V- f KVENINU LED(nGR-rIHLAI)EI,PniA FRIDAY, JANUARY 12, 1917 fejfgAMfPMf S7XBIJStED &? JMYPW M.VnrBendSt. EMERALDS ' Of deep, intense color-- up to fifty carats C artier 712 Rfth Avenue New York w 1 CRITICISM OF SPANISH IN YEARBOOK ASSAILED "Bunk," Says II. K. Mulford, of Objections Raised to Phrase- ' ology in Translation ERRORS OF CRITIC CIT12D Chamber of Commcieo Members Arc Roused by Attack on Notable Ad vertisement for City vertiscmenta And tho binding of the book mrtko it one of the finest una most widely circulated descriptions of Philadelphia, or any city, ever published Tlio American edition will have 6000 copies 'Tlio text wan ptepared by A, 1' Card well, of tho editorial department of Ware Urothra te Co . ono of the lendln publish ers and trade Journal printers In the city Mr fanlwell spent about six months on It and wrote about 167(100 words descrip tive of tho cltv nnd Its Industries All this lias been translated for the Spanish edition, and those advertisements Included, which Iibvo n Rpeclal nppenl to Uiltn-Anierlcnn trade, This rrlllelsm of the tfpanlsh book Is ab solute bunk. There Is no elly tin earth that would stand for sunk null-bnrk hindrances ns we have In I'lilladelphla." ciutic cntTtciznu Mr. Mulford railed In several men of his Spanish correspondence department, Hrtnetl with dictionaries. They picked nut some of Hie words mentioned In the letter of Doctor .salnr. "N'otlcU Importnnte," tbey shovwd, means important announcement, which Is Just as Rood UMffa an tlio "Aviso luiporuiiiin wim-n . n UfllH flitnlnMil a1.r,iilt1 ltn ll.eil. Trie I word "vnrones" which Knlnz raid should be used Instead of'M urn holms" In the phrase Normal school for boys" means mature men between thiltj nnd foit.v-(le Vo.ir". ntoortlliiR to the hex! Spanish illetlonnrles "listntlu. vviiun wilt rnuriwu in 't; in I, menus "stHy. sojourn or residence.' mid the wind hurri-sImI by Sain, "estnn- In." jneiins n landed property. This would bo lilfonerl In the sentence, which referred to 'fncllitlcK offered to persons tnaUltiB it lsli In Phlhulrtiihlii ' Tho Spanish Year TtooK rontiilh" -'40 pace". nlKiiit eleen liv fourteen Inches. Iiounil In lenllier The American edition iimtnlns '" luii m 'I he paper In Rood qualitv. Hie lllmttiiilliihs new anil attrac tive anil the tMiRnilo f a blub "landord. GLI ALLEATI V0GLI0N0 LA PACE CON GIUSTJZIA T Tho rhlladelphln t'hnmber of foniiuerco Tear Ilook for 1917 in Spanish, which was criticized a few das oro ns belnB n. "bar , bnrous" translation t the Amerlrnn edi tion by Dr Antonio Sain, who snys ho Is an authority on the Spanish lainruaGo. Is defended by memticis nr the Chamber of Commerce as the best bunk of Its kind ever prepared for I.atln-Ani.-rlrnn cliculntlnn by any commercial organization in tor ii States. Prof. J. P W I'niwforil, of the Spanish department of the I'ulvcrslty or Pennsyl vania, after an Inspection of the honk. Haul It was a clear and readable work In Span ish, and tli.it. nlthniiRli some of the criti cisms made bv nm-tnr Sain nilRht bo war ranted from the standpoint of pure Spanish Ushkc, tho mistakes are such as might bo xpected In nnv work of translation. AWKWAItn IIJIOMS "Tho text," he said, "shows It Is the work of n translator who undoubtedly known his Spanish, but who In tniuslatlnK American Idioms and commercial expres sions may hae used words nnd combina tions that appear odd fiom a Spanish lew point. Such things can be seen in any translation- from a foreign tonguo Into 1-nB-llah. "Tho few blunders that I can llnd cer tainly cannot make the 1"oU do inoro harm than good In Latin-Am. rii a. as tho critic declares it will of nurse. I mn not faml -lar with South American usage, which Is not alwajs tho ui.igo r the pure C'.istllllan tongue. Tho work should not bo condemned for a few minor faults Dr. L S Itowe piofessnr of nolltlc.lt aclenco In the Wn.irlon School and ono of tho best-informed men on Latin-American affairs, found no fault with tho book, al though ho said he was nut fiimlllnr enough with tho liner points of .Spanish to express an expert criticism. . Vtminn KllfccllCKlllin. Ill illulpul Of Hie Klrschbaum Sihonl of Languages and llu reau Translation, mliltli undertook tho work of translation, said- "Tho criticism of Doctor Salnz la ma licious and Mii.ill 1 think It must bo tho work of n 'sorehead' who failed In got tho Job of translating and wroto this letter under an assumed name. Ho cannot bo found In tho City Directory and nono of my Spanish or Smith American ac quaintances ocr heard of hint. TliANSLATuU IHWUNDKD "Mr II P. Alvarez, who bad direct chargo of the tiniiHlatloii. Is a native of Boutli Ameriia. of a cultured family: waa educated In old Spain, was In tho consular aervlco of Venezuela and traveled lu nil the countries of Latin America, so ho knows tho language of tho countries us well as tho Kngllsli language Ho ban been an Instructor in tins school" W. II. Schorr. HccrtiUii of tho Commer cial Museum who is Consul for Uoilvla. aald tho hpaulsh Year Hook was a credltablo work and bad no inoro blunders of language than unj work might have that transcribes so many American technical and commercial expressions Into tho picturesque Idiom of Latin America. Mr. Scholt noser lieanl of Doctor Salnz. II K. Mulford. chairman of the foreign trado committee of tho Chamber of Com merce, who nn largely tnllueml.il In pio moting tho ejr bonk In the Spanish lan guage, expiPNL-tl indignation at tho erit ' iclsm ndvanced. "Do you think tho II. K. Mulford Com pany would put twenty pages or the most expensive ntlvt-rilM iiientH of Un chemical manufactures in this book without seeing that the SpanMi was torrect and readable to South Allium ans.'" he asked. "Wo have (lfteen Spanish correspondents ...... a..... ImmiiHuu i.tid un tnnk imm Ihrit 111 uui w,, .." .." -- - the proofs f the entire book were revised, as well as our own aiUertltemunts. Tills book Is the most carefully prepared book of Its kind ever issued I-'oitr thousand copies will bo distributed all over South and Cen tral America, to leading banks, clubs, hotels, newspapers, largo mercantile houses, mid the heads of Government foreign depart ments, as well as to every South American consul in tho fnlted States. A NOTAULi: WORK "This book has never been equaled. In contrast, the year book of the Merchants' Association of New York for 1916 is simi lar to the catalog of a college, giving abput two-thirds of its pages to the names of members Uur book will cost from lifty to savent-flve cents a volume for the dis tribution alone The illustrations and cost ly three-color half-tones in some of the ad- Lit Loro Nota al Presidonte Wil son Definisee gli Scopi oil il Pi'otjrainma dell'Intesa LLOYD G K 0 R 0 13 PARLA IIO.MA. U Henmtlo !; statu pubhlliiito iitil. lontemporanea inpnto alia pubbllonzlono nwoiuiln uella Hu,n Miiii ftf.it'tntenn e lii America, la risposta che gli alleati batino dato alia nota del presldentp Wilson circa la pace europea. Dnpo aer rlconnseiuto tulll 1 beuPilcll che orrnunn nll'umanitn' dnlla tace ed I sen llmetitl che lianno Insplruto It proMldente de gll Stall L'nltl, la nota fa rllexare die non vl puo' csscro nualogln tta gli scnpl u le tendenze del duo giuppl ill pntenze bel llgeinntl So l e' orn un fat to sloiico chlaramento slahllto ' ipielln della vl gllacca iigRiessloni' della (Serinania e del I'Austrla per asslcurarsl i egemnnla In lhi ropa ed II ilomlnlo econoniko sul niondii Con la lolazlone della nmttrnlltn' del Lus semburgo e del llelglo la liermnnla ha dl mostr.ito che ebsa slstcinntlcimetite scattn I prlncipll ill Umatilla' ed II rlspetto dmulo ill piccoll stall Un nntn fa rllexare tuttc le ntrncita' prrpelrate il.illn (iermanla e dal I'Austila illrettamente e rpielle perpetrate Indlrcttiunente In Ariuenln ed In Sliin a mezzo ilpll.i Tnrchlii e dietro Istlgazlone del governl dl Herllnn e di Vlenn i. Per ipianlo rlRiiarda fill nhlctlM degll alleati, la nota dl rispnsl.i dice che ess! non possono cssere stnbilltl nel loro dettngli. r,..i ,nu,n nuni Bnim linn tint). Iii sostanza. cosl' como sono espressi nella notn. ciuestl oblcttivl sono: 1. Ilestnurazlotie del llelglo. della Serbia o del Montenegro, con relatlvi Indcnnlzzl. I. i:nciiazione del terrltorlo Itunso nella b'rnncla. nella l.ussla e nella itu- n..l., Am tnltillin rliiii nizlone. . Iliorganlz7azlnne deH'Curopa. basatn' sul rlspetlo dello nazlonallta' o sul llbeto siluppn eennomlco 4 Itestituzlono dello provlnco strappate ngll alleati negll nnnl passatl. II clio slgni flca la lestltuzlono dell'Als.izla-Lorena alia Francln. f, Liberazione degll itallani, slavl. rumcnl o czechl soggetti a ilomlnlo stranlero. 0. Liberazione dello popolazlonl bog getto nlla tlraiiuia turca. 7 i:spulslnue della Turchla daH'Kuropa. S. Illstnblllnieuto del tegno ill Polonla. 0. Dlstruzzlouo del mllitarlsino prus slano, sempro pero' con rlspctto alia in legriln' polltlea del pnpolo tedesco 10. La pace peimancnto basata sul prlnciplo della llberla' e della glustlzia a uftlln Inlntnttlln rpilnttn' nell nblilli:lll In lernazlnn.ill. A ipicsto rlgu.it do t.mto gli alleati quanta II llelglo nppioiaun I'ldea del liresidento ill una legn per imporio II ri spetto della pace o della giustizla nel moio. l.a nnta non ncceuna uffatto alio colonlo tedosche in Aft lea cd in Asia gin' perdute dalla (let mania. PKIt LA VITTOUIA I'l.S'Al.i: Telegramnil da Londra-dlcono che un profondo canihl.imenlo si o' crlflcnln in liiBhlllorra In ipiesti ulllnii glornl. cho e' dovulo in risultatl delta ronfeienz.i dl Jloniu. risultatl oho si scilrnnnn tra poche scttlinauo sul cimpl ill battnglia Sul ringhtltcrra Bl era stesa ulttmamento una greo atmosfera ill pace cho .i raplda monte dllcguaudosi dal momento cho la Oermunia si ostlnu u perslstere nell Idea ildla pace germanlca Oggi le polenzu del l'liUeBa sono crn-l' stretiumcnto unite tra loio die nulla potra' sodlsfarle se non la vitlorla decislMi e linale t' mmuin .eii7 nimin ilenrpzzaro le forze o la potenza del nemlco o senza sminuiro il complin gi.nlsslino cho peso, sugll alleati o plu' specialmente sulla Qrnn OretngiM M.i ngnl speranza che la Clermanla pota.t nutrlro dl seminnre dlscordl.i tra ell alleati o" sanita coinpletainente nella conferenza ill Itonia, e la Germtinla poteva accarezzaro speranto soltanto nel caso dl dlsldll tra nil nlleatl dell'Intesa , Oil alleati sanno rim la Clormanla non puo- Mncero la guerra! questo o' un fa Ho beno nssodalo Pcrelo' la nulsHone nelia pace e' nncora nelle manl della rlcrmanm So quesla conta dl Imporre 1ft pace consloe randosl vlttorlosn. la pace non si nrn ho lneco essn concludera' che la guerra non pagi e sara' dlsposta perrlo' nlle nece-sarln conccsslonl, nllora sara 11 caso ill trattaro per la cesnzlnne della guerra. 11 prlmo inlnlslro inglexe. Llovd ';eorRe pronuiiolo' lerl un dlKcorso a l.nnilla net quale nsslcum' he rII nileall edrnnno la loro Mtlorla nellniino In ioiso LRU dli hlnro' ehe gli alleati vngllnno che l.i pace sla folidatn sti snllile bast, e fecn rllevaM la complplu titianlmltn' dl propositi Hteln tnsl nella confetenza dl Uoma tlove wlitein, lift flcohoscluto che la ttuernt preferlblle nl ilomlnlo della Prussia sull'IMrnpa. Pii rapjioMo del genera le Ciulnrna pub bllcalo lerl sera tint Mlnlslero della rittcrru dice: , . Sulla frotile tlel Trent Inn Intlltlla della nostra nrtlgllerla e' stain osfneo ma da fortl nevlcate p da una densa nebbla. Ritllit frnnle delle Alpl rilulle si son" nvute nzlonl intermittent! dl nrtlsllerm. e di mortal un trtnrea o inui-ne -llx-lln' da parte ill piccoll repartl. Le noslre hatlerle banno dlsperso trilppe ncmlche nelle Mclnnnze delln sinzlotin dl VolcladrnRa. a sud et dl loilzla Links Democrat in Leak Scandal t fliilhiiifil fl-nnl Pilltr line Demurrant' side "f 1ine a tight to eon- lude this from tho action or the majority, sold Leiirnol Hepresentatlio ttonber ntkeil the namo or the member Imolvod. "I bine tin inline," snlil I enroot "The iiimtnlltec bud I lie power In get that name and did nol " I.enrool denied elmiRes thai the tie publlcniis' insistent e on nn Itnestlgatlon was for pattisan purpnses. Wood llally icfuseil to apntogize In It W. Hulling brothei -in-law nf the President, nnd Stcretiii.i Tuniiill. I have nn npnlngles to make to ativ one " Wood declared. "A runmr still lives that 'inon high In governmental nffairs' were In volved." t'hnlrinati Henry opened Hie debate bv urgliiK tho House to support the llules t'oni mitteo In Us recnmini'inliitlon in table tho lirnbp tesolutlon nn tin- gioiiud Unit "not one particle or evlibnce was nihluced In six da.vs of lieiiiltigs tn sil-Mulii the chiirges." The resolution and Its t lunges, ho de clined, lonstltute n libel against the House He said the subcommittee "to consider the conduct of ii contumacious witness. Thomas W Lawson." still plsts An Investigation. Wood said. Is duo each member of the (lovei nnient. beginning with the President March Harrison. Democrat, scored Laivson as an Irresponsible ricnzled four-llusher." Ilqiiresentntlve Itennet Isepubllciui, de clined Lnwsnn ttuild not be clled fni con tempt If the committee tenon Is adopted Hvery precedent, bo said. Is against II "Law son told us where we cnuiil go," he said, "and we went. The i ondiict of the majnilty members justifies Hie rcnsonahle ileducllnn Hull the.v me nrrnld to Investi gate the leak. I hasten In ohsolve the gentleman Trnm Kentuckj. Me. I'antrlllj whn liiw shnwu un such rtni ' Hvlilenco grew that the vote on the reso lution would he eloso Mali) Democrats showed tendencies tn support tlio Repub lican demands for a further Investigation CALLS LAWSO.V AUXnilMAL "We must raise tlio curtain on the recond netthe, honor of Congress." said Itepie Bontatlvo Chtpci Held. Republican, who fniiRht daily with La train tit tho prelim inary probe. "I nave no irgaru un- inn honor of Lawson. Ho is not a normal man." TEUTONS ADVANCE IN GALATZ DRIVE Russians Pushed Back To ward Sereth Lose An other Village WIDEN ATTACK IN N 0 R T II Czar's Troops Strike Hard Along Vilnu - Dvinsk Railroad ' timtt.lN, Jan 12 Capture of tjiburtca. In Rumania, wm nniiounecd In today's ntllelal stntcmenl. The fctntehunt rmiiouneerf continued progress from Urnlla to H.nlatz ti' tho Teutonic forces, the Russians having been pushed back toward the Sereth again In n fight which took Place Hi the swfttnp lowlands between tho Inn clll'es The statement con tinued. On the nlRht from .Innuno 10 tf II. (irineil hBsttlo snips ineu 10 i.t ' rea nn the n.inubo up-stream. One ship was sunk by our artillery lire nnd another forced to tun ngtouitd on the north bank 1n the flghtlm: In western Rumania, extending our successes of Jnnuftt.v 1 nml yesterday, enemy positions on bolh sides of the Oltoz road, nnd several suc reedlnR lnts. were stormed, the cueuiv suffering seveie sanguinary dosses Thev left one otllcer and elRhty Koldleis nf other ranks. sl machine guns nnd three initio throwers In the hands of tho iiRRrcsois North nnd south or the Sislla vnlle.v liostllo attacks were without success The Ruslatis have widened Hie H-ohl nvir vvhleli the) me tnrrvlng nut their ofleuslve ngnlnst the Hermans In the eastern thcilie of war. AicnrdlliR to Hie Win Olllce ie port .ntlatks were dellverrd along Hie Vllnn-Dvlnsk Rnllrnad. vvhlih Is a eonslder nbln distance south nf the nilglnal scene of Hip Russians' offensive eiitei prises These attacks rt-ere reputed with henvi losFe Kurther nortli the righting inllvilv has in eieased. The (lertnuns sonthttest nf Rlpn made two minor attacks to Impinie theii position Soutli of Lake Ocluldf the Allies at tacked u positlotn hold by Austto-lliin-giiilan and Hulgniiau tionps. but the posi tion was maintained, the AVnr DIIIco slated In its report on Macedonian righting. It HIT I SH ANCRE ATTACKS I BROKEN, RERUN SAYS linilLIN, Jan i: Two vnln .ittaiksbv nnRllsb forces made north of thn Anere In the early morning were announced In today's oniel.il state ment. Near Serre thn Ilrlllsli attnek was broken down lierore the Herman lines and north nf ntaufntirt after an Initial mnew, u Mtongl tondiietcd Herninii count, i iliiust drove them back with heavv lo 1'iftv From OHIO .MARSHAL KILMJH Shooter Taken After Battle Hamcadcri Housu PIQl'A. Ohio.. .Ian 1.' Ilnrvev Hake, marshal or Covington. () . was shot and killed today by 'tort Clark. AHer tho shooting Clark batricaded him self hi his brotlier-lii-Iaw's homo nnd fought for three hours against arrest, whllo police of threo tow ns surrounded tho house. P. T. Wise toys: When you buy Shirts Buy 3 for $4 You Eft l' .i.uo anM nlwnluto RiittHfiirtuni uliou nu Inn ilitho famous I iiilrrtlnu n Milrts, sl.fiO lm Atliulicil or Dftitdinl t uITn A. R. Underdowns Sons Itlllilirr (moilu anil Mrn' ruriilnhlucs 202-204 Market St. l.ttuhllhhril .Mine l" ( S) i V MEN'S TAILORS V Cor. 1 3th nnd Sansom OUR SEMI-ANNUAL SALE tin; iiij.(iit Ttii.ui!iMi i;vir KVI.lt tin l.ltt.1). Ju.t tu mnUe nor frirtiiW unil qultk tlrurunte ihirliu: Jan. una 1-eb. utib. luur Initiieitlon UkLril. iii.!M nnd KJn.OO hl'lIIM.S at KOi; OVKUtllATIM.S to ontrr il $15 00 and KI3.50 HMTIMIS or. Cflri ni:ittllTIMth la grdrr . J 'CALIFORNIA AND THE END OF A DELIGHT FUL JOURNEY Tour Journey's end In golden Califor nia is a rutins climax, to tho dellghu pf trip 'yU Itock Island El Paso South western, Southern Pacific on the superb limited trains. "Golden State Limited" or "Callfornlan." Hh route -Bl Paso, now the military center of the United States; Douglas, rith Us giant smelters; ISisbee, a unlqtie tnlnlug town; the ow Apacne irau ana jlooaevslt. Dan). ( The military encampments at El Paso ni West provide a. continuous panorama SJry loyal American should see. Tick Jte perout ten-day stopover at HI Paso. Ko Quicker time-no better service via aw route to Southern California the dVct route of lowest altitudes. Less than three days Chicago-St. rioSi to Loa Anselea no extra fare. TivkeM. renervattons and CoUtoriUa MteVature on request at Kock Island InJvta Bureau, hi WWaner Butldlng MM Swi: D- P A. Pw Walnut Ad $500,000 MORE will enable Temple University to so enlarge its teaching facilities that thousands of young men and women who are imperfectly equipped to make a success of life may be made better citizens, larger producers and greater earners without interfering with the work by which they are now earning their living. We are pledged to complete this fund by February 14th, TEMPLE UNIVERSITY ASSOCIATION prisoners and two machine gtms were cap tured. The statement said minor Infantry en--.,,. .. nti mine on near licau- mont. Tlio statement said. Our troops that entered this mornins Into hostile trenches In the t-omnres nelRhtfl and east of Nomeny returned without losses and with fifty-six French prisoners. BRITISH TROOPS BEGIN INVASION OF PALESTINE lO.vno.V .Ion 12 Invndlmr Palestine, a W force" has capmred six lines o Turkish intrenchments Kunr,li .R he ancient cltv of Itnfa. on the Hlnal Peninsula. An oniclal statement here sas On Tuesdav our ""f"' , " "'"''tf d i strotiR enemy position '""'"'- of " lines or intrenrhmetits with sit main redoubts and a central ee ... covering Kara, thlrlv miles northeast or t. Arlsh The at.nckl.iR force, ""no'' of Attsao mounted troops and t he Inv perlal camel corps, left 1.1 Arlsh on Mondaj. and the attnek on lite posi tion commenced s 7 o'clock on Is mornlnR of Tuesday. The HuhlM lasted until 5 in the afternoon, when tho position was finally carried After the enjraRcmetit a Turkish re lief fo.ee was located ndvanelnR fiom Klialal. sltleen miles east of itafa 1 i force was etiRBRed al a polnl aboil foiii miles rrom the Itafa position and was cntlrel letrnied Full ditnil" of tbee operation' aie not ret at hand. Up to the we have taken HOO rmowiA pris oners and four mountain -. --- enemy killed nnd wounded In our hands amount to 600. llafn, the ancient Egyptian nhaphla, Is just over tho lino In Palestine. It has been the scene of many battles, which history traces back ns far as 721 n. C- The town Is about seventy miles southwest of Jerusa lem. This Is the furthest ndvahse eastward which the Hrltlsh had made 'Ince Ilia de feat of the Turkish expedition SRalnst the .Suez Canal The new eampalRn has been In proRrcss for several weeks, but little In formation has been given out conrernlnu It There have been no Indications whether tho Hrltlsh have embarked on nn ofrcnsivo with thn design of strlklnR a serious blow at Turkey from the south or whether they In tend merely to clear out hostile forces from the Sinai Peninsula and Improve tho defense- of llRJpt and the canal. Tho first repot t of these operations was tho announcement on Iiecember 22 of the capture of Kl Arlsh, ninety miles east of tho canal. iMiooioe Hot-Water and Ice Bag tVhy buy 2 baRS when the Mlrfo does the work of notn7 llll A STRONG tobacco may have lots of flavor, but vou can't smoke as much of it as you ...nt- A mil-! rnriorrn C often has only its (j 11111VJ11V-00 lu ..vM. -. mend it. ji VELVET combines f mildness and flavor in ..nK nfrtt. t-t-t ron II ll4t-.c-c .w, ... out, II V VV ttjf JCV 11 loiterer vou zvtii smnke nil vou want, and v ntir.lt tn Velvet. ttrotif oil vnn smnL'e. V. "" " ' t.UWW " J w. . .-..-. dtjidjtutloixxta Car. 7THE "SMOOTHEST Smoking tobaoco THE fren'ship that's hardest to gain, usually lasts the longest. The harder it is to nlease vo' to bacco taste, the MgM'&MM?'& TO occupy the place that Armour does in relation to the country's food supply imposes responsi . bilities of stupendous importance. And in this time of high food costs, higher than any of us have ever known them, it is only fair to the American peo ple, that they should know how fully Armour realizes these responsibilities how thoroughly the Armour organization lives up to its stewardship. It must be remembered that Armour is not a pro ducer, but a purchaser of raw materials; nota retailer, but a manufacturer of finished food products. HMMBgilflMBffllffBIMlsWsMssgfr1 B h H i I 9 1 In this position, as a great public servant, it is Armour's highest aim to provide the farmer with a steady and continuous market, that he may be stimulated to greater production. As increased yield brings greater revenue to the stock grower, so does it bring greater volume. But, most important, greafer.sNppylikcwise means lower prices to consumer. Yet encouraging greater production is but one way in which Armour strives to keep prices at true-value levels. In scientific handling, Armour effects wholesale economies which further hold down liv ing costs. And this is Accomplished by turning all inedible portions in to valuable marketable by products. Under less ccorfomi cal systems, these parts would be charged to you in higher prices for meats. Hut even such efficiency in preparation is not enough. Your food supply must be dis tributed cheaply, and with out undue shrinkage or spoilage. So Armour has built a line of refrigerator cars. And because Armour and. Com pany own and maintain these ' refrigerator cars, no outside car shortage can ever stop the delivery, nor raise the price of meats, your most en ergizing food. These factors act.as a whole some influence generally in keeping prices at true-value levels. Once this is borne upon you, it follows as a matter of course that in specifying Armour foods upon your table, you are working for your own .best interests. ammimmsiiammtmiiit i i m TrrewiiiwiiiiMWWiiisiHrids CHICAGO IR H. RIDER HAG-1 GARD, author of '; such famous works as "Marie," "She " "King, Solomon's Mines," etc., wi::.'te "The Ivory Child." His works are the standard of the world for stories of ad venture, and "The Ivory Child" is among the best of them. i:) 1061 Tomorrow's Evening Ledger HJ jgfggg&XB3&S0B&BE3BBBKMts3k