Wmvmmmimv-' r -j pjasy T-jfuyt&l'',Wipap? ?&e&pmmfct& i n EVENING LEDttEH- PHILADELPHIA, TIU'KHDAY. JANrARY 11, mi Investment Counsel is gladly given to those who care loi consult us. There nre any, number of strong Government, Municipal, ,. Railroad and Public Util ity Bonds whose attractive qualities are not familiar to many investors. Wc are ready to offer suggestions and provide information. .W.glarR$go. nANKKita 15atttlahed 183T) 321 Chestnut St., Philadelphia Plttabursh Uoalon Chicago Wlllim. Hurra iltaUInt u- A SOUND INVESTMENT DUDUQUE ELECTRIC COMPANY 0 1ST MORTGAGE GOLD DONDS. THESE DONDS ARE AN ADSOLUTE 1ST MTGE. ON THE ENTIRE ELECTRIC LIGHTING, POWER AND STREET RAIL. WAY SYSTEM OF DUDUQUE, IA., AND VICINITY. NET EARNINGS FOR PAST YEAR OVER TWICE THE DOND INTEREST. THE COMPANY AGREES TO PAY THE NORMAL FEDERAL INCOME TAX. LEGAL INVESTMENT FOR MAINE SAVINGS DANKS. THE REPLACEMENT VALUE OF THE PROPERTIES IS ESTIMATED OVER W.OOO.COO, Prlco 07 & Int. Ylotd 5.51 BAKER, AYLING & YOUNG LAND TITLE BLDC. PHILADELPHIA DOSTON CHICAGO grice Ranges of JewYork Curb Stocks ItlRh nod low prlco ranges of the nctlvo Mining, Oil. nntl In dustrial storks traded In dur ing 1'JIB on the New Yurk Curb aro Riven In our .Innti nry, 1917, Quotation llooklvt. Investors Interested In nuirket movements will (Ind this book let lndlspen.ablo for ready reference. Send for It. Axle lor 80:i-T. V. Trt aMUrr- rrttlnic rlalit bivi1il-t. trail thla ailrertUrmcnt Willi your Inqulrj. JONES & BAE1EK STOCK llltOKKUS Widencr Bldp., PniladclpYu 1 IUII. Walnut 1800-1. Krjsttme. Unco V20U. Nrrr York lliiatnn Clilciiuo I'lttaliitrah Mrtrt Print t Wlrn TAX FREE IN PENNSYLVANIA We own ana otter Lehigh Valley Coal 1st S. F. 5s Due January 1, 1933 W can supply either recUtereU or coupon bunds. A. B. Leach & Co. 115 South Fourth Street Hell rhone Lombard 23J New Tork Chicago Buffalo llaltlniora Boston I.ondun, Kne. The 13-Hour Bank 1429 Chestnut St. A bank of safety and progress; not too bip; to i;ivo in dividual attention to its patrons' needs, provide every facility for cfllcient service. Open 0 A. M. to 10 P. M. Capital and surplus, $tiU0,000.00. EPUBLIQ TRUST OMPWF k RAILROAD BONDS Maiur well arrurfil 4 Railroad lloml, Hre now i-rlllnc ut u foniilrrublv tlla. count and jlrlil rr uttructlte rut to tba Invrator. V hate prepurrd a circular deacrlb. Ins: a number of lliraa bonds which wo ball be pleuaeil tu end ou requeat. MELLOR & PETRY llemberi N. V. A rolls. Slock Kirbancea 35(5 CIllIMKitClAI. TKUhT IIUH.DIMI HI'KriAI. MHVTINRH -jsaGENKIIAL OFl'ICK OF TUB I'KNN S3a mutual lifb inhukance to, ' fiUNN MUTUAL HlllLDiNQ. Hlilh and Walnul t. PHILADELPHIA. At the. etated martin of the Hoard of Trus tee of the fenn Mutual fJfe Insurance Com pany, held on the lOtn Instant, in following were unanimously re-elected; ,. QKORGK K. JOIINHON. President. LINCOUtf K. I'ASSMOItte Vice President. WILLIAM M. Kltaax.l?V. Second Vlco Frwl- JOIIN'W. HAMER. Tblrd Vice President and Manager Ijad Department. JOHN HUMPHKEYsT Secretary and Treasurer. J. BURNETT OlBU. Actuary. , , - aw.a th fntlnwlnif were .eeannolntad. IENIIY C. LIPPINCOTT. Manaiser of Acenelee. .. .... rLa,h Dulma. SYDNEY A. SMITH Assistant Secretary. PAUL AI.BXANDBH. Assistant Treasurer. O150BOB R. wriiTKT Aseletant Aetwtry. ni IVEI1 Vv FBRRIN'. AsslsUot Actuary. CHAKI.JSB r. HBNKY H. C'HAKLKB TIK IIA I1AD1HW. ComnlruUer. ViAKryr. Auditor :a mjLRKIIAI.L Jr.. Kealstrar. FHBDEnlC If OABHIOl'BB. Mathemallclan. ISuiS iV. STBBBLB. Aastateat to the Presl- HAfmY TOUr.JUV, M D . M.dlcal Wrector. JAUjMt tiV 1V.M"M1, ev - FINANCIAL NEWS STOCKS RECOVER IN WALL STREET AFTER DECLINES ON BEAR RAIDS Disquieting Rumors Dominate Early Trading Hurried Buying in Afternoon Allusions to Net Earn ings Used to Depress Rails High Points in Today's Financial tXcws iS'focA'fl turned alrong in Wall Sired after bcinr under pressure, Russian Si per ecnt bonds dropped on New York Curb, Wheat turned sii'oti after rt had sturl. llusineis small in cotton. Hank of England's reserve increased in. week; Dank of Germany aaincd nold. Philadelphia Rapid Transit trust certificates reached another hiih mark since 100H an dividend ilk. Price of bar silver lower, .Gold to the amount of $2.',,.',0t),00t) arrived in New York from Canada. NBW YOUK, .trtti, II. The Mock market, uftcr bolriB forced down by bcrtr rnliln nml liquidation In the first hnlf ot Iho day, later developed pronounced strength nml In tlio Into trading nearly nil tho Important Issues ranged materially above yesterday's final prices. Trndlntr -was dominated In the forenoon by nil hinds of disquieting rumors which weru In circulation from the opening until noon mid In that period nevero losacs were ttuslalned In ninny Issues. Shortly nftcr midday, however, tho extract from tho nddrcss of Lloyd Oeorso before tho Hrltlsll Parliament wero published nml caused nn abrupt change both In market movements and speculative uuiitl meut. Thoro was hurried buylnjt of stocks by tboso who had based their operations on po.ico talk, t'nlted States Slcul rommim, which Is tho key to the general speculative situation, after falling IO'J'4 advanced tuoi-o than S points and was followed on both tho early recession and tho afternoon advance by nearly every thing on tho list. Tlieio wero many wlilo movements In specialties. General Motors dttippcd BV4 points to 101. from which It roso to lOSli, and the Marlnu Issues, which wcto tho wrakest features cMerday, after declines in tho first hnlf of thu day also developed Btrenuth mill made stihstnntlul fains. CURB MARKET SHOWS HEAVY TONE DURING GREATER PART OF THE DAY I'or XI3H' YOltlC. .Inn. II. a good part of tho day tlio Curb inarkot showed a heavy tone, with violent breaks In somo Issuos. Most Importunco was attached to the mnntior In which Russian HViu yielded under unall Kelllns. 'I'lioso bonds, which closed yes terday nt 0114, opened nt U0, and under sales of $70,000 dioppetl to Sfl, with n rally, to above 89. Chevrolet Motors was Inlluonced by tlio break In (iancriil Motors on tho Stock Kxchnnso and foil from 110 to 100, following Gonernl Motors on tho later upturn and making a brisk rally of morn than 8 points. Oulsldo of these issues prlco movements wero generally narrow, with mod erate declines in tho forenoon, followed by tulvnnces lit Iho last halt of tho day. The oil (docks wero generally lower In tho early trading, with Cta.igu Hominy selling down to & and Oklahoma In 12. Sinclair yielded from fili to C0',S and Itoyal Uuteh sold down to GR'j. Sequoyah till and Helloing Company's earnings are estimated to have increased inoro than ","i per cent within tho last six weeks as a result of the ndvanco In mldcoii tlnent crude to $1.70 a barrel. Jt t oxpected Hint the pi pit lino now being laid will connect tho company's gas wella, which has a dally capacity of nearly CD, 000. 000 cubic feot. and this will mean still largur oarnlugH. Mining stocks sagged off, with Magma selling at -Iti to -hi; United Vordo dropping from ?,SH to .'1714 and (Vrro do I'anro yielding to 37. Itoclc Island hew common stock sold at 39 to 38; Iho "A" preferred sold ot SSV4 and S3 and thu "I!" preferred at 71. Lima Locomotive advanced from f,7 to f,9, making a new hleh record. Submarino ranged frotu'Su to 21 !i. Mldvalo Steel declined front fit to CO, followed by a vigorous advance hi the last halt ot tho day. l.VnU.STKIAl.S ntd. Aetna Kxploslvra American Ill-It .Mfg American Marconi American Writ I'ap . . . . I'.uiailian Car 'n '.m Car & I-'dy pref Cliarcual Iron Cliuwolet Jloltirs Cranqi Slilplmilillrig Curtlss Aeroplane Kmerson Phonograph I'Ydf nil Hyt'Stuff I Inskell & UarKer Car . . Ilcmleo Jlfg Katliodion ttronzo pref . I.aure-I oil & Oas Maim Jlimitloiis Mldvalo titeel New York Shipbuilding.. North Am Vaper litis i;ieaIoi- Peerless Motors l'uule Kngino S S Kresge w 1 ....... Stand Motors .st .loseph Lead Stuel Alloys Siihniaiine Transitu Williams Trlanglo I-'ilm Todd Shlpyatds rnltetl Alloy Steel II S Steamsihrp I'nlted Motors i; S L It com do pref World Mini fl IV. I II) HI 100 XI) IS Hi .in r.iMi s:i a in UK I'll f.s in ! It n 17 ill 2!i 411 3 Si Kll 45 aw U'li 1 :i V. Asku,l, IshIu) 3 3!' WrlBht-Maitln Aircraft. IS ItAIl.ltOAII.S Itock Island com 39 do A pref R7 14 do 11 prof 7S'i Western Pacific w I . . . . So do pref 1" Wabash-I'lttsuurBh .... lUSvii do pref no 1 Si I U IS H'J B 110 till 111! "art iyt to III in 39't - r a lilVi till -.h UVi "llVi ',i s 113 SO X3 r.' 7 II nil .. 7 H SH4 SIV4 It ViVt ill S1h X7 XI IK IH It II 4, "!,, 4'J 1 I i:t ix 40 Kll 71 40 i SI hTANIIAHll Olli hTOOlS.S Illinois Ohio Prairie l'lpu S o of Cal . S O of N J . SO of N Y . .S43 .xx .3i7. .:wi .7115 .i-,o r,n 3U4 111 S74 307 SJ-J akrttt. tnnll 3U S l,-.",a is?; I7",i 17 i; i,i o vie 1 1 Si . . -; s i ,u 1.1 ViVi xx xii a ill UMi, 1 Si 5 U tun in n i n i , 13 ISJi 2(1 II Vh III I.Mint'UNKK.NT OIL STOCKS Vfi.. rlnlit' fllil. Harnett Oil & C.as 8TU I'osden o & n is li i.'oxden ft Co Itef , 17 t-Vdcral OM nv; Inter I'etrol lni Houston OH SI Merrltt Oil IS'fi .Midwest Itef '. XS usago Hominy x- Itoyal Dutch ns .Sequoyah s l-li: Sapulpa I'etlillng 1 Sinclair lai Oklahoma 1 & It r.!'i .MINIM! M'OIIKS Alaska Standard S3 j Atlunta ! ' llig Ledge 4)1 lJISbeo l.'oppar ta prosp) 1i Ilulto Copper and Zinc UVi llutta N V 1 Kt iVitii do I'asco so Cnnsolidated Arizona .. l? Ltnnm Consul S- First National :i U Klorence (.old field Sll iloldlteld Cons 70 iloldMeld Merger Hecla Mining (,; llotve Sound 7 Indepemlenea Lead .... lili-, ,11m Hutler x:t .liinibo Intension SI) Ketvanns 17 JlcKlnley TJarragh 48 Mini's i'o of America ... ,s Nevada Wonder -J Nlplstdng Ki; ltay Hercules 4 Seneca Copper 15 San Toy II Tonopah Extension I West lind Conrollduted.. 117 AVIilto Oak 3 Alaska Mines 1 l-:i; Troy Arizona 50 aw 75 X 7S4 X I7!4 X7 as la AS 31 111 13-111 li 14 37 ir,-io i'A 7 7 7-lfl 31 III SO s !' :.u 15 Si '.H X'.s 4 15 Si III i',; 4 i. in 70 I I l Lia .. mi HON l)S Cerro de I'asco (is Ill ij i'osden & Co new Us .... iuii in; Krctieh Jlunlc OS an?; u7i; .. MtiHalo Steel Ba uj',i J u;i3 I'.Uesian G3u till UH UX Itassiao 5 '-.-s xx V4 xa ,i 114 tt Sinclair Oil 6s ill 1 1 1 '. 1 1 1 1 i Todd Shipyard 6s 101 ins NEW YORK BOND SALES 13000 Amr At-r .ltli 5a .. r.uuu Amrr i'ut nil ti .. .171151111 Auslo-l-'rtni-li r.i .. StllOiXI Amer Kor Pea 5 . . suoo Amtr Tel (.11 4. .. 27B.VJO Aiuar 'iVI & Tel 3a. luon Amvr leu H-f llioo Amer Vrlt 1'aper Ha Soiioo Armour c'u -i'i .. 500U Atchlaon yen 4a.,.. fiuou du &UJ 4 lnilii ili cv Sa 1017 . . ICioiio Allan Cu l.lno 4.as Soiioo Unit & Obla f,a anno da 4s 1UOO da cv 4l . . GIlUOO IliO I' I.K4WV 4. 840110 llrook II T 5a 1QIX. 1 1 wo Can Uott Ea lli-1 .. 1S1UIIO uu na jun lllh. . 10:i. . 7. . ill . 117'. . US', .loii'i . Dll'a . Ml . !!'. . lli . X7 10"'. . U3S .UltS .. U5!l . !; louS .10(1 "!!! 111.1 f"l US S 117. t!a lUll'j l"J? h't 111'. Xl'i llill'j 3. 1 Ml p in. li'JS 7J ass II I -a i 1)' Ido'i uui X!l UIS till 7 lO'.'S !?? I0li 101S lia', u.tU 5! lOII'J 1110 UU'a , . . . w - T V a 140UU do B 1S3I lUO' JU 4000 C C C cen 4a mioi) da Cairo 4 10000 Cal Oaa (c Klfc Ca. S3IIO0 Cent Leather lat 5a IWOOO Chill Copper 7a ... . . llooo Clira & oma cv l'.i looo ila l!i 1 41000 do ounv St .... louo Chi & Altnn 3a .. iiuukit .'hi fit VMt 4a.. kiw... 1. t, Vwn Al. Ku IQHT 111V UMU Chi Hn Sia 4V4 loojl luuiin Chi It & Q iolnt 4a... UHtJ 1000 Chi U i U 111 4a. ..... 0J SOOliO UUUl I' 4 1BS6. . 5 soon do en 4 t4 suuoo do rfU 4W t U5J S10OO do voqv 5a lOGja 21000 Cbl It I t l rfd 4a. 10000 dQ ta vim ata . . 10000 do. 80 I Oil jii 3I h'l loiii. loo ! lU0' 80H biiVi ion los'j ui W3S IIU"-j ,i3u; isev, 130; . sn 83. tj3 in U 1,11V. 734 73 11 11 llii 1II0H piuta IfS'fc !''( 117 U7S tl.-lSi U5S DIJ BIS US', 3H lmivf, loii'i lllll'I 1011' 21" ftuao Cal Sc. outtl 4ljy a . . -T.T.". :.7... . A.-l.. A iduoo vity oi"'"W v- 3it0n Ua t Hlo ilr 4a trolt UltltlMl loot; 74 fcb'l WIVi b5 5000 plrolt TuiumJ 4Vi IMtroit uuiiu its i Brio urtor 4a AMlsuat Brr D1LLABD. Jr.. M. P-. AailaUBt a3$abl -miAMtos pkppkh- a. las JOliS3')WJLA8S BBOW.V. Ea Aoclt XOHTARO rOLPfcB JOHNSON Rao AJUOoJ- mi uoeisKi JOHN Ul UFHKEYS. BsorstuT Traajutar. Ota W ; Jiua ac. ai dab 5m . . Man lit 5a ,lu rril &M 111 SlMl dab liidlana ittnl 111 font rfd ir.- . - - . . . . ; w- I Hi it at x a lit l'Mt flmuha HI LnlralTa 195: do it 103 Tnlstrfa it T Ttt 5a i lulv Mar Hit Ha liuoo lolarnl Paiar 5 . . "UW K o fl B i II li. ISuS Kaa City So lat 3.. louo Kan CUt Tr lat 4a 4000 Ix-jJWiloa & Baat & 4000 lclt Slaal Sa 1VS1 fcOOO ll Sb,d 4 i:n 4WaM M "-ZT - t 74 74 ttflli Slit .10.1 MS. ow. 3 on lllifli. Iow. p.m. .10i) inn iuii 1st JOOO Mout Power 5a inn,, ,n... i. ...,.... '..... ;::. V.f'. N V. Air llraka i-ll Oa.lllil 1031! i!Si-M V.. .?. ,M'rf ,W8 10. J! lmifiii 3. 4v,; . . ' uUt si Mi! Itionii N V ill Kt l. Ut 4a Hl'J 011J ui ' liWWI N V City 4a 1057 III!'! lulll lul'I f.ooil do 4a 105H lllltf 101T. jtf ll.iioil . Jt;, lutsu 1,1.1)! lo'.t! JIJjJ i'OOll do 41.5a May 1957 ..110(5 llilB 11 iK SOUi) N V tlaa 11 & V 5i.. il)5J !,)."( !,',"(; soon n y n 11 i 11 4 1H.111 7it? Vii 4,v; ,.i .:.s .". 1UI HUT, 75: io;ti 43 tun 1& !l.- list; J7, 10! Vj 113 IllU'i 104I 10J lus'i 15 US J :: m s . ok w; 7S 87ij $ V4 :1 lS3l :uoaa Uo Kau U T lat 4 IVk 1TH tfifik Til P..: li w i 66 0i tm wmiia ... iws s iw 91 UU WM Ui lOStl 10 10 Hi join 7i 117 S L'SUO do lia 3000 N Y Itivy adj 5 ., 4IO0II N Y Tel em 4'4 41100 N Y W r 4 II 4!4a loon Norf & VWat 4a !., 7000 N'ur pao prior 4. . Soomi do en 3a 14000 Oru Si V H It N 4a Sill") I'aclflo Tel 100(10 I'arlllo ilaa .'.1 .. . B&000 1'enna 4a 1048 I5oo do sen ct I'll . 10000 do 4'ia 1US1 .. 1110 Pcoule'a tlaa 6a . JOoo da da 5001 l'ub Sic N J 6a ... UOon Itfudlntr Ken 4a . 1000O l'eru &laruuetle Km w I nnu noon ItadlnK ictn 4a uu"-, noon lupubllo Ui . . .'piiiK 14000 Hlo Ur t W lat 4a . . MS loon Kiry Sleel tip 5a 1931 ut)i llOon tit 1. 1 il i Wo Kvn Sa lo:i; i .von oo ta ,, :i.',oihj St I. ic S V all lia . . 1500 ) do In 6a 330OO uo 4a Her A 44000 do Sa Her II ... 500U St Loula Bivn eon 4a. 0000 tSand Uaa lia 4000 Saaboard A 1. aj 5a Suoo Uo Stn 4a . . 21000 South Hell 5a 1'jooo South I'ao cv 4a ... 12600U do rfd 4a louoo South Pac cvli 5000 Houth llwy ga 4a. . . - 8000 do con 6a 5000 Taaaa Co cv Ha 300O Utah I'ow Lt 5... 1X00O II 8 Haalty 6a . . . 1700O V u HuMwr Oj ... H-iOiiO U H Steel a f 5a . . . S7O00 Union Pan lat 4a . . . 22000 do rfd 4a . . . . SSOOO Uo ttwya 8 4a 3400OU K of 0 It ft 5a. . . 104000 do Sa, 1019 500OO do SWa 1021 ... . 5O00 V Sa llrowu liroa 1O0U Va llwya 5a iMLUl Wab-P T lat ct f p 4a SVl imw ... siu urn w7a 10O0 Weat Sburo 4a 034 5000 w.at Ualoa i t B7Vi 5SI00 Wbt.llE Ulili . . HO 43 75I inlH Dili, O.'.d ll.ll Ill l,Slt .Ma b7Sa lolt-i lolli 03 o:i 10011 100 1011. llllVi 10S 102 lo-" losli 115 11.1 OS OS till1 OOH t3'i 0.14 ous oii4k lllOa looS HS bSS 00H Oil' 103S 1II3S a X3 fc.1 75S 75 75 531 , 53 63 704 7U'i 70'i 1.IIS KiH fcrtlj 704 T04 70-.J 101 JUl" ill'1 75'i 151, 75'. ii his sis Kill, loili 101"; M XS is 04 031. 03'. l3S ioa jojij 70g 7fl4 74 10SK 102S 1021, ion 100 ion II U Oili 05H uo 57 57 1034 10.1H 1034 lOdg loa? ind? 00 H 004 90S 024 034 03U 37S4 S7 3T OX OK OK 'S 074 074 07 075 7 01.. 01. Bl oou osu oau .fT 0S4 1024 u-.'S 02C 074 074 79K 80 New York Stock Sales ) High Acmo Tea nnVi AJax Ituhbcr 7!5'i Alnnka Gold Mln.. lnS4 Alaska .Inncaii 7V4 Allls Chalmers 5ja; 27 S7 do pref xl xl x Ant 11 Hugar.... 1)1 Si 0H4 " Aln Can 4fl!(, 44Sfc liSSi do pref lim loll 10!) Anicr Car & l-'dv. (J0V4 I3"i "3W Ant lllda & Lentli. isu 13 1 do pref on fi.T4 ix'i Alii leo 3o U 505; 311 Am l.lnsecd ... ISiJi llii 17-li do pref fin! now, oi, Am J.oco 57 "ISi '" do pref Ion ton ion Am Malt pref... Ixti IX IX Am Smollhip; ...nnfi ln.i4 ififiSH do preferred ..tin; llflli imri do pref A xV4 nn',6 nA tin tircf H OitVt u-fJi f3i)i Am Sugar Illli man HITSi Am Kleel I-'dy nt no oo Am Tel ft Tel ...IS3S4 tiai ISSti Am Tob prof now. I ox Inx lox Am Woolen UVi l S'i Am Writ I'ap pf. I.1V4 43 Amer Zltio 30(4 .15 Sfl VI do pref 7 ontf, ?o Anaconda Cop ... X.1(4 xl?, x!ft Ahso oil 7" 7 70 Atchison HMIi lot lnlS4 do pref Al Coast l.lno . . At (!ulf A W I... Ilald Loco : thill & nhlo do pfd Ilelh Kleel llarrnlt Co do rlRhtx Ilrooltlyn It T Hrnwn Kline ... . Unite & Kuperlnr. Cal I'et prof ... . Canadian I'acillc . Cent Leather ... Clinndler Motor . . dies Ohio . . . . Chi flieot W do pref A Chi Mil ft Kt ' . . do pref C C f! ft St I, Chi ft North W . con r; ft Hnf iiait Col flax ft Mien Clilo.lt I ft I'nc .. do cf Chile Copper . . . Clilno Coppei- . . Col l'ni'l ft Iron I'ol ft K lnt pref. Consol Has Corn I'roiluctii . . . do f.l Ciilclblu Kteel Cuban -Am Sinjiir do pref Drlifga Seabniy . Ilel ft Mini Den ft Itlo 11 do pref Plstlllers Secnr . Uoiiio Mlnea .... Ilul K H A ilo pref Krlo do Iht pref do 2d pref .... flan CliMti pref . (laa W ft W lien Mot nue. . . . do pref new . . (loodrlcli Co .... liianby Conxnl . . flrcal North pfd. . lit Nor Die ctfx.. (iicen-Can Cop . .. Hnlf Statu Steel. . inspiration Con . . lot At;r C.-p Int llarv Crp do N ,r inlerbmo do pref Inter Paper do pref J tit Nickel Int Mer Mar t c. . do pref .lmvel Tea Kan City South. . . do pref Kelly Spring The. Kenno Cop'. l.ncka Steel IacledH Oiih I .alio K ft V till 1171ft 11.1 5714 K.I ',4 75 1,4 1X5 135 3 Si XS 111 47 55 ' I. Ill UIV4 "11- 11.111 I3V .1!) V4 xk"; ii S4 51 ISIlVd ISi!", 14 31 as Sill', 51 n I5'!i n l:io SIT, 1 113 I, IISTi, 50!, 1)3 I, 60 I lor; 1 51 i .17 Silt 4 s:iV4 6 III ::.'!; 4 7i 37 54 an i nx 1,4 i 'i ' -, X!) 57 ,4 X!l I Kl-l'l .15 II ISI 5X1,4 15 Si X I ',4 II0S4 LI 70 ti-y, I OS icv; S5V4 XMl 5 I M 57i)A I.-.-V, Xl . ...IllS'.i pief. 5II!(, l.eo Itubiier si l.elilub Valley :7'.i l,o ni,' Inland , .11 I .ouiB ft Naxh ..Lilt; Maekay Co xx do prof (17 Max Motor" .... 5S V4 do lat pref .... 1 14 do 2d pref .... .10 Mexican i'etiol . . I11.I Miami Capper ... II Min ft St I. new. si ilo Pao n I 8I14 do pref w I .... 5X Missouri Pair t c. . 1:11)4 Mo Kan ft Tex ... H do pref IX Montana I'mvur ..luon National lsixcult. . ISIT, Natl Upamellns .. SIIV4 Nat Lead mi .Nevada C1111 S3T, N V Central nut N V C mid Si I, . ax N V N II and 11.. 17 N V o and W ... SX',1 Norfolk and West. ISU-V Nova Scotia Steel. 1 1514 Noith Paelllc 107 Oiven llottle Mach.looV', looi-, Low 604 72i 10 7 7 1 1 4 II 31 3 31 ni 7' 0' i n 4 Jl IP! ', 1 J! 1 4 I 1 r, I1! 11 1 ox-y, 117 lo7Vi 61 x.1 1,4 7614 1X5 I S3 S',i XS 07 1 1! SI ft I 'Si 15 II X7i !i:i 1.1 (f. ictli SX'H X7 U 1S4V4 51 1 SIM ft I S3 I I li 3S .11 sin; 6S Sft II 50'!, I till "Sl'ft I OS 7m 5r,ft US', "314 50 IllUft 13'), 37 2 ll SS'P, 5 III .1 1 Sft 17 37 S4 ail iiixi,4 101 xo 511 XX I I Mi 31 II ISI 60 '-ft I.T1 XI I 111'.. 15 HO la IS',!. 111! Ill SS'ft 77 '.-j 73 SI 371ft 571 4 I Si XI 5ft H'-'Sft 511' S3 7'I7 3i)ft 131 ',1 Xll Oil 50 V4 70 Vi 30 101'), III S5 3l"ft .1x1,4 13 7S4 IX loii'i, ISI')', S5'li 60 S3 Sft HIO'l, sir, 4 IT, SX 13S! II'! 100 (ft Nft flo!" ehc. 60 V4 V4 7.111 T, lO'jft !, 2 V4 -' IS' S4 St 1- Sft vs V4 I S4 -r 'ft V, H -1 VH, I S4 Vi 1 111 4 I 4- 'A nxw ',(, Tft 4-114 ' I 'ft 117 III fill X3S4 73 54 4X3 1311', -1ft XS ' 07 17 55 Vi fill ansa 11 x 03 137ft 4 SHI', XXSi IS 1 14 51 ISIIlft IS. TV, Sift 32 .1 1 Sft SS'Ji 5 3 ',4 1 5 SI fill',, 1311 SI1, lllll , IIS "ft 1 1) Si 0 3 ',4 I III 3 5i 11 4-1 1ft - "A I Sft Vi "ft a. 11 Si 4-1 - Sft t- 11 ( IS Sft no 1 ID'n I.VJi .17 SC 14 S3 III 3 1 1ft 17 37 14 ill!" 10X14 I OS X!) 5111ft Mil 1 1014 351, II ISI 57' 15 V. K4 3 IVi 14 1 14 1ft T 1 56 III114 114 70 I IT, IDS II 3.11i XII li 7:1 21 57 5ft 571, I."l X37ft I0S' 'ft -t Hi -1 Si "ft iiS 1.1151 XX 117 r.s 7154 an 103 54 11 25 31 5X54 i:ii(, 1- xi, 1 ix moift ISIT, SO',.. ' ST, 4 1 r T, -' I Si I 31, 1, lint Silver 57, l'acifio Mail so Penna It It 51114 People's Urs H'llft Pldla Co 405a Ptttsb Coal t c 4554 1'ere Marquette w I ai'.i Pitts Steel pref . .H1II4 Pressed Steel Car. 73 quicksilver a Itall Steel SprliiK.. 50 ltay Cons SilSi JleadliiK loo Xlepub Iron ft.Sleel 7X14 do pref 1017ft Shat Copper S5',fc Seaboard Air Line lilVft r.T 20 fiil'i IOCS. 40 ! 1:1 3054 10114 72 51, 2311 -, i'i 101 ') 3114 31 I" Sft SX v, I331i 113 S!4 1071ft llliili - i', 5T 1ft S" i 50 54 1011, 1ft 401, (, 17: 31 ', I 101 '4 711, IT. do pref Sear lloelluck So I" ll Sonar South i'acltie Southern 4ty do pref St L ft S K St L & Southwest Studebaker Ten Cop & C Texas Co ... do t p Texas Pacific 11 R 17V4 in Sil U7S4 7514 101 S3 101ft 7 li 2S 1X0 05 Vi SUli XV4 S3 SX 1 03 14 10SIS 1, 1454 1451 S4014 231 23X 23 1 1ft hit, so v as 54 77 10 lift '!. 7 li 220 1X0 nor, 3014 ex 14 21 2K 114 T, t 1 1ft SS'.ft I'jft I'Mft li rl 4- 'A r 1ft Third Ave Tobacco Prod . . . United Prug Union Bag & IV United Ciu Mfg. United Cis Strn. United Krult Union I'acillc , . . do pref USCIP4K.. do pref 1714 13 fiHa 711 IS Si 41 Sft 10114 lOOli 10014 11a 117 147 .15', 65 H 71 mi 415ft 143, l xi 14 xi ii SO',4 30',4 US 62 37 !' 'I'M 1X0 00 54 301ft OX 14 S3 SX 1011ft II? 23714 233 1714 45 53 14 71 1314 441ft 14 Vft 1 1ft I 4- '.ft 1ft 4- 14 rlli 143 X4V4 1- Vft 20V4 V4 BS I-1 U S Undl Alcohol. HBIi JUL, lUli 4- 14 U S llealty Un Itwy Inv pf. U S Jtubber . . . do 1st pref . . U S Smelters . . do pref U S Steel do pref Utah Copper . . . Va Car Cham . Wabash do pref A . . . Wolla Fargo . . Wactern Union Wasting!) Kite Uo rights Woat Maryland - 1514 11 - SIV4 21 . US OUT, .11314 11114 . 63 611 514 3 IVH, 10!) !i lllli ISO 14 H 2V4 IV4 4- li HIT, IIS 0 5 51 Vft Sft . Sft 4116 12014 120 103V4 10314 101V4 r 14 48 42 43 1 Hla 14V4 14V4 Vi . 5414 B3V4 6444 t 14 0314 105V4 105 li 14 111 53 ' 14 8814 do pref 42 Wheel uEl, go do 1st pref w 1. 4954 White Motor 49 Wllys-Overlaud . 381ft Wisconsin Central 53 Worthing Pump. . it do pref A .... 7 oa 5314 14 26 sou 40 48 S5 Vi 52 SS 87 116 V4 53 4- li 14 . ... SVi 42 IH !0i Vi 40 l 10 3JV4 53 .. . 26 97 t! Sales in. Philade Iptiia J Hleh to Am Tt.vs pf 07 100 Hold Loc. 1fc 5 do pref. .tollft 10 Duff ft Bus pref .... 55T, 20 C Leather. 0014 no Mice Sior. CO', Sin Mi in .. . . 3S 20 tl Aeph pf- 1 37 lna CoNA 27 Vi I Key T pf mifc 12.10 Lk Sup ' ix Leh Nav. , I In l.oh Valley 7711 In 1. V tr pf 4.1 500 M K ftTet 714 soo Ncv Cons. 2.11ft 1003 Penna II fl Anal 0.1 la Halt M. 05 155.1 t'hll.1 lllf 33',', 103.10 put tr ctr .1114 40 Phltn Trnc nj 3.10 tleadlnK . .1011 0 do lit pf 4S 30 So It'vy . . sS4 SIO Ton ltol. . lift 130 Ton Mln. ill! 3X0 V11 Trac. . 4fltft 52 uni xnii nirwi C Slefl. Il2',!i Iiw n7 fio-lft 101 5311 no 14 on 31 '.ft OX 271ft 07 If, I01HOIXV4 It lift Xl'.ft rions. 7 f.0-14 ion. Net ehft Viift 55 is no 14 771 1.1 7 14 2.1 1h no ift t)5 321ft 3.1 xtH 11 . 43 2914 1ft 4 0-10 0 4rtV xol; lot) 14 V, 4- KS 001ft Vft 32 .-. OX 1 2714 4 I 0? Vft " SA 10 I H tiiv, K 7114 43 Vi 714 Ifi 2.11 1ft f.014 05 3.1 31 Vi 02 llX'ft 4.1 2 II', a 4 I Vft i Vi 2!fc I 1' Co N 4.23354 ss:i',4 fi W Jer ft S 50 5ft Mi 20.1 crnmp ... x-1 H;l x.1 Vnrk It lif 33 ax li 1 l-in oil 4-is-m 401ft 4- 11 X!1i IIIVl 1 22.154 V4 501ft R3 it I'M.". on 14 Xct CtlK. Not chnntto from yesterday's Now Vork clone. ) IttlNDS . Illin. Low. sunn Am ilftns 'Jfllft tlOW Soon ttald Loco 1t fix ..101 UH I"1 '" 100DO Con Trad . N.I 6K..I0J14 IMS4 l"S4 4- 14 loo City 4x '37 rec 103 IDS I no do '38 re. 103 lo.l 20UII do 'II cp.KlSH 13 00(10 Klec ft I'qo Tr Is .. xSlft x1 looo Hen Anph deb fix..l00V4 looVi 7000 Lake Sup Inc fin... S3 filVi 5noo Leh V Ben 4 IVj '"Si 4000 Ilo C.HI1 4'jh '0.1. lot Vi I l Sfi 11000 Market St IH 4s . . x x mion Pa Co un 4'jh ...lOl'i ml rtroil Kfl Ix tic,',-, no I'n ltwy Inv 5x.. 7314 7.7H Vork lly Ut t,H !)!) !!) 10.1 103 1ft InSlft Sft X214 IOIIV, S3 01 V4 101 li 03 r 1 r 1 1 mil) 01100 sono 1 0 1 'A uriif. 7314 III) Vi 14 N15W YOKK COKI'-KB MAIUvKT NI4W YOUK. Jan. 1 1 The market for coffee futures opened nnclinnRcd this morn Itil? to a decline of 2 points. TradhiK nu the call was only moderately active, cales belns estimated at 5000 ImRS. Today's upcnliii." Jiinuorv . Vuhrnary Mar.li . . Aiirll . . . Mnv . . . J unn . . . liilr AiikuiI HppO'lill'er Di-lolK-r Nnit-mlipr llt'tiilr lllil. X.X2JSX."! Xlil'lOS.Dl X.ill X till tuiitta.12 v.'iisttn.ni Vi8lAr,ln' , loo h.":in.7.- K.7Xft''X.SII x.xms.s.-, S.8HW.S.WI .l'2rs.ii4 S.lMff X.HT X.ll'.lSi'tl.OS li. 03 tat'. UH tl.lllflli II ti. in nn. 111 ll.l'Offll.'.'l I'.SIWU 25 NEW YOIIK.HU'ITKK AND KGCS NKSV VllflK. Jlin II HI'TTHIt tlri-rlM. 11102 tulm. l-'nney fr,ah iooni,-lilHrlly short. ilih-r if i-nil, ai In lurnlllill s-ipi,i mihi wiiii, .-un iluln SS'iail'': otliir sruil, h iim-linim.-il, :i!liS Itwnllila. 4SH7 i,. l-'ri'.ill eaira III I'irht hiippIs 11ml niirk-t Ktmiic. Katnis. nil- In ii)..; .xini nrala. 53" Innl'le; OrslsM W3tV: pi nmla. IfiOfith'i xiorwje llrB'a. !I7'4 (?:ive; s-inila. :HI1r.l7r. while ,.tK. 5741 5Se: irinvil. 5l1r.ji'. ,1 iiilor unclmnut'il. IjMI'lotl ll'l'll'''') N,w Yurk uenlh). 11 A K SU.VKIt Vr',nv. ,T.I v. ail' a 74 Uiat Thui ailav. Si 75i I.IYK STOCK QUOTATIONS I'lin'AOo jnn 11. nous rtai'Pipis. 53 onn. M.trl.'la stoiv nml Miik. .MKt-il nnil lliilrllnra, sio.lOfi lu.i:: r'hhI Im'Imv, Jlo.sntp In 03. roitau 1,,'ivi" $10 an 10 35: Mich! I!'.!ll)tlll 43; .lss, ITfiHftll&o. bull. JUI Kifc in HO. 1M'TI.'-Iti'' ll,fM M'im. .Miir!t--ti t,,i,lv 1,1 Klnirti.'. Il,-eip. 7.7."TI 1 1 .m. i-ows nml wlfort. J. IOW III. shM-lcvra lliul r.i!rH. l.'.JUWS X5; iviuns. x.5itit.s,"i. i-nlvts lu.5n(fll HllCKI' ItHi-plpia. HHiiiii. Murkiti stroni;. NiilUu uuJ nealt-ru. 111. IIIO10.S5; lambs, til. 50 M4. Hussian Hnntl Syntlic.itc Dissolved NKW YollK. Jan. 11. --The syndlcalo wh'cll undenvrote the J25.OO0.n0O of live year 5 'a per cent Hussian tSuvernment bonds has been dissolved. Approximately J'JU.DOO.OIIII of the bunds were sold, Icavine J5.u00.il00 to lie taken b the underwriters. Yarns Irregular in Manchester MANCIIISSTHIl. line. Jan. 11. Yarns ure lireculiir. Cloths are dull. Hank of France Gains (,'old I'Altlrt. Jan. II. The weekly xtntement Af the Hank of l-'ramv shows an Increase of 13.23G.0U0 francs in gold holdings and a ihscunso of 3.C3U.0OO francs in silver. ANMAI, MICTIONS jssr"1'"1 CIlNTItAI. NATIONAL HANK 111' l'lltl,.l)i:i.rill j.inunry 11, mi, Ai the Annual Mi-ulne nf th rUnckhnlitora ot this llankV held .Milium 11. 1917. th followins centleman wro ulreied lilreeiura fur the en aulni; yrar: llKOIUin IIHIINIIAM. Jll. I WI1.1.IAJI WOUI) I'llAltl.US WHIllll.KIt WILLIAM T. HI ITT HA I.US l-i INOUItSOl.l. A A. JAfKHON pAMI'HI. SI- CUItWKN i-VAiiKSCi: M nitiiWN Wi$X) ''UVKUi1'1 .VI'IIV II. J IIAHTUM TIIW.S'SUN ANDIll'.WS IN 11 KTOl'T n. iiirnKitii'lv HMNIASIIN ItllHIl WII.I.IAll POST JOHN II. MOltUAN At a mfllns "' "'" llnanl of Plr Inrs helil thi U4 5lr" William T. I'.llluit was Viianl niimaly re-elieteil Vrnklwit. meusiy rs ei WJ( v i;0MtAll, Caahler. rv-SP- I'MON NATIONAL HANK 3i? I'lilUdt plila. I'J) . January 11. 101; At the annual nH-etkiK of thu atutkhaMira. lifhl 011 Hi" ""' Inaisiit. tha followliiK were ilVctfil Ulrnlora to aere for the enauliu; year. a. r. Aiii'uuiiusa Julm C. Martin , Uiuis N. Hplrllieraer Win. MiArtoo. Jr. Kdward Wnif llviiry II. lljrlon. Jr Nathan T. Folw-ell Samuel V.. i.anilia Oeltierinann At a tnrctlnir of the pirn-tor 1ieM thla il-iv. W ll. l-'arpenler v;aa illianlmuiialy rimed t'halrinan e. tha Hoard, J. K. Mcl'ullouh. ivsl dent: Tlieo.lor II. (.'sntlerman. VUe Pritidrni. I,oula N. Silelbert-er, Vie I'rcaldeiu and laali ler; Samuel, I'aiupT.elj. Aaalatniu l-'.ihler. Itenr. ! lirowii. n'i . Solicitor, and l-J. 11. William ,on. Jr.. K""-,01;,3 N. si'lCLHEBOEn. . I'aahter. "1, J.MTKI1 MX'IIKITV l.ll'K IN'Ul'ilAM'K RSir AM lKt'T ll. UK I'KNXSVI.VAMA. I'nlladelphla. January 10. lull. At 'he Annual Merllux ut the Stockholders, held January 10, 11)1.. lh folloivln Dlrettota were fleeted tu aera lur tha enauln year: William l. Coatea 'Ihomaa It. Tunla John Q. 1 arruth J. l.lold L'oatea William It- Verner T. Jlorrla Perot. Jr. J. W. Ilaiimton. Jr tleorse II llendcraon Lincoln K. 1'aaamoro David Milne Samuel Hell. Jr. Kranrla It. Hemperley WlllUui lltury Hrool, Howard IV. Lewta c Shlllard-Smith. I'ltA.vuia h. m:upEm,Ey. Secretary. r-Zr- 0KT1IVK'T1JKN NAT10NAI. U.VNU fcS? Philadelphia, I'u. Jauuary 9. I&17 At tba annual Klactlon held thla day the t'ol. 10v.un: pireelor wera ra-eleoted; Baward A. Shmldi Hurry A. Koth .11. c'baa. Murtba into W. Schaum oodfrey B. Hebmana Wm. U. Severn John l:. lUnlfen l.lnlor.l f. Nica A. Kaymond Hall John H. Uveiey Edw. C. Shmldlw-r Jojaph P. Wlttinao LlNFORD C, NICK. Caihl.r. W 11. I'arpenier Itnatlua J. Uohan Aaron liana , Tliio. IT. Conderman Harlan )!! ... Horace T, rotla Snri .1-'. .Mitchell P' "" -. DIBEOTOBY OS ACCOUNTANTS Ctrtia! Kubllo Acrauotaula UWHENCa li. DROWN & CO. 1815 KKAL felTATB THUdT UUJLDINQ WlLLUUt MONTEMUS yaw L.tusaiTui- sx " JlOilNa t SPEAtSiiA, tub uoyuaic b RAPT-n TRANSIT CERTIFICATES STILL UNDER INFLUENCE OF DIVIDEND TALlf Advance to New High Mark Since 1909 in Afternoon Sej sion Street Discusses rroposeu rmancing by Pennsylvania Railroad lllvldnttil Utile mi IMilladelDhla llaiild Transit rnnllnncd lo flay an initioHrtrit fiftrl In tho dealliiKs nf the cnmnatiys trust certificates on the flillatlrlphia Kloclt Ms chatiRfl today. In the nftcrnoon the I'Hce was boosted to another lnh Doint since 1009, nt 31 '4. a Sain of 1 ns cnnmaied with tha filial flKuf nt last night, linyins of lha certificates was Jnsuinetl With the start of tradlnif nt lo o'clock and from Iheii on until 3 o'clock, when the market closed, they were by far the most active, nearly 14.000 ctinnginp hands. N'otltlnsf nev was heard In connection with tha dividend, bat many morn peoplo In tho Street wero certain that action along iki. ii.,. -m,i,i i,.- inl.-Mi at tho nn-etlnr of tho' directors next Monday, miring the early tleailiiir9 inn price m me .ei ..... not up a llttla nml then declined, tho icai tnovotnent not coinlnc until the orternooli. The ton prlco was not held to the c'oxe. The whole innrket lino today followed New Vork. When the market In that city went off in the mornlne, prior- were sympathetically affected hero and when Ihey Improved In 'Wall direct the same thins1 occurred here. I.lttle attention wan Riven to any other Issue than Transit ceiliflontei. btit among tho other stoclts which came out losses of a point each were shown" in Klec Iric KIombo fiattery and (ienoral Asphalt proferred. Another ttnnil earnlnRs" sintemeut of the National Properties t'timpniiy wim issued today. It was for the liiniith of Heoeinlier. The sross earnings for lliV month amounted to JS4 1,023. which Is nu Ineronso of $11:!. TG8, or 15.0.1 per cent mer the correspond ing period of the tirevlmtx yenr. f-'or 111" tweivo months endlnc with December the Dross enridnRi were J8,nC0.7!lS. an Increase of $I,28!).43B, or 10.811 per cent over 1013. Tho Mlrect today nave sumo thought to tho proposed Increns'i In Indebtedness of tin Pennsylvania Itailrooil to the amount nf $75,000,000, which KtocKlmldeis will be asked to approve at tho annual ineetliiR in .March. When thli Is authorized by the stockholders the diicctor-i will have the authority to Issue "cither (jeiicrnl nim-lca;ti bonds or capital sine It," and tho Street wondered what would be done. The iiutstandlnK slock nf the i-ompany at present i nearly SDno.Qnir.noo ,f un authorized lsue nf SCOO OOO.ODO. This led lo Ihe thoiiRht today that the nnty fltiniioliu: may lako the forni of convertible bonds, which would ndd a speculative feature lo tile bonds end which would enable llir m rr.mpntiy to cut down lis linndr-d Inrtebla? nes and to Issue an additional amnimi ii ntock. - " H tn view nf the general ilcmatiil fnr t. I nt present II was pointed nut thai ,!j linanriiiK wouiu prruianiy lake th r. bonds. The company's iteneml rnorlrj, 4 4j tier cent bpnds sold yesterday nt lniV nml tnitrtl- Ihev rose lo IA1I. . J cemher C'tho price was mi Ti,0 " nt Ihe l'elitisvlvanla In nieti thai 1, "J..,1 tint he necessary to Issue convertible boivwl but It WOllld give I lie loml n BOoil 6t,n3 tUlllly to Increase the mitstandlnit slSttl Tnitnv llin entiilmliv'M Kinrlf ,... . al pressed liy the announcement of the i.7f9 i,-iiii.i,.,'. ,,u,. Mi....,, i,i ir was off fV .rt. mh .,.,lni-n,l .(.III, fl... n..., .. o9 lilt,., ,n ...,,,,,u. , ,, ..,,,. v,... in, , OI yesl., day. but this wail more Ihe rimit nr 1. pirsslon In thp Ketieinl railroad lint n ISI New Vork market ,J Attctitmn was called to the ndianco (3 the price of plR Iron In Philadelphia In aSt Inst week. No. S phr Imn lias Rono up u cents per ton to $!W. Wire rods at Pldji unroll mot' i,.-rii ina up .- in ,i, pep grottl ton. nn the other band, steel !,... .M l'lttlitirah.rti.t'lliipil fi "in :i :'.. , nis tuj cents per pound to large biiMr" and i,r innlerlnl wn reduced in ih, I'lntadetphttfl district, ln-nvy steel nr.ip lvioK (Uoted im 52L' noil .no. i cast in f.-'i ir r cro.s toJB n iieriuie "I i i"-i "oi i"i imith Ach'ancc in Crude Oil "prill,!!, haul. i O-uil,'" lino ndvantfa In SS.in and "Mumcr-el" 'It ole to 12 Ihe h'Hhc-t price in III loiv Increase in Earnings Barnett Oil & Gas Co. lCartiiiiRn arc iiurc,i?cil mer $100 per day ly recent ,kK .inccs, I pi-pillcl imotlipi- ii(l.inii tin weelc Th" xeeiirlty lack of ISnmoir n (j,t ikioi'fc Im iviirlhv of Vi.ur tull,-.t invr.il. lintiiin from an lim "tinent t.iiidtinlnt: ' re.ii'e can nmv imcui n.iifusru cam Inrt for oil serin .tic- J., I lit f,'if n,i i.''"' i''ori,nfon, E. H.CLARKE .' Morton R. Alexander ill .'ililtMil I'.. rln. i l , I'lmiip II III Siiruie I Slock nxcliongc Hid;:. I'lilla., Pi, ,T W,.....m I.XVAI(i. v ,. Nmv T.A- Mfl League Commission Merchants Vfif ) V. 11' rJH.'K 'l ' MVW I V c .''.'C Your convention gives you an opportunity for studying an unique city, of fering unusual business in your particular line. Surrounded on all sides by rich farming territory. It receives many boat loads and thousands of train 4o.ads of nearby fruits and vegetables. In addition, during the producing sea son over five thousand loads arc daily driven into the city. It is also a collecting centre for a wide producing section and a distributing centre for a busy population af three million consumers. You Should Be Represented Here For information regard ing the standing of commis sion merchants, methods of shipment, requirements of market, cold storage, collec tion of drafts, call, write or wire. Cora Exchange National Bank In the Produce District Chestnut at Second Philadelphia IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT The United Western Consolidated Oil Co. Capitaliiation $500,000 500,000 hare. all common, par $1.00 Has taken over the United Western Oil Co. Present holders of the United Western Oil Co. will receive share for share in the new company i t is very important that parties interested in the Tinted Western .oinpaiiy see that their stock is immediately driiositct wit," the Security, Transfer and Registrar Company, G6 Broadway New York City who will issue the certificates in the new coiniianv. It is Oil C i i if V""e'1 Ues'er'' Consolidated -Oil Company is free and tlear ol all debt, having no outstanding: bonds or obligations, and has sufficient ;ll !Ife.iCap,iia l..,01dle.'e,P properties which consist of the present hold- 1I1CS Ol the United Wpeti.ru Ml r i -.,. , . i..uini m Wyoming owned by th7Unked Wcsieri'Sol iatc.1 OU 'Comply. Development work will ba imm.Jlt.l .,,-...,1 ., .. .!,. MrKitlritk I properly and in both of the WyominR di.irict.. M ' Information upon request. Carroll Felter & Co. KefiiArititt tomlfl Da, ..?t. " '- . nrWiuiMK, juj rinance Bldg., South Penn Square , ..... .. . . i,i. V . " Pu 4I3t Kryatvue. Ituce 4016 Mlr.cl wlrw ta -New York. llltlm!l. lliuluil.,u Philadelphia f.iirr 'r-'nnt-.-a , n if TT rut- .iiftHnm m, .W fflu .'r if n i ,