Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 17, 1917, Night Extra, Automobile Section, Page 8, Image 26

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pY"jT- "i"1 " iwy n"J ' "WT "
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Pg" J jMVjjjjgLlMTrn-
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Tho 'Baron of Lelpcrvllle was al pence
tvlth tho world.
All afternoon lie had. worn n bright,
sunny Bmlle, which vied with his glistening
Titian hair (correctly parted on tho left side)
Mil a brilliant ochor silk shirt that furnished
thp background for a sincere purple neck
tie. Am ho stood Ih the doorway of his
Colonial residence and hotel ho beamed
on tho passers-by, had a kind word for both
of thorn, and even Invited the police form In
to havo a drink to refresh himself after n
hard day's work. Yes, the Haron was In n
kindly mood on this particular afternoon,
and It was his object to spread joy among
tho pood citizens of tho budding metropolis
of IjClpervllle.
Ho was on duty In the same doorway
when we laboriously wended our way down
tho street. Wo had taken tho wrong car
and after receiving tho usual accurate in
formation from tho klnd.faced names,
walked two miles Instead of two situates to
grab another trolley. Ijcipcrvlllo was tho
Vist stop and we wcro passing tho Colonlnl
fcssldonce and hotel In silent scorn when
the Union spied us. Ho rushed down to
the sidewalk, grabbed us by tho arm nnd
acted tho part nt a perfectly Rood reception
committee. Then ho dragged ns to Ills
Colonlnl residence nndholel brought out ft
chair and cheerfully Invited us to tnko a
load off our feet.
"It's a gond thing I happened to seo you,
ho began, as he waved Ills arm, BUrrnundnd
by nn orhrn sUk sleeve, and llmo patted
Ms purple ncelctlo. "It's a sltamo to seo ft
big guy hko you ruining tho pavements
In a small town llko this whon tho luxes
nre so high. Anyway. I shall seo that you
kavo this town as a gciitlmnnn and not
a hobo. Stick around ami havo somo din
ner. Then t shnll drive you to Philadel
phia In my car," ho added as an after
thought. Wo thanked him for his kindness, drank
an excellent dinner and settled down to
enjoy a good smoke on tho front porch,
when tho Il.irott reappeared, with his ocher
silk shirt hidden under a coat. Ills purplo
neckwear still could bu classed among tho
scenery ns ho stood heforo us wearing that
benevolent Fiullo.
"I nm here," he said, "to offer you a
chance to inalwt one thousand .dollars."
"Who gave you tho horse, and why pick,
on me?" wo asked him, playing It safu.
"Horse?" ho muttered, looking sur
prised. "I know nothing of horses I"
"Well." wo replied sweetly, "having vis
ited several of those places whero tho horses
run around a ring and having bet real
money on your selections, I not only bollovo
you, but ndmlro your frankness ns well.
But t want to know whero tills tip camo
. from. What did tho trainer say?"
"HAVK ?1000 ON" MIV
T.'ou don't get mo at all," the Haron
answered. "This Isn't a gnmblliig propo
sition It's business ! I nm going to seo
that you mako $1000 and will noil you my
automohilo to prove It!"
"Nix," we shot back. "Xqthlng doing In
tho auto linn. Unn't want to buy one. never
'thought of Inlying opo ami couldn't buy ono
I wo wanted In. What's wrong with It,
"Nothing at nil," said tho Baron. "Just
wait here and' I'll bring it around. I want
to take you to town In It, and then I know
you will buy It. You got lots of tlmo,
haven't you?"
"Not nil tho tlmo In tho world," wo told
him, "Tlicru's a boxing show nt tho Olym
pia which needs our nttcntlon and It starts
In less than threo hours." .,
"Threo hours 1" ho snorted. "I'll havo
you there In less tlmo than that. Just wait
urjtll I get back!"
1 JNA 'B
He invited us to tako a load olT
our feet.
The Daron soon appeared with ono of
those trick autos, pulling and sputtering Hko
n regular machine. It had a hood, two
seats for extremely thin peoplu and a gaso
line tank. Y'ou know tho .kind wo mean.
You don't sit In 'cm you Just stoop, with
your knees resting comfortably against your
"Ain't she a beauty?" shouted tho Itaron,
nbovo tho din and roar of tho hnrd-worlting
engine. "Just tho car for you and I'll nrova
It. Jump In and wo will hit nothing but thd
tops or the trees on our way to Philadelphia,
Nothing will pass us in this boat !"
Wo squeezed Into tho scat without the old
of a shoehorn, removed a kneo from ona
eyo ano gazeu reproacniuuy at the driver.
"What's the idea?" wo gasped. "Why
qdii l you get n contortionist to rwo with
you so ho can enjoy It?"
"Better get used to tho machine, for alto's
yours at tho end of tho trip. Y'ou can't
IIKI.P but buy It. I'm gonna sell It to you
lor only J350! it coBt J1350, ami there's
whoro you make that thousand !"
The lights of I.elpervnio were disappear.'
Ing In the distance and the road was darl;
and lonely when the machine began to
shake as if It had a tevere chill. Than It
developed a hectlo Hush, followed by a hol
low cough, wheezed a few times and caine
to an abrupt stop. The Baron was out
of the car in a minute. Ha looked It over,
tried to' start the engine, looked it aver
again, scratched his head and said:
"There is something wrong with tho carl"
"It must be wonderful to have such a
knowledge of mechanics," we replied. ".Vow
that you Iiave found the dlllloulty, what
Is It?"
"Don't know, but will soon find out," he
After an examination which lasted (If.
teen minutes while we were still (Irmly
wedged In the seat the Haron emlltd a
loud laugh.
"f knew it was nothing serious," h
shouted. "I only forgot to fill tho tank with
gauoitue. Just wait here and I'll -phone
for some.'
He was back In twenty minutes, still
smiling. 'This Is a great little boat," he
bragged. "Can't beat it for the money, any
place. Any car will stop if you have no
gasoline. And to think, I'm going to sell
It to you for ,J9!"
After a half hour's tedious wait, a sad
looklug Individual driving a light rig, whleh
was attached to what at one time was pr4
ably a borke, hove Into view. He cam up
to us. took out a can of gasoline and filled
the tank.
"Anything else wrong?" be askaU, after
collecting 93. "Better' look your car over
now 'cause I can't be twihered again to
"Nothing Is wrong wuh tula car,"
shouted the Barua Indignantly. "Any ear
will stop U you hate no gasoline. What's
eating you. anyway?
We started again and began to make uo
time As we )mk) 4oa Wll. mnHhar
mac-June . .on, ro ty .Sfg4t JatiTV,
Sport vilior Kventng Ledger
and tho Baron sent the car Into tho ditch,
where wo bounded along like a rowboat In n
heavy storm.
"Heyl What's tho matter?" wo shouted.
"Anything wrong?"
"Nothing at all," replied tho driver. "Tho
brnko Is only busied and 1 forgot to fix
tho horn. If tho lights don't go out, wo
will havo no further trouble !"
Hut Ills prediction was all to tho bod.
After another mile, tho auto groaned nnd
creaked, gasped it couple of times nnd
lowly came to a stop. It acted llko some
thing about ready to llo down and dlo
Again tho Baron leaped to the ground.
"I'll bet I know what's wrong tills tlmo,"
ho explained. "That guy who sold us tho
gasoline evidently thought he was selling
milk, because ho mixed It with water, t'll
llko to bust" htm In the Jaw. Walt ft min
ute, nnd I'll get some titoro gns. I know v.
guy In turby who won't client."
Tho Har.on climbed a fence nnd dashed to
ft farm house in iho distance, which m.tdo
Itself known by n twinkling light, barely
vlslblo to tho naked eye.
Now n lonely country road on n dark
hlght mlRht ho a pltirsant placo to spend
n. tiulet half hour, hut you cannot iirovo
It by us, It was getting colder, there were
no tobca In tho car and wo suffered In
gloomy sllenre, nfter painfully extricating
ourselves from tho two-by-ono seat. We
wcro still suffering when tho Haron re
turned with it large ran of gas nnd nn
open-faced tiller of tho soil. Tho aqua
pura gasoline was removed, tlin now slult
poured In nnd tho tiller of tho soil tinkered
n short time with the engine. Then wo
started ngoln, after tho tiller had taken
most nt our money.
"You know, any ear will slop If you
have no gasoline. This Is n swell boat
and I am doing ynu a favor when 1 sell
It to you for $2ntU"
Hut our troubles were tint over. We tried
tp climb n hill, but It was loo much Tho
ear slowly turned around, headed for If
fence, leaned ngalnst It and stopped' all
petered out,
Tho Haron tore off his coat, threw up
tho hood nnd went through that engine
like a yegg goes through a safe. He took
out everything thnt wasn't nailed or lied
down and then made his report.
'There nro four things wrong with this
car." be said, "but 1 can't think of ono of
them. Hut don't worry. I'll llx It Up In
ho tlmo and show you what n good car It
Is. You arc getting It at ft bargain when I
sell It for $1B0."
"Hut what about tho Olympln?" we
shouted. "The show has started and we nro
a thousand miles nwny. We gnlta get In
there, because wo have to work !"
Tho Haron looked some more, removed
snme things ho overlooked the llrst time
nnd cmoiged with his face covered with
"It's the Inner Inlnke manifold nnd some
thing Is wrong with the tneutiin pump," ho
shouted triumphantly ".lust wait a mlnulo
and t'll phono to n guy I know In l-ans-downe,
and he'll fix it In a half hour or so.
Then I'll shoot you to the (ilympla nnd
show you what it swell rnr It Is. I tell you,
It's a shame In sell It In you for $inn."
ii i '
You don't sit in 'em you just stoop.
"Nolhltig lining on that stuff." wo replied.
"IhmuRh Is enough. Kroni now on wo walk.
That boat can't make any time unless you
bol.it a sail, and we'ro not strong for nny
thing tli.it oven suggests the hounding bil
low. Farewell nnd good night!"
"Itey, wait amlnuto!
"Hero comes a car and
Help mo stop It!"
Two headlights drew
In tho mlddlo of tho
" shouted tho Haron.
wo might get n lift.
nearer nnd we slood
road. Tho visiting
auto stopped anfl atotmifl fltrareiiimlir
"What nro you two hum. ii'?''
ho shouted. "This ain't no Yum vS
stlek-up, nnd me frlen's'll knock W
off, anyway, Whadyo mean, nnywv
well, If It ain't my old frlen' jWt
ertyl How nro you. Baron? stl iiii
sell that i-nbblt ehnsfr?
Tho Baron looked at Iw n,ii. Jt
wondered if It was tho headlight I "
machine or tho diamonds In hi? mS'"
ik.i ii..t kii..i.,i .. ."" nIrbWl
,X '";.',"", "-" "ur aentlon. Jt
"Something Is wrohg with the car t.lf
ho said wearily, ns ho nodded to ih. i"5
leaning against tho fenco ''Som.ikt
wrong ; but I know n guy In LatuoW11
will fix it in a short time irs a ,?. .
nnd t liato to part with it. I i,f .l"t(
my friend how It travels and now I . HI
to sin it to him. "uwlmjoiai'
"WHAT!", wo shouted. "OIVP I. .
vt.nri.'i! t wi ...,.. :" It to i7
going to tho Olympia in this fivriK
tnko It from us, wo will OI2T IhVr. "
don't know anything nbout machlnrtAft
you can get that ono together .V.,M.B
can mako n. match. Anvum.. ...... Kall f
driver or wo wouldn't bo m this far il
iiumirjcri siiouieu uio Baron hW
y, n xuuii:? Bianco, mo flivver "n
driver! Haw, haw. haw! How llarn.
field will laugh when I tell lilm thitt S
Cole Leads I
United Slatoi Price
Col.'SpilnAfleld Four-Door Touiirdan, . $2495
Seven Pauenger Cole-SprlngflelJ Touriedan, . S2295
Four Foiaeuer Co!e-Sprlng(leld Tourcoupe, . $2295
Seren Panenger Col. Elfllit Temlug Cr, , , $1695
,Fcur Poiicud.r Col. Ejflbt RoaJil.,, , , $1695
Prlcvt f. o.Jb, factory
.Wc were the first manufacturers of eight cylinder
cars to combine large size and tremendous
power with light weight and economy of
pThc famous chassis on which all Cole models are
mounted is the largest-, but relatively the
lightest Eight built.
Last year we introduced the Springfield Type
Body with such sweeping success that it was
later adopted by the builder of practically
every well-known car.
The Toursedan and Tourcoupe are essentially and
unmistakably Cole, even to their names as
well as in details of construction.
These were the first permanentall-season cars
the first eight cylinder automobiles to offer
equal comfort and convenience, both winter
and summer, all in one and the same unit, at
a single price.
Now we introduce for the first time the Four-Door
Toursedan five cars in one all in one unit
all under one permanent roof all at one
Here you have a conveyance that is an informal
touring car a family Sedan a Towncar
Limousine -a Berline-Limousine and a
formal touring car, in which the driver sits
separately from the passengers.
(That's what the Four-Door Toursedan affords in
the way of adaptability. From the standpoint
of convenience, it is beyond anything thus far.
In these, as in many other important and funda
' mental advanced features, the Cole Eight leads.
All Cole models will be shown at the automobile
show. Be sure to see them.
A demonstration of any of our models will show
you what the Cole Eight represents in modern
motor car construction and value.
Ask us for" one.
L. S. Bowers Company
245 N. Broad Street, Phila.
Bell Phone, Walnut 762
Cole Motor Car Company
Ihdianapolii, U. S. A.