i' W'lHte apFi-C EVENING LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, JANtTARY 9, L917 15 t $ it I I& Eft 11 I rmr. 4BS m : EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES MClIOf LS 1020 nalnbrldgo at . has comp "bull" Meorol men housemen rinilljh ,- Amerlcin Herman cnuplen, cooks ehnmberm's pip .ynr?iirr,n.lmon I-rnl nnJ W' ivaltV "til , hnmh ronibineif: mirsen. indys IiaMe dnii'Mi nrrr eu I'll Locuet 2130. riiK " m'xrmnM' ihlldnuracn hnuPWnrk Jtria "i positions mnk ind plintnh. rm-tkl .sit v-"-"!""' ingithrr. Protestant iconk vv an a Jc, nr . -k ,n I .hamlermntd for Catholic Rcton Kt and rhimlK-rmnW wanted for rmd. " vnnt..l nil kln.la flrt-c1.i;s WIP. y"5a It a- P. .ighertv 1.113 W Oirnrd ave Ttioh" ' "i rm.H vv iltroiacn. lAundYtnea. "'J!',,,,,, n .1 I'M Svcertinh, It-tllm. Irish l, ,t' i lima mm, MilPtn. chauffeurs. :".- fr, s wish altuitlona. help wantfil in a" an. in-a Mm. Knn. Bit S, mini Phone - fn Mol Trir'AT inm. Domestic i:mp!oymnt Hut). ,vi.nism (Ifith nn.l Walnut) Wanted. JJ r . - ii ,thpr i helper, niirn.s, wait-fJIJi-n ' ' r.rin U" ' 1rln HlltenhOliep ! - anted U'lTP " ' r 'Inl.'r help for iverv inpac v. tins ' nm iiHINKLEY pinplnyment ",,,,, ;.k i lath at likhlHBon Ilia W AUTOMOBILES ft - 1'nr Snip " FOR SALE SEVERAL ELECTRIC CARS , tunn !" mMTirt; ihiiukm is run rnVPITK N MiHiillS AND "ATTrrttl.H N 1 . -.H MM. WILL HUM. AT ANY ltEA "os-api i. . imi'ue . ADtmcrw the Fir r' irrN co . Toi Washi.viton ST N '"" 5hki r ill rmr l.nrtv will sacrifice modern Tpihi'iim .mine perfect condition. ..Mrs. S ITPi l..lp"r nt Phone Frankfort 2001 Svti ' ' '' " 3J "' f""" "P1" condition pvcry w.n . i H .ml imrrlinap J3.D. ,. Itii iv i ii I- '-'111 Marltft M. Lorul 4S0 . p v I'M I m N Mer. i:phnnifn I'ar Dppt r.in'i ' ' ''' l I'l'irhm i-nr. m.rhnul. nnrt f,p in I r HI r.iulpmjnt. nrlpp IT.V) AI TO RAI i iii'l'iillATtn.V. 112 N Ilroail at tiiAi i n I'M is imht () fi-pnac r tnurims. ,V,pi , ii. i, run vrry little, pxopptlonal lltf li 'I I tk niir ! I IN IIH l I'lmriHM oo, t'8P1 Car ar t)ppt . in v mm n HT Walnut 7n2. Tor r ' t i fpv that havp lippn takpn In pTibniK. f i l'H7 moilola. rrpnlntPd ami nvpr- Kmiir i i i. .lulil ri-iponniiP Kuarnntppil. I. -s iKiwmm CO, I'EpJ-cor Ippt. 5-,n mi" P ST Walnut iCI. f-oni' 1 ir I ".IIP" i. .imctPlnl. HI an.v V'nnl , , .,, i7 -ii in Jv.l.Tr.: Imnipd. iIpIH. rrom ,. ' inn, m I lilmnoml bp Hpirlallp p"r f. ir i hi- i ii Anv wir nn lfith at. to our iioor. inn N- I"h'1mii ronrlaipra anil pnhrlolpts, r in rr' I I'1 l. ilrlr IlKhta ami Ktarfra JinvniY "i IIU AKT, "JM N Ilrnad 1 liiTiiini hut. imrt mmp ft-ss T pb. imir no "null inlliaBPl par iIpIUItpiI In Au uuv i i, "ii iM'ptinnnl liarealn nipr. fni nM'iMII II 2311 Mnfci't ! l.nnll HO r M ii'iMiiW Mcr Hvh.inK" Car lippt. ?A'KM(P ivlimlpr 3M tt 1'. 7 paKsppKer Hill, ,if. -mil InurlTlC. S.iritl Mil HHIIK I'D. 2111 N tlrnail at. I Sdini M- Iiim' I" "t"i-l aawrnl now Imrtlpa. I fUltlil fill nillfp I II' i hliwl". nr Until iIp i i - ti will inmiiit tlup on our i ar fur j'o . i Hriiitnii Tiuik I'.iih Pppiirtmcnt. H7ln ilit 1 Mi'liiinril I "illl rsPO I Ki ' K1- Hinral wpII known makpa. Van-Inn fr in 1 in ri ton. wltll and without lioill." Hirfirl Plill.i Co. 23ns Cliratnut. AUTO LIVEKY AND OARAGES . INDEPENDENT TAXICAB CO. 1311 V SI'SQt'nilAN'N'A Avn SUPER-SIX HUDSONS TO HIRE LUI"' ll' rWtl'AIIS & 'iricmNO IfMtS Pldm.it 'I lllill N'ppr pn"il. I'arl: 7.'i fopi M' ml? To lilro (oppn day and nluht), Turk HJ brinilnpw 5 n" murine earn, II 2S ir nlx'i brand np- 7-paai llmou'lnoa, $t Ml lr u..!.llii'H lunprnN I7l.r. Oirnrd ?0 Illltr -I iinmntnp tnTlrnh tnnrlnsj rarn. II L"i t ' Ii ur anil up, Hppplal ratpi for wnl dlngs Pnpl.ir 'JI3 Alu.i's nppn I'.npo 2-ll. EUT voixTEll pnrtalil" caras, atpol or atucco On (!lP i nil N Mil. Tlns.i 2IIM Dsint SIVI -l AND TOCItlN'C CAItTs I"OH ALU OCl-AHiN1- III. AS HATES. I'nl'l.All 31(111 AUTO REPAIRING kpfi:dimi:tkk Titoi'm.na Sp.- IIII.I.Y .it lil- nw lopntlon. Sin Nfllnlt linOAD HT. AUTO SUPPLIES "" TIMm:n IIIIAUINCIS HYATT Kw rparturi. KpriiPo Sta Thn Ovvllllatn Co., 1311 Ann at I'll Walnut 31117. Itape .10112. PA UTS t i build or rpp.ilr nnv par Phila Auto I'.irta Co H1'3 M. 13th Park HIS. AUTO TTRES 6IIOIIIH I -IIP TIRI1S In pxipllptit I'oliiUlliin. nv i tiixl ik:I'i IIJx.IN 33x1 3UI 311x1. xim' p'.xi'i mut Hell to mate room for k'i".H!Ni: 'intn rtKPAUi cct. n.n N'mtii i.iih I'lT.I.M n Tiiti:s Ouarant.'d Viim milp I'omnirn prices fill I M s '.'.1H N Itroail et. FoiIMi MIV.KIP TIHI3S. J 7 HO 1nx3' R 'I Tulim Ku.irantp.vl 1.75 I'l nnl.PH Tim: vn . p.'a-, Arph at. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES " CVVITAI. WANTRI) vonFnri i. niM'iiUTt'MTY rnrt a man WITH Mn.NllY TO INVIIST I.V A HAPIDI.V OtUrtMMl MVN'I rACTl'lllNIl CO.VCI3HN" MAKIMI WiiMiKHFITI, QI'ICK Sni.MNd pativitp autici.k civ mo !)i:manii, ivvriimt wii.i. in: oivi:v i..mn 1N TEmir qcicK action itiiQuimiD. i M'i i i in. i K iikcici: 1stahi.isiii:p -o.il eaml. ppniPiit and build Inc miit. rlil liusinpaa. hpavy tpnmltu;, lont; dlu.'i iiiuliur siili-pontrnPtlnu, Itut ear'a prufi' I om wlBh to rutlrp. wrlto for dp trrlpiKi f Id. r Itoom 1. Woalivortli Ilulld ini: II fhl hprn Pa IFotiO In "i I'll INVlIhT. wltll nervlres, liy a .nun Ii -lii -.i 111 in In .nnip iiriunlidnff tiual-npv- ' it ,n lip ni.ulu lirolltnlilo liv id.lillonnl rapilil Ml -..nti.s AUdrPKH t unnilenliully, H H7 ' Ii r tVntr.il tAft'li: I l.ii! ITS tn iv In m.ulp In ri'iil atnti-; lit us i 'i. miu mil-, them, ppud for lint ur lnxtm i. niopiTtiiH T. I! MAQIN.VIHS & r SON vnin Miililnuiri. iu nFaTI S"l - "ii 4 l,onUs spin frep." "How to Obt'uii I'.i. nis" Vl.tiir J lliuns & Cou IV."' v i I inui i PlilhidplnhU BUSINESS PERSONALS flt.l PIU-.S AND TI'XIIDO Bl'ITSTll Illltrj ilaii-it ptvtrH) alno 1 button braldud cutauaya for tnnriihn.- wnlillnus. ror.pni loin fjir.it J ar Poplar fiSIS. Tl Wlu. ItH'AlIt nur wntih. no mattrr how bdd tt l bri.k it. iipw parta at LOtt, lirlriK thla an nun )nu i iu njiiBiitn si., uuuni u. An.t y nfAMDvns nnrniiT f B BnJ rftr nft Annrnisfmpnt. 1 ner rnt. f HAflMY V MlTil. 717 Kanaon t. i' i vi.'ii ..mviiifu i-r innn .... -iK.ii.i.itir.tj ..'.it. hi. IifRt si i h phone Ponlnr 233, onen pk. LEIPSJI-R s pith and rilrar.l a., H. W. por SUPK11PI.I 01 s IIAIIt removed by tlectrolyal". tn uiity p rtnuniMit way. Hyebraws arehed. HISS m'iiii 4.... K.lth Theatre Iliilldlne. aEJiTS- v-.l'nri' CI.OTHINf! lluliailT. 123 N OTIl s-i pimvp wvl.N'l'T I Mill e EOR SALE fcU.I.IAItP P'liH. lomblnatlon, a ond-hand Pought uold iintpd. exi tiantieil, repairlne. UppiUn l,afe Ke ifer Ann rtean tnunufuc turer 32J1 Dirard ae Phone Kena L'31S Bir.MAIlD AND POCKKT TAHI.US Al'n howl." Inv alleys pbonocrapha, puny pay'la. IlItUNS wli k I'Aiiv- i iii,f.i:Nni:ii co. inn-.' Arrh. BILLIAHO pool tables, new setpnd-hand kowl tnv alKyi. easy pa)inuilif Hosatto-llarry-btrt Co j-j-j South Hth at Phone Wal 22S. CASH BKQISTnnd bought, exchangpd. repaired, replatej aupplles new and factory rebuilt reiUt rg mw total addere aa low aa 110 Call tad wo our npw modtla Itexlaters aold by ua n;y paynienta und full KuaranteeU THE NATIONAL CASH flKOISTUR CO. , '1U ( IIHSTNl'T 8TU11UT CJllIRPH I'KWS Walnu iJ-pluah'upholster-fijL.Bialn Quart, red oak L'ltA'Hl BXCIlANaH S B cor nth and Vine. flpNKY D klous pxtraited honey, direct from ,k8,pr lb for " 18 delivered by parcel i 'Ii aailafacltan vuar'teej or money refunded. l- h ll'iitetier II No 5, l.amaiter. I'a. fSIOKHATORS and fixtures for meat'-a'ar" m.'Ji, ''"r'c rhoppera and tools: stores onj gaxrKets tilted up complete, monthly payments -JAI.L A CO 331 N 2d l . Philadelphia. ? .""proof alBii thin wall safes, closln iSfl,J.lV;pV,0, "! 11hlv u'"l- all sixes and -HUtMf. tariraln 210 North Fourth sU 8AFE3 Fireproof new andsUehily used, all alt M., "'. fraaina. repairintr. opemnv, ll makes low prices 1131 Krsnkford ave. Ei.,.U3EP OFFICE PUflHlTUBB f iftnlns Imaslnablo In this line and plenty ;iVifV ortment and best valuo In Vhlla. c'"..,.,'jf.,.-,uto delivery anywhere. "uuiir-a nit and nuttonwood HEATING "reSK?'bo".lr" .''.,'s, n,w n1 rebuilt; iii 1B-.-I. wvwo mnaui-iveiaey oeaita neat; wm Install cheap rt2T .Hlbert at MACTTT'W'PTJV A-nrTi trnmo i'uke npo""iT,i.,r, ... ... " .: . r FRICTlnt .fJ.Vr." JLaa UM JIWUJJ ANl'l- - fii i5i METAL '' lluln.- machliio bar i wvi la?Ji oonf.r,..y.ou " " b more you'll 8WX Soi!llON SD,i ",AS3 roUNPIWB. - JAMES YOCOM & SON. Si SumS?""?' b0". " and oil en- tEtfifi, K JTOOMEjriInc.imN. Sd at. Ht.?'0'ior, 1nJ machmery bouht. sold if-..r?nt.el. armatures renalrl. Mall, oi ifH w- Vearsley Co.. 22fN. aVVtL I ,rl7:". " i; bavy p m TTA? i ifN BthT """ "" " Ur , 'i n dlo ail jifJ;' ' !'1lbert)thouaaol in arock. li."'er liAHLtta BOND COUP-MIX, lK;.ruJ" "iffFHa ,r !-, fe.3 ',- .-r' .a 4STiat isma- - Mti.iSt MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 1R,-. NKAV ITltlflttT PIANO 3H() Ounlln Hinrantppil TIlltMS! II -,l) WPPKl.Y Itni.l,K 1121 CIlt.TN'PT ST. 85 CIlICKKItlNtl CPIIKIHT PIANO MOWATIO VtNCHNT, R.1 M NTT1 is Yorii i'i.Yi:n-fiNfi en r ur itit:it" If no app ua ' r arn pprl " Grand t'nlnn PUnn Co aisil Kpnainntnn np ixvorr: pi.ayiiii iuh.i.s v . inn aeroiii P'f olpptHp nnd plairr plnnn flplwr. Iflla OLD GOLD OLU oor.D- Caah paid for full FAlA allvAP nntln'p, clock" spnd tioatnt Mill! 4tl UOnl;lPJ 2T 1 I7tll t tloth nhnn.a Ul.tJ nni.tl aiitrr pHtlnum pliln.1 war, old M'.1' .ttJX,r? i"0"" WalPs.bouKht ,for raah, l.at Isifl , T, Clarlt, fpnnef. SO SAhaom PAINTING AND PAPERIIANGING ''VJST'al' HnnnK lobbina. pnlntlr. T Upvitt. ..ii nnin). PRINTING 1"" .''ArtPf ANU cask n.irn only , 3nr gnu HualneM pnrdn and eap 1 fin KOO llu'lmp" rardn and paan 1 as limn Hualpeaa rarda nnd ca l.TB lommprpial Prtnt'e ljnitrav'ir our appplalfy. t'AUP snof. inni chpatnut at. STORAGE lSli-ISI'.l MAIIKCT ST. Mll.l.Uri N HHriAP HTCiItAf.1T; en . tirpnd ah l-phlali nvi . new tlrpproof addition, ronmn nrepronf. furnlturp and ihlna pai knrn auto ana p.atlnint.a frpn. IIpII phonp Tloira 47f)n WrisiT ' Pltll.A. MONAftClt STOIIAOR CO. &.7P... Pirklno; nnd Sblpplne. SnilVlCtl .IttU l.ANl.'ABTKtt AVb. TYPEWRITERS AND SUPPLIES IIKMIXCSTON TYPnWUITTlItS fnr rent, terms 13 for 1 month 7 Tin for .1 moiithn. rnnlal tiavmnnt npplbn on puri.h.ip llpmlneton Tspewrlter i'n, Inc. 110 H Hth at UPHOLSTERING 1'Pllni.sTHItnil wantn work at xnur home, dull pennon, prlco rennnnablp. 1(1 N St. rternard WANTED ANTIQI'R rurnlturp, feather beds allier. brokpn lewpirv cold falap tpeth. dlnmnnda bnnirlit AtttiiiuiMt iws riieatnut Ph wntnut 70J imiiKi: .n:vr.l, ItY nntluupa plntnla. rolpn Coin tinoka with prlpea I pay mailed Kip, .1 II. lloaa llvnplp'a Stop I. 2l.ll W lllh Wal lll! CAHT-npF ci.oTIIINd ItlBhent prlrp pnld fnr liidlea' and mrtn' clnttllnB; li.ita nhoea, rte Phoni. Poplir r.771 III.ACKIlll. 1230 Poplar CAST OKI" CMVTHINO nhn. i nnd liata bouRllt. ami postal Hni lilman. 022 Poplar at DUSKS. SACHS. HOI SHHill.l) ri'llNITCIll: pti bought Inilttm cptttnl Spi otiil Itnnd I'urnlture Co pill mill nl I Ciillnnhlll at. ri'llXITt'lltl pinnon i.irpetn, antique", pntlre or part houni-a Iiouaht for eanh. no matter him lamp .1. It. rnalPln, I3.1I llidp ap tl,I fliiMi and allwr dlamnnda Jpwelry bo1 old fnlne t.-elh ImllBht for .lh 1.1.1 S Sth. ROOMS FOR RENT CHHSTNt'T. SIlilB DrstllAIII.C ROOMS. PEIL MANHNT (lit THANHIHNT l.nci'ST, 31)13 (iMinlil.. rooms. runnlnB water, furnlnhed or uiifuriiialied Preston Hflcr. W PINT! 1.13(1 Ihlnl-llnor front room, neatly fur- litahi d, till (HUM ni t i . ii, for pentleinati I'hnne IIANriSOMHI.Y furiilnlicd parlor, prlvntv blth. hot-water hint Phono Poplar 413.1. ONI1 iiIppIv finn welMi.nted room hot w.itpr hint pnnatnnt hot w.iti r I'hnne Poplar 1133 ROOMS WANTED MOTIIKIt nn.l ditiuhter uant rooms and idtt hPllette unfurn reap It 331, Ledger Off, BOARDING M'lirilllAN Ji:ii.MANTiiWN finn I" I'enn at mil nienm mod.ttp few more (.'iieala. iomfortnltp rooma. fci. table i. fin. d ..tirriiunirn. r fa ntn. 22ll bvnitliltoiiic fiiree warm sunny, well-fur-nlahid room I'lirtrlc ilaht nnd iraa next in bath with hoard for centletnin' small .dull fnmlh Sin per iv.ek II Kin l.eilc.r Central SANITARIUMS DHAUTirUI. LOCATION, aneelal rlpntlflp. care, nprvoua elderlv ppr comfort: nuraea: book let Ilr llanilnl CH l.ln Chestnut III11. APARTMENTS (IIIIIIIAMIIIVN Tin: Tn NEW ADDITION I'KLHVM ("OU11T IS OPEN PELIIA-M COCR.T was not built tn tnakp an appeal to every one but to vou who demand the tiest and are aeeiiatomvd to rerelve It at u prka which connlderlna; what you do de mand and reielve, la moderate it will make a strnnu, eumpelllnif nppeal. IMU.IIAM COl'ItT la located at Carnenlar'a Station, Rermantown, Ju't off beautiful Lin coln IMv. on tho Pennsylvnla Railroad. Mi or ao trnltiH n da, aulely tt.tiiHiiurtntion euouch for anv one. Suites of 2 rooma and 1 hath In .fl rnoma nnd '2 ha thn. the sUh tn ault our requlre-tn'-ms Pricia ar.- from JR0 up PEI.HA.M COPRT la I, uulet, perfect APARTMENT HOTEL, and located In un ab solutely ldt.1l ami exclusive auburhan lopntlon. In a word, vou may come to PELIIAM COl'RT nnd tlntl a perfeit auburlian lop,itlou, with transportation unexcelled an Ideilly eon etrtnied bulldltiK, 'tub t. dlsnlfled, p.K(,nt You ma aeiei t an npartment of th. alzp to suit our liidnldiial needs, you will find all our hotisplceeiiiiux prolitema aoU.d and token cure of for you absolutely without effort on your part: mu. will find a table of tho utmoat excellence at u moat moderate prbe. und thn name courtesy, service and attention l unltorm thruubthuut the untiru eatabliah ment. 1'or full Information, arrangements for In spection und reservations call, phomi ur write to NORMAN S. SHERWOOD Illl WALNUT ST. SPRl'CE 3371 HACE 302.1 or to bis representative on the premises at j't-inam i our i Appointments may be made for automobile a fall at sour residencvi nr buslneaa nlaee und tain- sou dlreuiy to PELIIAM (JOl'RT at jour PURNISHED APARTMENTS APARTMENT to let to married coupla by prl vale family: referemes exchanccd. Telephona Tloua 7U27 J APARTMENTS WANTED APARTMENT wanted. 0 rooms und bath: West 1'hlla or aubiirbs. rent about S3D, atata full parllculara H Mil, Irt-djrer Central. . WANTED To sublet apartment for family of 8 fur Kebruarj anil Man.!. 1' MID. Leih,er Oftlre. WANTED I room apartment. with hath: Weal P S31, Ledger I'liltuneipnia preierrvu, taj of hie HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS 3J ArAKTIIFJvTS Kl'.NTIlP (I.M.V 4 I.KIT N.E. Cor. 17th & Walnut (One block from Illltenhouse Square) Tho housekeeping suites are perfect In their plan 3 tare bedrooms each having bay windows, tins largo living room, dining room, kitchen, maid's room and 3 bathrooms as well. Ideal wlntrr and sum mer apartments Also suite of 2 rooms and bath, free use of laundry on top door Your inspection cordially Invited. MERT0N GREIMS Walnut 029. Race 5270 Liberty Itldg., Pro nil A' Chestnut. THERE ARE SEVERAL WAYS OF SECl'HINU AN APA11T5IENT Rut supposa. instead of trilpg all pf ihesa dlfterenv vvaja. vu ""- v. ot i.us uim 'e.,ll ..a vnlll desirable apartments in Philadelphia are llatwl with or may be rented through ua Our automobiles are vvaltlnu to take lou to tha list of propertlea jou designate, so that with the least possible effort lou may secure the una apartment la I'r.ila which most pearly approaches your exact ideal Mil WALNL'T ST. prucs 3971. . Race S023 NEW C0R0NAD0 " CHESTNUT AND TWENTY-SECOND ST3. Extensive alterations have been made. In cluding service elevator, additional story for servants' quarters, house telephone system, etc- Apply at llulldlng or to SAMUEL J. HENDERSON 601 MORRIS JUUI.DINO Tell iu your requirements APARTMENT BUREAU Office of JUtrtoH Greitns l 1JBEKTY HI-DQ., BKOAD & CHESTNUT Walnut B829. Race 2370. Tivli.fH nanered pa4atetJ 12. fronts. II ma terU. tot Potter 10S Ridge Ph Poplar 3908 Two taige luruuihtivt buoaatlteeifig rooms 0 jutam. bath, ii.it). Saiall tv.ua tl 90. HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS Cowfinii-j rnnt FrtrrAtrto folunni h:st lini.APr.i.i'iilv nssr.X 31th ,. f heatnnt. llPlmont, Jlth Sp, Hardin Janitor or CHilSSi: 311 Ital llldft. 1'I.OBYPOV M'T'f , 4ilth nnd l,m ul ' outnlil rooma and bath film or unfurn . J15 to lft.1 APARTMENT HOTELS ALDINE HOTEL toa" THE BEST ROOMS AND SUITES With the best table in Philadelphia Day, Week, Month, Season, Year PAHKSIDF, APAUTMKNTS Ml" Mnrv o MiOlndp. MantBi-r Bucc-aaor .f Mr Charles Mi(llad. nmn.i.Vr.VptlTn fVn&nVr paiik Tour lfti't Hn in rcnt?r of city. , , , A All nutPi.Jp fnnin furMHliil or unfurnished Cuisine of pprtilhr -xcellencJ. Tflrphonc lUrftiK 221 TUB GLADSTONE llTIt A NO 1'tNn ST8. Absolutely Flfoproof sBVErtAi. vniiY T'notnAnt.ii sutTRa cam rrnNtMiiKn "i iaipiitiNisitRn t Mt ANP ovrnnn hts, RtppptlnnalH lir.-e room" rtpwl furnlahM erlth hath nnd kltehpnetip. InrludlnB hotel npriip, wpnklv and monthlv rntea. punlie run in ronm eleator aer,lcp and all modem ap polnpnenta . , rhona Overbrook ftnna THE CLINTON ,'KNV,'c,,fw 2nn room i tivnnr civvveniiincp. Furniahpd or unrurntt"'d, eltlipr liv l"ta,. or trnnnlpniH. nultia or onp or four room" teiiii i.ntb onuiAn-MnhtttR Went Cheltpn avp Oermantown: 5fl mlnulaa from ftrnnd Si Sttttlon: I'lirnlahprt or i n- fumlaheil npnrlmenla ottp room and tmtn nr more also houaekepplnif apartmenta linTm. COI.ONtAlSpriiiP at Klpvpnth t. A select family apartment liotnl. all Inrtj. air, llaht outsldp rpnma atttlrm rooma bpfl rnom nnd hath with meala for two ppraons: 13.1 per wpek nnd utrt.ird IRVING HOTEL Amerlnin plan. 12 Kuroppftn $1 UP Tim 'IRAi'Y pr,rtMscNT mi Tit NsirvT m est HI I'll AVP CHCSTVCT IN" Till'. CCNTKR OI en i . t i'i"i i i- HVf.UYTIIINfl ' tiii: t.rri i.i: ikimii. S2.V S nm'.lli m REAL ESTATE FOR SALE CITV mm PRRstI ST slorv (Iwcllln. HI rnotii" ponv.'n'.'tti. a lot KinM In rear alre.t, pbnli.' In.Mllnn. Wll, L. CIIWEN'S SONS, 151(1 . "th nl TWO nnd three nlorv Mwellltuta nl sppplnl prlrea: send for lint MAl'RAN DOLMAN 4 CO . N E tor Itroml and Chestnut. 3231 N RROVD ST 3 ntorv. porih. 13 rnonin. 2 hatha modern ttirotiahoul want offer Kenneth Rnmbo. 37-1(1 Oermnnlovvn ne. 1721 N IflTH ST. Oood order: lot IflxinO; to close eatiite 1VM (I lll.l'.NN. 1M7 Columbia ave Itllll.llllB Lola. I'nrlnrr 11lc. ElP. DELAWARE PiVER-FRoNT PROPERTIES H R MpCOLU'M 1311 Walnut at CHOICE RIIILDINO LOTS nnfl larca tracta of vrnnnd In all pnrta rltv. also ovpr 201) m fit. nltea Melvln. mir.-lll Rpnl Ent Truat Rldir (nrpa anil Dwrtltm: N E cor. Huntlnff Park and Fnlrhlll: fjooil lot'.illiin fnr ovntpr hounp nnd rentnurant. THOMAS .1 WARD -1230 N Rth at Willi' PHILADELPHIA IIVIU1AIV for pnlfirpil home apeker 7H(I V 4lllh. a ni mlileliielied 2 ntorv nnreh front dwelling, everv nirderii cntivpnlpnee i room", liirse lot, 20xinr. r. it. can be hotiBht for iimount of aa aenament siHOO. terms to suit WHITESIDE Mi LAN' Ml N 1.1th nnd Pine ATTRACTIVE HOME'S TO OPrER EUGENE L. T0WNSEND S E inr 41ith & Rnltlmore iivp Ph Wood .'.'.'(in THE CHILTON APTS . 3111-321 N 33d St. I'ull of tpnnnta pnvintr Invpatmpnt. price and terms rluht Spp llarrla J Chilton, owner. 313.1 t.neunt at ft, to 11 n m SEE TIIR NEW SAMPLE IIOCSE B713 IIOFKMVN AVE KNCI OHEII HEATED POUCH l-.N'rtCRO hcildi:r TWO STORY atonp-frnnt dwplllna. R rooms and laundry Pth nbi.ve Chealnut: nrli e $1200. SAMI'CL STERN 1201 Chiatnut St JSnnn -WILLOWS AVE . 57th to r.ath. furplahed sample hoope open ilnlly to tl p in KEK SHAW CROW L nittii.. .UK. Cb.atnut nl CiERU ivrniVN REAL F8TATE SERVirE CALL. WRITE OR PIldVE OLTNDOV PR1KST.M N,n,1IM O. rmnntnwn av. UVROE LIST OF OERMANTOWN 1IO.MES SMCLLEN A RARRV Llnertv Hulldlno. llroad and Chestnut. OCR NEW RENT and sale list of Ocrrnnntnvfn and Chestnut Hill properties sent on applica tion R. Tt Lister Hon .11112 nermant n avo. IF YOU ARE LOOKINO FOR A HOME In Oer mantown Mt. Airy or Chestnut Hill, consult me A It Meehnn (1747 OermBntown ave OCR nEAl. ESTATE I1PLI.ETIN will ha sent to vou by mall on npnlleniinn Oermantnvvn Trust Co.. Chelten and O. rinautown uvea l.ocnn rtEAL ESTATE morlonoea and ronvoyanclng. "U WM. D CH MI1ERS 1033 N. Ilrond at pi:n".vi.vaxi. sntiiiiixN HROOKI.INE Runsalnw. hrnnd new. white stucco .10x123: hardwood floi.ra; tile bath: water heat- fruit treea, conveniently located: JIKfiO. ,T Elmer Watts Ardmnre. coLWYN Now 13200: brick property, ri bed rnoma heater, hath onen stairway; lot 23 by 127 SWflPE & SON. Darbv. El KINS PARK New Colonial dwilllitg. 10 moms 2 bntha hot water, big bargain: 3 m iiuten from atnllmi MpCORMK'K Mt (ORMICK mil Cheatnut und Klklna Park ill e'VSlPE. PA Attraotiv'e. detaPhed rma ; ill rnnv terms lo ault . ,4000. RENXINOEIt KFSVINUlSn. (llpnalde. ATTRACTIVE pronrrtv Prick boitsp. rooms, bath gas. eleitrif llahta' nipp tot, nomi nplgh borhiiod J.1MIO J. M Fronetl. Id Wavne. Pa "" SUIIl'RHAN TOWN COUNTRY Send for eatalocue iiROWN & CLOliD. Nerrlstown. Pa snnunnAN revl rstatd Any price. All locations Sale ar rent. ClIAItl.HH J. HOOD Ii CO . MorrH Oldg COUNTRY, SEATS, farms, suburban homes and building alien In northern suburbs, of Phlla phone or write It J Dagertnc. Amliler. Pa LAROU LIST OF Sl'Ht'tllUN HOMES, axis or rii t n!i the Main Line or Reading R It WM. 11 WILSON CO. Morris llulldlng Sl'lH-'IlHAN RESIDENCES for. Bale or rent: attractive locations, prhea right . Maurice J. Hoover. Real Estate Trust llulldlns .MAIN LINK. P. It. It. DESIRAHI.n RESIDENCES FOR SALE OR RENT WAUNOI'K EMI.EN Commercial Truat Ulds Ni;V JERSItY KIIIIIIRIIAN LIPIUNCOTT IJOTS AND HOMB3 UADDON IHlfoilTrf, N. J. W1LLET UPWNjtorp." PENNhVJ.VANIA FOR SALE PytinsylvanlA Hotel In city of 00.. turn population, 3-story brick hotel, furnished, ..ion,iil location, doing capacity business. sale prlco 120 uud, long lease at 1325 monthly, owner la sick causa of aelllpg. Address P. O llox 275 Altoona Pa P!NSVI.V.NV FARMS 12 ACIlESOn macadam ruad. I mile to ataiiuu ottered to settle an palate. IOOaIU. J 11 'ritt!MPSON;Wt Chester. Pa. NKW JERSEY f.UilH FARMS IN "SOUTH JERSEY HENRY TAYLOR VLS'EIrND. N. i. REAL ESTATESALE ORJRENT CENTRAL I'JtePERTIES Fur sale and rent. JAMES DWINCHEJ.L, nth and Sanioin sts CITY AND 8UHCRHAN propertlea for sale or rent. Lower Merlon Realty Company, Land Title HulUllng. Philadelphia, Pa PENNSYLVANIA SyUURinN IJAI.A-CYNWYD Large list houses, sale oi rent, at all prices Samuel C. Wagner, Jr., Commercial Trust llldj . lath and Market M UN LINK. P. It. K. LINK. P. t irtte of MAIN LINE "teat Irhe of Main Lino bouses, either for sale or rent at all prises. HIKbT S. MiMCLLlN. Weat End Trust Bldf. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE 100 INVESTMENT HOUSES, stock, etc 1SEN IDOL- N for farms with Mb at IF YOU HAVE REAL ESTATE to exchange see us. It will pay you. Iwn & Co.. 1902 tf. 81h. REAL ESTATE WANTED WE HAVE SOLD $150,000 worth of rtiAl tsjuate th 3 year and ty n ufU Si- ill ours REAL ESTATE WANTED ConfiniiPif fram Vrt-t riilno rnftiieH PI ILDIXO atiltablo for Inundrv not lena thnn I ii'.uni' square reel. HAHTHor.OMllW 1312 Arrh at. WILL Hl'Y ehp.ip real eatate, any section Phila delphia, Immediate anawer, brokers protected. Chester 1 Hottner 112D chestnut. ou.NKiis. n.Nnct'Tons nr ijstaths if .m hnie anv propirtx, 1 to lno hnun a to dtapnae of ttulekly, pp mp S1N lima N Rth REAL ESTATE FOR RENT CITV COZY itoaiiss All new, ; rnoma bath, laun- rv caa and electric lichts, rtol water heat MATTHEW W DncnttERTY. I nnd Ontario at STORES AND DWEl.UNOfl 1n all serjlBBs of city, aw, our lint in the ledger saluruAy. sami ni. r Kis S E ror Dlh and Callnwhlll i, ....... i . r i ,, a. v. 122V cltANCEI.LfiR. ST Sultabla. aa a Fon.i trjiPlBr'a pITIcp MINTI'RN t wiiiuii !!T co Morris Rid i. on i.amcev rr.ACF. i hatha: .rental rf annum q rilJtlAlA (1 CROSS, Nil P! nuitnl and 3 ftnp walnut at. mmvbm,M,fiPrr& flroail and Clipstnnt tn LficfSf ST -Improved nn.l thoroughly ivatcil! 12 rooms. 2 bains SVMITBI, W 'IS. Ileal Eatate Trust llulldlng. HnaliiPaa Prorirrttfa nn.l Slnrra 4ol p-!Vtr;r C. P t Hlft . IITI' i oMMERCE STREET HARDWARE ChNTF.R II PINO ALL nil 1'A.HI' ' son, OOS CHESTNIT ST iimlern ntnre attractive front. renaotmb, ,( i! upportunltv for many lines of morrhiidialug HARHER, IIART.MAN CO . 1n I'lieatnut, at More nnd llttplllnta ItlDHH AVE NEAR 17TH Store and ilwilitna. In flno order MVI'RS' t IIAIITH RIDOE AVE AND loril rnrlorlra, Mnreliniiaea, Jlfg. I'lnnra rVi.inr.Vo,.),.- AT.lIu OTlt AND HTH. 8TS W..VVWIIIII1 iA...u aIiovt, Columbia. Fioorn nniin to is nno c ft : rhnap power. ft. V. Mi NEELY ?? 1732 Randolph. FACTORIES ntii floor ftniiee of everv description. Phlla nnd vlclnltv FM'TORY EXCHANflB. Stephen Olrard nidB Fllhert 1700. Race 21173 FACTORIES, "sites, warehmiaen, floor upacit ex. elunlvelv. .1 Alan Mlddletnn Foptorv ape- elltliat upd Engineer, lintl-ll W blener Illilg HAVE PARTV wild will erect InllMIIW. central or other Imatlon. fnr aatlsfni'torv tonnnt. DIETERICH 737 Walnut nt. ITII STHEET. NdltlH 1IH2.1 M.itiuf teturtng n.mrn. nt.-nin he.it ntnl power Apph Pennev Iv tntn to. .'.17 Cbentnut nt mill IT. K. nnltuston mill, llaht 3 nldps large levator, nl.nm hnt. 13p In" rate, power, low rent. Morris (tt Co . Ridge at llrnml iirrici:. nrv.iNin ihiumo. etc. I'REXEI. III. PH ori'lCES nnilnl Renl ila SttiKlf Itnotnn Jllll). II2H I1.IH tlllt.f.'Ki l".nO Suites 'J Rum , Sill Hill) IPia S'.'oil f.';,1 aio Sullen 3 Rma . 27.1. lim 112.1 H0 V)n a7.1n Corner Sultm. I to M Ronmn 10.111 to IIOr.0 ELLIS D WILLIAMS, ni.lt Drexel tllllldlng i SHOWROOMS 2d floor. Cnmniprplnl Itldg . Sth nnd Chestnut. Lnrgp, elenr npape with paaa. & frelBlit eleva tor service, ntenm heat A eli lights: Inw rinta. .t A PM'TERSON. 130 S K.th 12.111 HEED HPILDINO llli HI! Centrnllv Inintrd. nil conveniences; rents attractively low. service oontlnumt" IIH oil 121117 Filbert nl 122 00 WIST PHILADELPHIA Itltalneaa Prnperllpa mid Mnrra HUSH CLASS STORES ON ri'.'D ST Just north of Market nultahlo for dellintennen. habet danhpr. ntltlinpr music store Itidlen' readv-to-we-ir. shoe store, etc. See Mltttlilna about It in N f.'.'d nt slurp- and llvvplllnca 710 N. l'NION Corner atoro and dwelling: newly papereil and painted: hot water heatj excellent location for any hu-dneei!' JS2.1. I'AYLOR & SON. 'Jll S loth. NEW JERSEY M'llt'KIIAN CAMDEN COl'NTY. N' .1 30 mlnutea from Phlla Two-acre place: old shade and fruit: largo house, rent J2f. from April I or will sell on verv e.iav tprma ARTHUR "OSWELL 233 N 13th. MORTGAGES MONEY TO LOAN ARTHUR B0SWELL 233 N 13TII ST. Prtvntp. trust nnd rtulldlng Asanptntlon fundi $100,000-4'2 7FLAT SPECIAL TRCST FUND ' FOR fiOOD FIRST MORTOAOES HORACE II FRITZ 713 WALNUT ST to Hi:it'nn a MonTt.f..; lip It fir' or m( nnil if iou ilfslrn "f Hi (""nt n(rlrt, quUk 11 ml s.itlsfftt tury rrflultn unit tuoii'rtitf i'lmrKt'a-- I'Al.t., PHON'K Olt WItlTi: TO I'M "Your i?inrtRuf' will hn iih Roml nn plnrfil ' N'tUMAN S, SHKHWOOn. Hit Walnut -t. J50 NOTR OH MOUTOAOn JmincillHtc Httipmcnli TO rimtttlifl ntt.ili l.n.irit. Bulltlliifr sn.if l.iilnn I'uuJs, noon i.i:Misnv a ro. i.7 Suutli litih m. FUNDS FOR MORTGAGES Northern Trust Company SIXTH AND SPRINd (I RDEN MONEY FOR MORTGAGES llulldlng AnaoclTtlon Tinl Trust Fund,. TAl'LANE till" Wiilnut at. FIRST STRAIUHT MORTGAGES 8ILcgN IN MI'VIM '111 Sllf MI)EROER fi CO 7i h nnd Ornen ata Fl'NDS FOR FIRST, second or split mnrlcnitea pollnteral and ahort lenn i lonna' neinnd tnort. gaaea on rows of bulldlna onerntlnna ARERNETHY. 133 S P.'th. 2721 N. tlth. 1100.0(10 TO INVEST In first morteraeen I., aunia from ipuni up also building assoplatioii ranHU Tor ReCllOll niOrlSBPS a C. SEIDEI. & CO Ith and Callnwhlll ata WORRELL ri'NDS FOR FIRST ANP SECOND MORTOAOES 553 NORTH 17T1I ST 1I0O. 1201) To l.llllili Tl) LOAN LEWIS CO 1227 Weat Olrnr.l ave .$50 TRI'ST Fl'NPS For anv good mortgacea J EDWARD I.I'TZ. 21(1 N 17Hi at LOANS ON' INTEREST IN ESTATES Reasonable i-hnmen JOHN A HARRY 307 Land Title Hldg ALL AMOUNTS 1ST AND 2D MORTOAOES Quirk answer MAURICE It MATSINOER RI Eat Tr Rldg " FUNDS FOR 1ST AND 2D MORTOAOES MOHTOAOEH I Hit SALE TI1EO nNICKLES 2313 Oermintown ave MONEY for mortgages llm ka County properly. " ' AnTHI'R P TOWNSFND Lincoln Rulldlng Philadelphia ""TRUST FUNDS FOR FIRST MORTOAOES HERMNESS A STETSON LAND TITLE 11CI1.D1NO MONEY FOR 1ST AND 2D MURTOAaES " T A RHPPINO SON 700 WALNITST f.201 SPRUCE ST. " FUNDS FOR ISTAND 2D MORTOAOES " - ANY AMOI'NT POTTS THOMSON. 2.121 Frankford ave. ADVANCES TO nttlEnERS A SPECIALTY HA7.I.HTT MOSS fit. VAI.Nt!T ST FHIST MORTOAOES FOR SALE 11(100. 1"000 Papers free. PEMRERTON ESTATES. Har rison Rulldlng. 130 TO $2000 tn loan on real estats security. Immediate Battlement; payable ,a desired r;iivv. 31 aiiji.i,. io.i n iiii si ii.?ivrv fop first and second mortgages; any tick answer. C1IS W. MILLER amount: quick answer iCJII H W 4Ul.,tll v oiiiniuii.ve.tiii. i.uieiiiiif MONEY for first and aeeond mortgages, building nsaoclatton and Installmint mortgagea Willi? Winchester Co 10IR Chestnut st MONEY for first nnd second mortgages, prTvatft funds and building newiclatinns WM FRIEDRICH &. C6 . 801 N. l"th It. 1'ItlVATE FUNDS for tlrat mortgages n and f money fnr second mortcages, no premiums. JOS7 Al.t.EN .rtYlTS. 400,1'llaltlmore ave. FIRST and second mtge or on note, any amount: luvv rates immediate answer F. X Delaney, 1112 Lincoln Hldg , Jtroad and Penn Square ALLAMOCN'fS to loan on 1st and 2d mtcs Chaii. 7. D" Young. 400 W End Trust Hldg. MONEY TO JC.0AN YOU "CAN GET $16 TO $204 TODAY privately and without red tape. If housekeep ing We are licensed and supervised by tn. Hanking Department of Penna I'aymenta are tmall and arrangtd to ault Jour convenience Your inonthlj payment on 130 Is only S3 your monthly pajment on bt is only IT Willi 3c.. interest on unpaid balance Your monthly payment on 4l3a Is only lit Your monthly payment on llt-0 Is only 11 J With 2 Interest on unpaid balance Call, write oi use Hell phone Walnut 43M. HOUSEHOLD LOAN COMPANY 131 South Broad Street Second Hour Next to Ffirrail T1I..1.. 0 p m Sit to (I p m UPaW a YOU lAN IW11ROW MONBT ON DIAMONDS. JEWELS. J-7TC. ifs and up ;:: I 1S0U AND VH .-....,, 1 " BJfFA AND OXFORD ST. ffiM ahu SOUTH STS ildrJfcr LOANEU ti- nelra ot unaettwa eiiateZ tniereata couibt FRANK P MARTIN. 12i- I f2S Stephen Ultsiro uiag.. u g. tj, ,L gS C RAP P LEH I'Iip Vniimr Irttly Acttxto flip Wny TIIH t'ADDKI) CELL ! 0-l.li.Tnf. I, , ...! , J. "l ' .--iT fi 1 A ' A '""J kv Single You sue, madam.e wr f Uy ; aw Attri w price, vhv? TLu-muLYoo! J fr A0'I13W6 B&CAUS& , Aio (MATrat? How V 11 DAr?K AND SldRMV TilE. BUTrtii? I v ki H - J VSII& 16 STiLL "TbOR UHCUL! 'J f Tho vntniK l.nl . nnsi the vvnv tna alio .aiifiponp. It w.iutil he botler to hava the war Ro on th.in to pntch ttf) nn ntrntifjcttipnt tint ttmiitl bo motel tcm pornrv. ntnl vvli.it tltc vvnrbl hopes for In it rpnlly pn-rarlotm pp.iro. War Iti'fjtilallons tn noma stiliiirlis of f.rrmnny jtro fprs ore not nllnwril to m-ll sntip ttn Ipss the pttrplincr enn prnvp, by sliotvlng: Mint Is loft (if the previous piirkct. Hint he rpnlly Rppils It. If luulilnu; Is Ir-ft of Hit? pro tints pm-ki-t, ho Just shows tin1 Brocer Ills neck. Punch. A&ouTTHfSi rime kmerv veap- k rtMS ii'MEKR, OFF SrAOKlNCf B TiAi 111 ft Ii 1 1 ill AND ABOUT AVviaEK LATER -SNEAKY DOWN IN THE RASE rAEMT BH HIS LONG-SOrAlr ANP vNlSHESrlE-HA&'EfA AUU BACx. - I'll lirnfi table Lot! fino never Itisci ., rn 1 luiiir by kcepiiiR an t'nc;.iui'iiii'nt imtn tu.illy Scott I.'M'tpt li.ilt .in hniirs 1 11110 vvaltniK fur ilio otlu'i fellow Kiericnce 'reach"! Splffer - I 1i.i vc often womkred .tt yimr lirlllliinrv. vmir oiitiieiiM at ifpai tec tour Whlffer If it's more thnn a dollor. old ti p. I r.iu t .In ii thing fur you, I'rn nearb' brolto mvt'lf. .Music Hut Ii Charms W . i i..;'j L, Tradieiiian (tmc(ruptlng)' clmna 'r4 to ptuy? Thp tliatrumcntnliat- -N' Wtiy: Tra4mai! iiHten to. tt' bally 'arU to SCHOOL .. A-JH5 I.. j... s MBAW mm St. .-.'.in, v Hull I n Is th it V .Ae i ' "'l( I im f iVI irnL.(m in - Lit v a! V ik-i vo III; -"" '.--i"! rmyj Ej', j I r. i Ti N Vs" r - IK 1 ' liJLMHalUlilsiJ AIN'T A MAN A FOOLISH THINC? OR GVvES TO HIS FRVENDS.AuUYHE CICrARS IN HIS ll. "IMKADIsr The lie Slijhlicl I had auih a i fMWMS in the 'inrden of IMen Mlea Kensington Oh, how 'npp n'. And did r,ie appear as Mie Is gen nally i cpregenteU ? Tho Itev. Shyblrd I- -t er 1 didn't look Hard to Understand Mary's father was n dentist who p dallied In orthodontia, and she) con fided this fact to Kilty, who had Just mm i (I Into the neighborhood "Mother," said Kitty. "dUI you ever hear of licit a umier business? Mary says that her father's specialty ts Ar-lliur-don't-joii Now what do you sup pose that means." HAYS HAfwiin y POS&S10 M ENO" I he Sketch. I rtreamt I was nous dream last n(ght - "t sx m Al N'T A rA SBS 0 i TrVfltNti TO R6At THC NOTK Q.K A PHanQdRAPH' R&CORD l AFTER.A.RID16KA 2 tKrVi-&Q-0"r!t M I J , I s jsi sM,