w"8 BVENINU EBDOEB-PItllADELPrnA, FRIDAY, JTANFABY 20, 1917 m m t IE M FORESEES GREAT AMERICAN MARINE Foreign Trade Convention Speaker Says Year's Ship ping Will Be 1,000,000 Tons POTENTIAL POSSIBILITIES Growth of Commercial Prestige of U. S. Dependent on Na tional Policy PtTTStirttmr, .Inn. !fi. Prediction lliftl the flitted Slates will In tI7 for the llrsl tlmo snow a tplnl tnoilucllon of more than 1.000,000 grasn lolia of shipping una mnrlo today by .1. W I'owctl, ptesldent of the Kore Illvor Shipbuilding Uiirporntioiwl l01i of QUllicy, iWRRH.. HpeiiiuiiK m iin pcronti day's session of the Nntionnl foreign Tntdo Convention. "On )n"uary !. 1017. thcro were 101 ves sels of 1.495.000 gross tomi under cnntrni't In Amerlcnn ship ynrds," bo deolnred. Of this tntnl tnoro than one-third Ii for foreign nccounl. Ilo cstlnmted that Ihc American tnerrhanl marine will pop an Ineiease of moro thnn 750,000 glnaa tuns during the year Vlrliinlly nil of todays Rrmlnti vvn given over I" ii consideration of ways and mentis of bringing about a restoration of the Ameri can mere haul marine lo lis wire proud posi tion To ilo thin. Mr. Powell said, miiiio 'Queans must bo found lo equalize the rust ('if building nnd operating American esiiels ps romparcd with foreign competltois. "If the American people decide that they peed an Amerlcan-bullt and American-owned and operated mcrchanl marine, they must face this payment as the price etneted of them by tho conditions under which we live" hn I'sseited. Ho suggested illrcrl mbsld.v. mall subvention or dlnrrlmlnallng duties by tnxes or lonnago na methodn of paying the price. A compichenslve repot I on conditions nnd possibilities In "world shipping nnd Ibii American met chant marine was presented by the merchant marine c imtnlltee of the . National Foreign Trade I'tiuni-ll. "Foreign trade of the Knlted Stales Is tssrntlallv n matter of national policy mid mav be propel ly developed only by tho Notional tlocrntnent." ilecl.u til Untie, t Newton Lynch, vice president of the San Francisco Chamber of Commerce, speaking on "Ilow I'otnmeicliil Organizations Can Aid Foreign Trade Development. ' This afternoon the IG0H com en I loners are delving Into the lnilu:Uil.il vvundern of the ritlsl'iirgh dlstilct. Divided Into four groups they ate teeing llrst hand the pjoduetlon of coal, steel, glass and elec trical npparntwi Special trains carried 'the del-gates Interested in each of the groups to f'resson, where they viewed one of the lnigest cnal milieu In the world; to BnildocK. where they Inspected the Mdgar Thomson plant of the Carnegie Steel Com pany ; to Arnold, W. V wheie they watrhed the making of window glass, and io liist Pittsburgh, wlierc they visited the Westlnghouso Mlcctrlc ptnn,t. Tonight tho clowning event of the con vention will hn held, the annual banquet. President .lames A. Karrell-, of the I nlteil I'tiitci Steel I'orporallon ; Kdwnrd .V. Ilnr tay, chdirinan of the Federal Trade, Commis sion, .in.l John D. Ityan, president of the Anaconda Copper Mining Company, will (peak Tho llual Sessions will lie held tomorrow. MEXICANS RESENT , LANSING MESSAGE Carranza Representatives at Washington Object to Interference BRITAIN IN gOM PLAINT Joins Spain in Expressing Fear Subjects' Property Will He Confiscated f WHITE I'LAGUK IN BELGIUM U. S. Consul nt Brussels, Now Here, Tolls of Ravages of Disease Widespread tubeiculosls among the glow ing geneiatlon of Ilclgium as tho final hor ror of war Is tho prediction of IHhclhert Watts, L'nited Stataa Consul (Jcneral at Hrusscls, who Is at his homo, 1021 Clinton Jlreet. for a few days'.' Ho will return to lelglum after transacting business with he (iovcrnment nt Washington. He will E"tlso try to Interest physicians and inidlcal )t roclcties and charities in tho danger of .j.luueicuiusiH, in (luiHiiiiii. "Children nie dying by tho hundred be cause, of the lack lT proper nourishment," (aid Mr. Watts, "and those who do not dlo are at such u low ebb of vitality that they easily fall a prey to tho whlto plague." WASHINGTON. .Inn. 20. Hitter resent ment throughout nil Moxlco Is certain to follow Secretary l.ahslng'a objection lo cer tain parts of tho now Mexican Constltu- That resentment wns very plain In Mexican circles hero today. The action of tho Secretary In forwarding his objections direct lo First Chief r'arrnmsa. was char acterized as "unwarranted Inteifercnco In the. internal nlTalrs of n sovereign State." It wns accepted generally that tho future relations between tlit two Governments are. certain to bo materially affected. The American protest deals directly In opposition to the following prnlslotis of the new Mexican Constitution adopted at the (Juerelnrn cnneniron Just held: The article .estlng Mexico's executive. vvlllt power In expropriate, property without judlrJal recourse. The nrtlcl providing thnt civil com tnerclnl cnmpanlcM shall not own prop ortion of n gienter area than Is neces snry to accomplish tho purposes for which they are formed nnd veSlltiK In the executive lower to designate such nren. The nrllclo providing there shall he no exemption ft oti taxation. The article stipulating that no special concesslnns shall bo given exploiters of oil lands and allowing companies now operating only one year In which to Ki'i'tire new concessions lo protect rights nlteady ncuulrcd. The nrllclo giving to the executive power tn expel any one nt will. All of the articles excepting the Inst are helil by the fulled States State Depart ment to be eoiillseatnry and lending toward nationalism of ptoporty at the expense of Innocent foreign bidders. The expulsion clause Is said lo ho in direct opposition to the usual practices of nations. Tlie protests ns made by Secretary I.ans Jng followed muuerniis piotests received 'from Americans that their rights 'would he Infringed and thoir property conllscnted un der the new crmstltutlnn. In addition, the Spanish and Crltlsh Ihuhassies had the department direct Imiulrlea lo t'.irrnnza legaidlug what was termed "conllscatiton" In cufoiciug loans from banks contiolled by lliltlsh and Spanish subjects In .Mexico City. Ofllclals here declared they expected the communication of Secretary Lansing would aiousu deep resentment In Mexico Cltj. hut they explnlncd that It had been necessary Inasmuch an this (iovcrnment recognized Carranza only on a promise that he would lespcet tho rights of foielgncrs. tn any event, It was pointed out, tho Cnrrilnza Government still has to dcmonstinte that It is able to dominate tho situation now that 'Villa again Is a very material factor In northern Mexico. It Carranza decides lo defy thin Government It Is expected that measures will be taken to show hltn that he and tho d. facto Government will be hold d.rectly responsible for losses to foreigners rliould he Anally m.inago to get military control of tho couiitr. Phil. J. Walsh Estates 30-32-34 S. Second St. January Sale We Have Everything for the House and Person V. Lowest Prices. Easy Terms m 3& mm 'Vr'A A Daily Water Treatment When yoar System Is Ran Dowft. . When ovcrivorl: 1ms crippled your physical energy, when lack ' bf exercise has clogged your system, then ijt's. time to take Nature's treatment daily uso of edford Mineral Water. It cleans ni:d purifies tho system, remedies constipation, renews energy and keeps the stomach, liver and kidneys in working order. BEDFORD MINERAL WATER llandleil bu all lemlUiB druggists flint aroctrf ll'rlie u ( tou tan any ihf.i-uUj jii tieinu "!' iili.it. Bottled at famous Bedford Springs, tho "Carlsbad of America." Prescribed by the best physicians for over one hundred years. If in doubt nboiit treating yourself, ask your physician about it3 uso for you. Bedford Springs Co. j.umt.u 1325 Widener Bid., Phlla. Chests of Silver- We carry in stock twenty one complete patterns of ster ling silver flatware, and show an interesting collection of combinations in Mahogany chests. Particularly attractive is a set of thirty pieces, in a chest with drawer, at $64. S. Kind & Sons, 1110 Chestnut St. DIAMOND MERCANTS-JEWKLERS-SILYERSMITHS W Abington High Athletes Punished llecause they played "hookey'' lo hltend a Philadelphia theatre performance Wed nesday afternoon, twelve students of the Ablngton High .School tmvc been suspended for five Jays. The M-spcnslon carries with It prohibition against playing In nny of the school games, nnd an soveinl of the sus pended members nro players on the basket ball team, the season game wllh the .lenkln lown High School, scheduled for tonight, has been rancolcd. Pcnficld Sees Emperor Knrl VtKNWA. .tan. 2fi. llmperor Karl yester day afternoon received Frederic C. l'cnfleld, tho American Ambassador, for the purpose of accepting Mr. T'enlleld's new credentials. The function was carried out with full stnto ceremony. Injured Man Loses Memory I-OS9 of memory was suffered by Joseph Conwny, 4208 N'orlh Fifteenth utreet. n learn driver, who was knocked down by a street car at Ogontz avenue near City Line. Tho Injured man Is In St. Luke's Hospital, t'hys.clans say bis brain may have been injured. He cannot remember events pre vious to the accident, they said. Ills condl. tlon Is scrlotl3. " STOIlt. OlM.NH DAILY AT Bi30 , M ' t.OSHS Af 5l30 1 jr. Vatican Court Holds Wedding Valid HOMI-', .Ian. 2 The Vatican court of cassation today decided that Iho marriage of Count Victor Moschlnl to Miss Olga Lulu Davis, of Fort Worth, Ter . wns valid. Tho husbands petition for annulment was re jected Thev wero married In lOln anil reside In Home a I , I nnn Kid J I Bod (1 V A M CJ 1 Ullllllll l II IIWtWlMTWTTTnillllllllllllll IIBillim llll IllU'PIr11.." H,I.ILWIIIirHJLiLJI WJMUlWIfgB; yj 5c & ioc ' to" ,7 ? J . on STAIRS 900 Pair WOMEN'S Smart BOOTS All high cut patterns. Black white combinations in Glazed nnd Pntcnt Vamp, Bnttlrhip , nil Black Kid, and forty other styles to choose- from. 8M5 W' 380 Pair VOMEN'S SHOES Tan nnd Black Calf: Brown, ray and Black Suede; Velvets nnd Satins; welted nnd stitched soles; Not All Sizes Women's High Cut SPATS, , While. Civny nnd Tnn. ej5 p oeroj 98d CHILDREN'S SHOES at Clean-Up Prices! 500 Pair Children's SHOES j 280 Pr. Children's SHOES I H.I Mnlnl Illlttl iv CJa and Ithicliers, rl:lii Tfl lt', sues M; uj MllUpC t'l II. Sizes 11 to 2, $1.49 300 Pr. CHILDREN'S SHOES Glazed Kid, I.ace nnd Button. Sizes S'.i to 1. Clascd Lace and ton. Sizes in the lot, ;to8 ffiSHL 400 Pair Boys' School SHOES Q Satin f n 1 f JJv Bluchon. Sizes 10 (I to i:t... k3 I x 'a. Open fs?' aaturuay nSn. I Kvenincs Ssf 1500 Pair MEN'S WINTER SPECIAL PHBGE Surplus stock from a well known Brockton, Haas., firm. All welted soles, in Tan and Black Russia Calf, Gl.tzed Kid niiil Patents: KiirIMi. ?fedlnni nad llrinid Toe Khnpc. All Midi's and 11 to I: widths in tho nssnitinciit Our New- Branch .Store, 2131 Kensington Avenue SIMS w rSOTvrjaEmarjtKTEzaHrw.i3i 7Tt3U?M2STXa 1SH3M. i?jjifv'gl RS $ay$r In a report entitled "Measurements for the House hold" Uncle Sam's experts show that gas mantle lamps give the most economical artificial light and of a quality which relieves eye-strain. . The latest type of gas mantle light is .-., -wf r TPF-O fl MM, HI us FAT Qtf 7oc to .$1.40, according to equipment. Easy monthly payments. Has the "See-Easy" man called at your house? If not, send for him and see for yourself the many advan tages of this little light. THE UNITED GAS IMPROVEMENT CO. I PiS TSfjrcPK CNbted Scientists approve oj- L?a& JUign ting- n5&1i vSKy ELGIN WATCH 15 "Jp WELS r 'HE fallacy of carrying - an inferior Watch is demonstrated by Our Perfected Credit System,which offers the opportunity of owning the best on a basis that is more satisfactory than paying cash for an in ferior article. HARBVRGER'S 1014CHESTNVTST. IVAerc credit hat the Purchasing Pouitr at tame cash $1.50 White Kid Gloves $1.25 Women'? nne-eln.sp I K. A . . M. Kovvn. Ml llrnlhrrK i-'titPT Ki.oon, srn st. vs-iX-0-t.- HATS TRIMMED FREE OF CHARGE $2 Washable Kid Gloves ONE YELLOW TltADlNO STAMP WITH EVERY 10c PURCHASE ALL DAY Market Eiyhlh Filbert Seventh $1.69 Women's one-elnep. rcnrl, Ivory and tan. Ml Ilro(lier . t'inST l-'LOOH, 8TH ST, ft This Clothing Is Genuinely Good ;; And Daily Is Winning Appreciation from Men Who Usually Pay More You Will lie Well Repaid bij Clmosiny From These Unequalcd Values Overcoats 'Kcjr. SIB, 31(5.50 Single and double 'Chesterfields, also belted and pinch-back models in blue, 'gray and fancy cU'ecta & SIS Vals. jlo breasted ' $11.50 1. I Keg. SI 2.50 and $1 Values. g .Bolted and conservative ' icfTccts in all-wool cheviots andv cassimores. MM These Trousers Are Worth a Third More S3.50 $9 OQ$.1&$4.50 ISO QQ$5&5.50 $Q QQ Values JJ vaulcs .0 I Valuc ' -O i Boys' $5.50 Suits, Mackinaws & Sports Coats $398 jNoiTolk Suits In checks, j plaids, brown and gray mi:; Itures. Knife or box-plaited Novelty Suits Billy Boy, Tommy Tucker and Junior Norfolks in blue or brown serge, checks, plaids and fancy mixtures. Mackinaws and Sports Coats j Norfolk stylo with con vertible collar buttoning! close to neck. In fancy! cheviots, cassimores, checks! and blanket plaids. fenats. Teg-top trousers with it,. .11 ..4 ........ .....1 .....I .. 1. . IJVJll .ILIUI' 411IVI U II I V II K j pockets. f Ravg' $ri SO Af $7'f50 Ovprr.riits KJJ jr J jl jr m UJ S '. v v -vr . w w w. - r Single and double breasted pinch-backs, with convertible collar buttoning close Cheviot.! and cassimores in fancy gray and brown mixtures. I.il Itrnllier SIViiNU J'I.iiiUJ. si:vi:Tii STUKUT 0-O CxJ-tO 0 'CK-0'-W--5' V- 9 o to neck $50,009 Worth of Furs at Wholesale Cost lro.m ii ii m Inir ithrailu iiimr sindint mi inthuiiil h'i'i lio'i tlir bin ill unit iiint"l'j thnt i.init tlir iiittii iilm s7.90 Slo Fur Muffs. of rin- Scat. J!nl Inr. Anli.ii. f,mv.siiiii inn Xiitiirttt Itun oim. Hill Inrifl or nielini wliiipe ..ill .' . ?"' i'ii:K Fox sets j nr I'o'n I 1'iiv ; i.v. T-iuiip V $.10 nil." Red l'ox Sets. S10.7.-. mnitM; uotii-ii- ii-i .-il-liiii"l ..$ 87.50 ,, Aineririio lied I'nx. o.. Itiitlli-'liiii univ I' r.lneU Ko. iix .mil lt,,J VV ille ! $70 Moire With I'lintniHtlnK )""' Russian limder nnd Pony coll.ir. Coats, $!.) -$ ?so valuta. . $90 value. . 135 valuer. , Hudson Seal Coats r i O n Rft! I i.J'"" values J .Ja s69.75js s187.50 ..97ai I IT IIIIOTIIIMt SM'll.N'll Kl.ddll Reliable Kinds at Big Discounts Inrlndittji a Remarkable Sale of Famous "Faultless" Pajamas, $1 OE S2.50 to S3 Values 1 OiJ l-'lne iaiiiM.'iiil in.iilniM, p umee nnd rrco In jilaln colors and Miiped i ITei'tM. Ilnvii Hinpllie ncvKs and silk braid trogs. All hIzcs. Imt tint In each Mud TO $2 Silk Bosom Shirts $1 AQ New Spring patterns. ltuMofn.i TT nnd ruffs of line tub silks I iln pielty colnred i-tripes Undies of ponijee j ! that match perfectly. Douhlo soft cuffs. 0c Silk Ncckwcai', 3!c ilrfr AVoiu Short lintls of Fine Sill;s I'laln colnrn. brneades. novelty fluurea stripes. LaiRO nl.e open four-ln-liands. $1.50 Union Suits, $1.15. and 1 "erliy I ibbeil ic-enforceil Selected peril cotton yarns. Russets nnd tailored senilis. Ilavo closed crotch. Shaped to fit. $l Silk Half Hose I Illiiek ur colors. Have douhle soles, high i .siilk't'il heels and toes. Imperfections I. It tlrullirr- I-'JIIST KUiUll, SKVK.VTII ST. 55c Nolvicorlh'i Snriiipi on HOSIERY & UNDERWEAR Women's $1.33 Thread Si 1C A rf - 1 1 lull spliced Silk Stockings l l.r. ..I; u'lilto tint) film heel, llnlllile vile .Hid reinl.iliwl t ip Women's 75c Silk Bool j ggc Stockings Ju bliuU. white and colors Alsi tlber IIU In Illicit v lute anil tun Every Miss and Woman Who Has Need for A SMART COAT, SUIT or FROCK Owes It to Herself to Inspect These Offerings Tomorrow Prices have liven cut regardless, and every fashion is recent, up-to- date, lliorourjlHij reliable. For Misses- J $18150 CoateoTAcdSI f 7cd l. ..Intli. trimmed with nlush and fully V 9 J M.irin .if ii-ihv iamb .'Inth. trimmed with nlush and fully in ziucnnc. Kersey, inixuircs, $1 Italian Silk Envelope $3.5 Chemise $2 Glove Silk Vests. $1.19 WldfIUl-Ul'-Ji.1 i"J''ii ?.,l!!Dn.' '",H ! l.lt Ilrollirr I'lltST Kl.nolt. SCil'TII arm. ,xw ynwvuvi.'vwv.w v,i't,w' HATS TIU MM ED FREF. Season Hats For the vrniii.ni ho would be up-to-the-minute in bUle These arc vera sneciitl lots tn brand new faahioui. $15 4 Ready to- CAAAAAWN" Wear Hats - co e o ai.o In iiillun lienip. 1 N'wei.t colois. ( with ribbon and , ornament. One Sketched if j lined Also other bmart st lo I I ouclcs Misses' $22.50 Dresses Picture shovs one. Made of serffe, crepe meteor, crepo d chine, satin ami taf feta. All desliablo shades. Close-Out of Misses' Suits Former Prices $22.50, $27.50 & Now $15, $18.50 and $25 Plain tailored or prettily fur trimmed Muterlnls include poplin. K.ibiirdiui'. herse. mixtures and wool v clour. cheviots nnd I ! FOR Wcmen- Satin & Lis- ) Sl.98 & 2-9S ere Hals. . . ' I Iccomlin; hliapi i in black only $27.50 Coats, $18.75 A limited bat very Straw, Oriental anil Jut Ornaments. lUc. 7."c & !)8i? 3hm jyi 535 m m j ifi-fffli x Wttto n M c ' sdJ I $1S 111 )t?10'75s 1 ixf iinl, with I 6 tine lot s.. ....u- ..til., in clif.vl.it nf irrert!. bluo. brown. blai'K i.r i.iriro "bailor' collar, s.-il plush trimiiiiiiss nnd hlBli-Brado satin lining. l.lt llrullirri. SCI'dNK Kl.UDU Y February Furniture Sale f; I'ntil Then, You May Make Selection at February bale prices. Deliveries Will Re Mad.- When Sale Starts Charge Customers May Purchase an February Bill Nowhere will you find greater values, Assortments are larrje and extremely well selected. Our Club Plan is Popular. No Interest, No Extras. It furnishes a thoroughly satisfactory way to purchase and is abso lutely confidential. Come in and let us tell you about it. Beautiful Crepe de Chine Two Extra Special Values at Undergarments fo 30c,'r Less Than Usual & 98c A ffi $1,50 Camisoles, 98c One Sketched I'lnk and white crepe li china and wanUabl satin. Lace edgiugs and iuberllgiui. iilbtwn da vMae tliouldur strap. $2.50 Envelope Chemise, $1.J8 Out Sketched N 'railored and laua trtnmiei atyls with ofM da chlua ur ribbon atioulder strapa. $2.50 Silk Vests, $1,98 Ifc Specialize Undergarments for Stout Women Lit Hrotlr- SUCO.ND FLOOR - 7 MAIL & l'UOMi QUULUS FILLKU (H i I 'I 1 i YT.98 UptoBate Shoes Clearance Lots and Our Own Match' lessly Good Trademark Brands. Women's Shoes, $5 to 57 Our Famous tustomsilnbc $7 Drown Kid Lace Model. $5. $0 Black Glazed Kid Laca $C $7 or Button Shoes. $8.50 Brown Kid, with Col- ored Buck or Ivory To pa. Women's $1 to 6 Shoes, Broken Lines $2.95 $i to 6 j $2.95 J Men's Shoes I Short lines and samples. Younff Folks' Shoes : At Substantial Savings Infants' Shoes, 98c to $1,150 Children's Shoes. $1.38 to $3 MtMtvs' Shove, $1.70 to $3,50 Biz Boys' Shoes, $2.19 to. $4 Little Boys' Shoes. $1.98 to 43 Lit Uthx H'lRmUJJJBOK, NUKTU J fc- Wfer-r- i mi jifir 'i-iMHYr Ur -&. '