WJPnWWj lliUWWW!WIIllljl(llWpJ.ilrTr:Sw:??Sr' f iwquKii'yf.Ty wfylrHf1'' M-wr-o !. - IM fl-V- "" -ry. Wily,H-ytiV J' U!M1 JlfWPVMKWt " St'' LA GERMANIA DI VIOLARE LA SVIZZERA Gustavo Herve' Credo Cho jQucata Sin In Soln Vin Itimnstn ni Tedeschi ltOMA. I acim.ilo VnnosMnte I" cnmllzlonl nlmnsfei Iono .ramento lerrlblll su tutla If front? alptri.i. til Biirlie Bill Cirso. I ronibaltlmditl eon ilflimertutln i la lnu.ino Miira i.uj.i truppe non rlposano. Ncmmeno bII uraisatil frAitiiAttil suite Alnl cho snno orA nemmeno le .iiiaiwne. "B" '"""'" Imeno per ntmtche srttliiiana alia lot a Jh" r rnnlltma. Inccssanle tm tutla l.i Jrnnte llnlo-aiistrlaca .- .i.in ii.pp-..trlo trolKKan) le trlncee. . .. . i . tontlnr nttrt la mawlor lirte ill esse, eon JiaBlIu r conll tat oil per nticrarr 1 Roman iui i 1,1 ' I KAnitmlil 1,1. A tlnlle inteniparic. c iunu i-- .i' ,. ?! son .inMil.i mstruire fiiranra. iiiuiiib i mltii loKlstlcl suno ilovull casern rlor- rantzzaii in m"ici" - - rorcin caldo a tuttl I solcMll cho vlonu nello trlncee, spcclalmonto In alia tuon tacn.i Iti alcunt lostl tloo non o' 1103. MbHo avore aequa si 0' tlovuto pruyvo.loii ill trasporto dl circa 100,000 Kallonl ill acnua ognl Rlorno lcr ilaro un'ldea aiiprossltiiatlva ill rupllo cho si e' fa I to c Bl sta raretulo uaiita Uiro t-lin per ORiil corpo I'arniata ...iin Alnl sonb nreesnri 300,000 elm tao!e tin terzo dello quail si 'V dovuto Irasportare a spalia augll nltl plccbl. 2S0.0O0 copcrto dl lana e I'lalenso nutnero ill maKlIu o muUnde dl lana . 80,000 cappottl; 00,000 celllcclo psr la piotezlone del petto del ioUlatl 0 olmeno 10 000 rueclil dl pelle ir dormlrO. alinlll n quettl cho In tempo ill pace sono mail dalle guarclle dl fltianza Da un rapporto spcelalc publillcatfi ilal Jllnis'ero dclla Clucrra circn le iipciazlnnl eulln fronte ltalo-iustrlaca nol peiloilo till rettcnibre nlla lino dell'anno 191fi, rlsult.i cl,o in iiucsto porlodo dl fiuallro most le truppo del Kcnerale Cadorna liannu eat turatn 42.000 prlRlonlcrl. (10 e.inntinl 200 mliracllatrlcl. t'n rapporto brexlislmo dol genernle Ca dorna, pubbllcato lerl scru dal Mlnlatoro della Ouorrn. dice "I.unBO tutla la fronte dl hattnalla nl iono nvute le Bollto reolpiocho azlonl dl rt!s"crla " y Tclcgramml da l'arl?l tllroun cho CliiFtaxo Hcro' Errliendo nolla "Vlctolrc" circa Rll ob'ef'l l"Hi O01 mania, dice the ran l.i Cli.amata al.o arml doll 1 clause del I'JlU lo Stjto Mi-suloro teilMcn eira- ad nvere circi on. 000 tiomlnl In plu' dl quelll die h ora, al quail blhonna ncclutiBero da r.oo, 000 n 2 000 000 dl tiomlnl cli la mobllltn ilone civile aua' reo dlEponlblll per nm pcr ""I campo Uoo cerchcra" dl colplie la (iiiman'a". bI domanda llerxe" 11 dlie "Prima dl tutto 1 e' IlUKnla, cho 0 1'obiittHo faorlto dl on lllndenburc, ma le c iniltzlonl ntmosfcrlcho fill Impedlranno dl ngire 111 quclln fronto prima dl nprlle. I'ol e' Salonlcco, 11111 per uiu offemiha verso I'KReo la llei mania ln' dlsporre ill una sola forrola, i al su clie le feirmle iono 'tati I mozrl prim .pall cho lllndenburB ha imiilenatii per lo bii mnnore IAu-tr.a e' i.ita tioppo I'liiiemcnte malmenat.i daU'Itiiia pcrche" possa Kperare In un Biii'''sso se iIowbo nere In meile una nuox.i nf.'enalv.i ronlro l.i pun ex allcala, mtntre la Ucrmanla drve ponsaro la Btc.s?i cosa per Vim dun lllmane In 'lol ixlonn del lertl'or.o della Slzr.era. c'o' e'.o d.irobbo al trile chl la fpernnza ill asclrare 11 flanco deM'eseulto Itallano o ill quello france.se. 0 non l o MRlono ill credere clie l.i 11.17.lona e'i" ha lolatn la ueutrallt.i del UelRlo esiterebbo a Bottoporro a Sv'zzeia alio bUbsd falo Cost', p.isrando attraxcrao la S.izer.i I tede.-ihl poticbbcio far liuona Urada in P"rancla prima dl Inrontrate la rera resl'tenzo. i tarebbo niiion plu' facile per loro raRKiunuero la Vrancla cho non l'llalia ntiraerao le Alpl " Heno' ehbdo dunque che si forml EUhlto un Rrande cBemtu dl inanorra proedendo cho I tedesihl, iiionb! iHlle condlzlonl In terne del loro pacBe. pospano Inlzlare la lmoa cffenalMi. ul prlinl dl fcbhralo. L'n ii'iiiunic.ito del Mlnlstern della Marina fi.naesu Hnicntlare l notlla cho la c irazzaii franceso Verlte' la stata blluiat.i nl largo ill Malta II Mlnlsleio dice 'Che la uotizla e' nBsoIutamcnte taUa. Wilson May Offer Mediation io Powers Contlntifil from I.ii;e One created the imprefhlon in official circles here than on Bethmann-IIollHeR does not share the Menu 'if other Gciman ofllolalH that fuither efforts toward peaco nt this tlmo Aoultl lui hopelesB. The liveliest Interest Is taken In the sud den arrival hero last nlsht of Colonel H ir IIoubc. wlio, more than any other In dividual has been looked upon aa Presi dent AViison'i aiHlscr on Kurnpein peace profpects On his arrlal In WashliiRton. Colonel Honso as met at the station by B. White Ilouje automobile and v.a3 taken at once to the i:eeutlvo Jlanslon, where he always malies IiIb headquarters when here It is not Known how Ions he will remain Should the J'lesldent decide upon a direct offer of mediation. It Is stated, the mo.e iould not bo made until after he and Secietaiy of Htato Lnhslns haxo had an opportunity to make a careful study of the Kntento replv If, ns '.3 hoped, tho leply yields to the. pressuro that la known to ha.o been briwKht to bear by Influential English adMsurs of (ho llritlsh Forelen OfTIco and sets forth In soma e'egreo tho reace termH of. tho Entente Kroup, or In dlca'es plainly that tho Allies would wel como an opportunity to hear Uermanj'u terms It Is thouRht probable that the Presi dent would proceed to act Apparently much Importance Is attached to tho fact that llalfour recehed his train- "TIIE average woman forgets more about good dressing than the most fastidious man ever learns. So, find a good tailor and keep him," That is the advice a well known Philadel phjan gave a young friend. We can do no better than pass that good ad vice a!onj to the youni? men of Philadelphia, with this addition: "Our tariffs are far from unreasonable. Do you know their range?" HUGHES . ..AND MULLER Tailors 1527 Walnut St. I IIIMI ns- In diplomatic nrfalrtJ as Secretary to i? ,?. , .ra Sa,lsl"Jry. former British For elgn Minister whose policy II was slated n oerman circles nl one lime, wan slronRly tV . ,or ot n c,0, alliance between Great iirltaln and nermanj ns a means of main- alnlns the equilibrium In Europe While It is conceded thai Unlfotir s Ideas may hnxo ladleally chntiRed Blnee tho outbreak of the "nr. It fs felt that he would be less bitter toward (lermanv than other English stntes. meii. who hae nlwa)3 regarded the Kaiser wilh distrust On p.ery possible orcasion now. I'oum ion neni!.lorff Is dlscountlnB the prediction made In tnnny oillclnl circles connected with the WnshuiRtoti Administration, that Her tunny will launch 11 submarine campaign nf unpieoedenled f rightfulness if the peace movement utterly collapses Atrain, imla., h exircF.sed ronndehce that thn pledges KUen lo tho Amerlc.in Obvernment w.ll be adhered to ns strictly nil possible, and that .lolntlons ir these pledges will be prompth and sitlsfaelorlly atoned for mrrimouAn. ,inn capluro of coo prlsonoro. three cannons mid 111 Hie Ihrowera ami bomblnu mortars front Teutonic foicc3 on the helRhts near llotoch. Itiimama, was announced bv tho War OfTIco lodo.. LET EUROPE SETTLE ITS QUARREL, LODGE URGES WA.SHt.VnTON. ,lan 4 Ueclarinp the "peop'e who nu flchtlncr the n- nochf in make thplr own peace nnd lomi'.nR sIlRhl'v his rein.ii l:n icstetda tnnccin'm; ilcimnn Ambassniloi on rtemstorff henn tor Lodge lodav lesuined his iireiment in the Senate nr,alnst pissnRe of Hie Hitch cock resolution Indorsing President Wilsons nolo to tho belllKorents ' I hne been Informed." Senator I.odRo said, "thai the Xiv York Slants 55eltutiB's quotation of llcrnslnrff ically meant (ler manv Is ready lo follow the light which the Wilson note Bel ' "f Bald. 'Oennany In ready tn follow him Tho cnrrcpponilant explains the trans lation ohoiild be "It referring to the pleasing rnralla! about tho light Blied by tn j Star of Hclhlehem " feaiis i:ntaxom:mi:nts Thereupon LodRo counseled ngalnst en tnnglements In Euiopenn nrtalrs ' liidursvincnl of the note, with Its Idea of .1 wiiilrt Ruarnim of peace, would InMilvo nteli pntnng'onient In contiaxenllon of the lindltlonal American policy of nluofnes"," Lodgo declared "When wo nb.mdnn the tndltlnuil policy of pciniatlon ' he continued, "we nro lalc Iiik 11 I0113 step, nnd we ought to know where wi aro Ruins." lie pointed out ilia the Ucrman reply to Wilson sought u conference of belllnerenls nnd rejected tho Idea of any Immediate consideration of a woild pence enforcement league. 'I think the people who nre flghtine the wai ought to make their own peace," Sen ator l.odjo said "Neutrals are specifically collided bv the (Jerninn leplj " Tin Senator bitterly denounced "Admlnls Untlon secrecy ' He declared against Amerlraii interfer enco In European nffnlrr; held Eui-opo ought to make her own peace, and excoilated the Admliilatiallon for tetklnR "n blanket in dorsement' to Its entlie negotiations "I shnll resist the attempt to bring the Senate In'o approving blindly nnv Hleps of which we ate not Informed." he raid "We do not ns-k what the President Is doing, but If any approval of his acta Is wanted, wo ought to know wli.it we nre approving" DlrcusshiR hcereey. Lodgo turned to the press gallery and mentioned the stories from abroad which said Count Andrassy declared nl lludape't that President Wll Mm Knows Herman 'h peace, terms .MOVING IN THE DAHK" Thero tcims," he said, "may havo como lo IVcldent Wllfon in other than the usual channels. It Is entirely within his dis cretion to havo these come sccretl. but when our co-operallon Is invited, we are entitled to havo tho Mime. Information that tho President has. "Wo ought not be asked to net In tho dark," I.odgo Bald with emphasis. lie pre bented various notes reported In tho prch.s, growing out of recent peace overtures. "I havo no official copies," ho said rar castlcally. "bo Po got to do the best I can with press reports. "Is this an apt tlmo for this CJov em inent to precipitate Itself into this argument In tho face of tho leply of tho Drl'lsh Gov ernment to Germany's note'' Lodgo asked, turning to Senator Hitchcock 'We do not want to find ourEclvcs nt a combined hot water and ice bag Holds heat longer than a hot-water bottle and holda cold longer than an ice bag. Costs no more and lasts longer than a good rubber bag. " (MIOGKXC " 7jm,6hi& BAG 1.25 1.75 Two Sizes At n'l ilruggiats. Conforms to shape of body i here applied. Airtifjht, leak proof anil doe3 not perspire Not affected by acids or other chemicals and can bo sterilized by boilinjr. Simon Kaufman Co., Inc., Phila. Jnvenlors and Sole Manufacturers HrSSiaEEBHEEKJ THE LURE OF CALIFORNIA AND THE FAVORED WAY California the land of bluest skies and sqn-kissed waters, California the land of flowers, where summer teems eternal, California the coastal gem of the Pacific awaits ou with open arms. Iteach Jier via Rock Island El Paso Southwestern Southern Pacific on the "Golden State Limited" or "Calif 01 nian" superb limited trains, whose bteel ears fly dliect over tlia most comfortable toute of lowest altitudes, through scenes of thrilling In terest. The military encampments at El Taso and West provide a. continuous panorama every loal American should see. Tickets permit ten-day stopover at El Paso. No quicker time no btter service via any route to Southern California. Less than three days Chlcago-St. Louis to Los Angeles no extra fare. Tickets, reservations and California literature on request at Rock Island Travel Bureau. 431 WJdener Bids., II. SI Brown, . P. A, Phone, "Walnut 133. - Adv. CM EVENING LEDGER -PniLADELPniA, THURSDAY, JANUARY 4, the end of tho war without a friend In tho world he fairly shouted "t think we should move with great caution "We are In the position of having made miillons-mit 0f tlio war which Ins cost Hurope millions of lives nnd dollars "Mv objection lo this resolution Is that there !s no occasion for It whatever The Piesldent Is conducting the negotia tions When he needs our Indorsements lie should lav all the fnetn before u fntil tiipn emigres!) ought not project Itself Into negotiations or thrust omolve.s linn dangerous field. " t.mvtS ASSAILS LOP-iii: luniedlatitv Senalnr Lodge concluded his remarks. Senator .Inmrs 1 In mil I on t-ewln. Illinois, Democratic vvil'.p. look up the tight for the Administration. Senator Lewis renffed nt trfidge s Idea that the Hltehrock tesolulloti Involved entnnslini nlllancen or dangerous prospects tin the other hand he ronlendcd Hint tin) resolution solely npp-oved Wllon'8 dispatch of Mie nolo with Its lequest for pence terms ' Tho resolution does not ask for appro' al of contents of the note," said Lewis "It merely approves nctloit of the President In sending: tin note ' GERMANY WILL LIST ITS I'EACE DEMANDS I ONPOV ,1sp I Persistent repnrin from tlnlv nnd Suther land lodav thai Oertnanv Is In make a replv to Pic Allied refusal of pence (ertnp and In Mint replv will list lis demands and con cessions aroused tho greatest Interest here today Lugano. Swlt?e-innd. find report of this nntuii Krnm Homo came neivi that the tievvipnper rorrlen Deltlclno nsserted Its receipt of Infoimatlon that Oct ninny was preparing 11 counter leply which would be less ambiguous as to conditions of peace, and permitting a first point of contact In pence progress " Until of these reports served (o strengthen the belief tecorded In dispatches of 3. ester dav. that (lermanv Is now on the In Ink or a social and economic breakdown, and that her pe.ico profiets eome through absolute necessity. (Hie tlinoiy. whlrh Is supported in certain quarters todn.v was that I'niled States Ambassador ilernuls conference with Imperial Chancellor Von Hethmann Ho'lvvfg. reported vesti rday. had to do with 11 further On man note. Ileply of the Allies to President Wilsons note is receiving Its tlnal "polfshlnr; off" Probably It will be forwarded to Amerlci within the net twentv-four hour! Ap parently llio Gnvcrnmenta coneornul Sre anxious to nvold nnv of the criticism an to phraseology which was aimed nt the Allies' reply to the German note, nnd Intend that tho latest nolo shall contilu no words sus ceptible of vniylnir meaning. P.O.MI: Jan I Tiie newspaper t'nrilrre il'Italla an nounces that H19 Porelgn .Ministers of Gcr unny. Austria. Hulgarla and Turke nre assembling In IJailln for an Important con ference I'loins Koit life with icrc Skipper Twice Submerged While ClmgliiK to Ituddcr Chains of Vessel f HUSTP.n. Pa . .Inn 4 Captain .V. W Cotlln. of the American Bdiooner Ira It. i:ilems, docked at tho wharf ot tho Ameri can fivevvood Company, slipped on tho Ice covered deck and fell Into the Dolawaro tllver late vesteulav. He grasped the rud der chain, but twice he was submerged b floating ice Although weak from his struggles and benumbed with the cold, ho managed tn hold on. Ills cries for help wero heard by fleorgo Ilenjnmln, boss stevedore, who ics cued him Phvslclans worked over him for several hours, but today he is scri ouslv ill with pneumonia The cchooner ar rived hern some dus ago with a cargo of logwood from Cuba Flexible Beautifully engine-turned platinum front, containing three diamonds of superior grade in square settings. Lays gracefully on the arm $135. S. Kind & Sons, DIAMOND MCRC1IAXTS Mm iaffiWsjJWiyW N ""'a-v.v j I J rr"--s' y-ftJr. - . - . fWl S JpX&SvLivSiiraxi EaNcw i " i& -MffB a'WJJWiPisSErTffll -l-!?-!'-sJaM jim.sW1StaiL LW&m wf'mP'kk w u aUi !( i' TOmI w i$ fff'tr H Efts K i k vm! tOdfe h k The Purpose S to make people happier to cause them to have more to help hardships of life. Electricity, in the short span of thirty-five years, has brought undreamed-of comfort, safety and convenience to the world, and has carried these elements of well being into cottages and palaces at precisely the same proportion' ate cost. Since the hour Ediscn saw his carbon filament glow the story of Electrical Industry is a pro cession of impressive improvements, each moving toward the wider and more valuable use of this Force by the people. The whole history of Electrical Industry has been a successful struggle not only to do more and to do it better, but to render greater service per dollar of cost and per dollar of price. In this spirit we wish you a Happy and Prosperous New Year Philadelphia British Army Scandal Report Strikes Woman lenllmieil from Tare line Inquiry with a long Interim report and an additional five columns now Here Is wlnl Iheaeport snvs of the con duct of Mrs West "In view nt the nndlngi nt fact at which wo havo arrived expressed in our state ment of facts, It becomes unnecessary to erltlcUo at nnv length the conduel nnd discretion of this lad If discretion alone had to bo considered, we think whatever Influence: Mrs, Cornelius Wes may have had over Sir John Cowans, the ladv '. aggernted II. We do not doubt that her injudicious boasting of power wielded at tho War Ofllre. which was. however, con firmed to an appreciable extent by the wonl I11S of some of Sir John I'ovvnns's Iclteis was calculated tn bring him nnd the. admin istration of the War Olllco Into disrepute". "Hut unfortunately we havo not had to consider only tho question of discretion We feel obliged to record the np'ilon that this ladv s conduct an revealed In this case has been highly discreditable both her be havior toward Second Lieutenant llnrrett before his letter of Ki'miarv it nnd her vindictive attempts to injure him afterward bv the untruthful evidence she give us "It appeared from the cv'.dence that this lady holds positions of some Impirlnnee In Denbighshire in various nssoclnllons of pub lic ehoractei, asslst'nif tn war v.ork In ur "pinion it Is to be regretted that she holds ouch positions " The Hir John Cowans referred to Is a high Qllclal of the War Utile, who told Mrs West that he '11011111 light for her If he hail time ' Tho report sa.vs- ' I'he correspondence Indicates on the part of Sir John I'ownns not morel tndlscietlin. but dcpaiture from otllclal proprlet.v," sa the report. Mtinv others are Involved In the nflair. The l.ul.v's I usband Colonel f'orn wallls West. of Ituthin Castle. Denblgshlre. vvns not mentioned Sir Arthur Ilasll Markham, Llbetnl mem ber of Parliament, who died list August, de manded nu Inquiry In the House of Com mons Into tho llairett case and was sec onded b IrlBh inembcis who declared that a )oung Irish olllcers honor wns Involved. iVtcordlng In n stntetnenl In the House, of Commons befoie recess, ho was eomplctc Iv exonerated , his "ommnndinir nUker. Lieu lennnt Colonel Dilnio-Iinot-iiffe. was ie moved fiom his command, and General Sir John Cowans was censured but was re turned because of his good work General Owen Thomas, who was also concerned, wan vindicated. Harrett was a hcrgeant In thn Welsh Pusl'llers. Colonel Upline lladcllffo nnd other otlleers recommended I1I111 for a 00:11 m.sslon lato In lSlfi, and his claims vveie huppoited bv Colonel and Mrs Cornwallis West and hpvci.i1 prom'neut civilians. General W. II. llackhi nn who vvao also concerned In tho correspondence, 11 criti cized by tho court of luquir fur lutcrfoilug with the affalis of thn western 1 ouimand after ho n-lluqiltslied Ills command, but Is not disciplined becauso ho has Mnco re tired. Tho contt nlso Investigated reports that General nwen Thomas, who took, a piom lnent pan In lerruitlng In Wales, was transfericd from tho command of ,1 Welsh brigade to a lesser command tluougli Mrs Cornwnllis-Wesfs Influence Tills prnved to be unfounded, but due to an unfortun ate seq'ienco of events ami the ambiguous wording of ceilutu otllclal Iclteis ' The report sas that Colonel Wynne Ld vvaida lelleited 011 General Thomas, who Is a brlgado commander, In a letter to Mrs Cornwnllls-West "with the appaient object of exalting his own puallllratlons for post of Mine" Mrs Cornwnllis-West Bent tho letter to General i'ownns with u postsuipt which he foi worded to Lieutenant Geneinl Sir William Pilcalrn Campbell, of lliu War Bracelet 1110 Chestnut St. JEWELERS SILVERSMITHS ? of Industry them overcome the EXeoriciJmpany Ofllcc. advising him to keep an eye on Ed ,.,.. i. (,- a iiign opinion of hint The repnr alls attention to the fact that it Is contrary to the regulations for n War Ofllce oillclnl to enter Into private corre. spondence.on omelat matters, nnd nlso snvs- "Regret Is expressed that n letter Bent by Lord t'rcnoh to tha War oniee was so am biguously worded ns to be capable of mis. construction In any case, a portion of the letter was In the nature of all ndver.se re port on Hrlgad.cr Geneinl Owen Thomns nnd should havo been rommunlcaled lo thai oflleer at the time It Is also tenanted as utifoituuate thit I.ord Piench should havo concurred In the terms of tho War OfUca letter of July 2! to llrigadier fSeneral Thomas, which letter must have confirmed the lntter's suspicion of sinister Intluehre " The court of Inquiry consisted of Pleld MnrshRl Sir William N'lcholson. formerly t'lilcf of General Staff, ilnjor General Lord Chev lesmore. Justice sir James Richard Alkln nnd tho Right Honorable Donald MncLeon. member of Parliament tor Peebles and Selkirk Mis f'ortiwntlls-Wesl Is the eldest dough. Hi or the Rev. Predorlck Flt2p.itrli.-lt a ml a ernnddaughter of the second Mnrquis of Headfort She vvns married In ts?2 to Wl' Mam fornwallls-West, of Ruthin Castle county Denbigh who has been Lord Lieu tenant of Denbighshire for fortv-foiir veirB nnd is honorary co'onel of the 'fourth' Bat t.illoti of Royal Welsh PusIIIcib. lie Is the I'nndson of the second tlnrl of tielnwarr mil Is elBhlv-otie .vears old Pield Marshall Viscount Prendi. whr,v nr me Is mentioned In connection with the Investigation, was until Jipcember. 1M5 In lommnnd of tho llritlsh forces In Prnt'ic In the I Inure of Lords In .Vov ember liiirj" Lord St. Davids e'inrgnd Incompetence ami iiglcct nf worlt ngnlnst the lirlt.sh start In 1 ranee He nsrerted that men had been elided to the stHff for no military rcVison and th.it women, according to the report had visited the Urltlsh headquarters Iti t rn nco. 3jM5JGBOKKri!CT.a I M assort 1 1 Our Annual January 25 Discount Fur Sale prom the very beginning, the tremendous selling power of a twenty-five per cent dis count, honestly quoted and actually deducted, has proven to be a magnet for shoppers, and our sales have been the heaviest that we have ever experienced in our seventy-seven years of business. In addition to the one-quarter off regular prices you can figure an additional saving because you are buying direct from the maker, thereby saving the middleman's profit. 25.00 32.50 35.00 50.00 50.00 56.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 89.50 98.50 98.50 120.00 135.00 m French Seal Coats 40.87 Itegularlu 54.50 Skunk onossum col- Iar 40 -inch smart I model. French Seal Coals 52.12 Regularly 69.50 Black opossum col lar and border, 43 inch smart flare. French Seal Coals 65.62 Regularly 87.50 5x42-inch, full de sign, seal collar, select quality. XJL Purchasing Agents' Orders Honored Oldest BggffifiBagaigffa 1017 NEW STADIUM PROJECT ASSURED, SAYS FOGEL Option on Circus Ground Site Already Obtained, Accord ing to Promoter Vlitual nssuinnco of the erection of a Great stadium on the plot known as the Clfctis U rounds, at the Intersection of HlKht cenlh street and Hunting Park avenue, was Blven tndav by Horace 8 Pogel, former president of the Philadelphia N'nllonal LraRtio ttaseb.lll (qui) nnd inannKlnR direc tor of tho Philadelphia pladlum project. An option on tho sito at a satisfactory pi Ice was obtained Saturday nnd ncllvo plans for the promotion of the work will be tarried out Inimctllntel, according to Mr fogel The cenlrnl commute of promotois which Mr. fogcl represents Is working In conjunc tion with more than thirty up-town busi ness, Irndo and Improvement associations. According to Mr. fogel, these bodies In rlude the following. North Philadelphia llusiuess Men's Association. Tioga flusltie's Men's Association, r'nhotkrluk llusiuess Men's Association, North Philadelphia Real Kstntc llroker's Association. Tioga Iminove ment Association, Iiognu Improvement League, Palls of Schuvlklll Ruslness ,lon s Association, Central tlermnnlown Avenue llusiuess Men m ARfoelntlon. Kern Rock Im provement Assnclntlo.i, Hunting Park Im provement Aoclailon, htenlon Park Im provement Association nnd Oermautovvn Business Men's Association. "Wo will not be ready to announce the details of tho financial plans until tho cen tral committee has had a genernl meeting with tho allied committees from tho va rious organizations," enld M Kogel, "but & 15 Chestnut Street (Opposite Keith's) Here Are Six Extraordinary Specials. The Values Arc So Unusual That We Quote No Comparative Prices Russian Tony Coats French Seal Coat Hudson Seal Coat Ueaver or Itaccnon Collars 40-lnch Model -10-inch Smart Model 40-Inch Model, Moire faklns Contrasting fluffy Collar Skunk Collnr mul llorJer 28.00 37.50 74.00 Black Fox Sets Skunk Sets Raccoon Sets Newest Stiles Newest SCIcs Nevvent Stiles 24.00 28.50 19.00 Fur Sets. Hudson Seal Now 18.75 Raccoon Now 24.75 Black Fox Now 26.25 Siuink Now 37.50 Beaver Now. 37.50 Dyed Blue Fox Now 43.50 Red Fox Now 56.25 Sable Brown Fox Now 56.25 Australian Opossum ..Now 56.25 Moleskin Now 67.12 Slate Fox Now 73.87 Kolinsky Now 73.87 Natural Fisher Now 90.00 Cross Fox Now 101.50 French Seal Coats 67.12 Itegularlu S9.50 Contrast. ni? collar of black lynx, -IS-inch full model. Hudson Seal Coats 101.25 Regularly 1S5.00 40. and 40 - i n c h models, select quality, full cut. 1 Hudson Seal Coats 73.87 Regularly 08.50 40-inch, full model, smart model, brocade lining. Leopard Skin Coats 120.00 Regularly 160.00 42-inch model, col lar and cuffs of badger or raccoon. wmmwmmwmmmmmmm Hudson Seal Coats 82.50 Regularly 110.00 Skunk or seal col lar, 40. inch chic model. Hudson Seal Coats 146.25 Regularly 195.00 Cape collar and wide border of silky skunk. and Largest Fur House in Philadelphia 5 It Is certain nil ot them will get a liberal allowance of the slock to be Issued. "The stsdlum will be tl clvlo project with ns many stockholders as care to sub scribe lo the amount ot stock to be issued. It will bo a good Investment for those who arc lucky enough to get stock In the cor poration, not only paying good dividends, but obtaining valuable privileges for tha holders. "The University of Pennsylvania will find It cheaper and more advantageous lo schedule Its athletic contests In our stadium than lo Invest the money In n, Rtndlum of Its own Pcnn could nol get. any bigger trowds nt Its Woodlands Ceme tery site, becauso of poor transit facilities and lack of auto parking space, than It can now- nt franklin Klcld, "Thcro will bo parking spice for J6,O0t7 nutos within a reasonable distance, not counting a monster garago to be Included In the stadium plans. Wo plan to have sealing lapacity of about 110.000." Marcus IIoolc Wants Mnll Delivery ClIHSTRR, Pa. Jan. A When twenty persons enter the Marcus postofflca the In terior Is Jammed nnd the G00O residents art Insisting on frco delivery Poetmasttir Casey promises a relief of conditions In fow months & CORRECT " MEN'S TAILORS '4P1 MEN'S TAILORS Cor. I 3th and Sansom OUR SEMI-ANNUAL SALE An exceptions! opportunity to bo ityllahlr .lr.t!(-rl nl it hlff nvlnv s .12 nn mill .'i(i.nu Ht'niNu.s or cok (IVI'.IIU'ATIMI) in order . . "' flu nil lo S3fi.no MUTIMIS or S30 S35 HV ISItl II V I l.viil in orurr . . (is mi nmi siJ.r.o HL'ITIMIS or OVMtCOATINtlS lo order ... Hudson Seal Coats 183.75 Ilegularly 345.00 4U-inch model, col lar nnd 6-inch border of silky skunk. mmtS 'i mmmmmmmmmmm Scotch Moleskin Coats 243.75 Regularly 325,00 G - inch border and collar of skunk, fox or flyinK squirrel. mmmmmmmmmmmmm Natural Mink Coat 525.00 Regularly 700.00 43-inch flare modpl, tails and sable pawa at bottom. Charge. Accounts Opened DeMany itiMlliiiitfitw