I "fW ''n-Htj&fyia K l--v,vrt-V-,C" EVENING LEI)(4ER-PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, JANUARY 29. 31T 13 STOCKS DECLINE IN WALL STREET AFTER SOME STRENGTH AT OPENING Accumulation of Buying Orders and Short Covering Help ful in Early Trading Prices Go Off When Steel Common Is Placed Under Pressure New York Stock ii rn n " 1 Sales j Mich M'4 nrna w 11 au turret. Wheat ant! eolton lower, t'l.ilmhlnhtrt l.an.' a ofis-tiiiw f 4iiiiiijiu .fi.-iiu... . . . . . - r ......... ..... n'"."1" '"". im;iru8C w Slirwun It.tltia nutJ iomm rtrt hirnpv , r .. ..,.. ...,,.r, a.. ... Ft . .. i . '." ' ',i-' xiww ... w. .. "'.'.,". ; ;:".""'.'""; "" "- eomwfiMimi,?,' Pcmtauhinm mnnl ran r"",""" " yir ini.- nnd trust enmnnnirs nn t - m MrIt Points in Tmtau'x financial News Some nuhlifi inlrreei m,.i a..,!.! ...... , ,. i.. .,.. ,.... .... '. -.--" o..t,i rfirrriir.7 rnunrii Rireumu hi HiurKW urrn srrrrr rtwil i rfii;. , ,iu, -.-. r..... !..... ... rn t - ...'' " " im (uiiuicrii, i vi' if ' I iia iviw ir i uiiriif'f'f i fflfrmrift Hn for o January Nl-ttv YOltK. .Tnn. 2!. A fnr ns t'tit.llo IntnicM wns onnpertint It wrtfl n .trail tiny oil tlio tH Kx- inino, pnppdi rue n Rlmrt ,1CHnil nfinr Hip nimninB. Then (lib accumulation pf imyiiiK r.nioi-M oyer Kiin.l.iy ami cm-Mlna nf slmrtA by unmn of tlio iimfowlminl olcmpiit nn the Horn- mused mlvniirps of I rmim nr mnrp In nearly nil the lmn-.r-tnnt if.su.-s, witli Hip mciiHitro of tlm rt.v,,m-r lnillr-nto.1 liy United Stntr-a W.-H poiiittinii. whiph mnilp n snln of m to 1 1 4 1 . Tins Hlmw or RttPiiRlH, for wnnt of n l,PttPr rrmmn, wn ntirllmloil to thn fnrt tint prPriirttniiR of n twin timionlttnn KUnntlitliiR Hip rir-rinnti KinpoWn lilrtli.lnv lin.l tint impii fulilllp.l, nml flit irwlpi-M wlm had sold Blmrt on Snlurdny on Hip ox ppcliitlnii Mini Hindi n proposition would Itn tnmlr. worp quirk in pndPnvof fn rover tlmlr sliorls. rnppPrs, ppoplnltlps nn.l Marine nil movpd in Mip nmo ivnv in Ihlx rnrly Iru.llnij, but n dpollno. tvlilrli nrctirttnl Ir. Mip Into forpnoon, wits led' liy Mm molnr storks, with flpiionil Motor fnllliiR morn Minn R points, fntlnwr-il on thr- ilrrlltip by Slmlplinhnr nn.l MiixwpII. TIii-pp llrtn.M, K II. UoppIi a Co., U. I,. Morton Si Pn. nn.l .IpwpM & Co.. In Mip forenoon nold SO.Onn KltnroH nf SIppI i-nininmi. putltnB Mip prl.-p of that stock down to m'Ms. TIiIm tnovpinpiit wnn itpi-.iinpnnipd liy stntpniptits Hint the StPd pstrn dlvidPiid t.. lip itpplnrcd tomorrow would only lip I, per rent. tnterpiUn ihnt cliilm to Imvn snittops of Infornintlon ItiKlut Mint pxtrn dhlden.t Will tip n, ppr rent, inn Mip oillrlnls of Mip pompniiy dp.dlnPd to Inillpntp In Mip oIlBlitPSt innnupf wlint Miplr dlvldptid Intention . I'lltnlmrRli wn rrrdllpd with pnrt of thn HPtllna referral to. WIipii thin .IppIIiip In Htppl ....itrrp.l Mip cpnprnl lint wpnlconcil. with RtoekM like Murine enmtnon mid preferied dropplot; 2 point. Tim In. ml tnnrkpt xhiHvctt nn Ii'ipkuIiii- mtiP, with some Imoiip. welllnn nt enn. ccailotw. Mltineiipolln mid f-'t. I.oult. H dropped from 0.1 to r,ji,. nn.l Mip IIpiivoi 4.t sold off ',i to 84,fc. Knnwtn city. i. l.nulH mid PoiiMiprn l4 nitvnncml from 71 to "Mi- Anslo-I'Voneh Ss wore henvlly trnded In nround 03. STANDARD OILS AND GLOBE DOMINION COPPER LEAD TRADING ON THE CURB NKW VOKK, .Inn. S!i. The most promlnpnt fpnture of Mip trn.lliiK on the Hnmil Hlrept furli toiii.y wis Mip-.-nlc of Stnndnr.l Oil nf Npw Jersey nt sn.'., with the sulmhllnrlps en hluc quntPd nt 17.10, kIvIiir the old Ktnndnrd OH stork n viihintlon or .'m.r., n new hluh reciitil. The hem lost trolling wns In Mip now (iloho Uoinliilou Coppor, or whlrli .Mi.non Bli.ires were trnded In nl nnd . This rnmpiiuy represents u prospect, hut. with BtrniiR liiterpsts conlldpnt nlioul Its vnhie. The stock 'otTprp.l ut nutwtip Hon was iilisorhpit ns noon iim Hip term:, wppp mnde known. HtreiiRth wns shown In Ml. .loseph l.piil. which wn-t trndp-l In diirtnu the forinoen ut IS", nnd lli',(. Willi Hip Imylns tmsed on misprtloim Hint n dlvl.lciul of 10 per cent would ho doclnrod In n short time. I'nnlp I'hiRlneerhiK wits nlsu otrom:. .i.lvnncliiK from 7S to !), iiunlnil no n row dnys iiko. IMl'STUIAI.S lllit. Ai'lrn Kxplnslpit Ayt Amen, an Ilrltlsli MfK. .. .1 American Mnrcoiil iy, Amerlcnn WrltliiR I'npcr I Bethlehem Steel l.Ti Cnn.tdlan r:ar .t Kdy ... "Jft Cnnaillan far .1 Kdy prof ;n t'nrwen Sierl 1 Snt. .:loe. ABk.'.l. (Snlnl 15 :i 1 14 I Vt irtri ins 1.4 a." ? IS 14 13 W rjn tin s." . . IH)'. Ilij'i in iiy, 4i sn 3 n f'haiioal Iron "Oi riicrolct Motors 11" framii SliiplniildliiR .... 1" C'urtl--M Aproplnnn I, Kniei-oii I'linnnBrnph ... 1114 Kcrt. nil Iijestiirt S." HnxKi'll .; n.'irkor Car .. 4.114 Iten.lee MTr '. sn Katlioilinn Hronzo prof . a Laurel (ill A Cas ,". Lima I.nciuuot.vo new . . ."8 ."ill SR-Vi Mnxlm Munitions 3 :i Mlilvnle Steel r,R!)'H nsv .-.Si ",' New York Shlpbulldlni;. . (t4 1214 13 OtlB Elevator f,H (13 PeerleBM Motors S3 SO Toole 80 (10 . . . Bcrlpps-nooth 30 . . (in H S Kre.MRo w I 1SV4 13 W .. Santa ( 'cellln 3014 38 Santa fecllla pref 07 HO Stand Motors 55i fli.4 St Joseph I.ea.l in lrH Steel Alloys II 014 Suhmnrlno 31 si 14 Triangle. Film SV1 S4 Todd Shipyards 81 8.1 Vnlted SiiRar , S.1 United Alloy Steol .11114 CI i: S Steamsblp r.M. "Ii Vnlted Motors lirtj y4 World Film i)', I WrlBht-Mnrtln Aircraft. IS 13 Zinc fnncentratltiK I 114 II.MI.ItOAMS Rock Island 3814 !H4 Ho.k Inland A prof 8714 8814 Ttock Island n pref 7314 7314 Western Pacific w I .... 33 35 Western Paclllo pref ... ns fi.l Wali3h Plttsbureh 3114 33 Wabash PittsburKh pref. so S3 STAMIAllII Oil. STOCKS Illinois .....313 3IH 31.1 Ohio 403 -110 380 Prnlrlo Pipe 310 31.1 340 S O Cal 103 108 103 S O N J 800 81(1 780 S O N J ....' 333 310 30!) IMini'I'.MIIINT (III. 3714 '.iVi tny, !) 31 3 8.1 3.114 0 14 r.y, tsy, T' 13'IA 4 :iH!U 8814 73 V. S3 .1.1 niirnril oil & Ons . rvwieti o (1 i'obiIpii 1 fu Fe.leml rill Inter Petrol Ilnimlon Oil Morrltt Oil OHIuhomn Prod & H OKaKe Hominy .... Itoynl Dutch Senuoynh Hnpulpa lief slnelnlr Xtlilvvest 1) ni.i. 11 I 'I'M it 1.1 SO It! I3V ", tniy, Ut 10H4 !. STIM'KH Slit. . liie. Asko.l. (Snlel aw, :, 1114 JIIMNII STOCKS Alaska Standard 14 Atlanta 18 Hip l.o.lfje ,-, B'nbee (.'opper (a proiipi ntllte f ipper A Zinc... 101,4 Ilutte N V llfc falllinet & Jprimie .... a 1 'cm. do Pasco so r'niisolldnted Arizona . . 3 Iltuidee-Arlz sife Hiniua fnnsol iy Flrnt National 31, Florence Ooldlleld S3 rioldlleld fonsolldated . . 73 Ooldlleld MniKcr 7 Oreen Monster in; Uccla Mlnlin; 7t Howe Sound 7 14 Independence Lead 17 Jim Uutlcr 7." iliimho lixtnnsilnn 33 0W. 11 31 1014 III 14 07 t 1114 'il 7 10 M4 lis toii IV S.' 3U14 314 314 S-T, SO lK. O I3(, SI 1014. Il (, oni 11 ni w IH .114 lit. in 14 tl4 if. an 314 14 Kewnnns McKlntey ParrnRh Magma ('oppor Mines fo of America . . Novnrla Wonder N'lp sslinr Itay Hercules San Toy Seneca t'.'opppr Tonopah ICxtcnnlon .... West Knil r'onsolldntPd White oak IH 18 .18 S XV. 114 1.1 1.1 14 I (18 89i 7.1 7 1 8H1 Hh Hi 81f. H 714 .. 13 in 77 77 3.1 31 10 10 A3 fill nn an li .. sv. :. HV4 8V4 IT. '4 17 1.1 111 in I A 1 ,' 71) (ID 314 .il.i!i.e lltime'y .Jnx Hul.l.er . . . .Mnska MM M. . Alar-ka .1 imen 11 . AllaR.fh.11 i'i... rto pref Am Acr t'heni. . . l pr.f Am Meet Rut.ir. . Am fan Am far ft Kdy fo 0!) m Hide ft l. pr. HI)., tJi :4 47 's SI', nil nmiD Am lep Hoc Am Unseed . . . do pref Am lion. Am Mmeliiim . . . tb prof do pref A . . . . do pref 11 Am stcct F.lry . Am Simar Am Tel St Tel . . Am Tub ircf pen Am Wool . . . . tin incf Am Writ Pttper pr II Am Bine I.ea.l Wit Aiulcnntln M't Atchison tnni toftld do pref inn MH AM llirm AM . in in AMntt f Mne AH Mirlf AW I., do pref 17'fc 7.1 86 I'd 1511 .14 iniu ioJ1s inltfc n't nli 1R1 nl4 RSS in MM 1ftA MSU 10(112 IflBlit .itn ttois tini. '1 .inn ion inn ... . (1H4 i)8'4 no,4 111114 in 11P4 iil't-'i isow unit n too inoii p l .114 not 11 ;ta4 MM Mil 10' Ml WW , ns . nn. II! ill 1 mil 1 . in on 1 -In,- iij 1714 7.1 i uta, 'v 11(1 (. . 8P - '. Di i nils "s IBM I mis tin (IHls t 11) 'i in m f.3t,4 'k i.m i,m u onv h 1 n SRl P4 8J14 - (, io.m 11 on in ttnt nnti. tm m4 tuw ttP4 1 Hn Id lioen t'n. . . do prer nil It Ohio do pref Ilnrrett fo Ilntnpllns Mln . . tteth Wert do rlitlits Hrook llnp Trim, tltiriis Bin.-. . . . . Ilruns 'i-k Unite Sup fop t'nl Petroleum do pref ...... fan Pacific ( 'n.-e .1 I pref , . fctil Leather ... fhnndler Motors. flies ft Ohio ill fill Orent West. .. 1.1 i. do pfd HN 4 f M A; SI P 11(1' j ill. pfd fill If- N W I'l'l" fhl 11 I Hi V .11'.. do .-II'- dp II Pa r SI I. pfd. 80 Chill Copper .. . 4.1 Clll'io Coll Copper A0 Cliiett I'enbody Col Fuel ft Iron Col 1 la:, ft F.lci t 'onf-ol . i.is Cunt Cm . ( 'orn I'i'i.dii. .. do pref .... Cripple Creek Crucible Steel .1.. pief IS I Ci(hii-.m Silcar. . 17.1'fi Cubit Cane I'nciir. IHiH. do pr.f ...... tip, l I. ft W 13.1 Pen ft It II pref. . SI Dome Mines '11 14 Detroit Kihi'on. . . I ll'l'i Distill Secur .!.. 37 '4 Frle an do ll pref ... loin lb. i'd pref 87 Oiirton Will il.H'K Hen F.lcc I',, liny, Hen .Motors I'inVi U pref OHli H'HHlrlcli II F. .. .Itl'.ii lit Nur "re Sub. . 38 Oieepe Can Cop. 10 :tll. State Stl . . .I'll llllnol.i Cutial ..lll.liji liispirntion Cop . . .18 Itilcr-Oons Coi. . 1.1'h I.i pief OHM, Int M.r Mar 3lH .1.. pf.l Bit'l 1 Intel nl Taper . . IIMj d pfd lilt hit Nickel I P-j Jettell Tea ittl'l. ICeyser J 1 1I '.4 Kan City Si , Kcnucc.itt Clipper. lVi Lacku Steel 8.1 Lehigh Vnlley . . . 7H Lee Hub ft The... SI l.onj; Island I IV'i Mackiiy Co 87 14 Max .Motors .1.1V, do 1st pref.,.. 7314 May De it Stole . . OS', Mex IVIrol IDS'), Miami Copper . . . 13 Mln ft St I. new.. 33', M St I' ft S K .11. . Unit Mo Pin- w I 33'!, Mo Kan ft Tex nt IH Mont I'ouer 108 Nat Clonk ft Suit 83 A3 BUM tflllj 81 1.1 HP. IN ISO 31 111 til) in'., lO'.ti .1 tfltHt. HO HA'fc nv, m 13 Is srn'n Kt)H(, I3.1W IM'i I'M", mo j. 31 SI) 31 M'j IS I0', ll'h 131'fc . nt . .. 1 . ioj . nlH. . 1A ISA . Pi .111.1 an 1 1 . in . top, . Ith . .It . in 14 . tin '.1 I OS . DHi . till . Hill 01 " APfc. (1n, V HI 1.1 HI' I'll t.10 IB ,11 111, IHI'ti itn. . .. Il' '4 in in 1' .18 1, ln 1n IMPORTANT GAMES IN SCHOOL LEAGUE Contra! High Plays Gorman- town Tomorrow Title May Be at Stake MEINHARDT A M3ADElt The Impnrlnnf High ftrhool MneupRnmP will attract the nttpiiilon nf many ihoii sand students inmnrrow, for rvntrnt High clnshf. Willi UPrniantPWtl HlBh, wtillr Trades ffehnoi nnd Northonsl meet In nn other contest l-'rnnhforil Illrth nnd West Philadelphia also play, moltlne Mip circuit' .f three gnnies, Includltis first nnd secotul lenni IcnBiie matches. captain Mouradlnn nnd (.'narh Vslltnn lll bend every effort to hnvn Central dis pose of tlermnntown ttlish. Any team that hopes to win thn Dutch Company Trophy must first win from dermnntown. This filet hits been admitted by the cnnrlu.. nnd players, nn.l the Central High youngster face whnt they consider the n.ld lest of the season. It In nlsn the crucial Rime for ilermnntown HlBh Central IIIBll Schools tpam will prnh. I nhlj show no clintiRe. Ihouub tt Is said I Mutt Sclinelderinaii lll soon bp ptlRlble. Tiiintweln. Mourn.llHtt, Armstrong. Ha. k I man 11 ml Srhtvnrt ill represent the Crlm- ."li nnd Hold, while llausspr. Fisher, Met, man. Lnnnner and lliinieti represent the Mitnhelm school. Mrlnlinrtll Tonn List Melnhardl. of the Norlheapt IIIrIi School. h Ictdlnu the players in the IndlMdunl linn, 8(1 8.1 1 3 11 ll'h 1.7 131 All' 1 33 HUM, I01', 11.1 3.1 II I Vi 01 11.1 iimj, I (l'i 1I3T. i:i.1 31 !P, llt'l, 11 l'l Kl'i 37 33 S 1 1101. j HIP', I". Ill Is IS'f. 38 1.. 'i 811" 1 '4 I1.H '1 11111, ' ;il ' ' .1 !'(,' no I ' 1 ii Us 11 ll'll UP', UN I :i 1 ' i, a 1 ', 13 'l! Hit's a.i 01 m t7ll'.H 17 III 13.1 31 1 1 'a lll-'i 37 an, lllli 37 33 n no '4 -1 3', 1 Pi . r,"-, -O't. -I4 - 4 ''I ', '.(. 'H - I 14 P4 lll', IIPi - 1 ni .18 SlUi, M'a 111 1 11,1 ' 4 .111". 1-1' 1 (18 "'j Ill's II 1 1, j UP. I til", II", 11.1 13714 IS7 1 1 1m 1.1 83 14 77 SI 13 14 87 ',4 .11 71V, ll-.'itJ !l!l 01 .10 30 '.ii 1.11 111 1 0.1 la .17 1.1', 081... Ill , 8IA, II IMS', IS'-, 11.1 WINDS Cudahy 5s uavK loo Cerro do Pasco 6s 1 1,1 1 18 Cosden Oil lis 10.1 107 Cosdon & Co now (Is 107 loo French Municipal 6s.... 0014 007h Mldvale Steel Bs yn 07 Russian fi'.jH 07 l)K niiaslnn SVjs an nn Sinclair Oil Gh 111 11 u& Todd Shipyard Cs 10114 IS Western Pacific new Bs.. 01 0114 L'n K? new Bl-B 1-ycar. . otuji, n Un Kb new r. ujB S-year. . 0!) HOW, I'. S. Rubber new Bs ... 0014 ua oajM IllSVt 1118 00 U7 1)794 83'K, 111V, i uau oiivj NEW YORK BOND SALES .1.1111 HlBh Low. V M. t'JOUO Albany & Sumi 31j... Mi ., ,,.' ouuu Amor Ar in ns....ni vi.f 1,.:i.? S33IHH) Annlu-Fr.'nrh 33.... 1001)1) Am Fureinn Hce Sa. 700,1 Amur Till lit -Is . annuo do .', B0U0 Amer ih 0 101)1111 Armour Co 4b .. 1(100 Atchison Ken 4s.... luuo Atlan r-u l.lno 414 a BO00 1I0 1st 4s L'000 Halt IL Ohio lis . . SOUUO Halt & Ohio Bs 31000 ilo rv Ilia 23000 Halt & O Hwn 3H" t71s .urns . in. . tni. . us! . U7J, .lin', . till V3V4 v) UP. l.'lllllll llu.l. Klnal rl.t T.R .Kill 14000 Ilrook Itan Tr 4s 77U 41000 do 8s lilts 101 i'Ooi) llrook tin Klov 1st Ss. lolls BOOH llrook Un U.b 1st Bs.lOlH 1000 Hush Term Hid Bs.. KOJ, 1000 Can Got Bs llC'l) IIOTs 1'JIIOO io 3s 11131 inn 0011 I- V C DB . UIJU 01)11 40110 1000 0111 111 S8000 do conv 5a 04S 4000 Chi Sl Alton 814 s 64,. hOOO Chi Ut West. 4s 73'. R.tllilll .-hi Jt. Tu,.i ftU a Sit .X.... v .' " ..."' .il' . " i ;. HI'. 117', Kill H.l'-S lnill. HioV, tiil 11 IH, out. dip. un;. oil, us; o.i. U7. l)T IU1'. llll'I oaii 07 V3V. U3VJ lull'! llllly 7lli 77'J 1U01 1001s 101 1U1H 1UTS 107S ran nu-i lfT I ITi. OO'a 100 DI uolt 101) Ul Cent l.eathwr 1st bi.WiW PC'S 1U2J Cent I'ac 1st U ,. . . 3 3J U1J r.hUD B. riki nu JLu snt 1.4 h.1Tv .... AIL. ...'.'. UL'ti Ujti u: ...-L"" ?' Kn (Jkla Ss 81 Kl -" ! l'. '" o. lii.lt, uiju Ml. klll.J WHS no 8N1, h'7'm ii-4h ii-'i; oSSj 'JStJ tu oit; IW till', -Olio Montuna liwr .Is .mm .-. v .- 1, M a1,,. . . 4IHIO N V i- ft IZ.,, . . -IIIJO N Yl'i II ton 4s.. 1171100 do lis minim ilo IH) nilOO N- Y C & 8t 1, 1st s llKlll N V City 4s i,1M . . Illlllll do 4s 10,111 3001) ilo 4 Iks lUlitl . . . inonll do 4 It 8 Nov 1037 ouui. ?v 1 0 11 A ' sa, 170011 NV Nil & II Cs . . 60(10 N Y Hwy rcf 4s . ijiino .1., mil os ,?:. .111110 n V Tol aen lit 110 7000 N V W C & II II,... T 111,11. .ur. c. lies. I'ocri 4tf. 11; II IKI lllsjh. Low. 1 M. NJ 81 til..'. tlKI'i klltj oil, lo 1't" 1U IhlS 01. . I ll'll . 31 . noli . Ills i.it aov, IIS'li il'Mi 18 107. 81 111 3011, III)!', '.Pn 1 .11 lOtli l0 I .IK. 13 171h 171 137 137 10814 10H do pref Nut Kn.iiucl . . .Nut Lead . . . Nevml.i ' ''in . . X V Air Drake X V Cent nil.. N V X H ei II X V 11 W . Xorf.itk Ai West Xorlb I'aclllc I mens Hot Mii.-b. Hill (int Slher (I'd Dliio Cities liiiH.llli), Pen- Muni w I . . 31 .In pref 71 Pcnna It II . ... S71ft People's I las Plilln 'ii PittsbBh Coal I o. 10 Pn ti Am IVtro ... 07 Pressed Sleel Car. 100 Pullman Co lrtO',4 100 Itwy Stl Spr pref.lul KH Ift 83' 4 77 II 13V4 87 'i .11 71'1 (1 P,-. inn, ii'i, :ioi I up 1 ai, 18 107 81 111?, 30'. 00 1 1 1.11 100 V, V, 14 I ' 1 1, '. s I h 'u '. ' 1'4 IV, IVj - 'u -IV. I 13 Vj 114 11 ' mi 0'i 110 31 11 S07m . .111114 top, I0IV4 I I Vj 1 1 14 II 'At 1714 07 Kill I3J Kill 10.1 III, nn 31 1-: ft; 1 1 11 14 Hay Cons 1014 II. U.I UK lilt . HKils 11)3 .101 ml 7.. 11014 UiH, . ..10.1V, iaitt . ..I03K illll. . . nasi .in.? I11111) do 111 4n I111111 Nor I'ac prior 1UOI1II HO'i ItOli llllts 78. 113. Ill linn. 74 01 iiiJj 'ait &i 7000 ill. can 4a . . fiooo cm Vh Sta IHs. ..101 4 . . OU'? .. I)3H . . Ul). . . 07 ..107 . .IOHj ,110 US hil 074 ion; sat! 03! oi'i 07 107 3000 Chi H & Q Joint 4s. 3000 do sen 4s -J00O C M & Ht 1 div 4s 100000 do rfd 4Vis ... 12000 do cv Ss 2000 do CV IVjs It.0111. H,. trail J li M .... 8000 CHI 11 I t P rfd Is . . 77', 77J, HOOD do Is hOJt M 4000 Chi nwys 6s J H7 11000 Col & South 4hs S71J 87 11000 City of Purls rts 11.11. I 2000 Con Qas conv 6s 1S.1 12.1 11)011 rhln & Wast Ind 4s . . 77 77 1000 Dai ton Si lllch 4liB.. 00 III) ouuu uen 1)00 dn 14000 Detro! 4000 Detl um B4 73l4 Hll 7. 101 , not! op! 07 107. ayton Ii illch 4!.- DO Ii" en & Hlo Or 4s 8J, IS do rid 6s I17S 07 etroit Cas 5s 101'. Hll'. etrolt United 4!js.. 83J b.1Ji uuu inicru J 7000 Inter 1 17000 Internl I Oflo Japants 6000 Hud It Man rfd St.. ooou inaiana steel 3s s, aiOOO Iowa Cent ref 4s 1121a 4 MOO III Central 4s 1881. . 02 8000 Interb Met 4V4 71J4 SttOOO Interb 11 T ref t'-- US . .ir Jlar ."5H "l-apsr os imii , a, 4 a kST. S000 do new U S Pie.. 811, 1000.) K O Ft S tt M 4s . . . 711, S00O Kana. & Mich 2d Is, . . 07V, 4000 Lacka Steel Ss 1'JiO. . 08K 1000 Lie Hh deb 4s 1W- DDK 6000 da deb 4s 1831 M'l 1000 Lis It M T Bs. .. 102VJ 1000 Lona Island rid 4t. . M), Soon Louis & Nash 4s 2000 Leilsgton 4 East 8s SOOU Manhattan 4s . 4.1000 Minn St St I. 4 lOOO da cons 8 . . . . , 0.1 UL' sil'4 71 80 'T l"i'., 81' 7.1$ : us n IMK DAS ft.nl out. .102VJ llW't 87S, 87'J jn.-tC; jii.tv. 83 D3 118 U2 Ml Hi Dili 111 Hi 105 103 SO l-J U7W h7 1 H.1i 12.1 77 on SIVi 117 loiu B3I is; nj nil 100 Msi; 8l; 8: 80H US' i; u.& '3 8i 81 no Ken at UST4 i . UkJ, .linn Ontario Power .Is .. tlltS IlliA i.ili 1001) Ore Itwy & N ion Is.. U.ltl OjtJ uat. Ilium Ore & V It & N 4s. . UT. 7'4 ttvi 2M100 I'octae Tel Bs ins lull! juj 32O0U I'acllli- Oaa Bs 03V U3I4 3l .null Pinna 4s tills loot; louC lniii lonoil do gon ct 4'.is tui 101 Hll anon Pvnroi 4s limij inns rnjti oiik 1000 IVo It fast 1st 4s ... 7 ra t415 714 mini) IVnnle-s U.i8 Bs ....llijv, 11)33 lull! limn I'CCiStl. pjj.'rier A. 10.1 10,1 103 Iimio Public Merv N J o.. Q14 1)214 'oil, l.-ilinil Per.- Mnniuette Ba. . . II! 04 oi'i 600111) Iteadlne-Ji.r Cen ! .it .ins! i,.is? I.1J 1113 (IT anon Hip Ir & St :,a ... 03 limn lit I. I .M & So acn Batna 40011 do tllf la k21a 21001) St I. i S P ajt lis 731 2100(1 do In 6s ,12? .,ir 7U0IIII till lll.'l sa h in: tiIi? r ilo JH Knr A ?ni: 4 Mini do ns Sur II 04K 8TS SSV4 loon St i. Hwn ion Is Tl" 71V1 Tllf llillllil do Bs 70? 72 7fiJ hOHll Stl'tKCS I. 4'i. . 744 T4 TlU r.iuii) San A & Aran I' 1st Is 03 (Vl lialj 1000 Stand Mill 8s ifuiU tuns, inn., IkOOll Seaboanl A I. i.rll .-. iIts 117 ii ,:r' kltli kki; tllti 1.4: itTar 1)71)00 South 1'ai- cv 4s Sfe aiooii do rfd 4s 1141$ jti-.tio fouin ,-ac c as....in 3U0I) South itwy Bin I ... 70 .iiuwi uo tun us u; IS PW4 inn 0? 7't 7 limn Tenn Copper r.t f ! ... 1)0 00 uS 11)1111 Texas Co IV Os .10(114 llillU lliHl 2001) Third Ae adl 6s ...70S 71)2 70V anon To St 1. & vf s .... tui iui ,1,, lW ?3ii ! 4 70Vj 40OO I'lah I.t It i'ow 6s... uttu tl.1t, 7000 Pn Fuel lias llllVi lot 2000 1' S lleallv 6a Vi r.i 120i)D V ItubUr ils ioav 1 ;ii njai., 22000 U 8 St. il S V It . . ioTltf 1 Hit lo,l anon Union I'ac rfd 4i 1 . .. i? bi2 u2 loinoo v K of u n & 1 si Sa2 uxZ ok5 17000 do BU,s I81U :. MTlJ ffjlj X$ 4UUUU an 3 m IVJl m u.t,r luuu u car cnui Hi Ss.. IU0U Hmjv. lutiu 12000 Va Uwya i. . . ... ioo5 iooti lonS lonn Vanifllla K H 4s 0 o- '2S 26000 Wilson tk Cm s. . 10SI. loSu lull. 12000 Wb P T 1st tt r p 4 3Hi SS aij 200(1 West Md lt 4. " " VA T-2 2tV 1000 West Bhor s 4a . . 83 a. Li 101, 1)11 Ii 1,1 78 101 111'. Hi-fi 130 do ltd pref .... la Kep Iron & Steel. ,0T do pref 101 Hhttt Copper 11 Scab Alt- Line .. 101', Scars Itoei.ucli . .'I3'J! do pref SnlltlH-l'li Pucillc. Southern Itwy . . St I. & S Ktiin. Htuu Mnlor . . . . Sludrhaker 107 Tenn Coi: C Al.. Ula 1.1 TJ-xiih Co 13014 S1HV Tobncci. PiimI 6U S3Va Truiixtic & Will... 1014 10 Culled Drujr 10V Pulon (Int; & Pup. 1314 d m-w 10U IU1 I'llltn citi .Stores . 10014 Villon Pnc lie . .I131i I' H 1' I P ft K pf 08 V H Vtull Al.-ohol I-H14 HI V S Ki-ally 1 .1111 ISH l'n Hwy Inv pref KOV 10 V H Hubhcr ..... UUV, AU14 13 07 100 mo 101 . .. 10'!, '.it 1001', 1, 1-1 1 Vj 78 1', 101 . .. 10 Mi 14 I014 V, 130 1 11114 I17'4 I17'fc t ' 07 lj OO-'i OBTit Mi 81 301, 301, - .t 131, 13V, 13!., V, aa .1.1 .'.a ii 101 V, 101 I Vj, 1.1 1314 131a WS 00 14 113 03 11!i .1.1 H 1(1 13 V, 108 -I 1 0014 114 113 V! 03 14 II I U 1 1.1 '4 i V, 10 lu .101, 14 110 . ... 03 li V, UO 110 03 M. 031a 11114 U1V, 111V, IV, .U0i ISOV, 110 V, . 10S...(WV 101 ls I . ii isr, i3ii n .111 111 . 1114 lll'l. 3P& 8314 du 1st prvf l H Smelters , l' S Kleel do pref I'lah t'opK-r Va Car Clit-m ilo pref Wubat.li do pref A . . . do pref II... IVo I Is Kuriio . Wetiter.i I'nlun WetttliiK-iuukw lilac 3314 West Maryland . . 10 Wheel and I. K vv I 10 White Motor oHi Willys overland ... 30 Wiocoiu-in Cctitiul. 5.UV, Woolvvortti UUli I81 I JO 14 Wihuni Co as 08 OUfc, 'Kx div id lid lulled CUcar Slures IH per cent . lUVi U . lOBli 1001-4 OS 0114 3 18 10 at 33 30V, 111 V, IITJ, r If, 831i 1 I0IH4 ", UHi B1 -1-114 . 10 I SI 1, 3S--K, "K. .1014 Hi Ii 74 Man Hangs Himself to a ((after POTTSVII.l.r! Pa.. Jan. U'J'-You can find me uiu-taiis." wan u notice posted ut thu door of David lUbor. ut l-'i icdcnsburR. by a iteigblaji- tthu ivasaed that Vuy today. Aa directed, laaac tlouithi-r went unnttiirb and he tuund the body of Itelwr suspended from u. tope tied to tlio talur iU-bi-r lias been iuuntllnK oitr bU wife, who left him Civaral -e.Wi( ofO. KcoHmr with so points, lie has n Kuod lead over Munnln of Sotilh PhiWdclphln. nnd Murphy nf the Trades, s.-lmnl Mnr phv Id third heraiife It wan .Uncovered th.it Miirdm 1. .11.1 not, do lb- 1nltltiK 1 red, ted t" libit, Mutpby tvn. thercfote bIvcii ciedlt of pnliil inaile by blm In ll-ld-Roal and fnul.ftonl rcnrltiR 1-Sirl ltarrltm. of Prniilsfortl. fntletl to hold bin top place In the nccon.l tenm Hull- liliuil it.inilliiB. iik l.ehr. of Xorlhertft HIRh School, took ih- lead Xonhenct played a Bnme Inst week nn.l frnnkfot-tl did hot, which account!, for the ehnnBfi in the w-nrlnR. The f1rI In.luMunl stnrnllfiod: Nmne S1hn.1l I'eiliiloii I-' II Melnhnrrlt. X.uiiicitsl, forteanl .. 13 liiinnln. smith Pliiia , forward. .19 Muriiht. Trade S.hnnl. rofward. . .. MniirndlMii. t'rntrnl Mlh, fofnitrd.17 Hhelilnn. l-.ihkfr.rd lllitll. fnrwsld. B llitrticti. .irrn.ioitn.vn II . mrward. 3 Clnrh". IV.'t I'hllndelnlilii. center,.. .1 Trmilttit-ln. f.-nlrl Illith. fornM 10 Mnrnlnard. Trades K.hm.1. enntrr 111 phtfrnrtx. Cen.rnt Itlali. cniitrrl. . . . 17 tmreis. .Nerihrii't llisli. r.irwm. .13 Witttmin Xoitlh I'hllii , fnrteard. . .Ill V ti rt no P ? an n 91 "1 I 1.1 41 l"ih.-r iliriniiiitnttti II. forward .13 Imndern s-.-nh Plilln. leniT ..1.1 I niwii-. il-rtnint'mii II . forward. 1.1 Adam W.11 I'hllii'lrlphlii. .titter I tlrlnii.r . I,.. 11. .no... 0 I, mill O'llnm. Northern" llmh, nnrd... Ilerana. Nnriltenst Wall, .entrr . nneinm,. w.-at rutin . reritrii ,)hk'iiiKl Trn.1 -k MrhiHil, for llitchmi.ii .tatti ,i.i ... wii,i.,1 M-le,tone. S011II1 rhlln . mwrd ArrnMrniM t'iiitri.1 lilh, . -ntrr., horh W'oK 1-lilln . forwilfrl. . , . t'nrti-f Nnilhoni Itlmi. miord t'nasflii rintith I'lill.t forward SMif, Soich I'hljn , rorniiM. Herman, ivi-st Plilln . firanl ... fliHtt. 'I'rlrl.'S Mehnnl, unrd . . Ifiu?s'-r. tl itmntort n llltttt, Riinra Owens. Hiiitth PHlhi , irnit liner. kl. l-'rankfnnl lllah. aimrrl . Iti.rtihelin. Prarjkfi.rd II. fi.rwntd. i.ihi-r, rninkfnril lllah, forward. . irons. Cent. nl lllsh Biuird serlnaer. cent ml Ulan, cuitir. . . ,M.-ltito,h. XVt Phlln . aitnr.l ... ..iirai-son. tl rntniii.nvn II , aiinrd . Ilnrrlsou. rri.iit.fnrd II.. fnrn.ird , HuekM M.m.h l-hlln . a. li.nl f.rnrht. WrU Phlla . Fqrwnrd ibti-kniait ceniritl Itlall, auard Mii'lllBlii.-, I'mnlifoiii II,, forward. ! tun. l-'mnkford lllah, .enter.., nfd 8 i I I n 11 j lloonev. N'otlltrit!.! V.niver, Kriinkford lllah Hah, fniwnrd.. rorivnr tt.'hooli. Till! TUAJt BTAMUMI Won !.est re nlMMIiahKrho.il ... -I 1 .MO .irrm.iniJ.wn Illith rti-hnnt. ... 1 1 00 sm rhlinili-lphti lllah I 2 no XcrlrcnM lllth rtilinnl I 2 .0H7 Phirn.Mphln -rradi-f Sehofil !! .1 IO11 M'.-st Phllndelnhtrt ltlh I ft .PHI l-i.1nkri1rrJlllahS.M0.il u B .mm The n.iend l.-nm Individual UrinrtlnB follmv. Nnme OrhMl Position l-MI. P. Tot. I.hr. Northenst lllah. fors-nrd. . ... 7 S3 IMrrl-oii rrinklnru linth. forwafd 1 Meinim.li. vvt r I-, .,.!. r Nnitlti 1 Kr.ult?. South Pnila.. forward.. .1 Kven, m Trndi-s .nenoni. aunrn :J (lot.1l.ti.tl. South I'll I la . forward. .11 lit. in. wmt i-.iiiit , rorttarn... .. .1 nnsmore. .lerniant'n IllSh. forWd .1 nil, Nnrthenti Itlsh, forward HI .nnriltli, centrni linn, nunrii .... 4 lesetskv, South Putin., center ... ft lnwi-im. Northeast lllah. susril ... Q i-tttivrr, PriinkfuM Illith, forward. 1 iVelts. tlermaniewn lllah. .enter 7 coriis. West fhiln., rot-want a liesten, south null. . atiarrl . . . . 0 Mm lllnlti", Krankforrt lllah, rentor. ft Hell, Northeast lllah, entet ., 0 Thnmatt. Norttlrant HJah. forward, fj tluta. Nnrtheant lllah. atinrd.... 5 White, N'n.ilieaiit lllah. miartj.... 4 Abratti. Sntnh rhtlfl . forward . IJ Sheldon. Frankfort lllalt, forward. 9 Arnisirnnff. .enn.ii man, 1 enter Knobleck. Trnde, sehnol, auard. idiis, tetiirnl lllah. forward.. Vooelin. central Itlait, rnrwnru... tlllliera;. Tiit1' Hi liofil, punrd.... Merit, AV'-d t'tllhl . Bllnrd. ....... Kerntan. Trnd .s. Iienl fjtiard... Valrhiirst, I'm nl. ford lllah. Auartl. cromtiton. central lllah. forward. odiilf. fentrnj. lllah. .a.qitrd lioinhrowski. rriiiikfd ltih, Btiard l.uhln, South l-hlls , Hiuird, Aitnl.it. West I'lilla.. tlH rrni'ii. Weal riiiia , miaM Toiutn. l-'iaiikfnrd llljth, rttiar.1... ;rtle.lse Kmtikrd.rilith, mtard pij!tr.ii. pmnkfnrd lllah. rniarn.. Ntii-nisnn. Northrnst lllah. forward rail-rr South Phlla . aiinnl ... . Shi. ktnnti. South rtilla., cuard... Monroe. Trades Sehonl, .enter... pteterlle. ilermnntown. forward. t;rnaniiiii. Writ Phlla. nuaid.... Settle, west Phlla. .enter tlreilii. Weal Phlla.. renter..,.. Forp.hnrr. South Phlla, forwnrd. Ketnirti-rer, itrrnisnt'n lllah rni.ird I .1,1 0 vl !i n It o li 'I n n n t n OTHER SPOUTS OX PAGU 10 II libiollntf News THIS vesk may witness oma thnnBea n the leaders of the tenpln league.. This annua. tournaments arc exceptionally close, nml it i. rinuy taunt lo chance a pre illctlmi at in the ullimrttft tvlf.ner In any one of the ccorea of league In proijrea. In Hie Curtis !,nBue. Journal Trcus repfu ntatlve nrn Iwn Rntne.t nliead of Poat Prea, Color Prea.i and Kngrovlna;, having won IwcnlyelBlii nml Inst fourteen Karnes. There ale ties, nnd tn.-er. In which ft came or two separates tlio first nnd (second tennis, ns n glance, at the standlntj will demonstrate. fi?Jy2SLnt.l,t!'"iV. tfiitid of th Qusk.r M Mil tie wlit?h??i.",ti.hVI,,,,on ,Wr.dhm aqiiaii ye wun tnrra other teams for fmitti. riate Manet., ore m the lend wit 1 n elenn lat due in their triple triumph over "aianta. . Inter'sMnrj1"""1 ,AW' sf" " l 'loae and y!..'.'.. .T"lu:A ,n ,", weent rernrd-bt'eak. perusal of Ineai einerllt. '''f rnnieneii in rniracn ar rDrdueel for the t I "I Ilfl-B I JM VBftMONTH. ML-ssnvs VTPJinfW si? a5 2!2 -'"'h 202 fa 1 mi Mnrneii ...Sif bu- sfit smfon . ...ir.n (is 47 OJS'A'" ?iR ?la. 1S2 ib" 177 70 202 iVolvf,.v M'J Ik -I" Jfb son 21.1 2.111 3. Miller.. .217 81.1 27a Norton ....las pij 201 Total . Itotlftillletin Total ...SS2 0.10 n3 ' Pales have Ven ast for three si-rtlonal cham. Iilniiatilp tnursy.4. The Amrlean CnmiirVsi fVIti V" .SL;'"..ln V'and npl.la Waintilna Mareh a. The Atlantic coast fniirnamen in nicn niHnr lorni .iani4 are etpeteri tn tiartlel air. wilt Mart in Svracutn. March ! ft. erthwrsiern International tourney H to he held 1 Portland, nre , April 2.1 in as which many local team4 are epreted tn par'tlel' iy... ..... ni.ii in r.ingu-, ..lorrn .'it. 1 ne iii'iii.".i.iii iiiirnniir In Portland, nre , Apr! Surerlniendent tifflee nulntet have won their ftrat ihreeaertaa of weekly, matnhM In IVnnsvt vanta Itnllrnad lfl.il" nnd lend with nine le. lories and no .Meats. llermantown Y. M. C. A. la rapldlv roiindlna Into. form. It easily polished off Itookwool, 3S-22, on Saturday. "Army" KltrseraM leri with olRht ,fle1 cnal... eppored lo Warhter rtf the Pennsylvania State Lou, ft-xl Salur. day the suburban hovs play oille MeLntiahlln's flprlna flardnn I)ltrlhiillnn team, nf the u (1 T. Ineue. " $5,500,000 Seven Per Cent. Cumulative Convertible Preferred Stock of the HAYTIAN AMERICAN CORPORATION (Incorporated under the lawi of the State of New York) Owning and Operating Railroad, Public Utilities and Sugar Properties in the Republic of Hayti. Registrar BANKERS TRUST COMPANY. NEW YORK CITY Dividends payable quarterly, Jnnunry, April, July, October. Transfer Agent NEW YORK TRUST COMPANY. NEW YORK CITY CAPITALIZATION PREFERRED STOCK (par value $100). callable at $110.. Issued Reserved for future corporate purposes. . '. ........ ORDINARY COMMON STOCK (without par value).... (2.500 shares held in Treasury) FOUNDERS STOCK (without par value) $5,500,000 500.000 $6,000,000 -. - 0,000 shares The Corporation has no bonded indebtedness and none can be created without the assent of 75 per cent of the Preferred Shares. THE UNITED STATES IS OBLIGATED TO MAINTAIN A STABLE GOVERNMENT IN THE REPUBLIC OF HAYTI Tho Treaty between the United States and tho Republic of Hayti, concluded in 1916 Qnd now'In full operation, is regarded as the strongest protectorate existing between the United States and any" other Country, including as it docs the maintenance of order and the receipt and disbursement of Government funds. We believe the stocks of (he Huytinn American Corporation offer a most exceptional opportunity for the safe investment of funds, with every indication of increasing dividend returns1 and base our conclusions on the following salient points: 1st. Tho Treaty between the Republic of Hayti and the United States of America. 2nd. The control of the Railroad, Electric Light Plant, and Wharf and Warehouse, now operating under exclusive concessions at Portau Prince, the capital and principal seaport, located in the most thickly populated part of the country, together with the electric light property at Cap.Haitien. 3rd. The particular value of these utilities to the operation of on extensive development in the cultivation, manufacture and shipment of sugar. 4th. Tho control of approximately 20,000 acres of the most valuable sugar lands in Hayti nnd a sugar mill of 300,000 tons grinding capacity, now in course of erection, located in the plains served by the railroad and adjacent to Port au Prince. 5th. The specially favorable conditions of land and labor in Hayti for tho economical pro. duction of sugar, as compared with Cuba where cost of sugar production up to the present time has boon considered the lowest in the world. CUBA.. HAYTI. Area Sq. MIU ..44,164 ...10.204 Ponutstlo.i per Prstsnt Avsrsf Sq. Mils Dally W.t. 5G $1.75 246 .20 Papulation 2,469,000 2,500,000 Labor constitutes not less than 60 per cent of the cost of producing sugar. Gth. The stability of the earnings due to the diversity of the sources of income. It Is con. servatively estimated that tho annual net earnings for the Corporation will be $1,339,540, which will leave after paymont of the 7 per cent Preferred Stock dividend, and the regular dividend of $7 a share on tho Ordinary Common Stock, $552,040 applicable one-third for retirement of Preferred Stock (if any remains outstanding); one-third as an extra dividend on the Ordinary Common Stock; one-third to tho Founders Stock. 7th. The acceptance of Common Stock for a large part of their cash investment by former owners of the Public Utilities, who, after many years of successful operation, will continue to assist in their management. 8th. The investment in the stock of the Haytian American Corporation by men of promi nence in the sugar world and their service as directors of the Company. The above accuritlea have been underwritten and a very considerable portion withdrawn for investment; the balance is offered by the undersigned for the account of the Syndicate. PRICE: 100 and accrued dividend The Preferred Shares will be accompanied by 25 per cent in Ordinary Common Shares and 50 per cent in Founders Shares. ns'Ivsry in form ef interim receipts pending the preparation of engraved definitive certificates of the Corporation, Application will l9 made t8 list these Shores on tj;s New York Stock Exchange, Descriptive circulars may bs hat! upan applleaUen; reports nnti opinions may be examined at our offices. Breed, Elliott & Harrison P. W. Chapman & Co. 126 W, Monroe St, Chicago 53 William St, New York Chy 105 South La Salle St. Chicago First National Bank Bldg. Cincinnati Fletcher American Bank. Bldg Indianapolis Laurence Turning & Co. 64 Wall Street, New York City Ervin & Co. Drexel Building, Philadelphia 501 Trinity Building, New York Tb. boT. Information, whlls not juaranlo.d, has bsn tsksn from sources conildsrcd r.llabta. m i i 1