Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 10, 1917, Night Extra, Page 4, Image 4

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T 7'WP'tHWfp
yi'V M'uwiintv- "IHWWW
business in
terests must
be given a fair
chance if Ave
expect to hold our
present commercial
supremacy, and
Judge Gary goes
back to fundamen
tals in pointing
out our immediate
needs, in this week's
L'Orgnno rii Lloyd George Dice
Che Essa si Sostituira agli
Elleni nei Hulcnui
A Londrn Si Ritcno Cho 11 I'rossimo
Grando Tcntro ilolln Guorra
Snra' in Macedonia
TIO.M . in (irnnnio
I.;i Ore, In lin virtualmonto noeott.itn
I'ultlmntum delle pntcnue dell'lntesn, nvendo
Jt coiimrIIo di ll.i corona chproscn oplnlone
favoreinlp nil ncccttnzlniie Pcrcln' In crisl
Kreon ni rlsilvirn' tra hiolssimn tempo, si
rltlcnc rjul, nnchp prima cho Kplrl i'ultl
mntum Tclppr mini iln Londra dicono i,ln
1'lhtesn Intendo ell apire cnerRic.imenlo In
Ureeta so la sttt'azlnnp non si rlsolio iiplln
maulpra che xnu-llnnn rII nllPiitl. NpI tempo
meclcsimo iptevti hanno defisn ill co, rillnurp
1 loro sforzl iii emip In front I ll hattnRlln.
Klacche' essi riteiiRono rlio In Hermnnla
non r ,'inenrn rlnbell.iin nl tmnlr da nceet
tarp p u ll iiip'.i ilcllc ilnmnndn mnsstme
deRll iillc.itl I' .iltrnnde. mentre si scnte
rho I Idea dell.i p.ue'ia fiicewln strndn In
Kurnfi.i. i scnte pure die In Riterra e'
Rluota ad un puntn doo non puiS1 cssere
nrrctatn pop ora, sobbone pochisslml slnno
Huelli die nh cttano die essn durl tutto
lnlcro (ucsln anno.
A Roma si ' prepnrnta In Rrande
offenin iIcrII allrntl cine" up sntin tnicciate
le lltipp Renerali, II clip ' Rin' molto Infntti
l'nzlone encrRlca che per In prima volln rII
nlleail tuitl Innlcmo csercitnno erso In
Orcein p" una pruvn, p certnmente l'ultl
matum non sarehbe ntnta mandnto so rII
nllentl non fossero Htntl nlcwrl ill polpr man
tencrp II loro prestiRiu nelln Penlsola flal
canlca Qupxto l pensa n l.ondrn dove si
rleonnsce purp cho I'llnlln co-operera' net
Haldol con rII .-ilii all in oualslasl inodn.
SI dire infatti che I'ltalin per la sua pnsi
xlone Rcnpraflea p' la plu' ndntn ndnttn n
tenor a frctm re t'ostnntlnn e nd UKlre in
fjrci'i.i o so no prcsentern' II hlsognn
Sembrn dunque rhe In Macedonia stla per
prendeie II posto pin' importnnte iipI
bollettlnl ll Ruerrn nnn nppona it tempo
"ermcttcr.V di URire.
la Pnll Mnll flnzettc, die reecntemente
F-dlicn'ito TorRiino di Lloyd ticorRo eosl
""Lit. ilia non s e' inal Inciinnntn drcn
II Toio cuinttere Hid Roverno ill Atenp. o
so una oltn pssa inetlo la mnnl nll'npcrn
dljisnlvpre l.i qulHtinnp Rrocn. il puo' pHer
Blpurl cho non Hi ferinprn' lunnti n fnlst
sccupoli Konz.i dubbin I'ltnlln titipulerobbn
chc, hi essa dot romplere ciuphIii opern,
le den ossero neeordatn una rerta llhcrtn'
df nziono. Qunle pHponeiite iIpI niondn d
vtlo npl Da leant, rasa rerlumerebbo ill no
Rtituusi ulln Crei-ia nei terrllorlo die In
nltro I'lrcnstanza sarebbo Klntn asucgnnln
nlln ilipcin, p npuno puo' cnnteMnre It
tat u i lie la 1redn ha nnnullnto comple
tamenio ron il uo altegRlumento 1 hup
leri sera II Miniiilero della Cluerra pubbll
enva. it RpRunnto rnpporlo dot sencralp
Cadornn olri' i la Mtunzione alia frnutu
linmenifo mtlte nil pirrolo ropnrlo
neiulc- hi a idiHi' alio niwtro popi
ztoni dl Qum.i 2"S, sut 1'nrno, rna fn
fcubito reHpinto dal nnntro fuoco.
Nelln Riorn.ua dl leri si sono nvute
azionl Intermittent! dl nrtiRlierla lungo
l'lntcra fronte ill hattaRtla. Io nostro
hatterle hanno illsturbato le attlvlta'
di nuclei dl operal ncmlct ed hanno
bombardato lo scconde llnea ill illfeaa
Aeroplanl nemlcl tentarono lerl
parecchle Incurslonl buI nostro terrl
tiorlo ma furono respintl dal funcn
del nostri cannonl antluercl ed Insoguitl
dalle nostra sn,undriKlln da cncrla.
I'na delle nostro sriundrlBlle ha bom
tianlato con uucccaao oblettlvl mllltarl
a ItPlfenberR. San Daniele o Colirlll.
nella ullo della ilranlzzn, nllluente del
Vlppai-co. SfugRendo nl fuoco della
battens nntiarreo pemlvha e respln
Kendo tutti Kll nttucdii delle sitiadriRlle
da laroia neiniclie. lo nnntre maccbina
bono tutto rttornata Ecnz.i dannl nils
loro I'.isl.
nisi i.v ncssiA
Telegrammt da PetroRrail dicono die II
presidents del ronslglio TrepofC lia prrsen
tato lo sue dlmlsHlonl nllo czar cha le ha
accettate ed I14 nominato In sua vece il prin
clpe (inlitclne. benatnre e comslKltero del
I'lmpero Anehe il conto Ignatleff. mlnietro
della Pubblua Istruzlone. h! e' dlmesBo e a!
sua poste u' stato dilamato il senatore
Notlzie da Vienna dicono die 11 Rablnetto
auatrlara e' In pertcolo a causa (tell'oppoal.
none del paitito czeco cd aD'attegglamento
del crlntiano-Bbclaltsti I iiyali non vogltono
appogglara il gabinetto preaw'tduto dal conta
I4ve Stock Perishes in HurninR Barn
, NQniUSTOWN', Pa. Jan. 10. The barn
of Klchard O'Donnell. of Detfry. near hero
waa detroye.l by fire today. Three horse
five oqwa, nine plga anil many ihlcken
perlahed. It la blleed that a tramp was
responsible for the Are. O'Donnell places
the damage at WOO, partly covered by
lceorance. The Center Square Fire Coin,
pany prevented the dentruction of adjolnlmr
Leg Comfort
Don't ur fram Varlcnit
Vein.. J.e Vlctn. Weak ,"".!
Suelltn Leal, or otbir "a
trouble wblcn nwl cenitant. cu'
lata support
will maka you happy and tin.
Throw away torturlna tlaitlca or
troubleauniij banrtajgaa. and foratt
Ice troublea. Cerllaa 8tocklaa
mad to mcaiure. without aLiatra.
wear lor many monthj. wh
abla and aanltary, llabt and dur
able, t'o.t onJy 1.7J tacb. or
two for tba luu lltob. 3.0U. and
you'd a'adly pay raucb Dor for
to euspurt end a. Call and
b mt.aauicd free, or writ for
elf id -s-i einci t blank No. 19.
We a' malvj aodjittlaal bolta
riAn lal
l'cona. CorllM Llaib SMctalty Ca.
Itll l$-Io WWt BtfeftaT: Fa.
Cross Stream North of Fok-
shani and Drive Foes
Across Scrcth
CAPTURE 1600 M 01113 ISt BN
Powdt'ful Kussian Attacks oil
Northern Front Fnil,
Berlin Says
unnt.lS. Jar: to.
f-'leld Marshal von MndtmiMn'n Oerrtinn
and Auslrn-IIiitiKftrlan forces linvo forePil
ft pftsMRB of Hm Ptitna Illver north of
Knkfthani, ihr WMr nfiica repnftert today in
nn oflldal Mnlempnt nn Ilumnnlan opprit
tloitn. Helwppn I-'ohahanl nntl Fuflddnl the Tlti.-
nlfttt nnd lttttn.tnl.in force havn been drlpn
neros the Sereth Tllvel'.
Th orildnt statement enutnprnten tho
ciipttirp of more thnn II tin mldltlonnl prla
onorit tin thP tveatern frontier nf MoltlAVln the
lltiifio.ltiimnninn inmiw delivered kIii'MR
ntlnrkB In nn effort In reifiplurn moiintnln
po.ltlnm but fulled ThPlr lopp were
ct-y llpl, Hip Wnr rifnce on Id
Pniverful ntt.iiUB wore dclhered liv the
RiiKBinns nlons I he northern end "f the
enntern front dnrlnR TtiPBdny. hut nil ivpre
repulsed, ncronllim in the official Btnte
ment. The dtnteinetit snyn Hip (tilsBlnn :i
satllln liavp Rrown stronRpr
NlRhl nttni'k" by the Kntentr force
nlont; llio .strtimii lllxer were rppulnpil. llio
Wnr Oltlcp nnnoiincpd In Kb communication
on Mncpilonlnn HflitlnR.
The text of Hip Wnr nfllce alnlemplit fol
low: North of Kokohant wp Hiicceedpil In
rnlnltiR a footliiR on the left bunk of
Hip Ptittin tlptwppif KrikBluinl nnd
l-'undpnl p forced the defpnted etiemy
to rKp up poBlllnns bfhtnd the I'm tut
nnd to retrenl bPlilml the Seiplli line
l'lo liiindrcd and fifty prisoner were
brought in.
nn the nimnlciil-Snrnl mouth
mnlntnlneil our prnuresM nnd conquered
by nttack nRnln-t severnl hostile
The IlUBBlntiB nnd llitinnnliini tried In
nln to recapture helRbt povitiotiB mi
both Nidos of .SiiKlla VallPA liilten from
them by coiintpr-nttacks launched with
BtrotiR forces. They fnlled with most
BatiRUlnnry Ioskcs. The enemy was
further pushed hack north und south of
I'aslnu Vnllej
Stinnser ItusBlnn atlncks werp de
llprpd HoiilhttPMt nf lllca. but without
liny succei" Wi repulsed nl"n niinipr
ou ndMincps h sninllcr detncliinentM
between Hip llnltie const and N'nrncz
lnke csteritn.
fo be RlrotiRly tpposeil to further haggling
with C'onstantlnc''! Government
lllllll, l. .Inn in
Hail ueiiihrt- is nsnlii intnrfpiliiK nltli
nrtlMllei nn the psrrn front, the H'ftr
OiIIpp reported lodnv Hoepr, there hnMi
bepn llxely nttlllerv duels nn the Am re
The lex! of the nITIcllll frpotl fnllon'
An the result of rnlniturms there
lian liren llltle nithlins nctlMl.v. Along
the Anew thent hnve been lively nrtll
lefy duels. ,
rUI. ,tnn. in
The nltthl was calm mi the enllte front.
Hie Prenrh olllclnl statement nsserled today.
Allien Reply lo U. S.
May Be Sen I Today
CftftllnnMl from I'aie line
the t'hnnrellnr wmilil be mblif ed ieclfl
cnllv 1.1 Mi., neutral Powers which "iip-
pnlted PfPMileilt WlNnllS note
III view of thee flerlln tepnrls, II wnR
pninled out hern lodnv lh.it Mermimy has
cnlled n tneetltiR nf Premiers of the Ceh-
irni t'owers on .innunrv in mm n eon
ferenre nf the presidents nf Parliaments of
nil her ntlp on the rtnv fnllowlnit
tltiMK. .Inn in,
The Allied council, lusl concluded, must
be iiinnlilerptl one nf the mnnl linporlnlil nf
Hip war. Il has ilennlleU mlidincd links
belwepli the Alibi nnd nindc mmc I'.rill
thnn ffr their resolution to achlevi' a
letnry Ihnt nould nsiirv IiisIiiik pence nnd
Ho riedttreil Wnr 'oinml"sloticr llissnlntl
HerRnmnsi'lil. mpmber ultliout porlfnlln In
the tin lin 11 I'lihluel. In an Intcrvlrw. Me
sn Id :
I nin futlv com nn ed. fniiit Premier
t.lnyd ilpnrKcs electric persotmlllv.
iidnmniitltic cliiiiin ii n nil hl iptlck ntnl
unerring decislnii. Hint II" Is Hie rlRliI
liii'ti In the rlitlit iiIihp nl this present
ilcrlslic plinse nf the wur
The pinctlcnl lcxlilt of the Allies'
conference Is of the hlKheM stinteRic
liollllcnl nnd cennomic moment, unit
will be mnnlfeiled In the iipnr future
llpprcsetitnllvps nf nil the Allied nn
tinliM dcrhed ft inn the nieetlnK ,i new
stretiRth nnd fnllli In vlctm-v the Itnl
llllls espei'lall.l. It nlilll incd the lenll
zntlnti of their iiatlnnul iisplrnlimix
There It pciieti iiiidersiniidliiK now
nmnURiill. II Isutti'ilj linpnislliln that
Hilly will per be MM'inatcd fmin hei
lilllnnce ilesplte any Herman machlnn
HintH Hermnn I'huncpllni' inn Itpthinnnn-lloll-weR
l" prepiii'ltiR 11 new note. In which he
will define the wnr ulmn of the I'enlral
poweis n ml outline ppneo cnndltlonsHcccpi
nblc In them, dispatches fmrn l.uRnno as
serted tnday.
WASIHM'.Tti.V, .Inn, l
The tieaen sltuntlon, so fur ns WnshitiR
ton wns cnttcerned. iMitnined at a stnnihlttl
There" has been no clmtiRe In the deter
mlnntlnn of tlie Adinlulstiaimn to nnnii
the Knteutc icpl lipfnic m.ikiiiR .my fur
llipr ninic, nilctu t, 'Uprated today. 'n
blcd ndMces fiom The HiiRiie to the effect
tlutt the I'm snh ni s ii,,c hail been mercl
PARIS, Jnn m
"Is the Balkan peninsula to become the
battlefield on which tho Rrent war will lie
foufiht out to n finish?"
That has been made the blR question of
tho hour by the Allied Council of Wnr in
Declaration which havo been made Blnca
the conference and the fnct that Genera 1
Sarrall. commander In chief of the Allied
army In 'Macedonia, wns present indlcnt"
that the r.ntente Is preparlnR for n He.
mendous effort ,-iRainst tho tjerman. Auslro
IIunRarinn, UulRiirinn and Turkish forces
In that theairo of war
Tho geographical situation of Italy l
sucli that she can best deal with fireece
white tho Allied army Rives its undivided
attention to an offensive. In this con
nection It is reported Hint Italy may send
n strong force into tirceco to nullify tho
menace of King fonstantiiie's army.
Two important factors enter into tho
llnlkati situation:
First. The possibility of KinR fon-
stantlne going to war on the s de of
tho tjerman allies.
Second. The loss of prestige for tho
Kntente caused by Von Macknnsen'n
successful conquest of three Balkan
h'roni now on the Hntonto Governments
aro Roing to deal with Constantino with a
Btrontf hand. That is shown b tho fuct
that n Mem ultimatum has been sent to
Athens and nlso by tho attitude of Premier
l.lojd lieorge of Kngland, who is reported
tSSl miic lujj
i pi
4 a lm
- ..d, Baa
1 f
af ' - I it
handed to the Dutch Clovernment with no
request for action lent weight to the under
standing here Hint the Administration win
nol concerned with (he ncllnn of nnv
other nruml inntitn Thi vvns rtplained
t'i inein Ihif ibe I nitpil Stntet would be
glad of the support of nnv cnunlr in lis
efforts lo nbtalu the peace terms r the
rnuntrlps nl wnr. nnd In Ihe succeeding
step to he Inken hv the I'nlied Stales,
but that this support was not looked upon
ns a tltnl necessity
There hns been no rhnnge In the Ren
frnlly nnderslnnd determination nf the Ad
ministration Hint the tiet stop III III" sit
uation taken hv the Administration will ha
cnntldentlnl. This step, of course, will tint
bo taken until the President hns an out
line nf the terms nn which ench lrte HI
tho Murnpenti struggle wmittl conxldi r a
pence iINciihIoii,
J. Hnmsny McDonnltl nnd Mrs. Pliili)
Snowdcn, I'nciilst SfienUdPa, Driven
From I frill in iliot
UiVtioN .inn in
.Mnnv persons In Wnlthnmstow nre sttf
ferine from hrulses today ns the result of
n rlol which ocitirted when twentv-llvo
KtiBllsh nnd t'nnndlnn soldiers broke up
a pence mrellnR Inst nlRht. The two rhlef
speakers. .1 lliii".iv Mnefionnld. n lilmrlte
inember of I'nmniotis. and Mrs. Philip Stinw
den. wife nf n tinclnst member nf Purlin-
nienl wen, di ii en from the Hull
Itritlsh pnciflsls me cnnylnR mil llieir
propaniindu tinder the utmost dilllcttltles
Tltn civil nulhorllles rarely Interfere, hut
few nf Hie meeting escape lb" nttetillotin
nf soldiers
Fred C. Haucr, Jr., Promotod by Curtis
Publiohlnp; Company
,'red i' lliiucr, ,lr . of Hunt North Twelfth
street. I nnnthei' Philndelphln hnv tn be
protnnted tn n master cnlcsmntishlp In the
LeiiBUe nf I'm t Is Snlesmeti
c'red sells Hie Satiiriliiv llxeiiliig Pnst In
Kern Hock nnd l widely known In tluit
nelRhborhnnd Ills new boimr Hill hne
mnterlnl ipsitlts for him . It menus that
when he Is reailv to haie s, hool the Purlls
I'UlllislllllR rnllllullll Will lll'l li ii it a Rood
pnsitlnti ns a miIpsiii.iu iiciii 1mm bninc If he
wishes tn be n s(trsm.in
Any fchnollinv H pillllegul tn join the
KeuRiie nf the i'iirli Salesmen, nnd, after n
certain Mt.itiil.inl Is icm Ited, the ilegrcp nf
iiinslci snlcsmuti Is i onfi rred.
Saloonkeeper Remodels Building
in Preparation for Occupancy
While Attorneys Argue
tiesplte the Tiict that ItnildliiRton prop
erty owners nro today seeking nn Injitnetlon
restrnlttlng him from openltiR n saloon nt
Sixtieth street and Lansdowne nienue.
Sllehnel .1 Iturke, who nbtalned n trnnsfer
nf his llcene from !l"n r'nllmvhlll stfeel
nt the hnnds of JtnlRes ttnrrntt nnd H.ivls
nt the. Inst session or the License r'olllt. t
prennMni: to occupy the building
Workmen are making nllerntlons, tear
ing down partitions nnil InwerlltR tho llnnr
of it ronm in the rear of the store Tho
building will not lie ready for nrctipancy
fur severnl woolo. workmen said
The petition for nn Injunction has been
filed in t'utnmon pless I'otirt Vo I on be
hnir nf 1 tin rv t fiennl". r,nn2 Lansdowne
niemie; John l-'mst, fidol-no t,nnsilowne
nvenuc. nnd l''sther ntnl Ida Poole, tfltn
Nnrlh SUtleth street Joseph . Helm, who
sold the property to llurke, Is nnmed ns a
Tho iietlllnii for Injtinetlon. which Is being
henrd by Judge Hhoemnker todni. I liased
nn n clause or n iieeit uaieti reuruarv :
1SIII The saloon properly was part nf
a tract of twenti-six acres, mined nt Hint
time hj the PhllndPlpllhi Uenl llstnte A
snclnllon 'I'be I'c-trlitlve ilniie Is
"Thin nn no part of this lot or piei e nf
Rrinmd shall be liuilt. erected nr plnced nnv
slenni tnKlne. i ouithoiiso or building fm
nnv nffiii-iic niiupnlloti whnloeier
Tlie ir.inplalnlnR lirnpprly nwner" iiIIirc
"thill sin h offenlp nccupatlnn us a saloon,
with Hip class nf men nnd women whbh It
will ntlrait, nnd the disorders nnd hilinlti
tpsulting flmn Intotlentlon. ns fnibiddpti
by lite tPHtrlclliP coiemiltts (n the deed, w III
Injure them In the quiet and peaceful n
Joyment of thrlr properties'
Morton '. Paul, counsel for the Imme
owners, declared Ihete nre cusi s nn rpemd
where emits lmp upheld Ihe rlchls nf uop
erty owners In burring other buiinpsses ns
'nffelislie in itipallon" when nw m rv of nd
JnltllllR plopi'ltiPs nbjeclcd 'I liesp tiRllts
have Iippii malntnlnpil, he said. In the ab
sence nf any restrlcllio clause such ns Is
found in the deeds for the Haddington piop
crtlen The Injunction ngHlttst llurke wns thtent
ptipd uflci- .liulRcs flarrntt nnil las
Rrnnlcd bis transfer In Ihe face nf n slioug
opposition lij timpcrnncp forces In Ihe lo
cality Judge ShneiiiBker late toiln.i will IW n
date for a hcnriiiR nu the iniiinclloti.
Athens Report States Govern
ment Accepts Demand in '18
Hour Ultimatum
ATHK.NH. Jnn to
The t.'rown Council of fireece fmors nc-
pcptniica of tlie Allies' demands ns outlined
Hi the note just receded, according lo nn
apparently reliable report circulated today.
Prompt answer of dreece to Hie ntlglnal
demnnds wns required hj nn ultlmalum
delivered tn Ihe fSreek riovernment jestet-
day by Allnisters of the Kntenu r
They Insisted upon n reply wllhin fo-Vii
eight hours tt followed an "evss h-J Jfif 3
addressed to the Allies hv t.'ln c!L. t
two days preilously In which he rjoi,U
out the dimcultles In the wnv nf comnti..
with Hie demand. cnmpllanM
The nrlRlnnl demand sened on iir,
nn December 31 were for leduetion of .11
Hreek tnllllnrv forces In all parts pr it,
kingdom, except Peloponnesus, to the rn,i
mum required for maintenance of ;,!
order; prohibition nunlnst reservist.,' Jy
lugs In all parts nf fireece north 'nf r
Inlh: release of all Venlreltst prlsonMi'
formal npoloRy lo the Mnlenle for i
lacks nn Its troops embassies nnd n
nnd u chattRO In the command nf t. ?'
Hreek nnny The lleceinber .11 note i"
reiterated the preilotts demand for irL.J
of all flreek troops from Thcssali t0 K
ponnesus ' "'
-yj-g-sJtB- mvaMKrammM ; -r-jt.',-s si JrltSJJjaSv.
HPHE race ain't always to the
- swift. Velvet is away ahead
of those quick-cured tobaccos
even if it does take two r
years for its agein'. 0efPe
"VOU want smooth
tobacco, of course.
Then, listen! Velvet is
made smooth in the only
way it can really be done.
Velvet's mellowness
comes from two years'
agein p- Nature's way.
Now you see wliy
it's your turn to trv
$gcltiiffcuDSacco Gx.
fe If I
H erf ,'WjnBEZ:
Seatag Oysters
carefully selected,
twice inspected. The
blue tntr identifies
is tho one never-fai
inpr tnnpihle cuarnn
tce of oyster quality
freshness, purity,
flavor. Ask thownttor!
II II. (Ill TUN III. Hill i llMrllinlur.
ICimiiIIiii: lrriiiln.il llirkct, Xnli vrect Wall
I Buy
II You
Goodyears and
Buy Satisfaction
Wrist Watch
Solid 14-kt. gold, octag
onal, engraved w a t c h,
with jeweled movement,
on a band of black moire
ribbon. A reliable time
piece $30.
V.) HS
S. Kind & Sow, 1110 Chestnut St.
Salesman Wanted
by one of the largest firms in
this city representing a high
grade automobile. ..Applications
considered from men not over
thirty-five years of age, of
proven ability, with clean records
and capacity for hard work.
Address C 8, Ledger Office
The aim of the Goodyear factories and the desire of.the
average tire-buyer meet perfectly in Goodyear Tires.
Both seek the same goal maximum mileage at
minimum cost.
The Goodyear factories work toward this end by put
ting into their product the best of materials, under
the best of methods and the best of manufacturing
The tire-buyer does his part by paying a price that
will allow such selection and construction.
That this price should not appreciably exceed ordinary
tire prices is, of course, largely due to Goodyear man
ufacturing economies to compact and intensive
organization, to expert and effective effort, to the
elimination of wastage wherever possible.
But it is also greatly due to the part the average tire
buyer has had in the development of this institution
to his consistent and increasing patronage, which
has built up our present tremendous volume.
For great volume is the parent of manufacturing
So both parties who seek high virtue in a motor car
tire, maker and buyer, have helped to put it in tho
Goodyear Tire.
And a third party, until now unmentioned here, has
helped as well.
The Goodyear Service Station Dealer.
You will find him in the obscure villages, in the larger
towns, in the tremendous cities of America, always
within easy reach.
His interest is the same as ours that you shall
have maximum mileage and satisfaction from
Goodyear Tires.
His purpose is identical with ours to hold your busi
ness by getting your friendship, by giving you service.
He does it, first, by selling you Goodyear Tires, and
second, by helping you care for them.
He is an essential in the Goodyear "greater mileage
triangle" of maker, user, dealer.
Go to him the next time you want a tire. He is
foregoing extra discounts that he may sell you better
tires. He is a good man for you to know and to deal
Goodyear Tires, Heavy Tourist Tubes and"Tire Saver" Accessories
are easy to get from Goodyear Service Stalbn Dealers everywhere.
The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co., Akron, Ohio