" iwnipinuiiijuimiiiiimi mmwmipWJwi fHyww'i mmwmaynfaisfltj!1 & -i-, Mfpyjt9Mmi'-J "W "TFV ' -ap -Tyir vo --if. y )Pi W'Wfn'''!i -wris'fp's EVENING LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY. JANUARY 18, 1917 16 CONCENTRATED BUYING UNNECESSARY TO ADVANCE STOCKS IN WALL STREET jlhorts Make Few More Efforts to Force Liquidation, but Values Move Up Easily Steel Common Sells Above 115 High Points in Today's Financial News It Stocks strong in Wall street, and some degree of strength was shown rtnNev) York Gurb. Wheal higher; cotton lower. Call money rate lowered toSVi per ceni in rnuaucipma, a reaucuon Of -, per cent. Uank of Enqland 1 M educed minimum rate of discount from 6 per cent to Sy per een. Price of ,xr silver higher. Officials of Pittsburgh Coal said Ihty were unaware of "xtny dial looking to the merger with Consolidated Coal Company. r .cvv luiirv., dan. is. ' Another day or. developments favorable to the bull side nf tile market hh recorded, with the shorts making a few morn efforts to force liquidation nnd dis turb values, but finding prices moving up without tho Kllchtost effort In the wnv f concentrated buying or any evidence of bullish manipulation. It was. taken Miltogther, a typical natural bull market, with buyers well pleased to hate the bent- traders and operators supply slocks at concessions In the early (ratting and n! lams of tho buying orders with short sales al intervals during the remainder of the day K Apparent! the bears had been trying lo break thiough n stone wall in Kthtlr recent operations tor Bhort account, with tho only lesult boln being n further pusl- el Hrtut In the already excessive short account and a strengthening of the po RiTonon the long aide. United States Steel common wis naturally closely vvntch RrtiiUJe of pressure exerted against It esterdnv. This mnrket leader, after fftcMalon at the opening, When It sold at 113',,, advanced to abovo I IK. Iletnlehcm fs'teel wis forced , down 20 points to 120 In the diet few minutes, hut .1 was not fenff before Its price was up to 418. , Jn connection with the early weakness of Uethleheni It was said that the 'company contemplates a large bond Issue In the near future. It was said thut the amount would he between J50.000.00d nnd (SO.UUU.000 and that they would bear Interest at tho rate of S per cent. Nothing rould be learned at the ofllces of the cempanj Marine Issues moved in a natural manner, the nminion stow: making a gain of 2 points nnd selling at 29N. while the piefWred laiigeil from S3', ho Man of the specialties made gains of 2 to 3 points. The motor stoves main .'tained their strong tone nnd In the late tindlng the railway Issues developed itrength and actlvltj. with 1'nion Pacific and fte'idlug iepondlng to ngsiesnlvo buying, with vigorous ndvanoes. The market had ns Mtistalnlng'lnllucnce the fact that bullish arguments aie now to be found in peace piospecta. !CURB MARKET SHOWS" STRENGTH, BUT BUSINESS IS ON SMALL SCALE m XUW YORK, .Ian. IK. The Curb market showed the same degiec of strength as was displayed on tha w York Stock Kxchange, prices for nearly all the aotlve Issues moving 'no with a good deal of vigor, but the volume of business was small, musing com- tment to be made on the scant offering's as higher levels wore established. Most importance was attached to the dealings In bonds, which were all active nnd Wong, large buying orders being In such Issues, and fnlted States Rubber r.Ws selling at 96H to 96T, Wilson & Co. 6s, when Issued, at 102V4 and Midvale Steel It at 9797 There was heavy trading In Midvale Steel stock all through the day from Mtt to 62 V Transue Williams advanced from 44 lo 45'i and Marlin Arms iosv ;Jrom 56 to 69. The bubiu" stocks wero actively traded In, with Santa Cecelia sca ring at 27 to 26 and the preferred from SDtt to 5S. United Sugar was traded In K at 35 to 36. Oil stocks were active and generally mgner. wun mm, imeirsi. uuau. , the trading in Osage Hominy nnd Oklahoma Producing, both of which made ... a ..!.. .... a 4T. ilonnnArl In 1 fractional gains. Metropolitan I'etroieum, nuer iiiuvu.k up ' 'i'h - - Wi Mining stocks wero Irregular, with Magma soiling 501, to 49Vj mm ierio Pasco ranging from 36U to 3.. cnueu vorue aimui - - " n OTIIHR Oil, flTOTKR ilo lVnUBTHIALS V Atna Exposlves American British Mfg . . I American Writing Paper Ctn Car & Fdy fTn Car & Fdy pret ,Carwen Steel p'Charcoal Iron . j Chevrolet Motors . . . . , Cramp Shipbuilding . . . Curtlas Aeroplane ...... Emerson Phonograph Federal Dyestuff . B Haskell Sl Barker Car . . Handee Manufacturing . Kathodlon Bronae pref.; laurel Oil & Gas nid. S 4 AS It 110 10 IS tllti ss 41) 33 ft Yes. close. A axed, lanle) 9 Lima Locomotive new . 6tl V Midvale Steel New York Shipbuilding. Otla Elevator Peerless Motors Toole Kng Scrlppa-Booth H a Krerge w i . Standard Motors . . SI JCsepti Lead . . . Steel Alloys Submarine Boat Transue-Wllliams . . . . ' i Triangle Film '. Todd Shlpjaids . . . V United Alloy Steel iUS Steamship . United Motors ft1 7 World Film Wrlght-Martln IV4 Zinc Concentrating RAII.KOADS Rock Hland com 3!4 do A pfd V4 do B pfd 1 "V4 Weit Pao w I IDVa l do pfd .. .. it ' gWabash-Plttsburgli 3 do pfd HI Bfc STAMIAIll) Oil, STOCKS nblo .ass KPralrie Pipe . SZ4 .Stand Oil of f ahforma 3X5 KStand Oil of Nw Jersey. ess Htand Oil of New Yoik 313 at rtv, SK :! f n ll '!l 13 ".Vt HI so S'.i 4'1 3V4 IS 4 'A 32 10 ISVi S in ss 33 It 40 41 ss 3 a 51 03 4314 at so tin 40 l.t sit UK a it is 5',i S7 SI 44i I tin Hi 3. 12 Vi tit II 0 3Vi 4S4 Sli 3114 4S SO SIJ4 44',i I 11)1 l! SSVi isu J3II 34S 3SS 3S6 j:t 3SS SOS :; .. Hlth. Nt 'IoR( chRr. BaniettOII & Oas si iii 3 Coaden Oil & Gas 14 t4TW II"! Coaden & Co i7',i 1714 I7(, Federal Oil STf, s4 Inter Petrol HVi HV4 Houston Oil S3 Merrltt Oil IS isu IS, Oklahoma Prod & R 13 I3',i 13 Orage Hominy t ! Iloyal Dutcp 05 iinvi nsi Saquoyah 2 3 l-m 2 l-l Sapulpa, neflnlng oijj 1014 In Sinclair nM his, ol 14 Midwest 7 VIININO STOORS Alaska Standard 21 20 si Atlanta I 13 M Big Ledga 4 ',1 4 J4 4 "A Blsbcn Copper (a prosp I "i Td 13.16 Butter Copper nnd Zinc, ini to in Butte Now York . .... Hi ?V, Calumet & Jeiome .... s 2',(, 2',i Cerro do Pasco 3d 37W 37 Emma Consol I 15-10 1 3 First National s', ss, x Florence Goldfleld . . 2l 23 QolcKleld Cons 04 07 fll Goiddeltl Met ger , 14 Oreen Monster 2 ll Hecla Mining 5Ii Howe Sound 1 Independence Load .... 17 Jim Butler 73 Jumbo Kxtenslon 3D Kevvar.as is McKinloj-Darragli 41 Magma Copper 4J4 Mines Co of Amer 3 Nevada Wonder .... 114 Nlpltaing Mines Co . . .. ii Hay Hercules San Toy 14 Seneca Copper IS Tonopah Extension I West Knd Con s White Oak 3 r 7Vi IS IS 33 211 S3 SO 14 3U ill. c 4 7. J ISV4 4'. in I IS s 7V4 34 70 SI) SI) s4 "i IS isu IIO.NDS i 'udahy Ba Cerro do Pasco 6s. . . fosden Oil fs . . . . fosden Co new St French Munle 6s . Jlldvale Steel 5s . . . Husslau 6gS Russian 5s . .. . Sinclair OH 6s . . Todd Shipyard s . . West Pao new Ss .its . iosh .10714 . S7 . 7'l, 0l4 .11114 I IX .101 IO . OO'i 01(4 oaii .. Ill io14 in!i lORii- 7 9Ui 01 i 01 Si 9014 IIH, NEW YORK BOND SALES I MOO jUimi Kipieaa 4a . 3(000 Albany t Mq She H00O Anflo-Frtnch 8a. ftlOOn Am.r r,lM Mar A, t'S!00? Amer Tl Ss JOflO inir Writ Pap a vj Armour co ana llooo Alehlaon n 4a... 000 Allan Co Uoa 4Va a 1x99 Arareetlna Gov't, B ,!259 0t H 3I00O do 6a . S00O So 4e... 1000 do ev 4H l,ow. 3 p.m. 84 84 88'i BS o2' n 91H 7H I00t101 Hlh 84 S6Vi Vt'A 7 mi lo8?l! lu8' lli 4C 04, jis 'J saj. H r.u flsU 0SV1 sal, HU S7H HIV. sstt sift .m 19W 5il S BUI O I 11. iiV, 52S US v 84 1)4 , V, "J iVh'Ioi i(!oh looj, 1UU looH wn SUb' Ttatth Hta1 riM Rb .. c'dnaWJ9"? 'MS l l$Z Ar I. lOil.. 100 10O . 1UU. 1006 r.l n.m A KUa Aa tOOK 10OH 1665 Ctnt Ui conm 6m .lOXU 1D3U iftfWi n.n 1 T W T III .120 M$6o Chin Copwr T ... .11! 2fWm rh.. a Aftirt ill . Art bvvwa a coav oi cbi ft Alton 1 11 A A ItJix MmU 1280OO C B ft Q iolnt An trmn la 0 C U I mt K Ba i Oa 4o 4s 1V23 fni Mi da rfd ao caov oa aa cy ta ) looU ioavi io2U liovT i:ovi WVtf oo do sen i uu aa r Vi. si? m w sgs losS ioa joj(" 2000 tetl M. Uniitli !! A SOOO ri. 111. UBOO rity s( Paria a . in nZS" ""-"SQ.V " iSiu iVn. 124k K?5 Iln -BiwrU 102 , 1Q2, m ST sati at !5 C H I P I4 li IliSf ,1 saw i5?9 chl Xlwya fia IJBjw nty ol, Parla la J9JO I'oanp Tb Ro C ,iSSi Con Caa cony a 16000 llihn AnTVlitv,,. ,H D H V Oa lOOH Dl 8 ft DO1 U.V. US U5V. UVm . us US ii n n1 st saw r 81 tT T. tsSi Dalroit Tunival i u ' 01 lOim rt.,At ifn. TJ. all xJ! &'. 8our I'orp a, ,J5; sy t'uiuin r Ktn u JV)i Man in s ?." tl dab 4Vta i Cnlral oa ratrtf aW 4a II run looa W0 da 4a 1SS8 Sttffl ..- ,.. ' U!a iSlJr B r.t 6a , O?, 7.1i i".,7 'iVi? u aH an ?ia SS S4 IS sut, kV S 7X 5 6D1. SUV, a4vf sav? 84VC 81 nnl da 4s 1031 1000 I..h V.I o( N T 41, a Hlsh Ijjw )li, 08S 100 5.ni. ni OS", Tal aen 4V, a 3000D Norf Wait 4a.. 1500 Nor I'ae prior 4a 2000 Or 8h Una rt(.4a. 7000 OntWBlMii 1000 PiclAu Tal 6a sluOO Paclfl Out Ss nun l',ou 4s 1U41 SSOOO Peons. o ct V u 0 Panoa cu 1000 d 4Vls 1031 .. 10000 Phlla Co cony Sa xuoo Pub Harvlca N J m. souo Hatoinar sea 1 sati 8S!i UW ir 'r 78!. 1SJ T8W U 7H 7H K5V 8SC 83S HS'i SkC 8SW in iu us. U4U 04', U4U .! DSVl 88U USV, U3H tSV, ItOiJ 11", HiiV 88'1 V.Vl aaji ssv, ssw sat, -'. ?. ,. 41V, 4J' -M i in,., iiiii. 00, 114 u 5 uutj VMS 4 14 & ,a .sis li SSt, ViK ?J8!i"s.TUT.e--. mk Wkm lauu" .i'in ai n . ".'. 28000 Minn SI P 3 8 M 4a 89ti .0011 Al K A T HI 4a . 80OU do 4Vja 1000 da 8 30000 Mo Pac 4a w I 16000 ,N'TU tlHVll rot SOOOO do eon 4a 3000 da tU. 1000 da 4a. 40000 do 4!ia 400O N V C Bl 1. lal 4a 400O f V City 4HI1M1. 10000 do 4Ha Nov 1SBT SOCl N Y Oaa II P 4a. SOOd K T O 4 W 111 U 44uyu ri i nwy itu HI .!. ,ai BUll , ".TIT : ". ." -..- . -.T -j. a un u v, 04', t . t 4U1 US 1UIIV, iMIta l"'l 4 104 104. 104. luM, mil, JMa lu! joi 101 85, 8. H uj v.-ta u.4 88V ' ! 8ttli 10O0 ll.DUOllC cuo 3a 1U14 88), 88, liot. BOOO Hla Or A W clt 4a T 73 " 17000 8l,l4 1 II H 4a b JO 9 80OO0 81 li B F ajt 8 !! 7! .000O d? In 8a . i 'SoSo SI Il Hwa"a 4a 72 Tvi 78g 8000 Haabora A I' ajj oa ns. 00O da t 4a .. 000 . do rid 4 . . lliaui Soulh Pao cv 4a 8000 d rid 4a 48000 8outb Hwr n 4a 88000 do cop fla . 1 4)00 Sparta 4a ... 10000 Tana Co cy 8a 1000 Tol 8t I, W 4a 10000 V S Realty fia liomi i oMr a 80000 V B Steal a, t 8a 18000 UoLsa Co 1st 4a 230UO da v 4a sjoao dp f 4a , 81000 I' K o( il S I it 201000 d j'aa J8IJ 148000 da 8Hs ?l iAno v Uwia 5a 4000 W P T 1ft vl I B a III 88 81 81, 73Z 73 S 'W' Toll 81Vi u SJli 70 10. Ijli ), AIII Dili 1, 'S' 108 I'll so 80 1114 8S &4V TVi 78 5 '2211 If IMP , ao la 80 80 104 104 08 107 at 38 55 8W a 88U 5P S7S STg Sl, SlS 8T na sou saji ISK JR', SS i III i xVcw For: Sf ocfc Sales , lh. Acme Tea sih Advance Hum lm Alaska CJold illnes H I.OW. 87 11 1 n.i'. 4 41 iosH ttni 09?, 131 no (4 I11 IMVi 3.1',4 31a, 318 sioa, loi)i), lnn"4 mas', IfV, 11!', 11"i In in 3!) .18(4 SH-lf, 8 '.! 1 1 Si I (IS a; I o IV bpv n tin lllvi Mv'i siV. ins, ito I3S 3'fc 8I, "nlta 4'U 3S SS lltl III S1'4 SS inn, IIS ,J'I of; 191, 3S r.s4 Alaekn Juneau ivj Atiis Chalmers tV4 Am A? t'hem 88ti Am n Sugar sm Am Can . 4SH do pref Itou tiovl Amer Car A My ss 14 Adams Eapriss .Mo I In Am Hide A I.eath II II rto Ptef. .11 69 H Am Linseed . ls, 184 do prsf... . sif, Bit, Am Locomotive. lli lVi do pref . . losu loan Am Malt Hi 1',4 Am Smelting I09ft lot do pref .ltd-'), llilli do pref A loo on". Am Sugar pfd 131 131 Am Steel IMy so4 MM Am Tel & Tel Am Tobacco do pref . Am Woolen Am Writ t'ap pf Amer Zlno Anaconda Cop . Asio Oil Atchison do pref At I'oast Line . At Gulf A W I. ltsldwln Lorn Unit A Ohio do pfd . Beth .Steel do pfd . Barrett Mfu it., Brooklyn It T Bums Bros . . . Bulla A Supenoi California I'ct . do pfd . . ran Pile . ma's tnnfj Cent Leather ... 'j siiti do pfd . . . . 1 1 IIS "lick & Ohio 01 i itt(, Chic Ore.it W I37 I3U do pref A . . as", an i', Chin Mil ft Si p. i r o"i do pref . . . I34',i I3I',4 i 'hie & North W lis us 'out ins t'n . . st si 'Uiott Peauody 7114 74(4 Co! lias & Klrc .. ISi, 43' Chl IIISI' K., .1IV4 ,".iiV3 Chill Copper . . 3fl 3Si Chlno Copper ... &U Sl, Col Kucl & lion . 17 '4 4n'vi Col & South. .. 3D 3D Consol tins font Products . ji do pref . . lo.-f); ft uclbln Steel . nnjfc Cuban Cnne Sur st), do pref ... BI Vi PrlKSS Scabury . s I Va Den & Uto (,'r pf 31 Vi Distillers' Secur . 38 Dome Mines. . . .311, Dill S S A pref. II Krle 33 do 1st pief. 48 do M prof . . 38 V, lies W.fc Wig. 3.1 '4 fienernl Klectrlr. I71'4 Cen Motors new. 130 do pfd . . 03 Goodrich Co . . ni)i,i Goodrich prof 111 Oranbf Consol oo4 Great North prsf. 1 17 Gt North Ore ctfa. 37".', Gulf State Steel. . 13 Helmo G W 190 Hartman Corp . . I3S III Central . l0S"i Inspiration Con KOVh Int Agr Corp . 10 do pref . . ..II Int Har Cor pref I IS".' Net Close ense SI uvi u 9V4 1 k 38 !4 1 I 1 88 9.1 V4 4744 H0!4 1!fc tin li li'.i tn lisi tosu V4 - I . IS 4A .1814' so'.i 13 nun on i in II3V. til J " ss vi in", ', i.is s ISO s 3K, SIS, 3 IV4 I- -Vi 1 1 li 91 III 3S S.M4 I S3 BO'S. IIS ns I .IT. 311 s, lk 1 3 1 ',4 133 SI 74 V4 U! 31 3S!4 3 si; I Hi 31) 131 I.ISH Ll 1 lt, V4 .1 I 1. ' V4 Sfc . ' "4 li IN - , -- Vfc tOl',4 Al All',, 01 S 1 1,4 37 , 38 3 111 It 33 V4 41-ii 38 3 moiji 117 93'4 r.s',4 in 89 :4 in.iVa fl.T,4 14 t-1 ( M4 I '.I. nn'i, 111 IBVi SON, II SI 0 I ',', .-H4 37 V, 38 3IVl II 33 4K 38 M 3Sl, nnvi - '4 II0!4 f3 03 "i Mli - 3K lit t flint, in t Vi - I, !8 IDO U7V, 105 V, S8?m ISVi 4nn 11" 138 -, f 11)0 i .1 138 I 1IISV SS.n ' IS , 11 1138 In Har Cor N .1 pf. 13074, 13014 13i)T I nlcrboro Con do pref Inlernl Paper do prof Int Nickel . . Int Mer Mar . do pref Jewel Tea . . Kings Co Kiev do rts Kan City South . Kelly Sprlriff Tire. Ketino Cop Lackawanna Stl . . Lake Krlo and Wst do pref Lee Rubber . . Lehigh Valley . .. Lone Island . . . Loose-Wiles Bis . Louis & Nash . . . Mackay Co Manhat Shirt . . . Max Motors . . do 1st pref do I'd prei Mexican Petrol .". Miami Copper . . Mill & St Louis 181 80 Vi 48 Vi 101 43 V, 30 87 4 IS 110 3 Si ssy, 00 ion so ; 34 4R 3414 70 1 1 ', ST 1 33 U 80 11 !i 61 74 id 40 10416 411. 38 M St P & S S .U.U71), Mo Pac vv do pief ... Mo Pac . .' do I c Mo Katt & Tox . . Mont Power . . Natl lllscult Nat Cloak A Suit Natl Enamel do pief 3!V4 59 ), IS "4 ISVi 9Vi 90V4 IS V4 43i ini 11 14 37 83T4 78 111) 3V4 34 a, no 48 ss 31 48 33 7814 39 Vi 3SV 133 89 77 57 li 3914 103 41V4 3fl 117 S3V4 SO 'I, I Hi 131 014 un is 14 soy 'i 14 Vi ' 'i Kit Vi 43 "4 30 IV4 80 1 3 13 no i 314 3S',4 -t 114 60 .... 404 I li SS14 34 4H . . .. 31 70 M'4 40 1 3874 H IV4 -. I 1331' 80 11 50 71 3914 10314 41 38 I Ii'l, 3114 SOS, t 1 15 3 13014 13014 81 81 81 38 Va 07 07 IS 14 014 OUla 131)14 81 301 117 Nat Lead pref.. 11114 llW "814 Nevada Con 3474 34 SH N V Air Hr .. .II8T 14814 I IM N V Central loili Kl '"' vu York Dock.. II IS 13 100 los 33 31 33 1314 N V N II & Notf West. . North Amer . North Pao . . Owei.U Hot & M Ohio Cities lias. Out Silver . . . Pacific Mall . . . Pac Tel & Tel . per Marql vv I do pfd Penna R 11 so,, People s lias Phlla Co . Pitts Coal to... 0314 do pfd .. ..,.110 P L C & 81 I, 0 Pan-Am Ft pfd. . ut Pitts Steel pfd . . Pressed Steel Car Rwy Steel Spring IJay Cons . Iteadlnt" Repub Ir & St.. Shat Copper . Saxon Motor . . . Seaboard A L. . do pref Sears Roebuck . Sloss Sheffield . . South Pac . . . South Rwy . . . St I. S Fran Stuts Motor Vi V4 H t- 14 s '3V4 r 8 r la 4 T. rl'.i, 3 i GOOD BUYING MAKES WHEAT MOVE UPWARD Large Eastern Shorts Abandon Fight on Advances Corn Sots New High Record (UtAlV IIBI.T V.W.ATIIKII lOllhl VXT Tl-e nritthrr forrm.t for thlrl-lt hour, fnltrma: llllnol. Ml.innrl. Kninin. titivn nnd Vetiri.kn flenernlli fnlr. eoldfr tonldil a Ml rrlilt.'. VVIrnnln ((rnernllr Islr IniUj. roliler Innlehtt TrldST, fslr nnd eoliler. , Mlttne.ntfi I'lllr. inkier Imln nnd In enPi pnrllon rrldsy, , Irons norlhel ltld, lodiv. . ,. , , Nnrlli liskpts Pair nnil loliler tnilirt Prlilas. fnlr. alnwly rl.lna: lentpernture. CIIICAliO. .Inn. IS Theie ns n sooil cln nf liiivliig lit lite vvhciit market I" dav and olforlnRs vvere scant, resulting in material strength. Important eastern ehiiits showed no Inclination to tight the tnuvnrd movetnelit, nbandoiilnR titct.c" that t'ey hnd usetl during the Inst tvvu week. There vvete few setlmrks of note today Indications were In evidence of buying of futures locally by the tlrltlsh Govern ment ntul It was n.erted that ntlcmpts woie being iii.idi' bv reprenettt-itlvp nf (treat Britain to purchase th,e rash nrtlcle lit .Missouri Itlver polnls Som nervous nesi nit. In evldenro earlv. when prices dliiped temporarllv. but II illflppc.treii ns Ilia session wore liking Receipt nt lliterlot nolnts were snmll ; nnd fenrs ore epresed of old crop ri- hniisiion. etlinulatliiK sime outside liuyinif Kreali sales of nbotit Xno.Otin liushcls vvere lnnile for shipment nbrond. Mn.v. lifter selllnu at SI Sf,. esterdn.v' Inst price, moved up lo $1.!HHi. closing at Jl HO'i to fl in. Jnl. nfter lecedlnit ', below yesterday's last price, to Jl.f,0s, rose lo II Ha'a. nnlsblnit nt SI S3 lo $1 53'j. September, after declining l,c below; sen terd.tv's close to It !tas,, advanced to ?l 3Ti. closing nt $1 B6S,. I.MitltiR fu'ure rmisetl ns fulluiia Whfnl tl)ir,i Mm t.NS', .lull 1 r.t .Srpl 1 mi i 'urn i new dell Mnv I. ill .lull . .H'.l i ifl t -Msi . SI", .lull :Vl l.nr,l -.Inn 1.V1.1 Mai lll.'.'ii Julv . 111,33 Itlb, .tin Mnv .1.1.37 Pork Un. MO 33 Mnv in pj Julv i'S III! Hid. t.Vskf.1. 1)KNY IJIC KUlUStilt MKKREIl Mutters Involving Several LurKC Com pnnics Considered, la Rumor NT,W YORK. .Inn IS. While nn nlllrta! of one of the Inrpc companies mentioned savs there I no truth In the rumor ihiil the flitted Slates Rubber Cnmpunv. II !'. Uond rlch Company, tho Uoodyenr Tiro and Rub ber Company nnd tltn I-'IbIc Rubber '"iii pnnv lire to bo consolidated, It Is understood tbal various matters v.h-cn Involve nil tbese companies nre beltiR considered bv Ktiltn. Loeb & Co. nnd the Amci.can International Corporation on Ibo one hand, nnd rpte sentatlves of these various companies on the other. There Is reason for bellevlm; that what ever will bo done will relate primarily to the extension of tho crude rubber Interests of the Pnlted States Rubber Company In the Par Hast nnd to Rlvlnc; the other companies some participation In tlieo inteiests. A special inecilnR of the directum of the United Ktntes Rubber Company w-,11 ho held next Morilny to pass cu various matters preparatory to the speclnl meeting- of stod: bolders to bo held In New Rrunsvvlck nn I-Vbiuarj II to approve the new bond Issue. FOREIGN EXCHANGE Ni:W YORK. Jan. IS. The featuie of the foielKu exchniiKe matket In tho early dealing's today was continued vvenkness In Italian exchatiRe, which wns quoted nt Wednesday's closing talcs, n low record. Sterling nnd francs U'Kaliieil steadiness nnd relchs'niarks vvem nominally uiichanKed. Vienna worked a shade lower, pesetas vvere steady, but Ktockholm declined n little under the best. Rubles, which had been quoted nt a new low record of 28.95 for cables and 28.90 for clucks,' vvete 29. 10 this morning for cables and 39 for checks. Holiness whs very limited. Quotations fallow: Demand sterling L75 1I-1C. cables 4.76 7-10. sixty-day bills t.72'i. ninety-day hills L701. Krano rabies 6.83 . cneciis o.si-t RelchwmarkK cables nominally checks liS 1-16. Lire cables 0.98, checks 6.9814. .Swiss cables B.U2. rliecks 5.03. Vienna cables 11.05, cheeks 11 03 Ktockholm cables 29.50. checks 29.35. Pesetns cables 2 IMC. checks 21.25. flulhler cables 10Ta. checks 10 13-16. Rubin cables 29.10. checks 29. li 47V4 17 138 131 131 711 10 HI 10874 IOSWi 10814 I no IOIT. 100 ins 31 3J S i 31 31 33 13 8 8 M, 10814 10414 I0IV4 4 I Vi 4 1 14 41 40 110 80 01 Vi 101 18 SI I I Hi Hi 13 7 BOVa 110 80 5 0714 14 101 101 lot ... 10V4 78 18 , I SI SI SI V4 31 38 31 Vi - Vi 103 103 103 4-Ui 8014 If 18ii f ' t7Vi 31 Vi 31 li -I I 88 80 66 17H llVi 11(4 38 38 38 li 338 338 338 -t Vi 07 8614 61 t I 14 11a OIL, M S3",'. 3114 33 -i Vi 34 JtVi S4 li 83Vi Sli B3V4 Vi Studebaker Ilo 101. 108 -rlli Ten Cop and Chem lii 1914 15 Vi Texas Coin . SVi 13316 Ma Texas Pac II R I7V4 Uli 1714 '- Third Ava . 4Vi 4SV4 431i Vi Tobacco Prod 37 6 6H H do prsf I0OV4 100 100 t la United Drue 1st pf 1 1?i 1 1 L'oion Hag and Pe IS 14 ISVij 13 Vi U do new . 103 I03V4 10314 4 11. United Cigar Stor-101 100 101 Union Paoitlc " 14S 144 114 - do pref H "4V4 V4 Vi V 8 CM P F . 331i 31 33 -MH do iraf ... . l 8 V H Uhdl Alcohol. I1 1444 I36V4 -. V B Realty Up Rwy Inv V a Rubber do 1st pref V S 8mlter V S 8'tl . do pref ' I'tah Copper Utah Sec V. riar I'hani Lva Coal Ir & Cok UK Wabaan 8 13 13 V. 10 10 10 t Vi 1 60 0V4 -r Vi H0V4 11U14 11014 i Vi Vi 4V4 asii r Vi U6i I II 14 11444 -i i IT I ill 13.1 108V, 10li 107 3 tlli 33 41 13 43 4 SI IS IS do iirti A do prt U nails Fargo Western Cmoo SH SSV SSI. 38 1 3Kt, 108 lSVa 'Ot, 93 li 81 44 . H t I i H tJli - - 4 4 ? Yealeritav m MWh l.l I'ln.e I lose. I UilU 1 S7N I. tin'. I s7". I.Bj I SOS l.83 1 .Mf. I 37'k I 3S' M.3rt tl 30 Iverv. I DB'a I iiti'4 I 112'. l.nuS 1 nt (in" I. lit)' mi'. ,RI)i. .SS' SlUa : Sll'a S3 ..W SS'i I.Vli. 1S.S7 1.1 li-' i:.S inns in.cn tin 32 tni.ss m ir. in 32 "lit is in 37 IS 12 is hi 'tn is lis ns IS.53 IS 33 IB .IS IS HI S'.IIJ 3U ST 311.80 311 27 211 37 SSI. I II i'll 37 211. SS 211 HI 2s S7 SO HI tsli.ln) 6S',a, Cotton Htiyers and Sellers NKW YORK, .Ian. 18. March Huhlcy and Mitchell bought; WigKiu and C. Ciumoens sold. May Orvls, tllcllnany Hess anil Wen man bought ; Norden. Newman, Sellar nml llynian sold. July Wilson. Rountiee, neardsley, Rosenberg, Fredericks and Nowinan bought : Schley, II. Hubbard. Munds nnd Mohr sold. October McCnany and .SYlian bouglit i Sellar. Wnchanjan and Rountres sold. Liverpool (Jul I on Ll'VKRPOOL. .Ian. l8--.Spnl collnii to day was quiet and firm and 2 points higher, nn the basis nf lO.SSi) for American mill dllng, The eales agRregate-l 6000 bales, liicludlnz S0O0 bales Ainriiran. Imports were 12,000 hales, all American The mar ket for futures closed nleailj at li net ml vame of 8 to 11 points Ilig Railroad Equipment Orders CHICAGO, Jan 18, The Burlington Railroad has ordered ISoO gondolas from the Pressed Steel Car Company An In crease of ten locomotives has been added lo ths order for forty of the Panta Pe tpe. which tho New 4'oik, New Haven and Ilarl fotd placed recently with the American Locomotive Company i tha Northern Pa cific pas ordeied twenty fc'ulila Fes and Ave Malletts and the Southern Pacific twenty four of the. Santa Ketf fiom the same company. Sugar Futures Lower NKW YORK, Jan. 18 There was no feature In sugar fuluias at the start today and first prices vvei from 2 to 4. points lower, with February the only mouth trad ed In, sales being abqut 1000 tons. The late mouths vvere neglected on' the (.all. Tho market wus a waiting one. with opera. tots vvaU'hVug developments In spot sugar, where the tendency teemed to Ii for a lower level Steel Products Higher NKW YORK, Jan. 18, After remaining at 174. J4 for three vvki the average prU of eight leading steel prgducls, us quoted in tha Iron Age. made a further advance of U.OJ per gross ton vvltiiln the last week. Ths preut average I; J7S.17 uer groaa ton, comparing with 174.14 a week ago. S7S.12 a month ago and JI3.V0 yr au Bank Declares Extra Dividend N!W YORK. Ju lST-r'flie dorinan Apurlean Rank luu diarail the raguJar lapoual dividanil Ql i utr pt ami an xUoa dividtul d I M aat, uabt Kebrtiary 1 to huldars of raoi January U. BAR SILVER tV4H 1017 l2f J. Thlira Hi,h I . r Na tsrk iveuta) 75V. 7S 71. 75 74 L?U4UU ttrncv). 3H 3UV, sii, ia 3J' JOTTON PRICES DROP IN NERVOUS MARKET Offerings Are Much Greater Than Demand Buying Orders Numerous but Small PDTTIIN 111:1. r vv i:Titr.it COSDITIIINS NKW. illJtK. Jn. 18. Prfelnltntlnn una renorleil In Urn rfntr.it p.irt ol the inttoii if if. una mornins. Abilene. SOt. Pert "nilll.. viemplil. S3i. .Miirevepnri. a nnrl siiiiue, ai Tlie follnivlnc ipmnrrnlures were rernrilfil! iinnnmn. 'zm i ttte Itnrk and Oklnhnmn. 30i I. tile ltnrk an Del Itln, virk.hnrir Anienln, 3Si Corpus lirlatl, Iinlvealiin. 40i tlstelitli. 13t Mrrlrllfliit lilrinlntlmni nml i Imftnnnnftn. 4ft HltoxTllte, Hfl.nnn.lli nml .hrvt:ie, 4(I Itlnntn nnd Jnrkonllle. 4St C birlertnn nml VlonUnmery, Sot Vlflinn nml AtiitiiMii. i Thnmsat tile nnd New llr lesn. Sit Mobile, I'en.jrois unit Tnmnu. Oil, There ivn .1)1 Inrh nf nrfflnltntlon nt ,v Orletna nnd Hiilir.tniii .03 Inrh nt I life Hnrlu .III inrh, Mhretrnorli .1'! Inrh nt Memphis. N'KW YORK. Jan IS MthouRh cotton prlcei were up 3 to to points on the first call, vvlih the tone about stend.v, there wero Indications of nervousness In many quar ters ns more cotton. was offeied titan was wanted. Spot lioues nnd Liverpool were sellers, while room trailers nnd local oper ators put chased. It was' slRnlllcnnt thai, although there vvete more Individual uiiycis than sellers, those offering cotton had iarite lots to ills poo of while the demand was limited to too or sno hales After the call the enrly nervousness be came general, under which prices declined A points for the distant mouths and II to 15 points for the near positions Llveipnol rubles vvne quite favorable and accounted for tho early advances here At the time of our opening prices abroad were 13 to 13 points net higher; they vvelx due to come G to 12 points up. The eatlv setback carried .Mn.v eotilincts off to 17.30 or about 13 points net lower and back to within 10 points of jeslerdaj's lowest level. The selling, however, was not urgent ot'iigciesslvc ns 11 vviHeterdn, and prices steadied towaid the end of Hie first hour on covering ami bp.vlng for n 10 tirtlon. which was doubtless encouraged hv the continued dullish average of spol nd v leei. There also oemed lo be lrs in'rvnusnesi ovrr ocean fi eight condition In somt quar ters on the ground Hint commerce raiders wero unlikely lo operate successfully for any rreat length of time, whllo a wire fiom Houston said tli.it one of the steamers ru motcd to have been lost had mrlvcd 11 1 ilavte and was unloading 1 1 H 111 It! laminry lent rtn..'. Opim, tons Vlnrrh 17.3S 17 -III Vtsy . . 17.31 17 .Vi lull . 17.M 17.17 Octolwr HIS7 Hi .11 tifrember 111 Its III 3S uot . I7.su ... 17 I.' 17 II 111 SI 17 S7 17 S.I 17 Hi HIS7 ! p m J7 34 17 !Wi 17 .11 III 31! JIONKV-LKXDINt; KATES M:iV VDIIIi Tho tunnel markets con tlnued easv. All Industrial loans aic quoted at 31! 13i j pur cent fur four to months. On good mixed the mnikei Is nominally .'"tlfS per cent for sixty days mid 3i3i4 per cent for ninety ilanvto si months. Prime dank arcciittiifces. JM 1 2's Iter rent for ellglliles and 35T2T; per cent for Inellglbles. Prime mercantile, pnpor ' It sluggish nt an average of 3'a per cent. Call money opened today at 2 per cent for lending and renewing. PIIII.ADKM'IIIA Call, I per cent. Time. 4Wlt3 per cent. Cnruniercl.il paper, three to six months, 3is(JMis percent. LONDON Money mi call was ."Pi per cent tnduy. unchanged. The rate or dis count In the npenpn.irket for shorunnd three months' hills was R per cent,' unchanged. HANK CLEAKINGS Itnlik Hearings today t'ompHred Hllh (orre rpomlltlir dny Iftat twi, enra nil, liuii. in ir, Philadelphia .J.13..1SII.SII.' 1:1 1.7II1..1S7 lS4..'IS1,lln.1 IWtnn (II ?S ill, 'I'l Lft int., .... .,, .....,,.,, , .. .. ..tl...., ...... .,.,., ,,, I , I New York. r,!lS,213.7.U IS 1,7411.381 3ll!l,s.-.S.7IIS The UMrll't ui,aas,7,i fair. Iiemiern' PHILADELPHIA MARKETS GRAIN AND FLOUlt WlinAT Uprilpt. WI247 !.)ih. olTirliifl nr llicht nml th market .ruled firm nnJ lo hlaher mii.fr fitronser nutAMt urttlrn and n Tnlrlv ftctlri rtmittid Quotrttlon Vtt lot. In rtport rtvntor No. l' Tt-A, fpot II ORlrs.Olt No 11 ou thorn rwl. il niil,l.: Kte.imer No. a iril. II tilaf t P7: N'n ft red. ll.ff4fM.B7 rJectiNl A tl twin Its rcjT.M, 11, II FHV1.K9 iOHN lltrelptji. 48,!f, hllo TJUppIlM wr omatt nnd th mftrkft rulfil firm, Ihotnth Qulft Quntmionn Crtr lotn for IfKM trd. nn to lm.A linn No -2 ittllrttv. II ltti 9 U'i . No H il lo i 1IWW1 12' No. 4 ifllow. IMlfl'i I Hi'. , .No 5 aoi. $1 04 PI t)Hit southern llow, II )'Q OS. OATfl nfrolpiji 71 l3t luh lfmipd w fnlr nntl prUv riilnl '.r hlshcr tinder Unlit olTprinpd guiit.iMnnn' No 2 Mt .". ",)' nmmliird uhtf. iV QWt No .. white. M'i ff flic. No. 4 whltt. IWH tP'U'ic. 8ftnip.e onl FlaOril flpM-lpt n.1. bbU ntld ;2S.9." lb hi silk Trad win dull with lnir d sen ir apart on prlcea Koltowlnif urn tli quota ilnn per IDA Ha, In vnod Wlntar. rlfar 7.7f. h do atrmsht SW J ft do, patent. IK0tf ;", Ktnaaa rlenr, mtlon airk, H6rtff.A.'V do stralalil folUin carK. ID lOfln 3A. do. pat ent, rotion antk. n .l.'V'fftt o cprtna flri clear, fa: laOtr-K:. do pHifnt. iPlutrnr.o- fnorite (rando Si 7A91P 2'" Hly mllH rholra and fanrr patent. D.iW III J.'i: ry mllta, reRijtar Bradea Wtnier ear, 7,7.".s, do. airman.. IMtf r.n do, Pnlenl, fl AOfTM A IIYI. ll.ot;(l uaa unlet, but frm We nuote f? ftufti 7A per bid, na m nualitt DAIUV I'UODUCTS tU'Trr.U Krtmy atock aold falrt and ruled firm under Hunt offerlnsa, but the lower jtrndea were dull nnd untllfd Ttdlowlnp are the nuotailnna Western tth, -olldPif Krd cream ery, famv spf(iala, IKo, eTtraa MfHtp extra flrata 3SKtnsn', tlrta. .It,'.,f1iir. aeconda. .Tit . nenrby print fnito. 4.V. inefipe extr, 411 I2r lirita, ,l"ff3Hr aarondi. a.W3Vir. Plal fam-v lirnnda of prima Jobbins nt H14 4.tr. KUUH Preab tBita 'ir'jier t.e llneil tlOr per mse itndr ,lnt reiistnu aupplleti iiottiilon1 Nenrb ulim, UV per do nenrby flreli. t.1 2't uer ia. nearby iurrei.l reielpta. Il.'ju per iDe weetern ektrna Qt fier doit . do, et trrt flrUa, 113 W per -Mae. dn, rirat I III 00 Pit i nae. f.lnr ae-rted candled frrib ess ttrt Jobtilnp t 5:i5JTi8e per doKcti I'linUSK Trade i quiet, but tn)r lield atork ruled at end v under llht tiffrtniri" Pol IfininiT nie the qiiotiitlone New VurU. full ireum. fnnrj held il.Vi MWr ptif(lni hlshert do, do, fnlr lo good bld. -1' Wc, do, part nklnii. l.ttUMc POULTRY tmUSSKlt K(itir itimk sold fmrU well nnd ruld r.rm ulth auppllrs nell iind-r nmtrol tVuotHtloni rnne,d on th fotloulnff haln Vir) killed dr -parked fowli. 11! to tin. ilr-plrUd fntit wlerted. '2r, wetffhln fUt,i Ibi aplre vn'ir: welrh lur 1 lha npleco sir: we.nhlnjr 34 llm npleco, '-iCf-l'c, wetahliiiT .1 Hi1 nplfo. )tWc, fowlK. In bbla , fit no, dry-plrketl, welnhlnc 44 ttf Iba nnd uer nplere, LMr, Wflghlnn 4 Ilia aplecf. --e. etnntler alsea. 1717'.Mk . old rooatera, dry,drked, I7i. man tine rhtckenn, weatern dr -picked. In I'oxen, wt Rhine Pl(t tb. per pair, KR It i.tV . roastlnK rhlekrna. wcati-rn, drv plrkd. In botes, elchltur H Iba, per pair, jlWSrir; rniatlng rhlckeim w extern tri boxea, WPlKhln 7 Iba per pnlr, S'JWWc, ronntlnc i bUKenn, eNtrn. drv-pnrked In hbli. wrlsh lint N to 111 Ibi, por pair. V'4t ronstlnif chtckenR, u eat em. m bbla welstilnK 7 lbs per pair, HOWlMr, brollliiK clili)'ina western, In boxeji, veliitilna: 3if I Iba p-r pair, 24L'."o. rhlckena. ieitthlnic :Qfi lb iter p.ilr, lHW-Oc. do. m tired alufs. IsOf. hrnllTa. .Ierae. fancy, 32ffl 35e: brollT, ntbr nearby welithlnz l'i OJ lb nptrie ?,it 3'.'r. turkevi per lb Fancy m.irb , 31 9f :.Vr, fnnr wetrrn 31 fff 32r fair to uood. HPfrniii' idd torn iiniff Dc ronimon 'J127c. duokfl, nearby, -'-'W-'.V, do ueatirn. HO ?y2e, ceese. henrbv, 17(1111. do, weatern. l.".rf lr nqunba per dn7en White welchtnc II to 12 Ihs. per dozen, JHtffd 2ft. white. wHxh tnir l lo Hi Ida. mr do?.i n. 13 1'ACfA KA: white. 14 ftu4.7n. .otf a no. do. do. dark, wr lull hit K I tin pr dfiFon. wptnblns: 7 lbs opt ilnii-n. S3 elchliiK (.O'.'ji Ibi nr norn. 11! 7."itP3 I. iiinr.i. email ami -so ;:, tKii'vyia-u IjIVII t'bolt-e stm k a fnlrlv nttle de niaind nnd fn le nnd hbkna were ncnln (trmer Follow t nr nre thn (luotwllrm. Fowla nt to nual Itv, ll1Jle, rooetera. 14Q irfe, eprlnir rhtrkena, Hirordlno: to qiutlty IP'Jt 2li , White t.enhorna, arrordliiK lo (ni.illtj lVU-'li. durka, ni to slxe nnd quality lftiL'Or, iurkia J2W24ci Cfee. lK(tt21c. plKona, old pr pnlr 2830c do. ottnc. lnr pair, 201f2.V PROVISIONS The mnrket ruled ateadf wllh a fnlr Jobblnn demand The quotation follow i'ltv beef. In sets. amnkd nnd n,lrdMd 34c; weatern baf. In aetn, smoked. 34c, ctty beef, kmiclclca ana tenders, smoked nnd nlr-drle l, Sftc. weatern beef, ktmrkln nnd tenders amoked. 33c: beef Inma. I2HV30, pork, family. 33IP33 50; hams, S. P. cured, loose. luwlPVi'; do. skinned, loos. IRliaiO): !.!. do. smoked. lOWttfauc; other hnnia, arnokd, rtty cured n to brand a-nd a erase 20 Sc, hams, smoked, western cured, 20He; hotled. boneless, 80c. picnic shoulders, S. I, cured, loose, M'-fcnj do. smoked, 15M)C; bellies. In pickle, ncrordlntr to nveraite, loose. Xhr; brenkfnet hnrnn ns to brand nnd erna, city cured. 21c. breakfast bacon, western cured, 21c bird, western, refined, trs 17p. do. do, dn, tubs. 17c Urd. pure rliy. kttlo ren dered In tierces, 17c; lard, pure rlt. kettle rendered. In tubs. 17c I' ht cairo 7.2to.iud .-)i;.i;.u,i ir 4ii KEFINED SUGARS mn atendy with tlemanil Hal prlrca. lxtra flno uriinu- iala d. (I TSc, powirfil Se, confectloiiara' A, 6.US0I aott xradta, 608.00c. FRESH FRUITS Ialralil alock aold faltly iihd prlca sn arally ruled atrady tindar mod'ft ofIrlnc, Uuotatlnne Atinlcj. iBi.sai "en uavis, nr aua.hll fcbl Turk , Imperial. llaldwln. no, .1 J.,fj Ml dn, untradfd, $S(J.filii qrafnltik. No. 1, 4 6iiH,B0j do, tinaradfd. iiqi.s, KlnsR, No 1, fl.noIVl do, tirurradtd, 3Qa; Ptayman. No. 1, IIBd! do. Jinradd, 1.60O "1 so 3 Bill WlnmaB, JL' .inff.1,.10 11 Jt0ffs.sn. Umnni, Mn l. 14 Khff fin. unarail.d. Aoplra, norlhweatarn, vtr.JMt, lemons. r,r box 12 tint. Orange., Klorldn. tier crate Tlrlalit, J2.310 'Jin, iiuaaet. 2p'j.so. Tangerines, riorioa per atrap. IS R0a.ri0. Orapsfrolt, Florlaa.per rrate. 13 2.103 Plneanplea, Florida, Indian niver per rrate I2.SBW3.S.V rranberrfea, Capa I'ort per l,hl Kanry Mta varieties ISIJJiBarly lllark !3ifn..V). Cranberrlea. t'apa Cod. per rrate 12fJ2.ini do, Jaraey, dark, per rrata. II "IHtti. do. do. Ilaht. per rrate, II. 60. Straw, berrlea Florida per it , 28o33c. VEGETABLES Desirable atork wa preltv well cleaned up at full flaures quotations While rotaloea. per liueh I'ennaylvanla, rholca. II.V0O2; New Vnrk. rholce. fl.83s9t.S0 White potatoea, Jersey per baaket. Iiei.td Swet potatnea, Kaatcrn Shore, per bbl. No. 1. I108 SBi No, .' II !W(f2 Pnael potatoes. Uelawara and Marjland. per hamper, tl.3KOI.SP. Bwaat po tatoea .lereet, per ., ni'tfovr. wnio is:.ia.i .... no, ism bbl me. nor da. rr baaket. aait.it no. yir- uni, nee haskei. iit1 Biit dn. Nor n rarouna per baaket I14MRO. Ileaue. Florida, per liaakei. 204 iltunlani, Florida, per byi. 1 23ir.1 .Vi ferppera, Florida, Per box. ISO 2 nil Souaah. Florida, per hot ll.76C3.2o I'ens Florida per baaket. I3O0.S0. Tomatoea. riorldu. per irate II (S09I3. NEW YORK IIUTTEU AND EGGS NKW VOrtK. Jan IR -PlITTEIl tlacelpla, 2(l tuba Tone aenerolly easier, with fanev atork In small surply and prices fairly well sustained. Other ttradea lower. Ouotallona un rlianffed KOOM Ilerelpte, 3123 caaea Frean quiet and iineetlled sinraao caaler and movlnc alowlv. i:trs, ntiCPriOc. evtra firsts. 4Sct flrsta. iVOi s7i', eioraite (Irats. 38938Ujr, alorata atoonils. nilfT'ir. while ea:a, niOAJc: brown eaia, OH Q32i mixed color. i7O30c. f.ett imper, 1.2noi.3. po er baaket No. 1, ffOeOIll No, Ions, per inn-lb. bai No. I, 183 ?:.. No, s. 13 00.r,o Cahbare. Dan- per Ion linoffllO. Hplnach. Norfolk, per IJ(f2nn Kale, Norfolk, per hbl . POcfli Caulinoner Norfolk, per rrate, I101.HO. LIVE STOCK QUOTATIONS rtltCAClO. Jan 18 tlOOS necelpts, R5.IW0 head Market slow and lower, Mixed and butrliers, illl A'R U.tO: irond heavy. I10.70O 11 Hi: rous-li heavy. I10.T0O10.8O! Ilaht. Ilu.45 VII: plxs. ISWlo.in: bulk, I10.ROMU.03. I'ATTl.ll Uerelpta. pnmi head. MarkeC aleady lleoves. IS: rows n,,..,1I1.f'.rJ' !? in 10. aincliora and feedera. 13 7!S08.85i Tax ans Is 1.300.40; calves, ltoan.no H1IKK1' rtecelpta. ll.ooo head, Market eiesdv lo lower. Nntlve and weatern. III. CSV 1U73. lamba. 111.(1001110. DIVIDENDS DECLARED Hamilton Trual Company, quarterly o 2 par cent, pajahlo February U ..,,,. Massachusetts Consolidated Mlnlnz Company, II, pnvablo February 15ito atock of record Jan. ""Phliaiielphta Life lnaurance Company, per cent, payable February I to atock of record Iitnuary 17. I'hllsdelnhla Contrlbullonahlp for. the Insur ance of Houses From Iaa by Fire. 10 per cent. Payable on deposits held at leaat ten year a on policies In forco December 31. 1010, Checka wlJMmnJtrl. rettular huarterly of 5 per rent. pniibl February 1 to atock of record JnN"-ryEnl'land Coal and Coke Company. 10 per cent.npayable January 2d to atock of record J"n"arLonB Hook and I5 Company, regular nuarterly of 2 per cent, payable February 1 to stnek of record Jsnuary 22. . ",0raclfler Mall . Steamship Company. tJJ nuarterly of li per etnt on tha preferrel Stock, paiablo March 1 to atock of record Feb ruary 17 Cold Weather Cuts Freight Traffic PITTBBUROH. Jan. IS. Continued cold weather la further retnrillne the movement of freight In this territory. The trafflo mnnscers nf several Iron and steel com pnnleH paid today that tha general situation U more unsatisfactory than It has been at any tlmo slnco Just previous to the hollJ days. Heavy tonniiBes of finished commod ities are plllHB up st the mills. The Tar. ncffla Steel Compnny and other owners of hlast furnaces are suffcrins because of a laclt of coke. I Initial for Avery Company CHICAGO, Jan. 18. Avery Company has declaicd an Initial annual dividend of C per cent on- tho common stock, payable February 1 to stock of record 'January 27. A Japaiis Attitude Toward the U. S An Important Interview With the New Japanese Ambassador UNDAY'S PUBLIC LEDGER will contain a striking interview with the new Japanese Ambassador, His Excellency Aimaro Sato. In emphatic terms the Ambassador makes it clear that the maintenance of friendly relations with the United States is a "fundamental tenet" of Japan's foreign policy and not a mere matter of expediency. And he goes even further. He ridicules the talk of Japan's commercial rivalry with America, showing conclusively that America is Japan's best customer the one country with which Japan cannot afford to wage a commercial war. f The interview is the clearest expression of Japanese, policy toward the United States published within the" past year. It appears exclusively in "i .. SUNDAY'S . PUBLICtfttiLEDGER'1 V. to m u 'JW JB nw o S 4i a iSM k '4 o oa W ' T.r 1i 4a eJi? ShjH S ay Iff .r til 81 II iwu w,a, fi,sfv I'atoo Ijaa ina 4 1. S vt Ba ai.ilan , FlMlin 3Va ptt earn. 23 C3 3-VtSSl SiSfSffl