mr?" .-WHMWWMPI,ipwjppil " Vfi'7?--,? M ' -W-'JPJJ''1 VjfW. 14 VETERAN FIREMEN QUITTING SERVICE Many Vacancies Occasion "Shuffling" of Men to Oper ate Apparatus 140 RESIGN IN ONE YEAH Rhumintr nboiit of hoo ami ladder men In belntr resorted lo In the of t'lro to relieve a tleflriciioy brotiRlit nlwiit In lnrso mcimtirc by tiCBleet. of Coimrlls to keep the city's, flre-tlRlitliiB forco nbrenst of tho times botli In men nnd In remunera tion. In lilaln wordn. which they do not mince. ne Mentis or the burenti ndmlt Hint they are opernllnir with a depleted ciiiiliittintit thnt In ntimber.t borders closely upon tho danger mark. Tho stream of resignations, tinrtlrulnrly mons" ho ohler nnd experienced hose and ladddr men, nh,nw no diminution, and Its continuance adds to tho worries or Chief Murphy nnd his associates. Tho latter frankly ndmlt that Hid with drawals, which last year totaled 110, or nbout one-tiuarter of the number of hose, and ladder men In tho bureau, Involve n percentaKo of "Kreeu" members too ureal for tho maintenance of proper cfllclcnry In tho nghtliiK of llrcs. Tho remedy for this cntlmiRcrltij condl- xion, nceortlltitr to the otllclnls of tho bu reau, lies primarily In tho hands of Coun cils. Firemen nro Iminnn, nnd tho cries of those near and dear to them arc most Impressive. Chief Murphy. Deputy Chief Iiavls and their aides aro kept busy trying lo hold thin spirit of unrest In conliol. Only the nssurnnco nf coiiiicllinnnic lenders that re lief will bo granted to tho bureau as soon s the City Controller dlsclnsos the avail able, bnlnnco holds the rank nnd file. Tho scarcity mnotnr .tin cnulncers nnd firemen Is pronounced. It Is dilllcult to In duce n qiKilllliil engineer In enter the ranks of tho Kile Uurcau under the present salary. To operate a tire oiikIiio requires a licensed engineer. i 'onilltlutLi In v.iriuuft lines of business today make a lively deinajid for engineers, so that the imtsidc lniliicenients, both In pay and bonus, are fnr moio at tractive tu the hnlilcr of an ciiKlneer's license than arc those of tho Uurcau of Klre. lloso and ladder Titen are lint so dlttlcult to obtain, but are harder to retain In service. Of the 1 1') resignations last yenr several came from men who had scarcely dried out after their llrst "ducking." The consequent Injection of m much untried nnd Inexperienced material in so Importuut mid responsible u branch of tho municipality as the Hure.iu of Klre Is n worrlment to Chief Murphy not that the nowcomers am less Intelligent or bravo than the men they replace. Their courage Is not questioned, but it ts their lack of acquaintance with tho busi ness of a fireman. At present, with twenty-live per cent of tho men In the crvlco nppolntees of a yenr or less, there Is scarcely a station that docs not house three or four. Older members of tho servlco declare that an extensive fire In the "danger zone" today would likely cost tho lives of some of these youngsters. It Is disheartening to Chief Murphy nnd his assistants to witness tho growing num ber of changes from veterans to recruit members. Mrs. Thomas Ualch Mrs. Thomas Ualch. a member of one of tbo oldest and most distinguished Philadel phia fumlllcs, died yesterday morning at 'her residence, 1112 h'pruce street. .Mrs. Balcli was eighty-five years old And death was duo to old age. Funeral services will bo held at her into residence tomorrow and interment will lie made In tile cemetery of Old Trinity Church, on tho Oxford pike, this city Mrs. Ualch was a daughter of Joseph Swift, who many years atv wns president of tho Philadelphia Club, ler mother wuu Eliza Moore "Willing, of the celebrated Willing family nf this city. One of her rela tives, Miss Ava Willing, bccnino tho first wife of Colonel John Jacob Astor, of New York. Mrs. Ualch attended the operatic performance which opened .the Academy of Music in 1857. William riauacnii William Flanagan, tlfty-flve eurs old. a. dealer In woolen waste, of HOC Manayunk avenue, Itoxborough, was taken III yester day at the J'cncoyd Clubhouse, 1111 Humnc .street, Wlssahiekon. and died before lie could be removed to a hospital. Tho case Is In tho hands of Coroner Knight. Mr. Flanagan was n member of itoxborough Lodge. 135. K. anil A M. Wo Is survived bv a, widow, a son and a daughter. Veteran Salesman Joseph I.. Mnrgcrum. for tho last forty years a traveling salesman for a large -wholesale grocery house, died yesterday at his home, 3633 Norjh Ilrond street, after an Illness of eleven weeks. lie was Blxty lx years old. A widow nnd two sons, Charles and Waller, survive him. .u.u:iii,oi: CHAHB flllL'C'i: Jan. C, at 1S.3II o'clock, at St. Murk'a Kplwopjl Church, l.ocmr at above llllh. .SAML'Ki. IIAIIT CIIAHi:. son of lh lata Frederick Chuao. to HUMAN I.VNAll illUICi:. .UimhUr of lira. Arthur llrura, all of 'blladelphla. 33cntl)i AOBn. Jan. T. II A HI f. THERESA, widow of Jphn K Acer. Hervlcea and Int. private. ANDtfltSON. Jan. 4. WILLIAM, husband of Catherine Anderaon. aaed 51. HeUlUea and frtenda Invited to funeral aervlcea. Tues.. U p. m.. MIT N. Ji.h at Int. Oakland Cem. Re malna may tm viewed Mon.. 7 to 1U n. m. BAKB11. On I'lmt day, Tnoirih month Slat. 101B. at 421 K Lake ave.. i'daadena. Cal., KAIIAH II. (neo lludolplil. widow of Samuel Uaker, ased ' Relatives and friends In. vtted to funeral, on Fourth day, First month 10th. 1017. at -':3il p. m . from Ihu Friends' Meeting House. Woodbury. X. J BALCH Jan. 0. BSI1LY SWIFT, widow of Thomaa llalch. ael Hi. Funeral services Hla lipruc st . Tues.. It a. in. Int. private. Omit flowers. DARR Jan 5. CATHARINE IRENE:, daugh ter ef Anna 11. and thtt Ute Harry ll.irr. aged 2 Relatives and friends Invited to funeral. Wed.. SJI'i a- m.. from 2'..17 Tasker si. lliuri mass at St. Aloyslus Church at 111 a. m BARRON. Jan. 8, MARIA, wife of John Barron (nee Purr), native of llalllntubber. County Roscommon, Ireland. Relatives and frlnds Invited la funeral. Wed.. b.3() a. in.. I UTT IVU- M4. UT5 HOPi. iTi foR. The. -BEST. I I m . L . , . . .1 r-. ... I I. . . . : I. l-rr.-i n IV smOfccrTrn V . hrWTS JE5T IT! ". . tL ...Jt H AS ,, tJ L ....,. ..V H ArTuV Ar.., JlsW H and her mtJ:r";:i m h m w1 ir A uru ,,w y,MVDaji ;rrr:, i mk i -- - idsi........H iw if-tHi wara Kcnifins i -sv'iL-.j i urn i cxrx amez t r-v- i i"iiww -- -i - . -e- . r- i -' ii ivKwrffo: Htw laPasssssmn ., t . pK""' evin'"iv T ?!.,, -i?, ,l- m-' J it r ' LiL'rviiAJT 1 ' eJ M kkm I s....;. ,i sr..trbiiY 4' PALS . po HERy $mn A frJ w;tTI ' 11 V J irr1 q X mM 'q ' ' w P :" mkm lo$,li' y&ji WBBL H vJtA ju ? 1 lw9 n Oil ' 0' ' Jl'.ljP'Ptij''l ",,',a,..B,l,...lll, ., ,,,,m,,,.,,m,mmvm,mms!MmA,iin. J. ,.,.. " -" . "J ' - r i i I i !, .nam. I jfQ Q. f t ji:Atiis MOI sir.. Went Phils. Solemn nulem mns Churrn of our Lady of Victory to it .in. mi uoiy irmi vem. t HATTY Sii.l.lelilv. stall. 11. til?, Al.tlllUT. husbnnd of Annie I!. Unity nnd son of Into Job a ml Hannah Unite. Kuneral services will l hld hi his ime rldencr, strnhle at.. Vox Chase, Phils -, , ti m. ml.". Train leaves Itemlinic Terminal for I'ox Clinso 1 :2.1 D in . HilcK.jnn r.. CHAItl.ns IIKCK. Br . Im hand of llrtrhtirn Heck. rrpiI f.n. IMative nnd friend, rmplnvos of Kolh's tlnkery, Columbus Ilun.l. No. S7. li. n s. II. invltrj'ln funeral. Tues J-.Hi n. in.. IBIS Unit- sf. Well Ml Alphnn.ii s church, Mh n ml Iteed sts , ll n. m Int. Holy Crn rem. Itemiln mav In viewed Mon., H lo 1(1 p. in. Auto funeral. IIKIlSl 1 .1.11 -- .Inn II. HANNAH l:i.l!A. tlllTII, wife of llnrcl.iy lleretler. tinimntrr of llnneh and Prlfrciitrt. Harrison, ilelatlves (nil friends milieu to itinerai services, Turs.. a p. ill . SI II. Inivnl !., flormnntown, nrlvate. Arllnninn ivm. Auto funeral Int HllSSllY. Jnn n. rillllSTINA. widow of .Incoli lltseny. Itelallves nnd friend. ttcmianin taiille' Yi-nrlj. No. : I .own Tlvnli Vearlv tlen. Society, No I. members HI Paul's l.lith' rrnn Church, American nnd llrown sts.. Invited to funeral services, Tue . '.' n m Will I'r-nn-sl. Int. tllenwnod Com liem.iins may ho ilnrnl Mondny. s in III p. til. (I. I.lNll! I'. flllVVUlY. .widow of I'hnrles It lipv.di'T. Br., nend 77 llelnllirs nnd friends Invited lo funeral sorvhes, Tnes . I p. m . renl denre of Ron-ln-lnw, Wnlior ronten. mm .v 1'erty t. Int. Kernwrnrt m. I'rlemls may nil Alun.. S to 1(1 ,., m Auto rnrteite. llill.llH. ,lsn n, MAItllAltlrr. widow nf Wl. hum II Moles, Hr . nind nil Hervlcns .Mon . a n in. nl lh" lilli-erAll. Ilulr Ithlu imjii iai, si; Inl. prlvnt". liniiAli .Inn. V ftMZ.UifiTlf. wif. of cteorn.' Ilounr. Into of fl.KI H. Ith st IteUllves nnd friend Invited to funeral, Tues , s n. m . npnrlments nf Andrew Chert's Sons, Ml H. 1th 1, Mass nf reiiulem (tt Mary's Church 0:30 n. m. ini uoiy iros i;ein. Auto rorteae. llltU(iMIIKAIi.--Jsn it. JA.Mn.s. huKhand r Caroline. Ilnmmhend. ned ill Itelnllves nd friends. Lnrlilu Lodire, 1 o li. '.. of rhes ler. I'n : I'lilnml Ludse. IC of I'., or I'hrsle'r. Inillcd lo funeral services. Tu. s . L' p. m .T.'li N. Lee st. Int, private, Urcenmount Cem' Chester pnprrs ropy. HOYI.I: Jan. Si. JIAIIT ." , d.iimhtiir of Her mi nl iiml llnnnnh N. Iinvle Itelntlves nnd frl.nds, II. V. At. Hndnllty nnd Lailv T. A. II. Hoilety of Ht. Aeathn's t.'hurch. Invited to funeral, Tues . 0.3H n. in , parents' residence, atiua Aspen ft., w. Phlln Solemn. re.iiletn mass Ht. Acathn's Church 11 a. in. Int. Holy ros Cetn. Itmvr.llH --Jnn. 7. MARY A., wlfo nf James Iloivers. need K.1 ttelniives and friends lnviiii In funeral Wed. 1.' 3n n ni . I.V7 Tncknwiinnn si . I'rankford. inl. North ivdnr 'immvN-jMn b. itATTti; i. mtow. Bi 71. Uidiillves nnd frli nds Invited In funeral Tiles, l-.1l) , m. sun-Inlaw's resldeme. Will llnm c Sleednmi.. fiarj N. u'd St.. I'nmdi-n. Int private. Il'lvliv, i em.. Phlln Remains inny 1m vlew-d Mon . s lo In p m. lil'ltM:. .Inn. I. Mti'llAllL. hnilmnd of l.inmrf Itiirkc inee Hmiilleyl. Itelntlve nnd menus, uoiy .nrne ftM lety of fit. Acnes' fliunh nnd civil Wnr veterans invited lo funeral. Tue.. s :tn n. m., n.llil Ml. Vernon st. Illali ms of reiiulem St. Amithn's Cliurch In a. ni. Int. old Ciithedrnl Ci-tn. lirrtNH. .Inn. 7. jnil.V L. Ht'ltNS hus tinnd of rniluirine Hums fner. Idnaleri. Ren tlvis nnd friends, Wnshlnetou I'nrnp, No Ui.- T. o S of A.: Phllndeiphia Prinllne Press men's t'nloli. No I employes of Stephen tlreen A Co,. Invited In ftinernl. Wed.. I p m , 3'J Killlner live . t.lnnrrh Pa. Services Kheue2f.r M. 15. Church. MM nnd Parrlsh sts . I'hlln..' s ti. ni Int. private. Friend may cnll Tues . N unlit III n. tu. IICItNS II. THOMAS A lillsliaiid of Kmm.i I, Hums Inc.. Nehlla) Itelallves nnd friends, llrehont Stuart. Phlln. V t. In Keneriil. State Firemen's Assoclutlon. Hose nnd Lmlderiilen's Assficliitlon and L. o O. M , No. rl, Invited In fun ml. Wed.. H:3ll li ni , -177 N. Atlierlenn si. Solemn requiem inns SI Au r'Ustlne'n Church 10 a. in. Int New I'nthedral Cem. IlfltMAOi: Jnn 7. 717 lllm st , Camden. N. .1.. .MAIlllAltKT A Itt'ltllAflll. wlfo of tleorso W riurlnllte, lilted fill. Hue nntlco of funeral Klveti CAI.VUIt. Suddenly. Jnn. 7. WILLIAM n I'AI.VLIt Reliitlven and friend." Invited to runernl services. Wed.. 8 p in . SS'Jl Archer si., ilermnntowii Int. private . l-AltOKZA. Jnn f.. LOUIS tl. M. CARlirJZA. hustinlid of Kthel a I'lirdexn. need 3'.i. Funeral services nl "Funeral Church." Itrnudwny. With nnd Ii7th sis . New York cllv. Cntnphell IlldS.. Tues.. H):.lii a. m. Inl. Woodlands Cem . Phll.l . Tues.. 8 HO p. m. Members of Co. L. 7th IteB. nnd friends Invited to funeral . CAItlllilAN Jan. 7. ml". THOMAS J., hlis tmnd of ihu Into Anna M. Cnrrlsnn ineo Ten lonevl. Funeral. In which tin- relatives and friends nnd Prlnllimr Pressmen's I'nlnn. No I. nrc Invited. .Thurs.. s .In a in. residence, 'join S mih si. Solemn tons of reiiulem nt Church of SI. Mnnlcn. nl 111 n. tn. Int. New Cnthe. drnl Cem. . cartkr I'lrsl-dny. I'lrat Month 7th. at late residence. r,3.1il Knox at . Oormantown. I'ANNIi: PLM. wife nf John II Carter. Hue nonce or the runernl CHERRY. tan. It. I3IMA 15.. wife of Charles II. Cherry. Relatives and friends Invited lo funeral services. Thurs.. 'i p. in.. 2711 ltldac nvv. Int. Ml Mnrlnh Cem. Remains may be viewed Wed . S to III p in CLINTON Jnn. I. Hl.l.A J., wife nf Wil liam W. Clinton, d.iushler of late James and Mnrcnret Scarlett need 51'. Relatives and friend Inilted to funeral. Tuea. 2:3H n in., realiler of daimhtcr. 871 1 Lyre St. Int. North wood Cem. Remnlns may be viewed Mon . from " ',0,'.n.n- In Plllsliurch pnpera plenso copy. COLI5.MAN. Jnn. II. AUKI5S. vvlduw of Wll llam t olemnn. nwed sn. Itelallves and friend Invited to funeral servlres. Tues . 2 p. tn.. 2(12(1 W. Sliver t. Int. North Cedar Hill Com. Omit flowers. Auto runernl COOK. At Itnebllnc. N. J.. Jnn. n. 150 ML'NIV J., hushnnri of Adv Cook. nKed .'III. Ilelatlven and friends. Washington Camp, No. 1.11. P. O S. or A.. Roeldlmr Lodae. No. 817. I. O. O. F.. Invited to funeral. Wed.. 2 p. ill.. 1.11 7lh ave . ItoehllnB. N. J. Int. Odd Fel lows' Cem.. Iluriltuiton. CORIS1L Jan. 7. JAMI5S CORIS1I. Itela lives nnd Holy Name Society St. John's Church. Invited to funeral. Wed.. K:3ll n. m . 182S Pleiuliu; nt., Rnxborout;li. Solemn requiem mass St. John the Ilaptist Church, Mannvunk. HI n in. Int. private, New Cathe dral Cem.. Wllmlnston. Del. CROFT Jan. .1. MAUH CROFT, lined 211. Ilelatlves and friends Invited to funeral services, Mon.. Jan. H. :l p. ni . 2UIIH N. 8llth st Int. Fornwnod i 'em. Ct'MMINQS. Jan S. JOHN, ' husband of Mary Cuiiimlnus Relatives and friends. Court rassyunk, No 111, Foresters of America; em ployes of lloiiiiea & Townsend. Invited to fu neral. Wed . H..1H a. in.. .'ts.M Aspen at. Solemn htuh reiiulem mass Churidi of St. Acnln.i 1U a. m. Inl St Oenls'a Cem I)AHRIN015l:. Jan. II. SARAH M.. widow of Andrtiaa Dahrlncer Relatives and friends In vited lo fumral. Wed. e-30 a in.. IIH'.I West minster ave. Solemn requiem macs Chureh of our leidy of the Rosary Hi a. in. Int. privato Holy Sepulehre Cem. Omit llowers. IIANZIHSUN. Jan. 7 WILLIAM, husband of Clam Danzelseii. used 51. Relatives and friends. Phlla. Flru Dept , Firetiifn'a Relief Assn., State Firemen's Assn.. I'ollelllall Tribe. No. 839. I. O. II. II.; Kinii David Castle. No. 318. K. (I :.. Court Hrotherlv Uive, No 111, P. of A , Invited to funeral. Thurs.. 2 p. m.. 312.1 N. lath st. Inl. Hillside Cem. Remalua may be viewed Wed . K lo 1(1 p. m. Auto funeral. DAVIS Jan. II. WILLIAM I. . son of Dallas and Salllu Davis Relatives and friends. Court Diamond. No. IM. F. of A., of Philadelphia; employes uf lllobo Tiro Co., Invited to funeral. Wed., 1 p. 111.. 1085 Ford st . West Conaho iiocken. Pa. Servlcin In Oulph christian Church 2:3(1 p. in. Int. Uulj.ti Cent Remains mav be viewed Tues eve. Carriages will meet trains arriving- In P. and It. Slattnn. Coshahoi keu. at 18:15 p. in. D15CKI:R Jan. 0. ITH5DI5IHCK WILLIAM, son of Johanna and lata John N. Decker, used 33. Relatives and friends, L. O. o M.. No. M, Invited to funeral. Wed.. 8:30 a. in.. 8030 Ap pletree Hi. Requiem mass HI a. ill Ht. Clem ent's I. 15 Church. 2uth and Cherr sts. Int. Arltnutun Cem. Itemalna may bu vlewtd Tuva. "XDKOVII.1.15. Jan 7. AIHI5RT 15. huau.ind of Kva M. Relatives and friend, also lu ployes of Hcott-l'oivell Dalrv, Invited tu funeral. Thurs.. 8 p. tn.. residence of Howard I'rv. 17117 llrown st. Int. Arlington Cem. Remains may bo viewed Wed., from 8 io Hi p. in DONOVAN. Jan. II. JOSI5PH. husband of Mary Donovan. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral. Thurs.. s:.'l(l u. m... N. W. cor Madi son and KdBemont sts. Solemn requiem mass Church of ilia Nativity 10 u. tn. Int. New Cathedral Cem. DOl'llllERTY Jan. t, HARRY, husband of Mary J. Duugherty tnee O'Kourke) and son of Jacob and Sarah Dougherty, ailed 2s. Relatives and friends, employes of Croxton Si Wood Shoo Co., Invited to funeral. Tues., l:3u p. in., 2830 S. Ilouvler at. (IHth and Wolf sts.l. Services Trinity Lutheran Cnurch 8.30 p. rn. Int. church grounds. Friends may call Mon. eve. A patient sufferer at rest. DOVI.D. Jan u. MARY DOY1.15. Friends. It. V. M. SodallD and Altar and Rosary So cieties of Ht. James's Church. Invited to fu neral, Tues.. K.3U a. in , residence of Mary Wall. 4224 Powelton ave.. West Phlla Illuh mass St. James's Church 10 "a. in Int 'St. Matthew's Cem.. ConshonocUeu, Auto funeral. DOYLK. Jan. 7. WILLIAM, husband of Anna Doyle. Relatlvea and friends. Holy Name Sa tiety of St. Gabriel's Church. Invited lo funeral. Wed., H-.30 u. in., son-in-law's residence, lid ward Weber. 81113 tlerrltt st. (near 8"lth and Reeil sts I. High mass of requiem St. Uabrlel'a Chun-ti Hi a. in. Int. Holy Cross Cem. DD HOIS. Jan. II. at l'resbvlerlall Home for Widows and Slnsle Women, r.hih si. above Wood land uve.. MARY W. DP HOIS, aged 3. Fu neral services at the home, Tues., U:3u a. m. Further services at residence of Thomas It. Jan vier 50 Kast, ave.. Urldxeton. N. J . 1 '3(1 p. ill. Carriages will meet train leaving Phlla. 11:30. Int. llruad St Cem. IWENTNO IEDGBn-PmLADBLPHTA, MONDAY, JANUARY 8, DKATIIS . DfOAN Jnn. 11. CATItAIllNB. wif of iternnrd Punn (neo Rtele). Hired. 23. Relative nnd friends Invited tn funeral. Wed., 8:30 a. nt.. 511.18 Ctnh st. run. Solemn. renulr.m mas St. Vinrent do Paul's Church lo n. m. Int. Holy Sepuiihre rem Dt'tlHNHUim Jnn. . IlAlinAUA, widow of Chnrle Durenbera. Relative nnd friend de viled lo funeral services, Wed , 2 tt. m., rel deneo nf son In-law, 832d S. Croskcy at. int. prlvnte ArllnRton cem. r.CKi:RT Jnn 5. MARY 15.. widow of Henry I. Mckert (nee Antlsl, rnted 75. Relatives nnd friend Invited to runernl services. Wed., 2 P. in., loin N, Lawrence si Int. private, Monu ment Cni. Remain may be viewed Tues., 8 tn 10 p. ni. m.LlOTT Jnn. ft, Ul.tgAtlKTIt HI.LIOTT, widow of ileorge W. Klllott. Relatives and friend. invited to funeral, Tue.. s:3d a. in . Parlors of Thomas P. Cahll. 2nd B. 8nih st Solemn high tnns of requiem St. Patrick's Cliutch. It) a. m. Inl Holy Cms Cent. t:MI:tlV Inl, trF.TTIt; 11IMMI1T veblme of Conrad llmery. aed HI Relatives and friend Invited to funeral services. Wed, S p m , Son's resldentfe. USD N. Itltli St. Int. Ml. Mnrlnh iVni. I5VIH5. Jan. 7. KIllTH II . daunhter nf David fnd late Mary Hyre inee Anderson), nerd IS IM.ttive and friend. Invited to funeral serv ices. Wed . 2 p. in . nunl's residency, Mrs. Annie Martin. 3(110 N. limn st. Int private. FANNIN -Suddenly, .Inn II. r'ATIIKKINIi. widow r Joseph r Fannin. Itelallves nnd friend Invited lo funeral services. Wed , 8 p. in., resldenee of William llowles, 2003 N. Wood stock st. Inl private Frlehds tnnycail Tues. eve PHIIN15Y. Jan. n. JOHANNA, widow nf Cornelius .Venev Relatives nnd friend. Invllrd in runernl. 'rues., .:iu a. in . resilience nr snn-In-lnw, Frniik Harris, 2035 S. Unmet st. ( Huh nnd Mclienn sts I, Solemn requiem mas St. Monica's Church Kin. m. Int. Hnlv Cross i.'em. Auto funeral .... FI5NDLH Jan 0. nt I IS Ifnrrlson nve.. fllenslde. F..MM I'. II'IMKR,. wife of Louis llarte Fender nnd daunhter nf IJarv n, and late John It Homer Relatives nnd friend. invited to funeral services. Tues, 2 p. in., rilensldo ilntiliat Chureh, tllehslde. Pa. Int. private. I'LANAl IAN Suddenly, Jan. II WILLIAM A. FLANAIIAN, need 53 Relatives nnd friend Invited to funeral services. Weil , 2 p. Ill . 411111 Manayunk nve.. Rosborouch. Inl. prlvnle. FI.I1TCIII5II Jnn 7. JOSDPIl. husband of 15llzntie,tli nnd sou of late (tcorge nttd Rebecca Fletcher (nee lie Pree). nued fill, llelntlves nnd friend. Kevstnne Aso . employns llenrv Dlsslon St Son, ileoriro llaneroft Loilge, No. 571. I. o 1. A .Invited to funeral, Thurs . 8 p. in . 2180 bridge At. Remain inny bo viewed Wed. tl-. S In 10. Int Mast Cedar llltl Cem. FOOARTY Jan. (1. .MARY wife of Into William Fomirty. Itelallves nnd friend invited lo funeral. Wed., situ n. in . I1135 W. York st. Solemn requiem mass st lldnnrd's Chiinh lo n. tn. Inl New Cathedral Cem POLLMAN Inn 5, CATHI5RINI5 FOI.LMAN (nee Duffv Relatives nnd friends Invited to funeral. Tues . v3n n. in . residence of brother. Joseph H Duffy. 21 in MrKenn st. Dish re iiulem mas St. L'dinond's Church lo n. in. Int. private. FomtKBTAI.L --.Inn 7. MAIUIARKT A., wife nf Thoninn F. Porreslnll (nee Iinu'soii). llelntlves mid friends, also II V M Sodality, Altar and Rosary Society, League of the s.nre.1 Heart, Invited lo funeral services. Tlur . 7:3(1 a. in . 113." Trie st Solemn hlah reguiem mas at the lhilphany church, n n m. Im Hub cros Cem. ... FOWI.I5II At Mnrllon. N J. Jnn 5. NA OMI M., daushier of late Herbert l. nnd 1511a Fowler, need 20 Relatives and friend In vlteil to funeral. Marltnti. N J . Tues, 1:30 p. tn Int. private, coleslnwn cem. I Friends' I. Train leaves Market SI. Perry 10.30 u. in. fof Mnrltnn. FOX. .Inn. 0. JOHN J. FOX. husbnnd of late (lertrtlde Fo luce Kllisl and son of Marv and lalo John l'o Relatives and friend in vited to runernl. Thurs. s .in n ni.. 8H57 Tulip si Renulem Muss st Ann's church Hi a. m. Int Holy Sepulcnrc Cem. Auto funeral. FRAKlnit. .Inn II. FRANK c . sun of Crank F and Annie Fmzler. nued 5 months Rela tives and friends Invited In funeral servhs. Tues . 3 ti 111., parents' oV'Sldenee. 1830 S. IVarh st. Int. Mt Mnrlnh i'm FRI515.MAN. Jatl 7. Mrs. MARY FI1I5R. MAN Piltiernl. Wed . s 311 a. m . 8(110 N. 8lh si Itlah reuulcni mas our Lady of Merry l nurcn io n. in. in iTiuie, uoiy i ross i em. FINK Jan. 0. HARRY C Fl'NK. Rein, lives and friend, members or ;i7th Ward Drmo cratlc Club, nil other societies wild whleh ho was assoelnted, Invlti-d lo funeral services, Tues.. 8 p in., nt funeral parlors of t.eorae v. ll.irrett. 1010 W. Cumherlind St. Int. North wood Cem. Remains may be viewed Mon., 8 lo in p m. Auto funeral. OAFFNKY. ". PHILIP, son nf Hush nnd Annie rjatfncy (nve O'Cotinerl, iiaed 8 ears 3 dnvs Ilelatlves and friend Invited lo funeral. Wed.. In a m.. parents' residence, 183 lladdon nve., Westlnont N. J. Inl. Calvary 'UAI.LAOHHH. Jan. 5. JOHN, husband nf bite Isnliclhi Oallncher (nee N'orrlsl and son of late Daniel and llrldjiet (lallairher. Itehitives and friends Invited to funeral. Tues., s n. m . liilll H. 25lh st. High mass of r quleni St. Anthony's Church ll. 20 a. ill. Inl. Hoiv Cross L1"aRVER1CK Jan. 5, HANNAH, widow nf Amos Oarverbk, aired 88. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral services. Tues.. 8 p m.. daughter's residence. W. A. llnnd. 8180 Sedglev ave Inl. ijrl..t'. Pri. oda may call Mon. eve. WILL Jan. 7 .015011015 W. (HI.!,, aged .11. Notice of funeral will be given from residence nf Mr. (leorge Hiuclilifr. 3735 Palrmouut live. IIII. MUCH Jan 7, HANNAH A. daughter of late Andrew and Rebecca Ullmnur, ngeil 73. Friends mav view remains Tues.. K to ti p. m., sister's residence. Mrs. Oeorge R. Vernoii. Clif ton Heights. Pa. Services aud Int. at touveiil ence of family . i OOODYKAR Jan. 0, APOL!50N P.. hus band of l.vdln (JontijS'Vr. i541uttvis and friends, TuckahoH Trllsj.' JS'iV, VWi. SI.. Invllcd lo funeral. Wed.. 2'tv iru.' 0147 Walton n.e.. West Phlla Int. .'FernwiVHt Cem. Jtcmalus may be viewed Tues eve. c URAV15II Jatl. O. SAllAir. widow of Mali.n flraver. Relatlveni and frlfnds. also various organizations nf which l:o wns a member, in vited to funeral. Tue., 'j i .m., from residence of briitiier-ln-law. Utiprga W Weldamoyi r Mi88 Rldgo ave., Ro.Uorollll. Int. Westmina'.er Cem Friends may call -Mon . 7 lo 0 p. m. !ltl.'l5N Jan. B, at Salem. N. J.. A. MASON (1RI515N. iigi'il .VI. jtelatives and friends Invited to funeral, (111 Market st.. Sulem. Tues.. 2 p. in., without further notice. Services at resi dence Inl llastview Cem.. Salem IRI5KNWOOD. Suddenly. Jan (1, ARTlll'R. liushaud of Clara tlreenwood, aged 40 Itela llves mid friends. memlsTs Firth & Foster's Hen. Asso . invited to funeral st'rvltea. Wed., Jtl.'ls D st Int. Oieenwind IK of I'.l Cem. Re mains mm be viewed Tues , 7 lii Hi p. in. HAI.KY Jan. 7. THOMAS P . son of llrldget and late Patrick P. Halev (nee Langinl. for merly of (linn! vllle. Pal Relatives and friend. Kensington I No. 113. II. of It. T. : Court Northcnsl, No 31(1. F. of A. McKay Club anil all oilier organisations of which he wan it member invited lo funeral. Thurs., 7 a. in., resideoie ..f mother, 8182 15. Huntingdon St. Solemn requiem mas SI. Ann's church K:nu a m Inl tit. Joseph's i'em . (llrardvllle. Pa . via 10:80 a. in. truin from lltii and Columbia IIAM1LL .Ian. 5. DDWARIVBon of Pelll and lain Catharine Hainll tnee Wnlsli). Hell lives und frli lids invited to funeral. Wed . 8 30 n. m.. father's resldenre. 8584 15. Lehigh ave . 18th Ward. Solemn requiem mass Pi. Ann's Church In a. m Inl. New Cathedral Cem. HANKY. Jan. 7. M1CIIAI-51. HANKY. Rela tives and friends. Huh Name Society of Ilpipn any church. Invited tu funeral. Thurs., 8:3 i a. ni . 8314 s 11th si Solemn requiem mass Churih of Lpiphuny 10 a. m. Int. Holy Cross Cem. HANN. Jan, fl. MARY C wlfo of Robert tl. Hunn. aged 78. Relatives and friends In vited to funeral servlies, Thurs., 8.30 p m.. husband's residence. 4n Linden st.. Camden. N. J. Int. private. HarUdgh Cem. Friends ma call Wed . 7 In 0 p. m. IIARDINU At Lamrhorne. Pa.. Jan. 7, JOHI5PH K IIARD1NO. aged Ml. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral, N. Ilellevue uve.. Langhorne. p.i., Wed , 8 p. in. Inl. Newtown Cem Cnnvevunres will meet truth at l.aug horn station leaving Reading Tennlnul 18.35 'lIART Jan. 7. ROHKRT J. HART, husband of N.dlle A. Hart. Due nutltn of funeral will be rflven. from 15 W. Wildey St. HARVEY Jan. 7. ANNUS (neo Itemterl. wtf.- of Samuel O Harvey. Relatives und friet.ds. congregation Kensington M. E. Church. United to funeral services. 14IU 15. Oxford st . Wed.. 8 p. in. Int Hillside Cem. Itemalna may be viewed Tues., H to 10 11 111. HALLOWtiLL. Jan. 7. HARRY I. . husband of Mary 15. Hulloweil. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral. Thurs . 3 p. m-, 2838 N Lawrence, si. Ini Odd Fellows' Cem. Remains may be viewed Wed , 8 p. ro- HEARD Jun 5. LOUISA, wldo of John Heard, aged 71. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral services. Tues, 11 a. in., 41173 tlrls com St., Frunkford. Remains may lis viewed Mon.. tv to lo i. in Int. private. Ooilt flowers. HKNN150AN Jon. 0. JOHN C. IIENNEUAN. Jr . husband of Marie Elizabeth Ilennegan (nee 5KKee). lutattves and friends, also emploes of the P. 1. I . Invited to funeral. Thurs., 8:3o a in . at 137 N. Dewey st. Requiem high mass at Our leidv of Rosary church 10 a. m Int. Old Cathedral Cem. HERRMAN Jan. tl. CARL Al'OL'ST, hus band of Anna 15. llerrman, aged 50. Relatives and friends invited lo funeral, Tues.. 8 u. m.. Folcroft. Del. Co.. Pa. Int. prlvatei Friends lnay view remains Mon., after 7 p m. 1IETHI5R1NOTON. Jan. II. LAMAR, widow of Francis W, Hetherlngton. Relatives und friends, members Norrls Square V P. Churclr. Invlled to funeral servtres. Wed.. 8 p. tn , 8131 K. Front st. Int. private. IIINKLK. Jan. 7. DANIEL S . aged 81. Services. Tues . 3 '30 p. m . 41 Rex ave.. chest nut Hill. Int. private. Omit flowers. HOOK Jan. d. SARAH A HOOK, widow of James Hook, aged 70. Relatlvea and friends Invited lo services. Tues . ' p. m . at daugh ter's residence. Mrs. Marv Arnold. 1533 W. IIP.ATIIS Montgnmr-ry sve. Int. private, Mount reaco Cem. Friends may call Mon evening. . IICMMEt.. Jan. 5, FRANKLIN i",. se-n " IVriltnsnd nnd late Mary Hummel nnd husbnnd of Nellie II. tlummvl men Marine), aged 43. Ilelatlves nnd friends. Washington amp. No. 540. P. O. S, of A : Phlln comma mien . No. 4. P. i S of A : Eureka Cnnni ll. No. I, Jr. O. U. A. M. of Wilmington. Del., Invited to fu herat service, Mon . 8 p. tn . .1110 Wallace si. Inl Tues, o,M Fellows' Cem . Pottsvllle. Pa. . ISAAC Jan. (1. MATILDA ISAAC aged nil. Ilelatlves nnd friend Invllcd to funeral. Tues., II a. in,, paMnrs or Jnme J, Fceney, under taker, lilil N. 83th St. Int. West Laurel Hill "jENSpS'. Jan n. HARRY. Inisband of Jen file c. Jensen, nged 5S. Itelallves nnd friend inviieu tn runernl. vveii., 8 p m . aou ttni tiorougn . nve., itnxboroimlt. int Unxhoroimb. Int. Ivprlnnton i . ! 1 1 ir uii vjein. i-ripnii mav call Tues. t JHN.VINIIS Inn 7 MICIIAP urn . T IO I' P. Ill, V. I . .11 .IIX Due nollee nf funeral from tifllll Summer SI JOHNSON 1-Jnn' (1 CATHERINE .1.. widow of William I. Johnson, aged s:t. fnrmerlv of Attanllc Cllv, N. J, Funeral services In Vise, con M. I! Church Ahsrcon. N. J. Wed.. II a. In. Remain tnnv be viewed Toe . , to 0 P, in resldencii of son In-law. Charles I.. Pile, Ifitl N. 3 llh St.. Camden .N...J JONI5S. Jati. 5. ANNUS M , widow nf Hvan O. Jonvs, nged 7ti Relatives nnd friends In. vlteil In funeral services. Ittghter's Mill road nnd Summit nve . Nnrbertli. Pa . Tues.. 2 p. lit. Int. Lower Merlon llanilst cem. Carriage nt Narhcrth for train lenvinn llroad St. Station '.IO.n'Iss! Jan. I. ISAAC, husband .of late Margaret Jnnes, nged s:t Itelallves and trlend nln member Dnslem Star Lodge. No. 1811. P. nnd A. M . and all societies of which he wo n member, milled tn funeral sen Ires, Tile 1 P tn.. 210? Jerferson st. Int. Private. Middle tiiwu Cem . Mlddletown Pti. Remains can bo Viewed Moll., 7 lo II p. ni , . .... JONI5S. Jnn. ". suddenly. JOHN 15., Im. hand or Clndle Cnrnisli Jones UEMlll.t:. Jnn It, CATIIARINIl. widow nf Richard Kemble, aged 85. Relatives nnd rrlcnils Ihvlteil in mtieriii servires. iue.., y n. .-8d N. 35th si Int (Ireetiwood (li. of I'.l I 'em. UlIIinirtAN Jnn. 0 NORA r... wlfo nf Joseph Kerrigan Ilelatlves nnd friend. 11. V. M, Sndalliy l.engii" of Sacred Heart. Invited lo funeral. Wed. S.fln a. in.. 81113 Conlyn st., jltn. Solemn r'qul"m ma Immaculate Con (epilnrj Church, HI n. in Int. Holy Sepul- '"htrs'o,trtn1-Jan. ft. fl. IvORII. widow nf Charles Korb (neo strahaonlmchi Relatives and friend Invited to funeral services, Wed., 2 p. in., Hid s. 4"th si. Remain may be viewed Tues , H p. m. Inl privato Fcrnwood Cetn. KNOV --Suddenly. Jan. 5. JOHN KNOX, llelntlves and friend. Merrbk Assn., No. 18, Penna N. A S. K . Powell Knitting Co., orgnnb rations of winch he was a number nrn Invited In seniles. Tiles . 2 n m.. Mil N. 2.1lh st. Int. private nt Harreti lull Cetn, KNOX. Jan. 5. SARAH ll . widow of Wil liam A Knox. Itelallves nnd friend Invited In funeral servlres. Til" II a. til., 5158 Whitby nve. Int. Mt. Morlah Cem. Remain may ho viewed Mon . 8 to 1(1 p. m. Auto service. Remains be viewed .Mon., 7 to ti '''Kl'tACSS. Suddenly, .Inn. 5. CHARLES F. KRACSS, aged ni. Itelallves nnd friend. Ste phen (llrnrd laidge. No. 450. F. nnd A. M.. In vited to servlres, Tues . 8 P ni . Oliver 11. Hair llldg., 1880 Clnstnut si. flit West Lnurel J I III KNIOIIT At her hnme. 4fi5S chcOnul si., Jan. II. FRANCES E VonillHSISH KNIOHt! Service Well. II a. 111. Ill Hie Illiver H. Ilalr llldg., 18211 Chestnut si Int. prlvnln m West Laurel Hill Cem 1'rlend" may view re mnlns Tues.. evening nt 182H Chestnut si. LAKI-5. .Inn 5. THOMAS ROIIlNSON, hit, band of F.inltlue Luke, nged 81. Relntltcs and friends Invited In funeral services. Tues., 8 li. 111.. H5II N. 87th SI.. Ciimden, N. J. Int. private-, Arlington fern rrhnds may view rc uialns Mon.. 7 to (i p. m. LAPI5II Jnn. 5 IIIII.CN M. LAUER. of rsill N. llroad st., Logan, widow of Andrew .1. leiuer. Relative and friend Invited to funeral services. Tins . 8 p in., parlors of John S. Iterkelhneh. 3.3u (lermnntown ave. lenr. of llroad sl.l. Remnlns mav bo viewed Mon. eve. int. private. Hillside Cem. LAVIN Jan. 3. JAMES J. husband nt Mary 15. l.nvln im-e Kearney!, son of John nnd late Winifred l.avin. of T.nnplc, Cbnrli-stowu, Cuillily Ma.o, trelnnd Itetntlxrs nnd friends, Division No 07, A. II . Plneter Laborers' I nlon. llniy ,-vnine .-inniiv. nt. i-oiumba's Church. Invited to fiiin-r.ii. Tues . 8-3n n. in., 8707 N Croskey si. Solemn high tnns of re. qufem Si. ColumiM'H Church Hi a. tu. Int. Holy Sepult hrn Cem, LEAHY Jan. II. lUIIDUIST. daughter nf lale Daniel and Julia Leary. Relatives and friend invited to funeral. Wed. 8:30 a. m.. residence nf John T. Murphy. 1517 N 11th st. Solemn high requiem mas St. Mnlachv's church 10 n. m. Int. Old Cathedral ('em LEPI'ER Jan. 5. tlrMltCfl 15 husband of Cathnrlle Lepper (nee I'leteherl. Relatives and friends, employes of c ll. .Medford A- Son, Venango Yearly Hen Asso Invited to funeral. Tues.. 2 ti. Ill . 35 IH N. Jasper st Int. Oreeu mount Cem, Remains may bo viewed Mon.. 7 to P ti in LEWIS. In ISaatnwn near Herwyn. J. in 0. HANNAH M wile of' Eugene. Lewis und daugh ter of late Hurry lloslter. nged 5!). Relative nnd frletiil invited to funeral, without further notice, Tues. Service nt house, 18 noon. Car riages will meet trains at llerwln from 10 to 113(1 a. in. Inl. St. Peter'a Cent. Auto funeral. LITTLE. Jan. (I ANNIE II.. widow of Stephen Little, aged 00. Relatives nnd friend Invited In funeral services, Wed , 8 p. m., 37 Linden ave.. Iliiddonlleld. N. .1 Int. private, llurieigb Cent. Friends inny call Tues. eve. LOCKE. IRWIN I.Oi'liE. formerly Irwin .1 S. l.oeli, at Tucson. Ariz., Jan. ll, aged 35. Due Potlie nf fuil'-nil Will lie given. I.OI5II. Jan. 7. HENRIETTA P.. widow of Mark II. l.oeb. aged 75. Duo notice of funeral will be ulven. from III I N. llroad st. I.IIEWY. Jatl II. CAROLINA, wife of Jacob Loewv. aged 71 Relatives and friend Invited 10 funeral, Tues., 8 p. 111 . (ieilll Frnukfuril uve. Inl private limit tlowers MANOI.ES Jan. 0. at Closler. X. J.. MARY II. M.'. VOLES ineo Smith) Funeral services at residence. Wed. 11 a. m. Int. private. MAItlllSRl'M At 31133 N llriiiiil SI . .Inn 7. .losKPII 1. MAIKIEHI'M. used till. Nutlcu of f uierol lattr " MARSHALL. Jnn (1. MARY AGNES, vvlfa nf William J. Mnrslinll. Relntlvja und friend Imlte'l In runernl. Wed., 8:30 n. 111., 8120 Vine st. Solemn high mass 01 requiem Cathedral 111 a. 111 Auto funeral MAPI.!, Jan 11. JANE R . daughter of late Samuel and Elizabeth .Muull Relatlvea and friends Invited 10 lillleral servleis, Tues.. 8 o. ill., niece's residence. Mrs Ilaltle Edds. 8I3S N 13th at. Int. private. MI. Peace IVm. Re. uialna may lie viewed Mon , 8 to HI p. in. Auto funeral MAY1H5W Jan. 0. MARY It. widow of Samuel Mayhew, aged 74. Relatives nnd friend Invited 10 funeral. Tue.. n a. tn.. Penna. Widows' Asylum. 1101 1-5. Susquehanna uve. Int .Ml. Morlah 1V111. McAltDl.l-5 -Jan 7. n 1 1 AY. Ilnrlter si., (ler muntowu, MARY PRANCES, daughter or James J. und Abxliie shndaker JIcArdle, aged 81 mouths. Int. private. , McCANX Jon. II. JAMES, husband of late Rose McCann Relatives und friends Invited to Thurs.. b:30 u. 111., son's residence, Ml.huel Mei'iinn. 50,11 Tnioma st., niii. Sol ' inn requiem mass St Francis of Assisl's 1 nun It Hi 11. m. Int. llolv Sepulchre Cem. . Mi COLLOll Jan. 4, THOMAS CHALMERS Mi-COI.LOil. aged HO. Relatives and friend In .Med lo services. Mon., 8 p. 111.. at 4I1UI1 Sprlng tleld uve. Int. private. Omit llowers. MeCON.S'ELL. Jail. 7. SARA A. McCON NELL Slrffunl. widow uf Robert JI1C011 uell. uged ll.". Relatives uud friends Invited to services. Thurs.. 8 p. in.. 11 1 tho Oliver II Ilalr llldg. HOI Chestnut al. Inl. private, ut -Ml P. .n-e Cem Omit llowers. Mccracken. Jan. 5. ('LARA, daughter of David und Matilda McCruckeu. nged 80. Rela tives and friends Invited to funeral services, Tuts.. 8 p. in.. 8020 IS. Wlshart st. Int. private. Remains . bo vl-'ee-l Mar... 7 to ll p. in. M. CHAN. At llordentown. N. J. Jan. 0. IIERNARD McCRAN. Relatives and frlendi Invited lo funeral. Tues . K u. 111 . Miles live. Requiem mass St. Man's Church 0 u. in. Int. HI Marv'i: IVm. Ilurdeiitown. M.I1INI.I5Y. Jan. ll, Jull.V. son of lale .lues und Eunice McRlnyy. Relatives und friends. I., o. o M , No. 51. Invited u funeral, Ueil.. 7 3D u in.. 1088 Camliridgu st . beluw tiirai-d uve. High requiem mass Churtti of the ili su li a in. Int. New Cathedral Cem . i.Wi'W1'". "."' . 7. "f "urrlatuw n Pa., PAlltlClv. husband of late Anna M.Uratli (nee MrDermolt). Relatives and filends Invited in funeral. Thurs. 8:311 u. in. 53s lluas ave. Solemn requiem mas sf. Patrn k's Church HI u. in Inl St. Patrick's Cem. Nnrrlstown. Pa McLAimilL N.-Jan. 4. JAMES J., Inisband of Cutharlno E. McLaughlin, nged 59 Relatives Bnd friends luvlled to funeral. Tues.. 8:30 a. m . 8445 N. Sydenham st. Solemn requiem mass Church of Our Lady of iicrcy lu a. in. Int. Holy Sepulchtr Cem. Autu service MHISKR Jan. (I. HILDA F MKIHEIl daughter uf lute Christian and Carolina Melsef luce. lirauii). aged 83. Relatives und friends Invited to funeral services. Thursi, 11 a ni 1100 S. Darlen st. Hit pr,a,e. Nortliwood Cem Remains may bo viewed Wed. 8 to lu p. m. Auto funeral. " MILLER. Jan. I). MARIA S MILLER. Rela tives and friends invited to servli es Tuea lil-ntl a. in., nt 14US Pine st Int. private. MORRIS. Jan U. MARUARET J . widow of William 'Morris, aged 81. Funeral Tues I d in., residence uf son. John MurrW. Ifc80 Greeri tl. Int. privato West Laurel Hill Cem. ""'" MORSE-Jan. . H. LESLIE, son of Kleanor II. and lata Herbert N. Morse, uged 56 lie U llvea and friends Invited to funeral servleis .t'"1nlprlvate",0"'e'"" re"'d'"'-''i' 2431 N. Huh' 'MOUNT. Jan. 6. MARY E.. wife of Daniel Mount, aged 35 Relatives and friends Invited lo funera . Wed.. 8 III . sister's residenii Mrs. Charles Hansen.' 1037 Nectarine Ji. "nt" private. , MITI.LKR. Jan. T. JOSEPHINE, wlfa of Mar. tin Muller. aged S3. Itelativea and friends tn-' vlted to funeral. Wed . 18:30 p in . 10 N Syca more, ave.. Clifton Heights, Pa Int. Kernwood IIKATIIS , .MYERS Jan. 0. OE0nOE-vV., husband of Jennie -Mjers inee Cavennnugh) and .son of lata (leorgn nnd Henrietta .Myers, ltelatlvei nnd friend. WIIHamon lidge No. ami, F. and A. M.i Ushers' Association of Summerflelil M. L. Chureh Sunday School. James O. Illalne Council. No. 70rt. I, o. A.; Washington Cntnp. No. 3, P. O. S. of X., 33d Ward stnnemen's Fellowship. Invited to funeral servlres. Wed , I 30 p. rri. 3107 N Water st. Int. private, (Ireenwood h. of P. I'em. Remain mav lie viewed Tues. eve. MYI5RS, Jnn 5, MAR0ARKT P.. widow of fnlrlrk M. Mjers Reintlve. nnd friend., St. 1511-fabetlrs Sacred Heart Society Invited to funeral. Wed. 8.10 n. in... 1038 N. 21th st. Solemn rrqulem ma St. Elizabeth's Church lo n. m. Int St. Ann's Cem. NI5AI.ON, Jan. T. ANNA DI5 COuncnY. widow of Jiariln Joseph Nenlon. Relatives nnd friend invited In funeral. Thurs.. 8;30 n. nt . 3117 Wrstllelil nve.. Camden, N. .1. Solifnn requiem ma Si Joseph's Church. .East inni den. in n. nt Remnln may bo viewed Wed. eve. Int. calvary Cetn NOI1DMANN. Jan. 5, MARY I., (nee Evan), wlfo or Albert c. Nordmann. Relative and friend Invited in. funeral service. Toes.. 2 P. tn., 2320 N Ulh st Int. Mt. Peace Cem. Remain miv be viewed Mon., between 8 and 10 p. In. Auto funeral. , NUdBNT, Jan. 5. PATIHCK Nl'OENT. Rel; ntlves and friends. Ht. Agatha's llolv Name arid Sacred lleart.Soeieiv, nvlted to funeral, Wed., Ii:30 n. m., Situ Wallace st. High mas St. Agatha's 11 " in Int. Cnlliedrnl t em. OLSON. Jan. " III511I5CCA. vt blow nf Peter ooii, aged 511. residence of son. Edward knurr. 2432 Aspen si Due notice of funeral will be PALMER -First Month (llh LOPIS PAL MEIt. nged "11. Itelallves nnd friend Invited tn runernl. Fourth-da v. 12:3(1 noon. Concord Friend' Meeting llon. ( oncordvll e. P.i. Car riage will nisei train leaving llroad St. station 11 n3 nnd West Chester 11:18 a. tn. nt Cnnenrd VIII" Station. Inl. Comonlvllle llurvlng (Iround. PARKER minimis ItARCllI-RT PARKER Jr , snn nf tleorge 11 nnd Jennie II. Parker, nged 81. Rela tives nnd friend. Wnshlnglnn Camp .No 081. .fan. n. lit iTPe-i inn, ". (1 s. nf A Invited to funeral service. parents' residence Tartar inyinr nve., urexoi inn, rAhHONS. -Inn. 7. IH.M.N. nlfrt of tlnhttt (I Ptirflnnn. llPlfltKti nnd frlPiuli Invited lo fun tu I ivr. Ir-. Thtirs.. 1 v, m , t.ll! Thompnon "fAioWr.-iir Mlfor.!. N. -f, Jan. rt. A.MOH H IMIAfJCIC. llf?tntlr nnd trfrmli In vited lo fui.Tnl. Voi,, J p. tn . It.ijtlit rhiiffh. Medford, .V. .1 Auto.- will rm-ot trnln nrrlvlng at Mrdtnrd 1 1 -Id ti rtl riJAUKO.--Jim. 0. It)A rP.AI.RON'. Ueln llvpfl and frlndi Invited to funfrnl ncrvirpn, WpiI , I' ,.ln p. tn . 'Ann Mivedhh i.uttiernri hur'h. .Mt. Vfrnnn nbovo 17th n. Jnt. prl tc. Nortlnvood ivm. Auto rum-mi. IMlU'i;. .Inn. . JO UN i hutband of. lain Kllxiilwth Pr.r Mi- I'titiniMi IU'I.ii Ivca and friend, truntnp'i f J'jilinpr Iturlal (Iround, In vited to fun" nil rwrUrrn Vd . '2 p. ni., 1317 Mrllnrounh "t. Int. Pulmnr .vni. piikm: Jnn. n. hauiui:tt, wlf of .Inm Prlrt. Uflniivt"" ami frlond. lnltPd lo ccrxlcp-i, Tu, - l tn . nt 4 1. N .'iith i.. i'nmiii, N. J. Int. prlvHtt', l'rlpndt mn Mill Mon., 7 to ll '''q'iMNN Jnn . KtiWAHD V , mm nf Mnry nnd Iiitf Trnro tjilnn nnd crnnd-.nn nf )n(n .luhn nnd Murtcnrrt I.p. Uilntlvin and frlendi Invltnd tu funprnl. Wd . s n. m . tnothpr'H relilpnrp. Mtm M.iry ljulnn. wnut Invent rornor "lilh nt and Suffolk np. J I Jul, man.i nf reiulpin Ht. ItupahH'n rtitirrh ti:no a m. Int. Xew Cnth drnl (nin. Aut fumrjl IIUIMKH. Jnn I. A.VNIi: widow- of Her- nard l(plmr nnd dnimhtpr nf Patrick it ml fa l her Iti" l.nnlt ItelatlU'-i nnd frlPiuH In vited In fum'Ml. Tunn . h an a tn . rpsldeAp of nlecn. aMtss Mnrcnrpt Hnnlii. 7ls K. oWurlo nt. ItpriulPin mnsn t'hurrh if ihi Airenslon 10 ,-i. tn Int. llolv SptmN'tirp A-iin fnnprnt mus.Mi: .inn (i. m.rzAitcTU . dniiKii- ter of Into Ad.itn nnd I'nlhprlni II. HelH.ip. Helntlvpn ami frlpnd-i Itnlti-d to futiernl sprv lrpa. Wed. II ti tn . null) .V. Ihth nl. Ini. nrlvntr ItIpimN may cull Tik-m . 7 tn v. in. Jnn . AlKiIsPII. hunhnml of (Mirlatl.inun Itlvhler inr. .Marx), ajreil hJ. Hela thru nnd frlendi, niPtnbpm nf (It-rmanla Turn Verplu nml Phil.. I-d8e. No an. t. O. If.. Invited to funeral nprlnn. Tuen , 1' p. m.t 2r..)7 N. "d et. Int nrhatn. Oreentnount Com. Ite niittnn may he imwi1 Mon eve. KICK. .Inn. f, ANNA I, . widow of Oeonro Kick. HelutlvfH nnd friend Invited tn fu. neral. 'Wed., 1L' :t0 n tn., non-ln-law'n residence;. Wllllnm ll .Merrlliow, HUM H. Croikey m, .Servletn "i.'U Ht. M. I' Ohureh, l::tti p. m. Int. ArllnKton lem. JlPtnnlni may be lewed Tue, 8 to li) p. m. Auto mptvIc?. KIKMANN. Jan. 7. ANNMI! M.. wlfn f Wil liam P. Ulemnmi and dauubter of Marv .f. and tn i.iii j'i'icr ti. ununey. tteiaiivei mid frlendi, H. M. V. Hod.ility, Sarred Heart and ltoJiary Horkllet, inltt-d to funeral, Weil.'. N::in n. in . rsnu Pemberton rt . Went Phlla. .Sol emn requiem inn-, riiun h of TrnnallRuratlon, 10 a. m Int. Ilidy rrnw fern. ItlliKV. Jnn. 7. JIIMICIIT J. JUMiV, nped 7(1. ltel.itlfH nnd friend-. L.tmokln Tribe of Uetl Met'. No. t,. Kruti-rtint Lodito of IlnKten. Votintr .Men'H Ilfpubllciin Club, Uqunr iWilern ANHorlallon. IVIton l-'ire i'n.. nil of iMienter. Pa.. Invited to funeral. Wed.. p. m. rewldenro of daughter. Mrs. Walter Wtfrott, t 'barter llutiHe, Medin. J'h. Int. private, llemalnt may be viewed 1'ueH . 7 to li p. tn. Hudd.nty. at Jnrknonvllle. Fin.. Jan. 7. HADI1J tneo Donaldsun), wlfo of Henry V. MnelnfH. HOWAN. Jnn. 7. JOHN II.. snn of late Thoman nnd l.llznhelh Itowan. Itela thea and friend Invited to funetal nervben. Wed., 1! i. in., imi.1 Wilt Kt. inear lUlli nnd MontKomery ae.) Jnt. Mt. Morlah Cem. Friend may rail Tues , 7:.t0 p. m SANNA MAUTHA. daUKhler of latu Hush and Alb'e Sauna. HelatUeH and friend: Invllrd to funeral, WViI., M:;i0 a. m.. .1H11 N. nth nt. Solemn reiiulem ttws Ht Wronk-a'n tMiun-h lu u m. Im. Old Cathedral Vnt. Auto funeral. KTKKI.K. Jan, 7. lUKSIS W., widow of Wil liam II. Mteele. ltenlUenL', 1,'il W. Pat-sj unk ue lii notb'n of funeral will lie Klven. HAPKIt.S. .Jan 0(Flti:i)i:itILMC W. HAunns. huiband of Su1.. n aKed 7:t. Iteiatlve.i and friends Invltcil to funeral nprviren, Tuea., U in.. :.:.' 7 .. Oarnttt nt. Int. Ncirthwoud Cem. s.wnit. Jan. .. ji:nnii: v.. wir of f'harles Saxer, aaul nil Itelntives and friend to funeral. Tuen.. 8:3d n. m., 4K10 M. Wnrnoi'lc flt. Siilpinn hlirh rooutpni ninn I'hnrrh or Holy Chtbl. lo a. m. Inl. Holy .Sepulchre Cem. Auto funeral. SCANI.A.N At Clipper. Pa. Jan. it. MICIIAKL .SCANLAN. nel.itiviH and friends Invited to funeral. Wd., s :tu a. m., renldem-u of nleee. JIIhs Allre.lonahUe. UMll nth nt. Huh mass of reuulem Iimnuiulnte Heart Church HI a tu Int. hnmneuUte Heart Cetn. SHANNON. Suddenly. Jan. . IH17. THOM AS .V. hi'sband of tho latu .Marv A. Shannon inee A'aish). Itelatlves iind frlendi, also Idaho Tribe. JCo 7.. I. O. It. M.. nnd Thentrleal Henetlilal AsHoclatlon. am Invited to attend tlm funeral. Wed., K:.'1U a. tn . from the residence of bin crnnddauuhter. Mm Samuel Hawthorn. IMCiU N. IMh nt. HIkIi requiem mans at Church uf Ht. Stephen ut 10 a. m Int Cnthedrnl ('em SUA UP. Jap. n, J. SPHNCIsK. lumband of Mary U. Sharp. Helntlvea and rrlemls Invited to funeral HervlceH, Wed., 'J p tn . 7 N. hi. Camden. X. J. Int. trlvnt, HarleiKh Cem. Prit'tidrt may view remains Tuen . 7 to p. m. SIIKNIKKMC Suddenly, nt Alrn. N. J.. Jan. (1. (li:OUUn M. HHKNIJOCK, iiEeil HI. Hela lives and friends Invited to funeral service, Tues . p. in., Went llerlln Cm Chapel. Int. Iterllu Cetn. Train leaves Market St. Furry lL'-LM p. m. for W'fut llerlln. HIML'Ofc. Jnn. 5. ANNIK. widow of William Siimoe, imed ti'J. Itelatlves und friends Invited to funeral. Tues.. N:3 a. m . son-in-law's real deni'u. Jcneph .MtUonlle. a- 5 II. Cambria at. Solemn requiem blub maan Clmrtb of Visitation lo a. m. (nt. New Cathedral tVm .SINNHIt. Jun. 4, AHAM SINNHH. huaband of liertha Sinner (nee Sf heilelbuut-r). axed f.0. Itelt'ttves and friends. Kensington Yearly Hene lb-la 1 Society, Haker Arbeit cr I'nterMi. Vereln. No. 2; Southwnrk Iveirel Club, Invited to fu neral services. Tuea.. l:3t u. in . 2."i.':i CeiUr ht. Int private. Hlllald-j Cem Auto bervlee. SI.ATMM-.HY Jan 5. IU)li;uiCK. husband of Winifred Hluttery. Itelallves and friends. Cathedral T. A II. und I c. II. it., n. im, ami nil other aorlrties of whleh he was h mem ber. Invited tu funerul, Tues. K.atl a. in.. 1147 N. Felton st Solemn reuulem tnuas Our I.ady of tho Ituaary Chun h lu a. in. Int. Holy Cross Cetn. Auto funeral. SMITH Jan !. JACOH 8 . buihaud of att Kllza Smith (nee Llotz, aued 78. l.tlutivs und friends Invited to funeral services, Mon , H p. iu. 714 ltobblna uv . laiwndale. Further aerv U-ea mid Int. Umerlck, Pa.. Tuea. Poltatovvn papers ropy. SMITH Jan 3, parents' realdence. 1702 N. 3d at.. MAUV C.. daushter of Frances c. aud Margaret J. tnee McCleUand), aged L'O. Ilela tlves and friends. Itleaied Vlriln Mary Society of St. Michael's Church, Alumnae or St Mich nel's Qlrla' T. A 11. Society. Invited to funeral. Wed,, H:30 a. in. Solemn reiiulem 4 maas St. Mlchuel'a Church 10 u. m. Jnt. Jloly Crou Cem. aTECIIUHT Jan. fl. MAX. hutband of latft Huttla Stechert tuea Hoaenberi;). Ilelatlves and friends. Philadelphia Uodge. No. 1. J. U.; llarbaroiaa Iodae. IC. of P.. members hoard of directora lUIdwtn II. and I Ahio., I lock la mi It. and I. Awmo., Stechert I), and I.. Aaso.. in vited to 'uneral. Tuea.. J p. in.. 3W3 N. 18th at. nt Adath Jeahuruu Ctm. ST1MUS. Jan. 6. at Mooreatown. N J MAUY A., widow of Jtobert Httmua. aiieU 7- llelattvei ond frlenda Invited to fumral. llld Union at.. Mooreatown, N. J., Tuts., a p. m Int. Cplestown Cem. Trolfe3 leave Camden vvery half-hour. S'rflOH Jun 7. f'fAHA, wife of Thlllo Stroh. used 0J nelatlves and friends. Ladlea' Auxiliary of Phlla Turnaettiiflnde. Invited to funeral aervics. Tues :3U p. m. Ull AUe uhenv ave. Int Adath Jeshurun Cam. SWEKNUV Jan. B. JAMES, son of Mary Mcllrldo and lata lluah Sweeney. Helatlvei i and friends Invited to attend funeral. Tuei.. 0 iu.. at mother'a realdence. 2ld Manton at. U'flth and Kederat sta ) Ileuulem hu maai at Church of bt. Anthony 10(1 a. in. Int. Holy Cross Cem. Auto service. ' TH13BN Jan 7. JBNNMB TUKEN. aged 81. Jlrlef aervlce 35 Mt. Vernon ave . Pitman. N 1017 nRATIt IV . fH M . rnrlhir wrvlrr Tuo tMSburft-'M. IS. i-'liurrh TiintTT. .t'lin.' it. .s.u.r.11: J-rrJ-TI'??'. V.r,.Ji' Bnl 1 rtl VII nv. J. W. Trout. U. " ,l"!,or,r..i. i.-n Vt i Church i:rl nvo. jk ovv tlronil st. Ill- "' ?3i All A Jf.Tin'.T-, . vvldMv Itcscnl st Int.iirlinls. . ,.. , , ...... ., v'l'l'lll'l II I1VNA Jlln .1 n ,111.1. ,.c ... ...'' ,i;.l;-.'M.' .s ' .IsnViiirr nf Aimsln nn,i """'.""'" ".""I'' ...1 ,ii,ii,i.. nml fr cm ; i0"ni.;.i oVii ii "i'?n''. r''n.,w qi linni's i'"1"!!. Inl llniy rns i rm. Wii'l I. mil i IIAllllAttA. wlilnw nf Anton ffli-nil llnlv Knnilly. Itosvw nml Allnr Hocl ilsi HI lioiilfiiliis s I'luircli. Invited to fiinernl. T11J T'Sil n ti". 3IB-I1. Iz-hlBh nve. .Solemn r. iuViii iunss nt St. llonlfnilii' t.'liurch n n. m. Kt. our K5"l"-" Mt. I'nrmcl I'em . llnilcstown. la. Allto funiT.ll. m Tirrritvriiit HlnSlnnViryT J mn? nf rennlsm Ml. Alplmnsus I'hurch tl n. m. InWAl".V:-Al"AtA'l'nTIll.'t Knloronnl llm. ,;n. fi MAHV ANN AMIII.I II WAI'K. nBril U.S. llsl tlv?, nml rrlemls lnvlf.1 lo fnnjrn 'jrvlrs, llnni. Ili'lmnnt nml lMilcl"' nvos., rues.. 2 p.m. '"VvVllTin-'lnn"'- it. .'Alint.INH. vvlfa of flcnVan Wnlfr Hie- Mnlll. ,nrr..l 4S' Uslnllvi-s "it." rrlsn.1. nn-mlirrs nf,l.n.llrs MaxonliMi Mm- ii.ri hnr nml l.ailli-"' I'linnstnltsrs Invltril in rnn.rni rvlrc Vvil.. 1! ' m i liuliiinil'n resl runcrni scrviri-s, .... . v n.rt.,t,t,.i,. KV Itemnin; msV" ' viewrV. ' Tue:. lifter ii it i'n' iTnler f llnllrnnil T'lrKrnphi;rs. In- WrUifinlr"fflsttsWiiffiniVf.roSnt W Weish. nc'il li" H"lnllvM nml frlsnil In iii'n,i ; in funernl Tues. I p. m.. 51.12 Ucyser .(lormf.ntmv'n ."' .r-rjvnle, Ivv lllll .'em Wlil.l.M '"" ''. VVIjI.I.S. ljftitlj.n.i fri-.i; .'ga'.'lrSri'B! "YnY ''irrill'ul -.".-.'.''MAItTitA M . wife of Krnl lit W. W HtMnm. ?l jIH. Itelntlvc nml rMsnds InvltVil In futiernl. il.. an. in.. re. iienio of so". Wllllnm H. Johnson. SMI H. ilsth st Int IVrnvvni-il i'mj. . Item.ilns inny bn ,,viMTrrAil-Su.lJcniy!M-.inn. 7. WIM.IAM ll ion of llnimnh nml tlin Into llenlninln i: Whltsi'nr. lleUllves nml friend Invlleil lo serv- lee TtleS . ' ! "'' "l lh" "n"r .". """ UMX- is-ui I'liesinut st Inl ilrei.invniiil I'i'in. 1 U'l "ov Jnn. 7. IIAMl'TiiN W 1 1. HON. hu. i.linl lirv Wllsm llelmlves nnd friend, ';. nves i.f I'lilln. Nnvy Vnnl. Invlie.l to fu- rfe.Ani.Ur,f,i,,s.,i 'u,,s','n.'''7HsA,v.;.1;' :?. m- , 47(11 Vorlli hi., fninkfijril. Inl. North fedar "vJ-nii'l'I'villtTiiN .Inn. n. lirsVfiN', son of tt. .Inlm I', nml l.mlly M vvniuverion. service Uliu in., i',.'"-- VOI.Ml- .Inn snn of Wllllnm nued L'l months 5. Wit. MAM II. H. (.nfant ll ii nun ii.iuuan i4. inline, lte1iitlvet nnd frlpnd-i Invited tn Tues. J n. m.. ijiirrtiti' trpil- mum u i "ii",rr. ' . clenre. 55.11 N l,awn-nco at. mi. iiiiiiuu t:iii.t via funeral cur. VNIH'JETAKI'.US V V flAI.I.AOHint. cniM K. UuntlnKdon VndertiilJpr and Ktnbalmer. Hell Mi. Ken. 112 LOST AND FOUND Ulioocif Saturday evcnlnc, Kolns from 15th Ht. suliwnv station tu Mtli nnd Chest nut nts . dlnmnnd hronch; liberal reward. Apply Apartment II. US H. nltli st. 1)00 I-nst, brown Pomeranlnn don; n'wnnl Heturu tn 1!H2S (Ireen st. IUNO hot. In Anndhi Thentre, Saturday nflernoon. rlmr tH with orml nnd pearls, Heturn to -II n" Walnut st. Hevviard. Tl.HHIKU Found, iMsl nnd Lncu-it oti.. femott terrier, nmwith linlr: collar. Apply tn H. P. C. A., an S 18th at. jJQCi Iit. a Hi-nU'h collie dotr; Delavvnre ('uiinty license No. IMi. Itevvnrd If returned tn .17 Sellars ave.. Mltllmurno, P.i. TIKK Lost, a V!U tire No. 101.S55. mounted on extra rim. In ruse, Jan. 7. between Moor en town. N J., nml Newtown. IN,, vl.i Iturlltut tnti nnd Ilrlntot. liberal reward. A. J. Hob ertfl, Monrestuwn. N. J. nH'IUN'O CAIl t'-'S rnurd for return "o? sioleti IJII7 l-'ord touring car; mamifarturers' number HHtT t . lVtiiui. IIpciiri) Xo. L'Jl'.'iO. Ileimit to A. P. Deverenux. nI Walnut at, WAI.I.MT l.ot. liliick leather wallet Inst Sat urdav nlRht In front nf 1'orrest Theatre; un mined three 35 bills and memberJ"hlp card of tho Philadelphia !Un Club No. Ids; liberal reward James Murston. 5P0O Wood bl no ave.. Oi-iTbrook. HELP WANTED FEMALE HOOKKnKPI.U, rompt. to tnke charge of double entrv bookkeeping s stern. It 1-10. Led. Cent. ClIAMIICKMAIL). white, experienced! first-clans refcrenie rulred. Apply I'J'-M Spruce at., on Monday beforo 1 o'clock. CIIASHir.UMAID nnd sewing; wanes JtJ. S, O," Hncers. Hryn Mawr, Pa. CHAMlli:itWOIti; aud waltlm,': while iclrl, wTlh refereiH'e. for small f.unflv; wood wuges. Apply .TJ-'.T tjueeii Itine, (lermnntown. COOK- Wnnte.1, exiierlenreil wlilto cook, vvltii Kood references, for prlvatu family In At lantic CUv ; wunes $Id a month. AddreiH Mr1. I. M. Kiddle, 1 Ml 8. Albany nve., Atlantic City. COOK I'"irt-claB cook tu k to PHtHbursti; preferably one with relative and friends llv iue there; kooiI wnces and hlRhest reference. M SI-'. InlKer Central COOK, llrst clasi: so home ut nkht: white Oi-rmaii preferred. t5ternf!d, HJOl Diamond t.. second floor COOK, whlto: exiverlencPd; rlty refirences; best wanes. Call I70.ijefferon st. IIOXOS and eerlltlcates; youm; lady, experienced In handling. enitravlnR and printing nf bonds and rertlflrntes. Klllott. 17th nnd I.ehlKh. Ulltli In bindery of privato prlnttnc plant; mod" rn vvorklnic conditions. Apply Mr. Uentzsch. LMU W Homerset. ' (llltls for cooklns nnd downstairs work; no wushlni;; S per week. 1731 Memorial nve. GIIU.S tn new tickets and labels In stock and cutting departments; stejdy wortt; Rood pay. Apply Klrhbvina. Uroad uud Carpenter. """ OIHI.S CiVKIl III VUAUS OP AOH Startlm: new maehliiery. flood vviiKes paid while learnlmr. Apply tlrlswold Worsted Cimiuny. U.uiiy. (1IKI.H for work In file slum. Apnlv Ilsston Sz Sona. Inc.. Tucony, Phlla. Henry 1IOHIKKV Toppers nnd knitter on Rcott & Williams and hlandard K machine; hlicheet vvaiies: Bteiuly work, best working conditions. HyKienlc 1' leveed I'nderwear Co., hosiery d partment. SUA X Howard Ht. on cotton hosi.; steady vuirk and hlKhest waKes. IlvGleulc Ktetctfd Under weur t'ompanv. L'115 X. Howard HOHICHV Olrls. I I or Hsrr . Aberlu & mid. years of ukv. Apply . A ami Cluar- HOrwi:Ki;MPKH Si-itled. capable white woman. oVi'lee r lMrty M ul- 'ii"r Hfii?:x0 nun Wt!lllV Klri tor -mJ1Il fawil KXrrrilltrt. exierlence.I on circular vpViiik braid needle maih pes; Rood nay; steady worL Hyulenlc l-T-eced Umlfrwiitr Co., S5N Howard u , MEXPKitS. etperlenced" on" knit Jersey cloth- 3N?1,or.i,e,afofvi;Thacv.b,'o'' NllltSK. vv-hltc. vvanled for child. 3 year"sai IUdiior.l'i.ll '.'OLLeilEor ottlrs. "" " Ni."SBuaml' f?r 5.r weeksrassiinTwith i llnht housevvnrlt: reference. 1 sou. j"j. o't. . ' OPKnATOHS ON A I.I, I'AUTS OP I'OTTON' AN'I) Sll.i; ' WAISTS' 8T11A11V WOltK: lltxill l'AV i llltl .1 X, .ii ..on Ii.........!!..1.- niton & m., bua i'uimt.nPt" st OI'KHATOItH for till tun.1 f i.ji" . dresses vyunled: slurt the new sear with 52 und It will surely ineun prosnsrlfy 10 "u nJ vve work steady and iuy Lest wanes. jk,3J , wash Apply ..iik.rtni. n iirnu "'i., ,.. ,, . . ....... ...w . .,., ,M LllfSinUI. ox!tJtATORS' '""ers and hemmera on union special machine: steady work. lyBlni2 .. Heeced Uiidervvvar fu.. UI15 N Howard FAIIUHIMAID. white, experienced first .class ii . w. iTIlll. rtppi Monday Weforu 1 o'clock, RBI'OnXKJI. one who can ,ln tf.u. ... newspaper work os well. Includlirii nisn'Vi,r.! svrTedTir;:' - mjkss HELP WANTED-FEMALE i oittitnrii fro. i prrrrtluto rolumit STi:.NOilttAI'lli:it- One 1in Is ejtperl.ncM ...' will start on rensonnhls snlory. Anni. ..'"' day. li n. m . Itoom .'mil. Iintirsn iililj" lin' vVAITIjnB wnnted. Prntestnnt AtpW a,: Overhrook nve. nr phone Overhrook iijo WIN'HIJIIS Kxperier ed kln winders nVil...J HELP WANTED-MALE HANK I'l.IlllIv-VniinR innn. niinui "".r lierienren ni Kenerni imuer nml dlvnuni W.i' nhlslp opirjite litiewrlter. nnpii. ntlon m!5' ilentlnl. Al.lress It nir. i.eiin.r iifn. s " IIOV. pal III. to lenrn trnili tliini rinor. Arriv 712 Cherr." HOT wnn led hill si shipping; ronm '"-'I fllor IloVS fnr work In tllr shop lllsstnii Sons. Inc.. Tamnv Aonlv Phlln Htnrr Applr ""Jin SHiii! !" "hlp"lns J'-nnnm-ni ,.. r'AIUSKTMAKBIts VlCTOll TAI.KINd MAI'IIINIl ha vnrnni li fnr 'OMPAST I ntllnclniHker llnrdwnre niier ltnll(ili rln enwvi-r .lolnler nperntnr KHpsfleneed rnlilii.i Ilnllule-liend mnldnr npimlnr I'lltlliK-up savrvi'r a. . Pinning machlhi opitiiimi Jtarllllllst (nnillliir Willi vrnmlvrnrklnit marhln.. .Male slenrntrnplii-i n ' IM-hnur-Weok si heiluls 4 rhyslr-nl exnmlnnllnn mr0sM Veni. Mrlnr Tnlkln M.iehlli" l 'imn., i, v pMlrslls rifnre. ,1.", I'ooppr si . I'limili.n vPPi'r, t'l.llUK 111 office of fniHnrv uplnve nun,- hk" linn siiniry vvnni"i i r- . -..r,Hr.. opportunity A.l-lr. v mil i.!,1 in iifiier mlr imslllou. nnn nve. l.'l.l.lllv Vollliff mnn nsslstnnl In ofnn nf v.B' slnaton textile mill: imrmnnnnl. nun urnoriiisi lln mnie mlnry and ref. ii in:, i ""??.' ITTTllIt ASSISTANT. exr-rU n. . d nn -elln, nnd silk vvnlst. 1. llrod A r... mm ihntnut. IJlll ITTTIJUS U'nnteil. rounil iln bs rJf lers. Ajipiv Arvrlrsn nrnphnphunr i'0. c. ploynieni otrici. llownril nve IirlilBi.port.Conn. UUtlllMAN, I'JIl ll mnntli. Im.inl nml unlfnrm Applv In per'.oll. t'nlvi-rsltv II... nml jSi Spruce st. ' IIIIlvl-;ItS vviulletl: stendv vv irh cmd II dnvs tier week. Aliplv I'riiii. (,. I'n , 1!.W S. Mil st. veatfn; 'rum .IANITOU vvnnted for new luiltilinu l..i praur, hollrrs. must he wlltlnit tu innii up floors ,n.f ilu Bennnil liou.evvork. rot I Si' I nleer on KNITTIIHH, experience. heard needle tn.lchlnl, on ciri ulnr .print cnoil nn .I...? work llyit N. Hovvnnl Ilyitivntc Kleeced I'ndi rvvi-ur to., 2I1J I.ATIIi: 1IANIIM Wlltlted! Roorl venii -s nml con" ditlon. Apply I'mnc department il,a.n. ment-Pond i'n.. Mlfllln nnd M.-ndmv sts MI3N WANT11D llnllermnlters. loromnllvs mi. rhlnlst. cur reinlr men. lulmnrs lornmo'hi cleaners. Penn... 11. It.. 1711 I'll Wist. MOl.tlllHS nnd coreinaltTS. . xpi.rlenrerl on hrn work. Southwark Ilrnnze to.. Wil.p i.nd Mlftlln sis. ' """ MOri.HKlt vvttnteil In brass fnunilrv mi llnor and hench: flrst-iias msn onlv Abbi, II. Ilelllelil I'n.. I.t.-i N llroad si PIllVATl: SKCIIHTAItY The head nf a lrr eduentlonnl Instllutlnti In the Mlddl W.'t desire u man as private orrtnrv mu,t b n Chrlstlnn. with coIIoko tralnlnc or lis eoul,. nlPlit; a knowledco of stenoirrnphv iteslrabit ftddres with rererenceH and stutem.nt of previous experience. M S.ll l.cdui'r Office, IIKI'OIITIill. oil" who run (In .nhir unjrl,! nwsp.ip.'r work ns wen. ini-hnlinc inansxlnf autninniillc show In cit nf :i:, uoo AifdrMi 11 .1'. I.edS Offlri SAI.nSMAN SIIIItT HAI.IIS.MAS At'OI'AlxB 111! WITH DltV (KHII1S ANI MI.N S Klin. NISIIINII llOODK TltAlll-: IN PIIIIJvIlEI, PHIA AND VICINITY To SKI. I. Ol'lt limit. CLASS STANIJAIll) I.I.NIl til' SIIIIITS AND ATiii.UTii; t'Ni)i:itwi;Ait apply . a SIIAI'AUI). SAI.HS-.MANAOKIt MO.NDAT AI'TllltNllON. .IAN. K. AT ul'Il OFFICE.' im coMMiiitciAi. iiLnn kth and CllllSTNI'T STS. TIIK VINPIlN CO SAI.KSMAN for hlsh-Rrnile. w. II .stnblliSJ tire: Bond salary and commission for proven nhlllty; desire man looking fur a futuri. -iri N. l.'lh st. hai,i:smi:n flO SOl'Tll I'Olt TIIH WINTKIl The Handy Vullimn Kdlllon iiiilv.rtlieil b Sears-ltaehueU Cn. 1 Is Dim Kr'u!.'t selllnl proposillnn ever nlTcri'd hv stilcnnien. Only line uonar wuu im1 uiiit huh nirip uaiitri monthly. Huvo mom foi onl n few mor, rent ealestnen. We train vmi thorouehlr work lend evciitsKcly. nnd pa drnvvlnj ae. count weekly. - - , KNC'YCI.OPIllllA llHITANNIl'A CO. Ian S. St.. cnr. Walnut , SAI.IISMKN Lnrso manufacturlnc lonrern cmI .... .. fnn II, a ,inn nn Ihalp n.'tlr tnrrm wrliA1 I nre nol nfrald nf hard work Ask for Mr, , Moore, l'rants-rrcmler Dlst Co . 730 Mar Let st. . . . SAI.I1S.MKN. slock, wanted, reliable men frith proved nbllllv : commislon basis. rirat-el,ia proposillnn. 1 OOiS Wclghtinun llulldlnjr. b tweeii 111 and I'J. S1IOKS Wanted, fully experienced man to man nun ir.nkins dept. Apply M V. 4th STIlNOnitAPIIHU wanted, male or female: t,m-. porary position, possibly permanent, addreil In own handwriting, glvine nt. rtftrtnc, and salary. P HI3. Ledger Office. STUI1KT CI.r.ANHUS wanted, white and col ored. Apply u IB S. Ulh st . belvwen 7 M ti. ni.. II and h p. in. SlVCIlT Cl.llANKItS WANTl:l. WHITE OR' i COIAJIKI. APPLY Hill HACK ST WANTIHi Names men. 18 or ovi-r vvlshlni t become railway mail clerks commence 111 month. M 701. l.eduer Office. VllL'Nd MAN for Renerul ilernul positions hrlftht. netive; state salary required, B 23, Ledger Ofllce. , Voi'.S'C. MAN vvnnted: experienced In handling fruit. Acker. 1'JI N. Mh at. g. YOl'NO MAN wanted for worlo i4 with some exnerlence 111 keenlnc store recoros preferred; murt he kooiI penmnn Apply Stina. aril I'uso Corp.. Paulsboro. N .1 flenenil Wi: TIIACH YOl' TO HIUVK and hemis ai;to.moiiii.ks $1a Complete Coursi $1 i JS Will Start You Pay and NlRht Classes ... Saltier, liilll SprlllE Uarden t upen SundaJ. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMA1E ' llOOKKi:i:l'l'.H desires llrsl class pusllion. ! lug full charBe. II 1117. Ledaer Central. liOOIvKllKPIlIl and slenographir 0 vears' eisl reliable', cap. of tuklne charge P 8'J laqy. Ctltll-CINII llellable woman "inn.- , .iiiklnK; naif Hint, nr dav'H work. .'Vi'iintif- mid Nundaji olf. I'J III S Ifilh l. COMPANION Yoiine linsllsh woman ddlrel sltlon us companion to lady or vuuns Plf'I.V olijrcllons li travellm; or rounlrv P I.l. Ledaer Office. UltKSSMAKnil. hlsh clase. desires ensaK'mtnt'i evcniiiB Kovvns ft specialty Wutnul 6135. . OI11L wishes housework in small private fam ily Kood took; references L'lli' Powellon svsj llOI'Si:Ki:i:l'i:it. wortllnil. middle aged ttl! woman, with small private famiU no wait ItlRI Bno i reference. 11 -'I'L' Ledger Offlee. IIIU'SKKKKPIHI Capable niioaslns house keeper wishes position In Institution on I" ur prlv, home. Coll .1554 IVmberton VV. THIU-, HOI'S llvIILl'KIt I'oa lis .nmnantun or ""-,1 aelnif hkpr.: refs. exch. II 514 Led. CMWll I.AOY wishes day'M work or vvushtna. ironinl" lake iume. .1410 Wharton , . , i iitvivnciiu' .nln,- era. ,.!.. wants blBV I tier vvasl'iVref. 1'.' Irfditer Hr SUt andH5J iM'NIlltl:S.S. expert,' wishes aiiiiidaw and TuM-ll day nut; suburbs preferred .' 13. i N liui AIAIll desires iiosllioii. ladv or mown child. 7. or utiartmeiits: references Ph Spruce 3-ii, Nl'HSH. teamstress. reader companion, "f! enced. for patients or urovvn children, nwn, House 1. O.. Pa. Nl'ltSK Nursery eoverness. Proteatatfrj Booil sewer. ,.ei.iir.. vuvt. vie i .-jl j- I STKNOaltAPIIKH. 'secretao-r thoroughly tlHlt. ..n..,.,! in elerle:,! i.n.l Cll.ral OftlCS WOrK. . HOI. Ledcer Office. WOMAN, rellned. desire position as compiali to elderly or seml-lnvalld. irood sawtr. " sill. Leaner urnco. SITUATIONS WANTED MAIK UOOKKKKPKtl and office manager in . present emplover S years, is open for Jf ment owing to dissolution of ear'ner"."!? f c 1 sir liilll VlslllWUa tuillivv. -- (lfllr -. ; HtlV iaiial.l rnlnrcil wants DO I UOO SI butltf1 or eueral nouieworlf preierreu api 'iji cer t'onqueai. 713 S. JCth at .,-2 MCI t- UMUVD tit t, UIII a , j llUTLEil. valet, cook. Japanese vvlahea poU"J I in iMinelor' Jiome, leep out txit ftl""xail II 33. ledger Central. .'J EiaJ'as Th5 Mo 1blliaI' IUiEaJ UL AfclrD AtefettH. &M AOUrV rid, AliX s....;. ,i sr..trbii (IKWJ A CjWMVel- n n: h Hoi X, r: U$i$&&m. dHHeH MfmMKlB