M J--NJLM 1 Mnt U ill'i "l.Li!'-,, JiUDA. JAM'Altt 121), 1017 t ft REPORT ORDERED ON TRANSIT PACT Mayor Will Have Twining Explain Proposed Lease Taylor Approved OKDINANCE CRITICIZED Taylor's Commendation of Transit Pad Ordinance rnHE ordinance which ii now sub Emitted for nppt oval is nn ordlnnnce which I enn commend to tho friends of icnl rapid transit in Philadelphia as ono which ado qUately protects tho city, the tax payers and the street car rltlero." A MCUIUTT TAYLOK. Mnvnr Smith Is determined that lhi op ponent" "f the prnpnsotl now agreement between tho Philadelphia Hapld Transit C'ompun nml Mir rlty shall Invo Ho eX CUSO f"l contending Hint the proposition Was tinimd through t'nunolls without proper analysis, I'rnmptlv facing tho Intimation Hint op. position mlKlit develop from Interests which havo consistently fought every pint! for rnplit transit that in nnv way Involved the present lessees of thP city's streets, the Mnynr h.is let It become known Hint the ordlnnno In Its present form mnv not be I Mibmlticii t" iVunolls nt iipxI Thuidny's rsslmt Hi Ignlally It won the intention nf tho Minor nniL'til'-pi-lnr Twining I" do nil In then pnvvcr to rxpitlltp Hip parage of tho legtsi.itlnn nrcessuiy to omicludo the new Irnir Tho unqualified indorsement of tho i'1'iii by former nil prior A Metrltt Taylor was pnrtlrulnrly griitlfvlng to the Mayor nml hid ndvlsois. nml It was hoped that Hie oppressions of Olroetor T tiling's prpilP' pnr voiced the opinion of tlm i Itl zens of rhllailelphl.i generally. Illg'if on Hip hpels of Mr. Tn.vinr's lnt ment In which Iip favored the tilnn. came another drclnintinn made by I'linrlcs I, Fluck In which tlw wiltni Intlmnti-d Hint within Hip terms of thp new lease lurked it "snake in the shape or t. girt of $1(1 noil. 000 In remittrd pajments nnd IIxpiI climges Tint tin- citizens may hp enlightened upon this nnocttlcin ns well nn regarding other tcrniH of thp lease, tho Mayor hnH decided thnt n finthcr statement shall bo made by , Dirertoi Twining as noon us the analysis of the iompnny'8 proposal shall tip com plcted In the clty'a e-sperts and consulting engineers Pending tho completion of this rcpoit Hip ordinance will not bo presented to I'uunc lis. Neither Mnynr Smith nor Director Twin ing would discuss Hip lensp today They declared their mutual Intention to remain Bllcnt on the subject of the pending pro posal until Councils Rhould have oppor tunity to express tlirlr views of Its terms. Formpi Dlreotoi Tavlor, nfter expressing his uiiiiu.ilHlcd nppinvul of the proposal, Bald ho had nothing to add to It He will leave I'hilndelphi.t uith his family for Florida liter In the week THIEVES RAID TWO DRUG STORES IN TIOGA Steal Only More Valuable Articles, In cluding 25-Cent Ciprars and Narcotics Thieves forcibly entered two drug stores In Tioga List night, stealing drugs, cigars nnd other Roods The) discarded the cheaper articles, taking only those of the best (pinllty, Including twenty-five cent clears One of Hip stores rohhpd wnn Hint of Leech lirothers. Ucrinantovwi nvenue and Tioga stift When i lerks rami) to work this morning, they missed $J.1 worth of V perfumes ni well ns cigars, elRiirettes. $20 Jn cash nnd rpjnntltles of heroin and mor phine At the store of N M Streeter, Pu laski aiH i:iio avenues, they took only about $10 woith of ciRnrs. Tho police believe thnt both robberies were peipotratcd by the snmo en mi of thieves tli.it forcibly entered druK stores In the northwestern section of the city sev eral we Uh ago. PHONE POLE ENDS JOY RIDE Younp Men and Girl Arrested When Stolen Car Is Wrecked Three voungmen and a girl, nfter lourlnn the ritv and suburbs In a large automobile all lat night, ended their Journey early toda ut Twenty-third and Federal streets Tho ar hit a telephone polo A policemnn from the Twentieth nnd Federal streets Btatlon going to their aid, disco ered that the autrinoliilo wnn ono thnt had been Ftolen mini Twenty-third and (Ireenwlih Btrects where its owner Jack Iliady, of 182G Addison street, had left it. Magistrato liakec, in the Twentieth nnd Federal streets court, held them In $100 ball each for tho hearing next Monday. They gave their names ns Edward F Mo loney, nineteen yeara old, 103 1 MllUin street , William Campbell, twenty yeara old, 2643 nalnbrldge street; Nicholas Noilly, twenty-one years old, 613 South Schuylkill venue, and Mary Murphy, eighteen years old, 1315 Taylor Et. BOLD ROBBERS MAKE HAUL Thieves Loot Show Windows of Goods Valued at $5uD0 In full view of passersby the store of Fomernnts & Co , dealers In stationary. 34 nnd 36 South Fifteenth street, was robbed some time between Saturday night anil opening time today by thieves, .who gained entrance by forcing a sido window In nn alleyway on the bide of tho building More than 200 fountain pens, some worth as high as $37 penknives, gold pencils ami Inger eoll watches, alued. according to the police, at $3000. wero taken from showcases which can be plainly seen from the btreet M C m aeejri&ne, Hot-Water and Ice Bag g Wby buy two ban whn the MIRIO doi th ioi oi wm inu uoca 11 UQllcrr lor sale 0 lcdlnx dnnrglit O SeutercEictiritoj "5 SvVERY SUNDAY Psh. 1M A M nw j? CtwCtMtul Bsalb StCpC FUEL SAVER For the Raott Price 93.00 LtlS COAL J1H.1JJ OMi-TIIIUU Aik for Uookl.it Z D. BEKUOi CO.. 59 X. id Strett ilatn 44tl. Uarkit , Ready Money- United States Loan Society 11T North Broad St Sli it. ISIS Crmatowa t(. tm miiiimi.w ! ! RE VITTORIO A ROMA IN UNA BREVE LICENZA I Rusai Sfondnno lp lAnoo Forli- fic.ntc Auslro-Tcdcsclic nella RcKiono di KinipolimK IloMA, 21 tlennnlo II fo e' Inrnatrt ilnlla fronts ill bnftnftlM tfr passftre una hfovn licenxa ill qttlfiilici glorni ft tlnma, rnn In fnmlglln '"Cll e' gluntn alia cnpllnle nccompngnnto tin tin nolo alutanto til impo. lnjlnniln in un trenn illretto nritlnnrh) ed ncciiiMindo un cnmpitrflmonto specinlp Apppnn Blunlo nlln i npltnle prII hn n forllo siihllo pon II prpilrtonle del I'lin-iljtlln nn IIoip. o rol inlnNtro defill Affnrl Miieri on Sonnlno, rl hn iitilndl Msltntn p fnb brlihe til mutiltlntti Ion Inltm l re rl ceveltn in iidlenxn I nmbnsclntnrn niliprlcntm Tlmmns N'elson I'ngp he rll presento' ll nuovo nddetto mllttnre Rll'nmhiisclntn, II mngglnro HpIIipii? II re converno' mnlto rorrllnltnenla etl lutiRn con I'nmhnsclntore p col nuittSlorn llnlbprtf. intrnltpnptitlosl rtplla Nllunf.lonp mllllnre o molriindo ihr rgll nwva cegnlln con vn IWpressp gli sfornl ip pielilpiito Wilson it fnoip ilplln pnci NebliPtie II re iop nrnnio n uotim sin dnlln prima mptn' ill (tennnlo Hollmlto or In nullum pole1 eere piibbllcnln Hal glotnnll A prripoito i1p prpsirlenlp Wilson jrior tinll roiimni si mosttniio Mrmpin pin' m illtinli ml nrietliire II progmiiinin del prpsl drhlo per II IliiggliixtntiiPhio delhi uirl.i irl-hiropn dopn la niterm si fn notnrp rpil chc nui'tn e' In ciulnin unerrii che rilnlla cnmbnttiK rontm I Austria ppr fur ninn fitlp II prlnclp'n ill linxionnllt,! ,.ip .n-tl-tulsrp inntn pmlp del pioBinmmn ill Wil son I'n srtnplicp nnnnnln nlln enrtn rpo. Rr.lllcil rllplll l.i iov7loIP prri.nlon del Treiitlno clip si plngp ionic unn pnn iipI ciinre ilelln plniiurn lomliiirilo.etirfn, mpi tre lutti snmio fim Trieste In lotlnto per clnqup secoll cotitih I tentntlxl dell'Austrln ill dlstniBBerne I'llnllnnlta' e la linlmnstln lottn nncorn per ronserxiiie In sim i-hiitn' Intlnn e le glorloon tuidlxliml dell.i Iiepuh blli'n Vpiietn Tuttl loloro i h,, si sono foi'ni.iln unn oplnlnfip in ptopooifo sono d'necoido nel rnlTermnrP ehp sniehbe Imposslhile i onclii dere unn pace gliisln p diimtiiin riiio n che ipipste ipi 1st Ion I nun fossolrn rlsolto serondo I dlnttl ill riixzn IpH sern it Mlntstprn dplla nnPrrn ph bllcaa il spgupnlp rnpporto del gpiiprnlp 'ndorna circa In silnnnlone nlln fronle Itnlo-niistrlnen: . I,n ngo tuttn la frontp dl bnttnglin si sono nvuto Ip solltp nalonl l nrli- gllerln n rlcngnlalnnl dn pnrtp dl r- partl nppplnll. Non si p' nvutn nlcim nvVenlmcnto di Impnrtnnzn Telegrammi dn t'etrngrnd dlconn che'Ie forze russp. dopo una vlgorow prppnrnxlono dl nrtlgllPiln rlpresern lerl PolTenilMi con tro lo poslKloni fnrtlflcate nustro-tedesche sill flnnchl della stinria Klmpolung-.incohe-nl. nello vlclnanxe dpp forntiprn noiil-n(cl. dentnle delln Moklnviu. Dnpti un necnnlto comhnttlmento lo forze russo spezznrono la linen dl reslstenza del nem'lco su dl una 1 1. our oi circn cino migiui prenilcndo pilgl onlpri p bottlno dl giierra In ciunnlita' non nncorn nccertnta. Iisinccl da Tarlgl dlcono che mum fronto macednne, nonostnnto lo foul hpI catp. si sono nvutp lopnte nzlonl di nrtlgll trln nelln reglone dl Prllep. In rpiella ill Oipghpll ed In fiuella dl Vprna MIRACLES WROUGHT BY CARREL IN SAVING POILUS FROM MAIMING Wounded French Sol diers' Limbs Saved by New Process of Rocke 1'oiiei' Institute Surgeon Method First Surgical, Then Antiseptic and Mathematical Date of Cure Accurately Forecast By HENRI BA2IN Rprrinl t'nrrMjHwrfpnre fti-esltts ,rtfop fAttlN, .tan. !. 1 saw indny In a hospital near fnrls seemltut mlrarlen In nperntlnn. Yet Ihpy wpre slmplli'lly llspir when explained in tne. Thnt which nt flrxt Blanco struck mo iim liiltattilntiH prnpil but a series nf day chnvts iich an aro usiinllv hung nl the hpdsido of ono who is III to record Iho dally prnjtrpss for Rood or ill of Hip patient. tint IIipsp churls contained nn nilrlnri line wtilnti rpAfl. tvrtlltfil will lip ComllleteU heated on tVcpnlhpf ,ln. l!Ht" Collie . speelllerl the hpnllim rPtl finller fUllPis crn weeks nhPiul, mid In some cnc till co months As I looked III Hondu. I will liifni med the I'lilciilntlnn were found lit Ihoii'- ind i if i',ipm to hp collect to the degrep oT nlnpU-spven ppr cent the mnn who m -compllshrs dnllv this nrpmlngl Unpte-Hlhli thing Is tir. Alexin t'nnel. n Frehch siii Rpoti, who nt Iho oiitlneiik of the war wns 111 illlllgp of (he ItocliPfellPl lllMlltllte nml Who eloSSPil HlP Atllllttle in enilv August IPII, lo plni c Ills profi sMomil ufMlcis nl Ihe dlsposiil of Ihp r'rrnch Mlnislrv of War Since IiiIp August of the siiiiip cn rioetol t'niiPl Iris iei n in Miipieme cltiige if ullinry ljoplmi No 21 nt Complcgiip, uhPip I spent two bonis with him lodnj The doctor i a modem, spectncled mini In em ly middle life, wonting the uniform of a surgeon In Hip Krpiich nimy In puisult of a method enllicly Ills own nnd bused upon simple rommnti sense procedure, ho hns piescived life nnd limb for many n poilu. With him I unit escnrlod from ward In ward nnd bed to bed, wdiPie 1 saw wounded soldlprs on Hip certain road to recovery In most cases thev would hnve lippn in otlior hospitals, lucking nn nrm or n leg In other enses Ihev would hnve been dpiul nnd bulled riut hpre vlrtunlly every man was In possession of his nllntted number of pxtrpmltlPH, and mnnv nnswpied mv sjmpnthellf incpilry with n smiling word. INFKr'Tln.V fo.VSTANT V'or. "Kvery wound fiom bnllpt or Imjonot. nnd from sholl fniguipiit in particular, re ceives nutomaliinll, In the very nature of the Injuiing nilist.ince. the source of infection." said Doctor f'nrrpl, "nnd In-fp-tion hi Hip ciuso of mnrp phvsicnl dis aster nnd death than wounds thcmsplves. We remove infection If It exists when 1 ! I fs&'Jfv Wk fimhilfiTWil i ili ifwrffiTrTrrf DR. ALEXIS CARREL the p.illenl reaches us pmiided. of cotnsn, he Is not too far gone to ne life Then we banish now infpiiion niiirp ilnen tho rest fiur inethnd l flisl suiglcnl. then ninthemntlcnl and nnlltepllcnl Ilut you shnll see." Over ex cry bed hung a glass funnel shaped vessel. From one sldo was sus penderl n small nlomlxrr bulb Fiom tho hfittom of iho gliiss receptacle a lloxlhlo rubber tubo rnn down lo the patient and dis.ippearprl under the hedelothps. When these wpio In id aside I saw that tho tubo disappeared again through tho bandages Into the wound "The glass, ' continued Poctor Carrel, "contains nn antiseptic solution thnt is suio ilonth to n genu Tho end of tho tube entering the wound indlulpn Into a number or smaller tubes with slightly bulbous ends, peiforatcd like nn American garden-hose fn Inkier So much for tho nppnrnlus, which ymi see Is simplo nnd In expensive. "The treatment Is nn open book nt the disposal of whomsoever will ndopt It, ns $221 January Clearance Before Inventory The Approaching Inventory Period Influences the Disposal of Many Short Lengths and Discontinued Lines of the Best Merchandise Particularly Useful at This Season and Creates Many Opportunities for Economies In Silks and Cotton Dress Goods, Household and Decorative Linens, Muslin Underwear, Hosiery, Sport Apparel, Infants' and Children's Wear Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of This Week Special Mention Being Made of Suits for Women nnd Misses at $25.00, $35.00 and $45.00 Reduced from $',0, $00 and $80 Dresses for Misses nnd Women at $25.00, $35.00 and $15.00 Reduced from $',0, $60 and $80 Our Entire Stock of Fashionable, Guaranteed Furs Offered at Reductions of One Fourth from Present Prices, Including Coats, Matched Sets, Muffs and Scarfs Of Hudson Seal, IMoIo, Caracul, Silvor Fox, Cross Fox, White Fox, Black Fox, Rod Fox, Pointed Fox, Taupo Fox, Poirot Fox, Rose Fox, Lynx, Kolinsky, Fjshor, Raccoon and Skunk. Cretonnes nnd Curtain Materials New Imported Cretonnes for curtains, Blip covers and fancy work. Orig inal price 85c lo 50c yard. Reduced to 24c yard Sprrtal Tablet, rirxt rioor, East, and Vpholstrru Department, Third Floor Sash Curtains of voile, Swiss muslin, cluny, Arabian and novelty not in lots of ono to four pairs. Reduced 3 1-3 Sash Curtain Materials, madras; filot and novelty nets, voiles and Swiss muslin. Regularly 25c to $1.50 yd. Reduced to 1,1c to 75c yard. fpholnlcty liipaituieut, Tklitl Floor Special Reductions of 25 on novel ties in mahogany furniture, boudoir lumps and shades, mirrors and book ends in our Gift Room, 4th floor, center. Neckwear, Laces Valenciennes Laces specially priced Narrow widths, by dozen, at V-j less than regular values; also edges, insertions and broken sots, 1J4 to 4 inches wide. Values 30c to 90c yd., 15c to 45c, Handkerchiefs of Embroidered Linen. Values 18c and 25c each, Price 15c, Soiled and Mussed Neckwear Reduced 1-3 nnd Vi off former prices. White Goods Special 34 to 38 inch Fancy Voiles, Organdie and Skirtings. Prices 25c, 35c, 40c, 50c yd. and White Goods Marabou Scarfs and Stoles, mostly silk lined, black, natural and mole, Were $1.50 to $11.50. Prices 75c (o $5,75 yd. Metal Laces, of silver and gold, on silk nets, G to 27 inch widths, Were 65c to $7.50 yd. Prices 35c to $3,75 yd, 40.inch Indestructible Nets, jn the most desirable shades, Values $1.25 and $1.50. 75c yd, 43-inch Silk Tulles Firm quality, in a good assortment of shades. Value $1.35 yd, Price 95c. yd, Remnants of White Goods Embroideries, Laces and Veilings at 1-3 to 2 off regular prices. A Special Sale of Hand Bags at Reductions oflA to Vi Bags of Velvet, Silk, White Kid, Antelope, Pigskin, Calf and White and Black Leathers. Now $3.50 to $20.00 Were $5.00 to $38.00 J am n:nd to say many hospitals In f ranee have done Wo first remove every lota of foreign matter or Anbitance that could be come the source of Infection In a vvonnd To accomplish thl. wo deliberately enlarge (ho wound Itself at Ihe first operation, cut ting beloiv Its depth nnd rojond Us width nnd length to n-wire a healthy, uninjured condlllon of tlues (o begin with When tho opcintinn has been performed nnd the wound Is surgically clenn, wo place Iho indent upon his bed and rig up this appa ratus oier him tnlo tho wound, generally now of nne form, we Insert the tubo and sprnH, the latter In gienler or less quan tity ns tho wound demands And then we begin n system of periodic sprnvlng Im pressing Ihe atnmlrer bulb nt regular In l"rnls. I'us cannot fotm. nnd between sprayings; nature ecr eager In tepalr an Injury, wnrKn under unhampered condi tions, nrcompllMiliig n given distance lowatd healing In a given time 'Kliice wo 'have measured Iho depth, wldlli and length of the wound nt the opcia tloii. a diaulng Is inado nf II frrm which nie made a number of cithern, each show ling Iho gradual ilecrenso that will ensue In the slzo of the wound within twentv-foin hours Thin Is n surely calculated nlcetv, pi mlded nlwnys pus tiocM not fotm, nnd since thin cannot happen, II becomes a cal culated certainty, based upon the wound I seif nnd the nge and physical condition of Ihe patient, AHIJPTIr' TllRAT.li:.'T "Wo mntce, nevertheless, a dallv mlcm scoplr examination of the solution tint has inn In and nut of tho wound thai cetlalniv mnv be matin doubly so An the wound lion Is from tho bnlfotn. wo raise tbq ppiai picpiirllonalely until, ns the new tissue leaches Ihe surface, wo can remove Iheni nltoffelher and sew up what Is left nf the otiPtiltig We are utile to tell lo n under nf linnrs when a patient fresh from Iho oper. nllng Inblo will be able lo niKe wltn noth ing hut n scar. "We have never had n enre where niupulii tinn hn ,ime neicai nflci wc had stirled upon tho method I describe. Wo have never had a case of ankylosis. Our patients at recovery havo virtually perfect use of their members, since Immovable union of tissue. or structure cannot occur In the process or healing Of course, some cases lake months cither pat'ents, In which les grnvlty of Injury existed, nre about In a much shorter time "Our reeotcls fnr two vrnrs show we have avoided nmpnlatlnu In sixty per rent of cases In which It would otherwise havo been necesnry Wo have turned out many hundreds nf men to go through life upon their own pins We know Ihe average frac titto nnd wound nccnmpnnvlng II cured In other methods leave the pitlent with physi cal power reduced from Iwonly-rtvo to forty per cent Our method of simply keeping gcrma away gives tho Fama man at re cnveiy from ninety fo tilncty-flve per cCnt ns much physical power ns ho had before being wounded In nn nverngo of loo case? wo aro able lo pi edict tho exact day healing win occur among ninety-seven In the other three pir cent wo havo been fiom two to five days out of tho. way Wo are sending thousands of men either back lo Iho ranks or to work mit their tlostlnv In civil life, who aro in an average nlnelv-flvo per cent in perfect phvslinl condition lo tight life's battle in wnrkmin's blouie or again to enter the bnllle fnr civilisation's cauo In uniform" iiiiii)iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiliiiiii iun,riuituiiiji.i iiitL;i. .nniiiii.i :;! . I h.lt li tH)iJ.r, m7ki ihj i ;.,i 11,11 j ; imjiKtn jrnH''JMriinmMiiiM ni .ipul J leweld in tltrj newest settings, for nil ocensions where jewels nre worn important Diamonds, lnr&o Emeralds, Rubies nml Sapphires nre shown in tho Special Exhibition of Pearls, Pearl Necklaces niul Jewels fi-oiu DREICER & CO., Now York NOW AT RITZ-CARLTON HOTEL ' (South-West Salon) Philadelphia Until rrbttury l bpiriiitti III. II i'Im 'I Willi iMlilili.ili.ml!! liil'...!Jj'' illlll!illllf :'l!IIHIllllf(?J KgsaMmaiiiiyt m -but pleasing your fc taste isn't all Wmw lifer If Not by n long shot! Because lots of cigarettes may please your taste j'ou've never expected a cigarette to do more than that. "Rut Chesterfields do soirictfmig- else besides pleuse the taste- Chesterfields just "touch the spot," they do what cigar smokers say n cigarette can't do they "SATISIWI And yet, they're mild! It's the blend that's the idea ! Tliat, together with the extra high-quality of the Imported nnd) Domestic tobaccos. And the blend can't be copied. If you want good taste in a cigarette, nnd then something else try Chesterfields today. 20firlO Attractive tiiuflf l nn rfuvi. Icrfiilda sent, prepaid, on receipt of 00 cent, if your dealer cannot supply you, AddreMt Liyeett & Myers iuui,.uvu.,6i:ruu4 tiuw ioruutty, Rd&SS& m J?' CIGAItETTES tlMPOKTED DOMESTIC tobaccos -Blended m - rm-r TT -.r-r Bairiraanmwwi im I rtnumt -nfiriiartitT r- nf ii J TiifWrnirfc mnfT mrnt A iAif I i 4