1(T" PREi JOHNNY KILBANE, ONLY REAL CHAMPION, HAS DRIVEN ALL OF HIS OPPONENTS TO COVER Boss of Featherweights Has Fought Himself Out f.' X I n ' T- ' 1 I l.i A. T.L A .;i.H oi a jod, as Jiiven'juignuveignus iwe inoi ahmuub to Swap Punches With Him MWV Hint (ho coronation corcmoiilm nro oer and I'eto Itrrmnti 1 trio until- ' puled ruler of nil of the b.intntns, tho boxing mine Is nliout to lie awakened for a short time, nt loaM. The ndveut of n new champion nhv.i In Interesting, ,for tho funs nro ready nt nil time to full Into lino behind tho tmut recent tender. (Tito fnct that Herman won from Kid Williams on n decision tnkes nwny nonin of tho clamour, hut It must ho realized thnt thrco of tho Inst four tltlo lllta wcra decided in thnt manner. Kllhnno outfought Alio Attell In twentv rounds, Welsh outpointed Wllllo Itllclilo and now comes I'oto Itertnnn. .Jeii Wlllnrd hunched out Johnson n,couplo of years tigti, which ends nil dispute In thnt division. How ever, a tltlo Is n title, no matter whnt thoy say, no wo extend Rreellngs to Mr. Herman, of New Orleans. Ho Is tho new boss of n new division, ns Williams moved tho bantam limit lo IIS pounds beforo the match. Present Crop of Champions Is a Poor One IN LOOKING over tho present n-op of champions, meaning; Herman, Johnny Kllbnno, Freddy Welsh, .Tack lirltton, Mlko Ulhbmm or Al McCoy, Jack Dillon nnd Jess Wlllnrd, there i,ccms to bo little chance to enthuse. In tho otilrm days When tho glorious .lawn I.. Hulllvtin was monarch of nil ho su'leyed, or later Whon Cot bolt, rilzsltiimoiirt, Jeffrlea nnd Jack ,lohnon reigned, thero wns somo thing to n, championship title. Wo would pet n thrill every tlmo ono of thoso names wns mentioned, becauso they stood out hctd nnd shoulders nbnvo the others In their class. And, moro than that, they were rcid to light nny of the nsph'hiR fcandldates without holding out for exorbitant prices. Tm thousand dollars was n fortuno then, but nowadays it wouldn't pity irnlnlnj expenses, Instead of KolnB on tho Btngg or signing up as an added attraction with n circus, tlioy kept them jeolven In shape by meeting nil coiners and offering a few hundred dollars to tho ,mon who fltnyed tho limit. John I.. rtitlllvnli, when he wns twenty-tlvo years old, jmado n, nlno months tour of the country and knocked out tirty mnn wtthln four rounds. True. John U had the punch and Eomo of the opponents were readv to drop beforo they entered tho ring, but it must bo tomcmbcifd that the meat gladla Itor hnd n wonderful reputation, and tho mere mention of his name turned tho jutrongost Jaws Into glass. Is, thero n champion today who occupici that same 'position? la thero ono whoso namo li enough to make the others run for cover? !Not Wlllnrd, or Al McCoy, or Mlko Utbbons. .luck Urltton. Freddy WcNh and tier haps Herman. Otitsldo of tho latter, thoo chnmps are pestered to dentil with challongcs uud spend most of their tlmo in dodging them. Johnny Kilbane Is the Only Champ Who Deserves the Title THE only present day champion who ranks with the heroes of yesterday la Johnny Kilbane, tho featherweight champion. Kilbane Is In u class with John pU, Terry JicGovern. .loo Wulcott, and Stanley KctcholU Ho hni met nil of tho contenders In his class and his work won so good that tliero Is notw left to dispute his claim. Ho has cleaned up tho featherweight division und now must bnttlo lightweights If ho desires to keep busy. Kvcn tho llglitwelglils nro dodging Ihlm. which proves that ho not only is respected, but also feared. Kllbnno can mako 118 pounds nnd bo strong. He hnn offered to box Kieddy Welsh lit 135 pounds at 3 o'clock, which means that tho Kngludunnn would cuter tho ring weigh-lntM-to. It seems strange that Kilbane cannot llnd opponents weighing from US to 140, but It Is true. Jack Ilnnlon. matchmaker of tho Olympla Athletic Associa tion, has been seeking n foo for the fenthoiwolght champion for the Inst month, but no ono seems anxious to swap punches. Tho easy victory over (icorgo Chancy evidently has caused tho others to run for cover. Is a Pocket Edition of Bob Filzsimmons ILBANE is built llko Bob Filzsimmons. E .i i,not -nil .lnvplnnoil. lint small In tho chest and shouldors, which accounts for His nullity to punm nm ......... ...-" Bhowa how ho can got down to such a low weight. He Is tho cleverest boxer wo have seen for many a day and pulls some stunts that uro seldom seen In any ring. Ono of tho tight fans In discussing Kilbnno's work tho other day said that Johnny jievor docs tho same thing 'twice in his tights, snvo tho landing of a knockout wallop. But unlebs uomo new opponent looms up. Kilbane will bo forced to rotlre, tor ho vlrtuully has fought himself out of a Job. Meanwhile Other Champs Rake in the Kale AS FOR the other champions, thoy nro raking In tho money nnd sidestepping A tough opponents at tho snmo tlmo. NO doubt Teto Herman la swamped with offers to meet tho leading bantams, but if ho plays according to form ho will disre gard nil challenges for u tlmo and go on tho stage. It is much easier and moro profltablo to bo an actor than a fighter. More Hard Luck for Hollcnback BI i ILL, HOILIONBACK was scheduled to football team at Syracusn. but still ho to get rid of somo of tho big. slow men. team at Syracuso next fall and, desplto Jlne-up in view thnt ho thought would provo a wondonul comoinnuon. now lever, tho action of tho Syracuso Faculty Committee on Athletics In barring eight football players for playing In nn independent gumo at Provldcnco on .December 9 will deprive BUI of llvo of tho men ho counted upon for regular positions In 1917, whilo Mnlono has Jumped to l'ordham. Among tho lnon T,,r,i hv tho fncnltv nro Du More, cantnln-olcct: Boutin, center; Dunn, half- back, nnd Captain Hoberton nnd Finaterwald, of tho froshman team. Bchlachter, All-America guard last year, nl&o was barred, but an ho Is U senior ho would not have been eligible anyway. Hollenback. says tho factulty may lift tho ban by taext fall. If it falls to do It, Bill says ho probably won't have n teum. Special Race in Neiv York Should He Wonderful fUHR "GOO special" In tho Irish-American A. C. Indoor track meet at New York on J-Saturday night should provo a laco worth going miles to witness. Ted Moro Idith, tho world's greatest middlo-dlstanco runner, la going to slago n como-back ithat may result In a new indoor record for tho distance. Meiedltli was bitterly disappointed at his poor running In Sweden last summer, when ho found lias been training harder than ever In his career. Ted says that ho does not exDect to be miito on edge, ns ho la conditioning himself gruduiilly for tho out door season, but Lawson Robertson Insists that thu furmer 1'uan llyer is going Ibetter than ho ever tins wen him at this tlmo of tho season. Lurry Kcuddor. of iPenn, tho senior A. A. U. half-mile champion, will bo In this ruco, and ipilto n Jew Pennsylvania have nn Idea that ho will gIo Meredith a groat battle. Bcudder is Improving rapidly, but ho probably will find n field with Meredith, Baker. Hlggins and Ifalpln a trifle too fast for htm, "Public" in Public Links la Joke , ELLIS GIMDKL, ono of the real progiesslve figures in local golf, bus uomo out flat-footed in a statement that charging exorbitant fees nt tho publlo links Is en outrage anil should no longer bo tolerated by tas.paying cltlsona of 1'hlla. (delphla. Mr. GImbel, president nnd founder of the I'hllmont Country Club and one of the chief promoters of tho municipal golf links nt Cobb's creek, nsscrtB that the courso should bo as free us tho nlr w) far as tho matter of tcos Is fconcerned, and that It should bo supported solely by tho city as n publlo playground for the use of any citizen who wishes to play there. This Is a move In the right direction and a thought that baa the support of every thinking golfer In tho community. ' - Too Many Assessments at Cobb's Creek A PUBLIC library la free. A public recreation center is free. Hvorythlng "pub lic" Is supposed to bo for the free use of residents In a, section. Kverything excepting the golf course, It seem. 'The city mliould support Its own golf course It built for public uee." says Mr. GImbel, and he Is right. Yet tho fuct remains that there is a $10 yearly fee for lockers, fees for everything, and about the only thing free Is the permission to pay higher rates at the course than rule In many private clubs. RHINEkANDHH, Wa, a suburb of Milwaukee, U to have a boxing club In a church, whleh will be under the supervision of the State Boxing Commission, with the parson, a former pugilist, as Its mentor. It Is said that the State Boxing Commission has passed favorably upun the petition and that a license will be issued to the church ut the next meeting of the board. THErtE has been so mueh. rough riding at the New Orleans race traek that Judge Murphy has starred a crusade to drive the offending jockeys from the State. While no open ettarssV have beau made, Muri4iy attributes several recent accidents to the taotics used by Jockeys eountad upon to throw a loree looked upon as a dangerous contender oft its stride before the first turn U reached. . l TUB Penn baseball eamUtolm will start worg in the cage next week Coaeh Koy Thomas will devote t(w furs two weeks of practice te the uStftary candi dates, though the Red sad Blue tutor is not worrying so much tbte yeaj. with Johnny Titsel eligible, te do the Uurtlug and Lud Wray behind tbe bgt. Thomas feeUevee that Tiuel will preve a sejuwtlou, uul oUters agree with him. Tjtsei is a southpaw n4 waa suualitut tftckle on the football team. . . . . ONLY four games Uve been pUyed in tbe IoterenPeptate" Basketball Leggije, ' but CraU and ltovlr -'" hie utually in -.h n rate l from the obtr plonsbJp class- The Itbacans hv bam beaten by yrtocetun and ColiuaWa, while Dartetoutb has lost to Pah and Yale. These defeat virtually compel ti.e (wo teams to win ail tbe renuuaiag gawes stliedul to be in tbe running. KVKXIMJ LJKDOKrt PHILADELPHIA, WKHDAY. JANI .'AJJY iiylL busy"counting money to pay much attention Ho has n pair of powerful shouldors, snlndlullko less- All of Ills powci is . . - .i. Uh.1 mill filtfn loso tovon legulara from this seuson'a woro a smilo und said that ho woa glad Bill had planned to build n light, fast tho loss of tho vctoruns. had n tonatlvo tho GOO-meter events against uouii m It impossible to gat In shupo, nnd ho KVENINf LJKlWKrt PHILADELPHIA, TOt'HSDAY. JANUARY 11, MOVIE OF THOUSANDS SIGN CHAIN LETTER FOR OUIMET Golfers' Names All Over Coun try to Bo Used in Amateur Cattle liy SANDY .McNIllMCK The Woodland CloK Club, which tomor row will innlic im Inst R.tiind for tlio rein rttatcmont of Kritnrls Oulniet, former open uul ainiitcnr Knlf chmnpion of tho United StritcH, to tho ninutour mnlm, will h:ivo In suppoit of ItM ipn tlio nnnicn of tliniisanils f Ami-rlciin Kcilferw thruiitth tlic mi'dliini of a cliiiln letter Hint Iiuh Kpio.ul to ovi-iy corner of tlio country. Oulinct Ib tho best Kolfcr linlfcrl by tha stringent polf iiinatnur law oh pasted last year, nnd n bitter light will bo inado lit tho annual mcctlnt; of tlio United Stnlen Coif AKHnclutlnu tomorrow nlcht In Now Yoilc, to liavo tho rule, which haH been protestcil ever Binco it fianihiB. revised. Oulinct li member of tho AVondlanil Uolf Club, and tlio bnttto to rcinovo the profcsalonal chains from his feet has becomo so strenuoii" that Hi mo I.m revolution, dissolution and everythlnR tlsc threatened. Th.i fiinda mentnl iirlnclpto of "sport for sport's saho" or "sport for financial benefit" Is Involved. The ciuestton has contact polnta with every American sport so that the outcomo of the mcotlns Is awaited breath lessly, not only by n million or so i;olfers, but by nn nrmy of otller sportsmen n well. Tho nuthor of the chain lottcr, which ban received troinentfnm response in this city, la In doubt, but n slip Is Inclosed for tho rereler to sign nnd forward lo Charles R Lancaster, n director of tlio Woodland club. Lancaster will present the names In tlio form of n petition to back up tlio nruu ments of thoso who would icnioyo the bhni'klcH from Oulmct. Tho letter resriucsts thnt each tecelver of It will send n copy to flvo of his friends, Bfilfers ttho piny the snmo well nnd nio In tliorouKh touch with tho amateur situa tion. Thero Is an earnest pica not to bleak tho chain. Tho latest solution to tlio amateur prob lem Is offered by Lcighton Calkins. Mayor of l'luinfleld, X. J., nnd n former olllclnl of tho t'nlted States Clolf Association, who would put the framing of h new luw In tho hands of a commission of vic-ran golfers having il knowlrdgo of national affulrs. Calkins, who is tho author of the piesent national constitution, names Nam llrohnur, of I'hlludelplila, among otheis, I'nr t tio com mission. Calkins believes that muih of the trouble of the nmatour law Is that it trlei to be too Hpet-lflc Ilo would simplify it ns follows: "An amateur golfer Is one who plays tho game only as a reflation, nnd who neither directly ur Indirectly capitalizes his t-klll, reputation or standing n n player or teacher for tlio puipuso of making money or for pay.' "TED" MEREDITH IN RACE WITH KINGHAM AND RILEY rwsimiroai-:. Muss., Jan. 11. Ted Mere dith will meet Hill niughaiii, Harvard's tru.-U leader of last season. In n dual or three-cornered ruco nt tho coming ilartnrd. Pcnn-Oartmouth indoor track meet. Mere bill heurd from Kihlle Itiley, of Dartmouth, w'oso ontrancB will stretch the mil Into u tliree-cornercd affair. The dlatanco tenta tively, is six laps, or 730 yunUt, Kiuch ami I'lult Admits Ilarrcil NKIV VtinK. JBn 11 IMwanl I. n,llr, Htul Plutt Adamv. ImsiIi blur uthlcts and iivm h, rH ot ttl Aluul. ur Mtlltftir tlnl.Hl. tmH lieell tklurred liy A A U untcljlq fr.jio funlier evnilullllon In uiiiMteur evelitu It U ilt-ilar.l ttut by thtr union In tunnci'tlm; lhin.hc MUli HiHirtlutf mtiN tuiuM thy ha laid. tHl(l ih. .r atttlth. fame Tt,y ar Hie liritt A A Ir uthlutrn tu BUfTer the iienully uf tlio Uti:t mue lu purify amateur npurla. JOHNNY KILBANE Featherweight champion who has defeated ull of hu logical opponents and now seeks lightweight title. Mtt"MJoG Ti'" T R6Me"0 ToAVTMASTEP IS 3URE RGMARrtS inT ujill or appropriate sronv jTAt.ra ijt7oOUTI6ij op Toastmaster II WILL RG Afi0 w,TTyi F TPHAKBIJS-- A AIMED A.T OUGHT WITHOUT REMARKS Vk (S -nie HIM. ATTfiMPTB 3AV UJHlSM f WIT. 6ICKLV, CALtED 6U zm 0 r (rT , rh Tm. 6TAQTi l N0W poairnc mistaKgu aSaim r?eALi2ea me uhli. 6( "maohoarv svccch IJT0DUCTI0W Of T . EMRKS AtJD AppLAODi VlC,"r BC CALLED OM ( Bnn-LlAwT MANMtJd HEVT SPGAGf. ' ' "!ll aoaClJ ! -X.r M0 ' '" LM03T To HIMSEtr. INCLINED To 'ZH,,,W watch maatiuv To spniua A N,ce caiceo V3m LITTLE SPEECH UPON sM&P ME HAD THOUGHT u?. JL A MAN AFRAID OF BEING CALLED ON FOR JACK BARRY SOLE SURVIVOR IN MAJOR BASEBALL CIRCLES IN ROLE OF PLAYER-MANAGER With Exception of the Red Sox, -All Other Big League Clubs Will Be Directed From Bench This Season By GRANTLAND RICE TACK UAItiir. na leader of tho Boston d Ited Sox, will bo the solo surviving play ing malinger tills next campalrtn. In tho renminbis fifteen blB league cntnp3 the destinies of each club will bo directed from the bench. In spite ot which there is no available reason In sight why Barry shoiilihrt bo n succesi. Ho Is smart, ng giesslo and well liked. Tho odds for suc cess aro in bin favor. cpeclally if tho nrrns of nuth. Shore, Leonard and Mays are still hanging on between April and October. Which calls to mind tho fact that Bill Carrigan has left tlio gnmo with far lesi appreciation fiom tho general public than ho deserved. No poo thought ot him us "wizard," "miracle 'man," "peerless leader" or tho rent of It. Hut few managers hao handled ball clubs with nny greater bklll or keener diplomacy, where the icsult shows In the record. Mother fioosc on the Links Tom, Tom. the ttufffT' non, HaM ho planed the fl(im or mi: uf the only shuts that hr vould vl'iy Were into the bunkers, far axcay. llli'KHV. The Amateur Debate Pear Sir There is a vast deal of dis cussion over tlio nmatour rule of ihe I K. G. A., most of It, so far as I tan make It out. reaching tho conclusion that "it n shame to bar Oulmet." But. Isn't oulmei leally only a side Issue? I huo mulled oer tlio matter and muddled over the matter trjlng my best to see why It ts "piofessJonal" to sell sporting goods uud stilrtlv nmateur to take $500 for telling u gie'en committee wliete to put their bunkers I hau scratched out my few r inaining hairs drying to see why it is piuresslon.il" to get a salary for selling n-gulf (.-lub and strictly amateur to make a profit as editor ot a golf magazine or ai author of articles on golf for any publici tin. In short, Brother Bice, why men t you and Jeroiuo Trnvers and W.iltei J Travis just as much pros, as Oulmet ' lleing a dull and tupld person. I cannot k why sou aren't. I cannot tee why the present ruling of the If. S . A. Isn't a typical piece ot British bnobberj. not to mince matters, it is "piofe.ssional to be in tiade and quito ull tight tu cupiluhze sour skill In th' artistic field of 'archi tecture" tCJod suvh the mark!) und author, bhip. Mind you, I'm not basing Tnners or Travis or others should be ruled out But il does seem to me and I'm not alone, either that It's time the United Sluies dolt Association got u feiv United States notions Into Its head, and either ruled for all alike, on a strict .impartial basis, or elso came hack lo a mere pragmatic inter pretation of professionalism. , WAI.TKU VIllCIIAUD EATON tStockbrldge Ciolt ClUb). What Is Couraue? friend of outs, for whote opinion we hae an abiding respect, gives "willing ness" as a tilting detlnltlon of courage Another gives "determination," which la much the Bume. We have always believed that efllclency ts i big part of courage. In that efllclency pro duces confidence, which Is one of the main foundations of courage. Here Is another definition: "Courage Is the process of taking the break of th AMATEUR BASKETBALL NOTES I- Fulls Junlom ure arranclne games with nrih-ciau teama ha Inn halla? J. It. Wau. SSIS Qu"n I-"1 falvary Club l open 'for flm and eonJ pum mini "t home und away Jainei Pill, r-l'leenlh ud l.oeul alreeli. p. ulnar Junlora. ,. a , fouruen-jear-oU .riwiuuf team, la lllllni dalra lor u" week MJiir. ! 0. Hibadtl. 35toBuiinldoatnu. Kaat Valla'. .. i wavsrly t'lub'a nctudule la open for aeveiitean. year-old teuma at home or away. Charlea V ponabue. S3 Kimball attest, Th. flv repreienllnc Brotrn'a Inalruminl romBany la booln,sama with third and fourth -?JS; leama for datta In January and February. f)" HoBnin. JH W Oln.y avtnue. SUIT OR -i-i.S OVERCOAT fO 0KDK8 JUduced frem Ml), ttlt and t 5 Our 7 Big Window PETER MORAN & CO. a, , Car. Ulb aU Aa (lav UBOADWAY A. O. KriPIB IUNCKI.K T. J01INNV IJTINOEU FJ. WAONKK Ti. JOHNNY ('lAKK PAT O'MALLY it. UABCUEY. S.NYPEU RYAN A. C. J? fitf. ft-ftta ' Johnny Miller vs. Johnny Krause 1UUJAV MOUT. JANL'AUi: 1ITU, XJ7. one has on through to tho finish, regardless of the score." Hero Is still another: ''Courago Is keeping one's head up In the face of fate, high water and all hell." Any other suggestions or recommenda tions will bo recelicd and entered with grnt Itudo und thanks. The Proof of Spring Haw mat tee Know tehen sprfti7 relurntf Hi softer tvlmt.i arrows thti scencT Or inhere xomr crimson rosebud burns In scarlet Imnc against tho greent Or tehera tho bluebird tclng.i his flight Aciosi the hedges, raw an row, NA .mnnifrniii strcah of light Outlined against tho melltnu snowt , I liioie a lest that's surer still Than any songbird's lifting tunc. Or ilogirood &o."hoih from the hill That brekrn us aCrosi to .lane; When from afar thn chorus swells To gather force in frcn'.ied joy As some u-ild fan stands up and yells "ATTAUOY" t their age. game ns It comes nnd giving tho best Then people were "art fans" just as they are 'automobile fans" noxo. s 1917 A SPEECH t.m. vwm introducing 50me owe cisc. BRksmtg-s up and applauds READING FIVE IS EASY AND CAMDEN IS VICTOR Adams Is Heavy Scorer in 43 to 32 Contest for Skecter Team sri:itN i.r.Aour. standino y. i,. r.c. . w. ?.. ... I n l.ono ircjlnfk , 0 II ... 10 I. mil .lnnr n I ... t 1 .000 Irenton ... 0 1 r.c. ,(KKI .0110 .000 tie Nrrl f'nfmlrn Keildlnff sciti'.nt'i.i: rtnt TONioiiT nrra(ork nt .laoprr. Tho Camden five won nn onsy game fiom Bcidlng in an KastcMi Ijcnguo contest plnycd In the Camden Armor' last night by Ihe scoro of 43 to 22. From tho very stnrt the Skcctcrs led, and tho best tho visitors could do was to tic them at I npleco early In tho first half At this period, however, Adams tallied threo fouls In bucccsslon, putting Camden ahead. Other Cage Scores I.H Satin Colics. 21 1 IVenonnh M. A.. 15. Alary 1.ciiii (Rlrfsi 21. Ilottntin (Ktrl-i). 0. Slnry I.Jon, 'Jd 27; Hnlman. 2d. 10. Alumni. 21: Vlllanovu Prep , 22. l,bnnon Vnllvy. .12. Temple, 21. Wcm l'lilladvliililn. 2S, I'rnnliford, 27. Rprlnar Unrden. lb. ThlrtPcnth nnil Chi-rry, 17 Qu.ikirtown. 21. South Hrthlfthrm. 17. i-olumbli. I'nlverslty, 22: Union. IR. 15. (1 llud-l. .'17: Ht I'nlumhi'x. 2H American Urldije Company (clrla), IS; falls T. V. l" A . 17 AnnnpollH. a.', Catholic Unlier-dty, 11. NorllH-11-.t. t'lass 11, 2S l-lasa Jt 22 North. "Ml I'lam A . Id: Tinas D M Houthwark M C . 31 Madonna. 11 HouthwarU. 2d. 1. Madonna. 2d, 17. ht. 1'aul A, 04. St Michael's niacin, 10. St. Mlihaai's Keds. 21: St Paul II. 1 S m m j. fl iw. Great art of yesterday-and the great automobile of today expres sions of the, same creative impulse Oldl Winged Victory The best genius of the day frescoes of the Vatican is called to the making of the cathedrals of Europeall Packard motor carriage. fmei- Tn-nrlimi-o fF f no cniptf P i A t"l fl.n T)w.l.,l ..nJl..L iliiu nivi x .lUIUUU UUlJllUll, elegance safety speed are produced by the cre ative spirit of the world's lnrrrpsr. nscnoiniinn nl'mdnmn. Masterpieces-of two ages! bile engineers and designers, Today we have man power, working together to realize plus mechanical power and a the highest expression of different sort of art is created, their craft. Exclusive Styles of Twin-Six Motor Carriages will be shown both at the Auto Show and in our tSVn?kZyMlJanuary l2th t0 20tn inclusive. PACKARD MOTOR CAR CO. OF PHILADELPHIA 319 Xorth Broad Street H-- to fight 'TTWTr DE NERI OWNERS' SIGNINGNEW MEN Myers, Recently Appointed Manager, Cleaning House - to Strengthen Team ! BIG TRADE IS RUMORED? liy CHANDLER D, RICIITElt Tlio new owners of tlio DcN'erl KatUril j.cague icam menu to piaee a winning U13 on mo imor ..nn win connnuo to "cbiSI Iioiifd" until tho proper combination ijl found. TMnnager Myers, tho hew pilot nSfl nounced today that ho had released Jj'cSi Lunilcii, former Cornell star; DrldcribarM and Hint nt lenst ono new nlnver win lJ In tho line-up of tho Musical Fund Ihml irpresentntUen ngalnst Cnmdon on SalinJI U.I.V F.IK.'.- M Local fans havn failed to patronbia dJ ,ril ijctiiu.-., i.iu ...... I. .v.in uul OI ma jj. from tho start of tho first half f t eensnn. nnd played listless, indlffcrtm ball. Manager Myer? realizes that nolh ing hut n string of victories, or nt ImV brilliantly plnycd games, will hrlng th cli crowd back, nnd ho Is hustling to put to gether n winning team In n hum- If hustling will do nny good. Myers shooti he nblo to whip together n team wlthlnVJ week or two, ns ho Is n. real llvo who. JJM ready ho hai strengthened the team by ell Ing Joo rircyfuss and George Norman, ifj tlio champion Norwalk, Conn , five, of nn New l-hiRlnnd League. Myers expects (Jl Innil ftt-n nllirt- ltlt5t ni.fl fl tmiln fo n..,lV I..... . .."w ....... . ..- - ......u ,-, cviiuinff with Heading that should mako tho IocjiJ IPillll CV.-Il Blll'lljil-I, Po Xerl won only ono gamo during thn entiro first half of the season, but wlijl Hrevfiiss nnd Not man In the gama tuJS icntlrd III trimming tho fdst-llylng Trentool nggiegatlon In the opening gumo of tho tcc-1 ond half. Trenton hail won flvo games li u row linn, iuiiijii-1. inn uy jasper In In prrvloiii game, hut despite this defeat n,r .Icrneymen wero looked upon ns certain coal tenners lor uio seconn uau pennant nhejl uo icri upsci ino nope. Drcyfuss nnd Korm.in ueemed to brlrf back the spirit of tho other Do Nerl nlav.,.1 nnd tho now combination woiked llko il picco oi wuii-mieu iiiacnincry. iJrcyfuss lj a guard who plays n roving gamo. Ha Ij-Jl spienuiu iiruiuer, sirong noor-worker and has nn excellent eye, being particularly dan? geroiis on long shots. In his first gamo if blanked Curlctto nnd tallied a Held toil 1111112,.1. Norman is a forward who showed greaT promise. Ho did not appear to adrantan' - - - ... ..vh iiii,,ii ,,, u.iviintani ill ills first gamo becauso ho wns closelil guarded by Fred Goig, but ho works thil in gu. floi lor well. Is a fast, clean passer, and.lil ild to bo dentil on shot") closo to thil sal basket. Ho works well with Dreyfuss ml should hao llttlo trouble getting alocj Willi apiitlll ULlTlt. m If ln XTaI rrrtta TlfiPvn,.,, n.i.l .,.,. iFM .. '" ,.. n..i '...nnv.. .in., iurri3 II is likely that Alois fJctzlngcr, procured from Tienton In tho Neuman trade, win' bo switched to Heading, along with mil other player. A deal of this sort may maltijj Do Xerl a pennant-contending team for On second half of tho race. If team play caaj bo maitorert in a short time. NEW SHAPES 1 IN BLUE SERGES! hi, the nrtc. nt othrr tillon'H inimeiie astoriment al KO.oe.' .i.ri. .ut.ii, lino t.iiu am dbt 1 Hiilll to jour unn meainre HI II ir-ii-riinifeu. nee wiuuow ul . atjrlea. Billy Moran, 1103 ArcKf Tim TAti.on. Optn Km, TWIN-6' EWtSftH