'TMIWD' ' HJ'J'M'JH1 -?-,V1'HHJWeBBM)yllWt"t- jailHMMft,4UHJ.M,JIWIIJ " .jlpHmjlWW"WHP'W ip.jHUI i;n ;i i .-j r 11 IH1 UNANUOVANOTADEGLI ALLEATI AL PUESIDENTE II Miniatro Degli Estcri Inglcsc Splega lc Itngloni del Rinuto '- delia Quadruplicc intcsa La neutralita svizzeiia Lo Stato Mnggiorc Auslrinco Avrcbbo Intenrlono tli Sncriflcare Anche In ' Svizzora Como il Uclgio r.OMA, 18 rietinaln. Olunge nolltsla che II pfKrctarlo-lni;lro Jwr Kll Aftarl listerl, Arthur ttatfour. Its uwlnto nl president vrilson una nuovx nota nell quale sonn splewatl meRllo K" afconl dell potenao dell'lntcsa c In rngloul Twrche' Kll nllenll orodono rho nilMto non !a II ttmpo per parlaro ill rontllclutil ill tice ft ill trnllnllve per In cesiazlone dclla Vtiefrn- l.a nota uplega nnche lo raKloni purehe' Rtl allcntl togllono rrppulslone dflta Turchlat tlall'Kuropa. la restlluidono del l'AIla-torena nlla Krnnchi. la libera tlnno dfll'ltalla JrrpilfiitR ilalla domina tion aystrlnra cd altrl rnmbtatnrnli. terri torial!. Ia note, dice che colore ch rrwlnnn che la. pace futura dl mondo poss rtwor poii MKUtta con Iratiatl lnlerna?.lnrtHll linnim Droflttnto a.al poco dllc lezlonl delta ttorla recentc. Ilco la nota: "Kino a die la Oermanln. rluwno iiuolla rteesa dermanla cho soma una minima om bra (II raglono Invaso o dcvnsto' bnrbnra Jnente un pnese ho cssa l era olenin niente ImpeRnata a dlfendcro. newiiti" -Into pxio' consldernre Henri I proprll iliHItl re non ha altra proloalonc cho un toldine trattntto.'' II inlntstro InKlfse fa rilcvnrc die la Turchla del partlio Olovann Turrn era atventata nltrettauto barbnrn Influ'ln msnte plu' nrroKnnte rd nfHtres'iiNn rim non fosse notlo Abdul HairiUl, o do' Rrasslc l nntlucnxa rhn la aermnnln itercltnvii hii fll esra. Ora soldatl lurehl combnttono. sotto aril ortllnl ril tinicin.ll tellfHOhl In tcrt'C da cul erano da lmiRlil until slntl nrni!l. ' (Jlce che sli ItilcrcW. delln pai rd I dlrlnl dllo nailonallla' nun pu.isnno esscro spr rltl Be non ccsa II ilotnlnln della Turcliln ni riuin slranlcrp. !n l'Alnnxla-ljnrrnn tion rsslliultn nlla Frntlcln. hp fltnllu lr rpdenta non o' unlta nU'Itnlla p ko aim camblamentl KURKerltl. nplla nnln pvpup dento nllpntl non ttnno rhlliiatl wnllu cart polltlca dcirKuropn. IINVASIOXi: HKM.A aVIZSSKItA? l"n dlapacrlo !a Untti-rdnm, olanda. iIIpp: "I clornall anstriaPl id ocoupano larna mente delia poatlhllKa' drlla lnlasslnp ilolln JiPUtrallLV della Svltwrn.. Fm1 nmnitttono chn la Fraticln non bn ntcutia rnglonp per lnvadero la SvUzern. lnfiitrr la OMiiiaiila 1'AucttU potrplibtTo pmi una slmllo msa cttencrp buonl an'nBKl, rom' si va chn la Svlmera p- dnrlsa a rtirenilnrc la Mia mii-trallta- ftno a racrinraro rultlmo no'ino.. i-osf che il Fiicrsu da parlp ilrRil je.iv.H Ipu; ton! cl earcblie ppr lo mcun duliblo "In KPiipralp I glornall rotwlBllanu pPrcHi' loStnto .MagsloroanstrlacoH non aumenravp 11 numpro dpi nenilil dello polpnzo wntrab. I glornall nnghorpl nonn d'nplnlonn cll la vlolazlone tli npu:raltu' -non Iih niHl Blovnto ad alctin pserclto, p dlcopo clip rari'iduua France.'ro Fenllnando; la vltt ma dPH'attwi tato tli Hernjpto, non avrpbbp ma I. fot'o atato lvn, snnzipnato lu loln'iloiip dtslla peutralita' dpi HpIrIo sin ppr raslnnl tiilll tarl che ppr rak'inni diraatii'lip." il MinlRlpro rllla Wucrra pubbllcava Iprl tra II BpRiienlP rapporlo Ip1 penpralp t'a torna cln-a la hUumzUuip alia frontf Itnlo Kustriaca: IO operaslonl tli nrtigllcrla t.ono mate dl niiorn Intprroltc ru ttitta la fronte dal perslstonto nialtpmpo. Sull'nltoplaiui tltl CVirso Ip nostre pattusllo lianno KpleKiitn una crln at-' tlvlta'. lanoiandu bombp npllc trlmi'tt iiemlcbo e prpndenrto nlt'tinl pr!rlon;erl, II Vatlcano ha rlnoosto nil.) nnta Iti- laUtgli tlalla Gpririntiia o ilal mini alien 1 1 circa la parp. la ctpssa nota lnvintn nl Vresldente Wilnon. I.a Snnla Sedc prpndu nota dclla buona dispnstzioup dplla Ucr- manla verso la pace, eiipmiipmlo la mie- Tanza clio tiucnte buonp ili.stio.tizloni po5santi ruacre segtlltp da rep.irtirhe t'onrpsiont da un'lntma clip mPttn Hup nlla suprro. e fa notare purp ihp II iiapa non ha litsclatn passare ouiasinn ppr Implnrn'v la -itapp. II testo delln rlposta iIpI 'atti-ano Kara' pubbllcato a lierllno. nl erode In quosll ctrcoll. Un conimuuicato iimclalo pubblicalo oggl Oal Minlfltero delta Marina dice: IJna nave austrlaca fu sllurata ft H gciinulo da un sottomaTlno Trnticepo facentp parte delln flottn Italians nellii vlcinanze deH'nrclpelaso dalm.ita. II fottomarlno fu inutllmente attuccato da un neroplauo ncniico. It goveino auHlriaco nvevn. annunclato In IS cor.renle raffundumvnlo tlel plrtiscafo aux trlaca Zagreb al liicgo dclla J.ilmazla. aB riung'cndo cho vi erano perltu 2B perK0h t3eU'c(UlpacKlo. MARY GARDEN'S VOICE HEARD FREE BY HOBOES Prjma Donna Calls It Best Compliment When Aged Tramp Says She's "DarjGooil" CHICAGO. Jau. IS. Mary Unrdcn's high-priced voice warbled free for n thou sand homelesB men at the International Hobo College hero lunt night. Carmen." "Cotnlu" Through the Hye" and oIIipth Htart ed the men to vtnmplng and tho tears to flowing:. Then from the bark of the room ranin n call for tho "Margpillalse." Mies tJanlon and Hector Dufrpanu, tho tenor, sail); the stirring battle wing of France. Ad Mlcx darden made her way toward tha door a gray-haired vagabond seized her hand and, remcmlwrmg that once tli the long ago ho had gone to college, started to make a Hpeech. "By the eternal goda." ho began hope fully, and then began all over ogain In Ijatlu, "I'er Deua etcrntik elefnl, ctern you're a darn good singer," ha tlnlahd lamely. 'That's tho flnt compliment I've liad this Muxon," crhwl Mlw nurden, and her audience cheered until the building rang BAKELY DIVORCE GRANTED Atlantic City Woman Given Decree. Husband in Jail ATrANTIC CITY. Jan. IS. By a decree just filed in the Court of Chancer ty Vice .Chancellor Learning, u divorce ban eh granted to Mrs. Adelw Ilakely from William Bakely. formerly ot thle city. but now of Trenton. The decree also rives lira. Bakely alimony and the cuatody Of her infant daughter. Previous to On enteriiur of the deer, Mr. Bakely bad her hueband before Viee f IbanueUor iMmtng i, Uie qutuftlon of ali mony. At that time the younV mail waa everaly scored by the Court for hla traat meni of hla wife and ordered to pay m fum of five dullare-a week. After the neesioa of Court wu over It U alled that Bakeiy boasted that lie did not Intend ts pay the ulituoay. He alM la aald to have nUde the statunent that he intended to leae the Btate. Vice Cbaneellatr Liutiolpg, when the matter wu again r Jitrre4 to him. lwwed an vdr of jib exeat tor hl arrest Bakely- va fvund at the Trenton Interstate Vatt last SepUiabirVand Stasd in the Mercer County Jail, where be if SUU Incarcerated. atowibip Damaged In Collbion NSW roRK Jas. it 1e ateanwbAge Jtueoiiuck. of i tie New Bogtawt mi rortiiff tJt.r.oar.v'M i.o ao4 toe Mnikuy lutar FRENCH CRUISER MIRABEAU BOMBARDING PIRAEUS A picture tnl.ru iIiiimik ll"' irn'nt HADDONFIELD LEADS IN GUARDS' New .Jci'Hey City lriisL in Hui'tioii Ui Provide Bronze Tablet HADDONFir.Mt. N. J.. January 19. Hnddonlleld la tlip flrt"! munlqlpullt.v in this part of tlip founlry to provide n lnitliiR tokMi for lis eimrdpmen wlio niwworpil the call to tlm linrilpr Inst June. A bi'.niKP tiblot nrordlns thpjr ppivhM nnd bearing tlip name tf pucli man has beep creeled In Iht- lilRh rt-lrnol niidllorltim. A wnlchfob with n military locket Is lit glTl of tho lotin to purh iiinu. When word tvuo rppplved that llntlpry I!, of Camden. a in rpttiin llnddmitlpld begun planning i tvlPbratimi Tho propoKil of making Hip affair n lasting onp nnd In I.ppp ing with thp hlHtfirlcnl twin! nT tlip lonn oaiikcd the nbanilimmoiil nf n diniipr plan nnd iIip fttbrtlru'f'iiiii nT tlip InlilPt nnd fob. A KPlf-ooiiHtlttitPd cominlttei' liiinipdiatcl.v began lo riilan the neceHKary funtlii. Not 4IIIO-(MirMiti approaolied i-cfusod tn t'onlrlbntp. Ah the fund grew the plan expanded until tmluy the litbli'l. l:.1 by IS liichcs. lit im bedded In a wall of the high school. There pip t'lght men from Iipip. Sis werp inwiilipri of Ikttlery II, olip ,t nipmbcr nf the KnRiiirero vt rhllndidplila and au ottipr a r'hilndolphla infantryman. They art-: Ward 11. Ulcus, William Honing. Fred erick T. Ilozorth. Alexnndcr Wackey. John II. Moore. Jumps 1 Shaw. I,ouIh K. Mhlnn nnd lWwin A. Trtimbinvcr. POPE STRIVES TO STOP BELG I AN DEPORTATI ONS Will Also Do All in His Power Speed Return of Exiles to I.n.N'li)N'. Jani IS. With a vimv to pre venting further Belgian deportations and bringing nhout Hip lepatrlation of those already iit to liennany. Topp llenedlct has niailp rppresentallon.s to thn Imperial flnvc ernment. nrcnnllng tn a letlur from Carditta! tlnsparrl, ttn papal fecretnry of mate, to fnrdlnul Mercier. primate of Belgium, which has lieiMi glen out hero Cardinal Uasparil wrote as follows to Cardinal Merclor: The pontiff, whose fatherly heart la deep ly moved by till the fcufferlnss of the well bnlovnd BolBlan peoplo. lias Instructed me to Inform your Kminence that, taking k vivid intercut in your peoplo who havo bppn hu harwhiy put on trial, he haa already pleaded In their favor with tho Imperial Gorman Government and that ho will do uvcrytliliiR In hla power in order that mi end may bo put to tho deportations and that those who liao already been carried off far from their country may uoon bo back umldKt tholr mniiniig families." Cardinal Mercier directs how men nut de pendent upon public charity, the sick and the infirm Hhnuld proiip themsi'lvcs with necessary Identification certificates, nnd how tho prlpsts shall foim, together with lead ing citlzpna and relief associations, a com mittee to visit and console tho families of IhiiSO who have been deported. Hchrcns Club to Give Opera The Hehrens Opera flub will present a grand opera concert In tho North Branch Young Men's Christian Association flym nailum tonight. Tho program, consisting of two parts, will include selection!) from standard operas by prominent soloists and a rendition of Cavnlleria Rustlcana In Eng lish by the twenty-fifth anniversary cast of soloists, augmented by a chorutt of fifty voices, under tho leadership of John Curtts, jr. The affair promises to ba ono of the biggest musical and social events given in North Philadelphia. Semi-Annual Clearance MEN'S AND WOMEN'S SHOES Probably never again will you have the opportunity to buy the smartest and best shoe values at these prices. This is a rare chance to save money while pro viding for your present and future shoe requirements. Value 4.50 to 7.00, $3,90 Values 7.00 to 8.50, $4,90 Values 8.50 to 10,00, $6.90 Values 10.00 to 12,50, $7.90 (Our Woman's Pacer Shoe. Other short lines tO Qfl ',r,A rn.nlno- SlinnrrK values S4.50 to 6.50. Pr'V B..V -.TV..' Mj-f- - , ,- - V IEDERMAN EVENING MDGEK-PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY. JANUARY 18 - iiinniiii iliellint: of (irook anti-EiUcntetlemnnstrntor t a POLITICAL ACTIVITY Leaders at Atlantic- City Puzzled Over Latest Move by Former "Hoss" ATLANTIC CITV,' Jan. IR. Slime poli ticians, who annotmceil two week ng that "Commodore" l.ouls KiHiiiIp would volun tarily relinquish nil claim lo city leader ship In Ibo lutprcst nf rnrllnnnt harmony lkntl retire from pnlltlcs permanently, wcro at a loss lo account for a suiiopn .arcc-wiim of activity In the ICuchnlp camp Arratigpiiipnln have bcpn 'n:"lp for n pulillp reception to lm tPiidered the eloran "bow" at the hrnduuartprs of tin- Waller 13. 1 3d go MnrotilnR Club on Siiliirriny night, and it was announced I ha I ward and pre cinct leaders and others higher up who fail to nltond will lie regarded n antag onistic in the "t'ommudotP'H" eaupp Kiiehnlo left a sick bed In older lo pad inn or his lmnchmeii In thn big parade which fnllowpil the Inauguration nf rtovfcrnor I'3(1kp In Trcnlnii. and lie camp home with his catisn materially strengthened nmong nr ganlzatinn workers, who. It is said, av prepaid! to stand with him If he enn cludes lint to retire in nccoidnnco Willi Ihe plans nf the new regime which hns jelected lMward I.. Iladcr for his successor. The iipw Itepubllcan organlzatinn In thn Fourth Ward Is pro-Kuehnln If the "I'oin inndore" decides to inal.o a light lo stay In tlm ring, and Ihe Union Uepubllcan Club has joined with the lMre Marching Club In arranging lo make Saturday night's re ception a big affair. It wo said that Charles '. Fort tier. Mercantile Appraiser, a Kuchnlo man, will bn dismissed by the City Commission today for neulcct nf duty unless lio tenders his ! resignation. BILLY ROBINSON WON BY AMBULANCE CORPS Philailclphian Will Quit Harvard to Serve in France, Returning for Football CAMnrtIIHiI-3. Mass.. Jan. IS. -William Farr lloblnson, vnrslty quarterback on the football team. Is the third Philadelphia!! at Harvard who lias answered tho call of war-atrlckon Kuropo 111 less limit a week's time. Ho will bervo in an ambulance corps. Itoblnson will quit Ilnrvard after the mid-year examinations next month, lie will bo nbroad only Mx months, returning In time for tho opening of rnotball practice in September. As Billy Ik nti cxcpllpilt stu dent, the work he will lose this spring can be easily made up during the fall semester, lloblnson will sail from New JTork on Feb ruary 17, with (Jeorge Canon his chum. a,nd a scoro of oilier Harvard men who nro going to drive in France. lloblnson and Caner will Join the Hnrjcs ambulance unit. The third member ot tho "three twins," Dick Harte. will join his comrades follow ing Ills graduation in June. Itoblnson, aside from being a clever football player. Is also fair at baseball and was :i candidate for third hasn on tho nine 1st spring. :ioo to ArrExn confkuknck lfi7 Bucks County Sundoy Schools to Bo KeprcHcnteil K13M-.I-3ltSVfI.Ui:. Pa.. Jan. 17. There will be more than 300 delegates from tho 167 Sunday fcIiooIb ot Bucks county at Sallcrsillle on Saturday and Sunday In at tendance at the first older hoys' and girls' Sunday-school conference. Two hundred delegates havo registered so far. A Sellersville business man, who will not nilovv his name to be made public, hns pur chased testaments for every delegate. There will be a special meeting for young teachers. -r t-- . a 1j aril IH" 'V Ti W V Paasenger Four, Four Patsenger Four and Two Passenger Foui $825. S7 I leQermsui j i gr ' I j J. W. DAVID, Manager 1 5 930 Chestnut i 1 , jl , ws.sth I - , , m ; .ill the .Mlicil .ni lnp.till I'pacu.'. lllcil PERSHING WILL QUIT MEXICO BY MARCH 1 Army Ofliciala Say Plans for Withdrawal Are Now Definite WASHINGTON. Jan. 1 8 Th- I'eisblng column will bo hack in Hip 1,'nUed Stales by March 1. This wait staled positively today by army olllcors ami War Depart ment olllclitls. As a mutter nf fact, gieat surprise has been rxpicMieil by thosp In Hip War Op parlniPnl familiar with tin- plans of the Administration that thn formal order has not yet Iippii Issued. Thn flrsl innvpinpnt nf Hoops linuin ft run Hip border In rPicrnl weeks was ordered today. wIipii the War Iippartment In'striiclpd tieiiprol Funsinn to deslgnalp imp company from each nf the Flrrt, Second and Third Kentucky Infnntry. details tn return lo tholr home stations. This Is lakpn lo mean that llipip will !p a gradual with drawal of n largo numb"r nf the guardsmen still at th Mpli:au line. Arreslctl for Shooting at Women lll-3Af)INt;. IM., Jan. IS. -Lewis c. Gil,, hie. nf l'otistown, I'o.. was iiripslcd by Ihe pollcp here p.irly today nfler ho had fired two rpolvpr shots at two women residing lu the northeastern tertian of tho cliy. The women claim that they ncicr saw Gil), hip bpforo and that hp fired at them as they were closing tho shutters of their homes. They say hp had been loitering about tho place for several days. model m m I SHMND&LUX if Standard Motor Car Co., 662 North Broad St. ll : . i i m ' FARM LOAN SECURITIES WILL HELP Amply Secured Bonds in Denom inations as Small as $25 to Bo Had SI AY PAY IWJ PER CENT Interest Rale Not Yet Delcrntfned. 'Simplifies Finniielnl Operations Willi Small Snvini: Hy FRANK It WILSON nf iho KMtcrel !"" t.en lliifpsn WASIItNOTON, Jail. 18. The operatltins nf Hip farm lonn net itfp divided Into tjvol main rlauscs a monpy flPitcnllilliifi ageLC. and a nionoy lending nRpncy. Thp rinvmiintnt puts Ihn first upsIiijb mo I'm farm loan plan by buying th 'h mil capital stock of the IW'Ivp f'"' laud bunks, if necesnary. WhPti Ih's 'han been Innnptl ntid'fnini iiioMttagM take j In i-pitn-ii Hip Federal Infill banks may i ts-.ie l,ii-d.j nanlnsl these utollgaBPi T!ipp bonds will ha among Hip mnsti nt-iiiu-ilip seciirltlP." ever offered tn Amnijnan liiplnrs A has Iippii pxplalnpd. nil mors iii-p pprinitlPd lo borrow only up to Jllfty ppr ceiil of Hip vnltio of their land. Hits iiipntw Ihal cvpiy dollar's worth of funds iFiuipd represents VI worth nf land :ls se em It). The fact that each Fclpral land bunk giiatanlees the bonds nf nil the other lianks nlo puis bPbliid th'se luttils as sfcunty Hip fo.uno.fion nrlgltial cnpSal ntock nf thp banks nr.d tlw-lr tptpilrcd surplus estrnlngs. plus the reilillred niiminl ilclttctlon nf tho uinitgngp loan. sr:cniiTV nmOT 1 llpslilps this, Hip seciirlly constnally m- ,.r-,u, iirnllnrflnlintcl!' tv ronsnii of 111" cnnslnntly Incrpaslng capital cnntrllnued b; tho Farm Loan Association So III" lnp.slmPtit Ptid of Hip fat'n In.in net Is fully as liupcirtniit as tho mniicy-lpinl-Ing becausp II crpatps for Iho beiipflt of small ami large Imcslnrs n ncruntv backctl hv pnoled flrsL mortgage nn fnim lands. Ihe pmcepils helm: used tn Incrensp Ihp produclivp power n'nd nhnnco the value of these motlrtaged landtt. -Hlnco Hip ratp nf Inlprml In thn farmer depends upon Hip rale of imprest nt whlili thcec bonds will sell. Ctmgrpss went the limit tn mnkn these bonds atlmcllvp. m they would sell al n low Interest ratp. Tlm bonds nro exempt 'from all luxation. Thu Onvernuipnt will not pxen. collect any In come tax upon them. Nn Statu or milulcJ pallly may las Ihcin fnr niry purpose. In order lo mnkn llicse bonds npiical tn lincstnrn of all classes they aro issued in denominations of Irom $25 to $1000. HARD TO C01"NTKltFI3IT In order to protect them ngnihM ciiiinipr fcltlug they arc IsupiI by thoA'nlled Stats iSnvpinmpiil Hurra it nf lin.iravliic and Printing mid nro protected from founle--fpllers by Hip whnlo fnrco nf the i'lilletl Stales Secret Service. llereloforo it has been virtually Impos sible for thn small investor lo buy real cstnio securities. A man or woman who wanted to buy $100 worth of farm secur ities was not nhlo lo find a farm moitgago of just thai size. lu addition, the ImPStor would not buy .uch a mnrtgnge without inspecting Hip eeeurity. Tho cost nnd the bnthor urio barriers which made It almost Impossihlo for Hip small lnestor to get llrst innitgnvo fpcurillcs. T-3ASV FOR iNrccsToa Ilprcnfter II will be possible for am ,n estor who wants to buy farm Hccunlies With Magnetic Gear Shift $1265 Another Pullman enclosed car de luxe is making its'debut at the Auto Show This year it is the CONVERTIBLE SEDAN DE LUXE a town and country car of complete beauty, plus the greatest collection or standard, widely-known accessories ever furnished at the price. The simple, custom-tailored richness of its upholstery and unequalcd convenience of detail and appointment express the utmost of luxurious comfort. The body is the finest of closed car coachwork, flawlessly finished in deep-toned Pullman' green and black. Deep, resilient cushions and the shock-absorbing qualities of fifty-and-one-half inch full canti lever rear springs assure smooth going over good roads and bad, in town or country. C-H Magnetic Ccar Shift equipment ($125 extra) means this to shift gears jjoii meretj press a button with tjour finger, depress the clutch pedal rvilh your left foot, and instantly, with lightning speed, the xlectric current- executes your command. There is no annoying gear lever a novice can drive the car. Another great feature of the Pullman exhibit is the SIX CYLINDER TOURING wttn ii-incn wneei oase ana a Faisenger four, four Passenger l'our and MBT trbm t26 tip merely to apply for it i federal fa m loan bond of Hie denomination tleslrcd Tho Investor Will know Uiat tlflrt bond r (presents t2 worth of land nppintrr M Under i lovornment supervision and that tlip bond t hs Issiiofl under 'lifvptnnipiit VeRUliKloii. The rate of Interest nt which thmb bonds trill he Issued 1ip.s iml ypl been dpi trinlnril hv Hip Fpilenil Farm Loan Hoard. II H F-afp tn predict that In Hip beginning? It w.ll hint "''" 7 f, he less than Tour nun nni nioiji innn npr i-piil. Hn iim inoni nf the farm loan act hit it limited lo frtimeis who need tho' tlfp iff chpnppr cnpllrtl. but they Include nlsd Ihoro prrsonn who have money to Invest and nro seeking a long time, readily mntft.-cliiblo security nf .undoubted value. REPORT SAYS GERARD OFFERS TO QUIT POST ' Ambassador Snid lo Hnvo Hunt Ex planation of "Cordial Relations" Speech to Wilson LONDON, Jan. IS. Tho American Am bassador tn tiei tunny, .lamer M. nerard. has nffprpd to resign ir bis "cot dial tpla tiottii" speech ttave offensp, according to nn Kxchnngo Tclpgraph dispatch from llntler flam today. Thp Itiformnllnti was attributed to a Cologne upwrpaper Tlip dispatch raid Titr ilprntd. Ittirnlng of the sflr caused by Ills speech, sent a special message tn Picsldcnt Wllinn cnnwylng tint only on pxplntiatlnn but nn offer' to rctlrp. The speech was made nt a banquet of thn American Assoclatinn of ComlnrtMo in Ilcr Hn. In It Hip diplomat said, relations between tlermnny nnd Hip I'nfted Stntcs wcro never more cordial than ntprcsent. Minister Voplckn Arrives sin Ucrliit ni'illLIN Jan. 18. Cliniics J. Voplckn, American Minister tn Humanlii. who ij malneil In DuchatPSt after Hip rptnnval of tho lluinnalan Oovernnicnt to .lassy and whose wiibdiawal v.ns tpqucsti'd by tho tioruian tP prnmcnt. has nrrlvofl III Herlin to nait li:struilinn from WnnhlnEtnn. I l'-lULJB!iUuiiejll.mt-IJIAJIlllU.UUIIIi SIJSTEINVaY Duo .IIHllflllllflll1 llir.lllltlWIIlllrl. gaseSSBlStt&tSSSP Why is a Steinway So Much B3tter? It is becawse the Steinwayj piano is not merely a factory product but an orderly scientific Idcvclop nlf.nt a'.xonstant progression, regardless of the demands lof trade, or self-interest, or tradition, or future demand the work of generations after Rcneratioai of masters and men, each laer group of Stcinways so grasping the &:." of their call ing that refinement follows refinement,, and each factory workman becoming the mose skillful through the experience of the 50,000 who have precoded him. In all the artwork of 'the world there is no parallel tothc making'of a Steinway. Steinwsv Duo-Art Pianola Piano play; itself, or you ma plav It from a standard roll, or with your-fingers. Three pianos in one. Hear it anv tlm?. N. STETSON & CO. Only Philadelphia Representatives of Steinway & Sons 1111 Chestnut Street i .EDISOKT Diamond-Disfe y- - sji i iiinri nniiinaa $1 140 F. O. B. Factory Hcxible, high-speed motor at 51250. two Passenger rout S825. NEW SHIP LINE BRINGS RELIEF TO BRAZILIANS Bimonthly and Even Weekly Arrivals From Philadelphia Predicted Slii' fafcle .Tcrlirp nf r nUrd Acrnfilf; J.rdorr Pren ItlO UK JANRIttO, Jan 18- When th. Itood Amciican ship Carolyn, pioneer ot iho how service established between Phil, delphla and noffci of llrnx.i and Argentina steamed Into this hnrbor I'an-Atntrleaii business prospects sighed a roal sKi, 0j relief. Tho hpw service will go n long wa i. watd vollevlng a lensp transportation ltur Hon, In tho opinion nf snipppr, i,r(1 S" monlht-. even weekly, steam.-.hins nro nr. dlclcd for tho near fulute pre" fiiiftr innuii.tiKiui; npr genorai t.,j, about ROOD tons, in this pnn tin. caror " tioso ngatn rnuilnv.ir.i r.. it? turned her liortH of Hantoi nnd Itupnos at (.J will tnuch nt Montevideo nn Into, trh,' Tlm ussurntieo of the imniPilinm Su ,, of thn new trnilspnrlntinn cnterpri.r. hT, linrtJd cntlrply on Hip iitnatlnn crpat,1 i, llin I3uropenti war Shippers here i (...,, that American pxpoit trade iviih 'KoSlh American i-niinlrleH hn grown renttn tljrju.'ily 111 the last threp vcarp u ii?" cinrpii unit many iirnxiiiun prpri,r.. " ; ,AA - .lini,,,11. m n...n... . ,8 ."" A inv.jkiiiH ..-.... ... iiii.iiiik m h n nor tAtlnn for tho United Slates. pn.rti,uin,iy en;" and rubber. "y corr" Tho Carolyn made thp tilp ffom m, delphla In tivunly-tbrpc tin hlch lj about tho nprngp spppd nf bo.ii, .. i. Hy it curious coincldencn th ( nrolyti ii IhP flf.U vcsspI tn gn through ,, iianltti? Canal aflPf Hip optnlng nr Hi f hlg dllch" Pioneer nn Hip canal r.nil, nno H liiniici I in mi' iirw urn n - lf ftn rtf South America's past cnii. poru i crenmntttMaMi - Art Pianola PIANOM IllJIJIIIJIIIrlliWII ll IT' PHONOGRAPH m 11 1 ii mil in - n m n i iT umibI I ri' m CO OS I lo m B w 1 l Cvi.t M f4St 4TOJ4 fcrifBT lev &n&s & w Tom jy mjfvm vi J. !.. thgm lAim u4w tttmir- oWni i WMM . . : i iaiareiSMiiBiHTiFii 7 - --TM;iaaiiiiwiiBttaMiiymmBil . ap ini'i nil i I mill I iii I' liiiimm ... ilimiMitmifi.1 - "" "'"" ' -,Ji1T"'ll,l ' ,'!,' t JJZi Jm