-h&vxfMf'&H' " j .r- rt- - flggifprtM-y i PA-"4 n? EVOKING LEDGHB-PHILAKBLPHIA, WEDNESDAY, JAKITARY IT, 1917 .8 INTERESTING AND TIMELY TOPICS OF THE HOUSEHOLD FOR WOMEN READERSFASHlOgj p K-WRIIlfj'1" VSM THE ENTIRE UNSUITABILITY OF STAGE CLOTHES FOR THE STREET Many Young Girls in Their Desire to Look Modish Fail to Distinguish Between Proper Clothes for Playtime and for Business AKTCn taking a stroll on nny bin .thoroughfare nlnucjt nny ilay one li Invariably ashamed of tho fcmlnlno sex, as leRnrtls hor dress, at any late. Tho question Is Who la tesponsllilo for tho grotesque fitshlnni one sees' I rerol lect hearing It said that the stano sets the fashions Tar too many vouns girls hnvo nln read somewhere that tho stage is Mic ar biter of fashion, so they come nvvny from tho latest musical coined, then minds tilled with tho bizarre rrcnllmis they hao seen there and not rnpihlo of distinguishing between tho myites wtili li may nnd thyso which may not bo trans planted to tho thc.itio of oerjdn life They seo a dashing get up there and fall to grasp the entire unsultabllltj of It for their own wear on the street Tor In ptance, tho heroine will sweep In wearing nn elaborate "morning fioek" of chiffon or CJooigelte crepe, with white spats over her matching pumps. And many foolish young girls, In their deslro to a pa their sisters of tho grceniooni, will adopt a slmllir costume In which to nppenr while discharging their duties as typist nnd bo llovo themselves to bo qulto do rlgucur. And to tho gill who dresses her lmlr up to tho ery latest possibles puff and friz? and curl, let mo say that although nho may bco n colffuro of this Kind on tb head of a Gaby Desljs or an Anna Held, tho placo for such a ono Is not In a drawing room Many supposedly well bred elrls offend In this particular If they could only bo mado to realbo how much lovelier and moro girlish n, slmplo dressing of tho hair would malm thm appear! Tho psichology of clothes Is an Inter estlng study. No ono can deny tlin Woman's dress la a matter of vital Im portance. Sho who has no regard for her personal appearance makes llttlo head way as a general thing. And that day Whon a scorn for tho beautiful was con sidered nn ovlilcnco of high brow Ism Is, thank goodness, past. THE WOMAN'S Letters nnd questions submitted to thh department mast ho wilttcn on ono side of tho paper nnd signed telth the minif o the writer Spetliil queilrv like those given below nrc in ited It is undrritood that the editor dor not tucrnaritii indorse, the sentiments expiessed All communiintioni lor thli departn.mt should lit. addiessed as follous- Till! vv OJIAVS I.XC II MH Hicnint Ledger, Philadelphia, ra. The winner of toilnN prlre l Mrs. 13, HnnllnB. nf Ill's I list t lirltrn ninnies Ccnninlonn, lne lrttrr iippcired In jrMcnl h'h imper. TODAY'S INQUIRIES 1 iln. mi n ens nrnntle bo nwle tn burn I ..iri,i.. nn,i i,.t ii,ncrr 2 linn (.lionlil liotitocs b innslirel to mak thrm Unlit unit llnlTy? 3 When should baklne roweler t uscei in tiliM nnd when bnlelns oodl? ANSWERS TO YESTERDAY'S INQUIRIES 1. Applet ihould be . placed In nnter Inline dlately after purine to prevent discoloration. S. Soot can be easily swept from runwU If the latter arc nrst -irinkled with mlt 3 Hit a cood plan to place n pane of ! tin- sire of tho open book over n cookbook hen Oslnc It In tho kitchen. Thin will not only keen the book clean, but will hold It open at the recipe wanted. Household Manager To the Editor of Woman's Paoe . Dear Madam Your letters on housekeeping; expenses have Interested me very murh I have been married only' two yetar so I diligently read nil aurh letters to slean whatever new Ideas I can from them Perhapi my accounts would Interest some of jour readers My hus bind makes only 18 per waok He Elves me 2 a week for my ver own. out of whlrh I muit rlothe mvself durlne the year Hut us I make nil my own elothes I ian dress very In expensively and, my frlenls tell me stylishly 1 ulwaia have some money left for carfare lie cream or oome other irllle My husbind takes VI til) for himself, rountlnB elothtne nn I dallv carfare with that. J have 111 for the table nn I the remainder of tho money eoes In bonk out of which must come S50 yearly for nn endow ment Insurance rent doctor h ant dentists bills church and entertaining the "ns bill coll. am new furniture, etc And we have so far manafied to save a considerable amount entll year. We have our winter coal In nil paid foi. ami we buy nothlnr not even furniture, for which wo cannot pay Immediately. We fur nished a six room bouse completely when we Here married and paid cash for everything. Now, as to my house expenses on JU per week. We have grapefruit or cereal, coffee or ocoa. and either srlddla rakes home made mush or eres and toast for breakfast and for dinner In the evening- we generally havo a ronst. i hops or ateak potatoes In some form a vegetable a salad and always a dessert I often have two or three persons to a bltf Sunday dinner and I never overstep my allowance and I use the best butter and the best of everything else although I do bur mostly at cut rate stores The allow ance inemaes iorty-nve cents mommy ior laun dry. I do tny own wash but once a month sen I a dozen large pieces to the laundry, such a; counterpanes, sheets, etc Sometimes, when I have had no extra people for dinner I have a few people In for cards and the refreshments then come out of my table allowance also my eoap. starch and dally papers come out of that My husband la proud of our managing. There Is no "boss." as we are partners In everything 1 wish you could visit us soma time and see for ourself how we manage. u. ti. M. Thank you for the Interesting letter. You really must be a splendlJ manager. I nm eorry"you do not care to have our name used. Economical Soup Recipe To the Editor of Woman's Paoe; Dear Madam X recipe for a cheap soup Is as follows Oet ons-half pound sheep s liver, slice.! fine; one carrot one onion one turnip cut In small pieces I turn all Into frying pan and cook until brown In bacon fat or some good drippings; then put tn saucepan with three pints of water, some PO herbs a few penpercorns, cloves, a sprig of parsley and a, pinch of salt Cook slowly for three hours then put, through colander lUturn soup to saucepan, thicken with a llttlo flour, boll up for a minute or two and aerve with crisp toast It Is both nourishing and cheap. W" I T. JJ. Veal Broth Delicious To the Editor of IVomon's page- Dear Madam So many people constantly pre rare only beef tea, and do not realize how many changes tbey can ring In broths. I frequently make veal broth, which Is prepared as follows 8masb the bones of a knuckle of veal and add them, with the meat, to two quarts of water I'u Inf two large onions, cup up. two blades of mac. Ave peppercorns, salt to taste and a large slice of bread. Bring to a boll slowly and sim mer for lour hours. Skim once or twice, then train, remove fat and serve, EDNA 8. K. A Chinese Barebit y the Editor of Woman's Paof Dear Madam Instead of tha usual Welsh rarebit for Informal suppers I semstlmu nuke "hat I call a Chinese jrarsblt . which Is ds llclous Take one cui boiled rice, four eggs ibeatsn), four tablespoons milk two tablespoons buttsr one and one-Quarter teaspoon salt. oa teaspoon Worcestershire sauce eoe-sifhth tea suionpepper one eup gratsd cbeeee Saute the rlceJxtbuttsr then ad4 tn eggs aad rpttk "id iaat very Iowly A chafing dish 1 best, for thST When owrtr 4blck enough add tb other InaredtsBts and after the cseese baa meltsd Me on toast It .hould be at the aarn con Ewepcy a a Welsh rarebit IB A nit p. Flowers In Sickroom fo the giuor 1)1 lV'omaa Psji nv UMjSaa Madjio IT a teaspoonfvu of calorlde U added to tn water Is wtiU-S ar pi. Skhiuar cbrywl nemiims and all iv to watea ar pia! ascn iwcra whose Vtatfom mi hmx s1" i" BlUog H IWP. W-.g y.J. 1M- in mil ., V--.i " tk wiuer vfUscr Uaaa tiptoe Vyvetles VQr This Imly has cut the wide brim of her hat and rolled it back ,m ns to KOt n better view of the world, nn doubt and porhnps that wo may get n better view of hor I W 1111.1: on the subjert t.f clothes, let mo sn a word of winning against the indiscriminate ue of perfumes. Tl ere Is nothing more nauseating to nny ono with a sensitive olfactotv neive hun to be near a woman who Is llterallj laden with perfume No trulj fastidious woman will evri uso enough perfume to allow others to bo conscious of It. Sho contents herself merely wlt'i tbe faint fragrnme wlilrlt Is produce 1 by hnlng her clothes lav; away In some favorite sachet Many women nnvo liny bags of scent placed Inside tholi bat boxes, thcli lingerie drawer nnd nmonc their furs, and some use a small lunnt'.tV on their hair, but no woman of breeding will allow nny heavy odor to permeate the room The ancient flrceks nnd I'RVptlnni anO othor caily inton understood tho artistic uso of tare pei fumes, but In medieval times this use degenerated into a disguise for othor unpleasant odors. It Is to bo hoped this scented ern will never icturn EXCHANGE I. Mint li (lie proper Barb for a man nt nn nftrriieion nrddlriE. 2. MiotiM u Klrl lo ronsrntululril upon (bo announcement of ber encnKriuen(? , n ulioulil IliiEer bowls be brousht on the tnnie nt illnnerf J. I'onr ouncrs rolosno water, nnr-hnlf ounce hornx, three oiinn roue wuler, one-fnurlli ounce tincture cochineal. If implied to (he hrnlp, will cleanse It. Allow It to dry thoroughly before dressing (he It ilr 2 Two nld-fuKhliineil flat Irons placed on n tnble a hiirricUut distance npnrt to Mretrh the yum con be used In winding u skein of wool. 3 When the waiter brlnis the clnncp In n res taurant, (lip nmotint of (lie (Ip enn be left nn die small tray on which (he chance Is broucht. Chansc Tooth Powder To the Editor of Woman'i Page Dear Madam At night I wash my teeth with chalk and orris root with a little teuberry In it anil when I finish them the look nice nnd white but later turn vellow niriln Will jou Kin lly tell me what to do for them? My hair Is fulling nut and la so dry In the morntni; when I tomb It that It looks Just awful SI S I nhould .nlvisi) jou to try a tooth powder or pnnto with snap In It as tho chalk ami orris root, while very good will not in soino cases cleanse us thoroughly as some other preparations You Bhould npply vahcllim to jour scalp ever night, rubbing It well into tho room of the hair with tho tips of tho fingers If jour linlr Is light, iho white vaseline. If tl.trk, uso the red vaseline. Kerosene oil Is also beneficial If a llttlo Is rubbed into the roots of tho hair and left on overnight. But do not mix tho treatments IJfrthtlay (Jrectings To the Editor of It Oman's Page Dear Madvm nelng a dally reader of your column, I would like to ask a few questions When sending out birthday cards which should I use Cnngritulntlons on vour birth lay ' or Congratulations on jour eighteenth blrtluliv ' or whhhever annlversirj li happens to be? Also, when wearing freshly cut flowers say roses or carnations inula you tell me of anything to keep them from withering In a short time' The first card you mention Is In better taste than tha ono mentioning the number of yearn. There Is no way of keeping cut flowers fresh If they are not in water Some per sons nre able to wear them longer than others It depends largely on tho amount of sulphur 1 tha Individual's sjstem Games for Young People To the Editor of II onion a Page Dear Madam l am going to give an evening company on baturday and would like you to suggest some games for people around the age of twenty I will look in the Dvemmi I.ekiiu for my answer J WE A game which is easy and jet gives n certain amount of entertainment is called "Thought Rhjmes" One plajer mentally selects a word for instance, fan. She then announces that she has chosen and that the word rj nines with can Or she may say with ran or man Uach player In the circle has the privilege df asking one question about the chosen word or. rather, nbout the thing It represents Then all must guess the word. Those who guess Incorrectly might give forfeits, or If all fail to guess all might be required, to perform funny stunts Another game Is called "Ragged Rhyme " One person begins with a line Intended to form an original Jingle For Instance, "I saw a fair and spreading tree " The per son next in line must add another line, In venting an he goes, which wilt rhyme with the above, thus, "Whose green boughs seemed to beckon me " Kach player adds a line, until some one cannot Invent further That person pays a forfeit Another game la called "Hard I.uck " AH sit Its a circle and the leader begins in a very dismal tone a story of very hard (al though comic) luck. Kach one adds to it as his turn comes, and any one who cannot cairy It on must withdraw from the circle. This game can be played with a pandker chief Thus, the leader, after beginning the story, throws the handkerchief with a knot tied la It to some one else tn the circle, whomsoever he wishes to follow him This person continues It a little further and then throw the handkerchief to some one else woo must continue without pausing to take (bought lly tb tune jou have tried viie or two of tfcaea fame you. will ail be ready lor re- MY MARRIED LIFE By ADELE GARRISON "TAi'K' ' Ri'pcd. horror slrlclu-n Mv tJ tings nrc- gone' 'Impossible' Ills fftcc wna vthltc He sn.ticfled mv mcsltlug from mj grasp 'Whcro did jou put thcin? In here"' I nodded t could not speak. This wns tho final touch tn the misery t bad piled up for injMlf by delaying to tell mv cousin JntU Ulckett of my mnrrlngo to lllrky I hid thought T vvn.fi doing ft w'If Mud thing In considering my brother-cousin s feelings upon his return from it yenri nli nonro In tho wilderness, where ho hid ben tinahlo to receive any news of me I hid gone to meet him, Intending to tell him of mv tmrrlnge when oul reunion dinner should lie finished I feared Iilrkv n Jtalousy would prevent mv Feeing much of 1 1 It nnd I wauled l give him one last hour nr two on tho old brotherly nnd sis torlv busts And nn a result .Tacit had told me tint he loved me something ho would never havo revenleil had lie dreamed I vviib unt ried, and I 1ml lost mv engagement nnd mv wedding rings I had put them In mv mnsbbng In the iciilnurnnl when t took, off mv glnvpH ro tbnt .lark slmiild not guess mv nmiTlimn unl'l after dinner .Inch turimU tm moshlutg inwlilo nut A Itnndkerchlef a small roltt puiwe, two nr three bills of xmall denominations, nn en velope with a tlnv pnutlei puff thpmt vvele till. "Vou ntp sure vnu put them In here?" "Vcs, ' I rould lintdl nrtlettlalt? the word, 1 was m frightened 'ttnve vott opened vmir bng since"' I thought n iimment Mad 17 Then a rush of rememluniHe mine to me "I took nut n handkciohlef when I criid in the reHtniirnnt " "Vou must Imve dinvvn Ihem nut then, and o.ther dropped them thpre or thev miiv Imve bpiii i might In the liiiudkei chief iiuil dropped in the tnxl We nnmt huii.v d nr This In nwful If you linve lust thine rings, your husband will have a right to he utigiv Ho caught my arm nnd fairly rushed mo along tho path In the dlroijliin the taxi hnd gnne In a verv tv momeiitH we i nine to the parking Kpn e where the i limit fiur had said he would wait tin uo Wo did not need to look fur the num ber llln vvoh tho oni neuteat us Jack lushed up to li.m Quick, tumble nut the cushions: In jour machine '1 his lidv 1ms dumped tvvn vnl uuhle lings, we think In the rest.iurnnt but thcie Is a chnnco thej miij bo In tho cab ' Tim until hurried to do ns Jack re quested Tngothci thev searched cvetv nook and cranny of the innchiiu. hut to no avail .lac!, stood up breathless 'I wits nfinid wo vvntilclnt find them here ' he said i'hen lo the rhauffeui 'Tnlte us to thv murcst ti li phono on tho waj back to the restaurant All tight, sir. Dtug stole right near entranco to the pari." It rc.illv was but a minute hut It seemed hours bofuio we stopped again this time In front of a drug store While tho taxi was lushing along Inek bad naked mo to describe the rings lo hlm A Kolltnlrc, qulto huge and a plain gold wedding ring, with It cl to XI H Inside ' I said When ho returned fiom tho telephone bis fnc waa downcast "As fast ns jou can back to tho res taurant," bo said As ho sat down he sighed heavily "I coo they did not find them," I bald dcspondentlj . "Xot jet, but they will search tho Hoor at once " "Suppose Homo dishonest waiter should find them and pocket them" .l.u'lt tried to smllu reassuringly nt me, hut It was a dismal failure "Don t try to horrovv ttotiblo abend little girl Hither hope that thoj- villi havo found them b tho timo wo reach tho res taurant " ' nut auppnso tint should Inppen and wo should suspect It could wo havo tho waiters smirched ' Would tho polico '.Margaret" Jack's tone was almost Im patient 'The polico nro the lait peoplo I want to havo know of this What the police know tho newspapers know, nnd ahovo all things wo must keep jour name out of the newspapers In connection with this loss " I sink hick In tny corner, thoroughly frightened Jnt-k's volco nnd words showed plalnlj ho thought the slttiitlon scilous Neither of us spoko again until the taxi drew up in front of llroquln's. Then Jack sad almost curtly: "Walt here I don't think it will be nec essary for jou to go Inside, nnd It might bo embarrassing foi jou" He fairly ran up tho steps and disap peared Insldo tho door. So anxious waa I to know what would be tho result of his Inqulrj tint I leaned far forward in tho machine! watching tho door of tho Jlroquln for Jack's return I did not realize my imprudeiico in doing this until 1 heard my tnmo called jovially "Well1 well' Mrs Oraham, I suppose jou aro on jour wav to our shack Wont jou give mo the pleasure uf ruling with jou? ' Hat In hind hl.uk eves dam Ing In mall clous glee, t haw standing befuio mo Ilarrj Underwood, of all people' (CONTINUED TOMORROW) (Copjrlght ) What Marinello Will Do For You Marinello ments aro highly dorsed anil recom jliciiucu uy uiu iiicu- ': leal profession, w e;t. aro specialists in dis-1.' eases of both face ana'' j scalp. ' I wo aiso nave prep- i j orations suitable for y U ' all conditions of the ' skin. O Kapnek & Kapnek 1615 Walnut St. llcll ITione, Hpruce 1303 Cowne of Dhtinction for Iv'onien of Taitt CHAPMAN GOWN BUILDER Salts 857. Nelibtronn Uulldlor foil riiestnut btreet N. I). Utmodtllnc Artistically Dons. Your Facial Defects removed, no Cutting, l'uln nor .Scar. VVrlniJes. Pimple., Harts. Molts. Itlritunaru, Hears, Illicklnads, etc. "jlO.N riiUMKll Y JiBTIIUJl" Oss been In prctlce lu ew Vork well as l'WU Com In anil Ulk It orer. Dr. W. H. MoutgomeryspSiilut' 0J FUndtrs lileU . WaluuJ at Utb St tieat- I' Mt in- .VIAW., ' nn- i u r I ) ' i nt i ni i i I Id&'l f u -At. eS? C1'I'4iJ'tIIjv HOW TO ATTAIN A GRACEFUL CARRIAGE BY PROPER EXERCISE By LUCREZIA HOIU The I'smous Spanish Prima Donna HAVK jou ever slitloned jourwlf upon one of the crowded thorousbfnrei of tt illv whero wotnnnklnd lovct lei walk to ee and he heeit- Have vou lint marveled nl the ungnlnlv wnv nwt of the li.w- 1)V VV1IK III"! c.w.j t h em pel v en I'ew women hive n perrett enrrlngc. nnd for this toitRim onlv about thlrtj per cent. It N f.nt walk gracefully nu hnvc noticed the corpulent Intlv who wnelellei' from sldo tn ride nn If each llmll, In turn, wns Junl a trirte too Bhort to walk . iii.niii ilttmlnc Vtiu know tint thete In no Bhnrtne'i nr limn nut iit-st nn Iticllnnllon lo I 1 i III-I liortl fnvnr this roekmg gait Then thete !" the wonmn who stvlngn her nnni like the pendulum nf a grntidfrttbcr'a i link with every stildc nnd holdi her head forwrtid limn vnu will sec tho gill wltn thinks It l cute" t" walk In n loiind-Hhoulileieil fnrihinn or the one who Ik living to nffect a different walk ntid HWltigs her whole horiy ft run iddo to side Then we nre all rnmllinr n llh the vvomnn who pounds her heels down with decided cmpiHiKiit nnd tho one uho bnlm mi nnd down like a cork upon the water nn sho nkt" her nhnrt, quli k steps paoi'im tm:PAitATnitv Jiunrons It j ml should find that vou have acquired' nnv of these wrong wiivh of wnlklng or enriy .vnuiself In u niiimer that will 1)1 ami vou ns being ' Hlnlirhv . ' begin todav a i cut so of cruises tbnt will teneh jnu lo poise yom bntlv enrn-itlv Simple cilli thenlct deep lncnthliiK Helsutte eteiiises anil fiini.v dancing will aid vou tn obtain quit k resultn If you cannot nr do not care to form n class or to Join n gvinnnslum then 'lead up' on the iiibjert of phvs'i il eultuio and svstehuitleillv follow a cnurse of eteiclsci being vnur own phvsicnl director Ho do termlneil to lifeonie n Mlilmon rsirl.'' with squaro nlinuldort nnd well-pulsed head Wo seldom see her muntcipart novvudnyn Cor rect carriage belonged to her. nnd her walk was n movement which eoinblnce! grato mid strength You should con-tntitly bear In mind that nny posture or the body Hint 111.11:0 proper breathing dllllcitll mako the body moro susceptible to illwiie Itml post met Inter foro with the proc'"' f digestion nnd our coniplelons and general health piy tho toll vAoimi-wim.i: iicsui.Ts IT vou belling In thai gieit irmy of 'worl.i'i pa i it tie ttl.it attention to tho THE CTOFUL CHERUB The niQKt time seems so strange a.na Tense. It txlvcvys tKrilb rrve. such z. lot, For in the lur cire rivinct tKoucSKta 1 rax people. y thought and X O then fbr5ot. Rn,cMrt Q- A penny -wisely spent is better than a penny un wisely saved MERIDALE BUTTER costs a few pennies more than ordinary butters, but the people who wisely buy this " uncom monly good butter" really get more for their money. They get pure, sweet, fresh butter a full pound of it. made, regardless of expense, with only one great aim to make the best butter that it is possible to make. AYER&McKlNNEY (Makers of n... , , ,, Mcridsle) Philadelphia Bell Phone. Market37st Keystone Phone, .Main 178-3 Look for the 'MtrifoW wrapper-air-tight dust-and odor-proof at your sneers. Superfluous Hair Remover Th only treatmsnt which will remova psrmsnently sU superfluous hair from tns jscs nerlt. arms or any part ot ths body leaving no mark or blemish nn the most elall cste skin No cUctrlo netill hurnlns caustla or ponatrs ussd Orltlnator. Sols, Owner aal uscel osclusivclr by rat. IKK V Dr. Margaret Rupperl Hulls 10-72-7 J. K.t Si r. Ill Chestnut St. I'hiU.. V. l'lions Walnut 7021 La Perk Face Powder Ths nam CI.OID assures tho quality of this famous faco powds-r A pleas ure for every Moraan morning noon and nitric Refreshing and daintily Ssrfuutsd At all best shops Price, Sc and COc. By mall prepaid. Mr of Eie-utsMe TvUet Pretaratiote 70U-7O7 naodem Bids-, ifsl an Vlalaut ut 13th st , Phlla Bell pnoiM Spruca 2103. Ms rvsv. WKmmi r s pit on carriage nf jour body tt li mturnl to nllow the body lo droop when olt are tired I'ntlgue robs vou of strength so thai 30U will have nelllier tho energy nor the nm hltlnn lo hold jotir-sclf erect Tho next tlmo jou begin to feel tired, throw back Jour head ntid -diouldorn, hold jour body erect nnd nil the lungs with pure uli J"ti will be surprised to see bow much lea tired vou nrc , A perfect carriage not lo be ncuulrcil In n div. In a week m even in n month It cannot even be acquired In a longer time If vou rclipio Into old habits no inon ns the mlnutei set ttslde for cxetclslng nro pver In lids, like 111 every other worth while thing, jnu must bo persistent. Al all times jou mut stand correctlj-, walk cor rectly and sit conccllj-. Al first It will be ll in for jnu lo do nil of these things, but befnro lone they will havo becomo second nature Kmersoii savs "In nil humin action thoeo faculties will bo strong which nro used ' So It Is rensnmblo to suppose that In exer cising tho whole bodj'. whleh Is certainly done In obtaining it cnne-it earrlnge vou will build up the HlreMiRlh nf the whole hodv Thli will hi ing the Pink to jour check the brllllnntv to tmir eves nnd beauty of expression to joui fnee le operlhi TODAY'S FASHION A "smart" all-black hut for tho tailored suit. Till: lirgo bit with a brim turning no verelv away from the face It npproved i)f by fashion 'lhls smart model Is of black panne velvet The crown Is Joined to tho bend-band with a slight fullness held In bj' a narrow velvet tordlng A frlngo nf black ntrkh plumigo outlines tho turnod-up edge of tho brim A bat of this typo is suitable to wear with tho tailored suit nr tho moro drossy afternoon costume Therefore, It Is a practical addition to tho wardtobo of anv womin U'op right ) "Making" Flowers It has been found that minj pink flowers maj bo turned blue by exposing them to tho fumes of ammonia tor a few minutes, nnd bluo flowers becomo pink when ex posed to acids The loins nml linms of tender porkers bo Into the mnklnc of Deerfoot Farm EUSagc food value Absolutely no waste wvr-Trjertme!wv.wwmuMxaHirwm ICE $4 now. $5 after February 15th Owing to the tremendous increase in the cost of paper, labor and mate rials, Vogue rather than lower its standard of production in the slight est degree will raise its price on February 15th, from $4 a year to $5. Vegue is not an extravagance as mere fiction magazines are. It is an economy, rather. Its advance fashion information and authoritative ad vice insures you against "clothes mistakes" and save you many times its subscription price. The gown you buy and never wear is the really expensive gown. Gloves, boots, hats, that miss being exactly what you want are the ones that cost more than you can afford. Consider, then, that for $4 and $4 surely is a tiny fraction of your loss on a single ill-chosen hat or gown you may have before yqu throughout the whole year this world-wide fashion authority, thereby insuring the correctness of your gowning and saving you from costly mistakes. 24 issues for $4 VOGUE'S icrvice cannqt be compressed into one copy a month Its timeliness, its speed, and its determina tion to give the last authentic word DEMAND that it be published $erai-monthIy. Even at the $5 rate, Vogue, giving 24 issues a year, is the least ctjstly of the better magazines. While the price of other "class" magazines ranges from $3 to $5 for 12 issues, you spend for Vogue only $2.50 for 12 issues $5 for 2-1 copies. Put if you take advantage of Vogue's last Chance Offer (a full jear at $4) jou are spending at the rate of $2 for 12 issues less than 17 cents a copy, VOGUE Cospi Nut, Publisher Emu WooLus Ctuii, Editor Last Chance to Subscribe at the Present $4 Rate HOUSEHOLD HELPS Flours That You EVV.S before the war, Whleh bis stlm- "dited the d.scoverv of so many art. - da of diet hitherto, unknown, our l.uro- pentt neighbors used a number of Hours that nro exceedingly wholesome and which nro comparatively little known In this coun- trj l'ea Hour, potnlo Hour, preparcil oat menl Hour, rlco llout, lentil Hour, tornmeal Hour, and oven others nro qulto cheap and nutritious and make very palatablo dlshc Ten Hour, powdered dried peas. Is used as a thickener of soups When mixed nnd nuniclcntly diluted It makes an ex cellent pea soup It ran nlso bo combined with n small quantity of forcemeat, fat, etc, ami mado Into most appetizing ero. quetles It Is tho titled split jeltow pens whleh mike the highly esteemed .Scotch "pe.tso brose" Tho dried jcllovv pen, powdered, mixed with bacon and seasoning nnd formed Into long sausngo casings, mako tha nutritious "Krbswuht " This Is ac tually n dried soup which originated In aermativ, and Is used cxlcnslvclj', cpe clnlly n't an nrmy ration Tho soy bean, which has been used In China nnd Jnpnn, Is now beginning tn ho used moro widely In thh country This benn Is also powdered, nnd tin bo used like tho iiea dour It tonlalnt protein and somo fat, nnd only a very smill pro portion of stnre.li, nnd can, thercfoie, be used In combination with rlco nr othei st.trchj- fejneK nctuilij- to rcplneo a me it dish. In 1'ranco soy benn Hour Is ticd to mako bread, an it speclil preparation foi diabetic persons, and lu Kwltsei!nne! tho dried soj beans nro lonvetlcd Into a eolTeo substitute. 'Iheie Is oIho on tho market lentil Hour which inn be used In tho s.11110 wnj nlthough, owing to tho inci easing price of lentils, its price, too. Is rlBlng Kur tho ihlldrcn't ellet lhcro nto somo special Hours tbnt tho housewife will find helpful In vntjliig menus One is the pie pnrcel oatmeal Jlour, spcclnlly good for tniill children and foi Invalids 'Ihin makes a light gruel, and when well conked Is coecdlnglv nutritious Then, too, there Is tho picpired banana Hour foi making light cakes with the banana flavor vvhlih children like " If ou havo a regular old'fasliloned bak ing daj" jou can lntroduco somo ihnnges Annual Shopworn Sale $7. '.00 for Women's Fancy Boots that were $10 and $12. Mostly buck tops, button and lace. $6.00 for Women's $9 and $10 Boots, patent leather or gun metal, cloth or kid tops. Sizes much broken, of course, but there's something good for every one. fisMerwsM "Whero Only the A VOGUE $4 invested in Vogue . Unj fraction of your low 00 & tint It 1U cHocen bat or riwQ will save you $400 3 nWmwkXK A 'f '7ff s Outfit to Know by adding tho use of Snmo other tk.H I ?, ,,flTe.,Sour!sr lmIr nn(, clcn a coHnn,CP(, -" C""U iorv rlli ntwl rrM 1m .i.i. . ":. "nlch l in cakemik ,c '"""" 0 oth "ouyl These special Hours ein also na 1 as thickening ngents In ,lp m-t.h- !1 cream snuco or white snur-o a 1,..? i th lentil Hour blended with but t. .."if milk mnke no nn, . ... "mtT 'nal Vlth some watery lejrelnlile, or rsn TSl he used for Hip nsiml .... L". " BI Klmllnrly, tho potato Hour nr pea flour .31 bo blended with milk to mnk . -Mil . .... , , 1 ( iiiipii nnisi b nutritious luncheon puree, and ,!?, nJ sldernbly les effort thin 1, rcnulreifi'l mako the usual vegetable inir "" ts, This Is one of tho greit nrtvanla., Jt thc!0 prepared Hours Thev offor th. .. i nmoiint of nutriment but ns they ... rsl a sense, "prcdlgcsied beriuse of their mV eiercei stnic, tnev elo not require ths u- cooking nnd subsequent Rimim.,.? ' working over lhat ono must glva J 1 using ordlmry fresh or dried veen.M,l for tho tun nose. "KetalilejJ for tho puiposc. d'onsricht 1 Stars Tho fnolHh virgins se Ur Hmns M ThrniiKh nil the willing nmht v B tint when tho bridegroom Mnrn la nleh 4 o vvllliet 11 tne kis or hlm ' buries 1 0 Donntll, Safe Milk orlnfanU Inralidj L".Subllilut i? Coit YOU fl V SamePric a A Nutritious Die for All Aires. Keep Horlick s Always on Hand Quick Lunch : Home or Office. J 1420 Chestnut St. Best Is Good Enough" N G $4now$5later TO tale advantage of this Last Chance OSer to secure Vogue at Si ,a year, your order muit be in the mail by midnight of February 15th; after that date, Vogue will coit you $$, Don't bother to eend money now, unlets you wish. Just nil in and tend in the coupon. A bill will be sect you in due course. J .& ,3:1" r . a. s7 ?-&? ..' .' r vbP -rssjy AV'v nTitirTiiii'iKiiii 1 1 .Y'rtf llfwrr m Q ' ' ''-W$m vflL'A' '..'.' ,j fiSiVf & 1 If il . fc '-uu jHr vSrSSiitt i-'.f. iuv. .,-, ,.rr' llll I Ml u UUUM 1 ip'"rttw,miimiwiiJyuiip.ii Lnim mfpiwir-iJ .fn