Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 22, 1917, Night Extra, Page 12, Image 12

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JK2fl?here Isn't Going to Be Any Baseball Strike, ancU
few, Dave Fultz Realizes Tt Frai. Doesn't
, ivMieHk-- , , ,
f question salaries ot Men
w. ,
ferf',,7!XPER1EJsCED n,cn- men wll no ii"?et1 to tiro ways of our cruel world, light to
m avoid strikes nnd resort to lliem only ns a Inst extremity. Unrieualt players,
Ths Eriuly ' whom may bo called experienced, Imvo thought over Hio propo.cd walkout
f f''i?SesIfcd y 'o Ft'112- of tho Players' t'rnternlty. and as a result of tills deep
y,waf,U8ht n11 of the strike tall: has fallen Hat. In fart, It Is safe lo say that thcro
VnUem't golne to bo a strike nt all. i President Fulls: apparently realizes this nlso, for
mont 's statement Issued yesterday ho endeavors to explain his sldo of tho case nnd
ir Jfeks Iho public towlthhotd Judgment until tho true factsnrc known. These true facts
klaaro been presented, but they do not seem to clear the situation. , The bend of tho
tiaeST"' admits that tho salary question has nothing to do with It, nor have, llic plus era
Vlri tho National or American Leagues any particular jrrlevnnrp to tight nuout. IJut
LU i tho minor leagues conditions nro changed. Thcro tho poor, downtrodden nthlelo,
P U.ho 's torccA t0 worIt - couplo of hours a day for n couplo of hundred dollars it
Xejgejponth, Is put through tho Simon Logreo stuff by tho hard-hearted magnates, nnd,
J -the conditions are fast becoming unbearable. It Is gifting so bad, says Dave, thftt
'"'"Hho player must pay his own carforo to tho miring training camp. It wirely is in
iia Hira
OUgh ltfo to lead.
Fraternity Seeks Recognition and Refuses to lie Snubbed
"OUT concealed in the lengthy explanation Is a pnrngrnpli which tells It nil. Kotno
J ' tlmo agp tho Frat submitted u bunch of reipstt to the National Commission
'' -and said llock was acted upon favorably. At the same. time another hunrli of sng.
! -sestlons to Improve the condition of the lowtv ball toser was handed lo the
i National Board, which bus jitri&dlctlon over the minor leagues. This board tlirew
'e papers Into tho waste basket or something anil Ignored the Frat, tho piosldcnt
d everybody else. And thcro is whero tho big kick came In. Tho Fraternity
eks recognition nnd It Ml' ST Imvo it to exist. Therefore the strlko threat was
lied, and tho players In tho big leagues nt first thought It would be a great stunt
355 fall In lino to help out the unfortunata guys In tho bushes. Hut when they
-nd that they wero getting In bad all around they soon changed their tunc, nnd
n tho strike stun is pulled only among the players who will bo benefited. Tho
leaguers aro getting writer's cramp signing their contracts fou 1!HT.
m J" W V
J a, If a Strike Is to Be Called, What Will It lid?
bo thofUST suppose a strike Is called beforo tho season opens and tho major leagito
papcrU players remain In the old homestead instead of gamboling on Uie green. AVhat
K poetofcrlll they strlko for? They admit that the salary question has northing to do with
I Jt nnd other conditions nro nil right, so tho only thing left to do Is to draw up n
i number of brand-new demands to bo submitted to tho magnates. 1'erhnps they
'He) tyUj jnast on an eight-inning game, with time and one-hnlf for overtime. Also, It
I W -would bo a good stunt to hold" out for n. two-lio"ur-n-day tlmo limit. Can you imnglnu
" what would happen In a close gnmo which tins gone extra Innings, tho score tied,
three men on baso and Ty Cobb nt bat, and the shrill blast ot tho whistle puts nn
,. ond to tho conflict? "With the spectators worked up to u high pitch of excitement
Ml1, and Ty ready to slam" the ball out ot thu lot. tho players would not mako much of
I ' a hit by calling everything off when the tlmo limit expired. Also, it would be u
"L "Wise plan to Insist on indivldu.il shower baths, breakfast served in bed, sleep only
Ui in lower berths and ride to and fiom tho ball parks In tuxlcabs. It might bo possi
ble to get away with this stuff, but that sympathetic strike talk never will' be n
success. From our viewpoint, tho only thing left for Dave Fultz to do Is to unit
Ban Johnson to return hi? Xmas cards.
Cut-Rale Baseball Again Is With Us
HEN tho Federal League was limping along tho rocky road two years ago It
was decided to cut the price ot the bleacher seats nnd allow tho fans to wit-
las the game for tho small sum of a dime ten cents. Tho plan was a. success
d moro persons attended the battles. It was thought that tho i educed ratti
ft was gono forever when tho Feds took tho count, bat the enterprising backers
'4 tho South Bend Central League club havo gono tho thild leaguers one better.
hey have announced that three-cent baseball will bo put over this year and season
-et3 for the fifty homo games nro being sold for Jl.r.O each, it is behoved that
escoV)Q tickets will bo disposed of and, as tho expense of tho club ts ?1 0.000, tho
3n wnjrg wjj reap a handsomo pi oflt .something they haven't experienced In jears.
"tsisreat little Idea if It works IF It works,
t Managing Boxer Easier Than Playing Ball
lnj-TNCB one Davo Fultz edged into the picture with his welUtnown baseball strike
n. the Up has been passed around ns freely as suds beforo election flay that the
ill player Is the most overpaid toller In the world of sport. Incidentally, we
old no brief for the manipulators ot tho big ash and ilio horsehlde, but to nssert
ashat they get theirs easier than all other Ilgures in tho athletic sphere, which
eaiust include managers of fighters, is going a trifle beyond the limit.
jr.). One of the surest ways to wealth and a method that Is open to any one able
ed to'splll extravagant claims and assertions, is to grab tome piomlsing young man
' 'jvlth a square Jaw and primitive Instincts, and "manago" him in a pugillstlo
Fcampalgn. If tho boy contrives to battor a few other lads into submission, all
v,hat remains for tho manager to do Is to claim everything in sight und then be
on hand each night that his meal ticket battles nnd collect tho manager's per
centage, which Is seldom less thnn twenty-five per cent and often as high as
Htty per cent. Easy It has playing the market beaten to death, for you can't
t i oit Much Did This Manager "Earn"?
,, JHE contributor who reads that Battling Bill gets $000 for a wind-up nnd further
ittof learns that Battling Bill's manager gets twenty-five per cent.of that naturally.
j,jcn includes that the battler's manager must bo something of a whalo, and probably
!ut $? en0USh t0 short-change a Broadway waiter. Nothing like it, Mawruus.
Xpe Aa an example of how cute the average manager Is, think over tho per-
toutVormance of one which was perpetrated at one ot our largest clubs this season.
This manager'a boy had deftly and swiftly hung tho knockout punch on the Jaw
if his opponent. The latter wus out cold, and the Instant the winner, an in-
tors lelllgent-looklng youth, saw his rival lying prono before him he knew that ha
and vfy.3 out for many times ten seconds.
-rmj Humanely he assisted the refereo in lifting the fallen gjadlator to his feet
IBQRnd carrying him to his corner. The thing was over and this display of decency
leWos m.ost gratifying to the fans, the referee, and every, one else in tho build.
''ng, with tho exception of tho winner's manager,
q v
a The Wisdom of a Manager
' ETUH3 latter rushed madly across the ring, seized his own hoy Jn his arms and
''.I Hterallj: tor him away from the- unconscious youth, who would have fallen had
'his own aecon,ds not caught him.
j What a stupendous exhibition of wisdom It was not. It hurt his mtn's
opularltyie.monff the fans, it hurt the club and it hurt the gome ot bosinff.
, Mier say that tho crowd likes a knockout. That is all true. The fans do enjoy
toe contest which is ended decisively, but there never has been a boxing crowd
.Jhat exulted oror the prono and unconscious body of a youth afte
,ttle had ulslded. The moment a man goes "out"
ter the heat of
a revulsion nf fonllnc ni.
jqws, particularly it the beaten one has made a game battle. And because there
nai thla revtasioa esaetune im laua juo o ee mo ueieaieu man assisieu I)' thQ
ikan vtxo a. second "before beat him Into submission. It is a salve to their ron
Icjenoa. Ko !essMMrtszlacUator-than Peter Jackson was tho noblest noman of them
nain wben, It 9ma to sportsmanshipthe sort of (.portsmanshtp that knows
prjiercK-imctidecimcov Jackson never inflicted unnecessary punishment and never
rlodtoi!ck: top a. man he had knocked out when that man was helpless,
j How-Jackson Treated Slavin
OTrWni$Dan4!oflila never-to-be-forgotten battle with Frank Slavin at the
f- National ftpottlnjr Oub, London, in 1892, tho colored man smashed his right
flovo aulnsW31a.TaSJfsranil tho latter started to sway. His knees wero giving
,cB.way beusatb. &ta, tout tie refused to go down. Another smash ami flavin's
ers,rn)3 fell to JJs-tdflea. Ho -lurched forward and even as he fell he tried to btnko
rit Jackson,
Om,9 xnoraMlBJvto bought his way to his feet before the fatal count of ten,
Sut he was raoQnff (tnd Jackson caught him in his arms, at the same'- time ap-
jgaJlns to the referee to stop the fight. There wasn't a chance, for In tnose
Uiiya the men tattled to & finish and Slavin appeared to have some little strength
pt, Jackson, than, tried to push Slavin down, believing that once on hie floor
ka Gould, nq reach hla fset a second time. Slavin, however, clutehed the ropes
I is 4th onohaid tmd made a feeble effort to hit his merciful opponent. In the end
f ovbksoa landed a Jlght punch on the white man's Jaw a punch w ith Just enough
ffeejilad It to snd BlaTln down.
wjhit: -was,, tactlca ot this eort that made Peter Jacken one pf the most popular
ever stepped, Into a ring. The young battler at the local club had the
. but his high-priced manager the man who eatleets twenty-five per
fcHpltaejrJng' bun through tae pugilistic workl straight gummed the whole
Wnx niiouiun t nsv-ati a tnnitr.'
HUB first indoor ice hockey matches played In this city in years attracted large
cwd to the Winter iJanien rink ant the speotnturs weie pleased wuh the
wt Same ot the fans, wn.j had -et.i iiuithcs in oihei uties, weie in
fijid faalt with the ine or the link wnu.ii uitoed tue munuo uajns
'Competent Referees Now in
Charge of High School
Basketball Games
Never In tlin history of basketball In tills
Rcctlon linR the (loiniind for Mlllrlals Iippii
great, and the I'hlladi-lphin ltnnnl or Ap
proved Saltlnll (lltlrlals has hplpid ron
fllilcrobly in siipplvlng men pnpnlilo to
handle the rnntesls. Tlilo bodv siippliei
cnpablc nllli-lnls for tho big seholnstlc games
In thlR spot Ion ot the ptitmtrv
"We ate iiipptlhg with grent micro!"." et
tilalnpil iMilIlp n. t.pwis. rtmlrinan of tho
boiird. "Irfipt wrpk iho dntnnnd for compp
trtit rercrtips wn grpater than tisitnl. tind
soon vve will br tinahlp tn send ntllcluls lo
the pi'lmiils asking for them, for the mipplv
Is limited I nsvlKiiPd nix nlliclnl" In gnniet
on Friday mid llvi id gnntes on Hnttinlnv. I
ri'tereod the Upcirgi-Mt'liool-lhivprrord Hehoel
"It Is surprising to note tho lniiirnv,niPiit
ovpr the old method.' rontliiued Sir. I.pvvIs
"The liriiud of rofereelng In the High School
Iieiigup Is the best we have ever hni' All
olllohils are hiimiui beings Th( nrr con--iclputlmiK
nnd vvnm to tin wlml Is right, but
Ihpy have their 'off days' ns well n iiiiyone
else So vip miiHl nut be loo critical anil
expect too nun h nf them
"Players Don'i llotmt Us"
"There ns n,tiinc not very long ngr) when
the pin .vers would 'roast' Ihc oltlrinl A
referee onll have n bard time and lend n
very inliprrjilo life Now things nre verv
dirtcrent. Ho you know, In most of tho
gamcs1lin plnycrK seldom, if ever, wiv
word, to on offli-lul now whon fouls nro
. "The game Is cleaner, the feeling Is hcllci
and the spectators arc sntlsflpil thin Hi.
nrp vvltiiessltig n good, clean, hiird lmtile.
with nil the had feeling left out, It l
friendly rivalry, nnd the comnotcnt nlllcmN
have much to do with tho successful in
sult "
Mi'inlinr-lt Scholastic Lrntlcr
Tho week ending Saturday In thp IliBl,
School League hapltrtbnll gamps nuiikcd
tho.ndvnuce to first position of Melnhnrift
of the NorthenBt High School, with n total
of ninety points, with Ilunnln. who w.i.
leaner tno previous week, In second place
Ilminln has seventy-two points. South llnl-
iiuuipiua nail a rattier disastrous week In
basketball, and nil the players were off form
In scoring. Jlourndlnii. of Ontml High, Is
num. hiiii secniv points
(lermantnwu lllgirs quintet mnde a won
dcrful showing nnd advnnctil In the Imll
ldllal stnndlngs. Iletzmer. Kisher i.n.l
i.-ingncr inline Hie most mar ked ir.-ilns
the .Second Teuin League division Karl Har
rison is sun ine .o, i man. ilnnv ehnmt.M
nn- being ntado on the l-Ynnkfurd, V,st
1'hlladulplila and Tmdfs teams.
The standings.
MeJnhanll Northenntt forward 2.'
HUTinlllL-, SDIlth 1'tlthi . fnrvfinl lii
Maiiradt&n Ontra!, fonvurd. . .
h held ah, (Ynnhfurd. forward. . .
.luiviiy, i rutins, lorwnrd
Trnutweln (Vntrnl. fornrnrd...
MornlnKreil. Trudi-a". itntpr, . .
Jlurnott. (iurmantuwn, fnnMird.
brluyarcs Ontrnl. iruard
f'lurlrn LVui 1'hllu n.i,i..
Vattiuan. Kouih Ihlla fnrward
A'vuxrru, npuin i'niiu. rfnir.,
MuTRtatt Northt-aat. fnruanl ..
J rilvr arrinantown. fornai-d .
lrMtjnpr, dprmnntimn forwunl
m itribn. rvorin-annt. irtinri! .
'Aahlcpnazl, TradfH', furxtard
Hurlinwn, went Phila , uuartJ.
.-Muniot-K. i ranes . i;uura 2
l!tzmer. Germantnw n, tenter , 7
Mile tone, South l'hllii., Rtmrd.. 7
Armstrong; Central, ct-nter 7
Jlerzoir, Nfjrthtrnit. tenter f
Adumt. Weat l'hila , lentur.... 3
Carter, Northeast. i;uard z
i.uaoue? standin;u
Central lllfih S.liool A
Ocrtnantown Hlsh Kohuol ;t
South Phfla. llich School 4
Northenat llleh School a
a Kphhnl
. f4'i-
Votoran Pliilly outlloliler, who will
"stick" by Dnvo I'tiltz niul tho Fntt.
11)0011 liASEDAl.L DRILL
ni:v imi-NHwiric, x. ,r. .tsn 22 in
door bnsebnll pnu-tlec Mlnrt" In I'liuiept to.
day. II I" espected that there will l,n a
Frpind of uliotit II ft men xvoiliiug out In
ii few ilnv wilh .1 imnilii 1 of piti'lUntt 1 ,ui
didatci iiutniig ihciii
'J lie LcttHm? )! (Ince-Upoll
flilin Upon it Hull! fcuCii'
it frccklril, (Jdi-ednl rlfoli' I' id
K111110 tle tllf n It stlninlir'H liirllm
A Saiin ("ill enmh ronl blnl or ulrriliil
Who frnrlw Iht Ifiorlil hut (Is phirf
'The yellow .ifiitWiltir Mifinl In W)ht,
Or Ifcicrt) Inr roscbilil dioieelf If
jlluiil fie t(cio 0 iiiorlllii!; oril'
A )lacc u.-'it-ib tnonliiitf ii-lirc jiriwe
Kill thut ti'da "OHie (IJioil (I Unit? "
Ami once njioii u flnie Atnw
1it Home ilr Hide clum. nli"
Unokcit olit (inoii fit ii'mit viih finlh
AM) fnllri loif Hor ni- fie trrnlfh
fhnt toomnl nliot r film firo-ipi Mtr jriiw
47ir lorulfh 0 itrrUnis t'mf ttililifl.'"-! ifohiu
Jil! sAlidotdi-d uW 0 sfwis mul IKH
Ami vnnhhtd In Ihe fai-'Off foiril;
tlr Mw Ihe ifrnrtm but ' "' prfiiif
jtltl that him "once iifioli (i flmr "
The. Arrival of Mil Miskc
AYKAll ago even the most direful fccnrch
through the sportlni? PHes w.mM find
only 11 eimunl ilienlUiil of unj ftMlil'i by the
lulnie of AllnliO.
MWUe Was then nbout ns well known
IhlUllRhoilt the country ns some Class )
leaguer batting around .2iC
Not that Mlslte was a rincs O leaguer of
the .22i5 mark. Hut of such wero the mnlli
roinponeiits of hW fume.
Tndny, tlmlliiK tile llljlit lieavywelHhts,
Miskc elands nt the top. If any man hnd
nuHBested sK iiioiiIIih ago that any of the
llltht heavies could take on Welnert nnd
Jack Dillon within four dnji and einergc
with the bulk of the laurel Hie tip would
linvp been taken as u nierrv Jof-li
Hut tho answer icsts Willi the box score
MlskB ba scrambled jti to the top under
the 200-lioiind lirlgnile--through Hi rough
nml ready n field ns the game has shown
fof some jenH
If Mlslec hhirt riitnetl Ihe r.idit t meet
lJarcy Hi the llrst IiIh liiteriiatlmial biittle
of tho jear theie in nothing left lit the
records. Nothing whatsoever.
"Speed U one Iblng thrtt doesn't help
In golf." niggests a eohtcltllioritry. t'nless
It's spefil in addition.
".Itick .tolmsofi may change his piofes
slutt hud take tip hull flRiilliig In Hpnln."
It he retunicil In America lie wouldn't have
to change his irbfc.iloii.
The Adverllslng Llolfeis foregather at
i'liieliurst this week, hut It Is still a matter
of doulil ns to how inttny of them Will be
keen iiboitl ailvertlslng their scorei". There
are nlwnya limits to one's piofesslon.
"It has' been proved that rookies can
live on Iwnilj-flve conls a day." It M118
nlo been proved Hint a camel can go eight
days without taking a drink.
Comfort to Cnffcra
Dear Sir Though t rtnllze that a Con
stant Itcnrlor has no iici'lal privileges, stilt
I doBlre to extern! n vote of thanks to
Andy, who snys "('oiinige is keeping ime-s
head Up." His "short, sli.irp, ciinclllilvc
definition" In the Siiortllght will bo n gieat
comfort to many of us when the weather
gets warm or we get to .warm weather.
If "keeping our head up" constitute1!
courage. 1 nunlify with 11 good many hnn
less thousands, a host, yoil inlfiht say, for
I hate to remember yio niillioii'" ot times I
hnve said: "Keep your bend down, you
lillol," und then "concluxlviiy looked upl
mvirmr HAitritiuaK.
If keeping one's head Up were an act
of courage, as applied to golf, then tha
gulling clan ns a whole would constltuto
the bravest order the human race has ever
Half Strides
A nation can grow ns soft nnd ns fat as
an individual, And when the test arrives
the answer Is tho ijatiie.
Atgumciit ns a gahio hns but two weak
iicsips you can't win, and It you do, It
doesn't get jolt anywhere.
Anolliiy Strike
The next move will be for golfers lo strlks
for these demands:
I. Twelve-Inch cups on the putting
2 The abolishment of all blinkers, traps,
pitfalls mid high gr.its.
.1. Tile abolishment ni nny penalty for
slicing or hooking a ball out of hounds.
i. The abolishment ot all other penalttos
now enforced.
B. No strokes to count beyond six.
French Overcoats, the
New 1917 Coat,
to Order $20
Hii, tl I 11 iluiiily, too
jnu'll like the xt.vlc. Tliey'ra
ncliuitl.v worth S40.no. Auk
to see ttipoi) OvercnnlliiKii.
Billy Moran ';? 1103 Arch St,
Phtl.1. Trnilen Srhhol.
Went. I'llll.l. High .School.
KrunUfortl lltnh ischuol...
Ilnrrlson. rrnnltfoM. forward.. 4
I.ehr. NortheuHt, forwunl .... 4
tleventer, Houth Phlla , nuaril . 7
Krnvnz. Hoiith I'lilla . foruard Hi
12enion. Truiles irunnl it
(loldblalt. South 1'hll.i . forwur.l 14
Malntonh, Went l'hllii.. forwur,! M
linvls. VVcit J'hll.i . rurwanl ... S
UlnHinore. Oermantown. forward .1
I'nul. NortttenKt, fomtird 10
I.Hbruin. Central. Ktiard
Honetsky, Bouth I'hlla . center. , .i
Kauvtr. Franliford. forward.... 4
How-ells. Northeast, uuard
Wells. Oermantovrn, renter ... 7
Iiessen. South I'hlla . guard ... il
MacJllalne, l-"rankfurd. crntur. .. 8
Sell, NorthuHt. c.ntt-r it
Thomas, Norttiant, furward.... R
Qu, Nurtticmt. euard &
I. w-lj-Vrt jr . , f .rawTWei'lWIMjlMiiiiW.MIIJWllilU.IlIMlUpJaW 'f 11(1 'B' & I I 'I' I'l I
N EM H FLCTJgyAiLtK jrC'lt7nV Jf v w D l3rlwCTtlf(M GlkmM ifftWI
Won. Iist. P. (
Soulh rhllad.lDhla fi n 1 linn
Norlheant Illnh .School 4 1 .Miu
West I'hlladelphln Hlch a 2 gnu
Frankfnrd Hlnh School 2 3 ,4iiu
I'hllacllrhla Traden' b'l-hool I a ,;-,n
Central llleh S.-hool t a l",ci
Uerrnantown Hish Schuul 0 3 .uuo
South Branch V. Jt. C. A. Ileserves has
organized and Is booking games with re-r-rvo
nnd third-class teams. Jloma games
are played Thursday night; games away
any other night. William S. Phillips, 1715
.South Twelfth street.
Player want ts ulcn with In or out of tonn
nte as eubstltute. Han not jilujul for two yearn
Was. In line-up against urh teams aa Hmde
wood. N. J.. Ht. Jami. Trlanglea. of Urook
lint Mercury nve. CreKcenti, of Ilrooliiyii. ami
Hamilton Institute Plata center or icuard
P lands alt fret and weleha 100 pounds Joseph
Thompson. Ueneral Delhery.
Foater A. r. U nrranetne (rame with third
and fourth class teams, aw-ay, A. Turean. 2201
North Seventeenth atreet.
Frankford A. C. I open for January 27 Feb
ruary 3, 17 and S for flm clan teams. 11. M
btearne. 1S2I Ituin street.
S I'. C. Is booking: games with third and
fourth class teame. away. Joseph J'owlen. 333
I'ln atreet.
Kt Paul T'nrnhlal SL-hool lia
narruhlal sohool teams In Phlladelo
nlo 1'aMalaqua. IVul Kimball street.
pep dates for
dphla. ()ome-
Frlenda' Weat Philadelphia team. 110 pounds
la tmokins home and traveling- samea.
mackuurne, aula roweiion uvixiue.
Ilethel l scheduling flrst class yamea for
datea in February with learns havnur balls
Karl Martin. 'JOL'U Nor Hi Eighteenth atreet.
Soulh Uranch Y. II . A. Juniors defeated
rrllrhard Juniors 40 to II It bcln- the fur
nwr's fifth con.ei-utlve victory.
IMiila. Seeks Grand Circuit Meeting
ATLANTA. (Ja . Jan -"J Horsemen interested
In harness racing are here for the meeting to
day and tomorrow of stewards of the Grand
Circuit, during v,huh datus for thi coming
season will be arranged Among tho rltiea
Hhleh have been mentioned for dates are Jack
sonville, Boston, Peoria and Philadelphia
Three Racing Days a Week at Juarez
JUAREZ., Jan 2'.' The Jujr.z management
announced that. U-glnning Ibis week lr.ere Mill
be only three rating da-s each -.-k until Ibi
close of the meeting Racine; days will be Hun
day. Tuesday and ThursJa
lieduted from $30, HZ and S0
See Our 7 Big Window
S. Ifi. tor. vtji and Areb bis.
iil VMPIA A A "road & llaLobrldje,
Ula?IViriV a. , Harry EJwurds. Utr
Hike Ualb is 1. aorta UUrlUiuru
Buck Tajlo. i. I iu
.rite O'Uury n Al Nelun
Jlinsuj, Alet bIm r so .t, llin'.'Ui
The principal difference be
tween Murad and most 25 Cent
cigarettes is Quality in favor of
This fact has given Murad a standing
in Society, in Business, in Clubs, among
Connoisseurs, such as no cigarette ever had
The greatest selling high-grade cigarette
in the world because it is so full of goodness.
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JBBL VXK'rrjs asfiBB
sHsaaBD Ml tftf J s" Bti'tk 1 I iH.3wV. raaVstjQrX lTirOTsTaL. I AtV" 1 B
V Wn,-&: .i VAX fcOlw J I FTSP iim ?5 , l Hirwi y" ih.t'mJ
bhp mL. j a.u jLm 'iiirsariii
saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarsaiaaaaaaaasaaaaa I lillli I . 'ww' FStffi ...
li8t at
Wk SCI Btaa isev i t -t i evei'iieio.-, uie spun mi j-itse psr
y Loiwd V9, Eddie W&Jace
i-lUh 43 JJWluie4 p srotfUfiMfcAt 4Ui
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