Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 10, 1917, Night Extra, Page 7, Image 7

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"JW ftiT""
' "wtiyf"g'wffjBMw -
I, Working Conditions in
Vogue Handicap r urcu
When Fires Occur
Blnzc at Meal Hour Often Finds
Companies Unable to
Handle Hose
I'miMenee n.it Hie citizens f I'hllndel
nlila preserves the property nml tlio lives
n in milli.ni "'"1 thrpc-imarlers M;
habitants f 1 oiti destruction by Arc. That
n e..nll.iBr.itlnn Bliullnr t Hint which rnwil
rilttiiimes business renter mid river front
i,n i been implicated hero In no way
nrgi.es ng.ilnl the possibility of sue h on
,Vvi irren.-p No mnn nmong tho flre-flghtlng
fnrre hem- l "s"lrlIp ln" from ','10
liner 7..11P but fears tho call mny speedily
inread I"'" " "Mur-baRficr." or even a live
, six iilnim summons. Ill; apprehension
' ins in oilBin in no want nf ciinlltlcnco In
the nlnll'v it bravery ot his comrades In thn
Ks Hip piitilpinent the method Under
'whlrli II"' tl.enioti are compelled tn lnbnr
the nwfiil Inadrininpy of men and apparatus
Hip want nf common-sense prcpautlon and
the rnnvpiiiiPiit necessity to Rive battle to a
rclentle f'" tmdernrmert and under
manned that appals tho fireman.
clTV SMir.tMNO ON Volcano
let hip till von" stiTd n veteran of the
Jliiti'.m "f Klre'. an olllelal who has risen
from the r.inUi of hnspinnn to command of
, .mip.iiu . "that Philadelphia Is Bleeping
pvei a minim, so far us the matter of
ffro nrniPttlon Is concerned. Wo haven't
the men or apparatus In condition today
to li.intllp i big conllngrntlbn. Let a blazo
nlnng tlio ilM'r fiont get nwny from us
Bt this time of year, nnd It will take,
dn.inutp ti save 'lty Hall.
'The rasnii? Councils won't glvo us
the men "i tlio npparatiw that a city of
riiilud" ll'hl'1 s "l!!' "r vnll, Hhotdil have
We aie asking them today for moip money
and niiiii- men. that vve may hao better
comlti'Mf- 'Willi.' they tell us. Do they
till ns u.nf when tbpy want some one
to Iniiitiil hi" HO to i-avo their own. when
thrj .up u.ipppd In a burning bulldliiR?
Win mil high-power motor, at bre.ihneclc
ppeccl laiuiot rush lis to the scencuuleUly
Hut p suggest that such an emergency
might cm 111 durlnR a meal hour with only
five 111.11 .it a station. Wo send two of
tlnsp men Into tho mhoUo and llnnie with
the h line and two lpmalu to handlu
Hip tngim- Who Is to icplacp thoo fel
cw uIipii tliev drop, or crawl out, choking
and "tilling fmm Hip deadly funics?
rciisYisM nist-'Aiinni) i:t.si:vm:r.n
TIip fiigvlsh methods In ogtto In 1'lilln
delphi.i have been discarded lonK nRo elso
viliete It's called extravagance to ask a
detail "f sixteen men to a company so that
eight nuRlit be on duty nt all hours. Vet
Other iitus do It. and when they rfm a
hose luii Inl" a smoky cellar tbpy don't
hnvi I" depend on thp kindness of specta
tors i nlipvp the suffocatlnR flrciuen.
VI In dins tho public stop to consider
th.it in m "f our extra-alarm tires urn
ni.uli' 1 ii"i In causu of their ptt'ent, but
nii'iil'- ti RPt men cnoiiRh to haudlo tho
In. i. h n s and In lollevii tliu (list (ktails
that has Iipi nine exhausted or has been
h.iul'd 1 1 hnspltals? I've known Ilrcs tu
ocun uhrre I had to handlo the nozlo
mi-.il" In 1. nine wo were short-handed.
VV hi 11 Hie police force li called upon
fi.i i ,u 1 lut -a quarantine, or snino
thing .it ill it Mrt tho Ulteetor swears In
K I' 1 1 hiou'tilcs and Councils pays the
eal.i 1 11 w til. ml question. Tlio public up
Jin .mil .ill H well. Hut just let tlio
duel f the l''le Iture.iu Migpest that llru
prevention, training i-chool and other ex
traneous work mlRht bo performed by men
outsido of the llie-tlRhtlnR foice, nnd what
la the leplj '
A lioseni.in at fourteen cents an hour Is
c.iIIpiI upon to do it and to protect the Uvea
and nripert of our city as well. Twonty
one hours out of twenty-four are the llrc
man win king day."
Eliminate W,aste,
Redfield Urges
Continued from race Out
wastes, wed Industry to science, educate
bojs and girls for their work, leain costs
and cau.CH of costs, study and control tlio
Jerlnus expenses involved In distribution
and get weights and measures system that
Is up to ilatc
Willi iIip.so things done, he declnrcd, "wo
need fe.ir the competition of no man, but
with tlie.-e left undone we Ml. ill probably
reap tho reward deserved."
In the course of his address, on "After
the War " Mr Iteddeld said In part:
The business world should hae In mind
that our foreign commerce and our domestic
commerco nro not two separato nnd con
flicting things They form one whole.
United they bland divided they fall. Our
foreign commerce Is necessary to our do
mestic commerce. The latter cannot now
prosper without tho former. Tho former
now depends for Its success upon the latter.
Our gold reserve Is tho basis of all our
credits, domestic as well as foreign. Our
export trade is A protector of our gold lc
ere if wo fall to protect It cither by
export tiude or by Investments abroad or by
foreign loans our domestic ciedlts must
shrink it is the plain fact that our pros
Pentj at home depends upon what we Uo
abroad If ue must export our gold to a
large extent, the credits that can ho granted
at home n hi be less. The relation between
foreign and domestic commerce is intimate.
close, controlling.
"io one can tell whether the rumors of
peace of which tho nlr Is full will develop
jnio fact in the near future. Certainly It
W true that tho industrial I'owers of i:u
rope are definitely preparing for a renewal
nm PeaLef ul -'vMes at tho wars end
unicial Imdies lme been f mined in Oreat
uritain France and (iermany for this pui
.pose it (.liould ulways be remembered,
jwwever 11, ..peaking of this lhat the meas
ures being taken canaot be considered evi
dences of a coming menace or as danger
ous manifestations of competing power,
out rather as attempts to make the best
out of a bad situation, as efforts to recover
.2!i Berious economic losses.
The warring nations are the weaker and
Poorer for the strife In large jiait the
"Perusing and working furces if their
Industries have been slain or maimed
much of their former good will in foreicn
ra,llaa ,lce" lost The fiscal burdens
iho """ muse near are far greater
irSJLi ? wero be'ro- It would bo su
premely foolish to look forward with dread
rn. '"Atrial future because of the
ar ill'?"8"1 "construction the nations
re making. The wiser policy would be.
'or Infants
& Invalids
muwiuous DIe for AU Ages.
7??e ttorijek's, Always on Hand
" 3tun(?h; Horn or Q$S8.
i .
f mmTfmmmmmmmw
llv wm Kf - . .-9bm Jf
with candid recognition of Hie facts abroad
and nt home, to set our own house In order
and prepare Intelligently for Hie new day
'The (Invernment hn, however, done
imirh to pave tho way by the rrrntlounf
such limlips ns the Inderal Trade t'otnnil
sl'in. thp .dernl tteerve Hoard, the Ked
pinl Shipping Itenrd and Hip Kederal Tariff
Cnlninllnn It has ennrtrd laws forbkl
'Hng iinfnlc foreign onmpelltlnn It bai
esinbllslied nnd Is enlarging n great for
eign sprvlce, Hip best of Its kind In the
world, for tho direct promotion of Ameri
can commerce. 'It Is great research inborn
torips studying nnd solving tho prob
lems that Up bchl ml Industry. All state
ments, to tho contrniy notwithstanding,
there Is no (lovcrnment In the world lhat
does more, if any does as much, for the
aid of business ns our own. The troublo
lather Is Hint the business world knows
little of whnt tho Ooverninetit does for It.
"We nro the wasters of the world, tt
would not bo untruthful to take the Ini
tials I. W. W.. with which we are famllalr.
nnd attach them to outselvps ns meaning
Hie Industrial Wasters of tho World. It
would he oasv to give examples through
out an afternoon of the fparful wnstps
throughout the land for lark of thought
or for lack of euro. It Is all very well to
say that thp natural effect of competition
Is to make men study their own business
nnd run it economically. It Is so In some
cases There are tine examples of this
ery tblng. Hut It Is not so on the aver
age, line manufacturer has recently said
tn an acquaintance of my own lhat he
would like n higher tariff upon bis Roods
because he need thPti only nttend strictly
to his htislhpss for six montlm In the year,
whereas under pirspnt conditions he has to
work hard the full year. TIip Department
of Agriculture will tell you that wo waste
Bitty-five per rent of a tree In turning It
Into, lumber and add a further waste or
several times ten millions a enr In dry
ing the lumber wp make. Vast ninounts
of wrap wood nvallnblc for making pulp
or nlcohol or other valuable products are
either burned or allow ed to rot Whoever
Is In clnsp touch with the wondprful work
nt the lluieau Jif Standards or the I'orpst
Products Laboratory knows how lament
able thp wastes an- and bo(v Indifferent
most of us nre to them. We like to bp
lavish. Wo would rathpr band nut a roll
than save a few cents This wnstpfulness
Is one of our great Industrial weakupsses
Wo cannot compete and we nuRlit not to ev
pect (0 compete with a nation like I'rnncp
or iSeriiinnv mi long ns wo arc wasteful
and they are thrifty.
ri'ss ovnn vnnuiitT hati:s
"There is no nation that competes with
us that would not rejolco to lake our freight
rntps as they are without, complaint and
with great gladness. Vet we fuss about
them i( great deal. Meanwhile, step out
on the street look at tho trucks that ro
by. An- they nil '.'ully loaded? Is tho
vvoilt duplicated? ls the well-known prin
ciple of 11 heavy tralnload and a lon linul
in operation In the cartago upon our streets,
or, ns a matter of fact, nre wo not dupli
cating. es In some cases iictupllcating.
Hip work of lartago upon tho very goods
which we transport by rail fco cheaply?
"It Is. I think, the fact that It costs more
to take a bane! from the warehouse to tho
nivvny In Philadelphia than It does to
transport It from Philadelphia to Chicago.
II would be thought ridiculous to split the
Pennsylvania Itallroad up Into pieces of 100
miles, but precisely that Is what is done
with the' goods when wo get tltein bv rail
to Philadelphia or to New Yolk. I rather
moro than suspect th" cartago bill of thp
country Is the. perhaps ten, times ns great
ns the freight bill. Nobody knows Wo
have never tiled to find out. Wo Just ac
cept It. Yet the facts are obvious to any
man who will stand on the sidewalk and
tiro his eyes.
"Wo uso a weights and measuies sys
tPin that Is antiquated. It takes four
pages of an olllelal publication to describe
tlio various kinds of bushels that exist In
America. Your nvvnvMlnt buys all Its
Muppllesjand common metals ny one kind of
weights Jiud measures, its precious metals
bv another, and does all Its laboinlorv
work by a third. No sane nation would
iver adopt Hip ci udo and clumsy system of
weights and measures we continue to use.
Wo aie breaking away from it here and
tliero Many dtawings aro made in Inches
and hundredths, others In feet and hun
dredths, nnd a great many concerns, Includ
ing some Important ones in your city, do
ing foreign trade work directly to tho
metric system. It is amusing to find men
In America to whom to nv the word
'metric system' Is to touch off n high ex
plosive. They almost ceaso to be gentlemen
when tho subject Is mentioned In their
presence. Tho fact, of course, Is that the
metric system adopted by thirty-four na
tions Is simpler, easier, moro effective nnd
moro widely used than any other.
"I have said nothing about labor read
justments. If these shall come, It ought to
be remembered that what we need Is not
a, Jovv rato of wages, but a low cost of
production. The low wage does not r1
ways mean the low cost. Often tho re
erso is truo."
Actor Worked in Pain Shortly Before
Appendicitis Operation
NHW YORK, Jan 10. Arnold Paly, the
nctor. was lying at tho point of death in
Iloosevelt Hospital early today, after an
operation for appendicitis Ho had. been
suffering since Kriday, but his ailment was
not diagnosed ns appendicitis until yester
day, and ho had continued acting In "The
Master" last week at tho Fulton and Mon
day at the Hand Uox.
On Monday night Mr Daly was suffering
such ncuto pain that bo was nlmost unable
to finish the performance.
There are no
pinch -penny
methods used in
No salting for
weight no wet
wrappers for
weight. It's all
butter pure,
And because we
use so much care in
the making of this
good butter," and
because only the
best goes into it,
the price is a little
higher than the
ordinary butter,
But you get more
butter in a pound.
ffiisas1 phu-dciphi.
Bell Phon. Market 3711 ,
Ktyatone Phone, Maui 17M
wrapptr-alr-tiglit, mut aal
tdor-peooj-at our incut.
Bnrtlett's Expedition to Un
charted Arctics Will Start in
Summer of Next Year
Study, Hnthcr Tlinn Discovery, Object
of I'erilotts Jotlrney to Fnr
fotnnintnl-r of the Projected llnrtlett I'nlir
WASHINGTON. Jan. 10. KilUlpped for
a scientific study of the polar regions.
S00.O0O square miles of which never have
been sailed or trod by man. the llartlett
polar expedition, the llrsl nurelv -.dentine
expedition to enter the I'V.r North, vim mil
fiom the t nlted States during the stii.inn'i
of 1018
Scientific resenri h. rather than tllscuv.r'
will be our first object
I will take but tdi men Into Hip p.. '.it
belt with me Including ship's crew, media
nlclans and scientists. Knch will he a n.ai
of tried caliber, for mice set out there will
be no return tlrkpt in the civilized w nld
at least under threp to live years. I.mii
man rami be capable of supreme endurance
and versatility. ,
Two or three srnnt-t.vpo monoplanes, nn
Innovation In polar expeditions, will be In
cluded in our equipment to supplement the
customary dogs and sledges. These villi
bp used for observation purposes from the
hasp of opera Hoiis. nluays the ship, nnd
might prove Invaluable in returning to dv
lllzntimi should Hip pmipiIIIIoii meet with
Mow Hip natural forces operate at the
Pole: whether the perpetually moving ice
Hops of the Arctic Sea swill In a continuous
circle nbout the I'ole ; whether tholr move
ment Is directed by a constant east wind
so frequently noted in formbr expeditions
or whether by ocean Qurreiits: Just what
atniospherlcx'ondltl'ins' prevail these aro
some of thp questions wo hope In be able
to answer before the trip Is concluded.
A careful study of Hie fauna life nn
Hie ocean Hoor of the Arctic, with com
parisons with the nulm.ilculap existence
of other waters, villi also form a part of
thp research vvoik. I'hartlng of new Kinds,
If such exist, and soundings of the Arctic
Ocean In various latitudes aro further ob
jectives Admirer I'cary. making deep
soundings at the Pole, probed for 0000 feti,
nearly tun miles, without finding a botl. ".i.
hir snip, which we hope soon to navo
under construcHnu, will, be built of tough
est live oak, with special constructive fea
tures to leslst the tenillo Impact with leu
Hoes naturally to.be expected on such a
trip It will bo small, to penult of quick
moving, whkh Is often Imperative to pscap-i
being caught and crushed like nu egg
shell between rapidly approaching Ice fields.
If caught In such a ctildesac. the only ic
coursp Is blasting out u "berth" with dvtia
mlte or abandoning the vessel to her fate.
The ability to sense danger fiom ap
proaching ice and tn act swiftly and de
cisively Is one of tlio most necessary re
quirements of Arctic explorers.
Tho ship will carry a most complete
equipment of scientific InstiumentH, many
probablv supplied by the frilled States
t'o.ist ami lieodetlc Sin ley.
Tinned foods of all Kinds, tea, coffep and
chocolate, will be can led to provide a va
ried diet for the long period In w libit wo
shall bp distinctly out of the palo of Hip
menu card nnd tlio warm hath. Our prln-
Mior tiiMii: nitp.ss
I I' '1
t 1
I !
rj $7o Near Seal Coals, at $.n.i0
jj $69.50 Moire Pony Coats, $.'$."
$175 Hudson Seal Coats,
$7.50 Black Wolf MulTs, $.'1.98
Choice of $25 Muffs,
Black Opossum, Hud
31ack Opossum, Hud- tin
ion Seal. Mole, Wolf, Ts I J I
ivet and Raccoon, at "r v
llTr-li'"''!C',''"''"'',"'''', ' PUAWI
- -WriLW- 1..., . -.
n -!! -v i u t 1 m
." 1 ,"rfM',
n. .JAryi Ac?
l.ik.'fi '",1 w ii Jn, rlu T J " JJ Tr .
' -mffiiVi? S l,i,0 FMl
fmfsWKnMmMrtmffmmxnm-. ciiXwmiiflT '
rwiirwrT'paT TrTa ,ri; i't",Trl7n -mwwr
iii:il f I. however will consist of seal.
walrus and inlar-bpar sleuks Wp inn. nt
sotnp cutivpiilpnt place In Hip Arctic, kill
sev prnl thousand of these nnd pile them up
on the Icp. covered with snow, ns our food
teserve They will keep, nf course, Indefi
nitely The nverngp winter temperature wp will
piicoiinlpr will be 3fi or 10 degrees below
new. this slightly moderating In the brief
Starting out fiom some port on the
t'ndllc, probablv Seattle. In .Inly, we will
pass through tiering Strait and proceed
north nround AKiskn. Arriving nt some
point off the American coast In September,
we will "set" the ship In the rapidly form
ing Ice fields, nnd rpslgn ourselves to o.
continuous drift with the Ice, wherever It
innv lend us.
Wp exppd to mine out nt sump point
liptvvppn Spltzbergpti nnd (lrcpiil.mil ln
thus drifting with Hip Icp. wp will be nble
to note Its trrud and Just what forces aro
oppr'nting In Its directions. Whether It Is
mined principally by the water currents
beneath, or is ill hen by u constant wind,
Is ct to be determined. Numbers of Im
portant scientific theories may be cither
blasted or substantiated through theso on
rervntlons. frequent, hourly If possible, soundings
will be taken of tho sea bottom, nnd speci
mens of the fniina from the ten-floor col
lected TIip theory that at snimi former
ngp Hijyearth's equator wan located nt what
is now the I'ole nnd changed In lis present
position b.v a "lllp-llop" of the earth mnj
lie Mitnewhat cleared up by a study of dead
fauna life of the Arctic ocean, If any can
be obtained
Israel S. Try Fatally Stricken
ItHAIMNiS. fa., .Inn. 10 Israel K. Fry,
imp of Heading's best known business men,
died todnv as tho result of a stroke at Ida
home, 1ST J I'erklonicn iivemie, aged sixty
four years Ho was born In Lancaster
County and rnino to Heading forty-one
.vears ago lip was a lieiuot rat, representing
the Second Ward in Common Council for
fifteen ears. and served a teini as prpsl
dent. lie was also a water commissioner
years ago.
sm.mitm - ..vr. moniiv ',;; "j::" ".;!:"
The entire winter surplus of New York's
most fa.sliionnlile nnd dependable furrier;
also our own splendid stocks of Fur Coats,
Sets nnd single pieces.
Sale Starts Thursday
Hudson Seal Coats
40 inches lone;; plain or skunk (tCfl
collar; value $110, at P0ly
$25 Pony Coats 1
lined; limited quantity, (j"l f I
Jap Kolinsky Sets
Milttnry collar nnd Melon mufF; tt?1 C
S 15 values, at , P 1 O
$75 Taupe Fox Sets, at $39.50
$10 Skunk Onos. Sets, $19.50
$20 Flat Scarfs & Stoles, $10
$25 Ited Fox Novelty Muffs, i
All Children's Fur
Sets, values to (tin nn
$15. Unreserved .74 S MX
ehoice, at po,JV
Jt - QrnFR !L!l!rr,",","r '"' frrr rrrrri
e W - ... .. 1 '
r- rr fr- c iut s k n m trtr
"f - r- .!-- irnv uc.
X'v i m,
1 t1 3t 1
j. WKm
Former Pastors Join in Com
memorntion of Uptown Con- ,
Ki'cgntion's Jubilee
(lxfonl t'resliyterlan I'lmrcli, at one tlmo
one of the most Influential charges In llio
city, Is celebrating Its tlftletli Anniversary
this vveelt with meetings evrry night In the
church, llro.nl nnd Oxford streets.
Kornipr pastors of the church nro dally
delivering addresses, having trnvelea long
distances to tnhp part In the exercises. Tho
addresses liegan on Sunday with otip hy
thp pastor, thp Hpv. John WIIpv t-'rnncln.
Hevotlonnl meellngs nnd concerts nre being
im Hided In the program for the weilt The
services will close on Sunday next with a
sermon liv .Mr. i'rniicls's predecessor, the
llev Iir Krrderlck V'. Loctfchcr. professor
nt Princeton Seminary
Thp union oT two small Sund.iv sclinnls
In 180(1. followed hy the orgahUatlon of tho
iliiirch .tnnunry 5(1, 1807, liv thp l.'ourtli
Presbytery of Philadelphia, Willi tho Itov
V I, ltobblns ns pastor, was the liuinhln
beginning of Oxford Church. Membershli
tn, rmsed rapidly, tho sninll chtippl tn which
the fortv-four original members began wor
ship lircnma Inndenuntp nnd on Pecember it.
1S61. n new stone church building was
dedicated Ten fnrs later this was totally
di'.( roved by fire
tu the early part of 18S1 the congrega
tion returned to worship In the rebuilt
i litireh This was a large brownstone struc
ture, with n eplrp liG feet high I'nlll I91B
tlio spire, one of the highest In the city, wns
a fnnilllnr landmark ("itv Inspectors, liow
ever, declared It unsafe, nnd It was con
demned nnd torn dow n.
Fire Chief, Policeman and Spectators
Injured in $100,000 Kire
in Troy
Tllov. N. Y, .Inn 10 l-'iro Chief Pat
rick II. Hymn, four policemen nnd a scotc
of spectators were Injured bv nn explosion
during n, lire In the busltipss wet Inn here
The plant nf the Troy Observer was ile
ptrojirt and Odd Kcl.lows' Hull damaged
Tho loss Is $100,000.
' t. fr Toltdj tjI'
Philadelphia Orchestra Gives Annual
Program for Uptown
I'oiu erinnster Tbnddeus llleli verv clev
erly nnd capably conducted Uio J'hlladel
liliiii iinlipstia last Pvetilng In the Stetson
Auditorium. .Montgomery nventie between
Fourth and Klflh street". In the enforced
nbcnce of Olrcctor Leopold Hloltowskl from
the nnnual concert for the benefit of the
Stetson Hospital
That the nnnunl uptown visit of the big
hand, which Is chief of Philadelphia's musi
cal activities, has become nn Institution In
tho great Industrial section centering about
thn John 11. Stetson Company's big plant
was proved by thp remarkable size of the
audience, which nearly cxhauste'd the large
capacity of tho hall It was an audience
which demonstrated that the workers need
yield to tiotip In decorum an J nttetitlvenpss
tn tlio best In music and afforded. If further
argument were needed, pioof of the value of
the missionary endeavors of Hie Philadel
phia Orchestra Association In bringing great
music close to the people through the
medium of tho Sunday free conceit' nml
other agencies.
Certainly not among the band The mem
bers nf the orchestra gave opulently nnd
finely of their best, nnd, like nil slnrere
giving, tho blessing tvii" double for those
who received nnd tlump who offered their
art. The rpsult vvnn that the program,
perforce patched up n hit In view of the
nbenco of tho lender, did tint surfer nn
ncconnt of necessary substltuilons. but wns
performed Willi nddltlonnl spirit nml merit
.Mr. llleli was to have hoeti the evening's
soloist with the Vleiixtemps Kourth Con
certo, and his Itivoluntniy promotion gave
the solo "Job" to Hans ICIndler, who ip
pen ted his dextrous nnd nliva.vs Interpsl
ing rending of Iloplliuaiiii s variations for
vloIouepiii llralmis s "Vnrlntinn on n
Thi'iiip of llnviln St Antlinnv Chornlr 'was
('nrdlnril Skin. IVnrt. .Mole, Hrnr.
lllrtlinsrks Iteri Vein. Miipfrnnotnl
llnlr. etc., renieveil iilthoiil pntn nr
trnllr. 1'nmr In. lulk It over.
Dr. W. H. Montgomery
I'll.'. Hnerliitl!
fltll fin nil r- Il.iltiilnt. VViiliuit st lAtli.
timCT' .1 ' V.'," '.'.f i i 1 1 IB I ul H H fl
New Closed
This is the richest, most beautifully
finished convertible sedan ever of
fered at so low a price.
The low price is possible because these
cars share in the greater savings and
economies of Overland production
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oinltttd from the program nnd the Ttlsn'tt
Overture wns pushed to first place, II rjo
slllon being filled with Weber's "Invlta
tlon to the Dance " The other soloist was
Antonio Torcllo. who gave Ills own fantasy
ror contrabass nnd orchestra, and the wld!-
nonai purely orchestral numbers vecto
iiij.pi s "I. Arleslenne" suite
Hungarian Rhapsody N'o J.
The early Wagner of the onenlns over.
turn wns hot nbove creating the effects of;
llelllnl nnd Donizetti, and the opera nnm&l
after the last of the Homan tribune In
Itnll.inntp In tone nird style m well as In
name, et It Is not without Its presage of
llio supreme Innovator, particularly In the
treatment of the brasses. Especially In
the broad "cnntnhllo" passages for (h
strings was the orchestra highly pfectlve.
Mr Klndlcr's participation has been ad
verted to briefly, nnd It only remains to
sav that lip was In excellent form, which
imnns that the nudlence had n great treat.
.Mr "lot ello. with Ills Kalstnninn liutru
metit. iierformed unexpected feats " ot
virtuosity through a medium usually
deenied clumsy, and showed that tho bull
fiddle can bp sentimental nnd pensive. If not
emotional, ns wrll ns ga nnd elephantlnely
w n. si.
A Beautiful Skin
tj .!. nlitalncil liy TIIK CI.OI'I)
MM IS. rilSITMlMV i.m.. .,...'
SiiBBiiiK Mil. If rulnr-il to their for-
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iwrfeitlv nml iirmnni-nt.v removd.
.ill iM.rlt Kuirnnt,eJ
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hut. ("s VViiliuit nt I .Mil ht rhlln.
Hair Remover
The only trentmtnt which
will rniovp t."rmnntly -.11
siiprrlluniis Imlr from th
xnce neck, nrms or any part
or the liouy, lenvlne no mark
er lilmlh on the moit diP
-ate skin. No electric nfdl.
hurnlnc caustlo or poirdtrs
Url'lnntiir, Sole Owner ani
uned exrtuilrely by ma.
U. 8. I'at.Oft.
Dr. Margaret Rupperl
1113 Clientniit fit.
I'lilln.. IM.
Mlltp 70-12
Kit. S. jr. Phone VVulnut inl
IU Kte