-'"-'-WSKy;vigW8S$B;'S Ft" JK1i-"r l- it IV T - - - "W - 1 jv ' TWRjpp -vr.iT5Fr,- ri p&,',.iumji!W '"'fg 1 i EVENING LEDGER PniLADELPnTA, TniTRSDAY, JANFABY 25, 1917 IK ft t y . , ', 7T'T 0t '- k when ou serve thi)"dtffclcnl"ereal.a ' WMiSMWW ? ''9 J C Lflf Ml "I K31 !$MyOyW o" JWfy w jo riWoj that he will be "enthusiastic the I 1 WHMm Willi l H ff ' W I mmmmW&yJj Willi llff IB and more. It provides, in most digestible form, just the mV$ fflil ift tlL - ""-Ejl fiB -' J- 'P , vllllll I'll ) food "properties their growing bodies need. Begin now to Vtffl llllllFMlllI llHimTlTh s?-27 J r'l ""-- y I) III III' J J ? give your children the benefit of this splendid food. WMWXi IS I TO k 9 wfMlWh ' ' W' If' I I At last, the barley breakfast food women have always wanted. Now every mem ber of the family can get the benefit of barley, the most valuable of all the grain foods. Serve it and see how joyfully your family welcomes its delicious flavor! YOU know how tired your family grows of the same cereals. You know how often you try to get a new cereal, a new flavor. How often you have found the "new" cereal you hoped for only another form of the same familiar grain the same' old flavor. Now it is possible for you to get a wholly new grain flavor! Now, in Cream of Barley, you can get this entirely different grain, this entirely new-tasting breakfast food your family craves. Give your family Cream of Barley. It is so creamy, so velvety-smooth, so deliciously flavored that they will say it is better than any cereal they ever tasted. It has the character, the. zest, your husband demands in a cereal. The children love it; they can't get enough of it. When you taste it, you yourself will say that it gives you an entirely new interest in breakfast foods. Read how enthusiastic others are about its flavor Cream of Barley is the best breakfast food I have ever eaten and I am just hungry for it. Mrs. C. A. F., Portland, Oregon. I tried Cream of Barley in Minneapolis this summer and like it best of all cereals. Mrs; J. R., Edmonton, Oklahoma. Cream of Barley is fine food. It agrees with me best of any food I have eaten for the past seven months. J. N. B., Banker,' Nassau St., New York. Cream of Barley is a wonderful cereal is received with enthusiasm by our members. The T. Club, New York. Cream of Barley is the best cereal ever placed upon our table. L. C. W.f Banker and Merchant, Mason, Michigan. Cream of Barley is more than the most delicious -tasting breakfast food and the most easily digested, It is the best balanced of all cereals. It is the most valuable in supplying all the elements that the system needs. Even a two-weeks old baby can digest barley You know how doctors prescribe barley for' tiny babies? Whenever your baby had trouble digesting his milk, the doctor would tell you to mix an equal amount of barley water with it. Even for babies only two1 weeks old, Dr. Holt recommends barley water. Even at this age barley can be easily assim ilated. Poctors recognize barley as' an invaluable aid to the digestion of other foods, Richest in protein and that builds strong little bodies Barley is the richest of all the grains in protein; richer than corn, rice, oats richer even than wheat! Protein is the element 'which builds tissue and muscle the clement which makes meat so nourishing. Think what Cream of Barley means to your growing children. It helps them to a sturdier growth, a fuller physical development. For your overworked husband it means a quicker repair or replacement of the tissues worn by fatigue. Serve Cream of Barley regularly and watch the results. You will be quickly convinced that you have found at last a cereal that com bines a flavor the family loves with just the nourishment they need. ggagiKg Ji Why barley is the most valuable of all the cereal foods .Cream of Barley is more than an unusually delicious breakfast food. It is richer in protein than corn, rice, oats or even wheat It has greater energy value even than oats! Richest of all the cereils in the mineral salts that build bone and make teeth Barley is the most val uable of all the cereal foods. It combines with delicious flavor all the properties necessary to make the perfect, all-round, balanced food that your family should have. The cereal that builds the most energy We always think of oats as being the energy cereal. As a matter of fact, Cream of Barley is more sustaining; creates energy even better 'than oats. It has more carbohydrates, and that is what makes energy. Yet Cream of Barley is so mild, so digestible, that it agrees perfectly with your littlest tots, every day, winter and summer. Richest of all cereals in mineral salts and mineral salts build bone Barley is richer than wheat, oats, corn or'rice both in mineral salts and in phosphates. The mineral salts keep rich blood bounding through the veins. Bone is 67 mineral and the teeth 96. Cream of Barley supplies just the mineral prop erties needed for this important work. It has the value no other cereal has. The ideal food for inactive people Cream of Barley has cleansing laxative properties that make it the ideal food for inactive people. Professional men and women people who live sedentary lives find that when they eat Cream of Barley they need not resort to the cereals that contain coarse husk or bran. Eat it regularly and sec how it keeps you in good condition makes you feel fit. The biggest selling, most popular cereal these grocers sell "Cream of Barley is the best selling breakfast food we have ever had. We sell file of Cream of Barlcv to one of any other cereal." Kiene's Department Store, Krazee, Minn. "Cream of Barley has certainly made a hit with our customers. They do not tire of eating it regularly as they usually do of other cereals. It is our principal seller." Annandale Mercantile Company, Annandale, Minn. "Cream of Barley is certainly a wonder out sells all other cereals in my store." H. B Gillette. Grocer, Jack&on, Mich. "We are selling a great deal of Cream of Barky. Our customers like it very much better than any other cereal we hell." H. N. Berg Store Com pany, Madison, Minn. "Cream of Barley repeat orders are coming in from everyone who has tried it. They all seem to want it in preference to our other cereals." J. P. Bilben, QenM Mdse., Walker, Minn. "Cream of Barley is the most satisfactory bieak fastfood, with bales increasing constantly. John son's Barley Cream is also a splendid drink," Verxa Bros. Company, Minneapolis, Minn. "Our customers .seem to know that Cream of Barley is substantial and nutritious, and as it ha3 a very agreeable and pleasing flavor, they want it m preference to other cereals we sell," Bada Mercantile Company, Kimball, Minn. Your own grocer has it Already over 4,000 grocers in Philadelphia are selling Cream of Barley. If for any reason your grocer hasn't received his stock yet, drop us a post card and we will tell you of a grocer in your neighborhood who can supply you with this popular breakfast food. Serve it for breakfast and see how much your family enjoys this delightful change.. Like thousands of other Philadelphia women you will find in Cream of Bar ley the cereal that every member of the family is enthusiastic about. American Barley Co., Minneapolis, Minn. n i 4)1 11 I y'g. tjj.