jJWMtWWMIWW'WWW 4 DUES0MMERG1B1LI AUSTRIACI CATTURATI Uno E' Gift' Entrato a Far Parte della Squach'igUa di Siltirnnti Itnlinnc ' POLA E BOMBARDATA II I'npn Fn Diro ngll Itnlinni Cho Kssl . DeVono Invocnro In Pace Vit- toriosa o Clusta TtOMA. IS Clcmialo It Mlnlstero della Marina puMillcata lerl era un communlciito ncl citinte nnnunclata la cattura ill due MJttomnrlnl nuitrlacl ila parte dello navl da Rucrrn Itallanc 1-cio 11 teslo del cominunlcalo! li dottonmrlno nenilco VC-12, die la tnarltia da gucrra tedesca haomi cedulo nll'Austrln, n' ciuluto itello ncmtre maul d o' illvenuto Una dello ncntre tmlla mlunuitl, paxemtn nntrnto a far mrto della nostra miuadra con cciulpaRirlo Ita llano, t'n allro notlotnarlno iicmlco II VT-1J, apparUnelile nlla nmrinii da Ktierrn hmtro-utiKarka. ictnto nut' catturnto dalle noitre tin I d.i giie-ira d o' oru In nostra pus-wan Nclla slornatft ill eiicrcll nrcopluil nemlcl hombardurono 1 tioitrc loipe rilnlere. nl largo, eenza peru" nlcun rlaui tato, glaccho' le tioatrc slluranll rltnr narono tntto all' loro linel inia nlcun danno Pure nella iftornatn. dl vpnc-nll. una altiadrlelia dl ldronroplanl Itnllanl e franccM lasularono railem una iimin tltn.' dl bombc nd alto cploslio ntillc ppcro muitari in i-oia cm iu.-iuin.mi neinlcl operarono un i-otilrattauto. ma fiirouo rcBplntl dallo noitre inactliliip t no del ninlrl Idroaeroplaid oomliattn' con iiccei!o contro tre inncc-liliie neml che. Tutlo noslre maiclilne fecero rltorno nlla loro bac II Minister della Clticrrn lia annuiiclat.t ho tra sll iKHolall clio niineKaronn iiu.uido la. corazzata Itecltm MorRherita nrfondo nl largo dl Valona era II Renerale llandlnl, comandante dl uno del cnrpl il'nrmata for mantl I'eserclto Itallano In Albania. lerl sera II Mlnlntero delli (luerra nnli blloava II sesuonto rnpporto del Renerale Ca dorna circa la pltuazlone nlla fronto Italo auetrlaca; Fronto del Trentlno tartlRllerla r' tnta attlva 11 fuocn' accurate) dclle nostra battcrlo ha dliturbalo Important! movlmentl dl truppa ncmltlic millc re trovlo ed ha colplto la plattaforma ill Una batterla nemlra. Fronto delle Alpl niulle I.'attivlt.V (telle nrtlgllerln o' itala oatacolata ilnl cattlvo tempo cho pero' non ha Inter rotto punto la sollta attlvlta' del nostrl repartl dl rlcoKnlzlone. D'ANNL N55IO DECOIIATO I n toleeramma. da Venezla dlco die la roce dl BUerra francesn cV'stnta uttaccala el petto del cnpltano dl cuvallerl.i !nbrlcl9 tVAnnunzIo the per Poceaplnno portnva ancho le Insegne del fcrltl. I'onio C noto il poeta perdetto un occhlo In un nccldento oapltatogll mentre dlKcendcva tol nuo acro plano dopo ausere rltornnto da una ppedl ilone sullo lince ncmlche. La croco dl Rucrra conferitagll dal co yerno frnncese era accompagnata da una lusliiRlilcra lettcr.i del iiunlitro della Gucrra dl I'rancla, generate Ijautey IL PAPA 13 LA PACE lerl II monaco francesenno padre DraKetz pronunclo' un sermone nella arlstocrntlca chlesa dl Sant'Andrea della Valle, aennono che o' vlvamente commentato oggt per quello che no c' II prlnclpalo coutenuto a per 11 fatto che la chletu era nITollnt.i dl gento tra cut arnno non pochl uMlclnll o oldatl. II monaco predlcatore esorto' I uuol ascol tatori a volgere fill occhl fliluclohi a Crlnto In questo momento In cul mlKllala dl nindri plapnono I flgll cho hanno tlnto del loro canRUe 1 campl di battaglla, qunndo mlRlala dl apose plangono rasseenatamente I ma rltl che non torncraniio mal plu', iiuando mlellala dl fauclulle aapettano trepldan tl 1 loro amatl II predlcatoro chleso a tuttl dl pregaro per "I nostrl soldatl o per 1 nostrl marlnul cho Bulla, terra e sul mara opponRono una fronto dl acclalo nlla furla del neniko." ii dl Imocaro da Crista "la pace, ma la pace Vitt,orlow per la nostra patrla e per I nostrl alleatl." A questo punto del sermono la coinmo ilone del pubbllco era cosl" irrande che un uragano dl applausi mlsti a slnclilozzl eeop Iilo' nella chlesa. applausi cho ceasarono eoltanto quando II monaco alzo' le manl per far segno che aiea qualche cosa da dire K nel sllenzlo plu' analoso o profondo, mentre tuttl trntteneviuio perllno II icpplro per non perdere una slllaba delle parole del monaco, padre Draglictz dlsso che, avfinda egll auto I'onoro dl esHero rlceuto dal papa in quella ste'a matlina. II papa lo aea Incarlcato dl diro ".il llgll dl Uom.i rd al flgl! dl tutta 1 Italia cho ohm I debbono Invecare da Dlo laipace ltlorlosa nel norn della rlilta', la pace dl Crlsto. che e" il trlonfo dell'amoie della fratellunzi, della Slustlila e del dlrltto ' Alleged Fugitive Arrested ATLANTIC CITY. Jan 15 C S Maker a promoter, -w ell dressed and plentifully supplied with funds, was arrested In an up. town apartment house as a fuglthe from Justice, He Js alleged to have obtained J6Q0 from William 11 .loner, of Norrftion, Pa , for stock which the purchaser claims to hao dlfcmered Is worthless Two Saloons Close J1LRHNGTON. N J. Jan lu -tnabls to persuade the excise comnflsslon to re consider lta action, proprietors of two saloons to whom the board refused re newals of licenses were compelled to dos their placea at midnight Saturday, when their old licenses expired. At Last An Automatic Exerciser that does all the work and changes Fatigue at once to Strength and Energy t; - r j . rive mintues use in your room nigtit ana morning will banish mental and physical tiredness, insure restful sleep. goou digestion, a cjear head and restored vitality. This simple device will im prove your breathing and Ltrculatiun -at first trial. It will gi e you a graceful, erect figure, tqnes up the entire sys tem anu naturally prolongs life. Youth and age arc equally benefited. You arc invited to witness demonstrations of this New Scientific Automatic Exer ciser Patent applied for Male and female attendance. Fo' Automatic Exerciser ONE OF THE CANALS lnmv7N!"tvT'Tt?jtftta.'twra0?'Av jimii'"iw. tfwiwM,wwww"p m" " " ,- .t-., --.,.., - n KAt'. . .... . . u u. u... uu ..J . . a " il . v . if" 'BltfTllflM iJMttfcfiBMf I mess. :v;"rYsmuMtmmsim&. Scone mi the Dclnunrc anil Chc.(i)cite Cnmil, which connects Chesapeukc shows an inspection party en loute between Chcsnpeake City VAST DOMAIN PAYS TO PORT frhllnurd from I'ice (ln Caribbean, goatsltln fiom Tnrkev Ttuiii-i and Central Indln. Iron ore from Cuba and South Amerlcnn counliles, innnjrincie oio frdm (erniuny nnd Ura.il, nitrates rrom Peru, sulphur from riiljl, tobacco from C'ubi, Sumatra nnd .laa. wool from every wool producing counliy In the world, es pecially from distant Amtrtilla. nnd sugar from the West Indies nnd lliinail.in IslniiiN, which Is brought to this port In it law state In ciiormnu t .inlltlen redncd In thn big renuerles on our whiren and rcahlppcd all oer the United States Thcso are some of the principal nillclc of tho healtln exrhnngn In world tr.tdo no necpssary for an Incipase In commerce mndo possible bv the 'clllc'ency of our liuproicd rler, harbor and porl Hut besides tlui ast tilbularv lurltnry reached bv in.ll coniniiinlcntlon. nnother oqually ast nnd far-reaching, when pres ent plans which nrn being put Inlo exe cution are completed, will bo brought Into direct touch -villi our port through water communication, of which a Urge part Is nlre.id) In opeiatlon Willi the carrying put of the plans of the Atlantic Deeper Watcrwajs Association Philadelphia will become a center of Inland water commun'catlons. which will lirgely supplement the present unrivaled ralroad scrtlco of the port, i specially for bulk ship nients, whero low latcs aro of moie Im portance than the matter of time In de lUcry Tho following la a brief aummarj of these waterways and theli possibilities in the building up ot our rler commerce m:i.AWAiu: s uakit.w tan u., which at present leaves the Uelawain River at Itordcntuwn, passes through Trenton nnd New HiiuiHwIck-. and by way of Rnrllan Itlver nnd llay to Now York, may be supplemented by another canul recommended by I'nlted Slates army engineers, leading from Hoi den town dlrectlv acios New .Icrney along side the present canal to tho termnlus nt Morgan, N J . near South Amboy, on ltarltan ll.ij. and tnenco to NVw York This canal Is to be called the New Jersey Ship Canal. PiinsAi'KAKi: iii;i.Aiv.ui; ca.nai. leaves tho Delaware Itlver at Delaware. City, passes across the Delaware and Mar land peninsula to Chesapeake Kay. giving a direct water route from Phila delphia to Baltimore LKIIIOII NAVIflATION COMI" M" CA.NAI., between f'oalport and Mauch Chunk and Bristol, now carries a largo "Man Dillflyii eaa f jpIsJS I j& Our January Repricing Sale of Neck wear, Shirts, Gloves, etc., is a very special money-saving opportunity. The merchan dise is the most desirable to be had, and at th d figui e reprice res price economies. .50 Neckwear $ 35 luuurtcr dozen, l.oo) 1.00 Neckwear 65 (Quarter doifu, (1,731 1.50 Neckwear 1,10 (Quarter clozeii, J.OUl 2.00 Neckwear 1,50 (Quarter ileum. l 23) 2.50 & $3.00 Neckwear 2.00 ((Jimrtrr dozen, .3l 3.50 & $4.00 Neckwear 2.50 (quarter dozen, yf.ou) 5.00 Neckwear 3.50 (Uiurter dozen, 0 SO) 1.50 Mercerized Shirts .. .1.00 2.00 & $2.50 Mercerized Shirts 1.50 2.50 Soft or Stiff Cuff Shirts 2.00 3.50 Silk Shirts . . . . 3.00 Silk Reefers for Dress Wear and Wool Reefers of foreign and domes tic manufacture are repriced at especially attractive figures. Underwear. Gowns, Bath Robes. Waistcoats, Jackets, Worsted Sweaters and Belts are included in this sale, , Jacob Reed's Sons 1424-1426 CHESTNUT STREET IfiVOINft LKDQ-lfltt PlIILADlflLPHIA, MONDAY, JAXrARY 15, WHICH SERVE PORT f SK ( . - -.u;iii . TRIBUTE OF PHILADELPHIA coal tralllc between Hrlslol and Phlla ilolplila sciittvi.Kii.i. n KiAritis ltllA CAVAI. between I'prt Cllnlon nnd Philadelphia carries on a coal Irntllc along tho liinl.ii of tho Schuvlklll be tween Heading ami Philadelphia The above sjstrm of Inland wnlerwn.vs now cnmierllnR dlrccllv wllh the Delaware Itivoi nnd the port or Philadelphia will lm grentlv extended bv Ilic opening or Ilia modernized Chcnpcul.ii and liol.iwari' Cannl to nil ports lonnciling iMiesapeake Ila.v bv the Norfolk and Hpitifori Inland waterway nnd with I he N'orlh Cainlitia Sounds nnd the soulheiii Inside pass,ige4 ns far loulh na Tlorlda CONNECTIONS AVITIt KATl POINTS To the north from the porl of I'hllttdel phli this water tralllc svslcni will connect with all points on Long Islinil Sound, through the Cape Cod Cannl wltl. .Massa chusetts Hay, Huston Harbor and Vew Kngland points and also by way of tho Hudson River nnfl tho New "orlc Hargo Canal, now almost completed, connections can bo mado with Lakes Cluimplalii, ilrle nnd Ontnrlo, In fact with tho whole of tho' Great Lakes system These two links of tho Intincostal water way s stein, ono leading north nnd tho other south fiom tho port of Philadelphia, will together mako 1800 miles of continuous navigable waterwav The sjstem will con nect with HX rlveis on tho eastern sea board with a total navigable length or &3()5 miles. fAdd to this tho C00 mllen or tho hargo" canul system, 1480 miles of tho (Srcut Lakes sstcni, 12G miles of L.iko CLamplulu nnd a future possible connc Hon with tho St Lawrenco River nnd the Canadian Inland wateiway svsteiu passing thiough tho Ucorglnn Hay Canal, with a further navigable length of about H00 miles AVIth these numerous in.II nnd water con necllons, reaching out to tho utmost bounds or iii vvns'p North American contlnui wllh u vliti.-.' limitless tenltory from which to draw botli'iuu and munufactiiiccl products for eport or coastwise trado anil through which to distribute) Imports, a tci ritory which can be economically; leached, tho port of Philadelphia stands imiauo among the pons on the wholo Atlantic sea boaid. Austrian Fore-inn Minister 111 LONDON, Jnn IB Count ottak.tr Czernln ion Chudcultz, tho Austro-Ilun-garlati Poreign Minister. Is HI In bed ns a result of an abscess of the upper jaw, pnjs Iteuter'H AinsU'iCcp) correspondent, quoting a Vienna dispatch. of Meeds KadkaJ Reductions in Mens Fine Furnishing Goods. otters most attractive $5.00 Silk Shirts $3.50 6.00 8c $7 Silk Shirts 5.00 7.50 & $8.00 Silk Shirts 6.00 ,50 Half Hose 25 .75 Silk Half Hose 50 1,50 Silk Half,Hose 1,15 1,00 Knitted Neckwear 50 1.5Q & $2 Knitted Neckwear . 1.00 1.50 Pajamas ,,, 1.15 2.00 & $2.50 Pajamas .... 1.75 3.50 Pajamas ' 2.50 5.00 Silk and Cotton Pajamas 3.75 6.50 & $7.50 Pajamas . 5.00 10.00 Pajamas 7.50 13.50 Pajamas 10.00 OF PHILADELPHIA :M&txzaBti)axm :sX''JSKae I'u in i v i u i.i I.Mmiti Htiiir l'hulniiraiilti nnil Dclnwaic Kayi. The piftuic mill Uelnwaio City. HL'AVY SNOW COVKK3 TI'.XAS DI,I,AS. Tex .liin ID North and ccn linl Texns nie In the grip 'of n stoim which lull! assumed almost bllZ7iud iiropor Hon Dallas Is coveted b a Kcveit-lnch snowfall, mi almost unprecedented incur icticv Children In this cltv, vlitu.illy slcdlcss through successions or mild winters, roso to the unusual opportunities and comman deered old rocking ch.ilrs upon which they scooted lu grotesque cuives thiough the city streets Wire i-crvleo 13 unlinpalred, but trains nrd i mining limns behind schedules Japanese Artistically set with dia monds and especially at tractive with a p p 1 i b d Japanese letters. Appro priate little finger rings. S. Kind & Sons, DIAMOND MI.IICIIANTS Iff 1 1 si 1 3-sATv. MM 1 v Niv y JM$ EW If m : Mutf Itirv -fzl vM ffi n tL il u n 8o 1 m 1 I K' "Get There iu a Gran The Grant Six-Cylinder Motor has been universally accepted as the most efficient. It was the first Light Six priced below thousand dollars and is still first in value running wonderfully quiet and smooth, beinj; extremely flexible. As for performance recently the Grant Six gaye a daily exhibition of climbim? a 50m grade. l We invite the most minute comparisons with cars ranging considerably higher in price , See the New 1917 Models-at the Show Space 34 Ira ' 1 s .; Touring and IiMS. BOWERS CO., Distributors 245-247 North Broad Street, PhUadelphia "OLD HIONSIDES" FORESCORE AND FIVE Locomotive Made Initial Trip to Germantown 85 Ypara Ago Todny Klghtj-ne lears ano lodaj "Old Iron sides the (lrst successful steam locomo lie In this tountrj. nppenred In phllndel phln. nhd lo the amaiemcnt of the popula I Ion lan smoothl" and "quite wonder fully" bttneen this cllj and Kermantonii. n distance of sl-c mlhi. oxer the track nl the Philadelphia, fiermanlown and Norrls town IMIIroad Company Preilous In UiN dale. .Innuary 16. 183-' Hie little rais of Ihe mmpatiy had been rtiawn ner Hie tails liv hmses VHieii the locomome iirricd eieiy one predicted Its fallme Imagine, then, the surpr le t caused hen made better Imft otj er ll.e .w..iin i.u.l mm d. iv limn the ' bel fitay llolso Tew pei son If "" le ""' "I'1" h't Ihil .urlo,ll more thai. i.Jthlnr el,e ..s the aBe.i.y that liili;l"J lodmiothR Into eilstetup . .,1p,-,J-t lor ,ts, ,H,1 lrildea not ',' ""' ' r 7ne lime ea.llei Ilnsllshmci. l'' " perlmentlnR H " '" '" xe". h"1 eie built aim "i ": ,,. iveccue. e. ".... i.. .....I Inln Husllll'ss I.CIIII, Kiach. I,u"",,,,,",l '. the ma. bluer) business wllh a Id Maso i, n machinist, near rouitli nnd Walnut BllPPtS , C. II. fln.a rif lltn ETPIiei 111 Intel est In moving engines Uuldwlii had become quite successful In his woil. on slntlolifiry en gines I'lunkllii Pe.ile then proprietor of the Plilludelphla Museum, went to lialdwin nnd risked hlni In construct a mlnlnturo lo comotive for exhibition In Ids establishment. Haldwln undertook the work, and on April :B the little engine was placed on a clrculai tinck made of pine boards covcied with hoop lion in the museum Two small cais wllh seals foi four passengers were at tached, and the novel spectacle of tho engine pulling hlcadlly around tho Hack drew thou sands of lsltuis So successful was the engine that Bald win shorttv afterward received n order fiom the Philadelphia Railroad Company He hunt "Old Ironsides' against great odds At first the engine's locomotion was a trlde halts nnd bashful, but after a few correc tions It was placed on a regular schedule Seal Rings 1110 Chestnut St Jl.Wnr.EIlS SILVERSMITHS ftndittr, $825 Coupg Touring Sedan, $1000 but In the long run tnev im"ii " "" ,,, Mslthhis Y liahlwl... fotiwl" "f the Baldwin Lo.omollve Woiks. eiilj-M. the s on Haldttln bad learned the tlflde of n Jevvele. and l.a.l once been In he Miipto .-of ... c i ni.e tiei. n ncr.iiiiina " .". Grant Motor Car Corporation Findlay, Ohio I mi oml tn the astonishment of nil made bm un the trial the locomotue made bm high i,9 tiventy-elKht mllei an horn It wat then put on n schedul which the m.tniRcri of the railroad hid a,dertlsed In Hie news, papers The price charged was I went v ie rents a ride, and so (Treat was the In tel est In It that hundreds came from lonR distance Juyt In ride behind t le locomolue Old Ironside" ra-i fiom a depot nt Ninth and Clreen street to Main street tlernmn tonh and coxeied the distance In about a half hour Of course, on Its first trip wllh passen gers, tho e.lBlne brolto dawn, much lo the liaTaxmtfAaaiiMmac You Don't Merely Insure Your Life You insui o tlir carrying out of those purposes which make life worth living thu comfort of loved ones, the education of childicn, the perpetuation of tho business you have built. Death cannot defeat these purposes If you insure wisely with n responsible conipntiy. THE Life and Trust Company of Philadelphia FOURTH AND CHESTNUT STS. FOUNDED 1865. iwwiciii.Tn - wr. DEO to announce: THE PARTNERSHIP HITHERTO EXISTING DETWEEH WILLIAM WILLIAM C. TRADINQ A3 W. S. DAKER A. CO., DY MUTUAL dNUAmr 10, 1017 I BEG TO ANNOUNCE THAT I HAVE TAKEN OVER THE OFFICE AND BUSINESS OF W. S. BAKER A. CO. AND WILL IN THE FUTURE CARRY ON THE BUSINESS UNDER THE NAME OF WM. C. HESSE, Jr., & CO. Januaut IB, 1017 RaaJittr, $96$ 4 , ifll 3l Some Grant Features V dlKt of Kaldwiir but UiV break wag (xin rr-midled The bent of iaie fcaa ui,,,! the locomntlve It wan not allowed lo nil, on ralnv daift or stormy w-eathcr the wf,, car being- fent nut instead om iroJ rides' tan for twenty ycdrs Tim locomolKc weighed onl (He tons a RTlkng Lompnrlwn to the 425-ton locomo! tlies constructed with care nnd In a short t me h the lialdwin plant The price agreed on wan $1000 but a rontioversy arose ih lalhoad loniirttiy holding that the etnrln. had not acted up to contract Tho . wai nnally settled, howeier, nnd Ualdvi. got $3600 mawln ainrCT.vau.T;mEi.si - M - a. S. BAKER AND HESSE, Jr. HAS THIS DAY BEEN DISSOLVED CONSENT. ' WILLIAM William s. c. Baker Hesse Jr. William C. Hesse, Jr. burner Tu-Uni( Slartldr una I.ljlitlne bjrktem Kemy iKuillaii MlllurU Storage llatlery blruuibrrr tlurburetur 1 ulMluulinit Uar Axle One Jtiiu Tot. Iluuble.bulb llradll(lils ucuuiu feed viltli 13 kbIIhu luuk u rear Keiul-elllplli: Fruut Spring! l.our, (rue Caullver tjv Ifmr hriuK, tliucklect nt built ud vuc piloted lu tli. router IB. 1ml. hteerlne; 1 Iteol Vrt(uu llemounlMblo Klnii Owners average 20 miles to the gallon of gasoline. Many report as high as 28 miles. 900 to 1200 miles to the gallon of oil, I JOB! Mr i the gallon of oil, p j : I ij .HI 1627 Santom S treat SKfAB&CFHIA yj t. (Bt3WH.inliWfiPflWfTp' WiWiiEtiW lff'Wi,9 IJB mmmmmmmmmmmwummmmiimm m