mm w4" M.iniwiwwM iij wt$mWi :T0mm'(K inffiii imr " tWls1 4 iSayJ EVENING LtiDGER-rniLADELrlllA, SATURDAY, JANXTARY 27, 1917 is im . . , H .0 .ii ! it ... i : i H?. -i ii I Jo 4, m .1 -i , ,M REAL ESTATE FOR BALE HIIST PHILADELPHIA l ( nt m. d rom rrrcrrftnjy Pone 0Ji.Z."n nA!iT p"" OP r.lTH ST. at Sprlntt fl'ld nve. (1300 blnrk aotitli) ntnl Jut one liloeK north of Cheater nve. lire lornted n lipatitlful row of brand-new tud-atory, porch-front homes. These houses f without doubt lh pret tiest homx to l, found ANYWHERE In Putin flflphln todm. nml when imi nil! to tht the fact thai, nvvlht; lo most umiiinl elrettm ninrps nn.l through Hip nnnnrlnl misfortune of others, thev ore to br iolI nt a price whlrti will result In tmmnll'itp mint lo pyerv ono no sees or lienrn of them nnd then once ncnln -nil I tha fact tint I have lipn able to arrntipe th, pnstpst kind of ens. trrma. an trnt ANY ONE nn own nn Ideal HOME even for a rnupte hundred iloltnr. with batntire to Hilt nur purse H'ST HOW I .ONO Do Yfir think thrsi: houses wn.i. i.i Thrrp mrtv ha some for n week or so liepiiu.p It Is wintertime nml comfortable Indoors, hut It will pnj you to lie wise nml com out. even If a. hllzxini Is lilowlne. Transportation, Is Ideal. Car No. 13 on Wnlnut st. crosses filth t. nt Chpsler nve Alo the nre most conveniently lerntod on tho direct line t( Iarliv nml will tutrtlrti'nflv appeal lo those uorlilnj In Cheater nml nrnrhy towns, and looltlnt? for n convenient and beau tiful halno In Philadelphia. Wo will linvo n umtlf tinusa open dav and evenlnir until nil nro poM. nml our ri-nrr pntntivp ni I on tlm prxtnlK. The nmple hnuo tnnv not ho nullo romplctp. fnr cnn not flnlh thrm fnt ppquuli tn.jnfrtlli rt tnnpil hut wo win nnlnii one It)It Yot' AH POON AH VOf IIUY. Thiv nro porfocl two utorv homo In rvpr rt'tTll. hut uppm tn trv to rtpw-rltw them iom nt onco nnit oe for ymirwlf. VORMN P. BIIKIIWOOD. 1111 Wnlnut t. Spruro .1171 . Ttan nnSd. oi u n.i.t'STitATr:i) itonKt.trr iostain I'lliiTtHlllAl'IIB of our hpiuw nml nmp nf i tip pi-rnn nf Intorpt In "Shprwooil our nt trnrtlin rtlilonllnl ouarlpr. A tr.'ll,.r..i..,R?.1.1!! rani will hrlnit linottlpl lo von JKMnnilTiJM j:mTT1:I Itnrripon llutlillnB si:nd l-'nii BAi.u on hhnt list Rlntp prlcp noil loriitlon dplrptl. tni Al.t.KN l'OTTH. inn., linltlmnro ave. n imioms nml Lath; Rood lucntlon, main ptrppl tipnr trollpy. . - .. 15 It AI'SI.BT Mlh nml Rprlnnflplil nv Tsii-.d -WII.IJ1W9 AVn . Mth to furnlshP!! "implp haul"' upon Iallv to f p 111 KEtl- -II W ft t'ltnwi. nnniTJ RSt'i rhminnt t 4311 A MAl.TIMnIlK AVF. S Ml twill. 'J hjtha. iMiiilitinn. I.'PK thnii iii"nil. In.itlil. PAVMlIt ft Stl.V Ull S llllli Pt IMI s vjn MT . thlril rtoor from Spruce at . hmln' propprty. flKO li t'nl'l.sns 2.V. N. Mil at ?l iVtllSTMKST Klnil murthnRi nml mut- t( Itonj" Hullilprn' fn . 11)11 Clipatnut. rinMK with s roonn, 1 n from aiihway aur fn.p fhratrr short lino. I. "1!. IilHPr Offlpp SIT H i'IH'II 7 rooms irtil lntlv moilm In nil ! tullo MVnua Jl SON. (VPI3 fhpatnut. liiillillm: Uil Wi:ar I'lIII.ADr.U'UIA LOT. lorntpd on oor- ... inti.t.u f. tilth n .l.i.v luiiit tin nlltoir ml si"iIi1p. lot aullahle for Improvement or nn .1 i IT fill' 111 linime rill: LAND TITI.K AND TftfUT l ) I Up nt mil Chpatnnt ata. , nr itnrn'Mi rlpp Tor ili'VehHimpiit : an lmpro omenta In. will ronalder nun ewluingp n s iTl A ilui-Uea. lnr . .VJiih Wnlnut at critiAvniWN We Can Fill Your Roquirenionla Mnit ininiilPle lit of realil"liep proportion r(.r il'nr rini In nil ipetloiiM nf flprninn ion ii nmv limin-a mljni phi I" l.lni-oln nrlvp .iml I pil Mlinlnii partleuliirlv nttraitlp. aeiernl piioleo lull Itlliifx nltea in'" hlne i'ni for InspMrtliina Ijook with ua heforo ilppliltnc. SMULLEN & EARRY wo cunsTNi'T (i.inr.rtTV iii.dci i 7im sai.i: "w t'AiirnNTKrs mt . Uernum i.iun. sin:. II hoiiap In n hit? netn'ihorhond: lot Mxl-iU". inllolntns expi'iiPUi' pruperly ,1 A 1'ATTI'UHON. IS" Until ll If.lll at OIUMANTKW.v ITS Mtnhrlm pi : new. ipp ' luh. henutlfiil aiirrimnillna. on to iji I ,n in Htn nml Ifltli at trolli'j. ItXNni.K. SI !. l'Jth 0 ItMWHiWX HoitP'a anil hulhllim altaa for ijp v , rul ilealrnlih houai a for rent MM'IIV.N IIOLMAN I'll. N K. i or .iti'l I'hiPttiul hrai. nsT.vrrj sciivirn I'AI.I, WIIITI! Oil I'HONB ai.TNDON I'llIRSTJIAN.nSOtl Oermanlnun nv Ollt NHW itRNl' nml aalo Hat nf Oerfnantown ..n,i ii.. ainni Hill nrnnprtti a rent nn nrnillea Hon II 11 l.iater & Son. r.r.12 OermanVn live TF Ylir AUK LOOKING TOU A IIOMK In Oer- I mantowu Sit. Airy nr I'hestnut 1 1 111. conault me. A. n .Meehnn. 074 7 Uermanlnwn nve. Ol It ItKAI. HflTATIJ HULLI'TIN will lip Pent to ou by mall on aiiplleatlnn. llermantown 'Irusi i'ii. I'livlti'ii nml llermintown nvea. 1 fhe.tniit Illll I 55 ACRJES In the henrt of tho WiltPmniPh alley. olil ati ule ptnnni nf wutpr Sulluhle fur ..tlliliv .t.lte nml helK'iil lo lie ulllv fnrill! i. in. i mini; nt inuiI.T.iio tirlre nenr rheatnut "iJCDl'MiTQC: fi, QTFTQnM I LAND TITI.l: 11LDO. STONE COLONIAL HOUSE ' Ml ImproAfuipntu, H Itpinff rooma, t baths. "HERKNESS & STETSON i,Ar titm: hi.imj St. I.irlln'ri. CltFHlmit Iflll BT 1I.IUNO SITUS (. UWOJ.N lmiVll lit .iltuut tvvn-thlidH ULttial vtilu. fruntiiu 1 IS fn . WAUNOl'lv ML' S' Ht &. KMl.UN. Utla llltlS'. 1.o en ii I.OUAN S homi:s Lm it'il on the pant aide nf 10th t. at Dun rntii.n rl!(in bloc It imrth hh4 four blocka east of I iuin 8t;itlun. Tin nc nr.- bpuutlful 'J-tory hompfl In the b. at Hi'nin ut tin- word (UNHTUUc'TiOM IJH'ATION AFFCAR- ANt'H a II ;irp iiuitP lntt.intli an nprrpi't. Th hy will npppal to you ilv am the hniiSA vmi uml Irrestatlbly nn the house you hat t)ppn HPiirehlriB fur and iHUu't think conni no rnunu. Thp prlfp In Sinsiv but please do not record, this In nnv way ua Indicating their valu you i nuNI not duplicate thorn tmluy for Ipki than fisiii). mi'l onl xtwet to sail tv wry ttw nt thti Itiw first price. Thc ian bt purchaand on enaler terms than ha vp pcr bft)ip hcefj offeretl for ii Uugan home 1200 ur S300 In cash, the bain nee to suit uur iiuraa. A smnplp housa will bo open day and ip iilnn Itpmnnilmr. tliean hnmpfi Hro pprfprt llttlp puma and will only tw on th market tit huch ii prl and on rurh terms far iniRhty short tlmn but to set anv Men of thpr bpniiiy nttrurttvpnpsii and lUltl-'SISTHU.K AFPKAI ou Ml'ST Bee thrm. fc?o come out at nnrp and pt for yourself NOHMAN H HHUUVOOn. 1111 Wnlnut at, Kprurts UIlTl. Jtaro aOl',1 fnouns dwi:m.inoh ash afautsiuxt.s"- l-or huIb or rpnt in lst aertlon of lvan. tM-wIJ'lrASln3ns.1ti33 N Jtrodil at. FKNNSYI.VAM.V SmritHAN QUOOKLINU - Ilunsalow, brand new, nhlte stucco, oUzl35; hardwood floors: tile bath; water heat, fruit trres: conveniently located: 4b00. J. Elmer Watts. Ardmor. ,wvulu CVMVYD " " Stone and Pebble-Dashed Residence f with 4 bedrooms, 1 bath on second floor. 2 bed rooms 1 hath nnd storeroom on third lloor. hot-water heat, electric light, lot ftOxMH. Thla freo'sur 'K'i'ssi's!1 ana " ,n " SAMUEL C. WAGNER, JR.' 201 I1ALA AVE . CVNWYD. and COMMntlClAI. TRUST HLPO,. I'j 1 1 f A . CYNWYD Small drtached houao in rooma and bath, hot-water hrat; lot GUxlGU, attractive tcrui4 will be mild Lower Merion Realty Co. LAND TITLE BUILDING nARMY 1 ACRE) 12-room cottaze. heatar. bath. 3 poretiea. stable poultry house, fruit, aliade. rosa. MH0I1 Bwope & Hon Darby. ELKIN8 IARK Handsome H-room rjsWfnre. hot-water heat; lot r.'Uxl.'IS; stone Knruge: all modern nppolotmenta. electric lights; nrlce S22 0IIU Wm. O. Olenn. ll.1t lamlTllla HIJic. tLKlNH PAItfi New Colonial dwelling, in rooma. 2 bathe, hot water. bU barealn. 3 inloutea from atatlon MrCORMICK & KIc- r01tlllCK. 101 1 Chestnut and Clklna Park. LANSIIOW.N'K ATTRACTIVE home. H W. heat. el.c. and saa: lot 8012q. Owner. I. 82t). I.eder Office. NORTH WYNNEFIELD- BTON'B COLONIAL HOUSK: excellent location 12 rooms 2 bat ha; modern Imprpvcmenti. lot 70140 shadtt and shrubbrjj prlc piwi i rati for such -a good property. Lower Merion Realty Co. LAND TITLE BUILDING OAKMONT. Del Co. Three-atory brand iieu atone and stucco houae oa the Stotmburj tract, near atatlon, cburcbea, hUb achool and atoria, 7j -minute car service. 11 rooma. fire place in aud electric; very artistic home. In choicest location In that section, lot 54x175 price (S750. open for Inspection today, easy terms. Wil S DAVIS, offtce South ArdmoK st atatlon BuoklejL J COl'TII ARDMORE Best value eter oKered la n kuuKulow in this section, sas electricity aud but water heat, tile batb. S rooms. Lot 75x120 uear hlsb achool. churches and stores 1,300 easy terms open (or iaspecflou today WILLIAM 8. PAV1J. ufttce TsTs 1190." HEAI. ESTATE FOR SALE rhNNSll.VANIA StlirilllN rontlHiirif from Prrcriln'O roltiiiin YNOOTf! ' ON BENT ROAD in th hrt ntahhnf lirtf1 stmio ljou fttiu 1:.'' mntlrrn nrr . win i"ii r nair me rot. hi renin fnr ftnin nnp HERKNESS & STETSON t.AN'll TITt.n 111 I rns'NA n n MAIN LINE HOMES AND COUNTRY SEATS .IVpnc-ttlp In rvrry fuiifl within C." mllfi nf rhlln. rirv (mil U.' lwhm wuX w run ftflv you mtit !i im, Uhnr onfl ln onvpnlonr. n wp hnr for oth-rn twi an x tiav tlm LARGEST LIST Ilea for Salp or Ilent in tin ntnl of ifpppftlo5 for Salr or llnnt in tlm Ptiburh ntnl MANY PHOTOGRAPHS f trill whlrh tnu rin rtlitn In n unit h innrt flTitrnti imrnnslnti nt th intun' iM-pnnrHnr" nf n imppri than enn pollil l- tiad from n '. .- .'. rrlptnn WM. H.WILSON & CO. 7nn-nt Mnitmx 4ta WYNNnriMM) AYR An nitrnrtlva. tip- in uaip auiiurtmn :i story atone dWHiiimt. atentn lipnt. plppirlp lluht. lot lifltlilti within If. mlnul ea nt I'ltv tlrtll Tilt! LAND TITI.K AND Tfll'riP i'o llronrl nml I'hratnitt ata 32-ACIin developpil alto nml pr.ipertv In not ill "I'emh Itnttom ' slit" liatrti uf York !., I'a.i heat alats In rpnnavlianln IISOO. Wrltp for ijiairlptlvp iroulnr, ttooni I. wool worth flullillnir. Ilpthlphem 1 CtlONTtlV SKATS, farms, puburhnn homp and fiulldlni! altei In northern aubiirba of l'hlla. 1'hone or wrllp IF J. D.mer. the. Amhler. r. nlir!j.tii l.nla Stil Til Altli.MnllK llull.llnir allea at Oikmnnl nnii aidiith VMninrp; nn1. ai.. up to 1 nere. I.iun t.i 1 1 ept honklot WM ! HAVI9. offtep nl SI ii ll.ili Stit'Tll AltriMimil nwmr will am rin'.. a lota ..Vila, with mis nml water worth IT.-.n fllilll fur ijulek piiIp t jr.3 l.eilaer I'-ntrl Mi mm: i' It. is. AHO.MOIli: ENGLISH RESIDENCE In lpt Incntfon. nnrtti iMt'. nn lnrc nnifr Int hniir rnntnthi ln-dronmv ht-I :i l.ith; Hll nimlchn ImpmeinpntH. near fttntinn. SAiMUEL C. WAGNER ii!i t'OMMBitfiAi, TitrsT itrii.niMi .vrtn.MonK ii and la-riooM iinruRK Ownpr noltut nhrond: Immediate sain rletreil. moflprn eotnenlenei s. one rorner nrngertv with KiiriiitP: larve Iota, ahmle nntl fruit low pries. ' ! PKTKKH StlN, HUH I'ltKHTNl'T ST. HAVERFORD tir.ntvc rrrtldrtKc, Rartinr nml S hunt Iwntlun In ilfllrtitr MPctlon ) 2 lmth. bb nml pfrtrklt. hut-wnti' lrhn rrnsonahl IMP f romitn Lower Menon Really Co. Land Title Building NEW MODERN RESIDENCE ,n .itlriu'tKi, tnnnVrn nfonn linun (tiirrnundert l 'old hIuhIp, ii' nr ntntiofi, 7 Iwilrnnnn. 3 Tut ha, Tint-wittiT tirnt cliriri llht. Biirnc. too fppi fnmt Hnti. m tv finish' it tn fiiit Imliv liltml n-iiuln iriMitK fm oirly npntiK orru pa (h SAMUEL C. WAGNER. JR. Sail I'OMMRItCIAI. Tltl'ST lltMLDINrt MAIV I.1VK UKAL KSTATM Port SAL'-: MV.niON Itn ntnl n STr.Otl alM aeml de li. "hul stnnp pIksIpi hnusea. plpp. liKht. aiv lieilronms. lom r.71-! xl."i2. old alrnle linniitlful loiiiilon tin p nn.' . ie 2 modprti.hiiua. s 2 imH :t liitlhriiniir. n .mil 7 iHMlriuitni $1 1 IHMl $17 llllli llANDLK 21 South lath -t. 0VERBR00K I'iiw lot In qrwul loinhoti n'r nt.iit'H) "t i'Nnf lutprn m nt1 all round It. alic SD tntl Frh p end p inli'uUra frntn Lower Merion Realty Co. LAND TITLE BUILDING WYXNKivnnn- MODERN STONE RESIDENCE ontnlnlnor H nmmn. il bath nnd storeroom. 2 npi'ii tirt phircfi hiit-wntiT Tvar, run and I-Mrli liwht n."iJti7 Klnp Inrntion and tipar itiit'nti fiwtr has nm d to Npw Yorlt nnd la nnxlnni to lf Inxoatlralr SAMUEL C. WAGNER. JR. i S2II ro.MMKItt'IAL TRI'ST lll'ILDlNO ATTRACTIVR Iin.Mns. niiwWn ennvenlpncrs. near churehea. aphonia nn.l atatlnna; sale or rent. J. M. FltnKnFim.D Wavne. I'a. MAIN I.IXK Heal line nf Mi.ln Line hnllBpa.' either for pule or rent, nt all prleea HIRST 1 Mi-AII'LLIN Weal Knd Trual llld- vKAv jnisr.v ritritnN KntinWATRR PARK VKR STA . TRIILI.IIY AS'D IUVRR la-rontn liouae. i onva : Int 77x2fiO tn reur Mlreel- owner r. mnveil nrlee low Phnln I'KTKRS 6 SON litis CIinSTNI'T ST . l'hlla MPPINCOTT LOTS AN'D HOMES 11ADDON IIHtOIITS N. J. WII.LRT LIPPINTOTT I'r.N'NSVI.VANIX FARMS 150 BUCKS AND MONTGOMERY COrNTY FARMS find for Hat now W. FORREST MAGEE sorTiMMPrn.v p. tail Al'RKS. NRAII WKST CIIKSTHR Re.ll I'lilollllll hnuae 17 rooms It tlrelihu'ea with old pranea- heater bnth. barn for IS head nlsn farmer'a houae. barn, ete fine m.'iulnwH' on atono rnnil conv in, tro'lev. a reallv ih alrnble form nt fair price; photoa here C P PKTIJUB SON. HAS CIIRSTNfT ST. 90 ACRES rfxv main mm: VICINITY I'Alll.f Cloae to Lincoln Highway. 30 aerea llmher; lonimntidliii! extended pva over Cheater Val Uv. T clnsp i atnle nrlce la made ,.n ,iW c p pitti:rs x. son bus chkstnct ST II ACRRS Truck, fruit nml poultry farm i macadam roud, 53.100 J. 11. Thompson. We Cheater. Pn Hl'CKS COl'NTV I'AltMS. all sites and prtres. Wrlta lUnlllnger A Rennlnger. (llen.lde. Pa NKW JljHSRV FARMS rAUJIS IN south jRitaur IIRNRY TAYLOR VNi:iNII. N J SRND TODAY fnr freo Hat 100 farma. D PHILLIPS ft SON CO, Trenton N .1 M. marm.xh imbm'h nn ..r.c o .... . .. . . n . . i jw .. ....... .ii.u.v. .in. mr in nran. outbulidltiEs; pood oriwr: main road; urcftanj: Imlrlbilltiru niltaoialnn . .a v.v. lev I lmmrdlatti rosae.ston: hsri?iiln. II. II McCOI.Ll'M 1311 Wnlnut street. REAL ESTATE SALE OR RENT CITY J. A PATTERSON. 130 S ISth at., la pfTerliis aome real bargain:. In central realty tor the remainder of thla month, both TOR RALRANI FOR RENT 2121 WALNUT 8TRERT Cor. Vbii Pelt: 13 rooms, a bath. BAMUEt. '. LRVIS. Real L'atata Truat nWi. Pi:.NNSVI.VNH r'K3IS SALR OR RENT 100-acre farm, near Philadel phia: suitable for ffentlemun'a home or dairy farun good spring. C 320, Ledger Office. ro,J.AM TIMIIRR I.NI RRTWRRN 300 and 100 arrea uf Rood coal land, near Punxautawney and adjacent lo railroad. II R Mjrtlu. Punxautawney. la. r! e SALE OR EXCHANGE PKNNSYLV.INI LOTS LOTS 20x100. near Marcus Hook- 10 mln. utea from Chester, near industries. I. U24 Ledger Office. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE WILL EXCHANGE 10 room houst; up to date: hot water heat, for small farm In Delaware County. Empire Trim Co.. llth i. Lane. a,e. W1I.I, RXCHANllR Jli'OOO equity central, or N ltroad st bouse aud pay difference In cash. J 2.17 Ledger Office IF' YOU IIAVK HEAL ESTATE to exchange see iiis It win gay jou. lean & Co IPOS N Sth 100 INVESTMENT houses for farms, wltti stock etc ISE.W 1803 N 8th st REAL ESTATE WANTED WANT properties foi sale and rent, dally In- tiulrlce. prompt collections efficient service. aCHAEFER. 1104 Sprint- (tardea st WILL HUY cheap real estate, any section PbllaT d.lphla. Immediate answer brokers protected. Cheater J. Rcttner. 14J10 Chestnut st WANTED 1000-aboo sq ft floor or blear.. OtnT or N W l'hlla , for llsht rafK. Factory Bx- chanitc Siephen Olrard Bid OWNERS EXECUTORS OF ESTATE8 IfeAl ' have 1 to 100 houses, to dlsHse of ciullkly see toe ISEN 1902 N. 8th st. WK HAVE lil'YERS Jor V.-t Philadelphia ami lx,rli:(.r.?ab''rl''1 dwellUyfs. Ryan. LUoercb and 1U0& Markit bt WANT HOUSE dowutowu (or lnestnuat, ea 1100 Smith g2d sod Tasker 11 REAL ESTATE -WANTED fenUnuid from JVrcfdlau Column IIOI'SKS west of 30th, south of Wharton ellenta wnltlnr nesiatio llll f Iflth ITNSsvi.VANIA SI)llt;ltlAN llnl'SIlKKKtMNO apartment liuntralnw. I'eiinn suliurh, with or nenf natine "" nui'nii., Yiiii nr ii.-.n r... " I ehruirv ! .1 pin. Le.laer fentral netore REAL ESTATE FOR RENT CITY All new. T rootna. Mth. tMlt. dry. itaa ahd eleettte HkM. hot-water heat. COXY HOMES MATTtltiW W. tint'flllBltTV. t i OftldMo aU 1111 SPtUV! ST --IS rooma. 2. Mth". -; front, natr.ry ha.k haeraent kitchen hoi llf ,la.U.lrll'nl houjp for rrlvnlfljtomlly. TlHi LAND TITt.1! ANI TltrRT fO. Ilroait ami rhpslnul alB. JlRNTB tlKDI'l'nil!-.1 atorlsa, J 112 VenanRB. nnr Tinan rtitnt at ttrnan iM. II room. ?? rno.1 ronmtlon. 2113 N. 1' Tilt. 0 rootjia. n: a.' n.k ft k.H. .. ...ii. .. iw.'llll. n. . .m. ArtBRNKTHY. 8721 V Rth. SO ! VIST ST Kour-alory dllln(f. ttll een- w p 'if.r til ioiir-aior; venlenoea, aiiltnlije for prf Till! LAND TITLI1 Af tlronil and rhesi ror pfJvjiieiiyiiiiiT Aiu iiniur i u. 'hpamut ata. 2Mti iiXKultD ST. in room.. 5 . 21 aiai Ttirnrr at., n rooma. ... t; SAUa. Turnpp al n rnonia. !' L. t'Altltt: IT2n N 81th at ti.NI.V i hlneka from 11th ami .Market fti . LI room hou In cnml rnndltlon ami with atPam hen, the rent la nnl I.T.I .... MVRIW ft ftAttTtt. hlrtiTP nve. ntul 10th at . IfllJ tt 1DT1I ST 11-room dwelllne. 2 lialhs: perfeet order- aide entrntiee' rent reaaonnBie. linitAr'n YAllhi.nY. a chestnui at Harlot's otTlee. MINTOHN T. WlltQItT ro . Mnrrla Hide 12S DR t.ANt'KY 1't.Arn 12 roomi ami 2 hilha h.i.1.1 m. MMm.m llltnn r.DOAn fl. Vhoss till Walnut at. lun V. Tlt ST - Stem Btlrt rtwel wly .KM i-nuininii inn. mu. mis. i.i.-i..ii. ' ! W. Mll.f.IUl. 401-7 r'otnmonwpolth til I.IVI N I3TII ST - I'orner properfv. I attr 2n i'o in pint tennnl wm fiiuier a non i liltiihta me Itimlnro I'rnprrttes nml Stores VIVR sTtlRKT llnllre luilldlnn. thrnneh to Winter al , lot 'ja ilxion. I floors; retnll or whnlesnle liitsl ri"Ss lira! rliss I .itldit Intl. , , Tin: PI'NNA ro Mt I'heatnm eireel. tna B ttTtt ST m.idern aton'. altrartlv from raaonnhio rental; opportunity fnr.M?.U' nf rtAttllKtt. I1ARTMAN tin A CO . tsoi Cheatnut at AI'TOMoniLR MRN small IIhmiiI at ator; low rent: suit tiro repalra ete . team neat. Ileht MOltltIS ft Co Itl.Ue nt Itroail Slores nntl Illiellliics VRtlY Di:sil(MLK .mu' coinhloed with antall ilw.lllnB lino W 1'iitiil.erliinil at. has lust beeh put In llrst'i'iss ..indttlon opposite tarae nr 1-nrn. wnnderfull. uoml bualneaa lopatton htiiiilreilp of iiainmira w.iltlnit for you to open nur store, unaits Mu here moiierui" fentul .. A NORMAN S SIII'-.ltWOOD . Sprilip aill Ull Wnlnut at Race 302.. I'nrtorlri, Wnrrlioues. Mfc. I'lonr 1214 ARCH STREET Nw. modern fireproof bulldlnir. sultabls far Hht manufacturlnw: el.iator. st.ara .Ic.'trlc llRht The Land Title & Trust Co. llltrun AND CHESTNUT STH. U i:i.l. LIOHTRD Prst floor mil basement 4nt I in bent IlKlit nml pouer eluiilnr aerjlie. fronllnK nn 2 ptrrets lin-.itlon. ina3-2 Mne nt rent $2loo per niititim. Apply to an icnl estiite iiKent. or owm r R. A. ltooKtmrr, l.'l Wiilnilt si Cohocksink Mills ""cSSHJZ'- Floora r.rtnn to 1 S 000 .u ft.; cheap power. 11. P McNRRLY 1712 Randolph. Itl'ls MARK'. I' ST Tun upper floora. 20 liv 11.1 pi.ilni .l.rlrhtn. Plenm hrilt' rear entraiue "III alter t" suit tennnt. MYRRH ft IIARTIL ItlDIIR AVR AND 10T1I rACTORIRS nnd Toor Pnarenf eerr dssprlotlon. Phtla. and vlrlnltv. I-'VCTOUY fcXCHANOlt Stpphen fllrnnl Rldr ITIbsrt (7011. Rac. 21. 111 (inn SO FT. Klral floor, with power. Hih stenm. R. It. slilltm; ilnvllsht room; nnaaes slnn ructorv Rxphnnae Stephen Olrard lll'ta KACTnRIRS nltea wnrehniisea (lnnr space ex I'liialvPh. .1. Alnn Mlddl. ton. Knctorv Spe ilnllit and Rnslneer. iinn-ll Wldener llldir .MALI, d.ivliitht fnctnr flour, with power. 150 month 1220 N Lanrrnee at ; open. SMALL. lUht floors, wllh power, cheap: 2111-2.1 Won rr at,, iitien w.ilk In (iri'if'i'.s. niNiMWi RnoH i:tc. COIt SVPH AND LANCASTHR AVR riealr nhle fliat floor and linaement. ROxJn feet- nlrh . iHlllnB; amml llsht; convenient In Weal PI Ua Htntlnn P It R , ault nny bualneaa or lltdit itmnufaf turins low rent. L .1 C. Fl'I.LRR 10 S 1KTH St . DRRX r.LI.IH D. WILLIAMS nno Drexcl Ituliumir .... u le-rn i' Mi.lln :t iill pnnvenlpncPa " u'.uiil llsht. p'tr . ault iiffli e nr any llnht liual I iiea purpoaea. will rent aepamtely: roaaonaute """. 1A."'P,F.'LLR.t. 10 S 1ST.TST. " 112.60 1HJKI) IIUILIJINO I13.J0 Centrally Incnted: nil convenlencta: renn attrartlkely Inw: service continuous (14 on 12U-17 rilbert .t. 12104 ARCI11TKCT nitlat or nttii r piirpos"p. mill" 2 rminia, north liaht. ull runvenlcneea, rcason- .1. C. ri'l.l.RR. 10 S. 18TII ST MODRRN OFF1CI..S. h.s nml floor. 1.112 Arch. 2H to SIS inonlh. I'utterson. l.'l 12 Arch. (Ifflrcs 1700 WAIUT 8T. Dealrablo offlcea for pliy.l otans. rttc. ' hent. light. Janitor aervlce turn. Apply Vi Penna. Co . 817 Cheatnut at. 81'Rl'CK. 1732 Deslrnblo offltea on first floor fur 2 or 3 rooma KRNTAI. UiT. , Till-! PRNNSYLVANIA COMPANY Tor Inauruntea on LIvph nnd Or'uitliur Annuities, "IT Cluatiiul at lli.lli plinnpB 2 l.'i S 20H.31 21.1 S. 22d. 2Ur.S 1.10 llll 2020 Lncuat tfir 12.1 no 111.". S 22i I Ir llll 117 I'.'o S.llruud. lUr.llil.tl7 1 1.1 Plii" Mr. . . , I us 34 Hits Or. en. 17r.. 7B 00 1 1211 N. Iilth. Dlr. 7O.U0 Hill Oxford, l'.'r. tl.1 1111 I ill Pin-, lor ... (Itl.oti 120 N 12tll. 13r (10 III) 12.111 S llrn.lil.lllrriO.0ll 01H S 3d. Or. . RO 110 llll" Cir.iril I3r.. (ill 00 17lu Dlu'.ind. Ilr 4.1 o l'., Llr 47. .In HI2J oxford. Ilr. 43.00 nj.t It , K.r . 1.100 1.13.1 N. 17th. llr 43 ' 2I11.I oreen. Llr 40 00 17.1.1 N ISth. ISr 40 1111 ITIIn.fnrd llr.. 37..1U 73.1 Corfu llr. .17 r.ii 211.'.' N llth. llr. 3U.00 17KII N lllth. 12r 3.1 110 2111 N. Hill. r.. 2.100 XSlil N. 3th, tir. 2.1.00 2IJ.'. Muat.r, llr. 117'ncU.Hr 21 "Jil N loth. Hlr 21.00 1443N. dth. lOr 2.1 110 120 N Frnk'ti.or 22.00 lis.', vine. llr... 2.11m nil Latimer ur . i-u.iiu 1111.1 ,n ath. Ur . 21.1111 III. V I' 10 00 511 N. R'd'ph.llr 2I.1111 .114 parrlah. 5r.. IN uo :i Meyd'a ct.ilr 1.1.00 21" Wliurton. Jr. inwi 033 Nectarlne.Sr 1.1 1111 IMid N Riiut'ld.Ur 13.00 023 Fulrra't. 5r. 15 oil WRST I'lllLADRLPHIA ...,. 40.11 Sprue... ilr 1.111 nn 3 1 ! Pow Itun.llr $4.1 nn 411 N. 33d. 13r. 3.1.00 7.10 N. 40th. 13r. 33.0(1 4112 Kuimmii. 12r So.mi 3M3 Up. Our.. 3r.. 2.1 OU 3H10 llronn. Or 2.1 MTontt.t amii mvr.t.i.iK'ns 223 S luth.i'Jr J7IHNI liliio Poplar. IOr.J4l C 251 N. I'd. IHr . 10.1111 3ltl Vtlf l-'r. . . 33.3 HON .Mil. pr . 30 on I'.il2 oxford, llr. 8u 01 . .. -. iTr----..-'-- . r. . .." -.: .--- .., . mw 1.1 31 nil 3:1 til Parrlah, llr .Hum lulu N. 2uih, tor. 27. no 721 .N. Front. llr 25.uo inu.l Fuirm't llr.. SS.QO ir. iii. r.. So. Or 5.1 :: f: .. So r.. 18 r. 18. .. iu. -ni.i itiuKH. iir.. jn.iii. ia iv corria.ur ... w. mu m n.i ..s .u.i n.i a m .1 . "pj :3.iioi h.1il S 2d. llr . . 22.uo ,,. sw ,.,;. ni K' z T :: --"---- .- v ... ... ii. ur ..". . . ....'.i .. 11H la.nri.1. Ilr .fl no l-JltHmith Ir. . So oo i. 2339 Amber. Ur..' 20 Oil 1201 il B. Vd, Br. (1U on uo 11211 H. 2d, Or... 18.110 21.1 .V lllth. 4r 20 Wharton. Sr 10. 00 1014 N. 3d. Tr R.UtDRL T ro & CO 8. 13. COIL WTH AND CXLLOWHILL ST3. KTIIllKS 62S Commerce at., store nnd 3 floora ...J00 00 232 N. Uth at., larce store 45.00 VUil-'llbert St.. a Itoora .... 25.00 STORKS AND mVKLLINOS 1407 Cumberland, 0 r and store: uonva. . .JSn 00 1)0.1 Huttonwood. store and 11 ruuttis 23 IK) (iul Wood, store nnd il rounia 1.1 CI' 1100 l''atrmount. atnre und 1 room.. .10 0 DWKLLINOS 1715 Master. 12 rooms cumuniences 5U uo S2U Marahall, 12 rooms SU UO 4311 H 40th, 11 rooma, cumenlemes. . . 30.00 ItllO Norrla, 11 rooms cunvenli uces .... 2 u( 25(W Fairm't. 10r..2.1 01.1 N Lawrce. 7r.J17 t0.1 Noble, Or 2.1 1017 Kharswood. 8r . It 1103 Wood. Ur ... . 2.1 013 Melon, 8r 10 hl8 New Market.Or 20 2213 R. Hunt'n. Dr.. 10 31.1 N. Darlen. hr. 20 1I2H N loth. 7r . . . Ill 1317 I-i Huaq'h' 20 2U27 N. Or'na.Sr.&b, 13 ISUlN. lltltst.. Ur. 1 2212 B. Harold. 4r. . 0 TIOOA 1730 Tloea. housekeeping apartments ,. .. ,C0 WF.KT l'IIII.l)i:i.i'IIIA MALCOLM STREET r.lTWKBN 6T1I AND R.1TI1 STS. $25 2-story. 7-room dwelllnss, porch front, hardnood floora. electrio lUhte. laundry In basement. Inquire at olllce. 5421 MAI.COI II ST DWELLINGS AND STORES IN LANCASTER AVE SECTION 111) TO $50 F1JL ?c?''' iasU I'ANCASTER AVJ. Ilustna Proprrtlra and Stores OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS AT YODR DOOR r,'OV' IS TUB TIME TO C1RASP IT NEW MODERN STORES! 50TH 4 MARKET " IDEAL LOCALITY FOR Drus Store Auto Supplies Dry Hoods i,u,'.tr tt"d Eks Hardware Delicatessen This Block Is Newly Built and M. Small city In Itself. AC1ENT ON PREMISES KENIN 4 SHAPIRO lll'ILDERS 1RXRL OFFICRS Annual Rentnls. Sl.clP Rooma 1flt). 1120 fIJJ ?" !! J? Sullen 2 Rms . llll, I10, ir,H.2U0 I22H I2JH SulteiSltma.: 27r. him. mi'l& Corner Suites. I tn S Rooms. 10.10 to SI 1130 Storra uod llwelllncs iiiui) BALTIilORK AVE Store and cellar, suit able for urocery. confectlonsry. bakery or TllarLANDtTLB AND TRUST CO. Broad and Chestnut sta liKRMNT01VN STBNTON Scviral d slr.-iile houses for rent, .oueu i-ery da trains to BUulon VUtloa. 'ifAl RAN DULiLVN t CO N. E cor Broad aud i-bwsuuil. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT nnrtMANTowtf roiitiiturit rem rrrerdlao I otiimrt DKTAriinD retldence. 12 rooma and 3 bath; Karaite 112.1 per month to repponalblo Unant. H. c. Tourlson. 7(iH lloyer ft. im:nnsi,vania st mnnAN '" "COLONIAL RESIDENCE 12 rrt.M.m 1 r li it trie. 1' iir rt no HERKNESS & STETSON LA VD TITI.r Ill.Dft. WYNi'OTI Kor rent. 27 llellexua nie , Wyn rote; P rooma nnd hath: all eomenlrncea. larue J,nrd. taa. Apply James W nail. Wyn. """COUNTRY RESIDENCE Moilern ilneilmv. raratte, ft ncfr. ftplemllil loi'nttnn 7 HERKNESS & STETSON t.ii i Nt Tiri.t: Hi.tin Fon iikn r -i i iirwiji iiorsn. r. minitrh KltOM AIIDMfilti: STTtll.N. O.NLV ISI). WAl.TIIlt it,st:rT SMITH 21S.T N HID ST FOR RENT FURNISHED cirv Kolt tll.NT. 21st at. near Loruat, furnished house 1J rooms and 2 hatha, erv moderate rent for ai-ieril ntuntha J A PA'I I tUtsoN. LTD S IRIh at siiti iniAy l.i" Mu ti in t itiHsKsmox AT nwr Hi rnnm linns . it inula . plahti and full rurnlaheit shmh d lawn, tlnddnnfleld. N .1 I'KTKKS k SUV, tin rittfwTNUT ST. l'hlla MORTOAfJES AbvAtvcns to ni'ii.nnns a si'Eout.TY 1.1 lljl.l.l.O T MOimjAl TO fUtftltST IM ..,uw ena In the City of 1'hlladelpnU I . AT LOWEST MARKET HATES Apply 19 tIAKLETT A MOBS 818 WALNUT ST. M ' 17.1. Lnmha : JSIS. LOW-RATE MONEY FOR I I1WI' i (4Ri OND M.SO III II DIM! AND I(iV AS'D SPLI P MORTGAGES I "I'll I.LDlll-'ll OFKH R MORTGAGES First or Second I plaip them quickly. Fund always on hand for nn amount. A trial will lonvlncp vou that I have the fniitltlii of am tmritpr In Philadelphia to prim in p (ttm k n "u'ih rrv me. CI IAS. Z.DE YOUNG 4011 West Tnd Trunt llUlu MONEY TO LOAM ARTHUR BOSWELL 718 N. 1ITH ST. frt.afe. trust and Hull. line A.,oclstle fa.Ae YOUR, MORTGAGE " PLACED quit M nt lowest ratra. Yp hnvt prUnte fund) on li.tnd for Cirri- and P. A- I. Aso. tuinN for iiuonil1. l'rnmpt attention to all npplii ntiun SMULLEN & BARRY mtOMi A CIIRSTNI'T STS. ILIhertN llldB I LARGE FUNDS Fur Ik niitrtiricci danria m,id to JAMES D. WINCHELL 17TII AS'D HNSOM STS FUNDS FOR MORTGAGES Hepayablp In terms of years or on Installment plan. Northern Trust Company OTIt AND SFUINO OARDKN $100,000-4,2 FLAT IIPEChl, TRUST FUND FOR nnoD riRiT mortoaoks WOWACI- H FRITZ 71.1 WALNUT ST. TO srccrr" a" mortoaor lip It first or second If vou desire efficient pPM'Ire. nu'cle and a.itlsfactnry reBUlta and tnnrternte ptiarces CALL. PIIDNR OR Yt'RlTR TO US "Your mortirairp will bp as rood as placed " NORMAN S SHRRWOnn. 1411 Wnlnut st 150 NOTR OR MORTOAOH Immediate Settlement. TO ttnpsltled Rstntn Loans. Rulldtni; AssnclatlonFund, 11000 DI'.MPSRY CO. 27 Smith inth t. (tf) 1100. 200 TO $5000 M'irtr'ice or note, able e is tertlli 1 real eatite nronerty. 1t.1v. aetllement same dav LEWIS & CO 1227 W OIRAHD AVRNUR fclfl To loan on rea, estate security: h,-'-j ImniKllato pettleiuent: payAblo a. TO $2000 EDW. M. MOLL 132,??h"h StVScht MORTGAGES ul:Ti? ' IN St'MS TO SUIT IT TlRRflRR k CO . 7th and Oreen sis FUNDS FOR FIRST. 'SECOND OR SPLIT mnrtpapea. inllntrra! and ahort-term loans: "il ninrtuni-'" s on rows or hiilldlncr nperattona "AHRRN'RTIIV. 1.1.1 S 12th. 2721 N 5lh ALL AMOUNTS 1ST AND 2D MOHTOAORI Quick Answer Jtl'RICRH MITSINORR Rl Fs, Tr Rldr " FUNDS FOR 1ST AN I 2D MORTOAOKS MORTOAORS r'OR SALE THRO i: N1CKI.F.S 2313 flermantown a 110NRY for mnrtirnites: Uneks County property "" ARTHUR P TOWNSRND Lincoln Hulldlna- Philadelphia """TRUST FUNDS FOR FIRST MORTOAOKS IirilKNRSS A STETSON LAND TITI.R Ill'ILDINC. " MONEY FOR 1ST XND 2D MORTOAOK1 Siu.-r.. A RRDDINO SON 7(10 WALNUT ST 1201 SPRT'CR OT FUNDS FOR 1ST AND 2D MORTOAOK.1 ANY Allot ?T POTTB X THOMPSON 2321 Uesnkfnrd are 12.11100 FOR FIRST CLASS MORTOAOR or ninriaeea HORACR YVRDLRY, 215 Cheatnut st ANY SI'" XNY OiiU'N'T PLACRD AT ONCR LOIVFST RATFS PS PRLANY 1112 I.INCOLNIII.lKl ' " MONEY FOR MORTOAORS ntllLDINri AND ASSOCIATION FUNDS IIRNRY S W-.V.D 1120 Chestnut st. LOANS ON INTEIIEST IN ESTATES Rp'iannahle rharires JOHN" Hn:iY SOT Land Title Ride "" ' JSOJMin 4'i PFR CENT ' JOHN HARRY 507 LAND TITI.R HUII.DINQ TRI'ST FUNDS Fnr nny wood morfcaires, J EDWARD l.t'TS! 2lfl N 17th st DO YOU NEED A MORTOAOE? Flrat. second and atdlta placed In hulldlnc as. social Inns c R Rhonda 1,1th sb.Sustiueh'na WRI.LHRCURED FIRST MORTdAOUB on new houses: all rapera fre. O'Neill li Ouches. Inc. 120S Walnul si MONRY for flrat and aeeond rnnrticasti. private funds and bulldlnir iisnet WM, FRICDRICH 6 CO Ml N. tSlh t FIVE PER CRNT huililliia aaauelatlnn and split tiinriR'iiea; nn pr. mfums mod.-rate charffe. M 'OirTK. 13tli und Yrk sta Iloth phones. MONEY for flrat and aeroud mnrtcaip-a. bulldlnc; aesoilailon and tnstullment mnrtKanes. Willls Wttiehester Co., iOOI I'll, etnut at OWNERS Funds for let and 2d inorteacee. In- t reuse our mnrlK.iae S2I I ifoette Rills' MONEY TO LOAN MONEY TO LOAN .Lai us nrranvf a loan for ou Strlrtly lsa iwles. Pajinenta as low 111 t'J pr month Our erl- Is rurtfous ronidfrat safe. AMERICAN LOAN CO. 5613 Germantown Ave. Bell. Gtn 40S0 Kent North 07 (Oier Woolworth's ) ' YOU CAN HORROW MO.IET- ON DIAMONDS. JEWELS. ETC. I!5 AND UP S 175 AND UP , I l3 IIQU AND UP ....:.. l5 rieder's js8 market st. hidoe ave and oxford st. 1 22d and southst. MONEY LOANED to'helrs of unsettled" estates" Interests bou-ln FRANK P MAKTIN. 7J' 25 Stephen lili-id llldif. 21 S 12th St. PARCEL POST BEAUTIfFUL HAIR Is the blrthrlht of EVERY OMAN If our hair and eialp are dr and not prop erly nourished they need Imm.-JUtu attentlou Toe MKU.MA1U SHAMPOO no! only cleanses our hair and scalp but Imparts new vitality owlns to Its Ollie OH propertits The stent which clings lo uur hair la fly but aaotner dctujht ubiib must bo known to bo appreciated. Sent by wall 3V a Jar. Address The Mermaid Shampoo Co. 6110 Market St., 1'bUatUUihia. Pa. ii vt v aw iz3i - Will The lounR I.ittly Across llic Way Tho vnunr; lady across th way unya alio undpfLiiicla n attbmarltio Pun alv iinilpr miter for ninety liiuir- nt n titttp wit .in even thr atcllioscniip uppeiirltti; Mnkcs lllm I'ccrish HonMtl.i. now. M rttlln, rtnn'l ynti tlalnk it's cniiite for pcovlalinpaa when wo trttio yon to tlie ball nninp box .ica't, cushion, pop, penntits nnd all trio nocessorles nntl carefully explain the dottitls nil the way from practice down to the Inst half of tho ninth, only to lmvo yon say on the vuy home, "How ltmnv tallies can thuy make In nn Inning?" KulTnlo News. WASTED THE FbUOW ' WALK?; 6 BLOCKS IWKTOBESURr. OF-A 4EAT THEN D0ESMT HAVE THE NERif roKeeB-p-- aifcNgY smi III the Stubble Field csffi. -The Passlnc Spew Ah ' This reminds me, I meant to it shaved " ftom.HGTue. SUt - J - I - " ' ja. ' ' ' oils I r TMRrffiiv yJ$Ss& ssCbWHbsB hq v.M Vi. teiX m. xssRc- Xyeh WL BRiVv xVC II 1 Bllllkvj SSEr&ete5:W&'' sZr - tzggr-r' v i 3' ' -iv ' V sT -e ' ' '''''iTIIf ''l''";,,,l,,''f 'ifK'l'll'''! W- fWP -Jirt ..w,'. crcRAPPLe m. J JlmSSBI B-W J ZH I " $ ' THH PADDED CELL ft) 2 J&w mh bo m WadS. X. i jy f I AU Hoa SDR6 You I .J4U3 UV8M&, fMHU? y A . hws ; I we f&sommi ' f M fldW Sljap j ' ( J wer V I 1 w e--- y f HlfWAHI) I ENElfGY LIGrHT OCCUPATIONS lookinu e-an Mat ON A KQLUlNCi fisj WAR AND The Scena r.tlnter Sorry the theatr war, I-s'pose. Tho Coroedienno On account of the 5CHQ0I DAYS HW rAif Ji ., ib (iot It Mixed Two men wore engitKOil on a road repalrlns; Job. Tho 'elder of them wanted a nap, nnd so ho told his mato to keep a Rood loolcout for the boss while ho had n "lio down" In a cabin near by. An hour had passed, and, Imp punltiK to look 'nround, tho ono at work taw thu boss about flfty yards off. He tlaro not ro nnd warn his mate for fear of bclnc seen. Catching sight of a boy who was passing by ho quietly told him to "Oo and nwnken that man In yon der cabin and tell 'him the boss U 'coming." ' To Ills dismay tho boy walked up ' to the boss and said: "Hey. mister! There's a man In that cabin. 'Go nnd tell him the boss Is coming," With the Hest Intentions Ideaa. "I was awfully sorry to hear of your being wounded." "Oh, it was nothing I hope to live through a. lot worse " "Indeed, I hope you will do nothing of the sorL" PEACE 1 in Sketch. On nocount of the luilf empty. Miss, piece, I should say. WSBBBwiiS iMl ffvf mm 1 i s l K. ' if.