WP lllW"""gll-'l''HMi'iu . Viwii - tsfri - - '"' 'jk wiuptfjadiigsw-"1 '! isp! fS. natmsfs' toVli.MAtt LliDuEli-l'HlLADJjiLl'IiU, AIunDai, u.i.MJAEV 13, 191T na ') e,," 4 I I JBAR MOVEMENT EXHAUSTS ITSELF AND MANY STOCKS MAKE GOOD GAINS lUnited States Steel Common Moves Up More Than One i'Olni 'Jjoiig imuiiu 1a jrruiuinem, street nears 01 Scheme to Make Road Heavy Freight Carrier High Points in Today's Financial tcws Action of stocks in Wall Street indicated that hear movement hu pUutled iteelf. Mod gains tn principal issue. Wheat irregular. I e.r- Sharp kbnak in cotton. Philadelphia bank statement for week showed big increase IK, individual deposits, reserve held and surplus, indicating ami moneu fnarMi Pree ' '""' Sxlvcr Miehaiiged. NKW YQltK. Jim IS. L". There weio plenty or Indications In today's nluck inalket that tho liml' move- jatlit hod exhausted Itself nncl lliHt Blocks linil been sold to a .tntiditlll us ni lvi,.rlli efforts mo concerned. There were no otTer-lna of ImnorlHlil slock Knith' earl' ,lalll"S mound recently ihcviiIIIiir di-Icch, nnil It ieiUlreil only u Wttiiil accumulation of nvei'-Siiliilny demnnd to cnimt Rood naltia In tho jirlncliml . .... ' I'nlteo Stales steei luinmuii inuvcii up inure iiinn i point, CloiulilR 112 early (ft the ! ftl"1 ,'eltl lno9t "' l,s Bfll" "" llir"0l,sl' the lulcr ttaillriR. Anacnntlit P)ge mui" ,"' -- -- - - -' - v,..,, ,.-i una American SmeltlnR. ' I.ouk Island was unusually iiromlnent, ntlviuicliiff 3d Ifoinlfl to 40s.- I- Borne of " uuyeia hhiii men- pumiHses were on tlif knowledge that ruiuls lie been provided for the scheme to mike l.oiift Island a he.t'.v freight carrier Kntl allusions were made to detailed lepurlR of tin' Connecting Itnllwny, which hurt published In Sunday's papers. t' From Philadelphia theMtory came that IVnnsylvanla tnteieits are satisfied Mtti the mlnorlt stoekholdeis" ault will he decided against the compauj, mid that BlheV will hae to pay JfiO a share or par for the minority stock, the same terms vtah were given to tho Corhln estate. p.t- An Incident of the day was the selling of Central Leather by the board mem- Bfir of Shearson. Hamlll & Co. .Some of the traders helped along the downward HnOveroe" ", '',,!, t0CK' "nuing a reason lor oear operaiiuns in assertions mm ,i h Itusslan eontracl. about which much has been said In the last few days, had fallen through. Crucible was one of the strong features, moving tip 1 point, rhere was a strong tone lo the bond market all through the day, with ninny Important Issues making good fractional gains. Anglo-Trench r,s weio heavily v'infaAln moving up from fl:!s lo !. Chesapeake and Ohio I lb h rose ". to SO, and V there was a good demand for U'abash-I'ittsbnrgh Teimlnal 4s. 1 ONLY MODERATE BUSINESS ON CURB, - AS DRIVING SNOW CHASES BROKERS St ' i. vr.nv vrir-u- .inn i.-, If'1' Only a moderate amount of business was done on the 1'road Street Curb , jgdjy, a driving snowstorm in me nttcrnuon mamng me tirowcrs seen sueiter I ,n() further diminishing trading. Price changes were In nearly all oases lo lower lilgiirej, but the losse.i were small and without Importance except as Indicating ft, continued absence of outsldo Interest. Some new Issues were traded in, among I ihrm American Ice common, which sold at 10. ThU Is one of the Issuc3 which Is brODOed 0 give present holders of American Ice Securities shares In tho read- justment of tho capltallzalloti ' Two new Mifjar stocks Wro also traded In. One was United Sugar, when I'lisued which sold at 35 to 36. The other was Santa Cecilia, .the common alock felling fiom 2t to 25,4, ami me pre;crreo was irancu in ni u mi. i,hiiuiiihm t Car Hnd Foundry opened at 31 and dropped lo, 27, and the preferred sold at S. Triangle Kllm was without support ami wwer sniiiu oucmigM pom uuwn io i-i. Jlidvale Steel ranged from lil'i io hi . turuon nieei nroppeu iiom ; m ft, then rallied to 94. iviicsTniAi.s HI.I. 1 SA1. c'0. tfi iUHX ,(1m Kiprtu l . ,'toto Alaska. U cv 8 Ber '.'UJ0 -nlo-French ft . . in0O Amtr Hlrf & i, ll. ?J?9 " or Ho 5 .1500 Amtr Tel clt U . MfOCO Am Ic. . . . . . JOOO Amr Writ Vap 8 ?2S9 Armour i IS . . . Iffi Alchlaon gen it . . . 8l6w do aU 4 . . . . JOOO rto Aria 4 Ve .. . , 1000. Allan Co Lino Ut U t:2x do '" re iJOOU do 5i iJ00) rto a. :ioou do .-.v 4V . ox . 7 V. .10'; . mi . is . OVh . noii . s . s n . .' Ul'i . 43 . ns . 1 . 1ft . SI . II . A . II J i . V. . 411 '. NI . 4 . 5' . 41 V. . IS 4 SHi 0'a 10 4H 4 U .V.d 4V4 'ao 111 K lui ln Zl 0V4 4" Vi 2(1 3 II a 8H4 44 6'J itt 411 1 Aetna Explosives Amer-Brltlsh Mfg .'Am, Marconi -T ', American Wrlllng Paper ' Can Car & Fdy -" Can Car & Fdy pref . Charcoal Iron Chevrolet Slotors K uramp oiuijuuiiuiiik . R Curllss Aeroplane 1 Kmtrson Phonograph Haikell & Darker Car u Hendee JIfg " Kathodlou. Bronze pref Laurel Oil & Ons Lima Locomotive new 1 Maxim Munitions Mldvole Steel New York Shipbuilding Otis 'Elevator Peerless Motors Poole Ens Scrlpps-Booth S 8 Kresge w I standard Motors ;,Sl Joseph Lead Steel Alloys Submarine Boat Traniue-WUllanis .... Trlanrle Film Todd Shipyards United Alloy Sleel . . . I U S Steamship United Motoi ? World Film Wrljhl-Martiii Zinc, qoticentratlng . . . KAII.KOAKh 'Hock Island com . . do pfd A do pfd B . . . . West Pac w i . I do pfd . . . bJvabaah.rittsbuiKri ?, do pfd sn STANDARD OH. STOCKS Ulllnols 14 -tsu I Ohio ., ...3811 Lprairle Pipe 35S f Stand Oil of California. .38H (Jsund Oil of New Jersey. 9S VStand Oil of Sew York. .;o 4,f. 1 ox 38 Vi 43!i 11 Yi i:i it i'.l XI 111 a"!; 4H4 ' I II 4 3t KS'j 'A 'A :i 411 si A3 41 Hi At " aoi 4li I 1.1 311 SI 14 13 388 330 313 1IJ! MS 411 383 3-9 81)1 nun '.It oTiiinc on. stocks 111,1. Askerl. Bamett Oil & Oas fi Cosden Oil & Iteflnlng. . . mi, Cosden Oil & Cias II Federal Oil' " Inter Petroleum lo",4 Houston Oil 31 Meirltt Oil I3!4 Oklahoma Prod & ll It) Osage Iloinlny mv, P.oyal l)utchv 3!i 'Soqltoyah '! 1 Sapnlpa llelliiliig ?: Sinclair ni Midwest Iteflmng SH MINI.S'd STOCKS S3 ' 0'.4 4 9!4 l!4 :in Mi Alaska Standard AllanU lilt' l.edr.e Blubce Copper la prosp.) Bytte Copper & Zinc . . . Butte New York Cerro de Pasco Consolidated Arisonn . . Ivinma Consolidated . . . First N'atloiml Florence Ololddeld Goldfleld Consolidated . . Ooldflold. Merger Oreen Monster liecla Mining Howe Sjund ltKlepeiidnice Lead Jim Butk-r Jumbo Kxtemdun Keivanas McKInley-Darraglt Magma Copper Mines Co of America. . . . Nevada Wonder ...'..... .Niplsslng Mines Co . . . . Hay Hercules San Toy Tonopali extension .... AWnl Knit Con White oak 3 IIIINDS 'erio d Pasco 6s Ill Fiencli Munlo fia 08 !4 Midvale Steel lis ni Itusslan 6 'is !1 Itupslan 5ja U'l Sinclair Oil C Ill Todd Shipyard 6s 1 11 1 I' s nubber S3 ao'i 3',i 81 311 fit 48 8 14 in 8 14 11 4 an 3 13 IIV'i 0k II 1. ihi 1314 an Aft 1-10 in'H ni'.i tovi Hi. Ti I) li 3Va 34 74 7 I4T. 17 13 IS'i 84 13i4 ! 1-10 III A Hi 10 4',h 13.10 Of 1 30 Vi l-IU 111 fi'.i 1 11i II 8H 31 IX IK 811 II 87 33 18 .V! 48 3U S'.fc X',i Ill 4Vi, 1 '! 814 l'!4 10 4 III! 9 Hi 111 '.4 !) B i 01) (i tun III! Dili II H ' 1 i lift OKVh 1'.i 08 sot;, 1 1 1 M NEW YORK BOND SALES 8Sfe 101 u 3 van ?i?jt d? v. '' B .v V 4. salt "OW Brooklyn RTIi lt18.touTi 0uo Can tlovt os l2l in0"4 iffiSd0 Bl lest tuoi 5,. r. .u" " Jo iv' 1QJH :oo c.'iV 4n,, ,-.".";? ". " "V7 jliv.. h"i V c'"' " ,u-r 'iJSfl1 tnt Ualh lit 5....losn 1'aclRa Jit 4a... OlVi .131 . 1)3 H B ",& ! .B"o 4',. IK lorn S" ?. ',S4TKt.i: : tm CM J Q Joint 4. ,w do ffen 4b !?oo8 Chi V '" i- inSX Kh!nS'0. rcu's. U8i US DU 13j iai! FiKr "SfW lly of 1'arl. Urn . ul nE" sa taPa?!?...? .- .!.!!! iliWai 7 m-vu too p . ii'in 'IS "V .wto at 4 8H Bw io iw 1 . ... ut 'loS! .do Ptlor 4 . ..:. 87 aSiS v,ln.J(,' ii),o..:."ioii ffl V"" Uec Mar b. . . 84 B'tj a s 414 - . fSHh- it a u 41 79. lit 41. IJi Sh Jb 4a l;s: - -u uu .Ml . . Si Sfnn 4a " .. . w'n . i I, ia . . . oiS ..."" ? i- iSKf "Ji Kt r a s M i rSfi';" :;'' M,..,. S ssK 3IIUII lOOll 1(100 101)1111 . 4000 ; uuoi) sono 7S00O noon suou 1000 ttooo 1000 300U 1000 1001) 2000 14000 uoou 300U sono 11000 3000 3000 3000 7000 5000 10000 11000 2O00U uiooo 1000 10000 181)0(1 11)000 1)000 noon 1M00O M)UO 1&U0O ;toou 400U 4fU0O 603UU looou MOU 4000 IOO11 sooo 4IIO0II 11)00)1 3000 1IKUU1 nx SioOO 1000 10000 2CO0 4IOi IMuO 131..I0 lolOOO O0O0 anoo IW06 0SOQ 322000 41000 04000 &00O now loioae IMOO 100 0 lllcll. Low Nal Hlanli ,1 Ill III Nor Slate l"ow 5.... Ml'i 9J Nut Tuba Sa HU 102 N V Cunal IBill IIMl'i lOX'i N V C I. S SVa a 70U 70V N V V ll 3H SH'i 8. lo con 4i &n SB iSq da U2H 1I2' do 4a li D3'i do l'-j V8U OSla N V Chi St I. lt 4a 044 IM!j N V City 4a 1057 102 102 do 4 1059 tOl'i lOMi .10 44 mno mi 103., do 41,1 13 110, UOH N V Oaa B & I' 4. . . . 85 86', N T 1. k W a 107JJ JOji, N Y N H . II J i"H 108 , N Y Rwy adj Ba 32 43f NYTilMBHta.. . loot, IftuJ, Norf 4 Weat Poch 4a. 034 ua(, Nor Pao prior 4a 08H Bi do Kin 3 0 "0. Ora Short 1. rf 4... B4J, 94J, Ora W H N 4a. . . Jjjm BJ. Ora t Cal .,...... 1(1 10JJ, Pocohontaa Cot 5a . . Jh 03ji Pac Tl M Ipljj 10J4, Pao Oaa 5a SH D.lh l'enna 4a 104S .took loo darenct IVis .. 03 103, do tn 4H ...... Iplf, ipjH Public Serv NJSi . 2 ?2W tUadlnA En 4a DU'a OtIVi itSpuh Jb 6a 1901.. 69. 99 Ittp Ir t Htl Ba loo'i IihiU Hlo Or 4 W vlt 4a J2 71 do 1st 4a 84 Jj S2J, 8t I.M S 4a S5J, 55, do Otf 4a ...... 8JS ?? St I, & Olll ea... 74A 74b do In 5a . . i J3 53 do 4 8r A 70S 70 Jj &a Her U Ml. ! St I. Fin von 4a . . . 70 70 Stand lllll 5a. ....... loo 1 11 Saabaard A 1. adj 5a. . 87 UT do Sta 4a f4 ! South 4s J MS da cv 49 , hS 94 SS rfd lr B4, j4 South ff w 5a ....lot tul South llwi;.sA --.lib .JJi? tiu un 5a ........ I02a 1UX4, North South Al 8a. loo 109 ficatta 4a 94. 91fa Trm Aaan St J. rf 4a lpoS ;oo Taiaa ID s( Hi ... 108 10 Trl-3tly 5a JUl 101 u3wV. J, . -100!, 1UI& Utah l-t iVSa ... , H U H Rubber Oa . . . 114 14 V H Sltal ll ' 107 108lt Ifoton Melaf4. ... 'i aS Union Fc cv 4a ... J. 94'.. da rid 4a 941, 94 VoVwia 8 y 4 40 38 U K O U t Ba... 96) 97J do Blia Jill 8g BSjJ do BtJa 1921 1H S Vi Ki a. ..... S9J, 0J, ,. I-. Kr.i i.i a 74. 74 . -." ' i- ..., Want Sanaa 4a i W.ai I'aiM 4Vja 98 Wnaaliu I. B,4 JJJf Ji 3:00 . p.m. Ill .D7', 102 lOfl'i 70', 80!, 88 112i l)3i 9SU 04',i 102 ion. 103H no;, 85 'J 107 'I inn 42H Igoji 03 V, Oil, l!U 044 101', 101H 103 1U7 9S 09. IIHIU 72 84 H.1i N34 lit m 711 100 "I si'. K8V U4U 1U4 "fl'-i 1I2IJ 10H 111. inn 101 UO', d 104 "SS5 951 30 98 ant: !, 93 8 791 8S' CNew York Stock Sntes I LH Advance hum AJax Itubber Alaska Hold .Mines Alaska Juneau . . Allls ChnltneM . . Am Meet Sugar . Am Can do pref Am Cor ft l-M. . . Am Cotton Oil .. Am tilde & j pief. Am Ice Am l.h.seed pief.. Ant Locomolhe. .. llish. II 11 ft 1U !4 U!i Low. 17 11 U 87 02 H 1:1 Close. tl . D 1U f) 43 cnae. do pref lod Am Mnlt pief. Am HirllUliiR.. do pref ,m Mtinar . A'm Sleel Kdy Am Tel & Tel Am Woolen Is tk . Hii'.i .117 .1114 . oi . 123(4 4-1 fl.1 1814 H8 30 .1(1 111 108 4HJ4 t0 111 1 1 1 01 It.l'a I.V.f. 14 3.1 1oA 83 I onu -I ' 48V4 -14 IlliHd IU814 l?'- ' 80 Vi 19 0814 no soli m ml ii: in 83!,, 13 !lll Am WrllhiB ! pfd 44 Amor Klne xSi 'do pief IiiHk Aliacomla Cup ... silk Alia Oil 71 Ait-hlson Hi 1 14 (In pref ftll'd A I Coast l.llie . . .117 At (lulrnml W I..III14 101 Baldwin I.oci .Mil, M do pref 102 U Halt itiul olihi, . . . s.it;, H3s Uclhlelitm Strel . .lio lid llarrelt Cn I2:i I2!i do rights !' lli lliilie & Sutieilor Ht-'Vi 10 Call.'nrnla Pel 'JMi 21 14 'anaillaii IVelnc. IHO', 15814 Cential Leather . lioa, 88li In pref 1 14(4 Chntidler .Mninr . . lis Chej A Ohio ... iin-Vi Chi (treat W ... 13 C .M & si f dii 14 do pref I'M 14 c c c A St I. ef 18 Com Can 8H Col CIS & Wee. . . I2U I'hl It I ,v I' I e.i .11! 4 Chill i. 'tipper ..... is 1,, Chltio Copper . . ,1,1 Col Coil & 1 1 on. . I A", Col & youth 28 Coin Products ... 2l"i do pref ,lii.l Crucible Sleel ... tu'.i do prif IKI Cuban (lane Hue .lo do prjk n:iTi Distill Secur id'.i ll.-ie 32 14 d.) 1st pref .... 17 do Id prof AM, Oen I'lioin JAO Cen tilectrlc lfl!4 tlen Motor new . .lOil'.i do pref new .... Oil, floodilch Co 531b Uranby Consol . . . 8ti Clieat North pf. . . 110 8814 30 All 1MI. Inn 48!, loo "i 111 HIIh oi 12314 1314 II 3.1 in4 8114 11 H I 14 14! 14 M 101.14 lnt'4 ' 110 111 lllll 'i . .10 ll)t(4 I0S14 ' 83"', 4711 IJII 20i 4lHV, 2,114 1 5!) 14 i 111(4 IH14 . aw Mm, m?k 08 0314 13 III! 1, 12114 1114 (11 North Oie ctfs. 3.114 llrcene-Can Cop . illilf State Steel. Ill Central ... . Inspiration Con Int Marv Corp ... Int llarv C X J Inlerboro Con . . Internl Paper . . . do pfd Int Nickel Int Mer Mar I c. do pfd Jewel Tea ICIiirs Co Klec. . . do rights 81) ICH 3114 2.1 14 .11 i n 21 il !i 1113 82 lift 4!ti 03 2ft tu 17 37 0', 230 108','i 10714 1)1 34! a 88", no B.114 13',', 122 -1 t 13' 122 10.114 lo.i .1014 50 88 81 12014 120 I3!4 1.1 4 414 . lot 14 HV4 23!-, , 82 IB' 4314 02 4 4014 24 n 8014 75', 811 12 3114 2.114 .11 MfA 28 ll'tt 103 0214 no 4114 !)314 2014 32 V4 .. II 31'!', -t 2.10 1(1814 - loou ' am .1-114 -t HS'A I 1 0 S3 14 - 4-1 14 122 K'-l'l .10 88 I20!4 1514 4 4!i t !4 4 CHAllLKS H. tit UlS Stntc Secrctnry. I'ntriotic Order Sons of America. P. R. R. MAY USE BONDS FOR NEW STATION HERE $75,000,000 Proposed Issue De signed for Comprehensive De velopments, Is Rumor MOKE STOCK AUTHORIZED Company Has Acquired Blocks on Market itnil Fifteenth, Supposedly for BtlildltiK !4 t 1 14 t 4 14 l I S. I02V4 114 12011 120 214 Kelly-Spring The .1014 ICenne Cop I.acka Steel I.U Krle& W pief. I.ehlgh Valley . . . Long Island l.oose-Wiles His . Alackay Co i do pfil Max Motors do 1st pfd .May Dept Store. , Mex retroleitni . Miami Copper . . At StPiSSJI.. Mo l'ao v I Attasnini 1'aolfic. ilii t e Alo Kan & Tex . . . ilo pief. 10 S3 14 1014 114 4 0 'J, 2fl 881', 0714 .1314 1H4 Ol'.i IOI'j 41 31 In .mi; 1314 II 81, 20 )10T4 IR',4 8314 1014 1114 37 20 88 714 .12', 11 01 U 101 40i 31 nsy, 14 8U 10 41', -I V, 2114 -I- 8014 i- Ii 1.1 U - 3 , 1201, Ii Sn 14 .1 n. a -I T4 .nil 1.11 8314 414 1T.H 5 41) 2ft rl 881', Ii 0114 Ii 33 !i M14 11 01 W Ii 10114 -rl lOli 31 -I- 1 08 H H 1314 '4 ll' ..'... 811 211 I Ii Alontana Power. ..I01V4 1011a 1014 -I Ii 120 204 113 2114 11.1 101 41. 28 134 113 10 10.1 311 21) National iliscuit.. .12011 120 XatI KnanielhiB . . 28V1 2814 Xal Lead pref . .113 lis Nevada (Ton 2414 23',-j X Y Air Brake 145 114 N V Central loll, K'l X V N H & II 11 li 10 X V O& W 28 2114 Norfolk & West.. I. II 13314 Nova Scotia Sleel 113 11.1 North American.. Ill 70 Ohio Cities Cias ..10.1 10,1 Out Kilter 1i f'i Pai-flc Mall 20 o Pacific Tel & Tel. 32', 3211 3214 1'eie Marquette -- 32 311', 32 do w pref II II "I l'enna li.'lt 8014 'Hh 14 People's flas , ...1114 10311 104 PitlBbsh Coal t v 4B11 do pref lou Pittsburgh Stl prf.ioi . 1811 .1081', . 214 SO !4 2 OH ,10011 1)0 ! 4 100 7114 2814 . 1114 . 3114 22014 .12111 8711 . Oil', . 301i . 2314 . 3 1 14 4 414 10714 101 1014 10311 2 .10 :!4 Press Steel Car Pullman Co ... Quicksilver . . . . Itsil Steel Spur. Itay Cons Heading flfliub lr & Stl. Shat Copper . . . Seal! Air I.lne. . do pref Sears Iloebuck . do pfd Sloss Sheffield . . South Taclfic . . . Southern Itwy . . St I, & S Fran. -Sttitz .Motor . . . Stiidebaker Texas Co Tex I'ae Hit Tob Prod pfd... Underwood Type.iosj ii)3 United Drue 18 15 Union Bac & I'ap 12H 12 H do pref new. . . . DU 09 II inn 101 18 103', n,A .1014 20Vi 1 2.114 II .17 (4 22711 1271', Oil', !'814 3D 2314 SHi M)3i lotli 10.1 232 230 23! 11 111. 11 20 1114 311.4 22!H4 12!', ftlli U7 ii 3011 2314 -1 1 14 -1 14 t -rl 11 -r -I 14 mi 2; 14 1 i 14 : la -- 11 11 17 3311 17 .1.1 1(1314 16 1214 09 - 14 - 14 14 - W ; 14 -rU 11 ) l -r 14 -I 2 United CIk Stores.ioo-H looii loon 14 14314 nail ) V 84H 84V4 W. 11014 tH4 -I 344 1114 1144 - V, Oil Union 1'aclfle 114 do pref 8414" U S Undl Alcohol. 122 U S Ttealty Un Rwy Inv. . do pref ... U S Jtubber . . do 1st pref. . U S Smelters . . U S Steel do pref Utah Copper . . Wabash do prf A do pref U" Wells Kargo . . . Western Union 12 914 . 21 . 80 .112 as?; 1i 21 21 5714 8911 112 112 6311 6311 .11214 nivi US .12014 11014 12014 .10911 101 10S 1414 64 VI 2814 1414 - 8iy . . 29 .10914 10314 031. 0914 I T-lli Ii I- 11 l- 11 -r- 14 H- 14 Westlnghouse Klec 9314 do rights West Maryland do pref w I . . White Motor .. Woolworth la 28 4814 3614 Mil V, 2111 4814 3514 1414 9414 t 2814 - '- 103 -i 14 9314 '- 32 Ii H 28 4814 35145 111 11414 144V4 Ul'.'j Bx-dllduil American '4) lie. 1 per rent; Ainarlvau Zlno Brfarr4, H, r cant: Hmiiti llo Iron and HUM. .1(4 per ecnl: Vlraluta Carollna CltamU-al. 1, ver vaut: United Drue flrat preferred. Tt ver veDt: Kwlly bprluafleld. "liar cent: Kallr Sprlngldr.utber (ih wt fered, 2 per ti International Kklnl ira rarred. Vn Mr vtul. Internatlouil .Uul yie ferred t. .. Il r vut. Sugar Futures Irregular XB1V YORK. Jan. 15. The market tot sugar future opened uUddy for near, posi tions, whteh showeat an ad vanes of 4 polnU, but later months ahowed a sagging ten dency with prices Enerally t to 4 polrUa lower. Sales oq the, call were estimated at 1Q0O. toiw. Thea' wcm some Wall street liquidation with the buying more or lsa scattered. $320,000 in Gold for Spain NKW YOISK. Jan. 8. UoW eUB to tbe anjount of J320.000 was withdrawn froni tba Subtremsury today for ablpoieBi t Spain. Ijut mi f912.oe was exported tq that country The proposal of the bomd of diiectors of the Pennsylvania Itallrond that the rom pany's Imtr-lilciliiesH lie Increased h. STn, 000.001) has ulven rle to rumors In riiiun i:ial circles that a conslilerol'le pirtlon of tills will he used In the comprehensive propram nf liiiprovements planned by the I'enimylviui'n In thin city. Tho demolition nf the present Itroad Stret Hlntlon mid the erection of a blK modern station fachiK on Alaiket slu'Pt. l-'lfteenth ntreel and the I'aikway. Is tho largest single project proposed for Philadel phia which tiiay bo possible by the $7.1. 000.000 bunt iHsne which the stockholders will be asked to approve 011 .March 13. Plans for the now station have been com pleted for some time, nnd for several years Hip railroad company, actliif? through ngents, has been purchabliiB nil the prop erties on l-'llbcit street west of Fifteenth for sevoral blocks. The acipilHlllnii of tho properties nrce.sary for the planned Im provements has been virtually completed. No olllclal comment upon the minor could be obtained at the railroad nfllces today, except that the new bond Issue, it wns said, was Intended In cover Improvements planned for the system ilurltiB the next two years. The total of .175.000.000 will bn brought down to $30,000,000 wl:n the amount neces sary to liquidate outstanding obligations about to mature has been deducted. Tim company's construction and linproeiuent projects already under way on the eastern system will cost about J3ii. 800,000. The new terminal and office buildings in Pittsburgh and In this city, however, are not Included In this nmouiit, nnd tt Is pos sible that the remainder, after tho projects already under way are completed, will be divided between the Pittsburgh and Phila delphia Improvements. In addition to the bond Issue for which authority Is being asked, the lioaid of di rectors already has authority lo Ihsue new slock up to the amount of about $100,000. 000. All of the work planned by the com pany to serve Its big territory Inoie satis factorily can bo completed with this total available. CHILDREN'S BUREAU ASKS TO BE INCORPORATED Organization Formed in 1007 Presents Application to Common Picas Codrt No. :t Application was made today tn Cuimnon I'leas Court No. 3 for a dialler for the Children's1 Bureau, which for the last leu years has been Instrumental hi child wel fare work as an unincorporated oi-Kanlza-tlon. In Hie pelititon for the charter It is stated that the purposes of the bureau are to Investigate applications for the care of children, tn furnish Mich earn and to co operate with and assist others engaged in work fo.- needy and neglected children. The Children's llureau was organized In 1007. when the Seybert Institute and the Children's Aid Society. Institutions for the caro of children, consolidated their Invest! gating: utarfs and applied the appellation "The Children's llureau." eventually other societies joined ihe bureau and at the pres ent time there are more than a score in terested in Its operation. The organization Is to hate no capital nr shares of slock. It being kiiunorled by inteiested societies and public contributions. There are to be no fewer titan ten directors. Those chosen for the ensuing year are: Chariest,. Iletts, Chailes Diddle. Nathalie Hoyer, Kdlth It. Burt, Al. Kvelj n Cameron. Sara n. Chn;nbers. Caroline Al. ('reason. Kdlth W. Dallas, Mary I.ea Davis, Ilacliel T. Earnshaw, .Mary 1'. Huston. Sister Kath arine. Mary Kelsey, lllley Al. Little, Marlon C Madeira, Lillian It. Atann, Rachel T. Moon. John S. Newbold, Isabel T.. I'ennock, n. Franklin Pepper, John W. Pepper, Alary I-. Roberts, T. Williams Roberts, Kdwin D. Solenberger, P. S. Janney Stoddart. Anna Taylor Stokes, Jane R. String. Ida Q. Thompson, Sarah R. Tyler, Julia A. L'rgu hart. Roy Smith Wallace. Jean R. Walton, W. Arthur Warner and Elliot White. J. Hruce Iiyall. of the Society to Protect Children Prom Cruelty, Is secretary and superintendent of the bureau. Charles J. Riddle made the application. Postpone Bethlehem Meeting NEW YORK, Jan. 15. The meeting of the board of directors of the Bethlehem Steel Corporation, which was scheduled to be held tomorrow and at which action was to be taken 011 the dividends on the com mon and preferred stocks, has been post poned for one week and wilt be held on January 23. lit financial circles It Is gen erally believed that a much larger disburse ment will be oidered on Ihe Junior issua when the directors meet, and It Is known that some Influential stockholders have re cently expressed themselveu as favoring at least 60 per cent on the stock, payable quar terly. Purine 1016 the dividend distribu tion on the common aggregated 30 per cent, payable Tls Per cent Ojiiarterb. Advance Copper Prices NR1V YORK. Jan. 15 Copper prices continue to move upward. Thoss sellers handling- resale metal and second-hand material have strengthiancul their Uvels to a considerable sxtejjt, HaUw have ben made at S81so for January, compared with, 37U to 28c quoted on Saturday, with Feb ruary at 281c and March at 38p. Hare tottw February lias bewi qufttsd at 27 He a yd March at 271,0. up that t,Ue sew levels are advances of ic per mind. ) H i, Manchester Varus Irregular MANCHESTEn. Kmjlajad. Jan. i Virus re dull u ad Irregular, tu ctolhs buyers are holding off LOYAL onDER MQOSE Stupendous Strides In StrcnRlh of Wonderful Organisation After nn extended Itinerary of thn north eastern and eastern States, the then su preme dictator of the liyal Order nf Aloose. tlyman I. Davis, of Cleveland. O., brought his Joilrneylngs to n close In Philadelphia on Sunday. October IB, 1916. At n gather ing which packed the immense local Atooe auditorium, til other Davis obtained n ple'ilne from Ilia representative members of the older In .this city that Philadelphia I.odRe. No ut, would present 5000 new' members lo the order before his term of oftlre would empire In July. 1017. As such a number nf 'new members, could bo seemed only IhroilRli oiieiwnarter mellioils. ' nils course wns adopted, and the charter of Lodpe No. 54 was thrown open for a period of ninety das, beglnnlm; on November 1.1 Inst. Within a momh of that iiietiiomlilp fonlne p-'rthr- t)", 1., r,.M , d-gt'l. PMrt fl'lnf-me vir nirtitor .fnlin v Peril, of t'liltadflnMt, eyuni'-il tin- rln of civrnmeht In Ihe nrur Hi ,1 nth f nrnih'.r IHvl.i In nn wisp r"l(nit i"iIIhI1pIiIi r.ertre fro.-n Its it.le. Oi the onlrary. 11 sunrreil ll-i. niPlnbi-reln nf 111-ier.-t lode nf unv ffilrnnl er,lr In Ih wortrt (o 1 nior vlrntous iliurnilnftllrtii lo mnkp Kood on the ulf-rfBt. alven. A tnimbe.ri)hln rim nnlen w lnauatrnlel at the flni" sperlflert, ami ilurlrs (lie loiirap of th Inst two month K,..rnl MiniiAit1 renulshle and rtiri-Mhlntlve men of Phllailelphla lnw l.ilnr.l l.o.Ue No. SI. In u-li mailers sr Mies pest ixnsilenres )'ae shotrn that Ihe ureal rush nf neve member ' lowuro the close of the dispensation, nnil ihrr H eery Imllrallnii that s.t,h will l,e d ese In Ihe nresent instaiii-e. Prennriitons are h;-tnc mails for iho rrorer liatMiin of the larse ilnaaes of .an,thl.it"s for obtlaailon, end ns (Ma imineiian Imlse Is no Mratisv-r, to llda eon f im-.. It Is in Rssitreil fi"t 111,1 iVe nHm'eslon of anno or morn new tnemhere within Ihe next month u-lll harrib niueo n rtpole upon the eur Jiire of eients wllhln end around Ihe loinl Monae Home, 13lL'.-lf Norlli lliond street i present obligations are ben held sm-we.-kli D'lilns lie tlrst iinif of I'ebrunry obll Katlnns will l, held ilnlly anil from present In IhiHlona II Is pttremelv IlkeW Dial I'hllailslphls l.mUe will ninlie Roo,l Its pleileo to (lie ureal ternler who illp.t In harness If this esrecie, numlier Is eeiuid PiillnilelplitH Lnilax No. fit. I.ovel Order of itoose. will have approximately J'.'. Oi))) meiiitei-.s on lis hooks, a number nn irwiiieii nf n-i'Mx n sini-le loJite In the hleior of fniierniil r.raaiilRainins. THK MACCABKKS Ptepftrations for nn Klnbornte OfTicinl Dedication at Lu I.u Temple IV meetliiK of the dedicatory cniuulttee was held last Saturday evening, with Su preme Chaplain I!tiri;ln presldlni? In Ihe nb sence of both Chairman Helms, who was still III, and Assistant chairman England Most satisfactory progress wns 1 sported by the illfferont subconniilttees. Airs. Anna M. AVrlBht beln the first one to call her ushers' committee together at her home, lean (Jteeiip street, (Jerniantown. Allss lluifrin reported that many out-of-town members would be here for the meetlni; at l.u l.u Temple on January 31. and said that sn many wcro nskiiiB what the "dedication of nltnr" meant. l"ie expHlneil lh.il 11 wis 11 most bountiful i-eremony. In whteh Miss Nellie K. ,oiins-nirv, (ho itr-nl enmninnder. would n,-t es oelehrnnt. Mrs. l-nnnv II. ItnmMetnn. of ljnnl.r Cllv ll ;lew us eommsniler: Mrs. Mnrlum Nleholson. of Ken one Itevlew. 11s nasi i-ninmaniler- Mrs. Charlotle lileherburli. of PhllnriVlnhla Itevlew. s i-inplnln. and lllss Jinry Collins nf (llrnrd Itevlew. ns rerceant. under escort of the uniform rank and Jour color 1,-arers. nesld- ihm, tls Illnn M. VVesl. the supreme .-ommaniler. would alio one of her eacellenl tnlks. and Miss Minnie Heheldeman would have charce of tho eulerinlnnient pari: (hni the uniform rank. ile. spite the lllneas of some members, was re henrslnc Ihelr retehrntel drill ami Hint nn In formal reception would follow the ceremony, en tertainment and drill, at which all members and others who dealr-d wont.) t e clv-p nn nnnr llinlty (o mcel both Mies West and Miss l,ouns. Peisv ltns neleie bss i'.ivil lis llie or monllns fror.i Ihe nrst and llilrd Wednesday tn U'a Qr.,t ,"nrt .th!r.'.' Tl"'"'1,, Lincoln Hall. Irnnkfonl nnd Allecheny nvenues (Ine anpll intlon for membership was recoiled nnd (lire applicants balloted ror on 'rueatlay eveiitim l.leillennnt Cnniniander rriithoff pr.,liled. In tho h'enc of Comraander Klieland. who wan III. Miss llurcln wns nresent nnd refreshments closed a pleasant etenlnt: TI.e .lijiiiMry.nieetlnir nf the lentrat commit tee was held on Wednesday evenlnsr. lit Ihe homo of Jlni. Arabelli notenburv. .'.Ml .S'oulli Srn leenlh ftreet. al Ihe request of n number of Ihe members. Instead of postpnnln It until Kei. rimry. Ihe meetlne was enjoyable, nnd n rlslna vote of thanks waa tendered the hnstesa. Tho preslrtepl. Mrs. Mary llarron. recelve.l reports of Illness nnd tho aide mnimlliw win he kept h'lsy. hllo some members, were absent Ihrouili Illness, there were Infrequent attendants who were warmly welcomed. Kefrishments were served. (ilr."ird r.evlew I'arknav Hulldlnt. Miss Mary 1 ol Ins. nmnmiider. reporKd n pleasant m-llmr with nrruno-ments for ninnj soclsl sctlvtles after tho dedicatory leretnony at l.u I,u Temple. Uejstmie rjiivlew. Itltlenbnuse Hall, bail a most enjoynhle ineetlnj- last Thursday evenlnir. with Mrs. Marlmn Nicholson, the lieutenant i-mnmnndr. nresittins-. tn the ol-senc of the- com maiidsr. Mrs. Helms, r.-hn wns still 111. Miss Hurstn. Ihe supreme chaplain, brnusht a ureet Inar from their commander, nnd a,ked how manv new members they would pledge in cheer Ihelr commander, fa response fifteen were pledged Miss Pasco the record keeper, rend l'c nc- e,r for the reduction In the entrance, fee, and the tenty-flv applicant naked for by (he born" office were nledd. and double (hat number if possible. Miss 1'esco then annnnnceil that one of their members hnd 11 near birthday, referring 10 Ihelr efficient plentsl. Miss Minnie Hchebie inin. A recess wus lokeii fo (he hlrthdav party which nil Kreatly enjoyed. Kstone Itevlew es pects lo have a sood eorlal time after each meeting. KNIGHTS fiOLDEN EAGL13 State Castles' Record of Increase With High Honors for Allentowii Aeolloii Caslle, No. 318, will observe "otllcera; nlElit" this evcnlntr, when new ollcers will be Installed by District (Irand (hler John Ii Pornier and staff. This castle Is making extra efforts to participate in the forty-flist anniversary, which occurs on January SI. and they hope lo have a larse number of candidates for the clas3 initiation In connection with this anniver sary. Grand Chief John P. Urounley Is a member of Aeolian Castle. The various committees hating the matter In band have completed all of llislr arrsnveinents for tha retention and dance vhlch la tu be riven on Wednesday evenlntf. .Tannery ;!. at New Merrandle Hall. Hroad nod Master streets. The committees are sparing no expense and effort to make iMm one or the creaiest events nf the season. There lll be elaborate decorations and one of the lineal orchestras. In addltlun In this. Ihe military branch will psrllclnite in Ihe festivities. This branch of lbs order Is veri arilta tn making- prepsratlons for this event, and all the Grand Caatle oficets and a large number of Ihe Nupretna Caa'.le tfflcera will lie present 011 Ihta ocaalon. Incomplete report! lo dvle ahoiv lhat thre are a larffe number of tastlea Ihrpiicllout (he S(ate that had made a splendid Increase lu membership. (Basils 'o. 4H, of Pollsvllle. makes a net gain of &3: HI. of ?tacunsle. Ill: Ion. ef Media nUxsburs. W; 115. nf Oley. HI; 1ST. of New Holland, lit: 23. of Allentowii. 7S; ana or Allnort, DU: S91 of Oreenvdlla. IS; 3.10. of Perkaaie, 1.1: 3)1.1. nf (Jreenshurs:. '.'I: 414. of York, 48; 418. of Hhamoktn. 41; 455. of Trevor Ion. IT: 4:1a. nf Middletown. 14; 403. of St. Lawrence. 33. 401. of Johnstown. 3V. Grand (.'hlef John K. Urounley Orand Vice rblef Harry A. Herbal, of lictheha-i; (irand HIr Herald A. U. titemme. of Philadelphia: (Irand Keeper of Kachequar llarry Neamand. of t'erkaalo, and Grand Master uf Records 1,. 1 llallaaher. of Norwood, formlns ll) Uxlenston Committee, held un nucullvo aasaton In Sunbury on January 13. These otftcera on January 12 Instituted Slil kelllmy Caslle. No. 1-3. at H'Jnburj. with 1-.M uierobera. The threa degrees wera conferred on tha appltcauti by Montour Castle. No. ISO of Danvllla. The naw castle consists of tba best citizens of Sunbury. and atarta off with a splen did ineutbarahip and very brlsht prospetta of be comtnar one of tha leadline oreanlaatlona of (hat city, peleaatlona of castlea and commanderUa were vreaant Iron) VViiltatjiauurt. lluvhsaville. Hilton. Iwleburc. Uloumsbura-. DautilU. Cala wlsaa and BhatuoUtn. This Lastle niakaa the ninth new ona Instituted durluc Qrand Cider llroun toy's (arm and In a short lime there will ba two more. . I.lvlnasluii I'aatle. No- US. of Allalitown which abowa a net sain of stent-euht durinit tba isar. Is now tba lar,( caatla la the urde ImvIok Sl members. AUantawu faaila. No. 5." la tba second with 1MJ niainbara. Tin next seaabMI of the Grand i,tl-. will ba bald lu AlUntown and tha Uxal cou-nilttee iaviuakliuc prswratloua to entertain lb visitors' lu tha stkt ceuunaaaurate wltb Aueotowa'a mpuiallon for boaallall'i'- r CaieUbi ' K. l.yttlr. oi A. C. I.ylila t'oui nwndsryTNo 101. a-nd also o of (ba vary kdiVVdlatrkt arand cblr of l-lla?ilbl. haa iSuV to TUirUla for, Hire nvostlw ea a. tito cuuiblnUir bullosas with plsisiura. ; War Cross for d'A'nnunzio ' VBKICJS, Jan- 15. The French War Cio -was today pinned on Captain tiab (ielle d'AnuuDiio. the poet, who also wore for tho ftrat. tune tha Itulgnla. ror the wouadtd. bavins tout an y in in aero plane, accident earl) in February. 1316 A coniplrnMviiary letter from lieneial LvaVitey. the French Minister of War. ac sumjyanwd the War Cro-.ii. GtlAND FRATEtvNlTY Brrtnch Meetings nnd Entertainments Under Way in the New Building M ranch No. t will hold Its first meetlnB inr ini; In the (Irand Fraternity Bulldlnir. IC2G.2S Arch si reel. Home of the special features of the evening will be: Five-act entertainment by professional talent) In stallation of ofncet'.ts short Addresses by fralers of prominence In tho commtltilt; who hnvo been members for many vntss Initiatory ceremonies; Rood musics ettsem ble sliiRltiB ; smoker stolid cold emblem prizes will be awarded during the mectlnir. A mutter nf importance) relative to the Kiowth and prosperity of the branch will bo open for dlrcussloti. The dance of No. 4. held on faturday nlsht. In l.u l.u Temple, wns well attended, The next dance will be on February 14. In (he now butld Ina. Tlrkela nr admission run I had by ap tilXnir to II, llruce Melxel, superintendent nf Ilranrh I All members of Hranch No. 4 who attended nine of the twele monthly meettnaa held dyrlna" llitn will be ellalbla to the "faith ful banquet" lo he mveii on January SB, of which nntK will be sent 10 the Individual members. flak I'm Hi llrnncb. No. ftofi. held a vnudetllle ami smoker lust Thursday evening- In tho ilrand l-'ralrrnllv's new bulbllna-. Members from St her branches, as well as friends, enjnyed the vent Vice President (leorae A llimaln". on behalf of tlin (Irand Frelernlly. welcomed the members ami ihelr friends and expressed the desire In see Onlt Pafk Ilranrh experlenrn the same growth and prosperity In Its new quar ters It enjosed In tho past. The "nova" were entertnlnrd by Prater (Icorte Wcsi, pian ist. Ilarrv I-. I.c-vie. stnrles. Allan Voore. the lrlc tenor: Al Wilson. Iho comedian: Sam Mar ie;. In iharncler annus, and Archie l.lngn. the trlcki llnaolst. Throunli Hie rourlesv of f'rater Cliarlrs H Clarke. Instructor In rharpe f the snlminlm; nnol in (ho (Irand I-'raternltv Hinld Ins. an Invitation was exlendd tu use (he pool. Industrial ttranib No. f,0 meets lonlahl In Ibe new bulldtntt. Tho enierlatnineiil commltiee has nrriiiiaed a verv tine prosrsm nnd a I mem bers ore urged lo attend. This branch lias adnpicd the "faithful banquet" ami any inemlier stlendlnK nine or the monlhl.v meetings thrnnah out t - enr HUT wtll be eflslhle tn a sent at the i.iblc The romtnlllee on nrrancements promises that this banquet will be one of ex ircme nierll and well worth the nttendancc at the lariuua tueellnffs of the branch. 1NI)EIKNI)ENT AMKKICANS I'rompt Ofl.cial Correspondence on a liasic Principle of the Order Tlie follnwlnff WttrK. iititlrt ilrttn of taminry tl. hap brcn roiwardrd to Hat rjbitrf? from Hie lipatlqu.irtrrs of too drilei of tnuVpemle.it Amerioatis in this city: lion. Mnrtlti O .triimhftufh. (iovnrnop, of tho St.itr of IVmirslvanln. Mv tlJtr Oovftiior 1 w. try fon-lblv tm nrpsrtl with that t-rt of nr iinnunt niP.irr tn thf LegMHtim nf our Sttw wliori'ln )nu bo litrntijsly ' cnttnt it Mention lh worth of our liiibltr ftrhtmln nnd tlin sriit irnoil they nrt ilolnir. Anil, further, tn thi tntpfrnltvi nerd of h murh lBrrT iipprni.rl illon of tuibllr rnonjn for thlr miiHiort nnO nmlntvnanr", mi that thrlr purpont tn..v ht nnn ui'ivsfullj proaerutPtl III thi future, mv. lip hihiI bpitrr nnd more ( upHble f mTvhuc mat het of purincn nf clvtnt nur tini nml Rlrls !u"h a hnn rdiK'ntlnn n will punbip thrni to copp with tlm tinrrtvltlp nf llfp nn that thpy may mirppl In hfcomlnr; Intp lllitpnt ami proniprom mni and wonipn, with Hip mpana of rnnklna a (mod Hvlnjc and orupy Intt a poaltlun of ri"-ponlbUUy In Rood tltlzeti- lt Ii rpqupatpd of you thnt you uao jour lnfluiio to fnMtpr aui'h lecUlallon and lirlnc about n matprlnl Inrrrafp In tho appropriations to our piibll,1 uPhitnlii. 1 paurp m thnt In thin olTort you will havo )hp hparlv auppor ind ro-nperiitlou of fi0.on(J ntpmlicra of I In Ordpr of Inppndnt Amprl run tn th! S(tn nnd th mrniber nf all ulstpr frntprna! pritrlotlp ordprs. vnn lmp at all tlmpn ho ably jldpd the fTnrta of thiw who havi madp thf nwht In Hip Intpfnt of this greatest of all InattLutlon. thp public nchool nystem of our ('onimonwvalth and nur nation. , Wlihtntr voti epry fturrof In atlalnlnc auch an Appropriation ami a tplcndld administration, I " 0U" lr"'y' W. I.I.I AM A. PIKB. Slate Council Secretary. Mr rtlchard II llnldwln. Hpejker of tho House of Itepreaentatlves. My ilear Jlr. Haldwln It was with .much pleasure that I nored our surtcstlon 111 the public print, that the amount of money appro primed by tho I.eRlitature of tho atatr. i.f lenn aylvanla for the public achools elioiitd be very Kreatly Increased lo meet the arowlnit and ln-cre-islm? needs and demands thereof, so that they may be made more commodious, more eftli-lent and morn wrvleeoble In meetlnc the educational reuulremrnta of today . , It Is with udded pleasure that I commend you for It. and sincerely hope that our recog nition of lid- vital essential and the grval .need or ll will cause you 111 sour ofdclnl poalt on to earnestly father Ihe suaiiestlon nnd do nil you can lo further Its adoption and aeeure aiioh an iLPurnnrlatlun lit this session of the I.eKlslature. t Hssnr" ot-(hal In this thouahl you haul II w unqualified Indoraement nnd nUPrevnl ut U.r Ml.Olio memhera of the Order of Independent Americans In thla mate na well na the laran membership!, of all other fraterna I Patriot e iirdera. T'lu-s" orders are uml have been faith fully urosceutlnB the worl: to sustain nnd proi ... maintain lis public schools In tlw full ompl cm-nt nr nn cf I'ctency that will eniihli our boys anil Rlr)x I" ao adapt the material function! in tlw IvIliB of Ufa that they may make Ihemsclvta.s'curc In 'lure auccesi ami happlncsa. "' II.PiViCAm"a. 1-IKB. State Council Secreturj. Junior Order U. A. M. The Dlrlsn rouncil visiting Hub baa planned i .ct ve vlsltlnit rimipuia-n for this war to ike at least one visit each month, llw fob vlmr visits .have been arralised !nu5",,i!: in In m, "t-o U I'lT rc U "SI . '(tern ra. O I?. W'irff n uncU April 1U. John K. Arm at nuts I''ouicl ; May "Jl. Itrllcf Ciuncl : June -.?. VAVn I'hlladel. pblii .iiuncll: Jnlv !(. Kei atone I'ouncll: A -oil H. ."urine Oarden Council; September , iiviijaiiiiii Mlwrlv t'ounell: wptmucr - '''uirta.'.' ''uncil belleve,kl enle,lnln.nB It. men lirehlp on meetlni: nlahta by u scrtea of dif ferent tournamentH. such n dirt, auolt and nliiochle aamea and also tho same of nettliur I, i-andldateK. A dearec aturf has alao, been ofainuVed n the council. It I. believed that with the material at hand a -cracker-Jack" iVum van l) made, wllb lllll Ilahn on t.ie Urine ""u'enutv Stale Councilor William Plow njada Id. Initial appearance at llr o lust Friday event" ai deputy and Inatnlled th officer In fin 'efficient manner, for which he rece ved he (hanks and appreciation of tba council. An other Important feature of the meeting- wa fhat the champion pinochle, players of Olr ai .2 ?oma of tlw visitors, lllalrkt Deputy John 1- S relr.tMl lie history of (bo Lenollctarv de'sree ePliln n fully this Important branch Cf the orqer. 'me vlsltora vyero well pleased Willi their visit and were ursed lo make another vis" rlhrtv Council. No. 35. la showlllff sicca of Ufa da?t tiiiriwinent v.-lll b held Tn Hie couni'il room every ..IHuraday venlmr Tha member who makes ihe larsest number of points fir tho month will receive a valuaula prlie. Patriotic Americans inns i'ouni-,1. No. 73, w"l h visited nest . ndlv avenlne by l. ! P. C Alrey and Jr. P. J ' 81, eneinan. Arranaemerils are belne mads for another class Initiation al No. Trt5. which bids fair to make Ha greatest success durlnst Ins present near - l.osal rouncil. No. 781. will hold a smoker Wednesday evenlnsnesl. when th member will assist ill a mosl p casing entertainment It Is SInecled lhat Stale Councilor Miller will b. In a endanre. accompanied by S. c. Secretary Vord and Jr. V. S. '. Sheneman and many depullff and vlslllne brethren. Another cam nalan I belns started by No. TM. which la ona of the lamer councils of Ihe order. Hamilton Council. No. Ml, paid a fraternal tislt to l.vdta Parrah Council ut the Jr O. II. AM or Camden. Major UIlls. with tho State nRltera of the orEanlaatloii, welcomeil the visit ors with appropriate adresse. The visitation was one of the besl and largest In Ihe history uf the organization made by a aubordlnata coun cil from Pennsylvania. Tha uniformed nuards of Hamilton Council, under tha command of Captain Calvin T. Rosaa, received blah honor from tha State oftlcers for the splendid showlnc mada during tha apetlal military maneuvers. A band of twenty men from the Krankford Council .scoried the -uarda to tha council chamber from tho Market atreet ferry. A banquet vvaa served and a very interesting musical proaraui furnished bv tha celebrated atrtno band of Ham ilton Council, under lb direction of U. It. llurd. There vvaa an attendance of .30. ARTISANS' ORDER'S BIG ADVANCE Progress of Knduring Plan and Financial Management Prov ing Highest Solvency The rear iDM Was Ihe best ye.ir. from R financial standpoint, that the order hurt ever experienced. In Ihe death benefit furtd there vrtm a gain made of $165,000, matt.!. a total fund of $1,075,000, notwithstanding the death rate wad a trifle heavy and re quired $206,000 for the payment of claims. The fireater nnrt of thin fund ($i)7M&0) I inverted In mortgag-eii on Philadelphia real estate and I yielding 5.41 per cent Interest The Interest Income for the year was $17,426.13; $207,100 was Invested. There were 1050 new member admitted to the order. Tho expense of the management for the year wan $18,000, which ia a per mem ber coat of $1.08. The f.ntrtf.lrm.nt Committee hd th root IIrMs ctub, nf Foul I in-extern Attnrlntfen, en Thtiri-lftv vtntnir lam Joined tn a (tn banquet at th 111 tilth n m HotH. The nnt waa enHnevi hy rcxltntlon, Atorlev nl nantcm M-erybfldy Join intt In th choruses. Ilrother McKowen, In hi r-hrtfArlerlitln way, rendered one nf hn mn)r Irlth tnonoloHUs. lrother HArrv H.immet and atI Voitr ImltAtint? the Jtoer Prothen. Oer ti.nii comHtntiA, mflflo a lil- hit. Muster Artisan .tjohn K. InrAn mudn nn abl sddre. In which b Hnked ihe coop-rtHon of eerr member In maklnff Hn yenr mi" th boil in th hiatory of SAitthweslrn. The Ineomlntv maiter ertUfn. WHIInm 11. I.nclc (n n nlPAslniT Ulk, Hounded the sloffnn nf Ihe jrflr. "Every Man Oet r Man." Adflri-A'ies wore mndn by r'I lh nftlrer of tM nwmhlv. tt Thorin . TtrCert, Thnmaw If Jnlinnlnn. William n. flcheid. Joseph T, CAr mirhnH. .Tnm '. Almr MUAleat Be!etinn wtre tendered hy th MUiei Nswcomb, MrCaln, JfrCov nnd Men, FleUchtnan, McKewfn. Hrheld. 1'epper. Murdork nt Ilummell. Hach member wont a rhernrterill hnt. and favor wore; distributed. ' The ladle were Urxted to co oterale In all powlhle waya for Ihe advipremnt nf the aesembtj. A aocIaJ session and dancing followed. .I,,- PiflMIU Aaemhlv had An Inspiring meetln. due probably to th Initial administration of the nw nTfora and th elrtto of r-nrranlttvea in iMrflclpate In linpert.int lealalatton and elee Hon of two chair officer and membera -of tha l-oaM of dtroptora at th M. K peilon n March. Prolher Kelly, -with a delegation from Oak Iana Aaiemblv. Introduced Ilrother Vonrheea. a can dldata for tho office of M H. Inspector, and madft nn appeal for support for him, After nn absence of two enr Tiro the r TlarrH made hi nnppnranro nnd sonke of his oxparl ence nt tho front, clvlnn n vivid picture of man osrnpoa, otc Tlrother Htrnaahelm boonted basket ball, nnd exports to boe a wlnnlna toam. Prnthor Stone's popularity Increases, due, prob nhiy, tn hi ao'octlon of nrloH for attendnoo. The quartet had a seIrllon of new sonajA which mad a hit llrnthcr fchelnert. In tha abnonca of Ilrother Oerhardt, mndo an excellent chaplshv tlellvorlnar the prayera In the Gorman tan-rosM fur tho nrst time In tli h!tory of the asaombiv. The social commit tea distributed boxes of candv, llrotbor lCaeschfor la hapnv in the posseM'on of a new crayon picture. Th new M. A.. Wll son. ma do a jtoml Impression bv his onoplnf speorh. while Toftu Armntronc. theild rellablo rot I red with ttie Rood vlho nf the bovs, a thy enr- Itarry Lauder's "Iloamln in the Gloam In." The otection resulted a follows: Ttopreionta lles. V. . Wilson. O M. .Mitchell, I.oftu (l, Armtrnnir. I'r. II. A. Ik. K. Ifc Hlbson. A. . MacNalr. Alternate. II. Iar2atero. Charlos VI, Doerr S. f. Htevenson. .Vlonzo Stone, I 11. Wentx. A. Pcnelner. . , , Weal Philadelphia Assembly had a Rood at tend a m and n larKa delegation from Oak I.ano Asueinlily, hoadod bv Orator Alfred .T. Kollej. tlrothora Iloywood. Shudlev. B. M. Free. J. T Welden and Franz were olocted representatlvoa lo the M. R Assembly, and Brothers Oral. It, T. Free. Nickel. Tevreferrv and Rudolph woro elorfed alternates. Th offtcora were Installed bv P. M. K. M. . Walter HURlna. who also presented the Jewel to the retlrlnr master Arti san. Refreshments and music were provided by the entertainment rnmmlttee. Remarks wra' made by Rrothor Keller, Vonrheea. Detwtler and Ounther of Oik Lane, nnd aolos rendered bv Druthers Taylor. (Iroetzlner. Chappell, Wood nnd others, naslsted by the elee club, Lehtati Aesembtv. Xo. 3fl. has chamted the tln.o and place of Its meeting to Totem Halt, southwest rorner Twonty-sttth street and Co lumbia avenue, on the third Friday of the month. Ideal Assembly. Xo fl'J. has moved, to new iioidquarter he KnUhtu of Tythlas Ilall, Flftyaecond street and Olrard avenue, and will meet on the third Friday of tho month. Oak I.ane Assembly. No. , rtft. evidently ex pects tn do considerable business during ini. ns It rorentlv elected two additional medical examiners. The annual banquet of this as aomhlv will be held at the Hotel Rtttenhouse on Thursday evening. January 18. The followtnt; membera have announced their randtdary for the board of directors: P. M. K. M A. T. Frank Kondrlck. of Oermantown As sembly, and William C. Heyde, past master of lanyunU Assembly. Oriental Astembly Installed thee offlcerst taster Artisan. Howard M. Morrison; superin tendent. Anthony I. An: Inspector, Clurenre I. Italley: recorder. William C. Kolh; cashier, Oeorxe Lance: tniatee. for three years. B. ranK Waldron; medical examiner. F. A. .Mants, Uf. Haddon Assembly will Instnlt these officers to nlnht: Artisan. !. Rosa .Mitchell; superintend ent. Ii. In In Johnson; Inspector. Charles R, Norcross: recorder. J. It. V. Ulakely: rashler, Howard Underdown; trustee. Ojorire Abel: mod leal oxnmlners. Ors. William B. Com, William M. JeunlntsH Ralph J. Is2ard, Hdtar Clement. Waller II. Vmlth und J. Bdgar Huward. The Caliphs Moradahsd Mosouo. of Trenton. X. J., last Monday night celebrated the 140th anniversary f the battle of Trenton with h banouet. Several hundred princes and a number of prominent rltlxens attended. Addresses wore made fay Judge Fred W. Unichtel. Mayor Frederick Don nPiv 1 Clarence Glbboney nnd Ross Maclvsr. of Philadelphia. Fred It I'arker was cnsir man of commlttre and Juda Krwln Marshall toaslmaster STEAMSHIPS &Jt WINTER RESORTS Stktz6 yrms Atlantic art. r of TTe Yeai: A racjiised ..stanaatti or excellence. GY60a WUIESJ.BV2IO': HIE UOiHO RES0.U HOTEL OF THE WORLD- W6oroughS(iin Atlantic crry.K.jr. OWMIDSHIP HUUINtNT. aOSIAH WHITtallOHB COMPANY HAVANA SPcIra A delightful tropical climate; to. rnantic old-world aurrounding. Comfortabln modern hotel. Outdoor port; liorsa lacing at Oriental Paik. Excellent passenrer aecmnmocUtiaa cn Utc twia-crrr fttaarasklpa asiltsc under Ui Anarleaa fX. Sillns (rora New lock. Taunaar and Sat uroajrs, Nassau in the Bahamas tbllCantaocIi tl ti aplaajU 1 GUf. nolo, Iannis, mo4oria lull bla Ini. WouiUiful flimala. Stilii(i htm New Ttk TaimJafi. Nsas, rWsc-Msl nsc Irfiul. Jaa. t. ItlT, IiIsm JjttMtMt. TU. nxa Nau. flaxloa rml.s, 14 dr, laduil! lTna, Cub, tntiui and vum Ciux, Alcxico. Salliaxs (ottoiahdj ob Taurada;. WARD LINE Hw Yerk ui Ciba Hill S. 5, C GcxcrUQfSce. Ftof WllSt,M.Y. uraocn Tickel utile. 101 Chestnut St., I'hlUUslphta "1- Wpstttllllstfl 1' ava. u.sr UeaeB. ElsT lYCSlIIlUlSLCr Jor ,0 ,,, prly, bath, run' water 18 up wky. 13 up dally. Cha. Buhra. OLD POINT COMFOBT. VA. HOTSL CHAMBERUIN ' OLD POWT CSHf osr Swluoairc Pa4. Colt. Ss fodlwi - i EuTOMaa hslli 4 iisauaaai Wriu 01" r. adu, Uaiaasr IwlrMI W. Mm ft Ask Ur. Futsc. at Lbc.tuut awi 12th at., la Acker'; Ceo. 'tuuia. 197 u. itritaa at . is Feaoa It. H. Co.. i!3J ChMUut at.,' ana Lsdau Caatrat. X SCHOOLS AND COLrEGES I.eara LANGUAGES AT THJ5 Ber.itz School 1511 CHESTNUT STflBBT Ovtr Rlker L )Iccewa' Phanascil Bu l JJerliN iflot lwtl (corn sol only I. xtai asil writs, vnt ttrtfaltu la usii.rjlasj auii ta tftak tkt lattlyn Jaseuajf. TRIAL LESSON FREE Terro may ba beua at any Urn. High School Graduates C'tiast tat Hwf men D4 vtuoien turta iDi Ftruir I Do uut west tour Ue by wiltlor until st !l' Burt now. Write for eircular. TEMPLE UNIVERSITY ltrii ana Biitnals ailuaicna m tm ohwimi itttf fwiUiOJ unuilni Saut nasr. Say tf otJt!. !! Bni aEavaiiSSaai