Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 23, 1917, Night Extra, Page 14, Image 14

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V TTi M-maJj ,. ,
8& ! -j ??E25r.,-l31Sr x .STKffiSSiST. sj!
mw?mmmmMii'm'm '
AMttonal nf.it hi will t I'otiml on frige 1
OANtso. in 42, ,nnuijAir rAJiKnn,
fldow nf Joseph V lnilo. URiM 87 nelalrres
(end friends Instled to funeral services, Wl
S139 p.m . residence "of son-ln-law Jsmes J
SKI. Wynrot. Pa .In' titivate. Train leaves
IteRttln Terminal 1 43 p. m
, tJAVlB Jn "0, suddenly, NORMAN C ,
husband of Elizabeth Davis, aged 37. , Rela
flves and frHenda, employes nf U A O. Railroad,
Invited to funeral. Wed., 2 p. m . 5(115 Wood
land sv., West l'hll Tnt. Mt. Morlah I'em.
jcriends may view remains Tues.. s to 10 p. m.
Uslllmoro papers copy.
OAV19 Jan. SO, ETHEL MAT. 'wife of
JjUclen B, Davis and daughter ot Mary and
late Frank Deweea. Relatives and friends in-
Tiled to runerai services, Herwyn, l'a , lues,,
8 p. m, Int Ureat Valley Haotlsf Ccm . Wed
DEVANBV.-Tan 81. PATRICK, husband of
lata llrldgrt Devanv, Relatives and friends
Invited to funeral, Thurs ,8s m . residence of
son-in-law, James Walsh, 1PW1 t Wsler st.
Mass of requiem at Church of the Sacred Heart,
D:30 a m. sharp. Int. Holy Cross i'em
DBVINB, Suddenly. Jan St. AtAIWAnKT
C , .daughter, of late. Peter and Mary Devine,
at IZ23 s. lain at, jjuo tioiico oi lunerni win
be liven.
DK YOUNO Jan. 20. ITAnnV sun of, Cor
nelius and Jessie ds Young, aged 14 Reln
tlves and friends, members of rltsrlm Cnngre
' patlnnsl Church, Invited to funeral services.
Wed., 2pm. residence of parents, 427 Sillier
St. Int Palmer Cem. Remains may be viewed
Tues , after s p m.
THKItL. Jan. 21. MAnT M. DIKtir.. widow
fit Philip Dlehl, acred 71 Relatives and friends
Invited to funeral services. Thurs , 1 p in .
residence of son-in-law. Edward 1-' Kenton. 12
B. 2ath St.. Camdn N .1 lot M: Peace
Cem., Phlla, ltemalns may bo viewed Wed.
Jsldow of Koscoe Kdserlv. Relatives and friends
invited to funeral. Thurs .On m . 712 t'nton
st. Services Calvary P V. church, 4Isl and
lirown sts.. 10 a. m. Int private
KCIAN Jan. In. CATHARINE 1. daughter
ef Catharine Egan (nee Dormer) and late
l-wfe'tce Egan, formerly of Pottavtlle. Pa.
Funeral Wed., 8:30 n m . 513.1 Westminster nve
IlUh mass at Our Mother of Sorrows Church
10 a, m. Int. Cathedral Cem Relatives and
friends. Our Mother of Sorrows Soeialltv Hnrrefl
Heart and Altar and Hosary Societies Invited
ELDER. Jon 22. M IH'TH. itnughter of
George II. and Mary A r.ider, aged II. llela
fives sml friends Invited to funeral. Thurs.
7:30 a, m., parents' residence 5"l:t Wvteiuilns
ve. High mass or reeiutetn i.nitv or A irtory
Church. V n. m. int. noiy er.is cem.
of Phl'adelphln. husband of Merv It llmmens
(nee Rlccel) Services private. Wed . Oliver II.
Bait Bid.. 1N20 Chestnut st lni private.
ENOLH. Jan 20. ANNIE . S . wife of
Charles H Kngle, daughter or iirlugrt and
late John Devlin. Relatives nnd friends Invited
to funeral. Thurs . 8 3D a. m , 20.1S .Martha st.
Solemn requiem mass Church of Holy Namo 10
a. m. Int. Holy Cross Cem
ENOEL. Jon 22, ADA I.UNA wife of Rsv
Charles It Engrl, aged 35 Relatives nnd
friends Invited -to nltend funeral, Thurs.. '.' 3(1
R, m.. mother's residence. Mrs. Louisa Seltz.
.10 Newton nve.. Oakl.vn. N. J. Int. Harlelzh
KPT1NO Jan 21. ANPRKW El'TINO. hus
band of late Christine Cptlng, nged 81 Rela
' fives and friends, all societies of which h" was
a member. Invited to funeral sorlcs. Wed ,
2 p. m., parlors of (Ins A. Klrchner. 71 I N.
Bd at. Int. private, Oerman l,ulhernn (em
ERNIIAIIT Jan. 22 HKNRV M. huslnml
of late Rebecca I) Krnhurt, ngd Ml. ItH
lives and friends Invited to funeral. Thurs ,
2 p. n.. 272S Wat nock st. Int. Northwood Cem
UrtRICTHCN .Inn 22 CHP,HTi:it IlltltlCK
PON, aged 4 Relatives and frlrnds Purity
j.odge. No 323 I O O K . Mecca Mosque.
No. 3. Princes of the Order of Cnllphs. Relief
Assn. of the Phlla nnd Rendlntf Rnllvv.iy and
J ten's lllble Class of the Mt Pleasmt Ave
I. K, Church. Invited to services, Thurs. 3
r. m.. 23s West Mt. IMcnsant nvo . :.lt Airy.
Int, Ivy Hill Cem
liRTfct. Jan. 21 MARION HDITir. wife of
!.aw!i Krte' and daughter of Into Itirhnrd O and
Catharine V Carter Itelntlves and friends In
vited to funer.il. Thurs . 1 3d p. m . 432.S Wain
.., Prvvnkford. Services Ht Mark's P 13
Church 3 p m. Rennlas maj bo viewed Wed ,
8 to 10 p, m Int private
FH.r Jan 22 MARY MARCARHT. daugh
ter of Earnest V anil Cnthnrlnc A. Kill nnd
granddaughter of Thomas and Margaret Uevelle.
aged 8 years nnd ! months Relatives nnd
friends Invited to funeral, Thurs S 3n n. m ,
residence of grandparents in,-, ft Itubv st..
West Phlla High maes of reqiih'in Church nf
Our Ladv of Victory 10 a m. Int. Holy Cross
Cem, Auto service
FLOOD Jn. 20. FRANK A, son of lite
Edward and nllen Flood. Hl.itivt-s and friends,
Jlrunch No. M. C M II A.. Invited to funeral.
Wed., 3d n m . residence of brother-ln-Uw,
Kir.ll I.ellrlaht 43.M Main at . Mnmyunk.
Itequb mass st .lohn's Church 10 n in. Int
pr1vat t. I'atrlck a Cem. Norrlstovvn. Auto
FI.YNN Ian 22. ANNIII I'l.YNN (neo Cn
ey). wife of Thomas Flynn Relatives nnd
friends Invited to funeral. I'rl , S 3D n. m , illn
Richmond st Solemn requiem mass Chun h of
jmmnculete Conception 10 n. m. Int. Holy
Cr- '
FORAN Ian 20. PATRIClt. Imshanil of
CstharlnoFornii (nee o Connor). Funeral, to
whlcn r- atn s nlt,l friends are invllfd Wed.,
8)0 a m IM tllnilstone st. (below Itllnerl.
8otemn mifi ,f nquiem Churth of St. Mtmlci
111 "1 . v'-'lui'- ' f"'"
FOX Jan 22. KRNCST C. TOX. Due
no. ru Hi ,.- .. .
FRANM.IN -.in. 2d. MARY, wldnw of
Coarlvs 1 i.iuklln (nee Dunn) Relatives and
frlrends. Star of Hope Lodite. No .). o. of S. of
,J1. Invited to funeral. Wed , 2 p m . 2712 13.
Venango St Int North Cedar Hill Cem Re
mains may(be viewed Tues.. between 8 and 10
P"VRnEMAN Jan. 21. WILI.IAStH. husband
t,f Elizabeth lllack Freeman, fonnerlv of (Vctl
ton. Cecil Co . Md Relatives and friends In
vlted to funeral services. Wed . 8 p m . at
J437 N Edgewood at. Int. Ilium.. Klktcm. jd.
Omit flowers
OAI.I.AOHUR. Jsn. 21. ANNA, daughter of
JIuih and Margaret (iallah-r Inee MrDrrmoll I,
agd C years 2 months Relatives and friend",
(pupils of St Patrick's School. Invited to funeral.
Wed.. 7 a. m parents resident e. 2317 Wnverlv
st, (23d and Plnel. Angels' mass St. Patrick's
Church 8-30 a. m Int. Holy Cross Cern.
OAUNT First Month 2lllh. ANNA II.. widow
of late Fl'lmore Oaunt aged 72 l'linrjl serv
ices. Thlrd-dav 23d Inst 8 p. in . till'! N 20th
t.. also on Fourlh-dav. 21th Inst 1 30 p in..
Friends' Meeting House Viilllcn Hill. N .1
OAVIN Jan 22. DANIEt, .1. son of John
J", and Elisabeth flavin and grandsun of Daniel
J. and Elizabeth Devlne. aged 2 vearn 10 mos
Relatives and friends Invited to funeral. Wed .
X p. m residence of grandparents, 1830 Morris
t. Int Holy Cross Cem
OI1ISON Jan 21 St SAN wife of Robert
Glhson. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral
services Wed ,8pm lr.II N Olth st Int St.
Andrew's i'em . Mt Hjllv N J., on arrival of
train leaving I amdeu 12'.t0 p m.
OORMAN At Itlverton. N J. Jan 21.
3AMES. husband of Sarah Gorman, son of
Michael and late Marv llormnn. Itvlatlves nnd
friends, A O II. DIv No 1. Chester Circle, No.
R0. IlrotherhooU of America, Henry A Dreer's
BenetlcUl Assn Invited to funeral. Thurs., 7.30
. m., Dreer's Farm. New Albany rd High
mass of requiem Our 1-ady of Good Counsel
Church I) a m. Mourestovvn. N. J. Int. Mt.
CORMAN At Easton Pa . Jan. 20. SAM
1IEL,. husband of Mary J Gorman. Relnthes
and f'nds, Phl'.a. True Hlue 1.. O. I. . No 30:
Koyal Vack Preieptory, No. 31, employes of
Taylor-Wharton Co, invited to funeral. Wed,
2 v. m.. residence of son-in-law. John Mend,
land. 1133 W Cumberland t. Int. Mt. ilorlah
Cem, Remains may be viewed Tues.. 7 lo U p.
m. Auto funeral.
QUAKER. Jan 20. DANIEL, husband ot
Vary GiuLur. Relatives und friends. Post No.
3. O. A It . Itlrney ('amp. No. 13, Sons of
Veterans. Invited to funeral services. WVU , '2
to. m.. 2400 N. WaruocU st. Int. Glenvyuoa
.Cem. Remains rnu be viewed Tues . a to lo
vvldaw of Edgar C Gramm und daughter of
late Washington and Catherine I,. Harris. Rela
tives and friends Invited to funeral services.
Thurs, 11 a m C.'uu Wayne ave , Gcrmau
town. Int. private
O'lOW. Jan 20 JACnll allow, nged (is
at late residence, 331 Fountain st . Itoiboruugh.
Itelatlves and friends Invited to funeral serv
ices. Wed 2.3U p m . Roiborough llaptlst
Chapel, Ridge and .yt-eum ave , lloxboruugti
Int. Iverlnston Ceni
.HANDKCHUH Jan 20 JOHN K husband
of late Margaret Handschuh. aged 77. Rela
tives and friends invited to funeral. Wed 1:30
P. m., parlors of Joseph F. Kleffer. 130 Dia
mond st. Int. Greenmount Cem.
HAN.VA. Jan 21 MAiO bl.EANOR. wife
f George V Hanna. M. 1 Relatives and
friends Invited io runerai services. Wed., 2 30
V. m . 4810 Frankford ave.. Frankford. Int.
HAnBERGER -In Pottstown, Pa , Jan. 21
GEORGE W HARRERGER. aged i0 Relatives
fjsd friends Invited to funeral, without further
iiotlce. 421 South st Pottstown, Wed , 11 v.
m. Int private Alt Zlon Cem
Charles U and late Annie Harkey (nee Owens).
aged p Relatives and friends invited to fu
Ssral, Tours , 6.30 a m parents' residence.
fist snd Tlnicum ave West Phlla Angel
inns st Raphael's Church, Elmwood. 10 a. m.
at Holy Cross Cr".
HEISTAND. Jan. 21. WILLIAM, son of
Ftewart and ljllle Hall Heistand. aged 4 sears
H months. Relatives and friends Invited to serv
ices. Wed , 2 p. m . parents' residence. 1421 S
Valloost (4ttth and Woodland) Int. Northwood
Cem Friends- may call Tues eve
HENDERSON, aged OS Relatives and friends
There's a
Is Pa
Looney? ,
ICowrliht. 1911
. toRwnsj:
In .Phlla may view remains Werl., 8 t hi.,
residence of.daoghtr, 30U8 N. IBth t. FunernJ
services snd int. Thurs . Baltimore. Md.
HEHtTAOE Jan. 22, near Marlton, . RE
JIEccA, widow of Jason Heritage, aged 87.
Relatives nnd friends Invited to funeral, near
Mnrlton, Thurs . S p m In! Colestown.
. HERZOfl Jan. 20, ERNEST, husband of
Julia Herrog tnee Alber). Relatives and Irlends.
Modcrkrnnz Ringing Roclntv. Invited to funeral
services. Wed,. I p m., 3020 N. Hembetger st.
Int German Lutheran Cem
unss .isn in GKonon m hes1? seed 71.
Relatives and friends, Vaug Lodge, No, ,T3. f .
nnd A. M . Mary Commandery. No 3(1 K. T :
Phlla ,Conslstorv. A A R. It,: Htonemen s
Club of 32d Ward, other orgnnlnatlons of which
no was a member. Invited to finernl. ved . 1
r. m. 81", .1 r.oth et. Ir;. Ml Pence Cem.
ih;s-iu.n At vwst Chester, ca . .inn. --,
I1EN.IA.MIN I: IMIsrON. nged 77. Rebllvcs
nnd friends Invlt.d to tunernl. 223 1", Wnsh
Ington si West Chester Wed, Jan. 21 Meet
nt house 2 p m Int. private, . . .
, lUdlllNN Jan 2U CA'l IHllllNn, wife of
Wnrren Iliggins nnd daughter of Pnlrlck nnd
( sthsrlno MiCtillongh llelatlven nnd filends
Invited to funernl Wed . 8 30 n. m . residence nf
parents 2.118 W Huntingdon s' Solemn re
quiem high tnnss st Columba's Church 10 n. m
Int. Holy Cross Cem
lltl.l. .tan 22 ANNIE M. wldnw of John
11. mil. ngeii n.' Relatives nnd friends Invited
to funral services. Wed, 11 n m. res'dence
of aon-ln-lnw Albert 11 Pnlrlck. 1213 R Wilton
st . West Ph. In Int Whltford Cem . Chester
Co . P.I
.. HILL .Inn 20. EDWAIIT). huslmnil of Into
Mnr.v A Hill (neo Jturphv). Itelntlves nnd friends
invited to runernl. Wed , 8 30 n. m , 181U osloni
si , Solemn requiem mnss nt Church of the tlesu
nt In a to Int. private. Holy Cross Cem. Auto
mobllo funernl . .
WoilTII. nged 7i Itelntlves nnd friend" Invited
to funernl services. Wed . In a. in., residenco
nf daughter. Mrs R. A Holdivorth 7.11!!i ()t
rord nvc l'os cimse. Phlln Int. Oakland Cem.
Ht'lll'.tt .Inn Hi PAUL, hushind of Mnrto
II Huber (noo MscMeeklnl. Relatives and
friends Invited lo rune'rnt services. Wed.. 2
P m 1 11.111 N New kirk st. Int. private, pe
males rnv be vlpwed tuts , m lo 1(1 p. m.
HUNTKR Inn. 21. JOHN, husband of
Ellrnbeth II Hunter. Relatives nnd friends tn
"Ited to funernl services. Thurs, 2:3(1 p. m,
1172 R Ilrnsd st Int. private. Auto service.
JENKINS. Jan. 22, ALONZO. hu'band of
late Cnrollnc Jenkins Relatives nnd rrlends
Invited to funeral services Thurs., 1 p. tn , resi
dence nf son-in-law Wlillnm P, Gro". 3211
N. Randolph st
mitv bo skwed
Iiitisuie cem itemnins
after 7 p m. Auto
Wed ,
JENKS .Inn 22. nl 1701
tUllli;itT DARK Mill JI1NUS.
Rlttenhnu" si .
Duo notlco of
funeral will bo given
11ETH, nged 88. Itelntlves nnd frlnd lnvlte,
to funernl servlres. llaptlst Home. 17th anil Nor
rls sts.. Wed " n. m. Int privnte.
NHY. son of Joseph nnd Mary Ivcirnev (neo
(Inllagberl. nged 14 Itelntlves nnd friends. Ht.
Charles's T. A. II. Cndets tnvlted to funeral.
Wed . 8 30 n tn residence e.f parents, 222.1
1 Itgwnter st llequlim tnnss St. Charles's
Chi.rch lo a. m. lni Cathedral Cem
LER, wife of llnrrv Keller nnd da lighter of Mnrv
tv nd Into Wl.llttiii (litrvev Inee (Intlagher), nged
2. Relative" nnd friends Invited lo funernl.
Wed., s 311 n m . mother's residence, 4.128 Hede
nt , I rankford Solemn tcqulem mars St.
Jieichlm's Church 1u 11. tn, Int, SI. Dominic's
KELLY.-'-Jnn 21. IPX. widow of Thomas J.
Kelly. Relative." nnd friends Invited to funernl
services. Wed.. 2 p. m . resident p of son-in-law.
Wniter Wilkinson. 1228 Harold st. Int, private
Ivy Hill Ctm. Rcmnlns mio' be viewed Tuis.. 8
to 10 p. m. Auto funeral.
KENNEDY. .Inn. 22. PATRICK. Iiushnnil nf
Into Mnrgnret Kennedy tnee (lovlnl. Itelntlves
nnd friends lnvltc.1 u, fuiur: Th.trs.. II 30 n. in .
resident u of sister. Mrs. Mnrv Cnsev. 1418 V.
23d st. Solemn requiem ma"" SI. KllsMbetlf n
Chun h. 11 a. m. Int. llolv Cross Cern.
KIMMEY Jan 21 Cnptnln nnoRflR E
KIMMEY, nged 77 Relatives nnd friends. Me.
llta Lodge, No 2:t,1, P. nnd A M.: Kevstnno
Assembly, No. 2. A 0. M P : Pns"yunk Tribe,
No 130 I O P. M . nnd members St. Mat
thew's M n. Church. Invited to services. .121 s
Chestnut st , Wes,t Phlln.. Tues , s p. in Plinl
services Weil. M P Church, Milton, Del., upon
arrival tif train leaving llrond St. Station 7 2,1
a m Int. M. E Cem
KLAFT Jnn. 21 EMIT. It . son of Rerlha
nnd the late Robert Klnft. ageil 20. RelatUes
nnd friends Invited to funeral services. Thurs,
2 p 111 , residence of Ills brother. Rudolph Klift,
11)17 II Arizona st Int private, (.reenmount
Cem Renmlns may ! viewed Weil ove
l.ANll Ian 21 NMIE I.ANG (nee l'rnlev).
widow of Frederick Lang, nged OM, Relatives
nnd friends, members SI. I'rsuli Hen. Society.
Invited to fr.ner.il. Wed . 7 3U n m . son-in-law's
residence. Joseph Mclvendrlck. 23.12 N
Camnr st. Requiem mass I.ndv nf Mercy
Church II a. m Int Holv Sepulchre Cem
I.ARKIN .Inn 21. AMELIA E wlfn nf
Delavvuie 11. Larkln. nee Ervln. Relatives nnd
friends Invited to fuiiernl. vVed . 2:30 p. tn.,
from residence, Odgen, Delawiirej County. Pa.
Int Lawneruft Ccm. Trnln leaves II. & o.
station, 24th and Chvslnut sts , 12:40 p in.
I.AItkl.N.- Jan. 21. Mis" IlltlDGET I.AIIMV
Relatives nnd friends Invited to funeral. Wed..
S 30 n. m.. 2138 N Kith st. Solemn high requiem
mass St. Edward s Church, lo . in. Int. prl-
'"lICHTPOOT Tan 21. II ANNUL wife nf
Jnmes I.Whtfont Inee Grieves) ngtd 7S Rela
tives and friends Invll'd to funernl Wed . 2
P in . 133.1 Paul st . Frnnkford. Int. private,
Greenwood (K. of P.) Cem.
LEVIS. Inn. 21. ELI.ARETH. daughter of
late Edmnnd and Elizabeth levls aged 71) Rela
tives nnd friends Invited to funernl services.
Weil , 1 p m , residence of nephew, W. Grant
Levi" 3303 N. 18th st lot private.
LEVY Jnn. 22. JENNIE, wife nf Samuel
Levy. Relatives and frlenils, Ladj Washington
lodge Miriam Lodge, Invited to funeral serv
ices. Thurs.. 2 p m . lid!) .Mantua nve. Int
private. Omit tlovvers
LITTLE Jan. 21. HARRY M,. husband of
Catharine Little. Relatives nnd friends Invited
to funeinl serv.ie Thurs., 2 p. m.. residence
of his father. 2210 Wood st. Int. private. Auto
fULtl""l'r? Jnn 21 FRANK .1. husband of
Elizabeth Loflus (nee llonner) and Hon of late
Pitrlck nnd Annie C. Loflus (nee Fox). Rela
tives and frlenls. Lodge No ,11. LOO M..
Court North Ens No. 3lo F. nf A . and Cnlted
hlp Fitters' Proi- live Asso . Invited to funeral,
Thurs , 8.30 11 n, , 2I3S Edgemont st. (lhth
Ward) Solemn r , ilem mass St. Ann's Church
10 u 111. Int. New Cathedral Cem.
LYI.E Jan lie. ul l.ansdele. Pa.. JANE
CRAWFORD daughter of late Thomas anil Ann
Ralston, ageil 80. Funeral at convenience of
ramtl lni. Laurel Hill i'em
MAIICR. Jnn 21. WILLIAM, son or late
Nicholas and Catharine Mager. 112.1 E. Palmer
st. Due notice of funeral will be given.
LACK, husband of Emma Sliteler. aged 03.
Relatives and friends Invited to funeral. Thurs..
1.30 p. m.. 227 Highland ove.. Dow nlngtown,
Pa. Int. Greenmount Cem.. West Chester.
Mi CORMAC Jnn. III. .MARY. ife of Joepli
MeCormnc und daughter of late Hugh und Marv
McKalrnes. Itelntlves and friends Invited to
funeral. Wed.. 8 .".0 a. m., 25.18 E. Itlrch st.
Solemn requiem mass Church of Nativity, lo
n. in. Int. Holy Sepulchre Cem.
McCREARY At Perkasle, Pa , Jan. 21
MVTlt.DA. wife nf Archibald McCreary and
ilauchler nf 1st.- John M and Jennie Harms,
aged 0.1 Relatives and rrlends Invited to serv
ices Thurs . 2 1 m . residence of sister, Mrs,
Thnin3S C Aiken". 3310 Wnllnco st Int. I'ern
wooU Cem Friend; may call Wel eve.
MtHERMOTT Jan. 21 MICHAEL, son or
late Ratholomew ami Maria McDermntt, of
llalllnahegllsb. County Roscommon. Irel ind
Relatives and friends, Visitation l!ol Name
Soclet. DIv. No. 0. A O II . vind International
.Holders' I'nlnn. No. Ill, invited to funi-ral.
Thurs. 8 3(1 a m . residence of brother. Putrbk
Mi Deriuott. 224,1 N. Palethorp st. Solemn re
quiem mass Chureh of Our Lady of the Visita
tion 10 n. m lot llov Sepulrhre Cem
(nee Plnley'son), widow of Peter McEwan. aged
02 Relatives nnd friends Invited to funeral
servh'ta. Wed . 2 p. nt . 2311 N Howard st
Int Greeninount Cem. Remains may bu viewed
Tues . i p in
an GAHVEV Jail 21. JOHN, husband of
Margaret MiGarvey (nee Garvin) Ulld sou of
1. mure 4' und late Nathaniel McGarvey uljttd
31. RelativrH and friends, also William G
Whardeei lien Asso ond employes of Atlantti
Rftlnln ( 0 invited to funeral, Thurs . 2 p
in .'014 Milder st. lni. Mt. Morlatl Cem. Re
mains may be viewed Weil eve '
MiGHEHAN Jan. 20. CATHARINE, widow
of William Meehan Relatives und friends
Invited to funeral Thurs , 8 .It) a in , 2,114
W Turner si (near 25th st and Columbia ave ).
Solemn requiem mass St Elizabeth' Church 10
u m Int llolv Cruss Cem
husband of Ilridget McIIate (nee drown). Rela
tives and friend" St Anthony's Holy Name So-
lety. Division No. 40 A O It.: Court Vesper.
No !. F. of A., and William Wharton Rent,
hclal Society. Invited to funeral. Wed.. 8 a m..
2.141 Ellsworth st Snleinn requiem mass ht
Anthony's Church 0 3i a. m Int Holy Cross
Cem. Wilmington. Del., papers copy
MiLEAN Jan 22. suddenly 3S31 Wallace
st . ADAM McLEAN Nolle- of funeral later
MeLEAN Jan 20 THOMAS, husband of Ida
M.I. can men Gaul), tiged 23 Relatives aeul
friends, employes or Thomas Hoggs ,& bon, In-
v ted to funeral wen . a .iu a. m , residence; of
father-in-law. Philip Gaul. 820 E Thaer st.
High mass Church of Ascension 10 a m, Int
3I0r.JI.IIUl.,. Al rrsiaenre 01 aunt, eisf l'5-
chall ave., Jan. 20. CATHERINE, daughter of
late Alexander and Jane McNichol Relatives
and friends Invited to services Wed . 2 p, m..
Oliver II iiair mug inu i-neatimc si. int.
nrivate Mt Mnriah Ceni. Friends may view
remains Tues . 7 to 10'. er.
MttKIVKIt Jan. 1, liCliliUCi k ai&KKKK
of Media. Pa , formerly of Iloseville. N. J , and
1?ei7fe a Smo05 1 I WAL .JES5
lb MAUE. ?Al Y i-J ITH Mt
rS. ' M66t5 AW 1
7, " L51 fW'1
Phllllnstinrif. M.
J . Aged
1 (IS. , Ilrtfttlves
friends Invited to. services,
1. wed.. iu:4a
m ,
Oliver II, Ilnir
utaa, . 1S?(1 Chestont
ices nnd int
llloomfield tvm , llloomneid. N
J .
j i.i p m
MESSER. Jan. 20. GEORGE G.. husband of
Helnrlrke Messer (nee stahr). ageil 01. Rela
tives nnd friends Independent Pnlrmount Post.
No. 0. Invite 1 tn funeral services. Thur , 2
P. tn.. f,nl7 Pnrrlsh st Int Fernwood Cem.
MEYLL .tin IP EVIL MEYLP,. nged 4(1
Relatives and friends members of llniversit
Lodge. No 1110. I', nnd A M.: Manufacturers'
Club. Invited to services Wed , 2 n m
PUmoulh rd Gwjnedd nllev Pa Int pn
vnte Convevnnces will ni-et trnln nrrlvlns: si
Owvnedd Vol ev Station .4" 1 a.1 p tn
MICHAELS. Jnn. 22 JOHN A tiusb.ind of
Jlnm II Michaels nged 33 .Relatives nhd
friends. Ongwe Honwe Tribe. No 2(10. Imp
(i. R M . Grand I'raternlts ltrnnch. No I. em
plojes P. 11. T. shops Kensington nve. nnd
Cumberland l . invllcd to funernl services.
We,i , s p. m , 843 !'. Rusell st lni. l'actor -vllle,
MILLER tin 20 EMILY 11 V VPS. wife ef
Warren P. Miller, daughter nf J. Klrbell nnd
late Sophie itnyes Relatives anil friends In
vited In lunerni. Wed. 1 p. hi , ,4pod Pulnskl
nve,. tun Services St Peter's . P. E, Church.
Wnvna nve. nnd Harvey st , 2 30 p. m. Int.
MINGLE Jnn 20, JENNIE W . wire of
Charles W. Mingle nnd daughter nf Virginia and
Isle Thotnss E Merger Relatives nnd friends
Invllcd lo funernl services, wed.. 2 p. m., Filler
rd , Torrcsdale Trnlns b'nvc lirnml Ht Rtntlnn
12 0.1 nnd 108 p m. Int. privnte. Fernwood
MILLER .Inn 20. EMILY HAYES, wire of
TVnrrcn P. Miller, daughter of J. Klrbell nnd the
Into Sophie Rnves. Itelntlves and friends In
vited lo funernl. Wed . 1 p in . lino Pulnskl
'nve, Germnntovvn Servleen St Peter's p. E
Church, Wnjno nvc. nnd Hnrvc si , 2 30 p tn.
Int privnte
MILLS. Inn. 21. EDWARD MILLS, nged 0.2.
Relative! and friend" Invited lo funernl Wed.,
2 p. in . resldenee nf d tughter Mr". Helen llond,
3811 Itenn St. West Phil 1 Int. prlvite.
MOORE. .Inn 21. JAMKt. hu'hntii! of Ellen
Moore. Itelntlves nnd frlenils Invited to funernl
IIium.. 8 30 n. m., 2118 s. KM h t. High re
qtlteni mnss Chun h of llplphanv, lo n. m. Int.
Holv Cro"s iVm.
MFI.LE.N Inn 20 AVN DICKEY, whlow
nf James R. Mullen. Relatives ond friends In
vited tee funernl services Wed.. 2 p in. 1321
N l-'enxlee st Int. privnte. rllnelon Cem.
Mt'LI.IIOLI.ANli Jnn 20. WILLIAM .!..
I.usbind of Ella Mullholland niee McCov). nged
4.1 llelntlvrs and friends Invited to funernl,
Weil . It a. tn . fnther-ln-law's residence, Pnt
llclt McCn.w (III nve. lend llnrrv St.. Cnnslln
1, alien, P.i High mnss St Mntthevv'n Church
10 n. m Int St. Matthew' 1 "fin. Remains
may be viewed Mon 7 to 10 p, m., 20 N. Roh.
Irson t . West Phlla.
MYER1 Jnn. Jl WII.LUtD II. husbntnl or
Lldle Mvers. Relative" nnd friends, nil so
eieiies of whbh he vvns n member. Invited to
funeral. Wed. 7 '10 -i. in 1120 Itltner st Sol
emn requiem mnss St Monica's Church 0 11 tn
Int private. J r.emis ni.iv view remains Tuts.
eV(VnoNNi:r.L Inn 22. PATRICK, huslinnd
nf Into Mnr.v O'Dolltlell ngi .1 81. D11.. pntlee of
funernl will he given. Spring si. nntl Nauinl nve.,
Hlue Hell Hill, itermnnlnnn
O'KANH. At New York eltv. vlnn 21. .IAMER.
husbnnil of Into Mnry (I'K'ine (nee Murravl, nged
f,3 Itelntlves nnd rrlends invited to runernl.
Wed. 8.30 ii m. risidetiio of Philip .1 Dunn
hue, 300 E Lehigh nve High tnnss Chureh of
the Visitation It) n. m lot New Cathedral
'e'l N'Ett.l Jnn 22. EDWARD V. Iiushnnil
nf Jennie M. O'Neill son nf Putrlik ami lel
Mnv O'Neill. Relative" unit frlemls tlllll Dis
trbt Polk Invited in funernl Rut . 8.I0 in
20211 N llnniock st. Solemn Req.llem High
Mns" Chunil of Vlsltnllon In it. lit. Int. llolv
Sepulchre (Vm Auto funeral
riTT .Inn 21, Kl.lAIIKi II K. widow of
Edward II I'H. Itelntlves and friends Invllcd to
funernl servli'S. Wed . 12 nemo. 1811) N. 18th
At l"t. unvote- Dojbstown Pa.
P11TZOLD Ian. 21. Jl'LIAS. husband of
Rnrlmrn PeUold (nee Schroeder), ageil 111 Rela
tives nnel feienef" lliiinbn'eli Mull No am.
F and A M. K'nlghls of Die Iron Ring. Phlla
Rllle Club, Volgltllaeundi r Iten Soil.tv. No. 1.
Coscb anel W.lgnn Itulldi rs' Hen Soeletv, Trelln,
Invited to funeinl services. Sun , 2 p. tu ,
N W tor. Mnschvr and Cambridge s(s. Int.
Mt Vernon Cem
PITT .inn. 21. A'N. vlfe of Jesse Pitt
Relatives and friends Invlteil to funeral serv
ice", Wed. 2 p in., 122,1 ASbghen ave.
int private
PLATT. .Intl. 22 JOSEPH, em nf liihu I.,
anil Anna Plntl, aged 7. Du. eotlie of runernl
will be given, parlit"' lrlt(en,., 2132 Wittlllnn
st. (near 21st iin.l Moore Hti.i. York impi i- copv.
I'OlliKll. jnn. -it iu nis iueiier-in law a
residence. 2(lu W Wnlnut bene (terinuntiiw n.
I IlEDERICK PCNISTON. Iiuslinnil of Anna
t.oulso Culllgnn Porter. Due notice of funeral
v 111 lie given
HAMHD Jnn ID. EDYTir .1 RAMHO (nee
Jamison) Relailvts and frlentls. M.entun t'tiun-
eil. D. of I.. Invli.ii lo runerai serii". ihut".
1 p in, Ii'itil S. llrond st hit strltl privnte
rllngton Cem I'rlcnels may vbw ri mains
Wed 7 ,".0 p m.
RI1IL1.Y. Jan. 20 JOHN C. son nf Into Ed.
ward and i'heres i Re-ilk !tlotlves and frb-nds
Invited to funeral. Wed.. 830 a. in , residence
of brother Kdward J Relllv. 103 Sluing si
(Front and Race sts ) Solemn m-iss of requb m
-e. Augustine's Churi h It) a. tn. Int. Holy
i'ri" Cem Auto funernl.
RODGKRS Jan. 20. JOHN N RODfinilS.
.Ir . sun of John and Margate! Rodgern (nee
McLoughltn). nged 33 Relatives and trlend-e
Invited lo runernl. Wed , 8 n tn , 73'.l Kater st
Solemn high requiem mass Church of St. Paul
0.30 a m Int. llulv CmsH Cem.
ROWLEY. Jan. 22. MINNIE, vvlilon of Wll
llnm 11. Row lev. Relatives and friend" Invited
tn funeral services. Thurs . 2 p m . resident e
of son In 1 ivv, II. II. Swurr. T,0I7 Greene st..
Germintown. Int. private.
Ill'FKING Jnn 21. CATHERINE, widow of
.Incoh Iluftlu,! aged 1,2 Relatives and friend"
members of Arcbennfraii rnltv of Hole Fanilh
Slebcnweiscn l.ndhs Hen Soclei, No. 1 and
No, 2, Pi-nnn. I.udlis' llin. Soetelv .n I. In
vited lo rumril. Ttiur" . 7 31) a tn. resld.-m e
of Hou-ln-lavv. Joseph Link SS.1 N. Randolph st
Itequle m mnss St Peler's Church It a in. Im.
Most Holv Ri-eleetiter Cem Autti funeinl
, RACERS. -.Inn. 20. CLINTON SACL'ltS. bus
band of Agte-s .Miner Inee lirailburv I. ageil .in.
Itelntlves and friends Inviteel to funeral services.
Wetl . 2 p. m . 4037 N. .1th st. Renmlns may
lie viewed Tues . 7 to 0 p, m, Im, private.
Ardslev Cem. Auto funernl
SAI'NDERS .Inn 20. EDWARD, husband or
Mnry Pnund-re : 1 27 Relatives and fileuds,
llartenders' Ciduit. Local No 11.1. Arlon Sln-ln-i
Soeletv, tnvlled tu funeral Wed . 2 p. m. 2121
N. Wurnoelv st Int Cheeleiul Hill Cem lit
mains m.iv be viewed Tues.. after 8 p. m
SCHMIDT Jen 21 KllPHIh, widow of Carl
P Si-hmlill aged .12 llelntives and fr etuis In
vlted to funernl strviete. Thins, 2 o in., .e,t7t;
N l.eitligow st (1th and Indiana im i lni Mt
Mnriah Cem. l-ricmls mu eall Wed eve Auto
servii e
SCHWANEHERG Relatives and frle-nds Invited
to runerai se-rv Iccb We-d 2 p m, 1101 IV.
Lindb-v nve Int Northwood I'em.
SEMPLE Jan. HI GEORGE T . husbnnd ot
Ida Ketnple (nee (lei, til). Relative's and friends.
Tnlor Lodge. No. 3.1, Stonemeu'n Fellowship
of the 3tst Word members of Slloam M D
Chure-h. Illble class, all other societies of which
be wus a member, inviad to funeral services
Wed . 2 p m . 2310 E. Dauphin st Reuiaiti"
mn be viewed Tues . 8 p. m. Services u p m
Int Northwood Cem
nf W. W Sirgenl Relatives und friends lii,
viteel to services. Wed. Ill Q m. Oliver 11
Ualr Htdtr . IS20 Chestnut st Int. private.
SIIIIETS .Ian 21. LILLIAN P wife of
Aqutlln N Sheetn aged 28. Relatives and
friends Invited tu funeral services Wed. 2 P.
m , ltlli! Maiiton bi Int. prlvute. Mt. Morlab
(em Remains mu) bo viewed Tues., 8 lo 10
p. m
Hlt'KELR. Jan 20. ANNIE M , widow of
Frank Rfekels and duuailter of late George N
and Roiina Werner Relallves and friends,
members of I'nlon Friends' Home. No 2,1, II. '.
of Pa , invited to funeral. Thurs, 8-30 u m .
residence of brother. John T We rin-r. 1320 N
4th st. Suleinu reeiuleui iikihs ht Peter's
,iu.r:.,'.,n n m Int. Most Holy Redi-mier Cem
,'V.7 ' L',:,J 'la" -' '"IN CONWEI.L SIM
PLI.lt husband of late L'lUab. Hi Ann Simpler,
need D3 Relatives und friends invited Iu fu
nerul sj-nl.es, 4020 Lot usl st . West Phlla
vied ,:i(i p m int Thurs. eunvenlenca of
fatiillv t umdeti papers rupv
SMITH Jan. 21. CHARLES E . h iiband of
Emma C Smith (m-a S(engel). uged 3,1 Rela
llves und fi leads Stephen Glrurd Cutlnell. No.
141. Jr (i r. A .11 Invited to funeral se-rv Ices
Wed 2 p in , 813 E. Hilton st Remains may
be viewed Tues eve Int. North Cedar Htll.
SMITH.- Jan. 21. El.lSiAHKTH T.. wnluw of
Joseph J. Smith, used 8.1. Relatives and friends
invited to funeral services Wnl . 2 p. in . reel
ilem e of granddaughter, Mr. George A. Smi.ti
2131 S. l.emhcri st. Int. nrivate
of Mai 1-1- Hnodarus Inee Rutherford l Ilesi
ilene-e 2013 E Huntingdon st. Due notice of
funeral will lee given
SPREKMAN Al Masonic Home, Jan 22
FRANCIS M M'HEEMAN. aged 70. Relatives
and friends lestone laalge No 271, F and A
M.. inviteel to fune-ra). Thurs . 2 30 p in sharp
ironi home. 333J N llroad st. Int. Mt. Moriah
KPRINGCIl Jan. 20. HMIAII. widow of
Frederick bprlngee. aged 71). Relatives and
friends invited to funeral servhes. 3127 Renin
fcl.. Wed.. I 30 p. nt. lni. Fernuocvl Cem. Re
mains mav be viewed Tues 8 io In p m
of late James and Susan Rtackhouse. Ilel.i
lives and friends, survivors 71st Regt . p. v ,
0'Jth liegt . P V . Falrmount Council, No 321
F O uf A , inv Red lo f unvral. Wed . 2 p. m
!i.i'J N. tilth t. lot .1. -1111111, ill Cem Remains
may be viewed Tues eve
hTADKI.MAlKIt At llishop s Ilrldge. N J
Jan 20. EI.IZAUETH wife of Martin Stadl-
S6J (2Mt
IklTiI Q VcaA
AM' lU
T-llrOfc aT.A" TiaaT ClDil
. t" ' "
vxinn-l- int , -
"" w - ( "I l
i . s
tn mt
msler rnea Heeler), aged 01 Relatlvts and
friends invited to funeral services. Wed., S P,
m Rlshop's llrtdge, N. .t Int. herlln. N. J.
Tmln leaves Market Rt. Fefry li'2-1 p. m. n.
mains may be viewed Tues eve. Aulo funeral.
ngd 81 Relatives nnd friends Invited te fu
neral services Wed . 1 30 p tn . 237 E. Gl-nrd
nve Int North Cednr Hill Cem
BTIJIN tin 22. GEOnoil I . hubind of
Adeline stein, nged to Due notice of funeral
will he given 1031 Dennle st
STEVENSON .Inn 2- XNDIIKW (1. bu-bln-1
of e nrnllno S Rtexensno II' at'ves nnd
friends Rwednli lten Rocietv lnvjteel to fu
nernl wfTvtrr. Thurs . 2 p m re"ldenee of
son-ln low. ('hnrlcs Morton. 2.110 N lintivler
st. Int Northwood Cem. Remains mn be viewed
Wed , 8 to 10 p m
STOKES. Jnn. 20. ,1r:NN!E It fnen Albsnvl.
wire of Eilwnrd Stokes ni-d et-vughlt"- of Mnrv
snd Jesse Albtnv, formerlv or Iloikd)e, Dl.
Co IM. Itelntlves and rrlends Invited lo fu
neral. Wed . 12 noon, residence of parents 31l
Pnrrlsh st Further services Cnlvnry Church,
Hoelidnle. Del Co . Pa., 2 30 P. m. Int.
Cnlvnry Ccm , Rockdale. Pa
STOLL.- .inn fn. CHARLES, husband, nf
Pnullne moll. Relatives nnd friends Invited to
funernl. Wed., 2 p. hi., 7(t) N. l".M "t. Int.
I'ernwool Cem. Remnlns may ho vleweel Tucn.
eve. Auto funernl.
STRHHEICH ditighier of Into Daniel nnd Mnry
McElrntll Servlee Tues. 7 30 p In, 318 W.
Springfield nvc. St Martins. Int Weil , Wll
llnmsnnrt Pa ... ...
cn-lllvrl lae o, n, Wnndslown. N J..
HANNAH IDA STRING (nee Strnttonl. ngeel 01.
Relallves nnd friend Invited to runerai services.
Weil, I -30 p m. nt the residence ,-f
her luisbnnd. H Edgar String. Woodslown. N. J.
Int Hnrrlsonvllle M IJ. Church ,( ein
STYElt, on First Month 20th. KATIIAttlNR
R. RTVEIt, nred r,7. Relnlves end friend" In
vited to funeral services Fourth diy. First
Month. 2llh. I p tn . Conmrd Irlends' .Meeting
Mouse Cnrrlngen will meet trnln leaving llrond
St stiitoti 11 o.l n. in nt Cnncordvlllo Stn
SWOPi: Inn. 21 lit MILES PWOI'IS nged
78 Relallves nnd friends, members of Fidelity
i.ndge. No. 138. I. O. o I . nnd I'ninp: otto
lllse-nlnhr's Pros rigor Fnctorv. Invlled In ru
peral Thurs . 2 ti in.. HU7 N. Amerlcnn st,
Int Ml Morinh (Jem. Remains tnn bo viewed
TAgViART. Jnn 21, CARRIE A wife of Dr
(I. Corson Tnggnrl. aged 42. Relatives ntlil
friends Inviteel lo funipil Wed. 2 p. til., lo.e
I!. Mt Alrv nve Int. Ivv 111 I Cem Norrls
timiepBper" i iqiv Auto funernl
TIYI.OR -Jnn 20 MINLRVA EMMA illllgh.
ter of Arthur II nnd Ida M Tnvior tnee Ker
shaw l niii-ii 17 Rtlattvin snd friends Invl'ed In
fun. nil servlee, Wed. 2'3u n iu. pnrents'
resilience, l.'l.'.i N 57lli st. Int Ml Morinh Cem.
Rem tins tmv be vl.-wed Tues. 7 to 0 p m.
THIIVtAS -Jnn .'2. 2037 W Collego nve.,
WALTER L. THOMAS, husband or Martha
Snovvibn Thnnio Due nntlte or funeral.
THOMPSON. At nilloresl. Del.. First Month
2ll. HENRY THOMPSON, nged US, Service nt
I'llend"' Meetltu: House. Ith nnd West st., Wil
mington, Dnl. Plr"t Month 2lth. I P. tn., nlso
New I In Men Pa . Friends' Meeting 3 p. tn.
TRACT Suddenly, .left. 22. IIUIINIIAIttlT.
htlelennil of late I'.lh'iitirth Traut (neo Ilnt2l,
iiKid "!l Relative" and frlenel". members or
'.tan German Reformed Chunh Invited lo
timer.il servlee" Thurs., 2 p. in.. Hi3ii n. 2d st.
Int. chelti"! Hills i'em ..Aulei funerab
nf nenjamln Tvverdle. aged 7,1. Relatives nnd
rrloti'ls Invllet to runernl servhes. Wed., 2 p. in,.
1320 Liirchwool nve. Int. Pllvnlo.
VAN PHAIir Jnn. 21, IIANNVII. wlfe of
John II Vnn Prnet nged fe.1. Relative;." nnd
Irb-nd" invited In runerai. Wed,. 2 p. in., 2113 S
l-'nlrlilll "I Int IVrnwewal Ceni. Friends mn
eall Tues ev-1. Aulo servlie.
WALLS. Jnn 22. JI'I.IA A. WAI.1,1 Inee
fihe-l,lnl. etr nt .lob S. Willi". ReltlllVCS Olid
rrlend". Col. John Clark Council. No. 12il. I), nf.
I. . and metntirrs or .in. .ion .vi. n. itiurcil. in
vlted lo funeril "irvlie". I'rl . I .In p. m.. 77.V;
Ceddige el.. Ilolnii "burg Int privnte. l'ernwnod
Ceni. Remains iiuiv be v lew id Thurs.. after
' VVULS Jan 21) 1713 N. Mneher st .
CATHERINE Klilnvv of lle-iuv Wills (nee Dli
nviml) Iteelallves and rrlends Inviteel to runernl.
Wed S 30 n in. I Huh mnss St. Michael'"
i hurcll 10 ll n. Int llolv Cross Ccm. Auto
'"w'aV.TER -Jsn 21 HENRY M husband ot
Sophia M Welter Rel it.v. s and frlenils, Metmo
Tribe No .128, I " It M-. oii Cumuli. No.
111." 'ii of P. Invlt'il to futieial servii-es.
Thurs 2 i in 3108 N Orlannn st int Mt
Morlnli Cem I'rle ml" mnv view lem.ilns Wed..
5 p nt Auto servlee. ..... ... .
V U.I'ON. Mieldeiilv Jan 20 ENOCH, bus
bend" of Vnnn Ellr.ib'lli Wiillun (nee Slevlnl.
Fumral si-vl.e- 181H N. 7th et Wed.. II
i m PH. private. North Cher Hill Cem.
WEISS Jnn 2H JilllN WEISS, husband nf
Muruorel Weiss in- e lltiuiUI. lige-d "I Rela
tives anel frl-ntl". Sl.-nbi-n Lodge. No 2 E o.
V and .'inibi' or Vie mr Tnlklng Machine Co .
Invited to rune-nil servii-es Thurs.. 2 p. in . 170
W tlsfutel t I"1 Privnte, Arelle Cem Aulo
funeral ileninlns lna be vleneel We-d , 8 tu
"w'ilARTOV 111 W 3111b el.. New York. Jan.
e WILLIAM 1-iSIIHOI ItNE. eon of late George
if and Marin Mailtoe Whnrtoti, or Philadelphia,
ii ceil 71 Funernl stvlris Chun li of the
I'lilnll.iuv L.-xlllgton live, mid Bltli st . New
York. We.l.. Hi a. in- 1'et. St. .lame" the Less.
I'hl'n'. (Willi tlower-e
vli'lvl'l," '' ' ''" M"""i 22 - K'ennelt
Roiinre W'INONA CHEW, wire of William J.
Wii Iters' tn nged .10, Funernl r-oln 321 S
Mirihnll si. Ki ntiett Square. Fnurth-dav, 1:311
. In, iirlvftt,..
1 WlCKW.vR Inn 10. NORAII wlro of
Hired Wlckwar aged 01. Relatives and friend".
Ponems Tn council N" 7S. I. o. R M.. Invited
,. iiinentl services. I'rl . 2 p nt., 0S37 Cemetery
st . Gcriunntenvti.
Int. prl-
i.ee . ueltew eei.iee.
Re-muins may bo viewed 'Ihur
.1 to 10
''w'oOD Jan. 21 WILLIAM C. husband nl
1 .lira It Veiled I lie" WortSI. Ite'Hthf n'lll
I uuri- . - ' ;, --, ..,,. .,...,, ,,; .:.-..
,ut, Ollklano e .in ej, ,.,.--,,,,. ,.,-,, ,,n mav
'l.' viewed Wed, 7 30 In 10 u tn.
ViNSKIt - .inn. 21. CIIRISTOPII husband of
i-,u m'i ixkii .Inser aged nl. of lteiist-n (near
iierenb.-r'-. Koenlgri ich. Wurttemberg) ltela
liiiu nnd fib-mis. 'Ion Germnr. liesbvterlun
-hf.Veh I & I' "all?. Hen. Asso . Diamond
v-L,,rv Hen Asso Invited to funeral. Wed.,
ii in ieU1eii!e of son. William .Inser. 2H.1l
v- liiini.ev st Inear 31st and Lehigh ave ). Int.
ilertiiail l.illlieriin Cem. Rc-iuallis maj be viewed
Tues . after 8 P. in.
t mii:ri'.ki:R8
Ii F GAI.l.M'.llER. 2321 E lluntlligdon
rnelerliikers and Entbaltticrs, Hell ph ken 402
HAG Lost, at corner Front und Chestnut sts.
i,i.,L aitk inn. lonlnlnliig ra llrond ticket tee
tltirliii-xton tn name of Jullu K. r.iv lor.
.iber viilunbU Return lo IIU s.
Front at.
anel reie-lve reward.
HAR PIN Lost, on St Asnph's road, between
Conshohoi Id n nve. and Helmont nve diamond
bar pin Generous rewnnl if returned to 1-rank
H. Moss, filh Walnut t . Phlla
DOG Lost, while French tov poodle, female,
Sunday evenlm,-. Hltli iind Pine Sultnlile re
ward. Return in T. W. Heath. IMS Pine st
DOG Lost, Monday, nt 22d and line sts . small
brown Pekinese, dog- named Hllllhen Reward
if returned lo Apaumcnt No. 7. SJU'i line st
J1CI.-J,- Lust, blink i"ox mnrr. Is"lneen Cohen'
drug stun-, Uth and Market sts . und Read
ing Terminal, or on &.83 train to (iiistuui
Hill Liberal leward If relumed to Asero
tur store, 13.10 Wulnui st.
WATCH AND PIN Lost. Iu Girls' High Se hoot
ur be-lvvi-eil Girls' Huh be-hool und .17,1, Mur
t,ii et . gield watch und pin. monogruin E. I.
K Reward. ,17.1 Martin Bt . Roxborough
PATRICK GAVIN, nbout .1 ft. It In., dark com
p'exiuned. left Westport, Couilti Maxi. Ire
lutid iileout 3.1 vears ago. lust heard from
em visit to irooklu. returnliiii tu Pntladel
phla. about 1(1 eurs iibii. Mrs Murearet
i'nuwu tnee Gavin), 321 Neppe-rhttn nve,,
Yiuiki rs. N Y
IHAMIIEIIMAID and vvaliressea. coloreil. ex
perlemed: reference required, tarturo paid,
t.ito Emlen tl.. Germanlown t
IHAJIHERILUD. small vvush: references. J320
Walnut si.
i HAMIIKIIWIIRK and waiting for rennrel and
esirlenceil joung while girl with good ref-eieui-e
In small private family: good wages
Apply (iieOI Wan uve . Gerinantovvn. lotn
st trolley. roul .13
CuoK wanted, adult family, Jenkintown, no
washing, answer by letter, slating reference!
nnd wages F 42. Ledger Central. Tues , a. m.
COOK, chambermaid and waitress wanted,
eolurrd: must havo good references. Call
Tuesday, before 2, 3328 Spruce st.
COOKING nnd downstairs work, one who is will
Ins.jeferencs required. P 303. f.edger Office,
and waitress for family of 2. Coll Wednes
day. 0211 Wayne live
lOTTON SPOOLERS, eiperlemed: good pay;
eteadv work. I-argniju. oppenlielm &. Co..
(28 3S ti. 13lh st
GIRL, white, for general housework, family of
2 Apply after 7 p m. . 41)13 Catharine st
vdoxivo S6lI-MIa1D
' ' ' ' ' ' " "
i -vfc
All I r l rCl -
i'" LtBerlv "Uidge.-No- lb U P. of A, emploVe,
nf Civile Steumslilu lo und members of St,
iBiiies'ie Chun ii. Olnej. Invited to funeral.
,n . ,,,,, . ii n uiriri ,,,,. ,,r,
I . 1 r
4 Conllaiie-ef rem Preceding Column
GIRL for ehsmticrworitnnd walling: small fam
lly; reference required MTOJn Lanceyjvjnce.
OtRt wanted 14 year or older, good wage",
to work In wallpaper factory. Apply at once.
Pecker. Smith A Page, Water St. ft Snyeler nl.
Starting new; machinery.
Good wages pnld while learning.
ArplyOrln!d Worstedcompnnv. Dsrbv.
GIRLS, over 10. for light, clenn emplojirtent:
plensnnt surroundings, learners .taken, paid
while learning lljglenlc Fleeced Underwear
Co.. 211.1 N Howard.
GIRLS for lnce winding, good pay while learn
ing. Apply John Hromley . Sons Lehlsh
nve nbnv-e Front
Oilli.S wanted, over 10. good pnv. sieadv work
Lnrgman. Opptnhelm ft Co . 42S-38 N. 13th
street . . - .
GIRLS, strong, white, for general work. Apply
Pennn. Hospital. 4401 Market st
HOSIERY Experienced knitters nnd toppers,
knitters rnn make from 110 to J 1 1 per week:
nlso learners, paid liberally while learning.
l.l.'O N Liwrenrv.
HORIEIIY Experienced examiners also learn
ers: paid while learning. 1320 N. Lawrence.
iloilREWORK Girl wnnterl ror cenerhl house
work, plnln rooking, smnll fnmllv. 2..I5 Ilrjn
Mnwr nve. Ilnla Phono Cvnwvd 302 1
HOUSEWORK Girl wanted for housework In
Cjnw-Ml: fnmll) of 2 adult. cnsy place: 1, a
week A' 1 Ledger Of Oce
INFANT'S NURSE, experienced, lo take care of
infant nnd assist with 2 older children
reference required. Phono Germanlown 014. i
KNITTERS, experienced on rlrettlnr spring
beard needle machine, good pay. steadv work,
llvglenlc Fleeced I'nderwenr Co , 2115 N,
Howard st , .
LADY, voting, ns assistant to bookkeeper, with
some 'experience preferred: pernnnent posi
tion The Phlla (lenr Works 1120 Vino st
MENDERS', experienced on knit Jersey cloth:
steady work. Hglenlo I leeced Underwear
Co, 211,1 N. Howard st. .
MOTHER'S HELPER, mlddle-nged womnn:
' small fnmllv : good home for right party! ref
erence" P 127. Ledger OfOre.
OPERATORS senmers nnd liemmers on Union
scerlil m.ichlms, steady vvnrk. Ilyglenb
lieeCed Underwear Co., 2llo N. Howard st.
OPFRATOR Experienced Elliott Fisher opera
tor wnnted. stato snlnry. reference. P 111).
Ledger Office
SILK WINDERS, i-xporlenred: Rood pnv. slendv
work. I.tiraintin. Omvtilieliu A Co.. 123-38 N.
I3lli l .
Nt and aecttrale.
Kxperlenca not neetfjafy.
Apply lit own Imtielivrltlni?
slatlns salary expecled.
p. o. iiox am.
New Jersey.
WAITRESS, while, over 2.1 le'nrs otel. for n
ttrlv-Hie family: nenr Wlssahlekon Station, Nor.
itstovvtl br.inih of Reading. P 10.1, Ledger Off.
WOMAN wnnted for Initndrv and 1 bnmberwork:
sleep nt home Is tuoferiel. work uver 3 30.
3li2 Govven uve . Mount Ali.v.
WOMEN white, for rubbing Apply Peiina
IIikpIiiI, Hill Market st ,
bulldiT e-apalue of making m'trhlm- imtteru"
ami Living olf Work for machines, also to act
ns ns"l"tant Iu foreman III wood "hop (iins.
F Cnlfrev ft Co., 1 01 Ii and Market ."to .
1 nniileu. N .1
At' I'OMllHII.E WASHER ami polisher wanted
nl garage-, eitllv experlem eil men need npplv.
teferenee niul iibllllv teiiulrcd. 11. F. Dewets,
1122 Chestnut ntl
EOOKHINDEKS, rulers or forvvnribrs. straelv
position. George A. Sltuo.ld-i A. Ir , 810 I'
(.. N. W . WiishlnRtun, D. C.
HOY wanted, 1.1 tn 20 .venrs. to orerate tele
phone' exchange: tMiewrller experieeice desired,
I'liton Paving Co. .loth and l.oe utt st
HOY wanted for errand". wutfis, $0, Geo 1
l.iiuleer. 147 N. loth si
HOYS wnnteil. 10 venrs or over. SO nnd Sill iter
week, to work In wall paper f.ictnrj. Anplv
Decker. Smith ft Page, Water ft Snder uve
11RAIDERS, experienced on Germsn machines
Lnrgman, Oupenlielm ft Co., 128 38 N 13th st,
linn vni uncles for
Double-heml inoleler operutois
I'lttlng-up savvNers
Rough rip Bavoeis
.lulnler opeinturn
ofllie bovH, HI enrs nn-l over
JuNiliiis, strong, white
Height xlevntor operators, while
Experienced shipping marker
18-hour-week sihulule
Ph.vsli.'il e xamlifltlon lieceHsaty Applv
V ir 1 er 'iplkin-r .Mae-olne 1 '11 Aiiplle-atiem
Ofllce. 3.1 I'ooper st.. Camden, N. .1.
CAHINET.MAKERS and machine hands wanted,
steady work for skilled men nt good wages
he,vstono Cabinet Co, Cln-sler. ' P.l.
CHAUFFEUR. 1 xpe-rlenced In drlvlnt Ilu-lson
cars; familiar with city and suburbs: state
wo-ieH expeeleil. board and room Included.
C 31(1. Ledktr Ofdce
CLEANERS. 2. reliable rur prlvale i.tf IcePliullil-
lll,g. luixlmiuu s.ilar,v. $7,10 ier week. M 1113,
Le-ilger Cenlrul
DRAITSMAN. yexperlepce.1 tn design tif piping
lnouts. healing sstem. etc. nt $1320 per
milium. iliLen. Apply In person, Frunkfurd
DRAFTSMAN on tine furniture work Applv In
person. Geo W. Smith ft Co., luc , 3:i07-10
Poweltan nve.
DRIVER for elnglo or eloublo team Walter L.
Trolni-rCo.,3310 N. 12th st
DRIVERS wanted. 30: good wages; steady work.
Apply 1201 E. Montgomery live.
DHUC.aiST. registered Apply George II. Evans"
Utiil Chestnut.
FOREMAN for copra plant, l.irge leuupany near
New York city desires services of man thnr
oughle. reliable nnd experienced in inanilf.ic
urlng end of business, must understand ex
pelters. etc. give age ixperleneo and salar
eleslred. C 308. Ledger Oftle-e
HELPERS op sheet metal work. American
.Metal Works, 314 Armst at.. Germanlown.
UNIil'ERS, experiented on clreukir spring beard
neeillo machines: good p,i; steady work.
Hygienic Fleeced Underwear Co., 2115 N.
LAIIORERS Jlen named to. tn clean streets,
good wages) steady work: no time lo-it 011 nc
lount of weather. Alidy 1201 B. Montgom
ery uve.
laval company requires flrst.-elasi mechanics
who are aecuiioined to fine high-grade work.
Flnnrhands and Assemblers
lJUhe. .Horizontal
and Verltcal Horlne .l Hands.
vts iianos.
inspecior any 4.er.uui,
Permanent vvnrli. eight-hour shifts, best vvcrk
In coiiilltloiis. new, shop .and. tonlt; highest
rates, no labor troubles; best living fatilitl
hln easy access of plant.
Apply J. H- M... P. 0. Uqn
DPMxC MtEftl dfoh'VoO
1?cMi5MBtrR (mdT Yoti TOLD
f?iaiT OtiT& VeR'
MOl Tt?AJ MlAlUl
Aeo .
Conflnuriz rent rrerfdlttt; roltimit
LABORERS wnnted. SO! good wages! stesdy
work. Apply 1201 E. Montgomery ave.
LAHORERH Apply nt once timekeeper's 1 ofOce,
Henry Dlsston ft Sons, Inc . Tacony. Phlla
MACHINISTS Wanted, flrt-clns men bV
Phllndelphla rnnrern. stato nge, exteerlenre,
where last emploved and snlary desired. M
RIO, Ledger Central
MACHINISTS wanted nll-nround men Applv
nt once. Cnnidni shipbuilding Co . hem of
5th st., Camden.
MAIL AND FILE CLERK : 1''l,,,f,n7r!,1 nl""'1
18 cars. Apply till Wldenr llnlldlng
MAN. jnune. 17. If suitable, good wnges nnd
opportunity for ndvaneement lit nrrice of liege
manufacturing establlsn A 4.. le dger Office
MEN WANTED llollermnke;rs, locomollve tni
chlnlsls. rr repair men, Ii borers, lommntlve
cleaners. Pennn It. It.. 1H MlLert st
PRESSMAN" wanted: one who hit" had experi
ence In tint vvnrk nnd steel rule cutting on
photo-mounts preferred: kindly stnto expert
enre and former positions. M W, Ledger
SALESMEN Men nf nbllltv nnd oulsblo selling
experience for special rermnpent work In con
nection with "The Hook ot Knowledge": leads
riirnl-ihed and good mv to men of force nnd
good Versonilllv. f.os Deiickln llulldlr.e. Asit
for Mr Colbert
The F.ncvclop'illn Rrltnnnlca needs a few
htsiccISM aaleemeit. tn work on leads only,
bclh In the city nnd to travel.
TO salesmen of other lines seeking work ws
csn sey Hint four-Ofll.s of our suceeslful
men are men who never sold books before.
We portleutnrlv wnnt men who are not nnlj
ffftod silsinen, bill who hnve nultlclent execu
tive ability to handle other men. Those who
e.iiallty In this respect will recelvo extremely
tsDld promotion to posltloi.n In a permanent
crannltntlon which will pnv them fnr mors
liiuit is made by the average salesman.
If vnu are n renl snlesman. regnrdless of
what line ou hnve I ecu or nro now selling,
come in and talk It over with us. We train
it,u Iboicuuhl) CummlsMuti "Und drawing so
ecunl. J81 FOL'TIt
tiiTi:i:Ntn sthkbt
. Vali.'at it.
SI.TI.NtJ AtAf'IIINn (H'nitATOHH 'JH I'lllt
WI2KK. JJUHlv 11UOS., WLTi N. ;D HT.
BOI.DI'rtr.UK. ptpr!enrM on nrtirlc ctrnllir tu
wHBhhol1rr work Amrrlcon Aletel Works,
311 Ann.'it nt.. Ofrnnntown.
TUltnnT r.ATIin OtKltATOU.M, fxnort. .Inn",
ft LnniMii L'1) -Inth Hit turret. Applv l.mplnv
tnent ufTIr-, I! nrv I)lplon Hon. Int'. T.Tronv.
Httl-PtMN'O Ct.tlltK wanted tn beennm Imfflo
rrntmpprp: p inipplv tipcpsnry trnltilri? nrnl
r n-f uorn 1 0 u M Ii p wv RinWt lnu tun ri to mr
repil; tnll. plmnp il'oplnr II" i nr nrlti for .li-tnh--.
Nntlnnnl Trnrtlr Hprlco Uuie.iu. I.fth
nils Sprlne (J .nlfti tt
STOC'K SA1ii:SMi:.V. mmmlHilon lnH; fnr
I'hllnftcTplil.i nntl clntt , liltrh fin?1 nt
trortUf timpoHlttim V l.'t l.pil?rr tVntrnl.
.STi:NOaUAl'Hi:it ASM TYPIST, f.nnl Inr mill
rhTlfiil unrk: MtMf i -, rt-ft-rpnte nml inlnr
SI IMII. I.nttf"! I'nntnl
A mat) ulut ktiuwi tljtun'iijlilv hor fTt
rlcnrv niftlKHlH otnl powr tntnnilnlnn, JS to
3 J y-nri M. at s,iIoh rmlnpr rn" larjfp
nnnufJcturhiK r unn rn n :u Npu Ynrli.
ntnn uliti l liohtHtty t oinlnp-n, th:it li ran
fit vrlnp rplnv fiu iIiMcm tirofiM re it. snnil Ipm
xears' pri'xlnii ri'mrO anil p'mtusriiph: salary
S t Sim per . .1 r. n nil t ra fllnK i-xpfiist s . hi
lrIvw U ! grunt",! nl u lintel In Phlla
.!HrM. iiiix m is. i.ptistM- orrice.
A nvui who KniiwM Hiiop prnctlrn niul inn
fhlm iIptMti, -I tn -7 ,nr,si nll. t fal(M iur
inptnipilvnt tor larRp in imiff.cturltr.i ro'in rn
niM.r N'pw York, m.iti wlio Int tcliiilrtl pUu
f.itlnn pr-frrtPii, hlIIImk i xpt-rlfiif i not iim'-hh-w.iry.
nt'tnl ii t.unl trntnlnif. tu-n f:irH ix
pcrlvin v tiM'ortl and pliiitnui.Ml. f i la ry $ 1 int
(mm nionlli tn ntnrl. tl oppfirt'inllv fur tr.iln
ItiB ami niHiinci-iaMfil . Inlcrl w v 111 ln
Lmiitfil nt n lintel In I'lillaili'li'l.f.i llo Al
17. I.(Ir. p UfTlip
A 1 1 1 titiU nl iiii-ti. uifi'lianli al nno jr tn -3
parM. to tn,l fnr liro inaipifurtiirlnu rnii
(trn nt-ar Nmv A hi It, M'llliuf pxpitI'-ium im
tn p iv ir . mmd hcIum , tm I ninny tun erirV
fxiicrlpni''' r-'poril ami iitmtnraph: H.tlarv $llii)
nr ni'inth in Mfirt. ami trnxellntr I'Xpi'ii'ics.
hs ni'portiinltv fur training a nil .nlx.uice-
nit-nl . Itih li'w will he' Kranti'il nt a lintel In
.tldrtHs Cox .M l!. l.fiUtr
i rtli h
A teeel-nliiel
venrs eild for
tnittt tnee hanlcnl L'.i to Js
nilvei tislne; ile-v irtine-ot . ton-it
hiivx- cnil toniin.inil or I.tiul'sil, Inr I.triie
liianiifactnrltiR eoncem nenr New Vorl,: send
samples of nnv wrltlntr .volt hnve elnne, salirv
Sinn per leiontli to start . bin opporlntiitv for
ttnlntnc nnd advancement , Interview will li
nr.'tntrel let n. hotel In rtiil.idelphln Ilox
M al, ljd-er orrlte.
A man, nc L'.i to I'.S venrs, to t n ti e-harc
nf l,ionl vvnrli of teelinle-al ndvertlsements
Htid hiiUetlns for l.irKe inHntifitetiirin't con
tern near New York, nitisi have good ex
perience, send simpleH of nnv worlt vnn have
done; salary $ t tin pe-r month lo start- till;
opiHit tunltv for trntnlmr and mlvani-eineitt;
Interview wilt he nrsnteil in 11 hotel In Phlla.
elelphl.l Aeselresli llov M ill Ledier Office.
WATI'IIMAN fniiilliiir with flrlnu hollers: per
manent position for rluht p.irt,v. refere-nees
miulred I-'rleilherKe'C-Aaion Mfir. t'o., IlJIItl
N. Itltli st , ne.ir Vnne .luiutlon
VlllTNCl MAX wanted In nroeerv store: cood
wanes paid, 17th nml Mount Vernon.
VotJN'fl MUX lo leiirn saw nrlndint; trails: cood
oppot tiinlly for advani-enient. Annlv llmplov
llient Otflie. Il-nry Dlsston Sons Inc. Taeeiiiv
At't'OlINTAXT who eons. eli is oiportunlly of
more Important e thin slartliw salarv, I1X
POl'TIVirS ASSISTANT most lie t'llKMI
Al. oitAiiUATi:, (iniiii-i'jiHiii. ui)OkKF:i:i'
lilts nnd eost e !e-rks I lit) tlL'-JK.. l'I,i:ili;s,
, uenerat. stoeli. time, pavroll cost, etc., Jl up,
rAHIIllllt. 51."- Vn,llltN',V xp real estate,
titles, itc . hTnNoiinAriinitS. several. ir..
SIS 1011 mo. . draftsmen, tneech.inieal. $ I s-51;.
It U. and IiI'Ik lonstr. $-',"i, ennerete deslcn.
Sllll; KDHIl.MA.V toolroom live wlro, SI'.-,:
roltll-MAX. Al man l-rass founelrv and nta-
ihine shop. ;i.-.-$in. si.i:s i:xejixi:i:ii, mui.
West, Al man. I'tJI-'I-'lin s.lltsmnn ep ,
X .lersev . !KL'(1 s.ilesm.ui, eastern renna .
SOLll'ITOIt Coinnieril.il ni e oiints. mercantile
HBencv IH'SINHSS SnitVH'L 1'O.Ml'AM',
Ifllll Land Title lllds
Mi:X wanted to III! positions as tratllc man
users We supplv tr.ilnlni; necessary nnd co.
operate with every ambitious man. Call, write,
eir phone tl'oplar -.11) for details. National
Tratllc Ilureau. 13th and Sprint," Harden
COOIf, colored, wishes situation private fatulU.
ilrst-ilass refen-nce I'hone Oicklnson 1717.
L'OOIC. vvliite, experienced, best reference. Call
.'iii.il llulnhrlilje
UlItL. voun-f, wishes position eliailiberliiaid eir
waitress, private family, uilllti- m co to
Atlnntle City A ,"i. l.eilcer Dtllce
(llllL. cnloreel. neat, wishes etav's work of an
Kind: ref : call Tuesday. Ii-;5 S. Smeille st
(11KL, colort-d, wants el.iy's worlr. Lily pre
ferred Call or write ti.'H S lhtn st ,
tllltLS. i,
wish positions, e.iainberworl. ami
e-ltv iireferre-il. I-' .IS. Leel-ree Cent
(1IHI..S. J.
f -.1
wlsn posUions iti
VI 1 e-,1 ,r l'.,e- I
hotel, eii pie-
Ullt S
.viAili wants piaee, KH'd seamsiribs,
ylo sheas terrace, Ardtnore. 1'a
ItAUNnilllSH'. colored, wnnts liundle or family
wash at home 1018 S llithst.
MOTlll.tl S tlhel.l'ftlt Ui NILS Pe,SllOII, Oke, I
enced with children; acini-Invalid; ninnafln?
housekeeper. .."., Led. He.. I7th and Mnntn.
Nl'HSK or mother's helper to ihlld over 1 year,
Hmtllsh Protestant, trained al Cheltenham
I'rriha Cullene. Cnsland. good seamstress and
well recommended r -tu. Ledger Central
NL'ltSH. seamstress, trained and practical "-for
, patients and chlld'n, ref. 5117 Waine ave..0lli.
NUI1SB, competent, desires position, hest ref-
erence. Phone Spruce 31VJ7
SKAMSTItESS. Bsnerienrvel references, will as.
slst wllh other eluties. Ii day or week. J vm
STpNOaRAPIIUlt. Willi III jears' experience
desires secretarial position, dependable, ace-u-
rate. F 41. Ledger Central
lOMAN. German, wishes work Mon.. Tues"
F"rl.i ref Mrs. Hick. Rltl Falrmount ave.. r. I,
"WOMAN. colored. wishes position; cook
waitress; ref. I'ienettu Mllburn, Bi'3 S. inth.
WOMAN wants day's work Call nsa s. Car
lisle at
HEs 'BeeM fRixy-Rio
f Cfc L4T6.
w m
JF--' ?c
, -.j ia&stmr i ft: t rrs4t je. ; ib
m mummm
CAnllsttfrf from Prectdlna Column ""
TOI'VO WOMAN of eelucallon nnd refinement dC
fires-secretarial position; accustomed to me-eK
Inir neonle, eeersona lew. ........,:... .Tieei
Pleasant disposition, writes good, legible hie J'
lyplti reference Ledger I)r 419 a IBth.l'
!JO0KKi:nrr:n thoroushly experienced i,
fttMlt. rprn. olote. urltP up hoik nn" preiSii
report,, rfiy or cvenlnffi mcxlerAto UtrnZ n!n
hnnt. nortlrtn-l 41113 M mi' l"'
'.nOUtCT.nrKIt Vouns man, MpftUnced hAZ
r'rrKVnV. ,rfteVPcR'e",!;n"j
l.edtir f'entrnl. ""
llt'TLi:i nnd valet, with tlrst-clssa referee,."
vvlsers pn.tlon tnllnB chnrne ofRentirmrefi
npsrlsjlty preferred 3 030. I,di Cenfi-il
IttlTLW Vonnsr col man ' vvnnls sltustl
rrivnie inmny, t-est rer. p 17. ledger Cent
Ilt'TLnit nnd inlet, first rl.tss. would like re.1
In prlv, fnmlly; best city rer v tnt.iV.!!'
i IIAITPKrit while a.",, thoroujihly come.7
lent: 11 vesrs exper on nil best cW;. hlenMt
. rernmmrnilntlnns Phono Dickinson aS!
L'HAUI-'KKL'll Colored man. married, wants
l!llii".o,;.tl?rstBCner',, work' "'" "'
t-'IIAri'I-'Mt'lt wnnts position with prlv. TamTivt
(rood renalnmn: Al reference. C 32,1. Led! , or
IllUI-t-'ni'il dislres position. 7 jears' expert
enci-. n venrs present emnlnver 1411 N. iiiij
Ml VI rrtSI'll. while, first class; (rood referenci
. roher nnd reliable. Ilox IR Htrnfford l" '
I'HAtTFKL'tl-moctianlc wnnts position nttt
. vale refere'ice.Colcmaji. 81,1 N loth
fl.imiv. drnftstnan. nue BI. 4 vears' exrlt
ence. desires a rhnntte, t-' nl Ledier Centrsl
MtAI'TNM.VN'. voun mnn.,24 lilah school Brsji
inte ,i venrs' practical experience desire,
position with chance for advancement, st ores"
jot rntplnril, best icfercnces V 3o1 Ledger
iAIII)i:VI3IX experienced with veRetables Tawn"
fovvee. also horses, cows. calckns small
n'i:!:"i:e..;"oTnr;e wl,hc. i,rUat8 a
OV1tt)i:.Vi:it. first class; honest, tireless worker!
rnT-'T'aiiilXV dm'eec,,ar" " '"
tjnN-TI,t:.MA AN!) WIPn, renn-d well quslN
bed dnslro to take chnrire of or rent se!!
lieinse, eentrr of ntv: refs 3 US'). Led Cent"
firricn mn-i nnel stenosrnpher Ions: experlene.
rU ,l':eld,;t,e,?'c'e!;?fanCC' wl,hM tra"t""'
PltOOI-'KllAlinil, experienced
. , , i M , , ;. ' "" iiienicai sna
leaal work, desires slmllnr vvnrk other thi
I'tMitl Will It. II'-TII
fnr printing pnm
eern r HI. Leduer Central
Tnn ynu tiB a jnimir man Xtt 33 far.i with
tnltl-itthi.. nnllJtv nml pmh I nm npen for S
prtntanonl position NOW whern rial Intelli"
pnt iffnrt hrlntts It.i ruward. AJdrtas M lfl
l,iUer Office.
STCN'oOttAPMKIl Younir man nf pood diame
ter nml ndilrif. t" oars rxperlenro b-i
micruplif-r. ttfilrn aiUtMnt nml corrpspondent
innlnite silar;-. .1 Ml. l,p(Ucr Central
HrPKniNTUNUKNT of manufactnrlnc planC
IMHi h.un!. wi'.hp' tn makp pnrly chanutj:
highly Hincpsaful In cmptoMnont production
ami hanUlliii; labor tnnbles. thnrouehly exp
ami iti illllt'd man, splendid odnratlon praptlcal
ami of txrntpliry Itabltn, future wanted above
mlar .1 li tli. Ledger Cent rat
V-Al.irr Lady pnlnc South would like to piac
li'T Isiny.Hn butl-r and nlet. hf n a pood
iraplpr and nurse, ran also cook Si In
"roit.pr.. 4il."i Ulm nt . Swarthmore. Pa.
TOUKCS MAN', collefie trained. 22 one year7?
ptp-rlonrp ni palfsman nnd rorrespondent,
dcwlrfp n connection with a, progresla Arm:
Initial salary no object .1 ,113, ledger Cent,
YOl'NO MAN. 20 vears. pood penman, ft yearV"
rlrj-lrnl xiierleni e, wMic chnnse. can uit
tptwrltpr. bllllnt; machine. Al reference, C
al". I r.icn- nrrire
VOPNCI MAN. "a hustler, denlrra poaltlon wltfc
nihanoement exccutKe ability and salesman'
Hhlp. refprpner. 1.. Kntlln. 15 S (10th at,
JWmonl Td'is
Vtll'NG MAN ilplrs necrptnrlal position or on"
whpn .itor..r talent can be shown, beat ref-
nmi'i .1 itri'J. liidRpr Central
coiTPM'2. tip.-iI. tolorcd. wlih positions flrsU
flans took and houseman no washing, ref
1'icrnf A 2. l.pduer Office
WAXTlll) t'ool.s. chambermaids chlldnurse,
mid ,",i nlrls for housework. Klrls for Institu
tion work, tlrst class help want position,.
Miss ltose DniMhertv. 131S W tllrard ave
MUM. IIAllVllV. lllll) Itlttentiouse sq Itellabl
help supplied nnd wantetl for everv capacity!
nil nationalities, reference required
WAXTlll) Ilrstelass waitresses, parormaids,
Protestant ohambertmlds. also cooks refer
ences rcoutred ltlli) Italnhridse
WANTKI) nt JIih" K'nne, ,-,ll H 10th st , mail
nnd femnle help, with leference. for all ca
ll icllle's Spruce ,1101.
KDI'I'ATIOXAL Si nomestlc rimplovment'Chlti,
SS3 S.Svelenham (l.lth & Wnlnut). Spruce 3738.
VALLT. llnrtllsl hlfthlv elllclent. well recom :
, bo an where. I.oc 28-7 1010 Illttenhouse.
Tor Sale
IIAKI.lt lll.llt'TI'.ir Lady will s-vcrinco mod
ern -i-passeneer coupe- perfe-cl condition Mrs.
S. 4TIl Lelper st. Phono I'rankford 2001
Ill'ICK. 11112. ll-",2. .1 piss fine condition In
eierv wev evceptloiiil purchase, S.Vill.
LtJCOMplllLi: 'J:ll Market st Locust 4S0.
I". M llAl.l.ltlAX. Mr llxchanso Car Dept.
CADILLAC, Pill 1-111. n-pnss Tnurlnic; car Til
nn eondltlon. look over this exceptional bar
Kaln 2nn
I OCOMOIIII.r 131-1 MirUet st Locust 4.10.
1'. M IIALI.IUAN. Mur Kxrhnnse Cor DepL
CADILLAC I'll! tnurlnx car. overhealed snd
repainted, full equipment: price $7(10 AUTO
KAl.ns COItl'OltATIUX. 142 N. llroad st.
CADILLAC 1013 tourlnc In very tine ordr, can
In- purehnsed nt a low flpure Phone Walnut
7(12 As' for Mr Sternberu
CIIAI.MKRS .Itllll II 1 coupe. IMS, model:
like new; fu l eemtpprd, IKlTi 2,"3 N Ilrosd
I-'IIANKLIN SUDAN for s-le. Rood as new;
S22UH. Ilalleltili ft Co.. American & Cambria
HCDDN'S P eaetons roadsters nnd cabriolet,.
M,i.itnr,i . eltn eie-ot-to llgits nnd starters.
(iOMr.P.Y-SCIIWAUTZ. 2,"i3 N. Iiroad st
UI'IJSON LAXDAULIIT. (5-411. like new. rebuilt
and tt'iaro'iteed. i'.".! N. llroad st
LDCUMOIULi: (I-3S tourlnr: S-pnssentwr: ex
Ira line, fullv eeinlinied, .".2.1 I'M N llroad st,
LtJl'OMOIIIL.: LIMOIISINH. meidel 30 very (In.
i li-dltion '.."it N. llroad st ,
MACK Tltrf'KS I'lve fi-ton. elumn trucks. J80
vach TIIB WHITi: CO. 21(1 X llroad ,U
L. 11. ll'.N'KAL. Spruce oliall Itaco 1733. ,
MACK Tlirt'K. .'e ton. steel body J.100
TIIIJ WIIITi: CO.. I'lll N llroad at
I. II O'NllAL. Spiuce riO.V) Ilace 1733
MAItMOX J-cv Under, 32-11 P !i-passen,r
tourlne. S.IIHI
Till! WIIITR CO., 21fi N llroad at
L. II. O'XHAL. Spruie fiO."el). Ilaie 1733.
M. ItMOX chassis in tlno running condition ex-
ellent for truck; bis bargain rhone Walnut'
J 02 As', fnr Mr. Sternberg
NATIONAL V-.'l. ceifnplvtelv equipped, gen
erator, stnrter, motor tire pump, manv es-
traB, Una ineeh condition. J 031. Led. Cent.
I'ACKAItl) 4-e-lllnder. 30-11 I'. 7 pasaenter
Htnou-eiiiH and touring, 1.11)0
TUB WIIITi: CO.. 2111 N llroad sl
L. II O'NllAL. Spruce .1031) Itaee 1733,
l'lUUCK-AIlllOW tl-ollnder. 48 II 1' 7 pa-
aetnevr limousine, $700
Till! WIIITi: CO.. 2tt N llroad st
1, II O'NUAL. Spruce fiU30. Itace 1733.
ItAYFOItD 1 nnd 2 Ion trucks aenver the good,:,
$323 to linn .
HAVI-'OllI) CO . 2d st and Indiana ave. p
nOWAN TltlJCK. I'-, ton. with panel bodr,
Till; WIIITi: CO.. Sill V llroad st
I. II O'NHAL. Spruce 3030 Ilace JI33.
THOMAS taxloah In excellent condition. 1200.
Tilt; WIIITi! CO.. 21(1 N llroad st
L II O'NEAL. Spruce 5030 Itaee, 1733.
WIIITi: tl-cyllnder, 110-11 P 7 passenser touf
Inn. starter and electric Hants. $1000
TUB WII1TK CO.. 2111 N llroad st
I. II O'NEAL. Spruce 50.10 Hace U3J
WINTON llerlln limousine 7 passenger electrft
llnheo nml ilnrlar- 1700
'cni.e vv'lll'rt.l e'n e1lt rc Ilrnael st
I.. H. O'NEAL, Spruce. B030. Ilace lIM--j
hoi ja leieMrvlllv innrlnir 7-tiassenKer. Yen
tine: specially attractive, $000 233 N Brml
street mM
1915 OVEULAND. electrically, equipped. Itt
new, bargain If sold at once. 1845 N 18th iu
USED TUUCKS Several well-known m;ke.
ranslnu from 1 to 5 tons, with and wlthoiit
bodies (larfqrd PJilla (0.2303 Chesjnut
8-TON TRUCK, van body, good conditions itU
cheap or rent. 1SI5 N 18th st.
Co Va tiolL-BZ
. rXHii MOMUlfrl
wu rn'
1 ' ye-O ' "ksH
w & I
Mmtm x;r i , l
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J , A 4- 5. WH&fe
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