pm "isahKsst si& - fii ffl Ji fcAItCY AGREES TO (MEET M'COY FOR $30,000 PURSE if Grant Browno to Stage Australian's First uoia in America at Garden,N. Y. orTT.cnt'Rnir, Jan. 2G. T,e. D.ircy. mid- 'jtarelght champion nf Australia, has been matched I" meet Al McCoy In n ton L,,d limit nt Mndlsnn Squnro Garden. In Sew York on Mntcb B, according tn an nn tiMineeirient made hero by tho Australian mrey wlH receive $30,000 ns lil.i end of the puree Th. announcement wns made following t the receipt of a telegram from Ibirry s ,M,annger csie.iup, mv m.....ii mm i.c-.-i, tiusi-u f with Orant Hugh Hrovvtio and tit" fight rtiuld bo held cither on Kclu liary 12 or E March. S IVtrcy selected the latter date. - lunil flint W, . m.t.t hIaha I. 1 and snnnuiu .-n m.iv i.- ....nm i upwj mi theatrical engagement several weeks befoto that tlmo in older to train for the bout. K 'X wire fri Now York states that Al V McCoy has not ngreed tel the match with lies Darry ns et Tim O'.S'ullKan signed w for narcj Scraps About Scrappers & Hy LOUIS It. JAFl-'E nniiv Kaufman will push his way Into d nhilnnthrnp it llmegtnre and nt tho '' . Mm. eret n rlmncn to. rcttnltl hi fnr b? . u..iliFn In linvtnf nlrelea im ntWav night Penny Ih to box in IMdle O'J'tcfe's stead, the latter having canceled his match with nick Landman, of HufCalo, at the OlympU because of tho death of his trainer, nainey Kurd. Kaufman will turn A.r half of his purso to fVKcefe. This will y be Kaufman.'" eecond bout with Londninu this season Kaufman having won their Mist contest about two months ago. " Mickey tlnllngher expects, January 2.1, 10l, in ro down In his reenrd book as the dnto ot '"- r iim biggest accomplishments of his Hu VRV 1t . ntilnlls 111 rnvereo Ihn Iinnplr. f Set handed h.m b Pal Vloore Inst venr, nnil ,,ui n"" ,,, , .1. iiinni....v r-ini, i. "? A .. II lnnTn Cn Vrtlllll. Alinill. la .1.. t vlll Jill . ., ..i.n .,..,. a,,, in iim 1 1 .. in.lim Other bouts lire .tohtinv Cnvle ' r'rctldv Iluesell. young Lnwrcy vs Young ML jaCK cueimuii ii ...i.., .,j . sunnily I Wald. .ff..0.- Tailor Visited Columbus. O. Hia B eimr day nntl "'sils OVIInlto nrrnnBemcnts for E bout between Johnnj Tlllmnn nnil Ilrion DowtiM thero for next Alomlny nlKlit. They I m.jt nt H- rounu", wcisn in ni ;i orloclt. Saturday ntffltt Tillman meets Vouns rirown In Brooklsn nml immediately nfter ho will lvnva for the West T-jtilu Hetnlre hns rtnno n nin.flnn. tt Jumpln from the stable ot Herman lllnrtln tut yesr h" u. bnck nrnln under tho s.imo , colors Hevoiro tioxeii i.po jtmtrli In t.nnusier (tie oiner iiikiii. ui imuim nt-nu oul aim ,inrK RecV was iloucks opponent VnrrlN Wolf. tllO hnril-Pltni'hlnr lillflrttevielirtil from Chlcniro Is tn meet llenrv Untiber In tho .ia hnnt nt the IlMin A. I Inmnrniw nlirti. THIS will be their third meeting, their t pre vious innicurH k'iiik 1 1 ill iiiirii uaiiies. Jieiiuy Holt Is In Rood shnpe for his bout with Jnik Bradj 1'rnnklo Conwnv vn l'runklo Qultilun. il.nrffn nemolile H Ulllv Nelflnn nnil 'Ininmu iBurke s Hattllng IVheeier nre other bouts. !0DD FELLOWS' LODGE FOR 1000 MEMBERS Grand Master's Flying Squadron Tours for Membership Exten sion 72d Anniversary Mllle I.odBe, Xo 1000, has no trouhlo in keeplnc tho degree stuff continually work ing toward tho good of 1Q00 members. Tho second degree was exemplified In full ccrc- monlal fotm, with the addition of several new features Mlggested by Its honored mem ber Past tlrand Pulmer, former grand mas ter of Kansas 1'romlnent visitors present were William CJ. Morris and D.tvld D , Doughcitv. of Bordcntown Lodge, No IB; Gilbert Ureddy, of Iloebllng Lodge, No. 2 17 ; : Frank i Kerr, of PhoenK Lodge, No. 92, i Burlington, N' .1 , AVIlllam Cull, of Calado v nlan Lodgo, and A. I.. Abrahamson, of , Jappa Lodge, No 3S0, Brooklyn. uonignt tne tniru negreo win no exempli fied In full form, nnd Jllllo extends a hearty invitation to all visitors. Penn Township Lodce holds a "rnllv night" tomorrow pvenlnar. of hleh N G Wllllnm n Dithell mnken the follnvliiFr announcement . "This fenture, recently slnrted in our lodno. Is an Innovation tn tho members of Penn Ton hlijt nnd our efforts tn brlnff tho lndno up to that state of efficiency which will spell surcess will surelv ho accomplished If every member Hill do his duty. All wo nak Is that miu Just Che us it few of Miur Thursday nights fiom now until April nnd th result villi urntlfy nil W expect to entertain ou with speakers who will mrely Intertst all who have our future In termit at heart Our combined efforts to ad vance means a hirer attendance, nn Increase in membership nnd the .ontlnueil upbulldlnrc of our tlnancss. We ask ou 'IS' this nut worth while?" Gtnreo W Kenton Is secretary, and Wllllnm B. Hannuin, Samuel Denny nnd l'lnley M. Steves rally committee. J Coanusnock I.oilcr, N'o. 4H.3. nnnounces full B,v rollctll on Tuesday ovenlns next, when all mtmbers who cannot ho present will bo tx J petted to wrlto a word of Breetlnir to the Jf. O. i ortecretary, in accordance vilth th custom now ! in fcrea throushnut the order Th commlttoo Srf U composed ot William A. Willis, Charles Her S; man, John T Heltmnn K Wayne I.ode conferred the second degree In HI full ceremonial form on four candidates Tho B.worK,was cnpahl nanaied, as usual nv ins B Iteond dmrret. fentn tinder ltn c.intnln. brederlek t dl Oaetano Arrangements havo been made to nave a large aeiegution liresent at i-aieauninu Loin, No 70U, on the evening of l'bruary 1. IfirehiintR T.nilir. Mn. 'JflA. Iiml an excellent r attendancn. to witnemi the second degree nn I- jmw vdiiuiuaiea. Liiiuur wi uiru.-iiuu .n .nuiu.i . Al' T. .. k J n. ..... lamina. lonm ', n .JUClllll, lt".rm IIIIIB.ri , IIIU JUIIIUI ..-,..,, etd the work in a ireilltablo manner, r) 1 P. O. Jaenh llenilernnn. llrothtr I,. C DUks. V Creacent 1-odge No 8B1. Uurtalo. N Y . W. C. f Wrlrht Thr.. T.lnlf l.nil.n ISTn. 10".. Mnnlua. N..I.I J It Mc.Neary East I'ark Lodge. No. F 10t!: E. R Confehr. Carroll Lodga. No VJu, I Schuylkill Haven. Pa wer among the visitors mm auenaanco nas neen auovo tne nverusa nr taome lime past following are ino ngures lur the year loin First quarter 501. second nuur tir, MS: third quarter. 3D1. fourth auarter. ll! total 10S5, or an average of 3rt per meet ,lmr for the entiro sear Cine hundred und w?niy memoera aueuueu ono nr murw uiec. lan during the year, a ealn of fivu over the ft ) ear of 1013 After the lodge session thtru - "ti a meeting or tne associatiun. urouier nuaiu Lntheria .Ann. nttii mm. aliifntiil ltrnthi.r Bl?ef1r McLean's team in u lively gume of base- Tomorrow evening a dass of candidates will i advanced tn thn det7rn nt truth. There will alio he a rollcall, to whb-li all members aro npieiiea to Da present ann answer n any member cannot be present, he Is rmueated to let the lodge know nuw ho is getting ulung. I Damascus Lodge again Invites tlie Sevmth relsg next, when addresses will be delivered by v'.irici j-iraas Maxter p.rr. X Hhnnnr dram. Meera- N Uaher A Hah. District Urand ilnster Hob- pert W, Montgomery and others A pleasant The sec- ... (ifaniuoie evening snouia ue nan. rtary announced applications tronj seven can- Fame IaOds-e N'n 77g. conferred (he third dv- Sfy in full form lust Friday evening. Great Wit must be given P G. Scbaefer. degree mKr. Ior n,s untiring energy In bringing tne Mtofir? ,uff u- ' its hluh efllclency. Messrs. e&wu is.T "" u y"-"". ."."".. vsr" v. .i ueorge uougiasa, cnarivs ti. Aimer anu ' lifi'iWTfli, i S5fiBB8Ks .A m I H pi GUS GETZ Drooklyn's utility inficldcr, who is tho latest hold-out and supporter of tho ttnscbnll IMnycrs' Fraternity. He refused to sijjn a contract for a cut in hit 1017 salary. ABINGTON HIGH CAGE STARS ARE SUSPENDED Basketball Players Cut Class; Pun ishedGame With Jenkin town High OIT Ablngton HlBh School for tho last several weeks ban been aglow with Interest In an ticipation of tho most Important basl.pth.tll R.tnio of tho season, scheduled with the .Tcnklntown H'rIi School for tomorrow night. Today tho student body Ih indignant, tm tho cvo of tho Rnmo three of tho best ath letes on tho team, together with iilno other students, broUo one of tho most sacred rules and were suspended for a week. The Knme has been canceled "What did they do? What did they Ret suspended for?" students were whispering about tho halln nnd classrooms today. And those who sny they know report that the twelvo boys, representing the entire mem bership of a fraternltv, cot toRethcr yes tciday nnd decided to attend a matlneo They cut their classes. W 11. Tavlor will receive thn second degree to innrruw night. Ilrother William Itnth proposed for admission Hnhert L. tlraham. llrnihtr it Oeorge Kennedy pruposed lMwin it. Clay Tho hiiui will bold a rolball nf all Its members tomorrow night, nnil the commlttoo expects a Kill per cent nltendance Hrothers Hnbert Htivinun unil John WjtMns, of No L'SI. wero visitors I tm trinil master wilt boil a district meet ing in 1 iim Lodge on Mnrrh S nnd probahly .i(i(i ud 1 ivilows In the northeast will greet him. tin latch string" Is alwais out at No. 7JS. Impi rl it Lodge had a big turnout last Thurs. lay night Tho grand m.iHtcr was represented b Assistant Ornnd H. tritnrv t, M Mlnglo and Past (Irands 1 P Conway and J N Litchfield, ot An turns Lodge, who presented the grand rniistirs membershln . xtenslnn pi in nnd asked tnnt thv lodge adopt It After some discussion tlm lodgo voted tn tnko up tho plan and ap H .a"!,'1..1"" committee t carry It out Among tne old timers" pri'sent was Past Ornnd "Pup" ;i.I.nv ".ho 'l"8 "10 ,hl,1 nblo grand of 1m JS.S V. 'pusa. but who, mi nctount of business atinot l) a regulnr Ilrother 'llson gave tin. .J ' r Si f !V;, Kooil ail len and told of tho doings . ., Ililr."0"?1"" '" !ho fl-l8 wh'n tho order lirsM. S "r ncm,V,"': elei.te,l to mem reS.Ji hi ?i """ w " '" "tartvd tnrough tho degrees iho Ilrst meeting in Februan. IleSron Lodge. No 2SL held sn enJovable sessmi at Textllo Hall vv ion ladle." night was lomblned with roll call An Interesting musl- lr f V .it- r";.ViVJI?. " .VCM yv rse num na,1ting"tn'0ion,.,w!1.1, Partlclpato In a district iiVeh t'TI things at Pamo Lodge on ihetlur-d defgref ' ,wo ca'"' will "ceivS third degree. riprmg Harden Lodge. No !a?, ','",'" -"'heru aenern'reonway, unt" w Oef loss in-t he death Vf Jon j-.M'KenSewhS vn' cess t,oV."'-J,,r.r,'ir of "." "nrs that meant u" StSnri alii?u"'lay. c,,"n,nlr next hls lodgo will UslCI, t'lVMnf a " ''hl'" AV. line llap tav !ft,'v"r h 8tro,'t "nd Lehigh avenue itov. jolm nilson, pastor. Ment nt t sn C'ers" for Tre.TtU. j-S arySworkhtfornffill3 '" h"55 '"" in if,!! .erton '"dip conferred tho serond deg In tho iirisenco of p. ij. a w Curry, of Si Lodge f hcrnnton. Pn An Invitation was cclved from NUetnwn Loilgo to Vr wet the gn reo Otobo master there on lljruay is: "'" Kr""u A "-1 llaaits T ml r-A H.. n -. . .. .nillTA tn lni..t lt. ., . ...a.,H. ud ,..juiT, ,.i. u.i, ennrerren the seeonil degreo on four candidates In full form The degree team has been working steadily am" expects o havo inndidates to koep It at work i i'ou J-Si.eru '' U "; ."" -"""''ay liext the tenm will confer the tlrst degree on a ilass of ctn dl.lates at Lodge. Camden. They ex. Areturus " E00j-3Uea delegation from Quaker City Lodge No. 20S, head a busy JJfr.'"f!!5 fii1,.h ." '"dWntB for Initiation and t. J?S ,lr''l'iie. Hrothers Lltchtleld and ?fiir.?Jl,i'.? "" 1"run'1 Master's filng s.iu.idrnn. iiddressul the offJLers nnd members In regard lei !S,.ori,h!,ni 1L"' ln'fuctlv.. and heartily mendid by the "Quakers" Watch for a big .'.r.i".' n'"rAf f ,."H ?"' 'llsirlit In" .. .u4ni;i vi iiwugotn particular. Sllnervn I-odse. No. 821, has put In twelve new members In two months and hus eight .in dldatcs for next month. Degree Master Kmand Is gjiiilng Ids team In good working order. The lodge has organized nn order of noosters'' with ten munbers. adding Hrothers Piei ann Horroeks The others are J Mjlue, it. Ilurgen. 11. Wtttmabr 1. Tew. A Ilurgen. II Craven. A Innts. i; Kmuiid, C Anderson and P lllanehunl. Applicants must "do something good ' to b eligible for membership Tn "boosters" meet every third Wednesday night and have Initiation In their own exclusive wa. Minerva Lodge will on next Monday evening confer the tlrst degreo on u class of ten candi dates fur Pux Chiso Lodge. Many visitors will Jlnd u hearty welcome Po Chase Lodge enjojed its most encourag ing meeilug for many sears. Visitors were pleased to see len candidates receive the Initi atory degree In a mast efficient manner The lodge had its own tenm on the Hoor and lbs Inipruvid wurk surprlsedall. Pnlied Uulfce. No 71U, had a visit from Hrothirs l.ltihtleM and .McCinn. of the living siu idron tlndlug that United was dulng good work. There was formed a ladb s' auxiliary (of bustbrs). vvho esiect to make It w..rm for tuombt-rs whu do not attend the meetings and nntl ...i.e.. fV . V a: Jf- V.'""m ' Kenne y "J'1 hrothirs from Knme. Ross Mclvor. Emlh-rT""5 s,Wn,,'on ot ' Brand ludg', iini C n S, ,n,' ri" Sur. 1'-"'r. Norrls ami "ivuiifii wpro iirpiinr. nmmf I)!). Will tint.l lla ss ?SsSli?Mls t EVENING LEDaER-PHILABELPniA, THURSDAY, JANUARY 25, help those who are Striving t make United th banner W In the ftttfi district , Jt hns !f"f'1 , 's-enersl alarm" call for Februsrsj, 21, with .refreshments as an inducement Four candidates and ono reinstatement prove fhat the ca'l or the grnnd master has not been in vain Vlsliors welcome at Prom! nnd Federnl streets on Wednesdas nights rurlty.Lodge. No 92.. had a committee of five appointed to srrsnge fnr a jnlnt meetlmr of the lodges of the district tn be field nn Wednes day evening Februnrv M In connection with the grand masters cnmpnlgn for cnllvenlnjr the lodges of this vlclnltv The membership com mittee rrrorted that twenty nine candidates arfl outstanding Insuring plentv of work for thn de gree team Also that arrangements were belnit made for the banquet lo be tendered Ih the simi lar committee of Imperii! l,odse. on ncrnunt ot the recent contest for new members. .Visitors Present included I l (1, M Iteiiben Itrennar. of Damascus, Past Urands Klnstemnn. nf Co lumbian, and Llpp, nf Mjracuse, nil of whom spoke .Interesting! . The second degree was conferred In an able manner b Degree Mnsier MaeUer s crack team The lodge wns honored bv a vlsltntlnn of I he Itoosters of PMIadelphl i. under th leadership or P (), Max llnppe, of (iood fnmarl tan ixidge Prnminent speakers were D I), fl M Peier (ils.m. lilgliteenth illslrlrt, P (I , .Harry IJnberts. N (1 (leorge ItnWts Secretary llugeno tllllen. Itrolhers y.lpps. Danbv and P. It., Heine all of mi, and P O KedRley. V tl Kills and others from Metropolitan No. 1RU. ..The cominltlee In charge of PitrltS's "ltnll-cnll Night" next Wednesday tight, Is prepnrlng mr n IIMra nllilialnhiw Alt In le iet IMI tlfnffrAin has been arranged . . P. o K 1 ltainlltnn. chairman of the enter tainment committee, Is arranging for what prom ises to he one nf the greatest and most unlaue public Installations ever held by any subordinate lodge In this clt. The famous Installing team "f Caledonian Loiue, No "(in. is to do. the work on April 4, attired In "kilties," nnd .Mperlnl Depuu Charles Hamilton promises. that the cos tumes villi In- enrrect In every detail The pram! master and other members ef the flrand LndTe nre expetted to lie prenent. escnrlfd bv Itellante Canton, nf Darby (Captain Hnrry Tnrbuttom's slnrs) In full unltnrin Oood Lodge o all. has launched nn nrgniilzntinn which ldds fair lo lie nno of the grrateat promoters of nrttvltv ever con lelved In th nrdr. It Is to li known as "The Ihree-LInk Itnosters of Philadelphia ' nnd P. tl .Max Hoppc. Its originator Is to be Us Ilrst head, or rnplnin Its prim Ipal nblect i set forth In Its name and Us mode of procedure Is tn "swoop" down upon a lodge unheralded and unlnvlled and spend n piensant evenltiK, aiding In degree work when nrcessan nnd otherwise cheering th members by the In crenstd nltendance Then nn effort is made to pledge ns manv brothers ns. possible to Join In the nexl pilgrimage thus forming an end less chain The tlrst vlsll was made to Metro, pnlltan Lodge. No. llin. nnd th secnnil vlsltn tlnn occurred Inst nlcht. when Purltv LodB"1 was chnen One nf these vlsitnilens Is to oc cur each weelt No entertainment Is asked nor evpfcted. whlth Is the mila i hlect In withhold Inr the name of the "nevt vatlm ' It Is ultlmitelv Intended in have the nrganl ratlon become a mnrchlng cbili nnd It Is honed that It will mi down to Unltlmnre In mil). The temporary officers who will serve until early In Mnv, when a permanent organisation will be effeit'd are as ftllovs Caplaln. P O Max Happe nrst lieutenant D D tl M Peter ulsnn reennd lieutenant llenr lloberts Hr ihnplaln P 0 IJ D Hamilton adjutant (or secretarl, I.ugenn tllllen. nunrtermaster (or treasurer), P. (.1 It itoss Mnclver Fourth ef July Lodge conferred the second degree on thren candidates Among thoso of. tlclnllng on tho degree staff wero Degree i' O Ooldberg. P. fl Iteeren P (1 MllTe llrntbers linlxman. Wnlx. Cnrnlleld. Schnumer nnd He Pnoll Tho lodgo Invites the attendance of drand .Mnsier Perrv A Hhnnnr and hts nstne snu ulron This lodgo Ins nrganireu a soeiai, which hns not nnlv proved nn attraction to voting men, but bna Increased ndlvl'v In lodge nrfalrs A ball at Travmoro Hall will be given on Ptlirunrj 1(1. N Lnst Pnrk Lodge. No 1012. welcomed V tl Thomns J Pratt who bad not leen In the iodgernom fnr several yenrs lie took part in conferring the third dce-ren nnd wns hlcbly com mended bv Degree .Master Tubni k Tho cam paign for members Is progressing In a very satisfactory manner, two more propositions being received Thn two teams under the leadership nf llrnthers Peek nnd Iteedv. are working hard to w In tho prize nlfered bv tho lodge D D ( M Tubaek nnnounced n district meeting to be held In thn hall nf Totem LoiUe. and urged nil tlm brothers nf Hast Park to attend An In vitation wan received from Penn Township Lodgo to attend Its rallv this evening. P. . William Hunt of Nn 2(111. and P fl Wllllnm T. Hellner. of No .",1!) were present nnd com manded thn degiee slnff fnr thn splendid work of the third degree They nleo urged better support for the home Odd Fellows. Rernard Prown Lodge. No llfil nn Tuesday evening conferred the second nnd third degrees upor Us eleien cindldatea iind-r the dlreetlnn of Degree Master Arnold Wrdss In the nli senc. nf N ti II I' Hernnnn V" O Maurice Tapllnger occupied tho chair The operations ct nil committees were reported ns successful, especially tho work of thn ilellnnuent committee A eucci ssful solution of this problem U looked for and it Is hoped that everv mvmiber will be in good atnndlng on the nooks A great deal of enthuslnsm also prcMills with regard to ac ciulrlng new members, nnd thn brnthors are par tic ulnrlv Interested In retting men nf Irreproach able character The greater part nf thn eve ning was devoted to the reading of a new code of hvlaws and as tho provisions in bo decided upon so vltnlly concern the weirnro or the lodge, there was a very spirited discussion nnd a numlier of questions of great Interest wero inlsecl and successfully disposed of The final rending of tho bjlaws will tie part nf the busi ness next week, and It Is expected that tboy will then bo disposed of Covenant Lodge. No 111 nt 0(111 Market street, had a tnnst enjnvnhle meeting. Number IH. which had boon the lending lodgo in tho ninth district, now bids fair lo ii'isumv again tho leadership A quoit team Is forming, with P (1 Wllllnm J (lurr nn c.antiiln unci It l certain that It will bo among tho lenders. After nellbvratlon Covenant l.odgj decided tn nccept iho grnnd master's extenslun plan. Commenda tion was expressed fnr this grand Idea of Grand Master Perry A bhnnor The lodge lias In itiated two candidates reinstated nno number and secured nbout twenty ruod prospects Much credit must bo ghen to the officers of the lodge for the care of tho sick The cithers for the present term aro. Noble granc Amos Ilroadholt, Jr vice grand. Henry Jnhn Hull warden. Carl Aether eondiit tor P fl. M H (Hey. Inside Buntdlan P (1 William J Oun. outside ciinrdlnii P (1. J H Thompson, right supporter, P O W. H Thompson; left supporter. P. O. J. C. Durkholdcr. chaplain, P. 0 P. W. Ilurkholder. L H V (I Ilrother Lemuel King, right sceno supportc r, 1". u John Illalr, left sceno supporter Ilrother flcorge Fowler, treasurer. P a. It J. Straw secretory. P. fl I ." . Hothenberger, tructees. p u J W llaingner 1- fl. J. S Thninpson and P . John Illalr, degree muster. I". O John Illalr. Henry Dlsston Lodgo, No. R conferred tho first degree on eight candidates and there were six applications. Tho committee m regalia recommended the purchnse of new outfits fnr several positions nnd the lodgo readily Indorsed the recommend itlon nnd the degree (earn will soon appear In new uniforms. The aitlntv tom mltlee Is doing good work and Is composed of i: Lister chairman, R Jllddletnn, treasurer. 13 Nelson, secretary, also brothers iloaiilman. Hirst and Whlttaker Degree Master Iloidte I. Davenport Is taking; great Intorest in tho work of Iho degrees, which Is efficiently done, J' '.' O. J 15- Uleijn H-ilna nnd P 0 Ilruco Lewis, of Oxford Lodge wero present and ex tended nn Invitation lo panic lime in the district mec ling on I cbruury 2b, at Oxfnrd Lodge, which wus readily accepted and a committee uppolnted. Oxford I-odge. No. II, conferred Iho first de cree on thrlie candidates. J). D O. M H Ulenn Haines nits present and announced a district meeting In this lodge room on February 2S Lodge held .Sunday service at tho Odd beliows Horns ; Ihe surmun was bv the i.: . .. iic.i.iwiii, iniqcur ui tne i.utneran (ieltleineni House Tho muslo was by iho large conuregailou, under Ihe direction of Robert Mourey, orkunlst President tilpps expretstd his thanks , Mllle Lodge had iharse at the Odd Fellows' Orphanage. Addresses were made by o La For rest Perry, who for sears had charge of tho Lemon Hill meetings; J Sherwood Honkc of Mllle Lodge: President Richardson and Robert Love The muilo Included burltone solo by Clarence P Morgan, of Mllle Lodge, soprano solos by Miss Kiln, c. llansy and Miss Klcanor Hinilli. violin solo by Edgar bmilh. and seiec tions by the children's orchestra and choruses. On Next Kundas Iho lodges of the tenth dUtrlet will conduct tho services The Rev 13. P. llann. pastor of Cookman M. IJ. Churcji, will speak, and Ihere will be a speclat program arranged by P U. George Hill, of Ivy Lodge, in structor. At the Rebekah Home thn servfte was in charge of the hoard nf representatives and the Rev S T Keely rector of Hi Peter's 1' 13. Church, Oermanlown. preached the sermon The music was In charge nf Mrs Harry btatnn. accompanist of St Peter's choir, and ucludd duet, by Miss Durls Htaton and Miss Mary Staton and Mrs Amu Ktackhnuso and Miss .itackhouse President Mary A. Kngelman made an address SMjMgflrrirL iWLiJi!eJtal RED MEN'S NOMINEES FOR CHIEFTAINCIES Reunion of Allied Tribes for ' Trnil Work District Meet ings nnd Anniversaries Chief of Jtccords Thomas IC Don Pnlley has nmiourtccit thd nominees for rhlaftniiicles In lha Client Council ns fol low a: Ureal sachem T. O. Keswick, Kd. 4SS. fireat senior Fngamore S. WilllamB, jr.. N"o. 41), iunlor is.tRnmoro John Morris, No. 1,13: riinries R. Hull. No, R04 : I.oulrt T. SccKnr, No. lsii .tohn T. t'crley. No. 17C, : Samuel A. Oentel, No. 239: William b Helnenian, "No r2 ; P. J. Kite. No. 44; .1. V. iioicn1inArr. No. fit i A. V. hlvoly, No. 3S i William It. Ilelhell, No. 30D ; Itay. tlcii .McQunltc, No 401. flrcat orophot .fohn M, Conmbe, No. int. tlrcat represcntntlvcs .loscph Knrley, No 328 ; John l: room. No. 35R ; Clirtrlps IJ. fnsi, No 01 : Chariot T. tmvls, No. 330; tllelmnl i. Tongue, No. tir, ; Charles Schafcr, No. 200. . Th". 'J.1.11''1 Tribes held their annual ldg meet Ina at Mlnnmik Tribe. No I.M. In Thrush Hall, asm l.nnrnster nvenu Tlfe entertnlnment veni line. Inlnnt uf tho highest rl.css being presented orent Mentor 'arnmnre Dr lleswlck was In clinrgs and made the ndilreas of welcmne rireat Prophet ft. H Walker talked on Iteilmsnsblp, whnt It menns and Ihe protection It arfordn. Manv tribes were represented nnd a number of lentil grent sachems can Jin hiding Deputies Al (1 ltnltert Itrnwn (Vorgc lo grcive and Harry t prltfhi lepnif greni sacnems came frnm nil etinns. I"rner, Jes HineocK. :onleith. Wllllnm Mus- Irthl. Tlilrti.twn trlhet were represented The tlocr wns ' cleared fnr the dance Th tribes stnrtpd this movement, tn cive n grenier itnpetui tn their worn, nm mis tncetliiit will help in the work nf the Inst threo momn! of the llseal oar. Tft tr Ing In Its llETlvnm. tlflh nnil Snmemer Ktreetn Detiutv Oenrge Mnntelth presided, and Hepanna Tribe rendered selections during the evening and manv cf the speakers made reference tn their work (5 H H Dr Itcvwbk tnlked on individ ual work Ureal Prnp'irt H, II Valltr at the' c Ma- of bis talk iresnted to the tribe nn lehalf of tho bnnd. their picture In the fnmnus Cllv Troop uniforms Depuii chnrir t'mhrgrr made a deep Imprcsilon with hi Impassioned pen for the conservatlcu of the American In dian nnd spoke nf n monomer!' to lie erected tvplfvlng tlie nnrlen nborle'ne In nil his glnrv other speakers were Dputv clreat Sachems Hill niirer Al IllsentraLer .loseph Hmlth. P S. Charles Hell Cleorg IVillnek John Puislle Pnler Kite Itrooltes Ilmslle, William Curry. Cnlleetor of AVnmnum P H R Mllllgan and Orent Sannnp Sam llenrv , Hnpltuh Tribe No 3BV celebrnted its twslfth nnnlversary In the wigwam at Piftb and Alle gheny avenue Chief of ltec nrds (leorge W Nlse related liow ho liad endeavored to rccuro a copy nf tho minutes ef the first meeting, also of the progress or me irine numericnuy anu npireinnv ltn then Introduced rirent Prophet Samuel Jt. Walker vvho snoke on Redmanshln of Indav P. 1 William Pletj. the next speaker wns one of the eharter memlHTs I S Al Pjntt told how be was first a member nt Cllftnu Helghttt fnrtv two vearH ngo heforo Joining No .Tirt at Its Instltntlnn P S Habn promised tn again get i i btrs nf palefnees .P M Dpnl repreen tnthe of the tribe c tho Red Men's Homo, gnvo nn nceount of thn vtork Ihere nnd stated that he had missed only three meetings in thren veara The members then were served with corn, venison and smok's, A district mretlnct was he'd nt Veshnmlny Tribe. Nn S3 nt 1(11)1 Went PTC.a.unk nvenue Wnnella Tribe was present with n Inrgn dele gation nccnmpanled liv Its hand Ttin speakers wero (1 H H T. C llesvvlck O K of W. Jn seph Pnrrnr. Oreat Sanmp Samuel Henry. P. (1 S. Joseph Parley and nthors. One nf the blgrest surprises of bin life wns tendered to Past Sachem Thomns L Prnser by Me fnmllv nnd the members of Ynbn Tribe. No 278 nt the wlcwntn llrond nnd federal streets, in honor of h's llflleth blrthdcv Tlie en'er talnment eonslsted of nno nlnglnr ) prnfes slnnnl talent nnd Mri M ?Jw and Ida Mnv Pnrer after which the members, gui sis nnd Indies Indulged In danelnir Much credit Is dun Mr Krnser nnd her daughler fnr tho rnnnner In which Ihn surprise was conducted They wfre (isolated by tho Indies' auxiliary nf Yuba Tribe More than -00 sat down to n bountiful tnhle. ctrnfic Pronhet nnmtiel H Walker, nn tnastmns- ler paid a great tiibtitn tn Urctb.r Pr is-r ns n nnrlhv mnmlier nf the I ( It M Past Snthem Waller lollv. Chief of Records Kendle II 1W. ier Past Sachem W Sebweitn. of ub.i also spnko on the value of thn brother to hlo tribe Other speakers wore Dr J lerlev chief of rec ords of No. 17(1 P S Louis Se, er. Charles P. Wlelaud president of deputies' asoelntlon; (leorge Morrison. Denny Ilnfmnn ancl nlliers The members nf Ynbn tm align Orent Prophet Wnlker presenile! Past Sachem Praser with n beautiful leather and mahogany enkv chair and there were many other useful articles from his guests Ilrnlher Prnser expnsseil his thanks to tho tribe, his famllv nnd gucHts but wns un prepared to make an extended address. renobsrot Tribe Nn 70 bad a large at tendance on Inst Thursdaj's nleep. Tho mem bers nre partli ulnrlv interested In tho prepara tions to celebrate, Usdr fiftieth annlvernvry In May next. Chief of Records Jamea R Pinker ton lo attending a meeting of the auditing. com mittee of tlie Western Kuncral llenvflt Associa tion at St. Louis, Mo Pennbscnt Haymakers had its usually good time nfter closing Ihe tribe meeting, being en tertained with music, gnnves and n bountiful lunch. . . Tho State Haymakers' Association will con duet a theatre bcuedt at tho Adclphl Theatre next week. Mnumeo Tribe. Nn. 301, Is adopting palefaces nn nlmest every seven suns and will ahow a great Increase In nvmherRhlp this term Tha committee on ladles' nbtht. of which P B. Charles 11. Dell is chairman, ropnrts it ts ar ranging a surnrlBo for the ladles snms tlmo In worm moon The minstrel of Slaumee aro very busy nnw. showing with great success at Ti coma Tribe, No. 1177. Thoy have enungnments with n number of tribes ancl other organiza tions The district meeting nf district No. 7 In which P. S. Joseph Rndd in Is deputy nf No. 17, will lie held tn the wlrynm of Maumne on January .11 This district c-ntnprlses Irllss Nob in al7 and ."ill It Is expected thia meeting will be ono of the largest held In this eltv Mnumee l making preparntinnn In entertain Ihe tribes and representatives who w ill attend. Hlro Tribe. No nil") has set a fast pare for the last three moons nf the Oreat Sua. admitting --.... i.i.yii,iMi.. ,".,,M '"in"" ei-.rrni prnposi- tlons Moving pictures are itlien almost every council sleep and tho attendance Is very gratlfv lntr. nn average of over eeventv for Ihe past moon MInnttnnkn Tribe No MO nf AVood burv N J. will v'slt Hiro's wigwam on the tnelfth of snow inn in, and the annual smoker or "Cnombes Night" will bo on tho Huh of snow moon. JFh. D.tknta. Association, nf Smith Philadel phia had their regular monthly meeting on Inst Thursday s sleep nt Crow Tribe and had rcpre. ssntntlves from twelve tribes out nf fnurteen The vnrlous tribes all rennrt progress, admltllng candidates nt evnry meotlnr. The degree teams have enough work to ken tbem active every night In the week If It were posulhle to do sn. President Clark feels nrnud of this nrganlzailon nnd Is looking forward to Its Increase with much pleisure Degree Master Camera an" nnuucea Hint his teams are performing the ndnptlnn, warriors and rhlefs degrees, a record that many teams would feel proud to Possess On Pcbriury 8 tho teams will trail to Penuod Tribe. No 18. to perform the warriors nnd chiefs degrees. Menno Tribe. N'n 32R, ndnpted threo candi dates and have several applicants for their meeting on next Monday's sleep P fl. 8 Jos Parley reports the tribe In a nourishing condltton and expects a large Jncreaso this term. Pacnnta Tribe No. 31. had an Interejtlng meeting on, last Pridav's sleep and admitted sev eral candidates. Sachem Oreen would like to see. tbe same largo attendance nnd activity shown several great suns ago. Pasiyunk Tribe, Nej. 110. has been chosen as the place for the district meeting on tomorrow night's sleep All ndMen invited. """""" Crow Tribe No 423. hail a Urge attendance ejn last Thursday's ilnnam admitted two pale faces Pnst Sachem Charles p Charlton re. celved a tenrty welcome Ilrother Charlton, who resides In Ambler. P.t , was one of the or- ' . "!r"TMifc panlier of Crow Trlbo end hid the honor lo be its first, snehem P S Sachem Oeorgo W tudolph, chief of records, termed tho Huffalo Bill of Red Men, give an Interesting talk on his experiences of travel around the world , Sioux Tribe, Nn S7 had a large turnout on Inst Thursday s sleep and performed the adop tion degree on a candidate. The vounger mem bers of the tribe have formed nn active degreo team nnd take great Interest In Ihn work Deputy Oreat Sttrhem Alfred Rllsertt deserves much credit for his nrtlve work in tenth Phila delphia. He drew out a Urge number nf mem bers nt the district meeting In No .1 and hit efforts were a great success P., S fleorge W. Nlcholssn will . renew Ills Activity among the trllirs of South Philadelphia, having nn attractive subscription prnpngltton In connection with tho uiitxivii Lrrorn of ad viintntto tn officers nntl tnem'ers, wno can com InuMcato with him at IMS Morris street News communicant ns can be sept to him nr to the general chairman nf publicity. Thomas L. Prnser, or dlrtct lo the fraternal editor. . Mattnwahna Tribe. No. 217, vvai instituted bv rireat sachem ceotiibo nt clareme, Center Ceuinly. Tho trlbd stofteel with. Severn v-tlvn palefnees and bids fair lo bo ono of the strong, est In that ban nf thn Htnte. Deputy Walt Hnchent t'zsell, of snow Shoe, who wns Instru mental In organizing iho tribe, was delighted with thn tine outlook for tho now branch. JUNIOR 0. U. A. M. Mni'lln's Union and Hoostef Gnthcrinu lo Strtft.Now Atlniiid3trittlon A rousing tmnptevr mul union ineptlne wna hold In the room of .Tolm It. Mnrlli) Coimcll Inst Thumlay cvcnlni?. This was tho flrt nlRht for remncllor Wllllnm Plots to pre side over the council nntl make his nppolnt mentn for his term. The following; general committee wns appointed: II Wal ters, rhnlrmnn; Henry P. .SvvlR-enr, Arthur P rl Nevltt, John V Itiie. .Ir , Wesley Ucoff, Lynfonl S Walters, Wllllnm W. Cnnslely. John C). Wllsc Wllllnm H l.'crrtuson. Way land It. Herb, Memroo IJ. Volutsbcriw, ttenry Wcllcmantt, II ihcrt Htott, Albeit 0. SwlKcni. Norman Kern. Stephen A Wal ton, li'rederlclt ftteep;er. William ttuss, t!d vvnrd Uovvcr, Alhert Nclilliifrcr and V'llllam Plots This committee will bo subdivided Into working committors, each having Its own department of woik to do. It was nlsn decleled that the councils anni versary will lie eelehratrd this ear with a vwndslv event ns follows' Sundnv. April 42, nt tend divine service Wednesday, April SI, ban eiuet for the members and ilulr Indies. Krld.ii. April 2(1 emnker for the members nnd their friends, Saturdnv, April 27, a large class In itiation It wns nlsn ndnpted that encli mom ber wishing to pass the cimlrs must seo thn nffici rs of sentinel warden conductor ibnpleln and then to nsslstnnt roe ending secretary The following councils vvuro represented nt this tho largest union meeting ever held. Dlrlgo Council. No 102HI llenernl (1. IC. Wnrren Coun cil. No HS4; Lewis Wirth Council No 31. Stephen Olrard Count II, No. 141: Ooorgo M Potntsatt Count II, No. H.1, Prnnkllnvllle Cnunull, No "U Pred VI. Wagner Council, No 2S.1: John C Armstrong Council No 130, Stnr of the Dast Council, No. 01 lone Council, No 7(1,1. Relief ('out e 11 No 2. nnd Toughkenamon Council No Ul'il. and William Iljarn Council. No 2H2. of Wilkes Ilarre This meeting was brought it1 out b tho visiting club of Dlrlgo Count II, :,v. 1020, which had more than fifty members present nt this meeting, llnch council received an invita tion. Tho following prominent members ef tho order being present spoke for Ihe welfnre of the order Samuel O b ott Junior pnst State coun cilor. William C Halin, district deputy State councilor, who was the fnther of too thought of the v lilting club which hns proven so success, full I). D S C. lleorgc White, D S C. Hd ward Knhlcr, D S C Howard Churnslde, D D S. C Predirlck c. Weber. D H C. J. Thomas Nevltt D S C John l) Wilson. D D. H. C. John P Rue Jr . state Treasurer Charles Kaurfmann, Past National Representative n u. Leatherman. A D Jones, cntineilnr of Dlrlgo touncll; John Shorter, vice councilor of Dlrlgo Council. Philip Hahn. recording secretary of Dlrlgo nnd hosts of others Junior Past Coun cilor Hnr P Swlgenr presided over tho la'k feast in turning back thu chair to the coun cllnr each officer of the council presented hlm si If In the center of the room nnd en in half nf thn offlceis Junlnr p C Swlgoar pledged tlie support of every officer to the present ad ministration Councilor I'loss thanked iho oITi cers, and hoped this lo be the best and most sue cestui term mer held In tho cnuncll Clgarn anei refreshments were served bv the sec a I commuteei anei popui cr airs were p'avi ii i" tin Mnrlln Orchislra. 'Ihe next visit of the Dlrlgo visiting club will lie on Thursday evening. Pen ruarv 13, lo Lepdsrton Council, .o 221, at 13J3 Columbia avenue The Tohn R. Marlln Council Oriental court will ho'd a meeting tomorrow evening In the hall. Bus West Allegheny nvenuo. All member of the lourt are Invited to bo present and to bring their friends The meeting will start at S o'clock promptiv. The general cnmmlUee ot Mnrlln Council twill hold Its tlrst meeting en Sunday morning for the purpose of announcing the appointments on ihe dllferent committees nnd Instruct them In their work llach member uf the committee Is urged tn be plescnt Tho Junior O P. A. M. nows will hereaftor appear In the fraternal pago of the Hvkvino LsiHii-n on Muudays. KRATEKXAL AMERICANS Marching; Club iuul Clans Initiations Consitlorcd by Official Body One of the larccst attended nicetlnus of tho Good of the Order Association F. V A waa held last Monday evcnliuv In tho Hall of Frankfotil Council, No 170, when II. D S. C. Ilrother Alrcy visited tho counell In conjunction with Jr. 1". S. C. .Hhcnemin and a host of deputlcn and visiting bruthren Brother Charlps !'. Hauinnn, prosideut of tho Clootl of tho Order AsRooiatlon, com plimented tho officers and delogatea to tho association upon tho pood work liclnj; done Many Impoi tant subjects wero discussed and noted upon Jr. V. S. f slhenomnn le ported us to tho mot chine club The sub ject of general clnsB initiations was thoroiiRlily considered and the deleiriite.s promised to rtld ill nrransing for them Paut Stnto Councilors McKolvey and Solly vvero preuent and nddiessed the meetlns 4 Hamilton Council No MI. held another of Us big bonstei night j last Tuesday evening, wtjen an entertn was given and refresh ments served. D D. S. C Jones and Jr P. s c Shvnemnn comnllmuntvd the council and ad dressed the members as to the great work which had been clone by thu membership teams during the Inst term. The has. -hall team und thn string band of the council vvero in evidence and promised to do a great deal for the council during the present term A combined visitation was made last c-tenlng to Colunel John Clark Council. No. 015, by tho uniformed guards of Dlligunt Counell rr t und the officers ami iniinmrs uf PldelUi Coun cil No 21, and Port Richmond Council, No. 2JI Interesting remurks were made ly the various brethren and a. general report presented as to the work twltig none und tho bright prospects for a most suicessful jear during PUTT P. H C Solly, of No 01.1. In his very pleasing nnd courteous way w.lcomed the vis iting brethren, whu enjced themselves beyond measure Alter man exchanges of fratornity und co operation the visitation was ended by proinliaea of mutual interchange of visits. Rescue Council, No. 13. held one of Its month ly epiertalnm.nts and banquets to tha active and attending members last evening, when ft crab supper vua served, hrothers Itagg Banks, cm. Daniels. Valentine and many others cave Inter esting talks as to the work beini! done. Damascus Count .1 N'u A.1U l;i."3 Columbia nvenuo. will be visited tomorrow evening by Slate Council officers, whu will exemplify the beautiful rttual on a clius of candidates fur No. 33U. All members r Invited, N'evyj of lha Praterual Pntriotlo Americana will hereafter appear on tbe fraternal pane of the IJikMiu LfcUcKU on Mondays. 1917 RECONSTRUCTION FOR FORESTER COURTS Systematic Rehabilitation of Nonprogressive Bodies Neces sary for Success Tho tlcpullct Alllflnro. Past Chief llanrceii Asnoclnllon, Fellowship Club nnd Iho other forces of enielency nre intent upon a constructive policy lo lebulld the RUperslrucliiro of such court, (is arc not progressive, Tho linos ndnpted nro to bo teal practical solutions. Jinrh such court l to bo nriutltilzed, lis particular needs ex amined and tho rnntrlbutlnp; causes of lis notijiueccss tvin bo attacked. As no ono panacea will tench nil ciiRes, though they he nliko in apparent symptomi, nil tho np proved courses will ho tried until tho right one is found to lit iho rase Deputy Powers, of No. 12s, sayi tlje procedure eonlemplnlrd draws Its lesson from tho patient toll of the spider. Tho In troductory ponferencc nt tlaverford. No 20J, agreed lo start the movement by vlsl tat'ons to such courts by brothers from such other courts ns arose from like conditions to their present solvent nnd proKrosslvo state. Pathfinder No 2f,n. enee nt the lop of the tail der has bv length nt veKrs nnd varied reasons come near to the bottom! yet Pontine. No. 144 had n like esrierlence. hut It look a turn that placed It in lis present prnsperntts mate, and Deputy Onmble nnd P C Mongers Pahey. Con nnr nnd otheis will give the ret ipe nn call Court Mli line! Arnold. Nn :I17 with a paucity of members nnd a gnndly exchequer will learn hnv, once n like condition exlsteel la Court T, II Heed Nn 1!12, nnd hnv, It e hslged its lurk will he shown by Hrothers Cunningham Herkry. Pastor nnd nutlllnrles tlnmlltnn Plsstnn. Nn ilia sparsely attended meetings despite enorgellci officers will nnd hnw Cnurt Lnrele I Nn 22(1. remedied the some condition ns Hrothers Hngan nnd eo Inltorern will unfold Much Is a mere out line nf the work assumed bv brethren willing In do surplus cbttv Other phases will be treated by like practical methndi covering the entire ll"t of courtn needlnc renl assistance, nnd not merelv good wishes line! platitudes With the coming session nf the associated courts of the cnuntv Poreslers' Dav commlt teo will begin th" activities In the public sntlin functions of the order for Ihe v-enr This com mittee relnlns the nnme ndnpted at the incep tion of tho movement twenty-eight enrs ago Intended primarily for onv spe Ifle object, changed conditions made II enlsrgo Its scope of work, while retaining Its olalnii! nppelln llon fnr historic reasons The, requirements of tho new ritual demand 1M courts hon to com-memo-nto the natal day of the order with In door ceremonials ltn suggestion for nn out door general nnnlversary also has lieen held hem at a public, pari:, drawing an averngo jenrly attendance of some lo.OOil participants To secure the co-operntlnn of all tho local courts In tho public demonstration Is the spend il inirposei nnw in view and when the nflVers of lb committee. Hrothers fl.trtbiml (llreenwav, Nn 3111) Onrmlev (L. ,T Hmlth No 211) Hiir lev (Laurel Hill No 2 IS.). Muttle Cbvmnur, No 2e(). Kunier (Pride of the Xtrthivest N" BID) eonveii.c the session, steps will bo furmulrtcd to accomplish tint purpose In thn nmalgnmnted social furcllons agrre gatlon this committee Ih one of tbe H-ree largest units nnd n dire cling power In that scheme, which embraces nil the phases of thn snclnl section of the nnbr The other two tho combination committee, noted In a former Iseue ns to Its ohlects and guiding ncfninls and the vv oodchnpiiorn. tho never censlnr entertnlnment producers whnse rrand cabin nfilcers. Choppers Klierle (Cohockslrk No. 1121 Innee nnd l!m lv ijrthr.nist No nm), Hehommer ivinnnyunk. No IH!'! Hoahr (Phllndelphla, Nn. col. Pnwell and White (Itnhln Hood No III. lire, an Keener of Leaves V. P. White declare, nnt controlled bv the cnlenelnr. but nrrnnge Its plans to cover the holidav eenson ancl brglns prnmptly upon tbe new car and renewed endeavors. Al tbe sesslnn nt tbe cnmblnntlnn eommlllee, nf Iho P of A or I'bll-delnhla and vicinity held nt Court Liberty Council. No 131 Ornnd Treasurer 11 V Parlej In commending the tried work outlined for this vear. made some pertinent suggestions thnt would In Ihe opinion of those present tm tn the nclvnntnre of nil courts to heed "In the labors of iho P. of A vee need to get nut of Ihe rut ot tho mnnotnrv of mere rout'ne. If we move along In tho humdrum too lone wo lose ambition and the derclre for things higher nnd better. Wa V must nave ennnge nntl variety, which, Rrc ecc. s ntlil lo success The court thnt goes through the ime routlnn weog after vvee't will "emu loss its attendance while the nno thnt proldes vnrlety will prosper. Make vour meetings liveli und Interesting The past aohtevomcntp of jour constrin tlve organlzntlnn nre duo lo your adherence lo the principles enunciated, and wo look with itnxlous nntlc'prulnns to the outcorflo of your endeavors th.s ear. ' Court Pontine No 111, nt Convenient Hall. TwcnU -third street below IVderal afreet, hsld one of Its snecltl public pensions with exerclsea thnt held the nitration of the large assembly, nn Instructive talk was given by Deputy Haraunl ,T Onmble, that uas listened to with profit bv the young men who formed tho greater part nt tho audience Hrnthoi tlamble from his work In the Probation Court recounted many telling Instances tn Illustrate his theme, and In oppenl Int for strenuous efforts to bring the younger men Into the order eiuoted tho official census with b Nhemel that every venr over (100 0(10 voung men reach the age of twenty-one years tn thin countrv. "Just entering manhood they need fraternil protection, for a multitude of reasons That protection Is securablo ut a cost to meet their ability to pav, and with It a foundation for more nmple protection ns their means allow 'Ihe fold Is ample and It shnuld be cultivated by devotee! laborers for Forestry. Th court Is an example in its ouelifut mem bership of the advantage to he gained bv devot ion mn rgles Hieing the line of altractlur to Ihe ranks the voung men In particular, nntl all courts should emulate Its policy ' It was a manlv nppi al to the better nature of his auditnrs nuci inn nppiu ccinns recc ieu proven It was ef fective In results The session being upon tlie eve of the burial of Admlrnl Dewey, tbe stand ing in silent trlhtuo of respect was paid his memory, to the sul.lued strains nf "Nearer, Mv Hod to Thee " While tha nation plates his nemo In the niche of fame with Harry, .tohn Paul Jones Decatur. Lawrence. Perrj Pnr ragut and the naval he roea, tho order will do It honor by bestuvvinglt upon a now court as Its lusting mark of respect. Court Noshamlny No tin, vtns visited ley a d'leuiitinn of tho PnthnreUrs Corps enaageif In proineiting a newer svstein nf enhanced benqnts. Tlie P of A unliko ninny fraternities, diss never been obliged lo readjust its dues, as it started vvllh iidoeiuate rales lis actuaries have ueviwu ci inuu ,nei"uj u revision in mo oonenl hi stem tan be made without utiy Increase in dues It Is to allow i larger bone fit to Iho mem bers on the disability list for u short period, while the member on until the limit will not re. celvn .a. penny less In the aggregate than now provided. Likewise three tentative plans are outlined where Increased alck and death benoflta unci nther beneficial advantages can he geourid If desired, at an outlay of one. two or three cents (e week more than Ihe present dues All four plans are now by ref-rendum being ana Ived b the courts of the whole countrv buvlng bv the initiative as required by the order, lieen submitied bj subordinate bodies In this order all proposed changes must come, from the lower todies to the highest, never Po reverse rule as li some other fraternities. The various grand court conventions will voice their choice and their supreme representatives will vole as directed an eltho plan receiving two tnirds of the votes of the supreme bodv will be the one adnptnet ns It wilt be the choice of that proportion at least of the general membeiship uf the entire nation The Fellowship Club met at Court Stephen Oirnrd, No 3d Mill Ilrown slruet. In t r. sump tion uf lis consideration uf tiuestlJns of nracticii utl!!t Pursuin f the line of the polity of the nrder that no matter of gi nerul Import shall lie urged or changed until It Is thoroughly anal) zed the question conslderetl pro and eon use "Are there too many local eou-ts of the uractc, r n Phllccdt Inbla?" ( being 134, v.lth a membership of 32,0110) The tenerul concen sus of opinion was tn the affirmative las lettsons assigned vv, re A useless waste or energy, needless expense In management Jealousies engendered when several cats of brethren are trying to do th same thing In the same locality for tbe same peopls, far the ksme great .ause, but with diversity of rules and mailers of nonessential Importance The mis taken Idea baa tuken root that tne best way lo do things l tu contlnuo forming new brunches Tho better Idea tt seems would be not li multiply the local organization,!, but to unite in a smaller number of powerful and effUtent bodies. The fraternal system Is g. Itlng to I more and more disorganized through thn multi plicity of organisations, with alt sorts of names for nil sorts of purposes The club, desirous of hcitterlng P. of A. conditions, seeks the safer remedy as a means to more usefulness, and at "- tl Mitjff "estt 41 1 ,ifflSlr2&l "" 6t SnniT"!!"1 "rt " nuarter of ft eenU-ry ?E2 .V?TL rftmmenlffr,)tlon was replete wltH .icorm"7,r.l.ft nr " things The, sage ex lYIiiT'i rS "" veterans as they related them .ii1.ri.i ,.'ifl ",",ner Initiates to frsternal en- Semi i. ,h- "ell-rounded program pleasecl ths ?;! tnldng. s ero the worn of this evmtfnl '',""'in.'" ",esll tn labor It, was an all around fraternal activity carnival, e!t'"v7. ""mllton, No pfl. at Thirty-seventh ami Market streets, was the scene of a pleas TV,V.i'.'c",il.klr"t,ofilh',.ci"1bments of forestry, m.'".".'1.1. replenished, the) heavy Inroads Iii VI" upon Its original Ideas of fraternal work iWlTi - fesuppltf nf new appliances, and llrnthers Noon, Luttrell. Coughlln and the rest L,i" i1"!!. "'.. Producers showed tho newer jo?'1 In. the lines suitable for the enlarged fjepe mnrked put for HUT Always nt lh !Sp.,lnu,1.r"!:r''!,',iv': vvork. the court alms to re tain that honored place and beginning tomor FSiv e"1r) recurring meeting will bo Iho Mecc i?rJ" .""'sters. intent upon truo and tried Plans of fraternal Ideals that lend to achieves merits worth tho endea-vors eserted. TI0J,.,', ,".'Jv,wt No IT at Hawos' Hall. 7V,?,n,v:T"'tth nn" ' urnberlsnd strents nt Its Jolllllntlon rallj celebrated Its attainment ns one of tho seven successful contestants In tt-ej Fr,'., ' .V"y. Inltlntlon schlevcment. Not content with the laurels won ' It hns started upon greater loenl activities crusade, nnd Is confl pent nr its successful outcome Suporvlslntf Denuiv W. H Hurlev of the district In whlcli It s located, Is looking to It for ft year of iruitful results, nnd Secretary Oormlcy as auies hint the returns will exceed his fondest ?, '".'''.P "'" prediction Is based upon the fact that tho members conducting tho work have alvjitj a produced resulls and aro determined to ouido their former endeavors. eKVur.l.-nIa"1'!s'v..J"0.2Ii Kureka Hall, r.lev f1'.. ?lTet nn.'1 Olrard avenue. Hrothers Hss lett, 1 1 Pnnncll nntl the enielency cn-operatlvs committee of the court have started n move ..' , double the present numerical strength. Planned upon procedure of practical utility. It Shnuld be assured nf fulfillment The sessions are made Interesdng. so as to attract thu melnlif rs nnd to trv In nhtnln the nlil of everv one enrolled Prn'crnsl visitors are welcomed IM"1 '".etliren with helpful ideas acconled re spectful attention Court Phil Sheridan. No 111, has under way arrangements ror a banquet (o lie held In May in honor of Its twenty fourth anniversary This court is In a nourishing condition, having in teresting meetings nnd onicers who have worked hard tn atuiln success, which has been realized. Tbe plnoehle tournament has closed and valu able prlees will . awarded at the courts eiunrti rlv smoker nt their hall. Hoellne and "'rye sireiis. when good music and IlrSt-claes talint mil be pre s nix I VVnllo the meetings nre f.drlv Well attended then Is room for 1m piovement and nothing will in- left undone to ftilcl itilere si Any smgrstinns will bo appreci ated liv the court nnd can bo sent to Secretary (leorge Heinhart, southeast corner llodlns and (iooric struts. OKDER SONS OF AJIEUICA Thlrty-flvo Oraton to Camp Visita tions on One Night Tho flying squadron of tho P. O. S. of JL Is being worked Into perfect form for tha visit to thirty camps meeting on Monday ovenjng. Thirty-five of tho lending orators of the order vvlo will he In tho party aro men of the highest type and fully represen tative of tho gteutcst patriotic organiza tions of the codntrq Tho cntlro ttquadron will meet nt tho Hluto camp headquarters on tho evening of the visitation, Tebrunry 20. prior to le.ulng for tho various camps. Many of tho camps havo already outlined their plans foi tho reception for tluao "live wires " nnd them Is no question but what this undertaking, which is entirely new In the order, will be successful. The Stato l&eeutlve Committee, together with Na tional Vlco President Jnmea Heaps, havo been Invited to this gala ovent, nnd these, together with such old "war horses" as Cnelo Davy Vettcr, of New Illnggold t Past State Prejidant John It Reese, of St. Clair : Claudo P.ena. of -Alluntown; Past Stato President Herman A. Miller, of Uaston. and others will certainly make nn interesting group for patriotic thought and cxprea hIoii trhThJ.lrna:,.Vj.!V",i""on? ln lh0 thirteenth ells triit ere nsslgciil ns follows: nlng1"'pebruarv i Vl5lt CamD ,al ThursdaJ' cv Cnmn 72 visits Sill Mondey. Pebruary 5 Camp Till visits el-,1. Monday. Pebriiarv (T r-"mu Vl M"1.'" 41" Tuesday. Kebruarv 11 ;.""" v.:r t'"'1" ."..'. criuay. i enrunry n nil . ...ui-.i i" "mhh Muni), in in (insist all tumps in this cnmpiiKn. ' Thrnt lsltriti0ns JlfeSthe'tTons" m" " '""" the eighth dltlrlet. which is composed of camns possessing thu highest tjp of not Ire manliood 'ttm,h?.?nr? l.ft? JW-'W wthV:Cchmtacnd0to -.-. ...- u,uk, ,u w iiiHimr vuune. Camp 11 In . i iii , '-i-eirni .iji rftl. ' on. -iy in lli e mice camps iiu is niniijc on tm- joli. c'amp 111 s nushini toward the front while the ii fnnt cfmp 814 KchuvnViii b!,0r'!!r Welsh ntthV Palls3 of hchuylklll Is gaining membership. Itecently ,ant,u"'e"':H ":'r" fnl!'"1 to dl"P ny nn Amer ican flag from the schoolhouse ancl Camn M4 m,?tle!,,,fi;'i.r,tnB,l,0',d iduea?on and insisted that the law be obeyed. While It tooli ne.irlv a ar to accomplish tho pSrnoso. ,et i,hel!Jfi,J".h,w "?"". where It should be era Ihaslzlng the value of tho P O S of A to iho community. . The follow Ing district meetings have been ar. rS.ntfr.'L ? PJ"rr'rLb'n''!;?r.lTho,eansaot Camp 3)10 of 27TO Prnnkford nvenue. will hold n "s linker nn Tmsday evening next and one Of th' 1 llllncr ROilllcerM nf Ih. np,)..M ..III .1. ,.?. a pairlcellc address "" ""r camn OSS, at lniT.S-erlh Ilroael street, will celebrate t twenty sixth anniversary on Peb ruarv 13 In lbikcr Post Hall. Lending State and national of leers huve been Invited to nttend, Oen.;ral (leorge d Meade Commnndery No. RO hi Id lis regular stated Interview nt south west corner of Twentieth and ColumbU avenue. The entertainment committee reported progress on thn lenefit at Dumnnt's Theatre, nlso that It was going to celebrate thn tenth annl vernar of the tommandery In March. The do free teim which has been started by Hrothers !. .' 0.W"5,B "ni1 A' .Neely Is dolni nnelv Ilrother lilac k gave an Interesting talk on the Wllkes-Uarro marching club in No. nn and Itos Imro Cnmmandery. Captain T lllcrall of Meade started a club In Meade Commandery which prumlsis to he a great success All mem bers are urged to come to the next interview of the eommanderj on Pebruary T. Camp No. 2,i3. of Sinking Springs. Harks Couotv will celebrate its twenty ninth birthday mi Tuesdus evening. Pebruarv 20, In St Johns Ttcfoimcd Church, of that cltj c'amp No n33. of Juniata, will hold s. public! Installation of elected officers tonight when the Mate president. Lrneit 11. Clark, of Pittsburgh will deliver an address on tho subject, "lis Something." The Sixth district P. o. of A., comprising Canu s . US 1ST under the Jurisdiction of Mrs. Jce Williams, organised a district association, lb tlrst in the order. The P O of A Is the Itdkt. brunch of the P O. of A The object here will tie 10 promote business and social features Emma Clay wns elected recording Mecrclarv and Emma Prv the treasurer Carrie) Higbto, prtsidviii uf lamp iM. is une of Ihe nraent Bupiurters of ihe movement, and Ida l'artman will bad the social functioiui Tho (issue latinn will ti supnort.d b the First dls trlct P ii H uf A William K. Press idlstrlct president ) Tnnn.t.el,,., rark Nft "1 ' Fori foutttven vhif?",,nM?i marshaled by fitalwWu Solev UeSS,l!,' N'f' Penny. Diamond, Lynch. tr lite MiiT, n.1? deputy Kelly nnd frfts iIJ Li,V0fvT"-.o,,'a "' n of Ilka chf'' unil mi vansts 4ti Wednesday. February 14. Camp 4111 visits 7ill Tlmreol.v Pebruarv la !' "jj, Visits 74(1. Thursday rebfSSfy It ( vup TiDI vis Is 3IB, Mondav. Pebruary ID Camp .101 visits r,72. Thursd.iy. lVb?Jary 22 iumn :tn.i lit-inr- Hv rti. ls(.,'!.mPor!'Juat.T",'"tv,-thlrcl nn'' RII,:e avenue. tm. f. M,",Jroar''5sh,!- 'amps of tho order, 1 his Is the homo camp nf c A MeManus ona "L "lr,;tKr """Ict'pre.ldents of hS staTe? I. of Mannvtink. l ..iieti.. cn. eneitis to irerease the membership by Juno 30 nhia DlSrlct" 7al'S, !" !!e Tvv"lftfi PhUadel- ie, mo evorK Camn Cam'p'Vni,; PebVuar "iii ' c'a?, rp lL'l)Jav.n,?,rn?.- ?kl.y -Lramn V?1 J.un 'I. Camp P. Ju y 2 lamp 4SS. July 21. Camp 3: August 13, Camn .fl 1 8 jl