i i n 1 ! m I .f 1 w 5 lit 12 EVENING LEDGER-PIIILADELPIIIA, FRIDAY, JANUARY 5, 1017 4&IG 1 t7na.alliiali, the batle mainr f th-i(t li th (col. tr of puttm ime portlen of one'a earnlnta In tho tank t rerulsr Interaaia Than tie nut atep, after a, certain nm ha been ao eomuUtfd, if to ak limit merit channel! In "hlch to place the ltlnit!, eo aa to enatire tho maximum Income return, compatible with ita Willy of prinetpl. t Sarerat tliotiiana peoplo ha found that tbli U read, llr facllltatril by "The Twenty Payment Plan" and "InTCSlmcnl Oppotlunitics" 1 Anyone who la Inhv-iiteit In rieTilorlxr the thrift habit trllb tho minimum of en dearer ahould not fall to rcrulatlr receive Inicttmcnt Optortvnttltt aa It la haned from fortnlcht to fortnight. ? It will to aent without en. ailing; an; obligation what ever, beginning with the eu. rent Utile, upon request for 37'F1, Including booklet ex. plaining TAo TurHy I'utmrnl Plan. 40 Exchange Plae f lmnrDr)fAir1) Irvvetitiervl.ectjrlilt tJtaMiaaeif iimis) New York January Bond List This list includes bonds legal for Savings Banks, bonds ex empt from State Taxes and bonds eligible as security for Postal Savings Deposits. Isjuea Range of yield U. S. Government . 2.00 to 2.90 Municipal . 3.70 lo 4.25 Railroad . . 3.80 to G.03 Public Utility 3.62 lo COO Foreign Government 5.12 to 7.09 Send for January Circular I' E -85 The National City Company 1421 Chestnut St., Philadelphia New orlt Boston Chicago Can I'ranclaco I'lttalmrgh The Methods of Investment Houses in purchasing securities they offer to the public arc such as to warrant confidence and to assure all possible protection. Efficient engineers, ac countants, statisticians, lawyers and bankers ex amine with the utmost care the past record, the present condition and the future prospects of corporations whose securities they recom mend for investment. William P. Bonbright& Co., Inc MORRIS WISTAR STROUD, Jr. Matmsrr 437 Chestnut St., Philadelphia New York Hot, Ion Detroit London 1'irit William I Ilonbrlsht & Co Banbrliilil Js Co. TAX FREE IN PENNSYLVANIA Wo own und off r , Lehigh Valley Coal 1st S. F. 5s Due January 1, 1933 Wa can aupplv pjdier niflatertd or .uupon bond. A. B. Leach & Co. 115 South Fourth Street Ilell riiotiI.uiiiburl 237 New York C'hlrubo Buffalo Iioston Loiii'ou. Una. Ralilmoro D A COOP SHlUBf "Iffi flyCi lajAIKST BWJSg i jnUijl J 1429 Chestnut Street A Bank of Practical Service far Every Member of the Family NEW BANKING HOURS 9 A. M. to 10 P. M. Stowe Township I (AD J CHNT TO l'lTTSIIl'UCllI) 4y2 Funding Bonds Nontaxable in Penmyluania Population 12,000 Circular aaJ Prist m Avylicatian Morris Brothers Co. KatablUhed 1S93 1421 Chestnut Street ' wb own and areaa PHI LA. UNDERLYING PASS. RWY. STOCKS I jos J t( J'hiU Trucllon Co. and to Rleetrlc I'oi)la Tract tin Co Uaau eia-a4 to Ualoa Traction i umpaoy ana raoaalsnetl to PHILA. RAPID TRANSIT-CO. Tax Vice In Peunaylvanla) Price to Yield About 5 iWELLOR & PETRY HemMtr J 1iW attfc KxofcaazM " ' ' naaa.ii n n.ii III a- - ,.,,, , i I f i i FINANCIAL NEWS SPECULATIVE ELEMENT USES PEACE RUMORS AND WAR TO SELL STOCKS Strong Interests Appear as Buyers When Important Issues Are Offered at Sharp Concessions Steel and Numerous Railways Sustain Losses High Points in Today's Financial Ncwh Peace had much lo do ivilh murkcl opernlwna in ll'iiM street; used in monthly to dcjmai prices, then to ndvnnce tlicm, to be folloiicd fcj another reliction.. Wheat market nettoiin; cotton noarctl. New York hanks iained $J2,572,878 on movement of moneii for week, iwllcatinff a rlrona hank state ment lomoyrow. Price of bar illicr vnehuwjed. Slost-Sliefield Steel and Iron rcaiimed dividends oh common slock. NUW YOltK, .Inn r. Tho spi-ctitatlio element (otnniltUnl In the hear Hlilo wns sntltlleil to tnlto olthpi jicnro ruitiors or vnr iIcwIoiimuntH us ltirpntive for hpIHiir sloclts totla.. Tin- pnhlcs Irllliijr of thu ipiiuost from Austria It) tho Vatican for tho Tope'.) liitoirnsslon to hrliiB nlioiil it rpRtntlon of IintltltlL"i tn4 useil us mi Inccntho for ftolllliK ntocttH nt Hip hngllinlng of butliicsM. WIidii impurtnnt limics wrro offoratl (it nlmrp concessions a ilcmaml vns ftiuinl from utrontf Interests who now hotil to llio vlow thitt po.ico is better' for the Imltiftlrlcs of thin nntlnn tluin a continuation of tho war, ntul Ihey nbsoilipti nearly nit tho offering-? which ennie fiom bear touices. This luijlMB wns effectlvo In cruising Htibstnntlal uilviiiices tlurlnir tho Kienler part of tho furenoon. but JuhI when thu mlwinro was tleslRimtetl ns u ptnee tnoement tho publication of a )tsa nRenc bulletin, ipprliitliiK a Htorv the tnornlng papers of ullhriraunt of nenttnl C'onsulM from liuclmrcst, unit nlten tip ns n bear conl by those who bait sulil slocks on penco lulls nt tho opculliK. t'nlteil Hliitos Sleel common, which bail rnlllcil to 112. dtopped to 109 and nearly nil tho other Important luiluatilals, as well ns numerous lalluajs. uns tained proioi tlonnlp losses. When It wns compn hondctl that the-Vtorj, taken for what 't wns Avorth, was slmplv a rchnsh from ono of tho morning p.ipers, It lost Its usefulness as nn Incentltu for beatisb opeintlons nml befoie the end of tho tlay another buying movement was in order, wllb bull jells lcsoundlni; on tho Iloor of the list Iiuiiro In tho lust hour of business ns prices were bid up oil around the mom Complaint w is mode, thnt the public Is not In the minuet, but It Is not to bo expected that the pithlif, ns belnteil bujets on it Inrpo scale, will tnlic much pnrt In stock miiTket optrutlons until pilces nro fni nbop the piesent ltnnje llM'ltniiRD on nciitrnlxonntiles did not cimllim the belief that pence Is closer nt luinil. Crown checks on Copenhagen moxett up fiom 27 to 27.3S nnd ehecKs on Hlocltholm ndvnneed from 20 SO tn 23 fiu. Thero wns a brisk demnnil foi e cbnngo on .Madrid nnd SwllKotland. com eying tho nssunipliou thnt tho tluanelat nnd commercial fncllltlcs of the ueutinl tuitions will tiguln be tenulied by tho belligerents. Tho bond market wns gcucinll firm, with Denver and I tin (iinuilu Issues the most prominent, Denver -Is ndwnulng 1V& pulnt to !2',5 on lingo tians uctious WAR-ORDER STOCKS ARE WEAK x AND OILS STRONG ON THE CURB JCI3W YOltK Jan 5 U'nrorder stocks wete weak and most of tho oil stocks were strong in todnj's trading on tho Hroad Street Cuib, with CKigo Uomins Oil ngiiln tlio most active feature, tho sales of Hint slock amounting to more than 25,000 shaics nt pilces ranging fiom Sli to 91. Oklahoma l'lodiiclug and ltoilnlng owns Dl per cent of Osago and the advance in Usage 'naturally started a bulng tmivcinent in Oklahoma 1'iodiic Ing which carried Its piice up fiom 12,!s to lSsa, tho highest ligures touched slnco It sold ex rights. Sinclair Oil was weak because of the loport Hint the company Is to issue now slock, and declined fiom Brio C0U. Tho weakest of the wnr issues was Uuttorwofthsludson, which dropped from HO to Au. Snbmmluo fell fiom 2CU to 21. United Allojs fiom E0 to 48 nnd Aetna i:ploslves sold down to 3'i. Mid iilo Sltel was compaiatively (pilot, liclnir Untied In nt 0211 to 011$. The copper stocks were gl-nemllv vvenk. t'nlteil Veitlo i:tenslon selling at. .18 to 3S4. nnd Hutto Copper and Zinc wns traded In at 101i und 10'i. Chevro let' dropped fiom 110 to 1J5. South l'enn wns tho strongest of tho Stnndnid Oil issues ndvunclug from .",00 lo 010. Mldvnlo Steet bonds weio linn, advancing fiom DfiU to 97 iMiUsrw w.s Tel -lo Alkml IBalf) Aetna Diploslves Am-Orit 5Ifg Am Jlnrconi Amor Writ I'ai fair Car .V 1-My do ii of Cam en Steel iO.iuii.ual iron i In violet llotois Ciump Hhllitiuildlns CiirtiOi Atroplanu .. Knursoii Phonograph Cedent! iestuff . ll.n-kvll K. llailicr C.u. llentlee Mfg ... Kutliodlon Uronzo phi Iurnl (HI Jt Hum l.lmu Iitao tu-w... Maxim JlunttUiiis . Mlilvale Steel ..- . N' Y .Shipbuilding nils Dlofator v. 1'eirlefS Jlotors . Toole Kng Si rlpps-Hooth S s Krenge vvj Stand ifolora hU-ol Alloja Siubnmrlno Boat Transiie-WIHInms .... Tr nnsle Kllm ..,. ... Todil hhliiyads I nltcd Allo C K Stfauishll I 'tilted Slotors World C'lin Wright-Martin Aircraft Zinc Concentratlns - . It Vll.ltO ll Hock Itlanil common Itock Island A pref . Hock Id.ind It pref . Ventuni J'acllle w I -Western I'liclllo pref Wabtibh J'ittiburgh -Wabash Pitts pref .. MWMIAltll nil. srofKh .114 -Hi ail 13 Sir. a Hi Hi .. I J 111 SI H 1 Ul'i UK 1 14 s 131 113 It" Kll III 311 -I! U. u1)' 311 10 III tl J 1 -' .1 I mi . 311 .11 .I"'-- Sii 3"j mi5 n, iiiOh ii'h nii i-'lt i,u t.i i: an Kll till M Ml II II 01 .. -Vi V4 "li H 3 Hi Sli II 41 tVt 3 -''' SO Hit S3 IS IP i nu ',; it mi T 1 i Hi in n I 1 11 A !' inn 3li 10 4ni ss in mi m3 li 13 ' I V , III 'IS IIMj 11 it) no 5 J Illinois S37 Ohio . . Pralrlo I'lpa 3J1 Standard Oil Callforiila sun htantlard Oil New Jersej .tut Standard Oil New York ','74 343 SSI 3-tt 370 S73 3UI 367 in OTIII.lt on. slocks ilainett Oil . G.ts .. Cosilen O 5. G Cosilen ,l Co Oil & It Kcdeia! Oil Inter I'ltiol Houston Oil .Motrin Oil Mlducst Kef Oklahoma Pro & Kef Osage Hominy I loyal Dutch Sequoyah tiapulpa Itef Sinclair JIIMMi Alaska Standard .. Atlanta lllg I .til bo . ... Ilisliee Cop (a pro-p) Hutto Cuji R. Zinc . Hutte Nevv York . ('Tin do Pasco. . Consul Arizona Dinm.i Coniol Clrst National Cloieiico Coldfleld .. tiulilflcld Consol . . . (Inlillleld Mciger .... i liven .Monster llicla Milling ifuuo Sound . liiik'lieiidtncu Lead . Jim lltitler . ... Jumbo i:.tcnniun . . . .MuKlnlej Darrugh . . Mugiiia Copper . illtus Co of America Nevada Wonder .... Mplssing Hay llereules San Toy St Joe Lead Tonopih Intension . Wes.t I hid Con White Oak . Yd l lose III. Aakcil (Silal .. ."h 3 ih 13 (, IS'i I41 of. Kli is I7!'i . .. UN , nv, ... iiij, li'. .. . . . an 23 . . ... u'i w iJJi . .. 8! S4 .. 1.1 131, IS. . .. ') ' !i . .. 11(1 (tfi'j 0(1 Vi . . IT, 1 13-1(1 1 13-lli . .. il, III OTr . lilHi (II out MOCKs . . .'.t Un si .. 914 10'i 10'. AM 11 )i . . 10 'A 10'fc lov Hi J I !i . .. 30 37 .1b',fc . .. nu 'i i is-iii .. 1 Sl ill . ., 3'4 3'Ji 3 . .. an ."t ... 7S 71 71 . .. 0 H 7'i ... -iU 3 -",. ,. 7U 71. 7 13-111 . .. 7i S 7), 111 S3 40 ill) -Ill Mi. S'.i 491 17 Hi S3 I IIOMIS Am Tel X. Tel new Ba. . . 091ft Cudahy Us us h Krencli .Munlc Us . . . tni'h Mldvale Steel lis Uflil Uusslan C'js us TUifeslan B'is 0Hi Sinclair Oil Os Ill) Todd Ships ard Cs loi Weotern Paclllo new Bs.. bu? 17 nn 31 SI li Kin 4T 17 IS 411 70 B 1110 OKT'. 07", Uttlj II a 4 i iii io. HA 33 30 41 Sli 3 I 3-IG (IS Hj 7'f, us o14 0414 11014 1 Local Bid and Asked Ilrlll J U Itutfala i. Buwi t t U pref ltaWwlu Klvclrli. altaraiw Utnoral Anplult . da prf KytH 'rlin"' I.ak Hui, Cori Ionian n TimU a YttrJay'a Illil Aakvd llttt Ankt-.t J3 .It il 3t ! UJ 117 HI 3 f.S ',J M '. S7fci ,r.i' ? . . IIIIV, 'lllta ll 7 us -to an it y, rtl 70 7U 7J. II HVi 14 H, 14 JlS 14. 14. Jul, IU; 111', . Mt, s4Vi mu so, Ts 7l.ft 7N1 7K IS 43V, 43. 44 till. 57 K BUT. f.7 . na J3t saK J3V . 4UV4 41 40Vi 41 .is so aS 3j .. 4Ui 4J 4t4 4 Sit 4- 31 32 . l Jt l '.''it 4iP 4 ;"crri: ...ii-, IJtlali Vaulanr Tr . UU i. Paniw , 1'b.lU. KlKclrk HUU Co ikl II U BT - PWi Kltt .. RwdlBS . Ton Bml Uoton Traction . 8 f JtMl . V k Rwy .- ila ww . Wm Crwp t Truck Hits Auto; Pedestrian Hurt David 8. laidlum, pirltlht of th Auto, car cimpanj. Ardmor. was struck and lq. jurd Uy an auJomobiU at 7'wnty-scond and Chuitnut mrwts While eroiuilne the ut Mr. IjJdlam was hit by an auo iaobll which bad l4Ui kupeked from Us course by a motortruck 11 inluriw are not serious. DIVIDENDS DECLARED l alt4 Blftt Kulilwr ( umi4ay rwiular qur terly o iBr " uu ftrM prcrra stuc-l, aa4 Hi aatHl tUa hcuiuI vrUyi4 Hack, botk p6l J4MK 91 i stylfc Qt B..ura Ja vary 1. LONDON STOCK-M AHKET Trading Is Fairly Active Americans Irregular and Lower LONDON. Jan 5. Sentiment on the Stock n.xcliaiigo continued cheerful today and trading waij. fairly active again The markets In the main were steady The gilt edged section was firm but un changed, Rates tor money were easy, a lurplus having been created by the sus pension of sales of Treasury bills. About 5,000,000 was disbursed in dividends to day Americans were Irregular, but generally weaker Canadian Pacifies were affected ampathetlcally, A further advance occur red in home rails, with the supply of stock scare There was buying of South Amer ican llties. Grand Trunks were strong It was pre dlctsd that the full payment would be made on the second preference shares, and It was hoped that there would be a partial distribution on the third preference for the iast half .jear. The foreign department was sustained NEW YOltK BUTTEUWND EGGS NBW YORK Jn B BUTTER Rawlpta. JV431 talis , llomanUry aturtase sf top grad aad i&arlcit alutiily Armar oa uca All otliu aualiUM alow ami -wtsk Kxtra crsamary 41 9 JlHt. bts;Ear kcorlas 4080iic, other (tracJM unif 3 . . .. . asuus uacewis, iia raiea rrtan westarn biatifr aod firm nearby wbitt still dull and Ir rvauHLT 910c 0rl. 4704tk Htoraxe alroocar uadar mora favarafau ataru advlota Katraa etc tr . Binta, iu New York Stock Sales J.flDt rlosi-Allla-rhltmm Mfj ... U7'i Allls-Cha! Mfe pf SI Am lloHSijut DVi Tiw 4U4St. znawraaor apecUl maraaa. Z9n wS7c re. frttafitor SraU Htt SSdo. do, acnda 8lVi aSc talxsd culur tfciui couila 4HS31C. elatt sradt ua Am an Am Car A lily tn lllle A Iilher. Am Hide & bpf ... Am Ira Srciirllle .. . Am Unwed pf . Am Iflconia'.lvn . ... Am SmMI A Iter . , Am Smell & H pf Am bmclt pf II .. .. Am Suutr It'rinlnt . Am SiiEir Utf pf . Am Mee I'o itiilnc. .. Am 'lol A. I ot . . Am lol A ft'ilj Am 'lob pf lien . ., Am Woolen . . Am 7. 1, A s Aniroti CM AtcliTft S K . . .. Alcli T A S V pf . Atl fliiU A V 1 . . . All tl A V I pf . Atl lllrm A Atl llald xa W'srks ... Halt A Ohlii Halt A Ohio pf Hellik hem Steel lltllln A Sup Cal ivirolcuiu Csl PcltuliMlnt pf Canidlan talflc . . Central IxiilhT.. Chandler Molor .... Col On A ls Chi It I A 1'jc ... . Chile Copter . ... Chlno Copper . . . CIim A Ohio CI (Ire-it Wed pf . . Chi M A SI I' pf Col fVI A Iron Corn ProdiirH Itef . . Cturlblu Steel Culu Cma Sijtr . Ciilit Cana Sn.'tr pf Dlsllll Sec Ccrp'n . . I'tlc (Iennnl IJocltie . ,ticn .Motors noiv.... lOociltlrti II I'. . . tlulf Slntia SloM . . . Imp Con Cop Int Paper Inl Paper pf lilt NIcL. v I cf InlAlcr .Marin' Int Mtr Mirlno pf . Kcnnciott Cop n . . Iirk htcrl Co . Ie Ititlilx r rire . . kelilch ail"V . . Matnell Motor . . . Ma Dopt felons . .. M(i Petroleum . .Mitral Coppir ... . Minn A St I, sen . MIsmiuiI I'acltlc Mo IM3 I Mo I'ac pf u 1 l'l . 1,7'$ IPS l.')' :il' flo'f 71 8t4 (MW tS' W'i ITi OS 31 mi's 7Vi 9 00 p m 127 84j 07 00'f 11 r.i ni Wf ni ItlRh 27' l 87 1)7 A'Vl DTI It i 71 .'II r.j'f 7SV4 inr,'.' l()"i iov inn lli'i un iki', no , (H'j lll' Ot'i Ot'j ill's ill's ins'f It)') 118 118 118 118 no ('i r'i Ul'i llli I'JUi 01 01 01 108 ll)i' lll'tj IVJ !!' ID :t7'f .n Sl'j 8t . no .Ul'i IDS lili . :i7 SI',' l(IV HD'j llli1. ii in iio'f un 0' ir.'i . (10 . S-I'i 7.7' I .nm 111 3 . 2 PS ,11)1 or, ln.vj iocs 0.7 l.Vi r,' st 7,7 t'13 H JO TiJ'J llll'f II Pi I)) HI) 01 l.V, f.7'f HI 7.7 13J r, 5" ifir'j l no 81 HlO'i in no r.i iv i r,vt 8t iTi W tr,n i .-it '.'PC r.pc Of i 10' i t. rts OP,' tDi Ul 101 'i UJi :i2'j .-.I op; 40' i m .s 1)1 Kll'3 tl4 3JU TiPj 0li IU' lJPi UP'j 1'Jt'j 12 1 'j 10 2Ii oi; st't !)P. 2)' 3 111 IIM'i 111) .77 H 127 fiO IV, 1110 1 11 Wi . 2J'f 01',' .71', .11 i lb" 111 , fiS'i 112 . o"', tTl 102' i ti'j 2(1' i 87'i IV, . SVj . 2S', s'( :.2'; . 02 llll'i . 10' ( 20' 2 n .12' f 01 Mo I'ac tr cfj 1 Vi 10' ilH l,t I r.i f it .it .ii1; 107'j in f.o 12" 6b; lil'l 11)1', 12 Ul'f. so- 17 874 2d o', Ji2'i T.2 101 ll'i 2'S IU .12 r.o'f ll'i 10 .7'1'i 21',' 101 2M," 10 10 l.d.j . 21', .101 .. 2S'i III')'! ii'iW 11.V,- nvf nv 41 2i' lilt, r,vt UJ'i 2)'a '12-i lbO'j mi r.r'f 12 fi'i ll'i 101) ll'i 2Vf 81'i ll'i SI 27 CI i 1,1 Ci 102 to1, ' ll'i 111 (,()', 11',' II) .1 2C, 102 i 28'f 10')) 27'j SI', 4I 81 27 7S', r,2 02 101 10'j 27'i li'i III', 1,0'X lt'a 10 TiO'i '2.1J.' 102 'j 23', 10')', 1021a 102'j 20' 3 20' i 17 .'!.', li'l 17 I171,' 1.7 0'i'f .in. Ma Kan A Tinas Nat I ead Co Ncv Con Cop Nun York Coniril N Y t) A West.... Northern I'aclllo . .Norfolk A wiMrn ()ni? Ilotllfl M . 100 102 101 101 Outirlo Silver Mln 0 0 i. (. l'.-cl!l( Mall . 21 20 20 20 I'onn Itallroa.l . . ,W, .70 , .I'.'i id', Perc Marquette I .It '.Wi .11 ,'H'j 1'iru Marquctle if w 1 71 "I 71 71 I'lttj toal c or dp . .. .I'l'f to'i .'I'l'i 10',' Pitls ( oil pf f of dp IDS' lOS'i IIS IDS' i I'rivscU Slal Car 70 7.7',' 7.1 7.1', I'ullnnn Co Kit 101 101 lii.1 Kaj Con Coy 20U Vf.'j 2.1'J 2.1' Iteadlni; 101'i 101', 101 101', Itiptilillc Iron A s . . J) S!) Ta'i ( llipiilillp Inn Ah pr 101'i 101 bhat Ariz Cop . . 20 'M'i s aboard Air I.lno . . . 171i 17'i Sealnanl Air Uno pf , .is ;iS bloss-Shtf S A I (.7',' 0')', Southern I'aclrlc . . . . UfiS ')7', Southern Ity Il' .'t.1, bt Iouls A SI'vl 2.7 ' j 2V St I ouls bouthwest 11 111 htudt.bal.tr Co y... .1U0W lUVj 'lciin C A (J w 1 1.1',' 11', TutasCo 211 211 Tias Co nshlj 31 31), TetH I'icirie . .i . . l')'i lllt Toojicn I'roilucta T.O'i f.OTi t'llr Cljir btorei ... lUi 101' j Cnliia Patlllo .... .IIJJ llt'i Union l'aciilf pf . . . s, 8P5 US lnd Alcohol 118'X 120 U S llubber 01 023, U b S 11 A M 1,0'f 01'a U S Steel Corp-n ... 112 112 i Utah Coppir 101'i 101, Utah bcciirltlca I'j'j 22'J Va Caro C hemlcal .. .IPS It Va-Caro Cliemtcal pi.. .111 110 WabashpfA 50'j .IV, Will rargo Cjp nt 112 i Wot E A M M'S .11 Western Maryland 27'i 17s, IV A I, K I 22t; 22',' 2l'a Slii W A I. K Pf 1 50 .10 .70 CO While Motors ill ID lb'i IS7, Willjs OvotlanJ ,'101,' 30', 30 30 Wooluorlh f W Ill) 110'i 110'i HO',' Kd UlvUtiiJ Wutuuli preferred A 1 Delaware l.aika wannu uml Western. la, Aliierlcmi Lornmntlv, prefcrrc.l I1. , tlnlteit Glutei bmelilnir, Heilnfns uml Mlnlnir. I1, , preterri.l, Ta , Oreat Nurtl.eru prefurrt.U, 17. NEW YORK BANKS GAIN CASH 17 .11', 2V, .10 mi'. 15', 211 .25; 18!i r.o v!02 111 M'j 117 02 07 111) j 0') Jli A.i 111) .151, 11215 112H l'l G.P, .10 lOI'i ll'i 211 ,'L,- lS'i fill 102 111 Sl'i lie, l'2 ot; 10J, on j l 110 .ll'i Incicase for Five Days Ended Yester day Is $32,572,878 NKW YOHK, Jan B The l.nonn move ment of money for the live binl; htateiuent dajs ended with the closu of liu.slins es terduy Indlcites a gain in cash li tl.e local banks of S32,B72,878 The l.aplts gained li) direct exptess from tho tommy 48 837.878 und gained In addition from the Sulitreas ury on gold Imports $30 1)10.000 l'ir con tra, the Nevv York reder.il lteervo Hani, had a net credit at the clearing homo for the vveelv of $7,214 000 Heeulpts from the count rj uhmved a gain of nbeut $3,000,000 over the neent weekly ratio. MONEY LENDING HATES M?V Ml UK The market for time money on collateral of good mixed Stock Ilxchanga security Is easj .it lecent low level 3'j5(3?, per cent for 60 dajs to 4 months and 3?, per cent trading rate for 5 and 6 months All industrial money Is quoted at 44!i per cent, with some lOAer' rates In special cases 'the supply is fairly ample and titers does not appear any ilgld scrutiny of collateral rrlme mtrtantllo paper conltntus dull on limited olWlngs. 'Hie lower range cf the lollaleial loan market help the tO)i of tin! iaper market Hates aro nominal at 1f. Hi ler cent Piln.e bunk acceptances are fably active at 3, 4j 21, per tent un tllglbles and Z'i j3fa per cent on Uellgibles Call money opened today at 214 per cent for lending and receiving . l'lllI.ADIll.l'HIA Call. 5 per cent Time, Hi it 5 per Lent Commercial paper, three to six months, 4B per cent HANK CLEAUINGS Uank clearings today compared with oor poudloa; (Uy laat two yearn. jvif . ,vio luia PblladelphU 159 33U 839 4-!.OU4 810 f2S 383 3S0 lloaton : . 43BSU8US 33 I) 17.205 22 BUD 478 w lork I13J 3Sa 87B DUU lll'i 76S 27.' J8U i i.utfuvii a .uv,u:i lialtlmor inicugo 8 nnui.i 77 J8 074 Cil 71J.OS3 FOREIGN EXCHANGE K1SW YOltK, Jan J6 Features In the Foreign Kxchange market today Included firmness In sterling, steadiness In francs and an easier tone In Teutonic exchange and rubles. Business was very limited The quotations of sterling are the highest In about two months Quotations follow Demand sterling 4 51. cables 4 761a , 60 day bills nominally 71fe4Tlfc; 90 day bills 4 69 It Franc cables 583 H. checks S 84 ftelchsmark cables 71 3-16, checks 71 H Lire cables 6 874, checks 6 881, Swiss (Mbles 6 03, checks B 01 Vienna. 1171 checks Jl IS .Stockholm cables 29 SB, checks 39 45 1'esetas cables 31 35, checks 31 lo. Guilder cables 40 cheeks 40 1J-16 Huble cables 29 3 cheeks 39 43. Sates in Philadelphia 07V4 1IR JI1 37 nro. 1 1 1Kb in Am II Sttg ni 70 Acnie Tea pfd I c I Am tint n It ft H t c Id do prof M Illec S'tor I Key T C pf 07 5550 l.k.SupCrp 8014 III I.eh N.1V . Bl ;-i i,ch Vpl 7!4 2(1 l.oli Vnl Tr 93k, Siio Nev r'ons slid 147 I'enna It It .17 K, ml t'hlli Illec .111', I ISO PUT tr cfi 3! S3 II ly rohs 2AI& 2(1 Hell tr & Jl ?s4 21) ttendlng in (, till Ton hel 1 ')8 Ciilon Trie lflTM t.tl I'll ft Imp lioli 7SM V H Steel 111 i do pf III); .ion War Its lV4 2 Jer A H Cn'f, ,111 Wm Cramp H0'4 II York llv pf as IIIIMIS nun mjino a nAi:i r. noli 20(1 Illec A Pco Tr 4s . Kfl I Dim llqult 111 O f.i , ,.Innl4 2300 Inl llvs Is 3d l nun Kev T 1st Bt . . 071", mum I.ch Neons t'as . inl .loon t.ch V kcii li ..III soiki do cons 4',b '0.1 lul loon t. T rets V li Is .. HI linn) I'enna Co cons I '48. IiiDTh Soon I'ltlla Co eons Pi. , no I (i tin (I IteadliiK Kon -Is. . l)fl moil lltlnc-.lcr Cent 4s ml 300 1 n IImju t l! 4h . 7.1 liiiin t'nlon I!) Inv Bs 7114 mail Wels Co Bs Din, t.mv 03 0114 118 01 .17 0014 07 10 SI 7Si 2i'4 2.1 r.o'8 .n i1i 20'4 78'4 I03'', fn inv no l'lM mi"; '4 All'C, 81 its on-H i no '4 (Xt KlJIi Cloae S3 Net etiBe Oft 0714 14 IIS s (11 . .. 37 I n14 07 ln'4 '4 si I is', 14 22'4 14 2.1 ITi 37 S1 .1111 2014 7AH 101"(. 4 ioik, ", no Vt no'4 I"m 1 10 V, nli l'i .m It, li 'A 14 si .IS f lop on 14 114 Not ibre lOflli BR 07 Ti 3 14 11)201 01 ni 100'm looif, If, H7 loo?;, itio'i, mi no mil no no on 7.114 ''DVi 7 114 !)'. Ifc I- . Vi New York Bond Sales HlRll .J.'uiii) Vnir Airr i -. . lo."m .. ..'.l.ll .Viiklii I'rinili ,V n l4 tlMMiil Anipr I oreiiui (.. h !i7. noil Almr 'l.l Hi l liCi, .noli ilo m ., mis , I'.iiu ini r k.i m 7'a UiiiMi Arinjiir r. i'-,h llltj uno .MiIiihiii ten 4i ir.o, 1 .1111.1 till n.ii l Ml', Pimm On .Vrl? i,s IINl, Kilomi .1.. it idiii in-,1, limn Atlnn Cii I in, I hi la i.-, L'lSlil ilo . It In us .lino 11 lit k Oliln T,a SSIIIK. ,1,, -,i "IMH.il .lit u " il It 51) I' I. I. A Vt V l II70IIH ll.lt II v,WI1 jlj, i nun ii, th Ht, rW r, 71.110 Hindi Lrin Iimk .'.a li.oiii i un ;u r.n 11IJ.I r.niiii ,!,. r,i inn tjiinn Cut intli. r lat r. .tl.ll.lll i hill C pit iMiiiin i ii. h a in,!., , t ijN l"i 1 . n.ni t'linil ( III H ,v Hun .T, , ll'llllll ( III CI VV m Ik i imio 1 IU I n Mn IVaK .lii.iliil i iu g Joint I .nun .1.. mm Ib -nun Oil M & M I' In llljl -limn .1.. rf.l I'nH ..Ml).. ml U K .'ll.llll iln l 'g, .iii.iiii .In cm I'm .nun f I . I' .s Is 1 "I i- It I (. f rf.l 4k . I ( I) I ii IIimk r.n ll.lillil l-.il S. Smith I'm 1 1 '.nun ('Hi ..r I'.irlH i, loon fun ( ik mm its lin.llll I'timliirlin.l Til .".h li.iii.o l. I a. Ilu.l mm r.s .'.iil.il .li rf.l In t.i.noo Dm & It (.1 4k lllllll .In 4'jK Jnnii Doiri.li full.. I Can .'.mm Krl ...nt Ik S.'r II 1(1(10 il.. t.mv 4s Ser JJ 1 limn Ilu.l A. Mnn In "I lllllll .!,. rf.l la l-.llno Ilo, k ul 4ia .'711110 III tltei.l ,1.., ijH mini Indian l Sl.-el 3h 740(10 111 l . nt rr.l Ih 7(10(1 il.i I., lie, J .'l.ll.MI ilo Ik 111',! Mini, iniirl. Mvt l'sn IMinii Int rl H 'I n.r ; Iliiinil I -.Uo Shorn rerf T,a .'(.nil 1 ill Val .if N V Is IniHI 1.1k .V VI 'I 'n .(ion do 7k li.nil l.iim; ll..iul Is inilil I mils & Viihli H ltnlil) Mlih ( int .1 Ik Minn Minn i, .st I, r.n -(.no Minn St I' s H Jl In -iiiiii Mn Kun & T is O.'I.IHI t) -is vv I Ihllllll Mont Power .'.k limn N Y f & It ,1'as, 1-.IKKI iln nn .I'jS J IMIIIO do l.s llmoo iln 4s limn j; V fltv 4s lIT.s .'IHKi do 111',') 200(1 do IUh lliilS lllllll .1.1 I'Ib 1'lUI llllillll iln 11)1,11 -'(Hill do 4'as Nov 11)17 toon N V Itwy nf 4s .'U(HI On mil r.i lllino N Y 'li'l con 4i, h Slum Sort & VVat I'..tll 4s Mini) Nnrf Sc West 4s 1 liiiin or I'm prior Is .'70110 do ktll 'li llino I'ml & III I'-ih r.ooo I'niric ui r.s llino i'enna 4s limn 8(10(1 IVnn , ki.ii ct 1',s LllOOII l'lll.lii S). N J 3s .'000 Iteii Ir A S .'.a mo on sir, nithn km 3s. m.", liiiin ii, uuir i mt; 11,(100 st I, & H. V 4a Htr A 7d'i 7JOOO do 3s Hrr 11 Ml1, r.ooo St louls hwn mn 4k 1,7c, '.'000 Ht IMul M S. M I 'tis l.l.; 2000-nnil.ord A I. 0.1J JJ3s Ii7 IOIIO Ilo Htn 4S 3000 South llvll .s 1000 Mouth I'.c Const 4s 30 HI South 1'ic cv Is I liiiin dn rf.l 4s ,. .. 7000 South I' ic cv r.s S40.HI ioutll liny l-en 4a liiono iixus uo iv ns . 10(10 'llilrd Ae r.f Is 410IKI do fill r.s ll.n.l 1' h Itubt.t-r IU Bintiu r s hiwi n r r.s I'.IIOO t ni.. Ii I'ar 1st 4s lllllll .1) il la 20110 d) rf.l 4s 31.110 I'll RwH H l- 4s iHiioo l i; ..f u ii r.s . 131000 di .".'-, 8 llllll I3K.O.I ilo '.'nalOJt , rood a Ilwys 3s r.ooo VVau-l'l 1st it t p 4a 4IHIO VV'iat Slioru Is lhili.ll Wheeling & 1. 1-1 4s 200(1 Wis Ceil & Dul 4s tni .1 p in 1(U'(. liu in;, oi'i tu hit. . II I .10IS l'1'i III, loo'. He.'. .1 'o 1.(1 II'. '.J 7.1 111(11, lljix i I'.-.J. III.', II.", mi lot nt 71!', mi'. 81 , IHI'j IJI 1 nil nn. 8JC, S7jJ IIS'J 8 1'. .'T l,'l l.l II I", IIUJ, !l-'' . I'll II s sn'. it nn 127'. S'l ll(., 110 881, iilS 7n". c,7 '1 inn Til', 8(1 11H. II II j llll'-, llll'jl nn'. nr.i, lo-.'t Ilo', 71 tl!l" til's lljlj IM'k ll.T III. 10 1", 117 '4 HI?. I"-.1. sil'a 1I8'4 loll-, ss II l. 101 88 tu;. nn. in mi', iouls IIIJ un1. ti-. n i r.j', 7 I In.ii? n s. in, . ini .-, nn nn in 71,', mi'. 8-c. ii.t't i.'i 1110 nut ill's ! 8t'. (18V, 8 It), .-.' 1,11 III ,!'i5" liu'. llll 07 '(, III', ni'! litis (ll'i iu'5 8l'i 101S llli 87'. HI", llll. 7-.C, llll 711', 711, iiu'; 10t4 i.'i., tint ll.'ii til 118'. to.", III'I ll'i II', UiZ 7H hi 811, III 111.", U7't 811 mi's uo 88', 711', 117 I.'I', 78'. 8t nm in nil', mi's inn: hit 110'. 71 41'? inn. Ill's llt'i Ill's (17 c, ii 1 4 lot it'5 nid', UJ'i loo in:'. 81', (.'I', 8.1 (.7 '-a li l'l l.llls 81 "A HUH llll 87' I tnaj lot'. 7V, nn 7'it, 70 IIU' lnt mi's nit! iu !l. llSli l'H, (IS llll 111, -' 7 St III1. 117', lil. lot's 117', III', nt;, 811', nil, nt 88 III'. nn il". 88', ll-' nn', II IU Ul'i llllHg 10.' I.'I', till l'l'. 3J', 71 Iii'l'j 118'. IIIIV, lit', III.'. 1'J'a till llll 1. 1 7I1C, in.'. 81 , mill 1.-3 Inn Kill 8J'. 871, 8i, I.HV4 5-!?; i.i tn tn', in.', mi "-'a I8jj 811', 111 111.", 811 till', 110 si'j nt'. 7ll'i 1.7 inn 78U 8(l HIT, 111' llll'J nil'? no . lulls Kit', I,.,.. It nut. Ill's tl-.t'. Ill's II7'4 iiaS im U nt', llll'i UJ'i llio 10.!', 81Ti 70 8.1', (17 1, mn. mil, 81 V. mi's mi 87 1, IH'i llll. 7T, nn 7111, 70'i lll.'t. JOtt, lai? !.." Ill I.Kli II8V. 1181, 01). .Ill, 711 88 Sloas-Sliellield Kesumes Dividends N11W YOIllv, Jan B The Sloss-Shef-fleld Company has declared a quarterly dlv Idend of, 1 13 per cent on common stoeK, putting this stoel. on a 6 per cent antfual hasls 'Hie dividend Is pajable February 1 to btotU of record January 17 The last dividend paid on the Issue was In 1910. In which j ear total disbursements amounted to 3?, per cent ' kj FURTHER CONTRACTION IN TRADING 1 ON PHILADELPHIA STOCK EXCHANGE Street Hears That P. R. T. Stockholders Are in Line J ., t- '.1-....-1 r.1- Mnvl Titi'nnf rvna' 7ATn4J i Anotner uiviucnu tiMiw vvco luccuug, Prices Are Generally Lower rcii was Stock market operations were further luced in Philadelphia today. n..o ...w .. i.tu i, rtllcntlanco In commis sion houses traders did not ehovv a dlspoil- lion to do very much ncponsiu ,.- ... .. large degree for .Ills Mek of Inlcrrt t In I ll.c as?,-1 wx? strictly I'lilladelphia l8tics but t nllcd HintM Hlil common. In the nil.llragc Kroi.p, was weak late In the dij. Holders of I'hlliulelphli Itnpld TrarM trust cerlincntes are understood lo be m he for an arable surprise jjlieii " compinv's directors meet a week from nct Jloiitn it vvai the understanding today thai mi other dividend will be dccltred nt at time '1 he first dividend "elair.l. whlcli wnt on Heplrml.er 20. vvhett the annual meeting was held, wan at tl.e rale or 2 nor cent, or $1 per sltate It n Inferred today that the next ilMiiiiscnient will be nt a blRher rate and tlmse vv ilo talked about It tod ,y vve.e of the opinion thnt It would be at the rate of "H tier cent, this bclnR based on tho statement retained In the . pliii-. u -mlttcd by the company t" tin illy vvitn eg, r to the new transit line, the com pany In theso Plant stating that B per cent lvoin.1 bo Pild to the 8tocUl.ol.lets It vvji, MM tl.il dlvl.le.id4 vvlll be ilrclani "" January nod lul nuctlngs of tilrcctorH COTTON SOARS AGAIN ON BETTER CABLES Demand More Than Sufficient lo Absorb Supply May Reaches 18 Cents tniTtiN nr.i.T w:vrni.it lOMiinoNs M,U ItlllK. .Inn 3 1. llr r-.illirr ns rrniirlril In (lie wintline-trri n irt of tin; laltiiii lirlt IliN marnliiB. hut It vmis rultilne ''YhV'roU'onhie irmt'eriiliire. vierc rrriiriljil' (Ikliiliiiinii JJl Ullcn.'. 'n',l'Jr,'us,l'1',",.i ' shrrvrrort. Ill sii ntniilo. IHi liil l.m .till MeniiiliU ".''I M'oxvlllr. 3 If irl.Hiu MonlBiinien. Illrmliisliim. . ( lulttiimioiti . N , Hlivllli Iinil I-'b.-.j''". '".' 'I,1,'"-',i ,,rl- , Nf tlrlrim- tlnlills '"' ,,V'','r. V v I i ( hiirlcloii x iviinn ill Mini, "'''r',?,1'' ?",' '! J; mlnittuli. limli nml lutUjiiiivlllr I it -Biist.i uml Muron ,01: llioinil'.vllli' mill Inniiii. (.(I 1'eu. mild, os .... . llieri wis birli of iirerli.tliillnii ill Ki. lis. A.lifVllle nnd tllililli-niiAt III Intl. lit (lllptun . I! Ilirli lit l line in. I I "l 111 lorl Mllllhl 2H llll II III Minv IMIM .18 hith nt MolllEolllirvt li Injl. "I t Imttmiiinzii. llrniiiiBln.il nml Iljtle Kiirl.i 'ill ! ii? li nt Vlrrlillallt .BS lurli lit xhrri.'l.nrli I. IS InrlifH ut Minuilils. uml 1." Iml'i' ul isliilllc M7W YORK Jan f. Kavornble I.Ivpi pool e.il.lts and moro general bullMi foil ing leiiultcd In a firm lone ut tin npeiiltu of the Cotton Kxch.inge pi lies .ulvnntlns 7 to 10 points on the ill. vilth Wall stieet loom tindois and soutlieiit lnteie8ts liulng 'llio Mlline was b commission bouses spot houis and for I.ivcipool nctotmt but tho demand was mote than mlllilent ti absorb the snppl, and after tho cnll pilces roe hh.trpl. addllionil gains of r to 8 points being recorded before the end of the llrst ten minutes of trading M ly iigiln touched lbc, after stilting at 17 ').! The market allowed continued dimness dutlng the middle of tho morning on Inning liv trade Inteiests. while then wis also (.notigb commission hotiso dein tnd lo Rtis gtst a partial levlval of bitlllsh (onfldencc ltepoits tint Itnptcsslve advertising had been published in many lending southern papers, uiglng remaining spot holdet i to mirket sloivb, seemed to hi. .tttractlng cnti sldernblo Inleiest, while liuvlng was also emotiraged by tho largo foivv.u dings from Liverpool for tho week and the more f.ivoi alilo view of peace piospcets Maj conttitcls sold up to 18 20 nftet 11 (clock, with the general list working ahcut .13 to 40 points abovo last nights closing ligures The volumo of business tapered off uom.' what during tho mlddlo ot tho day and prices reacted 0 or 7 points early In the noon hour as a result of scatteicd i call ing 'llio undertono held steady, however, and the talk around the ting relkcted a moro bullish average of sentiment 11 00 1'J 00 2na Open, n m in l in ten la's i lose . ..t 37 .7 110 17 lit 17 77 17 81 Him 7 MI 17 110 18 01 18 08 IS 17j ', SS ITI II" 18 lit 18 10 18 IS , II 71 10 81 17 01 17 di 17 10 ,- 31 . Tunuiry Murch .May . lull October . Sliot . . . l.tvcrpool Cotton l.IVUIXPOOI,, Jan. C Spot cotton today was In good dematul and 8 points higher, on the basis of 10 DGd for mid-upland. Tho rules aggregated 12,000 biles, Including 10 000 American Tho Imports were 11,000 bnles, all American The market for fu tures closed steady at a net advance of 21 ifr23 points. IMiine Out of Its Hanks AMSTERDAM. Jan 6 The Ithlno vvatei gaugn ut Cologne bhovvs a rise of seven and one-half meters (about tvventy-tlvo feet), ac cording to the Berlin I.okal Anzeiger Streets in tho city along tho liver are Hooded and the surrounding fields resetn bio a lake River tralllc along the Rhino in Its lower reaches is greatly impeded by the flood NKW YOltK COFFEE MAHKET NCW YORK, Jan 5 The market for coffee futures opened steidy today, un changed to an advance of 3 points Trading on tho call was quiet, with sales estimated at 2500 bags January Cebruary March April Mm luno . July Ausuat PBday'a opsnlns 8U0S8 Ot 8 1)1198 07 0 tl69 03 Santemker 'Dill uci ictober Nov?mbr Decent Is. r Hid D 2388 30 Yeaterda) s close 8 7108 77 8 81 $8 83 8 87U8 88 Klillil. in 8 IllniS III G U1S till 8 USUK ni II ot III tiiimsii iii n i4tfu it n .'t$n ouaau so . erirSS-rssF'.NuHrii i-k.vk unk Z. VBAT'"j-- lotr I'klUdeliilili, I'a January 4. 1017 SS& , Li-SS tA ". neetlss ot. tlia Board ol Illrectora btld aSSFe T " U to a da a miuI aunjul dlvldeal ot J vvt 0C?sL rr tl m-iu fnt dMiarril parable Jnuuarr 0, 1017 taOvS2sS5w I rai """'" ' " '"''',,nJ, wl" "Ul SaS-M '"ji'jj -i J 1 1 I'lillBI ' ' ' " WK-j;t(tiiJMiai wwiwi-rftrr3".- We cordially invite you to avail yourself of our service. Capital, $150,000. Surplus and Profits, ?10O,00O. Resources, $2,100,000. NORTH PENN BANK Twenty-Ninth and Dauphin Streets starting with the nett nicotines J Transit trust certificates for th. . " the final of jesterdai ",0n " Cramp .Shipbuilding eamo out on lh.3 ..in. t,.o f n, .. - vVn trie lis v,.... ,. .wo-, ... ..-3 in. compared vviii,fa close of vestcrdnj but 1 point of t.t recovered .Vothltig definite has eo.i wllb regard to the plans which ar L3 formulated for the Interest of the eZ, The firs step whim will u 3 tho election of two new directors tnifl the places i of those who resigned n3 remlier It Is not experled that thla tnke tilnre fm nbout n mnmli nt least" s3 cr.il names tire now under considering,?! membership in the bmrit The otlnf 4 tecs nnd tho Interests which hold si. amount of the stoclS nre working arnicaiS nnd II Is Rife to sny lint I1i0s0 wli?," clcrled to the board Will ho 80 wi.l 3 approval of nil concerned t Taking ottlv the local slocks Into (J sldcintl"!. Lake .Soperlnr Corporation the no' active throughout the session. v crpt fot a short time In the first hour llv-? tinder the close of venlrnliv for the J3 dav shotting n loss late in ti, afternoon3 ti full point lltifTnln nnd Suifiuehanna Vl fcrrcd nppenred at 37 which wnsal5? a point, nnd a two-point loss ), r19 In American Clns The bond illvlslon3 nlso quieter, onl eleven s..U., nppeariiirl M GOING Rubber Tin Manufacturing Concert handling large contratli needs $75,000 addition capital. Money to go ii!i increased plant capacity. Tb Vsl Company owns new patent whicb puts their product fu above anything else in tl'ei line. Will snake particularrj interesting proposition. Pre ent assets approximaleij! $100,000. 4 H 353, LEDGER CENTRAl !,I.OMi OTlCIaS XZK IN 1HI5 COUUT OF COMMON I'LEIS t d 1, tor tlio I. unity of iilhdHpbU., Srplriiilirr 1ri, 1UKI o. 3169. , J Tn tho mitti r of tho cstato ot ItatUel B. WRh( tle i"il. - flln nudltor appointed by tho Court to ittala u.iil., nn.l fiiliimf tlin nrvnnnt nt llAlIrl H Dlfl hin truslto under de d of tryit from RatW V,. Urlniit and to in ike dititrlbut'on of Um bilinte in the hand' of tho nrcountftnt, wSf nn t tho imriifB intercflt n ror ino rurpoMoiM arpolntmcnt on January 15, 1017 ut 3 o'cwMj in , nt llourn M8 NoriliPiiBt Turner Droad iM ihtrMiiiit etH in the 'Uy nf IMilInddphla vt nnd where nil partita Int rested aro rrqutrM to imK and nruvo tholr rilrns or bs cebartH from tomini; m n"on wild fund , ., MAHCLL A III Auditor ANNUII MLimNfiS w ijrs umu.v ATloAli nu. " -ti LyJ lll,ll.l,.lnlili llneamhaa OlttlL - A iiuauciLiiiiiit vvi.ituv "a j 'Ihn Annual Jlcot.n.- ot too bloiMioldera thla Hank for the election of Dlrectora ul ti held ui mo banliliic liuuso on 1 urailur. ,"ajn U, 11)17, Oetwten llio hours of 1J to and 1 Fv iuuia . arii.uiii.iiiji)-CaihlMV kss tiii: anm'm. tiniiTiMi oi- rnfl -" loiitrlbulnm to llio niiuren" 'i"i"";.T I'lilljilelnlilu will he Qid.l lit th dwlt lUliitirlilB. lllshtwntli nn.l Hiawater alr on lrliui, Jiuiiiirr 1.'. lull. u l p m I JOHN CVDWAI.VUIlIt, JH. hcrll ltrsS"TIIi: ANNLAI. VICI.TIMI OF Tlirl I-1' VV.'.nen'H Illrcclory will be held at Ml ? Ttn at Muii.li , Jjiiimr) . in ii hi MAItV A ItUltMIAM Currntpondln.; Steretary E3' ANNUAL KM-CTIONS TIIK UUN TltAI. NATIONAL UANI Ul' rillLAUIM.I'llIA. December 11. IjU.. The Anpuil selection for Dlrectora of U Tt...i. ....iiT i... ...i. i ... iid l.iiilrlntr houia Bf 'intl.v. January u. 11)17. between 11 a. m. iiMB WW. WM, V CUNitAU mt 1 ItASKI.lV NAriUNAI. ZZS Hroad und Lhctntit streets. Caankf I uiMi. ! H'.M t the hanUnir houao on liieadar, V!Oj, BIJ. between th. hourof IfjfSfrfjtS? Ilhlln,lalnlil9 ( lPom ttt P 'H Tho Annual Election for Dlrectora will JtrKCIAL NOTICES Nlllt ril KSTl'BN NATION L " h At a tnpetlneof Iha.Uoard of Director; fl Nortnueaiern nuiionai n, " ",-",--J" 1UIT tho f.i'lovvlnit reaolutlona vvjro aoopiwuj ..,a.e;,yrrurV.eanf"KUDlrecor-- Ueaulved That we hereby expreaa our IS aorrow and rwrret for tha loaa "f,f'"?5 mut uttenttvu and enereellc aaaorlalea M a wl.n r.iderol,hlnialf to ua by hla ,1'"? well aa t.ualneaa nuallftcatlona i ml the .. . i.., n , .(....I n,iuiu. uml nlrctor HMolvasI, 'I hat ua a teetlmony of b;n"g iiuuw reaoiunona ve puun.i.eu .-jtj iviiwra ami a. copy of tho aama Iw eiienaw w. . LINr0ItD C. NIC 1'lKTNHllSIIirU Decomber 31 K -ioiS The partnerahlp heretofore iilatln-wjj .iiireu t-irav aivj uo.rpa .'"' "T re3 '4. HeroiUa Tfadlns Co , haa thla day WMW, limitation . . .. .. ......... nA air. Airred Clofe coniinuea ma ""'""n&i aama atyle. and will aettla all accounta ol gf. fin, ALFftEnCIBCKL: JtlSI- 111 J I'."'. DIUEOTOKV OF ACCOUNTANTS Ctrtltled l'ubllo Accountant lIENIty t MAUbi! STBPIlgN OlflAnU Ul li-DINO VV1UI.IA11 B llU.NTt.MU vzu ciiiaainur o, UU11N3 & SPBAKilAN lllB uuuitaci IIIVIIIF.VDS 1X1IIUII VALLin .It VllJf II VII toil! Aj Vulladelphla U;-- J' c..hi Tho Board of Directum o! t .LeW?.,"Jfi aa ")---- I 3 llallroaa company naa quartariy dividend or a.j yer uarv ttockbsUera of racoj a quarterly dlvldaud cent tor l 5 per a! hare) on Ita maia r..,.d Dt ember ov 1K1I ,4"oniilifll bla Jjnuiiry 13. 11)17 i ui Da xauueo. n J Kt P Trtaajiar M1UTII VENN U.1NK ,,ij ' t ..... .......I ut ij.ft. i1" rs r.l- .1... , .,)))),l)l)l. dUlJ I ft P ""I- i d il.,,.J tiaabl January Xur dliluuOa viul bo mn .. i Kb li" -" 8. I My HUt. ya,M 1Q3