ibp ll'iPWWlBiplij mi vHuurjunuiymuj uup n&f&iQWMyfimi'rt i ixw"wrvtfivw BTttWHj - 'wT-y'W,e-v-ij" I 1X16318 WAWTED-FEMM,". irrf rri- Prcccrfl a Vest !Sf U W f.1To,n.''SWi':V3,M TvY" ii!..iY.,i Herman ladles nulds nml French P"?r 'rouiV. rref Uin V Frsnklln 1TJATI0NS WANTED-MALE L;.r-in jit"'..K,'"'.nVM,,ni,L,:i MIP- ..CK r HMind ill research iinJ aenstat M'?i.i work and as manager, of aman .,lff'uSi d'llrM position, along this. '" cUri,F ' Philadelphia, it i-'i. i.a. or Wrni and 'lfi reflnedjoung nianinged ,JJM.MilVnr"8 references. H 857 i.l Cent sJV..i nasi Jnparc-e wlhe- position In ffi?7 first ca" I-.. iia n n urritt best lt l'..'."'"no' lilh.l K.rtlvv iii.h m .a...' nitinnr IrtlT0,?.-re, sccuitnmed tn assume mtnnge- KWl";'"'j 3S(I l.cURCr vrmri.i i?Wf Central . . .. '.ood Vlln cook ! 0-0 L-dger Ofd-- SsSwi man. wini rj''" .bL,',.i?.n'i 'iir.v PW. firm" I. i: lis" tioih" it: few1.. n - CVVn llrf wishes position In aalea dept 'SMn tnd iir?l "mrany. 4 "are' npi ithttfrVn I SSI ledger Central .'JilllN technical knowledge of clertrlc.lt 0CS .lillnir eiperlenrc wishes n desirable EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES - - .. .nisi. It ltv)r-..irn t tiflfl PIMillt Cfl?ri lecondnrn ouuKa S. an h nml o it tffiii i ih" Rl'l" loai-ihor " nl T. wall" . iXim irni pdHli 'ook jr.U utliPM iia Id W i i"'"' pnrlnr nmlilii uuriwii MivniiMi ' nTirnT l'hoiio I.ucust W 110 Rra"lIATlVKY 1 fll 1 ninrllliolli rn Willltv;! It lirn Willi f" rll.iblo hflp for every inpaclty Hft).rrMlioYMr.NT Ai:Nrv ;;t"ct help. IfriiM M. Kith ' I'liono Dlcklnion 5S11 iKi""BROWN ll"10 'allwrlno at While ami I'rtlOrCU urn. . AUTOMOBILES lor ile FOR SALE .SEVERAL ELECTRIC CARS s iimiT iiKMM-rtY tyim: uonti-'i ivfaik f i-ofjlTION' VOTOIl'l AND IIA LI I.HI SnOOD WAl'E U I.U. 8i:i.J. JT ANV r-1 IN lllA- fONni.i' nui Ki HiRrmtANS in aii)iii:ss i hi: 01 WAMllNOro.V HI . rtNV I VII IV I.FCTItlt I.adv will enirlllie.nioti- - rn A piKeniEer t oupe. . linrfett FSS ;I0 l-elper it Vi FBUICK1!.! 031 H pflnrnu Trunk ford -00 1 PuiTiriv 191 J 0 3J ri pHsrnuer nn lonuiiion ,v,r way, eicepllonni pun nnei . i iu I UtUJluiiliir. -hi .miiifc n. ...... '.--' P M. HAM.lOAN JlBr Km liulll t nr Dept Rabi w: ! .' '?.v: "?...cB.r.-.. " V4'r"m"i .?; SALLS COni'OIlMIOM 1IJ N. llroad at fctlALMEnS 0-40 I'llan Twin sperlal rluhnrate Ij upboliterv, cir In perfei t rllnnlna rnndlllon uird Dr Mr inaimfrn innonMiijr. pi no jnuu. roit I21S0 M 15. Keilser I'entrnl aiEVBOLET 11)10 mby tlrnnd: Imrs.Tln' full 3i ii.. -f riiinrtn rnnr-tlrn carriers find hood Cf i liuaipora VorUi I'hlla flievrolet Sales I., ind Henlre (never closed) :II17 N Mlllh at ntKVRnt.ET J490 electric llithls and ntnrter: ImmeiHalo deler new prlio after .lunuirv ' IJ. I5b0, North Phlla ( herolt Sales and HrTlrw fnever rloedl 41" N lOtll at DLB 1914. I) paiiencer. Just overhauled and Vainita, iin" nw uir uurumii L s. tlOWKRS CO I sed far Department. i "S(t N Broad el Unliuit 7H." IllL'DTON'S Phietons, roadsters und cabrlolefa. B MUIPrea sun eirririr iikih nnu Diurivr' ItklioS tnY.SCIlWAItT5 M.T N- Uroad sf ISn'alEI.rr'1017 latest model 0 30 7-passengrr E Itiarinr, small inncnEe nr urimrni in kAHJUll look ini excemioimi uarK.tiii orr IJOCOMOIIII.B 2114 Mirlcet St Locust 450 V. X. IIALhlOAN Mur KlLhoneo Car Dept IriCKAUD 4-cjllnder .in-lt P . "-passenner K. lunmialne and toilrlne M0 THE WIUTR CO -'10 North nroid at aCHlPPS'TtOOTIl 3-PTSsenser roadster wire I wtatela one extra with tiro mounted, excellent Ft condition hie barcilu In B. liUMlfili i il usen car iparimen. ou w uroaa si wnmui iu-- Il'fED TnuCKP Soernl well-known makes. rlrllDf irom I 10 ii tons, ithii nnu wiinoui pojiei uarioru i-niia 10 ' Mlintnl 210S Chestnut (WANTED Fords, any condition, cash MID- v iiai, idil ciruoer avo rn xicKinson sain AUTO LIVERY AND OARAGES INDEPENDENTTAXICAB CO. JJU W SUSQUEHANNA AVE. SUPER-SIX HUDSONS TO HIRE LIMOUSINES. TAXICABB & TOUHINO CAR3 Dtlmond (Ilea Never closed Park 73 KFoPLAR. 1817 To hlro (opn day and nlcht): . Park 11BO V.vanS.n-.-. K.a.n aa liinH. Mara - v , win.... -t.r. -(' a .uut ... a .. , 11.21, hr.; alio brnnd-new 7-paas llmoui!ni, .liM hr.i weddlnrr funeral 1715 Qlrnrd BUY MOIST&Fl portable craj.t, teel or atuooo wu uityit; iJdl 4 Ulll J lOZU .UOI, iu AUTO REPAIRING SPEEDOMETER TROUBLES T . 8i HILLY nt his new locatlco. Hill iUIliJl IIJVUAI' Bl, TrMvfprv7nii?nrvns iilvatt "" ?lrl)epartur Service hta 'I he Uwllllam Co , JH Anh it Th Walnut 3l7 Race 308J. AUTO SUPPLIES Pints nniviT'a rvnivipu A,M. Phils Auto Parts" Co" 'f K3 N 13th l'iione Park 1418 AUTO TIRES ptir.T.MAM Tinns . Qiirmlred 3500 miles Compare prices. -.. ORIM'H. 238 N. Drosd St. J.onskidtiri:s " . . J7Sn nfmli iuw" fiisranieen ,. . l 70 ;.viym-i i villi vju i-iia Anil at , 10RD TIRES YOxS's nonlkld J I All Jlyea rheap standard make flrale. .. n. umtnnouse sc uermantnwn a BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 1.5TABUSHED coal, aana cement and build. lif... ""' "usmessi neavy teamlnv, lone Jr.',.ncf.ln',iX!n,i ,-ub-contrctln: laat year, jroflt II 000, wish to ret re; writ for de. R.n',X.1..nI"r ?v'"1 ' "."- Invest: . . .M-b una mi iiiruru out wen: anythinc rati'EU'e"1 'il F0oi' .nou?h for our Kuar" Mm, nd for list of Investment properties T II Msalnnlss it Son nnnn n.iti-.,.!:- . - ?ri.0.u.;,AJTfLiA''?!qNypA.'wntto i..,.V"ir Cf V y.ou want lo start "oS? ut". c.?iFr;?i.i.",.te"".V WV Investla-iti KSsir" " ' J'" l.eoier ornco KHH?..9....! third. Inlr..t liT.rowln. L.'; "' ""sinesa. ijuuii will Hand a It will Bffi,t".J,i'"" w,tl that amount to InveJ lit" Sl!id!...??p",0,'aUnt"vlwn'?' aEi?V?.,JJ2rS MAfi"h"-n crplliTdT Kefira,,lirV"f.Vn, !.',n,llA,i,aetura,r "'. -Pclaltl.i Rirlct Add?..?hjU,dj.lp ' "dJolnln dls. Iff1- aor.ss JJ4J Ledger Central llATENTS Our 4 boob. ..mr,.. .... .- ?fitn J.tfnti "Victor J "kinn. 'i Co" EtulA Cheitnut at. ihii..ui..i.ia ' v, lBSSJSl1 BUSINESS PERSONALS , KVuttl.?? iANP "".'EDO SUITS TO HIRB USjajriBlt, J010 Olra?d Poplar 6342 SCALP MANICltR. in lir-vrv iiiiiiiti.ii. y. ;.,v.:i- .w.,m..u. .' IhUI.II i tt.aV - . 4JWVUrtlia UOUaHT 8",,.'3L,t!!r."--APltleni.nt.l p.e oent. Ll..l ..J?. 4"V l -Ayi 111.8 TO HIRK limut.'X'.t".1?'' Poplar 238i open evss ...E.Y'INa CLOTHES TO IlillE reSSSf i.juin and Glrard av. . H W cor fi.ronfcwi.r3. HAI.n rimoved by .UctrolyiTiT I.B.ei,Amsnri.T,"-"",1,''"-rr- Lit U broksn . ... J: ' "w "ir now uaoiy (ltj ,ol. ?i.nsTn?iS".at ,?t' b.,0 thl. ad a -h. jou. ii Btaiom st., Jtoora 3, Karmati 5PQ3, BIRDS Awn nnrn nmw p5vlv.EDrfaora?r7,'j"!Fa't'': Bean VaVrn..' at 10 ich. Yellow Head Mexl. !-... U and e:ii.'??"nift. that t wlirie.ru to -jJlLSl 1 JJARKBT ST ?U.Q,lh?..',r AN DREASUL'RO ROM KR WillS4UrV..ry.l?trl'l,l?a, Sf"' "' fmaT e V'vltih in.Jhf. .. to. . " ibuk a a uurkar m 70S SALS ?V...J0'I. comblDation. .coii,ij,.,i,i JtHn L-f.'.".", J".t'-. repalrls.. w Qlrard ave Phaji. ksu. 2S15T it oiS,SaS."tft . t -?5.-AliS. bo,;- WB6uris.5ss Etr. ioS"x?eS: tii ..tbl" ow .eoond-bhd UwCJ .. J"r.lH Davmeht. nl..iin...1 -o 32; South 8 th .1 Pbon. Wl Ss SJiT .i"?u?i..,,0u'" ytl repalrtd. IU S.r : i-d.K MiiHw Wl, u. - . ne,t Mif HI'KCST hvtbfew,U,t V', d W tvi abvut i.Tilon referent,, u """ """" "' !i ill nil A Hpiln !-ntiillnil trsvel Iffl'J ..man 21 "" experience, .penning K"t!! iilee wishes I" represent Amer nrm Kfl'lV""- Sn.l bond ' IS.'. Ledger Office FOR SALE o ltd rrom Prrcttlmo loliimft I ."'I II lllMttl 0 e IV "Am i.xi IIAMIK. p t. tor fllhninlm Ur:?HIUEIiA.TollJ nn.1 ntur tor tnat n. bAvif:,i i!!L"rr';".f !'?. ,hl.n wnl1 ife, cio"lnV nr.Vf-'W. Ia " hll Meed, all altei T aSJ rnaku hie M real n alK Nnrth Pourih it SA.,r,.'i:M ,nt'l,",t Klin thin waif nfr rlnln mil n liie lot of el ch(l mrd nil eira anS niiiako.J,iej,irj?,in, 2lJ! 4th et nJ , UflRI) OFriCK FUnNITlftlK It i.'A'.11. ,milnalil In this line ami plentf 1 SliLVil"".' "'"nient and ht viTne In t'Mli" U'lphla, free auto delUery anywhere liroitRS 11th an.f Iiuttonwood 1 .n..'!""".0.' nt"r tndlatnra all tral llnme reeklnir On sun N lre ten tlli et HEATINQ AJC''1?'.'''' .fn .new and febullH 'JR!L f?rJh lWn-leir health Beat will Inaiall cheap H27 rilbert at INSTRUCTION p,iL:Ji9al,.,,,lv BnA bookkeeplne by Indlvlduil Inilruetlon complete ooure requires onlv few weeka. polltlona poalllvelv iniarnnteeit School of Duelnea LI .Hlelen "03 Walnut it MACHINEUY AND TOOLS SA.r,!:JT Sl'I'lT rOl.t.vns and loroit ItANO-' MIS and PII.I.OW tll.Oi'lvM ntti finished ball anil soi kt bearings are the best for all r."i!.'i P..nutP,e HIIA1T1NCI AMI MA CIII.NF, WOUKS 14". North srond JA.MKS YOCOM . SON POWUl PLANT KQUIPMRNT Iivnamos. motors boilers ateain and oil en ,n'i .Pumps air lompressors I flANKroOMUY Inc. 1J7 N 3.1 at. DYNAMOS, motors mid ninchlnerv bought sold ?., rfn"d, armalurea repaired Main III Market 3003 Yeiraley t'n j;24 N. Id it i.oroMoiivt; noii.Kiia. no, no, 7, Bo ino '.. lJHl "tripped trlnio rUelrd. In stock. I. I" SKV1 IMIT 1 H(IH. 417N3.I St MIUTO-V llolarv Plin. r 40 Inch head Hhafer Hi ton theel nrees 1 leblo Teillnc -Michlne Sullall. 17IS nih a MKi:'i "WAr-TINO AI.I. SI7US IN HTOPK 'IIAItl.KH NU I OMI'ANV r.20rchat. MAS KIt.s of plain and automatic machinery. Mend for booklel A Nacke it. Son -III .S 0th MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS jh-i. r,-1 pmniir piasu 110(1 guallty lluaranteed ItlltMs II :,(l WKKKI.V lii.i. i. ai; ii jii ciiks r.su r s r SD CllICKEItlNU UPniOHT PIANO TlOWAnD VINCHNT. 811 U NTH IS TOJIlt PLAYKIt.PIANO OUT OF OHDKI17 Jf so, see us "Wo nra Kxprts " flronil Union Piano To . 0130 Kcnaliutton are PIANO Only !'. beautiful ton" JJ91 uprlaht. eleBnnt ondltlnn, slonl and delUerj Included: monthly paments P o llox ,1130. Station (l OLD GOLD OLD tlOf.D rash pall for old aold slUer. antiques clocks Seal postal will call notlhll-S, 27 S 17th at rtoth phones OLD OOLD. allter platinum plated ware. old. ftJlo Jewelrv, teeth platea boua-ht for cash. l-'t 1S70 J U c'lark reflnor. 807 Saniom PRINTING 1UU 1 riDS AND CASK nains only . 1Hc .on Ilustness enrds and cnie $1 on .;'"! "usjne-s curds and cune .. 1 ." innu Iluslness cards and tane . . 1 75 Coninierclui print's Kncrav'E our -pcclaltj. I'MIU SHOP. 1001 Chestnut it. STORAGE FIDELITY rmnPHOOF WAntSIIOUSES 1811-1810 MARKET ST. MILLKIt. N IIItOAD rirOKAfli. CoTuroad ab I.ehUh aye , new fireproof addition: roomi fireproof, furnituro and china packers; auto. tns,estlmates free. Ilellphone Tloza 4700 wEhritiLA. HOVAncir storaoe co. AUTO Packlnr and Shlpplnr SEnvicn ss7o Lancaster avb TYPEWRITERS AND SUPPLIES REMINGTON VISIWX MODHLsT for ona month. 37 Go for 3 months, rent from the manufacturers and lt assured of satisfac tory results rental payment applies on pur chase, UKMINUTON TYPEWRITER CO. Inc . 11(1 H Vtll at WANMD ASTIQIJi: FIKNITUHK. broken lewelry. kM. nlher. falne teeth, Ulflmondx bnujrht "An- itqiiM " 0JS Chestnut lh Walnut TO.'C Kit IStftf CAST-O'lT CLOTHING, shoe ant) hatR bought. end pogtal Sneldman. 0J Poplar et. UESIiS. SAFES, UOUSEHOLDFrnNITimB Mc , boucht. IiHn(T Central Second hand 1 urnltura Co . UO4-0O8 014 Callowhlll at. 1'UrtNITUKI. pianos; rnrpts, antlaueaj emlfe or part houses bought tor rash no matter ho.vIarp J BrnftMn 335 1 Itttiro avft NKWSPAl'fcus, inacailneit rair Iron, met alt carpets, furn(tur fuathers anvthlnct e (try where ponwl JJell, I'oplar -.HO' Key. Tarlc 11J7 Oldest, moat reliable deal-rn In city, DOUOTTrUTY & SONS 20th at JI JefTeraon. OLD GOLD and ilher. diamond!, jewelry and old tula teeth bought for caeh. 105 S. 8th. ROOMS FOIt RENT CHESTNUT. SOOODESIRABliB UOOJ.I3. PBK- MAX15XT0lTllANSIENT LOCUST. .1043 Oiitalde room runnlnir watr7 furnished or unfurnlehtd Preatonfl605 Wj 3 COM I too MS con to T.rnno outlook, beau tiful neighborhood. 4000 Client nut tit -BOARDING 2178 SEDOr.TlY AVI3 German widow Uvln alone comfortablo home, eery convenience, wouiu snare norac wun n. responaiuie rarij. ery reasonable AJiamonu iuio j SANITARIUMS BEAUTIFUL LOCATION, special aclentlfla care; ntnoui elderly: every comfort; nurses: book let. Dr Its nil si. Cltv Line, Chestnut Hill. APARTMENTS WA'l.NUT. 220'S2d-alory frpnt. 2 larsa rooms: bath, private hall, welt heated, plenty hot Isctrlc, furnished or unfurnished GKUMAKTOiVN THE NEW ADDITION 10 PELIIAM COURT IS OPEN I'KI.IUM COURT vvaa pot built to make an appeal to every one but to ou -.ho demand the best and are uirustomed to receive Itat a prlc. which, considering what )ou do de mand and reielve Is moderate ll will malio a strong compelling appeal PELIIAM COUft I' Is located at Carpenter's Siatlon llermantown lust off beautiful Lln voln Drive, on the Pennsvlvanla Railroad, f.o or ao trains a da, suiely trumportatlon enounh for any one ..,. Suites of 2 roomi and 1 hath tn 0 rooms and 2 baths the slza tn suit .our require rients Prices aro from 150 up PELIIAM COURT Is a nulef perfect APARTMENT HOTEL and located In an ab. solutcly Ideal and exclusive suburban loiatlnn In a word. ou may rom to PELIIAM COURT and Ann a perfect suburban location, with transportation unevtelleil an Ideally con structed building; quiet dlxnlfled. eltffant lou may select an apartment of the size In suit your Individual needs, jou will rind all your housekeeping problems solved nnd taken tare, of for you absolutely without effort on our part you will find a table of the utmost exeelletv. at a most moderate price and the same courtesy, service and attention is uniform throughout th. entlro establish 1 For full Information. arranKemenia for in spectlou and reservation cull, phone or "' '".NORMAN S hllEItWOOn 1411 WALNUT ST SPRUCE 8871 RACE 3025 or his representative on the premises at Pelham Court , .nrwilntmenta mav b. mads for automobiles to .all at our rsslJence or buslneisplac. and take. pu dlret-t to PELHAM COURT at our convenience and pleasure. HOUSEKEEPINO APARTMENTS THERE) ARE SEVERAL WAYd OF HECI'HIMi ' AN APAHTMENl" But suppose. Instead of trylnr all these dlflersnt wais. jou Just call at ibis office th, largest, moat attraitlv. and best equipped In pbiladelphU. devoted exclusively Iu secur ln Juil what they want for pn'tUular people Tell us your redulrementii Th. leadlntr and desirable apartments In Philadelphia ar. listed with or may be rented through us. Our automobiles ar. waiting to tak, ou to lbs list of properties you deslmaia, ao that with the least possible snort you may secur. tb. on. apartment In Flilla which most nearly avproaLbs your ejtuit Ideal app NORMAN S SIIEltWOOD Hll WALNUT HT. . gpruc;tli - IM? SL. NEW C0R0NAD0 CHB8TNUT AND TWENTY-SECOND STU BilinsUe slteialious have, Ueu, nude. Jo. rludlBX s.rvtp lleKiitor aitdltloasj story fr ..rvanti' auartiri bui tal.pboiM lli. etc.. Anply t BvAW or.lo r SAMUEL J. HENDERSON 4l U0flRI MVH DISH f OUR ruoms and .h hoi water baa. ele-irtc iiabt i unuln UA aier 1.. voiaatea Irw t'Ii ilaH ret -w io.i.on i.i - uran Apply t fee U A(wie 58th and &oi losfleld till 1 I IU3i t OK JiTH AMI l. ".' i.,vit AUiUIM.TV"r 41(iWrtiTH FCB .Mifitil OK L.NIfVK.V RkASONiivl-K. j fclHldl .. "5F-.r --I-' " "ff-- EVENING L101)(EKPJJlLAI)ELriliA, MONDAY, JANUAKV 13, HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS loiitlimrt fro i PiccedlaO folliiin N. E. Cor. 17th & Walnut (One Mock front Itlltenhonne Square) 3 noiaekeplr luttee, 10 toomi, Includ' Inc .1 hatha J mile ! ronim am) lmth 1 t floor prnfraaional office 1 rr.om Tree u of laundry on top floor lour Inapertlon la rorrtlally milled. MERTON GREIMS Walnut flSIt Ttare 22TO Uherlr lllilt , limud nml f lietnnt WK.HT FII!KIIKt.ritlV I'l or.TliOV APTS . loth and t.oeuat r. outildi rooma and bath turn or unfurn . 115 to IBS HAMHOMPI Y ft IIMSIIKI) 7-rm porch apl Sbd room 2ba Ih i H ir ln BJSil4ll rt04 PINtT Second floor unfurn apt ouipr roipie thlldren flm floor ftont furnMied "!v Two rooma and lath aerond floor. 151J N II" TYI(lll K PON 111 S mill APARTMENT HOTELS ALDINE HOTEL Ch.itnut and Nlneteentn THE BEST ROOMS AND SUITES With llic best tabic in Philadelphia Day, Week, Month. Season. Year PARKSIDE APARTMENTS ,MIa MrOlsde Mnasr 4oth and (llrard Aenu .... Opposite I'alrmounl Park ,,, FUnMsiii: on rvriritNiHiiED . AttractUe aullei of two nnd three rooms and IT TO-D TD PT nVICB FXl'EI.I.KNT taiili: THE GLADSTONE UTIt AND PINH ST3. ' Absolutely Fireproof SEVERAL VERY DESlRAttLE SUITES CAN nn sFctmnn FIIRNISIII3D OR llVFltRNIPUF.n THIS M0VTKV18TV 0.1D AND UMTiltn STHEI.TS l.'ieplloiiBiu lariro rooms newly furnished with hinh nnd lillchenetle IncluillliKi Imlel service Meekly and monthly rnlesi public din Init room elevator serlco nnd nil modern up t ointment a piiONr, o iiniuiooK .ioi.s THE CLINTON Imiirrf"' 200 TlOOM-t EVERY rOVVF.NlENCB Furnished or itnrurntshrd ellher by l-ase or transients suites of ens or four rooms with bath DKLMAIt-MORIUS" , . Writ Phelten a.. Oermantown: 2" mlnutia from tirosd St Station: furnlsbed or vn furnlahed apartments, onn room and bath or more also housekeeplnir spsrtments llorKI, COI.ONIAI. ""priice at" Wet f nth it. A select family apartment hotel, all l-'i". airy llsht outside rooms, alttlne rooms, bed room nnd biih with meals for two penom: m per week and upward , IRVING HOTEL -. 0.7 walnup Amerhan plnri J.' European l up THE ESMOffD 8 K ''iN"" istii ,..... vi spitccr sts SIIUES OF 2 Jl AND 4 ROOMS ANIt IIA'llf ,. . THE TRACY PERMANENT Oil TRANSIFNT CJUEST3 30ni ANHOI1ESTNUT "IN 1 1113 PEN'TKIt OF EVFRYIIIINO ' THE LlTTLt: HO ITU. JJ3 S. DROAD ST. REAL ESTATE TOR SALE C ITY HOW of 10 small " slor dwelling, northeast section nlnjyo rented, nbolut snrrlftce: les than dolls r for dollar several other won drfut barr"Ins for apeeulatori or Invatoin must bt sold In 10 ilajn t close Hccounl, No reason itilt lTer refusetl for nns of tbesn nronertl's there Is nothltitr In Philadelphia llkt th. barcaliH offered bv thl office. Call litiui.- or write for full particulars, NOKMN S SHERWOOD Spriua.1f.71 HllValnut st Itnce S023 HEAr. nsTn: ron sale on re.nt HAltULR HARTMAN & CO. 1201 ChfStmit . 3 STORY- stone front resldeiue. 10 rooms, 2 hathst near llroad and Diamond, price rlfiht. Kennedy 4. Rainbo 3740 Ctermantunu ap. PARK'aVK aboe Rerks, 11 rooms, xcelKnt condition nn h boimht rluht SADMiilR & SON", fUlO hu.ijehanna ae llullrilw lts, l'"'-"! sUf-'1 ,"'r' bEVERAL exceptionally well located factory and buslncHs butldtntr sites, with or without rail road facilities larr nnd fit. Ml: all prUes. MORRIS i to Hldse nt Hroad. Stores nml DnelUnKH N. i: roil. m'NTlNO rRK ntid Falrblll sood Iota t Ion for oyster houe and restaurant. IHUMAS I WAHO, 4JL1H t Mn) H UF.sr riinania.Vin "u NEAR -.-Vm AND WNB BTS. 3 stoty seihl detuched resident e 'J baths, electric Hxhtv lot 20x103 assessed ICOOO, mtco, J-tOOO, nlM tomfder offer below assessment. EUGENE L. T0WNSEND R E cor 40thand Dalto. av.JVi. IVood 5200. ItARtlAIN for colored home aeker, 7R0 N 40th. n semidetached 2 story porch front dnrlllnc; very modern convenience, 8 rooms, large lot, 20tl03 feet can be bought for amount of as nessment 52400. terms to suit. WHITESIDE MrlNAHAN. ISth and Tine. HOMES LVKUIUOUS" SPRtTCH HT EAST OP UTJl a atorj semidetached homes feature beond df-srrlptlon loallon nnexLelled garaifft vrlvl Icie sample house, fully furnlslied open. THE CHILTON' APTS , 310-321 N. 33d St. iltll 01 lenaniB, pnjinc intrsLinrni; price anq terms rum o."r" Chilton, owner. Xlln Ixwust st ft to 11 a m SEE THF, NEW SAMPLE HOUSE K7I3 HOFFMAN AVE E.NCI OSKD HEATED poitiir Evnuiio itriLDrit SEND TOR SALE OR RE.NT LIST Stntn price and location desired. 10S ALLEN POTTS 4001 Ualtlmore ave. tj.,-,11 W II.I.OW S AVE r.7th to SSth. furnished H-imple house noen dally to 0 p m KER MIAW S. HOWL owners B-'ll Cheslnut st OIIRMAVTOIVN UFA I. ESTATE KERVICB CALL. WRITE OR PHONE OLYNDON PRtES1MAN.6BOOJ3rmsntoin as LARGE LIST OF"OERMANTOWN HOMEd SMULLEN 4 HARRY Liberty IlulldlniTj Jlrosd and Cheitnut OUR NEW RENT and sale list of llermantown and Chestnut Hill propertle. sent on applica tion It It .lstertSonj 6813 Germant'ivjvve IF TOU ARE LOOKING KOlfA HOME In O.r mttntown Mt Airy or Chestnut Hill consult me A R Meehsn 0747 Oermanlown ave OUR REAL ESTATE nULLETIN will be lent tn )au by mall on application tlermantown Trust Co.. .hHen and Osrmantown avee leean STORES DWELLINGS AND APARTMENTS fur sale or rent In beat section of Logan WM 1) l HAAitfr-iiri sjjj i nroarj it pr.NNS.t.VAI HI'llltKllVV BROOKI.1NE nuncalow. hrand new, white atncin, AOsl.'l hnrdwojod Moors, (tie bain, water heat fruit treea conveniently locuteJ t4SU0 J Elinr Watte Ardmnre i'IIELTFMIM lietachcd frame hnpae lot not 1A0 all Lonvrulenies, 11 rooms and lath front and side port h stable or varair splendid view, near train and trotle iheip.for sub 1. sale Applv owner on premises JOHN P RICE 133 Heerher st I hellenbani Pa DARHY 'laerlnca tno" mrner, 3 slory. brkk. all vonvenleiices 231140 tu driveway SWOPBt SON. Darby ELKIN'S PARK New Colonial dwelllnr in rooms J hatha hot water: hi? Mrsaln: 3 minutes from elation SJcCORMIl'i; t Ml i ORSUCK 10J1 Uheatput andKlklns Pjrk LlI.BNSlDB. PA Attractive detached 8 rms ill conv terms to suit 14000 JIBSnj.NUEK RBNNIM1ER Olemlde HURUHIIAN RFAI. ESTArB Any price. Ait locavtons Sate nr rant CHARLES J HOOD t CO Morris llldr COUNTRY SEATS farms suburban homes and huildln site. In northern etibnrbs of Phlla Phon. or write ll J j.saerinc Ampler ja LAROBLIST OF SUBURDAN HOMES, sale or rint, on the Msln I In-j or l.e.dlnr It. 11. WiiIIWIl.SK-Jl0 Morrls lluiidlns SUBURBAN KES1DBNCES for. s".is or rent. attractive locations, prtoea rhrht. Maurice j Hoover. Real .Estate Trust Building, " MAJN M.NK. P. n. K. URYN MAWR Several new house for sale, also bulldlna- siles by th. sen or from foot JIAURAN. DOLMAN . CO . Jtf U, cor Broad and Chswtnut DEB1RABLK KKSIDUNCKS FOR HALE OR H8NT WARNOCK U Eill.B.V OTIS BLDtl KTH ANBSANSOM S jnjEiytKY mjuuRns uppxnoott tors AND HOlUJa llStllU. Il.iuilip, M J, vU.hWf LIPf IN'dOTT rBXNSVLVsMA FARMS v BUCKS COUNTY FARMS " COUNTRY HOte ' W. FORREST MAGEE hOl'THAMPTON PA OPPOSlTe. STATION IS ACHWH i hoi.. little tarn, on Stele also." wroille U. .tatloii I41U0 " B THOMPSON Wr,at Ch-ater P4 NEW JERSEY FUtlls ARV,,!E,NNRTiHfA8as,r VIMUalNp. N 7 REAL ESTATE SALE Ott RENT i ITY ANIT at tltntnAN propertln fee tale of rent Ixiwer Merlon Realty Company. Land Tills nnlidlnt Philadelphia Pa f 1 TV CENTRA!. PROPERTIES For sale and rent TAMES t) WINCHEU., nthjand Saneom ( ItFAL ESTATE FOR SALE Off HUNT HIE LAND TITLE AND TRUST in llroad nnd Chestnut ats pfnxsiLVANIA urncnnAN ti. i. YVWTD Lame list houees ssls of rent i at nil prices Samuel C Wanner, jr. Cemm-rclal Trust llldi-. IMh and Market main usr, r. n. n. MAtN LINE Rest line of Main LI io homes either for sale or rent at all prlrea HIRST McMULLlN. Weit End Trust Illd REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE IF YOf HAVE REAL KsTVrn Io exrhanae ien in It will paj jou Isen Co . 10-' N ath Ton INVFSTMEN'T houaea for farms with stock etc ISE.N 100J N nth at REAL ESTATE WANTED FOR EARLY MITTEni 1 1ST TO! R S IILR11AN PROPER TIES NOW V INTERS . SON 009 CIIKS r.NlT ST OWNERS i:ECrTOHSor-ESTTEs If nou have an prop-rlv, 1 (o 100 houses to dispose of quirklt aoe me ISEN 1P0J N dth )MI.I. RUY cheap real eitate anv aecllon Phils d'lphla. Inimediaie answer broken protected. Chester IJ llnltnr 1420 Chestnut HAVTBD Three modern homes all Improve nients flne locstlnn. ss It ll Karaites p.lve full psrllrulars hv mall llerier, 7th and ilreen REAL ESTATE TOR RENT CITV rnyV I All new 7 rooms bull laundrv .JL1 pas and electric llshla hot water HOMES I J1TTIIEV W DOfOIIERTY I and Ontario sts SPORES AND IIWELLLNOS In nil seitlnns of illy: see our list In the I edser Saturda SAMFEI. f 1-OX S. CO S i; Cor Pth and Callowhlll ;o 17-20 19 N MARVINF. ST Three stor 11 rooms conveniences nne order rent retimed kevs nt lulo N. l-'lh st till I IRAENS SONS. 15411 N 7lh SI IS.'.1 t'llM'llt.t.Ult ST Sultal.te as a con tractors ortlce MlNfL'RN r IUOUT A i O Morris Rld 1SJ3 DE LANCEY PI.M'F 12 rooms and 2 bsths rentnl per annum SICiOO , . EDOAR O. CllOSS.141l Walnut it .IU! s 101 It ST, id" rooms and 2 Imlhs in-, s 2.M -t s rooms an-l 1 bath "AMI El. w I EVIS Heal F.staio "lrul lll.u Iluslness Propertle- nnd Slores MARKET ST. fill Entire bulT.IItu throush to Commerce si . nit retill or vvholcsilo bmlneps, Immedlste Possession -- .. . . . Apply PENNA CO . S17Chestnut si stores nnd llwelllnits MOIT DESIIIAIII.E business location luantown nve Look this over 741 tlr Diwson Jt ' MlSalH U.tP llermantown nve Factories. Wnrchoii.cs, Mf. Hours Cohocksink Mills aTIA1Dc,T,mhra" noors, r.000 Io 1SO00 hi ft : cheap power It P. McNEELY 17.12 Randolph. 27 N 71 It HT A ver desirable second (liiiir lontslnlnB S.'5(l siiuaro frit, sllltublo for elei irlcvl business Immediate possession MTR.P.S t IIARTII llldilo ave and 101b M VNL'I'Al TUIIINO FLOORS for lent 7V'.U l ft 10 ft cellln pienty of power in I be-l pplv Llncord Itus I o , Jasper and UOjus sireets FACTORIES and floor spate of ever" ; description Phlla and Mclnlty. FACTORY EXCIUNOK Stephen Olrardllldc Filbert 4700 Race 20.3 FACTORIES sites warehouses floor space .luslvelv .7 Alan Mldd eton. Factorv Spe lallst andEnalneer flon-ll vldener Uldt II AVB "PARTY" who velll erect billldlnl. central or other location for satisfactory tenant. DIETEHICH 737 Wilnut at OFFICFS Itt'SINr.SS ROOMS. ETC DREN-KI. ULDH OF! ICES Annual renlilj shiale i s. $100 l.'(i 111 I1BU J-'.;; I..IHI Suites 2 r's 1144 JlnO linn J.'Otl tJ.". JJ.'.i S Ivir. IJ7-. .400 la.1 4'.0 1JIIU I7M Corner sulles 4 In M rooms tevt to iio.ti ELI. It II WILLIAMS TiliO Drexel llldt 112 r.O IlErD ItUILDINO. 1B6II Cunliallv located, all convenlencei: attrailiveh low, eervlcs continuous SIS no 1211-17 Filbert st nrsT wiii-Mini.riiiA, IWOSIOIIY alone front dvvelllnir, 1 roiiins und launnry sntt aunvn ni-"i..m .mi .... SAMUKI, sn.'UN' l-'ul Chestnut si PIN.NSLVM .tlltlllllAN IIUI'SE steam heat. ele. trliltv hot and cold vvatir all modern tonvenlrnie nisi; lake und "i, at res of cratind, t Somerlon. I'u Applv lames II Miourk. - i. mi -liimhla nve MAIN MM!, p It. it. ATHIACTIV15 HOMES modern tonvenleni near churches schools and stations, sole ui rent f M FRONEFIELD. Walle, IM M0RTQAOES ilONEY TOl.OAN" ARTHUR B0SWELL 2JJ N. 1ST1I ST. Private, trmt and RullJInir Asioclstlen fneie FUNDS FOR MORTGAGES P.epajabla In terms of jean or on Installment plan. Northern Trust Company BTH SND SPRING GARDEN $100,000-4'2 7oFLAT aPECIAI. TRUST FUND FOR ooon rir.sT MorTOAOFs IIORACF. 11 FRITS'- 713 WALNUT ST TffSEOURU A MORTOAOK be It flrit or second It you dealt effl i-ni service, nulck and satisfactory rt suits ami moderu.eiharse.- wniTi. yQ . ,, ' Your morlua" wtl be as rood as plaied NORMAN S SIIERWOOII. 1411 Walnut l I'M notf'or MORTUAOE ImmedUte Settlements 'It) t usettled Estate Loans HutMIng Association Funds S1U0II DKMPlKJ ft IO . ' J7 South tnth st 1100 POO TO INVEST In drat morleenes In sunt from UODO up. also hulldlns ussoilatlon money for second morlaaees II C SEIDBL ft CO 4lh and ( allowhill sl FUNDS-for drat second or split inortcaces ollaleral and ahort-term loins s-comi muii saaes on rows or buHdlns operations A1II.IINI.TIIY 13J S 12th 27J1 N Mh HfnTrTrTTT T FUNDS I OR FIRST AND WU.l-UilJ-lLl skcoNH MORTUAIUS 535 NORTH 17 TH ST i?50 1100, J.'tio TO isnon to iuv I.FWIS L CO 12-'7 West (llrard av Al.l CmOUNIS 1ST AND SO MORTOAULS riiilrlf Answer MAUnlCF. llMATSINfiFIt RI Est.Tr ll'Jt FUNDS TOR 1ST AND 2D MOrtTOAl.ES r u MOHTOAOES rOlt bALH 111EO E NII'kl.ES 2M1 llermantown .lONEY for mnrtMS-e It'tiks I ft nlv pluunt ,W" ARTHUR P 'KltV.NSENII I incoln Iiulldln Phlladlnhls "TRUST FUNDS FOR FIRST MOHTUMI II C IVI.. I'. 1. a; n. l.l1., IJlND TITLE BHII.DIMI MO.NEY FOR 1ST AND .'D JIORT1IA1.IM 709 WAI.NUT5r a;oTS.PUI'CK SI rUNDS FOR 1ST AND 2D MORIOAULS rl ANY AMOUNT POTTS t TllOM,I'SON 2.'l Frsn.fnrd av. MONlfY FOR MORTlHOVrs BIllinlNQ AND ASSOCIA1ION FUNDS HENRYSRSED 1420 Cheitnut ai lJANS ON INTEREST IN ESTATES Ressonable charges JOHN A BARRY MVT Land Title Rid TRUST FUN S For any Kimd mortaces I EDWARD I.UTZt 210 N 17th st 'ADVANCES TOUmLDERPECIALTY 318 WALNUT bT. UMEKOENCY funds placed at once, onv sum, "immediate answer! lowe.t rates K N DR iJtNY 1112 Lincoln Bids-. Broad ft Penn as ISO 10" 15000 to loan on real estate security immodlate settlement, payable aa desired BOW M MOLL. 133 H 12lh at l'L NDS for flrat and second mortgages any amount, sulclt answer CIIAB W M1LI.LR 40 4QT commonwealth Bujldltur MONEY"fr first and leoond mortgages private funds and building associations WM FtUEDRICH 4 CO MJN l.'lh at MONBV for first and second mortgages, building association and Installment mortgages Willis Winchester Co 1001 Chestnut st. ALL AMOUNTS to loan on 1st and 2d tutsea Cbas Z D. Young 400 W Bnd Trust Uldg MONEY TO LOAN MONEY TOLOAN Tj-t us arraiwy loan for yu StrUtly leg.i rates Pasmeuta as low a. I.' p.r in in h Our servU- 1. "ourteoue. ooiie44.raUV.ar. AMERICAN LOAN CO. ' 5 145 CHESTNUT STREET Pbofte Blmiyit40O3 Westlw " YOU CAS BORROIV UWBr ONTI4MOND3 JKWBLS BTc Ain up tlM AJO UP BIKDSRS i vjirket trr sTirviK a m 4Nn tun; MP AND iT i STS uOKtl I.OAK1SD to heirs or UaVilttd .at"..... mlirsatf boucht FftANK PTjigTIN T I iiMiimeeTligKto IjjN m 'ULJi &K dU? A rMffrii-iift nffir r SI! TIip Youiib Lntly Across the Wny TIip inis Intlv ncrots the v sitvs her fnllier unit tiiothrr have liaJ Hie rnmo family tilivsiolan epf alms tlmv were mairleil, nntl tlioiiRh he was a jnunjr man at Hint time lion gPttltiK to be quite n veterinary now Coniparini; Expression "DM (in aeo Urn ilc.iscd p.Nprosslon on Mrs Hrown's fnco when I told her alio didn't lotiV nnv oldor than het datiBhter?" s.tlil Mr. Uaihuiy after thn reception. "So," t-nltl Mrs Kailuav "I was looking nt the cxtirerslun on her dalinlitor's fipe " 1 he Landlady your likins ' The New Hoarder- It Is ver nice, madam The I.andladj Well. I didn't hear jou enJoyliiK It SCHOOL (:iw).: . 1 M 1 M -1 , f THr.RE IS A- A A, j f VtlEUll iSi I cott! Jm " Vbt Four H s- s I HF.YnLhftl hn,ii I'll ic !-'-- t UnuiftVl PluAMTPB Yn " ft) :s75fw & ..U&WtV, renii i?r i'Hr ' .1 ivr n rNUNt ur t-.a fn 1 - -j --... r . ,Mi j5N ,N.V tSfi ( 9V) V All the tSj ' T &J wrTxr tvnw VSSKsN-JfAQERJ m jiimax c-vj4 D,5!iiS ilvJ GVikwHmm. v mj-r v iih a: mm r MMm "I "" mm T iiilB I 1 B mssB&StHa sSmitH - tgMMfWrUir!?ltfl I I ",vrT - "T ' ' IT" r -H"' in 1"" im".iiiiiitHiiri n "A RAINY AFTERNOON" IN THE TRENCHES Arms and the Girl I 1 iinui.n iipiuiui, Telephones aro sreat tlnie-.av.ers, - I ye von .11 tou.li ''!'' nn' ', '"' ' , "'"veil'' 'that . penda upon vvho call. , es .Serceant I m holding (1 Inner s hand vfK1 u Demandiiig I'rnnf THAT'S AN ART. 'IOO Isnt oui soup to TSij4o-y&tliiittfettB)siaMfffJL 1017 rCRAPPLB THK PAD DED CKLf. (LVil sr I i-i n v ua j 6Vsn.T L ( THOlliHT r N. x N. I . hEARt AW je ' x WrfcfftsTfwV Rctciwe Pump. 'ssJ' I p, ( ' nn: nuNK or a busy brain Idess Dans Harr cues auch Utd degcrlptiona of experiences at th frout Dorothj -Ves auch great imagination' He almost makes you believe hex been there DAYS 15 vrT3Bm WL -2mMML sJam M'sunderstood U lauir. Uoubtfui Trav.ier Giv.ui tat. ai: 13 it Kaiinj , iihtlmn ve tn in lnv ;J4 . isavagelyl- Xuur mlo4 yoor can i-u iuuiu.d ousieesa LJQJJ ... ,a--il