Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 17, 1917, Night Extra, Page 5, Image 5

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    - -'"wpjii.iiupjwi i
' r& snfvevmrw"p
" ""'UpW4 " ' ' :
rt" '' t"r "-faTP ?- .fTp,,
v - fsi vn -
- TSVT"'
58T TVEfT'
NEARLY 40,000
. 4 t -r-tt
With 'Society JNignt' fig
ures Will I'robaDiy
Reach 60,000
'convertibles to front
Ai-r.ir locrs nrp.puililnn Hie sixteenth
nnul automobile show nttcnilance tonar.t
' .h, 4o 000 mark today, the fourth full bIiow
.y at the Commercial Museum. Tlilrty-
Slfrth street below Spruce Ilv tomorrow
fSiht? "l"h is "society night." nt lean
?'v.A iim,. of the turnstiles are expected.
r "'. ..., r.mids for coming shows to dim
K'itwlll haebccn registered.
The throngs noiinu mu-ruiuniu.i ...u ..
: .mtiituon as arn those that Invaile tn
X SSSiborhood for, the I'nUerMly of
PennylanU football Kame: nnr are they
.concentrated Hut they nro iim lnruo
Lin the dallv aBKregato an thoie that (111
'rr.nkllii Field to the "saturation point
rS?brlff hour or so And they are
' Jh.racterired h an enthusiastic detcrmlna-
'tlori. by a certain oiltleliess expressed In
, their gaits
u 1, significant that the persons III the
crowds wall' mostly like the animals thai
rime out of (bo art two by tuo one
'.siring trousers, the other the latcit of
:...ii. mnili This H slKiillkant Ue-
; ..... it i,.i.ii.ptii the imnhaie of u neces-
!i iT.v ranging In mIuc from the neighborhood
; . ioo to Ji" "U" So,,,B "f t,lc me" cur'
In addition to their clothing, resigned look!,
nut for the most p.irt. they nil rudlato
tn same enhu,ilnm that Is born or prcv..
lint rropent and nutomobllcf.
The nine anil the nppioprlatetiesH t
holding the show In the Commercial Mu
seum exhibition hall Is exemplified dally a
hundred I mux (inlv a walled partition
1 ,. ihn d snlav of the aclileenicnt
of the mot modern Inxenlois and engineer
from exhibits that not only .show tho ele
ments of the automobile In their prlm.il
form but nlso offer tho contrast of the
ij-cs It Is appropriate that these antlth
' wes should be on lew under the sumo roof
Jlefore entering tho automobile show
rooms lite isltor passes thiough aisles of
exhibits that li.ixp made the t'ommerr nt
Museum the deposltoiy of Milunlilo rpecN
mens and lellcs that It Is If he Is obspi
rant ho sees the rudiments of automobile
making tho foundation upon i lilcli the
booming ihdustry rests. There are glass
cases tilled with specimens of crude rubber
as It comes from J'ara. or Madagascar the
germ of tho automobile tire N'earhy stand
cases of cotton si Hers, which furnish tho
fabric for tues Further back Into the his
tory of tho automobile the exhibits go the
waxen imago of a negro Ionian picking
cotton There uro cross sections of minia
ture coal mil Iron mines, Heel forg.ngs,
aluminum and nil tho elements that con
tribute to the making of the motorcar.
Thero Is cen the juotlvo power. Jars of
eliar liquid labeled "icflneu pctrolcunu"
That Is nothing mure or lesn than gasoline
As If to throw Into high lellcf the mar
velous pieces of modern mechanism within,
outside the entrance of thn automobile ex
hibition room suuat prehistoric Arizona,
pots and dishes With these relics of by
gone ages He others ns old and older
crumbling fabric of an i:gyptlan mummy's
shroud, clay-colored Zunl pottery, rusty Ho.
man trinkets, primitive tools and imple
made tinder tho amortization or Insttall
ments of oery zone, all cmphaHizing bv
their ery crudeness the high technical and
artistic perfection of the motor chicles on
the other side of the wall
These cars which nro virtually magnified
waterworks In their delicacy of movement
have a welcome message for tho crowdo
that pour Into the buildings from the wintry
air outside Almost without exception tin.
manufacturers are displaying as their 1917
offering the semlclosed or convertible car, n
vehicle that Is as much at homo In a bllz
rard as in a torrid sun
No more apt weather for showing cars
th'at can be closed to tho winds and that
can be heated could have been choson una
Visitor today t) pitied popular sentiment
f?ead of UeeA's
IV Radical Reductions
jn Mens Fine
Furnishing Goods.
is a most un
usual opportunity
to buy nigh-class goods
at less than actual
Value. Stock up now,
while you have the
$ .50 Neckwear $ .35
(Quarter dozen, (1.00)
1.00 Neckwear 65
(Quarter dozen, S1.7S)
1.50 Neckwear 1.10
(Quarter dozen, 13.00)
2.00 Neckwear 1.50
(Quarter dozen, 11.33)
2.50 & $3.00 Neckwear.... 2.00
(Quarter dozen, S3.S0)
3.50 & $4.00 Neckwear .... 2.50
(Quarter dozao, X.7.00)
5.00 Neckwear 3.50
(Quarter doien, SO SO)
1.50 Mercerized Shirts liOO
2.00 and $2.50 Mercerized
Shirts 1,50
2.50 Soft or Stiff -Cuff
Shirts 2,00
3.50 Silk Shirts 3,00
5.00 Silk Shirts 3.50
6.00 & $7 Silk Shirts ,5.00
7.50 & $8.00 Silk Shirts,... 6.00
.75 Silk Half Hos 50
1.50 Silk Half Ho 1.15
.1.00 Knitted Neckwear 50
1.50 Pajamas 1,15
2.00 & $2,50 Pajamas 1,75
3.50 Pajamas , T., 2,50
5.00 Silk and Cotton Pa-
jamas 3.75
6.50 & $7.50 Pajamas....... 5.00
10.00 Pajamas . . 7.50
13.50 Pajamas 10.00
Silk Reefers for Dress Wear
and Wool Reefers of foreign and
domestic manufacture arc re
priced at especially attractive
figures. Underwear, Gowns, Bath
Robes, Waistcoats, Jackets,
Worsted Sweaters and Belts are
Included in this sale.
1424-142& Chestnut St.
when he dec areil that he was
with storing his car"
. iniuip nn wnecis ror me said he
..... . mriKIl
At the time he was watching a demon
strator In tho twinkling of nn esc build a
llmouslnt. nut t nn open touring car hv
means of a hit of clever work with inrti'
tlons Take nnv exhibit at the show haphazard
and there can ho no mistaking the trend for
the Inclosed or semi-Inclosed tjpc of cir
I'm knrd the Wlnton. the Hudson, tho rhnn.
dler: In fait, ulth hardly nn exception tho!
tun ti It fit ..... .. .. . .. snui
.......iiiuuinn uic snouing nn-lhc'vcnr-
round models he accessory meii'luve
scented the tiend with natural instinct and
are providing nn nll-neather body ns a
lord accessory It's at the show some
tiling for the mlllloualre ns well ns the man
with tho slender poiketbook
Yhere's tho brand-new four door tjpe of
body with removable partition between
the drivers sent and tonnenit mi medium
priced cats, for Instance It Is attracting
as much nttentlnii ns nti) thing at the show
l his woe.!,, ns th new design nffords tho
user a combination of virtually every tvim
of bod deslied J y
Novelist Wrote First
When CG Years Old
I.ONDO.V. Juii IT William fiend ,!
Morgan, the novelist, died of gastric In
llueiira In Chelsea lu hli seventy-eighth
for inanv veirs he was a member of
the famous Chelsea f'lrcle. which Intituled
Uuiiio-.lones and tho ltosettis Long known
as an expert In liister tiles nnd pottery,
he astonished the wtTrld by becoming nn nil.
thor at the agu of sixty-six. when he pub.
lisluil his Urn novel. "Joseph Vance"
Radical Citiilt) of Spreading Hirtli.Con
t tiol Lilernture
fl.i:Vi:i.AM). .Inn 17, After tuelvo
men had discussed birth control all night,
thev decided tmlay to find lieu I. Iteltuinii
guilt) of distributing blrth-conlrnl lltera
tun The Jurv dcllbcnited tlilrtceu hours
Heltinawas lined Jtn"0 nnd sentciii-nl
to serve six, months in tho workhouse Jle
Kquipmcnt to Cost $.1,000,000
NtlW Oltt.lIANS. Jan IT Tho Texas
and I'acltlc Hallroad plans to expend
S.! 000 000 within the next few months on
i 'W equipment, .iccordl'u, to an nnnouno.
Iliflit heie toJ.iv b I. 1. I.ancnsr i, one
of tnc receivers for th' road.
II Generate von Fnlkenhnyn Con-
ferisC'e con re Costantino
Jlenlre lc Truppe si
Impoitanto Confercnzn trn i Cnpi Mili-
Uiri Ingicsi e Frances! n Lomhn.
Nlvcllc Prcsento
IIOMA, 17 (Jetiiialo
l.e till linn untitle che si hnnnii dalla
Ireula illcoun die si prelinratui cola' nitre
dllllcolta' per gll nllentl. Kcmbrn che la
ftertnatila stn fucelido tut tiltlmn grnnde
sforo per convlnetro II re Costantino
n schlernrsl ilellnltlvatuetite ed npcrtamente
a favoro ilegll Impel I cenlrnll e contfo
I Intesa (Jul era gliintn tiotlzla che II
generale von Katlynlni) n era glunto In
tlrecln, ma pareva Inveca che si trattasse
del magglore von l''atkenhnyu, gin' nddcttn
mltltnre nll.i l.ega?lon tedesca ad Atone
Nniidltneno ulterlorl uollzle dhpno che si
tratta piupVlo del generale, II ipiale si r'
recnto a lonfeilre con re t'ostnlitllio
I'll rorrlspondento Inglcso da Salohlcco
rnttegginmentu del re 01 llreol.i, ihc lion
nspcttn die II momeiitu oiipojtuno per
metiers! a dlsposlzlono ill suo lugmito, II
Unisi'i Sembi.i i")ie II generale ledesco sla
glunto In tlrecla di Kavalt.i a hoido dl
nn snttoin.irluo e sla a Latlssa Inslemo
cnl in A Larlssa si ticivercbbero nncora
tiupiie greche rcallste i he sarebbcio sempra
n illspiisiziuuc ill Costantino.
I! chl.trn tho von l'alkenha)tt si propone
ill lnlzl.iro una offenslvii In .Macedonia, ed
Intende dl avere laptiogglo delle for20 1
greche nlle suo spalle ilell'eserclto dl Sar
rail I "pro" qtipstii cvcntuallta' e' Sitat.l
llsiussa alia conferenra dl lloma e si dove
ciedere die gll nllentl dell'lnlesa ahblano
ilertxn i Irca le inluie da prendeie per
trattenerc le forze greche ncl l'doponneso
SI. uidd nlle vocl ilie i oi rev. i tin icrl I nltrn
n Uoina e die sonn aucor.i oggetto dl tom
meull da paitc (Id drcoli politic! c delta
stnmp.i gli alleatl tanbhein anche prepa
i. ill a depone II re Costantino ed elimi
nate II 1 1. rlcolo tngll.indone le rudlcl I J
si dice nnche che gll nlleall si preparnno
n tagll.ue la ferrovla dell Orlcnto. ipiella
i lie unls8 dlrettamento llerllnn a Costan.
tlnopoli. Dalle ultimo tiotlzle si rlleva die
le truppe grethu di l.ailssa saidibeio In
mania verso nord, slblnndo cosl" la vo
Inntn degll alleatl
Iiitanto a I.ondra e' stato annunclato
I uincahnetYie che nolle glomate dl (erl l'nt-
. in ii'f i ii iniiut. iiiiiii'.liu jjiuu iicorgc
ed I memhrl del stlo cnnslgllo dl guerra
ebbero ImportnntI conferenre con II gen
erale Nlvelte, comandaiitc delle forzo frnn
cel e col marclalto llalg. comandint,o
dello forre brltantilche in frnncla N'nltf
nihnente si Ignornno I pnrtlcolarl delle
onfeienre m.i sembra die lc ipiistlonl
mlllt irl nbblnuo avuto la prccedenza sit
iliielle 111 online politico
llueppe t'alllaux. ex presidents del
I'onslgiio francese. die si trova nncora n
Itoma. ha vlti I siiol passaportl dlplomallel
ritlrnll dal governo francese In rohe
guenz.i dl clu' rgll tlon potrn" plu' vlag
glire llherameute net paesl olto.it I dell Mi
tes i ed in fplelll neutrnll
I'nlll.iux avevu tentato dl ottenere i1.il
corrlspotidontp del Times ill Luudr.i una
ritrnttnzlone cltca l'nffcrinu7loiie futta dal
orrlspondeute die I'ex nilnlstro frauceso
i implottnvii lief unit pace separata della
b'rani'la c dell Italia mil gll Imperl contrail.
ma I sunt sforzl sotio fnllltt
II governo Itiill.um ha acoiilstato per
mill Id a pal.izzn dl Mntitedtorln, In stnrtco
pila72o Chlgl die iirlm.i della guerrn era
ounp.ua iiair.MiihaFdatn d Austria presso
wiiirinaie n p.uazzo npptrtcticvn nl
pilmlpe I'hlgl die porta crcd tarl.imente n
inarcsdallo del conclave II pre??o die II
governo Itallano lia pagato per II pilnzjii e'
"Into dl dmpie mlllnnl di Hie e nel prern
e i (.nipres.i nnch" una inagnllb-a c illezlone
nrtlsllca valutativ ad un rrtlllone dl lire
Attrl cinque mlllonl sarnnno spcsl per la.
vorl dl restauraztone e per eollcgaro II
palnzzo con quello dl Monlccltorlo
II Corrlero della Pera dl Milan-) pubbllca
un nrticolo In rlsposto at! un nrtlcolo edl
torlale del New York World nel quale erano
deflnitl come Immornll gll scopl che I Italia
si proponeva con la guerra all Austria II
forrlere fa nntare die gll scrlttorl del
World sono perfettamente Ignorant! della
stnrln ii Italia nltrlmentl snprebbero die le
asiilrnzlonl tinelonall Itnllane s-ino tatito
Itallane ipianto lo era Nnpoll nel glornl dl
favour, e domnnda al World se esso avrebbe
iletto a favour che In presa e 1 aniu'islonc
ill Nnpoll nl regno d'ltalla era liumorale II
forrleru ngglungc
"fill nmer.cnnl ccrcatui dl Ii egnnre a
dlllaharo e lo lavolo dl inolllpllcazlone Rgll
Inttnlgrniill llnllnnl: nol cerdilamo dl con
v Ulcere I crltlcl del New Vork World a
studl.ire un po" dl storln e nel tempo
rtesso cl dlvertlamo linmelisainentc con I
lorn commentl troppo orlgliialinentc nslne
sclil 1 na mann lava I altrn non e vero? '
11. and O. Motlillcs I'niliarjro Order
IIAIrtMnitU Jan. IT It was niinnunced
nt the llaitlmoro anil Ohio general olllces
that the embargo on shipments of wheat,
rorn nnd oats for export via 1,'nltl
iitu would h" lifted at once for Itall'.nnie
.- 1 1 I Ohio s)slein polnls ast of c'liliagu
Juur tton. t).
Little Finger Rings
A beautiful assortment of
moderately priced rings
for the little finger.
Especially interesting is a
dainty green gold ring
with a sapphire of good
si.c at $6.50.
S. Kind & Sons, 1110 Chestnut St.
DiA.Mo.vn Mi:ituiiANTs ji:wi:m:ks siiA'unsMiTUs
In Philadelphia, the
Home of Bundhar
A Bundhar Wilton
Rug for. Every Home
a i
Standard Weaves
from Our Own Looas
THESE offerings comprise all standard weaves. In our own celebrated Wilton
grades Bundhar Wilton, French Wilton and Hardwick Wilton in addition
to the latest decorative effects, there are many patterns which have been con
sidered for years as the acme of Hardwick & Magee excellence. For the first
time, during" this sale, they will be offered at less than the regular prices.
French Wilton
Regular Hal
Sli lrlc Prlc
22x36 ...'.... $5 75 54.25
27x54 8 50 6.50
36x63 13.75 10,00
4.6x7.6 28.25 21.25-
6x9 5075 38.50
8.3x10.6 74.75 . 56.00
9x12 82.50 58.00
9x13.6 102.00 76.50
9x15 113.00 84.75
10.6x10.6 99.00 74.25
10.6x12 113.0U 84.75
10,6x13.6 12700 95.25
11,3x12 113.00 84.75
11.3x15 141.00 106.00
The purchase of a 9x12 Bjndhar
Wilton Rug during this sale saves
you exactly S1G.OO
The purchase of a 9x12
French Wilton Rug during
this sale saves you exactly
SSI. 50
H'cular al"
5lf I'rlce I'rli
22Ax5(? $4.00 $3.00
27x51 600 4.50
3ux(.K 9.00 G.7S
4.0N7.6 20.00 15.25
0n9 3600 27.50
8.3x10,6 ,.. 54.00 40,00
9x12 57.50 41.50
9.13.6 71.50 54,00
9x15 78.75 59.25
106x10.6 "1.00 53.50
IQGsU , 7875 59,25
10.6xl5.6 89.00 G6.00
H,3.yi2 78.75- 59,25
lUila W.00 74,25
rotiTLTioN iv wi:a i:kv
Itrcular Sat
h'ljr . Price I'rlc
22Jo3ri $4 50 $3.50
27x54 .75 5.00
3t.63 10.50 7.75
4.0x7.0 2200 17.25
OVJ 40 50 30.75
8 3x10.0 61.50 45.50
9x12 "5 00 43.50
9x136 b025 60.50
9x15 ..v 8S.50 6G.50
10.6x106 TS.2S 59,00
10 6x12 88 50 06.50
10.6x13.6 10000 75.00
11.3x12 SS50 66,50
11.3x15 11075 83,00
The purchase of a 9x12
Hardwick Wilton Rug during
this sale saves you exactly
Bundhar Wilton Carpets
$2.25 per yard
Reduced from $3.00
Rego Wilton Carpets
1.75 per yard
Reduced from $2.25
LoRan Wilton Rugs
Reduced from $47 50 to SS5.00
Axminster, Velvet and Tapestry Rugs,
standard weaves, at reductions of from
'3 to y4
Ready-Made Carpets
Ilnrdercd and t'R-ily v.'ucil,
1 4 to Vi less than liaiuil
Hiring the sue ur-jaur room)
Other Yard Goods
m AMiiinster, Tapestry. Velvet
ami llod ItrusseU.
15c (o 50c less than usunl,
The prices on room sizes, a few of which are quoted below, afe in many instances less
than present cost of im- ft.
T m-sizo Oriental Rugs at $148.00, $100.00,
. o.OO, $185.00, $225.00, $27S.0O and upward'
Also liberal assortment of small rugs in the various popular weaves 'are included in this
sale at proportionately low prices.
1220-22 Market Street
Leaders of the world in the exclusive manufacture of superior Wilton Rug and Carpel
MavJson & DeMany
n 15 Chestnut Street
(Opposite Keith s)
Twenty-five Cents
on Every Dollar Is
Indeed a Saving
If you are one of the thousands who have furs
in mind, we want your patronage, and believe we
ought to get it on this basis:
Our 250 discount is authentic.
Our assortment is the largest in the city.
Our reliability has been established by three
quarters of a century of public service.
Fur Coats
Pony Skin Coats
Ilegutartit ',S.OO
Heaver or l'nccoon
collar; -tO-inch model.
French Seal Coats
Regularly 5!.:0
Skunk opossum col
lar; -10 inch; smnrt
II m . it-i u.mi " "m M ill I m 11 1 II lauuirin I itllfliaiBIIUf I UIU HUH 1 1?3
'n fflfflffliflnnTORninnnfflmreHltlmi Wmfmiitll IIIJWIlHt
Hudson Seal Coats
Regularly 110.00
10 inch; full model;
smnrt model; htocado
"WHM11I mmmHmmmmmiim
Hudson Seal Coats i
Rcgularhi lGr,.00
Very full, jaunty
model; 0-inch border
and collar of skunk.
"iiiwnwii mil mm iihhihmiihhhI
Scotch Moleskin
Reqularlji 325.00
0-inch border and
collar of skunk, fox or
flyinfr squirrel.
Natural Mink Coats
Reqularlu 000.00
I'2-inch flare model;
tails nnd' fctible paws
at bottom.
n wmmmmwmmmwtmmij
Fur Sets
I-lidson Seal . . . .Now
Raccoon Now
Black Fox Now
Skunk Now
Beaver Now
Dyed Blue Fox . .Now
Red Fox Now
Sable Brown Fox . Now
Moleskin Nov
Slate Fox Now
Natural Fisher . . .Now
Crass Fcx Now
Six Real Worth -While
These Hems Bear Quick Action. The
Price Tells Whv
(4) Odd Raccoon Natural Scarfs at. . .4.00
(2) Odd Beaver Scarfs at 5,00
( 1 ) Odd Cross Fox Scarf at ... . 24.50
.( 1 ) Nutria .Set , 38,00
( I Persian Lamb Set 64.00
(I) Scotch Moleskin Coat at 145,00
4 l.engtli; Smart Mll.
P. S. We arc reserving a great number of furs for
thrifty women who are taking advantage of the present
low prices, but who will not need new furs until next fall.
A small deposit now will put aside a coat or seL and will
prove to be an investment- due to the advance in furs
you can expect next season-
,l..i...,.J-r,ial iMiii ill mil nrfit i.,. n.. 1- 1- - SS