Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 22, 1917, Night Extra, Page 6, Image 6

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i.JWuiiii)ia.,Jl"iUllilli!i H Wl
sjVBmira EEaBR-PHicADEijPHra:, mootjay. ramjAin.7 22, xorr
JDirects Premier to Center
All Efforts Toward Win
ning of War
Nation and Allies Await Final
Encounter, Emperor
LONDON. Jan. 22. An Imperial rescript
has been addressed by Emperor Nicholas
to tho new ItU99lan 1'rcmlcr, I'llnco Gbllt
tine, calling upon lilm, among other things
to seo that the. Government devotes It flrst
attention to tho question of supplies for the
armies of Russia, nnd concentrates Itself
upon tho development on a lares scale of
tho measures recently taken In this connec
tion, Tne text of the rescript, as tranmlt
tcd by Iteuter's Potrogrnd correspondent.
Having Intrusted you with tho re
sponsible post of picaldcnt of tho Coun
cil of Ministers, I deem It opportuno to
point out to you the pressing problems,
' tho solution of vrhleh should bo tho
Main object of tho Government's in
tention. At the present moment, when tho
tldo of war ha:i turned, nil thoughts of
nil Russians, without distinction of na
tionality or class, are directed townnl
tho valiant and glorious defenders of
our country, who with keen expectation
aro awaiting a decisive encounter with
the enemy
In complcto solidarity with our faith
ful Allies, not entertaining a thought
of tho conclusion of peace until llnal
victory has been obtained, I llrmly be
lieve that tho Russian people, support
ing the burden of war with self-denial,
will accomplish their duty to the end,
not stopping nt any sacrifice ,
The natural resources of our coun
try aro unending. Thero Is no danger
of their becoming exhausted, as appar
ently Is tho caso with our enemies. All
the greater Is tho significance attached
to the settlement of tho question of
supplies, which under present condi
tions Is so Important and so compli
Accordingly. I call upon the Govern
ment, unified In our person, to ilevoto
Its attention first and foremost to tho
provisioning of my valiant armies and,
behind the firing lines, lessening those
difficulties connected with supplies. In
evitable In a world war. I count upon
It that tho joint labors of tho wholo
Government will be concentrated in tlio
realization on a largo scalo nnd the de
velopment of tho measures recently
taken toward this end.
Tho question of provisioning tho
armies and tho civil population de
mands the combined action, not only
of all the authorities at the front anil
In tho rear, but nleo of alt the different
departments united under the control
of tho Council of Ministers.
Another problem to which I attach
supremo Importance Is tho further Im
provement of transport, railway and
waterway. Thp Council of Ministers
should In this connection work out de
cisive measures which will assure, the
full utilization of tho means of trans
port In order to bo able, through the co
operation of all departments, to fur
nish our troops, on tho firing lino and
behind it, with all that they require.
In pointing out thesa pressing prob
lems for your attention I express the
hopa that tho activity of the Council of
Ministers under your presidency will
tnect tho support of the Council of tho
Emplro and the Duma, united In a
unanimous, ardent deslro to carry on
tho war to a victorious completion. It
la furthermore tho duty of all persons
called upon to servo the State to net
w(th good will, uprightness and dignity
toward tho legislative Institutions.
In Its coming activity In organizing
tho economlo llfo of tho country tho
Government will llnd Invaluabio support
In tho Zemstvos, which, by their work
In tlmo of peace and of war. hnvo
proved that they piously maintain tho
shining traditions of my grandfather of
Imperishable memory, Emperor Alex
ander II.
Tho Czar's rescript Is of particular im
portance at this juncture In view of the
openly voiced suspicion In the Rumanian
Liberal press that the recent reconstruction
of the Cabinet In favor of the Reactionaries
meant a triumph for tho Germanophilo In
fluence In Russia.
Addressing the officers of his Rtaff on
tho southwestern front. General Brussiloff
according to tho Russkoo Slavo, uttered
tho following prediction: "The Informa
tion at my disposal and my personal con
victions warrant me in saying I am cer
tain Just aa certain as that I am standing
before you that during the coming year
the enemy will be finally and completely
r: - '- . . - "
iii...i t.. r n, i m nrwl X t 'rifl ttnnil
1 1IU1U " - """- " v - - -
In tho foreground is Trinco Frederick William talking with General von Mudrn, whoso role as an attacking commander was reversed when the French
recentiv oncned a series of nisauUs on tho German positions north of Verdun. Surrounding aro vnrious officers of tho Crown Prince s retinue.
Premier Faces Serious Opposi
tion From Liberals and
Labor Party
LONDON", Jan. 22. Premier Lloyd
Gcorgo faces what may provo to bo a
menace In tho Journalistic flro which has
been playing on tho Government from tho
beginning and which has moved up a llttlo
closer nnd Is getting moro and moro bold.
It Is not Northcllffe. Not yet. Hut It is
tho edlturs who woro ho condemnatory of
Northcllffa's-attacks upon Asqulth a few
months ago who nro now engaged In an
effort to "gas" tho Government
Unllko Lord Northcllffo's hammcr-aml-tongs
stylo, tho present critics adopt a bed
room mannor nnd administer their dotes
sugar-coated. They aro striving to produce
suspicion nnd dissatisfaction among tho
Cabinet members not included In the War
Council by working on their pride and
delicate, sensibility.
Lloyd Gcorgo took over a situation In
somo particulars demoralized. No matter
how cltlclent his methods may bo, some
thlng3 might get worse beforo tliev get
better. If tho Journalistic attack becomes
Intolernbly mischievous and If thereupon
tho Government should cm tall editorial
freedom, I believe tho British public would
welcome tho measure.
Meantime labor It tightening Its belt for
n fresh shove against tho rest of society.
Tho Labor party, which has grown in seven
teen years from a membership of 370,000 to
2.220,000. will hold a meeting In Manchester
thli week and Is expected to advance de
mands that will ecI new outposts in na
tionalization Among other things It Is
reported, will bo asked aro advances In em
ployment nnd housing for 7.000,000 or
8,000,000 war workers, tho raising of tho
rcalo of wages and tho adopting of a mini
mum weekly wage of thirty shillings (57.50)
for common labor, with a maximum of forty-eight
hours work a week, tho nat'onall
zatlon of land, mining, hanking and food
distribution and a general conscription of
accumulated wealth.
It la suggested that workpeople should
bo relieved of further Increased taxation
until all incomes oer a thousand pounds
are taxed llfteeH shillings ,n the puiirid
($3.75 on $5 or seenty-fle per lend nnd
that all unearned Incomes owt lli thou
sand pounds be confiscated. During the u .il
liberal pensions for the war-strlcUru anil
travel studies for all by sea and land me
Evidently labor means to capitalize) to. the
last dollar tho temporary advantage on
Joyed by Its preponderance In the national
defense and tho indi.spensabihtv of Its party
support to the prcsmt Government
La Nave Tedesca Distrutlrice del
Commercio E' Mandata a Picco
Dall'Incrociatore Inglese
ROMA, 22 Gennalo.
Un telegramma da l'ernambuco, Uracils,
dlco cho 1'lncroelatoro Inglese Glasgow, cho
forma parto delta sauadra die da' la caccla
alia nao od alio tiavl trdescho corsare. ha
affondato, a circa 1.10 mlglia at largo dl
Para, una navo armata tedesca cho st credo
sla II Vlneta. La notlzla o' gltmta a l'er
nambuco sabato sera, dove c' conslderata
como rlspondonto alia erita' glacche' si
sapeva cho II Vlneta si trovava appunto al
largo dl Para. La notlzla nondimeno non o'
ancora conreimala ulllclalmentc.
11 Glasgow e' gla' famoso nella caccl.i alio
navl corsaro tedesUie. Nella battaglla dl
t'oronel. al largo della coata cllena, nella
quae pordettc la vita I'ammlragllo Inglcso
I'raddock. II Glasgow, dopu aver uombaltuti
accanltamento per paiecchio ore contro
furzo superior! tedesche, rluscl' a fugglre.
I'n mow phi' tardl II Glasgow facova parto
della hquadra deH'ammlr.igllo Sturdeo cho
Incontro' o dledo battaglla alia (.quadra te
desca deU'ummiragllo on Spec, vlncltoro dl
c'oroncl, al largo dello Isolo Falkland, cd
nrfondo' la squadia tedesca. I Glasgow In
segul' e ragglunco 1 Dresden, oho era sfug
gito al disastro, e lo affondo'
Ierl sera II Mlnistcro della Gucrra puh
lillcava II segueuto rapporto del generate
Cndorna circa la sitiiazlono alia fionto
Tra la vallo del Rarca e quiella del
I'Adlgo Hi cono avuti duelll dl artlgllcrla
e si so no osscnatl inutlmentldl truppo
t ncmlclio.
iiul resto della fronto del Trentlno
c hu quella dclJc Alpl Glullo si c' nvuta
la Hollta attlvlta' dl mortal da trlncca
o dl artlgllciia. Ncl settoro ill Plava
i suU'altnplano del CarMi I nostrl re
li.ull dello llnee manz.uo hanno avuto
iiiiiliiilliiiliiiiiiliiiiliii!i!liii!iilliiiiiiiiiiiii:lWiliiiHM Mi
announce on, Exhibition o Pearls, Pearl
Necklaces and New Jewels from tlteir
New York Establishment
(South-West Solon)
from January 22nd to February 3d
0 fll, Wev '
iUllKk r O-.- lliff JU
or over twenty years
doctors have prescribed
to heal itching skins
I oytr file o reports, coverinjf a
$rio4 of twenty years, literally thou
pisdu of physiciana tell how successful
wm EesLnol treatment is for eciema
iwj tlwilar skin troubles. The first use
f lUrul Ointment and Rwinol Soap
usually stops tbe itching gad bunuufc.
tut uic'y mea. clear wy U trM of
wt.sjKii dines:
Resinol Ointment nnd Resinol Soap
contain nothing that could injure or
irritate the tenoerest skin. They clear
cittfiugs, cuts, burns, etc, RtsiaklA
SUlt MtU lor tae tkampoo keeps tht
kith- kmithy.
1?ead of Heed's
V Radical Reducl"ions
Furnishing Goods.
tl rllS year's Repric-
" in Sale of Men's
Fine Furnishings is the
biggest ever. People
evidently appreciate this
opportunity to buy first
grade merchandise at a
price saving.
$ .50 Neckwear 5 .35
Ulu.irtir duiru. SI. 00)
1.00 Neckwear 65
(c) mirier dozen, SI. IS)
1.50 Neckwear .' 1,10
ujuartrr uuirn, :s.)0)
2.00 Neckwear 1.50
miurler Uuirn, Sl.iS)
& S3.00 Neckwear
dluurter dozrn, 3.J0)
& $4.00 Neckwear
dluiirltr iloirn, $7.00)
dluartrr ilon-ii, S'J.50)
Mercerized Shirts
and $2.50 Mercerized
Soft or Stiff Cuff
Silk Shirts
Silk Shirts
& $7 Silk Shirts
&$8.00 Silk Shirts
Silk Half Hose
Silk Half Hose
Knitted Neckwear
& $2,50 Pajamas
Silk and Cotton Pa
jamas & $7.50 Pajamas
Silk Reefers for Dress Wear
and Wool Reefers of foreign and
domestic manufacture are re.
priced at especially attractive
figures. Underwear, Gowns. Bath
Robes, Waistcoats, J a c k e t s.
Worsted Sweaters and Belts are
included in this sale.
1424-1426 Chestnut St
srontrl con rcpartl nemlcl In rlcognl
zlone. II presldcnto dolla Cofcdcrazlono Svlz
era, Schulthess, ha fatto lo scguentl
illchlarnzlonl al rnpprcentanto dl tm'agen
zla tolctrraflca Itallana:
"I.a Confedorazlono nivptlca e' hen dcclsa
a dlfendTo lino nll'estremo la sua neu
trallla' contro iiualsiasl nggrcsslono o da
uualunquo )arte ciiRa. Nondimeno lo sono
ooiivinto cho ncssuua potenza hclllgcranto
pensa a vlotato l.i nostra ueutrallta. Qucsta
convlnzlono pero' non o' sulllclentu ad
Indurro II govcrno svlzzoro a dlsarmarc,
glaccho' fhso dcsldera convlncoro tuttt olio
iiualsiasl attentato dl vlolaro la ueutrallta'
lulla Svlz7ora trovera nuesta proiita a
difendcrsi lino all'ultltno uoiuo. 1,'onoro dl
una nazlono non dlfferlsce punto daH'ouoro
dcgll Indlvldul. Xel frattempo la Hvirzera
contlnuera' a laoraro nella sua opera
heneflca dl sollevarc le soffcrenzo del
hclllgcrantt t,cnza dlstlnzlonu dl nazlonatlta'
cd a speraro nol pronto rltomo della pace."
Telcgramml da llcrna dlcouu clic II
provvedhnento preso dnl goorno tedesco
per prolblro tutte lo tmportazlonl, prov
edlmento che era Inaipcttnto In Kvlzzera,
ha causato profondo linpresslonc Si dlco
cho 11 goerno sizzero protcstcra' prcsso
II governo tedesco glacche' tutto II sistema
cconomlco del Conteilornzlono vlcne a soT
frlro non poco con qucsta specie dl lilocco.
Award of Shell Contracts to Foreign
Bidders Blamed on "Unpatriotic
AVASIIINOTON", dan. S3. Secretary of
tho Navy Daniels believes It proper to glvo
navy oontiacts to foreign bidders It Amer
ican" bidders fall to meet requirements or
aro unpatriotic.
ThW dw, apropos of tho recent award of
shell contracts to lladllclds, of Kngland,
contained also the following fccntlment:
"Nothing but tho utter failure of the
most patient negotiations and appeals to
tho patriotism of tho llttlo group of steel
manufacturers who hao practical monop
oly of till business has made it imperatlvo
for tho Government to build a projectile
factory nnd glvo a contract to a foreign
bidder "
Daniels Is particularly Incensed nt tho
Bethlehem Steel Company's advertised
Will Confiscate Merchant
Vessels if Owners Reject
Lease Proposal
AT11HNS, Jan. 22 All Greek ship own
ers have been Informed that the British
dovernment Intends to charter all suitable.
Greek steamships, though leaving a suf.
neient number for tho country's necessities.
Some newspnpers hero are quick to lament
tho selzuro of nrcece's commercial fleet.
Different lerslons of tho Intended contract
aro published, but that which Is understood
to be correct reveals that tho terms are ad
vantageous. Kngland will llay JO shillings
($7 CO) per ton per month, tonnago calcu
lated on the weight of tho ship loaded. Tho
ships are to bo Insured by tho British Gov
ernment from 31) to 10 ($200) per ton,
the rate varying with tha ago of tho steam
ship. The vessels will be chartered for th
duration of the war and six months thete
after to make such voyages as tho Govern
ment desires.
It the owners are Unwilling to accept this,
agreement the ships will bo commandeered
nt tho rate of seven shillings ($1 TS) per ton.
Shipowners havo shown no dlsllko to th
LONDON, .Tan. 23 Tho Times' shipping
correspondent, commenting on tho forego
ing' dispatch, says:
"Tho rato described nbovo can scarcely
be considered unsatisfactory to Greek ship
owners, considering thnt the rato of thirty
shillings a ton dead weight per month l
nearly ten times the rate current beforo
tho war. Whether the otter of such terms
will bo approved by British owners, who
recelvo nlintit seven shillings n ton for
vessels requisitioned, Is another matter."
Big Prices for Whcnt and Potatoes
High prices provall In tho northern sec
tion William Whiteside, of Horsham, sold
400 bushels of wheal lo William Hubersack,
of Ivyland, for $1 75 a bushel. At a sals
conducted by William Stenhan, of near Kox
Chase, "flrst-slzo" potatoes sold foi $2.10
per bushel; "second size" for $1 82'Si j beets
nnd carrots, B0 cents per basket and corn
brought $1 1,1 per bushel
thing you've always
wished a cigarette
would do.
Wednesday you'll get tho
facts about
lucmmraMaasmuiiuiu nuwuuemc
ct"- y a uu bv Vt F A CT It
Held by the
with thirty
Company in Go-operation
leading users of Philadelphia
The White Company Salesroom
216-220 Tlorth Broad Street
A large assortment of White trucks 'recently purchased b
many of Philadelphia's largest truck users will be on exhibition
for one week befqre being put into service, thus enabling an
inspection of a wide range of chassis sizes and bodies, especially
designed for many different lines of business.
Among owners whose White trucks will be exhibited are:
Moore & White Company
T. J. Shanahan
Stedman Bent
Gulf Refining Company
James A. Hamilton
Dill & Collins
Sees 8$ Faber
August Doemling
Premier Brewing Co.
Wright, Tyndale & van Roden
Abbott's Alderney Dairy
Oliver H.Bair
United Gas Improvement Co.
Beam-Fletcher Corporation
Jos. Young I
John Wanamaker
Adolph Soeffing
F.CVogt&Sons !
Union Paving Co.
Vermont Marble Co.
A. J. Pusey & Sons
Miller North Broad Street Storage,
Atlantic Refining Co.
Lit Brothers
Hartzell & Moss
Keystone Watch Case Co.
a van
Truck buyers should not miss this opportunity to examine '
ifiafxr nt mrvfrkr frnl.' fTrro on rlm knl,n.l.i. i j.l.
a. vanw vn. xixwuwr uWi,ft. tpw omnium uiuugnt logecner an
opportunity to study chassis size and body designs which
pvnprir?nrr?d trunk users hnvf frmnrl fr hp mrof ooJn,,. ' .
W...J ,-- ..w w. w "iugt ottuamtiuiy iui a
wide variety of transportation requirements.
Philadelphia Branch
216-220 North Broad Street
-' ' ' ''''"' ' ' "''""""" ''"',',","', ' ' ' " '"' " .- . -I
SS?g'5''--lFJsfc'i- L3 rwfs"