fW . iinpNy'ufPWjWi ""n ffPMWTiymia iilw' " Jjinp'V'"1 v fr A t Pfcffi. i 9KB&sR ..t IrM 'i' I I iI ammnr. a, yw?w" - W M MANY FIRST LARGE COLLEGES 'MAY REVERT TO FORMER ELIGIBILITY RULE , ON THE PLAYING OF FRESHMEN Several Institutions, Including Pcnn, Harvard and Yale, Have Declared Athletes May Now Perform for Four Years AUI8 tho larger colleges prcpniltig to go luck to tlio old system, Whlrli iiI1')Vh n inftn to competo In itthletlcs for four yearn, ovon though nil of the utinlotit'n nthtellu work In connncil to otto Institution? No doubt authorities nt tho lending castorn Institutions will sy no, but recent ilovclopmcnlit IntllcHto nthwwlw. Ath lete who enter larger colleges from sinnlt ohm nro at the present timo chnntwl With tlio number of yours they comtietctl In coUcko ntlilr-iirti prior to the time of entering tho Inrgcr Institution, mul they nro then ellgllilo to I'omppto In vanity Bports until they liavo linil four years of college competition. In other Words, If a nnn j)lns two yenrs of football tit n. wtiall college, he Is eligible to piny two tnoro years nt a larcer Institution ufter Ills freshman your. Athlete who enter a Jartfe institution nnd temaln there In tho past hnvo had only three years of varsity Competition owing to tlio rulo that bars freshmen from plnlng 'in varsity team?. Complications Over Freshmen Have Arisen rpill'3 freshman rule has ruttied nl) sorts of cntnplletitiruis, and siualiblen iirno ! between largo institution which enforced tho rule and tho smaller college Which refused to bar freshmen. The pittclleo of rcirtilttnff athletes from munllu' IbollcROs was frowned, upon ly certain bin colleges, but since tho dose of tho ft luill season certain things have occuired thnt prove conclusively that the id . tolleges, alarmed nt the rupld growth of tithlnltr-i nt smaller Institutions, ate ihmi. to stletch tltelr eligibility i ules and ovr-Hook lUUj formalities thnt wne ob en. i In the past. I'enn, Harvard nnd Yulo nro thiee of the leading colleises vIm do not Intend to handicap themselves because the freshman rule deprives them t tho hcrvlrca of nthlettc stars who umiuestlonably mnlrlculated for the solo inirpos) pf getting nn education, With uthlcttcs a secondary consideration. Four Years for Players at Yale f A FI..V days after tho Yale-Harvard football gnrne it was announced lh.it ipliun "Dlnek, of tho Wis. would return to college for a post-graduato course, nttl the Rthlotlc nutliorlties stated that ho would he ellalblo to play on the eleven, despite tho fnet that ho Is n senior nnd plnycd football four years nt Yale, truiuuli eenson was connnod to tho freshman tentn. Tho Yule authorities dci-land that thcio is no rulo which prevents n man from playing varsity football for four y- -s ns long ns he does not competo in his freshman enr. The nils contend thnt r r man has attended coIIpro for one oar and has a scholastic runrk high enough to keep liliu In tho good graces at tho faculty committee on athletics, he 1ms proved thnt ho Is nt'. MteniUng collego for the solo nurpora of taking part in athletics. Tramp nthiot.j wcro In tho first place responslblo for tho passing Of tho rulo barring frcslir.cn ut tho largo institutions. Folwcll Advocate of Freshman little BOB KOI.AVKI.L, l'cnn'H head cuach, took tho same stand a few days later, when I.ud "Winy, tlie brilliant center, said .that ho wnn d to take a postgrnduato caurso nnd desired to know whether ho would bo eligible to play footbnll. Tho faculty committee on athletics nt l'eun.took the same stand the Ells had taiten, nnd Wrny will bo eligible to play next fall. It will be WrnyV fourth year of varsity football; and the samo Is truo of Howard Bei ry. who played one.) ear at Muhlenberg before entering I'enn nnd will liavo played three years Tor the Red nnd Bluo when ho completes tho 1917 seuson. Wo were ejecting severe criticism from sovernl sources, particularly Harvard, but, to the surprise of the collegiate world, the nnnouncoment has been mndo that Jleanlx. tho famous Colby hurdler, had been declared eligible for the Crimson truck team under similar conditions. Harvard Caused Split With I'enn A FEW years ngo Harvard bitterly assailed nil other colleges that allowed athletes from another Institution to represent it in athletics; but it seems that times have changed. It was Harvard's rigid athletic policy that really causod the split between tho Crimson und Tcnn back In lOOS. The Crimson resented the fact that Teim saw fit to ttso mon who had played nt other colleges, particularly Andy Smith, who left Stuto Collego to como to Pcnn. Now thnt tho Crimson has decided that Meunlx is eligible to compete for the track team. It is likely that squabbling over eligibility technicalities Will bo eliminated. Incidentally, it might be well to add that Mcunlx was picked for tho All-Amerlcnn trade team und is recognized us tho most consistent huj'dler In the game, particularly liUO and 440 yards, W "Ringers" in Colleges Are No More HILK there Is llffto doubt that virtually every college fostering athletics makes nn effort to induce scholastic stars to mutriculate. it Is generally believed that tho dily of tlio "ringer" and tramp nthloto has passed. Tho broader view now taken by some of tho leading colleges should Improve the caliber of the teams without lowering tho eligibility slumlord. So long ns tho freshman rulo Is enforced and there Is a faculty committee on athletics to keep close tubs on tho scholastic standing of athletes, there Is no sense in preventing u man from playing for four years, providing ho takes a postgrnduato courso culling for a satisfactory amount of scholastic woik. Doubt Concerning Lcs Darcy's Ability Bon 13DOI1EN, of the New York World. Is beginning to wonder whether Darcy boat McOoorty and Clubby because of his own ability or tho lack of condition nnd slowing down of the American mlddloweights. Otheis are doing the same hlng since leading u tetter from tin AUstmHan promoter t- an American boxer. In this letter the promoter says tbit Mclloorty and Clubby have retired from the ring becnuso they find It Impossible to tiln or get hack in condition. If McOoorty nnd Ciabby have como to this conclusion so soon ufter meeting Darcy. perhaps they wcro In 'lie husbecn class when the Australian beat them. Surely It Is not reason able to Mpposo thai McOoorty und Ciabby collapsed ufter their bout with Durcy. partlcu"y ns Clubby was nut punished severely und was only shaded In twenty rounds. , Australian lias No Right to Choose Opponents ACCORDING to Darcy's press agents, the Australian lias Issued un open challenge XX to Al McCoy, recognized champion of the world by virtuo of Ills knockout victory- ovor Chip, which Is sold to liavo bcon due to n lu kv punch. Wo might ask what right Darcy bus to pick his own opponents before lie bus convinced tho American public thut ho Is a real champion. Also, why lie Is entitled to a chance nt the world's championship tltlo. held by an American, before hu bus fought und defeated somo of tho lending American boxers Boxing experts nie unanimous In the opinion thut McCoy won tho cliampioiwhlp cm a iluko, but nt the same time be has the title, and Americans doBlrlng a chance at tho tltlo are compelled to go through fie field with flying colors beforo tlioy nro even considered. Jennings Trying to Strengthen Pitching SlafT HUGllHY JBNNINUS.Is making a strenuous ofTort to stienglheu his pitching (.tnlT for the 1S17 rucu. Tho Detroit mnnugor realizes thut his veteran team. With the wonderful Cobb lending Its unusual, attutk, Is not going to last forever, and lie wants to win one moro championship beforo the machine begins to go buck. Jennings has had an offeni-o ttrong enough to have won tho pennunt for the last two seasons, but poor pitching eliminated tlio Tlgeis. Many baseball osperts aro of the opinion that Jennings does not Jmndlo his pitchers proporly or ho would win the pennant with ease. It Is true , that Jonntngs nevor lias . developed u high class twirier. In the days when the Tigers wore winning pennunu Jennings lmd r sUff of veterans who were stars before lolnlng the Tigers. Hince thut time nilnor league sensations have gone to pieces after pitching for tho Tigers fqr a tune. None of the reorulU has Improved as one would expect with tlio benefit of major league coaching. Jennings will take fifteen pitchers to tcie sprtug training CttflJP. IT IS rumored that "Dutch" Sommer, former Penii star and one of tha most sue. oeful coaches in tha Bast, is being serioufcly considered by I,afnyetto. It is no sure thin" l'18 n"! Crowell will not handle the scmad again, but rumor lias It tlwt thetflrmer Swarthmwa star will confine all his time to the post of athletic director Mul that a new coach will be named. It was said that By Dickson had Iwn seJutfeil-to succeed Crowell; but it Is known that Sommer lias an excellent ohnnce to 18,111 the position, providing he does not return to the Michigan Aggleu, ' ARTHUR PJSWCY. m ftmMHi y delivering the. knockout punch that resulted A. in tbe death of IMthr MeCarty. who at tlie time was louked upon us tlya most promising heavyweight in the country aud the logical mjpitsnt of Jack John son was recently kweked out In a bout "for the chmiuoAMt Q Penama." I'elky m1mn fighting tor the ha.HipftnsWp of a!m every etty, State and township KTue deliveiy at tht Ittck punch. bu,t always roeetu with the same fate. Now tber ture no wore euawBtoneWll fr I'elky to low. MANAGER MV'K hag sJWMUtWfl that the Athletic ami Ikaves will meet Main In 9 ei ili of dUNN at the training eaniHS. This is ladeed goxtd news. dm the stay at Muunt and the gam with tbe Nattowil kewuers Ohl the Muejcinin a. world of " " y"-- The " Ultto tW tMHMWlng tbe iiaekmw hut ewhg, but may be o.nweetf by Comae's new teem this year. rfORAVE FtKIKL'S plan for bulkUog rigot Uiit the propoeeu sue, Niaeteemn aoueai t mn. Sveu M tbj (unmet tVUUM WOUW " 1 mw.. mm rw i,iwmv IV VJkflHL' ta tilav us tJUS rntau o uu nw, or lesittmg flm'e in athlUc at PeoA said last nigbt that Penn would cvutlnue W nrjeiTit siaam P the stadium ad thu,t It would uot ounstdet- wax the W&t svett If It feMi) ft waltty. - YEAR MEN ta4hm tor PluuuUluhU nwy be all sireei ana uuatiag i-aia avenue, wul shouhl go through, the University of i 4m ui vf itum we ceiwge. EVENING MAY BE PERMITTED JO TRY OUTFQR CQLLEGEATHLETIC TEAMS KELLY GETTING MUSSY . . ( wan. - A-u "A yCS(," 0,D! '(- ' . ( flhfJV I rAlt lF ' fiari N0W HDDYA Vou"v DRINC-, US ANOTHGR Jack ftlwr'l A MkfHT Crr KnovaJ '00 KwovaJ VA RoaMO" NEWER J ii.. hafta Hook That- Novd rrfcAl dio-wmv mimo askh06 'e Wiioi I UP WlTM A J 6XWAM AWAV m,nd IJON ICmA wlftT WlUt ThbV 1 ffi! r,vTu'v ALS?TtT0PA K'lr "ss.v stdC5rJ m agaaiaMBBwJtfwafta'iMi t : ii!aftffiAIetf; JU I JASPER VIRTUALLY m Jewels Defeat Trenton in Speedy Battle by Score of 81 to 23 SEDRAN PROVES A ST All By SPICK HAM. Tffiiton'B faflurc t" stop tbr JnKprr .li-wols la.t lifulit nt Nnnimreil Hall nn.'ishril the lust hope (if tho On-ytitock tciiai fur the first lCiiKtcrn I.onifiip potinant The fircyK' great sprint of ncvcn vh'torlon so liifplri'il Jim-Daik-yH hoy and llicir UovvntoHti roototH thnt llu-v ically licllcved that nftcr a bail Mart ami somo hard lurk throughout the scnion they would iinateh the line from Ki-iishiKtiiii. The kcoiv lust night u.is III to 23. Jnpor hn now won thirteen Kiunes mill hint ilx. lenvlni; only one innie In so lnfuie tlio IltilMh of tlio race. Tlio f.roys have won an even dozen nnd hnvo lout neveti. They alHo have only one, tnoro came, hut it Is lllKhly probable thnt they will lib defeated by tho KcudliiK live, vvhllu llioro Isn't one chanco in ten thnt Jasper will fall before Do Nerl. ThlH rnenna tliat tho odds are iihout u dozen or moro to one that Jasper will win the tlrst flag of the doublo hcauon of 1D10-17. .Jasper in Korm The Jasper team last nlRht was in ex eellent form. In spllo of the fact that tho veteran Harry Hough was still out of tho Ruiae. McflrcKor, who toolc Ills place, did fairly well Individually and played ns well as could lie desired with his teammates Tho Individual honors of tlTb evening went to little Harney Sedran, who lllttcd around the small race la due uhniio, dodginc bli; Freddie Oelir atid the other Tienton players with ridiculous ease. Just after the beginning of tha keennd half tho Jasper team had the Trenton team enmiilelels in the air by Its speedy, ho- wiluetliig passes and Its fast dribbling. Kjjr fnllv live minutes tlio Trenton men did not have puasetisldii f tlio ball, this regnid Ichh of the fact that Tome outjumped Davo Kerr on almost every occasion. Only Ten Field finals Thero iro Just teti field shots niailo In tho game, winch shows how closely both pairs of guards wore, working with thotr team. Six of tticso wcro credited to tlio victors and four to the losers. Kranwel shot in a tnuplo of field coals for ills team, while the other two went to Cirrictto und Kewinnn. Fox played Newman, anil illd it In exeat tole. Ho followed tho llashy ex-Do Xi-ri plujer throughout tlio game. und only mica allowed him to get away with u clean shot. Hoc mndo that ono Bond. Tho foul shooting of both I'urlctte and Tome and Med run was ubrve luproach. The Kensington boy hud tvventv-fnur chances, nineteen of which he converted Into points Jusper committed only olgliteun fouls, and of these Curlettc mude fifteen count. As was expected. Js'orrpurcll Hall was crowded to the guards long before the preliminary uunio was begun. Hundreds wcro turned uvvuy. In splto of tho big crowd, order was maintained throughout tho forty minutes of piny, Other Cage Scores I'OI.I.KUK OAMB3 Pwm .Slate, 41; Durtmuuth, S'. Yalu, SO. Hyruium-. '.'o. INUUBTIIIAI. I.IJAUUK Daliaou. 41 1 SUIlduril Holler, i'l. Urlll. 0!. Mlilvak. iU. auoucuuTun citv i,cAaun Monnujuth, 30, Atlas Club. 15. Kurcka Club. 33; nity-uuth Club. U. NORTH WIll-tUEI.PIIIA I.BAOUE V It H. A.. 40l Strnuse. 11. Jirutbirhuod II. I., at: iU'iicsmh Iracl, unii;, jtiriDi.K i.uaol'i: 8. St. UJwor.l's. 3;'i rriuhsrO, ;; PtmNaVLVANIA UAH.UOAt) UBMVK A. r. T.. 3, Trpisurer Department, in TIUIPM3 MIAOfB N. V. B. DPt.. I8i Arts and ScU-ni v, 13. NOKTHUAsa man skiues It CUM. It; i; Claw, 10. It Clitt, JU: U blaiw. 8. OTIIBIl OAMKS PrankforJ A- C. S-M Friends' tluliu, i.i n. ii y ii c. a., at, s. it. v. m. ' a . u l.lnculn 1!. C . T: Ttionuwui A. C , 21 Matwnuy city, itat Muunt Carniel. Si Waliinidii Kttnrvf, .1; Ulbbtn. Jr , u (ir.iysliH.lc, Ui; (.ancmlcr, an. Lirwuuluwu, 3i I'twrlew, ill. Watch Fobs for RutKcrs l'iayers NBW UKUNSWICK K. J . Jan a dolil fuuttall watoh toU ana the rfcht tu wear the vurJly "K" lve Un ennitua tu Utan mera Uirt at ttut I(ular fouiball luiuaU The mm wbu cot ine "R" are Captain 1' J Scarr. uuarterback. Wltttwnn. eiull llolwton tuikl: JJaWB, miller: iUndall, tackle. Uarreit. auerJ, VttlUMr. : hefty, eiuil lluel. fuuWki UracAer. talfbitk; BilWl'- eaUi bilker, iiuarils llaueer. eaJ. Wallace, halfluik; Uurath, guard, aau vrv, uu. Cann Easy Victor Over McGillivray ClilCAilO. Jaa. . TdUy Caaa. of the N w vorK a. v.. mtve I'wrrr juuiiuvray. or fUtuuljl A C. u neut trlluinin laat t ml 0k- last nlnht Jtl'b rfl.-M H Ihn la their ' 3a0-yr4 A- A U. nial.h race In tho tune for the event iui 2 minute M t-S aeeoni Guthrie, Dean of Curlers, Dead MONTRK. Jan 3 David Uulbrle. grand rlloa la Canada, and an mu lUrnaiional booa(4eU for th.ny uia aiaa aeot flcura at I, u asau. Ball Schedule Meeting January 15 NKW yuU. Jan. B -- AworOliur to John ii.idUir auratary of tbe Matloaal Huau tu. joint axftaayie luaatui Of the two loalur tvs,,a hiU be feelat tbia year la Dover Hau u tb U JsiM' 'W W'a. llOM attar LEDQER-PniTJABELTPniA, FRIDAY, JANUARY 5, 1917 Scholastic Hashct ball Schedule for Today 1MI.lt! Illll. Will I.I l,l I, li-nlrnt llliili . Nurtli I lllcli ;-i!imiI tllrit ntiil r-Miiiiil teniM-i. ill Mii'tiiun IIion' ! lull. onfli I'lilt.iilflplil.i vi lirrm.uiliiuii IIIrIi Silicint (llr-t li-.iuil, nt (irrliliililiiun IMkIi flniol. Ml-t I'ldl iilehild I lllcli - lic.,1 v. I'lllla- ilellilil i Triili'H (liinil. ut Hiit I'hlliiilel- lililu llllli -(tmol. tl'irst mill m'lnnil teiim K.iiues ) nriii'.ic (i.imcs Ji'iiklutiiHii Illch vi. tliltlinrii lllch. at llutliorn. I'liniileii lllrli v. Itenillni; lllcli. nt llemllni;. , ii'iiiictt iii ire Itlnti li. DnunlliKtnwn Illch. nt Himtiiitgliniit. AhblKtiill llll'.ll v l.llll-i! lll Illch, lit l.nnsiliite. liiivle-,tMun IIIkIi i-i. t iiiilinl'ni Ken Mleli. nt I'imslmliiM Urn NetvnrU lltuli v-i, 11 itinhii:toti rrlrniU', ut 11 ilmlliKtmi. ,iiii.s' ruiNrt.iis Niirlnrili IIIkIi vi. l..in-.ilnuiie Illch, nt I.UMstlimllli IIIkIi. With Refusal of Carrigan, Former Mackman Is Fa vorite for Job no.STnx, Jan. ! Jaeli Iliu ry. former Mtickninn, may niaiuiRO the Unstim lU'd Sox this year. This report was current to day following M'llllnin 1. CairlKan's 1I1111I refusal to consider Ills decision to ipilt tlie Bame. CatriKiin did nut Rivo his leasuns fin deellnlni; thu temptlnt; offer made him h the now owners of the Itcil Sox. -At the close of last season he announced his lellm meiit as manuKer nf the Itustnn team. IVIieu I''razee and Ward bought tho eluli friun Joseph Uannlii they at once opened imboUii tlmis with I'nrriKuu l' cuutluue as uiiiii aKcr. Willi C'arilRan tlecllnhiK the offer seveiul others ore nained'iiH likely successors None is more prominently mentioned thun t'up tain Jack Harry. Ho will bo remembered as forming the Athletics famous $lun,l)iiii In Ileld 'with linker. Collins and Mclnuls. When tho Ri-eat Atliletlc machine was dis membered Dairy went to Uoston and played second base, a shift from his shortstop posl tlnn on the Athletics. II.-UI) proved to be just tlio man needed to make the lteil rjox a pennant winner. Ills ability as a lleld Roncral as much as his ability o a ball plityor contributed to the team's suiecss. Iloltio Wasner. former slioilstop and now coacli of the learn, is also mentioned ainoiiR tlio Hat of ellglbles for the position. PLAYEKS NOT PERMITTED TO SIGN YET, FRAT ORDER Xi;V lOlIK, Jan. 5. PeclarltiB that minor Iiuruc anil, major linRim lull players are backlnR h in to a man In ills demands on the National Commission, David I. Fultz, president of tho Hall l'iayers' Fraternity, has announced no players liavo yet been Riven permission to sign V.M7 c mtracts. The permission will not l'o n veil, be eald, until all rpjcstiotiB nro settled. KUXIWAL OK A. M. (ill.I.AM Services to Bo Held nt Ills Logan Street Homo Monday Afternoon Arrangements for the funeral of A. Jl Qillam, for moro than a quarter century sports editor of tho ltecord, have been com pleted. Services will bo hold at his resi dence, 227 Kast Logan street, on Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock, the interment being private. IHABLI.-J M-GBEGOR BpeeJy forward of Jasper team, who has played xa brilliant form. ilC. 3a. . COLLEGIATE RULES IN SCHOOL LEAGUE Oefinite Plans Are Made for Interscholastic Circuit This Season REFEREES ARE SELECTED Special rules appertnlniiiR tn the players nnd tlio Rnmo in gencial have been ndopteil liv the InterschokiBtlc H.iskctb.ill Lenguo. The Intel colloRlatc code, with a few amend ments, was in favor. Tho flist amendment was In reffard to the number of time-outs. As revised tho number of time-outs will be unlimited. Tho tlmc-out may bo called only when tlio ball I" dead (the ball Is not dead when out of bounds) The penalty for cnllhiR time-out when out of hounds Is Incidental to two freo throws from the foul line. A plnjer may lottirn to the gamo once, providing tho cause of hl leaving the door was not due to disqualification. Tho goals shnll be twelve-Inch extension In.itead of six. Knch srhool shall be represented by two teams, but where loenl conditions deem It necessaiy the second-team gntno can bo played on another dato. A second-team player becomes a llrst team player Immediately after lie partici pates In a vnrslty Ranto (tills rocs into effect after the second league game) All games nro to begin ns near 3:30 as passible, tho llrst team games to ho of twenty-minute halves and tho second fifteen minutes. Tho llrst half of tlio second cam Is to bo plajed first. Whenever it becomes necessary to post pone a game, tho chairman must be notified. Tho chairman Is tho press representative. Tho following schooU wcro represented: Central, Noitheast. ijerninntovvii, Frank ford and Trades m West Philadelphia and South ern failed tn'spnd representatives. A staff oi olllclals was selected. They aro licorgo Cartw right, Charles Kekols, James Itumsey. Tho alternates mo 15. C. Hoffman and l'eter P. Carney. Thy asslRnlng of of ficials will bo Riven to the Philadelphia board nf approved basketball olllclals Tlio olllclals are tu tcpnit 111 writing nny action of players or coaches to the honed TIGERS REFUSE TO PLAY MICHIGAN AT ANN ARBOR ANN AI'.IKUt, .Mich, Jnn. S Piluceton has lefused Michigan a liimie-nnd-homo agreement in football after a dlUicr of two months between the nlhlrt'c ollkiuls of tho two Institutions. As a result, the Wolverine, schcdulo for next fall Is still far from com plete. Tho Tigers offered a Riuno at Princeton In l'JI7, but they icfuscd to sign a contract for a return gamo at Ann Arbor tho follow ing season. ATHLETICS AND I1RAVES TO PLAY SERIES IN SOUTH Tho Athletics will play flvu games with tho lloston Nationals on tho spring Unfiling trip, t'ounlo Mack bus announced a partial schedule for tho nip, which includes Ramos with Hostoti nt Mlninl, March 21, 2; and 23; Palm Hpacli, Mtucli 21, and nt Jacksonville, March 2V. SOCCElt STARS SUSPENDED Jnckson and Blackburn Under Ban. Hoffman Declared Eligible Two players have been susnendrt nr, another placed In good standing In the In- uusiriai aoccer League. Harry Hoffman, manager and player of the U. 0. I., who has. been under tho ban. due to Mvinn- i. much to tho referees, was declined cllRlbio rur vviuuuy uair,Y uis pools on nn oppos ing player, Urnest Jackson, fullback of Wolfenden-Shore. vvus suspended for slxtv days, lilackburn, who Is under suspension by tho 1'oattmll Association of Eastern Pennsylvania and District and who signed for Standard Holler Hearing and uLive.i against Hohlf.eld's in a teagua match, was suspeuueu jur mirty uays, vvnilo Standard was fined J 10 and tho gome must be re played at some future date. Schnelderman Quits Central High I.ul Bchneldirman. of Central High School haa announwd thu! ho would no longer at. taiul elauM at tha Ortmaon and Ould Instltu. lion. Thu baikalball und LusiUll alar maoa thla unnounMmtnt when ha melvid hla monthlr rai-ort. which toy him that ha would Iw uuab a to cenipata i for tha school for a month bevauaa of wbolaatlc djIUIencUa. Ha w 11 entar bull. naaa with wtu ramar father. Refuse Permit for Hengies Race Track IULTIWORK, Jan 8 Tha Baltlmarf County Ilailrj Comnilaajon naa rtuaad to. allow tbi aatabllahmtot of a raca track at Uolt" Tl ra already are four Iracka tn tha count? and the commbwlon laiuad a atatomaot whlcb .aid that To srant Iba application for another tratk would airtaathan lb oppoaiUoa to aft iraiini la tht county.' " Ten Cuba to Get Fired CHICAGO, Jan. 6 Fred Mltchall, of Uoaton. who aucceauad Joaeyh 'flnkar aa manager ol tbi C'hKago (National League) team, baa for mally aaaumad the management of the club, llit.ncll aald be plana tu reteaaa at lean lea ptay?rs In order to reduce tbe club'e roatar to thirty.flve. H alto aald that tradaa with St tul and Cincinnati were untUna Gould Beats Cordier, Yale Captain NEW .YORK. Jaa 5 Way Gould defeated A. jaunt 3 Cyrdlcr. tbe Yala club captain. In tif. Mrirupoutao Aaaoclailoa Claaa A aquaan t.uiaa tournameot on tbe Columbia, oourta yea lerday OouW wea by, osr of 11-8, l-t, alter oly la ba4 of aotuat pUk. CHICK EVANS MAY LOSE ONE OF TWO GOLF CHAMPIONSHIPS DURING THE SEASON OF 1917 Chicagoan, First Man Laurels, Has Great opposition in upen Tourna ment Amateur Meet Should Be Brilliant By GKANTLAND KICK Doping Out Art Ifin! sA'j ( pahittd Mm .Itttl grass Is jmlulerl vfen, The coloring la Iruo Ami makes a pretty tecne; noth sky nnd nraas then took the part, I mutt admit, llul is this Artt tiVirit tky it painted areen Ami onus Is pttlnied lifitc, My nifitil f qiilto serene, 'or ticit hava my rue; The picture then delights my carl I .moid full welt that this is Art. Exchange. When the picture of a maid Orccts my keen artistic cgr, In the ustuil garb arrayed, Covered up tccll. shoulder high, Full tccll the maid mau look the part, ItV mint dtlmff. 7fnt Hits ain't Artl When tho pttluro ol a maid Borne artistic soul doth tocrtfC, In no strand of cloth arrayed. Or (i trifle less than Kvc ll'cfl. r iiititf flft'O mr quite a start. Hut I look on or this Is Artt HAVING nsldj the morality of the pres- Dnrry re-enterliiB Australia and Mr. tVclfh re-entcrlnp Knylaml about tho wimo timo tho troops return homo and beliiB welcomed ns national heroes for tlio fnmo they hnvo achieved In America? Or Isn't your itiinRin ntlon quite that clastic? You can almost too tho crowds leavinK memorial addresses to Anthony Wilding, Jack Graham and Norman Hunter, nnionR othcrt, in order to yield wild acclaim to tho leturnlm! 10-round cnniiuerors. Or can't you ? The Fellowship of Sport liven In var there remains a certain fellowship In sport that all the hatred of Intel national strife can't destroy. When Normnn Hunter, tho famous TlnR llsh Rolfcr, was reported missing after u MORE THAN THOUSAND ENTRIES IN FUTURITY Record List for Two-Ycar-Old Classic for 1919 Event Turf SliW VOI1IC, Jan. 5 It Is p. lone timo since thcio have been moio than inoo en tries for the Kutuiity, fonneily tlio great classic of tlio Coney Island Jockey Club, but now- promoted by tho Westchester Itac inir Association as tho event of most Im portance nt tho autumn meeting at Ilelmont Pnik. Nominations for the tenewal of the stake for 10 111 closed on Wednesday, ami it has hern announced by Secretary 1'nr locker that in all probability there would bo moro than 1000 marea nnincd whoso progeny would bo entitled to take pint In tho sK-furlong dash for two-year-olds tn 1910. That is a tremendous Jump from the fig ures limited fur recent Kuturltlcs and Is consldeied tn lie testimony showing tho Increased pnpulniity of racing ns well as the Improvement in the breeding industry. WILLARD MUST BOX AGAIN, CIRCUS CONTRACT-' READS CHICAGO, Jan 5 'Wlllard will not ro tlro without at least .-; moro fight." That was tlio news which came out today from tho gjninatlum In tho champion's home, whero ho wns busy swinging u few clubs and punching the bug. "If I want to renew my contract to show with a e'reus next season I must light at least ono ten-round go," said Will.ird. "That Is one nf the provisions I don't know thnt I will tako to tho blK top again, but If I do It will be only nfter a scrap or two. A champion who has not fought In it year will bo a poor drawing card." Swarthmore Five to Meet Albright Coach Frank Orlfnn's Bwarthmoro CollcKe five will open the amnion tonlsht when It meets Albright on tho lo'jul tloor. Tomorrow nlitht l'rlnicton comes to Swnrthmoro for tho llrat of tivo eames scheduled hctwcin tho- TiKcra und the liurnet tula car. SCRAPS ABOUT SCRAPPERS Ily LOUIS II. JAFI'E w ITU tho advent of I.es Darcy In Amer ica it was predicted that tlio boxing g.uno in thla country would tako on a new nnd livelier aspect. It has been nlmoat unanimously udmittcd that 1910 virtually was a "dead" season puglllsticnlly. While stoiics to this effect aro being published in papers in tho I'nlted States, Australian journals possess columns of matter Btatlng tho samo tiling will occur In the Antipodes because of Darcy's dcpartuio. Darcy, tho novvepapers tay, "killed tho gamo" in Australlu; that is, ho was tho only boxer who would draw, und matches composed of other boxers "fell flat." So it, is ap parent that both Australia and America will benefit by Darcy's clandestine de parture from tho kangaroo country. . t A heavyweight mix le thu headllner at Adam Ityan'a Ityan Athletlo Club for tonlelu. Jack Taylor, the local big fellow, will take the role ot a trial horee in a tonteet with Uabe; Oulart. The latter halls from Montana, and Frofeaior Its an aye Qulart will prove rugged game f"r any of Ihe heavyweight w o. Welsh, a eallor. la paired off with Johnny Hagan la the eeml. Other Louie uro Ited Larson vs. Joe I'hllllps. of Oermantown; Kid Angaroia va. Jua Hagan and Hilly Nugent vs. L'ddle Hates. Followlnic hie bout with Buck Fleming at tha OlymuU Monday night, Johnny Tillman's next encounter probably will bo against Champion Fred We sh In Urooklrn. UlcU Curley t, ir ng to book the bout., A bout that ie causing inich Interest av me uiynuiio aionduy la that between Art Strawhacker and Johnny Mealy. The other bouts follow: K. O. Loughlln vs. Henry llauber. J'auf Kdwards va. JImmi McC'aU and Teddy Jacobs v. Al Wagner. M . Irish Patsy Cllnn la uuoted a big favorite for hla match with Charley Thomas lathe vvtnd-up at Ahe N-Wonal a. C. tomorrow nlgl t Frankle McManus. of Heston. will make hla iSL .on', debut against Hilly Ritchie, who haUs from tbe coat regions. Tommy Herman if Canada. Is to meet, Uanny Ferguson Jaik McClosey and E1J e Kcll. both iw-il "ads pair ott tn the second bout, and the opener will in. troduca Lew Stinger and Young Mahonej. Patsy Appaluccl. an am..ieur lojr o(" the Don llosco Club, will r-vreaent Philadelphia iii the 115 at Atlantic city In an ".ffiSy" twrnaroent. Awaluwl recently vv0n tbi 103. pound title or the C. V. M, A. U, at tha Na fuVal Club. 1'alsyla a clever Utile ltiiow and also poaeasses a herd wallep. ,, wu "J'iSXSttkW&L ! to has bobbed MP aa a trainer and sparring oaTiSTr for rreo ruuuu in ew roru. Dock" Cutcb. of thla city, u i charaa of Pete Unnun'a training at Bay St. Louis. MUe where tha New Of leans lad is preparing for his SUIT OR OVERCOAT TO 0BDES 80 iJL Bcdiiccd frop, i jo, ,t ao4 tn wi. vgr f atg Window PETER MORAN S. CO. . E. C. Sta turAi?l. to Hold Double Links j certain battle, no man worked harder ta discover Ills fattf than one of Gormsnu'. leiulliiK olllcern who had plaved (rolf wm, I fl Hunter in Unglaml before tho war This , J officer flpent nearly two weeks working Upon every clue beforo reporting that fr...iiri, inwlmtlitoillv linil fnllA. n..t i. . been burled In some unknown grave WhlcW ' makes the c.iso nil the stronger in that i Germany has less of the trmlltinn of sport than nny other lending country except I lttisBln. LookiiiR to 1917 No. i Golf J Kor tlio first timo In Amerlran golf Ills' ory wo liavo one man out to defend two championships tills budding rear tha open mul tlio ninntcur. chirk n doubls triumph lust season undoubtedly will gbra 111 in tt world of conlldcnce for the new cam pnlgn, lint It In hardly In irnson that ha can successfully defend both titles Aa lent n mcdnl player ns tho Chicago fttnr Is, his hardest work will enmn In tha opoti, where ho will run ngnlnrt sueh Con tenders ns Jim Iintne-. Jnck Hutchinson, Walter llagon and other leading profes. slonal.n. llvnns's best clinnco to mike a surecsaful defensive stand is In the nmateur Thcrj Is still doubt as to Oulmet's reinstatement, and further doubt ns to Ti.ivrs's ability to got back to bis old game, with only odd f intnrvnls open for play. And with Travert' nnd oulinet out, there Is no cue left with an even clinnco against the new- champion Dob Gardner Is n fine golfer, but In something llko a dozen matches ngnlnit ljv-ans lafi year the llliiBdale star fulled to record a victory. With Uvans, Travels and nuimet around i tho licst, tho next amateur iliamplonshlp J wotilil bo ono of tlio greatest tournampnta I over held, for in addition to these thrco the i nssaullH of such goifeia ns Gardner Klrby etc., would tarry uncertainty almost to tha final putt. Not ;o forget, in the wnv of a new year, that It Is about timo one C Mack w.ii re- ( Ruining operations up vvheie lie belongs. Connie Iiiik been slummliig fnr the last two jcar.-i. but the polite- surleiv of the game H imw icutlj ti wtlconie hhn home. SWEDISH STAR RUNNERS MAY ABANDON U.S. TRIP International Complication Loom in Path of Proposed Visit. Americans May Go Abroad International complications loom In the path of tho proposed visit of a team of Swe dish athlotcs to tills country, during the com ing summer, nnd If the triendl.v invasion ii tn ho abandoned, as It was a yiar ago, it Is moro than posslblo that the 1'iutea States will ho invited to tend a small team of Its picked athletes to tho Henndlanvian coun tries onily next fall. l'iom various i.ourccs Information has como to the Amateur Athletic nfllees that with tlio hopo of peace in Uurope fading, to tho time being at least Sweden It unne too suro that it will bo able to permit nny of 111 men, Icabt of till its athlctei, to come to UVl country, and accordingly the proposed vW of the Swedes, Including the wondcrfi Uolln, who defeated Ted Meredith consist" cntly at 100 metres last fall, will have lot! postponed until a mote fnvorablo oppor tunity arises. When Meredith returned with the Amer ican team early In Novcmbi r he brought wold that it tho Swedes wi le unable to send any of their athletes to these shores 111 1?1T tbe Swedish Athletic Assoclution would send another invitation to the Amateur Athletlo Association to liavo a team go from this country to Sweden, Noiwu and Denmark for a series of ntbletU- meet1- Boys' Club Itc-clects Officers Tho annual mctlnt; nnd rlotlon nf officer! of tho Northwest l!ns Chili u . hH.1 lait iitslit at Uh hiiti)(iu.irtirH I'.JH N ifh lUlley utrret, und rsultPd In thi r.' ! tlnn of tbt nrcMpnt oftirrrH by u nnuntmiius ut- Thoy re: l'rcslclpnt. W'illl.itn Mi'Idmnn vte president William Mully- trpiisun-r Aurnnt HchmM flnan lUl nrt.retry. IMwhpI Mi leinui.lin n-t-oriilor urcrctary. Carl J. AlliMnlirf tltlniuti (o Ama. leur Athletic Union. laoul- N linlilninlih chair man nf linuan Lommlttff. Juhn uims tjoard of truHtei'H, Juliu Alhiiilorf, (iuxiu I-uig Joscpa Anurrs. 3 Jl Evening Ledger Decisions of Ring Routs Last Night IIItllVIIU'AV Tommy .fumloon shailtd Vlhi.e tliilhiKlier, .liiliiin otlnser wiiiifroni .VII1.I. Itus.fll. Vlurklr. Illli-J ilefeu fd Kid Liiibe. 1'nilil.le I'.irliirr bent Inline lirnnry, Ine U'Hiere uut linxnl I'r.inUle Mlllluiiis. MIW 'Vrtllli .Ihn Smith 'l'fl''l.11AJ vic'b)kr. I'vliiim Tuohey nun from Willie Juiie4, I'lttlVlllC.NC'i: Mike ll'lloud .. 0 fnim Trunk C'arhiiue. M.1V Illtl.r.X.VS Jimmy lliiiilon knocked out l'ninkle I'.in.tll, hlvtrrnlh ehamolonshlo bout with Kid Williams next Monday. Win or lose, "Dock" will leave wito iiermuii ior i-niiaueipma uuer mo ivm.v,.., writes. Among Philadelphia boxers who hojrtaf well In Ilaltlmore rlnB circles Is nattllog Mur ray. The 105 pounder, who usually gives awif a lot of weight In local bouts, will oppear In J" Monumenml City Tuesday night In a slx-rouoiler ugalnst Harry White. Sailor flrnnde boxes In New York tonlibt. H will meet Johnny Howard LWhen tB'.WJ'J: was making Philadelphia his home ho met How urd here, and ufter being knocked down twic. In the llrst round Orande came back and more than held hla own agulnst Howard The week of January 15 may 'V.'VSSi behind the footlights at a Philadelphia thsau Next week tho Australian opens In H""0,!, Conn Laa'a vaudeville contract can be b""X any timo ho sees (it to begin training for b American debut. I WANT TO UE YOUR TAU.OKI That1 lat'a why I d;rtl g "J i act our attention -M all perfect-ttlig clothes t , Ira hold our trade alter on See our line of S11.80 i ttUITINGS at .. , , , Billy Moran, 1103 ArcV THIS TAILOH Open ps. ,j OLYMPIA A. A. iJSSMSKt MONDAY EVKN1NO. Jr.liK K. O. I. Kcxers vs. Al Wagner , Paul KdwariU vs. Jlmmj 31ciope li o. Lough) n vs. Henry JvifL ArtU rstrufiacker vs. Jehony MeaUr Jobnay Tillman is. Huck Jl"""!',,., .. . Me. Bit. Jtes. SPf & I8. Arena, ijtl- 1 AUra, x A rrirSlM A I A r '" Mctlulgao, Wf. NATIONAL A. C nth a, (.' ?.;- 'IOMOKUOW NIC.IIT-.TUMOUKIIW MO"? " Iflili m at.y Cline vs. Kid Tliaipgs, -hW MsManus vs. M'lllU. . ltUtWe Toimy Herman r. Uaony lerg.ou "S7rr'zt..i.A.... u f .ui lUUO V1UVUP "- " jack aitKiatu.tr Ryan AlhleUc Club MSXP Jaclc iayior vi. uaoe ubw JjUIDAV X.KiHJQ. A t. W' i I it msum I Wssm mmm