-i"5"- "-srTBa!'s TMPSri' -TJsrwe-w'S "-" utJmil)jjlM 'FINANCIAL EDITION tfSTRAT. NIGHT EXTRA NIGHT EXTRA "v h ' &,v' uH j. -a ' '"- fc VOL. III. NO. 118 PHILADELPHIA. TUESDAY. JANUARY HO. 1017 PRICE TtfO CENTS c Mt T.tir. I "IT. m nti Pi mil- I fiixlrtl CeHM.ft as, - ,1 eSSFT 3i -Cr ,an5. LrfSsW 4SFP" "OT"Jr 13 JHT 1. "V 3 OT I 1 W If Eil 1 W 1 1 I -R PtPV (Ttk FINDS PRECISE DOSE OF SERU FOR MEN Discovered After Years Labors Here by Mul ford SerologisL of EXPERIMENTS WITH MICE Facts About Discovery j in Anti-Meningitis Scrum i DISCOVERY Method of niesisur inp curative power of scntni for ;uro of epidemic eereliro-spinnl men ingitis. : DISC0VKRKR Dr. G. II. Robin son, head of scrolofjictil research lab oratories of II. K. Mnlford Company, Glcnolden. i WHEN" MADE June. mm. after j which tests, in which several thou sand white mice wore uaed, proved it. WHAT IT MEANS Physicians now know exact potency of each in jection of serum. A method nf stnntlardlrlnn nnll-meiiln-gltls pci inn. ltnlleil by ph,vlcinn us lining as Important tm the discovery of the set um Itself, linn been achieved. Announcement nf the dlscoiery nnil n description nf the methnil used U'cro made tmlny nt the (llcnnlileii laboratories nf the II K. Mtilfurd rnmp.iny. manufacturing nnil hlnlnKlc.il chemists, nf this oily, where the discovery was ninth1. As n result of the medical "find." the exnet potency nf n"ilose" of Hrrum mav be detennlnod with a mathe matical nicety hitherto unknown 111 the treatment of epidemic cercbro-splnal menin gitis. It Is to the nenini treatment what the thermometer If tn elicmlsry anil elimi nates whatever iinceitaltity mny exist ns to proper 1os;iro In serum InjecMona for the treatment of meningitis, according to thp Mulfonl bacteriologists, who tcgnril the discovery as one of the most inipoitnnt yet made at their laboratories Or. fJ. II. Itoliinsou, henil of the sero loslcal lesearch laboratories. Is tho dis coverer of tho methods of measuring the serum's power, lie, rolled tho problem that had puzzled bacteriologists for years. Exhaustive tests. estendlng over eighteen months, Interiened between the discovery of the method of standardization nnil Its announcement. .Several thousand white mice were utilized In compiling data on the method, until It gradually emciged from the experimental stage and arrived nt n point where It was perfected in so far ns human calculations go. The method, ns described by Dr. F. K. Stewart, diiector of tho sclentlllc depart ment, and Pr. A. I1, tlitchens, director of tho biological laboratories, consists In In fecting mico with graded amounts of dip lococcus intnicellulnris, or meningococcus, the micro-organism that causes meningitis, and testing tho counternctinK Inlluoiico of fixed amounts of Immuiio seiuni. From the regular death rate and rate of recovery en suing n standard unit of immunizing or curatlie pmver was realized. success aftki: yi:ai:s Doctor Itoblnson a year and a half ago found tho Key to tho solution after years of experimentation. Hitherto tho iionln gitls bacteria, beoauso they ncro dollcato and easily destroyed, had dolled efforts to dcilso means of measuring tho effect of their antibodies, or antidotes, contained In Continued mi Pace Tho, 'ohiimi One ASHORE OFF BARNEGAT Vessel in Distress Identified as Sugar Freighter Out From Cuba for Yonkers, N. Y. NKff YOItlv, Jnn. 30. Wireless reportB from tho creii of tho coast guard cutler Mohawk today Identified tho vessel ashore off Uarncgat Light on tho Now Jorsoy coast as the Norwegian bteaiiiEhip Iloivden. The tiowden Is not In danger and will be pulled off tho sands, necprding to rcporUi from tho .Mohawk. She piled up on tho shoals shortly after midnight Inst night, and her shrieking whistle notified lifts guards at Barnegat, who attempted to reach her, but were forced to return after their surf boat had been dashed back again and again by tho heavy seas. Later they boarded her with n, motor lifeboat. The heavy fog made it Impossible to distinguish the vessel from shore for several hours this morning. Bound from Cienfuegos to Yonkers. X. V, the Bowden carried a cargo of 8G00 bags of sugar. $20,000 Fire at Peoria, III, PEORIA, III., Jan. JO. Fir, which for thno threatened to destroy several build ings tn the business district, was placed under control today after it had caused damage of $20,000 to half a dozen store buildings. THE WEATHER fohkcast For Philadelphia and vicinity Pair and colder tonight, with lowest temperature about So degrees; "Wednesday increasing cloudiness, follatced by rain or snow; gen tle winds, mostly northwest. I.KNtrril OF WAV Sun rlaei Bun sell 7 It a m. I Moon ieti I .Oil a in .5.1(1 p.ra I Jloon south Q.ili p.m. DKLAWAUI? KIVEB T1IIK fllANCUS CHESTNUT STllBET I.ow mlir 1..18a.m I Low water .2.32 p,m. HUn water 725 a.ui. llllsn water 7:p.m. Tiail'EBATl'BUS AT BACH HOUR T 91 lULHt " l -' al "-,J5 374381401 48i -tHI -tU 1 491 6UI I NAVY YAM) EXPANSION TO BEGIN IN THREE WEEKS Ground for $10,000,000 Improvements and Hattlcship Building Facilities to Bo Broken With Ceremonies fly n StOT f'Ottt pmtrfrf WASHINGTON, .tnti. n In three week" Broil ml will be broken nn I he Improie nietits nt the Phlladplphln Xnvy Vnril. which, when cimpleted. will nst nbnut JlO.non.ono. including etUipmetit necesimry for battleship building. Bid iiere opened today for the rtrttcturitl machine phop, to cost, InclmtlnK tools $t,non0nn The nctiml cost of the Mriirturp for bnt lledhlti hulldlng Itself will hot er4eil $808,000. It will be TOO feet Ion nml 200 feet wide nml will be the must modern of lt kind. The machinery that will be placed In the building will bring Hie cost to fi.nnn.noo. There nre seven bidder, nml the biilx are so complicated Hint It Is Impossible to any until they are fully nnnlitid who is the lowest bidder. Indication nre thnt tlorntley a L'o., nf WnshlnRlon rye the lowest. McCnll .t Co. nml Wnru & House, I'lilliidelphla, Merc iimons the other bidders There will be a big celebrntlon nt the I'hllndelphln ymd when the din ground It broken. Ail in Ira I Harris, Chief of Yards and Dock: Mecrelnry Daniels nml other olllclnls will be present. BRIDGE ACTION ASKED OF STATE LEGISLATURE Commerce Chamber's Uequost for Commission Like .Jersey's Head by House Speaker, llu n staff Cormtioiulrnt IIAlMtlSllflli!. I'a, .Inn. 3. -The first step tounrd renllzins the project for the bridge over the Dclniiare Itlier between l'bltndelphia and Camden was taken Inst night, when Speaker Baldwin lead In tho House a communication from Hip Philadel phia Chamber of Commerce, asking favor able action by tho Stnte. The Chamber of Commerce's communica tion contained n resolution for the appoint ment oT a commission to uork with tho New Jersey Commlslon The communica tion lends: "At a meeting of the board of directors of The Philadelphia Chamber of Commerce, held January 11, the following resolution was unanimously ndoptcd: V.'herens, Tho Joint committee mi tho Delaware Itiier bridge, lluds that New Jersey has appointed a commis sion with power to ninke1 preliminary surieys and repoit on the proper kind and position of such bridge, and on approval of this repoit by Hie vnrlous proper county ollleers to accept bids, Issue bonds and tn build and operato the bridge, tbetefore this committee lecnmmendH that the boaid of directors of the Chamber of Conunerc1 urge upon Councils of Philadelphia nnd the Penn sylvania l.eglslnturo appointment of h commission of the city of Philadelphia or tho State of Pennsylinnla uitli like powers and an upinl appropriation. "Will you kindly see that this resolution is picsuuteil to your respectlie bodies and ndvlso the result of any action taken by tliem?" USES ARSENIC FOR FLOUR; KILLS FIVE OF FAMILY Farmer's Wife Mistakes Poison for Unking Material Causes Death of Four Sons and Grandson UANFOIITII. HI.. Jan. :.. .Mrs. .1 Jlelnts. wlfo of n, fanner Ihiug west of here, killed her four sons and her grand fcon by mistaking- arsenic for pancake Hour. In tho fnrmhoiiHo today ore tho bodies of Theodore. Kivln. J lino and Fred .Meints, soni. nnd Clarence XleintK, grnndsnn. the son of Sebo Meint.'. EXPLOSION IN ELECTRIC PLANT KILLS WORKMAN Accumulation of Gases in Ash Tank Also Badly Injuries An other Employe A man was killed today In an explosion nt tho main plant of the Philadelphia Clcctric Company, Twenty-eighth and Ch is tlan streets, and another Buffered a fracture of tho leg. A tank which wus used as a reservoir for ashes, twenty feet In diameter' and twcnty-flvo feet high, was blown to pieces. About an hour before tho accident a man was found 'lead In the yard. An investiga tion lias been undertaken to determine whether ho died of natural causes or whether the accumulation of gases, which is believed to have caused tho explosion, also caused his death. Two horses were killed. The man killed in the explosion was An drew Bradley, thirty-eight years old, of S336 I'eltz street. lie was taken to tho rolycllnlo Hospital, hut according to phy stclans there he had boen I; lied Instantly. The man killed before tho explosion waa Waller U Sluesse, thirty-six years old. of M50 Kast Columbia avenue, lirailley was foreman In charge of oil of tho laborers at the plant, JIuesse was an operator of tho (.notion system by which tho ashes aro diawn from the station to tho tank, which U In the yard of tho electric, plant and a considerable distance from the main building. Tho right leg of Clarence Laws, twenty three years old. 2900 Alter street, was broken in the accident. Ijuvs is employed by a teamster, who has a subcontract to haul away ashes. Laws and Ilradley were working beneath the reterioir when the explosion occurred. Muesse was found un conscious near the tank about 7 o'clock this morning by a watchman emplojed by the electric company. Several men who were working with l.aus and Ilradley suffered seiere nervous shock but were otherwise uninjured. The explosion caused a heavy detonation and the neighborhood was shaken. The tank was made of concrete. The ex-' plosion broke Its circular wall into hun dreds of pieces, Mattering them in all dl lection. A great sheet of flame shot into the air. and although the noise waa not great, the force of the flare-up shook the surrouadlns neighborhood. WORLD-WIDE SEA IVE U. S. and Berlin Discuss Anned-Ship Issue ns Crisis Impends POLICY NOT DETKIUl INED Washington Eager for Under- stnndinjjr lo Avoid Serious Imbroglio tVAJttltXiiToX, .Inn so N'ninl npeniliDiis nit n liYim-ndouK ci'iilr throughout the writ-Id may lie expected nt ntl.v moment ivhll tlerlln nnd Washington nre currying oh negotiations for tiRreentent n the nrmeit.iiierchnntm.ili Issue. This becntiie hnimn In Teutonic circles here ihM afternoon nnd Immediately there was wide spread concern, so grme Is the danger should mined Mntetite merchnnlmen begin nltcrislie uprlnt.oh1) ngnlhsf ilennnn sub murines while (he hitler inaugurated a pol icy of attacks upon merchantmen ivitlimii naming. That nctinil psohanges lp the armed-ship Munition had taken place between Merlin and the Stnte Department came an n din. tinct surprise Whether there tins been nny pi ogress townrd agreement cannot be learned, but it is underi'tood from high aiillicint.i that there seemi little hope of an early undertnndlng. Hermnny, which Is conducting its negotla tlnim through both Ambassnilnr Oernrd nnd fount ion liernstnrff, contends that mi l.cember li' tho Hrltish Parliament gave i.lill owners the right to mount enough guns A make their ships capable nf of fensive operations That net inn was taken lifter British shipping men had agreed to take up the pursuit of liermnn submarines, Berlin claims. The State Department Is demanding thnt Berlin fiit'tiMi proof that such orders bale been aulhurlzcd by Pai limnent, nnd nor mally Is doing Its utmost to proilde the evidence. lion long tho eMinngcs hive been going on Is not reicaled. The posi tion to be tnken by thl Oovernment ii still In doubt. That the I "tilled Suites nniilil Imi deeply Iniolicd Immediately nf(er the tremendous naval operations predicted In Teutonic circles will begin Is well under stood, anil strenuous efforts are being made to make clear this tiovermuent's attitude nn merchantmen carrying nffensiii! guns and entering I "lilted States ports. Heat Kills Steel Mill Wnrker fllHSTini, Pa. Jan. :".0 The first case of heat prostration recorded In tils city for the in w nar ociurr.'d jesterdny. when Joseph tir.iyson. a steely mill em ploje. collapsed nt Ins work. lie iias taken to the Cmer Uospli.il f,n in.it inenl. and Is scnoiMi ill The woikmnn Mood loo lulif; III fiont ol .1 itllll.lt i OLWELL DEMANDS PROOF OF CHARGES Deposed Football Coach Plans Finish Fight to Clear His Name STUDENTS UP IN ARMS Ily, ROI1I3RT W. MAXWELL Football nt the I'nlverslty of Pennsyl vania again is stranded on the rocks, Tho turbulent conditions thai existed ono year ago aro back once more, and unless the horizon cleurs in the next few dajs there Is likely to ho troublu fculoro on the west side of the river. Hob Kolwcll, head coach of the football team, has been "tired" by the faculty ath letic committee, His ability as gridiron tutor is not questioned, but it was stated by Or. A. W, lioodspeed, chairman of the tonimlttee. that "other reasons" prompted the action. Furthermore. Doctor lioodspeed said that question of salary wan not taken up. and Folwetl had n chance to be retained "at any price." The student body, almost to a man be hind the coaoh who built a winning team for penn. Is aroused today, oiieuly churning that the committee made the announce ment during the midyear examinations when the student body is disorganized, as happened when Dr. Scott .tearing was dis missed. The Dally Penmlvanlan. which was sus. pended for the examinations, is all activity, with reporters scurrying about getting In tel i lews fur tho "extra" that is to be published tomorrow. Should the papvr' investigations fall t produce specific charges against Kolwell, a mass-meeting will be held tomorrow night in Welghtntau Jlall, according to (iilbert Irfing, managing editor. In case the students are barred from the hall they will hire another meeting place, ho said The matter will be taken to the provost, according to student plans. Proiost I-M"aha Smith today said that lie had flBWno olllciul Information us to Folwell's dismissal. I hie only read of it in the neuspapets." he said. "It seems to mo that it is a mat ter for tho faculty committer on athletics." Football players who suspect tlwt Fol well's actions on tho I'aeillc coast tiip of the team is the cause of the dismissal de clared that the feelings of alumni at Pubudena. Cab. were hurt by the brusque ness of Folwell, who Khut himself hi to avoid crowds of the curious. It was inti mated on the campus that the student body would not support the Athletic Association should tho committee fall to name specido charges against tiie deposed coach. It was inferred that Folwell du) UttUs chuiaeter building for the members of his I'imtliiued ea I'.ii'e Trii, I'oluiuu I'uur Boardwalk Pageant I'lcascs Iirady ATUANTIC CITY, Jan o. A muve into a uite of two looms with twelve windows, from which he can at all times view the pacing pageant on the Boardwalk, caused a fuither rie in the t-piiUs of "Diamond Jim Iirady. New York millionaire, who Is a, hotel bound Invalid. Brady's condition Is improved, physicians say. RAIDERS OFF U. S.; CRUISERS IN CHASE British Squadron in Wide ' Search for Two Com merce Destroyers REPORTED OFF JERSEY Vessels Sought Believed to Be MrWe nnd the St. Theodore .VKW VnUK. Jnn. .10- A lug r(uadritfl of IJrltliili win- vessel1" formed Into a hllgf net off the American const tndny to comb the sens for truce of two rjermnn eom meice raider tilth h ne fuppoced to haie nhnmlotied the smi Atlantic nelil for the more lucrative steamship iahes of the nmth. Ill the sqiiAilrnh me KlioMH tu be lite Kuf follt, Ufasgiivr. I! m', u.ilictlie. Lain as ter. Killnbiit'gli Castle, iiram.t nnd Cumber land There me tln rs whuoe hames are not know n hei e The belief persists th.it the pair of fleet (ferninn rnltteis nu the famous Sloewe and llio former llrlth merihnnlm.m si, Theo dote, which mis i.ipturel nnd conli-tfcO Into n raidei. . NuttFot.K, V .in. i :;(. wneless warn ings from Kntetite Allied Mntships received here told of the presence of n sup posed fleiman raider in latitude In norlh, longitude fill west, which would be "nn miles off New York The supposed i aider was seen In this position January 19. Merchant shlb' were en u tinned against approaching this point, WASHINGTON. Jan. no Comment re garding the presence of a siiuailion of Urlf ish waishipH In Ihe New York area to day Is withheld nt the Hritlsh Kinbnssy and In American liavnl circles. Re port had It that the supopsed alder was off the New Jcrcey coast and had been hailed h a Ur tish mr rchn.nl vessel. Mole l linn a dnaen Kntetite war vessels nte engaged in Ihe Alkwille "on a still hunt" for tuo rnldcis suiiposcil to be nt large $100,000 FIRE RAZES BIG STORE AT ASHLEY Treimtyno Emporium nnd Homo and OlTiee of Doctor Prey of Flumes WII.KKS-llAItUI-:. Pa. Jan. .10 -The fhiee-stor.i department stoic t,f Charles Trcinajne. Ashlej's biggest iiieicantilu es tahllHlinieiit. waa destroicd in- fire today and the Co.ile Ititllding nml the residence and office of Dr W K. Hughes were dam aged. The loss is said to h- 1100.000. The Tremavne lovs l- estimated lit fl. ".,1)110 for the building and $m HUH for the slock. The Coyle loss is estimated at $"a)(l und Dm tor Hughes sup, led . i losu uf ICllil. All s I OV - i ted bi iiisuiance The liie st.iit.d in Ihe "l'iemaue i.tore fiom an ouUnou it i aus. TO EARLY PEACE Britain Alone in Way to Suc cess of Wilson Settle ment Plans SEEK TO MOVE LONDON Pence Moves Reported Planned bu President PRESIDENT WILSON.it is leurned -L from Entente diplomatic sources In WashingUm, is likely to make oither ono of the following moves in tho near future in his efforts to end this European war: , , First. Formally invite official discussion by the belligerent Governments of the principles of tho peace program outlined in his speech to the Semite, without roforenco to specific terms in the form of concessions, reparation, indomnity r apology. Second. Or un invitation to tho belligorent Governments to send repiesentutivos to confer with a commission representing tho United States for the dis cussion of general principles which may be agreed upon ns the basis for an armistice pending actual treaties of peace. WAHID N'liTO.V, Jan. 3". Only the opposition of Uretit HrUaln has to be oveicome to Ins-ure the ultimate suc cess of the I'refcident's plans for restora tion of noild peace That is the almost unanimous opinion among thusc understood to be in the confidence of the President- uncials here are await iik ugerly the promised note from itcrlui indicating the (Ki man (iuiernment's willingness to con clude peace before one bide m the other side is crushed The flat indorsement of the President's proposal for the prevention of future inter national c"onftlcis, outlined ti the utiolflciai version of the Teuton communication, while uot entirely unexpected lieie, has added great strength and Impetus to Hie move ment for peace inaugurated by i'reshlent fyutlmied ea iiso ymu. I'ehjmn Turn I4TTUB GUXh RECOVERS AFTER HEART STOPPED Child Collapses During Operation, but Is Revived After 85 Minutes Coachingjof Organ (Illt'AUO, Jun 30 Little RHsubelh Kell sey, wven- ear-old daughter of James C Kelse. a bauker, is un the road to recover today after her heart iiad stopped bealius durliw an operation aud life had been re stored artificially. The child collapsed while under au anes thetic and, after the heart action had boen stilled, vias revived by methods of resusci tating gas and dtowned victims, llti heart was uut'Kil iluiig for a period of thuis llie i imut s befuie pr Klmer E Vaughn anuountcd that sho would live. ENGLAND ONLY BAR QUICK WBBL DECLARES 1 3-4 EXTRA ON COMMON STOCK NEW YORK. Jan. 3D. United States Steel tHrectoro declined nn estrn dividend of 1 0-4 per cent, on the common Block.. VARE FAVORS DELAWARE RIVER BRIDGE State Senator Edwin H. Vnto announced this afternoon to Un Senate that he would give his support to the project of building the bridge across the Dclnwnrc connecting- I'hlladelphln and Onnulin. The IMilladclphln Chamber of Commerce has asked Stale aid for tin pioject nhd In commenting on the Chnmber's communication Senator Vnie announced his support of it. 30,000 BARRELS OF POTATOES BAKED I5R0WN Ilori.To.V, Mo, .Inn. .in. lAutr pntuio bouses, conlainlnK more than 30,00b hitrrpls of pntutiiPs. wore ilpstroyotl Iv Ore nt J 1 til Slilins early today. Tho loss is moiv'ihnn f 1 50.0110. AUSTRIAN DESTROYER DAMAGED IN HATTLE UOMK, .Inn. .10. ImiiIiik nn ciiRiiKcmcnt In the Adriatic between Auslro-lhin-Kiirltiii mid Itiilian ilcslru.vor.s sovcrnl ilavs nito, the Austro-IIunRarlnn's destroyer Hnsstnr was so badly damnscd It hail lo bo towed into port, the Trllmnn nnnnunretl toda.v. The l?u.!ir wni scf on lire b sliolW. Tho Italian flotilla wan not damaged. Thp Il11s7.nr entries 11 crciv nf sii live men nnd Is equipped Willi "lie 1 l-poiinder, sovpti 3-pniinilcm and Ivvu 'torpedo tubes. JERSEY LEGISLATURE ELECTS NEW COMPTROLLER TltHXTON. .I.111. an. The Stnte l.enl-dntiire In joint session today elected New tun A. K. Ip'Khoe as State I'ntnplroller to Micceed Kilward I.. Ktlvvards, whose term Will sunn expiie The t'umplnillpr-clect is a Uepiiblienii. NAVAL COMMITTEE FAVORS GRAYSON APPOINTMENT WA.SHINtiTON, .Ian. .10.- The Senate Xavnl Affairs ('nmmitteo this nfternoon voted to recommend conliiniatifnt of the appointment of Ur, t'nry T. Clrnyson, the Preshlenl's perscmal physlclim, as 11 medical director nf the nuvj, with rank of rear admiral. FLETCHER TO GO TO MEXICO "VERY SOON" WASWIXCTUN, .Inn. .10. - I'nlled States Ambassador Retche-r will lie sent to his post in Mexico ("it "very mioji," It was ollU hilly learned today. This olllciat reeoBiiltion of the t'arranza regime luniks the cconcl step in i'residciil U'llson'a now policy toward Meslco. The flrt was withdrawal of (leneral PeishiiiR's army. SEVEREST EARTHQUAKE IN TWO YEARS RECORDED WASHtXOTOX, .Ian. no. The most severe cnrthiiunke In two years was re corded by the (icoruetovvn t'niiersity seismoKraph last nlKht.' 'Tremors 'Iiognn it 0:17 n. m. and died nwuy ut 12:.'4. UeeoidliiK noeilles were dislodged at 10:-'0 p. m. The center of the disturbance fcvas estimated TiOOO miles from VaslUnFtlon. WILSON FAVORS POSTMASTER PLAN "WAHIIIXtiTOX. Jun. 30. -President AVilson has indicated to congressional leaders that he mvors the Polndexter iimciidmont to the executive, leBlslntivo and judicial appropriation bill, bringine all postmasters nominated by the Phlef Kxocutlvo within the classified cli II service of the government and making appointments hci carter from the luver grades as vacancies occur. Tho amendment was .offered in the Semite bv Senator 1'oindester nnd accepted by Senator Bryan, Florida, who had eharse of tho bill. MARITIME EXCHANGE URGES MODERN ICEBOAT A modern- teelio.tt su constructed as to rneel the requirements of commerce on the lielaware Kiver should be provided by tho municipal authorities at once to replace tho old city iceboat Xo. 1, recently condemned and sold. This resolution was adopted by the Commerce and Transportation Committee of the Philadelphia Maritime Kxchiiimo and a copy has been sent to Director Webster, of the Depart ment of Wharves, Docks and Ferries. U-BOAT REPORTED SUNK IDENTIFIED AS U-27 t'llltlSTIAXIA. ,1.111. SO. Tho (Jerm.in submarine recently reported sunk near llammerfest was the r-7, commanded by Captain Umber, aeiordinf? to information received hero toda.v . NATIONAL COMMERCE CHAMBER COUNCIL MEETS WASH I XIITOX, Jun 80. Kiuht hundred and tifly members of the National Council of the Chamber nf Commerce of the t'nileil Slates will convene here this afternoon to pass un a jnosrrtm f lenhtlutinn for Hip loniention of tho chamber itself, licKlnnine tomorrow. Selection of 11 nominating committee to select n new board of direeiiirs. whose names will he presented to the chamber, was the principal buslncj-s on hand. IMPORTERS ASK U. S. TO REFUND S2.500.000 WAKHIXtlTOX. Jup. 30- New Yotk importers have petitioned the Treasury Department to icfuml litem approximately $2,500,000. lepiesentlns ten per cent of duties on imports from (iiQ'tnuuy 11 nil Aubtilit since February. 1915. on the ground thut officials laid heavier duties than were warranted by the value because of the depreciation of (Jeiinun and Austiian currency. STEAMSHIP CARGO BLOWN UP; NINE MEN LOST I.OXPOX. Jan. K0. The steamship Aigo has lieen blown up with a loss of nine men.aceordinK to announcement tudu.v. Nine of her crew were, safely landed, Tho Arso was un iron htealns-hili of U'l urns, owned hi H. at, Wransetl & Co. and of Nor wegian regiutiy. her home p'U-i teing Haugesutul. SI.000.000 CLUB HOUSE SACRIFICED FOR BELGIANS NBW YOltK, Jan. .Su. That thousands of starving IJelfjlans may hare relief. Urn Kocky Mountain Club of Xew Viirh. with hundreds of wealthy mining masnates un Its roster, will furim the pleasuro of a million-dollar clubhouse. The club has voted to devote $i,ooo,uuu imeudeil for a clubhouse to the lieiuiuu tlolief Fund, APPENDIX-BAYING LAW PLANNED IN SOUTH DAKOTA I'lEKUK. S. I. Jan. 30. I'nder terms of b bill which will be presented to tho South Dakota ltslstature, surgeons who remove an appendix which U not dis eased Will not be paid for the operation. To protect citissens of the State against unskillful and unscrupulous practituuieis. the lull provides that all vermiform ap pendices removed mut t sent to the Slate laboratory for ekamiMfttion. TEXAS WOMEN MAY OUTAIN VOTE AUSTIN'- Tes.. Jan. S0.A bill t. permit women tu vote in all Texas primaries. wbu.'b in effect wuuld provide comulete woman suffrage, as the primaries here cor respond to general election jsewnere, has been introduced in the State Senate. Sponsors of tho bill vwemm tonttdence thai it would receive the necessary ma jority vote. ,MK PNEUiMQnIDEATU record broken this year A.U, records for fatalities from pneumonia, for a iifee period in this" city have been broken since the tttst of thu ear AbMlunl Director of Health and Cliarlties Slace blames the citizens for being cdieless and negligent. Seven hundred and fifty-two pernons have died fiom the disease smte Januui 1. HOLLWEG STATEMENT EXPECTED TOMORROW AMSTKHDAM. Jan 30- Di von lleltimaiiii Huilweg. the (leriuan Chancellor, is expected lo nuke u .suument on fmein affairs vilu; n the Vas and Means Com mittee of the Keichstuy meets tomorrow, says a dispatch from BerUn. NEWS VARE COMPELS FOES TO DELAY Penrose, Lacking Two Votes in Senate, Heeds Plea for Time AfWP.P TPAPPTnTvT PAPT.WV . . k Sprjoul, Fnlhci' of Resolution to Investigate Governor, Says Holdover Was Agreed Governor Gives His Views on Proposed Invcstifation 1 "T COUIIT nnd invite tho fullest in- -1- vestlRiition of my offlcial nct3 and of nil those associated with mo in public service." "Wo unhesitatingly invito a full, free, fair investigation." "Tho resolution referred to is vnjjue, indefinite nnd opens the way to investigate endlessly all State, city, county, borough and township officials." "Resolution holds no evidence to tho people of Pennsylvania that this is other than a fuctional contest from" which no essential pood can flow to, tho people of tho Commonwealth." GOVERNOR BRUMBAUGH. ' Ily 'I '""oT Corrrponrfrnt HAnitlSltfJltJ. Pa. Jan. 30. Tho I'cti- . rose fnctinn was forced In delay nrtlon on the Sprnul resolution to Investigate tho"' rtrumlmURh administration in the .Senate today, and the measure ni.i.v bo held up indefinitely. ' When the Penrose leaders In the Senate counted noses as the upper bouse of the Ueneral Assembly met this morning, they discovered that they did not have more than twenty-four votes. . It would have inquired twenty-sis votes lo pass tho reso lution, which was on third reading and could have been called up for final passage In the Senate Senator Charles It. Kline. Allegheny, waa the only one of last nights absentees who was present today, lie is n candidate for Judge in his Home county, nnd so far is "on the fence" about the resolution. Ills vote, however, would have given the Pen rose people only 25, ono short of a ma jority. Vftcr tho Senate had delayed rcaolil' the resolution It was called up In Its reg lar order, and then, upon motion orsenSrfoV Sproul, Its sponsor. It was held over. The probe measure, tlierefoer, will bo on the Senate calendar for third rending next .Monday night and unless tho Penrose forces gain at least two moro otes, It will remain held up Indefinitely. The 1'cnroso leaders also are fearful of the House, and it developed today that they do not want to send tho measure thece, oven though they had enough otes to pass It in the Senate, until tliej have had oppor tunity thoroughly to canvass the House, Senator Sproul gave as his reason for having the resolution held over the- fact that Senator Voro and other members of the Senate had come to him and ashed him to wait until nost Monday. Senator Varo said 'that he had agreed to have the measure go over before the Senate met today. sprtotik still coxnnnxT "It was held over out of courtesy to Senator Vare and other members of the Senate." said Sproul. IIo asserted that there were enougli members In the chamber to pass it today and added . "It was held over because of 'an agree ment." After last night's stormy session, the leaders of both factions got together ior a long conference, Although denylng'any knowledge of con templated changes In tho resolution, Sproul said that, while it was being held over, "we want lo talk with several people." It Is probabio that the resolution will be greatly modified before it coipes before tli" Senate for flnal passage. If it is not. the Vare-Brumbaugh forces made it plain to day, a bitteBjflgbt will be waged to defeat it. The action of the Senate came as a big surprise, after tho boasts of the Ponrose Senate leaders. They have been confidently asserting all along, and even as late as this morning, that they have a majority of the rontlnufil irn Vate Klie. Column Tfire STATEWIDE PROHIBITION BILL IN THE HOUSE Introduced by Representative Lex N. Mitchell. Jefferson County Progressive By a'Staff Correspondent HAnrUBOlTta, Jan. 30. A bill for State wide prohibition in Pennsylvania after January 1. nest, was introduced In the House today by Itepresentative Lex K Mitchell. Progressive, of Jefferson County. The measure was prepared Jointly bjs Mitchell. J- Py Crownlee, Jr , attorney fi the Anti-Saloon League of Pennsylvania, anil Wayne B. Wheeler, attorney for the Anti-Saloon League of America It pro.' bibtu the sale and manufacture of IIquoe for beverage purposes. There Is a provi sion, however, that It shall not be eoft- Strued to prohHiu any person from ioWjr ftti-turUUf wiue ur vmm iw u vu tie cOBSUnyittoa- Also it does not j tlw sale Jit alcohol for mediUna.!. ineutal. Scientific and mechanical pu J. wm purjoti. No I'astor; Why? Twins! HOME, X. -V . 4an. There wr servuies ai van jr. tw ici uu . uurce Knoxboro. The congregation baa half n hour restlessly. Then one ,.dham wftit tu the home of the "tttir tHe Rev Hubert lJuucau A nuree at th door a, "Twins." I nM3 ml " I .1. Ins y & 4