- iw-w TBP-'y !"'i' J',' 'BRP fWU Wf " fs ' V ' y 12 EVENING LEDGEft PniLADELPniA, TUESDAY, JANFAKY 9, 1917 Investment Counsel is gladly given to those who care to consult us. There are any number of strong Government, Municipal. Railroad and Public Util ity Bonds whose attractive qualities are not familiar to many investors. We arc ready to offer suggestion and provide information. G.UI.larR$eo. rtANKKRS lEMllbllahed IMTl 321 Chestnut St., Philadelphia FINANCIAL NEWS 1 LragjADjgJTOA markets J RATE FOR CALL MONEY IS LOWERED TO FOUR PER CENT IN PHILADELPHIA Reduction Amounts to One Per Cent Keystone Telephone Company Issues Good Statement of KarningR Quiet Buying in Transit Certificates rr.! . In, A PiiUtmrtih ltoiton Chirac Wllkpt-Hirrn tUdillnx Convertible Debentures Due Nov. 1, 1926 Tax Refundable in Pennsylvania Yielding About 6.12; These Debentures arc a di rect obligation of a Com pany that owns or controls Public Utility Companies supplying without competi tion Gas, Electricity or In tcrurban Railway service in 53 communities. Protected by earnings about thirteen limes Debenture in terest. Send for Circular 2502. William P. Bonbright & Co. , Inc. MORRIS WISTAR STROUD, Jr. SI.iti.icer 437 Chestnut St., Philadclphin New orl. Ilostoti Detroit l.nmlun V;r Wllllitm V HnnlirlRht . Co llonbrlcht & Co. piling up surplus ti MkIi l!rr prices thN rfmnrkjMt i nbnir pruprrtr ! pnjinj pKiilt of l remark dlviili nlt at ttif rntp or dbtrp nujirtfTh, mxl hi tin lnt nlnpty 1 ir-4 tnn vxun "'? .til(linN llUTH t.PPi) ll' 111 -(! I h fmtirr l M IMlItI" if MpN-itt.' nn- nvtteij In our tftallH itnnli Urn I ii'purt Jutt lsiicI su fur t. i . r: JONES & BAKER STOCK ItllOlvlMt Widencr HHf., Piiiladclphia ".ell. Walnut lilfm.l. Kfjtone. Hurt .'L'nii. pit AtirU Boston C'lilcriK" Plll.tiurRh nirnl I'ltiillf lllrrt Edmonton (Canada) 5s 1934 Edmonton (Canada) 6's 1921 Southern Indiana 1st 4's 1951 N. Orleans Terminal 4's 1953 Write for t irmlar find mc i Morris Brothers Co. r.t.ilIMinl IKD.t 1421 Chestnut Street k RAILROAD BONDS Muny well rcurrtl 4r; Kullrnntl llnml arc now hfllliiB til it rmwhiVrii.ilr dis count untl jlrlil rry attriirtltn mint to the ImrMnr. W hnp prepared ti rlrmUr ftVrril Inr a numler of th lionet which Hf hhall be peuJ to si-ml on rrqueht. MELLOR & PETRY .Mrmbrrs V V. A I'lill.i. MnrU Ktrlitnirs 330 COMMEltCIAI. TKIST III II.DIMI Don't Want Brokers to amwer. an 1 am an . prt limUer anil prartl rat oil operator, a repuurlun t iihuut n blemish, nd MS omi to lakf up first inortKdSf on my cholc oil land. 111 protect with royalty and viva bonus of stock iu it to munry advanced and profit from ab Olvo neat of references Address 321 St. David's Road Wayne, Penna. IIIMDKMH TIIK INM'BANCK IIIMI'NV III- Till: STATB III' I'KNNMI.IANH 308.311) Mttlniit .1.. I'lnluilflplil.i Cupltal 11 lll) 111)11 Jumiao , IUIT Th. director, hur ihl. dd it. Urea n h.hh annual dividend uf 3 per eent ton .lurr. par 1100). pajaLle Januari 13 to .totkholdera uf record at noon en January H. 1017. una hate received and receipted fur their terttneate. uf lock. Check, will be mailed JOHN J 1' HUDUHKS. Secretary DIBKfTORV llT AfCOVNTANTS Certified 1'utilU Accountant. lAWIIBNL'K K IIIIOWN CO. 1615 REAL. EHTATri TRUST UUILDINO IIKNHY C. MA QUE JBTEPUKN UIKAltD 11UU.DINO "" WILLIAM H. MONTEMUS 0X0 CHBSTNUTHT. " " BURNS ft 9PKAK1UN the: uoursb The rnto for i-nll mniiey uns tcilui'ftl I" I per toni In IMill.ttlclpliln l-itlny. Tills Is" n irtlurllnti f I per cont. Hip rnlf linvlnR In oil 5 tii-l- tntit kIih'p l1ircinl)or T. when II will rulmiH'iHl frnm I iter font Till" "in liv fur the most Hit -rpiitlnK i!r.pnlinrnt In Iho I'hllnilcliililn hnntR'lnl dlKti let tmlit.v II liml hern the Rpneinl cxlicflallun III il "' ml" would he lonereil. line tn the lifmHttB e.up or the mune.v ninrhel VpFlenlii. fol Hisliim-e Hip nlntement of iniulltlon of the mniiilicro of the l'lillnilelli:n I'liitrlliR Itollie Amnclnllmi ih-)vliiK it Hiirnlitii otor respite irriulieniptiln of $2l.l7l.nnn. Thin reprpHonteil itn Iihtciikp of Jfi.l IS.niin n i 'iinpareil nidi Hip nrrcKiionilltir; week The ni'tlnli UihlMR In reilllt'lliK H'r ,e vn tit .t Keiieinl. hut It n IhotiBlil Ihnl olhet liiHtltilllniiR wuultl follow the Irml nf Hip Imtter hntikR nml Irimt ronipiiiile"' unit Hint Hip rule of I per cpiiI would hrinme Keiier.l1 In n dn. or two I'miRltleintilr lnll'ret wmi Khown In lln e.irnliiKK nlntoni ml of Hip Keyxlonr Teh phone t'onipan fur ier.mher Ittul Iwehe ninntliK The tro for the month wn ft Si'.mi I, whli-h hi nn Inn pit!"' of JHI.HMI Sales in Philadelphia i III3I1 I n I I'll" " ll' III Ai'titp Ten iner i jv n :; -t " i Am Mn" .Ull I'M I2n r: Am it - pr i : : .to li.ii.hv i .-,:, i, n;.i, ,-.v'i -l Mrlll .1 il aa :t3 .1.1 I ft ,.im limi I t 1.1 "i !.& '.i urn chin fop 'jv,i :..!, sr.'i I bii niKt hpi- ::;, 's ;' iOm au KIpc Slnr nn 14 n'. cnii , .111 i Anpii pr in' 1 nn us IS Inn f X A Jl"i Jil'i !(lli inn Innplr fop S!)',s "!i,, 'Mi I'.i 183 I.I. Sup 1 '1 11 'ill l!)' .'" 'j in l.ph Vnl IK 111 IK 3 .Minehiii :.oi, .iii'h i;?i ' 'i .10 Alex I'd liil'-j llil'j 1 1 1 .t :. Xnith fenl Klt'i HI', 1 K1', . ... HHi X V X II & II Hiv, tn ih"h :tv; 311.1 I'entia It It 31 .1t ,-,n; t, an I'a .Salt M. lift tin -1 li mi i'lill.i fii. Hi'-, mil nn 1 HI I'llllll Co rum pref f I Vtt It's lUii J .1.1 I'hlla i:iec 33', 3.IU Mil U SMIJ IMIT tr or .is 14 an; 3'iii 'i D hlla Trnc K-i Kj KJ I Oi Hi He.'iillrik' ..in;'.-. ln.'U inj'.i 1 I K.l Ton Hel .. 1 I -l HS, . . . M8 Ton .Mln ,-.i .in-, .11, ', 3.1(1 I'nhin Tr.ic HI'.', Hlli Ifil'i III I'll li Imp. HIII'i Hll',4 K1') '1 I I' Cos X .1 'J-JI -HI 'J'JI . . . .13111 f S Steel. 113 p iisi, 1 K 11.1 U'nr I & S 014 O'.a !14 I'J V .ler & S .ll',fc .1(1 M .1(1 ',, . ... in V f llllllp K.l HI H.l M York Ity lf 3K 3H 3K HUM)-. Net lllmi l,im 1'lnne 1 hRe Hi(i a ii& 1:1 5k any, on', V4 -Ti. Hill KIpp & Ten Tr Ik . Hfl rb nr. 3 limn Kipilt III li .'is . .. inn ii. iiinvi iiini4 I Dim Mar & lOlei- Kl ... 10.1 10.1 1113 1(i() l.k Sup inp Sh r.:i .13 .1.1 1 inon Ueh X Imp If iil-V, niaj njiji 4 li loon l.cli X conn fax . uiiu in m?ii. v- u 1000 l.eh v Run Ik ick 01 14 01 ',4 piV4 t U .Kinii do Bpn Is res . on fin nn .... Honn do roup I'jH '03 101',, Mil lilt Vi . . . ton Nat Prop l-6s UK oh ii . . ANM'Ali i:i. Kf THINS tisr t'i:.STHAI. TRUST AMI SAVI.NOS I'lllllMW Th Annual Meotlne of SlncKhnlders of this t'omptiny will lie held nt the Company'. oHUe 4i)l Market nt . on 1 humility, Junuuri 11. 1011. ni IS o'clorli p m . hi whlrh tlm an elfillnn will lie held for Directors to aurvn durlns the cn.ulnff j ear I' HELMIiOI.D Secretlirv YSf ,MTII..ill.ll.S .N.VTIO.NAI. ll.X.NK. if I'nllailalpliU, I'a., Dcli'mber 3utll. I'JIII, The Annual KKcllon for Directors will rm '".'' n$.l) oanklns houw on I'uekdo. Junuuri lib. 1017. between 11 a. in and 1pm. Ll.VFOItD C. NICn. Cashier JSP rhlllldelphla. Kirsl Month Kill, 11117 At an election held tins day the following nanid persons were hnsen Director of Till ST I'lttlVIIIKNT I.II'K I'llll.AIII-l.l'HIA to tllMI'AM III' tor tnree seara: JOHN II MIIRIIAN' hrnrv 11 cm. i. ins I'HAIU.KH II lIXIIDINfi .1 W1IITAM. NICUtlLSO.N OKOI1UK II. r'HAKIKIt Th following hold over Term expires 101s Term expires 1010 Ana S Wine Houert Jl Janney John Thompson Rmlen Marriott (' Morris Morris It llocklui Joseph H Townsend. Jr lleorK" Wood Krederle 11 Htrawtirtdse I'arker S Williams la-il I. Hue At a subsequent met tint: of the llmr.1 of Directors, held the tine diy. ASA S WIND was re elerted President and J IIAIITON IIIWNHBNO. JOHN WAV and .M AI.IIKIIT I.1NTUN were re-elected Vice Presidents uf th Cump-iny. I' WAUTKR llORTUN. Secretary. x.nm'ai. ii;i;riN(is TIIIKl) N ITIIINAI, HANK riillauVli'lilu. .lamury ), 11(17, mr'Ai the Annual .Mit'llmr of ihi Sharrhuld J-S ders. held today, the rolloivliis utntlrmer were elected Directors to strie for the ansuins eor. FRANK l. I'ltnKT I.KU'IS It llll'K HAMILTON HlrlSTtiN JACIIII II. DISS IDS THllMAS J HAltl-: samiiki. riu:i)i:mi'K hulstux JOSKI'H J. MAKTIN liUMIIKRT It. I'OWKI.I. 11. HRINTON ROIIIiHTS K DO A It I). STOW W I.eMAIt TAI.HOT I.UUI.S M WAtlNKR W CLIFFORD WOOD. Cashier MIKTIIIVKSTKKX NATIIIXAI. HAMS rhlladelphl.i, I'a. januar u, tui At the annual Kleoloii held this day the fol lowing; Directors were re-elected Kdward A Schmidt Harry A 1'oth ' I) ('has. Murtha Olio W Sthaum Hodfrey R. Rebmann Wm It. Severn John K. llanlfen I.lnfonl C Xlre A. Raymond Raff John R Llvesey Kdw. V. Shmldhelwr Joseph ! Wlllnun 1.INFORD C. NICK, Cashier. "JS" ajiiiiiiirriniiiiiiiiJaMUiiiaiiiiiiMiiiMiiiiaimini.intiiiiiiuiiiininiiiiiTHHiiinmii nun wn fcsaaii iysMnMi.iMBiiniiiiBTi itiriiin Your Income Tax THE Iucome Tax Law requires each person, sub ject to the tax to file a report of income not later than March 1st. We are equipped to assist individuals in the prep aration of their income tux returns, and invite the Ute tise of our department opened expressly to handle such matters, lnijuirici by mail will rcctitt prompt attention Philadelphia Trjust Company 1S Chestnut Street JUS Cbejtnut Street Philadelphia "fJHBrfJ Tinnirniiimrffriri f t, -TffTtsTfflnir'"T""'!T''''' ni t'omparpit with Hie t'olic-inititllnR molilh or 1 Iip prpvlotiK jer The not ropp $:lll 10 JtlS.asn. .'or twelve tnnntht the Rross niiitlPil I (JllAIN N1) rt.OlH I MIIHAT Itiielnts 101 HSU l.tiin I";","";' I whs nlr nntl prlr. ruled "li o under I ' K'" " I frrlmts ijilntnllnm 1 .ir lots If) !' r" , mini fl fn m.l . 1 1 111 II I '.'' . 'V southern red Jl.lilli I II" si inter No It Ii2i I I'.l. Vo 3 red t ;!il r. )i ' It Rim 111 . rejei ted 11 SI ll,r'','-i, . ,. u ItlH.N lleiepl 11 -,W nil"" '"" .', "J Otllel hut iirfiMllBS ".li Hohl il".'1 I'P','" 1 ... M.Rdv. Dnntnllnns Cir tola rnr hi. nl tniih . ' to Inentlnn -.No 'J ll" 'I It's ' ' ''t. ! .1 lellne. il.fll'iiOl 1 1 '. . V , I J'I ;1- 'L,.l I,' It I mi's. No 1 i(l.. Jt ""'J fi 1 "'' '"u", .rn f low. SI 111 rl let's . . , ,. oATr! Ilee. IpH. tl'.'.'.TI "Mil t'rl' J aleadllv maintained IlllMM "","' .ffir.l ..hlle" latlons- No '1 v.hlt". iwwnVij itnnrt.iril ;h e. n wntu n.r "rt-y.-. " ' .-...- innlt onii. .Wy Trn:i'i 'I SI.ITn.Hil, nn lnrrettnp of St"8..1ltlt n,! f72!,Pi3; Inirrni'". H7.7S3 The run. 11 Xei, 4 Piny wotiml mi he j. pii j wit', ii dpi mif plus of ann R23. n Rain of o.1H.!ln XpIHipi Hip P(iniintiy'B ronunon nm prrfprrpd loel i hithRpd l)nmls tliirltitt ihe ihi'' intiliitR nil the lin-iil ',, iinnce. rhIii toilit) n.iditia nit' or mii.iII in n liortlohR on fhiinRPt The fiu I Ihitt nmitj nittlonitl Iniiikx nml liui i iiiiiMitiin lii-iii their nnmi.tl nippinmi iciny lor eici-tion or illrpi-loiii It lieinif known iih "Ilnnk Hn." ntnj ltnp lind yiniplhlnR m do niih Ihr llRlit irmllnR. nn it tool, fome ppoplp out of tiiP Mrect I i nltrlld Ihe IIIPPllllRH MoicntPtiti of iirlteH hpip onr it niirrow nnRp nml t.pr- iitonnliinlpf In I " llrllt ihpre wii n dii'lltie of ii full point. htlnwltiR I'tp prli'i- down to ilfl. the lopl In Hi! MHf nud Inst Thl.' wn iiiToinpllHhed oh LM HlmrpK Hint Hlni'lt hns mil lieen in-l ve i In the timikel for hoiup linn' "uli-liindlnR In Ihe Inidlns wiih Hip ipiipt LitvlnR of t'hllitdelphlii Itiipld TiniHI tiunt I'l-rtldintPH. which wpre the most nt'llp. Tit -up weie In lull nil IIiiourIi the day. irlni-lNill. III lii-t of Inn xhritPK The prim-pal Imjer wan n hnu whh-ll In CPU i tally tindeiHlood to he i-Ikp to Hip olhV itln "f Hip t'onipaiij Thin ImjInR. unit Hip fact Hull Hip erillMenle.- were firm iiroimd the i-Iohp nf .vpHletdai. led some In Hip SIi-ppI to ht-llpip thai Hip Hlork wan IipIiir pi -kptl up u-llti Home purpnsp in mind In tin- littler part or lam week It wan uridpislom! in Home (punier thai Hip stork IioIiIpih would incite mini her dividend nt th- nipolltiR of Hip dlrpctorn iipxI .Monday, and today this wan lellernled In the Fame iiuititptx. Il wax khIiI that II was piv llkcl that the ilHldend would hr :" . per rent Uiko Siippi'lin- whleh has frnm lino- to lime imiile up a i-oiinldprahle portion of ihe (IpitllnRH, was much ipiieter Hint) usual In. day. mid Ihe price was iinclimiRed from the Until of yeetel'il.iv. Spccilii-alioiiH in Stt-t-l I.arRi' I'lTTMIIl'IKSIl, ,Ia ii ) --Home or the man .iRera or the iniRpr Ktpel mills hpro said today Hint spocillcatloiis in the flist week or litis month had hppii heavlei than those ipi-plxed in Hip "irri-spondliiR wppk or Ip ppniher. Tills Is suiprlslnc. In view or Hip fact that Ihftp were only (1p workliiR dnys last week Xpw husitipss Is com parntively IIrIiI. as mills nn- littinll. sold up for clRht ni tpn months. Shipments arc said to lip sompwhnt hotter, hut mllla hne enoimoiis tnnnaKra nwaitliiR cars or mothe power Pi'Ipps i-uiitiutip- linn .Mills nre rpfusliiR lo e sheet steel hevond Jtllv 1. nUnin.r X Hl'l-riiZ',-. mimpn 2lZ' t I j I en IM 1-t.iii it net "una. .lino i-i-i-- -""....-:: "l lbs In avks H.miiiel ,"'"" '"JinS end si lh ra upnrl nn i-rlts (juolnilons. rnl? Wji' r. . I. ne 111 lllll II" ' .-'. - , . 11(1. do. slrnlshl IT.lllim s w, uo, i.i- i-. b .HID. ll.t I.....UI. il.lll I itlllll Hill K l. M .inn a. til. 'In sirnlu'it 'niton fS'lfi. ."".J. -'1 ln patent, lotloll ,-I. I'. ?'' "y,UH',V5r Ural pnii n t ... fmoVlli lininds ' i.7-Y l . ' mlllj. , hnh-anml fall' v lull' III till' t'L ) ' U v.,.t" reaiilur urii'l'-- Wini. i . i-nr ''t?nL""n,"" slrnhrht. Ittllifls PI do. imli-nt J '"J""'! ,. llW" I'l.Ilttt was 'I'Het "I'd "' " '1""" IT Slllis l-r lilil . us lo 'liialll'- t'tJOVISIONS The mand inef. in . niarkel ruled sieaiH lih a fair il. I'-ollouhiz an th' ii!l"liill"ii! Ity en. amolod nud nlr uri.Mi. an, west ern tier. Ill sela imnwi .ii- -i'j i-ei ..!.....!. ...... i..H.in.. ait..,k, .1 .mil alrtrleil. n.V walirii '' l.nu-hl. s mid truiters, ainiiVil. aa-, I... f huiii" J'iin I'nrKiJfljnl'i liWflitit illl. (uuns S I' .iirr.1 Im.s.. I'.lfl.HlUe: On. sk'nnnl. Ions. si, inn. do. do smoked In' Uliih . other hams smoked .in Hired, aa to hrnnd and auraite. tfii'ti . hnnis smoknl ivest ern elirnl -Jll'si . do. isilled. Iionelesa illle. plenl' shouliters M I' iiind loos . Il'se. id, smoked, I.Vsi In III. H In nlvkle iii'iilillim lo averilR". tiiose, IT. iifiikfust Imtoti us to hrand anil, averiut- illv iiind. "I-. Iirenkfiisl linintl. w.sl rn Hind ai.. lard w.ali-rn. rellned. tea. Ike., do do. do nilis I- lard, nnre eli. kett'i ri'iid.ri'l In Ihrirs I it luril. pure Its . kitlk nud. red In nil. Hi liUKINUI) .SL'(iAI(S nrK I wmi tllll" but Mmrls Ur-nnTR' - liiini Unr m initlittnl, t. "V. pnw- rh ma i l.Ht til II . M ilnrrtl. ti n.. , tunft lnm t-V A. H tn. . nofl firmlt h 'P n hoi DAIKY IMMJDUITS ItflTKII -iini)iii)l llKht nntt rlrt r rllnnit li nm) r ln ri .immI tftir tn b1I, Quo nl linn Wentirn frni. snllil-tmi k'il rn-iiiitiTj. fmify iM't InH, ll'ai . ' xlfttr. IVi's tr Hlr; fxlrn flrnlH. ;ti f :i.i , flri-lH. ,1f :i" f"intin. aifl3.V. Mfiirli (irltitM, fntn lilt , iiuniK" fXlni, IM t'.'c. Ilrxt1 HTritsi nttinN, HiftHTv, him rial flint lintnilft uf tiriutr J'.hhiUK nt luff (Up I'.tKIS .n,nili Mir tniittnuil wiirn tun I Bni p rally nb In mnitll t ni n timtnlutn nw r MtKitMtlnnM I'liitl NiuntKi- wri In Tnlr (! utittitt nml llrm iiiMiiitinuH imp nn rtilfnw' .Snrh pJttnm ."3f pi r tin? . tunrhv tlrntft, J 1 ft .In 1r h. iinrl i urrt-ttt rt I pt . . r runv. UTKlnrn oxtmit .".It inc tltirnn tin. i-xtni. (lrntK Jlfi !1M it niHf, ilo, MrnM. fit pt-r i'hkp. ro rrlKruliir , Ursln lll.tuiMI lo wr mno, !, nrontlf tin so n r r.tm fHinn mlt iptt iinil)',(l fp'Hli puw tti-rt jnltMiitf nt tuftiTiv prr inKn c'llHIISK nfrrrlnan nf fln on rlj-tujuli otork worn llKht tiTid nlum wr mnilllv niiilntnlnrl, hut tht-rn wiih lilt I' tr.Ktlnu Uuntn lions fnl Imv Now Vnrk, full t mini, fiui-. heUl. W tt'JTtr, Kprt'iatM IiIkIk r Ou, tin fair tn cnixl, licit). !i I U ff '-' I si i . ilti. part itklmi KM.Jlilr rouiruv t.lVfl nnld plnwlv and unn imnln wonltnr under fnlrl 1 1 hi nil tiffi rlfiK" nuinv of xshlt h ttcrp of un ittrm f I v Mint k QuniatinnH: CnuN, hh to iiualllv, iHtillit. r.Mijlon. I riiinr; pprliiR t hlt-Kenx. HttonlliiK to iinilit isfM.ir Whllo (.oRhnruM, mi tirttlmt in iuallt. lTifflUc , durks, nn tn nlzo nml 'iiiitllf lNfiL'iir iurkfn, iMIi St. Roosf, IhtfL'lt, pltMint. nlil, pr pair. 2iQ Ww, do. Mmnjj. por pair :'tniH.r lltlSHi;i DonmiKl al.Htirh.tl llm limited of forlncfi of llnr d.'Hlrahli1 Fi7f. tin k ami aluF wt ro wo M miMtnlnt'l tJtKtiillm- I'ronh-klllpd. tlr -p.H'ki'd turkt m, ptr lh I'a in . urarbv. !fj W.ni fnm-s ttitni, Hf'.t.'i, fair to good. IMtW'.'.iir. nld tom, .'Siyiip. cntnmnn. 21 IJt'JTc; fnwln. 12 io box. drv-pirkrd Pnnev, o.'(( -r(- i lo. uilKhhm l'i fTi tbt n piece. Aki rt II, a rinlrrA ".It . ilrt rt U 1h. ADltCtS aiftJS , do ;i IM npltx-e ltJifr; fowls. In bhls.. .inr dr .Vrl vvlxhlnir 414 9." Ih-v And ot Plrf M do 7 II ipImo. i!2r. smnller l tfti.' nld rontern dry plfkril, 17c. rohtlng ihltk m wt'torn tin i . ol In Imifft wi-ikii Imb tiQilfi lb) rr pilr WflSnc. do. ll,n io inir. s.'laV'-V.i tb T lb rrr pnlr il-Hitfe roi-i-Iiik t hh krin i morn k packed, in bbis . .elB'niiK I its vid ocr jw r nnlr 22'tf,-.'.r rnnsl in f ( nn i.oiij wnirii. .. mil?, uolphtnt? It1," po1 pnlr '.' 2N brnlllnur ililt krnn. wtpn. .In 0n nolKhlnM .TTv I lhJ Pit pa ., s!4ttJ.C, HiiLhfhH . omiiiiu; ,tWn ibi per pilr. IDWL'Or, Uu. iiiUk) h'2m Wfiui hrnlfrrn .toMfy 'nncy t?47nfr, tin. nthor n i.-in. noinhlns Pit?-' JJ;, Pleco 275P2DC do iiodrbj, fmnllor lr"i- 2.1W '.ri', itijfKr i i l ..triMc. do uft.rc -u L"-V. ciTFf npnrb I'uffT'J'-V, tlo uriiern 18?t "UW, n.Uil)R. whltr uDluhinff tHJirj lh por cm?!.. .i i".fff. nt. itt 'iUlii ih h. r do. $4 f. r..h0; do. tin S Ihn por dr 1111 M do do 7 lbs per d. 5 f.u&3 ffl. di. do. itiTV lhs nr jn , i.1 ift4f i 'in. iMrk JL' r.tiif'J u(i. mntt nl Nn 2. rti Tl -'.".. FKKSIf ruuiTS Trail was fllr nml atues Bnneialll aere fi susiiiiiud. i;iioiiiilons. Amirs i r lilil -Vork Imiierinl. : sa. Hen Hais. Mfl .m. llnlda-ln No i 1.1 fl'i I .1(1, do. unaradul -it il nil. lire, nine No I II nut) it do llllBrnded. t.tfl I -J.-i, Mna No t I. .1(11 n, do, iinsraded. M0 I. Mlmninii Vn t $!.! iln. iinarnded. tS.anS.l'l. Wlnesan No t. II !i9tk ,1(1. do. unaraded. rJ .i'"ril m Andes N'nrilineaierii pfr tin. It Wirg.VI Lemons tier hn 12 Mm it Oranaes Klorldi per rritle lirlEHt. IH.'.'IW S M. Hits""! l!!ia..n TaiiKerlnes 1'lofM.i. per si ran la .mti il .Hi HrntiefruM l-'lorldj. tir prate $2 '-'I.1 I'liieaimles, l-'lorl'la Indian Illver ier iraie I'J L'.H) lil iranlierrles. rape rod t" r Mil - Kaniy ini- nretirs ...ii. Harlv Itla.k. til if .1 in I'rnnlierrl.s i'air rod, per erate. $-JfJ -I't, do Jersei, dark he irate. IJffa. Ill do do. Ilxhl. per i rale It .Mllfa mrowberrles t'lorldi per ifl i.'.lr,1ii vi:(;i:taiii.i:s The market ruled llrm nnd-r llelu orferinss and n fair demahd yuotnilons While potatoes Kr Imsii Pi-iinsv hniiln, choice II a.Mf I 00: w Vork i lini' e 11 an lit s.i Whio potatoes Jerse, l--r li.i'kel. Ilflt 1.1 Sne'l potatoes. Hast, rn Shore per Mil -.No I l.lfl il iM, No li $1.11111'.' Sv,eel t'olal'as lietaiMire nlld MarMiind i r hnmner It Wi I .In Hwpj-i nn laloes Ji rs. - t" r liaskel Nn I tn II tl : No 2. Infiillti (iiitotis per Inn lh has No I. IIT.lll.l N' - lit ."-awn 7.1 I'alihaoe tl.ililsh. tier loo I'M l'"i Pplnnih Norfolk, per Mil, llfidlii' Kill- Norfolk, per l.l-l DilcWtl. I'fiulirlnwer Norfolk per erah , 1 1 .() Let. line. I'lnrldn. lT liaskel It.lntll .... do. Ir ulnla. t r Imi-kei till I .10 do. North I'nrollna, per liask.i l il. in li.ans. Florida, per liaskel IJIi.'t.Vl I'.KRPlant Morlda. Her lioj. l3.8Al!t ii" I'.'IH'irs I'lorlda per lix. IL' r.'Kp a. Sininsh. I l.irlda. per hos II 7.11' i'.l I'ena i'lorlda. per Inakii, S.'tW.l..vi Tomatoes, I'lor lda. inr i rat- It .'.nihil. .NHW YORK IIUTTKII AND KCGS NHW Ylltlh Jan li ni'TTHIt neeelpls. 14. 17(1 tnli. laikel lower and unsettled for nil nrndea Soiiplles lamer and Iradlna; l.n ernlly nulei Hlalier seorlna infl in'ici extrn iriuneri 'lli'je Inside Slole dalri. 3s'4in'Me, llllllallon ireamer ,11'a tr.TJ'it KHHrl- Ihielpls M 1 .".I asrs Market linldlntt nnn on uearh all erades lixtraa .jle In'lde. ettra flrsla .l-i Inside, nrsls ..ilffl.lle. while eRos. r..Hri7c brown i-brs. Ililii l.n . mixed polor, Mliil.lje, reiriaernior tlr-ls. .I'f.l'e. Crnntilnlctl SiiRar UncliaiiRctl ."KV Yonif. .Inn a l-'lne Rrnnulated Biifjar was unclmiiRCil toilnv. all rcflnpia fpiollnR R.T.'iP. Tlie last snip In spot Cuh.i laws wn iincliniiRctl nt B 39c. Married "Eloper" Sent to Prison l'OTTSVII.I.IJ, I'a. Jan i Henry I'lali. of TniniKiua. who plopeil to Newark, N. .1., with a youiiK woman, notwIllistnndlUR the fact that he has a wife and two i-hlltlicn. lias Iippii spntpiippd by .ItnlRO Koch to scre a par In jn II T-'lall pleaded that he iiml a lillnd father dependent upon him, as well as his family, but Ihe Couit refused to extend mercy. 1792 125th Anniversary IniTuraK?e Compaij of 1917 ff t, RulSwi' PHILADELPHIA Fire Tornado Explosion Rents Profits Use and Occupancy Marine fjtT Inland ? TF Automobile Parcel Post Registered Mail Travelers' Baggage Oldest American Stock Insurance Company Organized in Independence Hall When George Washington Was Presi dent and When Philadelphia Was the Capital of the United States JANUAHY 1, 1017 Capital $4,000,000 Assets $23,389,465 Surplus $7,030,378 Losses Paid Since Organization $183,224,30.9 i nBNJAMIN RUSH, President JOHN 0. PI4ATT, Vice President SHBLUQN 0ATUN. 2d Vice President J T. HOUARD WRICiHT, Secretary and Treasurer GALLOWAY C. JIORIUS, Assistant Secretary JQ11N KREMBR, Assistant Secretary DIRECTORS Henry V. Biddle C. Hartman Kuhn Arthur E. Neivtold CharlosS.W. Packard J. Percy Keatinp: Edward II. Coates John Story Jenks Edward Hopkinson CJeorRe II. McFadden William D. Winsor, U. JC'olesberry Purves Oayard Henry John W. Pepper EdwardS. Buckley, Jr. William T. Elliott WUHani P. Gest Thomas S. Gates Renjnmin Rush William S. Godfrey Charles Patt, 3d Main Office, Third and Walnut Streets Uptown Office, Real Estate Trust Bldg, An Old-Established Philadelphia Institution Doing a World-Wide Business nAVvrn vrc at? TiOtl L15HIG1I VALLEY TRANSIT COMPANY Net Income $-168,470, or nn Increase of Forty-four Per Cent Divi dends Paid !l The hati wns recorded intislt fompany It Frlir. In "Is repnrl I" the slnrldiuldrm at Hie annual meeting held hete ' "f rrvrum- in transportalliin Ineteased $!llS.0nn, to SI, nCT.SnS IT. nr by tn.2 per cent. The power sales amounted to $3(M.nn(l. an Increase nr jnfi.000. nr 212 tier cent. The total upcrittlrlR ieenue ultotteil nn Increase of Sllfi.ono. nr 2" I per cent. The net In come was $l(i.li. an Increase of JMB.oSt). or H per cent, it ml dividends nt J2I8.DS3 At,M:NTOVN, I'a . .tan tier business nt lis history for the I.elilKb Valley hv I'resident llnrrlkoti cqulvAlent to S,pcr cent on the prtfrMj(l stock, were paid quarterly. The surai Increased rrotn J344.29B to $560,200 ft Jit of 62 7 per cent. Of tho assets of t2o:ii 948 66. the chief Item Is the cost nf ..'V ties, road and cipiliiinetit. J17 817 6J t nntl the Investment In amtlateil cornniM.. Is J1.89C437.S1 ""iPanle, A 10,000-horepower steam turbine Is b, Inir Installed nt the powerhouse In All town This will Rle the company 450M horsepower, nnd II Is lielleed this Zm lake rare of the RrowlnR business for li. net two ears. "" The following directors ere re-clfM.j tl 11 l-'ehr. president, t'olonel Harry r Treiler, clinlrtnnn of the. hoard and f'olon.i ti M. YounK. Allcnlowii: t'harles 1 n."' John C Dawson, (leorr-c 11 Krati,, Charles K tiiKcrsoll and IVfward n Rm Iih 1'hlladelphla 1 Leonard t'eckltt, ''atasauou., I'otiKrcssman Harry .1 Steele. l:aston i Warren A. Wilbur. .South rtelhlehem ' $1,189,000 JAMAICA WATER SUPPLY CO, First Consolidated Mortgage 5 Sinking Fund Gold Bonds DlTlO dulT I, 1910 Due July t, 19.10 INTEREST PAYAOLE JANUARY 1 AND JULY 1 WITHOUT DEDUCTION OF NORMAL FEDERAL INCOME TAX RtDttMAIlC S A VSHOlt, OS 0B THE SINKINO UM0. AT 105 AND ACCSUtO INTtSCST Couson Donds or $100, SS0O and $1,000 with rsivlicar. or scgistsation or principal EQUITABLE TRUST COMPANY, NEW YORK. TRUSTEf FREE OF NEW YORK MORTGAGE TAX PENNSYLVANIA TAX REFUNDED ire mmmatite on ollom from a Ullrr from lrnrrrit .Mile, Km., rreiitltM of ( ComposK, o corn of tc(e Mil 6 rnl on application. Authorised OiitstandltiR S145.000 2,600,000 1.18D.O00 FUNDED DEBT Underlying bonds (closed) Jl, 000,000 (1866,000 of the undcrlylnn hond.s are deposited with the trustee of the 1st Consol 5s.) First Consolidated Mortgage 6s. . . . Keserved lo tellre prior liens J1U1.000 llescrved for Issue under restrictions .. Jl. 150.000 One Year 5 .Votes due No 1,1917 100 000 100 000 COMPANY serves a population of approximately 65,000 without competition in one of the most rapidly growing sections of the New York Metropolitan district. SECURED by a mortgage on the entire property of Ihe Company now owned or hereafter acquired subject to the remaining underlying bonds nut standing in the hands of the public, APPROXIMATELY flOrn OF THE TOTAL VALUE OF THE PROPERTY OF THE COMPANY IS IN GREATER NEW YORK CITY. REPLACEMENT VALUE estimated by Messrs. Stone & Webster in excess of $2,390,000. NET INCOME reported by the Company for the year ended April 30, 1916, was more than I'm times the interest charges on all bonds now out standing, including underlying bonds. SINKING FUND sufficient to retire annually, at least 2 of the bonds previously certified. 53'! of the outstanding bonds, including bonds reserved to retire underlying bonds, will be retired by the sinking fund before maturity. LEGALITY of the organization of the Company and of the issuance of these bonds has been approved by Messrs. Roberts, Montgomery & McKeehan, of Philadelphia. Price 97J and Interest MONTGOMERY, CLOTHIER & TYLER 1 WALL STREET NEW YORK 133-135 S. 4tm ST. PHILADELPHIA UNION BANK BLDG. PITTSBURGH Sixty-Second Annual Statement OF THE Saving Fund Society of Germantown! And Its Vicinity School Lane and Germantown Avenue ' CHARTERED 1854 JANUARY 1, 1917 Interest Allowed on Deposits 3.65 Per Annum Accounts May Be Opened and Business Transacted by Mail ASSETS Municipal, Railroad and other bonds (?12,(M3,o00) , Loans on Collateral Mortgages, 1st Lien on Real Estate Real Estate Banking House Cash on Hand and in Banks .$11,517,767.10 107,923,00 037,525.00 00,000.00 802,63039 Total Assets $13,475,856.49 LIABILITIES Individual Depositors ? 12,074,997.03 Interest- added for l'JIO 409,859.40 $12,175,856.49 Surplus $ 1,000,000.00 J Total Number of Depositors .' 31,001 We, tlio Suli-scriliers. Auditors, appointed by the Saving KunU Soi nty nf Germantown iinU Its Vicinity, rto hereby ceitlfy that wo have examined the above fctuU'inent. and tha assets therein named, ami find them iwi't January 5, 1517 MANAGERS KttANClS B. RKKVKS JOHN J. 1IKNIIY IIORAGi: T. POTTS .'. II. STRAWHUIDUK MARRIOTT C MORRIS 1. i:VIS W. WISTKIl MVINOSTON' li JONKS CON YKUS JtUTTO.N OSCAR V. WOOD tlKOROB J. K!,AVUl,b WM. II. UMIIARDT ARTHUR. II, JONKS Auditors WM. J. aiONTHOMKnV LOUIS V. MADIIIRA KRANOIS 0 RKIJVKS. JR. IIARItOl.n n OH.UNOHAM JO-SIIPII U WOOI.STON ;i:oit;i? v masshv JY I I'M AM W JUSTICE I'LARIINCK II CLARK OFFICERS MV1XC1STOX E JUN 4 rresmeu. v let, President J H. T. MOXTUOMKItV. J sec y a: ! WM. X. PRICI-1 .. Asst. SecV & Asst Trt CHAS. C. HARRISON, JR. & CO. BANKERS FIFTH AND CHESTNUT STREETS PHILADELPHIA ..EMBERS PHILADELPHIA STOCK EXCHANGE ' NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE TELEPHONES naii i i SSt.2'1 -w.., .-uiiiu.il u ... - " ol J Lonn Dlitance . . ?7 W Keystone, Main We own and offer the unsold balances of: $250 000 Marin Man'c'psl Waler Dislrlcl Serial 5 Gold Bonds $125,000 Southern Railway Company East T e n h e s s e e Reorganization Mortgage Gold 5 Bonds 1 250,0110 Geornia Hallway & Electric Company Refunding and Improvement Mort gage 5 Gold Bonds $120,030 Penn Central Light & Power Company First and Consolidated Mortgage 6 uold Bonds $250,000 Atlantic lee & Coal Corporation First Mortgage 6 Gold Bonds Interest Periods Maturities 2700-1 I Prlcl yield abort Apf..Oct, 1926 to 1955 4.70 Mar.-Sept. Jan.-July Feb.-Aug. 1938 1949 1963 Jar.-July 193tt Comploto Deicriptlvo Circulars on Requoit , 4.90 5.05 5.90. 5.90 t m