'a'tptSV-y rr5t- EVENING IJ.l)(HCIl -PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY", JANUARY 20, 1017 I W 1 lr MANUFACTURER IS BEATEN BY THUGS Robbed of Several Hundred Dollars in Daring Hold-up IN SERIOUS CONDITION Taken to Hospilnl With Frtic i....,i 5t.-nl1 ACini StriHrirlo II With Robbers I,ii,i KmnUopr, sixty-five venrs nlil it mr-mhoi "f the Manufacturers' f'Uili. was beaten mm" t t" dalh 1i.v thug" armed with blarllack- in a tiTild-lip nt Twelfth lltlil rijt fonl tro. ii early toitay. He In In n serious condition n( st Joseph' Hospital, ntifer lg frnni n ftaC'ired ahull. It In TcnfeU ho ma' '1' The nttm k occurred shortly nfter mid night The veteran manufacturer nindo vntlnnt clT..ri- lo tlRnt off hie nssnllnnts tn,l ,, ceded t.n snlnsf illnmnnd rltiBi Milueil nt Sinno which lie wore. Mi was robbed "f e,or.il hundred dollars Hi cash ,n() r n diamond masonic ehnrm. The IhiiRo, as though rnrnged because unable i" te.'f nlT Mr. Krnuskopf's rings. Ml' his fltiBors nml blackjacked lilm before in,v fled lie was round lying unconscious on the tieet The police hne sent out n partial de prlntlon of the iwn men nml, hope for their Wt srrest before nightfall. Tin" attncii was tald Ii be the irnel daring in mi" chv hi mnnlhs W Mr Kiausknpf Is n manufacturer of snap- i W mike.- i.i.itoil.il. nt 130 North Third ft. , m.ie' .-,. ..-l, I.'t-ntihllti street 11.' lles I" '"'" """ " j Hreet , , I Mr Kr.iu lopf told the police Hint In- hiul i bfjn i.i tlie l.llieit Thentre. nml was on 1,1, ,, h.ime w lion tho nttne'i occurred. I i n.is ,, I'Unc on Twelfth street near Ox- , ford w l ii fo mo" Bprnnc from mi nil.. and hile one pinioned Ills nrms liehlnd him Ihe other Miuck lilm oer the li-nd With i a hlai Ki.ii I I He iini'il mid lieeame d.tsred, ho a.ihl lie rcniemliei i being lilt with n blow rrmn a I fist He i li-il for help, he i.ihl. iilthotigh the thuBi Ii led to sturr n hnndkeiohlef in hl mouth He henid riltiiitiig footsteps, v,a pviil.ined nml then nothing nioiv until I ho aw oka In tlm hospital ! The m.uiiifni liner Ii suffering frnni n J fractured .Knit. so ore scalp wounds, shock j nml otlnr contusions. Ho passed n rr Miles I night at ihe hospital. Later this morning, j ho ni 'Id to be testing full I. eonifort blv i The polne line been nimble to get n j eonneited toiv from lilm. owing to hli Kmli imsi imii I'ondlllon. The i Mii't iimimiit of his Iosm ns ,i;i. Is not Known, lie lias milled .i l.ui;i uni or mone wlileli tlm thieves tool; when they tilled bis pocltelts. I)otccti,ei are run Hired that they tried to bite awa Mesh from Ills HtiRers In mi nil- suecenil elTort to Ret the rliiKH. air Kraickupf s h.imlt wpiu badly luecrnted It ii thoimhi Hint Mr. ICimirUopr's cries for help friKliteneil away the times. .ItnlK lriT from the time he wns found by the police of the KlKhth and .lefrerson utreets ctatinn. be had not been iinoonscloiis Ioiib. Aviators Defied Desert's Slow Death. Cflnthitteil from Pane One dlseoAereil when lhe liitd In make n land lnff bei.iu thejr ,;aolmo wem low In the landing one winu of the nuiiliine broke and m.ub tlie aeiopl.me uselesi Then it was that the llleis found that instead of being in then own round, the werii -50 miles frion S.ui lie(;o in Ale'xicu AbaiiilouuiK the aeroplane, tlie two men took all the food thev had i nrrietl aloni; with them and one RSillou of water nml dtarteil tlie lour; liike northward to i'iil lzatinn and afety Uobertson, In his state ment touched onlv lightly on tho Irardshipi the iiad endureil tho desolate sttetehes of counit, tbioui;;i whlcli ihey pnssed. mid the loireiitial iniiis b day and icy cold b night HifiinK ph.,snal exIiaUBlioli. the two of flceri kept up their walklniT uliilit anil du.. For fnui ilajs they subsisted on one Ballon of wa'.i foui oraiiRes 'nml four small Bundwn lies Then the wnter was ex hausted. That was Sunda. The game da Coon 1 laslmp lieRan to lireali under Ihe strain Itobertson, too, was veak, but. tronRei than ins superior olllcer l-KHIT I'Oll I.Ib'JJ 'I'll.. i il.i, the men faced sipiarely Ihe pioblein ot bfe or death They seemed trajp d in a place whcie there was no way out In a last desperate endeavor lo Ret Old I'.r-lion pi utilised that he leinnlu behind on ihe s.nnls and that llnhertson htrugsle on alone .ind ii lo llud uid Tills was done I'i.iiii that time furnuid neither man l.ol a di op in drink and uluiost until IliK i i i .it lti'biition tuminucd bin norttiwnrd jour ne, lb i mis, i, nd his utrctiRtli and moved lol, 'I be i est day lie strueli the trial of human beiiys H.meily lie followed It until he .ame upon a party from Welton. Ariz m-.iii liliin fur lilm. They had nn Butonmhtte and Itobertson was able to lead them to i lie spot whero Colonel ItiNhop lay exhausted Waul was then sent to Vunu snd the nimm.indlni; olllcer of the t'nlted States tniops tiieio sent n party into the deseit and joined with beaichers from Wel ton and Ajo At last reportH recehed by Colonel tUass tord. n union departnicnt uoinmuisiloner here HoberlMin expected lo nrrho hero to da and llisliop later. ROMANTIC CAMDEN MISS MAY BK SOLDIER'S BRIDE Believed Amelia Dorothy Sannino Hits Kloped With Army Man Met at Movies Amelia Dorothy S.innlno, pretty, romantic nd secnteen. is inlsjinR from her home, J0!0 Cooper stieet Camden, today, and her parents Mr and Mrs Louis Sannino, liavo appealed to the police lo find her. IKf lno B"' Packed bgr suitcase, took eery ..kuio iii utrseu irnm ine waus ot ner home and walked out of the hous-o last tilsht when the family was at dinner. She left no word Her father told the police that ho feared he had eloped with I'rUate Alfred V. Bunting, a twenty-seven-year-old younR man from Trenton, who has been stationed at Philadelphia army recruiting headquar ters, 122D Arch btreet. Just a month ago the romantic, little maid jnet the man of military bearing at a mov lng.picturo show in Camden, whero she was Introduced to him by his cousin. Mrs. Flor ence Dai. of !)3C Lawrenco btreet. with nom he made his home. Tuesday according to word given out today by Sergeant David Tiger, nt J'hiladel. Phla army recruit headquarters. Hunting as ordered to Fort Slocum, N. Y . on ac count of behaior. Sergeant Tiger was much disturbed when told,today that Hunt ing bad been in Camden yobterday. 'We gae him transportation and sent ii to Von slcu" without a guard." he Mid. "and we thought ha was there by Jv If he does not report there In ten cays he will be u deserter from tho army. "' ought to get some word about his ar rival or his failure to arrle by Janu ary ;j,'i Mrs. Pa is, tho woman who Introduced " young people, eald today she urged Hunting not to take the girl away Hut Jh it0' feara ,ney haNB l0T&l When n left home Amelia wore a dark blue jreas. a black oat white furs and a white bhe is dark-jkinned with dark lilr l ta excepttonajly pretty. MISS BESSIE C. DU PONT TO WED WlUIItfOTOU, "ot . Jan. 20 Miss Hcssip r-n'onovo du Pont will bo mnrrlcd to Hcglnnlil .thlppen Ilnldplcopor. oMVash inRlnn, mxt Wediirt da nt 4 oVltipk In tho n f t or noon in Christ Clitii'ch. Chris tiana Hundred. Tills will be n rnnrrlaKo In whlcli (lip (i,i it0,t fnmlly nml WllnilitB tun nml WnMilnRton sorlPty nrn liwnly In terested. Tlirrp q re Ri-pt that In fiitiito Mls tin ivmt will live lit Washington, ns ulio H VPry mitrh be lovptl Itprp by rnmlt ntnl frirhtls. At uiil mm lipiimlt nfrnlrs she alwnvn Riip vpi Bom-roiisly of hpi thlptit. tn Wn.shiiigttMi. ns Mrs, llti id eh o ir I Mliw du font will fill n tlellBhlful mcin I pi alllon. Mr. lliilde Itoppr is i, member of the bur of tho Dis trim of Columbia. The mnrritiRp of Mis du font nmi Mi tltiidplmppi' will briim tiiRptliprn Rrent mntn fit in 1 1 v connorl Ions and friends, nml will lip tvltncsspd by a InrRP Bntliprln, The rippptloi,,i,l tticlinmn nf Hip bride's mot her. Mrs. It. (Ini'dnpr ilu CTuir. I'ont. will bo com Hirnliely smnll nml will bo limited lo Hip fmnilies mid ,i few Miss rhi IVnt'H Klsler, Miss Vliiiiiini" she will walk lo Hip iiltni' Ulli hot biotlipi mmM& 1sWF kh.ssltt KiVP n.ssotil In Hip inlirrlilRi'. The p.ilMi ici'tiu'. the lte. Unbelt Cub's, will peifium Ihe reremon. Mr Itiiidrkoppr will bp nttpiulinl by his brollipr. Frpilprio IIiildeKoppr, or Wash ington, in lest num. nml nil tho itinera nro WnshiiiKlon frlpnds, with Hip cs'opptlon of I Tour F. du I'ont. of Wlntortluir. The others are Clnrotu-i Wilson, Mr. Iliildo Koper's law patlnpr; tlcneriil Cluirles I.. Mi'C.iwIov, ('. S. A: Cinilnlil Frnnk It. MoCov, f. S. A.; Alpuiidef 15. Leisure, .Inhn II Meiilin in. Walter H. tliitto nml I'lodpiU'k II. Hronlto. The wodilhiR Journey will In- In the South mid afli'i M.nrli 1 Mi and Mrs. iruideKoper will be nt liomp ill 1707 New llampslilu nenup. WnshlnRloli crrV pension law opens WAY TO POLITICAL ABUSE OiK'mii.ution liosses See Means 1'oreinjr Iletirctnent of Oltl Timo Jobholders of iirgmil'atlon ward leaders nnd ulllco seekeis with political backing "ee In the city's new pension laws a means by which old-time cleiks can bo forced Into retire ment and positions created for Hie "liuiiRrv" Job seekers who dally make life miserable for leaders of both tactions. The enforced retlte.nent of Leo D. Firman from the $1100(1 position of assistant chief of the Klectrlu.il Ittupiiu Is looked upon as a start In this direction. When the pension laws beramo effective the llrsl of Hib year, only nine old-time woikeis applied for retirement under Its benellts This small showing so nlnrmed place hunters that Influence was. In a num ber of cases, biuught to bear ,to hae the older men quit With tho first month of the new law not yet passed and 6:1 1 place holders eligible for pensions, fewer than three scorn have oluularily offered to step down and out. A larger showing Is ex pected ;ih the year advances. Chief Firman, who is tho utily $3000 mini in many months to quit his place mi the citv paroll on request, lias been In the city oiniiln for more than twentv-two eats The present electrical chief. James F McLaughlin, under Mayor Iteybtiru. ad u licet! him to the position ho held up until the time of his leslgnatlon was asked for lie was ousKil un the ground that his place was auperlliious nespue tlie si.uemeut that the position of iiMiistunt chief Is to lie nbollshed politi cal gossip is to the effect that the place Is to bo given to Prico I. ration, son of .State Senatoi IMwanjl W. ration, a Varo leader POKER PLAYERS OUSTED FROM PENN DORMITORY Tennis and Wrestline; Stars Reported Among Those Caught in Kxpensive Game There was n 'Tull hoilMi" In one of the most popular l'nleralty of leunsylama dormitories lat.1 night. Today there will he t.eeial iicnticies Sis. In Tact. The leason Is that n member of tho dormitory house committee strained his ears while passing down a corridor when he heurd the wold: j Queens'" Some one followed It itu with "hullets. three In number. Another voice satd: "J'asa the buck." Investigation roiealed n poker game in full swing U was homo game tlerore u student cutlld enter It ho had to put up H) for his teat The six offenders were repri manded and ordered to gle up their rooms. I'oltcr Playing Is strictly "tabooed" under the rules An ren dozen were ejected or a similar offenso last year. of tho Lint sextet, ono 13 a teunls star and another la faid tp be a member of tho varsity wrestling team. HAYDN CliUiTCONCKUT Women's Chorus Heard to Advantage in Attractive Program The Haydn Club, whlcli has taken a very definite place among tho city's musical or ganization on account of tho sincerity and mert or ts ciierings. "","."r, concert last night In Horticultural Hall. Gertrude Hayden Fcrnley, who corulucled. has trained her forces excellently and Hio results of seeral t-easons of co-operation between musical director and singers lias resulted in the selection of good voices, the acquirement of facility and technical efll clency and the development of hroad and sweet body of tone. All these virtues were ? cdence in the midwinter program, whlcli was marked hy considerable variety of mood and change of accent. Tho most ambitious offering on the pro gram was the Victor Harris "Jmocation to St. Cecilia," a ery melodious and musically meritorious work, in which the chorus has an elaborate Instrumental support of piano, cello and violins. The large audience en joyed especially part-bong arrangements or ICthelbert Kevin's "Doris," Schubert a Sere nade" and Cectle Chamlnade's ''nt10' Stars." Arenbky, Matthews and Shelley were also on the program and there were two quartets for Women's voices aung uy members of the club, Including Louise Sler rett Hazel. Mr. Alfred Moore Gray. Lena Buehn and Loulae M Keene. Incidental solos were sung by Louise Sterrett Hazel. Mrs. Alfred Moore Gray and Marguerite Crowcll Xlarr. The asalsting artists were the admirable second concertmaster of the Philadelphia Orchestra. John K Wltieinann and two of his colleagues noted for dibtinctle abil ity Alfred Loreni, of the wollns, and Karl Knelsel of the violoncello section. William S Thunder was th effective accompanist. t I n-.t .ili I I I ! I iiititn lie ft i mis II. du I'iiiiI. will lie in' Alfteil ntiir du I'unl if liiiiini I nnithcr ntnl Will NEWSPAPERMEN HAVE THEIR "BOHEMIAN NKJHT" Actor.-i and Other Friends Join Pen and Pencil Club in Frolic of Many Features .Newspapermen nnd their frlenils loiiieit bunds last nlnlit In the bnlltoom or the llelleMie-Sli tlford and skipped through a select program of v.iudellte and dance and ended the intertalmnent with a "mldnlRnt rrollc." which lasted until the stars laden out. It w is the minimi NlRlit in Itoheuilii of tlm 1'eii nnd ivncll Club nnd the celebni linn mmked Ihe sller Jubilee of the or ir.inliil.on There were seernl features to the affair In fact, thev were all features Hut Kl Cola, from tho Niton Thpatte. humped into one of the strangest vxueri eni es in his inieir lie had so many mu sic it Instruments for his part In the show Hint a taxieab was not laiRe enough to haul them llo turned down a motortruck, be lieving that tho Jar of Hid vehicle would injuie Ihe Instrument. Fred Whitncv, Ihe president of the Ten mid Pencil Club, did Ihe next best thing He obtnined a hearse from Hller II. Hair's nnd hauled them lo tho resort of the good llohemians in It (lno of the hits was tho well-known Trilby StritiB llund lb-hind nn eseoi t of nietub.'iH of the Pen and Pencil Club, this oigaiiizatlon marched down Ihe tetitrat aisle playing lively tunes. Another big bit of tho slum was the net offered by those three kids, llassen, Seileis and Weln-f.-ld. They piesenteil a number of timely character dances. Miss Mary Itarrett and lkuili-1 c. HonoMiu ueie participants in a musical Interlude Miners who appeared were Leonard and Wlllard, William Penn Theatre: Tracy and Mcllrlde, liloho Tlicalre ; a dozen "Maids in Phlllj ." Hljoti Thentre; Olga Mishka, Niton's (irnnd Dpera; Fields and Itlrnie, Cross Keys Thentre; Hello linker; Oscar Shaw and girls, from the "Very Hood riddle" company; Hllznbetli Mm ray and lllchnrd Carle, VlUenuo Segal, of "lilue Pmudjse" fame, and Jim Morion, w ho presented himself ns James Walsh. After that the mullein o adjourned to tho Clover Itoom nnd held the "Midnight Frolic." of which Harry U. Lasher was innsler of ceremonies. SKVKN HUHNKD 1JY ri.AItlC Victims of Carnoya Point Accident He moved to Wilmington Hospital WILMINGTON, Del . Jan 20 In a llaro in tho du Pout powder plant at Carue) Point, uhortly before midnight. aeeu men were injured, hut none fatally, It is bellacd. The Injured are: John Qulnn, lieech and llallruad avenues, l'ennsgrove. Hoy P. laingo, 1015 Tat nail street, Wil mington. 'John Ilanck. 103 Magnolia street, Car ney Point Village. Thomas Hippley, 31 Oalt street, Salem. N. J James A. Ward. J4B5 Cirant street. Car neys Point Village. Daniel Wertz, Camp No, 2, Carneys Point. Joseph Kelly. Camp No, 3. Carnojs Point. Qulnn Lingo nnd Ilaucl; wero sent to tho Delaware Hospital, and tho others to the Physicians nnd Surgeons' Hospital Tho flare occurred from a spark In .1 mixing houso In Plant No. ;. The fire did not damage the mill, and it resumed opera tions as boon ns tho injured men were re moved. What's Doing Tonight IMilluUt-'IphU f intHHtiM, Academy f Music MasU ami Wit I'tuU rwiilun ut ruusit Smiih 3li Qutm utrfti (Ifrmuniuwn i'rliUtt flub smnkor riv u't'liM k flub tlinn r. )I 1K. u SlratfnrJ iilnntT to ,ik'iiim uf Uurruua'lm AU'iintf Md chiiif iimii'iii tiiufdi ti n r&' lub Ready Moneys 1 United States Loan Society! 117 North Broad St. ! 414 S. 5th t- J3IS titrmsslown ?. rSOT,S0lW COMMERCIAL. MUSEUM TrurrTY coitflta smu 6ti0w'5PycE LPPEbHOAMim tSr Seashore Eicfli5ns "2 X- EVERY SUNDAY CVsv. trrle uu ltirS?fV gSOXAUINX?g NO, IT WASN'T FUNERAL; JUST NOVELTY WEDDING Black Color Schrnio of Brido'H and Sijouho's Glad Haimont Casta No Oloom on Nuptials Nt;W VnllK. Jan -' Idnok wed dltiR onp of Hip mnl remarkable eere innnlm pver pprformed In this country nml one whloti inndp even hlase New York sit up nnd itnrp wtvs i-elehrftted nt the t hutvll . f HI. Vltioont il I'ntll here muay It was rVimpIetrl.v- tilock. nnd thl flfst I wmIiIIiir of Its klhil eW pl.tniird tnttdp the 1 tlie innhlnit nioiIPl. r.linnr itunger. ine Inlde of tirn Cni. deslRner. Fr.im the llmoiwltip In whieh lliey thrPdd- d their wit nmotiR Ihe Fkyscrnperji to Hie I tn.- I'huri'h In Twetity-lhird street to the 1 .indies on the silver service nt Ihelr Wed d nn- brertltfflst. perythltiB down tn the mn-t iii.ntlte detail was run I til.ii k. Men tlie servltiR men wore black; nnd eer one ltd iinv pnrt In Ihe veronmny Wore blnrk. iiHliidlns Itlnek rIovpp. s the bin. Miu-h inr whirled up to Hip milt nt ! o'cloi'k. Hie drler, who lind ft bl.ii k mustni'lK1, twisted the blaek Imtidle on the door nnd out pupped Ihr Utile lirlde ii id uroom They were dressed In black from bend i . fimi imp. a stocky jouub fellott-, n lii''e below ni'd'iim helBltt, wore n sIiibIp i i M'ltetl. Iil.ii k brondolotli stilt, rut html' i is s(lo nnd lUtittB close. Ills collar w is bliu'k nnd Ills stfliiR He nnd Ills black il'. s.ilrt blended Into hi bl.vk waistcoat. The Utile bride, irippltlR n rtiss ne ship. ili with her MMitisp sooH-lii-bii. wote I ! n I. silk slippers, n bl.iek dk tliei- spar ii s;l merlnlil with black chlltott Her wed ibinr eil was a tiroml strip of Mi ol, silk, dis. d nnd inerl'ilil with IiIiiik tulle, ndlng ii l.ttRe tulle bows lids weddinR Veil and train ill-, i'i lach- ii.,e so," as the limit Broom explained, "it '.hi be used either for lUou.'tilnu or ee i out ' Tlie brlde'ii cot sane bouquet was i f black ,i ll.es fier the reicnionv Mr and Mrs. Cue tied to their black weddltm bteahrast lit the Cue apartment In Foity-third street. I ln-ip's inp's black alel served black coffee, black blend, black butter (d.iell. black bliss, bl.ick nilHins and black berries The breakfast room was u liln.k and white, with ebony finiiltiiie and bl.it I. nips The spur ner Ice, from cofee set m ten spoons, was lit I eil with iliill-buisheil ebon hitmlles The poii'elalii sen Ice was black, with nil eilKliiR of wlilte l 'lie and his bride "III begin a lour of the larger cities of the couutty villi the'i visit to I'hlladAlphln Fiidav, where Cue III nd diess the Teichets' Institute of I'o'uestic Silence Lnlet they will go to Fori Wavne, hid. Cue's home town, mid to iim.thn. Min neapolis, .Vasln ille. I'lltsbiirgh, Kmisas cn, and later on to the west oo.it DKATII HATH l.OWh'U Jlortnlity More Thnn 100 Loss That of Ust Week Than liealbs throughout the citv during the week miinlA red fill."!, as lonipnred with Wi l,i-t week and 027 ilurliiB tho corresponding week Inst ear. Pneumonia claimed 172 letlnis, and a total of 209 new cases were teported. The deaths were divided ns follows: Males. .1(17: females, S2ti; bojs, 81. and girls, tit The principal causes were fc.'iirli't fever 11 Wlionnilia I oilRh I lllphtherla nml erinip . y InllileririL . -J I- iilil.-inlf- iliHi-iim I TnbereiiinKls nr oinRH Tuberi ulosts tneiilnsltla other fiirinu of lulieretiloiils ... I'linrer Apoplexy a - Orititnie diseases uf heart Aeilte briiliellltU . . ....... I'tirnnli tironehllU ........ Pneuiminla Itroni hopnviimimlii .... Iilsu.ises of respiratory "tem tllseHNes uf Hliilllliell Dliirihi'ii . Aiipendll Ills Hi ruin . I'lrrlmMls nf It, IT llrlslu'H illseime Pueriieial septliemla luerM'r.ll iieelilenls . I'ullK lllllll ilelillll, Senility . Itnmlcluo - Violent deaths Hull-Ill All otlmr diseases Totnl SI J I IHI K r. 107 11.1 .1 II II 4 "i CO I at s 31 r. h:i PALMER PROHE OFFER FAILS TO MOVE VARE Sonntor, Hack Krom South With Ke- storcd Health, Says He's Lost Track of Politics Senator Varo returned home this morn ing after a weeks Fojourn at Hot Springs, feeling "fit" nnd leady for resumption of Hit Itepubllcun factional light when tho Legis latiito iueotienes Monday night. Whim apprised of tho Intimation of A. Mitchell Palmer, Pemocratlo national com mitteeman, that Federal aid might bo In volted In probing Penrose, Varo said: "I hao heen out of touch with politics for . week In regard to this talk of Investigation, 1 don't pay much attention to Senator Varo reiterated his support of salary Increase for city firemen Ordinances for Increases wero introduced In Councils lai-t Thursday. He ald tho attack of tho grip that wus bothering lilm when ho went South disappeared in the llrst two days and since then h had regained his health completely with tho aid of long horseback rides. Corigicssin.in Scott, Magistrate Wat eon nnd Cornelius Hagge,rty returned with tho Senator this morning Services for Dr. (JcorKe W. llailey Memorial services will bo held tomorrow afternoon In the Tabernacle Presbyterian Church, Thirty-seventh and Chestnut streets, for tho lato llev. Hr Oeorgo W. Halley, Sunday school worker of interna tional reputation, who lived hero for manv eara and died on December 10 at Ilnttle Creek. Addresses will bo made by Hdward J. Forr, the Itov. Pr. Ii Mori Is Ferguson, of llaltimore ; W. S. Hartshorne, of liostnn ; Frank L. Hrown. of New York . H J Heinz, of Pittsburgh, nnd tho Uev. Lr John All.fn Illahl. Tho Scriptures will bo n.id h Charles H. Mathews nnd Hichard II Wal laco will lead In prayer. "SUCH A WONDERFUL THRILLING TRIP. "Right from the observation cjr of the 'Oolden Slato Limited' 1 lould seo far away toward SIcxieo, a ast rolling bwecp of country. "Then Hash the red and white pen non ot a cavalry troop moving on pa trolor a long column of marching in fantry. "You really ought to adopt the slo gan See the army at work from the Golden State Limited.' " Another splendidly equipped tram over tho Uolden State Route via Jtock Island Kl Paso Southwestern Southern Pacific is the "California!!." It reflects the high-class service of the "Golden State Limited." Bolh trains via the direct lino of lowest altitudes the most comfortable and interesting route to Southern California. The military encampments at Kl Paso and Wet provide a continuous panorama every loyal American should see. Tickets permit ten-day stopover at El Paso, Less than three days Chicago-St-Louis to Los Angelas no extra fare. Tickets, reservations and California lit erature on lequest at Hock Island Travel Rureau. 13t W'ldenci- Bldg. II. M Drown, D. P. A. Phone Walnut 133. AdY. BEAUTY BATH OF BRANDY BESTOWED , BY PASSENGER ON "L" TICKET SELLER Gentleman in the Hox Oflice Drenched When He Tele phones Report That Patron Is Indisposed Erring One Repents and Will Be Released When He Pays A rather rnnillliir odoi holered ntnutttl the tickets sold nt the Foil-sltth street station on the I, Ntinir-rous men who bought them hesltnlPd When II come tn dropping the ibkcls In th rbnpier M.Htv derlnred the odor wnx of rye whisky, while others loiitemled It was nf brand Tnise who paused nt the ticket window noticed nlso Hint Ihe same scent wns waned front w Unlit the little oflice A few tted the minB man in the olllce lather rmlnuslr. Therefore, eiplanntlnns tire iltte The condition nf the tickets nnd ntd of tile office. iieeiirtlinB lo the police, Wfis ilttf to Joseplt Arnbnclt. of Bit. Soul It FelloM strei! He nrrhert til the utalloti earl to du in sniiienhal tihcertnln cntulltlun Wlltiiim lioiiBherl.. Ihe ticket seller lenl liii'il Hint a slip meant duith He tele- CITY NEW'S IN BRIEF , TttOI.I.Irt Clt I HI.I.IslDN ill snider nientie and Fifth tieet i.iu oil a half limn tleln, of sci, he .it 7 IS n i luck till- lllnlll IliB, lesiiltiiiK III linnilreds of persmis be ng late foi uiili Wiiidiiws of one of the cats were hiolttu but no ntie .is injured Hit. I II KI,I:m CI -I is II MtltlstIS bus been eleitrd president of the board of man agers of Ihe t'nUersllv Museum to sneeed Fckley It Coxe. ,lr John Cad.ihider, John Wutitiiiiiiltei, K W Clark .It . and Louis C Madeita wete i hoseu ice presidents llt. till KIN I'I. U SKI. N HOSa; wlnl was ordeted b.uk lo the State hospital nt Middleman. . . by Judge Tompkins, of the Supienie Com I. earl. in the week. Is in this ill latiRltlliK at the n she epided New loll, dilei'tlles I'ltP.SItl I'l'.lll l lltlsi'll'U. Irustees luiln been elected lis follows Tho lie,. Louis F Hetisoti, the He Charles Wads worth, Jr. Hem,, N. Pant, Jr. John F Craig, ileorge W, MnRro. II S. Prentiss Nlclmls William Austin olid, lie. J. Lewis Twadilell nml .liiines I. Wilson. Mllleitis were elcUciTiis follows Ptesldent, Chnrlis II. Miithew. ice president, the llev M.itciis A lliownson, treasuier, Fidellti Trust Coiiip.in : secretary. Wllliaui II Cate; so llilli.tH. II S Prentiss Nichols and ,f. Cl.iiulu lleiiroid MDIIK'AI. I'l.l'II lli'bl lis l mil Hirel ing last night In tho Itelle, ue-Strntford Hr Ch.ules lv Mills was chosen president, de feating Hr. Willlniu Ii Itiililiisnii other otllcers elected went lr I! dr.iin Itlng, llrst ilce pi esldetit : I'r. William Murtln, second ico president; Hr. William S Wrav. sec relarv. and Hr Lewis II Adler. treasurer Hr Paul J S.irtaln was elected governor for the leim of llo ears Those named ns directors lire lir Howard A. -Sutton, In Stephen l! Trucy. Hr. Alexunder JlncAI Ister. Hr Charles S lkirnes nnd Hr. II A P. Neel. .Itlslll'll ,1. STIIIMII.T, nils re-elei-leil president of tho Aero Club of Ponnsvlvnuln lit tho eighth annual meeting, which wns held In the Helleii"-Striitford . others elected are William H Harris, first ico president; A. .1. Hrexel Middle, second vlcrt presidelit : lieorgo S. ilns.sncr. secretary ; I. Maresch, tteaaurer. and II F. Hnmberger. It. II. Knerr, William II Sheah.in, 1 Wynne, It Moscuii nnd Louis S. Clarke, directors IllHtNS UT.ltn SCri'IHtnil hy lunle Young, a negtess, thtiloen years old. whep she overtuined a lnmp nt her home. I am Lombard street. Her mother was burned about tho arms In nn nttempt to beat out the flames. Haiti were taken to tho Douglas Hospital linOKsi;i. Mills' ASSOCIATION" Bine n hnnnuct nt the Fianklln Inn Club. C.imno tdieet below Walnut. Problems of tho trado were discussed. Among the visiting book men wero A. II Wcssels, represenllng A C Mct'lurg. Chicago: Itvrno Ilackett, presi dent of tho New York llooksellcrs' Associa tion: Charles II Hutler, of llrentano's. New York, It !! Sherwood, of New York, and Frank llruce. of the Houghton Mllllln Coin pany lllin IIRSTIWYKH '" gurnce nf Wn. laco Wilson, n Frnnkford hosiery manufac turer, at Asylum piko nnd Orthodox rond. A aliiubla automobile was virtually ruined J. E. Caldwell & Co. Chestnut Juniper South Penn Square Important Sapphires Mounted with Diamonds OW e $500,000 For additional equipment, more i nurses to help make better citi zens, laifier producers and bigE'' earners of the thousands of young men and women who arc clamor ing at our doors for better edit a lion. We Need It For Endowment Fund to meet the demands constanll made upon us for assistance, which iiuaiis millions of benefit to Phila delphia every year The hundreds of new students entering Fcbriur 1 will necessitate etra eiiuipmcnt and more teachers We hope to complete the Million Dollar i'und hy Founders' Day, February U. 1917 TEMPLE UNIVERSITY ASSOCIATION 9 mfl M phoned to Ihe supervisor Hut Arnlmrh briird lilm tnlkliiR mer the phone nnd was not elated b the reference mnile to himself To show Ills disapproval nf the conversa tion he tossed n bottle nf Whisky through the Window, the polne srt tlbisK clashed nltniil HoiiBhert as the ,vhsk$ bathed his i InlhltiB rabneh was about to follow the lilk' biilile Into the ticket ouVe when n train at rived bentlpR Pollcemnn .folms tie look Arnbath to the Thirl -second rtreet nnd Woodbind iiventip slntlnn. The iirlsotier said he had only a vnsiie recoltcelion of Ihe whole thing, tin Dtom Ireit lo put n ne wliidnw In thr olfteo nnd see Hiul tmiiBhert s i loililng ,ns mrf in pruper cotntlflou. He was held In bnil for a fin ther hiiiriiiK and will In discharged mi keeping bis pmmlse , In the (I inns liefme Iliemeu succeeded In pulliim il rnun the Ra'iipi The Invs was i -tiiiialed nt $2.Mn St. '.nil lillHOMi rnmicrtitrtil ring wnn lo-1 h, Mic James F. Wnrieii, 40J7 Locust tint in n Mmltet .treit mo, IhR-plituic llciiii' .she has asked Hie pnheo of the Thin, -iicoiid itreet and Woodland nvemte st illiui to help her find It. offering $100 re until for its return or information Hint will lend to Its return CAM DUN si'lTH IIOls' ll.ll Is b'liiir observed In Cuindeii loilii Tin residents are being tiigged in nn effori to rnlse $200 for the support of the work bcins conducted among lbi bos of tho cllv b Hie Yoilng Men's Cliii-.ll.in AssiorlDtlon (lOVi;itNMI'.N"r INSi'iiCTION of Itntlery It New .leisey Field Artillery, Camden's er.uk" nrtlllerv nlgniilxntlon, will be held nl the Armor. Ninth street nnd Wright nveiiue. Jiiimnrv 27. bv Captains P. V. Klef fer and Charles Sehudl, of the Cnlted States Const Aitillery Corps. It will bo tho most .i.-i.i iiiKiiectloii since I lie llattcry's rettitn rnun tho bolder, nnd contt martini faces members who fall to nti nd. including to Ciiplnlu Samuel il. Uarnafd V l'I'lll.lO lNTAI.I.lTlt) of mnolo-rs Into tlm Stonemen'H Fellojvhli will be held February C. In the Tabernacle, Ninth slreel nnd WrlRlit avenue Lev II Charles Stone, founder of tho fellowship, will be present with a large delegation of Philadelphia Stoneiueii MvsiT.it iniiMir.its' i:ciiANnn nf f'.iniden Installed Its nlnccrs for the en suing ve.ir nt a meeting nt 32.1 Fedetal street last night The nlllcers are- Presi dent. Howard M. Fulton: vlco president, Herman Ilulisgen: treasurer, Ilemy F lliuld. secretary, John K. lietty. A lll'IINr.SS HIUI.S' Cl.t'lt I, being nrgnnized liy tho Camden Y. W. C. A. The Idea, which is an outcome of Hie recent Lvon campaign in Camden. Ii under the personal direction of Iningeno Mover, the correspiinditiR secretary of the organisation Mlts. lllllllir.T II. DAVIS, wife of Hr. Ilnnry rinrtlev Havis, president of tlji Cam den Hoard of Health, Is i online I to her home, B22 Linden street, with a compound fracture of Ihe left elbow Shu slipped as she was descending a stairway several dns ago. I'U'lill1 OP INCOltl'Olt ITION were filed todav for WIlckeB-Martln-Wllckcs Company, with ii rapilalUatlon of $r.iifi,iiun, to take over tlm lamph'nck. carbon and chomlcnl nianufncnitlng businesses, now conducted nt Pine street nnd I i.iper s Creek, Camden, nnd at UI5 William street. New York clt. Tho Incorpoiiitors' iiames given nro Felix Wllckes, Fcriilnnnd Wilckes nnd Luther Mai tin. llimnslCKNHSs IS believed tu lime led Charles Stevens, a fourteen-year-old boy of Ulue Anihor, N. .1, to undertake a trip lo AiiKUHla, (In. whero his mother Is living Tho lad's grandmother, with whom lie has been living, reported lo tho police todav elio had ricelvcd word that he had arrived safely in Augus'a Last week she asked tho authoiitie.s tn start n sean.li for him Wl Spend ? ore buildings, teachers. more more S fl LEAK PROBE TO REACH WALL STREET VITALS Whipple Expected to Hnve Fr- Ilatitl Untermyer Criticizes Mention of Name WASIIINUTON. Jan 20 pemocratlo members of the Itulcs Committee, chastened b their setback nt the hands of tho House, are laying their plans for a wldo open In quiry in Htelf hunt for I lie lenk" of the Prcs'ldont'H note lo the belligerrnts IlitlmnHoti" were forthenmlng today that Shtrmftn t Whipple will hnie a free hand to follow wherever the trail may lead him. It Is a foregone conclusion that Wall street ,lll full within the scopo of the Inquiry, nml that vntlous phases of stork exchange transactions bearing on tho controversy will be subjected lo careful scrutiny. Mr. Whipple Informed Chairman Henry that he Would arrive In Washington today In discuss with Hie conimltlee tho matter of his appointment It Is virtually certain Hint he will ncccpt the commission offered lilm nnd lliit plans villi be laid out for the conduct of the Investigation, whlcli will bo lesiimed Mnndn Ad nn nUennnth of tho controversy stirred up over the selection of counsel to conduct the Investigation, ltepresentativa FIlsgcTiild. New York rend ii tho Houso n telegram from Hivmui 1 Untermyer protest ing aBnlnst the mention of his name, nnd declaring Hint ho was not seeking tho Job, Ills observations on members of Congress drew the flro or ltepiesentatlve Moore, of Pennsylvania, and Miller, of Minnesota, who made ni less pointed remarks concern ing Mr, t'ntermycr. Mrs. Until Thomason Vlscontl, tho first nivstery woman. Is slated to bo n witness before the probers Monday. 3 In questioning Mrs. Vlscontl, It Is likely tho committee) will Investigate her rela tions. With the second woman. Slater's Friend Hack in Jail Tho man who chnnsed clothes with .Tncob "I Higgle" Miller, and thereby helped him for n time to eludo pursuit nfter Miller fatally shot Detective i Maneely nnd Tucker 10 March, Hi 1 3. was nut to tho Houso of Correction today Tor a e.lr. William .1 Kelly, .Millers fonner ally, was arrested lust night after he had broken Into the homo o Finmls Sliepp.ud. 2820 Uast Klk hint Mi eel, while Intoxlonted Ho had broken furniture and Mimshed brlc-a-brnc liefore poll, e iiiptured lilm Kellv was ro le.isi'd ft urn the House of Correction only a week ago. ADVERTISING .. AND SALES MANAGER nf Hie litrcest rnitreru nf Its Kind In the wiirbl seeks new enllliec tlnlt. ns tho department he iinw lieuiN bus been dlstniillliuril. Jresent empbiers villi go nut nf lliclr via. In testify tn his elll I'lcney, lujnlly and nine iiKKres-shi-iiesw. I'nr ears he bus been successfully ' Ni'tsfipaHan Market Condi tions, Analyzing Consumer Itc main'. Prsigning Cartons nml Contalreia, Seltilinn Ailier l.niitp ilrilia, I'lannxng -S'ad'J IMrratuir and Catalogues, H'rtHnfl Advertising Copy and Hales JAterutuie, l'lanning and WriHiiff House Organs, Sales and Hernial Correspondence, Originating Foliate up i'foiu, netting Co-oiniatton of Local Di ale in and Salt amen, l'lan ning Hales ('ainimlgns, lie has scleral fine nffrrs from nllirr parts or the cimntr), but, otbr llilucs belnir equal, prefers to remain In ur near Plilbidelphlu, V 30'J, l.r.lsrr flllira Try Our Sunday Dollar Dinner Tb high cost of living mn ttie week-end rest r tw ixcellent reasons for brim log the entlru family htr l uorrow. Special Mails ffcW " Mg&) ANOVER Twelfth and Arch St. (Cairasc m ills ti. pamm.!!V! miywiimmJvmm$ ,. " f Ciggy I I Cut M.ur fuel l.llli l.v InstulltnK a !f Ml.nslIIIN I'VTI.ST SIIAKINU I 1,11 ML, Mhi.h liuriis Illnl s t:e, I . Ilu. l.nhf il I', a in. I oilier cheap I nrml' s of nml Wli. llier ,ou uper- B iit in, i-r liullem or a hIiikI.' steam I or In. l liter In ntor, n M rshon I c.rnle vv ill s.i" -I'; Tin Inter- 1 Iniklnc sstelll or ur.iln li.irs mnln- I tiilns the s.nn.' sit" mieiiliiBs nt all I l in-s linn in.itlnj iiMti 01 II In- I .mil i I in-; MLItsllON Pl'l C.NT Sll K1NG I iiiiiTi; it onus IIJ S. Third St. 11 II . n i I B If CUUDB U. UOIH, I 9 H i h HI 1)1 vc J) ys 1 1 WJ Kf " i B 'at m ml r ml m lol