-eVV ':j.; m3qw nyytwytffjljm1 ,vfrwi'rm--m' minmwv 14 IX .MEMOttt VU St!o:rn til Umnx. riYim'iranc' of Mr f leMl 1B1J, ntiii Hjivrtii: It woo did January in. MOTHEtt. IllsUAtttl AN!) I'HII.bnfcX. Qcnths , AftLTIft.--.lAti tft. C.KOIU.I. V ADT.KH I fortrrtrly of 1P11 N Judaon st . hustmnd of tile 1 Artfe" C Adter (nee WondlnittonJ Halall.ps and friends Invited to fuprl wrvlrfs, Thur , tffO p m . 1942 N HUh at Int prlVHto. dr Illll Om It ma Ins rnsy b tnwvd Wed . 8 to 10 p. m At.f.KN Jah 11, nt Wnoils.iwn V .f JUCHAEf, AL.LKN. ArM 02 TlMaltvM nil frtdnd Invited to ftmernl wtvtcea, Vowitown, N, J., Thurs Jan. IS in a. m Int Friends' Ilurlal Grounds Hoed a town N J ANDnKSH Jnn in, hopRnT W. husband f IJessfo M Andrwts mrm an, Ttelntls nml fr!nds. Tacony Ioditr, No. flwi. P. and A. M Oxford lx-dae. No 14, I. u O. I: Minerva Council, No, Ji3fl. P. L' A.) employe nt I'pnn. naltrosri Men's Club nnd testrymen of Ht. Stephen P. R Church, Invited to funernl serv Ices. Wed., 2.30 p m , 411(1 TtukawnnnA nt . Frnnkford. Int. Knot Cednr Hill .Cent Ite xnalns may be viewed Tuti After p. in. Ancntsn -.un, 1.1 .joji:iii v, non of CnthArlne and late Wl'llam Arc'i-r. ItIftUfl and friends Invited to funeral ISls ('o.u.nbirt ave., Thurs, 7.30 a m Utah man fhiiri h of Oesu IMh nnet Htlle ata . r a m Int urhntc Xlemaln tnay be viewed Wed , MIt h p m AiiiamuNit -nuaneniy ni hi linrj s ite- tory, Wayntv Ia , i. jan in, hkv ni uu.i.K M ItetAtl.ps ami frlem a Invited to AI1MSTI1UKU funeral services Wed lit 30 n m . St Mary Memorial Church, Wnjne. !n Inl prUnle. Omit flowers HUPR -.fnn, II vr..1nl ,Otirn Ims band of I-ouls Ha tier (nee KtsMn) Jtenllci and friend. Court (linrif Wasdlustort So, llM, I of A.i William IVnn IIo u . rhiia Ilutchers Asso , lnlted to funeral wrlr-, Thura , 1 p, m.. 11(7 Dutiton ft Int. Ml. Peace. Cem He ma Ins may be lwnl Wed., liiSNDfcrtlan- til, KMSCAIirTH, n I ow of Trederlck W Ilender !ti;lntlta nnd friend In vited to funeral, Wed. 8.10 n m . '21H W llalnea n Gernmntowit lllich miim nt Vln cenfa cntirrn 1" a. in im mi BtpuhMtni Cem Auin funeral IlIiUMKNTIIAIfc .Ian. ITi auililenlr. IlOWi:. wife of Abraham Itlumenthit Helnthv una friends Incited to. funernl e rvlcev Wrd , i; n. m.4 .i20T N. llroad at Int. ill Slnnl tv,n K)iiK1(Mtli:u -Iti i 1.1. illiKillN'K HOOKIIOf.Dtm (np Kfvlti Itelnthix nnd friends Invited to funernl rt 7 in n m, realdencn nf brother J rob Krt'ln Jr . aiir Urandywlne at Mast It n m ht. Annthu'a Churrh Int Holy Croa Cem imiNTON". Hlxtb-das Plrnt Month 12th JONUril IIHIXTON aired S" lln(j,ivpit nnd friends lnltfl to funernl. IVmrlh d . drat Month 17th. loan n m , c n ltnn Pi IlllOUaitAK. Jan. 14 PKTIItt T husband nf Annea Hrouahan nnil aon nf Thorn and Jane Ilroufttmn. Ilclatlna nnd flendt, Oranlto Cutters' Aro, of Phi In Invlld tn funeral, Thum.. 8.30 n. m . IM Meriultaen n , tox borouan Hequlem maM Holy Pnmlly Church 10 a m Int prlvuto Ht Mary a Cem. nUM.OCIC Jan 13 CLAHA I ulcnv of Thorns a P Hultotk and ilmhtir f lt Wil liam K and Harriet Mn IMat)r nnd frlendt Invited to funeral Weu . Id n. m . Itrcnmoro avr . Ardmoro Park. Int ht .hthn'a Oni Copcord i Uel Co Pa n-rnnlnt mav be iewed Tuea,, ntirr 7pm Delaware i 'i paters copy. Auto funernl HPHDICK - Hudlenlv Ian Ii MAllY R.. mldow of Alphem T Iturdick. ael 77 ltelii ttves and frlenW fnvlled to funernl seniles. Wed a p. m . residence nf d-iujtliter Mrs Idi M. Handall. I.IH N t1 st. Int. private. Har lelrh Cem Camden N .1 nOXINB. Jan 13 anoRfin V. husband f Helen Huslna (nre tcott IletntUe atd frh-ndt, Marrlfd Mn's Hodallty and Holy Nnrno So ciety, Church of the rsu, mplnves Ilumiu of Water and Continental uepuhlU in Club In vltTti to funeral. Thura . S 30 . m lw)1 Mat ter t. yolemn renuiem mats hurch of tho Oesn in -. in." Int Holy Cros Cem BVRNB Jan 1.1 JOHN J 11 IINXI .1ii Cedar nve Du notlco of funeral will li clen CAUI.ANl) Jan 12 HAC'IIAM. wf of Charles K. Calland dsuahter if late Isnae and Jane Chorltro asrd Ti-4 lUlittvis and friend Invlttd to funernl srrxlcr ml 2 30 p m. 4531 Mulberry st Prankfnrd Ilemalnt may be viewed Tuc 7 to tn v.tU p m Int. Oak land Cm Omit flowers cAMPiir.u. Jin is ni 1,1 n cmpw:u, seed TiS llelatlves and frlrndti tnltril to f-i-peral services. Wid s p m . n Llorn of H P Prnnkcnfield Hona N cir Ittiii and Hnrlna Garden sta Further st rvires and Int Thurs . Aetna Cem . Imknhoe, N 1. folnlnu the arrhnl of tho 8 50 a m train from Camdtn. K. J- CAltn .Ian 13. at Aa'ibnurne. Pa.. JO BBPIIlNn M . widow of Nelson 1 and mother of Dr. Clcllan I. Card ajed "7 Scrvkia and Int. ati Unlnbrldtfe, N V (JAan Jan. J I WAUAH mdw rf WHIInm Voorhles Cnse llelatlves nnd friend Invited to 'funeral lenleea. Wed.. 3 rrn 1717 perks t. Int private. Services Tnurs . imrninj. nt Pres- bvtrrlan Church M P'easmt V J , on the ur- rlvil of tbo ft. 51 train from PtilTa. CHRIST lan. 1.1. UtJJh V.. widow of John H. Christ Duo not co of funeral Klven CLAXTON. Jan 12. AMKMA IIAUItlS widow of Juines H ' axton Punt ml Wtd , i n. m,. 4Mh. cor Its It! more . Pi privito CI-ARK. Jan 14. UOSP. ulfo or James Clark and tlauithter of lat Jiuuea nnd Kllen Mohtn. native of Inver Couni Ihineynl Ire land Relatives and friends, Wt tlre(.'nr's It V M ISodiltty nil other suclnll s uf whlih she was a member Invited to funeral Thurs . 8 a m . 5007 Oxford st Solumi rejuleni iunsi Ht Orrsory'a Church 10 a m Int. Ht. Ut-nis's Cem cl.i:aRV Ian 1.1 MARY P . widow or William Clean Duo nntic nf rune ml will Lo clvrn from lii.1 Oray's Ferry nve COATi:s At lrner. Pa. Jan II HRNRY TlIDOWAY COATKS affed 2. Relatives and frltnds. also I.' D linker Pust No 8. H A lUu hrvlted to serviced at nlec's residence Mr j I'mmi McConagh), Prazer. Pa.. Wed 1 4.i p. m Contlnuuui s"rvhe In St Peter a L.pisapai Lnurcn in in uri-ut vniiey ' zu n nn . Int. St. Ieter a Cem Coneyances will meet train At Prazer Uuvlne HroaU Street titation at 11,30 a. re COSTKL.LO Jan 13 CATIIPRINK A . widow of Joseph C Cos U Ho ineo McMulIun), 0103 Woodland RVe. COHKUHY Jan 14 ANNA I., widow of James Corkrey, aired Ml IMutlvcs and friends invited to funeral serviced Ud 2 p m , apart ments of M A Tanffuv 1123 I'ulrmount uve. Int. pr'vate. CRAOIN Suddenly. Jun 1. JOSPPH D. CRAOJN. a?el 7. Ui'liitivs nnd friend In xited to funeral services Thurs. 2 p. m , daughter's resldeneo. Mrs. Alburt 1. Clark. 401 W Mania ave. Merchantvllle. N J. Int prl ate. Harlelgh Cem . Camden. N J CRAMKH Jan 14, YftCA O . wife of 1 firry W. Cramer U a lives und friends Invited to funeral, Thurs, I p m, 1 Oil N 12th st. Int. Hillside Cem -a funeral car Remains may be viewed Wed 7 to 0 n m CRUMINS Jan. 13. RoaK P wife of Pet-r II. Crvmlna and daughter of PUtn and Iat James O'Ponnell. Relutlves und friends Invited to funeral. Wed 6.30 a m . 414 K Wlldey st , ISth Ward. Solemn rtgulom mass linmaru lata Conception Church 10 a. m Int. Old Cathedral Cem . CRISPIN Flrt-dax F'rst Month llth. at XVoodstown N J . HANNAH H widow of tic hard 1 4. Crispin and dauzhtvr of tt)4 late Ion. Allen .Wallace, a red OA Relitives and rlenda Invfted to funeral services, Fourth-day. irst Month 17lh 2 v in , Wuodstown, N. J. nt. Sharptown M. P. Church. DAIUUR Jan 13 AUKUNB TIKLPN. daughter of John J and Mary T Da I tier (nee Bauer). Relatives and friend i Invltad to funeral Prl , 8:30 a. m . residence nf parents. A737 WyalUslng ave. Solemn requiem mass our I,ady of iVlciory Church 10 a m Int. Jfoly Cross Cem .. DBVPTT. Jn, 12. ANNIH C. nnviTT, widow pf Paul J. Dsvltt. agtd fl3. Rolatlvea and frlnds Invited to funeral servy-es. Wed , 1 30 p. m.. 220 Washington ae. Int. Mt. MnrUh Cem, Auto iunr-il. DORSUTT. Jan. 13 MART 15.. widow of James A. Dorsett. aced Hi Rilattvua and friends Invited to funral services. Wed . 1.30 p. in.. Union M. P, Churro'Sth and Mt Vernon ts Camden N. J. Int. Mt. Mortal) Cem. Remains may bo viewed Tuea eve DORSEY. Jan. 13. Ail IN 1 hi, wife of (leorga W. Dorsey and daughter of Harah and late Benjamin Allen, aged 24. Relatives und friends invited to funeral. Thurs . 2 p m . 43J0 Jose phine at.. Frank ford Int. Oakland Cem. Re mains may fa viewed Weil., after 7pm DOUGHERTY Jan 14. J.PRKSA J. daugh ter of the late John and Roee Dougherty Rela tives and friend Invited, to funeral Wrd 8J0 a in., 1007 N llth st Solemn huh requiem mass fir Rdward'a Churn lo a m. Int Ca'edrl Ctftn ERRNUACH Jan. 13. KOSJN'A KREN BACH (nt Riehen). wlf if Erwst Pbrbach. aged AJ. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral erci, Thurs , 2 P. m , 2333 N 10th at Int Mt. Peace Cem Auto service. ECKEU Jan 13, MINNII4 A. wife of Frederick Q. Kckvt, onfd 27, Relatives and friends Invited to funeral services, Thuri . 2 p in , Holy Trinity Kvangtlleat Lutheran cnurrh. 8d and Kerlui sta , Chester, Pa, Int. Chester Rural Cem. - VKDCLBR.-lJan. 14. CHARI.HS. huvnaml of Augusta Kdsltr. Funeral aervloea IVed . 2 p. m , rtstdnce of son-)n law P I Cvryelf. 2603 B lth at Int Trinity I.uttwran Church U rounds. ELLIS (nee McDevltt) Jaa; 14. MAROARET. widow of John El Is, aged !i . UvUtlves and friends invited to funeral. Wed . J0 a. m . S0&8 Japney st I Ugh man Nativity Church, Uslgrad st. ami AHegbeny ave 10 a, m nl Holy Sepulchre Cem. ELVUtSON Jon 15. JOflKPH BIA'KRSON. at bU residence. 904 Llpden t C-mden, uaed hi Due nottc of funeral wilt be given lKNNIb-Jn 14. JOSEPH hiuband of late lllbth Ana Boole. et.M Relative and Prankfard. Int. prlvate- POLLY Dl5TwJcTi.yJ L-jj FRilrVL H&IOICHfcl UMV &) SHOULDJ JJ . J .djtfm-TO EdMTTl ' mMti . I i. fe JultrB8cilHrH9s.BHilrV - yit, tint- &tr J, -. 1, n frfflBaBT T , t i. -, .-f f iTTil iiflfrt-ff ill rfi ii ilTlffTlilMlitf'i'-.r --- --i-n-fff JmySSfi-i-w, s, fe- .,.--., -J " - ---fe . . ff , Mr-nMF'ti-hiiil. - H -i . y . m IirATlI!-, milflliR .la?. !j ttfJMB widow or lwle Pehrle rtaoghter hf lata 'inomai nnd liridt Malaria. Relative nnd friends Invited to funeral. Wed. h 30 n m 2ft70 Frnnkford nve, solemn rQuim rrrtas t Anp a Ctrtirth 10 a. m. lnt New Athedral Cem. Auto funeral FtflMCR Jan 13 ANNA ' STIBRtDA, daughter of Marv C ami let Daniel ii. I War Retatlvea and friends Invltetl to funeral. 1il , H10 a m residence nf mother. 2n'j H 3Rtn st, Renolern maM St JameVs Church 10 n m, Int private. ., 1LANAtlAN Jsn J I. TIIOMAP, husband of Maml! rianagan (nee l)Iln and son of lite Patrick and EllAbih Flanajran Relatlvea and ffrenda Invited lo funeral wrvM UH, 2 p. nt , tort Chenango st Int private North Ced-ir Hilt Cem PMlPNDr.R"! Jan, 14 PilRR MIVPLL l-usbsnd of Cam Flounder ngd nn Relative and friends memler Phlla fnUe. No. 411, P and A M Koyatone Chnnter RA C t St John a Commanderv No 4, K. T : Phlla Cnn slstory ti Lit Temple A. A O N M . In vlled to funeral services Thurs. 2 n m. ll. Manhelm at . tlln Int private Notthwood Cem Remains mav be viewed Wed , In 0 r in Chester, Pa papirs copj Auto funeral FOIXr. Jnn 13 JOHN J . hulnnd nf Mary 12 Pole, aged R7 Relatives and friends, employee Curtis Publishing Co Invited to funeral. Wed 8 30 a. m. U42 V. Tabor rd, Olney llldh mnss t hurch or Incarnation nth st and Mnllev avi ti.ney 10 a tn int Urn Sepulehro Cens rt,,,ti 1 RANK -suddenly Tan II. OROROP son of late Frederick nnd Sophia 1 rank Relatives nnd friends Invited in funernl, Weil. 2 t in, M.n.lnrM nf 1t-nlhr IVerlerlrk Prnnk S(t I Pen nock et (27ih nn1 Parrlsh) Int IVrtiwind Cem lletnains may ue vieweu iiies, eve auco fU?ltANZ Jnh 13 snpll. wife of Adim Prnng (tieo Coeht naed 71 Relntlvrn anil rrlemls, Holy Family Rnftirv and Altnr Socle, ties of St Itctnlfncliifi a Church, invited to fit neral Thtirs h u h m 2.11 1 Hntiiock st Solemn rc'iulem ttnss St. ltonlfa lus's Chun b pi n. in Ittt private, HolJ Redeemer nt Allff f'tneenl PRPNCH Jnt 1.1, UDITir X. m UNCI I Duo notion nf funeral 1I bo n n, from pir lots X W U lint S Nefr I Ctrl U Oxfind si FIllIIL Inn. 11 JIPCIII. htiiband of late Catharine prlel (nee Kelly). Inte nf Town Land of Ihtrnes Countv Domgnt. lflind. Rela lives and friends Invited to funeral Wed S a m 2021 Annln at Solemn hlgi miss Hi Anthanv s Church U.30 a. m Int Holy Cross tC(Ti:itLACH.tnn II PMtl.Y. wffe of Chris tian Uerlaci. nged a Retntlvea nnd friends invited to fonernl Wed, 7 30 n m llll'V .. Allison M Mass st flregorv's thunM 8 30 n in Int Holy frees Cem IH.IINNPY -Jan 14. THOMAS J . husband of IIIlBibeth (llennrv (nen (Vilrten) nnd son of lain Thotms nnd nu (llennev Ue'ntlven and friends Invited to funeril Thurs , s '10 h in -104 S. 21th st Solemn blah mass St Patrick n Churr'i 10 n tn Int Holj Cross am OOFP Jan Id IIXNNAH H, diuahter of late Pit H nnd Cfttharlne (JufT. Relatives, nnd friends, emplojia S S. White Dentnl Co, In vited to funeral servli es. Wed 2 p. ni , 7IS Stnte st , ntnien, N J. Int private llnrlelsh Cem Remains mil be vli-wed Tues , 7 to 0 p. in (1IIAIMM Hu.ldenh at Uiirj Ind Jan 10 i;i,I.Alti;riI wife of Robert II Urn hum IW i Ivrs and friends Invltetl to fmril, Thurs. 30 a in, resident e nf sister Mrs ICntherlne Shnrkev, 201J Webster at HUh mass of requiem St Charles's Church id n in Int. Ilolv i r"i Cent (RIANT At Summit N I Jan ll. MAUOPI.RITI Of H A ORANT. wldnw of Dant'tl lvtwi)t flrnnt aged (II Funernl service nt i entri Prtabjterlan Church Summit, N J.. Weil , 10 13 a tn Int Woodlinds Cem., PhlH . nt tuiiv nlenttf of fniiillv Morgan ton N C, papers (np fiRUMt-.Tnn ii pt.i.n: nnt:ii Rein lives nnd friends Invited to ftinnl services i impel vf D impir M'-m irlnl M U. Church Old st nml Oirnrd ue . Unl J t( p m Int Naw lo ti S niiif.' It ipilst Murltil Orounil (IRCNDXHI .Inn 11 WI1-U M. husband nf Auuttstu (trundahl nged it Relatives and friends invited to funernl services Wed. 2 p. m . 133 N Coneatoffti st. Inl Westminster TTAMimUlHT Jan 3 NATIIANIFf. S , son nf late Addison A and Mary Smith Ilnmhrlght, of Lnnensur f'o . Pa Reltttvcs nnd friends, Pxri'lslnr Castle No 32. IC (I V, , Franklin Lodite, No r I O O P . of Phllidi Iphla I.odo No (H K P, of Ijincaster, tmlted to funeral nervlciH Wrd. s p. in. Oliver ll Riir HM , 1820 Chestnut st Services In Old Mennonlto Churrh, Past IMersburj: Lancaster (1o.. Pa Thurs, 11 n in Int Hist IWershurc HARVF.Y Jnn. 14. PLLPN lioorir HAR VEY, widow of Pllwood Hurve. Jr . aged n't Relatives anil friends Invited to funeral srv lie Wed. ,t ji m.. residence of son, William R. Hnrvev 2217 Frovldcnco nve , Chester, Pa. Int. prlv ite Hi;iSLi:iL Ian. 11. LEVI" 1iubind of Esther Mejr llelster nsed 30 Relative and frknds Mutual Friend Lodge, No 4.12. 1 O (), P , Relief Assn P. R. T. Co , Invited tn funeral s rvlnH 2Hl N trnts st , 'lues, 7 to p. m sharp Int Remolds, Pa . Wed. 11 n. m. Omit flowers HPRMVN. Inn 12. MARY wife nt August Herman (nee McOulrel Relatives and friends Invited to funernl. Wed , N n m.. residence nf FiMi-in-l w i'rdtieU Oi'uck T.13 N OrlJima st Mips, On tn . St Edward's Church. Int private Auto service ( llcCSPH Ian 1.1. suddenly, HENRY J, husband of Ullr.ibelh Heuser. aged HI Resi dence. 414 N I2d M Due nntlco nf funernl HIliSTAND Jan 13 AN.MII U widow of Abnim S llbstind aged 81 Residence, M5J WnvtH nve Otii lot Ynrk Pn HIRST Jan 14 FREDERICK son of late Jnmea F. anil Louisa Hirst Relatives nnd friends Invited to funeral Wd , 2 p m . from parlors of Eugvne I.eeci, 71J7 Woodland ave. Int. private at Pirn wood Cem HOLD Jar. l.i .ViVliCtrw. P M HOLD -wife of Jostpr Hold and daughter of Jnspph Oeorgo nnd lau Putlllpu Simpson aged 21 Relatives am) frit-ndf inviteii to luneral services. Thurs. J P m rfsidfiice of father 222.1 S 8th st. Int Fernwood inn hi mains mu be viewed HORNER t Mn. Fnrlinds Station. X J. Jan 15. RAR.H.LAI HORNER. agfd71 Rela tives nnd friends wtviuu to runerai Thurs. 1 p in , residence of aou-ln-law, William J, MncFarlnnd. MacFarland'a Station. Int. Mt. Holly Cem HOTTER Tan 13 EDWARD P HUTTER. husband of ltessle llutter (nee Davis) nnd son of Oltlle A and late Edward A Hutter. aged 41 Relatives and friends tnvlted to funeral services Wed. 2 p in . residence of mother, Mrs Otllie A Hutter 142J W. Allegheny uve. Int Mt Vernon Vm Remains may be lewed Tiles 8pm Auto cortege IRONS Jun 12 JAMES R- IRONS hus band uf Elizabeth Irons ncd SI Relatives and friends Kenslnttton l.odzi No 211 P und A M , Masonic Veterans Atso Aughrln L O Lodge No 00 Libert) Lod No 0 L P. of A , Tailor Hose Co No 33, and Funeral Di rectors' Asso Invited to funernl services Wrd, 2pm lt.0 N Front st Int. North Cedar Hill Cem Remains may le viewed Tuea.. after Joi'lNOV Jnn II. sjddenlv WILLIAM T JOHNSDN Relatives und frU-mls tnvlted to fu neral sirvlcia Wed. 2 to p m . residence of brother, John Johnson. 721 P Thajer st Int. prlvut" Oreenmount c ni Remain) may be viewed Tuts 7 30 tu 0 10 n tn KEEN - Jan 14 OEOlUli:. son nt Mary and latt tlenrue Keen Due notice of funeral will ! given HI7 P Montgomery nve KRPOPR Jan If ALHERT JOHN son of Robert and Elizabeth Knitter, aged 7 Relatives nnd friends Invltei) to funernl service. Wed. 3 P. m resldeme nf parents 222 E PaxivIdenrB rd . Alilan Dtfl Co , Pa Int private Frlendi may tall Tuea eve after 7 o'clock KYLE Jan 13 MARY t widow of Joiepn P Kylo and slstir of Mrs S E. Collins acrd 73 Relative- and friend Invited to funeral Hervties, Tu- J p m rciildi'nce of her niece, Mrs. J ReaUe 72 N 44th at. Further serv ices Wed morn Chapel of Chalfont Cem , Chalfont Pi . following the arrival of train leaving Rending Termfnal 0 30 h in LAVCOCK-Jan 14, DOMI.CILLA R wife nf Robert M Luyt ock, ogtd i0 Relatives and friends tnvlted to funeral serylies. Wed 1 p. m a.'-Jt N Carlisle at., Phlla. Int private. WV STAN-NIB. lfe of iMirh I. form.rly of "'- Cliurch lan IlelalUen and frlfiiilii InvllfJ to funeral. Ttiilr. 8 in a m . rr.iileniH of Mil, Harry Uf, lit 13 1'rli.o l , tlermi'nlowii Holomn requiem ma.a 8t Vin cent's c'lmnli 11) u, ni. Int. New Cathedral C'UYXC1I Jan II. FRANCIS J .n of Ut. rruiirl. J und Catharine l.,ynch tlelatUe, and frtenda. I.abellft Council, No 3So K uf C , employe. Armour ft Co . Suburban Club of rranKrora invitet to tuuerat Tnun b'lli) a. m . 41)3 Oarrah .t . Franltfonl Ifunnerly Cedar Mt l hnlemn re4U)eni rnaiM Ht JuaLhlm'a Churth 10 a ni Int Kt llonMiilc'. t' ni MAUI1-: Ian 11 WU.I.IAM JAi former t'liancellor of New Jerie, at hi. home Htlza tt)l. N J a.ed 64 frlerWceii at t.,tmlnater I hurch. Wed . Jan IT. 'I p til It ia reuu.ited that no flower, he ,.nt MABKb Jan It I'Al'HS'll wlf of Jo eph &lark. Itelatlvea and frltnd. Invited to fun.ral aervlcea Ihur. , S p m , 301 Ambtr t. Int. private. North Cedar Illll Cvm. Ha main, mai h tl.wed Wed after 1 p. m. MtCAItriir. Jan II CATHKltlNE. wife, of Jer.mlah J McCarthy, fomerly of 3713 A.pen at. Relative, ami friend, invltad to funeral Thur. H 30 a in Ml) N JTth at HUh ma., of iiulm St Asatha a Chunh, ID u. m Int Holv Croa. Cam MoCUMKKV Jan 15 UAIIV A. daughter of late Uernard I and Kll.n t MtCloak.y l)u, notli. of fuueral will Iw then. 1'ulu N, luth .t McDOWKI.I.. Jan. IS. KLIZA daughter of Mary J and thr lale WlllUm Minnuell Itela live, ana lrlnd, invited to funeral .vrvice. WmI.. J p. m., mother', rr.ul.nce. 48UI Ker haw av. Int Weal Laurel Illll Cm Meai.TNN Jan 12. JKRKJI1AII A hu,. band of Maym. McQiyna (n. Ktheraon) and on of drac (n. Gallasli.r) aiid lale Peter McUlynn. from Llatach. Mtlerkenny, County Doaacat Ireland: brotber of lat. Her Charle. AlcQIynn and npa.w of Monalgnor Mcblynn, EVENING LEDftEJR PI1ILADICLPIIIA, TUESDAY, JANUARY 16. I):tiis lenn of naphoe ttelatltes nnd frleni.''. It1 Kitm. nnd i'ropnsntlon of lh Faith Socletle, of fl Vronlc.r IJiub1!! IHvldon No. nS..A u, it.;, employee wauonni jinrni ro ouinn, lcM , Invliwl lo funtnl. Wed,. Ijn a tn, fihfr-ln-law' residence Thnma. IStlwrran, JI .1 iJI.- .A Cf MUn.n A..,IA. .4. a Mm lit VAi ronlca'. Church 10 a. m. Int 'loly Hepulchre I. iniiiHrtH nvt-. nuiciini i ruiiicin iiibc-i u, . cem. . McOOWAN Jitn II JOHN hubiinrl nf Xfary Mcdnwan Duo nolle of lunernl lll be Bli. 1781 I'enrl t,, rnr MrClt'llK .fan .ll. MAIlTMow ol IMitata McOurU I uneral Wed.. X..W a m . in3 Ohrl.tlnn .1 folemn requlefn mn SI charier norromeo Church n h m Int Cathedral Cem. neiatlter ana rrtend., Pt ehnrler'r -?cr Henri Bor-lfly and ft IMward Council. No 70 C. w. It. I... Inilled MrKNHlHT Inn 1 1 At.njCASnnil .hu Imnd of Jinima I-Knlht fnee Hlmnklnrl. nela tlter and friend, nl.o rhltailelnhm I odsre. No M, Order of Mnoe- Inxlted tn funernl Thur;. 2 P m , 'J7U' tlrav a rerry ne int. Ml Mnrlnh Cem llemaln miv l- lewed Wed ee Mef.Airtlltl.lV .Ion t" MAItV. ilaunhtef of Intit I'litrlck nnd rannhv Mclaughlin Ilelatlvea nml friend. Hodalllv of Holy I'nmlly Church. Mnnasunk lnllcd lo funernl Thura , 7 .1 J n m . renldemo of nlc" MrK. ltow Morrla, S13S tlodfrey el ilermaninnu . lllgli mJ Im maiulato Conception church lo n m. Int. St John the lliipllet Cem Mi t.At'dlll.lN .inn II DANIHt.. Iill.bincl nf lain .mr A Mi Lmilshll i ItelntKea nml rrlrenda llacknion ll-neln Inl Miilual I'rolcclHo Ako. Street llnckmena l.nl No 'Ji lnlleil Crt rllt1nn1 Tl.iir. iti ,. tn n I ileCICCl of .ntl-ln. Inu, tlenrao Snodrne. 1410 H Icllint Hnlemn hlHh inn., nf reiiulem Church of HI Thomnn Aciulnnr Ii 30 n m Int Cnlheclril Cem McMAN.V Jnn 12 MrtltT . MeMAN'N lnr Itoenberaerl wlclow nf llenrv McMnnn. rtelft. liver nnd friend. II M Hodillly nnd th( I.engut ol Ihe Hacred Henri fmlled tn funernl Wed 8.10 n m 1HI1 Worih ni . l'rnnkford Holemr. requiem tnnrr Ht lonrhlm'r Church 10 o m. Int l Dominic . Cem McNAtnilnOV. Jnn 11 Kl.l.AtHITIt f'yTIIKJI. wife of lleorae McNntlghloii, nged 72 ilelnllte. nnd friend. Invited 'o funernl eerlrc, vVed , 1 31) p tn , rerldem c f on Andrew Ale . Nnuciiton, uaruit liilntc llivcrfonl Tn Int. ".Moohl! Jnn 1.1. BiillenU MAIKIATinT MOOIll:. llelntlie. nnd frlc-ndi Invited lo funernl, Wed, 2 i m, r'Sldence nf Itnhert Wllmtn 13J.1 22d rt till Ml Mnrlnh Cem. MlIVKn Jnn II i:tnAI!l mi;vi:u, for merly of 7MI N, 3d .1 , l'lllli nred 711. Hel. tlvee nnil friend. hitler 1 ...Ih.- No 111, I. (I () 1'. Wnllinlln j:innmiimein. .,", I (). ll I' : Velcrnn odd I'eliun" n of l'enrin . In vited In funernl. Wed II n m hephew'n reel, dencc, O Mever lr iiulhiintplan. In .Serv iced uleo nl Mt IVnce I em c hnpel, 2 .10 1 111 inl. Mt, Pen,,. ' in lii'n b nve. lUnd.ii Termlm for Soulllnmnlon 0 2.1 n ni. Ml,)ltltlS)V Jnn II SAIlMt JANII. wife of Wllllnm It Mnrrl.nii iliiinhl r of Into Albert and nilrubetli .Mnlnnn Itilnllw nlul friend, tnvlted to funernl m-nlir. nnd Inl , tlulph Chrh linn Church. Oulnh llll.. Ij 'I hur , an in. NI'.inillAM Jnn 11 .MM! ciluw of Hob ert Netfdtmm Itelnllvin nnd frlitid. Invited to runernl nervlcea Wi 1 , .' n in renldeiiLc of eon, Arthur Needhn in 1,012 Hrei nwav nve. hit rernuiiod Cem It' til line mnv be vlcvycd Tile. , n Niivr.Vr. '-.lnn n. ixtZAiinrn. widow of John 11 Nevll (nee r.mlivl nci'd m lteiiilvea nnd friend. Invited In funeral service. Thur... 2 1. in. nt the ri.tdeiii0 of her non-tn-lavv, Andrew Johnston. lOI'i 1! llnrta lane Int prlvnte. North Cednr Illll Ciin I rlenil. may call 1V.il.. nfter S ii in ,,,.., ... D'lKlN.NIll.l. .Inn 11 lliritAim IV. (VIXINNKI.Ii Ilelitlve. nnd mends Invited tn funernl, Wed. H n m. ti.cilnrn or Thninn. J. Cnrrotl. 20'i Hector rt , ' mirhohoi Icon. 1 Illsh mill M Mnttheiv'n ( hlllth U a. 111. Int. St Mntthevv n Cem 1'AimiSON Jun 13, 1ANI: wlfo of WIIIMm fl P.vddlion, hkciI ii' Uelitlies nnd friend1, i nngteKiition of .stnitieon .Mimorlul Church, tn vlt d In funernl sirvleir Wnl 2 ti. ni , lil)i) i: lli'.'ci'll el Int prlv etc Mi irnnn (em I'ANCOAST I'lrel Month lillh nl Monrer town. N J . AMANDA M PAN'i'OAKr. nged 80. Helntlve. nnd friend. Invited lo fiinerut. Fnurlh-d.lv. 2 p III 3.MI (hinler live. Int. private Trnln lenvm Market t. ferry, 1'Hlla . for MoorertoHii i ,.o ii m I'UUAN. Jun. 11 Mlf'IIAIJI. I , huslmnd of Mnrv ruBnn Iteliitlvm und frlendr. League of the Nncred lleurl, Hol Name and Countv rippernrv hocletv, lnvlli'1 lo funeral. Wed. M 30 n. in . Il.'l N Van Pell rt. Solemn requiem Mnr Cathedral 10 n m .'nt ll"lv Cror. Cem HAMH.VV Jnn 1- WILLIAM X bu.tund of lale Delllnh Ituiniitx llelatlven and frtendr Ilrolherliiioil Hlble Cln... of Fletcher .11 i: Church Inviteii tn funeral rervlcen, Thur. , s n iii . 1127 N IVuch et Int Mountvlllo Cem. LnncnrtcT Co . Pi Lnm nrter piper, c opy. ItAC Jem. 11. CHAItLIIS A liu.biiml of Ivto Caroline I. It iu, aged J7 Itelntlie. and friends Invited In funernl rervleea, Thura., 2 p m,, 22.1 N Hniicoilt rt Int arcenmount Cem ltemnlns lua be viewed IVcd , 7 to 10 P inuaBWAV At Foldlerr' Home. Vlnelann. N J . Jan. II. I'AN.MK. widow nf Ir.l It. Itldgewnv. Itelatlver and friend. Invited to funeral rervleer Frl . 2 p m. Oliver 11. Itilr Itblg . 1S2II Cherlnut l . I'hllndclplili. Int. lllllrl'l'i Cem. lIlrCIIIB Inn 15, HOSK wife nf Adam Itltchlo (neo Xiukrll Iteletlven nnd friend., nlro Alt.r society of St IMwnrd a Church ami Independent Lodge, No 31. Order of Shepherds of llrtthlerem. Invited to funertl, Thur. . 8 .10 n. nl . 2413 N.llth rt Solemn high requiem ma., st IMivnrd h Church, 10 a. m. Int. Ntw C.i thedrnt Cem ItOHUP.TH Inn. 12. CHAP.I.KS IT hu.lnnd of Suinni. Itobortn (neo Ilogg.l. Itclitlven nnd f rlendr, membcrr nf Kensington M K t'huri h an I Hnhbath eehool nnd all cirgnnlutlonn of which ho. was n member. Invited to funernl ervlcer. Weil. I 3l P m. 112.1 i: Wilt t Inl private. 1 orrest Hill Cem. l'rlend. may coll Tuer. ove HOIIIMtTf Jan II ANNIH. wlfo of fieorgo Itoberln nnd dtugbtcr of Into Mntthew nnd Hnrnli Xlihnl. Itelntlven nnd friend. Invited to fu neral rervlcen. WiJ 1 p in . 812 S r.th rt. Int ..lit. Morlah Cem UOtlllRS Jnn II, MAIir .. elauqhter nf lato (Charles and Kllz.ebeth Iloger. lle'ntlver and friends invited to funernt, Thurs, 7.30 a In., rerldenco of brother. Charier Itogerr, 1111 1 i: Adnm. si High mir Chunh of Vl.itntinn li n m Trains to Hrond .Street Htntlon In niei t 11 ml train for Phoenlxvllle, Pn , for int. Phnenlxville papers eop IIOMMKL Inn 14. nt 2011 IV. Mongnmery nve. MAltlH M nUe of (lottlleh rtoinmel (neo lllankcnhorn). llelatlves nnd friends Invited to funeral servicer Wed. 2 p m. parlor, of Frederick Mann. Jr , loth si below Montgomery ave lut prlvnte, Northvvood Cem. Iterualu. nui lio vlcivvU Tues , after 7 p. m Auto fu nernl IIUDJiA?.' Jnn 11. nl West I'almyrn. ANNA Ill'DMAN (me llolvlck), widow of 1M ward ltudmiui, aged ill Helntlves and friends Invited to funeral, Wed . 2 .10 p m , brother-In-law 'r residence John O Nelll Ntw Jerrey ave nnd bprlnjr Oarden t West Paluora N J Int Morgan Cem Friends may view remains lues , 7 lo D p m iti'liciLPIi lan IS. suddenly. IIAltltV W. HI'noLPH Itelatlver and friend.. Columbii talelgH No .11, 1 O. O F Invited to funernl servicer Wed : n in npartmeutr of W II Hutu rib) .'Illll X llroud st. Int prlvute, Cr'mieciiri, c'h.lten Hills SANNA Jnn H. HIU.I.A A elliishtcr nf lato Hugh nml Alice Hunnu (nee Iluddy) Itela tues and friends Invited to funeral. Thurs . 8 30 n tn 3S11 N .1th rt rotemii requiem mas, Ht. Veronica's Church 10 a. m. In. Old Cathedral Cent Auto funerjl riCIILlCK Jan H III.LA HAUTMAN SCIlLICIv (nee o'Haral wlfs of Charles J Hchllck Relatives nnd friends. Ht. IZIIznheth's II V. M Sodilll, Altar nnd llosary Hoe lelles, Invited to funernl. Wed , K .10 a In . 2220 rage st. Solemn requiem mass Ht Elizabeth's Church 10 a m Inl New Cuthedral Cem SCHNWDER Jan 1.1 ANNA D SCHNEf. DKIl (neo Clunan) wlfa of Theodore ttrhnelder. aged (IS Relatives and friends Invited to funeral Wed Hum, 1321 H ISth at Int. Wertmlnrter Cem Auto funeral. Friends may view remains Tues . 8 p. in M'HHAI'hlt Jsn 11. HOTTLIEIl SC1IRA DEH husband of trederlcka Hchrader. Itela tlver and friends. Knights of Friendship, em plover nf F. U Vost cV bona. Invited to runerai, v ed , 7 30 a m opts of Andrew Kbert Hon,, 2 .IS H (111 st Mass of requiem Holy Trin ity Church t. a. m Int prlvnte Sl'HWKIZEH Jun 14 JACOII. husband ol Roslo hchwijlzer, lale of 2J2 W. Columbia nvs , formerly of Point and Elm sis , Camden, N J . aged M Relatives and friends, llak.r Arbclter Unterat Veieln, No 1 Hohenstaufen Unterst. eVeretn. No 2. Invited lo luneral services Wed , 1 Ii m . parlors of Charles If Thlele, 2114 X IVth rt Inl (Ireenmount Cem Friend, may cah Tues , aftel 8 p in feci) rT -Jim H l'bCEI.IA SCOTT mother of Isabella Durham aged 73 Relatives and friends Invited to funeral. Thurs . 12 noon, Island rd and (iruis ave Services Taiernacle U AM P Chiirih Int. Eden Cem Remains mav t vleueil Wed b to 10 p in SERV1S Jan 13 JAMEH. hushanil f Katherlne Pervls (n.-e Laughltn) agbd 73. llela tlves and friend, members of Third Church of Covenanters, Invited tu funeral services. Thurs , -. V ,n.i..'-'iu u- PPlncott st Int. North Cedar Hill Cem BBWAltD Jan 13 JAMES II husband of Laura V. Seward Relatives and friends. Hoard of Managijni of Homo for Veterans of Q A It and Wives, Invited lo funeral serve Ices Wed . 1 30 p. in., Horn, for Veterans of U A II. and IVIv.s. 05 IU and Vino ats Int fvortii Ledar Hill lem. hllOKMAKER. Jan 13 CHARLES M HIIOK MAKE1I. aged 89 Remains may u viewed Wtd 7 30 tu 8pm .420 riullcr ave , Ambler, Pa Fun.ral prlvut.. Thurs HPAItKH. After a brief illness Jan. le. KARAH II .. widow of Jpreph 11 bparka, awl H4 Funeral aervlcs and Int Hudlersvllle Md . Wrd 11.30 u in Remains ma to viewed at resldenca of daughter Mrs Mur bchaff.r 11031 1itona uvs. (60th st uud llalllmore ave , Tucea 7 .JO to I' .31) p m llaltluKrj Md papers cop) HPKI8IS. Jar 13. THOMA.-. J huruana of Lotll. Hpelre It.lallves and friend, -mp oye. of Keith s Theatre invited to fuueral Wed , I1EATII1 RIO. m , 211 N ltth st. Mrs of. solemn requiem Ht John's Church 10 a m. Int. Old (.ftthedrnl Cem . nMlTIf Jan ,14. MAnOAIlET elaughler of tlrldset anil Iho late Patrick Smith, formerly of Counly (laiwny Ireland Rointlie. and frlenil. Invited to funeral. Thurr , 7:10 n. m , from lim rerldenco of her brother, Martin Smith. 2701 N. 2d rt Solemn requiem mis. at ft, Kdward Church nt D n hi. Int. Holy Sepulehro Cem. SRVUKS. -After n hrlff lllners. Jan IB, BAllAH It , widow of Jo.eph H Hpark. nged Rl, Relative, nnd friend, may view remain, nt the rerldento of her dsu.hter. Mrs. Mary Hchnffer, (1031 I-ntona nVn tnnth nnel Riltlmorf, nve). Tuer from 7.10 until n 3D n m '"nrral servicer and int nt Hurtlerrvllle d . Wed., II .10 a m. elnlllmire. Md ..Pipr' E,1f,r.', wry. HTAHI. .Inn 1 1 CAROLINE HTAHIillien Me-plnua widow of Dinlel Hlnhl, ntced fill Rein tlves and friend., congregation of Oerman I.ulh ernn Tnliernaclo Church. Invited to funernl. Thurr. I p m. 1110 Illrlnir Hun ave Hervlter Herman Lutheran Tabernacle church 2 p in, Int Northwood Cem Friend, may rnll Wed,. 8 '"rSTA&NAhll Jan. 14. EMMA Dfi. wile of Oliver II Htnnnarcl, aged 30. Reliilie. and friends Invited lo funerrl wed , a P. pi., Iloehm. Iteformvd Church. Uluo Hell. Pn. Friends tnko the 1 02 p m Irnln from Heading Termln.l to lvnlln ri;o 1 10 P. m tro ley from Norrlstonii lo Kennett Square, Int. Iloehm. Cem .... ... HM.... HTKKIil, At Denver. Col LOTTIE" STEIv Et. tneo Cnnnell) wife of Irfiulr Hleclesl, aged 31. HIEWAIfe - Inn II JOHI.l'H foil nf lute lmlien nnd Fannie Mt.nnrt Itelntlvor nnd friend. Itornn Society mid l.engiio nl Kncred Heart. Invited to funeral, 'Ihur. s n tn 3.11 X lliirllngtoii rt , (llour.rter Clly N. J. Sol etnti requiem mar. Ht Mnry r Church 0 a, m. In si Mirv'. Cem HTOCKDALE Jnn II. LAIIRENCT. P.. ron nf Into John II nnd Isabel Htnckdnle, Rein liver nnd friends Inilted to funernl, 12 Henry rt . Palms rn, N J, Wed, 2 10 p tn. Trnln lenvi. Market rt. ferrj for 1'alnijra. 1:20 p. tn. lBW.Ni?!,V.nn, I.FCINDA, wlfo of Abrn bnlll Hlone nged 77 Llto of 31.1 N nth rt Itelatlier nnd rrlendr Invited to funeral serv ile. Wed, M p iii. Dnvld H. Schuyler Rldg , liroid und Dlnmond st. Int. prlvnte. Mount Jot, ''"HTi.ninNH Jan. II CORNELIUS, hue Innd nf Murgnret 1 Stephen, nnd ron of late Cornelius and Elizabeth Stephen., nged no. Relatives nnd friend.. lynnl Lenape Tribe No. 3 I O H M tlnrvert Home lxdgc. O. H. of It. Ifith Ward Republican Club employe. Hlghwnv Dept , Invited to funeral service., 'rue., 8 p. m. 1313 Eirl rt. Int private. m' ICKEIl At Allnntle Cltv. N 1 , Jan. 1.1 ELIAIIEUI DALLAS HTICKFR, dauthter of Inte John and l.llyti Rementer Dtllar nged (12 llelntlie-. and frlendr Inilted to funeral serv icer Thur... 2 p m., re.idene-e of .1. Weslev Iloneti, mis H. -d Bt In- I ernwood Cem HIAlil.Nl.r Jnn 12 ELIZAHETH ANN, uldoiv of John Sweeney Relntlve. nnil friend. Invited lo funeral. Wed. 2 pm. 21.11 H. 117th .1 Int Mt Morlah Cem Remains m ty bo 1 ie eel Tle. , 7 tO (' P tn THOMAS .Ian 15. REV. .TAMES HEW'ALI. THOMAS. Funernl service In First Methodl.t Eplstopil Church, Colllngsivood, N J., Wed . It n 111 Int prlvnti ni'i d.n .inn in .Ai.iui ii jji'iu.n men l.lllvl wife of Charles E. Tipton, nged nil. Reintlves nnd menu, niro i.huics- Auxnnry. Post No. HI. CI A II . Annie M. Itnrs Circle. No 3d. (1. A It . and Robert .Morris Temple. No 11. O of V A Invited to funernl servicer Frl , ut 2 p m . HUP 'lasker rt Int t,'i rosette Vinilt llemnln. mis lie viewed Thur. eve Vll'WEd Jnn It lll'HTIVIl J , hurlinnil of llnrgiret Vleweg nged .is Relntlve. nml friend, invllcd lo fiinerut Thurs , 8 10 n. m . 201.1 X. Stlllman st High muss St. Elizabeth's Church IU ii in Int private. VITI. Jon ". MAR" M . wire nf the liln Antjelo Vlll and ilnughler of tile lnle Angelo und Mnrv A Dnmlaiin, Funeral, In which relnllies nnd friends nre Invitpd Tliurs dn, 8 n in . residence of her Hon, Xnlhons c P 1 HI 1 1I Miner .t Solemn mass nf riquieln I hurch of Our I.ncly of Ml C.irmel, 0 30 n in sharp. ' Int. Holy Crus. '"'"? MINER Inn It. MARV V . widow of IM word Wnrner (nee Vutighnn). nged 81 Relatives and IriendM invited to runerai services, Wed . 2 p in . 1311 Marlborough st. Int. prlvnte. Lnurel Illll t'em WARREN tin 1.1. ELINOR O WARREN. Relatives and rrlend. Invited to funeral rerv leer. 'I hur. . 2 p in . p triors of Joseph II. Murray A Hon (l.'I) Market st Cnnnlen X .1 Int pHvnte Ilnrielgh Cem. I rlcnd. nuey tall v! riYANI) Inn 15 JOSEPH P. liusbnnd of Into Ellzibelh Wesnnil, aged 71 IMttlves und frli nils Post No 77. II. A R , Robert Ilium Cut. Vereln, .No 1 Ht. Eliznlieth's Mnenner Cnt Vereln. Anil Cobden Club. tlerman-Amerl-ean Republican Club. School Janitors' Aran, nil other organizations of which he lias a member. Invited lo funeral. '1 hurr 8-10 n. in, ron-ln-law s residence, Frank Salle. 12.1 Muple uve , Westmont N .1 High tnase St. John n Church Colllngswood X. J . 10 n la. Int. Most Holy Redeemer Cem , Phlln Tuko Iluddontlcld trol ley from Market st rerrs IVILLFORD Jan II ALFRED, liusbnnd of Alice I Mil I ford HeHtlves and friends Inilteel lo view remilns Wed eve . Oliver It Itnlr ltldx 1820 Chestnut st Int. Lebanon, l'a.. Thurs WILL" JAMES Wills, r i to funer 1 Requiem nu N .1 . In ' 15 nt Indian Mills. N J . e of Mars' 11. and lato Jame. til Reintlves nnd friends Invited hurs Indlnn Mills N .1.8 n. m s Sicred Heart Church, Mt Hollv. i in Inl St Mnrs's ('cm . Mt Holts L' .iiuliis may bo viewed wed . 7 to 0 p. m rt residence WII.Ml.W M llristol. widow of William Wilson Invited to funeral. Wed , i lltfe st. llirh mass at P.e . Jan 14. MARV Relatives and lrlends , 0 30 a m nnu Raci st Murk's 10 a. m Int st MnrK s cem. WINTER Jan 1 I. JENNIE P wlfo of John R II Winter Relative, nnd friends Invited to funeral. Weil . 8 .10 n m . 5221 Tllhert st. Niimti lenuletn nines Church of Our Lad of feenrv 10 a in Int. Ilolv CensH I'em WOODWARD Jan 11. nt Wenonah. N .1 . ELLA I., widow ol Evan M Woodward. Pr , nged (lit llelatlves and Mends invllcd to runerai Thurs , 1 .10 p m , Lincoln nve Wenonih. N J. Int. private, St James tha Less I cm WORLEV Tin 1 I SADIE WORLEt (nee Dlrklnson) wife of Charles Worley. Relatives nnd friends. Altar nnd Rosary HodeUe. of St. Francis Xavtvr's Church, tnvlted to funeral. Wed . 830 a. m 2424 Hamilton st High mas. of requiem Church of St. Francis Xailcr 10 u in lot Holy Cross Cem WRIIIIIT Jnn 1.1, WILLIAM husband of Margate t Wright (neo Cnrroll) and sin of lato John urd HUzebeth Wright Relatives and friends, Ilolv Name Society nf St Htephen's Churth, Tlogi lluslness Men's Arso . Mornlne; Paper Carriers' Protoctlvo Arso , tnvlted to ru nerai. Wed 8 3(1 n. m . 1J21 IV Tioga rt Hoienui requiem in irs St Stephen a Church 10 u m Int New Cnthedrnl Cem YEAKEL Jan. 13. SOPHIA JI YEAKEI. widow of Josephus Veakel, daughter uf lute John W nnd Maria Itirititr llelatlves nnd lrlends Invited lo funeral services. Thurs., 1.311 n. in risldeneo of son-in-law L Taylor 21tl l)upont st , Rnxborough lut private. West Laurel Hill Cem. Auto funeral. u.Mir.nT.VKFKs D F OALLAGHER 2321 E. Huntingdon Undertaker and Embalmer. Hell ph. Ken 402. L03T AND FOUND KI.ACK ARKRDEnN TERRIER, female, lost Sunday afternoon! plain leuther collar, small bell attached, long, black straight hnlr point ed ears, last seen In viclnllv of Hroad and Walnut sts , reward. 1720 Pino at . Locust 011.1 J DIAMOND LOST. DIAMOND SOLlTAIRn. PLATINI'M SKTTINO. DIAMONDS DOWN llOTII HHANKH. L1HERAL REWARD IF RETURNED TO 1027 LOCUST. APf II MUFF Lost, Persian lamb muff, Saturday eve ning. January 13. between ISth and Chestnut to llroad, to Olrarel ave . very liberal reward, having been gift to owner Telephones Walnut 2337, Mr, Tage. NECKLACE Lost, green ard rllver bead neck lace, on Sunday, between 40th and 40th sts , bpruco and Chestnut dead mother's last gift. Kindly return to 1312 Spruce rt. lU'UHE I.ost purs., amall'hrown pigskin, near Curtis Publishing Co und Wa.hlnrlon square, Lit. Monday afternoon containing bills stamps, prescription cloorkey small gold ltadge reward C 201. ledger Orflee bCARFl'IX Lost. Saturday January 13. scarf Pin containing on. (red) ruby and threo dia monds, liberal reward Return to Combes A Van lloden. 1113 Walnut at. UNCLAIMED TELEGRAMS WESTERN UNION TELEOflAril Dr Harry I Ilassett, Robert ' Cochrane Co.. Central Hr Signal Co , Cohen & Ruben Cooperage Co , Elliott Foreman II F. Ooodwln, Mrs. Caifla I Hall, llagy Hroa , C W Jones, Oscar John eon Prod. Co . Mrs. Rasard I.ukens. M (1. Les lie, Mawcll MeCllntock Peler Michaels, J I Pierce. Airs Harry Strong, Mrs Harry Hpran. gler, J. W Tlcknor Emma Walter, WUo & llalley. Robert West M Henry Auger, At IraLtor Novelty (o Jess. Atherton. Alleroyn Hteamshlp Co It A Uarnes. Low I, Ilauin, JIls Scwlonla, Rowers C H Walker C C. Carr, Champion Candy Machine Co.. Mr.. Laura H Ellwanger. John Evans. Mrs. An drew Trederlckson Mrs Ella Oooroan, Mrs. Robt Uorman, Luth Illll, Emma Kllefkeu, Mrs Dorothy Livingstone. H. 11. Laraout, Mies Iella Mt-Donqugh. Mia. Anna I'endla- oury. juu r aui)ivan, jonn r- mser.r. Jo-i asph L, II Swlnnerton romrvllU- Tubfnfil co. Ha inon. i--. u. Wharton, c. Walters. Mr, Watson, 11EL1? VANTED FEMALE CLERK 5-nun lady ,(or tfflco wofiti tat and education C 11. Ledger Office. . COOK, white, as manngln liou.lceener for fstn ly of 3 living In nrarfment! must b e;. cJllent cook and have first-class references. call 2012 Walnut st COOK", Protestant, referenren required, small family, no laundry work, rrrger II. 3810 Walnut rl . COOK nml elown'lntr. wotki referenco required! good wages 2300 Delaware nve, Wllmlng- ton,. Del.. - . Dnr-ssMAKnit-wAiRr,v.TniMMnR JTlilallVs-T ' ( Ml EOF "CIJTTIN'; AND COPVINll FROM .FRENCH I'K llliCli. lei e;'i ill-mat- V ! 1 Al '.i. .-. .. . i 1101 FIRSr-CLASS 'PLVl tlOOD SAL ION. C.iLIj REAR ARY. LO.SO SEASON X012 IVAU1U1, DREIRMAKm SKIRT , DRAPER FOR I.UtdE DilESH.MAKlNO ESTAHLISH mext. Capaiii.i: OF CUTTINO. AND ((.PYINO FROM FRENCH ..MODELS AND TAKK fllARclll OF TARIiB: ONLY TllcVsE WITH EXPEIUENCII IN fiARUB FIRST CLAHS IIOt'SK NEED. APPLY. (lOOD SALARY. LONC1 8EASON CALL REAR 2012 WALNUT EXPERIENCED HfYER , for children's wear nnd mu.lln un'1'""-l ,r.u7,r0nnnnr1Cg'enlEe.O,e7aV.,nenr-:"Opnpl,.,: cation, -yfej-ai? t ro Lexington st. and Pnrk nve , llnltlmore, McL FITTERS WMSTS AND .SKIRTS, ItrnllESTSAtiARY 1' Oil) TO TIIOROPOIILY COMPETENT PEOPLE. M 717. LEDUEIt CENTRAL. 1 VttflE DREHs'MAKIN'iI ESTARLtSIt lllisr HAS AN OPENINO TOR A THOU; ill-VlllLV COMPETKNT FOREWOMAN CAPAIILE OF TAKINU ENTIRE CIIAROE ill' irs WoTlBUOOMH. APPLICANT MU-Jl" 111', A I'EIWOV OF HlOll EXECtlTlVH A IILITY A( CI'STOMF.I) TO IIANDLINO Vllltli: NFMI1I.R OF HELP AND FULLY OSV LRSANT WMTII lllli VARIOUS DB TAll.s )' Til IK CLASS OF WORK: ONLY 111 )Si: IIAVIMI I AD ACTUAL EX'PF.RI 1 M'l. IN A H L LAR CAPACITY AND Wilt) ViV AND IIA1E PIIODUCED IIU Hl TS NEED APPLY UOUI) SALARY, PEItMANENl' POSUION. CALL 2012 WALNUT ST OIRL. for rhnmlrrwork nnd wultlnir In stiiill rniiills Call ruesdiy morning nt 310 H. 21st st before HI. .10 .Must hnvn reference CURLS wanted good vice., to work In wall imp. r factory! upply nt once. Ilecker. Smith & Page, Water nt. nnd Susder uve. OIRI.S In lnce nnlshln? room, clean work! pnld while It amine. Apply John Uromtcy et. Son. Lehigh nve. belowlront. OIRLS, over 10 sear, of age. for light faclorv work permanent emplosment. Apply 1030 Spring st . Ilrrt floor . HOSIERY, rxp knitter, and tnrnirs. rib frame hnnds examiners, pnlrers nnil folders: nlo lfnrnerrp iliMvljllr lcarnlng.l.120 Lawrence. HOUSEWORK Willis woman, general house, work nnd Inundrs 2 In Tamils', wagesv ik rererence requlrcil t'.lll Medncdav; nr Thursdav-. 437 W llrlnghurst rt.. Otn. 2211 J IIOFPEWORK While girl. 2. In rmnlly. Cnll Tuesday evening, Wedneedus morning, tar rare paid, H4.I0 N 13Ih. HOUSEWORK Young bousi work, .rum of J in for general Ph. Cvnwjd 2Uu. HOI'.SEW'OltKi'R. genernl. wanted nt onco for rmall mhilt fnmil)) good, plain cook: wanes SO llll.l Pine rt, LADY'S MAID. Protestant, need not hnvo had exp to serve eldorlv I ids', must ho nent. tmtihlc nlul rpeuk cleirlv. P 012. Led. Off. NURSE experienced. Infanlr or Invalid, cits, I'rntertnnt. .274N llliiBitalel . ,. PAPER 110XES Experienced f nlrher. and lenrnerr Apply Schuettle 310 Florist. STENOORAPIIER wanted to learn hu.lnes.l good ehnnco for ndvnnccment. Apply 004 Liberty llldg , Hrond nnd J'hertnut. STENOriRAPHER Add. Ill own handwriting, giving age. ixp & ral. exp.. M 1157. Led, Cent. STENOdRAPIIEIl- -Htnte nge. experience nnd J 1.11 Ledger Central ril crs expee-leu WOMAN A position offi rn to n competent and experienced woman of KuodibroeillneT and nf high moral tone with exicliant reference, in regard therein lo insume charge under pnr netB' rupervlslon, of Ihelr 2 diiu4hters, I nnd it venrs, some l.nnwiecige m riniimeniary euu cation and Irnlned nursing might bo preferred but li not essential. The honi" I. In country suburbs, with modern comforts and the raliry I, .III .. ... nil, Cariifill rnuillill- 1.11,1 lllnliir. ,111 ,,r,,,,u..n ...... Careful read. HE a ntfiniHnt- nf rpnulrements will mive Mllin WH slble niinllrantH tho trouble of jinswertiitf. but n thn'co opportuitllv exlstM for tho rmht vvoiuiii nuil from - to .!." enrn A full letter In respnnso may confidentially bo sent to M Ltdger Office AVOMKN A BCMlnl orgnnlzatlon of 'tho hlchest rbn meter requires the servlres of savenu lilehly n fined nnd rdumled women to solicit membership.; Ifhnrnl compensation. Address .1 11.1. Ledaer Central (irneril LADY not under 2-T for position vacated through promotion; experience unne. rsar; nno who Is willing to lejirii, tvlh sgliool nr college Krad uato preferred. O l-f-"', LedKer Ofllcc. HELP WANTED MALE RACIC-THNDURS wanted, for rooflmr mill: fi hours Apply John LanE Ptpor Co., J-lth nnd 'lne niM. ROOKKKRPnit nnd assistant stenographer. J12; enji leini Journalism 3in Prrxel Rulldlntc. IJOHS Ri:ATi:it TI:NDI:R wanted for rooflns mill, H hour' P U35, Ledffer Office POVV anted In wholesilo rlothlns factory: one with experience In trlmmlnt; room preferred. R. Jacobs, llrond nndbouth ROV to assist In vvlmlesala notion house; cood chuni. for advuncement. .Sol, Levy, Sin Arch st. . POVH WANTIin TOR XinilT WORICt MiTHT nn ovi:it i: ciianci-: i-oii ADVANcnMi:.vr. arrlv aitkr n 1 M. UKIRlHn Ol 1 ICE. Klfc-TII TLOOR. ROYS wanted for Kenernl office work: must have; good education, statu ago und reference, P li.lfl ledger Off Ire BOYH. obemt 17, to work In pressroom. Apply Wolf Rros Co ,12th pnd Callowhlll, nth floor. ROYH. "helpers for delivery cars Apply at 21st and Rrundywlno nts orIll7 Ransom at ROY3 Inprlntlnc nfflco to run errands. Call KeliCo13i:sCherry st. i ROYS, "li. "ver 11. for editorial roomi splendid opportunity. Apply Mr. Ralelch, fourth floor, flod Chestnut st. CABINETMAKERS VICTOR TALKING MACHINE CO. has vacancies for Cabinetmakers Double-head molder operators Ketllnir-up sawyers Rouih-rlp sawers MlllwrUhts Office- bojs. 10 iears and ovef Janitors, stroii? (white) -ta-hour-wetft schedule Physleal examination neiessary Apply Victor Talkinc Machine Co Application Office, 3."i Cooper st . Camden N CJIAIU'KEUR. delivery sirvko, ono familiar with Oermantown. Chestnut Illll nnd Yorlc road sections, must be experienced and furnish reference. ApiUy at -1st and llrandywlna sta., orlle.7 Hansom st CHAUFFEUR, col'd, ref. req 7830 Fra'nkford ftVe Ijolmesbury, eweeji 2 and 4 p m. C1ERK Experienced atock and order clerk In retail hardware buulne, must ctva reference. DRAFTSMAN, experienced In dei bluldlnc ana simitar construction leslgu of mill m work- 1132(1 per annum; citizen Apply X'rankford Ar villi t, inmugipiiiJ, t a DR1VERH fur wholesale milk wutonti. Apply 4(J H 1'Jth st DRCOS Registered graduate, sood experience-! must coma wvll rircomnieuded, fine opportunity. Apply ZuUlnairr, -RJth and I-otust. 1-OREMAN Yountf man for fureuunV Job on insiwctlns on knit underwear ami sweaters, rnau. with soma experience maiiatwlnc femul help preferred reference required Write, stat Int; ue salary experlenr Rax bl-, Ad Offlce P3l Hates ave Hrookbo UAROREHH wantedi K ours AppIyJohn Uns Taper to, i!!Ci and Vine eta 1017 HELP WANTED itAXE Conllntifd from rrccciino Column LAnotlKKa'colored rnel , whltr for r. h. n.i sterdr workt board with compmr II aireo. 4a N. 17th rt. . MACIIINH TRNDERS wanted !?rnJ?onIn, ",!, cylinder msclilner si hours V P.1l,.l.ed OIT MAN, "cnpnble, with eiperlenco nn tlnw rtuclj wofki irlvr full delnlls. sl.o KtXf. nd.l,YJ5l clerlrcd: a derirnble position with rapid rfl. vsneement. M tr.'-'. ledger Office, MAM. cperlnceil, to drive tumi .Rf"'" "J.1! baled hay business, referenc. required lull II Itelbler &Co '.'iso Oermantown avej, MAM. elderly., bookkeeper nnd genrt wArl; la rontrrctor'r oftlcei rtnl" esperlenco Bniliralnry expected Ilox 17. 1Vncote !. ' MAN wnnteil. with strictly sober l.nbUs, to Irks rhrrir of gnrnget good reference required, r ni.1. Ledger Ofllce. Slli.V wnnled'for rtockroom who will merit pro motion with growing corporation: Ih r rhould b. nf particular Interest to one of rhlllty who Is desirous or advancement, no nl'Jectlon lo ne, hut prefer tn hsvo It rtnled together wild experience! nnd ralary expected li 202, Ledger ofllcc iiV.S 1VANTKD nollermaker. locomotive nii chlnlst., car repnlr men. laborer, loepmotlie cleaner, renna.lt n 1711 rjlhrrt rt. MI'.N for night work In milk liou'e Apply after III p. m . 42 R. 12lh rt. J. I'lCTUIlH MAT CIITTKII and fllteri steady em ployment Staton tiro. nt02 llln. ave. itnAt. nsf ATI1 BOMCITOll wanled to rell low priced suburban lot. and houses: good oppor tunity for energetic personi full particular, preferred .1 41.V l.edgerCentral SAlTns MAMAOmt for Delnvvaro ond Mnrilnndi business referenco required i elderly mi n pro lerrecl. Illag.rn nh t'ompan, .11 H. llllh st, HAt.USMKN The Eneyclopeillr. Ilrllannlca needs a few hlgh-clnss salesmen to work on leads only, both In tho city nnd to travel To rilesmen of other liner seeking wo-l we can rav that fnur-tlfthr of our rucees.ful men nre men whu never sold books before 1V pnrlleulnrl)' want mn vvhn arc not only good rilesmen. but who have r ifflcl-nt cxeeu tlvo ability lo handle other men. Thnso who niinlirj In this respect will ree-elie extremely rapid promotion to positions In n permanent orrinlrntlnn which will pay them far moro than Is rondo by tho nvcrngo snlesmtn.. If vou nre a real rnlesman. reg-irdlesr of vvlint'IIne oil have been or nre how rolling, como In nml tnlk It over with us. Mp trnln sou thoroughly. Commlslon nnd urawlni ac count. 131 ftOL-rit nrrnnNTif STnhF.T Cor. Walnut st. SAl.i:sMi:.v Owing to our increasing business we enn use n few live, energetic nnlesmen who nro looking for nn opportunity to produce irsults. Apply 1'rnntz I'remler Distributing Co.. e.10 Jlnrket st. MAI.IIHMIIM Wanted, hlgh-clns. salesmen by dully new simper for work on big new rub rerlptlon tropcsltlan. lAnd premium, lead, fur- nlshed Apply 101 H 7th st SAI.i:HMi:V. S. wnnteil for I'hlln . Ilrst-i lass proposition, must bo J.1r9 or over Apply morn'g. mil I.lhertj llldg . llro id A Chestnut siii:i:t miitai. iniLi'nns wanted Apply ims ('berry st IsbirDnitnitS wunled. experienced on wash boiler v orl. Amerle-in .Metal Works. 311 Arinot rt . (lermintnwn. STEXOOMAI'lIlin An expert ntenogrnnhcr ns nsslstnnt to executive, one who can take rnpld .ll.lnlUn nml .. I.an vn...lm,l n.i .. .. rllA 1. 1 nu'l. .II,LII i ll'll III,, 'l, II'IU.,.,. I.... l.tl ... ...... letlerr without dictation, advance ment to man .. nn l...n l..ll..ll.n 11 till 1 n.lnul elfllia HrnNOCfltArilKIl Young man, experienced, ex cellent cipportunltj to connect with one nf ths largest lumber firms In rhlindelphla. P 1UJ. Ledger Office. syrnMOdltAl'HIIU. experienced. .1023 Callo"w- hill st. tSIOCIC MAI.KSMRN wnnted; commission hnsls. Apply but Abbott llullding. llroadjind llaco. S10Ni:"8AWVi:n wanted! experienced. Address James Hobcrtson. 207 Thomas st.. Wllltlns. burg Ia STIinnT CLKAML'IIS wanted, white or colored. A pull Ilia f. llth. between 7 uud 0 a in. and (I to H p m. WOOLTIM SPlMMnns wanted nn Davis t. Tur her nnd Whltelv mules, medium nnd heavy arns, night work Tor full pirtleulnrn npply to Hllnsshy Mfg. Co., Ltd . Ilrantford. Ont. foi'.vtl .MAN7iii or IS enrs of nge7for office el itles In Inrge mercantile house, excellent op- Rortunlty for ndvancenient. Answer In own nudw riling, giving full particulars J 418. Ledger Centrnl TOlINO MAM to lenrn business manual training school graduate preferred. Williams, llrown t Ilnrle Inc. 1)18 Chestnut st YOU.S'Jl MAM In shipping ilipariment.w 10J3 Cnllowhlll (lenonil 1 ri'MTlVIl ihetnlenl eriilnnle. exnerteneed, iifinn-tsnon, accountants nnd nnoK kki:ii:kh. n.i. jih $20 un, cot cluiikh. 11.1. J'.'O IM. CAhlllKK 13. CLIlItK IltAISMAM. Illii mo . Cl.lirtK. general, 110 up. riri:.0(!HAI'lli:it. expert. 1100 mo, others J13 up. HUI'KHINTliMIJlIMr, oxp In running brass foundry und mnchine shop, 13.1 110: HRAIH'ATi: CIIIIMISTH. severnl. must be tilled Immediately. 90(! 112(10. IHtAKTS MIIM, 113 IIS, 120, I'OItKMAM, exp. wood working imehlner, 120 and Imnus C1II, IMTCC'IOIt miinuf.irturlng exp I20- HIIIP. 1'IMO nnil TltAKl'lC n.lllIK 120. UECUIV l.NO CI.IIUK. $1K. POUIIMAM toolroom. Illo wlru. JJ5. lJITIClBNCY ll.M'KBT. mnnune. turlng idant. high-grnde man, COKKIM! HALK3.MAM. exp. M Jersey, DlttlO SALKS. MAM, txp eastern I'enna SAI.HSMAM. high grade, printing, other positions open for men ubove the average HUSIMKSS HIJUVICI1 COMPANY 1301 Inllld Title llldg. MILS' viuntccl lo 1111 positions ns trnlllc inntw ngers We supply training necessary nnel eo openito with eer nribltlous mair. Call, write or phone (Poplir 211) for dotnlls. National Trnlllc Ilureau. 13th and Sprlns (larden rtrrels WC TIIAL'II YOIT TO I1RIVI1 AMI1 RUPAIIt AIJTOMOIIIl.l:s 113 comi'lutb coimsi: J13 13 will start vou Day mid Night Classes Sillier. 1C01 Spring Garden st. Ojien Sunday. lNcmiAhi: vnun hauxiiy bnroi.i, now Autnmoblln classes Mvchsnleal uud Klectrlc.il at .1 nnd 7.30 p. m. N. 11 cor llroad und Spring Harden sta SAI.UHMHN wnnteil (cnpltul stock)." cxco'lent proporltlon 20 per cent c ommlsston. but no advances, easy seller. 1300 to 1300 month; references J 340 Ledger Central. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE BOOKKIlIIPfin. thoroughly experienced, desires nrst-clawe position taking charge. J 440, ledger Central BOOKKnril'KR and stenographer, thoroughly experienced, A-l referenco: salary 118. J 314, Ledger Central IJOOKKKUPEn-atenographer. experienced: exec utlvn ability, A-l refs Dickinson 280S W. CHAMfiriHWOniC AND WAITINO Young girl wishes position In country: no washing. Ad-. dress C 133. Ledger Office. COOK, first class. Oerman. wants position In private family, city, best ref O HBLed.Jprr. COOK and chambermaid, 2" sisters, work to" gather, bestreferenev, C 20J I.edcer0rilre COOK. Protestant with extelleiit reference, city or country 20JU Pemberton st. tllUUS. 2, wish positions, one cooking, chamber work und waiting Call 120 llansberry it , Oermantown HOUHKWOUK and upls . colored, day's work or laundry work at home, Ledger Ilranch, 18th und Iiomburd y NHItHtl for infant only, will leiveeUly. Nurse. , f430 Catharlnu st ' BECUETARY, with knowledge" of proofreading. advertising and printing, desires position, best r,fcrenccs; aalary Jib. J 230. Ledgerf'entral. YOUNC1 WOMAN desires position" as desk clerk" cashier or assistant Isiokkeeper in hotel at 5r74nULerdVe;'c.nfr,i."UO -'"" ""d' VftENCII and Uerman ladles' maids and French chambermaid wish positions in iirat-rlaai Am. family, country pret. 1213 N. Franklin SITUATIONS WANTED JIALE ADVEUTISINQ MANAOEH with manufacturing anil neivsosDer e.iuirl.nn , rn- ..:. I.'1 aUlon. known copy and literature writing ",.. ..--' ------ --.- r-... .v. ,i,v IIIUDO. ana literature writing, SITUATIONS WANMD-MAIaH C'onllniiecl trom Prtttixno r ol,-,, "l- MOOKKKnrKit thoroughly rin..i. . nudlt, open, close, wrlto ifn tT.'niT."''!. ZZ reports day or evenlnn, rnbderai. t..-."'!!! phone. Woodland 1103 M6 "i S,iJ eiu 1 1.1.11 wisne. -position rltv hr.,. T9 or write 317 R 17th UmiioTtt'nSA ?a CHAlWEim. first rlsrs, w.ilte gj?"' careful driver, rtrlrtly'rnh"r wbfh.rwniiBS In prlvnte htn ri best cllsr refll-tl. sxltlen 2010 Chancellor, below 1nUtr", AjJjJ CHEMIST experlenccM In research ,,i -44 nnslvtlcal Icork and as msnsree "1,M rhemlcnl plant, de.ires poVltion IL "'0 line. In or near Philadelphia n uV?."!"" COMPAMIOM and valet, tenned youn . --SSi1 27! experienced! references 137 K,niJtrt COOK, first clrrs, Japanere. W,k, 'C,;.--OJI prhnto family, wage. H ,' "8 8fw reference. Ynmrdn 308 N isih .7 ' tibOIC. IltlTI.EIlt man nnd wife. .1 r....T S ence Phone Hpruen 30.7 ' rears' rerjS fVtllM MANAIIKIl I. . A XIAM ncrl Itn al nr...l -: rrliroa.1 experience, desires chinsei a Vttr "f.'Vd acoT" ?" OJt'Lfimti MIIVATH HECnCTAIlY SlllTent ., V3ii School of 1-lnance, U nf " ' "no-?' $Vt elerlre. change of position J Vol, Lrd7!J,Srl SAt.nsMAN experlencedr'noi-" rmpl, rrv large phllide ph a corporation d..tvl. ." ', opportunities, will Ink- local ' ",! !!H for manufacturer or distributor, or .'A" manager nf falr-n a ,atI i.i'.i'J, n SI 11IH, J.edger Ortlce? otranUiu,, STrA'OOHAPIIKItT male "aiTT itMrr" J knows office worki would take no.inSt.rlfMJ Jng toralesmanrhlp .1 412" I5Slr ga'itt TltA PFIC MAMAOEIl IfnveourcTe.ir? trlhutlofi lowered: am .10 eaft old! sieSil?? In traffic P ears In prerent ri.iibSul'?i Pennn It. n ihornughli iinVleritana ?i.J'J. entlons tariffs. Wcklni routing, flatn'.'"? "Jo'l 7S3SV Of fice.1" ' MW-9 coi,l IMt: dllADUATi:. 7 vears7 execntlrrd1? r-lllns experience elr.lr j to niak. S..i rebrunrv C in.', ledger Office. chH EMPLOYMENT AaENCna7 MUS NICIIOLSS. 1112(1 Ililnbrl,IKrt"ilK? position, for butler recond men eoii: eookr. 110 to 100. Scotch cook, 17. rSVSSji several liner. 3 girls together rhanibtrmfulU l'rench. Swiss, tlcrman nurses. ele, iiJi.Jl ndditlnnnl couples, second men, cook, las ?-i ir.tl, waitresses laundresses, housemsM. i.J lhono Locust 2130 """.cnaios. ,bj 1VANT15U Competent I'reuch or EnrlUhTTdCT main, a nrsi-cins. cooks i ,11 tu I0O1 eoaV. l,Zt Main Line. lo kitchen maids 17s 2 "liSS tent recond men, r.1 references requlridl Mrs Ilogers.313S 2llih st ljf fiiii,. ttovernesses, mothers helpers nur,es. .111 MItsriIArtVEY HUH nlttenhouss'sq. Wiisfl In. an n.MII'n. Vnllfll.l, h.ln fn n..- ItTl 1 rerrer. cooks supplied WOI.P'H EMPLOYMENT AGENCY, s-lett hejlj 1420 S. 10th st. Phone Dickinson 3811. ij j. "-.. ...... ... .- ...... ..... .u. .. .... t yy-t hj AUTOMOBILES l'or Snle DON'T MISS OUn EXTItAOnDINAIlT ) EXCHANGE CAH UXIIiniT OF LOCO.MOIIILCS l.OCOMOqiLEJJ Our noltev will not nermtt us to AnVPR. TISE or SELL any EXCHANGED L0CO-1 MOHII.E that Is not up tn OUR et.ndiriKef whnt ll. eel e.ie fclinilt.tl 111!. yri-l Our ellserlmlnatlon Is your protection, OP-H EVENINQS ALL THIS WEEK JM LOCOMonit.ns 10IG 0-4S LOCOMOBILE touring, 7-P-M. 1015 0-4$ LOCOMOniLE touring. 7-caii! , 1014 0-48 I.OCOMODILE redan, T-paai. j 1014 0-48 LOCOMOniLB limousine. 7-nin. 1011 0-38 LOCOMOBILE touring, S pill. .1 inn e.o I neiiinnir r n-...l.. ...... nU.W U-U 1 A.V.V.V...1W1..UL., HUIUU.IH .-f.-.,- 1013 0-18 LOCOMOniLC touring. Trill. 1012 0-48 LOCOMOBILE Ilmouilne. i-Plu 1012 0-38 I.OCOMODILK touring, 6-pll. ' 1012 4-30 LOCOMOUII.n roaditer, 2-pm.' 1011 0-4S LOCOJIOIHLE touring, T-P1M 1011 1-30 LOCOMOIULE touring. 8-pll. i 1011 1-30 LOCOMOBILE roadster. 3-ptis.j 1011 4-30 LOCOMOBILE limousine. tC'"j 1010 4-30 LOCOMOBILE limousine, Trpmy very cheap. 1003 4-30 LOCOMOBILE chassis, chain would mako great delivery wagon., v OTIIEn J1AKE3 1017 0-30 MITCHELL touring. T.paii.: -totl new. 101(1 4-30 CHALMERS touring, 7-ptn.il very little. 1013 4-30 CADILLAC landaulet, T-ptu, 1911 (1-30 riERCE-AItnOW touring. i-iM excellent. 1012 4-30 H17ICI. touring. S-pus. 1P12 4-20 HUPMOnlLE. B-pae, 1011 1-ttU WALUI.1.AU touring, o-pa,, ijX 1010 4-40 KNOX touring 3-pasi. ; i---j,'3 Convenient terms can be arranfio. THE LOCOMOBILE COMPANY OP AMERICA 5314-22 Slarket rt , Thlla.. Pa. ' P. M HAI.LIGAN. Manager ExchaM, CitJ Department. . a.MH Locust 430. Ran HID; EASTERN MOTORS CORPORATION IC34 CHESTNUT ST. USED CAR DEPARTMENT ... e I ana,! ntrVnlS' The cars liatea oeiow are I" "T'.-Kj-rf leal condition They have been, t- exchange for new models of .' A STANDAHD AND ALLEN CKS unne I s Tourlnir car Only MM s I V I UOltJ few weeke aam, a, nef, 'j 1D1 A rl. " Touring car; run Jen t"1, 1 V I O Lole BOOO miles A C. i J 8 Touring car lust pa-i" TianUiHU excellent condition , Lata model l-pai,nger m IVlCfCer Extra equipment t: lf model. Flte-paisenrtr tH V C1IC log car. !914JcfferyKS"ufprp.d a 1 Four-cylinder. D-pasnger MllPfl l.mnn,lrMlnr 1 Q 1 7 K"-,J Winter (nciosure aiil.lS IV I rorCl worth pf extra equu-e ChadlVlVk IffiES" Ww'piool 1916 Overland SSiS. ?&& n.llen excellent condition tnrounuw. TttatriVintnrs K STANDARD "8" ALLEN 4 CU JWl CIIBHTe.' l l"c-i' years' experience, beat of .iA""mrti 11 flrst-clsrr proposition win een.i3r.l 1 M.care .ilehell Hoe.; lfoi.r B18 " l'tkt ., H "?,: llKV'W'll ''"' Position .n-y eiii" vr iQinn urocery or ten hoii.e . ""e 111 every cltn of Mending 5a?knVlf J?lnl Ing. etc highest referen,s:Pmod"f;t.l,.u1'S hard Borkert tr hi to go out of 1." ,,'r dres. (' 120. Idrrnil l "' lo"n, ijj UJlA.illic.cv.ilviien. rniinnurres and bouaeirftrk? girls want positions. Kr.llsh chlldnurse mrit! position, wanted, nil kinds first-class hiii Mlrs Hoso Dmigbertv 1313 W Oirard aviyS UDI'CATlOMAi. and Drmestlc EmDlojmtul Club, 221 H. Hjdenhnm (If.th and Valnni)2j .pnjejJge