' vm mmmmmm BT3Pi l V w ' "mpw vqqmr- i KVJUNJNU LEIXGEB- PHILADELPHIA, HA'JTKDAY, JANUARY G, 1017 5 WAR FURNISHES THEME FOR MANTTaUTHORS LATEST" OFFERINGS FROM BOOK WORLD WHEN GEORGE Mill i Belgium's spokesman WENT TO EUROPE An Amusing Narrative of Travel With a Score of Young Ladies in "Twenty-Four" STEPHEN PHILLIPS'S PLAY ArmaRKldon." Mtlcrl' c-,,c "rm,1!l 011 tnC millji: l .-..- --. WAR'S CRIMSON FINGER Atrocities T1IB 1IMI jlrown s i nut nit Mill. reader 1'" Issued im o It is a .." InR on join I (II II ll llinrR" i"t.ll, Hmititl Mil Hi nil Hfco hip nuinnrn li w II "0 a Mry itifwy ,nvll nt llilo llltlo votmfip mi 1-Itch h miumeij iirain 1 ,Mi- nr Irtish' pnlnl of view. aune reporter s trl to J. . ... .....,, r.mr t- nil depend- lonerllitloti of Kiirnpe ni llio rondurior of tviontv four yoimi; women wlm Save won prirri for KUtherltw nettF.ntir abroad before but It aublrTlPli . ..f .l.-ll'l1 STThe m-liAl -r lelllntc. intl. tlmi, th l" ' ' . i.i. ! l.nllia liter ti "I III' insiu. . hum.. ........ --" , - It lllWIU HP lirRlMI nil" un lit, ll toimnl the rod ct sublet-1 tncnti f"' iithor evitl nt' hi, .torv nnd . iiIpm inn di of bin viinplv SSbr inn. I'lln " ''"," "tt " Wl ' . . ..... .l..ti-.wit it i-i-nti t 111 la"! fett Plltrt ll.il-n ..... ...-- TV deal fi-oni III- (J.neml CAiclliMite and .1. Ilihlful humor -t .bo lioolt K-ldo,. IhI.ib imu.ine Mi nt.liiMjlownin-till.iiii: , Th- rvv.nlv-r..m will onh liil.-ii-irv the belief Hi it "be i-l'l l0" " " I'll"" ill) brlllnoi li.inmrlit In ilcorun nt. li Phillips's ...nt I'l.iy AWIA..ll't...s I" "'-V''" 1,M""" '"'" Inn. i nut i "rK Phillip" lm- wtlllen ' modem 1 1' lr.i n on the -iiluMt f vv.ir In n iiiiiImrih mti -Of ,cene- "ill nil . pl'-BI'.- IHIIIi l I"..-. end part I v m ''"' ' linH ''""" " ,,,rlh In the Mcli -v but verv InrB.'lv in In ,n a. ninth H n new vvnv The dr.mi.i dtlls vvitll "I. of Hie blKKisI I-HII.-1 111 it n'r ii..H.iind- Hum- we "' r'Klit to t il. r,,pnKe for ulni'lliil nlrocltli'i" Mr I'll I 1Idi elm f .bj. ' b-! 'oen to exhibit not . mu.li '" "'"'s "r "'" "" "", p""'" ton nn.l I on.- behind wm lie d.-il-ratlier w.tli iii.K.i-.iH tli.in iiarlleulai- nn.l Ithouch It .mnot be Mild that the dinnia l roesariK .. p'.m for intcinntlon.ill-m It ftrliei to l.rniB bail. llc ,ll,n'' "f ,llc tiorld .iii.I tb. wnn'iiB I'owoih in pirtieitlu tint Brent ptimiplc wlikli peinientofi Ilie pises or It mi iln lloll.ind'B "Abuc the lint He li t r .urn i .urltns ' lr. ti.ui nf ninth li ii been printed In lioolt f.iim In i..iil.i..in t'OBe & ' Tho unruti.r.1 iinrl 1 lie fprrti.t I ffnre n ho.' I'in nn I 1. 1 1 m iptor mlrili mil wnr i no in mWr i. IMriiiiih. folnllnic nn itiri ftn A Mil. I I pfnrp ih.ir -poller An.l llie mere . niiitii.uoi i hero Nnemlier Irtnen inll one i ion ituiii nn i kio Atlll (ItVtf)ll llC.t.l.d ( fvnlt. (tiA l.tll In' The. Wof l.nt I rendu hid KUtunp ltli uneer' m Mini nr tiiieni nieim lire. n.MifBt ifHil (In. on.llMKK (ihnin tl hrt nfllilee ennd nKhlhM rutin nil .(..!, i etim t Ah hiinnurttefd our bltitnn H nelRlitm l-i her nivlthel hennh eiiilre tiotetl ItelBian poet llmlle Verhneron the lohn Lane I'oinpnt puhlMietl nn niiKll-b trnnilntlini of n trleeiliin ..f Mb poetn-. en titled ".Sunlit lloun a volume of hue wnRi, nn . xqulflte let old of Roltlen boiirH pent In n Rniilen In iprlnRtlme The tinb llher Imie now In preparntlon for tin end ,of .Inniinri nnolher olmne nf trnnntntlnnp. entitled ' Afternoon The death nf Ver ba ereti lent en tlmlle CanimaertK the grenteit II. ini piret nf llelBlum. Ilia work aim arc pulillfiheil by Joins l.nne Cntnpnny, the l.nt (rt tielnu "Sfr HrlR an Pnemr. "l.ei TrnlP Utili et AMI oh Promri which hns Ju-t been ltied t'nrlim hup of lu earlier onnipnlRnn l-'rnn rlKrn Villn hud nn Amerlrnn tntnle phn tiiRtnlitier. tturriid h name, nttnrhed tn hii staff wlm Client n Bond deal nf Ills time taking pit tin ex "f the tM'eiilel lain "Ren Hiil ' lilniftelf Stiiii.-tliileo however Humid Wiih fulled iipini tn undeitnke mtlfe Htrenti mifi t (it ralloin The follow lnix ntnry for Inxtnuo I- told in I'lan.'l- A 1'ollliin 'The t'anurii Mini' "Humid wn mlleil niitdtmn uticxi-o. tedlj nt iiinriKe one momlnc nntl dlie. tetl to reiort with hi- .itinera nt tune to In adtiinrteri When he nrrlirtl, entitle nntl htenkfnftlepi befme Villa- tint lit Win toltl Hull the .in.-ml li.nl .let l.letl to hrte (.nme twenty tirlfonern shot nnd want ed a mining picture taken of the, execu tion The prisoner, most of them political meielv. were to be butchered to make n nimliiB picture erene Jiurrud feigned to examine his rntuern rlnsel nnd then ex plalmtl to the Renernl that hi fllmi were bad nntl thnt It would be Impossible to tnl.e the picture until a new supply had armed Villi wni .llFBUMted to mles the entertainment, but the camera man Insisted that there wnn no ue in making; the ex. poiure. and the iilcture and the executions were put off wiernl di My the time the next fstipplv of films arrived tne tten ernl liatl fortunntelv changed hls.mlnd, and the men were saved ' llontri Tnrldngton. author of Seventeen" Is -nld to be the nuthor n well of a hew lenn "Nlpitklll'oir which I? being1 used in the preent prohibition ngltntlon through, nut the coiinlrj He defines this ns "a man who ha- had nil the lltpior ho ever wants, nnd becniire he ilorsn I drink any more him. -elf vvotrt let nnvbo.lv else hnvo any" Mr TntklnRton doei not state whether the town which li the scene of 'Seventeen" Is niolilbllloii or not but he doei confess to Willie Haxter i addiction tn Foda water. Hi Ml iii.tiitiii: ,pf . v in r't Jul n TreM'tiit Comcd.v A IUIVM Alfr .1 V Thnve nho wcie letl thinilRli enrllor vvoil! to expett en it thins of John Trevenn will bo tbi mi o nt. .1 m n- -ii'lv ml. i to. null "A Iir.il.e P. (ieoiB"' li'i not I'l- -..1)11-taneou- .ipi il nor the stneo of humor to make it p nticulnrlv Boot! rcndhiB Mr. Treveni-. . I. n.n t. is, however, lire e y well drawn md th - fen tine will Bo n loi K ivav to . mpi m-iite onu who b.iH bo u throiiR i Hi. tool. C.iptiiln nril.e bluft-i hlm-cti into vlrtutl illoliitiimblp of lliBi fleltl in li. vonshlH- The author tienta uf thl bluMliiB proi chm mill the more Intimate , thoiiKii p. !. - itnriny. fniully life of the Drake- Tl it1'- W in -r I lie l" S vin Itntttt.n A Tribute tn Texas vi VHV l-'l ill lni;.i ('nniptin The no I in of 'The l!u-lau IhniT.re of Tottav. I'ul.ind of Today nntl Yiwlenlny" end Inn' ill ml AtRcnt.u.i. ltrjis-ll nntl (iuat errn i In-, turne.l hl iittontlon to home and In tin- iinprt Ive, portlv nntl will-pio-ducetl volnnn Blve- n ietoi.1 of the past et llie lone tnr State anil Its i!ORie-t( to pre-eui piuipeillv anil i'i-catne-N Tho tlorj I- me trr innBnltuile nntl ha- been told Willi atithoi tatlvc leieunh and in (Trace ful -.iv le Tlio settlement, the mls ilons, tin lelinbillt.itlon of ('aheslon nftur the tit it w.tv. the tattle innchcH the Mex ican ti uulil. - the-e nw n few of the Ihemex treatetl In. Hit writer, who ii nn expert Iraker "f fr.iv. J book- The mimes of (Jen cral .s.i in li.iiiMiui and Stephen I-' Austin re nnioiiB the untablu ones niipeariiiR .11 the .i. s Tin re mo 11 number of exci I lent m.ips ami llfty four hnudmimo plates M"t The 4 l 'I 1 - 1 lit f 1 . I J3k-n .ur If j -r .' . . 5"nir?ntiBTti w -!-'. . - - . . . ... fmmmwm guides authors' pens t i 1 1- .1 J" A-:r.r .i - iiriTiTnr i tt wtvt .. . .. uuvupna tiinitirii'itiiifft-iii tit i .51" .iV-J! . '. jaWfySJL'WSj'2Gr'i& - ' - '- Vnitfriina r Almifit . uf ihosp whr. pj C'.?.!. - immmMasACrs&RmftS&r ":. . s-j.w. '.cr.-.-yWAi, mmmrsxsmmvfsm?- k. :-i .. .. .. 1 1 '..trT -. irja iiil ' 1 ,&KrijJrcaivyvy-ai---r iv-T.vLHT.-Le-jrt' rr -' ivurt pi-ininnii inner -tin ffittiiia iiia " nun-it. to 1 1 inn n niiin? ''"i ;! ,i" ' 6)fl('l 'I 'V!r TY''eSmSJjre'i -. . " s 1 bands of many of the roremmt n. tlniiiil m V'riit,'? 1-' 'fll ilk A! ti K' r'5SvaK''' ' I t iter of the dal The denthi of vniinu- Another timely ptdilknt'in In view nf ?,'. i-7,l! ,il ,M,y W llHy sfGV" " t '- ntttd permift. dlrectlj or intllr.ctlv )nn- the rrceut death of li'mii Josef nf Austria .li'j nj ' flWr ill 1 lldlaf OTIwu" ' I netted with the combnt III P.ltrope. Inive 111. is "Mv Ve in at the Ailstrinn I'nint Ii.iiimI i ' '.yv1' .V 'Jut , In fit ',? Z$8rvn-i - . -plied issues nr trelsstte- of xnlmniW ilealliiR bv the .Inlui Ijine t'ompimv It I- wiitteti f'li .j;i'""'t; 'A III, il III ivjS' M-J St&atit'vi ' i itli the lives nf the tlecensed Anil In the bv Nellie Hum, nh KiiRll-luv.miaii who itri'i';' :.' i'l '?(', I uJJr J5?&$BMi&V'' hi&l&XffcKaGlut.ii V' t.1 nnitlil ensemble, Mf-xlenh themes nre lint spent iiinnv hiiip vears iuHiik its coin. t ij-iPioi- H'llki I lJPG&Jc fSflSHfiSW'OTKil'Rii.Tf-l.-t . I' rt iintniiclied pnllitm ifi the litiusehold of An'iduke Karl i.'J.'-!rf'.-,'APlt,tl'v vS?& 46mtJ'$' lSlJKiTiLj'l:e 1 Poetical tribute to liiilli tt leiu.iokers ,'"- " 'OUHln "f the late IVnliB dnief is.'''!-'.-r'.lr'i iWxilliVvv , -rWPmW fmmWQMl .il.l-fnmous .aiim.nlst of th. ptesent The book is written with the inlfiilltm nf v.'.'i.V'ffi SttV ',-4r WPJtiVV. 1 uiopenn wnr. I printeil bv Hon Mnr.pu- -h.mliitt how . xtreincly ititer.-tliiR nntl i'f', -:C ,M HV ."W IS? nIMMm W in Hie Sun Midi. Ills 'ollllun In the l.vt- ''b-el me the number- of the House of il-''Xh'-tmaW ' ' T tm-AWIWMiFra'yitffau mmi n MmhIiui-r mid to rt lute the popiiliir tlie.nv rVi'U'r-l-VNjA Tvr?lflW 'n"lIWiPr in-plratlon wa- doiibtlesi font. I r..i the "' m i.lnesi the- th. 1 r...t-t,.ps ,1-Vi'?'-!-!1- S-awAWM&P ' 1 viim llii- in the n-ccnt . ,l ,v $'i '-f' 'iW 'Vv'' f I'lflmfStS ' "'itlon of Hnemaeher-s iiutiot- .1 t .. irw d.iv- ireviui- to tin l- t li or n,,. " Jei?'i.i.- ?i 1 , .JtfjJllirtfrIfe?eJ4,-t,vtittir Matt, ue Maotchmk. ... th .1,1 v,,,, .,1 , ,av- on the ,.., , B iil ''' VmmWMWSSBBSi ;r, i. .,......,,.. i,,,, .... ;...... potiiiBnw --AmmMmmMmMmmmB -h. v nut nntl. I jrV.Tfi l5Vl5rSVK3flrljEw .' ' II tt-jmV?Bf&&IXMVitt?j:&&J&m.. v .m&Mmmmmmmm:;: mmmtmaaakm. liSW'f,W 9 P Will VWHlLil do von tirteir 4r I IDA TARBELL FINDS NEW IDEALS IN TRADE Well-Knowii Writer Sees Alucli Hope in Work Already Done Toward Hotter Conditions im.vi 1 ij 111 -i-r. VI 1. mil. in t'lmiii tin Pit VI ' Y.trl, 'I it lit II ', Memoirs of Hon ells Trtit- 01 IIl'U V1V YfllTIt llv Hi.rptr A tlrntlun. Wlllllilll 1 1.-.ill N. w York In thi- tl liRhtful hnoli nf reminiscences Mr II m. IK it'i.itcs thu Jnuni.illHtlc nnd other expci lent is 1h.1t btfcll lilm befoiu lit tntertd on the .nicer in lift 1. in that lia 'made him in tluu t.inn thu de.in nf Ainerl-' can noveli.t- Tht iierlotl npntinttl Is fimi, hs filu.i h.vhiiod to tho thno ho bicimo it member uf the I lilted States cnnsnlnr fcerv Ice Tin Limit ins line felicities uf tuU' nu int. rost in its mcmoiles Not for the Ueliious Tin: nisi hi Tri. r sh. lork The new e-t book bv Ida M Tnibtll "iv Ideals in Hu-iue-s ' .nines at a vetv op poitiino lime While Hie bonk is interest ins nnd verv enllBliteiilnp: nu.v vvav- bec.iuse of tho subject with which It deal- vet II Ik made dnublv so bv reus.ni of llie labor muost HiiniiRhout tile cnuittr. brought about primarily by the cunt oversy now RoitiR 011 between the rallrotds mid Hie members nf the epiploic-' brottierhno s. a Well as In other line- of actlvitv The subject the iclation l. twiiu emplo.vei antl tiniloe has been, nnd will continue tn be, (i thlliB which retpiiie- . ireful stti Iv nnd the mithui -how- 11 verv 15001I hnoul i.lB' of ronflitioni as ihev 1111 Km the ill. ml pint the honk ileitis with what has mtiinllv livn thine -a le.tllv nntl the lienellt- that have itterped both to tin cinilo cr antl the worker Tlci basis of the whole (mpiuie'iiout lias been thn lietteiini: of working 1 indltioits ami the home- if lb' vvoikiuen The 'miner - niiirivlUB vvoikniB cnii.liti.ins bv criiliiiR new fut tin It-. ml liist.ilIiiiB -ill iiii.ilvin, fa- hn.l III. . II P1..M I lilt .tllttl t ll Is 1 , , , ..(ninpllsllfll In tlll- I lie It-.iltli of the vvorKei anil ml of S.if.tv the third chnptei ImliiR tie M.l... I in 1 he latter, bin het-ii nnd still I- leutB biviii the 11111-t serious HitiURht S.iviim of lift- has become a new Industrial philoMip'n The hours of labor of a w.iikti is atwavs the Hist tliiiiB that 1 brmiKliI up when dllllciiltit - aiise. antl the 11111I11.1 si.,us Hint the ln-st results have 1 line tin 11 short hours S'le backs thi- bv admlssioitti ft ..111 omplovcis Wink has been mure siti-fin-iiii v anil the output of 11 fac torv I1111 been linleiised Insttml of tlinuii lulled Xoliiitti nf vvnrkcis tin nut lint- piiint out, lini coiiic to the point whine em loveis aie ilcmandiiiB it, but not in the form of t.ikini? the pIciIr. ' hut rather ImpriiviiiB ivoiUliiB conditions and arri.nc iiiB nmuseiuent and spurt for the cmplose in hold his or her attention In other words tltklliR the words of the nuthor. there is a "quiet and Indiistilal" i-ampiiiRn aK.nnst drink The l.ot.k in It- HIT pnRe- invei- the siibjcit veiv thoioimhl and is veil in ter.sliiiK leailliiK The authors knowledge of bet Hiibjitt i- manifest thioiiRhout (tirl Saves lirollier'.s Life t 1 : 1 . X It I N ,1 .1.111 II - Kinnk IliiiriiiR ton. 11 1 1. -la 1 1 bo), vvhllo sknthiB 011 the Del aware Itlver w.ut ihr.iURh the hv ituil was s.ivetl fit. 111 death bv his sister pushing the hmuih of .1 trie to him with which she tit. w him out I I IHlAlt IHWsTVS j Alfred ppitr.l 11 Apptutull JL Cu , New Tho llrnt !ii!iiit-sloii one receives from Alfred Ties-, .1 -r Sliepi nrd's book. Is that his oc obje. 1 has heeu la write n bntlie on Chrlstiaiiiti Fortunately this impresston Is not Mist.iituii jit tho lllppant and ir reverent thrusts at mil most ihuilshcil be liefs antl titir most i-.uic.l IriitUutlulis. mailo In every th.ipttr i'f llio book, will lint win approval finin auv Breat nuiuber of rcad-n Certauilj The ni-e of I.etlB.ir liunslan ' 1- rot a M.m in in. rctmuinehded to nnv xoung rerson 111 Un furniative Imurcsslouahle nfie Hut aside frtim thu mcntnl nnd moral tone j of the book iredit must be Riven Mr Shep. iPard for Ills .-.kill In stvtn mill tpeliiiltni.. The power ami Intinsitv of tho stnrv nie Beyond iiMlieuge and the cailiei thaiiter too, are ilfliRhtfiillj humorous Hail the author been less anxious to tuin his work into the thanuels of thcstle iniUli nnd Ir Mverent i...inn lasni ho would have pro duced a, marked sun-ess WINTEK RESORTS TI.Mir (in N J yrytu. pUi s$ysT&&ws Theodore Roosevelt's Opinion OF War s The 39 fm i . )( Ih. BLS . " - .a aa .b. .k. " - - Jl. I ix&v yuur Louies oy aciuai comparison, we send you, to your home or office, at our expense, a volume of each issue of the new A Notabls Sequel to "The Evidence in the Case" cy James Beck Atlantic art. Opciyat all seasons A or tivTvteau A. rcconixiscd ..stanSard 01 cxcelleivce, Cujcrf6oo jmiraij.Bvziff: T ItAD '10 RESOflr HOTELOF THE WORU) I ATLANTIC CITY.N.tJ, .-., '"f'Wtnii' management JQglAH WHITE. fcaOMB COMPANY Westminster K Beach. Elev. jj""" IS up wky 11! up dilly. Cb. BuhM. l.bi:VU)(ll). N t Laurel House Laktwood, New Jersey tt dfHBhtful place to ipend no Winter and Spring Seaion c V Ml'itl'HV. ASST MANAGER 60H00L3 AND COLLEGES ISTRAVER'S Kr.nlil he lb thui Hit) nJ Ctuuui stri EnMu- tiuw Oy r aieilt- bchooi. -eili, "I most earnestly hope that therfi will be a wide cir culation of Mr. Beck's 'War and Humanity.' It is the kind of a book which every self-respecting American, who loves his country, should read. I believe that its circulation throughout the whole land would have a very real effect in educating public opinion as to the duty of America in this great world crisis. Surely, we cannot permanently rest content, unlsss we prepare ourselves both in soul and in body to do our duty as a nation in the world. There must be thorough military and industrial preparedness in this country; there must be an ar-used and quickened pbtriot i'smy and a stern determinatio to see that the rights of our country, and its citizens, are everywhere respected; and, there must be a keen sense of international duty, and of the shamefulness of neglecting this duty. Such is the spirit Americans ought to possess, and this book of Mr. Beck's is a potent aid in the. creation of such a spirit." Theodore Roosevelt. oieyelopaedia Britaiinica to help you decide which set you want to buy Both the higher-priced Cambridge Issue and the popular "Handy Volume" Issue of They except the new Britannica contain precisel.Whe same fund of facts and information. They page ior page, wora ior?trora, color plates, illustrations and maps are identical in size, type and price. Each has its particular merits it is entirely a question which you prefer or can afford, which will give you the more satisfaction to own, which to you is the greater bargain. Of IS'. Ne torkt 3 lint 13th Mrrft. Jut ei. of 3tk Ale- All lltiokkrllrr ur fruin llie ritblUlier Ml) 't:iK l .10 .Vi II u Jfuil 11 11.'. G. P. Putnam's Sons I ondon; ;M llrdfor.l t.. Mfund, The Pan-German Plot Unmasked By Andre Cheradame With an Introduction by the Iiarl of Cromer NEW BOOKS: Ceimany hai piopoted peace, la her proposal finccre, or 1 there behind it tome inleroled motive? Will Germany profit, in the end, by ttrmi of peace which aeem, at firit aight, magnanimoua and dlfadvanlajeoui to the Central Powers? Thefe queftiona are amweicd by M Cheradame in an anuzinie prophecy published d the moment of il (ulfillmcnl. J5 net With the French Flying Corps By Carroll D. Winslow The Basis of Durable Peace. By Cosmos: a Distinguished Publicist lfntleit at the KcqucH 0 thu Kcto York Tlutc, A nusterly survey of all th problems which enter Into the cause of this war and a reduction ot them into the clearest and simplest term. 30 cents net Mere l a fascinating narrative of the experi ence of a young American in the French aeronaut schools and over the fighting lines especially at Verdun during the great German drive It is illustrated by photographs taken by tho author from his plane 1 1 2 net. The beautiful Cambiiilgc hsuc 'pictured above on the left 1 is a magnificently printotl and bound set of books 29 volumes printed in large type, on wiile-inarRined pages of the famous India paper. The popular "Handy Volume" Issue (pictuied on the right) is slightly smaller, very convenient to hold. It is printed in clear, though somew hat smaller type, on narrow innrgiiietl pages of thu same genuine India paper, and sells for about 60'o less than the Cambridge Issue. You probably know all about this masterly woik, the greatest reference library ever published antl have long desired to possess it. Its constant use would make it invalu able to you. II j 011 have hesitated to buy it because you could not decide which set you w anted the .superb higher priced Cambridge Issue or the popular "Handy Volume" Issue. here is your opportunity. We will send you at our expense, to your home or office, one volume each of thu Cambridge and tho "Handy Volt, .e" Issue, in nn binding you designate. This will give you the privilege of examining their contents and their make'-up, and ou can find out their relative advantages. All you need do is to ill out and mail (he coupon. But you must act immediately. There are not many sets left of cither issue, printed on tho famous India paper not enough for all who want to own the now Britannica. This wonderful library of facts and information is offered in both forms at exceptionally low prices, and on terms which make it easy for any one to own it. However, the enormous popular demand for the "Handy Volume" Issue of which 75,000 sets were sold in six months) proved that both the price and the convenient sue of tins set are an impoitant consideration. You should have the Britannica, and we want you to be thoroughly satisfied with it. Hence we make this proposition: See both forms.com. pare them and then decide. Some of the bindings of the Cambridge Issue are already exhausted. The stock of others is very limited. Of the full green sheepskin, the most popu lar binding, there are no more sets in stock. This binding can prdbably never be duplicated, because no more of this beautiful leather is available. Recently, after the usual sources of supply failed, we even sent to Japan, but no more could be had. Of tho genuine red morocco, an unusually rich and artistic binding, but 154 sets were in stock at the close of yesterday. Of the beautiful full limp suede, there are only Hii sets left. This luxurious velvety binding gives the books remarkable flexibility; they can actually be rolled up. Of the half suede, 137 remain in stock ; also 1 15 of the sheep morocco, and 45b gi een cloth. Cloth is the cheapest of the Cambridge sets. "V bitvi liianj Typttwrltlfutv- CHARLES SCBIBNER SONS The "Handy Volume" Issue, also printed on genuine India paper, is obtainable bound in cloth, full brown morocco-grained sheep, three-quarters crushed green Levant-grained morocco and full-crushed green Levant-grained morocco. Prices are according to binding, cloth being the cheapest, and full morocco the highest priced. Don't miss this op- JXNSV.vVVV.VVV iVv.VVv.WV AVWNVSMMXV, portunity, mark and mail the cou pon today. This will bring the books indicated and full information. MANAGER ENCYCLOPAEDIA BRITANNICA, 1311 h. 13th St.. tor. Malnut. J'hlUdelnhU. i Please sn.l ni Iwlltuml minst- to m.l on vutunut eaih at lb suMrli ( am- brldse sod the pupuUr "I Und oluiiw;' issues uf the New UrlUuolc. vriatttd uu s genuine India, tuiwr In ilu. IJailini: I h.... ...rif..i ..t,h .... -v "-- ". w tun utul tua fi Isause tUMtCU oppuslt t utwtre iu esumiue una tuuiiwre tlu u.uks us la ttudr relative sdisolsaes. Aktu und ma full InfuruutLiii ubAnt -rt... i-un,t,ri.lu ..:. .itiT- ,7. .7..rrT . printed i-n genulm; India luper. with prUa tur the dlKerwit blnland e tj-W Uf Uedlii you W to i. " " "" -"" UB A Csmbridte issue "llsndr Volums" Issue O Green cloth. Lj Steel blue cloth. O s suede, gray. D Kull brown sheep, morocco trained. O Full limp ue.Js. D ). crushed green Levant-trained morocco. O FjU red morocco. D Full crushed grcea Levtat-graUud norocea B Nsms Address - U ui" A' 1 m "s-e-nsijlfl HI "7"