tape Cod per bbl Fancy lata nrle . wu i.ariy macK )t(U4 cranoerrles, Cape Cod per orate II 7502, do Jersey, dark ti -i umr . ,mhu i tit uu, no, iiKni per craie 1.50. Strawberries Florida, per qt 20Q30c VEGETABLES Fancy stock was In small supply and firm JfHn demand equal to the offerings Quotations 1h He .Potatoes per bush. Pennsylvania, cnolce, I.' 25,31, New York, choice, J 1SW 2 23 Mhlto potatoes, Jersey, per baaket, $148 I 35 Swoet potatoes, Hastern Shore, per bbl .o 1 1303 23, No 2. II .10jJi Hweet pota ,'J.,De.1Swnr'' ond Maryland, per hamper, II 25l 40 Sweet potatoes. Jersey, per basket X7&" 1 0CLC ".' No - 0Oio Onions, per 100 pound bag No 1 white. 7 .1007 71. No I red 17. No 2 IB S,,,l .10 Cabbage. Danish ifVsShU nV10?):1.15'0- "outhern. per hamper II JB03 23 hplnoch, Norfolk, per bbl , 120 ?78 Kale. Norfolk, per bbl . II 1 33 Cuull- Jip Ka't,Hep.,."Uet &02 21. do. Virginia ..wt.ua, Vci uuBKci i ouuv ". no, virElnl G.,W-,,WMfe.d--?.oril. Carolina" P per Sf",1 li3 BO, Wax IJ3 2r Eggplant. Florida, per bo,, IJ 2103 .11). I'eppers. nSrlda ?irT''I;,la3ss H"uash. rioflda 'per box a'sn5 25 . rea". Florida, per basket. 30 iiv,.Jomat0"- Florida, per crate, Jl 3003 25. Muihrooms per 4 pound biaket, 1101 31 REMEMBERS BIRDS IN WILL Bequest of $1000 Mado to Pennsylvania Audubon Society by Clement M. Husbands A bequest of $1000 to the Pennnlanla Audubon Society is Included In the will of Clement M Husbands, New York city, yvnlch, as probated today, dispose In Pniate bequests of property vnlued at more than 100,000 , In maltlnK disposition of his $5000 estate, the wilt of James M. Kelvey. 7731 Avenue K. Ieaes JB00 to the Clearvlcw Methodist MHieopal Church for a memorial window to himself and wife The remainder of the "tate goes to relatives of the testator Other wills probated were those of Vlr VS..; Bowl"' 48 Walnur lane, which In i, .V'.tql,e"tB disposes of property valued f,i, .0.0,i.??muel I'a,t' 296 Nor"' F'h et, $U,B00; Peter J. Tuohey. 6135 De sfiTe?T 'l.r..eet 100! "obecca H. IBan, A N.or,h Twenty-elghth street. S3780 : .anJ, J' Slnnf"". 2BB3 Cedar street, $3400, Hm&JOOoT'"'' W0men"8 ,,0mePathlC WOMEN TO RAISE MONEY FOR BUILDING AT U. OF P. Another step irf the campaign to raise money for the women's building at the Unl verslty of Pennsylvania, which is to bo to h women there what Houston Hall is to K2' tnke P'"e tonight at 8:15 o'clock in Wltherspoon Hall, where co-eds still In a0'? .?nd tlie numbers of the Alumnae Association of Jha University gather to hear In s" lne Fmch ot Jul8lana, give read. H,nrJ1,ri8 aro oldlnK 8"le. coltoqllng a it, of J?ennl J Blvlng entertainments. Ummy a Stories and Songs." Miss Finch's colored mammy Is an African princess. She was given to white men In Africa by men In her father's tribe to sell Into slavery. The patronresses backing the entertain- RmK l"8l '.nc,ul18 Mrs- EJwr Fahs Kmuh MUs Katherlne Tuncheon, Mra. Felix Kcheiiing, Mrs. James P. Llchtenberger. Mra. Joseph W Kenwerthy, Ifrs. Harold M?Ji,(S,mr? 8l"' Mrs- E41""" B- Twltmyer, ??hniBl me8' Mr,9 DavW Amram. Mrs .I?" MrJ!; N- M B- nook' MrB- J- p. wick, t r,an Crwford, Mra. M H. Cryer, Mrs. Jarnes Dpdge, Mrs. Jennie Fels, Miss Beulah A. renlmore, Mr. Frank P. Oraves. Miss Mrt !?'?" Mra Samuel B- Jrdn, S!lthS. Lew'8' Mr- William U Llgelbach, rWn- , E "WW"!, r wMr. m. :""' m, 9tmu.-WHkiA,mM,p.L. T wffEAT Hccslnts. onseUlen nn irrfmiinr . uemsnn wns rAf uunrstlnns lr ints. In sport u i'ffK-No a red snot 1 7afl1 . No a smith lin nil Si ,7a 1". Mjnmrr No -' red, 11.71 W t'Pfl No red Jl.71l Jil. rejected A, il I7 liV ii, reacted n. i nifi ns r,2t&7 nn do. stralsht 7 r.n we. o,J ..,J,4 ,. dv strsltht rntlon sneks . 1. ..Alan IHDDN "Jit Klinill r PHr. 11)111111 J5s'!5! ilo, patent,, cotton sacks . s 21WNr.it aiv4 Mm, t. X. WL mtmaB- NORTHEAST ANNEX OP WILLIAM PENN HIGH SCHOOL AWARDS DIPLOMAS Wcffl(w'MjrJ m wsf ? t T' sHhs. -t - i JfiRX f .. r' JHfak FiT?T mil MM . ( ' It f.',v fsTMii ar it wktm Mku. j-i' i .-i K-jr BssWHsaaK: iiaiiiiiim 'v wHi amrn '.sbiiiksh i - t ' m TMir? arB Uv T .fTifrB ay i .-" cV4lu mnniiiiiiiii. ad) mm ivh mv . . ai a- k. ?& .aiaiiiivr . hhhiiiiiiiiiiiiii . miiiiiapim mmiBi towicj . cj 1 aSHBBBBULlLlBah t $ " A Mf S ISllflLlllflLllllllHflLw. m LlllLllllllllllll -.aflBllfeh 1l - mTJmmWmmm llW Amm mmLmV aL JlBftLllBlliriBaiHHLLlllH llllllV dHHIfBh V tV.enu'I10 Ba Wer.u Kradunted at,tho seventh annual exercises today. They were clnd in white dresses, sonic of which were mado by the w carets BIv fe,'" ab,0V n "ut,h A1In' Mar?nrct MAndenon. OIIvo H Auckland Grace Uecker, Annr ?K Bnl EdUl A nontVinn p uiw 'E tHfi 'n0??10 Jcnnnettc Cohen. MarKaret V. Connor, Helen M. Cook, Elizabeth P. Davis, Edith S. Dean, Deborah W. KnHtzkv Anna V IeComnto Rn U SUMt, "" R- Hcmmctcr, Mattio L. Jones, Ethel M n?.. Vt i L?,Com,t'ic',Rll5h MIddlcton, Edith 0. Miller, Nnomi C. Mort mer, Cntherme Patton, Marv Patton. Grace A. RndclifTc Emm-i P Rcancy, Mary Reynolds, Els.e J. Rush, Daniela M. Santo, Lillian M. Scholl, Ella M. Sheets, Luccttn Slcph and Morcnce E. Worrall. GIRLS' NORMAL SCHOOL GRADUATES CLASS OF 155 Commencement Exercises in Au ditorium at Thirteenth nntl Spring Garden Streets Commencement o.xcrclses of the senior class of the Philadelphia Normal School for Olrls, Ihliteenth and Spring Ci.mlen Streets, wcro held this morning In tho school auditorium One hundred and fUn-fhri 5oung women recelel dlplomnB nml, It was Raid mnnv of them will go directly Into positions o)en for thorn In various grades of tho city schools Two .uidie-.ise! ueie delivered to the graduates, one In Albeit II Itnuba. assist ant superintendent of schools, nml the other by Henry H KdmundS president of the Hoard of Kducntlon Simon Oratr, chah nian of the Comml'tee of Normal School and High Schools for (llrls was on the pro gram for nu address, hut a unable to nttend because of sickness Tho departing class presented a gift to the school, Miss lleatilco Long, 2832 North Fifth street, lce president of the class, making the presentation speech and .1 Uugono Baker, tho principal, accepting Miss Henrietta M Murphj. 35G1 Old York road, president of tho class, trans ferred the cap and gonn to Miss Agnes Jameson, ot the class which graduates in June Among the enteitiiinment features of the program was a leading bv Principal Baker, a song bv JIIss Adele Pack, a lolln number by JIIss Sara Marlnoft nnd songs by the school The graduating class orlglnallj had 139 members One failed to iecele n diploma because of sickness and three lacked finish ing one subject to qualify Of the 179 under seniors of the school, 170 weie promoted without u condition Kleen advanced Juniors weio "conditioned' nnd four failed, leaving 12 J to be promoted The seniors who received diplomas are. rOSTGnADLTATU CLASS H.lna I'iramore Ann neors Helen Greejr Katherlne Kane birih U 1'opper ADVA.NCKD hKNIOU CLASS Mini Saer Caroline I Anderson Durothv A Ashbey Helen T llo (lerlruilo K Hrunawlck (lertruile l: Clarke harnh ''lenient JMIth ' Davis Lthel Cnuld MarKiiorlte I. Greene- vvald MarKUerlte L Groman l.rtlln M Howie Kdltli C lohnson Klsle C Knoua Helen C Krellrer Anne M Miller Katherlne o Kefe I Ileatrlce M Unimufl Helena A Ottenfl Marian N l'erry Grace nirker Kvellne Scholleld Florence 1. blevern Gertrude I) Voshatro Hilda C Wleuand Klorente Younir Ksther AltBthuler Charlotte ii Arm strong Lillian J Arthur Hose I' Auerbarti Elizabeth Uaxter Mabel K llejlor Helen lllrBeh Janet L llowman Ada A ilrnngnn ICIeanor J llrlnkmann Mary J Hroadbrldge Kllznbcth ltrower lleulah 11 llrown Anna I Itjrne .lane. D llrom Evelin Campion Miriam It Carroll Theresa P. Carter Iornthy H Castree Marian O Chadvvlck Hilda Clauss Anna May Glelecg Marlon M. Cohe.i Sarah Cohen Minnie Collins I'earle Crawford llulli W Crawford Lillian L Ilavls Itoso Davis Hetta S Deutsch Julia M Donahue Grace L Duncan Mary A Kuan Jennie Kpsteln Christina D Ksterheld Irene Ksterllne Marin V Farrell Matel It Parson Delphlnn M Fischer Marie 10 I. l'ltz Katharine H I'rame Mildred French Marian O (llluerson i:isi i: Glenn Helen V ("Sranlund Adella H Green Marsaret K Grlsiom Anna 15 Hamilton Kthel M Harnett Anna 1. Harvey Etta llaes Mabel 1! Hazlett Mar) M llazzard Marlon A llnwe Marie 1. I!utbrll Ann i i: I' Hushes lleulah i: Hueo Mary IX Tohnston m M Kend HI Alkn L Kllli Ila7el Kirk Hulh I) Klock Anna It Knup l arrle P Kohn Tennle It. Kotkln Elizabeth S Lickey Naomi A Lambert l.lllle II Larson Kinlly M Leavsley Martha W Lehr IlelnBo W Levy Elizabeth II Lewis .lessla M LlEhtfoot Hannah W Lockhart Ileatrlce I Long Huth n Lnreuux Itebt It I.uberoff I illl in T McClelland lean MacKay Helen M Mahonev arali If Marlnott Delia M Martin Kva J Mason Gertrude II Mauser Wllheltnlna 1. Mayerle Leah II Melsel Florence K, Mejers Wlnfrcd M Mlddleton Alma K Mlllls Marlon P. I. Moon Marie It Mosley Henrietta M Murphy Dorothy Noel Mary Olwell Ksther J Osterlund Adela C. Pack Mary L Patterson Miriam I Pennvpaclter Lillian D Pollard lldlth N Powell Ida II Bice Illanche. II. Rnstow Helen M M Iturfenach Frecda Saxe Alma M Hehor-k Miriam G Scholl Lillian Sihvvare Kdltli R. Seeber Lucy M Seller Lenh M Michel Hlvn M Smith Susie V Smith Anna It T Sparks Clara II Stnrkey Anna J Htemprle Martha c Stevenson Lily V Stewart Helen M. Sum Helen V Taylor Marguerite O Trulear Kmnni A Turney Helen C Turney Theresa J Walter KdUh If Ward I.Ida K Weckerly Viola M Whllby Allc N VMIt Kllen Wlsbart Anne K Wogan Kmlly M Woodward 1910 AUTO TAGS GOOD IN N. J. TRnNTON, Feb. 2 III accordance with a request from the State Highway Depart ment of Pennsylvania, Commissioner Wil liam h. Dill, of the State Motor Vehicle Department, notified ajl chiefs of police throughout New Jersey to permit tara bearing 1916 Pennsylvania registration plates to pa'js through New Jersey without hindrance until February IS The Pennsylvania department In making Its request Informed Mr Dill It had been necessary to make a further extension of the 1916 licenses. Responding to a similar request from New Yo'rk, Mr. Dill extended until Feb ruary 7 tho use of 1910 licenses for com mercial trucks and taxlcahs only WjNTKR RE80RT8 ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. OiliXy Atlantic art , An?cortrvlscd8taraarA oraxcellervce, CMwm60a WUIERJ.BV2HT Weaillllliatur tor , it- VjUt baths, run' wattr. IB ud wkly. 12 up dally. Cbas. uuhr. OLD POIfJT COMFORT, VA. HOTEL CHAMBERLIN X OU POINT COMFORT Of W F Swimming rool. Coif. Be. v VirvfrS . X v. Vv v -v WILLIAM PENN GIRLS LAUD SCHOOL'S WORK Twenty-one Members of Gradu ating Class Tell of Influence Exerted on Their Lives Twpntv-ono girls :u ted ns mouthpieces for the membeis of tho rebruaty gradu ating ilass of the William 1 hiii High School foi (Ilrls this morning at the FChooI. Plf teenth nnd Mount Vernon meets, when for the (list tlmo in tho hlstnrv of Philadelphia high schools, nn nuniiMiiniis svmposltim of thi elTects of high-school llfo on tho voung graduates was given loi Hie ICO graduates Some months ago r.-uh gill In the class was asked to vvilte an unsigned statement of what William Penn High School had meant In her life i:.ih gM did, not know ing what It was for Todiv the twentv-one best ones In the clnFs were given bv twentv one girls who did not know who vvioto them One girl told how she had learned to mnko her own and her mothers clothes, and to renovate old clothes and make hats thus reducing the fanillv expenses Anothei told how she had been able to complete hoi (du ration as a lesult of the Information she secured in home economic;, becnuso she could take tare or the liniiv. epiiig i.. nun, and go to school at the smie time utliots told whit the reading of the nnvvspipots as urged by the histoid teacher, had meant to them j and especial emphasis was pl.u cit on the good done bv the salesmanship course, which taught girls that the 'dreaded monster (the public) Is made up of human beings." and gave the girls self-ccn!ldcni.e, pols,e nnd ability to meet people Diplomas In tho general, commercial, col legs pieparatory, salesmanship, art anil homo economics co-arses were avv-anletl to the Fedbruniv giaduatlng cIurs by Wil liam D. Lewis, pilnclpal ot'the school Tho llev Dr lMvvin lie I Dell, pastor of St. Matthew's I.utheiau Church pro nounced tho Invocation after an orchestral prelude undei the dliectlon of A II. RoSewig Solos w ere sung bj Dorothy niu inenthal, Margaret Pond. Ksther Malls and Ulslo Thatcher i:thel i:ddoves gave tho Introductory explanation C l.a Hue Ke'llar delivered the ale dlctor.v The class ollicers were Miss Kel lar. president, Hose I. l.Ifchln, lco presi dent; Jcanuetto Kttelson, treasuier, and Helen .Clnert, secretary The graduates were Rose AlbUS Clara Allen Frances P Aptowlt? Lillian II Harnett Florence T.nmplugh AuKUstn, K Lang Iterthn Laskln Prances M l.iushtin Anna SI Uecker Lena Lelbowlt Dorothv It IUumpnthal Hose I. I.lschln Anna ltobman Ltnei libs Minnie T Loewv Ileatrlce M Lvnctl Mario P fc('nol Mabel O M"cMurrny Kthel T Mack Gertrude K srnpralosk Ksther Vf O Malls Marffiiret ' Bontl ItPRsIn V Itornwuky l.llznbeth M How era Marjorle It J.ojer i:ilu P Itrodln Dorothv Urooklnnd KUllh M Hrower loroth 13 llrown Kfhiil f Itrrtwn i-niiiT-.ivMrtifiui.x-3 Kin. (. nrown M Josephine Husalnser Afl'SJ' 'Sl'SR. lenn M Ilyprs Illnnrho F. Martin Heulali V Caldwell Tennle Call Sara J 1'Hmpbell riorenrn M c'arnan Anna IZ Carney I lose ('asnoff Anna H Caton Dorothy Chase lrenj Cohen Ifeln V. Conn May 17 Cohpn JMna At Cnlllnn Cecelia Cooper Yetta Cooperman lIHen J Creep Hosft p Cronhkoff S Leah DaHh Rachol T Day -Marlon AT If De Burlo Mary Dell lane M Doak nthel M Kddmves Kllznheth I Kdwardi Mflr IVffly Ada Elon Florence T Kllln Teannetta It, Kttelaon Helen C nvereat Marie T. Field Hone i: Kino Marie K Flche Joanna II Fritz Nathalie K Oalenheck Sophie P. Oaaklll Ksther It dealt Klafe M Gerlach Dorothy nilbert Miriam M Golder lesnliIJ Ooodroe heaphy Oouch Marlon Clrav Kdlth It Oreenherc ktarlan Groom leah GurbarK leba H Haber Mien K Hammer Itoan M llarrlaon Sopht-a Harrlnon Floreneo H lllrach nita D Holinea Miriam N Humphrey Martha G Hjpps Iteberra It Jarohfion Dorothy K Johnson Florenre Karr Clara A M Ketk Marlon a Kelner ( l.a It Kellar Hilda C Klrrher Miriam R Kilo Hlsa A. K If I no nrnllfe Krafl Marie K Krauno Nalba A Maucher c lira Meer Hdtho r Miller Alberta M Mlltz nnimi A Mton i:thel II Mlrulo Wiirn 1 Montgomery Hazel I Mooro IJpslo It Morris Mitllda i:. Novack Anne 13 OechHlo HlUaheih II Parcels Mae it Paul J-arah Perelman slvla Poiln Adella S. Pollock Adelln Prensman Harah 13 Prfto Dorothy H Prlcltltt I'reda Rabinowltz Krtrhcl Ilechbook Tillle Itechboolc Frances A fthOHds llosa Itopen Hlinclift Itothsteln Grace I Huth 13m!ly V Hchaefer Inda It Rcheelo Marlon F Khaw Helen K Shebl Klsie P HchultK France V Schwartz Maria A Schulzn Naomi M Sherwood Paulina V fihevlln Dora It, Hllvonnan Anna Hinder Klta P. Kmlih Anna C Hnjder CaroHnrt G Hnder Ilella 13 Solomon (SertrudM T hnerael Klizabfth C Hteln Frances G Stern field I3teanor K. Rthison Charlottn A. Stoloff Idi G Hut land Kthel Ta i iher i:iel M 'ihati her I'nnces I"3 Tomllnsoii 1311a Tnmnllllo Helen C Underhlll Slvla Urev Hdna M Wacknr Rom 1-3. Walnsteln KIsfo 13 Walter Helen M WnlfenuVti Mamla G Wolperl Annlo Wyllo Alma A Venmana Laura It Yost Charlotte 1 Younir The ocal music was in charge of Miss Rara B. Calllnan. Thomas a Beckett was pianist. MUSIC RAGTIIV i- mT m iM0m in 20 lesson We'll teach oii to play real raitlme on the piano In SU lessons IP YOU DON'T KNOW A NOTE--In less time If you already play. You'll learn to play popular sonsa, foi trots, "rag-" any pieca Call orjphone for Pres Hooklet. " ec' I'limSTKNaEN SCHOOLS oj POPULAn MUSIC SUM (Jermuntown Ave. Phone Tlora. s'jfii ISatI Tasker Bt. Phone .Dickinson 3704 jj STANGER Diamond 0S13 J. VOlcB BiaiiT-aiNaixa Cessna 8004 North Thirteenth 8tV EDUCATIONAL jr.carn LANGUAGES AT TUB Berlitz School . 1SU CHESTNUT BTnnnT (Ortr lUksr lineman's Pharmaoyl Bv Its frll( Utlhod tluttenH rarn M0, M(y rt asd url. M psoJalli lo unitrilaa4 ana la tptoh orrlffn laMpua. TRIAL LESSON FREE Tsrms WX7 U Uib tlmtliM, I aH . NORTHEAST ANNEX OF WILLIAM PENN Graduating: Exorcises of School's Seventh Class Held Today in Auditorium Thlity-nlne xouiir Blrls, olnd In white ill osotf, Momo of ihcin made by tlietr wcar oii. wore Kr.idu itcil a tho .Innu.irv. 1117. rlnia ut Hip N'oithonxl Annev it the AVII Hain Penn IIIrIi Hthool tor r.irli when tho foentli Bt.iilu.itlinr ovorrleei look jil.ico In tho Wllllnin Penn IIIrIi School at 2 30 o'llotlc this nftcinooii Tho nrt clasi was crniliinlpil from tho Noithe.iRt HIkIi School Tor UlrN In Jnmiar , 1 1H IIIkIi school iiinlrnto hao heen In tho ImlldliiK for neen ,i,cai unilor the ill rcitlon of JIHs ltcnlah A Kenlmoie. who litis been in ih.iruo of tho school 'I he prin cipal of the William Perm HlRh Sihool and the two .innexc. Willlim D Lewis. pae tho cllplomis to the oiiiir graduates Mi l.euis and Jllss IVnimoro weio on tho lil.ttfoim with the Graduates Tho Ilo ltd of IMuc.itlon inemhrrs Ind a section iesercd for them In tho front of the audltoiiuin The llov Ilenr lies. pator of the Ken iiiKton .Methodist Church. Richmond and MirlhotouRh street, offered th openlnR piaei "Tho P.iBc.int of tho .SpiliiR 1 "low ers, "written 1 illss Klslo flush, was dellercd by tho ilass prcildeiit. Miss Kath ijn (Jutekunst. whilo tho f.nonell. entitled "How .Manifold Aio Thy Works," written li Miss lithel Knlltylcv. was read this afternoon by Mis Christine 1 urner Choius work tinder the direction of Miss Amelia J Strodlek, who has had ilinra;o of traliiitiB the Kirls In music, was another feature of tho program .Miss Ruth Clacks giiio n. piano solo and theio was other music by tho ihoius The Kirls cut led red loses The olllceis of this Kraclii.itliip tHss In clude President, Miss ICntlir)ii CiUtekuust ; Mco piesident, Miss ritneo Uecker, asslfctnnt treaBiirer. Miss leanelte Colien, secretury. Mi's Anna V l.o Compte The frratluatlriK class Includes the following- rtulh Allen .MarKaret )f Andtrson Olhe II Auikland (Iraio llpi Uer Anne K lirlmmer Hrtllh A llrnnn Violet M llrunner Mra J Cajilnr Teannettn ohpn Mortr.irPt V t'onnor Helen M Cook Ktl7abPth P DivIh IMIth S Dean Deborah W Ppnlhau i:thelirla Dlltus Ituth i: (".neks Anna Hilbert ItehPcca (Irulth Kathrn I. (iutckunst Knim i. II Ilemmeter Mntllp I. I.thel M Ann i V llulh -It IMIIh O tones Killtzkr l. I'nmpl Mlddleton Miller X.lntnl Moriimer I'alliprlno Patton Mnry 1'atlon (Irito A Itndelirre Dinmi P Keane) )tarv KpnnMs l.lsti J Hush Dinlela M H,inlu I.I Ulan M Srhnll l'.lln M Shpptz I.UlPtlft Mepliau )Inr I; tnpnsnu Clirlsllue II Turner 1'lorpnco II Worrall PHOTOPLAYS JmHU Bodka Gmww rTllE followlne theatres obtain their pictures throuuli the STANLEY Dooklnc Company, which Is a guarantee of early shonlnc of the finest productions. All pictures reviewed before, exhibition. Ask for the theatre In jour locality obtaining pictures throuth the STANLEY DOOKINQ COMPANY. ALHAMBRA1?a!ry,s:f:pIVvEot5'., Paramount Pictures. Ethel Barrymore,nT,,rn,LrW APOLLO 62D AND "SSSSSS da.lt FANNIE WARD in TUB VI3AU8 Or Till". LOCL'ST" ARCADIA CHESTNUT BELOW 16TH Douclas Fairbanks n AMnnicANo- 1st Hpl Mrr vernon ia ...... BELMONT BSD ABOVE MARKET MARY PICKFORD in nn: puinn op thi: plan' BLUEBIRD IlItOAb AND BUSQUnilANNA AYK. LENORE ULRICH in Tin: ROAD TO I.OVI". ' CEDAR O0TII AND CEDAR AVE. PAKAUOUKT T1IBATRB CIco Ridgley & Wallace Reid in Tlin YBI.IJW PAWN' FAIRTmOUNT s',tio,ard avknu MABEL TALIAFERRO in A 1MFH MY rilCJ.NY" THEATRE MAT. DAILY K08.. T to 11 SO lu Jl Rel Spruce VIVIAN MARTIN in TilR ItlallT DIRECTION" FRANKFORD "n rBANKJf?S?UB Wallace Reid and Cleo Ridgley in "THE YF.I.I-OW PAWN" GREAT NORTHERN "."a.. CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG in "MY OFFICIAL vVIPK" IMPERIAL 00TH AND WALNUT ROBERT WARWICK in "THE MAN WHO FOROOT" JEFFERSON WT ,?EEnFAsupmN DOROTHY BERNARD in "TUP. RAINHOW" IKAni7D KORTY-FIRST AND LXtiLfL,t. LANCASTER AVE.VUK VIVIAN MARTIN in "IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION" 7 I RPR TY noD and Li i D t. IS. 1 X COLUMBIA Harold Lockwood & May Allison "PIDGIN ISLAND'' west pnir.AiJRLrniA EUREKA w luaiew .. , VJOLA ID AH A in "THE GATES OF EDOf . Sai W .... .AS " H4Sh.t. iJtmttCMtt FEMININE STARLETS SEEN ON THE SCREEN Vivian Martin at the Stanley; Viola Dana at the Victoria. Other News Ily the Photoplay Editor STANI.ttV "T1IK U MOIir.L." Pallas. Paramount with llan Martin nn.l Thnnins MoldlnK Morj li o preTpr directed by I. Mason Hopper Photouraphed l lames nn rrpss ' In spilo of a stoi that ijwlndles Into tho cotnentlonal, aftei u most promising Btart, this deseixes the name of feature so often misapplied It Ins been mtlstlmlly done from (list to list, nnd Is picttll) nnd con lnchiKly acted partlcularT little HIIss Martin What makes It n motion picture to attiact anil hold the c)e Is the detailed beauty or the direction Sun-splashed studios, n ei head IlKlitlnrf. dexterous uie of thick slndow nnd i loll sunshine sculptuial effects In human figures these may not make n plot, but thev do Rratlfy nnd stim ulate the vision The nutlior Iicrjii well, with n naiintive that was both human and dramatic If he could hao resisted tho temptation to ' pull" that old stunt of ono worn in shielding another at the expense of her 'good name," he might bale made a miniature masterpiece. Instead of a rewrlto of "The Social Secret.u " The leaders and cutting aie geneiallv good, so good that ono tegiets his making the French girl remark to her doll Cherie, nozzlng hap pens like 70 ston hooks," n most remark able mncaionlc Vlt'TOHIA "Tlliti:DS (II" rri:." Metro, with lota Dinu and Ilnbprt hlttler It Is n big los't to .Metro that dalnt Viola Dana Is no longei w itli them She is one of our best actresses In the portra)al of )outhful t)pes 1 lei latest appearance Is lu tho part of a foundling, who Ucs with. Jier foster p ireuts At first they are poo nnd later wealthy, but her manner shows the same tpo of sweet simplicity It is not alone the stai Hint canles this seent-ne-inlnute stnr) to a It ippy conclusion, for ever) member of the cast has a reputation for good woik that testifies to it rise above tho old plavcis seen In past f!eiicral Film pla)s .Most ot these, however, aie from the lallson lompanv Itobeit Whlttler, Augustus Phillips Richard Tucker, Fred lones, Helen Stiickland and Nellie Grant aio tho principal plavers Tho extra sup pott was well selected In rcgaid to their IHness foi tvpes An outstanding feature of tho photography was the vision scones, while tho use of the Irlslng was also well done I'evv locations and continuity of sloi) attested to the directors skill PHOTOPLAYS LOCUST C!D ANI LOCtJST PEGGY HYLAND in Unit ItK.Hr TO LINE' Market St. Theatre 333 MARKET STREET Iloben livery Wnrulelt In Ti.. t ... i. i... ., . . Ivery Weil Purple "Vlask Font ami c-iin,.ra 'lrlny The !rent hei ret liiisliinan nnd Rajne OVERBROOK ?,3D "averfor., -,s-vii. nopr-Jones Unit Oreh. EMILY STEVENS in ' the WAniiR' PALACE I'lH MARKET STREET 10c lOe PAULINE FREDERICK in the hla i: market PARK IHIXIE AVE IMPI'IIIN hT MAT K 0 4; to ROBERT CONNESS in run MAnntMioM or phii.ip ktiiosc PRINCESS ,0,i"n" Allan Holulwir it ns Every Tuesita Ibe PRNl'IS IIU81I.MAN Rne In Heart Rlrlnes nreat Secret fenturlnc A HUVEIU.Y HAYNE REGENT 1B3 SIAnKKT STREET ETHEL BARRYMORE in THE WHITE HAVEN R I A L T O WSc Dorothy Dalton lW!$x?&$ 1st I.pl Mrp Vernon Onstlo ln 'PATRIA" RI I R V HAKKBT STREET - O X llELOAT 7TH 8TRE1TT Clara Kimball Young '.' ,, SAVOY ulls$gT Douglas Fairbanks 'VatAVmaniao- rilAItl.ES t'HAI'I.IN In "THE COUNT STANLEY A''V5?.. AD0VB 18T 01UUJ1 litis A, M. to HilS P, it VIVIAN MARTIN in TUB WAX -MODEL" sTI? ANT") OERMANTOWN AVENUR J Vrtl,(J- AT VENANGO STREET ANITA STEWART in THE OIXIHY OF YOLANDA" ipiQQ 17TU AND VKNANOO 8T." Marie Doro 0LIVER TWIST" VICTORIA K'nin VIOLA DANA in THREADS OP FATE" NOKTH PIIILADELrniA RIDGE AVENUE H,DUATE.VV1I HERBERT RAWUNSON in "TOI sUGLTf WBfG" IANKFORDSTIMNTS TO GET THEIR DIPLOMAS One Hundred nnd Forty-four Names on Exempt List of High School THE CEREMONY TONIGHT SnluUUory Speech on Ibsen's Social Philosophy to Ho Delivered by E. G. Harrison - Flftrpn. pupil"! of the ncntlomle nml com mercial courses of tlie Krankford Itlglt School will bo awarded diplomas tonight at tho ,ml(ldea!on commencement exercises to ho held In the auditorium of tho Insti tution The honor list of underfrraduatcfl who hnvo heen exempt from llnal examina tion with high averages contains 144 nnmc. Tho diplomas will he presented by Frank lin Pmcdley, a member of the Board of Udu I'atlott, vvhlln l Herbert Aspen president of tho Fathers' Association, and Holford O. Arrlson of tho Herbert (Mub, will reward tho prizes Walter Seller has heen chosen ns vi.ledletorltn for tho occasion, nnd I'nrl tUrant Harilsop will deliver a salutatory speech on "llemlilk Ibsen's Social Phil osophy ' Tho alumni nddicss will bo mado by William Hex Crawford, of tho class of '13 and tho Ttev John H Torster of Frank fnrd will co'iidiict the devotional services Thero will nlso ho several numbers by tho Frnnkford High School orchestra, the (Ilrls t'horus and tho Ilojs" fhorus The honor seniors or graduating students aro Paul Vic tor Fotstcr, Francis Qulcksall Thorp. Wal ler Seller nnd 'leorgc Woznlckl The complete list of graduates are: ACADEMIC" ("OlTRSi: it-nrns H llihm Frmklln 1" J Miilony VVtlllHni 11 I'liminlnixs t.oon SelitPl Pnul I'nrstnr lohn II .siilelmlhnm Jr I'irl O Hnrrlson Pranrls g Tliorp OPEN TONIGHT TILL 9 O'CLOCK LIQUIDATING My Philadelphia Business This SALE Defies All Competition for Value-Giving HERE isn't a merchant in Philadelphia who could give you the kind of values I am offering right, now without taking a severe loss, and that would not be good business. With me, it's different, T for regardless of advancing cost of woolens and pro Must Turn Stock Into Cash in the liquidating of my Philadelphia business. The enormous overhead expenses of this store force me to quit. This is my Last Sale in Philadelphia and I am slashing prices to an, extent that it will long be remembered for its sensational bargains. It's the biggest Clothes-buying opportunity ever offered in Philadelphia. Every Garment in Stock for Men and Young Men SACRIFICED Regardless of Cost or Loss Remember These are all Georges famous Model Clothes built in my own custom shops and expressing the most advance style ideas. OVERCOATS AND SUITS Originally $15 and'$16.50, Now. OVERCOATS AND SUITS Originally $18 and $20, Now. . . OVERCOATS AND SUITS Originally $22.50 and $25, Now. OVERCOATS AND SUITS Originally $28 and $30, Now. . . OVERCOATS AND SUITS Originally $32.50 and $35, Now. And so on, all $37.50 and $40 Overcoats and Suits Now $21.75 and up; everything correspondingly reduced, including the finest luxurious Montagnac Overcoats, originally $50, now $31.75. Every Sale Final. No Exchanges. No C. O. D's. No Refunds. Positively not a single garment in the house reserved from the nobbiest fancy Suitings and Overcoatings, including staple blues and blacks, all fur-lined coats, auto coats, plush and quilted-lined double-breasted ulsters and fur-collar coats also all Full Dress and Tuxedo Suits, Cutaway Coats and Vests Prince Alberts, Separate Trousers( Mackinaws, Knitted and Fancy Vests, Sweater Coats, Raincoats, Cravenettes, etc. Separate Trousers In neat pin sjripes, plain blue serges, blacks, etc. $2.80 and $2.75 $T W fif Trousers yl,at O $3.00 nnd $3.50 &Q fi Trouer VGG9 $4.00 Trousers fc WE Reduced to... V6o (f 3 $5now .T:r..r: $3.25 lligher Grade Reduced Proportionately 15th & . -J t- ft COWPHmCtAL COVM ICsllot W, ett Wintairt FVderlckaorl Alfred n. StrlcWer t'NDElKlRADUATB Philip l' Ilrossmsn Osston J Amfllnck Walter P. Sheldon W Itresrord Klllho-ur Wesler Tanssy Alenandsr W Ax Harry -M. Volanitt Iroy IT, Rrfeehley Josnh J. Rminey rteorics ". Pink Waltsr II Krewson Oustav r, ItscVer Harry I.. Petunia Robert 1. Nlchola Preilfrlrk Vtter lluarna (I. Harvey Richard I. Kelley Krsrifl" Kunktl Albsrt Jfunson Kordjee nothwell Frank Pry Joserh A. MetlHda lames A. Daly John Diem Albert Fischer Morris llolden Herbert P llowsrd William Johnston Albert Mahler Robert J. nest Hsrry Dunbar Loots Troelsch Robert E Wallace Harry Zimmerman Norman Greds Harold Krantx Miriam Arrlson Anns Pontile. Hnrrlet Riown Helen Prookes Ella (llhson Molet n Hamlll Rerthn McMsster Hazel tsraerison Mildred Osier flertrcde Vvrsnn (lertruite Zschamlsch Waltr Seller aeoNc. Wotnlekl HOAOII STUDK1T JK Miriam V Achenbrar6 Dorothy Catter A Iloysr Drafct tYllllam Crowa i T)ul Cohen PenJamln Chandlsa JValter E . zrrr iiarry u Mann 'Hotden Arnala . tleoraa W. Tartar Henry D Walter, it, John P. giltlllan Howard 11 Lett John II. Dowd lietman ltnrut( HuRh M, Troland iiarry a. ntatr Isabella Wrann Ktnei Edith Ks I he' Yeaala Aviina Esther flaleiel Emma Tlrand irens nryan Ruth Clark Emma Hills t'arrly Klemlen l.tlr Lejsuns Hsllle : i Miensnsr TttlMeerf Wnlf Marlon Hromlley Mae Castor Kdna Pulton Rebecca Rubin Ruth Hllller, Martaret Ilutler Clara Hart Miriam Watson Albertua Ysrkaa Mildred nickel Eleanor Illood Etta llroadbiidir Drusllla earless Mary Collins Catherine Oasklll lleryl Nawm&n Catherine 8human Thelma Harrison Eleanor B Stasia Ruth Hates Kile een flebhardt Klla ntratnia Anna TV roll hernlca NlchplI Alice Hleafrled Martha Orss Madeline Hallman Msbel Hetlemsn KIIMbcth Cornell Mary C Holmes Johanna Jaeaer ('nrollne Wnldman Tlllls YnunK Emma E Poster lle'en (' M lira Elizabeth Middleman Ids Ashmead Marin Prankland Estelle C Xenus ElOnbeth E Rejmoui l.olile Hleafrled Mary Totten MarR-aret t: Vellens Helen Willis Mllilreil C Zwlck Walt Altkcn Dorothy M. Itapp. Mary Htavenson Erna Rachman P.lliabeth Rryant Ruth K. Dleat Edith P. Oray , Elsie Humphreya Harriet E, Jon Irma M. Knlesler Mnry Patton Emily P. Coon Margaret Helvarson Martha Hitler Helen E. Keseler Jean 1) MacCulfoeh tlrace Morse . Ida Ilurton v I.ldle Harvey Mildred Mcllenry Ruth E Weimar Allca Wurat Ylola E. Wick To nccommodato those unahlo to c.UI during regular business hours. 0.75 ll75 1375 $15"75 187S Fur Coats Less Than Wholesale Muskrat I.lni ConlsBlack Kerr ey Shell, Persian Lamb or Nat ural Hat Col- c r rm pv i?ror,fcr.- $33.50 rinest Marmot Lined Coati llvr d ssw i. w r i k man marKea : D65 06. ?a7.ftll now ww m Nutria Lined Coats Btavr collars. Oris- C p sfb m mfm many 85.oo. vzE.Ln -w now All Finer Grades Kedured Proportionately ( -.V CJ sHIH lT fl 'm jfi Ka k, rl s I , kAslttaaa am mini FkltWiMtl tfcit aTBB. ,, 'it ', j i a f 4s