W '-WWW" ' HW" wwwi'wmvjjmSr" w -v-f t-q- tt m EVENING LEDGER-PniLABELPniA, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 24 1917 WfpUPCiP uf V h ! (i SLAVS ANNIHILATE FOES NEAR TULCEA JBulgar Force That Crossed y Greoreriof River Wined Out BERLIN ADMITS LOSS PARIS, Jan. 24. Only raiding activities by pntrols Svero reported by the War Office today. In (ho AVoovre district (between the Mouse and Moselle Rivers) the, French carried out successful enterprises n gainst the German trenches. In the sector of Scillo patrols were busy on both sides. PETKOGRAD. Jftti 24. A severe blow struck nt a Hulunrlan bat talion, which hail crowd the (leoiglcf Jtlver branch of tho Dnnlibo under ndvan tna of the toK and remained oppoelta Tul cea, was announced In today'ft olllclnl report The Russian forces surprlned tho Bulga rians nnd trtually destroyed tho rietnerf rnent, taking 337 as prisoners and capturliiff tour machlno jrunn. In the njBa sector bctwoen Llvel enntnp trnd tho Itlver Art, tho statement r.ftld, "the Germans pushed us back a mile and a half Xiortlvward." DURLI.V, Jan 3. Bulgarian troops that forced a rrosslnfr. of Bt George'a arm of tho D.iuubo on tho northern frontlef of Pobrudja have been compelled to fall back to tho southern bank tho War Ofnco admitted today In tho official report on Rumanian operations Tho report pays; On the norm uani: oi si. ucurge. Tulcca was ncaln abindoned On both Hides of the Rlcr Ai and south of Rica cnKajremonts dooloppl SAhlch took a course favorable to no On Archduke Joseph's front ilurlnjr the severe cold there was onlv ono locally lively artillery nnd field engage ment Heavy snowfall, followed bv bllliiBly cold weather on all tho battlo fronts, liavo helped rather than hindered tho flulitlng, During tho last forty-clsht hours tho weather man seemingly bus been entirely Impartial, for the cold snap which In the northeast has enabled tho Russians ttf'-cross the swamps between Riga and Mvlnftk and to attack tho German positions nlso has made It possible for the Germans In Ru mania to approach Galatz, which ordinarily, is protected by swamps In tho west. Intensely told weather has been accompanied only pnrtly bv a clear ntrnnsphere enabling the filers to icsume their activity Neither side, however, has been specially favored. Artillery duels have Increased at frequent Intervals nil along the lino from tho coast to tne Swiss bor der Exceptionally active patrolling bv the JEntento forces has not prevented the Her mans from discovering that tho Flench recently hive withdrawn to a large extent from their old positions on the Snmme as far south as Pevonne. nnd tint they h.ivo boen replaced by British troops presu mably In order to give the French divisions an opportunity to rest In preparation for a gigantic test of strength, which Is ex pected by every one at the first favorable opportunity. The Impression gained from a 'lslt to any part of the front Is that both sides expect an unprecedented offensive before long nnd thnt the present artillery nnd patrol activity to which tho fighting is now limited, Is moro or less a kind of Jockeying for the start, to enablo ono opponent to gain tho ndvantnge by being the first to assume tne oucnsive In tho east the rold weather Is holding up operations considerably, but Is not pre venting tho Russlahs In the enstern Car pathians from making desperate efforts to save themselves from bring forced back to such an extent that theli positions on the Upper Sereth River will be flanked and taken Stories of alleged tremendous rterm-in losses In the rnrpnthlahs nnd In Rumania aro vigorously denied, nhd It Is stall d that ono ordlnnry German division suffered lossos of only BOO men In cnplurihg moro than BOO Russian officers nnd 39,000 sol diers Shifted Bluecoats Criticize Wilson Continued frnm Pace One street, before his transfer was at the rier mantown nvenue nnd l.vcoinlng street sta tion, living about ten squares from his job Ito Is now assigned to, tho l:ivontti and "Winter slreols station, about four ir les away. Wltmer It. Gruver. of 160? Mitchell street, vras formerly attached to Uio Matto junk station, three squares from his home lie la now assigned to tho Fifteenth nnd Locust streets station, eight mlloi from his home. John V. Ham, of 4619 Fleming street, was also nttarhed to the Mnnnvunk slot Ion, hut bornuse of the ihoughlfulness of Di rector Wilson will now travel to the Tenth nnd tlutlonwood streets station, eight miles away. William Leveling, of 100 Martin tt-et 'vf.il (Ho nqu.ii os from his home, when he was nttnehed to the .Mnnnvunk station nnd vv"l lie benefited to the extent of having to travel to tho Fifteenth nnd lorust streets mat ion In ho ftituro, eight miles farther from his home U. S. COMMISSION TO 1MIOB13 CANADA'S PAPER PRICES Fcdcial Trade- Board Mcmf)ora t!o to Ottawa to Obtain Details WASHINGTON'. Jan .'I -Two members of the Federal Trade Commission liavf gone to Ottawa to obtnln full details of the recent reported notion of the I'niindliin Government In riving the price of print paper to Canadian publishers at $10 per ton more thin last jcar It wan nnnounred to cln The delegates nie VIp chairman Harris nnd Commissioner Parry They will nlso attend tho conference called bv the news print manufacturers In Chicago next Fri day to dlrruss means or relieving the paper shortage Thev will be Joined there bv ' ninmlssloner Unvles ' he Impending re port of tho commission's Investlgntlon nr tordlngly will not reai h tlio .Senate for prolnhly two week" OF GERMANS RISE Second Warship, Barely Afloat, Reaches Dutch Port With Many Wounded BIG BATTLE EXPECTED North Sen Conflict Believed Pre hide to General Engagement. Shell Kills Captain AMSTERDAM Jan H - A second Ger man warship sevcrelv dnm.iged In the fight ing off the IJitteh cnaM Monday night, has reached Ymulden. according to a dispatch from there todav This was the first naval activity on a big scale In the North Sea since, last October, and many believe that It Is the fircludo to even blgKer sea battles In those witters The number nnd weight of tho Hrltlsh forces engaged is not definitely known but all Indications are that tho Gormnns were gieatlv outnumbered It Is possible thnt part nf the HrltMi high seas fleet took part Two Hrltlsh groups of en forces were en g ged and altogether It Is believed that more 'hnn flft warships took part l'lOUT IN THICK t'00 Rome of the wounded on the damaged torpedo boat V-on at Ymulden say they saw about 100 ships but thl statement 18 received with little credence, ns the fighting took place at night and in a thick fog Tho V-f!9 Is n wreik nnd was In a sinking condition when It re u lied Vmulden. Ono funnel is almost horisontnl with the. deck The bridge wns rnrrlert nwnv bv n shell nnd the mast Is a tntiglp of wrct lingo The steer ing gear was smashed and the hull Is pocked with shell holes The V 00 had n chnmo fo fire only one torpedo beforo It wns put out of commission Captain .schults of th German tlotllln, lost both legs nnd died shortl.v nrter reach ing port Sixteen seriously wounded Germans laften from the fill, linve beon landed at Ymulden bv a Dutch trawler liUNboV Jan l Peisistent reports from Hollnnd todav were Unit from nix lo ten Herman destroyers had been sunk In .Monday nlght'u engagement between llrltlsh and flerman sea forces. The Admiralty had made no change early today In the olliclal announcement, detailing sinking of one Uermnn nnd one Uritlsli destrovor Dl.spntrhes from Holland said the Dutch authorities were considering tho intern ment of tho severely onmaged German ile atrover V-flO. which arrived at Vmulden hnrelv nlloaf linil with a scom or moro of wounded Gertnnn sailors In tho mean time Dutch Rallors are guarding the V-01 and her crew Ir,ni,!.V Jan 21 One British destroyer wns sunk In tho naval action off thn Dutch coast vesteitlny nnd one of the German tnrpedobnntn reneheil a Dutch harbor, n German olliclal statement halil today Thn rest nf the Uerrmiii vessels returned with flight lo,s" 1 1 y Standard Weaves from Our Own Looms rj I IN Ikr I TAft el A IlOIHPC MM 1 P n a Yv W IBM a i 11 i LSk ELf k& fa8' ft wfey ilk :' $ J I s oWholesale Prices I I i . i 1 BRITISH OPPOSE CODE FOR "FREEDOM OF SEAS" See Grave Danger lo British Empire in Proposal Beforo Institute nt Havana WASHINGTON Jnn 21 Heated dissent from the Intenmllonnl code for 'freedom or tho seas," ns presented to the American institute of International I.nw at Its ses sion at Havana, Cuba, was made In Hrltlsh circles todav It wis nsscttcd tint the program there outlined was n,n exact expression of Hie German iMeipreiatlon of the phrase which "", mtcnueu ns n direct nttnek upon Hrlt lsh rcn power The gist of the plan submitted to the In stitute Jvns to make commerce even bel ligerent commerce as safn during war ns during pence The present war, Hngllsh men said, has shown what n dlsnster such a pollcv would he to the tlrlllsli llmplro l-'lnal nctlnn on the code will be taken by tho Institute at Its nel nniiual meeting, nnd meanwhile ft will be icferrcd Jto the national Institutes of thn twentv-one Anier lean Heptihlks for consideration CONVENTION TO STUDY POST-BELLUM TRADE Nnlioiml ForciRii Trodo Council Will. Hold Tliree-Hny Session in Pittsburgh pnTHUHnuH. Jan 21 Plans for the three days' convention of fho National Foreign Trndo f ounell, which will meet hero tomorrow, wore perfected nt n resslon of the 1'lltsburgh Foreign Trade Commis sion today Tho convention will take up problems of meeting nfter-thc-wnr conditions mid tlio geneial subject of extension of American tin ili' 'I he first large delegation lo renrh here wns tho New Hngland contingent of no members CAUGHT WITH STOI.UN COAT After a chase of several squares. In uhlrh a large and stendllv Increasing crowd par ticipated. William l.ee. ,i negro tblrt.v-one j ears old. was "Vei taken nnd n nested to dav t.eo is nn used of taking a bundlo lontnlning n tlri fur coal addressed to Theodore V Slefert. n furrier. I US Walnut street, from an Adams Impress wagon nt 1411 Walnut street Several persons saw the theft and gave i hase with tlio ci v 'Slop Ihlof ' The negro inn through the Mock . ehnngo lliillding and down .Moi.man street hut wns nvett ilfn liv rteseive Ofllcer Jack son nt Sixteenth and s.insnm slreets UNATTACCOSULCARSO; GLI AUSTRIAN RESPINTI Un Cacciatorpediniero Tedesco Affondato in Un'Azione jVwale nel Mare del Nord ALTR E UNITA' COLPITE HOMA. 21 Gennslp till austrlftcl hiinno leiilalo tin ntlacco nella 7ona a sud-est ill Goillal tin 1'altacco o' slato rrspluto notioslahlo II fnlto che un reparfo nustrlaco fosso rluscllrt nel prlmo Impcto dell'allncco a petielrnro In una della trlncdo tenuto dngll Ititllanl tco It leslri del rapporto del gencralo Cndorua, tiuhbll cnto lerl sera dal Mlnistero della Giierra. SI sono nvuto limltatc ulotil di nrtl gllera'sitlla fronto del Trentno t.e nostra balterle hanno dlperst grumil II operal mtltnrl nemtel nell'nrca del I'asuhlo e sutle pendlci del JlontO Su ' Itigglo nella vnlln doll Astlco Nella 70U.1 dl t'lav.i, sul tnetllo 1soi70, si o' avuta la solltn ntllvILl' ill iirllgllerln o ill tnortstl da trlncca A sud-est ill Gorlzin, dopo una brova ma Intensa preparazlono dl nrtlgllerla un reparfo nemim attnceo' lo nostra lltice o i tustcl' a penelrnro In uni dello nostra trlnceo. rcro tao fit subito rl-cacclato Hitll'alloplano del enrsn si sono nvute nrlont intermittent! dl nftlgllcrK ed attlvlta' da parlo del nostrl rcpartl ill ricoEiilzlonc. UNA HATTAGMA NAVA1.H Net .Mate del Nord, n preclsamente nl largo della rostn nlanilese. st svnlse una hatlaglla tra una. squndrn leggern Inglcseed una squntlrlglla ill torpedlnlere o cnrcla torpetllnlcre tedeschl I.'Ammirngllalo In-glc-e nnnunc'nva lerl sera die un ciicc latoi pedlnlero teiiesi o eia still i nrrindftlo e le iiltie iin'tn neinlche rrnnn slnle illpeise In iinnltra nriono nnvaln svnlt.irl imre nl largo della iosin nlnnileve mi cnLCi.itor Iifilli lere Inglese c slato itffondatn II comunlcato ulllrlnls Inglese Olce i he II testo della suuadrlglin tidesui hu subito consldcrovoP il.tnnl Da Informnzlunl nnn ufllclnll si rlleva i lie la Friundriglia ill sllurall teilesrho nvevii tentnto dl Insclnre II porlo ill Zeeliruggo liei llberarsl lii ghlnccl che dlvpiiivuiin nss,ii spessl I'ero niclii al Inigo isfr.i fu nffrontatn dalle na I ingle-e in sivllo ill perlustiarimie i fi .ittaci.iti In iiueMn coiiili.it I lliionti II i in l:ilotif illnin ,. ti'desiu V CO fu coiptto da una granata subito dopo aver lanclnto un hlluro ed nfTondo' dopo csaere stnlo colplto nltrl duo proltettlll ben dlreltl Da nltrl dlspaccl dall'AJft. si rlleva che due navl tedesche furono ntrondato e tre gravemento dannegglate nel comballl tncnto Bvoltosl nel AInro del Nord it. Dtsronso lft wilson Da t'arlgi telegrafann che II Temps, la cut opinions In fatlo dl polltlca cstcrn o" gencrnlmento nccettata rome aulorevolc, .'v.,,t, ,. piuiu3iiu iiei incssaggio uet pie9l dento Wilson nl Kenato amcrlcano- "Con parole alte II presidents Wilson svl luppt tin piano dl paie ier I'umnnlta' dl domnnl HgH Invoca II prlnclplo della Hlvo luslone t'rnncese, prlnclplo proelamato plu dl un secolo fa In un nobllo sogno dl frntel lattsa universale I" Intercssatito vedcro come In Germanla rhovera' nuesto nuovo tnessagglo o se ossa. formtllcra' le sue con dlslonl ill pace "Ail ognl moiln II piano del presidents Imporrcbbo nlla Germanla. all'Attstrl.i ed nlla Turchla dl ammettcre cho I loro governl rlcovono I poterl dal consensu del gov email "Gil nllcatl hahtio per ventolin mosl spalso II loro Fatigue, benza misura. per la tlbcrta' dello nazlonl. Nonostante le loro sofferense essl riflutnno dl pensnre ad ura pace cho lascl Intalta larroganra degil sggrcssorl I.a Germanla si proclsma Vir torlosa, ed Instate rlra essa e- stala attae. cala Oon la menzogna e con lo atroclla' ,cssn vuole Imporro II rlspetlo alia propria 'forzn. La manlera como cssi ha contiotto e comluco la guerra e' una sflda quotidians, a tuttl 1 dlrlttl ed n tutto le lcggl tit umanlta' IV con la pcrsuaslAno o con Is. speranza di contrlhulro al licncssere del pumnnltu cho II presidents Wilson spera dl trnsformare Imperl predatorl In paclflet ngnelll" "II messagglo d1 presldento Wilson mcrlla lulta la nostra consldera?lono per la sua geneiosita' e per glle Idenll che l sono cspostl Le Idee the egll csprlme con eloqucna sono molto slmlll n quclll che nol ceiclilnmo dl dlfendero con le nrml 'La nuovn matilfelnzlono del presidents pnrtera' prohahllmento I America o git nlleatl a plu' strette rclazionl, ma cer tnmento Mrnngolcta,' la vera concozlona tedesca della guerra T'olrn' nncho contrl huire ad lllumltnro lo mcntl del neutrl sill l'anlma ledefca e dlmostrar loi-o me solUnto con la vlttorla degil nlleatl polra essero nperta li porta por la paco perms notde quclla cho I'Amerlcii atifura it tuttl t popoll amantl della llbcrfa." THE NEW EDISON DIAMOND DISC MUSIC'S RE-CREATION The L'dison is the only instiument that actually rc-crcntcs the voice of the nrtist. Hundreds of music critic"! have heard the hdison Diamond Disc in direct comparison with tho livintr ciiiKer and were unable to distinRuish between the artist's voice and its re-creation, Hdison alone dared submit to Ibis fiiipirmc test. COME IX AND HEAR "THE PHONOGRAPH WITH A SOUL" LUDWIG PIANO CO., 1103 Chestnut St. In Philadelphia, The Home of A BUNDHAR Wilton Rug For BUNDHAR Every Home ;i French Wilton TINK AS SILK RUGS ItrruUr Sal 8I JTIca Trie 22'ix26 $373 ?4.25 27x54 .;,..., :8.5Q ', 6,50 36x63 .'.,...,,... 13.75 10.00 4.6x7.6 , 28.25 21.25 6x9 ....,.,, 50.75 38.50 8.3x10.6 74.75 5G.0O 9x12. ..'..' 82.50 58.00 10.6xl0.6'w... 9900 74.25 10,6x12 J.,A.;.... 113 00 84.75 10.6x13j6: -,j 127 00 95.25 11.3x12 113.00 84.75. 11.3x5 ;j 141.00 106.00 iar HLICm.K AS Bundh IIL It RUGS on mo:; The purchase of a 9x12 Bundhar Wilton Rug during this sale saves you exactly S16.00 The purchase French Wlltpn this sale saves S24.50. of a 9x12 Rug during you exactly ncular Mis I'rlce 22sjx2t $4 00 27x54 6 00 36x63 9.00 4 6x7.6 20 00 6x9 3600 8.3x10 6 54 00 912 57-0 10.6x10 6 71.00 10.6x12 78 75 10.6x13 6 89 00 113x12 78.7S 11.3x15 99.00 Sala I'rlee 33,00 4.50 6.75 15.25 27.50 40.00 41.50 53.50 59.25 66.00 59.25 74.2$ Hardwick Wilton VEJU'KCTIOV IN N-hAtCTIV RUGS tH36 $4 50 53.50 274 675 5.00 Wx63 10 50 7.75 46x,6 22.00 17.25 69,n '0Sf) 3"-7S S'klO.fi 6150 45.50 Qxl2 6500 43.50 00.6 78.25 59 00 2$J3 8850 66.50 9H'6 l000 75.00 I 3x12 88 5(1 G6.50 HJxlp 11075 B3.00 Go o The purchase of a 9x12 Hardwick Wilton Rug during co-.B2Jf. "ves you exactiy Buhjhar-Wiltgn Carpets' $25 per yard Reduced from, $3.00 Rego Wilton Carpets Reduced from 2,25 51,75 per yard The purchaie for S35.00 of a J47.50 9x12 LOGAN WILTON Rui- during this lo save you exactly S12.50 Axralnster, Velvet and Tapestry Rugs, standard weaves, at re ductious of from 4 to , Ready-Made Carpets Bordered and nicely sewed. lA to Vi less than usual (Bring- the si of your room) Other Yard Goods in Axminster Tapeatry & Velvets 15c to 50c less than usual This sale offers rare values in Oriental Rues SlisC!e? "being in many instances less than the present cost of import. weaves, the prices HARDw.cKdMAGEeCo. 1220 Market Street' Leaders of the world iw th excJuaJYe manufacture of tuperior Wiltori Rugs and Carpe i BMItafaalMlllfciatlbllMMtiaaamJhMaa.laMjtilllBl.wa J. i ... ..j i ,.i i i nJ'i Business, it is said, finalfy resolves itself into a matter of dealing with friends. From the first, the affairs of this Company have teen conducted on that principle. "We sought to obtain friendship by deserving it. By building into our product downright worth fertile ground for confidence and respect, the very seeds of rrienasnip. We won friends .to Goodyear won them in prodi gious numbers. But our purpose continued unchanged, for holding friends is as important as winning them. If you will look at a Goodyear tire a Goodyear tube, or any of the Goodyear accessories, and learn what they mean in quality, in value, in service, you will readily understand why the friends who came to us in the early days are with us still. If you will try a Goodyear tire on your car, you will understand why these friends were joined by other friends month" after month, year upon year, until the Goodyear clientele became the largest single group of tire-buyers in the world. If you will consider the growth of this business, you will realize the stupendous power of the good word spoken man to man, of the enthusiastic comment, of friendliness. And you realize, too, why we spend upon our prod uct so much of effort and of money to encourage the good word, to foster such friendliness. "a matter of dealing with friends." Tire-buying will become that to you after your first Goodyear purchase. 1 "Whether you buy a Goodyear Fabric 'tire, a Good- , year Cord, a Heavy Tourist tube, or minor items: Each harbors the source of your greater satisfaction and our better relation Goodyear quality. . Goodyear Ti,u,Hcavy Taurtst Tubes and " Tire Saccr"j4cccuorte3 are easy lo gelfyom Goodyear Service Station Dealers everywhere. Z$e Goodyear Tire & Riibber Co Akron, Ohio i ijiTii rI4"iwl"w'wwwiwigwBWB awwwtwwB sA K RON MJ 11 ' j. 1 n Wix -vS-ffi. i4fcfe:H jST'tz JED 'A &4tmi .MJmmmmBMk &ti'