-TNfSSS Lll.PIH IVJiW II MTWM -M EVENING LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 17, 19JL? 0 f WAITER SWATS HIGH LIVING COST Turns Reformer in a. Way Deeply Interesting to Ultimate Consumer PROFIT IN HIS GARDEN 4 vinltor tin Itirnrit reformer The korlil nia ti" rxpccl anything A lmii-1 tehlch In-rMofnir- Ii-ih .lireli ciiKngeiV ot rltnlvplv In illipetnlnir lolisli-r iipvvlitit R- incl patr- ! '"I m nm' '" l"',"'llnB ""' inoluiiipnlH for uch illf im.it limn H now llnK uwil t" hflnct down the 'n-t nf IkliiK And fin-rruv linngi n talc which shmiltl ha of. Intfre'i to rvorv liourewlfn vvlioe tlienttn re puni-timtet! l.y thiitmlii of rich Krii thlnlt liinnght illreotly nom the eRvlahlr Hitch t- hrr r-ltv tnlil? Harrv flprnrklnnit In hit "on" moments u r natter In n popular I'llpstiuit direct ..jtnuiant In liii "oft" inninpiiti ho l n farmer - "f the tnlilolil vnrlpty. With one sere nf (rrounil nt linn lllgtoii. N. .1 , he has achleeil results Hint inlRht Klvp Hie owner of IiumiI ureas pnuien, Moreover he Iiiih pvnlveil tho "c-niiililnn-tlo'n fnmlh hasl.et ' Me.a us thi hel solu tion "' offered to combat tho IiIrIi cost of UmiiC ,' , . In an insplintlonal innment he limk'n basket of i holm vPKelnlilpi stu-li ni hi tlnv farm produces to n ft lend It was filled with n inotilli-vvntrrlm ailcty of crejes liprlii ntul efietnbles. How miuh i until It eot un If you had . to buy It ' ' ho asked her after ho had pro ' suited It as a Rift "A dollar, nt least." she icplied. " can sell It nt suiiicient profit for sixty . cents he rellected The result nf his ciiRltatlmi vv.il a swat to Hie middleman of n Tr Rlitful lilmv. If lie Spr.ickl.itnt cm do tlii't HihiR, he wauln to know whv o can't and why nil this squeal about Hip IiIkIi cost of thin- need to on But hem him tell his story In his own iray Rl'IlACKi.AND STOPS WASTK 'After fecdlnR my family u vvlfo and Ix chlldien from the farm." he says. "I found I "a raisins more eRetubles than I could ""-e and that tho surplus was behiR wasted Th'-i condition was and Is conftoiit Jnic eer fin mer "So 1 decided to sell some of my surplus I sold a crni-cr In a nciRliborltiR town some lettuce and iniimlnt- salad at thirty kIx cents per do7Pii and "nine mil shes in Hiiity-Mie cent per dozen hunchc. I observed that the lettuce and rnmalne salad retailed at from eiRbt cents to twelve cents per head and the tadislies at fie cents per bunch, t felt that I w anled inoic of that protlt Itl.LS MAItKI'T HASICIIT "line dav I Rnthered from my pardon a quarter of n peck of strlnjr beans, two heads of rnlinaRp. two bunches of beetn, one caul flower. I wo fonlhonl; Miuashes. ono bunch of Swiss chard, n vegetable whose, jrreen tops ate destined to take the place of spinach and whose, laico white stalks mav be cooked the samo as nsparasus, and a quarter or a peck of tomatoes: also a bunch of potherbs Containing twenty sprnys of parsiev. ten sprays or celery, two carrots, two leeks tun roots of oyHer plant, six pieces of okra. three green lieppers, some thvme and summer siivnry. "Ail this I placed In n farmer's half bushel basket It contained a leRctnblo for even da in tho week. I delivered tho basket neatly covered to the home of a friend In the city, and oxplalned to his wife that 1 would havo brought twice thn amount were a not for the distance and weight I asked her to look over thn vege tables and tell me what she would havo to pav fnt Hum nt the coiner Riocerv stoic. After taking stock she declared that 'the coot would be from olKhty-rio cents to $1 a basket I asked her If she thought whether persons MJch a neighborhood as hers would purchase weekly from the fanners' waB ins basket like this at Mty cents each. &he said .he would be delighted to take one v cry week SHII'I'INO HV I'AItCl'I. POST eitv1n!f,'ilV0,eiI,mi!ny of ,hese '"iskets In the f,!t nn" fui"' that the housekeepers read- n7rl?"lze.! th0 bcneflt ll,ey 'lerheil from purchasing this way. .lust at this time I Mw thiouRb the aeency of the parcel post, the possibihn of n business dliect from the Jarm. for the deliM-iy was .solved If I could put up a ba.sket to meet the weight le Jiulremenis With this In view I placed in a iK-acli box or carrier one-quarter peck of tomatoes, onc-nuiviter of a peck of lima beans. r,Dah ,,,, in(1 )0 . ln b. , th.. T,',:v", "', 1,er"r,, ' ",auo "" may "f these i.ttie baskets and they found a ready A .os0 snjdy of (he farn)ers. roturn, ba8kMannie"lKe "' tw,"'y-nvo cents per ih. . . 1 l0!uI '"''' "" l,er reason. Also that if be leeelved all that his produce sold ior nt wholesale, less a leatonuble com mission. 1P uouW reccUo sery rOSB ,0 tl ecu s pe, luHKet aveiage; for it Is a fact "U the consumer im.s t,ty close to $1 per mtskft i if roursc, the grocer or huckster mut make a HMng but It Is unreasonable mat tiun should absorb vevcnty-fUn per cent ns against twenty. live per cent the farmer re.-elxes H employing tha family combination basket plan direct from the arm to the consumer the farmer will bo nahled to receUo a jUht price for his produce and the consumer will be able to buy a ailety of fiesh produce at a greatly reduced cost 1'AltMKI! S OPPOUTl'NITY "To engage in tho famllv combination nasket plan the fanner mubt set aside nn acre oi s, for the raisins of small fat in truck, sin h as lettuce, celery, etc. Then ho miibt select a ceitain restricted zone for his opeiatlons He should advertise, tils family basket plan in this rone, and tha first eai make deli cries by parcel post. At the end of a year he should bo In a Position to drop the parcel post and make US Own deliveries hv wntrnti .mil nnlnnin. ' s. JJI '''he llrat year might not be a pioflta- "io uno necatise or llio cspenso of shipping by parcel post , but nt tho end of a year I am certain that the thins would boom " Sprackland's schema has received the commendation of such noted economists as Dt I'lyiJe I. King-, of the Wharton Kchool at the University of Pennsylvania, nd of pr O s Morgan, professor of eco nomics at Columbia. C. CHAPLIN A FOOL, SAYS OBERHOLTZER Secretary of State Censor Board Also Says Five Per Cent of Films Are Legitimate rHKSTKU, Pa , Jan 17 That only five Per cent of the multifarious types of mo Hon pictures are legitimate amusement was the assertion of Dr. Kills Vaxson Ober holtier, secretary of the Pennsylvania State Uoard. 0f Censorship, speaking before the w Century Club of Chester on the film Phase of "The Amusements of the People." Charlie Chaplin was defined at "a re maikatie fool," an exemplar of ridiculous lp-lck comedy which totals twenty Mr cent of the total output. Of the ninety ne per cent of films termed by Doctor 'Jberholtser as "lllegitlmuu umusement," Melodrama comprised seventy-five per cent The serial picture are worse than the one Teelers, These are a cross between dime ftovels and detective plays," he eald He affirmed the slap-jBtlck comedies, are Injurious to the people to no little degree, "lough this kuid Is in great demand Ha id everv effort was being made by the nnjMrg putxjre industry to nullify the cen oiiin, n ii u at present inadequate be-'-.i. i my four I'ummonwealtha manftam oii-ie maidi, L'ntu nor Commonwealtba iuat ttatu rnenrthma tba manufactureM WAITER-ECONOMIST'S MARKET BASKET 'lit-'' ' VXB"$MSSllk. . LAW MAY BALK MRS. SANGER HERE Ought to Be Arrested, Doc tor Says, if She Talks on Birth Control WILL UK, SAYS LAWYER Hy M'LISS Will Mrs MntRaret Sanuer. birth control nd orate, be nrrosled when she deloers her now famous lectuto In Phllailelphla? "She ought to he," sn.s nn eminent physician who believes In lilt tit control nnil makes speeches nt medical societies nbuut It. Can Mrs. Sanger bo nrrested under the laws of Pennsjhnnltt,'.' "Sho can be," Is tho erdlct of an eminent lawyer, who nlsn talks publicly about the legal aspects of the subject. ' 5lis Sanger will come over from New York iind speak line on January in. It was announced loilaj. pi o hied a committee for which she adcitlsed can be found feailess enough to sympathize with her nnd a suit able hall call he tented. Member of the Philadelphia I'niiuty Aledlial Society, which has been agilatlng the ipiestlon of Inilh control, not only finni the medical stamlpolnt, but fiom tlie eciinomlc. moral and legal angles, hae un earthed a law prohibiting the mleitleinetit or publication of methods preventing con ception That net, dated 1ST0, Is le-en-forced by n more leceut one dated IMI7. Specifically speech-inaklng Is not mentioned, but a line not exceeding1 $1001) or "Inipi Ison meiit In tho county Jail not exceeding six months, or both, at the discretion of the Court," Is the punishment It puts upon any one printing or writing or in any other wny'publlshlug an "account or description of any drug, medicine, Instrument or ap paratus." "The best thing for Mts. Sanger to do if she' wants to f-pcal! lieie." n prominent lawj er advised, "would be for her to go to District Attorney ltolan and get his ruling on tho Inw llrst. Otherwise sho might ge": Into trouble." Kilt In the opinion of Dr. Barton Cooke Hiist. professor of obstetrics at the Pnl eisity of Pennsylvania, Mrs Sanger should not bo permitted to dlsseniinato Indis criminately birth-control information, "I hue lend her lecture," ho said, "and It Is exceedingly detailed. Such Informa tion should be given out only at the discre tion of a physiclnn. 1 do not approve of publishing these things broadcast. It would bo dangeious for mo pel sons to know them. Mrs. Sanger w.ih arrested In Xevv York. She Is now out on ball pending .1 trial, and If she talks hero sho will be guilty of a distinct violation of tho law." IJIHLE CLASS TO DINK Warden "Bob" McKcnty Principal Speaker nt Tonight's Event The Men'h Ilible Class of Christ Church will glvo Its first nnnual dinner tonight at Tulpehni'ken nnd McCallum stieets. W,u don "Bob" McKenty. of Uie 1'astern Peni tentiary, will be the principal speaker, auif addresses will bo made also by tho TCev. Charles II. Arndt, rector of Christ Church : tleorgo W Morgan, superintend ent of tho Sunday school, and Itiehard Clur ley. teacher of the class. The class was started last September, nnd although only a few months old It already has more than two scoio members. For the pmpose of boosting the membership to ona hundred, plans will bo announced this eve ning for the start of a campaign to con tinue until April 1 Five teams will bo In thn i ace Dad Now Prefers Home to the Club Hlnre Installing f-'Ieck Heating Material the liouse In o roztl warm ami i-omrortRble thai h lmply isn't tar hiiuaelf away o' nights Alalntutiib u vhoIf"om, ten trtft-Ufr-ilurf ihrourhout ilie humr ir la reffulote and economical of furl. Maximum eftlcleno at mlnluium rot ctf time labor uU monr). W10 arihlttwti und home Imtldtra aperlfy KlecV Hold under our Ir'jncUd vuurntee. Jlck3mos. Co bbowroomi t. 46. 48-30 N, firth Strt I ' I " ' " .. jgpWRTV 'fORTH- STREET 3&m HUS', , LC Walter Sprncklntnl, vho lias wovkotl out a new scheme for britiKitip; fnotl-pioduccr antl consumer lo- Rcthci'. FRENCH FILM FANS VOICE THEIR VIEWS Requesting Less U. S. P.lootl- nnd-Thundcr, Thoy Praise Paramount and Triangle My the Photoplay Hditor , An Illuminating eniniiiunieatioti fiom the Motion ricluie News' l'arls cm respondent contains the suggestion to American Mini manufacturci!) Hint the French want less blond-nnd-thiinder and luoie heait Inteiest fiom abroad The dispatch describes wide spread agitation in the French pi ess against sensational and unintelligent cinemas or I'nlted Slates make nnd warns the American photoplay producers that "family lllms" aie Hie bill That probably means diamas of legitimate domestic situations. Tho correspondent adds- "I have men tioned In some of mv pievlous letleis what a success Famous I'lnjcrs, I.asky nnd Til angle 111 ins have had. Two Ameil can films have taken l'arls by stoini one Is 'The Cheat," which Is still tunning at the mine theatre for Hie lust tluec months The other Is Vltagraph's invasion of the United States'" Tho latter rcfciciiLO is probably to "The ltattlo Cry of I'cacc." Simultaneously with nn announcement from Mutual that stats and plays of the Chnrles'Fioliman Intetcsts will appear In Mutual plctuies comes tho statement that the Famous Players-Charles Fiohmaii coali tion has been dissolved. Tho death of Mr Fioliniau Is given as the tcasou for tho abandonment of the scheme. Tho new Jlu-tiiul-Frohman ngieeineiit provides for a $2,500,0011 piodiiclng company, tho Ihnplro All-Stnr Corporation Asldo fiom the fact that n number of well-known players will come under tho Mutual banner by this move, President Freuler points to Hie acquisition of Augustus Thomas, noted dramatist, us scenario supervisor for thu Frohman con cern. Work on tho llrst fealuio will begin February 1. Adela Dlood, tho blonde actress who was teen here several years ago In tho stage production of "Kvei.v woman," "walked out" on tho Clara Kimball Young Films Corpora tion the other day. Miss lllood's disagree ment with tho Selznlck foices Is not ex plained In detail, but alio seems to have objected to walling around the studios for her work to begin. Some Indication of the continuing giowth of the photoplay nnd dramatic Industries Is evidenced tn tho statement that sloven new motion picture and thratric.il corpora tions, with .an aggregate capital stock of tTtfiOOO, havo been incorporated with tho Secretary of Stnto of New York. "SUCH A PLEASANT JOURNEY ON THE GOLDEN STATE LIMITED" "Everything seemed arranged for my particular comfort and to an elderly per ron comfort on a train means everything, "Your employes were tho soul of courtesy, often anticipating my unexpressed wishes always ready to do anything for mo, and so appreciative of a 'thank you.'" Another splendldljr equipped train via Hock Island Kl Pnsn Southwestern Southern raciflo over tho Golden State Itoiite Is tho VCallfornlan," It reflects the high-class service of the "Oolden State Limited." Doth trains via the direct line of lowest altitudes tho most comfortable anil Interesting route to South ern California. . Less than three days Chlcago-St. Louis to Los Angeles no extra fare. The military encampments at Kl Paso and West provide a contiguous panorama every loyal American should see. Tickets permit ten-day stopover at El Paso Tickets, reservations and California lit erature on tequest at Itock Island Travel liureau, 431 Widener Bldg., II. M. Brown, D P A. Phono Walnut 123 Adv. KITTY FINDS THE TRAIL OP THE WHOLESOME MILK Skittish Tenm Takes n Day OfT anil Distributes the SlulT l'ar and Wide Gratis Two mile of milk dotted Hie vtiet In ihe business part of the iitv todnv and hi ought sunshine tilths lives of man) home b s cats ' Tvvn nervous horses that became peeved it a grunting motorcar started off with n i" ul of milk from Twenty-first and Spruce -iiects without walling for the driver, who wn wiving In the neighborhood. The animals stnrteit nt such it pair that ops who saw their npproar-h looked the oilu-r way The crashing milk mm brought mw. of tousled brads to windows and the winging wagon Brazed many vehicles on the I lip. How n Spruce street, reitnrdless of the iiiilllc laws, and up Thlitoeiith street went the horsps, leaving n trull of umirt milk en mute. t i 'allow hill slieel the vviigon over, tinned nml the milk coveted the "tree! Moie than n doisen cats hipped up the fluid licfoic It could be converted In ice i ream in the Intense fold The wagon belonged in John lieeney. of Sixtieth mid It.ice stieets WOMAN LAW VIM IHS Lulirt Jenkins Member elf MontRomory County Hnr Miss l.elhi .tcnklti", nttornc.v nt-lnvv nnd daughter or .1 I'. Mali- .Iriiklns. of Xoirls town, died this morning nt her home nfter nn Illness of about eighteen month" from stomach tumble She wns thltt-nine eui old Miss .tonkins wits gimltinted fiom Vnsiisi College with fhe clnss nf IWil, nnd Ml lulled law In the office of her father In Norrlstown She wns admitted to the Mntiig.iniet.v Countj bur fifteen .veals ago lift law vvoik was i hletlv I'oncei ned with nllli'c cates it1 she let lined to go Into cntiit to ph.nl a casu tie fole n .ludge anil Jlliv She was n member of the Valb v Forge cb.iptei .of the Hailghtets of the American Itevnliiiioii and treasurer of Hie rnibalioii Sin lei of Montgomei.v Cuuniv for ten veal" llcr patents and two ."islet Mis ll.nvcv llevsei nnil MIh I'live .IcnUni- sui Vlve The fllllellll Will lie held on Sltlllll'l.v 'oinplflf III IIIIlVll'llll'lll" have hill bcutl Uutllr wo new ivioaeis inat cannot be for less In the face of a rising market we are glad of the opportunity to oiler a limited number of the season's smartest styles at this low price. PI $A 90 J. W9 SPECIAL J3 I Fashionable, dioss walking hoot of mahogany tun calfskin ami fabric top ut n harmonizing shade. We count this a wonili-irul cli.ince for tho rcuilem nf Hie "Ledger" fin will jnu, when you seo these. I1 . 'i. In -,iu In- l.vle Iiept 3d floor. 'TIS A FKAT TO 171" FEKT Shoes and 1204-06-08 Why telephone numbers should be given slowly, one digit at a time When, for example, a Lombard subscriber calls a Locust number, the operator repeats the called number over a trunk-line to a Locust operator, who has on the switchboard before her row upon row of small holes called "jacks," at which terminate all Locust subscribers' lines. Through these "jacks" the connections with Locust numbers are made by means of flexible cords, the tips of which are plugged into the "jacks" corresponding to the numbers called. Here a connection is being made with Locust 7-9-2-3. Accuracy in this work depends no more on care and pre cision in handling the connecting cords than on a correct understanding of the connection desired. Numbers rattled off hurriedly by the person calling are often incorrectly given. It will help greatly if you will always give the num ber in this way: "Locust seven ninetwo three" speaking slowly and distinctly The Bell Telephone Co. of Pa. i "-"" rT""' -'"i'"""f-"""M" - - --m m o: 1 vSysSf PJ I rv",",'v r A V Kj! FIREMEN'S WIVES PETITION COUNCILS Female Dependents Appeal to Finance 'Committee on Dear Ones' Behalf CALL AGAIN ON C1AKKN13Y Wives nnd reinnte dependents nf the fire mrn of 1'hllndelphla have nddnl their petl Hna to Hie numerous appeals for Talr vnges and more tolerable living conditions for the emplnves or the liureau of File. From every line of Ihe eighty lite stations of the i Ity today copies of n new fnim or appeal wete tnkett homo bv each member nf the iiimpanlps. This lommuhlcatlon was Issued by Hip cninpiitgli commltten of the nremeii with the sanction nf Chler Mur phy It Is nddiTSsrd to .losrph I' tlnfTnev chflliman of the FlnaiUH Committee of Councils, nnd rends: "In the excitement of the efforts nf the committee nf the firemen to obtain better conditions In the liureau of Fire, may we call jour nltenllon In the simple fact that It Is the 'denr one at home' who suffer the most In having our husbands, rnlhets sons and biothers nvvfly from nor firesides for so long n tltno without an Intermission, which iiiilv- occurs once eviiy slsth dn.v. "Ma we. in nil good fairness appeal to voiir sense of Justice and fair dealing In Asking that you miij see the wn to have some measure enucied that will allow Hie wiv. mothers, children nnd sisters or the men In the Iturenu of Fhe an opportunity lo know our denr ones bettei than we ale pel milled to do under Hie present condi tion".' "We feel satisfied that out appeal will not he III v!n mid when granted thousands nf wives, mothers childien nnd slstei" of out biave lltemen will rise up and cull oil blessed " Moie than Son of the inoo mcmhot" of the Iturenu of File are married men nnd most of this number have dependent chll dien Some of the single men have patents or slstcis whose Hole support thev nie These dependents total between .1000 and fiiino The coiiiiultten hopes to obtain tho sign. i! urc" v nil who aie old enough lo vvilie and to have the petition relumed duplicated than $7 An afternoon hoot of mahogany tan calfskin and n fabric top of a hai iiicmizlng shade. Hosiery Market St. ready for presentation to Ihe Flnanco Com mittee before tho end of tho week Membrts of Iho campaign committee, to day met nt headfluarterH In tho Lincoln Building and nrintiged to call In a. body upon Chnlrmnti (Jarrncy The rhnlrmnn nf Hie Finance Commit ten upon a previous oc inslon told the fliemeii be would b glad to iotifcr w ith them again as ynnn at pritcti inblo after the 'ltv Controller bad made ktinwti Hie winking U.ilniicr lo the nlv s iieilll lie piomlscd thai in the miitler of ,"'.,!:! '.i"i ! ! IX'siiop iii:ut: nitr.sg RMAnTf.v s.vvn MoNnTrrTnraJSEKn' 'I'll ClttHt.lts iirnmptlv mini wbeii nrMimpnnlrd by 1'ontil Money (Infer fur full iiwnnnl. sntl.lni linn giisrnntreil or tnnnej- retnnded. FlMIC SEER ELEVENTH & dillllnnill I illrilll-e fri.ni 1 M Scled Your Advance Spring IIa( Here Tomorrow From TIicii New Madete at $L95&$2.95 .Small t-lo.se-flttinp; ribbon hats; new fabric sport hats in Iiii'kc, straight and droopinir sailors; rich satin sailors with straw facinp;s; high crown sailors with ribbon cockade and a dozen other smart models. Values are inicqualcd! HAVI.IOI1T H.M.CONV FRANK and Hlmportcf Prefer S TWfR. PRESSER ANNOUNCES THE OPENING OF A NEW iVJ- DEPARTMENT FOR TROTTEUR SUITS, MADE TO ORDER AT THE UNUSUALLY LOW PRICE OF $. DURING THE MONTH OF JANUARY WE OFFER A SPECIAL REDUCTION OF 25 IN OUR REGULAR CUSTOM ORDER DEPARTMENT p EADY-TO-WEAR CLEARANCE SALE OF' ALL SUITS, M - COATS, WKAl'S, DKliSSliS AND BLOUSES AT WONDERFUL VALUES .'. "VJicnna bop 0mlm BoSna (hwemu T,nL fnllniclnr Ihenlrrs olituln their rnmnnn. v.lilrh U ii ctmrniites of All plrtitrev reviewed hrfnre eiliihltlun. Ask for thn theatre In your Iwalltr ebtltnlnr nlftiirf. throutli the hTANI.IST HOOKING COMPANY. I U JlHJ!DD A t'-'H'. Slorrlt A I'ossjlink Ave ALHAIYIDKAmui Dully -1, i:vb. 11.15 1 1-at.imnunl I ktlltefl Marie Doro in "Oliver Twist" APbLLO ri' AMI TIIOMI'SON JIATINKn I JA U.lt FIIANK Kht:.N.VV Willi MMIill'.HY WIIX'N In Till, SIN' VI', DO' Aim. All Slur I'llnni,!- KfJMuln I'umeiiy ARCADIA t'lKunv' icTit FRANK KEENAN in tub mum: OK II ATI"." BELMONT wu ANI MAH,tCT WILLIAM S. HART in Till rilKt I. Tl I.I.IVKIl' BLUEBIRD ' 'hi KJUKHANNA AV! Gail Kane & Carlyle Blackwell in in iMM.intoiH i.tinrsD" pprvAD OOTH AMI l'l".lAlt AVE. LtDAK 7MftAi;iii'vr tiikathb LOUISE GLAUM in 'MIMCUIIt'ltR IN 1'HA.WK" FAIRMOUNT '"VniSgo avksb- EU C.I,sm in Tin: S1AN tteJ . J..H -."l II API IN In ' l.AHY KTUUKT" CCTI4 QT TIIKATIIB QO U Ul. nlnvv Sprucp. SIAT HAlLf I'AHI. T to II. Mareuirlt "l,i-lnn , llrvant Washburn in "The Prince of Graustark" FRANKFORD 4T11 UtANKFOItn AVRNUE ETHEL BARRYMORE in T1IK tllAKBVIVi, ill' 1111 I-SA Iltl'lllB" GREAT NORTHERN rM;.. ROBERT WARWICK in tub mw witu nmuor" IRJIDI7IJ1 A I WT'l lwl WAJA'UT ST8. llVlrCillLi THKBU TIUKH OAILT Marc McDermott & Miriam Noebitt I In 'TI1K 1 AST SENTKNCK I PA DPR FORTY-FIRST AND IC.rtL'Crv 1-ANCASTER AVEXUB William Courtney ujjjc jp-n LIBERTY BR0AD un JUNE CAPRICE in -TUKi MISCHIEF MAKER" , I "V WTO.T I'll IT I) RI l-lll V EUREKA "" SUkJ,K,eT ,T" Antonio Moreno &c Peggy Hyland in The Rose of the SouU salary Increases the firemen ehould 1iavi first cohtldeVatlon. Womnn's Death to He Invealleated ATLANTIC CtTV. .Tan.lt A police lit testlgnHon lias been ordered In tha cans Of Mrs Margaret N'olan. who was found dead In bed, fully dressed, nt n lodging housa In the negro tjunrter ot tho city. SJh i lielieved to have died from fcxpoiure. MARKET STS. Irtenlli SI. SiiImiiij- Blnllon. Thursday Ofl'erinjj a Beautiful lot of Exquisite 9A & So Models at Fine Geonjettc Crepes, Heavy Crepes de Chine, Black and Striped Taf fetas, Tub Silks, Etc. About "i00 fresh, new, charminp: blouses in white, flesh, colors ana bhick, in scores of lovely models two ns sketched. An opportunity loo important to miss. FinsT FLOon SEDER i i-iirnxcE cHtibancc Hiring 1531 Xocwrt Street nlrtnrri. Ilirouah Hie HTAM.l.V llooklnr eurly Klinwlnic nt the finest nrodurtlon. LOCUST ''"''' AND tJ0CV!rt ROBERT WARWICK in i in: man who nmiiOT" Market St. Theatre 833 MARKET STREET Il.irnld l.niKnnml Mas Alllrnn In "lliu Trmll" t'f-nniiK Jan ltlih Mtro Wonrtr Serl--Ifuthiu.in L llHim In Thn (tirat Kf4?rt" -' "fMJlUUri, llnr-Jont VMt Ort. Antonio Moreno & Naomi Childera in 'tiik di' 11,-h rniiiK" PAI An? 1-1 itAIIKBT 8TMBST " i rltl- lUo 20c. Mine. Nazimova 'War Brides" PRINCESS "-W1" Jail, hheiull Uoiolliv Urnaril, Thn Rainbow' Contine Tut- .Idn, S3 Metro AVomler Serial-. Iiimliiiimi & llu)ne In 'Thn Unt ftt" RPnPTMT l03i marukt'strpet iu.vaiiii i nviiAN yoicb attaiN Sessue Hayakawa-Myrtle Stedman In -T1IH dOl I. OF KVIIA'BAV Ri A I Tn aEnaiANiowN Ava 1 V ti 1 J T Tt 1.PEHOOKEN ST. DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS in ' MANHATTAN MADNBSS" RI I R V NARUCT STREET " J D I BEIjOW 7TH 8TREK MAIIIi: DUltll IIORART H08WORTII n4 ii'i-i.v ni IPR TUIGT' M.VIt.SlHI I In uuiiuiv IH-J( SAVOY 1211 MARKET 6TRBBT Dorothy Dalton and Louise Glaum In "T1IH WEAKER SKV CTAWI PV MARKET AROVB 1TK MARY PICKFORD in THE 1'HlllK HP TUB 1'I.AV CTDAfvin UERMANTOWN Aviw53 EDITH TALIAFERRO in "THB rONQllCalT OF t ANAAN" rn r rtn i JTTU AND VKNANaoTTJV OLGA PETROVA in THE BLACK l"l 1 KRFX-Y ' VI C T O R I A tutiSJS'Hmxm That U In. t MUllun Duller I'll.', nui Si,-tMJ "CIVILIZATION'1 NOKTii rini-iiPij-rmA RIDGE AVENUE J t,mmm MAROARITA FISCHER in . Pfl of Iks Prdl" otl Mil t- ui !l 3 J n A v ? I C ft ll I t T I'il m v ? i ! I I a i: ! 1 -ii; I lf i a great ' Iftejrty with Ulr la-1 VUwt," ts said, f -l. g-afej;