TiP.HBf iWWTiP r 'ip'Tarwi v -p- c-tt-"T-v- -tv wrr-j' 'A v wt I.' 4 W EVENING DICK COUNTS 'EM'FIRST, THEN IS OFF FOR FIRE But This Mathematical Rtecd Never Budges Before Eight Strokes of Gong (Prr llltnlrntliin nil I'lrlnrlnt I'iikc) "Dick" Is n li"ro Hint ran rniint. Aln he lit n fire Imrse. In wniTtil. when n mem ber of 'the piiulne specie tlmeloiis nn ability to rto somelliltiB beyond the ohlliinry It In recnnleil nn n matter of ourloNlty situ! the educated lior.e becomes it star itllritt'tlnn at county falls ami oilier places where tl public may assemble to womlef and ml- lii tlie llmertii of Klie It Is different The niarveliMi". the tiniKiiitl. are matters nf such eerday orenrteiiie III romiectlnn with Are duty Hint thell prrfnrmnnee. whether by man r beast, escelles tin mm tnent tmr liie they tenanted as inarvetnus "Pick" lias been In the vervlre of the Hiiri'iiu f l''he for twenty-turn years I'ur Ins that lone peilod he has been part of the team th.it lias drawn Tru.ru No. 0 to mnie than Sal" fire. -After three year of "breaking In" be was sent to the truck station at I'leslon stleet nutl llaveiford aenue. where he has seen nineteen yeai' pen Ice And he Is still spry and net It e Ak l,luptenant Sam Mnmiii. wltn formerly drne hup. or I.ouls P. hlxon. his present ilrler Klthei will asset t with tmsltlveness that pick cin haul the truck to ,Iladdlnton or n el brook, mer Hie lonu hilly toads that lead to those hiiIhiiIis from the file station, iiiaklnc the dlstnnce ulthtm mine effort than ltl initiKtr aide-partner tint a" to his mathrmath'nl powers, which are what lift "Dick" from the ordlnai nntonK horses. I'mler the old system nf sending out signals In the lltiteatt or l-"i i . a warning of ten tapx always ptcceded .1 box alaim oilier calls weic ptpfaced In .1 smaller number of laps, never more th.in seen When a call Hounded on the "Joker" m warning bell, "Dick" would He iptletly in Ills stall back, of the truck, until tin eeienth t.u was reached If no eighth stinUc rounded. "Dick" would remain motionli Tint let the "lokei" signal esceed Hint seventh tap -''Dick" was on his feet ami ronth to take Ills place In the harness bo- fore tin- tlieinan on watch had time in pull Hi" lever opening the door nf hN ttall Vccoiiliitg to Lieutenant .Mason .not other members of the company, "Dick" cm count the "tiokos of the lire gong as will as ant rtinti attached to the station. Finin Captain Stewart down to the joungstets nf the nelghbrnhood "Dick" Is a gieat favorite, and many visltots to thu ipiarteis) of the truck pioloug their stay to witness the evi dences of unusual Intelligence displayed b this M'teinn of the flip service. DEFENDED HY MOTHER-IN-LAW Philadelphia Woman to Testify for Hurter, AlleReiMVifu Slayer PITTSBfllflU. .Inn. 'J I. I.eon Hnrter In on tiinl hero, chaiged with shooting his wife. Pauljne, on July 27 as she was leav ing her home, 338 Dariali s,tieet, Oakland. Mis Ilaiter was 11 daughter uf Mrs. lOsthcr TrachtenbPig, of 2)21 Shcrldnii street, Philadelphia. Mrs Trarhtenbeig Is expected to testify for 1 latter, as Mho has frequently main tained that hu was not the slayer of her daughter Jeff Dental School I'litniicd Plans aie being made for the establish ment of 11 school of dentistry In conjunction with the Jefferson Medical College. TI10 creation of such a school Is Indicative, or the definite refusal by the I ma id of iiiau ageis of the Institution of the project of merging the college with the medical school of thu l"nleislty of Pennsylvania and the Meillco-i'liirurglcal College. It is expected that the boaid of man.igeis will lefuso the merger project at the next meeting of the boaid 1 iffifh..? Awil tMJri mm l$IV4n' V? 'II' LBrER-PHILADELPniA, WEDNESDAY. jiCJff&IlY 21, 1917 V 9 ORIGIN OF "DKHFTANTK SLOUCH" Thi.i ih a stone lnutiiu from the T'miff pertoil similar to that which has been sulil by Paul 1'oiret, of Pans, to a liim of American art dealers for $:00,()0l). Poiret says it was the model for the style known its the 'lebtitante slouch." lilKTH-CONTKOL ZEALOT STAUVINC BUT DEFIANT Mrs. liyriiu, Sister of Mrs. Sanger, Weakened by Utilizer, Shows Un diminished Spirit XKW YilltK. Jan 21. Pale and Ii.ib gaid and showing signs of phsleal weak ness, Mrs. lit lud Ilvrtip today began the second full day of her hunger strike. lol lowlitg a night spent in the Tombs, after a writ of habeas cn-pim proceeding had faded to free her, tho sister of Mis Mnr garet Sanger was returned today to Illack well's Island to sere sentence of thhty days fur dlstilliutlng birth-control literature. Mrs. ISyrne refused lueakfast hi the Tombs this morning, but drank several nips of water. She has b id no koi1 food since Monday night. This Is the last '11116 I go befoiu any fiiuil " Mis. 111. vne sulil, as nln was le luioed In the Nliind ""When I come nut from the Workhouse X must bo free or I don't come out " ' WOULD MilKE WILSON TWO-BIT DIET MODEL Woman Urges Scheme on Presi dent "If Mrs. Wilson Rays So, All Right," He Replies Menu for 2,,-Ccnt Diet Sufjocslcd to Wilson HUEAKFAST, 7c OtUincal mid Milk Crullers Hulls mid Butter Coffee LUNCHEON, 8c Potato Soup atttl Cnrruts Rye Hi cad and Htlltcr Slewed Prunes nml Olnttcr Sniiiis Ten DINNER, 10c Parsnips, linked, with Sausage Samp Whole Wheat Hreatl with Butter Ihe.itl Putldiny with Ffuit'Satico " Tea WAStltNfiToN. Jan. 54. President Wil son was urged lodny to try personally n twenty-flve cents a day diet used bv n stpinil of N'ew Vork policemen to demonstrate how InetpenslAe food um reduce the high cost foMMtig. Mrs Kul.t MeClai.i. agent for the moeuicnt, suggested that the experiment nf the White House would hnM a good effect on the country. "'I'll do tt If .Mrs Wllum will consent.'" Mrs. .fct'lnr (piotes the President as te plvlng. She said she would call at the White louse ngaln Thutsda and bring with her a menu to be preparrd by experts couueeted with the movement especially for the Presi dent's, uie. IHiVKIt, Jan 21. The death here to day of D.nld llaitinati. sixty-three eai iild. was said by intending physicians to have lesulted fiont Insufficient nourishment lliu tin. in. who Is said to hae won n ptlzc fin, an in tide on how to lle cheaply. In cieaed his daily allowance for food from tin eo to ten cents a day teceully when phvsiolans told him he was starving to coiifeiteil with an lindettaker a few iIiins ago. air.iuglng for a casket and other funeial details as cheaply as possible "SOUL LOVE" IS SUFFICIENT (WOUND FOR SEPARATION New York Justice Refuses to Consider Platonic Chnracter as Kxctt.se MINKUI.A. I.. I. Jan 24 "Soul love' was added today to the nlieady long list of things mi which decrees of separation mil) be granted. And the meie fact that "soul low" exists, legardless of whether It Is aceoii'iianled bv outward manifesta tions such as kisses, et cetera. Is siitllclent grounds for dividing the furniture, no coidlng to Supremo Cuuit Justice Scud der Mis Isabel I.iunekin. wife of a wealth) e.il vstato looker. William St urges I.lnii.: klu. was awatded n decree when she told the court that her husband confes-ed hav ing "soul loe" for an attractive jming woman neighbor. I.lnneklu set forth that "soul love" was purely pl.iionlc, but It made no difference to the cotiit. Newsboys Pray for Friend IIAllltlSni'ltC. Jan 2t Pi.m-rs r. ih speedv recoeiy of the Uev. I-:. P Robin son, "the newsdioys' fiiend." wen- nlfei.il here bv the llarilsbtng N'ewsbos' s-.iicm-tloli The lte Mr. Itnliliisun is in tin Ilarrlsburg Hospital uiiilerKoiiiK a ,. mus operation. i,M.iia:i'waagiB3sa!MJWLi'i'fflrfir?rgrnmnMit.i wioinwn' WMmmmmwMmmmm. 7$ m Safety for Over Half a Billion Passengers For ycavs the Pennsylvania Railuoad Syslcni lias been concluding an energetic cam- jiaign of safcLy. Only iillrslccl cars have been built. Ellicicncy tesLs Iiave been established; safoly-t'lirsl expositions have been held for ll.ie education and instruction of trainnjien; safety conunillees have l)cen organized; and over 120,000 safety text- been distributed y m VMMMmmmmmmmMmmmBA The Steel Car Route W I I to cm- H of the p I carried I ooi':s nave ployces. It is the logical result of this safety movement that during the past thiree years over half a billion pas sengers 553,890,063 more than five tittnes the total population Uinited States have been oyer the lines of the Pennsylvania Railroad System without the loss or the life of a single passenger in a' train accident. On the Pennsyl vania Railroadeast of Pittsburgh a P'erfect record for four years has Keen made, 'during which a total cm 616,626,957 passengers were safely Carried. Wijtli tlje continued co-operation of our aithful employees, to whom great credit is due, we hope to maintain tho record we have established, Pennsylvania Railroad "he Standard Railroad of the World CARUSO'S R0D0LF0 AGAIN PACKS'EM IN The "Golden Tenor" Repeats His Presentation of Puccini's Hero to Much Applause The rmio "Hoiloiro." only n shade lew Popular than the mmm "I'nnio." enm to Hie Mel but v$- ,, ,,,,7 Hvery nnp vls Miere nnit everyone flpplnuiletl "to Hip trlto." ns Hip old saw eo, the nmormts nflni of Mr 't'uevlnTu hero. This, they ilb! applaud, too, the Iieantles nf Mlml. tli robust pleasures of Mu$ttta. the tiltifm little t'titlms nf S'clmiitiard. th vornl splendor of Stlss Mason ntid the rest of Hum Hut for most nr us It w-no the tenr that ns im ptirtttnt Mr. I'nruso Is Mill Mr faruw.' Ue tlll paehs the house lie "inched vm In" last night to the tune nf rour ron nf ntnnileen. t.et art uo Iihub. said n saxe Vet, nrt ivash t iptlte Inching from the performance lnt nluli' There Is nlwnvn in till- Cnruno "ttodoiro" (he uplce of the comic ,t, which pr.:nra,c! hln picurme. invnrlntily. on the operatlp ntnue If he cannot nnlte Rraup or emlmity the Kndder xeniltonei of the 'painter who cannot paint." he can mnt ricellentl, put forh the comic nml holKtennn nnclc nf Mr t'llceinl'd Jenne premiere. That Ik him he "ores" ivhat "miirlitR" hr Ret nny ilh Ami how h iteerveK It; l.nt nlcht there were other, peihap Iran Kperlaculnr. coie to lie recorded AmotiR them the unolitriiKHe and pnetlc Mlml of Mme Alila : the yiiipMI'iitlnu hut iiltautlat .Scli.umaid of 'I'eiiiiul and mnti.i olhem "Inn Mlim.'l ouw t,i in. nl h. I" Mr I'npl, tiled ..n,.. m 4I11' Cue of IM1II.1 delphlllll cilllnxlU nml rniiml 'mt vtnlltlliu nmlii held thn . nrnlm tm .. m,, , fniiiiil iinil npicMii'il miik li lu-.um in Hi,. 1,,'iiiitifu; IT iil IiiiIm. icnl c It I VIOLENT CONTROVERSY OVER IRISH PHOTOPLAY Vilajrrnph Told to Withdraw "Whom the Gods Destroy." Chambers Willi Goldwyii Hy llio IMiolnlilay iitlilur A enntrmerii? mich nn han seldom heen rewiMtetl in the nntialx of nintion-pitture lilstorv In heltiK watted "er Whom the Uoilfi ftertroy." rt recently relea'.ied ne-rerl Vltagrrtph photoplay. llfTlrlnN or the oiin tmny hne heen threatened with leuni ac tion and even plljutcnl nnnult A nuinticr i'f letter? preitlrt the htowiim up or the Mtnlln unlenK the film drama Ik at omi wtthdrann from the marl ct ThiiK ho otijert to the eMiltiiimn of the feature nllefte It ttBf hounii and imid lor hv the tlrltlKh UnVCt'nmeiit iti nn al tetflpt to discredit the IriKh rexoiiitnuiai nioiement niimtlS AmetlcitiK l,inmiuiil lrlKn-Amer'cnm. It In KBlrt. nre named on the leiter-heatl of "The K'riemN id Irwli l'r e'lom ' on whotie etettnner) 11 iniinhei nf lettef. hmp been wr'tmn to 'e Voik tlientre owner nmt mantuen tn addltloh to wrltlnu iitinrtreiN of lettm li New Vorlt nnd Mnoh'jn tjim t n t nmher of KpenkerK haf tried tn liicriupt perfnimanceK of "Whom the ilmH I1' -miio' h iiiiikitut "stump Kpci'chiv in th" Ihciitren cliamltlB that ttic Hrlt Kh ilmi'iii llietlt h,ti illtlKldlUPd III" in odllcl lol "Hit dtKKnnilnatlon of the plmtopln Dopile the tlilentePlnd li'tletn mil peecliex the Vltamnph t'niipain ami ilca Ire manager kept on Klirwlnn the plctiin l.ett.c addreKied to the kiccI' icipi, -tlt.c ItK OltlcelM IhcillxplMiB to MC" 'WI10111 th" 1 101N iiiim' to cniMticc them that Hi" pl.ii i ii" Hid nnir-lil"'! in r pin-lttii "h hn" not hern anweicd I'm. ill the pnlli'i' weie foticil i" t.iK" i li. mil When the 111 nut Tlniti. Wt 1 126th street, nnd the Annex nnd Odeon Theatres, a little farther uptown, put tha pi lures mi Rtunip xpeakers began In piRhliiK BRainvt the film Why the ohjeetors Khnuld hax-e taken such n Ktand atalnt "Wlioni the find" Hestroy" H uiiUiio'mi to the VltaRrnph ofnclalK Alice .lojce. Mnrc MacDeimott and Harry Morey, ell In the production, nie of Irish lilrth or Irish pnrentaKe. Thej all knew tlie whole vtory befoie piodurtion heuan nnd eaw nothing antl-Irlh In It It ha heen pointed out that there ii a parallel between n char acter In tlie photoplnj and Sir ItoRer I'ase- ment. executed in connection with lh r cent UprlslnR. The Grand ranyon of Arizona, one of the truly remarkable pictorial spots In this coun try, hni been shot by Director Lynn Heyn old for n Hlueblrd feature, "God'a Cruci ble" The results are said to have been fid mlrable. Kor many days tho members nf the company ramped In the canyon, vorlilnff at the most utihoiy hours of tho mornlns to secure the effects which they wanted They traveled mile' on horseback nnd on foot, and endured lonsldernble hardship Uncomplain ingly for the sake of the result PHOTOPLAYS PHOTOPLAYS "fa 8ooim Qmomu 1"Iin fnllavrlnc thealfn ehlnln their picture. Ilirouth the STANLEY nooklns ivi'imii;, Tinirn m n Eunrnmrr 01 rnru vnntTinr ni me unesi proaaciinn., All ilriirf rftlenrd hefore eililhltlan. Ak ror Hie theatre In toar loenlltr obulnlnr plfturp. thronnh thn RTANI.HV 1K10K1NO COMPANY. ALHAMBRAm;. f,ir. FRANK KEENAN M.i ill'aniMink A Dnlli 2 E rt'45-9 nmn'inl Pli',irit 1 III' HUIlit". UK II A rH" ADOI t fl "-" AM) THOMPSON ULLU MATINUR tUlt.T Herbert Rawlt'n3on & Grace Carlylc in 1 in: 1 mii.i; x imis t'ttnsTsfT HKtOVV IrtTH D on' Bgiwinw MP?JWMTniTiTn FLY SCREENS Until You S ee the (imiinnco Kcwirablc, nlnue to lit Metal nnd Frame Screens Phone Walnut 1406 Send for Our Reference and Price List Our Price Will Get Your Order CINMANCO, 1233 Ludlow St. nutimauM 11 imjJ ARCADIA Louise Huff ntid Jack Pichford iinnvr nM'Ki"r noN BELMONT r,'-n AXn MAnKCT Norma Talmadge in "Fifty-Fifty" BLUEBIRD CEDAR tmoAP AND HI SfrtlANV AVE ROBERT WARWICK in I III' M, V III) Kiiminr liOTIt AMI CKDAlt AVE. rn utnrnT Tlir.vTUK BESSIE BARRISCALE in m:1.11 i 1 iii,i,i:k.nh i'HTIt AND iin.nn irAiDrm imt 1 "'- wi i fiiit.nr AVENfn CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG in riir cinniiiN t.w 56TH ST, a I Blanciie Sweet .. tiii:athr l-l 'M1. DAILY f 10 11 MAT In THE CLUE" FRANKFORD The Philadelphia Art Galleries S. E. Cor. 15th and Chestnut Sts. It i:l'.l II. llAI.MI'K. itilliinrrr PUBLIC SALE CONTINUES TODAY And Three Following Days, at 2:30 o'clock Each Afternoon The Important Collection of ORIENTAL RUGS and CARPETS Am lent nml Modern Unite llrloiiKlnt: In ARTIN EFFENDI The iintil rue mrihnnt uf Mwnpotiitnt t nml SVv Yorli Thl I'holrrt nrl InrpHt1nrr AmtiiTirM nf PERSIAN WEAVES lini Itf'ti p,'ronjllv n'lfrto,! unI purt lidHfil In Hi' Orient iturlrc Ihi- pam fufiity yi'arn unit ! nill Jiffirflit fiuiu tin. et'r-liy li 11111111' IhI KtlK'kH Descriptive Catalogue Mailed Upon Request NOW ON EXHIBITION 4TM I'ltANKFOIin AviiNt'i: Harold Lc Icwcod & Mny Allison 111 fll'IIIN lt,l" GREAT NORTHERN TAiVk ETHEL CLAYTON in' I'lIK I'liMi M.1K HP ! K II IMITII nnd WAUM T STH Mnl i'.lll ng! 70. Gail Knnc & Carlylc Blackwcll in " iMii:i(iits niKii'Nn KOIlTV-KlltST AND LANCASTKII AVCNUR E. H. SOTHERN in Tilt: .MAN ill' .MYSTHtn IlltlUI) ANfj i'ni,r.MiiiA In IMPERIAL LEADER LIBERTY THEDA BARA 'The Vixen" LOCUST M""L"- LILLIAN WALKER in IMUPt'IinTIOV" Market St. Theatre nSfni MABEL TALIAFERRO in 1MB HI'VIIEAM" 03D ft HAVErtrOItD llopr-Jnnri Unit Orch. ELLA HALL in MK.lt sin I. l IVPIMttATIClN" OVERBROOK PALACE I'.'M MAItKET CTItlDET inr-20c MARY PICKFORD in 'I Mi: fill UK HP THE tt, N" PRINCESS niA.VIK 111 HUM w lOtS MAItKET PTtlEET iMvtlTHITif: M.i-ov In ' Th Lnih of ntlny" i: -rv Tu-'Iii Tlie Drcnl Srrr!" Wolurlnr S. IIKVKItl.r I1ATNB npriFNT 1li:" -auket pthket "vjiii i nrtw toff'K onaAjt VIVIAN MARTIN in ' IMi: f.HlHT tUllKlTins RIALTO nitMANTOW.V AVB. AT TL-LPEMOCKEN BT. WILLIAM S. HART in TItlTllKfl, Tft.l.IV Hit ' R II R Y "AiiKirr stheet x '-' " HF.l.nw TTI FRANK McINTYRE in nn: iu.wei.imi salesman'' SAVOY mi mahket O V KJ I STUEET Harold Lockwood & May Allison In IMtliilV ISLAND' tTANI PV MAItKET AUO B 10TlF" OlAMli&I ,, ,.A M uu ,51,iJ4i House Peters & Myrtle Stcdman in ' Th Iliti'pliipi nf 'I'lireo Women UEHMANTOWN AVENUE AT VENANGO STREET "WAR BRIDES" T I Q Q A 1TTI1 AND VENANGO St JULIUS STEGER in Till'. STOLEN TRIUMPH" STRAND NAZIMOVA 1VP.ST I'llII.AIlLl.rlllA F U R E K A 40T" K mauk,;t STS Peggy Hyland & Evart Overton in "THE ENEMY" VICTORIA '"IKmni CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG in rilK rnrii.lsH VIROIN ' MIHTII I'llILAnEI.rlltA RIDGE AVENUE l734 R,b"GE AVB- MARY MILES MINTER in "DULCIE'S ADVENTURE" 1S1 yM'lg Vij5'",y i t !f I If 4 &S5L vM-. SnmBii i 'is C Ss k 1 S p 1 AL JJTT; i IT! 3r i?...tf ? I lri v vss 1A.1 J'f rfTV StfVtSX u. r .rj m.K 1 TwPyJiyAy-EJir m sn.11 1 is fc.i-a(-Ti)'jirirr Tirr--.;. nr.. r WWW fL.fl iJc Wll IIIVHiHKTKLAxrruKTSigr irr "J ,. a WW :ji. mvzzzzzzF&m i tntlMKVx. il b'I r5 l wVfisnihiWsvS3ot ei : mMMN v VKJ m as-KSfJh'iSssz. rzl-rr V -i,isiEasSJ S3 MiBsil?18ffl?t5ui .. I V &-l-'F-fZ!im X HJII , ' 1 v wn ;c fi. .yi-i JBa A :V t- wi -z&s&gr. s5 " j y f J. MM 4 m & r fifsOI i 'ZSm m 1 SSIlft'i mnAm mm ml .wmM ii mmm) . . 11 ISI1V 'WM. 1 J 1 1'1' mil lli ' ' H ill if 111 ' &L s r. 'tun (6 ' 'fun,) 1 ' w W tss I. err. y T 1 LESTE W should you choo.se a Lester? Because it is guaranteed for ten years. It has as its basic' foundation the famous Lester Piano, with its marvelously rich tone and wonderful durability. The most accomplished musicians are delighted with the astonishing individuality and startling expression which any performer can give all selections on the PLAYER-PIANO With all its superiority, it is as easy to own a Lester as one of the many inferior makes. Beiny sold direct, all "in-between" profits of ayent and jobber are eliminated. The terms are easy and confidential. We will gladly show you how conveniently you can have a Lester in your home. 'JIAII. THIS nil I'd-1 Tl. F. A. NORTH CO. 1306 Chestnut St. Branch Stores WEST PHILA. 302 South 52d Street CAMDEN 820 Hroadttay KENSINGTON TRENTON 1813-15 E. Allegheny 209 East State Street NORRISTOWN READING 228 West Main Street 15 North 5th Street WILKES.BAKUE, 170 S. Main St. F. A. North Cq.. 1306 Chestnut St. Uentlemen : Plese enl mo buuklei and complete description of your Lester Flayer Piano; also details of easy-payment plan without interest or extras. e l i-: it II 5-fcXrAfT?xc