Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 18, 1917, Night Extra, Page 16, Image 16

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1 J
ALtHWJltT Jan )7, t(BJAIIV,.iutmn
of. Henrtstt. Albright IlelMlvea and frlenda
Invited la funeral services, Sit i p m . 2833
Janney it. int. Oakland Oem
AMllmdKh. Jan.. 13 JOHN 1. son of Mntr
13. and lata John J. Albtirser Funeral to which
UUtlres And friends miii Pnderdown Asm
y. Order of Artlssgs and emplojes of Hotter
Thomss Co . IhTlted, Mon 8 n- , mother"
residence. lttO MeClellsn nt Solemn mast of
fequlem Church of the sacred Heart o.3u a, rn.,
nt. Holy Crosa Cem. Auto service
AnitnnUHT jn in Catherine, widow
of 'Martin Rudolph Armhrust Relatives and
frlands Invited to funeral, Frl . 8,10 n m .
son's residence. Walter Armbruat oflt I Cedar
v. ,8olemn maas of ttmiUm Rt Cnrlhage's
Church 10 m. Int. Holy Crbss c.
TtNILsged 03. Relatives and friends Invito to
funeral services. Krl .2pm residence of son-in-law,
Sfltnutl Harris, 71H0 Madison nve Int.
Ml, Morlah. Cem, Remains may lft viewed
Tnura. n
. August Rann'rt Relatives and friend. Alher
I tins Loilga, Nn ,2. II. O. D 11, II I Edelweiss
I Yearly Itnrflclal Society, No 2i (lrmn Amer
Altenetnelftl Society: Krlegerkameradchenft. La-vdlea'l-enefclal
Society; Ladles' llenerdal So
ciety of Arbclter Singing Hocletyi t.ndlca' Rene.
rrlal Society of th German Walfenbrueder
e Aao Ladles' Society of the Aseher Harmonic
-" Ladles' Aid Society of St. Michael's Oerntnti
Lutheran Church lnlled tp funeral rervlces.
Frl , a p m . 230J Senvlvn at. Int prren
iroiinl rem. Rtmalns may tia viewed 'lhura .
tor p. m
HAnrt...TH 17. t-nu-ATltl hnsh-and nf ln(e
Mary Uarr (nee Owens) Itelatlvea nnd friends
Invited to funeral, Sat 8 a m . Clements Bridge
rd , Darrlngton. X J. Hlah requiem moi St
ltes Alama Church, Haddon tlelghta. V .1 .
H:30 a. m. Int. Ml. Carmel fern., Monreatown.
J. J. Itemalna may be viewed frl. e Autos
will meet trolley leaving Market al fern, Cam
den, 7 ..10 a. m. at llarrlmton Station
DECK. Suddenly, .tan IS. WILLIAM It
husband of Elisabeth Heck and arm nf late Wll.
Ilam It and Mary Heck Relatives nnd friends
Invited to funeral. Krl , I p m , Ian Dudley at.
Int. Arlington Cem Remnlna may bo viewed
Tours., after (I p. m Auto 'funeral
IllLLtXas. Jan.lS. nACHHL wldiw of Jo.
epo 1 Ullllnta rtelallvea and frlenda tntltnd
to funeral aervlcea. Frl., '1 p m 1.131 Cherry
at. Int rrMat-
. BOWt)TCII.--Jan IT, at rnllltlaood, N
3, MAHIUN tiriAOK UOtVDITril daughter of
Jimm K, arid Marlon liowditrh nited 11.
Tlfltlvea and frlenda imitcd to funeral aerv
lcea. Sat.. 2 p. m., irrandpareniv realdenre. "u3
w. Allegheny ae,( Thlla. Int. Oaklaml Cem
TIOWKEtl (nee Vivian). Jan in ANVIR B.
wlfo of Samuel F. Dotvker, agi-d Ml llelnllvea
and frlenda. membera Lady Wnahlnston Cnnip
InMted to funeral aenlcer, Frl., 2p m . Hud
laul at Int. prlvato Qreennrood (K of P ) ('cm
Ilemaln may be lewwl Thura after 1 l in
.nnANBT. Jan 17. anOHOF: M huih.ind
of late Julia J. nrandt (nee iiuckley) tleli.
tHea and frlenda. Btnndlnc Klk Trll"- o 2J,
I. O. II, M ; Arwanee Lodge Xn 37. I 0 (.
F.; Welabach Hcllef Aao . InWtcd 10 funrrnl.
Sat.. 2 p. m.. 228 Mercer t . illouceater, N .1.
Int. Cedar Urote Cem Frlenda may call Frl.,
after 7 p. m.
. UROW.V. Jan. 10. T.TiON f , huahind of
wary K. Brown, aon of late William f'onn nnd
Kll-a Urown. Itelatlvea and frlenda. Courtlnnd
Baundera Camp. So. 21. 8 of v.. Ijdlea'
Auilllary, No. l. Inlted to funeral aervlcea
eat., 2pm, parlora of Dald n I'mnkcntleld
Bona H2J N. 62d at. lnl Mt Morlah Cem
linOWN .Ian in IIRI1III.-I1 r IIIUIMI!n
on of Champ Conner nnd Ixitlle Kmlly Drown,
arcd 17. Relatives and frlenda, IVnnn. Mili
tary College. Invited to funeral aervlcea. Hat .
30 p. m.. grandfather resilience Turner
Hlrkhead, 4l7 Uroad at . lleierlv, N J Int.
Monument Om. Itemalna may ho Mewed Frl ,
X to 0 p. m.
HUrtNITK Suddenly. Jan 1(1. CinortOR J,
nuaband of Marie Htirntte and aon of Mary and
late Charlee llurnlte. Itelatlvea nnd frlenda,
Holy Name Society of St. Edmond a Church, In
cited to funeral. Sat. R.30 n. m , 1HJ1I 1'olnt
Hreoie ae Solemn high man of reiiulem St
Ldmond a Church 10 a. m. Int Old Cnthcdrnl
m utmroN. Jan.. 17. josunr tutitov. nrd
B1. Itelatlvea and frlenda, aleo Hopkins l.odgn.
No 87. IOO. F Invited to funeral aervlrea.
without further notice. Sat , 1 p m. Tull
lown Pa, lnl. Kmllv Churchyard
BTH.NE Jan. 17, ANNA, wife of Thomaa
K. nrne (nee Ichel). RelatUca nnd frlenda
Invited tn funeral aervlcea. Hat ,1pm, J23U
H. JIaacher at. Int. prlate. Hlllali'p Cent
CAHNBY. Jan. II). J'ATnlCK J , huebnnd
of Mary C. Carney (nee McUermntK Ilel(le
jid frlenda. Carder and Splnnera' Aaao , No I.
Imtted to funeral, Sat , 8.30 a in . (1013 Wallnn
av., Weat 1'hlla Solema requiem maaa Hi
Carthage Church 10 a. m. Int. Holy Cross Cem.
Auto aervlce,
OABSIDr. Jan. Hi JAMES huabnnd nf
Catherine T Caaaldy. Ilelallica and frlenda In
vited to funeral. Sat.. 7 30 a. m . llotl Do
Lancev at. (below Spruce at ) Hlah requiem
maaa St, John'a Church tl a m Int Holy Cross
COLLINS Al Seaford. I)I . First Month
1th. Dr. STACY n COLLINS, aon of late Stacy
B. and Hanna W. Jenka Collins Int Woodlann
Cem , N. T
CONNOLLY. Jan 10, MAT wife of Tatrlik
Connolly (nee Harrlaon) Helattes nnd frlehds
invited to funeral aervlca. Sat 1pm auiu
N. 1th at Int. Harlelgh Cem Camden. N. J.
Hemalna may be viewed Frl , after 7 p m
ili,jr.B.r'r' J"" LI. CATHCnlNK A
COSTELLO (nee McMuIlen). widow of Joseph
C. Coatello. Itelatlvea and frlenda Invited to
tuneral, Frl.. 8:30 a. m . IU01 Woodland ar
Solemn requiem maaa St Clemrnt'a Church In
5. m. int. private, New Cathedral "Cem Auto
funeral. ,
. COTNE Jan. IB. MAflY E . widow of Thad
leua P. Coyne. Ilnlatlvea and frlenda Invited
to funeral. Qermantown ave and Thorp'a lane,
Cheatnut Hill. Krl . 0 n. m. Solemn requiem
maaa Church of Our Muther of Consolation lu
a. m. Int. private. Auto funerv'
CilAIO. Suddenly. Jan IH. .JCBIICW C .
Jr., aon of late Joseph 1J and Emma I. Craig.
uaea oa. uun notice 01 tunerai will bo glen,
IJ2 B. SOth at
, CRIDEn .Ian, 17. auddenly. nt New York
city. OEOIIOE W ClUDEIi. agrd 7D. Helathen
nnd frlenda Invited to funeral, aon'a residence.
K. Alonio Crlder, Lenola, N. J , Sun , 2 p. m
Xnti Coieatown Cem
CROWLEY. Jan. 17. WILLIAM J liuaband
of Elizabeth Crowley (nee Keenan) and aon of
late Theodore and Jano I? Crnwle) Itelatiea
and frlenda Invited tn funeral. Sat 8 "in a m ,
brother-ln.law'a realdence, J. Tlnney, 134 Nec
tarine at. Solemn requiem maaa St Auguatine a
Church 10 a. m. Int Holy Croea Cem.
daughter of John J. and Alary T. Dalber (nee
Sauer). Relatives and friends Invited to funeral
FrL. 8'3U,a. m. realdence nf nrents. r.77
Wyalualng axe. Solemn requiem musa our Lady
of victory Church 10 a. in. Int. Holy Cross
BE SANNO Jan. IT. HARVEY N . aon of
A. Paul and Mabet (1. De Sanno. aged 20 Rela
tives and frlenda lnlted tn funeral aerMcee,
Hat.. 2 i m.. 0'Jlh ave. and 11th at , Oak Lane.
Jnt nrlvate.
D'ORAZIO. Jan. 17. AMELIA, daughter of
Pletro and Jennie d OraKlo. Due notice of
funeral glien, from parenta' residence, 1110
8. 13th at.
of late Dennla and Anne Dugan. Itelatltea and
fllenda Invited to funeral. Sat.. 8 30 a m., sis
ter's realdence. Sarah E. Dugan, 2818 Miller at.
Solemn requiem masa St. Ann's Church lu u. in.
Int. New Cathedral Cent.
of Frederick p. Eckel, aged 2T Relatives and
Holy Trinity KianffoUc! Lutheran Church. 3J
and UTlln sta., Chiter. I'a Int. Chester
Aural Om.
t ICLfrlS.,TrJ5 'J. 1W?H. BI-I-IS wife of
Joiaph Kills, daushter of JIair and Katharine
K.fler. axed 21, Itclathta nnd frlendi Inlted
to funeral services Sat . I .10 p m . 31L' Trie
at Int. Montroaa Cem. 3'rlends may view re
mains Krl. eve. Auto funeral
ased 81. , UelatUea ami friend lnlted tn fu
neral, rrl.. U m . 602 I.lnden at. Camden.
Int private, Omit flowers
EVANS First Month. J Ath at Maannvlll
T and Kdlth 8, hvam, ajred S3 Relatives and
frlenda Invltad to funeral Sixth-day d ! p m .
FrlendV Mettlns; Iloui. Moorestawn, N J Int
Mooreatown. N, J. Jrrlends may call Fifth-day
on of lata John T an-l Isabella I'arr aced 55
Funral and Int. prlvste
FAIR. Jan. 1. AMAND njdow of Jlcnry
Farr Inee Labold). aved 67 Itelatlvea and
friends, Mutual Council. No 154 I) nf I, , jn.
r.ed to funeral. Bat ,2pm, 27A0 Pratt at
Brldesburr. Int. Oakland Cem l '
ttves and friends. AVashtnaton Iodg-e. No A'j p
and A. M.. Phlla. I-ode, No 3. I, p ok'
Invited to funeral services. Hat , 2 p. m , Ollve'r
& Balr ttU.. 1820 Chestnut at. Jnt. West
laurel If lit Cem.
FORD Ian. IB. HANNAH V . widow of
Georcs S. Ford, Br., and dauahter of lata Simon
and Katharine Ooodman. ased SI Relative.)
and frlenda Invited to funeral services, vrand
diuibter's residence, Mrs, Utlllam l.ove. 133
N Wimmikir at . West Phlla . Bat., a p. m
Int. private Fernwood Cem, Friends may call
Frl., after 7 p. m
OAURETT -rJan. 17, MART, wife of Edward
Oarrett. Funeral Sat.. 7.30 a. m . 6317 Hun.
teHs ave. Solemn requiem mass Ht, Gregory's
Church 0 a. m. Int. Iloly Cross Cem. KeJattte
and friends Invited
OAR WOOD. In West Cheater, Jan In", All
BIE A. OARWOOD. aged Hi Relative and
friends Invited to funeral, 2'5 E, Waahlnaton
at . West Chester, Pa.. Frl., 1 p. m. Jnt. lHr
xnlnaham Cera
GRIMES. Jan. 10. JOHN J. husband of
Catharine Crimea (nee Cotter) and son of Pat
sit T M. ' WTtvtirm, om , p.
Going' to
'Use Pa's
Hat for a
rick and Mart f. imc nuihi of Hallnrnbf
t ounti Mmo Ireland Rlatlvftfl and frlenda
Invltert to funeral Frl . ft 30 n m .341.1 Oarnet
nt. Hlah requiem inai Our Lady of Merer
Churrh to a rti int Holy Croat Cem
HAYWOOD -tan 10. CirARLES W ttAT
Wuoi), aon or IMward H and AnnA Haywood
arfd A mo lteiattven and frlenda Invited to fit
nfrnl nefIt-en 1rl i! p m . renhlonre of par
ents, (U13 E Wlshart at Int Oakland Cem.
IIBIM Jan tn WII.UAM, hiinbund of taty
H Helm Kelatliee nnd . frlenda . aah
Infftin Cnmn No AS and Hancoelc Com
manileri, .N5 3 1. I) &. of A . and the Theat
rical Mechanical Itrnencfnl Association, are In
lted to funeral eervlcea Hun.. I P. m . t ret
rtenre.of hti brother ln-la, Charlea If Steea
fill .Xll Vernon at int private. Remain
may 1 tlewe-1 9at eve
of tlenrae It Hereon Itelatlvea nnd frlenda.
amletla nf which niie vvnn n member. Invlteil
to fnneril I'rl ft m . 11U H L'Oth at. Int
Wel Mural III!! tVm
HfOHrtKl.n tan in, lllOMAt.f. Imoband
of Marv Illahtle'd nee AtieO Illatlve and
frlenda I impendent Council, No I If H A ,
Invited to funeral aervlcea. frl R P m . 30JI
N nth at lnl ennvcnlcnro of famllv
HORTDRiK .Inn tn at Mt Holly. N ,T ,
MAHU1.UY ANN llortTrUCK. nM 74 lleli
tlvea and frlenda invited to funeral, brntlW
tn law a realdunc John Wlckward Ul Waeh
Ingtnn at . Ml llollv, Hnt , i! p. m Int Mt.
llollj IV111
Ht'Mi'ninnw ran in h r. n it i n t t a
IH'MI'HltlK Itlnllvrn nnd frlmia Invited to
funeral arrvlrea, Frl. 2 3 P. m 1SJ8 Mont
aromerv nv Int Mount Pea re t'em
IHBr.AN Inn Irt. DOItOTHV MAY. tlaurli
ter nf William H nnd Helen V Irelan nged
1.1 hinth Kolittveff nnd frlenda Invited tn
funeral nervine, Hat . 2 p in pi rent a' rel
ilencf vm I'nn.lj t Wlanlnomtnir lnl private.
nf lain John II and Caroline tern Itelatlvea
nnd frlenda invited (o funeral aorvleea, Frl . S
P m fiitiTfll pnrlora nf KlrninTie & son
Jlroad nni Tflaker ata lnl Mt. Morlah Cent .
Bat., In in n in, Auln roftrffe
Jisil.ll l CntmUn N .1. Jan lfl Uev
O W JITKH. P l. 1,1, f . hnahaml oT
Ha rah c .leatT Itelatlvea nnd frlenda Invlled
to funeral. Hot 2 m M P Chun h. Moorea.
town N. J Int Coieatown t em Frlenda may
mil nt l-t S itth at . I'antdett Frl evening
10NHH hin 17. CAItUl.lNF. F widow of
Ourdon A ton hrpiI mi Ilelatlvra and frlenda
Invited to f11ner.1l aeriea. Hit HI 11 tn . r'1
denuco nf eon, l.lla It Jone-a IllH t,afvritp
nve . Hun rUunon Fa. Int Norwich, Conn
Omit Am era
. ,TnNi;s jnn 17. atnld'nlv CTNHir: COR
NIMH, ulilnw tf Joint I! JntKi Relitlvea nnd
frlenda Invited in funeral (rrrvlca. realdetire nf
Anroit .Innca, 1 0 t W Hemour at , Oerniantmvn,
Irl, 2 .lu p rn Int private.
KISHN fan II HF-OHtnl. aon of Mnrv A
littler nnd lnt (Iporco Keen IteIotlve, nnd
frlenda inltd in funeral, Hat 2 p in,
partnta reaidente, put E MnnUomery uvm
lnl Pimr ivm Itemalna may ! v lowed
Frl eve
KM ipp- Jnn Hi JOHN aon nf Marv nnd
late John Uluinpn ntrnt in Rla Uvea and
frlenda Invited in funeral eervlrea Hat .In in ,
2H00 N Water at Int IIHIaide Cem. via funeral
car Rematna miy lw viewed Frl H to In p ni
'neo llnm.in) wife of Irvln Krnue Ue1tlvca
ninl frlepda Invlteil to eervlccs, Sat 2 30 p 111
IL'T 4. lid at Int nrlvate
KHS'Kl.r. tan, 17. HAUAH. widow or John
KunKle inee Orubbl Rraldem?, 4rt It Parrlsh
at Due tiotkn uf funernl will ln clven.
I.INHHAY - In West llrnnrtynlne, .Inn in,
i:i,lAIIETII widow of Thnmnn I.indan.
Funeral Hal, RID a 111 With maa Ht Ce-
irllln n Chtin h III n. tn . nt ConLravllle Cur-
rlattea v. Ill meet tritn lenvlu? Ilroid Ht. Station
I'hlli . .1 an i in . Frl
I.OtlAN Ion. It'.. Iiunil J . liuahtnd of
Martrnret Iijtnn need fln Helatlvea and friend.
Waahlnaton Camii No u. F. O. H of A .
Htnnemcn'n FuUonhlp, l)epaitmnt of Publlr
Hofetv. Phlla Polhe. Invited to aervlrea Hat ,
'J n tti Rftn'i tlremwav nvo Int Mt .Morlah
Cem Irlcnda ma view retnnlna Frl eve Autu
ae rv Ire
MAKIC1.KY .Inn 17 at rrldene nf d.iush
fer. Mra Hllnatnn Iloaenberffer. 2lS Pine rd ,
Vox fhna i:IMA P. wire nf Jftini M Mark
lev nctd (.3 Itelatlvea and frlenda Invited to
funernl nerlea (lermantowu llrethren Church,
mill (Inrtnantriwn ne., H.it , 2 3l p. nt. Jnt
In ndjolnlni: ground
MH Jin 17 SA1tH widow nf Mer
Mnrx BKcd 71 Relntlvea and frlenda, I.ady
Waahlnatoti l.ndce Invited to funeral servli ef,
Frl 2 in r m . 21(12 Van Pelt ', Int private
Omit (lower
MAHI.AND SiiGtehiv .tan 17 ELIZABETH,
wife uf Joaeph It. Maaland Du notlte nf fu
neral will bo slvirfrom 7113 Torn-ad-ilo nve,
MAVI.AVI) t Stratford N. J. tan in
I.AURA It wlfi of It llotttrd Malaihl nnd
di tighter nf John M nnd Into Clara HI Holt
Itelatlvea and frlenda Invited (o funeral. Hit . 2
p m , resldenrn of father, nfil'ii Springfield nve.
Jnt Fernwood Cem JVltnda may tall Frl eve
MATTHAIH Jan 17. 4312 N Colorado at.
T.OUiSA HOW (n-c DeimllnsJ. wife nf John II.
M-itthael used HI Relatives and friends in
vited 10 fuuernt aervlrea. Frl S 15 p m par
lora nf J. H llrkellirh, 3730 Ocrmaniown nve ,
' or H road at Int. Hat., Rlrhhorn. Pa , Ht ton
enlene of family.
MrCAI.L Ian in, HARRY F. Ir . aon of
Harry K nnd Vlolt IrCall (nee Orecory;, In
fith ear JteLitlvea nnd frlenda Invited to fu
neral. Hdt , 2 p m , parents' realdenro, ;144H
Keim nt Int. Jaat Cedir Hill Cem. J tenia tin
miy bo viewed 1 rl.. after 7 31) n in.
MrCLOSEEY Jnn 13, MARY A dauxhler
of la to licruard I and Ellen C Mcfioslcpy
Itelatlvea and frlenUe, H V M Sodality and
Ieairue of the Barred Heart nf the (Jeau Churrh,
Invited to funeral. Frl, B 3D a. m, 20 to N
10,i at Solemn hlch requiem miss Bt Eliza
be h Church 10 u. m. Jut New Cathedral
McIiEVITT Suddenly. Jan tn MAROAUET.
wife of Jamea H MtDevltt. Relntlvea nnd frlenda
Invltid to funeral. Hat. K 30 a m, 1(13.1 N
Alllffou at (,nth nnd Oxford) Solemn masa of
renulem St Orecorv'i Church in a in
NEI.I, (nee Mullen), wife of Francis McDon
nell Relathvs and frlenda Invited to funernl.
rt K 30 a rn , husband's residence, uiKjlr
1 Wharton at Solemn renuiem misa at. Ui.
brlel's ''hurch 10 a 111. Jnt. private, Holy
Croan Cem Auto funrral
McFADDEN Ian 17. THOMAS J husband
of Ellen C M'Fdden Itelatlvea and friend,
nth and 12th Dlntrkta P0II01 Stations. Fldelltv
Club Invited to funeral, Mon . H 30 a in . 1430
N l'crth at (8th and JetTeraon ate ) Solemn
hlch requiem mam Ht. Malarh's Churrh 10
n. in Int Hob Crcma on Auto funeral
MrKIN'NEY Huddenlv. Jnn HI, JAMES, hua
hand of lu' Mary E. MrKlmiey (neo Wllmotl
Itelatlvea and friends Inv fled to funeral. Bit ,
2pm resident of daughter, Margaret M ou
tlay. rJ2 S 20th at Int Mt Alorlah Cent Ro
tnnlna may bo viewed Frl., 7 to U p. m. Chester
papers coin
MiHHANE Jan II, PATRICK, husband of
Ifjte Mary MrShnne (nee McOucltln) aon of late
Manua and Mary Mcbhane FtelntHes nnd
friends Invited to funeral. lrl . 8 30 n. m . 2i0J
Lombard at High mass of requiem Bt Pat
rick Church 1 a m Int Cathedral Cem
of 11. Frank Meredith and daughter of late
Robert T and Isabel Roberta Relatives and
friends Invtird to funeral aervlce Frl , :
n m., hrother-ln-law s resident), Frank S
Ward, tint E l.everlngton ave, Roxborough
Int private
MEYERS Ian 10. GEORGE, aon of Char lea
and Minnie Meera, aired 14 Relatives and
friends tnvireu to Hervicen. rrl . 2 p, m.. par-
enta' resldeilLo MO N. L'Sth at rumden. X .1
Int. arenmount Cum , Phlla. Prlenda may call
Uhura no
MtrCIIKI.I. Jan IT at Hockeaslll Del.
THOMAS C MITL'lli:i.U aaed B7 J'uneral
Senth-Uay. "(Jth Meet at llockessin Meeting
House, 'J it 111 ParrlJsen v.111 meet trolley at
Uoldlnas llrldge 11 JO and 1 'lu
MUni'liy. aon of Kdirar A. and Mary A. Mur
phy affed 34 Uelnthea and friends Invited tn
funeral serilcea Prl .Ha in , parenta' real
dence, llunnymedo nve Dresel Hill. Int. pri
vate Prlenda may call Thura , K to 0 n m.
Nil UN lill in. MAItY. ilauchler of lalo
Mlchnel and Itrldget N'nlan Itelatlvea and
frlvnds Invited to funeral Sat . 8 30 a. 111 ,
brother's residence, John J, Nulan. SPJ0 llrown
st. lllt;li mass i'hurch uf Our Lady of Vtitory
10 a 111 Int Holy t'roaa Cem Auto funeral
NOTTIIR Jan lit i;i.li:it huibjnd or
Julia Nutter Ineo Mnoney) Relallves and
frlenda inembera of Iron Molilera' I'ltlon J,oial
Tv'o 111 inembera f Mosart Hurmonle, Invlteil
tu funeral Sat J p. m . 41.1 Jefferson al. Int
ltrlvate Prlenda may tall Prl , 7 In II p m
O'NKII.L Jan 111. 'II1UMAS J huaband
nf late Kllxabeth O'Neill (net Kennedy) Itela
tlvea nnd frlenda Invited to funeral bat , H a
in , illOU I'hrlatlan SI. Solemn requiem mass
Church of Ml Anthony of Padua a .30 a m Int.
Cathedral Cem
o'HOPKU Jan HI. 34PJ Kensington av
TIIOMAB, husband of lata Catharine. O'Rouke.
Itelatlvea and friends Invited to runeral. Sat .
7 3IJ a m Solemn requiem mass Church of
th Ascension 0 a in. lnl 'New Cathedral
husband of Mary M Patterson and son of John
II and late Louisa M, Patterson Relatives
and frlenda Palrvlevr Council. No 5J. V. I A .
Invited to funeral services, hat. 1 p. m West
uneaier uitvu, tioior jiiii iei o inear M,n
leater plRu. clover lllll pet 10 Inear Uan
chl. Int private. Juniata County papers copy.
1MSAKBB At llancor. Me. Jan. 14 Mlsa
I.RAH PBAKEH. snier of Mr. Prederlck
ltkukui of I'hlla
Oanley), widow of John Peoples. Relatives
and friends. !,eacue of tha HacreU Heart
ami Illessed Vlrsln Mary Sodality of St John's
Invited to funeral Hat.. 8 30 a m , 803
N Judson at U3d and Poplar sts I 1 1 lull mass
of requiem St John tha Evangelist Church
10 a. m lilt st Holy Proas Cem.
PBHIIV Jan. 13. KCKLKH u., husband of
Mary Perry (nee Moor), and son of late John
and Margaret Perry (nee Miller), Relatives an3
Mm i' '
ft anJa lnlltM U funeral Krl
i1nrrt of broihT In law William
H 3Mh al lnl Mt. Morlah om
: m rtai
r Kir mi
Itematna may
t l(vnl Thai, T 10 r rn
t1l.t.orK .Ian to. lAHAH I'OI.T.DCIC Inr"
twla). wifa of .Inhn I'ollnrli nelntl'ei nt
frKntla lnlll to fnnrl Sat , ft 10 a m.. 1R2S
K Madison at Mlh maaa Churrh of Aaopn
alon 111 n m tnt. SI Domlnlo'a Cm
PVNfi Jan 1" ittJdanlj, KATM fl wlilnw
of door? M I'jna. Ilelatlvra anil frlm!a.
all aoclrtUa ef whlrh alio waft a mrmljer Wi
vlttd to funfral nlr. I rl arm 1313
N 11th at, Int rrlvota
HAJtl'.MAtMt At t'lllahursh 1'n tin 11
ANNIK, widow of Jarob Itatnpmal'i HrlalHr'a
anil frlrnrM InUtM to funiral acrMi a I'rl . '2
V m rraldeniT of aHIr Mra forniiinv 4'J N.
lflli t W I'hlH Int nrlvala
IIAI'I" Jnn 17. at rralilrnro ntitn Torra
1I1I0 Bio JOHN flAPP Mre liraslitotil of Tn
cony Trnai Po I'ua notlrj of runrrnl . ... ,
IIAWI.IMIS Ian IT. ANNA A . wlfo of W I
Ilam T. UawMne-a ami rtmahtor of tho lata Wll
Ilam anil i:ili A liunran. aaoil Ai Nntici
of funrrnl lalir, from inri N Mil al
iti:it.i.v-rnuu)Mi .inn 1.1. MAtir rrrt-
!.ON(MU:it.1.1 tlolntlica ami frlomia iniiii
In funrral. at , 7 .1 a ni rraMouro of ann-in
law. .loipli I' KnM 2 1 J N tipal at (mnr
2nih and r'umbrrlanill Solrinn luali fnul'-m
maa, our Lnrfi of Mcriy t'hurch II 11 ni Int
lloh' lroa t'em
nlfllTf.lt --Ian IB MVTII.DA UK HTTP.
(nT Slmildt lf nf tluilnv niililer Inn is
JIINNIK A i:i'M)l. Hlfo of I'mlcrlrli fl Prl.il
nml ilaiiahtor of tltnlav ami lain Mnlllili llii h
tor nRf-tl "7 ttolnllia anil frlriula impln -a
of fi Department of iiiellenotirg A t'o . inltetl
tn runeril aerileea, fat L' .til Pin. realdenia
of liu'lmml unit fntlirr tlla li 4lh at, flif al. r
P,1 Int fheater Huriil om
IllrxlIJWAY Al rolillera' itoin". Vlnolinn.
N J. .Ian II PA.S'NIl! ..lnw nf Irn It
Itlilsenaj llelnllxra ami frlemla InMteil to
funeral aerMiea Prl i It in .iillior II Hair
lllilit . IXJll t'hialnut at, PliMadelplila Int.
lttll.AM) -'-1nn Id P.I.IS'A A . uliluw nf 1to
lamina M Itnlaml naoil Hi ItrlntUea ami
friends ImUed to funernl airvlrea. aon a real
ilenie 110 1 I ljindiine me Thura , S p m
int f1t fl In ai iinnonr j-i
IIOSH .Inn IB .TAMPS li , huabaml nf
11inl.it. t ll,,n Innn I nllleerl. nirpil A?
Ilelalh-ea ninl frlumla Imll'il tn funernl aerilret
riuira n n m l'" H -P" "t nttiJrn N. J.
Int Lnner llinl.. N J If I ' In
SANI)l:it. .Inn 10 lr WII.I.IAM Al
1ll:ltl. Imahnnil nf llmnia I. tt.imlra lt Wi l
Initerl Itelatliea nnd frliltd" Plllla llrnlnl
i'oIIoro. I'lnai of lliii.l tilnntiiarniihla Huilety uf
Wrai Phlla Im Hod m fiiimrnl aervlrea, Kn j
p in 411 N, Wd al Int prUnf Prlenda inn
rn'l I'rl T In II p m
SANUKItS Inn IT. .1 1tlNHi:i.t.. aon of
Waller A nnd Marnu'Tlte Bjnilera Hie' llalli
BReil ,'t leira nnd .1 ninnllia lteltillvea and frti tide
lttilted lu funernl a-rilrea itjrenia' reahlento
MllS Wnllnn in" . V 1 al Phlln , Sal 1' 11 in
Int prlvnl" fernnond iVm
rf Dinlel i-ennlan, Prlenda arc Invited tn fu
nernl, I'rl ! 11. m N P. mr d nhl Pino ala
Koleinn tenulrni ninna HI .Inacph'a Chunli Pi .lu
a 111. Int. t'niheilral Com
S1IAI1P Jin II III.NIIV J. aon of Into
Henri and Mirsnret simrp Punernl I'rl 1 -l
n fn . reatdenro of John .1 flrndle H II mr
ISth nnd Wjnlulns n" Holemn rrnulem mnaa
llur Mnlher nf Hnrrowa t'huritl III 11 in lnl
ltnlv I'rnaa Om llelnlhea and rrl'tnla untleil
SHAW tin IT. JP.N'Mi; ttl of .Ina nil
Sllnw and dnutlllt'r oT lalo lanne and I'llralirth
Pell ltelntlira mid Mends. (iertiMtitim 11 l.ndi
Nit IS, tl S of II . Imlleil tit funernl aerilm.
Sat '2 p m , 'IT P Seimntir al . (lermrintnivn
lnl prllnte P.emtlna inni he lewed 1 rl
SItK.Ml. inn it. .IA.,1;
notice of funeral will be
Blien from
llreen at
MKIKVIXG Jan HI IIP.ItlinilT I, hu
liiml nf LIP II Skirvln? unit aon of Samuel
M and Miry L. SMrvInx naul 31 Itelniivra
nnd frlenda Invlteil to funeral aervlcea. Prl 'J
P 111 . S'J V Ito"Kland at . tlcrmaulown Int
Milliltl.i.l - nut l, auoueniv. juii 1
huabnnd or lnl' Sophia P Smedtev nlrcd HI'
Itelatlvea nnd frlenda Invlteil tn fune-ni) aerv
b ea, Sil 11 p tn . raidinie of aon-ln-law Pur
rcat It Madden 11411 llrliU' at . Prnnl.riird
Int llreenwiiftd (K of P I Cent
SNL'ATII (neo Taylor) .tun IT. AI.ICI; I;
widow of Pen Ipbor li Sneath Itetilivia and
frlenda Invited lo funeral aorvli ra. Sut . 1 p
in :I7I N Peru al lnl clieatir Iturnl Com,
theater. P.I Itclllalllfl tinv be viewed Prl S
tit 111 p in Cheat, r pipira 1 orv
LANI1 wire of Ihnnla Splllnnc Itelatlvea and
frlenda Invited to funirnl Mon. s n m . -SI I
PellK at. l-sth and Pllavvorllt ala Snlemn re
quiem maaa SI nlhoi a Church II 30 it in
lnl lltttv Crna Cem ,
f!rhlot!!l. widow of Dinlel Sinhl nitnil 30. Ileln
tlvea and friend" f nncrecallon of (!erin.in Lulh
eran 'inlternarlo Church tnvlled tn funernl
Thura. 1 p 111. IMP ItWInK Sun v Servlcea
tlermtn Lulherun Tabirnaclo Church 2 p m
Int Nnrthvvood Cem IVIenda may call Wtd , H
to 10 o m
ITAItKi: Al Schenei tidy. N Y, Jnn IS
ANNA II Sl'MHCi: (nee Klaceal. I'unernl
aerv lira Prl , - p. in . 151 N lalcvvood nt
Weat Phlla Int. private.
iriirry C Stelnliaaen, diuKhlor of lain Cnapei
and tlerlrud (libel Etml mother of Itev. 11 ,1
Stelnb tlten. of Pollavllle, l'a , need I'l Itebi
Uvea nnd frlenda Uoanry and Altar Sntlotlea of
St. John's t'hiin b. Invited to funeral, Mon, it
11 m . this Haddon nve . Colllngsvvond, N I
Solium hUh in isi SI, John'H Church 10 a. 111
Int N'eu I'nlhedrnl Com.
STBWART. Jan 17, JAM, widow of David
O Stewart aired Rt! Itelatlvea and frl, tula
Invited to funeral services, Sul , "J p m , d.iuah
ler'n rcaldcni o. Mra llivld S Woodruff. .Ill.'l)
AValton ave. West Phlla Int. prlvnte
MroiV. Ian 17. I llltl.STIAN SUITZ, hua
bind of Rose Slots: (iilo Krantz), hroiI 4S
Relntlvea and frlenda, I M U. of N. A . o
111, Pennn P. V . No, 1; John tlrnun llcneflilil
Aaao , nnd V. Allemanln Society, Invited to fu
neral. Sat , " p nt , -718 h'ronch et Int Ml
1'enco Cem.. Remains nuv bo viewed I'rl , 8 10
10 p lit
STOUT. Jnn. 17 MATIL!, widow of
fleorire AV . Stout and diuahtpr of lale Cbarlea
anu L.lizaueiu Aievnnuer. llilatives nml rrlenda
Invited to fumral servliua. tat.. - 3'l p m.
iuu 7v -in at. mi private
SWHPNIIY Jan 15. ANNIIJ M wlfo of
Pitllel Sweeney and daughter of late Jamea and
.Mary Currun. Itelatlvea and frlenda invited tn
funeral. Sat , 1) a in. -7.10 Ann at. Sul. inn
requiem innaa church of Nativity 11 n. m Int.
St Ann'a Com
TKSNOW Inn. 111. at niveraidc. N. J
IIKNRY "PIISNUW. need r.'J Relatives and
frlenda Ilurllncton LoiIkv, No Halt. II I o
)J , Illveralilil Moose Lodao, Riverside I'lro Co
No 1 . Mm nneri hor nml Turnera' Society of
Riverside, nnd all aiuletles of w hteh ho was a
member Invited 10 funeral aervlcea. Sun , I 30
! in . apartments of Henry C StellwtiR, 33T
Urlilgeboro at Int. Rivcrsido Cein Remains
may be viewed Sat f v
Lilly), wlfo of Charles 1: Tipton, need Ell
Relttives nnd frlenda. alao LadieA' Auxiliary,
Post No. 1U. G A. II Annie M Rosa Clnle.
No. 30. O A It . and Robert Morris Tcmpla.
No 11. O of U. A. Invited to funeral services
Prl . at - p m . 11)11) T'uskw st. Int Lafayette
Vault Remains may b viuwed Thura. evo
Pnos P. Tomtlnaon. aged ns Rel itlvea and
friends Invited to funernl services, l-'rl .Hi.
m . 1.117 P l'rlca at . lluimantovvn. Int
Dailestown Cem . l'a. llemilna may bo viewed
Thura eve,
TOWNER Jan. HI JPI.IA A. widow of
Jamea I. Towntr Relatives and frlendi In
vited to funeral, Prl . 7 30 n. ni , PI21 N,
HL'd st Hlch mass St PlUabeib's Church n a
in Int Calvary Cem . New Yorlt New YorK
papera cop
TUcKEIl Jan 111 IIPN'RV i: nsed 40, son
of Henry R. and Maty K Tuclier
band of late Prances Tuohey (neo IIobon)
Relatives ami frlenda Invited to funeral Prl .
h a m. nn. He Lamey st Mass at St.
Carthage Church tl a nt. lnl Holy Cro Cem
T'UTK Jan in Mlsa MARY A TUTl:. igeil
hi Relatives and frlenda invli'd to funeral
services llaptlst Home. 17th ami Norris sts..
Krl - P. 111 Int private
OOr.L- Jan. 17. IIPRTIIA II. ilpushler of
lale Hermann and Emma Vorel. aged 14 Rela
tives and frlenda Invllril to funeral Sat . 2
p 111 resident of brother Cieorse W Vitgel,
aei I 1 rniiKini ai in, ir.'f iiiii.iiini I em
WAHNKIt Ian IT. at Prankllnvlll', N. J..
I.MVAiir,.iti.,i vvAit.r.ti ageo no iteu
lives ano irt'inia, itiiuiiers 111 t-ourt i.aat i;im
No 1)3, P of A of Phlla HI Pram la a lien
Asso Camden. N J . Invited tu funeral, Mat
1'rankllnvllle. N J High mass st HriiU. 1 s
Chunh ilaeborn .S J 1U a. m. Jnt. hi
UrliUet'a Cem. tllassboro
Thomas Warner Relatives and friends Invited
10 funeral services hat . 'J p m . residence of
son In-law. Thomas II. Hitenter. Ill E. Ilrlng
hurst st . Oermantown. Int. private. Prlenda
may ,all Prl , 7 to U p m
, WAIIREN On Tuesday evening Januarv 17.
1017 K HUllUEbS WARREN. In lite eighty:
fourth sear pf his age The funeral aervltes will
ba held at his late residence. U0I3 hpruio si .
on Friday at JL' o clock iiuon. Interment iiril.
WVATS0N Jail 10. WALTON D . husband
of Hassle M. Trainer and son of Sarah A. Sharn
and lato Rev llenry Watson, aucd 13 Itela
tlvea and friends Invited to funeral services
Krl. M p. m. Ilerlln t'em Chawl. Int. llerlli
Cein. Itemalna may uo vlewi.i. sisters rl
denoe, Airs. Hod Cheesman. Ariel, N J .
'lhura eve. .Trains leaves Market st. fvrry JS..-S
o. m for West Ilerlln
v WB11--Jan. HI. (IPUTItUDE ., wife of
pavld O Well, aged 30 )u notice of funeral
will U given. 47J t edar ave.
Wll.lL'Etl. At Norrlstov.11. Pi. Jan 18
IIEIIP.CCA, widow of Lafayetu Wlllauer agid
7P Helatlvea and friends Invited to funeral!
services. 410 N, Marshall st NorrUluwii l'j 7
Sat , 'J p. in. int. private Omit flowers
Auto funeral.
CBalAulU fouGu
AOlHfAjG- fAj -THfe
CRgiftfMfe STove'ppe.'
. WIU.fAXIS - Jan 1, nl-f.PM V . wtfa of
pr c 1 Wllliatna and daunhter of Burn ana
lite Jamea tianley, Itolailiea and friends In
iltiil to funeral, Frl Sam, IT" S. IJurllnttnn
al llouceater City. N. J lllah maaa at.
Mary'a I'hurch Ham Int St .Mary's Cam.
WILSON Jan 17 Wlt.t.tASt OEonciK, Jr ,
aon nf William florae ami Sarah Wilson helal
Uvea nnd frlenda (Hoy Seouta' Troop. No, 73,
Invited to funerak aervlrea Sal, 2 p. m .
ptrenta' residence, Vluil.1 Fnlrmount ae. Int.
WOKTIt tan. I.1 AtUtinMA tl. WOHTH
Inee Dijtwllerl aaed TJ ItelMlvea ana
frlenda milled tn funernl, Sal . 2'in p. m ,
I'Pper Dublin Lutheran t'hurch, Ambler, Pa.
Int noaa Hill Om PrlemU may call Frl.
after T p. m . II J PI N 1.1th at I'omejnnce will
ineet Alleninwn and t'hcslnut 1IIU trolloa at
ltoa lllll Valley, .' p m
, VDPMAN Ian II rnlSTOI'lll:n aon nf
late John nnl Annlo Youmnn (nee llnunhey)
Itelatliea and frlenda Wlnd.hn-it llenemial and
l.lieran Socleij and t'ourt William Penn r
of A Inxltid to funeral tnf 8 .In a. ni . real,
dence nf aunt Pllriheth r'roaaon. nnjl Chnllinm
at Snlemn requiem maaa t'hureh of Natlllty
10 a tn Int Holy Itedtemer t'em
With Complete Itallroat, Stcnm
ship and Hotel ArranRcmenls
but not personally escorted.
IT.OItlDA ppn
-eniJ Tor booklet showing the
llneat arnuiRcmonla aver mtiilo for
linvel In U10 Cnltetl Slates and tho
Anicrlenn I'rnplcs Lot ui work
out your Itinerary nml aava jou
I hue nii'l nionoy
inn, Cliealnut SI., riilla.
Merchants & Minors Trans. Co.
. KfoicC
)U3 I
J roccHjrviscd ..standard.
oi exceuence.
Cr.TY600. mLTEBJ.B021ff:
WprmitmiPV ,v a"" near Peach Kle
$H up wUv 2 up dallv Chis Iluhre
Swimming Pool, Golf, Sea
foodtut.ine LvertLuropean
llsth and treatment. rite
Oto. r. ADAMSj, Managar
fortr Mom.,, VS.. Or
Poster, at Chestnut nnd 12th sts . In
Clinks 'lours 131 s llroad St.. the
It Co . 1339 Chestnut st , and Ledger
'1110 Plsc business UchooU
Bill and Chestnut atreets.
Positions guaranteed lnter now. Uay or ntg&L
Rivpirn SrrinnI LANOUAOES and
iiveiro acnooi translations
1011 CIir.STNPT RT. Tel Mpruca 1347.
Toodle, London Tap, Pox trot und One-Step.
Sirs, Keenan -tuin Qermantown av tt'yo 3US4-J,
I) Y OALLVGIIKli. 23JI E. Huntingdon
Undertaker and Embalmer. Hell ph. Ken. 48:.
llAO l.oit it Wanamaker a' a slik bag with
eve classes and ke. Itevvard If returned to
Jlos hdiIiib jilarilen
IIARPl.N Lost, diamond barpln. )' Inches
long mnunleil In it'allnuin. In or near Ritz
Carlton Hotel uhout 2 weeks ago. Reward If
ri turned 10 J E. Caldwell & Co, Chestnut
and Juniper Jit'
HREHTPIN Lost, Wedneadaj afternoon In or
near . Wunumaker'a. gnld enameled bluebird
breastpin Reward If returned to l'7l) Tulpe
hoi ken st. tlermanlown
CI PP LINK Lost. Cafe I, Alz'on. tilth and
Cheatnul. gold 1 11ft link, with large sapphire
surrounded h I diamonds on New Year s eve
n day Reward If returned 10 i'afe I.'Alglon,
nth and Chestnut
MLPP Lost PersUn lamb muff Saturday eve
ning. January 13. between 19th and Chestnut
to llioad to airard ave , very liberal reward,
havtu; been gift to owner. Telephone Walnut
J537. Mr. Page.
Ml PP Lost, sable muff Wed , p m between
llith and Spring Harden 23d and Parrlsh or
tilth and Poplar reward 230H N. llroad.
TERPETOAI, POLICIES. Nos 20200 to 20S0J,
both Inclusive, of the Merhsutrs Insurance Co.
of Phlla . covering our buildings, Nos. 1211
to 1210 Temple, now Kimball st ; have twin
lost or mislaid, application has been mads for
bCARFPINLost. Saturdsy, January 18. scarf
pin containing one (red) ruby and three dia
monds, liberal rewsrd Return to Combes
Van Itodcn. 1113 Walnut st.
VANITY CASE Lest gold vanity case. Initials
"P, V I)" in sin ill sapphires, vicinity ,16th
t Plo sis nvddl of December. Itevvard if
returned to J. K Caldwell & Co., Chestnut
und Juulpvr sts
t-dtt- 3iJ2 AM. ITS1
K, 10
V nnd
ah yT,rl",';;
Outside (T . '"pi
Rooms, Meals Jr' ""'
and Stateroom 0
Berth Included xv
City Ticket Office s
105 S 9th Street XJT
Phone Innilmril 81100
a I lfl
Penn It
iiillPTrril xj m o ' ' -li txaaaamBrfgTTTOJSTWI
m'&tfw&m, h..., ii TiTBtTiTtnirMB , a
mpiir&ewmMBimkT?JT ijilk. t-1 aM 1 i fkwmtairi5zs?mkmL i rmm,.,. . n t ww. -
wz&msMEmLmA i - . - . , . Tkt,,,mkmMj?7g.'r&Mmrmm m4MMm ., ;,
help Wanted female
Work, near your home. In Mfnl ami
healthful aurroundlnga, with excellent oppor
tunities for rapid advancement.
There are twenty-eight Hell Central omcea
In Phlladelphlai probably there Is nno wjlhln
n few blocka of your home. Unusual nppnr
tunlllea for earnest, Intelllrenl joung women
between 10 anu -- years 01 use.
New cmploves are paid while learning
and are rapidly advanced.
Pleaunt dining rooms, whef Ihj
beat of food l sold nt coat In every
Central Office
Comfortable filling rooms fok reading
and relaxation.
Opporlunllv fn ailvanrement to Sen
ior and supervising positions.
Apply al inn Market atreel,
Sundnv. a 30 a. m. to p. m
between 7 and II
ilally. ejrepl
, or evenings
llOOKKIIEI'KR. tlinroiiightr s.ajrcpi;ncrt rnjW
and acrurnle. one familiar vvl li ailvertlainir
business preferred, give full details. M 7.,4,
Ledger Centnl
riOOKKP.EPnn wanted Apply Friday, 11 n. m.
M, CoHirrl.n.1lX 6th .t.
Xonng women with department store exrerl
ente 1 Apnlv llureau nf Employment. 4it floor,
be'or'sVnAwiiniDon t, clothier
liable Prnleatnnt woman for country. Call
1MI Pine al. Prldav. 12-1 .
CHAMtlERMAII) nnd vvallre.a, girl. I In a prlvnle
fnmllj. referenco reuulred Apply 1 Jl .
Huh al
UlAMIIEIlMAll) and waitress, white, fain nf S.
Writ' 3JI S. 2.M at . or till Lociiat 210.1 W.
' CHILDNPRSE To take enre of a amnll lioy 'In
rolllltrv and do chit miter, ork. Proteatnnt I nil
Svvarthmore2H. or vvrii' 1- 111, i.nrr uo.
COOK wnnlrd while good lipnie. small famllj .
good vv.ia.ea Aiplvil7 W Unanl a , Orr-
mantnvvit Phone tlermnnlovvn PJ.iil v
for ehlldren'a wear and mualln underwenr.
xcrptlnnnl opportunll for rnpahlo pi raon to
l,uv for and mnnage thea" depnrlmenla, nppll-
callona alrbllv nnflilntll
.11 LIPS tll'TMAN 111
Lexington al nnd Pari, nve . Ilnltlniiiro. Mil
I'l MXO CLERK, experienced, by compativ of
high atnmllntti nne familiar vvlth tMirvvrltcr
iirererred anawr In own writing, giving full
liarUciilnra C 'Jill. Ledter lifnio
OIRLS wanted 1 1 eara nr older, good wage, to
work In wallpiper fartorv Applv at once,
Ilecker, Smith & Pige. Water st fi Snjder nv.
Mnrtltifr new mnrhhteiy,
(looil w.-igfS paid while lenrtllnc.
ApplvUrlawuld Worsted Cotppanv. Darby.
GIRLS over 10 for light, clean emploment .
ltleaant surroundings, lenrncra taken! paid
whllo leirnlng lljclenlc Fleeted Underwear
Co . 2115 N. Howard
UIRLS. 2, cook nnd downsLtlrs girl and cham
bermaid and waitress: no vvasuing; nuuit
fimilv of 3. Apply nflcr It o'clock, US.
21at si.
UIRLS. over ill jeara of age for light factnrv
work, pernnnent employment. Applv 10311
Spring at , first floor
OIRL vvanted for general housework, exper
ienced, good wages: amtll faintly, refervnep
ieitilred. Call 4H1 I Cedar nvenue
OIRL while, chambermaid and asalal with
children, good wogea Phono C.ernianlovvn 3.1IJ
or cnll 30J1 W Coulter st . Oermantown
HOPSEWORIC Girl. cxperleiKfd. for hoiiaevvork
small rnmlh: no waahlng wages 57: refer
ence Phone Ardmoro U37 W
HOUSEWORK Young woman for general"
housework fam of 2. ref Pit. Cnwd 2Ho.
HOUSEWORK Experienced white girl, 3 In
fnmll, good wjgea 3327 X 21st st
KNITTERS, exp on circular spring beard needle
machines! good pay. stendv work Hglenlc
Plc-ced Underwear Co . 2113 X. Ilownrd
LM'.N'DRESi, prlvain family: suburbs: rufcr
1 m e J 317. Ledger Central
.MENDERS, exiterlelued on knit Jersey clotlu
atendy work Hjgiruli I'lected Underwear Co.,
2413 X Howard
MILLINERS Prankel Millinery Shop 'requires
several experleni ed milliners nt once, light,
sanltnrv workroom; loni; season. Apply
Prunkel Mllllner Shop. Front and Dauphin
M1LLIXERS Young women to learn millinery:
paid while lenrntng Apply Prankel Millinery '
Shop, Front and Dauphin
OPERATOR tn sew neckbands on shirts, big
bundles best pay ill city, either plec or
week work Milter Brothers Co . 2d floor,
southwest corner llroad nnd Wallace als
OPERATORS Seamers and hemmers on Union
Special machines! steady work Hygienic
1 leeteu Linuerwear co , iia a uonaru
OPERATORS on all parts of shirtwaists and
skirts, steady work, good pay. Tha Hngedorn
McrzCo.. 3d and llrown
PAPER IIOXES Experienced finishers and
lenrncrs Apply Schoetlle, 310 Florist.
SPOOLERS, experienced on nrtlflclal allk and
organzln" SUDOWSKI. 218 Arth, rear.
bTEXOORAPHER As secretary on a farm near
Warrentonn Va . stenographer vvlth a knowl
edge of nccojnts Address, vvlth full Infor
mation, references nnd salary expected, J T.
tl . l7tlWnrrenton Va
STENOGRAPHER wanted, able nnd wllilngl
salary. 18, vvlth advancement Natrona To-
- bacco Co, Ilellevue Court Hide, first floor
rear. 1 118 Walnut st.
SIEXoaRAPHER. quick and Wccurates with at
least 2 yeara' practical experlencs; stats
salary nnd references C 2ull. ledger Office
STENOORAP7lER. contractor nnd builder's of
fice: stnto exp and sal 733. Ledger Cent.
STEXOaRAPHEIl nnd offlco assistant. Call
Room aim 1111 B 2d st
TYPIST, rnpld. capable of also handling small
telephone exchange; must be Intelligent, vvlth
pleasant olco agreeable and hnppy dtsposl-
tloni salary 130 month J (111. Ledger Central.
TYPIST Young Iidy, rapid tjplst and familiar
with the Edison dictation machine. In officn
of largo mfg. concern, state age, exp. and
salary desired C D.. P o llox 1.147.
Edison operator, experienced, excellent posl
Hon Applv 8 17 Chestnut st.
USHERS Olrl ushers wanted for night work
unl. stato aglreptj J 330. IedgerCent
WAITRESS, "white, over 21 sears old. for a,
private family, near Wlssahlrkoh Station, Nor
rlstown braurhoflteadlu& P 103, Ledger Off
WOMEN A soilnl organization of the htehest
character renulipa the services of several
highly refined and educated women to solicit
memberships, libera! compensation, Address
J 413, Ledger Central
UACK-TENUEItS wanted fur muling mill; 8
hours Apply John Lans Paper Co , 24th
autl Vine sis
-MAM. I..M'lillir,t "i;iJ Willi IlI'ltKUUIJHM'
UbOKKEEPER. thoroughly rxperlencedT capable
and accurate, on' familiar with advertising
business preferred, give full details. M 7&4,
Ledger Central
BOOKKEEPER, experienced In handling ac
tnuntn and i orrespandence, to one of ability
this shuuld prove on excellent opportuuitv t
8laleage. exp. apd salary C 220, Led Off.
IIOSS HEATER TENDER wanted for roofing
iniiij o iwui.i i .o ,, i.vusvr utiles.
DOT. experienced In filing correspondence,
ply 233 Arch st.
BOY wsnted for orflca work, good opportunitv
for sdlancement. Apply MLUARaEE-HARE
PATER CO.. US. th st.
BOY wanted for office, large Insurance agency,
splendid opportunity for advancement. i 112,
Ledger Office.
BOY wanted to learn wholesale woolen bust-
ness H 5, Ledger Office.
nor .WANTED .111 grocery stors, good wage
17th and Ml Vernon
BOY, over 18 for office, Georga llarrle's Sons.
1313 Walnut st
BOYS wanted. 11 years or over; to and 110 per
week, to work In wall paper factory. Apply
al once. Becker. Smith . Page, water and
bnlder ave.
BOYS wanted, for. general utiles vvork; must
!VX$a80,'"1..",l,c?,u2n, uu I ana reference.
P 038, Ledger Office, x
Qch.ha: wmTs I aIuThmTsS Tut AiiTTeR
YHb 'matter. H 4 mou n -n O. I
..w T-m I " ' T I. VS WAL7WlttlWmmkmmmWk
I - "- it. v U
Conllnnnf from Pncettino Column
BOYS. forToTlorlM "em Snir1;" ';
permanent position inilpliidlil yJ,rlunlt.
Apply Mr Italelgh. 4lh floor, flOfl Criealnut st.
IlOTsfto assist In electHcl I"1'""!","'' ""J1
opportunity for advsncementi aten dy work.
I.. N.Cn, 4001 Stenton nve ..Ihlla Pa.
HOYS In printing offlco In run errands Call
Pell Cn.. J3I.1 Cherry at
iiUFlffiR burnisher nnd edge Attar wanted! no
experlenco necessary. Vernon "tihos Repairing
i'o. 3713 Oermantown ave.
TlltTLP.R and houseman, colored! reference ro
iliilrcdt'nll 18211 Pine st.
iicTORvrr.iNE co
lias vamneles for
Double-head molder operators
Pltllng-up aawera
Rough rip sawjers
Jointer operators
Prelahl elevator operatora, while
Experienced shipping marker
OrflC hoja. 11 J'trs nnd over
Janitor, strong white
4S-hour-week schedule
Phjslcal examination necessary Apply
Vlitor 'tall. Ing Mat nine Co Application
Office 31 Cooper st . Camden, N. J.
CltAUTFEPR col'd. ref reo
av . llolm"sburg. between
7S10 Prankford
and I p. m
Thoroughly experienced
hlch-grade mer
chandise. Apply llureau or Employment, i's
cnanuise, ,ppiy mire
lloor, before II a m
HELPERS on sheet mtal work American
Metal Worka 314 Armat st ,Oermaiilown.
KXITTERS. exp. on circular spring beard neetlla
machines, good nay. steady work, llvclenlo
Fleeced Underwear Co.. 241., N. Howard.
LAIIORERS wanted for out-oftown vvork col
ored preferred, transportation and lodging fur
nished Applv enrlv Ihuraday morning to
Irwin A LelBhlon. Delaware nve abovo Walnut.
MACHINE TENDP.RS wanted for roofing mill,
cv Under tuaehln"s' 8 hours j P 1131. Led Off
MAi'llINIsr. first class wanted, na foreman of
toolroom linnuung gi-tiorni r-pi, o -inri-
melnl working machlnerv. alao punchea and
dls for Hie anme, give reference nnd wages
dealred 1 till. Ledper Office
.MAX vnunir. wanted to lake chargo of nrn de
pirtment of medlunvalzcil sweater mill, mut
know nms nnd how to handle help: apply by
letter giving full particulars, ago experience,
present place of emploiment ailary expected,
all nppllintlnns alrh IW , onllitenllnl Paragon
Knitting Mllla 2-'d nnd Arrh als eighth floor
MAX AND WIPE Three gentlemen 2 of
whom are nway moat of the tltn'. desire min
as huller nnd valet with wife, who mitat lm
exi client took lo take care of prlvnte bouse,
wages $100 iter month, best references re
nulreiL M I. I edser Office
MAX. elderlv. bookkeeper and general vvork In
contractor's offlie. ainto experience and salary
expecled. llox 17. Wvncole Pa.
MEN WANTED Unllermal.TS. locomotive ma
chlnls's, cor repair men. laborers loaomotlve
cleaners Pntn R It 1741 PIlbertNt
MEN Wanted 2 sotintr men. nbout IS cara
old ncitiaiomed to work on presses for tin
work ApplJ 1313 Rnce si.
XP.WMPAPER HERVEIl and collector wanted
West Phlla . I4 Apply 018 Walnut st.
OFFICE HOY wanted h largo Inituatrlnl ccm
paiu, mual be in vara or more of age, steady
emplovinent. .1 332. li!ser Central
OFFICE HOY. good chance for advancement. P
11.1. Ledger Offlie
PORTER colored, vvnhlcd, milat have lat-clasa
ref Mlberninn Urns . 21d nnd Cheatnut.
SALESMAN For Philadelphia, vvlth best refet
lii'is as lo character and a,ieaublllly, posi
tion porm.inriit: unleaa nu i an show that
voti have earned al least X3000 n jeap. don'
ttak for nppolntment. Only appointments for
P'Tsnnal Interview made b) phone Spruce 173H
utter 0 1.1 ji m ,
SALESMAN, slock, most unusual opportunity
10 sell stock III hitherto closed (orporntlou:
slrlitlj lommlsslon: right man can clear 1201)0
In 3U dnva C 217. Ledger Office.
The Enejclopedla Rrltinnlciv needs a fw
high class salesmen lo work on leads only,
both In tho city and to travel
To salesmen of other lines seeking work wa
csn say Hint four-flftbs nf our aucceasful
men are men who never sold books before.
We particularly want men who nro not only
good aaleamen, but who have aufflclent execu
tive ability In handle other men. Thoae who
qualify In this rasped will receive extremely
rapid promotion to positions In a permanent
organization which will pay them far mors
than Is made by tho average salesman.
If ou arn n real aalcsman. regardlesa .of
what ll.'e ou have been or are now soiling,
come in and talk It over with ua. Wo train
jou thoroughly. Commission and drawing ac
Cor. Walnut st.
SALESMEN Wo can use 4 kood men who. If
tney show tho desired qualifications, can de
velop Into district sales managers. Apply
Room 3113. Park Uulldlng. 23 S S-'d st.. Phlla.
HM.EHMEN Wanted, high-class salesmen by
djliv newspaper for work on big new sub
scription proposition' land premium: leads fur
nished Apply 1P3 S 7th st
SHIPPING CLERICS vvanted to become traffic
munagers we sttpplv nccessniy training and
co-oueralo with every amblilous man tu suc
ceed, call phone (Poplar 2.14) or write for de
tails National Traffic bervlce Bureau., 13th
and Spring Garden sis
SOLDEREP.S experlanred'on articles similar to
wash-boiler work American Metal Works,
3.14 Arm it si., tiermaiitonn
STENOGRAPHER Wanted, as sereUry on" n
furni near Warreitlon. Va stenographer with
a knowledge of atcuunts Adlress vvlth full
Inform ilton referencesMnl salnr) expected,
J T li.. llox 47ll, Warrenlon. Va
Si'ENOOltAPIIER Young in in. experienced, ex
lelleut opportunity to connect vvlth one of the
largest lumber firms In Philadelphia. P 103,
Ledger Oltlce.
STREET 'CLEANERS wanted, white or colored"
Appl 91.1 lltu. between 7 and 0 a. ni. and
tltn8p m. "
WOOLEN SPINNERS wauled on Davis t Pile,
br and Whilely mutes, medium and heavy
arrs, nUht vvork For full particulars apply
lo Sllnssby Mfg. Co . Ltd., Ilranlfdrd. Ont.
YOUNtl MAN vvanted III lost department of
large manufacturing concern; state age, ex
perience and salary desired. II 34, P. O. llox
lOUNG MEN Two, om with a technical train
ing, another vvlth an education which will lit
him as ail assistant In nn nffto.. mil,, u.n t.
ieptlonall good opnorluultlcs for nung rlean
tut men who are willing lo start at the bottom
and work, writs In detail, atatlng aalary ex
, pected Vddress "S" 2 P O Rot .15110
I AllTllVinitll.K-U
and nur.viR
13 will start ou
- . . " . Day and Night Classes
Saltier, 1001 Spring Garden st. Open Sunday.
MEN wanted to fill positions as traffic man
agers We supply training necessary and 10.
operate wllh every ambitious man. Call, writs
or pnone 11-opiar :ill ror details. National
ww.vau. mm sou spring varuen
BOOKKEEPER. uToroughly experienced, desires
, flrst-clsss position taking charge. 3 u
Ledger Central. ""
BOOKKEEPEII, expert, wishes position salary
tl.'.wlth. adv J 354, LedsxrCentr!
CilAMllEltllAll) and waitress, German, wants
postilonprvate 7 ill7N.10th st
w.,,n.er.pl0f"0,, ,ln c9u.1,ry' no "ashing? Ad.
dress C 133, Ledger Office.
COOK, white, competent, wishes sltuaTTonTTest
references 47 Led Branch, 21st and Pine sts.
COOK, Protestant, with excellent reference:" city
or country 20J0 Pemberton st
fl '!,,
. i '
- WCyf
"" n"i ''rrcMiso PbUMii "
COOK German, experienced ,,.1, , J
Diamond 207a 2001 W aT''hlmilii
shes nrt.u.rr"
AiifiO tlrnman ks.i
NURSn""nurrery'eovernc.a (Wrn,n -J
good sewer. 000". ld llranehmo"tn' JpifSatal
p sof "i:riv.?.i
NURSE Competent ehlldnura. V.T s W
. b'slreferenSX "rhono Wu, PS $&
Niinqg! r 1.1... , ..... ""4T
3131) Catharine st
v' c"r Ni$I
SOPRANO soloist . experienced In 1 JiSM
'T,it"il"i !" position. tsri!.",i.v3l
U 133. Ledger Office terms ni4yKJ
WirtlA.V refined American it . -H
as house mother or matron in'1. H38I
riini mr womeni cllv or country irliSN"
iisrr cap-1010 01 failing ehsroe !. "iu "txsl
iiura- .1 131 Lnlger cemraf l,n "etliij
TOUKO LADY deslrra cranio .H!
Knowledge of stenography ami V.S.7.V hlrnS
work tl 21s ledger offlc" "" t
A?XJF5J2 "iiliSBB h mntoZM
siuonr-know, 'roViy n.l ?r,'?5t"-
AUDITOR will audit. npn and r..'Tliasi
terms reasonable 3.142 Pine at c " !
MOOKKKi:PKn thoroughly exp.t,r-ill
" LJ'i 0Pfn. clo.e. wrilo up book.' .i'.Hl
reports ony or evening moderate, iVmJ"rJ"
phone, Wood'tnd 11(11 j u"Pra, ""ni $M
- --.in, Ht!j
I rtl ef tua
BOOKKEEPER Young man. 0
nc;s,'.",r." fnsiiioti in centra
, m " .rui.rr .riurai.
nerlettc' ileali
nrrrr innnova its .
ra:"c'..,!r."J:r'' lhan"" M reference."!;!?
Ledger Ccmral
" mm
IIUrLER ilealrea tw-mnnent ioaniom ViTisi
nlsh rcfa ra to chancier J r,31 lx I rL'
CHAUPFEUR wants position bet.' r,f JfiM
ilrl-r. slrlctl, ,iK,r 212 f o"dn tSUl
COOK, butler Jnpniiese first ela.. t35si
?!ed'ger0,Off';c'., rm""r nrKn" '""'
CORRESPONDEXT nnd secrelary 30ZBP
nccoonilng. coal nnd gen office woi, 'JW,
comptometer open Pnlv grnd I l0 lifSJij
MAX experienced desires position wluTSSfl
solo or retnli grm-r nr tea houss KrKSW
n ever dela nf blending nacklnV.'.r.!5M
tig. etc nigh-si referent es moderate ssiISS
linrd vvorler. willing lo go out of ton xla
dress f 1211 Ledg-r Office n' rjJM
MAN, mjillle nged, education aalesmanahlSM
rprirni I mer .ni, i-nn., hAni,k -i.i"'v.""s
bond, dealrca eroplovintu 1 333 Idc,"?r.!5s1
.i..n l-"lcvs
wife ccol); w
1 .Moore.1 Itai
MAX AND WIPE colored
moat useful illv crfrrme
alde Hotel 1"tn nnd voutlt
OFFirn MANAGER ond exccutlve'a sisiiu!?
........ .. ,,ii,-i irn.,. itanaunz Mn
snnndence rr, ills rsts ir... ...V ..??"
m;n of nhllltj and Inlilailve will, SIJ
. references, n.ldn-es J 341 Leilter CeMrstij
I'lllVATi; HKCIIETWIY Student " f-.?!
School of Finance I of r now enipiejilji
desires chaiMe of imsitmn I 411 Ivijlr CistM
a.vi.i.M.viA experienceii tlaw emplonilTS
"".' . i"i't'i-iiMii,i cuiiHi-Tiion urs res Urn,
y,l"u?8R"LedngarfOlfiric"e" '"" "1Jlfi
bA j ..S.VIAN wnlllil like rnnnnilnn wtK. ii.m
house, reference III Led Branch f,tl hlrsnij
v .11,1. 1 i.aity going -ioulli would ke in i3al
her English hulle- or valel he Is a (moll
11 ml
llttn fnnlt (i..
lilm no
U . -. 1. "." as.-"
hi (iiiiiorfi
. TiuM
TOU.VO MAN coIIcro trnlnH 22 om yrTrTl
expprleiico an nnlrfimnu nnd rorr?8toni1ntjB
jB n coiinnctlnn with n prosreasl.e nrnrl
uiiiihi iMiiur.v no uujcri j mil l(l3tr CnL
i-VI VT SI! ('nl'l'l.n ulnll nnilrinn. . .i,"".-
m Pnono t.ociiBt J700 r wSl
UKRMAN rook", IJniflhli rhih1nurna n6Tcl)im.l
lurinnlds. tolorrd (oukn (iprnmn man loll
wife wnl pnfllttons unntril r(l howwrltl
till in Hill" Mil limilllJlUHl HDrK, Iirt fMIl
NK'HOrXH Ifrj.1 lUINIIIllDlli: KT.--C0JIP1
iirsisf. sii .NAiiurtiiNihM rn ix). .ijnj
Jtnf irnOWM. 1H03 rathnrlnn at VThUronC
coiorpu nrip lor general nousoworic
For Sale
Our pollrv will tint permit us 111 ADVEM
MOIIILE Unit Is not up to OUR standtrOfl
vvnni n usnt car blloci.D ui.
Our discrimination Is your protection. Orntl
1910 0-sS I.OCOMORILB touring,
1913 0-t8 LOCOMOBILE touring, 7-PMI.
191 1 C-IS LOCOMODILE sedan, 7-pm.
1914 0-18 LOCOMOIHLE limousine, put.
1911 G-33 LOCOMODILE touring, SptlJ,;
1913 0-3S I.OCO.MOniLC, limousine. T-piitl
1913 0-13 LOCOMODILE touring, 7'Pt'l
1912 0-48 LOCOMODILE limousine. T-MlQ
ivi- u-ss i.uuoMUUiL,ri touring, o-psisi
1912 4-30 LOCOMOBILE roadster. 2 stilS
1011 0.48 I.OCOlIOnn.n touring. 7.DSII.' 31
1911 4-30 LOCOMOHILU touring. 5-pail.
1911 4-30 LOCOMOBILE roadster. 2-plls
1911 4-30 LOCOMODILE limousine, 8-pinJ
1910 4-30 LOCOMOBILE limousine, T-Plftl
ery cheap.
1909 1-30 LOCOMODILE chassis chsla JririTl
would inaKe great delivery wagon.
1917 0-30 MITCHELL touring. 7-pan,; alaMJ
1910 0-30 CHALMERS touring 7-pm 1 rjll
very little.
1913 1-30 CADILLAC landaulet. 7-ptll,
1911 0 30 PIURCE-ARROW touring. . II
1912 4-80 IIUICK touring. 5 pass, N't
1912 4-20 IIUPMOBILE, 6-pass
1911 4-30 CADILLAC touring. 5 pan.
1910 4-40 KNOX touring. S-pass i mks eSsM
Convenient terms csn be arraoied.
2314-22 Market si Phlla r
F. M HALLIQAN, Manager Exchsms CUM
. ... Department ...i-B
LOCUSI 450. uses OJe
BAKER ELECTRIC Lady will sacrifice WjS
ern. s-pasienger coupe, perieci """.".'jTl
lira .. 47111 I.elner al Ph. I rsnkford .0JJ
IllIICi: 1912 0.32. & Mssenger.nnerowl!I
every wavr exceptional purchase; I3&0.
Y. M. IIALLIGAN. Mgr Exchange Car WJ
CADILLAC IU14 touring ear. overhauled JM
leostniea: ruii eauipmenv; prtc-, ,iv. .
8ALKFI COHPnitATlO.V. 14" N. llrOSd
Aiitiirnn, ni, -.T.., u .m l.u ...n tSllfl
l.ll-.tlUII.bl IDUrtllK CSCl vv "-, !-
has winter Inrlosure, fully equipped .all.
amine and mske price, no dealer l"3vi iihj
si . ,wm
COLE 1H7 3 passe'nger, lust overhauled MJ
, 8. BOWERS CO Used Car Departi
2DU N. llroad at Walnut m-
PRANKLIN SEDAN for sale; good s,"!!y
l.".'UO Ifanelgh & Co . American at v"5a
HUDSON'S Phaetons, rosdstera and rsbrloltu
equipped wllh electric lights andstsrtsrs. ,
GOiiEnr-HCIIWAHTZ. 233 N. urosa si.
MITCHELL .1917 ate model 0-30. 7PMMfl
louringi small mileage, car 'i'.-"".?
louringi small mileage, car dellvwas"
August, look this exceptional bargain "'flf
lAX'OMOUd.R 2314 Msrket st L0!"',
P, M, HALLIQAN, Jlgr I-xchange ta VGZ
Yas, ah' ISe AiAix GoMA '
'$. AiulkiAj' "Irtfe. MAfihR oY iT
, I ill -sF. -
'' " "'""- mnmmmmw 11 i 1 i gn i-l . iiumi "'" "