Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 26, 1917, Night Extra, Page 6, Image 6

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I Delegati dollo Potenze dell'In
' testi Rlunfti a Londrn Ne
Tracciano il Progrnmmn
II Conto Tisza Acccnna a Nuove Pro
posto. dl Paco da Porto deglt
Impcrl Contrail
ROMA, 28 Oonnalo.
Telegramml da Ixmdrft dlcono cha 1 rnp
presentantt dollo marlno da guorrn. della
Quadrupllco tntensa, cloo' deU'InghlUerro,
della Francla, dell'Italla o della Russia,
h'anno tonuto una eerlo dl confcronzo nella
capltato brltannlca. Scopo dello confcrcnio
' Btato quello dl coordlnare l'azlono dollo
juattro flotto alloato per la opernxlonl of
fensive, o dlfenalva. Inoltro I delopatl lianno
tracolato un programma dl costruzlont
nuovo oho devonu rlmplazzaro tonnollala per
tonnellata tutta to untta' altondato dal sot
tomarlnl tedeschl cd austrlaol.
Questa riunlono dl delcgati naval! forma
l'ultlmo anello dolla (terla dl conferenzo
tenuto dagll allcatl delt'Intcsa, Inlzlata con
11 oonvegno dl Noma a segulta pol dallo
conforonze mllllarl dl Londra. Ora cho
quests, conforenza ono complotato, clascuna
dello Qiiatlro nazlonl alleato torra' rlunlonl
del proprll capl mllltarl por conoertaro la
propria azlono In arraonla con gll accordl
jnternazlonall, o quosto prima cho comlncl
i'offenslva della prlmavera.
Nolla seduta tenuta clal delcgntl navatl
jnercoledl' scorso I'ammlragllo Ingleso Jol
llcoo prtsento' II buo piano per Bpazzaro
dal Medlterraneo 1 sottomarlnl ncmlcl la
cut atttlvlta' e" aumontatn. IV appunto
nolla zona MefUtcrrnnea cho la flotto alleato
posnono megllo unlrc lo loro forza per uno
Bforzo slmultaneo contro II nemlco.
Notlzle da Hudapost dlcono cho 11 prcsl
dento del ConBlgllo uiighereco, conto T&za,
rlspondendo nolla Camera del Dcputatl ail
una Intorrogazlono circa II dlscorso del
Preildcnto Wllaon, ha fatto comprendcro
cho al faranno altrl passl per la paco. Kgll
ha detto:
"Nol slamo dlapoatt a contlnuaro lo trnt
tatlve con 11 presUlento degll Stall Unltl
per la paco, naturalmento d'accordo con I
noatri allcatl. Dcvo spcclalmontc dlchlarara
cho la Quadrupllco Allcanza (Ocrtnanla,
Auatrla-Unsherla, Turchla o nulg.irla) o'
dlspoata ad entraro In trattatlvo dl paco
o proporra' cnndlzlonl cho saranno accet
taulll per II nemtco u 8crvlranni como haao
per una paco duratura. D'altra parte lo
condlzlonl espresso nella rl.tposta dell'Intesa
nl Prealdcnto enulvalgono alia dlssoluzlono
della noatra monarchla p de'l'lmporo otto
mano Clo' o'gninca cho I nostrl nomlcl
Bilrano nlla nostra dlstruzlone, o perclo'
nol 'jlamo forzatl a realstero con tuttr le
nostro forzo.
"In quanto al prlnclplo dl nnzlonalltn",
devo dlro cha la sua appllcazlono o' pons'Mlc
oltanto dove lo nazlonallta' aono divlso da
ben determlnatl con fin I. Altrove al dove ap-
fillcare Ilberta' dl svlluppo, ill rellglone o dl
Ingua, clo' cho o' aempro atato fatto (?)
In tutti o due gll statl delta monarchla aua-tro-ungarlca."
Ancha questo dlscorso del prealdcnto del
Conslgllo unglicreao mostra qualo Krandls
slmo Interciae lianno gll Imporl rentrall
a vedero II pronto rlstablllmcnto della paco
o ad cvitaro la nuova offcnnUa cho gll al
lcatl preparano por la prlmavera.
Domanl rlcorro II gcnetllaco del kalsor,
un Klornala ll Pnrlgl. L'Ooure, dlco cho
questa occaalono potra' osscro usata dal
kaiser per faro nuove propoato dl paco.
Telegiamml da Londra dlcono cho II
fjencrale Maurice, dlrcctore dM le opcrazlon
neYeserclto brltanntco ha fatto Impoitantl
dlchlarazlonl a dlveral glornallstl nmcrlcanl
Egl ha detto cho voleva correggero
1'lmpresslone errata dl moltl nmcrlcan1 cho
10 forzo franco-lnglesl avessoro ragglunto
11 llmlte della loro energla
"Una tale Idea e' complctamento falsa
o tutto fescrclto Inglene. ilal prlrno freneralo
all'ultlmo so'dnto e' cma.nto cha oaso s
aplngera' Inna si flno n cht lo forz, tcdesche
rion slano sconltttn Nol tuttl cl attrndlamo
una vlttor'a dccinlva nulla fronto occhlentale
c nnn no dubltlaruo affatto Supptamo cha
abblamo ragg unto la supertorlta' aasoluta
sul nemlco a che Insleme con I franceal lo
rcsplnguremo Indietro tlno a cho lo nremo
iconfltto. Sara' una c.impngn.-i accanitlsslma
e sangulnosa, ma vlnceremo."'
Two Men Accused of Permittinc Gam
blins at Hagcrstown, Md.
HAOFRSTOWV. Mil 'an 2fi Punch
N board raflle3 for small prizes c nductpd In
cigar stored and other buslnea places will
bo strictly barred hereafter Theso have
been very popular In Hagorstown, and
dosplte warnings from the l'ollco depart
ment, hae been persisted in. An example
was made of a oaloonkeepor a ouplo of
months ago. Now John D Cat sett and
James Farmer, both having business places
on tha principal street of tho city, nr.i duo
for a hearing on a chargu of permitting
gambling on their premises.
Clear your skin -
a business asset
That skin trouble may be more than
a source of suffering and embarrass
ment it may be holding you back in
the business world, keeping you out of a
better job for which a good appearance
is required. Why "take a chance" when
Ointment, usually heals skin eruptions
a easily, is so simple and economical to
use? It has such a record of success
that you need not hesitate to try it, even
though you have used other treatments
with little or no success.
Reitno! Ointment U sold bjr drusslats cTrjnrfeer.
r - . -j
vv JwSr
ijBUM:vrf ' '' v,v ' t! l " Jlv" M" ' a ''' v" ; M"" ' r l " r "" J f9
n- '
EFF. '
' a
Friends Central Teaches the Young Idea by Mod
ern Methods Which Combine Pleasure and
Practical Instruction
COLUMBUS mado four trips nrrois tho
Ain.i n i,A ii,t Mimohniiv's
Atlantic Occan-tho night someboilj s ,
hlstorv bool: told vou so. Tho next day in
school ho mado two. Or was it three?
How stupid of Olumbus to have made tho
voyages In n history book ! This morning
ho mado thorn In a sand ho: What a
day It was gfor tho small folio on shore
flags, wacs', cries and shouKi' Who could
oer forget that Columbia mado four trips
when he mado them In a sand box !
Certainly not tho class of llttlo boys and
girls in ho spent n half hour's tlmo con
structing tho perilous voyages In a study
room nt tho lVlcnds' School, Seventeenth
jtrett and fllrnrd nenuc.
And so with nn Irrevocable tumble, tho
llttlo red Bchonlhouso, with Its history book
and Its speller, has fallen In a trndltlon
shattered heap U fell a long tlmo ago as
far as this ono group of educators Is con
cerned, but nn ono heard Tho Friends liavo
a way of working quietly and unobtrusively.
Thcv hivo not seen fit to tell tho rest of
tho world that tho llttlo rcadin'. wrltln' and
'rlthmetlc i-lnss of 1SIB has grown Into a
system that Includes phases of tho Oary,
Montcssorl, intermediate p!an and all tho
rest of tho onward movements that havo
been recently agitated In educational circles
They have not, perhaps, tohl that tho origi
nal hrtck schoolhouso has developed Into a
chain represented by four schools, ono at
Keenteenth street and Uirard avenue, an
other at Thlrty-llfth street and Lancaster
avenue, still another at Greene street above
School House lano and tho Ilrst building at
Fifteenth and llaco streets.
Joseph T. Hlchards, retired chief engi
neer of maintenance of way, Pennsylvania
Uallroad, la a tiusteo of tho Friends' Central
syBtem. Ho Is incidentally a creator of
world progress himself. Hut so startling
and worth whllo has been tho change In tho
Friends' methods of educating that ho ro
gards the evolution as mora extraordinary
than the strides In steel and stono accom
plishments As to the evolution. It has not been a
matter of presto. Tho happy and friendly
attltudo of these llttlo peoplo toward their
books was born deep in tho minds of such
hdentlsts as Dr. John Dewey and Dr. Frank
McMurray. of Columbia University. Careful
studying of new methods, skilled applica
tion In an experimental nay nnd then rnnl
export Judgment na to tho eventual clflcaey
has been the rulo with those in supervision.
Miss Kmma flames Wallace, principal of
tho Friends' School nt Seventeenth street
and Girard avenue, explains: "Wo keep in
touch with every educational movement
Plan for
Edison Electric Five Per Cent. Stock Trust Certificates,
Philadelphia Electric Five Per Cent. Gold Trust Certifi
cates, and
Philadelphia Electric Four Per Cent. Gold Trust Certifi
cates, Not Heretofore Deposited
that the Plan for Retirement of Trust Certificates, dafcgd
July 20th, 1916, is withdrawn.
Philadelphia Electric Company will, how
ever, pay the cash price named in, and in
accordance with, the terms of said plan,
to the holders of said outstanding Trust Certificates, if
presented to The Land Title & Trust Company, Broad,
and Chestnut Streets, on or before Monday, January 29,
1 9 1 7,s at 12 o'clock noon.
JOS. B. McGALL, President.
X rJXV ..fMBai 1 V 1 WTVraWWM. w Ba-nB,.-
r J . .
J.WtAAVA.W-A.Wr..- ..W t VAACd&
Tho trustees nrn anxiously willing to try
out nn' I),un that seems to bo nn onwnrd
r(( M Uilg m(iUcp iy maMng nur mtlc
peoplo more lmnplly and cltlolently absorb
their lessons. Hqulpment n unstinted and
of tho best obtninable. Wo havo found It
practicable to havo two rooms for our
classes. 12nch rla'-s has tho uso of n school
room and a study which connects. Tho desks
riro used for the llttlo fmnul U'olk we
have, tho tables In tho study for rending
and talking. Wo havo only nix rlasson and
a kindergarten In thu elementary school.
Perhaps It Is beeauso of this that we havo
mot with a largo amount of sul-ccs."
And so while Philadelphia la) carefully
weighing tho advisability of adopting tho
Intermediate plan which provides frir tho re
moval of the seventh and eighth grade from
the other six grades, the JVcmls' Central
sy.item Is nl)!o to extend Its experimental
work to Holds afresh, for tho slinplo reason
that It adopted the "s" plan soma tlmo
ago. Tho Gar system Is partly Installed,
m that tho chlldt on nlternato In work ami
playrooms Tho Montcssorl method In cer
tain of Its phases is employed in the kinder
"Small classes," continued Miss Wallace,
"allow an entirely different plan of Instruc
tion Our children talk things over In
stead of being assigned a regular lesson.
As far as possible their subjects arc all cor
related and practically so For Instance,
tho llttlo folks learn arithmetic- by means
of playing store. They havo a counter nnd
nctual commodities to deal with. Tho cook
ing classes in tho upper grades havo occa
sion to uso various measures of milk. Hour,
etc It is the task of tho llttlo storekeepers
to correctly measure thcyo out.
"Wo modol our history nnd geography
lessons In our sand boxes. Wo try to havo
a motlvo for most of tho things we do Tho
sowing class Is going to make curtains for
tho windows to make them look pretty
When wo wrlto a letter, wo don't Just play,
wo really wrlto to somebody. Only a few
davs ago wo woro very dignified nnd wroto
to Washington for a pamphlet that Is going
to teach us a lot about something wo would
llko to know.
"Tho other day tho Janitor reported tho
fact that llttlo folks wera wasting paper
towels Wo put heads together nnd derided
that two were enough to keep any pair of
llttlo hands clean. Tho sixth grade pro
ceeded by means of comparing tho number
of towels on a roll with the number of pupils
In tho school to make out a, tally sheet that
would keep us all In tow as far as to.vcls
were concerned "
To show that Ufa Isn't all figures, tho
small students made lied Cross kits and
in connection with
Retirement of Trust Certificates
o trfl
a EI
is hereby given to the Holders of , j
li-nimd all nboul how to use them Then
to n turn to figures, they inn tell jotl all
nliniit pinhlbltloii and nhout how many
finest fhr there wero In Pennsylvania last
J ear and why.
Although an extensive library Is nt tholr
disposal, theso llttlo peoplo h.ivo discovered
that tho ftroat bonk of all outdoors can
teaih them moro than nn- printed page.
Thev spend many class lioiVrs In tho park
getting acquainted with thn birds utid tho
tices and the flowers They rpend nn eipial
amount of tlmo indoors telling each other
of tho wondetful things they bnvo found.
Assembly hour nlTonls nn opportunity to
lecture about their ntudles It nlso extends
to them the clmnee to speak, sing, glvo plays
nnd do tho hundred and ono things llttlo
enough In themselves, but big enough to
mnko a. llttlo child do that most necessary
of nil things cxpiess himself.
Education Is not meroly n matter of
preparation for after life. II Is n period
Just ns surely and nR distinctly n nro tho
days of a man's first Job. Hehool dayB nro
not a tiding over, a waiting for something
else. They aia a gilpplng throuologlcnl
reality of llttlo boy and rir! life ti rcnllty
that has as much n right tn ho enjoyed na
an Invigoiatlng business day
Tho Friends have dlsiowi'cd this.
Lansdalc Jinn Will Uccome Printer
Instead of Munitions
LANSDALE, Pa., Jan. 20. II. W. Pcrgcy,
formor manager of tho Lansdalo Republican
and former Assemblyman, who accepted a
position at the Bethlehem Steel Works, ban
iiult because. It la said, his conscience would
not permit him to take part In making war
Mr. Uorgey will open n printing place
heio Monday, and proposes to publish a
Held for Court as Meat Ilurglnr
Suspected of having broken Into tho ment
market of Isidore Atkln, nt Lambert nnd
Montgomery streets, early today and steal
ing $30 vvoiti of ment, Thomas Lavcn,
twenty-one years old, 18n9 North Lambert
street, was held under S'iUO ball for court
by Maglstiato Collins it tho Nineteenth
and Oxford straits pul station.
Own Make, Puro nnd Delicious
Chocolates and Mixtures
28c, 38c & 59c Sb.
mid llruaeurn
Americans Thrill Allies
With Daring Air Attack
ConttmiKl from Tate Ono
foreign nrmy. nnd that tho other Is a bravo
Oermnn, doing what ho conceives lo bo tils
duty ono rcnllies that here are two com
batants worth watching.
Very rarely do tho Germans venture
over our lines, nnd ono liai to bo very far
forward nowadajs lo got n. good lew of
ti fight between tho Allies and tho enemy
In tho air. I havo had good fdrtuno several
Tho olr fighting of lfl I hears n' much
rcsemblanco to tho air fighting of 1317 as
an old steam nulomoblle to tho slx-cyllnder
of today There Is a perpetual match In
speeding up between tho enemy nnd tho
Allies. Four or llvo milts nn hour extra
paco means everything It Is not an In
crease of englno power lo over 200 horso
powor that brought about tho chango so
much ns tho wonderful progrei'i In tho nrt
of flying Itself, nnd It Is just hero that tho
Anglo-Saxon and tho Frenchman beat tho
slower-minded Herman. It Is just this
reason why Oermnn soldiers' loiters nro
now so full of complaint about overcautious
German aviators
When I'cgoud Invented looplng-tho-Ioop
tho peoplo asked why? What's the itto
of It? Pegoud was a very considerable
Inventor as welt as a flyor, Is Iho nnswer
Lonplng-the-loop Is a useful maneuver, and
It linn been succeeded by thnt extraordinary
development, the "noso dive," In which an
airman seems to fall llko a stono for u
thousand feet till tho spectator hair rises
from his head In horror: then suddenly tho
machlno flattens out nnd i-cota away, and
you find It only n trick nfler all.
I talked with ono of our wounded bovs
bo was Just nineteen who had fallen 8000
feet, owing to his rudder wire connection
being shot thiough. Ilv a miracle his nui
chlno btralBlitened Itself out automatic ilh
Within 100 yatds of tho ground, nnd tno
boy Is alive nnd will lly ngaln. I asked him
hri sensations. Ho Is probably the llrrt
man In tho world who has fallen 8000 feet
more than ten times tho height of the
Woolwortb lliilldlng.
Ho said that for a long lime It Foenisd
llko hours ho knew ha wns fnlllng at a
tremendous H'ced, and then ho lost con
sciousness. As in a di cam ho found him
self being picked up out of tho wreck of
his nmrhlno by people who thought he
wns dead.
At tho beginning of nn nlr light thcic Is
maneuvering for positions and feinting, as
In boxing. There nre, as a lule, two men
In each machine n pilot and an obscrvei
except In tho smaller types, In which Iho
wings are clipped down to nothing to get
extra speed nnd climbing power. Know
ledge of the englno and piano power, qulck
ncrs of decision nnd accuracy of shooting
with the Lowls gun nro essential to the
pilot. His observer Is provided with Homo
form of a pistol nnd often with bombs,
Itlval planes, llko giant hnvvks, hover
atouml or below each other till ono, moro
expert or moro dnrlng than tho other, man
euvers his opponent Into a. position from
which bo hns either got to light or lice
The knockout blow Is usunlly a sudden de
scent on tho enemy, nccompnnled by ac
curate machlno gun lire. Sometimes it be
comes a duel with Urownlng pistols, In
which the men nre so closo thnt they can
sco each other's eyes.
Tho thing Is over beforo you realize It
a1'" J'"..'...... ,. . ........ ..I III iii,lilFI,iill,r,l,i.nM ...,,,, .,i.ii.in.i.i....i
M U. .. . W UWn
For 200 fine new Winter All-Wool Suits
(Market and Sixth Sts.)
THE demand for worsted suits is as insistent a3 the call for sugar in
your corner grocery store.
But with this difference sugar is not one-tenth a3 scarce in its
field as pure wool worsted suits are in their field.
Many of these exceptionally fine garments came to us from a manu
facturer who preferred a larger bank account and smaller stocks.
But it was our wish to bring to the men and young men of Philadelphia
an offering of good suits at unexampled prices.
So our buyers scoured the markets to find additional suits with which
to bring this offer up to the commanding proportions of
1000 New Winter Suits to Be Sold
at Prices to Insure Their Outgo Quickly!
Extra sizes in ideal conservative silk mixtures, Oxfords and other staples
for men of large stature.
Styles and cloths best adapted to young men's taste in great plenty.
Ample selection of pure staple worsteds, Winter serges, blues, grays.
Oxfords, blacks; Herringbone, silk stripes, chalk stripes; finished and
unfinished worsteds.
Every suit in the lot full lined.
Another Great Overcoat Day Is
' Certain $25, $20, $18 & $15 Coats J
HUNDREDS of young: men will find just the Overcoat
Sley ,W-S,nt (sizes l,p t0 37 breast measure) on the
Third Floor tomorrow at a saving of $5 to $15 on
each one.
aoh0er,enaroe some Overcoats at this give-away price in
sizes 38, 40, 42 and 44 for men, but not many.
Come before 12 o'clock to be certain of one of these!
Wanamaker & Brown MrSe5t6Ye!Sth
Ono man Is off and, away nnd the other
whirl! nnd crashes down to earth
Tho Hritlah nrmy does not Permit tn
names of Its Hying heroes to be published
Tn telling you, therefore, of the .American
flyers I must deal with those Americans
with thn French army. Lieutenant Thaw,
of Pittsburgh, wns ono of a number oi
Americans who entered the famous Fpr'Pn
Legion of tho French army nt the outbreak
of the war. and Is now senior American
flying odlccr In France.
Ills namo and those of his colleagues nro
better known In Europe, than in their own
country. In giving a list of those whose
mimes nro known (some, nlas, lying be
neath n wooden cross) I can say no more
than thnt they arm worthy representatives
of n great nation.
Lieutenant Thaw was followed by Uert
ITnll, of Terns; James Ilnch, D. Mason,
Silas Lnfberrv, Jnmes McConnoll, of Chi
rago; Chouteau Johnson, of New York;
Elliott Cowdlti, Kinin Mock-well. Clydo Un s
ley, of Texas; Dudley Hill, of Pccksklll,
N V., and Victor Chapman.
Tho policy of American nvlators serv
ing with tho French nrmy Is that of tho
Hrltlsh and French to attack. They havo
played a good part In tho Invention of con
stantly changing tnctlcs of righting.
My last recollection of American soldiers
was their well-spread table, at which thero
was everything a tired man from across tho
Atlantic could want, from turkeys to
doughnuts. .
I put ono tuestlon to a scoro of those
whoso mothers weren't ashamed to raise
thorn to ho soldiers. I n-ked them why they
had conle.
Tho reply or tho American In France Is
tho Bamo every time, whether you meet
him with the Canadian nrniv the ii nidi
nrmy or Iho French army. Thoy nil say
words to this effect:
Tho sort of thing that has been going
J'F you paid for
things accord
in' to the pleas
ure they gave,
1 st s r r si rt
books would cost pipeful. Yqu won't need
a lot mo than
,..,...,,,,...... ,V,,,,..,.,.V. ,,,.., i.m I I I I IHIirHIIIIII-llllilllltmillinillllNII III lllillMlllfllll Mil lilt ll 111 till! lltl11lllllll11IMIIIItllllMIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIM1(IMIIIINlllt!tllTIIIlttini 111111111.11 III I till! 1. 11?
of 1000
on In Eurrpd ns a result of the h$r-1-iblo
organized savagery of tho Pru?
Binns. has got to be stopped We wafit
to stop It beforo It reaches our countrv
We havo como over hero to do It and.
thank Clod, wo know we nro helping to
do It, nnd that it Is to be thoroughly
To which one of them added, as I said
If any ono asks you what sort of a
vlmo tho Americans nro having. Just
hand them out tho one good home word
"Wctidt, Convicted of Murder in Second
Degree, Accused of Robbery
ALTOONA, Pa , Jjtn. 26. Walter Wcndt,
nineteen years old, recently convicted of
murder In the second degree, will have to
stand trial on eight other charges before ho
Is sentenced, among them breaking Into nnd
robbing three business houses, In one of
which ho held up Gcorgo C. Kclchner, a.
merchant, taklnp from him a gold watch
and JCO In money.
Wondt's brother wns convicted of first
degree murder. District Attorney Marlon
D. Patterson Is determined to push the eight
charges. "
Discharge of Gun Costs Two ringers
Accidental dlschargo of n shotgun today
cost Frank Otngrlo two fingers on his
right hand 'Glngrlo was cleaning tho gun
at his homo, 1112 Federal street, in
preparation for n hunting trip. Ho was
treated nt tho Pennsylvania Hospital,
JUST fill a
pipe with
draw in the cool,
mild smoke
that's so fragrant and (;
rich that
what's the uso trvinrr
describe a taste? Take
-,,rr1 tV,i- VF.T.VRT fl
trWIU w .. . -yi
long enough to try a (
JjsitfCft,uJoCitoo Cx
.97 N.!taT(BtR&rtBAh)
W Cor, Sw&Buttcnwood Jlx