Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 20, 1917, Night Extra, Page 13, Image 13

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    rtiqr " "' ifwM"n twifl
' vtlQJ&W
Referee Was Hooted and Al
most Mobbed for Not Stop
ping Drummie Bout
Jm" I'" I'oimliorty took a Rreiit limil
tff lii" 'hr',t lhl" "'if'11"!? w,'n r'' r
Blilm-'l Hip trim fni-lH regnritltiit the KIN
ban-T'riiminlc luttlc Iti W'nterbury. Coltli..
Thuri' nlRlit AcenrdlriK tn report",
folintn el m "' wmi ,,1( rrowtl "' 'm'1
In hn . ortnl to his ilrPsslnR room liy tlir
noliro nftn Iip knocked nut hi man III tli
ttnlti rr.itml It vn rrnld that Klltmne tilt
hq m.in tipforo lit wn on Ills fl, ntid tin
riot prpno followed.
Hut tin- Hil-on of tilpprrrlllp lolls n dif
ferent tur The feallierwetfiht rhnmtilon
Bn rmt hootpd nut of llic r.nir. nml lie nt
not Biillt of titisi'nrtimatislilli whrti Iip
drown il I'runimlc for Hip count. Klllinnn
Shopil nimp iimrtsmntmlilii llian any onp
uhn '! nppparpil In WntPtiniry. and nan
cherrcd Initdid nf hooted nl Hip oikI of thp
fight TIip refiTpe wiw In had with the
croH'l imt Hip lioxcr.
The Haron tiisplnina
'KiIImmp lnird Yotititf UrninniiP. n twv
who plBlii 13" pounds, nntl had him nut
claspd from the Marl In thp (lrst mund
he dropped I'runimlc with a left to thp
jaw ami from then on tarried him alniiK
but Rae n Kreat uxlilhitlnn of clevpriipxi
Killmne mu know, novcr lilies to Inllli-t
pun'ihnii-it on nil opponent niih"K he Iiiij
to In the ninth round, however. Iirum
mtp lot ll a switiK whlph landed on
Jolinni" " mouth nnd then thpre was
trnulil.' The tumid Plided lipforp Kllhiinc
got ttorkliic properly, hut In the tenth
e'rtlnmr wiii off.
Nilii.iiie "ii.irred n few bpcoihIh. harked
Priiniiti'i' ' ' orner .ind whipped Ills HRht
to tin iv Unimnile fell Mat on his hark,
bill ri' lii;hiinK (iilini was ctroiiR within
him i nd he stiiKBered to IllH feet at the
count of i Johnny wtiH at tho other side
of tin iIiir and refused In ro nenr his
nun II.- km w that Pi'Uniinle still uns nut
Then without any one tourhlni; him. Iirutn
mlr f II t ' th" Moor Main and nrose at llm
count of nine
Willi me tinned to the tefereo and asked
him to -top the Pout, hut the tefereo re
fund 'I In ii.m'il was hootlni; the third
man In the tli.K but It did not help matters
Kllli.ine H.r. ordered to resume nRhtiliR. and
nt..ol of piitK-hlnR his bewildered opponent
SB.iin he i.ibbed him llRhtly and pushed
him t ' tin tlnor. where he was oiinted out
Afiei the bout Johnny explnlnod to the
crowd mil lie was esi'irled by Ills admirers.
not tin- iioiii'p. when he went to his dress
Inn loom The n'feree was the man who
grit ill tl 1 1 '
Dick Ctirlcy Still on Trail
The lintile anions piomoters for l.rn
Dan v Mm i"5 contlnucn with unabated
fun Tli' Aui'inlliin Ik houiiili d from
town t i town by the BatiR from New Yoik,
Enoimoit, urn of money are offered, but
T,etei p. !. 'n w.tNitiR h:. No. HI mitt,
ns lie .in II- tii-'ii il mil all nvettures D'eU
C'urlm tlie not d N'Vawl; capitalist, tried
In .i'ii to : ii iiuiipy uon the middle
welft'it title e:.i m.int lust Wednesday, but
it wn ifeh'iy Parry had just lliilshed his
net .it the nl.wnpln and probably was think
Iiir of tlio iM'eptlnn he received .Mr. I'ur
Ie tells the sad tale on his trusty typo
Tvrib i
"We in .inltiR Mvsoir it Co. thlkcd with
T).iri for hK hours last Wednesday nlRht
end Thurxil iv niornliiR. but there was noth
InR dolus rirst I fornered him tor two
hour' then li'n Iluekley worked a two-hour
shift and lai-t Paddy Mullin tried to put
oor .1 deil In the Html two hours We
offend I.e- SL'il'.nOO to box Mlske, J1B.000
to inci t l.inlnsky nnd Jl'.'.DOO to box Al
Jli'i'nv ll of these offers were turned
down .1 11 IihikIi wc talked until 4:30 n. in.
and ate in eery restaurant on .Market
rtnit t'li.irle llnivey knd John tho Usir
ber also were In the party, but only acted
as Mvnerv John broURht lawyer with him
to hind the match, but tho best the Harbor
Could offer was a haircut to meet Mlske.
a. sh.nu to meet Levlnxky and a shanvmo
If h mixes with McCoy.
"You i in "e that wo have little opposi
tion ind if Harcy Is anxious to flRht In
thl i)iintr we will put on the match
with une one In the I'lercmniit A f . Ill
liiooUlMi In the meantime, If you want to
continue in rooiI health, write somethlnR
about Joe Ar.cedo. Jimmy Murray and .loo
Ilnsner. the i'li.uniloii llywclRht of Ainor
le.i '
The Mail Is Quite Heavy Today
It is Ki'tilni- to be the iPKUlar thlni! nowa
das for the light iimnaRcrs to take their
pens in hand and dash art literary master
pieces winch are shipped all mer the coun
try Hilly (libsnn nnd Charley Harvey hao
tho habit, and each has someililtiB to bay
about the l.eon.itd-Wallaco bout scheduled
next Mond.iv at the Olympla There Is
no doubt that this will be olio uf tho Braini
est little battles titaRcd here In months
and the in.uuiKers admit it themselves
llilK tliliMia t-peaks as follows:
"Harry lMwards talked to mo oer tho
phono last nlRht concerninB the rumor In
Philadelphia th.it Kenny Leonard would bo
unable to box In Philadelphia Monday nlRht
because of bis bad hand. 1 want to assure
you that I.eonaid will be on tho Job. ready
nnd tit to i nter tho rlnB asuliut Wallace
1 furthermore, you can take It from mo that
Denny will satisfy tho IH:ht fans at tho
OPmpt.i the same as ho has done In tho
past l'Md c Wallace Is one of tho touKhest
Hoys In the busliuMS. but lA-onaid Is conll
dent th.it he will stop him Please holp mo
clean uC the situation of the rumors con
cerninB Leonard's bad hand It has healed
completeij and now is as strong as over."
Not to bo outdone, Charley llnrvcy emits
the following.
"Will history repeat Itself? That Is tho
question now dl.stiirliliit,' CiliHo Wallace,
the popular little Drooklyii boxer who Is
matched to meet Denny Leonard In I'hllllo
next Monday nivjlit. AVnliaco was tho first
boxer to drop Dundee for a Iuiib count and
claims to hae softened him up for Willie
Jackbon Wallace has nut consulted a
fortune teller, but Is llrmly convinced that
he will repeat his sensational showing
against Dundee when ho mingles with
Leonard "
With both bojs confident of knocking
each other out. mine excitement should
occur when they get together.
Better Stick
to Your
Little Sled,
Scholastic liasketbatl
Rosier for Today
Itsipffnnl School
tlforse St-ltnol.
t. Ocore School, nt
!.l ..5in.A,h,n tAf'",fm)r "rP School
. lit (porp School.
tVi!...?." 'nl1"" " Temi.te l'rcn
t.H cidii f.ii.. .. tt-.-t- ..... i it
tit.it. I. 'i"lrp '" .'nirri iunril", nl ,11
' ilji
I'rnn 1tt. !..
Itimrrnrrttlld iclionl,
llonlcntonn Mill.
nl I imrrnretlltp.
. Sw.irthnirtrp Vtpv
' irit nt llnrdcntowiit
St. .Iirih' Cnllmr
l.lrr. nt Hrlinn.lli.
Uenoniili Mill-
t.ntiMlowiip t, Swiirllimnre
llhth. ill
Mrttpnn School i. (riliircroft Sclinol, nt
l.ithi.lrtlA 1111.
(ilrnr.l t'ntlrcc. U, nl
Illrnrd I ollone.
. ,M Imiinii
llclhlrlirnl I'trit , nl llflli.
crl.tomcn Spmlmir- n. Allrnlontl I'rcit.,
nl .tlirntnirn
..Nfrlj""! Illicit
lit I'rrklonicti,
I'rrMntnen lleicfin.
I'rlncfliia rcrdilncn,
i. Ccrin:iliioll lion
I'p.lille lntltnlr t
nt rrliitpinii,
, .Mlllliiiiiim school
(bill, nl llixt' Cbili.
Sclmol- Una
t rntril lllcli school.
ttcrTiuntniTii lllrh sclinul
'mitii I'hllnilp elil.i llkli
Snftlie;lt llicli Sclioel,
Phdiiilpiiitiiit iriilpi chool
fl I'ldlilllellh1 I llleil
I'raiiktitril 1 1 licit school
S!'( IIMI linhlllS
clitinli Won
V V.
n II III I'IiII.iiIpIi hill IIUIl
nctlipiM llluh Hctiool
fl I'lillliMplil IIUIl
llli Hthftol
I'llll iilclplile
i irnit". sctlltiil
I nil nil llicti Stiinol,
. tiitiiii itii.il , tin,,!. .
Itl'litl llltown lllsll rlimil
West Phillies Beat South
Phila., 27-15 Gcrmantown
Defeats Northeast, 21-19
Contrnl IliRh nnd Oermantown IliRh
School are now tied f" 1rt place In the
basketball leaRite South Philadelphia IIIRh
.School, lpader up until yesterday's cames.
has taken n tumble to third position, but
the rnco Pi iieverlhetexs closo and the fight
fi r the Dutch t'ompany trophy Is on In
full earnest
Thero were Uvo severe ttpseta In tho
t.e.tijiio Barnes West Philadelphia High
School handed Smi'li Philadelphia a sur
tirlso package iiumhered 27 to 26. Herman
town High upset Northeast High. 21 '" 19
Tho South Philadelphia students were no
more suipilseO than those from Seventh
nnd Loh Kh avenue, for Northeast IPgh
wan Just ns much a favorite to win from
tlermantown as .Southern was over West
Philadelphia High
Gcrinanlimn Muliittp; (!ond
rioinuintnwn High W the youngest team
In the leagup, though It must be admitted
that Trades" School and Frankford High
share this honor with Ormnntown lier
montown's team Ih not In tho making II
hi a strong reality. Coach Lewln' boys are
go tig after the cage championship with a
determination that wil mean success, unless
Central or Southern High proves a stumb
ling block
(lermantowtrs team. Captain Anthony
Hausscr. Uurnntt. Uetsmer, Fisher nnd
Lnngner. are a combination of polnt-scor-
ors Languor scored tnreo gonis osienmv
and played a gteat gamo. Uurnett tnllleil
7 out of !i foul goals. Hausscr, Dotxner
nnd Wisher all tallied from thn lloor Meln-
hardt and llerzog did the scoring for North
east, tho former making 6 Hold Bonis nnd
7 out of II foul goals.
Vc;t Phillies Victors:
West Phlladelph a boat
for the
West out a last minute rally.
Phillies led at 2C to 21 In tho second hair.
Then Dotulero camo along with a Held goal
nnd tho scoro was 2G to 23.
A foul goal by f "Initio gale West Phila
delphia another point, making It 27 to 28.
At this moment I'nssoii. the South Phila
delphia forward, made a long throw from
down the lloor Tho bull went truo to tho
mark and It wan a two-polnter for the Itml
and Ulack. Then tho score was 27 to 23 In
faor of tho visitors.
Hero South Philadelphia had a chance to
make a foul goal Capiain Wattman buck
boarded tho shot and then tried to scoro
from tho Held, but Deforce Hoffman called
a foul on the play and just beroro time was
called West Philadelphia had another
chance for a foul goal, but Clarke missed
and the fliinl -core was 27 to 25 in favor
of the Speed Hoys
SWAltTIIMOm: Pa , Jan. 2l. Center
Vnrnnll scored ten goats from Held in
this morning game naalnst Lnnsdowne
High School, and Hwarthmnru High won a
one-sldrd gamo, EI to 21.
Tho line-up:
Hu.ictliniure Uuih lammlowne Itltfti
I'ulliird . ... Jorivnrd Hpler
iWliiuleri iMuriln)
Itiiimrin furwnrd J. Itjnn
Vnriiiill .. enter V. Ilim
(Itojl.uidl ...
Phu itusrrt Altnaler
Parley nuari! Jones
Kndil Btinla Pollard. 8. I.omiren. I. arn.ill,
to. I'lu. a. 3 Parley. I Hiib-r. I. J. lUran I; P.
IO.iii J. Jones 1. Marvin. 1 Poul iwall
I'luii b "Ul of 7 J ltun, tl out of S llef
,.r,,i j,urui. t'nlti rally uf Weal Vlruinla.
Time of halve! Su minutes.
CHICAtiu, Jan. SO establishment of a
home for uged baseball players la a pro
posal that in all probability will be sub
mitted to club owners of ihe American and
National Leagues, 11 II. Johnson, president
uf the Amorican League, has announced
"Such a home could easily be established
and maintained," he said "It might bo
feablble to give a part of the world's series
leceipts to such a cause, and club owners
probably could bo Induced to contribute to
tho fund Several benevolent organizations
have homes for the aged, and I think base
ball players should have one"
Three U-Boats itorne
on Hoard by Raider
Continued from IMee line
ln Ihe raider had converted one of her
prisei Into another commerce destroyei
Tho captain continued :
"Another ship w-ns constantly with the
raider The i.iplnln or the veoiel wh'h
captured us- which was the raider herself-
mot considerate
" 'I am delighted that you did not resist
us.' he told me. 'otherwise t would have
teen compelled to shoot ymi nnd your ship
to pieces '
"Immediately after our capture this cmi
m.inder told m" he expected the cnptuKd
Hudson Mfirit within n few days, and would
put prisoners nbnnrd Mer. Questioning me
nbout the whereabouts of the steamship
Araguaya, the Herman offleef .Bid- 'Don't
bo afraid, Im only ieitio.iln& ship" ! am
not killing women nnd children '
"Tho Oermnn officer vrno was in charse
of prisoners taken oft the raider's varlmi
prie urRed us to make ourselves as ram
Tollable ns possible." the Hnilnorshiro's cap
tain continued.
"P witi only when n new victim was
lighted that we were loetard up " tThls
rpiotatlntt from the captain from the Had
liorshlre cleats up statement-" whuh ho
made jesterdny c unplnlnliiR of ill treat
ment It nppenrs from todnVs dispnlches
that the captain's complaint referred lo
trcalm ut aboard the Hudson Maru. the
prNon hlp" which wn sent Inio Pi-rnnm-bitcti
Hvldentl.v the itermalis packed the
.lapniiese prise ns full of prisoners as they
could .tudglng frnni today's version, the
prlconere were grunted freedom of Ihe
raider's dpi ks )
When the crew of ihe Itndnnrshlre ntid
other prisoners were transrerred to the Hud
son Marti I Policed that a number ir I Ur
du i, who had been with Us. were being
detained aboard the raider." the captain
snld "The Herman ol'.lcer explained he vv n
keeping them to work In the engine room.
but that they would be relinnol soon."
Virluiillj nil South American nations ate
taltltiR steps strictly In glinrd the neutral
ity or their trrltnrlnl waters The t'ru
gitnjun tlovernmnlit sent tho steamship
I'orsnrio from Montevideo tod.iv to p.itiol
Iti coastline The ttrnxlllnn Hovernitient
Iris ulre.ulj ibstmlched several of Its war
vessels to buck up itifnrccnint of neutral
Meanwhile, iPpatches upon and down
tho South American i oasl indicated a roit
centratlon of Allied warships In these wa
ters. Wireless advices from the t'alMaud
Islands stld that six Urltlsh warships hod
sped north from there, searching f r tin
sea terror.
L'viileiuv of the Herman's punctilious ob
servance of cvor rule of war nnd of Inter
national law In all her captures was ac
cumulating hero today American Consul
(iottschalk declared today Ills nfflclnl ad
vices Indicated a predetermined plan to
avoid attacks on panienger ships to avoid
posslbllltv or the loss of lire ir such trav
elers and any international compllcatlovs
Only cargo boats have so tar been i.ip
tured or sunk. The Herman sea rover ii
llkowlse scrupulously careful to hoist true
colors ns soon as she is w Ithtn gun ranBO
of vessels she overhausl. judging from sur
vivors' stories received here from Pernam
buco although In most cases tho raider
adopted the stratcgem of llvltiB Urltlsh
colors In the put suit
All those who have seen tho I aider unite
in declnrlng she Is capubto of great speed
and some of the survivors nddeil that she
was Jammed to the hatches with ammuni
tion AMSTKHPAM. Jan. 20 The Urltlsh
steamship Yarrowdale. onicially annoiimed
to have been "brought In hiubor" with
survivors from other prizi n taken by the
Herman raider. Isnt Swltieniunde. according
to a Cologne Haiselte dispatch hole loda
NKW Y'1!K. lac 20.
In nil probability the sea raider in tho
South Atlantic Is In concrete f nn the
"coming surpilso for the llrltish," nl which
I heard persistent rumori in nnv. c'icles
In llerni.iny In November une of the Ad
miralty olllcers with whom I talked made
mysterious allusions that following tho
activities of "l'-5" "tho Herman navy
will spring nnother Minir'so for tho liritlsh
that may be equally as painful If. Urltlsh
pride and the Urltlsh poi-ketliook " In
circles close to the navy there was nllt of
not one but of three very fast commerce
raiders being gotten ready
Count 7,u pohna. famous is conucinder
of the raider Moewe, ulmi made the u'anlll
cant allusion "not yet. but I h p very
soon." when I usked him the last timo I
saw him ir he would not mon try to i client
his "Moewe feats" Count '.u Dobna.'who
had not only been so successful with tho
Moewe. but actually succeeded In slipping
through tho nrltlsu blockade lines and
getting back to Wilhelmshnveii, seemed In
unusual good spirits. The raldo- captain
disappeared from Dcrlln oon nftevvard.
Tho operations of the alleged Vlmtii have
a striking slmllarltv to Count Zu Dohna's
tactics with the Mo HnviiiB I ten so
successful In tils raids as to earn for him
self the most coveted blue and goal "Pour
to- Merlto" cross, and wlh that experience
standing him well In hand, it would not bo
at all improbable that Dohoa wn given
command of another raider, this time a
heavily armed swift cruiser Hut whether
thero is any connection between Dohrn and
the new raider la, of course mete lonjec
WAHHINHTON. Jan 20 Danger of com
plications with (iermany over marine pmli.
lems seemed to authoiltns today lo be
nearer than for months past
Hermuny's capture of neutrals and mak
ing them prisoners In the capture of the
Yarrowdale. plus tho strong trend of Her
man frentiment toward wider submarining,
made these possibilities more ominous
The odlcinl Herman statement lecouutinn
that the missing Yarrowdale, with more than
150 souls aboard, bad been ' brought Into
harbor" us a prize with a number of neu
tral prisoners gave rise lo u giuver con
cern than anything that has happened in
months of gravo up and downs of a critical
Hermany explained the neutrulx hud been
mad prisoners In cases where they hail
taken pay tor employment on armed enemy
i-, 7 '
r ft v
I'lVlll "S Atovn nv,A'r' 1
Reduction Allowed on N. Y.
Freight Received at Jer
sey City by Consignee
Uu n sin ft prtrrrpodffci'r
XfcW tntlK. Jan 20. The stl irter mile
ng from Chicago to Philadelphia N an
essential reason nhy Philadelphia should i
have n diffclclitlnl in freight ritu Tills
wos Ihe statement of K P itnto. b'i,iiiI '
ttathV mnmiKer of Ihe Petm.tvim a Hull. I
road. The heretofore slot line; ih fetue of
the tnllronds In maintaining the -.n w i iu-i
between New Vmk and loiilnin lr
sny was adininistereil a sevieip blow " w'i. n
Mr Hates admitted, under n Ih.ivj ru a.
examination, that i reduction of tut. e i t t
per hundred puimK or a iiiiu iipilvulent
to HBhtprngc i lull ites, was allotvul u v t '
York freight If the comignee m ivplcd the
shlpmenti nt .tene.v
Cilv and iiiinpUtnl
the linlisisittntlon
Thi I considered a ilnnuig'"? adin imi
against the tail carrlefi tiM-imwcli ili.it it
tn.vr be cotitliletl ii'i c - t n 11 . lit tit? ,i pte
c'denl Hint a dlnvreiiiuil in i.iii n.iliv
dopt exist betwicn the two putt- al the
preietit time
It also Is termed n iliit ilinln ilion acaimt
the New .lefae.v iltli The taMroads have
conlltiunllv conleiiileil mil ir t it-1 mi'-t 1 .
maintained on both sides nf New Yoik
llnrliol. and olio nf tho inlinipil h-.t-oiis
i ffered vv ij tint il vvoiild dcttnv the dif
ferential in tl eliloVid by Philadelphia.
The reilm I Ion of tliii.e huh allowed to
New Yoik ililpiu'le vlitualH make:! n cite
at .ierv cm that t. oiii i , m bitou tlie
Philadelpbi.i late
Another poitiop of M.. ttnti ' testlmntiy
rigardeit a. unfavnrable in tin- iiiliml
was his explniiiitloti of rot oiiiigniniiit
barges If a shlpm'iit bill, d to ,ltiey
Cit wai ri I'oiiMgned In llanism. , .1, nil
nibleil cb.ng.. of J,", unu iiinle. while fi was
ihnigfd if n ihipmont c nnimied to Now
York vtnti siei-illc.ill iinisignrd to n Sew
York tilnt fioin .lersev Cilv A 'change of
verbiage" wai the wav the Now .leimv
factiou termed tlie ren-con for the higher
chalges deniamb d
.Mr Hates wn imt iliioiig.i ., iliieii e
iiniinatlon by C Stuart Patt.'tson. i uiniel
for the IVuns.vlvnnla K.iilrohd. lie tnlltleil
that "commodit.V" or short haul latcs were
an advantage to the northern New .Ici-ev
ilties over New York He told of l.iig'c
shloments In "loiigh" rrelght. such .u Poo
tier and lime, that weic sent to tin- New
Jersey ports lioin eastern Penti'-ylvatila and
Othet New Jersey points
The belt line switching facilities ile
in. mill d bj the New Jeisey faction. Mi.
Unlet asset ted. would cause a tlmim-tnl loss
lo the Penusylvauia liailroatl.
"We could not aft'oid to spend millions f
dollars on let initials and then allow any
tail lines somi. without terminal,, t i .-wn.'.
into our lines front a relatively near point,"
said Mr Unit -i.
"Wo must protect our InvestniontH We
have Joint rates lielw.cn lallumds in older
to hnvo through charges, but the tiansror
Is always made at an established Junction
some distance away, where wc iuum obtain
a propoitioimte slum, of the revenue"
There Is no reciprocal switching at range
meiitt. as d.li'i'd by the New Jersey Itlcs
al Pittsburgh. Harrisburg or I'hilaib-lphUi,
averred .Mr Hates.
He characterised the movement as lin
iuactic.il. as It would congest ih,. terinlniiN.
nail Illustrated his point by telling how the
PiniiM.ivanla Railroad went nut of Us
loiirro to lass freight around Pltubrugh
Mr Hate.i s.iid there was no .witching
between tlie IVnni.vlvanlii, tho Heading and
Haltlinoro nod Ohio Hallroads in Pbil.ub'l
phia nnd that llm transftr of freight mi
through t Hes between Ihe Heading and
IViinsv ivani.i lbillroads was made at llm
Jum Hon known as Helmont about live miles
from the main terminals
Mr. Hates was 'linked to explain what In
his opinion would result If a differential in
Kites existed on the two sides of New York
harbor. Ilw replied that tho rate xoiies are
the result of ears of experience of the
carriers and shippers and that tho rates
havo stood tho test or time,
"H we change the late as deiuaiiileil in
this case It seems to nn. It would i exult in
chaos. It would teiiuire a great revision
in tho whole rate struct tire iiftVi'lllig the
leono stem," added Mr. Hates
The relative pitsiiinns of .lersev Clt) and
New York mid Philadelphia and I'anid.ii
pertaining to the eipial rates existing be
tween the dill's that are srparnteil b
water was cuipliai,ised by Mr. Hates. This
formed tho part of a crot-s-cMimiuatioii at
tack, conducted by Heotge L. liccoid,
counsel for tho New Jersey side.
"You stated that Philadelphia and Cam.
den resemble New York and Jersey City,
didn't you?" ipiestloned Mi. Kecord
"Yes. sir "
"Docs the bulk or mass of traffic stop
ut Camden to bo transferred by water curlers-."'
"Tho creator tralllc comes direct by rail
over the bridge. The proportion of Phila
delphia tonnage conveyed by the lightorugn
system Is small. Lit us say five per cent."
Hull! Mr. Hates.
The Penns.v Ivania oflhial then admitted
that the proportion of tralllc from New Jei
sey to New York transferred by water car
riers was niiuh greater than in Philadel
phia. He said it was more than lift' per
"Then tho conditions ure ilMtcrent." said
Mr- Itecoi'il.
Uoily of Man Found; How Accident
Happened Is Unknown
DoVHIt, Del., Jan. iu. Tinioiliv tiood.
fori) years old, of Si. Jones Neck, near
Dover, was drowned In Si. Jones Itivcr, at
Darker Landing.
He left homo In a carriage. The uir
which WHs drowned, huh found touting
In ihe river near Magnolia with the i.u
iluge attached. Doody's lxul was romnl
in the rivor near lebaiion. als.ui two mli.-a
from MaKitldln. The hnd It euiii.ooeil iq
have llouted down with the tide
I. NtmtQii Uillmun
1 Newton llillmau, for umiv tli.ui twenty
P.vo )ars a letter cahler in (In- I'.umi. n
Mtatotlice, dieil in Coopei lii.'-p.i.il . ur-
l!.l uf heal'l tlliUble M. u.i- ippouitiil I
I 10
I To &AH.
-1 fvi
iAEi. .VVHflt I
a letter unkr duung tho t-im f Poitm.is
t p Will.i i J tbovvtimg He w.i.n Pft sit
V..H oil nml I. Mirvivcd bv II widow nml
im, i i I ii'li. n II. w i- i lr it In i or I ilw In
HiMin in i It il, ,f Hi c.iiuili nil ti it t i ill
.mil .i in- nh.'i oi I'i'ti.lon ei f I'.igli
Mr ih. mi Iliowulng Council. .Ir i l" A
M : l''iinil Port Plenure Club nnd the Let
It i t'.il lit f A-"oi'irttlnn
Clarence K. MnrllltiR
iM.iiiiiie i: Mirlbiig forlj-'.x .vats old,
died 'it hN home 2(11 flnrvev st'o H. r
tii.iiltovvn. Jaii'i.irv I", fi m pn in i i Ih
came I" Vh ' I- Iph ,i t lir 1 1 ii t
ii'. i !'! ,-f I'll in. it lillllU'h of Ihl'toi-
tiinki oi,m.v ll.iihll.i he b id I it i v ni
ii i In! Willi n iitad-mncbitie complin'. He
i mii i ivi I I v i widow nnd two mii Serv-
I. c
I. I
ami I
. :li
i:.il will take
plaee at .lanmli'ii.
t". Mivvle
of ti
In! I
if' 1't .11 li I I 1'
I lit I Ii I C, 111 i lliv
llolili III I iW V III lid
llli I .11' 'CI .f v. It
house of llairiion
.1 M
, .11 Ii
e Imi
Oil 'IK
'itnait In
A Have-
w M p! Hill.'t' it t
ti 1 a few enr"
sepi l ii 'uib li'
Inter i rg.ltilaed
f pi. r-
Uu li.il. pi ml. tit pier Company, which now
wn i n of Hi,' Inigiui nwboitl Meit- "i
thii lint iii i
r.ittv.. is-
' , .r th m ii ii
i i i i h ij i.
lie 1. n. a wi.
i i 'I'd
.V i nl, I .
I v. ii i liildii
UUVJiiV- Jnti
ii i'i 1 wi ru
!'t I'K-
i ( I nii.s t-r .Tum I'll
Attniii, it iim
t I- t i t. 'I (it Mini
mi 11. 'J N .M l li
II. '1 I Ml
it t -k. M i '
AUM WWM - -t.ilt 1.1 JfMlN 1 irnn f Mftt
V t . lit Jo!' n .1 AllMirt.r Km i nl, t nhlrh
I t.-liiu." in I frl-MiN Ik i I i I "-ilnwi. Ai"l'
f ... ' , tf rti.n- ntul niii1i' t HuI1r
t i t ! ' Mt. I Mll . " i IV MHlttitTS
i jr .'. t t'i M-fliMiilt fl H tiMtnt mini' of
? tM' i i i i . r Hi- I r i ii' u i ..:to u m .
lit II -' t n. Ati) ' rkp
Hini i: i im n i.i.i t' r AUTiirn.
1 1 mi j r i't Mt it itn wi'l iiii IJhs.ith Mi
vn'iiii It ' v. inI rr1n.H I'hIImI t. mn.
i . s M ii' 1 ' ut MiJ t'ui i' r ! WiMiilbjirv,
N f Im i n il
t'Mii -r in t n.i: nAitrisH.
'( .IK i i I Ti I r i il K HI I Sitt A 18 ir ih
U 'ih . nl iititl triv.t- t n turn mt t v li
M "li
H-M N 1'Jth m 1lt
i in i- tie i ii Mi'ij .
ii n . i
( ! itt
Kl in nn
MM T W K. wlfo . f
II. ) i!Hi XU tli tuH hi-
Mum -' It' I Hi . I'JI
. hMi III
It'1Mvi tit'l frt"iiJ In-
lit it-ulli
M' I Im TUti". i K- Ji
s (IHI'i k' I (li (J , Tlv
Mt 11 UliT - Jnn
I H I'imiU IMP ir.li
'1 f't fdtIT ll Mtitl
h ;n ii in , ri'i m ' it
h im In t nt- Jnhti i. t 'jr.
HUH nt Muimn
t.it.ly uf M'ff.
t'fiu. It niutna
p nt Auto fu
i ' -I'll, in nui i 'hurt )i nf i inr
10 i in Im ll.iK H tnili hi
imn Im u-wul um . lift, r I
im nn,
IlJItt .lilt 111, Itt VtM.t.l Wif. nf .Mill
1fih .ini .t.t tiKlif r nf in- Vti'h'U ft ml Aimn
v ili.tt.ui (Mittttii .it.! fiimlH litvllil to
fin iH - nln. Tin k IT i in 21$ W. Allt
, t.Mtv ,i. (mi pinut." Nnrih Vilu r Itlll Vm
mi MHTits jnn m mmiii: uirixi: tttf
f Jiihn Mt.ihiMim J, nl. Mnn . 11 n in. Iir
UTtli 'st lut, Ktit' ill. i f fiiinllv
1ii' lin is, tMMI'I'.IJM. 'iii o( lit.'
1 lib i i.tl't Jtllf I'nvi UitllVH Hllil Mi IliM
i int.. i to fiim ml hmvIi-h, Mnn - p m. r.Ki
.i.(" ir hmttir'. William ami Thulium W K.
Hi . ji'iiti Hl.iiiiitmi nt liti iirlviit"
HllAlir - Jmt 1 Mli'llACl.. IUHlmml of
lit.' I'.iMKi't Itn.h Ucliiiv-M itm-1 frlttN In
M'ul In fimcrtl. Mini, hM m. m . WW H 7th
t i.Imn r tuhMH m im Ht I'.ml i I'liunlt
In t in int. Ctthttlmi (Vin
IUiMiiK --Jim ii, ui rhoMlmit Hilt AN
i:i IL. nidnw of Mt vii i II. Urtits-ih n. of rliif
(linr,,- r. Mil, ii.ttiKiitcr nf lat h.irl' II
I'mioi' 1 7i"i
IIKOWN Jim. Ill ANNA M, ilmwhlor nf
Pntrlik nml II inn ill Hmw n lire Mf KiiM'lt).
IMntlMH mi. I trimii liiUti.l n funin1. Mnn.
H Hn ii m. ptr.'iitV n-Nldi luv. ..U.t i: TlinniPiHi
Ht HhUmiiii rii'il'm m ms i'litrli nf tin Nativ
ity 1" ii in Int. '.m r'nihtitrn iVi.i
ItlKKi: in. i Knlnt ,lnn 1 MA11V J .
wit" nf Iti. Inml Itiirki' IMiitlxt aw Mi'ikIm
Imittil tn fmt.r-i.1, lu h , s :iti a nt timt In r h
nt.iun 'S.UH X 1th nt Snli'inn miiili m hluli
titiim Hi KiluunlN ritun h 1" , in. Int. Iluly
ptii. dm i'.m
Hl'SII Jan IV MAHY ,1 . wlf nf llVtiry P.
IliiHh lMiitUix ami MmlN Invitml tn fn-i 1
M'lVliMN, ,nl U p in. h I lift linlm llC, HiiX
Imrnuh Inf. pi !iii' lt rlimtnii (Vin ITU-mlH
iiiii all Sun , 7 tn li n in
i'VIHK J in. Ih IHA K. wir f Jntitt P.
fn.lij. Jr in' ll.it ) It'lutlM'H nml rrinijn In
it. I in fiitHTil HnrvitvH, Tucw . U i m i!:ii
N Hin-cui Id hi Im pt'lvnti Norlhwnoil iVtit
SHV l Atlnntn i'lt. N J- Jnn IS,
JOHN It, liiifl.aml uf harah K (iitm1y lt-'la-tl
- ntul frl-'tnlH I'hfo.tpci. Trllm, No. 17H, I
i II Al ! I'h'li' HihUtMti I'unt. Nn II. U.
A U f I'IiiIimI- Ipltit, ami nipln.H uf Phll'Kt'-l-Phf.i
lliplil l raiiMit 1 . Imlliil tn mt" t in Alt
iinmi I'.tn Mmt . It I'i n in.
ri.AKIC Jan 17. IWMIV II.. Ini-liaml of
An nl I' Mat k (fi"" MamnnUO. HututlVfi ntul
frlimli. Hi- I'liihi nml It-iMlinc Itatlw.iv It -
Iter At . lntttii in fun.Ttti Rcrvtci'a hnn ,
i.-Mi.i.-iii.' nr j.mmi ivtui. tniu n. w at.
Ml Mnrhili I ' tit
I'I, i:UV Juil IN Wll.MAM J , l."l.)V"l
mi hi i r i;jvnn( . ami i;mm i ,. i u at v in.
IIuh'i.im iiti.'il 111. It.'lullvtH am frlcmls lnv.(i!
t fm rat. Tm-H.. s IM a hi paettiw' r"li!- m ,
L'tltii H Kraithlln u. Snl mn rfjulun iiiima
Cl.untt nf tho L'piplmny 10 . in. Int. Hnly
I'rnisH I 't tit
I'ni'HUVN Jnn. UK IMfllllKT T. widow
nf Jnhii iNidiran, mi"il h? Iti lativi m nml friMniH
lnvtit'1 tn fntiTi, Tui'n U . in i!l Whartnit
mi. im Mt Mniiuli t'.-m. Itiiialn umy Im
i.w.il Mnn, s in in it m.
i.hm.I.V -.li.n 17 MAICV. nldnv of lutrlrK
i'.tji Hlitlv.i nrul frt mii lnlti lo fu
ll, nl Mill, h .'IH a m Itrntlii r' tVHtilflX'c, I'.tt
i.ik (l.iiinliv. ;' will i Itlihiiinml t Kulftrin n
iuu nt m.iM si,. Atm'H i'liunh JO a. m. Int. Ht.
.Vim'n ivm
riiSTI.hl i .Lin lit. TIMIVAN. huiitMiHl f
Alttn t'oHi'lIn im i' Mr.tdtivi. sun tf llrldw t
and lit I, mils I'nsf. U.i, if ManlmiHh, fit fliil
utiv. Id I ml It' ltiv h and frtiidf mpln.v. m
Ailihin ll ilmii i'n. Iti it. d in fiim nil. Mnn.
S Mil a in --IH S-arn hi ir.'d ami Wli.irttuM
Hokmti itiKh n" of r mil m rtt, Kdniutut a
4'tuiroli Ida. m liil Unix l 'run j IVrli
ItAUl - .Inn I1. NUid.-nl. ANIHtKW I.
CltAH; Jr.. unit itf I it Ju"-ph M. unil Kmmii
I. ratn. as.d 11 It'litiv.s ami frli ml Invli.J
lu fuit-rnl K.rvn'itf, Man.. 11 u in.. -'"J tf, UUtli
Ml. Int ptlvitif
HAvVi'Uli Jan. l. II'HIKKT, hunlinml nf
I itt Kitmt i irawfnnl U lattcN ami fri mlN,
ith Ui'tftni'-iit I. mn. lnfamr; l.watHiHituit
Nim KM l V. li. and Talir Hn i'nniimnv uf
tin Vnluntft r Kirfiiirm. Invit.d tn fumTil, Mnn ,
s'.m ii in. i.n.iH Mm ut, lOqulom Uttth muni
ttur l.ady uf Hunary I'hunh In a. in. Int. H.dy
4r.Fi i'. in
fltljil.lt Jan. 17. BuuMdtly. nt S?w Ynrk
rity. i.tjoitm; w ntiru:u. hkiI 7 Hiittva
nml frl"ml inUi'd tu fumnil. Hun'.i rffiltiemv,
II Ainiin 'r.dii. I.iMiula, N. J., iSun . pt ni.
lilt, ( li I KtilVVH i'llll
i'PM.an jait in, ina.i-:v t.. timiviunr of
lat' JiHiv Hid 11 mn Mi I'urran and Hii r nf
H IMw.tn! I'. X I'urr.m. nf Si Aitilmity H
t'lrinli I'ltll i Itt'aiu.ji tnd frit-nJn U ! nf
air.'t 1 1 part nt ilur 1,u "f HiiNary t'tiurth,
limiiit tn fun. ml Tu k . h ill! a m. U.1H N.
it.M ut Snli niiL n'iul. in niiHH i'huri'li of iur
l.nh ut ltHD.tiy 10 .i in I nl. Ilnly I'rojm iVm,
KI.AS Jin IC MAHlK A. wit ut Ri
frt I I, iittiv, daiiNiii.r nf latv U'llltiim ami
ttlit'if llarn'it l. I ttix aiaj frh-nda invth'd
ti fum ml, Mnn iu a m hrotlarin-lav'a
i.Ki.l-ia . Jnlin Hmltli. IimiI IlldiCi- av . liarliv.
IV tl fflt tiiaiu I'lmnh iff tn ill iU V Iriffit
Alarv 10 n m. im, m rm i .in
W-V-At HUirlun N J.. Jim is. ANOl
(I hiiMh.md nf Miritur.'t A. llov iiu.d 7A
itla,tivfn and frlt'iidw iiivit ta fumrul rca,
unit,, n; iHHdi rum it nui it ii.iii i nuitn, . run-
F'ttn, .v J. lot MwimUimh i 'nn , s j. n
mutmt may U vlnwid ut Unm ut aiii. A. A.
Jjf, U:t Thmm avt- . IMvtTtuit. N J., Huti.
Jxl.l. Jjn 1. MAHY A , Hhluw i( .Iiimn
I' ll- lU.ullviH and f rii tuU lli(tii tu fu
ll, ral. Tma h u n in. 'Il H l.ltii Mt. Bol
miti ina uf rt-HOi" at. Wunlca'n t'lmruh 11
u 111
l OUA.IO Jan 17, AMHMA, lauht r -.1
IM.tio ICiiiazKi Hi-litl and frd'iida tnvllU
l fumrdl. Min . Z a m . imrnitu' trmid net,
lllo H 15th mi llnfli uuiu ht HUa'v t'hurcb
1U M 111 RI H'-iy iTidW i'liw
HI NN Jan 10, JAMi: J . Kim f Kllxbtvtb
an I Ui Willi im A. Uuiin. HilHltf and
Jll.-lt-fK intil.'d l4 flll.tT.ili Tw. 7,3" u. .,
iiutllar'H nfcmViir. lUfcf I'liu r l Hltfb r--imit'iM
ituittt llul Nun.' I'huriU V u. nt. Int.
Ut tioiUt V in Auin fuiMTut,
IH'NN -Jan II ANN i'j'NN, wiVwj f
ALiriiK lumi. ItUUvtH ojt f rl mw invtti'd tu
fu:ril, Tu . 1 , rvSid nn uf nti- Mr
Ibrn Unrml l'-'7' i -UU t linl urn hlali
m.1-1 ul rtuuli-m St Aninnns I'tiurtll U 30
,1 m Im '.tt 'li U i ' . .
i;:an ru Jjn i t'miAKiM-;. duut-h.
I r t ('!' if lii K, ill tn itojiti' I I anil latt
I. ni.ti K:m lu i i'" nf fmuril. frmu
t.i-ili.i "f mnttir 'I.M . tmli.ttr uv.
3mfjog. I fas- 3oss
tviivt taST V y i y'Y J i-"SOKfcYJ ArsrA ii
L hJ1P h- jlv 0mt A sAiov4 mi
TU(kx' The.
vvur - r."
w " ti mrff2fJMw
l)liTIM ,
III -Jn 10 Wlt.TtAM Iisctl
i ,i' J K.f ottllio 1 t iiruth ni.'J
in 1 fi It Ii In it tf. 1 ' fun r il
i hi i ii im; n mii f im
ii Hill i 1 111 lit, ti 1 mn ill
I Si llSIItt
I lit lit hn-
l i:i.iv
Jnn 111 TllilMAP
mt'I "s into notice of fun. rnt frill lw Kivrnh
'"'M'lMro of dttto:h'r. Mr fiHtilol W ItlldrMh"
k".i . iin ii
M KKHNmV --Jnn IH NSMH widow nf Ht
UlHI.im !' rnnn fmc M"rhhr It. iitlviit nn.l
frn niU Invlt.d l fmirml Man. n an nt m ,
,M1 V lih m niuioin rri.tui it Ht Vtont
fiiitiMji it.ttt.h in a. ni Int A'ust Mul H
ili nt r ' m
KlUlt --Jan It. Al.lf't: fi niilur of iHmtiel
l i' nVintty nnd ffi. n.li intdfMi to
i i i 1 1 - ru i V.m, il n m,. SHI H IBtn ftt
Int i tlv it. . s( f.tttrl 1 tit ni AOto
f im t il
reftlirK At llnlimnvinn Uttltftl N'
t-rk ANW HllnWN rifllKH wlitntt nf llflWfl
Amlfrvm rihT, mt ! m. runr.il mrIct In
Itftltlmntf at t nitMnli'm'' if fam"v
ro. At wiut N J. Jut 10 MART
t ifn nf i tar-fico 1 r,.x IM.itlMi nml
li inl(d tn fnrarnl Mnn. 130 j m ,
"f lirnili.-i- in in- Dr U K llotllm
il ' h ' r i tt'fttvtlh N J Int pfl
! i i - ii tnk. Uoiln-rmmli. Thlla.
i i i I i !imi M ffr-rn I- 3d u m
tt.t'r ii i . k rtuw'i ii"i
- ,11 w fr ' Wiliitn M 1 i"t H.latiV.i tnd
It id Inviti'l t.. ftt r.ii In 'J p tn 311
Hl,t "t . llulmrsiiiirt Im Wi' taiur. I Mill
tir,!.AOip:il - -Jnn 1. ,tMr:s T.. unn nf
11 in. ti and Int. A (hum Oillnuh-r Hlnllvt
nitl frirmli IihHuI I fati.nl. Mnn All n nt .
inu(h r t Uh n 2JMH 1 m mm tit (mnr V.'d
(ind i''triiti tn tn ) M i . f t"iilMH Ht
Inrlfi I'ht.rrh l a m Int (iilt1rnl tVm
' - Jan n jMl- ltYMott. nn nt
'i ul Mirv U lliv n t mil irrniliuat nr rtt
1 m . Mriiv It Hi il atud -.'7 Itlatlvtn
i In i ii invi'f.I ft iini.ra! m t vli-ft. Mnn ,
' p in l II . W I'nt mi) ot ld. pfHttlo
1 m . II i ' ?n Kmiin ni v Ih vIiwm! Mnn .
I ' a i n i I o i in
Ul k-ui in to. Tt KflWK. huMuitut
I a -'i i in uv pup fin" Muntrnii) niid rtrt
It iu iMd fl mil Ifclhtwn l.ndK.' S'" 311
K uf 1 . -I I' II T It Ut f mvlti'd tn fit
ii. -.i ,, . .-tin p m . !WH N I'Im-p h1 .
I'm i s.., i; .dil'im i . tn ihiid Mnn 11
n li lit Hi. hi 'in nil ( arHaM Will mt
tiain 1. iv hm U-.idm, II r mum I 1 iM n m.
i hutf hv ill.' ti i
nn Midit: im 17. r:i.i i:x. Mw nf
Th. mii ililmT 111 it Ivm and frlvmH invited
tn fiii-iit r. -nlinif nf nl."'. MIm Miiv K' ti
ll ilv, jo pi XtpMnu hi tutdt ntul Anhl Mnn.
.' a tn lliith ma- if r.iulm tin CathP
dr.i1 in i m Irtl, St t. tiiv tl m
oouwiv Jin. ii riMMMH nonwiv.
Jr H-iit ir im rrutiN A. nml Hntnh Jcwl-U
t dvMn. Int prtvnti
itiHiiV. -Jan. l' Mdl.nMoV riMIMANt
luisiiind nf Mnltl.' tlnudman It.l.itU.i mat
finti'i lii-in laidnu N. il ii It nf A In
vii.it I., fum nil rvto. yon . 1 30 p in . 1732
N 1th hi int lt rariiiH i'i-iii Auln funi-ral
itltonMi: -.Itn , UVNViWV H . hunhnml
f Miruni'l i iirutitni mm uf Thntnan .1 it tut
lit.' I'ltlmrlftu ilru,iit. nail 41, KMnttv ami
frlnmln. I S snanNti War Mlcrati nhd i m
M.-nd. V S tinanlih V,ir Viler
Pli-vfA uf I'hlla. Navy Yiit-tt, ln It
1un . t .10 H HI . p'lt'l' w uf la
i tu ntt.i'rai.
Iiruthcr-hi law.
William J. AtMtm l.ion Tiak. r nt, lllwh mmut
iMut.n i, tmr i.atiy nr Mrr il n. nt. int.
prlv itf
MAIM: t MfOfunl N .1 . I'ltt Mnnih
Itlth. lliAVAHO Wihll.MAN inn nf lpnrK It.
mid Sarah 1. Ilnlmn, itK'd I mnnthri HiIn
tlvm and frit nd linltrd i ftmral Mrt Muttth
'"Jd. il y m , part'titH' rt Hldi n i. mar Ktrhv'a
lltllt N J rjirriaii. t will tm-'t train havtnu
Mitrkri SI 1'Vrrv, I'hlla.. 10 30 a in, ut ,M-d-fiml
IIANI Jan 10 HVSAN It . W ItfnW of Jnrnlj
)l tml ItilutlvH mid frlmlt Invlti-il In funeral
i.rlii Mutt. : it m ir(.lKt'l. At rpHlilvtict
I In r nn-tf, J'Jtl'J N IMh ni lt)t. prlvatu.
HAUl'CH Inn. 1. JAMKS hushnnd uf Mnrv
ll'irtf-r dip' Strnliti. iikmI fit Ilolnttvi-ii rtinl
fritt(N Invited tu futmral t.rvlp'. Mnn., 1 p.
hi N3l i: tlittun nt Int. pi-Kate, uvmmln
nttr tVm. Ri'tnattia may hu vipvved Hun., H tu
lo p ni.
lIMtlttS. - At nnvloHhiMit, I'll, .'in. 1
MKNIlV ( HAItltlS mi. l OH Ui'tatiwit nnd
fiitraN Invltui tu fum-ml. Ill W. I'mni i .
Mutt , li t m. ltd linvh hiuvvn H'lii.
1IAUU1S Jan 1l. MAItV P. dumxhlur nf
lata t'hurli'it and KIUuIhmIi Harrln, nit"d 7.1
Pnu nuiit'n nf fmu'ral will In ilun funeral
t-arlnrn uf I,. S. HnipTtnan .iso'i IHvt'rfnrd v.
UVSSoN- Jait h MMIY ilittii.hir nf Tlntiniii
and Ti n-H.i Ilitumn, mii'd 0, datlvoa nnd
fii mis imllMl tu funi'tal. Tin m , h 30 a in . 727
,S 0th Nt Hnlmn lilb iiihm at St. i'aul's
rtmn h inn tn Int I'uthiitral I'.-m
1LKI.M Jan, 1ft. Wll.MAM. Itnshi.nd of Mnry
V. IMin RultitlviH and frh'inl, Wnnh
imrtun I'amp No (WH, and Ham-nck Pom
tiK.nd. r. N .1. 1. O H. nf A., nnd the Tia-at-rit
al M i liaiilftil Itcui'flLlal AHtmrlntlnn. nru In-vih-d
tn fnnerat HervlrfH. Sun, 1 p. tn.. at rosl
uViirf uf hlit hmthrr-ln-Iuw. (Miurltf It. Ht .
1131 lit V.-rtmn at Int. privutu. Unnatni
tnuy 1 vliwil Sat ove
III. I. Win Smld.Milv. nt i wtnwn Va. Jan.
10 ttKUi:i'i'A '. 11KIAVK1. whlnvv nf IMward
Hi'Ivvik. aui'il 77 H.'latlMH and frh mN tmlt'd
tu fmural mrildimi uf Mix M Kllahclh II.
Miliars N 1-im.nln hu , Ni'Wtnwit. I'n . Mmt .
11 a in ttinl t'arv. r til-1 I'n alivtrliiii Chun h.
1 3n t in Int. ndjulntin; ravvard
I1II.I.MAN J.m IM lsAi' N. hitthaml nf
Am i lain llllltnati h SimpkltiHl. m(i'U .11. lUla
tiv'i ami frnlid-l Huitith'i uf whiVh hr w.im iv
nn mhiT. invllfil tn funeral rvlifji. Mutt.. 2
P m, 015 l,lnoii t . t'.inidi'ti. Int. prlat.
lIviTBMM'ti ivm I'riinda may vvt ri'multw
Hun , 7 in 0 p. m. ...... .
.IKNKINS At lato roMlilctu-. 1.115 V Sim
qmdmnnii v . Jan lit. AHNr.I, huatmnd uf
Marv i Jonklnn. Hidiitlvn and frlind. din uiih
and ni inhrrH uf llaptlHt T"inpln I'luin h Invlt.-d
tn fmiiTal fMl V lr'. .Mnn , 2 P HI , Omrrh, Itrnail
and lii-rkN nln hit prlv.fcn Nnrthwnnd ivm.
JdllNSTtiN - J.in IH .Ml IN J, luiKlmml nf
Ull.'ti I. JuhiiHtnti itu'ii I.omifl Hon nf atf Juhn
ard l.'tttla JuhnHtun ItilallviH ind frtnndt
nmplnviiH I'hlla. Iltiltlnr WurkM and IMilla. l-udit-.
Nu. .11. I. u. (t. M. Invltt'd tu fitncnil. Turn.
h a nt . tuft tlriiv'H Kerry aw. IU'UUlim mans
hi Anilintty'H Church V.30 a. m. Int. Iluly
I'rnsw ('tti,
JiiMW Jnn IN. WIM.IAM W lnml.iiit.l uf
hilliu JnmH iiiiu Mtlltun) ItflitUfH and frlt'tnt
Iniltid tu fum ral turvto h, Mn.. 1 p. tu , tl...t
r)n- i Int privutu Arlinifinn iVm,
JUNKH Jmt IH. ttnilKUT It. Iiuxlmml of
hit' Anna Jnn'n. aed tin. It.-luiii' nniL friunda
Invlltd in funeral. Mnn. 1 p, in. 1,120 Mid on
ni Int tin fiiiimuiU i''tit. Slatiiitftuit nml AlU'm
town I'n . pnpiTH ip-
KANi: Jan. IS. HL'SAN. dauuhhT of lata
Pat ilck and Mary Klntt Italailvi'H ami frhmlH.
tlm AMnr ami Uumiiv So. h'th" nf St Moiilrn'n
i'luirrh. luviii l tu fum ral. Mnn , 30 a. in.,
2212 S. 17th nt Sntenirt hmh rr.pili m man St
Munh-a'a Church 10 u m. Int llnlv I'nmM tVin.
KKMOK, niillurn) Jnn. 17. JAMi:S. Unit nf
Mnrv and lata .latrn-H Kuhnn, m;d 20 IUIatlvH
uml frlomlH Invited tu fum ral, Mm., 0 a m,
12.17 S. Hin-kmlt nt, 8l ton htith iiiuhh St. An
thnnv'M fliurih lu 30 u. in Int. Huly ('nHd
KBl.t.Y. Jjui. IH. THOMAS, hunlmnil nf Into
Itrl'Itfft Killy Iti'lutlvaii and frl. ihjh lnvit.d to
ftiin ral Mnn h a, m . rvnlif n uf m n-lii-law,
Thtudnn Klrkmmt. H4o Wnlmtt at i'Ihhht,
la llhth Maui St. Malthrw h I'hurch. ilmalio
Iiih km, ! it. in Int. St. Matin. w'u fhurch
(JruiuidH i 'umthuhnrhuii
KKI.I.Y. Jan. 1 I'AIHM'K. Inmbiiiul nf lato
Mary Kidly. fnrmerlv nf 3010 Cuthhert hi. Ipn.
iivvtt ami fru lulu invltd tn funurul, Mun., s ,to
a m n Hhl!)' uf nhd. Mm. Mary Mark.'..
;tlK Huvirfuid uvi' Hiuli rqui m ntaaH St
ARivthu t'hunh 10 a. m. Int. Svw Cittheilrnt
tm Autn funural
KK&IHI.K t H.v. rly, N J., Jmt. 18. MAHV
A.. wMuw of Wlllhttn ' Kiinblc uk-I 70 ut
nliv ami frluuiU tuvitl l futif-ral Horvlc ,
Sun. 2 I Oi. I. aid. in'.- uf n.n lu-luvv, 'I hum m
It. Hall, in !uuri! t.. iH'Vrriy. N. J. Int.
r.'Ii'M"!.!::'!."'- J.... it MA.tin. wif. t
Aili.li'l) lvllnu.-r. fined 7u UHlutlv.n unil frlcuil.
l.iv it. l in funiTuI wrvkvi.. Sun., a u in, pin)
N. STIli at , Cuiliilso. N. J. Int. fr I vu I,.. Colta-
'"lii'.NKViB J.iii IT. HMIAH. wl.l.tw of John
K'uiil.l.i U!i- lit ul.l lliluiiwa anil frlmaa In
iiud tu lumral urv liva. Hull , S p ni r..ai-j.in-
ul wm. Hurry P Kuuklu. 4UII l'lirrma
at. int Mt. ali.rluh Vm
i,i:ii.V-J.iii li.. l.i.l'IH liusbaml of Bllfn
l,ii. mun tm" Mil KiiH-yJ. lUUtlvvM i untl rriinila.
Liicul Nn Hrawll -Nu, 1. M. I'. VV.. Invll.nl
u, fum i"l. W.4 . ' a ni.. H.1J Mwanaun
at Hiult miiaa ' re.mi. in ht. riulliia a cliurcn
lu t. ni Int Hub Crutia iVtn
ItkiinV --lull. I. Ill llll". TYMUI.K, widow
uf U.un't. W ltlilv H.'Uillviif uml I riV'nw In
vlU-ii In a.TVl.-. Tlfa., S p. Ill . i'i'lT N. IBIli
al lilt lirival..
l.lil--n'St-Jan. IH JAMKS UIPTI'H. hua.
I.. nil u( I, if Murk l.nftUK HfUtlvi-t. anj rrl.'mla
Inv itnl lu fumrul, roni Ilia Ut.. rcal.i. mv M.in ,
Kn in., 7f."J Sayhrmik hv Suli-ran liluli
tu. Hi v'l.'iiiin. a iliunh, lunt-iu,lvillt., in
u m. Int. ll.ily I'ruaa ivm
l,Vii.NS buddritly, tun IK. ANNIK J., wif.
of Jum, a li Utma, aiieU !. Itvlatlvu! anil
frlinl MutrJ ll.urt Hodallty. Invltnl lu tn.
n. nil. Mun., a 3U . m. '.'il Hjiiut roail Oak.
miint, Vu. Sul.mn ri-ulini tnoaa St. UenlVo
inarch, I" it ni In I hi. 1. ula'a I'nu. M4
uuy 'ltv iMiicra nluau cum
I.rKitiJsT--Jan IT. una u. ir.. of
UuMlHv.i II l.u.lnrt iiw kuattnuyjr). uki.I 31
HiLitivvo wi'l 'rll,rf". iv.8"1'."': Nu. 1;. SiKur
i luacsiil C'uuuvll. Nu. 3. I nf It. , I'mnp, No.
.',7. J' "I A.. Invilt.l lo fuiur.il amies,
San . I V- " l'1-1 i Hi!' Int. VC
utinst r .'.ill
IT'KKNS -4an 111. Kl.lZAUKTil J vtlfu of
t I ur. a II l.ul.i-ua, Jr . furint-rly i.f I.3JT lire h
i.nt ut.. iltrilHPtuun uUuulit.-r uf llc .lulin
...ul KUz-ut.!!! I'timilH 1 H.liLix.a uii.l fritmla
ii.iiUtl tu luniTttl. Hun. a a m . r aiUcn. c uf
t hi. r Miaa t'utliferiniv .'uiiiubcll 711 vv. at
i ital, r rU. Uul.lun tuuut. ..f ciui. m I'liun h
..I iiui luiUy uf Hua.iry u ti in. Int St liviiib
1 'mai'XKVI Jjn la. lu'.K'Alin, liutian.l of
M.1D Miur.il (im Milill !( iullvca anil
a. -m-. k- l srZ ! n
VnTu "v4ftA'Vr s .
plurbi. rANt..
frlfnds Invitciltu vlon tni tfltulm Von fir
7 r m l JS17 N ltP.lAoid lit (Thompai n nt.
.ir io .v.itii at i I uiiltuI at cont.nKiic of
fa mill
vtAt.o.vi: -Jnn I rf.lA.l .1 . Jiuniiand of
Mnry I Mnloim 'ne Smyth), at IMImvra N ).
It. Intivt. an-l frlmil. rtnployfi rf IVntin It ft.
i.o. Inritml tn fun.ral. Mm. S 30 n. m . r..
.Vint, of tirnthrr Iiatrl'k i Malonr flotO
.xprnro at SoUnn mm. nf rritiium H' t'arlha
t huT.-h in n m Int II lv i rom (Vm
MVUTIN Inn H nt S. a lulu Ity J 3.
""I.N ir . hiialwnri .if lit. Itfl..rra il Marlln
in.-.- li.illi II. 'nlli mil frliinl. Imttr.l tn fu
rcril VI, n !p m mn l..r of V lillnm T no-,
J'.'., Hrlli ,l,Vn mi lr.inkf.nl Im trlvat
.North I'nlir Hill m.
MWtri.V Jan I IinilN.vttlv hn.lnnil nt
Mii; Allt K.iln Mnnln llilallvn anil frl.nils
Invlttd lo funrral, Tiica 3il a m ,M2T t'hra-tj-r
avc .lol.-mn requiem inn I'durrh or nieamd
Sacrament 111 n. m Int I'nthnlrnl Ctm
,,liJ".1f Utiddonly. Jin tl M.ISA.
tll.Ttl VIAPI-VMi uiie ttraiini wife of ,lon1
n ainninii'i nK' il l.T ll.'iTtlvea ami irtpnua
Itivlte.l tiv funeral !rr Icea Mun., 2 p M
lorrrmlni.. me . rnronv Int private
Mjr ri.l.AIIII .inn IS. Inl
lull m 4f. rttff
I, Villi on nf the Lite iVnni H nml'vi.iry Me.
i tiiincn. or tmrvich llorlni Count) Tjrono,
Ireinnd, nml niplnw of th. lat' rather I Mc.
nil i ill r I'. Malm lit ul I'.ninu Ponmat.
Il.lan. It. In Uv it. an. I frleiul. ire Iml'cd to
Btttnil filllernl Mon 11 .111 a in. Into r. .Mi nen.
I""' N 13th Solomn hlh riulem niaan at
HI Vlnlni hv'a I hnrth Ham lilt llol 1'ro.r
t i m Auto funeral.
KAtlhKN -.fan, 17. TimMAo. .7 liu.han.t
Of Rllt II I Vlfl'mlittt tlul.llt. n.l Irl.nrfa.
mh and 18th hiatrleta Poll, e siailnn. riilelity
i'llll. Invited to funeral. Mon . Sn n ni tl.lH
N Perth at. lath ard Jtfrran t i Solemn
hlali reniilem nmaa t vini.
h a 1 hnrch 10
In Int. Molv I'ropa IVin Auto fnner.i
, MtlHiwW -.fan la, InflN P hulmnd nf
Annie Mitlmv.tn mei ti'.v, nn Ueinilvea and
Jrleijila Hun Hutnlnitti Cimii'll, No 2311 Knlihll
2? ' I'Jupinii!. Invit.d 'o fun-ral Mnn H .1(1 n.
tn , K.UI Hvrnln nt Ite.iui.m hlah mnn. I'hureh
of HI. Prim, li Xavlir Hi a in Int Now rathe.
Irnl iViti
M. IIAI.R--.1iin to VVII.I.IAM MillAT.R.
hii.hind of ttrl.litef M, ilaj. in... Ilrmvm llrlt
I';' 'Jill frlxn.N Si Amu m It, h im Ho
n, I'llisinn oto n A it II I our V . .tier.
.m I. ... . . .. ... ..... ..'.-
lit III Milri.fv, Invltui tn fun r.il. Wnl n m.,
Jul I hllnnnrtlt t oi. mt, ri'Miilom mnnn Ht,
Amhnnv m t'hnrrh n Jo n tn Inl lluiv Yom
' '.T a WilmlnKtnn, Tl , tuippm mp.
Mi KMilH'l ,lm In .IWli:" mm nf Rnlwt
ntul Inn iViFtlntli M.KnlHht mxfil .It Unhitlvf-i
nml Mi ni i Invltui tn H.rlfn Mun ' v m.,
fHiljt-'ini uf hrnllnr. Itiiinrf M Kiiljrht Jr Kill
H Mnritnn m Im Alt Morlth rpnt frlendi
mnv M. ., fomaliift Nut . vi
. ,,Hl7"ll',V T,,n ,T JAMHS MrLAt'Olt.
1.1N. UtMAtlvvH nml friend Invlti-.l tu rumrl.
Mnn i n ,10 it. in W.'IMi rmul ami nuntletnn
Pike, IttirttMnn. Halt tint r uiilnr. ma i'hurch
"f tho Matfrnltv litnttlnti.n Int ft iJunitnlo
1 ,,n . Jlt'ltBi'Mnirit Autn ftniTil
Mrl.KKH Jmt 17 MAHY Mf of Jarnfi
Mi I.- uml tlatiRhtir nf M rv Hml 'nt. Utrthnln
nv w rnlty. Hi'lativii an.l fr'fndii invlicj to fu
nrral. Mun . T..1 a tn . .'.'(. I'nliini nt lt.
mtiitn h ah nmi t Ann'-t I'htirrit ti a in Int.
Ilnly CruiM rm Autn fmiTiil
MiQIAIIK HuiMonlv I in IH .TAMI'S O .
umi nf laU- John anil I liib-Mli Mf CJimhli !leln
Mvm anil riicmlH Invli-il m furi.ru I -rvlrea.
Mun. It a nt, ."'Km Cnthariii" t In-tmnt
utrn tlv private. Mmint Murmh m IMnafna
ttiav tf viwtit Hun 7 tn !i 11 ni
Ml-:Yi;it- - Ian is i;i,.AHi;i1I HKIti:rOA,
wlilnvvr nf William ! Mrji'p. mtfil 7 nja
llvij nml frlr twin Jnv1t.il tn fumr-il h rtc-,
M.m. a l in. tiiltlnf nf i1nuKht.r Mm S,
I. tlorhnnt u.l3 Wakntl. h t.. lltrniantown
Int jirjvatr
Vlv't.i: Jnn in KMir. MKYl-n. npM 49.
Iti'Iallv.H nml frliml iii.-ihIhii, nf I'nU.miiv
I mlms Nn 1110. K ami . M Mamif u turprs'
i'IiiIi tnvltril tn nonlf i Wfil . r hi
t'lvmuiith nl , flwti"i!l Vall.v a Int pri
at. 1'nnvt.vannn will mi t train nrrlvimr at
ihv-vmM.l Vilir Htnllun at I '.r. t. m
...W.'S1 r-'11" ml.lnnlv. I.l'.ft N' ;,mh a( ,
VlVl ;? . l.OH . Nol,r" f'lnrul Int. i
M I'MihKN Jan 1 ANNA J. V wif nf
Mvvnrij J Mi I'imIiI. n nn.l ilautthtpr nf l.itn Den
UN ami Anna rrv lt t HH h ami frlnl In.
vltcil lu rumral Tu.-n s ,tn i m , "V.l. Webb
nl. Knlrtim ri'(iul m mini nt St. Ann' i'hurch
U a m Int llnlv i mmi r..ni
wlilnw nf Ali'xaii.l- r Mill, r Itplaiiv. nnd
fr.i'ii.ltt Invlloil in fiiimr.ii .tvI(pm r niilino of
Minify II. Klir 'Jim Imitnunil nt . Mnn. 'J
V. IH Itlt Mt !' n I '.HI
MilPHTT Jnn H Jt!IN II Mori'ITT. flr.
Roliittvi'ii nml fiti'mlN M. rlJlan Sun h-lce No.
I ft ! utul A, M InvliiMl tn fumral nervlret.
Mnn.. p. m.. 3I3 Dlaston at., Tacony Int.
MllNTnnMRriY Jnn IS. at HI. IVmrsburtr.
Kill . ItOIUilUr W himlmiifl nr Mara I. Monti
itrinitrv tinH fhuniiiNi ItPFitli-nro. 3Jlfi N Car
Unit nt 1ui tinti. nf fun. rat
MOON. Nivtr Wun.iuitrnp. Ittn'ttH io Vn .
Hlxthilny, 1st Muiitli ItHh. MMtY MOON,
n ..el h.'i Itclntlvi k nml frl.'mU Invltui to fu
ni'.'.il w It hunt further nutu,. ni-ar Wnndbourn'
Tlilnl ilai Klrit Mmith JIM 'j ni Ini Kull
uliiKtun l'rt mla Hr Iiik ilmum! l ruin for
Wnuithiitirnn Icivi h It. a.lliiR 'I . rtnlnal 1 J .!, p ni.
MiiSI. At Hpai t.itilairK, H Jn 10
COKINK MOSKS. iluutilmr nf Mr and Mrs
ktnunlov Muiu'h Int. W t l.aurd Jtili Cent.
Sun Hum ,
MI-HI'lll Jan i 17 WIM.LIM II MmrjIT.
Itotuttvia nml frlinl.i, i-mpli'ii IViunii ma
chin rtmp. Invltcil tu fun.-ral. Bun J p m..
.15 lUriiiuaKu at , M.innunU Im. 'Veitmlnater
OHKIttliH.ZnU Jan 17. f'ATIIAKINR wlfa
of Kt-rillnanil ohorhnUiT (mo JanlMi i uttrd CI
ItuluttvfH ami frl. ii'li mmhiTn uf Altar Hnclety
ami ha n-l Hi-art I..mkii. uf th- I'liur. h of Our
l.ady lli'lp uf ChriMlant tnvltM tu funoraL
Mon. h .m a m :tl lit tlaul nt Molemn r
nuti-m iniiNN. I'luin li nf uur I.ailv IIp nf Chrt
tlatiH to a. in. Int 1II Itf il. mer im
li'M 1.I.I;Y Jan is. OWI.N O MAIXKT.
iiKfd 77 Hilatlvi'H anil f r. mla lnvlti-a to fu
mral. Mmi.. 7 30 a tn 'JD'J N 11th nC Bol
ptnn r.'uuKm muni at Our l.ulv nf Mrcy Church
p a m Int. Nivv t'uthi ilral Cem. Auto
BtrA.oV Ian I, nf 2IP trmiralil Bt . Hnr.
rUthuw, Vu . Mm IIKU-.N C. wlfa uf J0a. I
'nHun niu I'ulttnati) SiTVtr'! will lo tielj
.it IlillMfiln (Vm KokIwi Pa . Mon.. iuO p. m,
Hi'lnttvi'ii an 1 friends Itivllod.
haml uf l.mma I! Putt a (u. i lun nun of Uto
Wllliunt II nml I'm tn h Potts, aift'il in Itela
IK " nml frl mull Inv in .1 In funeral nervier,
Tuna.. 2 P. nt.. IMS N Duuvltr nt Int pri
vate, Mt. Mnrlah ( m
KAWMNlIH .Ijh 17 aNVA A ulfo of
William T ItawllnH ami .liimhii'r nf th. lata
William ami ClUa A I'umnri Ilflntlvvs and
friimln Invited tu furmral Ht.t N .'-M hi Hun.,
1 llll p. m. Hi'rvlM'H T mill" l.uthrian Church,
5".l uihI Hnr hIh . :! p. m Itit Pirmvuol Cm
llliKP -At W.itcrfnr.l N J Jan is. JtK
HKCi'A II.. A lilnw nf lain In It. e.l an d 70.
It..allv. and frit ndn inviit-d in fnni,il H.rvicrs,
Mm , 2 .'It p. in . Wittwrfi.nl N .1. Im Atco
Pern Train Iiuvpb Mark, t ht iVrrv l p nj.
ui:iv. -Jan ih, i it r. vi-; i.u.i.u: utf of
Percy 1.. Iltdv (m'u Knd rlim). It. lativ. m and
fn ikU Invltp.l tn h ivio. h .Sun , 1.3U p tn at
uttnt'H rfalUoiui . HuHallu 1. Uotbul, 1SJ2 WII
Uiiutuii m Int. prlv ut.
HEMMP.nS. Sudd. !. Jan 1S. I.OU1S J.,
mip ut Mar und latrt I.uuIh ItPiiimerM (neo Kl
krl. ntii'd tl Iti-latlvcH and frb-nda Invited (a
fumrul. Sun. lii iW p. in, tnutlier'a reiiidenca,
a74'l har ul.. lltn Survlrt.ii 1'. 11 i'hurch nf
Aiunniuiit 1 .3 p. tn. Int. private. JIllUluj
1 1'kKYNOMS Jan. 10. RnilHIlT If ItKY
NOI.IS, Hr . huHhiml uf latn Utnlly Heynolda
nMf Unldv 1 It' l.i tlv fu and frl. udu teran
V iri'iiiMti'a Aaacu iutlun. Stum nun a I'etluwahlp
riiih. Invltui tn fum ralm i vn h fm j p m..
I7H M. Orlamia at. Int private. Uemalna may
tm viiwt'd Mun., H tu 10 p. tn,
HICKAIU'S Jm 1. JUH W. IhihI-hhI of
Mary Ituk.irds, ut- l HI "Dun nutliu nf tno fu
nrul will )- Klvcti. frum Ida I,itu residence,
HUA'J N IMh at.
bt'HAKKKKlt Jan IS. 1IRNRT J husband
of lata Citthariiiti S'hu ft r. ltl it Ken and
frl!.)-. Iluly .Nam- s..'li uf st V iticent'a
Church Invltt'd tu funural. Muti , 8 30 o m , 34
Pawiurlua at . (U-rmatituvvn. Bulunm mam ot
r- imlin Ht Vlnu'iit s Church 1U a. m Int.
llul tfHiiui. hr ' in
M'lll.KM.VOKIt Jan 1. MAX, Imihand of
Kannla Hchl-atmmr. lUlativea und frf.-nda, Huh
fum hiVf. ImpruVi'd urdtr uf Heptuuopha, In
liid to funeral awrWrva Sun . li p. m.. 121S U,
Wllum nvu i.VJd and I'heater uve ). Int prl
ui Adath Jmhurun iVm
fc.PIIWKNOT. Jan 17. HHNItY SniwnNDT.
of c'tdara. Pa . meed Rtl lUlatlvea and frtenda
Invited to fuimr.il, Min . 1 p m , lon it. formed
t'hunh, lllh at abuv Olrard uvo . Philadelphia,
Int Hn fiinmuiit Cum.
HKITlUt Jan li. HI'KAN HKlTKfl, M tf of
.T Siller and diuwliir uf l liiuu r Due no
tn' uf fum ral will be- tiv n. from tur Uiu rsl
d tn n KutnavilA, P i
SiU:MP. Jan 17 JANt! T. HUHMP RflU
Uvea and frlunda invilnl tu funeral servient,
Mmt V )' " 113H Ore. n st Int private
MFiiKI, Jan Itf. JoiiWS'A. wlf of Htnr
(I Kit-! uKfd M ItelativH and fritnd Int
vlt"d in rum-rnl upria. Mun . 11 30 a m,
70 J I ItuvM l . Mt. Airv lul Ivy llill (Vm
SLAIN Jan lit plTHIi'l-I. huslund of UU
KlUaheth .Slain iiit-i Knndyi H-la Uvea and
fn nda Invited ti futu..il Mon. k so a ro,
inn n naideme. Jum ph Slain, 7P W Atlanllo
at 1 1 lull nuaa uf rtubmi m Vruntca a C'hurvh
111 a hi Int lliflv bfpulchra ivm
SMITH Jan. h Jolts SMITH Uelattvea
ami frlimU ntiIuvN uf 1 niou i mua of
PtilU.. Inv I I'd tu funeral. Mun . 7 30 a m .
oihtr II l&ir l'du 1N-' ' hiatuut t Solemn
htvh uaaa St John a i'hurch u a m Int Holy
i'roas I'eni. Friends niAs viirv rmalna hun eve
SMITH Jan. IH JOHN I' . Hr . huaband of
Suaun A Smith ud 70 Ktl.itlvea sad friends
invited lu fun- rut Mnn , .' !i) p. m . apart
immfr of Willi. in . llHttersb, 33 1U N Uruad
hi Int. lv Hill ivm
t'uutUurtl on Nrt Pee
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