K ' A w IF lit .'. f f " M H If ttnAtns fontlivaea from Precnllng I'll J.ANE. wife of rninnts BsilHaiw. Relatives nnd friend Invited 1o funeral, Mon . 8 n tn 3814 Pelfs at raath and Ellsworth tj, Hnlcmn re 5lem m st Anthony's Church OJO a. m. Int. Holy cross Cem. STANLEY Jfnru 11), JnnnPir C , mn of Intn John and Catharine Stanley, residence 2.12. Wi D1S2?S??..".li .'I" nolle of funeral will lie slve 4STEINIIA0F.N Jan. IV. MARY wife of I'nrr r Stelnhsgen, daughter of late Casper find Oertrlide Ooebel nnil mother of the Rev. Jr.. J.. Stelnhagen of Pnttsvllle. Pn need 4n Relatives and friend. Rosary nnd Altar So cieties of St John's church, Invited lo funeral. Mnn,. 0 a, m , mis lladdon ne , Coltlngswood, , J. solemn high msss St John's Church in ft .. in, jot new v nineurni I'rtn Remains may m viewed Sun. eve. Auto funeral. STEWART. --Ian IS, BARA1I. wl of James Stewart (nen Douglass), residence, ajnn N Ran dolph, at Relatives and friend Invited to fu neral services, Mon . 2 p. m., Ann Carmlchael rreabyterlnn Church, nth and Krle ave. Int private. Northwood Cem. BTOLTZ Jan Id. ANTON STOL.. husb-tnd of Katharine Stolr, (nee Frank) aired 01, Rein tlvea and friend, Liberal lien Asso . Arholter Kranken und Sterbekasse, lir 11.1. lintcrM. Vereln der Deutachen Frelen (lemelnd, rmploea of 8urpaaa Leather Co.. Invited to funeral. Sun , 2 n. m. 3n.1i) N. Percy at. Int. Hillside Cem. Auto funeral. BTOTT Jan. 1, P.HRTLHSS S RTOTT. nRed 72. Relatives nml friend lnlte1 to funeral, Mon.. It. 30 a, m Morris Cem, Chapel, Phnenlx vllle, Pa. Ilody may bo Mewed. 2011) N. 8th at., Philadelphia. Sun , after 7 i m. 8TRUUB. Jan. 18, HAItllY ,T hushnml of Carrla A. Htrube (nee Knecht) and son of Freda D. and lato I.oul C Htrube. Relatives and friend invited to funcrnl services Sun , 1 p m.. 1049 8. 22d st. Int. Chellen 1 tills Cem. Auto lunerni, HWART7.LANDER. At Darbr . Ta.. .tan In. ELLA BWARTZLANDEH, aged (II Relative and friends Invited to funeral eervhs,s. with out further notice. St. Andrew' 1" IJ. Church. Yardley, Hun.. 2-30 p. m. Friends mw view remains nt residence Ynrdlev, 12 to 2 p m. Trains for Ynrdlev Icavn Rending Terminal 12 i,1 Int. St. Andrew' Cent. TESNOW. Jan. HI, nt Riverside. N. .T., HENRY TESNOW. aged r.2. Itelailves an.l mends, Ilurllngtnn I.odge. No DOd. 11 F O. E.t niverslde Mooo liodgo, ltlversble I'lre Co., No. ; Maennerchor and Turners' Society of Riverside, nml nil societies of which he wa n member. Invited to funeral service. Sun, l'.in p. m apartments of .Henry C SlellwaR, 337 IlrldEeboro st Int. Imcralde Cem. Itcmalns may bo viewed Sat. eve. . IHOMl'SON .Ian. Is, Al.tlXANtUltt, son of lato John nnd Anna Tnmupnn. aired nil lle qulcm mas SI Michael's Chaptl. Mnn . HI n. m . to which relatlirs ntiil frlcnil ore inlted Vespers, for the dead will bo slid In the Chapel Sun . a m Int. private. Trlends may view rcmnlns nt 2n3T Itlttenhousn at . Sun . from 0 until ! 3D p m. TOItlHJSS. Jan Hi, I'ltAJIfXITTH T . widow of John s. Torbo. iHimhter of late Charles P. and Kllzn I Mulllken. need s. Itel.itivrs nnd rrlends invlieil to funeral. Tuns . 2 n tn . 12 N. 12th St. Int. North, Lauril Mill Crm. . TUllNHIt Sllddenl. ot Atlantic 'llv. N. .r . Jan. tn. MAUY T. wife of Horace 1 Turner (neo Tolandi, iiKed r,n. Itclatlvts and friend In vited to funeral services, (Wis N, Indiana ave Atlantic City, Sun.. 1 3u p. in. Int. l'lensaiit Vllle Cem VANAItTSDAI.KN. Suddenly, .Inn 10 J COItNKI.I.. husband of Knnnle ViinArtsd.ilen (n'o McNalr). need ."!) ltel.itlvrs nml friend Invited to funeral. Tue . i a tn . lute resl de.ve Hlehhoro. la Int. Hli'hhoro Cmii c,ir rlaKCC will meet trnln lenvlna Ucadlnn Ti-rmlnnI pfl.1 n. m. at Churchvlllo sin VANSTAVHIIN. .Inn 1R .TOSIirif VAN. STAVKItN. husband or Kntherlm- Vnnstnvern (nee llaiisman) i:eHtics and friend. Wash ington Camp No. 4SS. 1 O. S. of A.. Invited to funernt servbes, Monday.. 2 p tn. -Ill fl. Idrlntrston st Int. prlvati.. NortliHuod m. Friend may view rcm.iln Sun.. 7 to 111 p. m VOl.KHItT Jan. in OHDItan JUIIN, hu hand uf Midalena Vnlkerl. Itelitlves anil friend Freeman's rntvratutuiiK8 Vereln No I invited to funeral services. Dun . 3 p. in., residence of eon-tn-!w. Albert ll.Ooff. lull) n. Albert st. Int. Jlellevuo Cem. ltemaln. may bu viewed Bat., s to 10 p. m. J WAU.ACi: Jan 11. JIAnOAHRT. wife of George Wallace, need ill. Itelutlvcs nnd friend Invited to s-rvlie. Mnn . 2 p. m . .Vlllll Chestnut st. Int. ArlinKton Cem. 1 rlend inav view re mains rllll eve. ui lunerill WANDliH. At IMtmnn. N. J Jnn in. ELIZA II. widow of .lames Wnndell, M. D., Of Phlla. Pa. Due notice of the funeral. WATMOI (111 Inn is. JA.MHs llnltATln WATJIDl Ull. husUind of Anna llnuli. Ilarrl Vatnroumi oqd f.ithi r of Me i:ilii Cnxti (Irlt flth. at 21H Wvonilns ave Wnshlnstou. D '.. nKedUl Servlci ut Si I'nul' Hplscupn I Church. Alon.. 2 p. m Int. Arlinjlnn Natlunal Cem. WHI.LS .Inn. 1S, nt llronklvn N. V. I'.MMA VIIUJINI "" nf Mai It C. WeUs and ilnUEtl ter of late KllrnUth MiiBce, nceirnn Itclntlves nnd friend. Court Jli-Klnley LoUe. of Jit. Holly N .1 . nnd Cnrnp No r.!l. 1' O of A . Invited lo funeral services. Mon.. 2 p m.. 101 Vnter it.. Mt Holly. N. J. Int. llrothcrliuod l'wiJH. Jnn HI. OKRTItimt: II., wlfo of David O. Well. Ilelntlvvs and friends Invited to funeral Sun . 2 3U p. In . I7.TJ Cedar ave. Int. Mt Slnnl Cem WIlll'I'IlY At Atlantic city. N. J.. .Inn. IS. CHAltl.HS C . husband of Mary V. Whlppey. nirad HI Itelailves and friend. Pennnd Trllte. No. 47 II I O. of I,'.. No. 27H. t M. II. A . Volunteer i-'lremen's Aso . Invited to funeral. Hon.. S n tn . 'JlTi Metropolitan ave. High mas." of requiem Church of Holy Spirit S'3ll n. rn. Int Mt. rem e Cem.. Phlla. Funeral will arrive nt i em 11 20 a. in. WIZKMANN Jan. IS CAltOLINA. wlfo of Frederick vvizemiinn inco vvizcinunnt, ngea Ci.l. nelatlve nml frlinds; members of AURllsta Frauen Vereln. No. 2, D. () S. It . Invited lo funeral servbes Sun.. 1 p. m., 123'J (Itirman tewn nve Int (lr-enmnunt Cem. WOEHNIlIt Jan. IS, THKODOItn O. 1ms nand of Llllle Woernr. Itelntlves nnd rrlends, Cohockalnk Council. No. Mil, V V. A.. Inc.. etnplovea of John 11. Stetson . Co.. Invited to funnral services Sun . 2 p in . N. U. cor. Orltney and York sts Int. tlreenmnunt Cem WYNKOOP Jan. 17 WILLIAM J., son of Horace H. and Mary Wynkoop. nffeil x Itela tlves nnd friends Invited to funeral. Mon.. I r. m.. parents' residence S3S N. Stlllman at. nt. Holy Cross Cem UNDLHTAKKItS D. F OALLAOHEn. 2321 13. Huntingdon Undertaker anJ Cmbalmer. Dell ph. Ken. 403. LOST AND F0UND UIIEASTP1N Lost. Wednesday afternoon. In or near Wansmuker's cold ennmeled bluebird breastpin. Hewurd If returned to 270 Tulpe hocken st . (lermantown CUFF LINK Lost. Cafe L'Alfflon. 1.1th and Chestnut, gold cuff link, with large sapphlro surrounded by 4 diamond, un New Year a ovq or day Howard If returned to Cafu L'Alglon, lllh and Ch. stnut PEIIPETUAL POLICIES Nos 20203 to 20303, both Inclusive, of the Mechanics Insurance Co. of Phlla.. covering our building. No. 1211 o 1210 Temple, now Klmb-vll at.: have ben ost or mislaid, application has been mads for new policies BCAItFPIN Lost. Saturday, January 13. scarf pin containing one (red) ruby and three dia monds: liberal reward Iteturn to Combes A Van Iloden. 1113 Walnut st. VANITY CASE Lost, sold vanity case. Initial F. F I " In small sapphires, vicinity lflth end Pine sts mlddlo of December, lteward if returned to J. E. Caldwell & Co , Chestnut and Junlner st PERSONALS CORNS REMOVED. 23c. each S for SI,. Dr. Fow ler. 343 Heed Hlds . 121.1 Filbert. Estab. 1880. Mention the Ledger when palns bill und cet a box of foot powder free. HELP WANTED PEKALE BOOKKEEPER, assistant, and steno.-rapher for advertising agency; steady position; good wages; agency exp. ren. M 737. Led. Cent. BOOKKEEPERS Tounr women with department store experi ence. Apply Uureau of Employment. 41& door. before It a m STftAWimlDGE CLOTHIER CHlLDNUnSE To take care of a small boy In country and do chamberwork; Protestant. Call Swarthmora 205 or write P 111. Ledger OIL CHILD'S NURSE, white: reference required: good wages; steep In or out. Phone bpruce 6349, or call Apt. 5-1.. Swarthmore Apts., 22d and Walnut sts. 3TJL1NQ CI.LRK, experienced, by company of high standing: one familiar with typewriter preferred; answer In own wri-tlng. glvlnc full particulars C 218. Ledger Office. GIRLS wanted, 14 years or older, good wages, to work In wallpaper factory. Apply at once, Becker. Smith A Page, Water st. Snyder a v. " OIULs OVER 18 YEARS OF AGE. Starting new machinery. Good wages paid while learning. Apply Orlswold Worsted Company. Darby. aillLS, oyer HI. for light, clean employment! pleasant surroundings; learners taken, paid while learning llyglenlo Fleeced Underwear Co.. 2416 N JIowanL FiaUSEKEEPKR, refined, obllglnr. capable of managins servants, family of 2 adults, not over 30, unencumbered. Hex 301. Beverly X J. iVe. H40 rVio -Tin POLLY AND HER PALS ,-. . In the Art of Skiinff, Pa Is Some Snow Digger I I kt tVr V iipupjpuiuifM HELP WANTED PBMALB - - j Cmtlnnrd from P'rr!rto Column lC7JITTF.lt. eiperleneed on circular sprlne ward nesd maehtnes. ood pay. steady work Ilj'itlenlo Iflceced I'ndcrwear Co.. 2113 N. Howard MRNDfiltfl, etperlentcd on Unit Jere cloth ?.,Mrt'..wo''k- HvBlcnlo Flceceil Underwear Co . 2llr. N Howard MILLINLltS Prankcl Mllllnerv Shop rennlre severa exnerlenr.il milliner nt nnce. llrht. sanitary wnrkroom: Ionic season. Apply i raiiKei lniinerv shop. I'ront and usupnin lIIt.LINHUS--Ynun women to learn millinery: Paid while renrnlnu Apply Frnnkel Millinery Shop. Iront nnd Diunliln OPRltATtms Senmers nnd hemmera on Union Special maihlnes, stonily work Hs'irlrhle Heeceil t'nderwenr Co, iillS N. Howard. STAMPKIIS tltiierlenced stamper on fine sta tionery In color ind brne Apply the llallev. Hanks lildillo Co . 1221 S.itisom st , fourth Hoor rermnnent position. STKN'OdltAPllLll A secretary on n farm nV Harrentown. a , atennsrnpher with n know). d-e of accounts. Addre, with full lnfor motion, references nnd salary expected, J. T, (1 . lid Warrentnn. Va STLNOdHAPHHll In enalneerlnir office, nccu lomcil lo dlcinphnne nnd Wins sytemi extrl rnce. peeil nnd nti urncy esentlali stfito full 'lUMmatlons salary cxpcclcd. I 118. Led, Of. AtlltKSM, white, over 2.1 enr old for a private famllv near WIMililrkon Slnllnn Nnf. rlstonn branch of Heading. 1 10.".. Lcdcor Off. WOMr.N A soclnl nrftnnlrttlon of the hlBhut character require the service of several highly refined and educated women lo solicit memberships: liberal compensation. Addfeit J M.I. Ledger Central. HELP WANTED MALE ADVnilTIBINrj AflHNCY requires office mafT agency experience mcessary, steady position. M ifid, Ledger Central lOKumiPrn - .u'critATt:. f'Annrr .man. lixi'iiitiiiNi'EU vI ju'itnotTdtj iiooitKi:i:p.o MAijiiNiis iMtnFptmp; hAi.auy m Tn hTaut. rpiipoliATiu iW'" w! onii c 2.'i, i.i:iiiii:ii, ui l-it i;. liOtiKKni:Pt:il wnntrd ror Iwrmnnent position. capablo of wrltlhg nent, rapid hand nnd dolnn nn urate work, stale experience In deinll. ref. creme nnd salary wanted. J 711, Led. Cent, ItiioUlxtlllPKIt, aicurai'. and rapid, for vomlpr ilerk, large i orpuriitlou, give experience ami Hilary iteslred. C 311.1 Lrdger (If Hie tliHlKKHHPnil and strnngraplier Hood, pernio. nent position, stale particulars' nnd salnrv ix peeled I Rill, L. dg- r llfllce IIOONKKKPhllt exiierienit d. tnpahle, iimirnte and ranld. Applv llrnnn r ManutacturihK c.im- panv. 21 In N Wnrrun k HOY In office of manufacturing concern In North Phlht.: sultirv tn stnrt 111 tier uelt ehniiee tir ndvnncement. Aihlress 11 IK! Ltdger Branch. Ilroad and t'leurllild sts. IluY. about HI, wanted In cen'trnl real estate office: tnut be good stenographer. Address In nwn IiundwrttliiK. C 233. Ledger office, HOY wanted for office, large inatlrnncc ngenev, cplendid opportunity for advancement V 112. Ledger Office IlfiY for office work: slate ngn'nnd salary ex- pcited. II, Ledger llranch, 11131 Columbia' avenue HoY, 1(1. wnntrd In wholesale house, nppor. to lenm and advance. Apply Ul I Chestnut st. HOY" wanted In Insurance office, brokerage de pnrlment P 114 Ledger OfHce HOY. 10 or over, for office. National lllscult Co., 1301 aicnwood nve HOY, over Id. for office. Hen. Home's Sons, 1313 Walnut st DOTS wanted. 10 years or over, tn and Jin per week, to work In wall paper factory Apply nt nnce, Uecker, Smith & 1'ase. Water and Snyder nve POYS wanted in home office of large cssunltv Insurance tnmpnny. good chance for advance ment. Apply In vvrltlng or personally to C. S. Whitney ril 'x Walnut at.. Philadelphia. UuYtf vvanixl mr general office work, must hive good education: state ace and reference. IMi3l.Ledscr Office. HOYS, for editurisi mom. 2 over lfl.xears nf ngf pertpnnent position nnd splendid opportunity. Apply Mr. Haleigh 4th floor, nnd Chestnut st. IIUI'THH burnisher nnd edgo' filter wnnted: no experlemo necessarj Vernon Shoe Hepalrln: JoriiKI Clermanlown ave. (Alll.Nr.T.MAKEItS VICTOIl TALKI.VU MAI'IIINC CO. has vai uncles for I ( 'ablnetmakern Double-hentl molder operators Flttln-up sawyers Hough rlp-sawir Jolntir operators Millwrights I'relaht elevator operators, whlto Experienced shipping marker , office bos, 10 enrs and over janitors, strong, wnite, 1S-hnur-iveek si hednbt Phsicnl examination necessary Apply Victor Talking Machine Co, Application pifice, :irCoopi.r st.. Camden, N. J. DItAFTSMAN on One furniture work. Apply In person, tleo. W. Smith i. Co., Inc., 3907-l! Powelton ave. DRAFTSMAN wnnted on"machlne design: also detnller. W. W. Lindsay & Co., 002 Harrison ltUlldllUTj, DIUVEHS vv anted Sfli gnod wages: steady work. Apply 1201 E. Monleomcry nve. bltlVEllfTwanted. Apply Sterling Ironand"stcei Cnmpanv, loth nnd Hamilton sts DYIlItf- 7ND FINISIIEHM WANTI3DON 8KHI.V SILK AND COTTON. WILLIAM WEItNEIt, INC.. 3UU .120 JOHNSON ST.. I1HOOKI.YN. N. Y. ELHVATOH OPlfltATOK Neat Jnung" white min wanted for passenger elevator nnd to opernta telephone switchboard; no experience necessary, state age. nationality nnd vvaccs wanted. Address J 0.17. Ledner Central. rillllMAN One use.) lo'll.-ibcnck &' IVIlcox boilers. Apply Grlswold Worsted Company. Darby. Pu FLESIIINIJ MAl'IIIVi: OPHIlATDItr 10 PEIt WEEK. nCItK nitOS , 023 N 3D ST. HELPERS or sheet metal work. American Metnl Work. 314 Armat st.. (lermantown. ilOL'SHMAN with some experience In dlntng room and butler's pantry, for a country place, 30 minute from Philadelphia; windows, floors, shoes, but no furnace. Send references and full particulars to P. O. Uox 127. llaverford, I'eiina Tioi'SHMAN vvlih experience, not nfroldf worK. lor nparvment nouse. i- Hi, leu. jii. HOUSEMAN wanted; must have cood'referencoT 2120 Spruce si .KNITTERS, experienced, on circular spring ueuru nerui- iiiaciiiuea; hoou pay; sieauy work, llyglenlo Fleeced Underwear Company, 2113 X. Howard KNITTERS: those xperlenced on Nye Tredlrk skirt machine preferred. J. 11. Allen. -Illbo Sheldon at., (lermantown. LARORERS Men wanted. SO, to clean streets, good wages, steady work: no time lost nn no count of weather. Apply 120 1 E. Montgom ery ave. LABORERS wanted. SO: cool wages; steady work. Apply 1201 E. Montgomery ave. LABORERS wanted. Apply Sterllnii Iron and Hteeli'ampaiiy, 10th and Hnmllton sts i-H10ltCHS. "uble-bodled: good wages. Apply l!urk Bros. U2.1 N. 3d st. Il!ORERS---APPI.Y Mil S. DKUVWARE AVeT STEADV EMPLOYMENT. LIME HAULERS. 125 PER WCEK. IIUHK BROS . 025 N. 3D ST. MACHINIST AND TOOLMAKEIt to take charse of a tool crib: one who understands blue prints, tools, jlga and fixtures, nnd enn sys tematize records of same, and handle the crib attendant In an efficient manner: position jtaya 12.1 to 430 per week according to ability. Apply De Laval Steam Turbine Company, Trenton. N. J. MACHINIST, first class, wanted, as foreman of toolroom handling general repairs of sheet metal working machinery, also punches and dies for the same, give reference and wages desired. 1' llu. l-edger Office. MACHINISTS and toolmakers wanted We have made additions to our plans; highest wages, good opportunities; lastlnc positions; no munt. lions; preference given to nonunion men. Wrlle for application blanks or apply DE LAVA- STEAM TURniNB COMPANr, TRENTON. N. J, MAN ounir. wanted to take charge of yarn de partment of medium-sized sweater mill, must know yarns and how to handle help; apply by letter, vlvlna full particulars, age. experience, present place of employment, salary expected, all applications strictly confidential. 45, Lidger Uranih. M7 Girard ave. EsiOtkJH SKI I Aid1- aaa. )5E! E& lr V6(J iky.To5, - i7, i-i.i. H7M X1 Trwr T)Rir-T vrI WOttX, HOoH jyaawj, , E-- vmixS mnarn pitiladeliia, rattrdAy, janfaby 20, HELP WANTED-MALE tonfdiard fiom TtcrAno Cofuwirt MAN' nil nrnund hnnd, wnnt-d n worklnR supi rlntend of of small off!." bull. linn mut have knowledge of st.'tm lioilrs nnd Ronernl repair work and be willing to mnke hlmsi if gem r.illv useful Slate lift i xp rl. tire and wage wanted Addr s J o.is Lniaer Central. MAN AND WIPIJ Three gentlemen. 2 'of whom are away mot of the lime, delre mm as butler and valet, with wife, who must I excellent cook to tnke care of prlvalo hou--. wages 1100 per month, best references re quired M 1. Ledger Office MAN voumr. single, while, m mnke himself gen erallv useful and run a "Pnckatd ' car, vvnge 3 month and board c 23.1 Ledger tfilre MKN WANTKD Hnllermaket. locomotive m. chlnlsts, car feimlf. men. JaVSf! locomotive cleaners. Prnia. 11. 11 . f T-lf I'llnerl st. PItnsSMAN wanted I one who has had mpcfl onre In lint work nnd steel rule rolling on photo mount preferred! kindly, slste expcrl ence and former position. M 0, ledger Office. SALESMEN Ttie Bnewwpetlln flfltunnlca fleei! a fsw hlah-tlas (sslesmen. tn .wot, on IsndJ only, totii in the city tiJ to Iravet. To 8.1 can ss s.ilesifisn of nthef line. gceftlns orli w ssy that Tmir-flflha of oiif successful iro men who never sold books before tntn ars We particularly want men who are hoi only rood salesmen, but who have Sufficient execu tive nhlllty to handle other men. Those who qualify In this respect will receive extremely rapid promotion to position in n permanent nrgnnlsatlon whim will pay them tar more than la lil.uls by the average aalesmin. If vnti nre n real salesman, rranrdlo of what line you have been or nro now Helling, come In and talk It over with us. Wo train sou thoroughly. Commission and drnwlnc as toun:. 13D SOUTH FIPTBUNTlt STUBBY Cor. Walnut at. SALESMAN, slock, most unusunl nptmrtiinltir to sell stock in hitherto closed corporation : strictly commission; right mnn can clear 12000 In an days C 217. l-daer nffiif BALESMHN Wotiteil, hIgh-cMaa salesmen by dnllv hewspnpef for work on big neve sub script ion proposition: land premium, leads fur Pished Apply il3 S Tin st SLATINH MACHINE npurtATons $20 PEIt WKI.K lU'HK IIHOS . 112.1 N. 3D ST. BOLDEHEItS. experienced on articles similar to wssh-holler work Atnerlcnn .Metnl Works. 814 Armnt St.. Ucrmntitawh SPECIALTY MAN, good apiHiirnui e. to h.-fndle new pnient brooms: salnrv proposition: refi r cnris reiiulml. Applv In iK-rnn II. 11. Drown. 41 S. Front st. STENOdftAPHKIt Wanted, ns secretnry on n farm near Worrrntoh. Va.. stenographer with a knowledge of n counts Address with full information, references and salary expected. ,1 T. (1.. Ilnx 47(1. Warrenlon. Va BTIinnT CLRANnilS wnnted. whits or colored Apply 013 t 11 th. between 7 and 0 a. tn. and 0 In H p m. WANTED EXPERIENCED SALESMAN AND IH'YEft. I'NDKItSTANHINO THE SCItVI' MKTAI. IICSINE8S TIIOItOl'llllLY' (KIOD SAL ARY. ADDRESS J (IS I. LEIlHEIt CENT. WOOLEN SPINNERS wanted nn Davis C rub ber nnd Whtlely mules, medium and heew jams: night work For full pnr.lculnrs r.ppiy par. Iran' to Sltngsby Mfg. Co.. Ltd.. I ford. Ont. YoHNO MEN. Iwn. wnnled In an minting deparlment of a public service cnrpomii'Hi. must havi some knowlt-dg'' of double eutrv bookkeeping, give details of oxperh n mil saiarv uesireii ,i Tni. i.e(igir i ciitrni YOI'NU MAN. bright. nlHiiit Is. wanlnl lo lenrn the business: good opportunity. Applv Pcnnuck Meehnn Co . 1I1I-' Ludlow st Rrnrrnl Wn TEACH YOU TO DRIVE AND P.DI'AHl AUTOMOIIILEH 518 COMPI.K'IE COURSE JI5 J.I will start you. Day and Night ('lasses. Saltier. 1G01 Spring (lnrdcii st. Open Sunday MEN wnnted to III! position ns tralllc man agers We suppl training nen-ssary und co operate with every ambitious man. Call, write or phone (Poplar 2.111 for details. National Tralllc llureuu. 13th ami Spring (lardeti streets lNCnCSRTO(TR SALARY ENROLL NOW Automobile Class's - Mechnnhnl and Hlecirhal ai 3 und 7 30 p m. N. E r Ilroad mid Spring Garden sts. 8ALESMEN wanted heating apill.ini-e. Phlla delphla It rrltorv. J 4.1.1. Ledger Cintr.il SITUATIONS W ANTED FEMALE TACE MASSAClIXd. Imlrdresslug nnd man! (urlng: engagements wanted bv exp voung Indy. very n asnn.ihh : will (.ill at -our home. Phone I.nctiRt 17.10 .1. GIRL colon d. ditv'a work, any kind 1N21 Addison st HOI'SEKEEPER working, manaulug, -omit,. n ferenn- .1 .13, Ledger Central, ' MOTHER'S HELPER di sires position- exp. rl ented with thildnn stml-invnlid. m.inagitu housekeeper. 222. Lid. Ilr.. 17th nnd Mnlitg MOTHER'S IIKLPEIt Kxp'd with clilldr. n or Invalid ladv nut mirrled J oik, Ldi. Cent NURSE (Iraduute nurse, several years i xperl ence. wishes position In private fumllv requir ing siii h services, or as companion: ( Ity or (ountry; best references from physlciuns nn.l, former employers; refs. req. J II4.. Led Cent bOPRANO soloist experienced In training volun teer choirs, desires position, terms moderate. C IS3. Ledger OfTlce STENOlHlAPHKR." expert well "educated, un usual exeiutlve nbtltt. exp'd seirelarv, gooil inathemiitii Inn, nbsoluti Iv deimndnlib , ib chungo where higb-i lass servbes ro & faith fulness uppri-elnteil h il US vvk. i" 2,'lil.l.eil hit TRWNHIl Nl'ItSK-s SERVICES MAY RE SE CURED AT RKHI'CED RATES HY PARTIES WISHIXO TO TRAVEL AND IX NEED OF SUCH SERVICE. J 710. LUD-r'lt CKX TRAL. YOI'NU WOMAN wants position In nfHcu. Iv.li- had good buHineH I raining. Is conscientious energetic not afraid of work, good soibil m sltlon and refs . p-.il estate prefirrnl. i an dn s.-tretsrv work llox 4S.1. Ardmor- YOt'.NCl LADY, thoroughlv expertemeil In o work and offlfe rnu'tne. also inmpeten operntor. deslies positiuii with growing firm. J 4.1-. Ledger Central. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE ACCOUNTANT Hooks ou-ned. I losed and writ ten up: audits svHtems. lurjiorutlon work, profit and lots stulenn ills. I.alume slitets pripared c 224, Luliit-r ofllci- ACIJITOR will i.udit. open and c oso books. terms reasonable RMS Pine st. Ui;OKICi:i:l'i:u. exp . cood uccountnul. In wars hnapiul i xp . i-iiliiietiit til take chart- nf offlie. wants position of rtsjioaaiblllty; b st references c 2,'ln 1.,-dacr (irfliv lipOKKnEPER. experienced, employed vlclnltv Jd and Chestnut sts . desires wortt spare time nt olflce. c 134. I-dger Office. IHIOKKEEPKR Young man, experienced book- HHt-iir u nu pay cii rK. ilesires rvHIHinslble posi- Hon. J 747. I.edg. r (Vntrul IlOilHKEEPEH and correspondent. Hi years" experience; full charge. C 21S. Ledger Office CHAUFFEUR colored, bandy man; private: ref. erence 712 8. 10th St. COOK Fair colored man "wishes position In !:?.?!ni.,n f".1: r out of city, the right roan 2Kill.ihibrldge COOK, butler, Japanese, first class, wants situation; city, country; private family c 222 ledger Office. OFFICII JIANAOKIl and executive's assistant: several years' experience handling eorre. spondence. credits, costs: If you are seeklns a man of ability and Initiative, with unusual references, address J BU, Ledger Central. OFFICE MAXAIIER, exicutivtt assistant or sic. retarv one with Initiative and considerable experience in handling delude, prtpirlng an utvtlc und statistlcril iljtu, desirts bitter con- nectfons J 4.11. Ltdser Centrrfl WOMAN, colored neut, desires situation, no washing: nfx Md1 ilus,iis, 2.111 ,...i, STENOGRAPHER ami snrei.ir, 21. Willi .in und Initiative. tbnriiu-hlv expi-rienieU ami idlMhle. di-stres strrilanal position, willing lo travel .1 11.1.1. 1-ilgtr ivrilr.il STEMlOitAPIICH nn.l 1 nrriiiu.niliii with ., eiutive ability will i-otis'der fair ilurv; op poriunlty for advancement C 223, Led Olf K'Al flAlO Ab. Them UUr,- i3xj M&mn. M c?hjt TOP Ot -B FER Oft BRnlfr H'fcA., AloaLG-1 '?oOT A SITUATIONS WANTED MALE i outihurd from Prratlino column VALET- Lady coin South would llko to place Iwr I ug.ish bull, r and v.ilit he is a K"d traveler nnd nurse, con nlso cook Ml f'roihers tm Elm nve . Snarthmore. Pa YnrXjj MAV, !S. with college education seek position rather than snHrv , of good appear nnie and nddro. not partlrulnr ns to kind of litllne. but n pnltlon where nppllrnllnn of '.".. ;hergle will make a future polhle. I lil I Le,lger ( . nlrnl YOFNO MAN, college tralnrd 22 onn yeir's experience ns salesman nml correspondent, desires a connection with n progressive Arms Initial salary no object .1 013. Ledger Cent. TOI N'tl MAN. rolorrd. wlshe pi countrv. prhsle famllv: til If Edmniid 2111 Mnninn YOPN'H M.V. 2.1 .olVge exre r desires position J eduiniion. clerical '4' Ledger Central . EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES WANTED Wall rrssn for FlorldA, nlso ono wnltrts who inn mnke silnd. alo for Flor ida, wnnteil, nil kinds of llrst-rlns help. Jtl'S Hose Donghertv. 1313 W tllmrd nve. AUTOMOBILES For s.tlc ttAtST.ll KLECTIIIC Ladv will sicrlflco mod ern. 4-pasjenger eotipe, perfect rondltlon. Mts. rf , -If III Lelper st. Pn Frnnktord 20(14. BtHCK 1012 0 .1.1 .1 passenger, fine condition svfry.Wny; exceptional purchase, J.150. LOCTlJIonil.l:, 2.114 Market st., Locusl 460 I'. M. IIALLtUAN. Mgr. Exchange (Jar Dcpl. ni'lt'K touring, also p pairing, guaranteed to bo rtnllgfnctorv, X. I'lilla Subs nnd Service, .1117 X Huh si CADILLAC 1lt4 Inuring cnr. overhnuleil and repainted: full equipment: price J.fio AUro BALL'S enltl'ORATION, 142 N. Ilroad St. CHEVROLET. 101(1. I.nbv crnnil: Imrgnln: full line of ci r es--ories. rear tire carrier and hood . ... H.. .. ...1 l........nd Kf 111.11. HI-iimII C1..1 , U ' I- .,,.,, ,,,t,,,..'l -. ... '1,1,1, . l,-rlIVl nill'N and Service, never Insed. IIII7 X. Klili sj. (HI-'.VItoLET, loo model reus . Chevrolet nc lessories. nil repairing bv Chevrolet tnechan. les guarnnteed siitlsfni lorv N. Phlla, Chcvro lit Salis and Servile. .1117 X I nth St. CHEv ROLET imirln cnr. bnlty grand. 101(1: hn wlnfi r Inelosure. fullv equipped: cnll. ex amine nnd mnke price; no dialer. 10,10 Vino st. CHEVROLET elei lights mid stirlnr. entirely new st- P-; $,1,10, also used cars. N Phlln, Sales nnd Sirv.. 3117 N. tilth st Never closed. ('LAHS'T i-ir. eleitrlr lUlits and stnrt.r: entirely new style- $1.10, nine payments tan bo nr rniigeil 3117 N lllth st. CoLE I1H4. n passetmer. Just overhauled and' painted Ilk' new big bargain, . i 8 HOWEltS co Used Car Department. 2.1(1 N li-M-ni si Walnut ill.' IIUtxnNH Plinilons. roadsters nnd cnbrloletsr enulpped with i-bdrlc ll-tht and starter. HO.MERY-SCHWARTZ. 2.13 N. Ilroad st. MWW'KLL tonrlnc nil tituilrl'lg done by ex- perb in eii Miimm il ni'-n X. Phlln Sales nnd Servlie. Illli ,N I lllh l MITCHELL IP17 Intest model 0-30. 7-pnenger touring; small mileage, car dellvvired tn August, look this exceptional bargain over. LocoMniill.Ev 2.111 Mnrkm st Locust ISO. F. M. HALLiflAX. Mgr. Fxehnnge Cnr Dept. PACKARD livlindir. lb. it P.. 7-passonger limousine nn I touring. $330 .THE WHITE CO. 21(1 Xurlh Ilrnad st. RAYf'llltl) 1 nml 2 Inn inn Us i. Ilvi r Hie goods $32.1 ti xlll'i RA YI-'iIIH Co 2,1 st nnd I ml In nn nve. eClllPFM-HooTH 3-p.isenrcr roadster. wlr" wheels, one exirn with tlru mounted, excellent condition: big btrgnlti L. S IIOWERS co Used Cnr D-pnrtmcnt. -CM X Ilroad st , Walnut 7112. OVERLAND p mlslt r llrst-clnss condition be light and starjtcr. i. is l"3'i Wallace FRVXKLIV SEHAV Ti.r sue good ns new; $220(1. Iiiifleli-i il, Aiii"rli.ni It Cntni-rla. USED TRUCKS Sevir.il well-known tnnlte. ranging Trout 1 to 3 tons with and without bodje. (lirford Phlla Co. 22IH Chestnut. USED PARTS FOR MOST MAKES SCH0BER, 3339-41-43-45 Market V 111 I'll WANTED Ford, nnv condition, cash. MID WAY, mil Snvd.-r nvr. Ph Dickinson 431.. AUTO LIVERY AND OARAGES POPLAR. 1(117 To hire (open (lav nnd night). Pirk 142 brand new .'-pus tnurlnu car. tl 2.i hr , also brand new- 7 p.iss. limousines, $1 (10 hr : w'ddliurs. funerals 1711) Olrard, IXDEPKXDEXT TAXK'AII CO. lltldsnu Super Sl LlmiiUillies. Spiclnl iitti-ntloii tn weilillmtn and funeral. Diamond illilil x.-mt di sed. Park 73. CARS AND TRUCKS STORED :i PI'R MONTH INDIANA (lARVdE V E COR 2D AND INDIANA AVE Pl'Y MOISTER norlnble garages, steel sr stucco. On dlsplnv ,1at N nth st. Tinea MSI. AUTO REPAIRING 1 SPEEDOMETER TROURLEH t Ete HILLY, at 111- nu- location. Hn VORTII I1ROAD ST. .--ERVIi'i: THAT IS REAL SERVICE llupiuolilli. Rep.iir nml Service Co. Flivel w Smllh, :i:n:l X Ciirllsle si. AUTO SUPPLIES PARTS HOD I ES ENa INE3 Plllla. Aulo Parts Co. 823 N. 13th. Phone Park 1 118. TIMKF.X-11EARIX(1.S IH'YATT New Departure Service sta The Owluiam Co , 1314 Arch st. Ph. Walnut 3107. Race 3Wi AUTO TIRES PULLMAN TIRES Guaranteed :i"nu miles. Compare prices. liltl.M'S. 2:111 X Hn. hi rl lllx'l's MINSK III TIRES J7.r.n :!(lx:i'ji Red Tubes uu.ir.inti 1-1I . .. 1.73 It I I )l U .I'll TIRE CO.. 12X1 Anh si. CORD TIKES, ftllxfl'i nnnskiil 14 All sUis 1 In ap. siiimlaid miik llrsin. Ill W IttllclilioUH, si , (ii-rmantowii DOGS. BIRDS AND GOLD FISH JUST ARRIVED Fine younc Red Head Mei. can Parrots, at JU each. Yellow Head .Veil 1 .111 parrots, nt 111! nnd $12 Mich, every Parrot is ku unnie, d Uiat it will learn 10 talk, cages $2 and unward 13 C V.MILE. 319 MARKET ST. TINE SIXaiXC. ST A.VDHUASIIURn ROLLER csnarbs. tlm-st sont,stern obtainable. $7.nu each, cigis if evirv description, call where f-ou vill find l.irgesi siim-1; In the city to sa ect from E c Vahle, Ml'.i Market st. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ESTAIILISIIED cnnl sand, cement nnd build ing maiiri.il iiuainess, heavy leatnlug, long dlstnnie miitliii: subcontnictln; last year's pront 114.011(1. wish to nllie, urlti- for de. firlptlve folder Room 1. Woolwurtli Ilulld- lnir llethlebeni. Pa UE.STAI'RAXT lor sile, one of tin' olitrst res liiur.iuts in the ill v. 1 stulillnhi il :i,1 ,ars. dnitif u birgo busii.ess, nutnil nil over the 1'nlied Siitis ns "Jack of Hurls", prb-n $.1(iii((. pirsuiiiil Intt-rvlew onls: J. Hurt. 123 ami 12.1 S Huh st. IF YOU HAVE REAL MONEY and you want to take an active Interest In u going business as Us treasurer or If vou want to start jour eon on a pronahlo bustnes career, Investlvits this staple proposition M 03J. Ledger Office. PATENTS Our 1 books sent free "How to Obtntn Patents." Victor .1 Evans fc Co., 1429A Chestnut at.. Philadelphia. S PER CENT inventnulil intt-riet miibd itu.ir- 1 rlv Home Rullders' Co. Hill Chestnut st 5 PER CENT investment pn worn no losses? HOME HI'll.llCllS' CO, lull I'lnstnut st. BUSINESS PERS0NAL3 FULL DRESS AND TUXEDO SUITS TolFlnrj ilsttrsl stylest. also 1-buttun braided cutaways for morning weddings, COOPHR. into Olrard avo Poplar Mil. DIAMONDS HOUHHT " " Ilsnk references Apnralsement, I per cent. IIARIIV W. SMITH. 717 Sansom st. UVKNINH ( l.OTIIES TO IIIRR " "" I stest styles, phone Poplar 23.1. open eves 1 EIDNER'H. 10th and (llrard uveVS. W. cor. tl REPAIRS your watch, no matter bow badlv It Is broken, new parts nt cost, bring this ad with vou ! Sansnin st Room 3. Kurmutn. .SUPERFLUOUS HAIR remuv j eleotroljsls. Hi,, onlv perman, ut u.n Evi brows arched MISS SMITH. 402 Keith Theatre llulldln.' ' MASSAGE J''ai-'e' St'l,P' llnnlcuring. 5ki. -PTpuI6( FUT THl- -hcaJ i)Kis irust im To t&D(rl. FOB SALE BILLIARD, POOL combination seend-hnd bought, sold, rented, exchanged: repairing, supplies. Lrlfe Keafer, American manufac turer, 329 (llrard ave Phone Kens. 231(1. BILLIARD AND POCKET TAIlLF.S Also howl. Ing alleys, phonograph. eny p-iy'ls. IIIUIXS- WICK-llALKH-COLt.EXDER CO. 1002 Arch, BILLIARD pool tables, new. secondhand bowl ing nlleyst easy payments Rosntto-llarry-street Co . 222 s Mh st Phone Walnut 2284 CASH HEOtSTERI bought, exchanged, repaired, reploted. stipplles. new and factory rebuilt registers: new total adders a low ns $40. Call and see our new models. Registers sold by ns on essv payments and fully guaranteed. THE NATIONAL CASH HL'OISTHR CO 730 CHESTNUT STREET CHURCH pr.WS Walnut, red plush uphoIter d; plain nnnrerd oak t'ltAIR KX'-IIANOE. s K. ror filh and Vine. P.FPRK1EHATORS nnd nxturrs for mett mar kets, electric choppers and tool: stores nnd markets fitted up complete monthly payments if references nro satisfactory It. r, RAN- 1JALL A CO.. 3.11 N 2d St.. Philadelphia SAFES, fireproof: alo thin wall stfes; doling out a large Int of slightly used, nil sle and makes: tdg bargain 210 North Fourth at. SAFES, fireproof, new nnd sllghtlv nd, sll sire, bargain; repiirlmr, opening, all makes, low price 1131 1-rankford nve. I'OUlt Abram Cnx mirvd novelty beater for sale cheap, sire Ix2ll, good condition, used I sesson onlv. selling on account of steam heat, ng Inslnllnllon, an be seen nt Dexter Metal Manufacturing 'o . I-ront and Arch sis., Camden N f USED orrtcE FURNITURE Everything Imnglnnble In Ihls line nnd plenty nf II: best nenrinient nnd Ijest value In Phila delphia: free auto ileihery anywhere. Ht'OHES. ttlh and Itllltnnwond nEATINQ HEVTERS, boilers, ranges, now and rebuilt! removeii for the Mnkln-IJelasy health heals will lntnll chenn 127 Filbert st. INSTRUCTION SUCCESSFUL TEACHER visit pupil: vocal, ttliiiln cio'iittim 11111 eoli-hes nilllll of ticRlMtrd cdiiintlon: modernto term. M i4S, Ledger Central MACHINERY AND TOOLS DO YOU KNOW YOU Alii: not gelling nil the labor v-ou are paving for when your machine run without ptirpo!' Cut out uscles cost with YMCOM FRICTION pulleys. SHAFT INtl and .MACIIIXE WORKS. 13 North Kt'C"n" JAMES YOCOM ,SON. POWER PLANT EOtMPMENT Dynamos, motors, boiler, stenm nnd oil en gine, pumps, nlr compressor FRANK TOOMEV. Inc . 127 X. 3d St. UYXAMOS. motor nnd machinery bought, sold nml rented, urtn'itures repaired. Main 01. Mniket 31)113. Yearsley Co.. 221 N. 3d st. LEATHER MELTING, made on llio prcmle: fullv gunrnnt I CHARLES BOND COM PANY. r-211 ARCH ST TWO NO. Ill HI.IS'I alrnUht slde-Beared power presses, sire ?2,'in motor driven. XI'TTALL, 1TIS V. nth. WoODWllRK'IXd MVCIIINEItV Largo stock of new nnd second h.iml I.. I'. SEVI'EHT'M SUNS, 1.17 N .Id si MntiERN ni.K hine shop wishes work to keep tools busv 2S1.1 Hiiudlnnt st MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS OREAT AFTER CHRISTMAS SALE PIANOS AND PLAYER PIANOS The extra large Dei ember buluc brniislit a iot of liigh-urude pianos ns pirt payment on Planoln-plano and Vlctrolas. These piano liavo been rebuilt lu our repolr shop and ore now sold with the tronK lleppi iuarnntce. which menus full protettlon and frco evchange w Ithln one year. Prices havo been reduced In many cae to one. fourth tlio 0rlRlt1.1l value of the piano, a follows chlikertng. Leslrr. Miller. Schomacker. Cun ningham Olrard. Itlaslu. etc., at 71. $s,1, Still sun $12.1. 1.1ii etc. Eighteen Hllghtly ucd pl.wio. with three roumlliuT board lleppe. Mirr-eltu. Jules nnd Frnmisia rcijtrned from lentnl nccounts nnd redirml .1ll Li sum bolow rrRdl ir price. These plnnos aic cool a new ami fully gtlnr anteril for len years. Several plover piano nt S.1.10 $.'17.1 $39.1. etc.. uood ns new and fully cu.irnnteed. Spei lal -2!i.1 Welterdeld placr-piano, In good tomtit Ion. tost $10". t't.tm mnnlhlu oinf ifpitntdf. Call or wrlle for large illustrntcd catalogues and apci In) plans of puvment. IIEPPE'S 1'PTOWX STORES COR I1TII THOMPSON STS.. P1III.A.. PA. S3S LAIU1E TALK'IXC. MACHINE (IMIsnn), Willi cabinet nml records; llnlshed In a beau tiful quartered oak 1 ot new IH1; can be paid nt the rate of 7.1 lents weikly. nn exlellent bargain, in good condition, tiu.1i to now: wrllo for catalogs and list of li.irgnlns. IIEPPE'S UPTOWN STORES Cor. (Jth und Thompson sts flS.I. NEW rPltldllT PIANO S.'lnii qunlll (liiirnntred TUR.MS. 11..1H WEEKLY RELLAK, U2!l CHESTNUT ST. 5S9.BO VICTROLA VI nnd II 10-ln. D. F. records; an ex( client outllt for ono who I looklnn for a good mncMnc nt n rensonnbto price; weekly payments nctetiteil. tall or write for complete di scrlptiun and l.irt;u Illustrated cutulotf. IIEPPE'S UPTOWN STORES fur lllh and Thompson sts. Milton player-piano. $175 8R-XOTE. SPLEXDID COXDITIOX. For par ticulate Address or call 31311 Kenlnalnn nve. A FEW Edison diamond-point tnlklng imchlne nt half nricu. sm.ilt ti.ivmenis. call or write for catalogs and complete list of bargains. IIEPPE'S UITOWX STORES Cor. lith and Thompson st : CH1CKERIXO UPRIGHT PIANO ' HOWARD VINCIVXT. S3S N. CTH VOI'lt PLAYER-PIANO OUT OF ORDER" See us. "We are Expirls." Phone, c.ill or wrlle. (Irani! Union Piano Co.. 312'! Kensington ave PIANO Only SK.1. beautiful tonn 52K.1 upright elegant condition: stool and delivery Included: monthly pavments. P. O ilnx 3130 Station O WM T PARKER Mulc parlor standard S. note tnulc rolls sold and exchanged: open evg nnd Sundays, 221(5 X Van Pelt st , Phlla, OLD GOLD OLD OOLD Cash paid for old gold, silver antiques, clocks Semi postal, will tall. IKKiEHS. 27 S 17lh st llolh phones OLD HOLD, silver, platinum, plated ware. old. stlo Jewelry, teeth plates bought for cash. Est. 1S70 J. L. Clark, ri finer. S07 Sansom PRINTING 100 CARDS AND CASE name onlv 3'lc 300 Huslness cards nnd cise II. no .100 Huslness cunts und iahe 1,21 1000 Huslness card and case ,, 1.75 Commercial Print' A.- Hngrnv'g our specialty. CARD SHOP loin Chestnut st. STORAGE FIDELITY FIREPROOF WAREHOUSES 18U-1S1U MARKET ST. MILLER N. I1ROAD STORAOE CO . riroad ab Lehigh ui;.. new fireproof addition: rooms fireproof: furniture and china packers; auto vans, estimates free. Hell phone Tioga 47(10. WEST PHILA. AUTO SERVICE MONARCH STORAOE CO. Parking and Shipping. 3170 LAXCA STE 1 1 " A VIJ TYPEWRITERS AND SUPPLIES KElllNdTON SERVICE applies to rental ma chines. It Kuaraniecn (.utlsfartlon. Visible model, l.'l n mouth. 7 no for 3 months HEMINO'lON TYPEWRITER CO.. INc! 110 S. 0th at. WANTED ANTIQUE FURNITURE broken Jewelry, gold, silver, false teeth, diamonds bought "An tloues." 028 Chestnut. Ph. Walnut 7028. Est. b6tf. DESKS SAFES. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, etc . bought. l)u Ing Central Second-hand Furniture Co , 004-800-914 Callowhlll st, FURNITURE, pianos, carpets, antiques, entire or part houses bought for cash, no matter how large. J. Ilernsttln. 1331 Hideo ave. j &-i (iTy --x-i -i ' 3IKirS- -h j -B 1 tv .',- ; - in ,, M (p&Cfei w SffOWffPWWfa ioit WANTED Continued1 from Prcccrtfni CofMmti NEWSPAPERS, magailnes rags. Iron, metals, carpets, furniture, .feathers, fnfhln,' tf Jft wherei posts I, Hell, Poplar 43M: Key, Park J127. Oldest, mot reliable dealers In clly. DOUGHERTY SONS 20th si bel. Jefferson, OLD ClOLD nnd silver, diamonds. Jjw'lry and old false teeth bought for cash. 133 fl th. HIGHEST PRICES paid for rag pajer carpel tnagnrlnes nnd all kind of scrap metal and rubber Out-of town trade solicited Honet deal guaranteed Write for price Both Phones J BENDER 2321 Ridge ate HOOMS FOR KENT CHESTNUT. 2009 DESIRABLE ROOMS. rn MANENT OR TRANSIENT CHESTNUT ST , 201.1 Second floor back room: running water, table board LOCUST ST . 1200 Front parlor nnd alcove: open fireplace, southern exposure, partly fur. LOCUST. 3043 Outside rooms, running. water, furnlhed or unfurnished Preston nnoi W SEDGLEY AVE . 2I7R Nice warm, comfort able room bv day or week reasonable Phono Diamond 4013 J 17TII ST H .140 TWO ROOMS. WITH PRI VATE RATH GENTLEMEN BOAHDINO LOCUST. 31130 Desirable 2d floor front room running wnter, cxi client table: rcf. Pre. 3410 SANITARIUMS HEAt'TtFUL LOCATION; special scientific care, nervous, elderly; every comfort, nurses Imok let Dr Randal. Cllv Line. Chestnut Hill. APARTMENTS CHESTNUT ST , 2001 N W CORNER Professional office and npnt'lmenl Elevators, electric lights slciltn heal .Innllor service, suits 2 rooms nnd bnlh. WALNUT. 220.1 .v'erond-lory front. 2 l-irge room: liith. private hnll. well healed, plenty hot water, electric, furnished or uhfurnlhed. Wl'.ST PHILADELPHIA 10TI1 AND WALNUT STS.. Hold Mnrlvn Three. room npartment. unfurnished. In sub let far balance of lense: living room, bedroom nml Kntli: flnelv Incnlcd (H'.ltMAXTOH'N THE NEW ADDITtOV TO PflLIIAM COURT IS OPEX PELHAM COURT was not built tn mike nn apprnl lo everc one but to you -vho detnnnd the bet nnd nre acrutnmed to receive tt at n nrlco which considering whnt jou do de mand nnd receive. I moderate It will mnke n strong, compelling appcnl. PELHAM COURT l locntcil nt Carpenter's Slnllnn. (lermintnwn. .1ut off beautiful Lin loin Drive, on llio Pennsvlvnnla Rallrnml: nu or so train n div: surely transportation enoueli for nnv one Suite of 2 room and 1 bith to tt room nnd 2 baths: the sire In suit sour require ment. Price urn from J. in up. PELHAM COURT I n nillel perfect APARTMENT HOTEL, and located In nn ab solutely Idenl nml exclulvo suliurbnn location. in n word VOU mnviiomn to PELHAM COURT nnd Und n perfect suburban location with transportation unexcelled, nn Ideally con structed biilidiliB. unlet, dlcnllled. elegant. You mav select an apartment nf tho sire lo suit jour Individual need: vou will rind nil vour housekeeping pinblem solved nnd taken enre of for vou absolutely without effort on vour part: vou will nnd n table of the utmost excellent e nt a most modernto price, and lb" snme courtesy, service nnd attention Is uniform throughout tho entire establish- For- full Information, nrrnngements for In spection and reservation cnll. phone or Wr" '"XOR.MAX S. SHERWOOD till WALNUT ST. SPnUCE 31171 , , RACE 302.1 or hi representative on Ihe premises at Pelhnm Court Appointments imv bo mado for automobiles lo cnll nl vour residence or business nlnco and take vou direct to PELHAM COURT at Jour (.ouvenlenco and pleasure. ' HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS THE EXOLEWOOD. 32(1 S. 11th Idenl central housekieping nparlment; suites 2 and 3 room, kitchenette and hath. THE HUXDAS 170(1-112 Pine st Attractive suites. 2 and 3 moms, with bnlh. dining room; new management. Till! KENT, 1.112 N LITH ST MoJern hnueskepltis annrlnients: reduced rental: Just renovated throughout. Applv lo Janllnr. on premise or LEWIS A. TAULANE S W. cor. nth nnd Walnut tits. THERE ARE SEVERAL WAYS (IT SECURIXO AX APARTMEXT Rut suppose. Inxtrnd of trvtng nil these different wave you Just call at (hi office the largest, most attractive and best equipped In Philadelphia, devoted exclusively to secur- ln" lil-l w in t.icv v ml fm )i Mi ilir ti. upie Tell u jour requirement. Tho lending nnd desirable apartments In Philadelphia aro listed with or mn be rniited through u. Our automobiles are waiting lo take you to the list of properties vou designate, so Hint with the bast possible i ffnrt ou may secure ttu ono apartment in Phlla. which most nearly approaches' vour exact Ideal. NORMAN S. SHERWOOD 1111 WALNUT ST. Spruco :;n71 Race 302.1 W. E. Cor. 17th & Walnut (On hlni'U from Tilt t nlion. S(iuarc) 3 JjoUf-fUppnlnK Bult't, 1 rooms, tucIuJ- tiitr 3 lifitlii 1 eulte. - ronmi nnd hallr 1 pt llonr prnf4siimal nfn. t mrtrm Tree p nf l.iundry on tnp !onr Your lnip'Pt!on ts r-rdliM" 'i't. MERT0N GREIMS VVnlcut llfi:"l lln-i, J70 l.il'crlv lllile . lim ..i iii.i 'hotnut Tell u sour requirement APARTMENT BUREAU OjCTlce uf itrrton Urelms i.inn.T iii.m... hkiiad a chestnut Walnut BISIl l(nc 2270 FOUR rooms nml bath liol-wat.r heat, electric lhsht. running hoi water 1.1 minutes from Ctt Hall rent .:o. Iuc.it Ian 1.11.1 N. Qrutz. Applv to E. II Apsles .1Mb and Springfield HILL CREST. S. E. COR. 31111 s.vO RACE: 7 AND H-RIIO.M Vp Ml i'.MIJXTS; SHOWER FURXISHED (lit UXI'l'RX , ItEA'SOXAIII.i:. DESIRARLE il-niom unfurn. upartments. near Sirawlierrs M.uislun IKilml ,12.12 llldgo uvc NEW C0R0NAD0 CHCSTNUT AND TWIINTV-HUCOND STS. Kxtensli nltfratlonn hai l)en inide. tn fludlnk' Mervlro -liator uddltlunul atury for Tuiitti (.uartv-rH hnuflM telephone yUra. ttc. Apply ut llulldln.: ur to SAMUEL J. HENDERSON C01 MORRIS RUII.DINO WI'.ST I'HILMIUI.I'HIA THE MONTEVIBTA (13D AND OX1-OHD .VTS. An Ideal location In the exclusive Over bronk section. Suites of 2 room bath nnd Kitchenette, unfurnished, from J32 to JrH, "'"'"fn""'' Public dining room, elevulur service, mall, chute and all modern appointments. PhoneOverbrook 30()8. THE WALLINOFORD S9T1I AHOVE CHESTNUT ST. New 8-room apartment for rent; electric ele- vator, vacuum heat, hotwajerlaundry, etc. THE WARREN. 1003 S. 40th Second "floor :0 K?Y,f.OH,"to,N:. .,'. TVtii sY'18 rrch' PLOL-YDON APTS.. 40th and Locust .1 out. Id, roams and bath. furn. or unfurn.. S43 to tat. HEKMAXTOWN WISSAIIICKON APARTMENTS. Queen Iane btnllon. (lermantown Under new ownership Bnd management. (I rooms 2 baths largo porches, very modern. Including refrigeration. Mullein repair. .1.1 to J7.1. Apply Janitor on premises, or CHAIN. Sll S S2d Jan"or' on y'TMAlK- ua'-b 'B.TiSeV. runt a Giuice. m '5g?T HfAl oi f(S rtET VeT? u rVSieV y sf . SJ ' r'' " 'T I urn i ii i j CfuJ- r xfifoZZ ' jfr tJ2i!y ' m&Efj&T'' APAnTMENT HOTELS ALDINEHOtEL ,.,: THE BEST ROOMS AND SUITES Willi the best table tn Philadelphia Day, Week, Month, Season, Year PARKSIDE APARTMENTS Miss McOlade, Manager 40th and Olrard Avenus ....Opposite Falrmoiint Park 1...FV.nNIS,.":U IJ" JNPyilNI8HF.D bath. " two an thr" t00InJ 4 tlP-TO-DATE SF.RVICB EXCELLENT TABLE THE GLADSTONE 11TH AND PINE 8T3. Absolutely Fireproof .BVKRAt. vEnrDrtnArtLB suites cam FURNISHED OH UNFURNISHED THE MONTEVIBTA , .1D, AND OXFORD STREETS Exceptionally largo rooms, newly furnished, with bath and kitchenette. Including hc.t.1 service: weekly nnd monthly ratesi publte din. Ing room, elevator service and ail modern at polntmcnt. ' PHONE OVERBROOK 3068 THE CLINTON TENTH BELOW Qtmirnii sno nooM-?. nvEnr rbNVENinNCE. Furntshed or nfurnlih'ii: either b? Unae or trnnIfntly: suttea ot on or four room with bnth nntiMAn-Monnis tV?rit Ch.fn r?.. 0-rmnntown. 20 mtnutti iiroiid m. ismttont rurnlitned or co. furnlihfd Arnrtinontff: one room nnd bath tr III -I rjniou iiinip-nrriiii, mini Vliirmn iiuij;i. uui.sjr.iAii Hpmce ni r-ivntii it, A glrt fnmllv nnartmpnt hotel all Urrt, nui't limit uinniuB ruum-; kuiiiik roomi, Da room And bnth. with mnli for two praoni tfl. per wpk nnd upward 11WI1NU riU 1 1L BI5D17 WALNUT American plan. J2. European. Jl up THE ESMOND .pp",, , SUITES OF 2 3 AND I ROOMS AND IUTII THE TRACY PERMANENT (III TRANSIENT OUE3TS .i.i ,,.iv iii.m.iirr "IX THE I CEXTER OF EVERYTHIXO" THE LITTLE HOTEL- . 22,1 B, IIROAD ST. , REAL ESTATE FOR SALE CITY lfi.l.W. MAXIMUM. 12 R . 2 Inlh l.ion cash? .Vii'X "."n' '- - l"",'!'' reducerr "" l'i Lilh. 2 tnrles H It . porch ir.no cash 3111 N lllth. III It , I37im..renl.il 117 l.iJIMt eriinn. large ilwelllnn entrnl ll'S!' N 1Mb. 10 ll..brnwnslon. . r. du. ed pre lIISWlle. II It . r.-ilur,.,l pri. e ' "l'! S"' .'larden.slde Mini cstnte i .e low. IIS E Indiana nve , cor, 2 slv n R iiti'er liircnin In Inree nml small properties IIIRIIARD II WORRELL n.1.1 X iVth ROW of 111 small 2 story dwellings northeast seel Ion ; nlwny rented: nhsolut- sacrifice les than dollar for dollar: several other won derful bargnln for speculator or Investor! must be sold In 30 dnv to close account I No reasonable offer refused for nnv of these properties: there I nothing In Philadelphia like tliesi! bargain nrrerrd by thl orrlce. Cull, phone or vvrlto for full ptrlli ular. NORMAN S. SHERWOOD Spruco .".U71 1111 Walnut st. Race 302S 182(1 W. VENANOO ST. (corner Orntzl 10x130 feet; .l.stnry brick dwelling 12 room nnd 2 baths. Inclosed laumlrv. with nibs hot-water heat, km and electric ItVhls, tSduu THE LAND TITLE AND TRUST CO TRUST DEPARTMENT Ilroad and Chestnut sts linon LESS thnn cost at present prices side vard home, bnr-tnln figure, ii:u Chew s( Tnhorl tuw. 0 loom; I liedrnomn. thoroughly mod ern, wide street: large lot. two trolleys blocic from Tnbor Statlnn. AHERNETIIY. 2721 N. 31b. 133 S 12th FOR SALE N. W. cor. l.ollt nnd Ilnnsall SH.1 Improved lot, 40x70. suitable for erection of enrage THE LAND TITLE AXD TRUST CO lironu ami i ucinui sis 2I.1-2I7-2I'! S. MARVIXE ST 22.1 X. Camao 231 S. Warnock 1.1 is Wood 21US. Mnrvlne 1 Illll! Melon I '1 1.1 Wood MYERS A IIARTII. RIDCE AVE AND 10TII. 2,122-21 W DAUPHIN ST. 311x120 feet with 2.11.1 I'lelclier st. on rear. 1Sx120 f,,.t as sissed at tumid: innnthlv rental Jill THE LAND TITLE AND TRUST CO Ilroad and Chestnut sts INVESTORS 1721-23 Mascher st and rear on Wnterloo st ; four 3-stnrv brick dwellings, rented to S tenants nt If! I .1(1 monthlv Chai. W. Miller. 101-07 Commonwealth I'ldg X E COR. 2D AXD DIAMOND STS Well located site and building adnpt'-d for factories, Itarnms etc. ; iinxlno tn Pali thorn st LEWIS A TAULAXE. SW. cor. nth and Walnut sts. VALUAIILH central X. Uroid st lot mrner of main street 7.1x111 feet, the mest di'slr nble location on llro-td nt WM. h. 'YARDLEY. 1334 (ilrn-il v SEVERAL TWIN HOUSES lo be (.old at special nrlecs. vou cult save mom v terms tn suit MAURAN. DOLMAN & CO. N E nr Ilroad und Chestnut. HOMES WITH HAKAOE PRIVILEOKS LO HAN AXD OLNI1Y' LIIIEItAL Tl'ltMS AHERNETIIY. 2721 X. .1T1I 2!10.1-ll7-30-.n TAXEY Desirable Investment! bot-.vnter heat: electric llslit etc JAMES D. WIXCIIELL. 211 III N 2!lth st N E COR LITH AXD EUCLID AVE Just the site for oparlment house, all tloors on level. See Wm. O. (3!enn.13!7 Columbia nve 2100 IILOCK X. 2IITH ST. llriiw-nstone 8 ran , l,i Hi; line condition: ns'd S30UO large lot: Mill cash required. KOHI.ER 22 IS X 29th. STORE AND DWELLINH. 4 11 Poplar st rea sonable price; easv term, line stand for bakery .1. c. FULLER. HI S Inlh st PARK AVE AXD NORR1S ST '3 rooms will sell rrusonn'ile wrlle fn" p.trtlrulnrs WM. SADLER'S SON'S. 1.120 Columbia aye. Rilllillng l.ol. Factor Site. Etc. WAYNE JUNCTION I HI inlnutpa from l.f-.i.ll. x Terminal nml 1 hour ..K inlnutFH from I.lherty ntrci-t Ni-w York It ! it rntr tor iri?h-clai"i factor. ! offyr tnr nat" most dislrable trnrt. '2 3.1 ncren. la whol or In luirt, railroad front, ipe and fliret tmproement. ut a tnod-ratp prlr. GLYND0N PRIESTMAN S.'ni! (Jprmnntuwn ap. LARGE TRACT IN NORTH PHILADELPHIA SU1TARLE FOR HIOII-CLASS DWCLLIXOS. P 1117. LEDGER OFFICE SITES. RAILROAD, for sale. Pennsylvania and Reading; 2000 per acre nnd up. according; to location Inquire for terma DIETHRICII. 737 Walnut SEVERAL exceptionally well-located factory and bualniss building sites, with or without rails road facilities; large and small, all prices, MORRIS & CO.. Hldge ut ilroad 17 NK1V TWO-STORY porch dwellings renting for 125 per month, can bo sold on Investment bnsls; very little cash required Address owner, M 711. la-duer Central. TRACT OF GROUND rlpo for development all itnnrnvrments In: will consider part exchange. O'NEILL - PUCKERS, Inc.. B208 Walnut sL DELAWARE RIVER-FRONT PROPERTIES II. H. McCOLLUM 1314 Walnut st. LOT 330 FEKT FRONT. 200 FEET DEEP ON READIXO RAILWAY. NEAR TIOOA HAS I FRONTS. 1,1111, LED(3EROFFICE Factories RIVF.R-FROXT SITE, large acreage. Including riparian rights: ripe for improvement. TAUI.ANE. 000 Walnut st Stores and Dwelling 1220 N. 10TII ST. (NEAR OIRARD AVE) Large 3 storv store and dwelling arge yar4 to Alder St. WILLIAM L. CRAVEN'S SONS, ioju norm jtn street. N. E. COR. 1IUNTINO PARK and Falrhllli food location for oyster house and restaurant. THOMAS J. WARD. 42JU N bib st ).: A A6AIAft TAKrtCr A! (jUJCl-S (, Odr WtAlO f0D5 ,! f I J.S5-B--fcRfe- , J.' pH, rB4TTlL S S" Ai-O-T-r.-ER.1. iimnip nrr-irimi-r wniMwniriTT H4rJ ? ft H -i--k - n - " m m -, irf Ji