- w "- wjw -,-, - ."," jyiwtypwjjE.-wTy sarW' ' ffiplfgl EVENING LEDGER- PHILADELPHIA, $24,000 RUSSIAN SABLE COAT TO BE SOLD HERE Jorditn Fur House Exhibits Won derful Creation nt Philadel phia Art Galleries WILL BE AUCTIONED -OFK Took Six Vcnra to Mutch Skins, Kneh of Which Cost its Much ns S225 Knch i r ... - :.r-- -- How a Woman's coat can Cost as Much as $2J,000 MADE of 112 Russian sablo skins. Ench skin costs $225. It took six years to collect skins , Hint mntched for this coat. Coat trimmed with thirty-two tails, valued nt 510 ench. Coat trimmed with sixty-four tiny back feel of sable. Border nlone contains twenty-four skins. I Buttons vnltiod nt $7.50 ench. Took two men and two women ' working eight hours daily three : months to make this coat. To be sold nt auction this week in i the Philadelphia Art Galleries, sue- ) ond floor, southeast corner Fifteenth- and Chestnut streets. : WHAT CHARM REALLY MEANS -TO BEAUTY liy LUCREZ1A BOM Th KAmmi Hptnl.h l'rlmn DonnA. VKHY wle ptrsoti tin" alil circus and will" "All per sonal brnntv. like nil Dftul. Is illvldfd m (3 W FANTASTIC FOREIGN MUSIC ABSORBED IN MELTING POT Til l ittfiJ a 1 , JAN CAR Y 18, BUFFALO BILL'S LIFE PICTURED BY ESSANAY 191T 9 How the Interesting Wildness of Curious Instruments Is Pervading the Home Through the Medium of the Phonograph Sre IlluHrntlon on plrlnrlnl inir, To llio ortlnary morlnl u coat which cost 521.000 in iilmbst lieynnil belief. lint to N. Jordiin. n furrier, wlio Is now it tin- Philadelphia Art naileries, fifteenth and I'liesttmt streets, where Iteed II. Wal mer hns sold costly furs tn Phlladeljihln's exclusive society women for him for years, iuch a rout Is a reality. The J2K000 coat Is a niarvcl of art. tlic result of six years' collection uf the rarest Husalati nalilc skins. nccorilliiK to Mr,..lnr dun. who Ii.ih l,een In the fur business slnco he wan twelve years old and wlio can lelb furs blindfolded. New York iiillllnimlrcniind billionaires come to hlni nt Ills 'New York headquarters, 2 West I'ortv-flfth street, be fore lui.iInK furs n ml I 'liopean royalty furs fashioned in his Petroijrad, ltusala, head quarters. "It took six years for us to Ket the skins that would match before wo could make this coat." said Mr. .Ionian today when asked ho.w such n coat could bu made, for It looks like one skin "The sewip;; lias to In- done so that there Ik perfect match and the collectiiiK "f the skins Is done by nn expert. You nsk how loiiK It takes to make Mich a coat. Well, I had four persons work- inK three months, eight hnura a day. Olio man did nothlnc but ciittlm.'. mintlirV did tinthliiK but selectliiK. out- woman sewed and one woman finished. That Is tho way the work was apportioned. You see the menu a marvelous creation." Ciettlnc Russian sable today Is Impossible I on nccihint of the war, and n few years from now this coat will be worth much more than It Is tndny As it stands now, the but tons alone are wortli $7. SO each. There are four large ones, with which the coat Is fastened, and two others on tho collar. The collar Is a work of art. and f worth many times what the ordinary mortal pays for an entire coat. The border of this Rar ment Is made of twenty-four whole sable t-lilns. each of which cost $1!"S. hence the border nlone cost $3400. The coat Is trimmed with thirty-two sable tails, which cost $1 each ami with sixty four tiny black feet of sable.' When not on exhibition the coat Is kept In a fireproof vault and Is heavily Insured. Hut the J2I.O00 coat Is only one of many wonderful fur creations from The famous Jordan fur house. There is an ernilnu coat for $3SD0. another ermine trimmed with while fox for J42fin ami an AliTska seal for $4"00. Then- are scores uf neckpieces, bear skill and tiRer rugs, a lid coats of every kind ami description, but ulioio nil, supreme In its coveted place, stands tho $21.0110 ltus-t-ian snble, pel haps the only one of Its kind In the country today. Philadelphia women of means will be In terested to know that this coat is to be put up at auction nt 'J mi o'clock each day this week by Heed II Wabner, Philadelphia auc tioneer, who Iuib been Helling furs for Mr Jordan In this cit for vcar and who etands sponsor for anvthliiK am-tiuneil in the Philadelphia rt naileries Into three parts- -health someness It Is nil verv well to have perfect fea tures, but they amount to nothing, so far as beauty is concerned, unless the body Is In a perfect physical con dition Then of what hdMintaRO Is physical beaut v tf you tin not BKe it th proper set ting b dressing in Rami tni? You have frequently noticed a woman who is ieall lovely en tirely sp ill her appear nnce by wearing the ... 1 ur.ziA nm.i wrong clothes and by nrriiiiRliiir bei irfure In 11 11 unhec lining manner A woman may be of surpassing loveliness mill fashionably dressed In ex cellen.1 taste, but If she lacks that inde finable something called "charm" she will never know what It Is to be surrounded bv 11 host of ndmlrlng friends, and will, therefore, miss many, of the greatest Joys of life , , , 'harm, after nil, Is the greatest of the three. No matter If you are s unat tractive us 11 "mud fence stuck full of lizards." and as lacking In style ns Mrs Noah would be nt n iitodcrn summer re sort, "you should worry" If you possess chnrm, for you will be well liked wher ever you go. Hut do not think beeAUne you have this priceless gift that you may neglect your personal appearance." Remember that "Mrst Impressions" count for a great deal, and that charm cannot be seen at a glance. Mako up vour mind to have nt least a little of each of the ''three parts of beauty." but make n charming personality the great est jlortlon. I cannnt make an analysis of "chnrm." but I do know what a great many louible feminine qualities re summed up III this one siunil word. One of the mo.t Itu poitnnt of these Is the desire to please others. Hut It must be n spontaneous thotightfulness of others, not nn effort to ibower them with unnecessary attentions. There are women who would do anything to be thought charming, but Instead they create the linpresslonof being stilted, gush ing and void of tact. Aim to be one of those women whose unfailing graclousness and sincere Inter est In their fellow beings make them be loved by nil who know them Adapt your self readily to nil clrcumslnnces and classes of society ho that the persons Willi whom joti come In contact will feel "perfectly nt home" with you the moment they are In troduced. It requires no small amount of vital energy to preserve this gracious person ally, but If you are called upon to mingle extensively In the social or business world you will find that things will move along much more smoothly If you are liked for your charming manner rather than disliked for your arrogance and hauteur. Tact the ability to do that right thing at the rlgh(. moment n rid tn innko It appear to bo the only natural thing to do U one of the invaluable qualities that go to makn up "charm " To put peoplo nt their care nnd to make them enjoy them selves is a delightful service for any woman to perform. You should be prouder to have friends say of you: "She Is so gracious nnd tactful" than to have them ndmlre your physical beauty. If you want to know the direct route tn people's hearts It is to show litem that you like them and lite slnceiely In terested in each one personally. Hut you cannot succeed in doing this unless vour liking for them springs up spontaneously in your own heart. Spontunelty Is the parent of charm. n'niyrlcht.l SI!) 1.000 I'ostollice Contract Let WASHINGTON. .Ian. !. Thn Treasury Department today awarded a lllH.IIIHl contract for the extension of the Unit Ht Louis posloltlce to It. P. Knrnsworth & i'o. of lOvausville. Hy the Phonograph Editor The clement of Interesting wildness In modern miisle isn't by nny means restricted In so-termed "classic" material. Some of us may know uf", may ctcn understand. Paul tiukas and Claude Debussy, but the chances nre that there nta fifty to our one wlio appreciate and enthuse over Percy Oralnger nnd even more ftankly popular composers t'lidmihtrdly II Is nn age of queer lintrumenls. r'rnm tho mtislcal-com-edy stage to tint platform of the symphony societies nro heard weird sounds which would have caused our grandfather execs she pain- menial and physical. Its n nice point, just wlieie it nil stoned. Perhaps the sedlictld, If cloying, nkeleie stepped In nt the psychological minute Possibly ttlrluiril Strauss's heckelphone and wind-machine made people realize wh.it they were missing In tho way of musical sensation Hut. however that may be. we 'tint onlv listen to the strains of strange pieces of metal and wood; ivo trntispoit them, when we can. Into our homes Naturally, the phonograph Is our me dium And what nn array of new-fnngle.l devices II offid-s to the experimenter in sound : Tho s.ixophono's mellow anil comic noises already have been commented on A somewhat newer fad Is the rzlmhiilmn This instrument, allied to the Kngllsh dul cimer, hns Its brothers and cousins In other countries the reiicli tympntion. the Italian cembalo and the hackhrett of tlcr mnny The term Is properly Used tod.iv to indicate that percussion device which ii M I FD lAklrt CTIDrc 0.-J riHiiu oiunw -v zs Records in All Lanquaejcs 604-606 S. SECOND ST. OPEN EVENINGS IJ HAWAIIAN MUSIC Tin- Mnt KiiHnnUnB in ih WnrM r.,(v.'(! n it)- I'kulWt' im AVeinl, llHrnuintoim Ullil llt-lll'IOUM. ,Hcar these six exact reproductions on the Victor Records ir,.14S-'.l.llll. OH I Farewell lu Tlieel ll.iuuu.in ()'l!ntll 10 In "Ae I7TIII HAWAIIAN WAI.TZ .1IKIII.KY Kllllllir Iluell 10 III .U i;tiiT 1111. II ilUwn'.Un Mjirrtu III In. ',Hr 7710 llll.Mll.l l.t MAKCII liiuil.r 1 Duel! Ill In t.1r S PENiT ,n?V.7?,'i !? vo- (IIHI, 10 in ;.ir i;io o Tin-: IIHAt'll AT 1VAI Ullil III In 75c I . t V "" -VifiJ- .. PHONOGRMJM 17 S Qth 5t Ji, I U ISWl k Opposite Post Office Victrola XIV Including 13 Record Albums 0 Special I errns $7.00 pet Month This Number Fourteen is the popular new type esneciallv designed for apartments or larger spacious drawing rooms. It is ready for immediate delivery, and with it . goes our "keep-jt-in-order" guarantee. Hear it tonight at any of ounfour convenient stores. .HI oar Vlclrola. at, equliJ urMV " "" ' I'lavt it to 3HH rtcardi ulinoul chart at. Talking Machine Co. Broad Abv. Walnut Thr$e Branches Open Evenings Broad and Columbia Av$. 52d ud .Cheitnut Sts. 4124 Lancaer Ave. give, to llungnrlnn nnd gypsy music its fantastic quality. The gypsy cllmiiaimn H like the Inside of n grand piano It lies horizontally, the strings being exposed before the player, who hits them with felted ami weighted mallets. The llungnrlnn cembalnn probably orig inated In the Orient Persia and Arabia have known It for n long time ns the Pantlr The phonograph mnkers offer nunc n diversified list of selections played on it The gypsy f'ounttss Veronn has re cirded nlrs of her own race, beside Nevln's Narcissus." for the Columbia, and Muslin wits, rnled nn accomplished nrtlst In this line, hns made Jtiiiiintilan and Turkish disks for Victor. .Musical dlterslon demands that so many changes be rung on the popular Instrument thnl perhaps within the year we shall be having records of the (Jousla. n soil of elongnted miiudnlln. the national inu-lol i1vlce of Montenegro. The king and his six daughters, by the way, nre experts In ulaying it .Meanwhile, as we wall for further Innovations in A mttxmn '"""" vogue, to become fixed tn he ""' c?," science. It Is Ihlerestlni. to nole llmt ItlB marlmbn has ntready become n part of the concert slngo and even tho home or the phonograph fan. ,..,., w,ifi Less modern, but no whit lew tienutlftil. I, the celesta. This Is, ft percu...ive of c cullar gh.lleness and delicacy, ''u'"''" hns several records of celesta music oil M companies I kewlse hiuc experimented with Z .exotics f melody so that nltnos any current catalogue will disclose novelties of ............i..ii.., nit.inted from foreign countries. Their popularity, not w-lth the highbrow, but with the avetage thenlrc- goer, or even the limn woo inn iu.,i- Lined with volume. Is shown In the way thev obtrude Into musical comedy and care orchestras N... doubt the next ".lapaneso light opera will employ the snmlsen. A nil. If vou like funny Hounds, you. loo. win llko It TAI.ENTKI) Glltli VIOMN'IST NORMAL SCHOOL SOLOIST one of ihe voimgest violinists to play In Philadelphia this season is Sara Leuier. who will be beard 111 rectal at .the ' I rM Norma, Hcl.ool. Thirteenth and p.rnBr den streets, tomorrow night. II lll pniii nldy be Miss l.emers sole appearance hero ""'"ber youth, -tne nrtlst has had I.- -' ..f nilinlrnblc tinlnlng. nnd those who have heard her dn '"-r her to be possessed of unusual talent. Her first renl study for concert work wns i.. !.,..,. ehrnoillck. neibaps the iiiosi .,! ,;,, ,if tho school ..f 1'iiMd In this country. Miss Leuier nlso has ie, lnn,r,i,.ll,,n frniii Lucius 1'ijle. I be perloil School of Music In this ctv has hon ored her with the nwnrd of lis I1011..1 scholarship for 11 year, nngnientlng the prize by continuing Its validity f"t three additional years. The violinist, possessing n wide iepertor. In said to Interpret with especial distinction Ihe following numbers: The i-otclhluvid "1'nlles d'Kspagne," n snrnhaiid. two niinn els and n gavotte by llin-h. th- HiilicnP I' minor concerto of Wlenlnwski. foui KieWl. 1 nrrnnffotilHIItS of short lllllllbel eiin. Martini. I'nitler and Schubert . Kil ler's "Schoen P.osinarln" ami Vlciuic-e 'a ,,rin'' mill PaKiinlnl's theme ami .ni ' t- ..- ,l.n ,! ul.itu- It I l.,sll,le lh.il limy da some of these - .it th- N"i mill School Authentic Film Depicting tho Late Colonel Cody to He Released Soon Hy the I'liotoplny Kililor 'A hit of laudable enterprise and news sewni Is displayed in Mssnnny's quick nr Hon on tho dcnltt of tluffnlo Dill. No sooner wos the announcement of Colonel rottv's demise trnuln than th film eompany lei pxhlbltnrs know that It had a feature Willi Ihe eminent scouts life pictured with historical accuracy. It will be released the latter part of this month In addition to Iluffnln inn, such heroic flRures of early western dnys as Major flen- eral Nelson A. Miles, Mnjor tleneml .lesse M. I.eo and Urlgaitlcr lietierals l-'rank t. Ilnldwrln and Mnrlnn P. Maus take part In th plintodrnmn. I'lve thnusntid fnlted States troops nnd Indians engage In battles on the sites of Ihe great frontier bnttletlelds where Iluf fnln Hill won his fame The killing of Tall Hull, the rapture or sitting Hull, fight ing in the Had I .amis, tlufralo Hill's knife duel with Chief Yellow llnnd nnd hun dreds of other spectacular scenes nie pic tured. Scenes of Colonel I'nilj's liter life nlso nre shown one pictures hint with the Prince of Monaco, owtief of Motile Carlo, on their hunt for big game In Ihe Hockles. "The Adventures of Huffnlo Hill" will he released through the Kleine-Kdlson. ScliB-Kssnnny service. Us screen time Is approximately nn hour mid llftcen minutes. Two children Inst wcl. weie named nfter Hougias Kali bunks The 1I1-1 nought c'nlr- bnnks Oeverifih, Is the son of Natt Dev erlch. nsslstnnt director, employed nt tha Famous Players eastern studio. Tho other child. Hmiglns Fairbanks Montgomery, Is of opulent New York parentage. When ho lencbes his twenty-first birthday ho will bo tho recipient of n large fortune. Theodore l'rlebus, the villain In Pallie"n preparedness atrial, "Pearl of the, Army," wns nt one time nn artist. Ho has discov ered a new medium for his nrtlstlc talents. Neither tlubens nor Sat gent nor Whistler nor Christy ever heard uf It, but It IS nearly as effective as the most priceless oil or crayon. It Is nothing more or less Ih.nn Urease paint. occasionally between scenes In "Pearl of tho Army" Prlebus has found time hanging on his hands and has employed the talent which made him one of Harper's Magazine" contributors to while nwny tho hours. Frlebus hns made of his dressing room In the Alrn film Corporation's sludlii a veritable art gallery -and all of his own handiwork. What's Doing Tonight Clover flub annual Dinner ttelle.Tiie'-StrAlforil Fellowship nt Arsdcmy ct the Fine Arts' re union, th scsdemj ltAl list Ate Itosrd, 112(1 Walnut street thirenu ef Miinlflrnl Itesenreh's Annual dinner, llelleviio-Strsttoril. IVre ineeilng. AesAiny of Mule. M.irkt Street Slerihsnts' AssoeUtlon meets, ttlntthnnt Hntise. , ijrorires Hill Improvement AesotlAllon, FrstiK Iln Thru 1 re llulliilng. Kitty second street and ihrnr.l Avenue, S o'rlork Authors' NUht. muter nu.piees of Uroimlns ftnelety. Wlth.rspimn Hall. 8 "'.eloek. Ilehrens Open I'luh, under nueplces of-Noriti llrsnch V. M .'. A , Uermantown and Mhlin avenufs. 1 ne.nrR. lecture Jlicnuei liulMInK, lock inrH ir hi .', j",h, a,,".-.. ': -".. --. ; M ...,. .a,i -A.l.lletf Ivenrsetli lftrnei AlUmnl IliilMlnK. Hronil street ami Columbia vnu: I'l'av nnd ti.ines of Trnrle Sehool, MereAntlle "I1.' .. ,. . . ... . .. .. .. r,k..AU 11a., .A lirnlllernoon ni ni fl u i V"UU ". ..".'.'"rL , "llslksni In Present Waf," by A. HorliiAs. Keneseth Israel Alomni lirond sireet nnd CnlumblA Atenue, a .,,,: ilnner to trustees of PhliadMnhia rresbytery. v club. .... lllfltier tn Slate Senator Snmuel w. Biu, fits club. Hotel Adelphln eled 111 J .1.1 I I I 1 I I 1 tt SHOP HHIli: HltHRS HMAMTf.Y SAVIJ MONT.Y '.1X1:1:1113333 MAIL Oltnr.ltS promptly niled when nrenmpnnled by Po.tnl Money. Order for full iininunt. Snllsfnitlnn Riinrnnteed or money refunileii. ELEVENTH & MARKET STS. Addlllnnnl Hntrsnre from Hleventh St. Subwny Slntlon. 111 I. MMI.lt UTANIIAHII MHIIiS. llllHI Sizes ll'j U) 2 r- r 7 fir . The C 1:1111 VO 1, III I A. .- 7 7 7 1 V , vv . -v . ' ' C iii 1 ""st&ti "&uJyv II 1'nlent nr v Jr Hull Calf. - A III Hbl nr I'lnth I I II mi.. I , Price '.'.1.-. Illl'll "rlS A jlalifyieL gg3jrHjTnrsiioi: siomi v-. -.- "gtgj Spring-heel Shoes with Style orrcct Shoe for Your Daughter V.K vnu luiv children's shoes, lie sure thiit Hify u .'" shaped rit,'lit lirnt of nil. rnwuiK feet require snoes which nre specially adupted to tncin, 11 nicy .in to lie nnturni utin ncniiiiy. The htriiinht lines, full-rounding toe nnd s)rlnir-heel mako this u correct shoe. They nro shaped right first nf all. Hut they are also dressy mid (jood style. FLAT TO KIT IT.KT Shoes and Hosiery 1204-06.08 Market St 5 " 52.50 "SJhM' 0mm ;"$15 ::-1SSl tir.M'iNR itu tii "lO " a Mw'pSaMSJ' INHTIIl MI.NTS '.'. M SjW1JSw I Srn.l , ,(,. fj, M 1' 1 lMfrth SnilW FRED C. MEYHR & 0- ffl&-. JSlM IreS Pliilndelphia (:(. UJJ ) " 'Bf f KIWn llllll ;. m U $6.'50 wxn Kr fr.7atK(Zt? ?a a uk tt$w&.mwzB I J J I: Bawsa'."'' ""'''''"'" ""'" v., H III r 'Jll-V '" T'"e.r tt--HSY I ' 'll'l B Von lll li ,le.l-..nllv -ur 'ili6,n,f,',ri ;! ll I Plls-'l When .,.! ll.lt ,Mir ,11 " ' I E iuilnl hIkip. All -HI-, n.i-l lIUl'l'lU uiii 1 iiitiKii r i.-iMuie. in 1,111, I., a." . 1 , I ll'l 1 Uelher with II Milliplet,. Hie, k 1 I I 1 ir r iniN iiii.i ki:ih ici: u it ', I.I V ""r "iliI'll" inline. lf.l I ! I l"'-' iir.itMXMiiwv avi: '... J'-S1 j! P P TV J"' "'''"" ll" n 'v 'iii I' " ih. ' ' "'" imcgg Ufc.0. inirtiiTAtcjrBai (. ill 1 .Ml l tfc rffV . , , .1 , (l . r. ,-.,-.-,-.- I III 1 ,ii iiiiii ii l . .ta -m tm M: mthtP I liialltV ! ( V.lii'i ' V JA.JO.-'JL V- iar Walies for Friday (7ioo.se from Hundreds of Fashionable, High-Class & ,ff(fia nMrf?m& r fea-Hfer . iSQfra u In Slunnine Larne Fur Collar and Cape Colta Model: Silk Plush and Chatc's Fur Trimmed, Some Satin Lined; at the Sensa tional Price or" . Yolourn, two-tone corduroys, IhuicIch, line mixtures, astra khans, etc. i , Tor SI II. IIS Him flush Ciiut Tor SSJ..10 Wind Velnur I Conls lur SIT.nn hnlln - Lined ' Cordlirny fonts And scores uf other henutl f ii I fabrics mid style. Knlly Ulan coals to select Ironi. si:i'iNn ki.ooh 1 IsmiBiiwiiiiiii&miiiiiiii'Hiiaiiww 3 $:i.00 to $5.00 Dress Skirts, Friday. SI .65 SIT. Street, Afternoon and Evening Dresses, S7.90 S12.!)S to $10 Suits reduced to S6.60 to SI 5 Mack Wolf MnlTs. SR and Scarfs at S3.98 j:::::frank & seders ROBINSON & CRAWFORD 5-- PHOTOPLAYS PHOTOPLAYS Smki BoSna Gmpamg I THE fellowlne llieslre. obtnln their ulrture. Iliromli Ihe MTAM.IIY Hooking 1 X Coraoniir. which I 11 iimiite of rurlr uliimlnc of the flneit production.. V ! N All Dlttiir.. reviewed helore rililbltlnn. Ak for the tbeulro In jour locality bUllllntPlctuH. Ihroll.li th. HTANLHY IIUOKINtl t'OJIKA.NY. I ALHAMBRA; li'ih. Mnrrlsi Pmnyunk Ave. ,Ut "I'11 '- Evg"- ";"-J uruniumi' I'lcturei. , . . . m rill". THAVi;i.iu Frank Mclntyre hai.ksman" BSD AM' lHOMP.sn MATINKK UAIIA THIS Hl'ST" C1IEHTNUT lli:i.OW 10TH IIItOAD ANO srsqci:iiA.r.A m BOTH AND ri:OAIt AVK l-ABMHUWT I'llbATftC APOLLO MARY PICKFORD in I.KSH THAN ARCADIA FRANK KEENAN in TUB IHUPH "'' MA'IB" BELMONT MB ANl) UAKBT BEATRIZ'MICHELENA in B.M.DMV JAN'H" BLtJEBIRD OLGA PETROVA in tiik 111.ACK nrrrKiiKi.v" CEDAR MME. PETROVA in THE IIUl'K lirTTKHFI.Y FAIRMOUNT s,IT,l!,'!t',, 4v,,',, i1.? amoihan Modern Cinderella wid hi " 5 'l I CliAPI.IN.ln "BAHV HTHBlrr- rft-TU CT THEATRB MAT DAILY ODln 31i 111. Sfiruce. Kigs T to II. Edna Mayo and Eugene O'Brien In TUB L'llAPBIlO.S" FRANKf ORD raSKI?SJ?B CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG in TUB COMMON LAW ' GREAT NORTHERN ".TS.:... ROBERT WARWICK in TUB MAJI WHO FOUGHT" IHDrDlAl 0TH nd WAI.SCT STK IMPLKlAJ-i M.ti S3U Kin.. T 0. Marc McDermot & Miriam Nesbitt In "THK I.A8T SK.NTKNCK" ICAnri) KOHTV-riH8T ANO LbAUHIV . LANCA8TEII AVENUE Lillian Walker HlaiUttionn LTbERTY BKO"AD AN,ioLuMD,A FRANK KEENAN in TUB ai. yb no" LOCUST '-" AM) '"i;iST ROBERT WARWICK in Till: MAN Villi) KOIllKIT I 333 MAltKKT HTnnnr Jjik Sherrlll Ih.iotln ll.rnnnl In "Itoliiliew" Tumorrow Klrt i:pl.o,e Tlio Ureal titv ret." I'eiituHnir ("ruiin. Hii.hmnn Heierly ll.iyno ll.'H A IIAVRIIFOHD ipe.oif. L'oit Oroh. Korolhy I'hllllp.-Wm Kloell In "I'lper'o 1'rlie" Cunnril & Kuril in 'Th I'uiple Mfmk." Nn 2 Kunny Chiirllo Chillii In TUB ClH'.NT" Market St. Theatre OVERBROOK PALACE Mme. Nazimova nn MAiticirr hthbut 10. -SOI LS- War Brides" PRINCESS REGENT RUBY WEST TUlUkDKtrUUk EUREKA 4(mi MARKBi 8Ta E..K. Lincoln and June Elvidge in "Tho World Againit Him" 1014 MAIIKBT STUUHT I'lnrn Kimball Ynunjc 1" "'I'lie fll.e of Suvan" ""iinilnB Tue . Jun. -'3 Tin, llrut 8ecrel." fVnluiinv Krjincle X. Ilu.hinjn Heierly Hano 1031 MAHKBT OTIIUCT ri.i.v voire onaAS Sessue Haynkawa-Myrtle Stedman In "TUB HOI'l. OK KlltA MAS"' RI A 1 T O "KHMANTllWN AVB. I r- S-t I J AT Tl'LI'nitOl'KKN 8T BEATRIZ MICHELENA in "TUB l-NWHITTKN IAIY MAIIKBT HTItKET Hi:i.ClV 7TH BTIIEBT E. H. Sotliern & Charlotte Ives in "A MAN OF MYHTRIlY" 3A 1 I STItGET MABEL TRUNNELLE in TUB MASTBIt I'ASSIO.V QTA1MI FY MAIIKBT AIIOVB ItlTH OlrtllUil ll.JS A. M toU.Ur-.M MARY PICKFORD in "TUB PHIUB OP TUB J'l.A.S"' STD A Wr4 UBIIMANTOW.V AVKNUE llNrV,-' AT VBNA.MIO BTItEET Dorothy Bernard The RBvinbow rp f Q Q A JTTH AMI VENANOO BTS. Emily Stevens The'Wager.. VICTORIA AWIVBNINTH Thai H. ln'' Million Dollar .lnma Spe.taut "CIVILIZATION" MORTII PHILADELPHIA At AH Our Stores ' '" . '-. !. ' W "C-V . , ., :'y Low Prices Prevail : proved again and again, in almost every "c of groceries, that o.,r nriWnre somewhat lower than those of other stores tor equal graucs "" 'TrZ ' , ..-- - , . . r .i i ...:n,.n,,ciir rir iirh rnmnansons snow uu auvou- to every article, ol course, out so irequcnuy auu winnumn,., " ,r;r" "T,"' j n vear-round savinc .. :,rn, f rKr,mrr nf Our Stores, there is no doubt at all that there is a ycar-rouna saving VUEv, 111 1HVWI JS. vfcw.n - - - . ( Investigation and comparison nave proven -b---b-'. 7 " ",-;-,,' This d-ea not appiy our nrices'arc somewliat lower tnan uiosc 01 oma ?iUn- "'-- .----- . . n nf.-n-. to every article, of course, but so frequently ; and continuously uo su.u -- vinE ge in tavor 01 cuhiomcra w u. -- i "-,"r --"",. There are many advantages to assured tliose who ucai ai me otoi "". ... ...--. - And we believe patrons of Our Stores, as comparison of Quaht :L:r"i:ZZ; CX; ; ;: but because we do save thousands of dollars for ers yearly. ARE YOU SHARING THESE ADVANTAGES? our custom- tOCTU rUIXAUEUUIA nLYMPIA GRACE DAHMUDU m TUB BHIELDINO MWSSi.. BUOAD AND HAitMtUAJfi RIDGE AVENUE "" ,l,DqE vli Frederick Warde in "King Lear" "Pearl of the Army" No. 5 PHIL AND DELPHINE" Th. EYKNIXO X.KD0EB trU-WIaaIn Icrlst Will B Bliawo n AildcJ F.mur. At THK HIAKL1SV XUKAVBS IV1. I ..Vl f.WfTfiS,u I vKiftMEf' ' Tvfxsm .rnHH?i" rrr,u ft BOBawji if OF- &M Gold Seal Butter lb- 47c Thousands of people in Philadelphia and suburbs are very particular about the Butter they use, and to a great extent we are responsible for this, for in our Gold Seal wc are selling the highest grade of freshly churned Butter at a very reasonable price. Gold Seal is "Tho Perfect Butter," so why pay more elsewhere and chance disappointment? x J?zzimt. JpSWv ?& vM Ws f zam QeB&l,, t'vystwz mss liv-- Hy-Lo Butter 42c Hy-Lo Butter is all that its name implies. High in Quality Low in Price- Have you tried it yet? o Butter b- CEREALS Gold Seal Rice. Mb pkg. . . 8c Choice Grade Rice. l-lb. pkg Sc Gold Seal Oats, 2-,lb pkg : . 8c Capital Brand Oats, pkg .6c Gold Seal Buckwheat, pkg 10c Gold Seal Pancake Flour, pkg... 10c Hccker's Flapjack. pkE - Uncle Jerry Pancake Flour, pkg. 10c Choice Table Syrup, can 10c, 12c Cane and Maple Syrup, bot 10c DRIED FRUITS Fancy Large Prunes, lb He Choice California Prunes, lb 12c Fancy Evaporated Peaches, lb... 12c Choice Evaporated Peaches, lb 9c New California Apricots, lb 20c Gold Seal Seeded Raisins, pkg...l2c California Sultana Raisins, pkg. 12c Fancy See-less Raisins, pkg 1 5c Fancy Cleaned Currants, pkg 20c Choice Evaporated Apples, pkg. -12c Absolutely Pure Butter of good quality, and like all our butters a bargain at its price. CANNED and SMOKED FISH Salmon, can 12c, ISc, 18c Gold Seal Salmon, tall can 19c Sardines, can 5c, 10c, 13c Fancy Shrimp, can 10c Nova Scotia Herring, bunch 16c Smoked Herring, bunch 12c Smoked Bloaters, each... ..9c White Heather Codfish, cake... .13c 9c pkg Threaded Codfish for 7c Mackerel, each 12c, 15c, 20c CHOICE TABLE PEARS 12c . . ... - 1...1 : .! ....n o ltcTV,fr,il r:i.-li.tri.sprv ripssert nnd verv Large cans of very choice quality rears, pamcu Buuu aj-.u, -..,,....... ., - - economical. Gold Seal BREAD loaf 5C Gold Seal is a genuine hearth, baked loaf of the finest quality. It a "The Best" Bread that good flour and modern, up-to-date baking can produce Best Pure LARD lb- 18c When you buy Lard at Our Stores you know that you are getting high grade, pure Lard and 16 ounces net weight to every pound. National Biscuit Co. PEACH TARTS PS"' 18c " Sweet Cakes of the finest quality, with a Peach center. Freshly baked, as are all the Cakes and Crackers sold "Where Quality Counts." GOLD SEAL TEA - 45c v Vg.lb, package 23c V4-lb, package 12c "Gold Seal" is a Tea with a reputation, and it always kept up to its high standard of superlative gooa nes. It's a choice blend of the finest Teas grown. Tea of the Quality of "Gold Seal" will cost you 80c to 51 the pound in such few stores as it is sold outside the "Quality Chain." Order a package of your favprite kind Black, Mixed or Assam. RQBFORD BLEND COFFEE lb. 20c 1 KAMEUA BLEND TLA lb. Z9c .- -. - -. i-.i J "?.! A-...U?H- l Whether It Be Ta, Coffee, Butter, ggs, canned uoous, .ereais, unea nii u. ..jm.u.b . . R- ndst COFFEE - 30c Let your morning cup of Coffee be R. & C. Bet Blend. Its rich, mellow flavor and delightful ar5ma will bring a feeling of satisfaction that will last throughout the day. R. & C. Best Blend is named "The Connoisseur's" Coffee because it more than sat isfies the most particular people Are you particular? Grocery Line It Will Pay You to Come to Our Store for Everything You Require Robinson & Crawford Grocery Stores for Particular People Throughout the City and ubur.bs J,l 1 'I m 1 r-