i ..iiinu ipiiMIilUWu)jiiPipippiy -II HWHSIIJii BVENINOx LlilDGR-PniLADELPHXA, MONDAY, JANUARY 22, 1917 17 HHHiugn ju i. iiiiiiipBpBpwpypiwwyiij'Mwii im-wipjuim uf'"imA'iimnpiwni'ii""it;mnwimptwi mmm m r l I' ItTN' s igfr- t AUTOMOBILES For Bala Continued from rrrcertlsfl Paoe RhnxroN rhnssts tn (In running condition ex. EWSi.ni far truck blfr bargain Phone Walnut t i4 ASK lor " """""" - Pwrr t. tourlfiR fttl repft.r.n Hon" hy tvr- KfffTll"''1 l818 "P,,n,!Cr ,0Urln Mfi '""r -ml v Hi-null at IWTinNAl". 3 completely equipped gen E' Vrator. tarl erator, starter rnmor v.ic ,u,.,,. ,"T"-U lf. one n"cn conoiuun "" " "-" i-r-innItT; 1st model n cylinder murine &,CLD??iRTnnS MOTORS CORTORATION Distributors Standard " ni1 Allen 4 cyt rJsrBi.t) mid roadster model 71 run less Bvy'-'ifKi rnllea excellent condition throwthout ""ifABTK It" MOTORS CORPOnATION EAB7 ltm Chestnut st, M . ...iM,tnr Standard "8 ' nd Allen 4-cyllnder sWiTANI JtilM-Model SO 7 passenger f"nor, in perfect condition, run lew than Iwv ijlOEIvOW WIM.KY MOTOR CO "'" .1(14 N Hroad Bt Ttrgfit NI) I"!, model 80 passenger tour .E, ineicelVnt mcrhanloa condition "' 'uKJKMlW WII.1.KT MOTOR CO Ulu S04 N Ilroad el ClinB lull small n-ollnder In perfect con- If """'VlfOBliJW WIIMV MOTOR CO "...a.... iiiriniFfHi 3ni nroaoBi rAIQB ll" " pnasenger. o onnaer touring i cir: W.WVVK5 H-tt.t.uv motor ro ' 304 N Ilroad at pXIoB, 1IB 7 passenger tourlrfi? car, ii bargain m 'llOUXm WIM.UY MOTOR CO 1 mil Ilroad at RATFOnD 1 and 1 ton trucVs deliver the goods BATFOKb to Id at and Indlnnn nve ! STANDARD ' touring car. Just painted. ex I eellent condition ......,. .. fer 1831 Chtstnut st niitrlbutora standard "8 and Alien s ci. "Tri IB louring run onlv 2110 mil'" .., . TBWI "JKIVR VcnTllltS ("ClIll'ORATION """ 1034 Chestnut st , , , ....it...in. KtMii.laril H and Allen 4 cyl liaui"uv. " INTO.S late model touring llehta and starter. '""fcAhTr UN MOTORS rOllVOHATION ' 1034 Chtatnut at, Olatrlbutors Standard 8 nnd Allen 4 rl 1 mwi bflflnl sold at once 1M5 N lDth at fSED TniTKS ".eerol well known tnnkea 1 rinrlni from 1 to tl tona with and without i3Slapi"rd l'hll" lo W Cheatnut 1ffSv"TIirCK nn hod nood rondlllon Bell "I-il -.. iir. v luth ar . . a r AifKtFirtiiif nfiiiinnpii iihr AUTO LIVEHY AND QARAQES t KJPLAn, 117 To hlro (open dv nnd nlnlitl II SS hr alao lira nd new 7 pa llmpualnn jl to br weddlnea funerals 1715 Olrard ISDErEVDENT TAXtCAIt CO lludwn Super Six IJmoualnea Pnfdal nttentloii to weddlnm nnd funerals Li1:.!!.-.! niRit Kif r if.i Park 73 t PKIl MONT!! Indiana oahof: t i mi li AN'n INDIANA AVR 1 BUT MOITHU pnrtnbi Birnirn "tfel nr ntucco On nupifiv i n i mti hi " -" " AUTO REPAIRIlto T apnBDoMi.rnn thouhlks t Etu IIIM.Y nt his new location. Pin Nonni imoAi) sr 8EKVK B THAT IS HKAI SERVtCIl Hupmohlle Uepalr and Jerlcn Co Flaiel W Smith 3141 X Carlisle at AUTO SUPPLIES """ TIMIfKN'-nnAUINOS IIUTTT, JlfW Departure Service Sta The Owllllam Co . 814 Arch at I'h Walnut 3107 Race 30(12 PARTS IlOllfUS KNOINBH Vhlla Auln I'arl" Co i K3 N 13th Phone Park 1418 AUTO TIKES HEIU'LI.KS TIRES Guaranteed 400(1 Mllea DiS Jll Ml 31x4 $!- PI !tn.it. 71 t(lr4i, 17 05 HERl UI.ES TIRE CO 111 J N Ilroad at "T rl'I,I MAN TIRES Guaranteed ft'.OO miles Compare prices ORI1I S 23(1 N Ilroad at MxJtt .NONSKID TIRES 7 Jll tOxSW Red TiiIwb guaranteed 1 . Rl IWU'II TIRE lO r.MSAr.hst "T fORl) TIRES 30xVi nonskld 4. " All sizes cheap slandard mnke firsts t low ltlltenhou--bi Oerinanlown. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES NEW UP TO DATE sents- furnishing; store will Invoice about J4100 long leaaa and low rent, flneat location In the itty of Cheater, all sto k bought In the laat four months owner gone South for his health Call Monday morning J M UOMOKD fllfl Edgemont ae Chester I'h ESTABLISHED coal aand cement and build ing material buslncsa heavj teaming long distance molng subcontracting, laac stars pront 114 nnn wish to retire, write for d crlpllve folder Room 1 Woolworlli Ilulld- lng IJethlfhem Pa RESTAKANT for sale one of the oldest re' Hurants In the cits estahllshid 3" jenrs doing a largo business, noted all over the United States aa "Jack of Harts', price 13000 personal luterlew onl J Hart, 1L"1 andJ'.'S S 10IU at V3APITAI. SOLICITED In a tnfg Co which Is now building lis pltnt the only one of Its kind In Philadelphia, big huslneea In hand and Urge proflis treaaurerahlp open M 3.' Ledl'cr Ofnce FJtEN'TS Our 4 books aent free "How to Obtain Patenta VI' tor J Elans Co ! A Chestnut st Philadelphia OASOI IS'E EKtIIVU FACTOR""wnnted Will buy rem or moke suitable connectlona I 1 II3J ledger Central J IN ESTMENT secured h Phlla properties . Home Ilullders ( ompan lull Chestnut BUSINESS PERSONALS imrss scith to hire Cutawsvs Flocks and Modern Hllk Hata SAMl EI, COOPER 1IIIII Olrard nie Note (he ndrlreaa Pnnlar 11.14? PtoRNS nr.MOVEII JV curll. H for II lilt" rvwi.uit Til itecii ling 1'Jia Kii.iiKitr lltntlno tte Ledger whea paslng bill and get a box of foot powdr free Eatao 18S0 DIAMONDS nnuuiiT Dink refereneea Annrilaemenf I ne rent. ffc JIAimY W HMITII 747 banaom at btr.iu i lAUIir.n !( film Iteit atsles phono Poplar 23 Open ega I,niD.N'ER H 10th and Olrard ac H W cor SUfEnFI I'OCH HAIR remoed by electrolysis. In nnlV nrmannl tvnv lTvalit-nyi npi-hml WUISS 8MIVI 40.' Keith Theatre llulldlng L ;J5 POIND Irish tea gUon free with Irish S Y0.V.' 0T mailed to Ireland) JKI Parkway jiuiiaing FOR SALB BILLIARD POOL inmhlnuKnn Kwnnrfhgnl. 'bought aold rented exchanged, repairing. suppiisa i afo Keafer American manufac JJurerjJSI) Olrard a Phony J4ns23l5. Bbilli tng B SI1 UWUIAUII AIMU rui'KBT TAIII.1IS Also bowl. I..,i,.le" pnnnoirrapns easy pjy'ts llltuiva WICK 1IALKE COLLENDER CO 1002 Arch 9BILLIARD pool tables neiv second hand bawl D, L11 alleys easy payments Ros-Uto-Rarry-KS"t Co 2J.' H 8th at Phone Walnut 2JS4 1CASH REQISTERS bought exchanged repaired. :"; . " autipneo new any isctory reouni "sisters new total adders na low as 110 -all and see our new models Iteglsters sold ' .!. "Ii .2.iX. r?"'"1'' ""d fully guaranteed. THE NATI6NAI. CA8H ItKOISTER CO OFFIHR ROTIIPMTNTT Trpawrlter bookkeeper deaka filing cablnela, tsla. booths fllas safes household furniture P.u'ln Central 2d Hand Furniture Co U04- tfOWERS 0A MOVINQ PICTURE MACHINE. rwVJii,D,AH. NEW COMPLETE 1125 LlL!JEXCHANaE 8 E cor dth and Vina Bf,aEUAT0R3 nd ""urea for maat mi; mV?l.fl,c.'.r.,ecno,'".Bn'l tools stores and latrkita fitted up complata, monthly paymsnis Kir,.,,rJn" r aatlsfactory ft T. RAN. I1W - S- g- M " Philadelphia ' iff?' ";""?' w !"1 slightly used, all TiT-' ,womina, repairing, opening, all Xf9.' .""Proof, aTao thin wall safes, closing L OUE m. Ursa In . .iii.,i.. . .. , . ., -V.vr. V. ".vfc w ""! uaeu an ansa and - """' hlgbargatn,. 210 North Fourth st e.(KSEP OFFICE FURNITURE " if ii. ti..' '"Mlnabls In this line and plenty oilLVilf'S "ortment and best value In Phlla. IPWai fr. ,uto d very anywhere feu -'- ""ES Hth and Puttonwood bV fl7..?A'E0n. P L Vergn oil engine In & di j".,-,'namoni can te aeen running svsry ftltlv tor yfQnt and Venango als aVUls li?S 3"ur wtcn- n matter how badly arllh :.'."" Fans at coal, uriua inis a - T,IU " TIB Bansom at . Uoom S Karmats HEATING Ikr5? J''..r.w nsw and rsbulUt lT..w.,B ""in-Keisey hsaltn naai( W lastall cheap, mi Fllb.rV St. MACHINERY AND TOOLS arMSt?! btu- Ehsi , '-At, raLutxu and tocom iianu L.r.:- uu -Ii.ljll.v MI.III'KM S tf.il?: with flnlshail mSe-TSS. ana aocktt bsarlnss are the boat for alt r an MA yumt, WOKKB. 145 North Stoond CS DUAf-JIJNU APiU fj- JAlira ivtui) a SON rn..rWER Pl'ANT KQU1PWBNT , "lOtraos, motora. bollara. ateam am Pumps, in K TOOMEY in. 'esaora 2T N 34 St PJU3 raotara anil m&chin.uv bai 1Sa,n$f itr5r .'f? irTjai rr rtpiri 1 cr 4ntn ai- , ( 0 ij'ji x 3d si ftAN t, tn & bs k seared, beitvy dutv bHllVTIajrirl ..V UllLU IV? "O'ftW'Ia fM ts bos ', A s "tJ AcSi it 3 ojt t j r A Lr t tiLachtHery ' ' l i. 8i. liq$ Mb MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS ajlEAT APTrit CltRlnTMVS SALE PIANOS AND PLAYER PI VNO.S The extrn Inrjp? December builne-,") hroncht rl "'Rn orade pianos ns part paemont en Pianola pianos and Mrtrnlns Thfse pianos have been rebuilt In our repair shops and nre how fold with tli strong Heprf Runrintee whlrh meant full protection an I free cxrhings within one year. Prices hao been reducM In many cases to one rourth tho original alue of tho piano as follow s Checkering tester Miller Rehomncker Cun Sin.BhAm lrard Dlnslus etc at 7", IS5 100110 lis-, Mvi etc Eighteen slightly used pianos with three soundlne: boards Hepne Mirrellus tiils nnd crancescn returned trom rental accounts anil redjted 1,'n to $I0a below regular prlcra These pianos nre good aa new and fully guar anteed for ten years, Seirral ptajer pianos at 110 fi tW etc , coo.1 ns new and fully guaranteed Special ISO'S Wetwrrttld placr piano In good condition cot IO0 f I 60 monfnlv nnd wpicnrrlf Call or wrlto tor largo llln.trntcd catalogues and special plans of rnjment, IlhPI'E 8 CPTOWN STORES COII CTH X THOMPSON RTS PH1LA PA. 159 f.O VICTHOLA Vt nnd 0 10 In I) F records an excellent outfit for one who Is looking for a good machine at a reasonable rrlce weekly pnymenla accepted call or write or cn-tipleta description and large Illustrated myments accepted call or write iiBPPEs uptown STonrs "'or nthand Thompson ate tss ciiicKUiiiNO upniniiT tiano I10WA11D VINCENT S18 N ftTH A FEW Edison diamond point talkliur machines st half price small payments cnll or write for catnlncs an 1 inrnpletp list of bargains HBPPES litoun stores Cor (th and Thompson sts TOEIt PLAYER PI WO OUT OF ORDER' Pee us "We are l.xperia " Phone, call or write (Irs mi Union Piano Co 313(1 Kensington are PIANO Onlv 1-. beautiful tone I28'i upright elegant condition stool nnd delivery Included! monthly liniments P O llox .1130 Station O WM T PVRKER Music pnrtor slahdsrd BS role music rolls sold nnd rxchsnged. open j" and Sundais JJ4(I N Van Pell si Phlla PIANO tuning II repairing a snenlaltv 20 fenrs' txperlenri. i Mltrhell 312J V Sill lien nhon Kcnslnstim H40 US'. NEW CPIttnllT PIANO IIIhi Uuallt Ournnteeil TJ.HMH Jl 50 Will ELY 11E1.I.VK 1U'I ( IlEHIMJr ST I3S LATtOE TU.KI.NO MACHINE (Fdlson) with cabinet and records finished In n beau tiful quartered oak cost new "184 , can be paid at the rate of 73 cents weekb. an excellent largaln In good condition, cytuil to new. writs for catalogs nnd list of hsrrnlns 1IEPPE S CI'TOWN hTORES Cor nth nnd Thompson sts PLA1 Ell PIANO SS-note mnhngnnv case In ierfe(t (ondliton used very short time will sell er cheap for dish imke oner lot of rolls 23 Otrinantown ar OLD GOLD OLD OOI.D Cnsh pall for old cold, silver antiques clocks Send jmstal will call ROOERS J7 S I7th st llnth phones OLD COLD silver platinum plated ware ol 1 stsle Jewelrv teeth plitis bought for cash I'.st IS70 J I i lark nllnir 07 Sinsom STORAGE I 1DCMTY FIREPROOF WAREHOUSES 1811 1310 MARKET ST. MILLER ,N HP.O.D STOR OE CO Rrnnd ih Lehigh ne new flret roof addition rooms fireproof furniture and china packers into vans estimates free 1111 phon Tlogi 4J( 0 WEST P1ULA AUTO SERVICE MOVARCH RTORAOE CO Packing and Hhlnpln SS70 l.WCASTER AVE TYPEWRITERS AND SUPPLIES REMINGTON SERVICE dipIIps In tentnl ma c hlnes It guarantees s-itlsfacllon IslUlo models It h month 17 Ml for 1 months REMLNOTON 'nPEWRirER CO. INC '110 S 0th st WANTED CAST OFF CLOIHINO sho-s and hnta bought, send postal Sneldmiu 0JJ Poplsr st frURNlTEHH pianos carpets antiques, entlrs or part huuses bought for cash no matter how arg J Iternsletn 1334 Ridge nve NEWSPAPERS msgnxlnes rags Iron metals tsrpets furniture festhers ansthlng. evr. where, posisl Hell poplar 4Wi Key Park 1127 Oldt most reliable dealers in city DOI flHFHl Y vovs 20lh s( hel lefferson OLD OOI.D snd silver dlnmonds Jewelry and old falsa teeth bought for cash 133 S htb ROOMS FOR RENT CHESTNUT 2009 DESIRARLE ROOMS PET. MANENT OR TRANSIENT CHESTNUT ST 2041 Second floor back room, running water table lioard LOCUST 304 1 Outside rooms running water furnlsi.d or unfurnished Preston IN111 w MT VKIINOV 2004 er desirable lomfort nble third stnrv Imck has furnished SEDOLEY AVE 2178 Nice warm, comfort able rooms hy dsv or week, reasonable Phone Diamond 4013 I SANITARIUMS DEAt'TIFCI. LOCATION, special scientific csre nervous elderls every comfort, nurses' hook let Dr Raudtl Clt Line. Chestnut Hill APARTMENTS WALNI T 220 Secopcl story front 2 large rooms, hath private hall well he-iied. plenty hot water electric furnished orunftirnlshed HEST PlllIwlli:i.1'IIIA 40ril AND WALNUT STS Hotel Mnrlyn Three room npvrtment unfurnished, to sub let for bilaiue of lease living room bedroom and bath! finely located (IKIIMIMIIH.V THE NEW ADDITIOV TO PELHAM kOURT IS OPEN PELHAM OL'RP was not built to make an appeal to ery one but to ou who demand the best and are nci ustonieil to reielve It at n price whlcls considering what sou do de mand ami ret eh la moderate It will maka u strong compelling appeal PELHAM Ol IIT Is Indited at Carpenter a Station Ocrmnntnvui Just off teautlfiil Lin coin Drive on the IVnnsvlvnnti Railroad ."ill or ao trains a div aurelv transportation enough for any one .,.... ., Suites of 2 rooms and 1 both to tl rooms and 2 baths the slzo 10 suit our require ments P-' -a -" f" in I'll) up PHIIOM ( 0 RT Is a quiet perfect APXRIMFST IlfTFI and located 111 an ab solutely ld il ail exilualve suhurhan l atlon In a word sou mav ( line to Phi, HAM COURT and find a lierfet I suburban location, with transportation unexcelled nn Ideally con Btructed building quiet dlgiilded ilegunt Vou may aiei ( an ano'tinent of the nJxo to suit sour Individual needs so'l will find all our hiiusekceplng nrohlems solved and taken cars of for sou absolutely without effort on sour part sou wlP find a table of the utmost excellence at a most moderate price and the sama courteas service and otlentlon Is mil form throughout the entire establishment For full Information urr.ingi tnents for In spectlon and reservations tall, phone or v rllo 10 NORMAN 8 SIIFflWOOIl 1411 WAI.NUTHT .. SPRUCE TJ71 , 11ACE .102.1 or his repres-ntatlve nn the premises at Pelrmm Court Apnolntments ms be in id for nulnmublles tn raii at sour resident or business Plato nnd take sou direct to PELHAM COURT nt jour convenience and pleasure SlfllIIIIMN OREYSTONE 125 W sAlOOl, LANE. One largs doublo room good table, com fortable home comforts HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS f N. E. Cor. 17th & Walnut (One hlock from Rltlrnhousa bquarai i housekeenlng suites 10 rooms. Includ ing 3 baths I suits 2 rooms and baths 1 st floor professional office 1 rooms Fret use of laundry on top floor Tour Inspection Is cordlnllv Invttta MERT0N GREIMS Walnut (!"'' Itscs 2270 IJberly llldg Hroad and Chestnut THERE AWE SEVERAL WAYS OF SECURINO AN APAIITMENT But suppose. Inatead of trylns all thsss diltsrent ways you Just call at this orflve ths largeat most attractive and best equipped in Pnlladelphl dsvotsd exclusively to cur ing lust what thsy want fur particular people Wii u your requirements Tn leading and deSrabU 'ipirtm.nts In Philadelphia ar iiiiiit with or may be rsntsd through us Our L'utwnoblfis n waiting to tak ou to tha fiat of propertlsa you Usslgnats o that with hi RJast oosslbU artori ou may secure tha W. 'artmsnt In Phlla .'which nuwt Marly "0"hrorMAN"8Mlsl?SiwoOD al 111 1 1 tT. Be W KB 4 1 Rsc. S0JB ""new coronado CHE3WUT AND TWENTY-SECOND STS. Pitsnstv sltsrstloni have ben made In. ,lSlng sVrvlJi elsvator additional story for t?45piVtrtsaMiVr sta,L- ,,um SMYlUEL J, HENDERSON 01 M.-RRl&rouy-DlNO " 1401 N I" ' '"" ' L" " - Ten largi. luiiiln.di. HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS Coiilliinril from rrcetdina Column west piiir.ni:ii'jitA PI.0EYD0N AITS . 40th and Iicust-"-; outslds rooms and bath turn or unfurn . I43to loa Hl'lll'ltllXN Furnished HN'vsoMPl H'ltVISHED npls . 0 largo rooms j Inihs torch In the New nlssn hlikoti Acts (ju in lane Otn every modern conv s liar 7.-1I II APARTMENT HOTELS ACDINE HOTEL Chestnut an Nineieenin THE BF?T ROOMS AND SUITES With the best table in Philadelphia Day, Week, Month, Season, Year PARKSIDE APARTMENTS Miss McOlsde. Manager 40th and Olrard Avenue Opposite Falrmnunt. .Park . FURNISHhD OV UNHIRNISIIED Attractive aultrs of two and three rooms ana bath FP-TO DATE Sf RVICB hXCEl LI NT TAHI.E THE GLADSTONE 1ITII AND PINE ST9. Absolutely Fireproof EVERAI, VERY fsFSIRAHLH SUITES CAI1 HE SECURED ,, FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED THE MO.NTEVISTV (111) AND 11lll) STS Exceptional large riHiins newlv furnished, with lath and kllilirliett Including hotel service wcrklv and miuithlv rntes public din ing room elevator s'rvli- nnd all modi rn ap loinlments .. Arto phone o riiiiiiooic aont THE CLINTON TUNs,p,-t,BOW roo noot every convenience Furnished or unfurnished, either oy I'sso or transiently sultts of one or four room with bath . DEI.MAR MORRIS it.. Wrst Chsllen av . O-rmantown 20 I5j.nu'" from Ilroad St Station furnished or vnj furnished arartmenta, one room and oam sr more also liouselieeplng apartmenta HOTEL COLONIAL Spruco nt Bl.f1n' . " A select family apartment holel. all lsrgs airy light outside rooma sitting rooms b. room and bath with meala for two persons! isf, per week snd lipwsrd IRVING HOTEL .tS..iT walnut Amrrlron plnti. J2 nnropnn Jl up THE ESMOND ,8Ntc(,l0J1.',sTsT,, St'ITI-S OF 2 1 AND I ROOMS AND IIATK THE TRACT PERMANENT OR TItANSIEVT QUESTS 30TII AND CHESTNUT REAL ESTATE TOR SALE CITY SI,FIII, TWIN HOFSrs to be sold nt special prln s vou i in sive mom v ti rms to suit MlllN DOLMAN i CO N E cor Ilroad and ( hestnul REAL HSTATirrOR -Will Oil IIKNT UARUEll IIAP.TMAN .t. CO 1201 Chestnut "" roil hm.e irjq l ocusr sr Ilnndsomo prlvst risldinc 1"! rooms 4 baths I PVTIFIIMIN 1.1(1 s iith stores mid Dm Kings N F COR HUNT INO PARK and Falrblll good locitton for oyster hnuso and resttiurant THOMAS I WARD 4J1H N lll st WEST I'llll.MIKI.PIIIA 03.' N 4STH (ah Ilalto live ) Three slorv real denro 1.' rooms bllllnrd room renovated throughout as result of foreclosure ownrra will sirrlflce EUGENE L. T0WNSEND S E cor 4!Uh and Itnllo nve I'h Wood 1200 AN INVESTMENT of the highest tspe 10 B room houses In first i lass condition, alwass r.nted to snbstnntlsl tenants In section where values lire rnpldls Increasliut and small houses In gtent deninnd will gunrntilee good return on Invistment tllher for Income or ' spec", lallon T 11 Mnglnnlss .V Son 1000 Daltt ninr nve HAROAIN for colored home seeker 7M N 4(Uh n semld Inched 2 ntnrs porch front dwelling everv miiilern convenience 8 rooms large lot Jiixtni ft-et inn be bought for nmount of as sessment S.MIHI. terms tn suit WHITESIDE Met ANWHAN 11thanilPln HOMES H'XCRlllllS SPRUCE ST FAST OF 44TII 1 slrrv n mldetnched homes features beyond description location unexcelled garage prlvl ege sample house jfully furnished open THE CHILTON AITS 310-121 N 31d st Full of tenants paving Investment Price and terms right bee Harris J Chilton owner, fldll locust st 0 tn 11 a m IWO'-TORV stone front dwelling H rooms und laundrs ISth nlinve Chestnut rent 131 SAMUEL STERN. l-'Ol I hestnut st I SEE THE NEW SAMPLE 1IOUSH r.M HOFFMN AVE UNCI OSED IIEVTED pIrcii Vn-iii'Iio huh der SI. Ml I "It SAIE OR RENT LIST Slate l rb an I loinllon desired los AM EN POTTS nidi Italtlmore av 5,nvi ii ROOMS nnd buth uniil loiutlon main sir. 1 1 nenr tn lies E II AP.SLE1 fiStli and Sin llitllelil ale jr.OOO OR LESS 4HIIi anil Chester live. 3 sty twin newly pntred nnd pilnteil J nntns, value ISflOtl TAYIOR A SON 2d 8 40th 131110 WILLOWS AVE 17ltl to .ISth furnished ssimil house mien dally to 0 p m KERSHAW- ,1 CROW I, ownirs Mir, Cheslnilt st fJF.RMANTOWN REAL FSTATE SERVICE f!Al.l. WRITE OR PHONE Ol YNDON PRIES THAN 510(1 (lermantown av. I RfH: LISI OF ontMANTOWN HOMES 1.AROI. '''j;MlJli,,I:N. t HARRY l.lberts llulldlng Ilroad and Chestnut mm WW RENT and sale list of Oerinanlown nil chestnut Hill pronerlliS sent on applica tion II It Lister t Son SOU O.rminfn ave IF lOU ARE LOOKINO FOR A HOME In Oer tnVntown Mt Airy or f hestnut 1IIII consult me A R Median, U7I7 nertnantown ave mill REAL ESTV1E HUM.ETIN vvlll be aent to sou by mall on application, (lermantown I rust ' Clulten and Oerinanlown aves Ixigan .... ....ri-tili V.1' Cn (near Iignii Sta ) Modern lar. '.;. nnnli front dwg bit 11x0(1 garage, " 1 ".. aarl- I-- ss a.. I s. . ni offer Ivenneds . Itainlio .liw wn nve. up i. ESTATE mortgages and cotiveyinclni; REAL 'BJAv'j;I i rnvMllhllS 411 n N Rrnnd st p"NSSI.VM M'llI'IHIXN IIPOOKLINE Ilungnlow. brand new white 'stucco .lOxl.'S. hardwood Moors, tile b-ith. water heat fruit trees conveniently located 14800 J. Elmer Watts Ardmore i"i KINS PARK New Colonial dwelling in rooms J hatha hot water big bargain 3 mln fes from slatlon McCORMICK Mc t ("llMICK 1011 Chestnut nnd Elklns IVjrl. (H.ENSIDE PA Attractive detached S rooms all convenlenies terms In suit, 14000 UKNNIISOr.lt & RENNINOhlt Olenslde c-miNTRY SEATS, farms suburban homes and buildlne sites In northern suburbs of Phlla Fhone or write It J Dlger Ine Ambler Pa NFAHI.Y NEW Hrltk side sard liiima 7 rooms, tai'ndrs heater bath lot 21x'l3 J.'IOU 8WOPF. ft SON Dirbv SUIIUR1IAN HEAL ESTATE Anv price All locitlnns Sale or rent CHARM S HOOD CO Morris llldg T AROH LIST OP SL'RFElnN HOMES s-il or rent on lb MaW Line or Uridine Railway. WM II WILSON & CO Morris llulldlng SURURRAN RESIDENCES for sale or rent, attractive locations prices right Maurlcs J llcsoVfT Jleal Estate trust llulldlng 11 UN I INE P it. n iitiYN MAWR 1.'7 ono house and gsrai, Just flnshed on corner lot best part of Ilrsn Mawr, large pop ! "I"n fireplaces, vapor heating, hardwood doors n , PlPd for vacuum clean Ini cannot b built now for the pr ce. MAlMtAN DOLMAN i I o N E cor llroatl and f hestnul DESIRAHLB RESIDENCES FOU SALE OR RENT WARNOCK & FMI.E.N , OTIS Kl I'lL "ITJ AN1 HANSOM ST aiTiiACTIvn HOMES modern conveniences niir ihurrhes schools and stations, sala or ?enlJ M FRONEtlELI). Wayne Pi NI,V 4r ItSKVJiL'IU'KIl N VIPPINCOTT IX)TS AND HOMES HADDON IIKItllirB N J 1 WJM.ET I.H'PINCOrr " PEN.NS l. MA FARMS "BUCKS COUNTY FARMS " AND dOUNTRY HOMES '"Vfn.VToisV' W. FORREST MAGEE BOItTHAMPTON. PA flPPOS'TW STATION ni Af"nKS"northeen Cheater County positively 0Tt li id only IH5O0 J n Thompson Weil Clwwiter Pa. NKW JKBSKV FUtMS FAI.S.S IN SOUTH JER3ET 1IICNKY TAYI.OII VINKIAND N ) REAL ESTATE SALE OR RENT OITiTaND SUUURIIAN propsrtlts for sal or rent. Lower Merlon lUalty Company. Land Till llulwlaa Philadelphia Fa tITY HEAL ESTATE FOR SAI E OR RENT THE IAM 11TLB AND TKCST CO Bruad and Chestnut sis C.NTKAL FHOPEKIItS JAMS P 1vWcllltI.tlj'.nd)n4iD4n bU. L JWI WAU4UT tjlTRtl- r W Cor Van Pelt tl rooms 9 ba h SAMUEL i-KVlg Kal Ksia liu, Bidg REAL ESTATE SALE OR RENT CVmllntrrt from Preceding I olntnn i- PE.N.NS1,VAMA ftlllttlllAN 11ALA-CYNWYD Largo list houses sale or rent at all prlcef flamul C wogner jr Commercial it 'lrusc llldg 15th and MarksL .MAIN MM!. P. It. It. MAIN LINE Rest line of Main Line houses either for sale or rent, at all Prices HIRST McMULLlN West End Trust llldg REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE S2D BT below Norfls - Well rented 8 story dwelllnga. will take small houses CHAN i. UROWN ( (1 J17 S Hroad st IF YOU HAM". UK VI. ESTATE to exihange sc us It will pay sou Isen A Co IWW N '"h 100 INVES1MENT houses for farms with alork elc ISEN Hioj N fclh at REAL ESTATE WANTED FOR FMILY HFYFUS , I.tPT YOUR HUHUllIIVN PROPERTIED NOW C P PE1ERS A SON 001 CHESTNUT ST WILt. IIUY chenti real estate, inv section Phlla. delphln Immediate answer brokers protected Chester D Rnttncr 14 JO Chestnut St. OWNHIS i:l.l t TORS OF ESTVtES If vou have nny proitrty 1 to 100. houses indisposes of nulckls see me ISEN Itnu N 8th st REAL ESTATE TOR RENT CITY All new 7 rooms bath latin drv gas nnd electrlo lights, COZY HOMES ol water Heal MATTHEW W DOFOHEHTV I Ontario sts bTORES AND DWELLINGS In all sect ons of city see our llt In lb I.deer Saturday , SAMUEL T FOM A, CO B E Cor nth and Callowhlll. 2017 2010 N MAIIVINE ST Threo stnrs 11 rooms conveniences, one order rx.nl reduced kevs Ifllli N '-"J.,81., Wf L CIIAI ENS SONS lllrt N 7lll st 122J CHANCELLOR ST Sultahlns con tractor's nffIC MINTURN T WIUQItT A CO Morris llldg 18 1)13 I.XNCEY Pt.ACF 12 rooms and 3 baths rental ter annum 11100 EDOAR (I ("ROSS 1411 Walnut st. Easiness Properties and Slores MARKET ST. (Ill Enllro building IhrouRh to Commerce it I suit retail or vvholesalo business. Immeuiats ppsesslon . . Apply PEVNA CO nt7 Chestnut st 27-20 11 S 4TII ST First floor. 1000 sou irn feet ALSO EASEMENT DESIRARLE OFFICt.S AFIOMOIHLE MEN Stnill Ilroad st Bloro. low rent suit lire repnlrs etc , slram neat. light IOHHIS & CO RldKPnt Ilroad siores nnd Dwellings VI RY DES1RA11L1" store combined with small dwelling 1410 W ( umbcrtnnd st , Ins Just been put lii llrsl diss condition oppos to largo rnr burn wi nib rf tills Bond business location, hundreds of i uslotm rs w iltlng for volt to open vour store suiicss aw ills sou biro moderate re'" NORMAN S SHERWOOD Spruce Till 1111 Walnut Bt Race 302 . 311 N JD ST store and II room dwelling 1IYEHS A IIA11TH RIIXIEAVE AN'Dlnrll Furlorlrs, Uurrlinilsrs, Mfg. Floors Cohocksink Mills ""..rotfa!3- Floors H000 to IS 000 so ft t chenp powsr. R P McNEI'LY 171J Rnndolph FCTORtES and floor space of everv drscrlrjiiiij. Phlla and vlrlnltv FACTORY E.VCHANOIJ, Stephen Olrard Hide Filbert 4700 Race 20.3 FACTORIES sites wnreholl"s floor spnio ex rluslvels J Alan Mlddletoii Factorv Special ist and Engineer IWI 11 Wldelier llldg HAM! PMITY who will erect building, central or other location for satisfactory tenant. D1ETHHICH 717 Walnut st lOU REST Small rooms Willi rower Apply engineer 2C10 Mnscber st llll'lll,1. HFSINI-Ss ItOtlMS F.1C. DHEVEL lll.DO OFI ICES Annual ltcnlnls Mnrrl Itonms lion ii.mi Jl IS I 111) I Jin Jinn Suites 2 Rms INI II nil IlitJ J-'L" !fr.:Ss2 Suites J lima J.'71 MOO t l.'l '''"""., ?i Ciirnr Sultis 4 to H Rooms 1010 tn 11(1 iO ELLIS D WILLIAMS ,1011 Drexel llulldlng " 112 SO IIP.ID11UIl.niNO 113 00 Centrally locnted. nil conveniences: rsnts attractively low servlc continuous J1H00 1211 17 Filbert st I22J10 wi'Vr riiii.Mil I phiv APARTMENTS . STORES AND DWEL1.1NOS WM. H. W. QUICK & BR0 INC. S S KITH ST t.l RM1NTOWN DETACHED residence 1J rooms nnd 3 baths, garage I1J1 per month to responslblo tenant. 8 C. Tourlsun 7011 Hoscr st MORTGAGES MONEY TO LOAN ARTHUR B0SWELL SIS N 1JTH 3T. Trlsate irusl and llulldlng Aaaoclatlon fse " FUNDS FOR MORTGAGES " Repayable In terms of years or on Installment plan. Northern Trust Company ATI! AND SPRINO OAItDEN $100,000-4'2FLAT BPECUL TRUST FUND TOR OOOD FIRST MORTOAOra HORACE H riin. 711 WALNUT ST. TO SECURE A MORTOAOE lie It first or aecond If sou desire efficient servlre quirk and satisfactory reaults and moderate charges CAM. PlIONL OR WRITE TO US "Your tnortgare will lie ss (rood ns placed " NORMANS SIIEIIWOOD 1111 WnlllUt.sl 150 NOTE Oil MORTOAOE Immediate Settlements TO Unsettled Eslnt Iians Rultdfng Association Fundi J1000 DEMPSEY A CO. ' 27 South Iflth st MONEY FOR MORTGAGES ,!U,,dVn?U,LANC,,''.;,,,"nW.i,u,..U,U,:' sTRonr MORTGAGES VPIT IN SI MS 'lei SUIT 51 IIEROEH i l 7lh and llreen BIB . NO COMMISSIONS premium or entrance fee ' Lnan on 1st ,'d or stilt miirlgaB.s city ni sill-urban Prompt srvln Is HiilliHn Him alio" meeting 4 IS Ilimrs. J II P VIST Sec v lllin 000 TO INM'SI" In ilrst inorlungeB In sums from Slooo up also building ussiiclatinn tnones for h, cond mortwagea fl ( SE1DEI. A C" 4lh and Callowhlll ta FUNDS for tlrst seeond or split mortgages eollHiernl nnd short term lonns in nnd murt- irilgs ee .nn, or hut lillllg opt rations ARFRNETHY 131 S 12th 2721 N filh 130. 1100, 1200 TO 1100(1 TO LOAN l.CWLS A CO 1227 West Olrnrd ave TRUST FUNDS For any goo 1 mortgages 1 EDW'AnD LUT 2UI N 17lh t ALL AMOUNTS 1ST AND 2D MORTOVOES Aiei " Quick Answer MAURICE II MATSINOER Rl Tst T Ride FUNDS FOR 1ST AND 2D MORTOAOKs" rV' l MORTOAOFS FOR SALE THFO F. NICKLES 2111 Oermantown ave MONEY for mi'teesges Hocks County property MONM ' ARTHUR P TOWNSEND I Incoln lliilldhir Phlladslnhla "" "TRUST I'UNDS FOR FIRST MORTOAQEa Tliuai '.,1,.rjNi."s A STETSON ijiNi) title nuii.nivn MONEY FOR IST"aND 2D MORTOAOBi 70") WAIN TjT8T IWOISPRUCF ST - FUNDS FOR A1ST AND 21), M0RTQA0E3 POTTS A THOIiri01! 1"l Frsnkfnrd ass " MONEY FOR MORTOAORS UUIinlNO AND ASSOCIATION FUNDS HENRY S R-ED 1420 Chestnut st HENRY LOANS ON INTEREST IN ESTATES f l JOHN A HAHRY RUT Land Title llldg; ""advances to mm ders specialty 1)18 1VAI NUT ST KMnROF.NCY funda placed ut once anv umi Imm'dlsls answer lowest rates P X DE ITaNY 1112 Ilneoln nida Hroad A Penn q tvtin KOflOtn loan on real estate security vTTNns for first and second mortgages sni 'amount nurck answer f as W MILLER 401-407 Commonwealth Hiilldlng viONEY"for first and second mortgages building association and nstsllmnt mortgages W'lltli- Winchester Co 1001 Chestnut st UONFY for firs' and aecond mortgages private' fiieiila end lin'M'- sslllon WM FRIKDRICII A CO 8(11 N 2h t XiTl. AMOUNTS tn loan on 1st and Sd mires" Chss '. P Young 400 W End Trust Rldg v- MONEY TO LOAN "MONEY TO LOAN Est u arrange a loan for sou Strictly least rates Pasnwnta as low aa M tatr mouth. Our service Is courtou cotwldaraU ( AMERICAN LOAN CO. hr.on. 1208 Chestnut St. 7u,Fta0r Kentgoe Rac-e 4 01 HU FUtjeirtJJJU "" "Vr.lt fANI HORHOIV M ON DIAMONDS JEWsJU JTTC ea r 1KO Vt b 178 AND UP 1300 AND I P JSOO AN I IB SUobsn Oil a id Ud. 11 . l;-.h .t. mnnp?i KtrfflGr-N. zgKF???W ' The Young Lndy Across the Wny Tho young lndy ncross tho way Eftys alto titnlcrstntids that a great deal ot money used to lio mado out of oil, l)Ut Blio supposes n Bood Koaollno wel Is ci or so much moro laluablo now. Handicapped by Poverty An Atclilnson eolotcd woman ivho fronuontly HtiffBrs beatings from hor husband was nsltod why sho didn't have him arrested. "Well, 1'vo been tlilnkln' 'bout that a good deal," sho replied, "but, fact is, so far I ain't had no monov to pay Ills fine " Kansas City Star. Not for Him "I notlLOd Jlr. Dubwalte didn't take icry kindly to my little talk on self mastery." "Of course not " "Woll, why not?" "Ho has n, strong minded wife and three grown daughters who resemblo their mother." Getting Away Trom Trouble i-rj.ctuti TUtr H- nmiiB m'chty olstisr people coma trom Kurope She Yes, and tbi cloerer they ar the Castor Uy comt IwoiweR ooTRft&e Hmu , tA-'l w JS lau OtciOf rn Kr.EP tni watafew mikoh yoj Thins. 8"i navincj TMf Nvrs &6 Vou yxe it tscreif To T OV.0 CAJl POU Blt?tAI.. II AV.S AlcS BOIT1 TIl.uT tjjt) Tt- 1-ITn.tOU) BPf4U SHOP ANOTMtPJYeA.il ."tM;EDS AMD Vv.li tretjINr. GONP OVdJP AND ll-AMP (T BORA sCX . SMl'U.Bt UtTTetTjeArs COUP1.6 QB VWUK& I &Wm in I hr.orz &&:- . AND atT Atiia.tf-is7 tthsn otT A grt'j S AND -THE FIRM f lcA, ., CL "twwAi 0g paint "3b?vNieis m yfeTa out - ca-puunm! rr--, IjcarrtRRW TIRES, 4T&ii' fAU-s, in I "fcS ly ' trCRAPPLB THK PAU'JCD CELL ' f Wi5a )t j (fcrNV4v(it, V J HAVUaRO I NOW TELL ME, DOES IT I'AY? TUB WHONG KIND Olllcer to Tcmtniv tup fm overstaylni! leae) But that's quits a dUTrent story from tlio one you told tho birireint last nlBht' Tommy Yes, sir; I thought of a better ono this morning! "Can't Do Done" "Sirs. I'razulcr complains that Mr. Vraziler no er thinks of nn thins hut business." "What would she fenve him thluk about?" "Soulful tlunKi- Bhe't nn esthetic c rent tire." "Now, that's lust like tt woman, ex pecting ft man tu conduct a flourish. Ini; plumbing business und ro about looMnir " n y of tho valley!" SCHOOL DAYS r ...! ' i -nii iWJ OF IMPROVEMENT eTnTTTiel j.unilun ieyt lundsr. "The Fewer tho Soup Fred Ilutchlns, assisfint ninager of tho Hotel Sherman, Chlcaco, was the aithor ot the famous riddle which entnnnled the brains, of savants and statesmen nnd which inmilrert "Aro noodles twins?" And now Mr. Hutchlns Introduces tho most practical worklnc slogan for flRhtlng the high cost of living. "Tho flatter the plate, tho .'ower the soup," said Uutchlns. I5i .