Ww'f ' mm9vmv yi"w t pygwUfi -H ""f'lyiL" EVENING LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY. JANUARY 27, 1917 fwg t S & ' VOTE FRAUD INQUIRY COMPLETED IN CITY Evidence Obtained by Federal Investigators to Be Sent to Washington PROSECUTION MAY ENSUfc Wards Controlled by Penrose tind Vnre Under Scrutiny of Department of justice A Hruea tliolnnlil, chief of Hip llurcnu nf ItnritlE.itlon of ttio lepnrtment nf .Tustloe next ut1; will receive Hip report of two In estlRntnrn who were font here several weelis nun from WnshliiRtoti In make nn ImestlRiitloti of nllepreit frauds In tills city At the last presidential Plertltm. Tlicso rtiiort" will lie submitted tiy f'lilpf IHol.iskl to fulled States Attorney llcncrnl OrpRorv .Should tlio evidence? warrant prosecution. It Is prolinbto Hint Mr (IrcRorx vi 111 ceitniiiutl.ito with Hie t'nlteil .State Attornp8 hero nnd 111 tlio western part of renm1Mil;i. The linestlRallon, which has confined to certain wirdi In Philadelphia, which for jean hao been controlleil by tlio Vnro and I'enrofl" ultiRinf tlio l'ctitiivhnnla Uo ptibllran (jrRatit?ritlon, wni maelp bv two members of tlio Department of Justice Olio of the operators tnatlo his headquarters while in tbh city In a hotel In tlio central part of the city. Ills Identity was not litiown to division leailotn ami henchmen among whom bo associated This operator left for Washington last Saturday exenliiR InirltiR tlio lnostisatlnn tlio operators worl.ed constantly under tlio orders of the cidlclals of the Department of Justice In "WnRhlnctoh. Their presence In this Pity was known, however, to the Philadelphia branch of the Department of Justice. In fiulry made today at tlio olllces of tlio De partment of Justice In tlio Federal Hulltl Iiir about the lnestlRatlon broiiRht tlio ndmlssion Hint such nu lincstlR.itlon has Just boon completed. Sonic of the evidence taken back to Washington bv tlio ojierntors was that which mus submltteil to them bv a special commute of which Itolanil S. Mollis, for mer rlmlrmn.il of Democratic Stato Commit tee Is chairman This evidence was ob tained by a special commllteo from tlio Committee of Seventy. N'lnp Indictments hao already been lianded down nRalnst maehlno politicians In Cincinnati lis the Federal Rrnnd Jury for nidliiR and abittltiR In crooked elections. Among; thop Itidktcd was one man lloldhiR a. State position In Ohio and three null holding city positions In Cincinnati. '. - , , nu ' , WOMAN WILL BE FREED IN SUICIDE OF HUSBAND Hnil No Connection With Death of In fant, Who Also Perished Child Victim of Weather Coroner KnlRht has ordered Hie police not to hold Mrs Catherine Foc In connec tion with the suicide of David Fox and the doith of their uiRliteen-moiUli-old baby. Jlns ninnd, In n house at the rear of -T.l Tast Adams street The womnii, who Is Twents -three cnr old, had been driven from Hi" homo by her husband after a ftunrrel Satuidny nlRht and wns llvinpr at 8nl North Sixth street, trying to llnd woiU when she read in the newspapers of the do.uli of the man. the freezing to death of their baby and the set Inns condition of their thrce-vear-old daughter, (iladys. who Is now In the Kplscopnl llosp'tal suffering from froxen hands and feet. Tlio Colonel said the woman could not be held, and sine she had surrendered to tho pollc- ot' tho Twenty-sixth DIstilct. sho was i cleaned on her own recoRiiliance sion after shu luld her story. Sho was taken to ilay to aft undeitnUihg estnbllshniont and ldentlllcd the bodies Tlio date for the in que&t lino not been announced. It was said at tho hospital today that Gladn will recover. It was at first feared that gangreno would lesult from tho freez ing of her hands and feet in tho houso where her father committed sulcldo by In haling gas. , According to Mrs. Fo's story to the police, sho and Fox quarreled Saturday night because alio did not want to go w 1th him to a nioving-plcttiro show Sho was Dually ejected from tho houso and could not got In to her babies. Sho went to tho North Sixth street rooming houso. WOMAN SAYS DOPE HABIT MADE HUSBAND A THIEF Pleads With Magistrate to Send Him to Institution for Treatment Tho pica that narcotic drugs had mado her husband a thief was mado today before JlngliHrate IJahcr In tlio Dickenson stieot and Moynmenslm; nvenuo station by Mrs. Samuel Ilosen, 415 South Sixth street Tho woman's husband was accused of stealing il'J and a diamond ring from tho npnrtment of Anna Vosefoon, 802 South Sixth htreet. U Is alleged that ho ran from tho npartment when Mrs. Yosefoon caught him rilling her handbag. lJdward Thomas, a United States marine, caught ltosen and turned him over to tho police It Is alleged that a bottlo of heroin was found in ono of Itoson's pockets. "Drugs have poisoned my husband's brain, and turned htm Into a thief." said Mrs Uosen to Magistrate Baker. "Won't sou plensa have hjin sent to some. Institu tion where he can bo cured of tho dope habit"" Tho magistrate held Rosen In J1G00 ball for court. I City News in Brief A HTOIUC IlltOl'CIlT a baby Klrl to (lie Twelfth and I'lne btreets police station A woman entered the station last night and bald she was 111 I'olice Surgeon Francis It Taylor was sent for, and flvo minutes later the woman gave birth to a baby girl Mother and daughter are in the Jefferson Maternity Hospital AN AflKP MAN wulkril Into the Twen tieth and Jluttonwood streets station and fcaid hu was August Klare, eighty-seven years old, an Inmato of the Odd Fellows' Home, Seventeenth and Tioga streets lie had been missing since Thursday, but was unable to explain his wanderings. OAS OAUSIUI T1IK DKATIC lat night of Georgo van Dusen eighty years old, 148 Munhelm street. According to Dr. George F. Souwers, 160 Manhelm btreet, who pro nounced him dead, ho had been 111 for a long time with fcoftenlng of the brain. It is thought he turned on tho gas In the stove and forgot to light It. He U survived by his widow. b CONCUSSION OF TIIK I1HA1N was iuf. fered by Maosalf J'ietlckl, eight years old. 4753 Cambridge street, when ho was run down In front of hla home by an automo bile driven by Samuel Slook, twenty-two years old. 4709 James street, last night Slock was held In. ?3Q0 bail to uwali the child's injuries by Magistrate Daltz In the Frankford police station Tho child is in a serious cuiulltion in the Frankford Hos pital ' Iir.CKI.IISS FIUING of a revolver earned the Vollce today to arrest William Marrzl, twenty years old, of 245 South Ninth ttreet. According to a boarder, whose room Is be neath that of llarrxl. a' shot tore through the celling this morning and barely mUued him. Nicholas Fwiua of 925 Passyunk avenue. s in the room with Marrxl and y,aswW by th police MKS. ANTOINETTH PUNK l'nmcd as n sulTrapo lobbyist, who will bo active in IlarrisburK during the stssions of tho Legislature. NO SHOES; CHILDREN CAN'T GO TO SCHOOL Bureau of Public Education Learns of Poverty's Grip. May Raise Fund Tho reason so many children nre not at tending the public schools Is because, tho Ilureau of Compulsory nducntlon has learned, they have no shoes, nnd In mnny instances few clothes Tift's condition of tho city's poor children was discussed nt a meeting nf a committee of Ave school olllclnls. ot which Dr. John 1. Gniber, head ot tho public schools, is president, toilny. They found that mnny parents who nro being piosccuted for not sending their children to school hnvo no money to buy them clothes and shoes nnd nie nshnmed to send their children out of the houses. Last jqnr, It wns made known, there was n fund of $1800. contributed bv private donors, to buy necessities for such children, but this fund Is virtually out of existence, and If miotln-r fund Is not rnlsed the. chil dren will nufi, r for tho rest of the winter, according to the committee. I'lnns for lalslng u fund were discussed by the relUif commlttcp today, nnteitaln nients In schools ami private donations would help In a large mc.isuro to lalso the fund, said Doctor finrucr. SAN FRANCISCO MAYOR STARTS PROBE OF VICE WILSON, WJELLS AND LIPPMANN AND THEIR PARALLELS OF THOUGHT Wilson: On January 12 or thereabouts wrolo "Peace Without Victory" speech, which ho sent to foieipn Powers on January 15 and delivered before United ! States Senate on January 22. IFcAs; Early in November wrolo in England article, which tho President's speech closely parallels lit thought nntl wording, for Sntuftlay Evening Post. The nttict arrived nt the Post on December 6, but tlltl not appear until January 25. Mppiiiann: . 1 Editorial in New Republic, credited to Iilm, appeared In isuio dated De cember 23. It was entitled "Peace Without Victory. ' I i i i ,,,,.. .. i i I,... i . , , i in ...mi! "PEACE WITHOUT VICTORY" PHRASE COINED BY EDITORIAL WRITER May I-Iitve Suggested Train of Thought That Resulted in Delivery of Speech by President Wilson Commerce Chamber and City's Itcform Element Cause Naming of Com mittee to Investigate SAN" FltANTISCO, Cal , .Ian 27 V drive iiRnlust vice in San r'ranelseo, one of tho Inst IiIb cities in the t'nlled States with a spRreKiiled district, wns hepim today Mayor James llolplw Jr, announced Hint he would appoint a committee of twentv llvo lendluB citizens to investiRato condi tions In the Ray restaurants and resorts and iptuin recommendations lie nit, d at tin request of the Chamber nf ("omniere and after u mnss-tnecetlmj nttendeil bv thou sands of persons, who demanded that the city be pureed. N'o crusade slnco tho ilnys of 'l! has so aroused olllclals nnd tho public Thn re form olcmont asserted confidently tod.iv that they wero about to win "by a knock- , out " Tho bombardment of tho vice Interests Is i bolnR led by tho Hov. Paul Smith pastor of the Central Methodist Church, and the Law Knforccment I.cafiuo. Tho clersjinan Is dliectliur his nitlllery ueniiutt colden r s taurauts, and tho Law Ihifnrcoment I.e.iKiu Is demandlnK tho elimination or the no lorlous "llarbary Coast." Article Appeared December 23 and Pointed Out Psy chological ' Case of the Allies When the filstory ot President Wilson's riW famous 'l'enco Without Vlctorv" speech comes to bt written It Is not nt .ill Impropablo that a outiR editor, W.ilt. r I.lppmnnn, will bo Riven not only the mila for hnvlne coined tho trenchant phi iw by which tlio address Is now known but also for having suggested to tho Pirshleut Ihn train of thought wh oh resulted in Ins nstoumlliu: vvnrld-prniiosltlon Tho coincidence of the similarity bptween j ; tho I'reBldent's speech nnd nn article in i the current number of the Saturday Kvi ning I'ost, by 11. tl. Wells, jntltlcd "How I'pi.p Think About tho Wnr' l not ntltui i more intention than Is thn fact of Hi.- Mi covery that In the New Itepubllc. of n'n Mr l.lppnuinti Is one of tho editors i n I cemher 2.1 thero was an edltorlnl cnin1 "I'eacn Without Vietoiv" t'res'deni son's nddress wns wrlttpn Janunr; l tliprcnboiits, twenty dn.vs after the v It. publii! editorial was wntten. The t'rcsldent anil Mr. I.lppmnnn are 1 1, -, peisunal fi lends ther' is only one I.lpp mnnn In Mr. Wilson's thoughts, as was v. i v clearly demonstrated b nn Incldpnt w bli i nltractecl little attention at the time Senii t r Lodges elcventli-hotir denunciailou ot n stippi'sedlv spineless Wilson was till ing much of the valuable area in the na tion's new simpers Mr WIImiii was letting Lodge talk on and on uniefilted. Th"n u man named Llppnionu his Mr. -4 name was not even Wnltei wrote to the White lotii (living tip would like verv much to vote for Wilson, but would like llr.st to know if Mr. Lodge knew wl.it he was talking about In his linsti. to renssuie the" Llupmann, the Trcldent d i-.heil off his f.imous tel, - T9 9A.M i ; t 4r ,. JF I ! If Jf M n fill ; ,' : ' WWM'Wmm M'll U 1 ll'IMl (vow "Vork ho expressed Ills reluctance to discuss (ho fact of his havlnc antedated tho President In his matter of "Peace With out irWV "Arent von n personal friend of tho President "' ho was asked. "Yes." bo replied "Uld you suggest niP"'peace-wlthout-IC-tory' phrnso lo Mr. Wilson?' ".Vever in n personal conversation." "lo jou mean HirJ you did by letter?" There was n pause "No, but the New ltcpilbllj) Is fe.ld In Washington." he sold, and would dtscus9 tho matter no more. At the Whltn House It was said that tho President's gpcerh was written at least ten days before It woo rend in thn fnlted iitates Semite on .tnhunry 22 Tho Presi dent prepnied It himself, Ivping it porsoii nily on his own typewriter. The speech was sent to tho foreign Pnvvpfs. on Monday, January 16. Tho President declined to comment on how or where Ideas of "peaco without victory" were suggested, by whom or when. Mr. Lippmnnn Is only twenty-eight year of age. He Is a miulmite of Hnrvard and tlio author of sevrrtil books on politics ahd ibplomnt.v lie fieiiientl contributes to n,. murines nitlcles of a null! lull nnd social m leiitido nature LARK MAY COST LIFE OV PK0MCK13K AT DANCE Man Sliding Down Banister Falls and Strikes Head, fracturing Ilia Skull A hilarious slide down the tvnlatr dtir- ng a danco or the wool weavers nt .i. ,i I'tiinntovvn nvenuo early today may cost I i Me life of t.eo Trnev, twentv-four ycarti hi. f .'Ofil North Harlen street, who slipped (! .mil fell, fracturing his skull. Tracy I a number of friends wero stnndlnn? on I inillnc on the third Hoor of tho Quartet Hi lull when some ono suggested tnat in polished bnnlster running steeply down lie 1 1 cond floor would ho good fof a v grasped tho mil and started but near the bottom lost his bnlntieo i u ills head struck the bottom step. limited man was taken to the rlplB- llmpltnl His condition Is serious. giiitn will f.ilse nnd m. nil a Senator than Went lo the otll -,,11 ! i t ol i it, M- ill Hi l.i . . . ill III, IIHMi'ii tul vpl.ll It oil'- it III, Mli! M II'- Mi.uc Tin n It nppi'.ind th.il tin i" ii.illv w.is another I.lppmnnn In New nrU an olwurn but thinking cltlnen. who hid lo re.id the answer Intended for him In the newspapers Instead of oil a cherMi.iblc , el lott telegraph blank. The editorial ciedited to Mr T.ippmnun points out Unit "the psychologic 1 1 case of llio Allies will deteriorate" If the war dugs nn The ricenl peace olTer uiiiili bv i lei miin.v Is charactciled lis "piaie without vletor.v." Tho edltoilnl meieh styes the i ase of the war nnd of the waning iiiIioim us it evlsts toiliiv it opeis no pni.u ilii'l.md the Lodge iliari.s sin n as n woilil league or an inti i n iilon.il b- Mi Loci j li ted 'in. in if 111. c vv Mr l.ipiu.iiiii (loiiliil, li id k moii I 'I he tel, gt.im lie pulilh ami a tnoini til in Mollloe ll.ee 1 1 llic w ll ell was the l.e wiot. I the I'lCMele 111'- ' i e ll When Mr l.ippm inn was called on the lu phone at the .New lletiublic otllee In SAFE D1UGGED QUARTER OF A MILE; $200 GONE Xo Clue to Thieves Who Broke Into Grocery nt Fifth ami Dun- cannon Avenue Thlovcs who broke into the Hell giocerv store, at Fifth street and liiuii'.innon ave nue, early today, carried a Itnn-peitmcl .if, for a quarter of a mile to a vacant lot pried It open nnd took the week's ucelpis of $200. Investigation by tho Ilrunchtovvh police, following tho discovery of tho theft vv hi n the employes arrived for work, failed to develop a cluo to tho "Sandovvs." The forced their way thiough the side door and hid behind the counter whilo a lone pedes trian passed on his way homeward, and then carried the safo where they could open It with a crowbar. Neighbors told detectlvog tuoy had noticed threo atrant'o men lulteilnu in tho vicinity of .tlio btoro l.tto jestorday. jlMlilllill'lllllillilll! ' eil'llllllllllllllI'lllllllilMlllllllllllllll till Hi"! Ill ' "I ,! '' I IMffiLSJifyLbinSUSiWlJuVJlraSsffi V .v re-. r Ig fflMfey- Hi jl ' tpyl i&4 HlWpeplmeeee'JHq -JWTJtr'J'K! '' MMHI Stilt .i,ii mmtwmmmSm:. ' mm-w i i' iKW$Hii SIM i ii" iSKilwfi'Tvrt'rvnarariiirvnnnfi' iivjiS'iS'iffi 5ar.rctS-i659fceri'ai!f - i I ' 1 wntfflfiwitmii iTfTTMllTi T ",a P"!' "t!! jiS'i ffx Bf lili jUtC tlffl wfltiHiLi B i ' I ! mtntm " mwnm .'.'JiiilltlHi, TOKONTO AIDS WITH .MILLIONS Canadian City Raises 3.250,000 for Soldiers' Needy Families TOHONTO. O., Jan. 27. With a veritable army of workers men, women nnd children Toronto and Us environs In four days gathered together $3 26D 080 for its pa triotic and rted Cross founded to help support families of t-oldieri who h.ivu gone meltons Tho mark set for the campaign way ?2.5U0.00O. Kcvei.il huge I'nitul States ujn eerna doing business in Toumto contributed Leg Hi t yfr I m Vi 55 hBTil 4 Mr; I o f&' 1 LzTi v K J Comfort Dnn't HiifTfr from Vnrlro Vein. J-rc riirrx. Uvjk lunlvn huullrn l.ek'. or other U trou bles whlLh ntt-U constant, certain UDlinrt (OUI.ISS I.C'K STflCKINfl will iimIeu ou happy end vasy Throw away torturtoj elastica or troublesome bardmrea, ami forge! Us troubUa CorlUi Htocklnsa made to measure, without elaatl" war for many months. Wish Lit and sanitary, Heht and dur able Cost otily CI. ti etich. or tno for the vainu limb fa.uu, anj you'd gladly pay much mora or the support and ease Call and be measured tree, or wjita for self-meusurement blank No. S, Hours U to 5 dally. Sat. U to 4 Ve also make abdominal blt fnon elastic! to order. l'enna. (orll LlmU Hpeclaltr Co., TJ11-13 15 Fllbvrt at lhlU . P4 Cult 430 lull &hona Walnut 891 Sr SttshoreEiccrsiass f JEVERY SUNDAY jtK'ifJtiOfKXKitiU'1'!." " r" 'ffi l .' iCH8QUl"." !' ' !tr I" nODCf8"flfJ ffRKitCBil ;:l I Ready Money United States Loan Society J17 North Brdad St 411 8. Sth it. 2518 Gtrmaatona Tt. The Pennsylvania Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Incorporated April 4, 18CS 1627 Chestnut Street Promptness Harmony Efficiency Success Our Constant Aim "Consider the man as well as the beati" "Prevention rather than punishment" We do not receive aid from the public treasury OFFICERS AND BOARD OF MANAGERS PRESIDENT J. CIDSON McIUVAIN. Jr. VICE,PRESIDENTS EDMUND WEBSTER FREDERICK LE10RANDT j. GIBSON McIUVAIN JOSHUA EVANS J WENDELL P. BOWMAN TREASURER T, MORRIS PEROT. Jr. SECRETARY WILLIAM T. PHILLIPS OPERATIVE MANAGER FRANK B. RUTHERFORD ASSISTANT SECRETARY J. HENRY QESTE COUNSELORS WENDELL P. BOWMAN OTTO ROBERT HEIUGMAN BOARD OF MANAGERS J. Gibson Mcllvain M. R. M. Stnmbach Joshua Evans Cearge W. Hartmnn Frederick Leibrandt Frank B. Rutherford J. Gibson Mcllvain, Jr. T. Mori Pcsrot, Jr. Isaac C. Sutton WendU P. Bowman, Edmund Vbster Dr. Harry B. Cox William Henry Brooks George F. Ubcr William F. Read, Jr. John Sentner .feamiimHiBi! ,. .. ..... Found Dead in Hotel Knom irt iliipiiso wns Rlvin no tlta reason tlV ili'.ith toclny of William .1. rtlxnn, -fli iiii old of AnglOBcn. N. .1 Ho I'nitul till" tnornintt lev cinplrnci nf I he he' e-tcinc Ileetol, whei lerokce down thn c! ,.,! . t Mi-i room after he li.nl fnllod to i !!( r n call FLORIDA The Carolina Resorts Columbia, Savannah, Jacksonville Steel trains south including the nil Pullman Dc Luxe SEABOARD FLORIDA LIMITED Leaving Philadelphia 8 A O Ar. Palm Beach 6 :50 a. m. jjj " Miami - 9:00 a.m. " Tampa - 6:30 a.m. Bcllair. 7:20 a. m.; St. Petersburg, 7:50 a. m second morning. Also the FLAMINGO 11.36m-: with one-night-out service to Palm Beach, Tampa, Bcllair, St. Petersburg, Clearwater. 56 hours to Havana iteecil.lrt-e nncl Information nt f31 rlipstnut M , riiltiiilrlplilii. 1'Iimli', sprurc ';r,-,8. SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY EXILED TARS OliSEUVE BIRTHDAY OV KAISER Special Service nnd Feast Arts Fea tures of Program Aboard In terned Gcrmnn Ships t Irli' nle-rlnnil, mnftt rulilr neln, i'nl slrlil unci trru il In Wnclit nm Itlieln. Thn firty-clRhth lilrthdav nnnK-crsary of Ihn Oeeermnn Tlmprror is bplng obsen-rd to ilny with tmtsle ntul banquctlm? bv the 700 Mynra nf tho Interned Clurmnn eommercs raiders Krnnprltia Wllhelm fthd i'flnz Kiiel PrlPdMrli, nt f.rnjfim tstntid. Prom tlv mn-sita of tlio nearby United Slnltx, Vxirohtpeei early lodav fluttered tho war Unit of Orrmany, holntrd in liotior of tiles KitHer'n blrthdav, while llio bands of thn Intcrm-tt ship plat nil "Dlo Waohl ntn Kheln" ntul otlinr pnlrlotln normati airs. Tho formal banquet nt midday In tho of ficers' me'csromn of the Kronprlns Wllhelm .uin nttendi'd by nil thn "mnroonnd" of flrors ahd men In dreio uniform Tim oalcion of thn comertert ocean greyhnund wns decorated with tlaga and portraits of thn Italver Tho ttmperor's birthday 1 belne? obaorved nmoiig many Oormnn famlllts today In this olty. In manv homna uerman flan wero unfurlud from window But 011 Qtr? wasn't forgotten by theau cslebrMiU. Tha American C&s wa vlsibls at every plsco wheru tha Qerman colors wero flylnr. Tha regrular reception held on th birth day of tha German Empejror took pluo today nt tha olllces ot tha Gorman Consul, Dr. Oeorga Btobba. It was attended tt attaches of the Auatro-Hungarlan conaulat In this city .tid othra. "DIAMOND JUrEATS AOAIN Now York Sportlnp; Character Rccotbin ing nt Atlnntio City ATLANTIC Cnr, W. 3h Jan. ST. James Buchanan Brady, the New York millionaire sportsman, .widely known na "Diamond Jim," who was sent here last week by New York specialists to recover from a heart attack of a aerlous nature, lias been ma rooned In his room at tha Shelburns by order of physicians here, lie line not been permitted to sea callers or to communicate with friends except through his valet for forty-elKht hours. Ur.idy's condition, however, la said to b ellghtly Improved, and he Is regaining hla appetite, the complete loes of which has bean one of tho moat grievous results of his Ill ness, from tho Brady standpoint. J . E, Caldv?ell & Co. Chestnut Juniper South Penn Square Precious-Stone Jewelry YOU Can &. in Philadelphia's longest ladder and help 20,000 young men ajid women whom circumstances force to work for a living, climb to real success in We TEMPLE UNIVERSITY is the ladder by means of which thousands have reached better positions, better pay, greater usefulness and better citizen ship. The great good it haa done has Coat the City Nothing The time has come for Phila delphia to heli this important asset to keep pace "with the de mands upon it. We need $500, noo' more to complete the Mil lion Dollar Fund. TEMPLE UNIVERSITY ASSOCIATION .mmmAmi WITHDRAWAL NOTICE in connection with Plan for Retirement of Trust Certificates Philadelphia Electric Co mpany Notice is hereby given to the Holders of Edison Electric Five Per Cent. Stock Trust Certificates, Philadelphia Electric Five Per Cent. Gold Trust Certifi cates, and Philadelphia Electric Four Per Cent. Gold Trust Certifi cates, Not Heretofore Deposited that the Plan for Retirement of Trust Certificates, dated July 20th, 1916, is withdrawn. Philadelphia Electric Company will, how ever, pay the cash price named in, and in accordance with, the terms of said plan, to the holders of said outstanding Trust Certificates, if presented to The Land Title & Trust Company, Broad and Chestnut Streets, on or before Monday, January 29, 1917, at 12 o'clock noon, PHILADELPHIA ELECTRIC COMPANY JOS. B. McCALL, President. ..s .J3I -:i iA 1 WP