Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 04, 1917, Night Extra, Page 3, Image 3

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V ' -)&k ""K'W W "WJ ' t Jp' '""
Plain Fish No Longer "Poor
Man's Friend" Storms
Blamed for Increase
Some Grades Have Advanced 100 Per
Cent in Cost, Philadelphia
Dealers Say
1 Mi long rlrininlonf-tl ns the poor m.ni s
friend nml tlif fnml for III' tnlile has d--r-rtoil
htm roi the tables of thP Jlili Sn
fnnd hie Imrensed bo iiiihIi I" I'l"'0 tills
Winter lint it is considered nlmol ,i luiurv
j.oltor l quoted lit rlghti-llic i nts i
timiiul ttnl i horns girts lire In "nimiinlng
ITii n .in' higher than nl nU ""''i
l,m, i ip hlHtnrv of Un llh tmili Home
cinilis if fl'li' "otnblv haddock- Italic nml
I Hi. Imr Inirrnncil ns murli ns 100 per
rrnt In tli" wholesale IiNpp fictnll prhes
linn- mneiseil "fn to n greater proportion,
according to tho fish men
Th" hi line for lir high, marlyt Is placed
bv den bis principally on tho storms lliat
hue bpn tnging along tin' I'onut from
jlnmiUiwltH to riorliln These dlsttirb
nmi. incurring nno nflcr another? have
kpiii tho fishing vessels rrnm golnf; to the
bank thiii oittlng Blinrt the fresh supplv.
Minimis nre crowded Willi fishing smjcks.
tl,0 vpwN vvhk'h would ho bringing Ic
hlills If It vveie 1101 lor mo niuirii-
ir inline i" 1' " I'Cnln. partner In 11
p Tinmi'.ns ' nmpanv, wholesale fish deal
ers n ihfr Is the great demand owing
tlii. in pif-iiiR popularllv of fish which ln
kept th-li nun busy HHIliB olihrs
p,o ue higher than ever Known"
mil 'M' lewis iIIspiikhIiiB Hip in.llket
Tho hhiius have lippt Hip mipptv down,
while I lit ili in mil has been netting heavier
mil In av pi Num.' Mull hnvo doubled III
pr c ivppuillv Hip green or fresh variety.
F , , ,is i nl hiililncli, milt boss nml trout.
p lim Iipui un.ihlo to B l imr usual
mini iv "f lish from llnHton H.mplv hpp iiip
Hip n-hmiii'ii cannot Bet oiu to the. batiks,
cuing t Hip storing "
Tin tlieio is little olinni'P of lower
pi i 1 1 the opinion of W. T. Hemier,
in in ik i of i' i; Warner f'oniinnv "Whllu
II,,, pi , r unii i bo nnv higher, t ilnn t be
l,. "lit thev will come ilou 11 until stim
uli imi.m .Air nenner, nner icierring
t, i ip tnrnii nml tho ile i"nil nH reasons
for tin Ii 'h ninihf, raid -lint tin- Bruit
mnntltie if n ill lish, Hint cmint he usul,
mp In lug i niBlit liv the net" .'till ilestrovctl
Tliesp (Nli he .-ild net In with the bigger
vnrleil"- .iml iin- Mill il In tho nets heforo
thev i in I" fteeil If this Is t'ontlmteil, Mr
Beiinn -..ml there will ho Bieat Bo.irolty In
the in ii fni in c
Tli ii -.lime urailps of flail hn fallen off
ns miii li is sif) pei oont In ipnntitv In
thi" li-.i lltteen e.irs III tho opinion of II
,1 I!l-li i in linger of tho Aran- 1'ish Com
pinv "lliN Is .ilou ilno to tho high prlees,
he F-ilil Vi.illsli nml blueflsli aro two
speel. v Mi it hive ileelinerl, he salil.
i.i: an'ii nirrAii, ii-di:s
fi& 4$$P' ,
Aroma Not of Arnby the Hlcst I'romiliPiil Rppakera to Address
li.lliminc lire tho w holes. ilo 1irli.es, fur
umIiiiIIiv I: I' Timmonx nml ' i: Wiirner,
nml itnl pilies Biipplled ly Henry W,
ining He ulinB Tetiuln.il M.uKlI:
U'hnleralv Itctnll
'.ii P"."
.T to
I. 1
Anv nil., who thinks (lull In n "poor man's
food m-Klit n v plain hhiellsh nt foitv
cents ii p, mul Khail at seveiity-llvo ifllts'ti.
n ilnllii nnd nh.ul roo nt two dollars a
I -id I lfl III
It nl I i i. ... . until
ii ik ... unit
111. lllWtl
I iilll.ilt . . , IIIIIL'II
v.lnii.n . . . nun)
HI II K I i-s . lSUi'J
St i Ii im . , . II
I mill . . hMII
I I- inn! li .. lull I I
lllu M-li . .. illSJltll
Hlili . II Out
P. rih . . JUMl
II 111 II - I . s
Whii in. . .. ;if i
1' rrln . . ft
Sin '1 Hlfilll
Poll i. k J s
tfinnlfh in ii Kvi, I . . 1
Muul . .-,-,
l.ohr r . . (J',
Since her rotuin horn Lonijon Inst
month she has hern entertained at
a number of social nflairs. Tomor
row afternoon her mother, Mrs. H.
O. Murphy, of dim Klliott street,
nill Kie a tea in her honor. Miss
Murphy went abroad with her sis
ter, Mrs. William C. Kdey, of New
"inrk, four jearJ. aj;o. During tltu
Inst two years she took an activu
part in war relief work in Loudon.
HOY finds uncm-: suicidi:
Patient Recovering at Hospital Itefuses
to Divulge Name
A welldresed woman, who refuses to
divulge her name, is recovering today In
St Miirv Hospital fioin thu effects of a
doe of poisun i-lio swallowed with suicidal
Intent The woman, who l- about forty
jeaiH old told tlm phvsleinns that fho hail
talci 11 the poison bei.auo io was tired of
liv Ins
She was found on tho street sufferlnB
from vml, nt nausea, at Orlanna and .lef.
frsi.n mi, pis lMtsersby aw her and had
her lemiivid tn the hospital Tho prompt
apiilitaiinn of the hlomacli iiump xaved her
llfi '1 he ii iivun will bo aniilv-zeil tn .In.
teimnii ils iiuime
In in e poiltet of her rlothlnB wni found
a t. ii. i luldrpvfced lo .Mih Oraco Groff, of
1 ..' mil f'ifiv hei ond street It was found
lattr Hi it ii domestic bv that naino hail left
tins uddii'xH hiverul vvliI.s ago.
Child, Gcttinp; Coal in Cellar, Discovers
Despondent Man's llody
When Jolinnlo Meade went down In the
oellnr of his homo nt son rCrtli I'restun
rtrcet this inoniliiK for a bucket of coal
bcfoio ho started olT for school, ho stum
bled over a hodv in the darkness
".Mamnn " he Khoutcd, as ho ran up
stairs, brliiRlns his mother nnd his mint
mi a run to see what had happened Thej
found that tho lioilv was that of .lohmile's
uncle, (leorgo .1 Meade. Ilo had risen
about midnight after tellliiB his wlfo that
ho was 'golnB to sit by tho lire," and had
Bono to tho cellar and put a bullet through
his lieai t I'alluro to get work was said
by his widow to bo tho tc,inn for his
Only One of Seventeen P.uoled for
Holidays Who Failed to Return
J.IIAVEN'WOUTH, Ids . Jan 4 If A
Shappcr, editor of tho Hipinro Deal, tho
prisoners' paper, and advocate of tho honor
8fctem. was tho onlv one missing todav
of soventecn men paroled for tho f lirl-.nn. is
holld.ivs when tho roll was called nt the
.state penitentiary
Disturbs Students in
Logan Hall
fragrance of .tnnltor's Repast Wornls
With Thai of l'iclsllnr: Solution for
Cadavers Whovvl
The jmilloi of l,oRiin ttnll. home of Hip
tt'lmtoti Srhoot of the fnlvetllv. Itml a
boiled dltiiter vmtpritny Thin Isli t the
llrst tlnip Hint thp piitiRenlit tli 1m
wrapped lt nrnmn nrottail the pirn but
vpslerdav's appears to he lite nlfnelotv
s'mvv HibT brnhp Hie rnmellni-U of Cip
studptit bmlv for In this nintnln k I'etili
sviv.inlnn Is prltitpil it commutili-iittmi de
i "Uiii'lng romlltlnns In Bcner.il nrouuil l.n
nn Hull and hintiim Hint lilutipr Hioitrtht
mlil mil llimpr fullv, umleriiiltietl ns It
wis l.v an timleri urtPiit of union riillnir
l in- i (immttnliiitlon follows
T.i the lid tor of the tenn!5 Uunlnn :
the Innllor or l,ofian Unit Mail
Mi. v.i had ImiIIpiI onions for itlniipr
v. tirdiv Now Hint slnt-nlpnt In itsilf
I - ii t tipvvs. for nil chisses, rtudentu
.nut Instructors nliki- were for.'Ml In
I iiisp in their span Ii Tor r.PPIi'lHNi'V
mil sniff the iiiiitnt nr'slnit from Hip
i ipiiipiiI It sppiiis as tlmuBli wo Have
i Inid pnoiiah limp getting lr Into
11 i InssriHiins wltii.uit ImvitiR In ah--i
il. IkiIIpiI dinners Ami lis the writer
i. nl voiir pitltiiilnl nliout our lll'IV Iip
ml. is whv wp ns student emit
m -i mi Indignation nioveimnt
.- What tun Hi lionl men ate proud
nf mi eoiitse. of our facultv and of
iv ivtliliiB i unm-ct'-d wltlt Pinnsvi.
vinii except Lognti Hull nf fouisi
ililv all willten In vain fur Lognn
Hall lias borne the brunt of niiitiv iiltl
. Nml and. as long ns vvp and th- lln
iiiiirsimlH Bland for It Logiin Hall will
..main on Hie Job W Isn t It a u nin
th it Hip liest-piivinn di pal lineiu or
thp I nlveisltv, Hip biunch thit Is
hupst nnd most noted nt anv, should
lie forced to eotilltip Its nctlvltt. s tn
sfh n ilcWit) tiiln. whpip niolli nnd
dust doth corrupt and the plaster fnll
ulli If this condition i.in hi- luongbt
to thp tiilmls of some nf our philan
tluoplc olumill. posslblv soiiii. dav
Wh.ii tun Hihool tnuv hnvo a rp.il iiet
Dip student bodv of Hie Wh-irton Si In "I
has tuken the matter up and while on the
subject of odor, thev mean to toil, h upon
means mul methods of ubiogntiiig Hi
smell of iinatoinlcal subjects, whlih iiimin
Una's ovei fiom tho Hiiro l.uboini.ii v
eighteen feet nvvnv and chases iidjii.-nit
Wharton School classes, especially In sum
nier .. ., ,
liver tho bnsement of Lognn Hall hangs
a h-170 of ploMu-brlno siuell. Hip In Hip
being used In tho t-iiibiilniliig of the bodies
Thev h.ivo beconio used to this odor and
alumni are wont to sniff It and giiln ! ihI.m
riinlnlsceneo Hut tho odor In siiinnn r N
too much
"Wo didn't eomo hcie to take a ineiln.il
course" the students snv, 'and let '.in is
wants to 'nvu it. Dun't make ns emlui.
its effects "
Seeietaty Lansing Urges Honds for
Purchase Fiom Danes
WASHINGTON, .Inn I Seci.l.iiy Ian
sing conferrul nt Hie f'npltnl with piii
tor htone. cbaliinan of the foreign Ib-la-tlons
Coinmlttpp and urgpd Hint t "ii
gress soon iuovk.p Hip $-5 0110 ftno in piv
for tho Danish V.'c-I Indies nml nNn de
tirmlne the form of government fm tb.
nevvlv ncnulied Isl inds Hnth di-nlnl di
(Usslnfi tho pending lesolutlon to iudinsi
l'resldent Wilson's penco note
Tho Administration, It Is under-.tnod. fi
vois ii bond Issue to pav for the islnniN
Senator Stone favois (piasl-mllitaiy r.uin
of goveriimeut until I'nngiesg provlibs
somo other
wgnE dstinctive1
mi WALmrrsTSSf T
J. E. Caldwell & Co.
Chestnut Juniper South Penn Square
Oiornpndj.Pearij. Rubie5epphirBS oft
1X7 S II4L C. . ov.
. u. in tftruei MvLNur
riion.i U'.Uot 3
The Mann
Transfer Case
Now Need
lull naneled sides
Substantial mortised con
struction Roller bearing.
Ail oak
The. Mann All-Oak Transfer
1 pnasi?Js 'lade bo that it may be
ooKf """in logemer This
co,nys,0rfuci,eedSacaabS.n8et,nt0 ""'
LETTER SIZE, $2.50 ch
pr"af?We "na you on8 n P"
UUuL, Hook. lioke Uit
rrlntlas and llltiasrunfalni
'Have Them
If you received a Victrola for
Christmas, you need records.
The new January numbers are
unusually tuneful and our service is
excellent, as usual.
Caruso on (nt
it supreme
ViclroJas, $15 to $400. Easiest Terms
All our Viclrolaa are equipped wtth the Tungs-tom
Stylus. Plays 50 to 200 tecoida without change.
Talking Machine Co.
Broad Abv. Walnut
Three Branches Open Eveumga
Broad and Columbia Ave,
52d & Chestnut Sts. 4124 Lancaster Ave.
Members of Lincoln Lodge.
Dancing and Singing
.1 miii I sin nml sub lids of ilvic ami human.
Italian Interest will hp illseitssstl totilnM
bv renrr-srhtiithp ,le-vs at a banquet of
Lincoln liortR, No "so of the Independent
nt-tler of irni'l Hrlth Tlie bnnauet tvlll tin
helit nt the Hotel Wnltnti It will celebrate
the rtist vein- nf l.-ncoln l.ndgp. The entire
member, hip will attend
fh-irlps ,l Vlrs Is t linn mnn of lite linn,
quel pomnutlp-p Manv piominent speakers
bnvp In-en invited, mining them Hie presi
dent of Hip dlstrlit t-'reitetiik .lap of Tret!.
ton . .I .Hetlnmnn Mtrnuss .ludae of l.tiserne
i 'mint Joseph W Cains of A Mil title I'ltv
.tncib winger nml the ttei Marvin Nathan
There will be Vocal nperallo seleitlotm bv
Wives nf members ArrnnsPiiipnt-. bnvp been
mnile for ilmiclng ns a fenturp ..f tin- enlei.
tiiliiinent t
Lincoln Lodge wn tormeit bv i fpn mou
headed bv Dav Id Phillips nltnrnej IVputy
Altornei fleneral toseph l.4lttn nml nttiers
The niembprshlp Is upward of ITf. In
i lulling lm nli p I,lt Atet.imler s;elt7er
I'hlllp I'libbelier. Havld Ueig. II I. Itubln
snlin. r'b-irles .1 Weiss, llcrnnfil Harris
lietij.uuln l)iitenfns
Mrs. George W. Chllda's Kin lo He War
Uilvcr'a Urlde
Miss Anne H I'etersoti cnmlm. , . r
Mrs Henrirp W r'hlhls will nbnml-m b-i
drpssmnklng tenttire In f'lisndi tin I'm i.
well Thomas A Wotton who lm-. utiuinil
from Hip front It) Frain-p, vvhpre Iip dinvi an
Jllss ?,,,iron Is known -is n fnvm ti '
nf t ip vollligpr set III rnsildPlul Slip up tn d i
a stlinll ilnsstnn III nit establishment n vi n
nffn to .how hrr rriemls th it sin- i -nid hr
In bttsiips nmt jet rptnln Iipi snini p ini
tlotl Mi Wotton is the mn r.r tin lb v
W II Wotton, nf South I'asmli ti.
UrltHi Advance na 'liuris
luMmV, .Inn I n nlllr 11 ippmt Is.
-iipil In rp i-avs th it the lit t Mi In -tiin
i.f idviip innditiiins Imvp inadp further
progress on (he right bank of the Tigris,
i is.t and northeast of Kut-el-Amara
Hni SI 25,000 HnlmrsburR Realty
tleorge T Site has purehaseil a residence
nt Sollv street and I'rankford incline,
tenant houses nml a lirge ipiarrv In
ll.ilinesliurg from tlie etnte of the late
iinKrcsmiiii i, purge I'nstnr The pur
ihise puce iippinxiiii ited $l2i unn
1 M
Alfred M. Bloomintxdalc
llltlf.lSt lilt S IN
217 Walnut Street
'M ''JE
- rrnm. M
Jircri r.
r -Ready Money.
United Stales Loan Society
in Aortn ifronii m.
IU 1. 5lh t. 55IR l.ermmlown nf. ;
jf Symphoey Records II
m a Columbia Triumph ! m
H E wonder-achievement of music-recording the
JL perfect reproduction of a symphony orchestra
was a Columbia triumph, the culmination of Columbia
leadership in orchestral recording. '
These records of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, the Little
Symphony, and the records of ballet music from Serge dc Diaghileff's
Ballet Russe, made under the direction of Ernest Ansermet, its
former conductor, have won the highest tribute of lending musicians
for perfection of detail and ensemble effect:
l ( iirmiviil (I) I'ri-iiiuhule, il)
lt-tn. ' Niible, (Il I iMiiii-Hi. Sei
tt.SO " UlaBhllelrrt Ilussl in Ha
Seige dp
it Orches-
in In
I tra. Liiipst ns.-i iin t. i 'unducto-
l iiriuiwtl 1 1 Id i iiiiluiisiini p.
11 rncmiliil, (I) Viil.i-, (I) i.-u
- Seige do liiugblleff's Itiisslan Hall, t
irchistra, Ihiust Ansttiun-t, I'un-
Jl.nlVrlu I tl lleju Little Svlllphony
iiiihcsiii tiioigo narmre, t'on-
I Aiilmili- No I -I. Iitli- Svmphonv Orches
tra, (lioii'u llaiieic, Conduitoi
(J.clieberiiinlp (s inplinnte Siiiti). N t
l,P llNoetlll III. slnilliiid, (sn,lb hI'h
siillH s-eige do IiiiglilleffH ItiiKsi.iu
) llallet l iii li.xlla. Ihtiest Auseiiint
f i 'oniliii tot
si li.ii.riimli. (siiiiiiiiiiiif. suiic), so (
I il.. p lltiuduil (IViist nl llusiliiili
Selg.- d - liiagliileffs ItiisHian H.ill.-t
(in hi m! 1. 1, laiipst AiiKtfiinet, i'uii
The "music-rote" traile-mail; means not only su
premacy in orchestral recording, but superiority in
nnv field of instrumental music.
M jIju any test of this that you wish at your dealer's
- Columbia Records will iffi'siiprt.'iiiel llearthein
toJitw - "Heating is helming."
Columhiit Kionl in till Fein Lam;iiiii;ts.
A', ( o'i tut 1 1 f itt'ii t' it jothitretx mouth.
Ji j uJ til. ciiitut ua tiUj lo the Dut ifhoiit
Coluiiibi IjrafuiiuU L?
ruiiiiliiKliuni 1-liinn Co, 1101 f'hrtliiut HI,
l't'iiiiliiiilu 1 diking Machine On,,
llil'l riienlinil M.
hiit-lli-iiluirir, N., .V Co., l?th ami Market M.
siruubrlilED .1 CMhler, Mill mid Markrt M,
riij ln I'linrniui j. rk lluml X City I. In,
ll.illt-r. .Ii.lin C, 1337 ItulklunU .St.. I.ukkii
I ulrrnik. Ilenj. Ilo Nurtli llUbtli .St.
Ideul J mnn mill lulklug Vluibin. Co.,
'Sl l.erinanluvtn Alt.
OUIewiirli-ri., b?J (.erniiiutuvvii ve.
(Iliiev MimIi.- l'urlur, S"ilJ N .1th lit.
I'iilluilellildu Talking .Murldue Co,
unn Ni.rlli rruiiklin S
ikle I'luiio Store, 30U3 Oeriiiaiitnivii
NOItllli: 1ST
MlltlllUhM ttuiitiuurill
Silinrll A VIiciiIiiiii, IJi; I ulllliililu .ic,
ri-i Iiiiik 'lalMiiK VUthlne In, 4nUl , tt
Moure. I. II., i.i. Ill (.rriiiiiiitoun ,Vi-.
Nndrltlrlii, I'lilllp. till I , urti M
'IninpMnv.. j. Miuirae. .Ill; Orrmutiluuti Ate
ltbe, I. .. HID (.Irani .Vie.
iiiiixliMijii, .lo,., tin; u iin m, llaiiayiinl,
Iiuiiiieiiiuiin, h. & liituii .1 . ism (.rrin.intanii A
I'uMrrt 0. Ie nubu. latJ lint Tliisn St.
UIIST I'UII. ll.' l-llll
(-srr. Ii. r. 'il'J Muiti si , liurliy
lieu, II Hail, Jt u , :.y tll-Jli i .inin,r ,..
I, ul In-, riuim tu. sni-iij s ii, rt,
I lllmun, ll.r.lM I mitiluiiiip Vie.
Iiidrpenilenl talking Muchlne to, Kilg vVUib
lu ml r.
I eil Hie. Num. 4 1(1 1!il si
MrUblurrl llros . IUIJ-io I niiiiulrr At..
MiullS I'rne -lore, 3UJX Mutl.rl St.
ami Htrurii
Ilnrr l'.ilnnnl 11 . Mt l'runkfurd Ate.
I olmilul Mrludv Miup, :!'i.'f'l N. trout at.
I rant.fi.rd Muic Mure. itSl Orlliudux M.
'iiiiiilinaii. I I . u; fl (iirurU i
i.utkuvikkl Irtur. Orlhoduw- & Aluioud M,
Kenny, Thomas M , iSSl Keimluctou AT0.
Mil. 7. , 130 VI (.Irani Air
kritltr, Jurph 3131 lllrluiioiul SI.
Mtlingrr. Samuel. liOl N. 1 Iflli St.
'luntuiirlli'a, sti Vet I f lileli Ave
I'lilla Tull.lne Murblne Co. 1141 -V 3d St
ltrluhelmer'a llepartment Store.
1 rout und Siihiiiielmnnu Are.
(align, T II . 3320 drrin iiiluwii Are.
Ilil, Fraukllu. uOOU It urn Ale.
Kulwale. Marllu, 4103 (irriuunlovvii At
SUirrzer'a 1'luuo Cuuipuli), S39 Norlli 8th HI
lnhtr:il Tulkiug vi.iiliinc
JUil llultliiiore Air.
!'l I'lilliiilrliililu 'lulUiiiB tluhliie I'p,.
1 Suulli until M.
IHt llrovv. I null. -!0 s (Hi S
l'ri-rii. Merrls, IG3,-39 h I, lb m
(.lobe Talking Maililnu Co., 1311 I'eliit lrri
, u.ii.a,i, luiuiuu du ;,. 7HUI P.
Ilillrr. II. bill , Seranil SI,
Muileul l.'rliu Co.. 1 lie, I. Zvbeu, 1'rap , N.Ktur
Olli und llulnbriilce Sl
I'lilladrlpbla I'lioausruph to, 010 South hi
rldUUi-lphkt I'huiiutfruph Co , W3 b. tllli SI
lluirufeld. II, 231 Saulll SI.
bluUo. Hurry. CIS S 0th St.
Oudley, II. i.
lAlllll.X. N i
lU3-17-:3 llroudvtuy
are made on T
Prices that were n'
already so low,
men commented on
them to their friends!
j We kept our prices so
near to normal this'
season that the man on
the street who had
shopped around and
then examined our
stocks told his frtends:
"Perry's haven't raised
their prices!"
$ We exercised all our
buying power to get
our woolens at ground
floor prices,' placed
large orders early, and
marked our Suits and
Overcoats witla view
rather to your future
good will for our
moderation in a season
of soaring costs than to
the perfectly 'legitimate
advances we were en
titled to. '
$ In these reduction
sales at Perry's there
are Suits and Over
coats of the richest,
most luxurious fabrics
woven i m p o r t e d
Overcoatings that can't
be duplicated for long
after these are gone!
Get one at a price re
duction !
$15 and $18 Suits
and Overcoats, now
$13.50 and ?15
$20, $22.50 and $25
Suits and Overcoats, now
$18 and $19
$30, $35, $38, $40
Suits and Overcoats
$2,5, $26.50, $27
$28, $30, $32, $34
$45 to $60 Overcoats
the finest that can be
bought at any price,
now at
Savings of $7, $10, $12 on
each Overcoat!
Trousqr Prices Reduced!
"N. B. T."
16th & Chestnut Sts.
529 fWnRKET St,
r -.