Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 04, 1917, Night Extra, Page 11, Image 11

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wnrjKri""jiH'?-Bm-wT--Tf:-Jwin,if'"''"T,jwT r.'F.w'i-wo;""1' I m tiwiwimiufi.ipm'w' fti"'jni"n"iui"t u"fwwnmiw
4p ouimet is dropped, then
Expert Believes Nearly Every Linksman Profits
in Some Way by Skill at Game Williams
and Johnston Tennis Kings
'I he Veteran Speaks
They sou that tie pot onr tunic tirar,
That by next fall I'll hit thr rhtite;
They say mu arm la on the blink,
Jlnd that I m sloulna up, In boot;
ilaile t am, and maibc linf
It rfocsn t rrach mr any mora
M'hm I rrmrmber how thry spilled
the same stuff set en tcrtrs before.
"It n nhia m Our mote year' for me
fitorr r hit thr trail inch nprWO,
fntll thr sin slip? out nyaln
To than thr nhl Link flam my wlnt).
Thr klrl m V bo'niht to tuab my job
your lrat n ayo has had to li nil
t ntll thry found some eiiy to drop
A guy nio'iiid J0 "
The Argument Ahead
Till: miln inrnRrnpIi of the rulo for nina
tir Rolf remit na follows 111 tlio WtlV
of debarment
ATcptlnB "r holtllnij any liosltloti at
(gent or emploxo that Include as part of
lis clutici tin" liandlltiff of Rolf fillpljllos, or
nc.iplriR I" n business vvliprelii one's use
fulness r prolltn tirl'ios lircaUHC of nt.lll or
protnlnencn In the came of Rolf"
This lTt certloii la entliely bc-.votitl n
We can name am number of niiiiHeuin In
no wa pni;.iged III the business of fjolf
supplies vvho In other lines haxc derived
far more profit from their skill and promi
nence In Blf than Oulmct cor ha
Online! we have been Informed, lias never
flrawn a Mini. ,ibop $3.ii a wee:. This Is
a small 1M.1 I lompnrctl to what many itolf
ers have n-relxed In large measmo from
the publltltv attached to their --lilll and
prominence at the Game
Skill T R"lf I" boIiik to materially assist
any nun rum, d In a busliieHs that tlepomls
upon solii'tliiB i" "nits or trade or upon
enlarging one m tin Iness cliele We Imp
known where mu li sltill has been of oon
tlderable help t" rut 'i goirers In the Insur
ance buMness the leil estate Inis'noss the
stock anil bond bus'ness not through their
own seeking but through the natuial se
quence "f e,enis And we Know ot some
Oflicial Expressions on tho Rec
ords of Achievement and
Prospective Work
The courts In Philadelphia Inaugurate to
night a svstem of fraternal lsltntlons The
four districts will Interchange calls at tho
meetings of tho other sections One object,
apart from the friendly homo gatherings, is
to start with lgor, compotitle contests In
fcctlonal class Initiations, each locality Irv
ing to outdo the others and dUclnsing Its
plans to tho friendly contestants These In
Itlitlon classes will continue until June
Tonight Courts lirotherlv Loc, north
east, Stephen Giraid. northwest, llner
ford, West Philadelphia, will lsit Courts
Caledonia, M Alliani. and Pride of Tlmr
low, all threo of South Philadelphia In
tho scheduled lslts. as planned b. tho I'el
lowshlp Club, all the 1SI courts aie classi
fied In tho schedule, tho foru-tli tourtsof
Sputh Philadelphia, thlrty-llo of north
west, slt-om of northeast twenty -tin eo
of West Philadelphia and tho suburbs, will
each night make a visitation, so that tho
four districts will l;i the speclllcd lime line
lslted each of Its competing bcctlons The
deputy of each court will .iniompui his
charge In addition, each section will hold
locality conferences, at htaled periods, to
map out further details In this coiupie
hensUo plan. It Is flgutcd out, that the lalf
Jear allotted to the work will produce ro
ults even surpassing thoio of 1910
The grand chief, rangei end staff will
ctlel take part in tho woik, and u rctlnuo
ef prominent speakeis nnd entertainers will
dd their nhllitlei to cntliuso the workers
for the movement Tho consolidated ncthl
tles of tho order will lend their assistance
It la a herculean undertaking, but wn;s not
sdoptcd until its success was assured, after
considering its aspects from cvciy angle.
In th rotim of t ourt I'nssjunk No SI ISO.'
houth lirpad mr. et tlrnml Chief Ranker I. W
niot addnasinit a todj of reprisentHilt.es from
sit of the iouHm In I'hllatlelplili. nuld -So III)
K!" . ",m .' S,,h ,hl loul datotlon that has
characterized the faithful and eiflclent serileea
of all charcod with tho re8ponslhlllt of sifi
tuardlns; Ih, truatn repoaeil in thein. I rinsun
if. r claw Inlltntlona and the work liul.lmt to
our achleements In lull! that I tiinnut withhold
lite ejpreHBiona of m Brnlefiil apprti I itlon uf
i" "Ubm a nilnl splendid and essential co
operation lilt the owuthn officials 111 hetrt
fiSf.ouL '" Sf'TKu'l" for the faithful nAlic nt
uwsa whoa terms of olfleo explm Let ine urea
tha absolute ne. cssllj of loiitlnulii); in 1:117 nw
Sn l.8001'. "r.l l,y ,m,n "' me ituriuter. who
will he aailgnnl rasitlons of oalclnl trust
lnJ,S ?'' 'n8l'tUhiB oitleers who this monih will
iSieh ' H'Jiit. i"m' ! brethren upon whom so
2SSh.A.,!i,nd" . ' b" '" request that an tidded
tfflf Vit.?0 i"1!"". . ceremonj of Instnlla
MlliJ",JTf,'u,l,rl L. 'hi solemn lierlarutlon of
mSiwt .Le'." officer elect and lo those wen
Ball bo thus tumor, d with offclal pref, rment 'it
SJl.-Kf a au." "PPreclatlon of that Bolemn
oecilratlnn n,a nt atii- .. ni. ,.. ...
JfflPwScf .ot iw"lon of resptmslbllltj ho
JSulLla nt'r UDUn M 'le;v lru Kurk "PhndldiJ
, c2mKhm'r. ".T. Jubl' lul,or'' "'"' for the ae.
oSXii?Ai?,,Vt .?' thu niasniileent results which I
twnnaently belietu await us '
tafii1?'? "hletcmeiils i,f the I' of A
Rt.i'.?k,p.,,!.',,ur""t IUI" "ue awakened an
pill f i ,h'" hcloliens b-nuter succesms In 1U17
f. ii8i,pr,m. ' hM "an.er llarrs ll.i.c.
S..?,cln,t '''? "Pl'reelatlon of tho work done.
mJI? .?.i0mlnu.atl" ot ,he enthuslastli ir
K?hi 'Jlh'1" a.n,J "uo,e " InsiilrhiB Ihouiht
vSSShu'ii ot our flces depends UI,on huw
jraluabia .-an mak them " Hupreme Trus
l.. J T Uonohue and Supremo Auditor J. lm
JhJn!r.P,0?f"l,?r w,m lnuts Supremo Chief
SIS'," J Seymour and Suuremu Medical
ttanSiiii., sJnnmon '" attestlnk" tho com
SJJri"0" Il ,b0 ""Prema onicera Blvo aa tho
ttSKni'0r the new epoch, "l wtll.r' and con
ill liniS?,.1.''? hl ,,a bnpelllnB force, and
iA iVt-' 'u" aL'1 In ne new fraternal activities
f-nVtt'l.'r""" Grand, Chief llanser I. W
f tL in "!' Pfrsonal elation nt tha ouuome
Jha iSSIr5 an.4 "Pfal"nif for his colieasuea 2?
.i?n'McS",l8 ,bol"'', eounsels 'Think enousli
l,'.Aa.nl8 l"1." 'oncentrato jour mind o
Jiu iJm'Si.Sh'rcJ .b0,1 ."nJ, w"l nd that
K?iil X.eac.h lhat ?oal and jour auctess haa
K 2.,a? muc'1. engendered b our thou.lita as
fy ycur actual efforts And Past llrand Chief
WSSSa- ?h,ri" .'" ,,rui"e ."!- Publicity scrlU
SSmI"8 V1 "?" record and drawing- therofrom
SSi'J""!. for lhi continuance of the endtavors
K VAAb" SH"3 ot a ,'nmous author aa the
ldance -To accomplish nnj thing wo must
bev In our ability to accomplish and this
ir r - ,., :::: 1 7" ii - ,
PETEY ' )-PETEN VIUL. J-d-X VW.LLJ NICE Hoy Q?Gs.Kl. ) , 'T 'T K - gEMEM3ERnUR. V) J5u a l, hP V -fli
xiO QmSUsX tes. By 1 m 'AiFiy ii -- ( i I
who, without nttemplln? m commorelnllito
their golf skill. iuu derned greater iimlU
from it than ouimet oor lias
The. point we seek to make la that a rulo
(Utlch would debar nulinet as a professional
would also bar out the maJoMtv of our
amateurs for Ouimet. In spile of his golf
skill and tils opportunities to rnmmerrlallito
It, has derlxed a smaller Inromo from tha
lino of Work thai ho has followed than ir
tttally nil of the other leaders who havo
followed xarloiis lines
It has been rutimrcd tint the two big
leagues would verv lllielv adopt nn arrnntjo
mcht rnllliu: for an Ititerleague series where
the two circuits would be tossed together
In a September Jubilee The onlv wonder
Is that such an opportunity to build un in
creased Interest has been oxerlooked so long
An It Is, the srhemo sounds entirely too gooj
to be true
I.'joMiiK to 11)17
following Mourlen Mclaughlin's slump
fmni tho heights, Williams and Johnston
hnn had almost complete control of the
tennis situation Williams won In 1911,
Johns'on won In I'M 6. and Williams and
Johnston rnmo to the final round together
this last jear, with the I'hlladclphlan again
on top
This pair still looks to be supreme, but
their margin nttmc cicorgo Church and
l.liullcy Murray has grown very slight It
Is fairly close to a certaln'y that one of
theso will bo tho I'M" champion after next
August, for If Chin eh and .Murray aihanre
as mm li this season as thev did laht xcar
In all-around play they will ho well on a
par with tho two leadeis who hao baggrd
the lat-t throe tPIs
The tennU linpetui bus reached such pro
portion" that if requires no role of prophet v
to pick 1 1)1 as tho ndxanccd utilpost of
the game It would lie tho (ironies' of nil
sears to a gient many If Mt-Loiighlln could
"nly put in ono more ueason at the top. a
nope that ion will hardly fulfill with Wli
llnms. Johnston, CMirch and .M trrn bar
ling the lond
fnlih must he nt once translated Into notion
Iniih him nn t.ntoilvo tn"nrt. it hetslns In the
rtHlntc nf ilnlshlns nnd works alml ns
tliollith It had all tho power 111 thu world at Its
disposal lure to formulate the ileslre tin n
set tii work at nine to net In tho ssme manner
and for the sime end What vou wish for will
take plnie and haa nlrendy appealid to the
porsoniillt i,r our pruspecls " 1' tl t' It
John It Clrk Ulm the inncludlllB nclvlt
' Awaken ''esire on the purt of vonr lourt m, m
heru nnl tno lathwa of sucetss will be ias '
The P of A committee whose espeeltl work
H the tuotier obsurxiince of tho customs ut the
orlir met at Ciurt St Albans to culnp.ett tho
Inbtrn of this eir and to outline tin pruspectus
for the tomln? venr lhnpliasls was lild upon
tho fat t that the name Punsters Is tint a nitre
title but that of Poresters of Anierli 1 Implhs
and Imbed nqulr-a that Its membership be mm
reall tnttreat-d In fonstrj Bo mtn ormnizs
lions tesumo names that aro merelv d sltinntid
terms without nn real purpose nor hut rest In
the work that the npp Uatlons slenlfy 1'he P
of A are stanch t,ple(r and tooptrative
fnetors In actual forest . 1 1 tht in the truth Is
tiiUBht that fort sis an 11, ussarj- to the natural
ttrowth and ileveluptm nt of the world's n suurci s
Its ritual for the ohn r ince of Arbor Uiy aas
That a communlt u welfare Is grcatl otl
vnnced hj th, plnntlnB nnd culture nf tret s The
fort st Is nnttin a fo-lnss and fs tstnbllshed nnd
detiloptd b t,l' Creulor for the btnillt of us
Ills chtldriii We nirneHili mlruit ou who
hav, honuretl us wllh tour presem a to ussotlute
ourselts with us in this work, so It ma be
that toBtth-r wo hive lone tiled tin nithin The
oril, r ! sins i very i Hurt lm kIm n tu fortst
tr. sirt illun 'lo Instill further tho prat Ileal
purpns. s It uses tho svmbnlli and ithitnl to tenih
tho lessons drat n from tin mtstirhH of the
forest unite 'the iuU sinnnth the lt, d,
!U'MUt. thi HlroiiB oak Isars th bunk 11 of
the lunkT lee the mapli . shade, tin lutirt I.
vblor the loplar protntlon the ivritmn
that l.rl'il.t, us the I mil wnen, snowa have fullin
life ivell.lKlhlB IIS tiaihillBS are based on hUh
nnd nobli prlnclpl, s, not tleiiendent upon mere
e, remonles that plmpb mptlvate the ImnBlna
llon. ho the P of A Is en.-OBed In aituil work
ror luturil forestry, nml tlio committee bus nr
ranked a proBram for nevt Arbor l)iv to brim?
that fact mi ro prominently in tho mind of the
l,tncral public
Court nnvreetle. N'o 107. lfin'J South Ilrosd
street nl its lluul 1111(5 session Initiated Ilflm-n
iindldites p t! it jiii'ann. p , u
llroi.n and R, cnlnrj IIuliu made i-nnBratulatory
past mi of loristr. and briefly s. t forth the
plans adopted fur tho in w coach to lm curried
out durhiB the new year With over ADO earmst
members as the lo-onerntu,. forto In Its activity
movements tho ouixmie of tho eomblmd en-deuvnr-t
ulnukl result In n frultnuo of vast pro
portions Tho social adjunct that follows over)
ruEular imcUn,',- Is draw Ins u cood ntlendancu.
Court Vcst I'lillidelphlj. .No L'.'O. at Klftv
fourth strict and .iluln- avenue, 1 loscd Its
llilll bouks showing ita linn record of deeds at
tained the new unnual uiams tomorrow, and
It Is cxpetttd two notublu events will be In
scribed unrein beforo 1IH7 cuds Its tuhndar
elujs, due treatb tu tho work of this tturstth
local hod The presentation of a statem to
amplify tlio btnema of thu urder was pre
seated b .1 vulthiB past Brand chief ranst r.
and so char was thu method outlined thut the
court took it up us ono of Its siaclal works
nml has advocated It broadcast 'Ihe nduptlon
uf the plan was deferred by tho supreme con
vention to Its August session of 1U17 bet llltt
It tould b,- generally cxumlned as tu tlio feasl
blllu 'Ihu securement of a Poresters head
tiuartirs for tho twenD-thrto cuurts of the lu
callt proiieised by Hupreme Iruste-c J P llunu
hut tan,l this his humo cutirt). Is meeting with
approval un 1 Is cxpetted tu is come a reality
these two attainments sought to be accom
plished this jear, together with the usual wurk
.i. ,nn uiiun nif vi,ri. nreuiniiiiHneii rop in,.
or tn Iran rnity, win require ttie asslduuus
work of brothers of the tireless (nergj uf
I.iuih 'ti anion. Ill wins, lib hlu and it host
of Its mure than .tint euruest, co operuling mem
Court Mount Vernon So lt7. Ilrtdesburg,
meeting everj Mondaj , has Inaugurated a cam
tuilgn to add to Its -ISU members and to enhancu
Its cmhequer of some Its uuu tn 11117 'the
Impetus engendered hj Its successful work of
the last jeur has encouraged tho active vvurktrs
tu greater t elds ot fraternal athtevements lu
overj phase of the work of Pcrcstrj It now
excels In fraternal visitations Its record Is a
top liner Its social sessions set the pace that
others wllllnklj emulute. In fraternal sphens It
servis as a model uf activities Its fatnid
hind nitre hlng tlub ihgre team tire uggre
kutiuns that makes their imlueme felt In ivvrv
sritlun of uur Clt heeklng tho euuse uf Its
tvvtntyuue jeara ut tunilnued suctfss llrutlnr
Jobejih A llueber Rives as the reasons that
' Its aha Is to gradually train the rank und tile
und Imtna them wllh a pruper r eobiiltloti of
tha full measures of the duties Incumbent tn
their atembeiship. so thut whin speitnl tn
deuvors aro nteded. thej becomu Interested
energetic workers tu Impart thu spirit of en
lliusiasm to uthers Ihe ordinary sessions aro
made "llvu wire" gatherings und nut mere
automaton ussembllnks Tho court la an orlgl
nator of Ideas, npt a precedent follower It Is
not content to do things In the same old wuj
merely as a matter of procedure It seeks to
gain tho Intelligent uctlun uf Its members and
utilizes cverj means to that end A ceirdlil
weieomo Is extended to all members to visit ita
huspluble quarters
Court Oltva Ilranch, No ;ni, fcepvtvn and
Norrls streets will tonkin hold Installation ot
ofAcers and present u tood New lear program
i'I0'.-!"" ft!inin, Kelly sn.1 Welsh, iisslst.il
tiy the WW" nnk, committee nil) leml In it
soelnl ilon of merit Tho iloo or n v
will uprpitil Us wines nnil the npsreflsite nioxe
mem plnnneil for lnlT will utrirl In onrnist
Tunlnr t ourt John full Jom N i 11, nl tail
Norm Twsntt o,ntti utreet will InJiill in tti
;iriln us tionnl of orneers The n stem mill
InnuKiirnte the int T mmimlsn nnJ will he In
ihf mituro of n Rrnnil rnll The list of nl
trnrtUo rntni-' m cmlirtre nn Illustrni !
liTture n tnn n coimrt iroxmnt sml the
nwnrdlns- l I' t It Mn I.nlh of testimonlnls
to the Paint of merit the fillhful ntirmltnti
The C H Wiillnm A tr( Iron. Jr will in
Hide The senlorn, lirithers l.nnenier. Mmith
tlnillenhiilKer 'tli, ltlley, Itlltehlnson, Wrlmrrt
nntl tlnnilmAn, will lm in plilenre In their pe
rtaiilrs nml nlnqlnc nets, so appri ilslnJ l the
Itnenlles nnd frlemls Hpertnl Iiiimt ' tf '
H SchrnnK nml tt nuierlln ! PRtt of ,lhe
nnrthwest lltrl t V It Wlllltm It Ituflrv
will Blve some won! of eheerful itlln Ine
other city Junior courts will nttnml anil rn
tpfnil Ifitrfrhnntre off lltn will be mitite ihirlmt
this mnntti of siw.lil ..t r. Ues . The li tlllh il
plates of lsltntlnn nre Court nhlin.ioti
M Of
Msnaytiitk, srioml Wedties.lsj , tlitnker 'It) th
. . nn.i i-pf,1e 1..,, !.. ii.b I lilril VVfdn sdnv
nml llojs uf the rrit tltv third 1 rldiij, at all
of which npproprhite nctclses vlll b held its
n Innuaurnlliin of th, t rusnde to t spand the
work fni the bee Parents, relatlvts friends
nnd members of the order nre welentti to nl
the fetrs Tin up stale Juniors hnvi iiulllnttl
similar events tn the various districts llilrtmi
In number ns purl or th. general onward move,
tm nl
1 mitt N'nfthenst No Sin had n W turnoul
Issi i'riif.iv nlohl providing a 'smokir with
Versntlle tslent nml the lluntlnsilon tjtrtnn Hand
! il c It llmtlli v orated on Krnternnllsm
and Henivnlenee wllh rertlm-nt refereme to 1111
kind or support In nunril a loyal thhf fanser
Thi . nthuslnam enm nd. red prompted the mem
lent' phdte lownrd an . nort tn seetirf one bun
ilred camlklates drrlns this I. rm. Hie elei tmn
of ..ffiiers resulted ts foil .w Chief rang-r .1
I Mi.Vultj. ub-thlif rins'i. Prank siltnm'ts
ir isurer .tames I' Itrndv llnatulol sei retnrv
John I'reedon. ret timing s .ruarj. Hubert '
sudor wooiltvnrd, N nmut .1 Illlchl; Junl r
woodward tide. ant .tew iril senior liendb How
nrd tlrovis junior l.tadli Wllllmn Hixsmlth
timlrinnu of Irusiei s w ilium llurej two v, at
trustee I'rnnk lnnrs men or trustee I'ulllp
Kiiie itneloe JalmaJ li Null! . dnUSist JatniS
J MrNultj
Reunion, Public Instiillntions nml Clnss
InitliUioiis in Ortlop
Colonel Jnlin Clark 1 'nunril, N'o 015. t'
P A llnlmesliurg In Id one of Its most
rupicssful reliulotiH of members last eve
ning Tho entertainment t ommlttec Imving
the event In charge deeives the greittest
tredlt P S t Urother Sollv made u mot
Interi sting address upon the grent work
done bv the order nnd the pntt assumed
by No fiir, Mnnv plans huvo been made
and the event wan onlv one of tho vnilouti
,. ... . ..... ....... ... 1... . ... ti... h r
K.I1IUS wnit-ll Will llt'ip tn iiicicuu nn- 11,1-111-
berslilp still greater The hull was fllleil
with intiiibers. m.iii of whom nre promi
nent In the locnllt Jr P H C Hlienenmn
inailu tin enrnest nppcnl for the greatest
uetlvltv during tile presi nt ear
tniercour Council So mn held n grand
rnllj or m-mbers list nenlint whi 11 an eh
ennt int. rltlnmcnt was tmivlikil The nrentist
boom Ins mini in thu uuncll ami It t tin cts
sholl'v to have mnnj class Inltlallons Hilt.,
t'otinul s, .ritarv I'ord nddresed ihe m. mhi rs
upon the Bruit work don.' and tit. rtsulls at
taliud during iho las' "T
Plpersvllle Council Nn Mn will hold a pub
II. ln.it ill 11 on uf utile r and ttnder nn miir
talnment to tin lidy frlmtls of the ioun.il on
Knturdnv evinllm nest 'Ihe evi lit will prnv
to lie Important and In celebration nf the rreat
sat, ss with h hns tome in the uiunrll duilns
the Isel jeer because of the i-reat itToris of Its
members rhe largo class Inlllnllons which were
held have m tied lh louiull 1 hirst In. nas
In membership width lit now I'leati r than al
any tine In Its hlstnrv Hlate Council Sei p
tnry Pord his prullllH ,1 to attend and at t aa
Installing olTUor Many lntipMilna athlressis
will le Uillvirrd bj munberM and vlslilug
Loral rniinell No 7SI l arranging for a
splendid sniukir to bo held during th" preei lit
month A sp-clul effort Is being made t" noturo
a lurge numb, r uf eanditlntis for 11 tlnss in
Illation to be shortly lit Id Cnplaln laoiln .1
Iltrre who has Just n lurm d from sirvhe In
.Merle., has promised to rvnrwnnli Iho iiuanls
In the h"si m inner, ami will shortly ixemphfj
the 1111 Hi's in tin most iHrfect mllltarv styi.
'Ihe mi nils rs of No sl are much phased with
the sertii, rmilered by Its meuibtra on the
Mexican l.ordi r
' ordkr ui:i) sii:n
Prepaiatioiis for Active! Events by
Suboulinntc Orgnnizalions
The nllletl tribes of West Philadelphia
held theii business meeting In the wigwam
of Itchnotah Tribe, No ."27, at Mxtv -third
und Vine streets anil Installed the new ot
fleers on Tuesdiiv night P S John IJassett,
of N'o L'27. the new picsldent, gave tn out-
Iinu of tho liolli-y of the nllletl Irllus tu i
crrato n. stinnge'r ciithiislusin nml assist
the vvenlter tribes Tho lcn prosltlpiits
were V S Walter Clill of No !!8:i, nntl
! S Al I'felTcrUot ti, nf No 3CS I' H Itoli.
ert S llrmvit vvns re-electftl Hocretarj I'.tr
tleular attention Is helnB Bhen townnl thu
completion uf turnnsomentR for the tilllus'
hie nlsht In Thurston Hall, 3UIJ lati
c.istcr aPtmr. tin l'rhl.iv nlisht, January
19 Tills meeting will be tho InrKfst B-th-crlnB
of tho year, nml ns the talks will be
short nntl the entertainment eomposeil of
tho best talent, a Rreat program la
Snpsnua Tribe. No jr.H i elehruled lis
twelfth nunlversnry hi Its vvlgnam ut fortieth
street and lllrurd uvetiuo last night vvhleh was
nJoMd by tho mtmliers fumllbs and friends.
An exiellent entertainment was provldnl
(Ireat huilor Sagamore ltr T C llesvvlrk.
tlreat Prophet H II Walker Deputy lirout
Hailnm Al tlermr and t'hlef of Itteords Ueorgo
Phillips mada brief talks
Ihe I)i putv tlreat Inehim Assoilntion will
Imld Us r. gular lll.intlllv liuslni ss me. ling nest
Mini I night 'Ihu deptill. s ure now bus ar
ranging the dlstrlet imetlngs that ore sehidubsl
for iv. re mi lion uf thi i Its Iteports vvlll be
madii uf existing tondltluus und efforts put
forth lo tuUu udvantage uf the big met tings
to titer uset tho membership Degrio teams will
go from trlbu to tribe nsstmln hi tho work
t'ultiis Tribe. No .'.nil of 1'ulon I ll has
Just Milonteil a class of palefates nnd ever
ihlnu iHilnls tu a big tm reuse this great sun
The trllie has a flno ilegne team that Is Kept
bu and Ixputy fleorge Trlseult has arrange d
mt. lings throughout hi district that will brim;
results .
Kalunka Tribe No 4M. of Vork. will isl.
bnte its anniversary with a smoker and enter
laliimeui nest .Munday tilttht
VVmonlie Trllie. N'n t!07. nf Ilvetle. has just
tnkiii lu a class of t. a pnlefiees I'hlef of
It.rords John hiodur is taptaln of the team
mid prtdb ts this sear to be tho biggest In the
niitory oi tno trine eireiii naeuetii junu ji
Cuombd was an hunore,! cuest
Trlli.il business vvas hurried thruugh at
Mlnunk Trlbo No 111, list l'rldiv on a intuit
of the Haymnkers' bannor night when I o II
AValker was adopted Into the trlbo
The 11 lymakers convened ami a visiting h I
gallon fmm Intuitu. No IhlVj under the l.oihr
shlp of Deputj Past I'hlef lluymakur Heegi r
was admitted Two tramps by the names of A
Matslm-er and Lu Itov Walker were found In
tho flelds and tvero taught the mv Merles of
making hay while tin eh-urle lights shone
lieputy faeeger rntsed the following oltleers to
their respoctlvo stumps Past thief havmuker
linlion chltf hamaker, Ilaumgartner. assistuut
ihief haymaker, V Iirewelt, overseer Phillips
ej.e Kill Ian resigned and tha fulluwlng turn
panlous wero appointed to their vnrious offbes
bv the rhlef hamaktr Hoss driver I. Urowitt,
horn blower. Upright und steward. Tavlur lie
marks were heard from Natlunal Vlco Thief
llavinalter Judge Prleu
'Iho Allied Irtbos Association will hold no
elabiirate entertnlument at Mlnonk W'tgwam .hi
the evening of January 17 All lied Men are
welromo tu bring their friends and It Is i
pecteel to Ih a banner night for redmanshlp 'the
vvlgwum Is located ut t Mncaster ve
An Impromptu strvl.e vvus held last Sundae
at th. Itcd Mens II une by tjamuel flentl.
tiresldent, vvho with t'lurles Ilemlllng, a mem
tier of Cheltenham Methodist Kplscupal t'hurib
made nn address
Activity of tho Grand Master
ami Staff and Report of the
Employment Bureau
In nn olllelnl communlcalloti of greeting
to all lodges ami members In (his city
and State, (Irnlul Master t'errj A Rhnfior
The dratul Master desires at this timo
to express Hip liopo tint vour Christmas
season was tlio most liappv ou have over
experienced, and to add to that hope the
wish that the coining yenr mnv be the best
and most prosperous of .vour lives In
both that hopo and that wish, the llrantl
Setrfctarj Joins me and we unite also In
our expresuion of gratitude for the niugnlfl
cent co-operation and support w tilth vim
have given us during this portion of ''ho
prisent term, nnd to mid to thnt the hope
that joii will make tho few remaining weeks
of this term, the gi cutest which vour lodge
has ever experienced In evtrv field of
"J-tlvltv- And this can cnsllv lm ncrom
pllshed. if each niemhcr will work for our
order during these remaining weeks, as he
has never vvorketl for It before for this
wmk la nfter nil, nn Individual matter
Active members mnko an active lodge, und
actlv. lodges mnko an nctlve order. tid
mi m brothers, I am making a personal
appeal to each one of you. to think nbotit
this order, talk ntintlt It anil e..tLr r.. l
during tho rest of the winter, ns vnti would
for tint vvhloh Is most near nml dear to ou
ir von do the splendid results of thu months
which are gone will bo but Illtlo und In.
slgmnennt compared with what we will do
between now and April 1.
e.i!,ionI? ''slues have it roll call ench enr nt
.-?... "" m,l,p n special cttort to g. t everv
member prrsent to aiisvvtr to his name, and from
!"' m. ",'.'." r" .,VnJI tnnnot ! present to git 11
loltir lellinv the bojs how things nre wllh tlnm
in'"' roll cilia are very Int. resting nnd hell hit
in.v nr; nttrnttlvo lo those who don't often
-?". !'. '."."" .ttnn l"ey prisent nn opiiorluiiltv
tKt JliL'1" '' nnant 1 tilling I would suggest
thnt whore convenient this roll mil will lm held
. . ...i,"' ""'tHw nlsht night In Jnnuarj that
!i Hn ,r.V ,"' "t'Polntid to have clnrg. of 11
nn.i iinu the Miicrtnhtmcnt commit!.. Isrln at
V !". ,'..'!." r.1" un "'" '"ffte for lhat oiiaslm
ii will mm it both inti resting ami ttrhlul
' I r grrt tint the members of uur r. sp, uv
lnil. s do not visit eieh nlher Dlnr. I'll. Mini.
" i-i'.-e 111 visitations uj long, n I in r. Is
nothing tthii a dues an odd Pillow more kooiI
innti to visit othir lodgis and net nuiualnted with
llHir methods nml tin Ir work .N. vv l.li as ure
si tired mw auiii ilntamen nre formed new
intlitisliism la ingirdirid jou will ulai rve
iiroihers I am strong on enthusiasm
.. ..' tt"",IJ "k" '" "' lh" Lndg, a uf thin Htnl
JJ! ! .'."rl1 ""' r ' t"1"1 li"1 known suih a
vlsltatlun whie hwas not prnilin tlv, or gout
I eron v 11 forait this, puss a hhoIiiIIoii asking
siiiiii othir loiUe to visit jou 1 lib. r lo si von
no ihe work or to work sumo defr." fur jou for
' .m"." " '"r srnnied that every lodge In the state
vvlll have some work III Jniilliirj If u are nut
doing wirk hav the visit iinjuuv Mnv be
through It vmt will g. t enthusiasm which vvlll
bring In Bum. bode to work on
Nothing would plense me more exeipt rein
sinti mints end pitvmeuts from deiiniiu. ms nnd
I I tiidliliit.s thin tu knuvv thnt .verv lodn- In
i, iVi ,".'.'" nan Katnt '" 't "omo uther lodgii
within tin. tiixt few weeks
'rirnlh.rs mv venr Is morn than half gone
vv e hav. duuo some things but tin re Is mu. Il vi t
.i!.'i ,'"?i arateful for the past I am ennn
ilent of the futiin . fur I liollovo thut mv l.rethr. n
In this unit Mtnto wilt hud this sieoa.l mil to
r,',ri'". '.n',. wl." KUl' '"" f"r the ordir 1v.11
.Mu",."f.thrlr '.'!"" J""1 lh,,r '""'By and their
ii,, ...1 d.url""s u" fV iniinths j. 1 r.mulnlne
tliuii tiny huvo cvr done befon
.. ' """'.I Is- more than glad to nnstvir nny
in. stluns whh h this commiml. itlon mnv bring
?Pi..,n,,."i ',0 .'""""hig posslbl tu In Ip . in h iti.il
i SL, "I"' ti. !.""' ..l.h'. ?" ". "h.' r
remdis d'slred "" m""m '" """"! "''
...'Hl-imi4".ih'"1. n lot of sirvle... mv broth
ers, and 1 1 hank jou. but vvuti t vou give mu
evi 11 more frum now on tu the finish
01",''!,!!'.!!"'"?' ,he Krtn.l sire ,,f the Hnv
erctgn llrand Lodge, I o 11 te , ,a8 ,au,,i 1.1.
Ilrst proi lamntlon as follows issue ins
In Nssuialng tha i.slllon nf grand slro I
ntn de. ply sinsllilo of the might of lis r.
slHinshllltjes but I shall tontldent lv eMHtt ea?h
of enu to lulp In b, arlug Iih burdiiis
1 ... i1'"" "'" '" l'1'1' '" visit nil ,.f .,,,1 i,.
I wish ivirj inimbei of thi oril. r to f. I 1.1
in" spirit" U"B """ "" """"' "ru '" "h u
ini.'iI,.M.i,r Ji"" ""T ni-'etlngs miy be nior.
intin sling und more he prul r m. mln r tint a
r.,::".",.;'''.'.'... "''!.. '--'',nget impuiing "i .iof
pmiement Let vour tun ting's th. ti
w" "Hsmri, IK IPMIini KH a fid Hfir.lm
i. f"ur "j' i lings Uuu In- chur
bi illtnltv nml guoti fellowship Li t
' of our lllor. limn Mi fiou l.ui... . ..
iiftirir.il be
erv otii
mnmeiits an,! Mitiiiniu i... nh. . .i ...:r...vi.. .'..
lh. appointed "hour I e.' the I n.-s" .' ,..
duel, if regularlv I ut without Ions nf time for
ono uf the greatest advantages of membi rshlp
!!y.r.ord"' '"ne stuib nnd nrai lieu uf parlla
in. iilarj proceduro and iffltlene
oee''.'C'i'.-i''" l":.K.","u,...V. .n r.n,ler vour
l5.ree"Vl.ll'..LCeir." ."'"! "T.n i" '" leariiedlh.
.. .,!ilw " S'oselJ Perfei t oursilvs hi Ihu
rlluallstli. work of tin order and roiif, " all
l.gr. is with the illgnltv and sol. mnlti tl at
letlts such high nml le.lv admnnlilous N,. I,".
that in gleets this advleo lull aiiiimpllsh til.
ol.Jo.ts for which II was instltul .1 I t in
IIII.I...I V ..n.l.. .... .,.,..., . " . ' . '"
...... . .,,.,,,,, -. iiiiin- llllall Willi
unsi i taly aetlnn
lebaslng stiirb s tn, lm
prop.r discussion mar th. high ehnmiur uf
your me, tings ihld I-elluivslilp is uplifting in
ill Its brain lies und In all Its actlvlllis and
h who low. rs uur etundiinl is un enemy of the
or.br nnd Indeed, uf hilmatillv Lrt uur enn
duet within and without the lodge room . ver ls-
m. .. iib iu . miaul un luurscivis lu ine good
opinion of all men
"Attend to all the business nf nur lodge In n
purely business munntr lie s. rupiiluiuli liuii
st nnd InsNt un the must st ritimlous hnnestv
In all uur i fllci rs und m mb rs Pay all Ihiiii -tits
that ma be propi rlv due but d i nut iiernilt
suursilvis tu b. lmpnmil upon hv di signing men
'Lei ivirv bi.ineh of tm unler work In har
numy with vir ulln r briimh. and use every
iroinr itfori in Imeusv lis grnnih and prus
Iiertt Ihe puw.r nml Intluinn nf the subordU
nato lodge Is ib pendt nt uisin a m alfh urnvvth
unu ui vi.lopiin nt uf Its i o nrtliii vte urgnnls itluns
tin. encumpmmt th e intou und the Itibikih
lodge tllve lu tath of tin m uur Inartlest
moral und flniimlal support, and thus do nur
self tho hh.li si hood fur 'Ir one membir sutfer
all thu tu. mbers suffi r wllh it.'
"Hut. uhiivu nil and whativir else ou nr
lpur luili. m iy no mike It uur dut and uitr
pleasure . sn fur us vmi tan. vvtthuut Injury tn
ourself ur jour fumlb to r. II. . aulTerlng.
vvhenev.r un 1 wherever nu mu bml n within
or without vour lodge win tin r such sutferlng
be thu fault of flu, silff. r, r ,p n.tl Is h. nut
after till vour brother'' To thu vvatihwunl
of our di parted llrand Hire Daniel add the
modern vvtileliwuril of liiisln, sa llf. . anil lot
Htirvhu nntl .ftlcietuy .rovvn the I. mplo of Odd
I ulluvvshlii with glury and honor"
At a meeting of the emplnvm. nt lur.nu on
Tuesday oveulng representatives uf lliil loelges
were prisent vVhn wire uil.lri SS..1 bv liralld
Musiir Khnnor and tlrund Hemtir Hall It
was ditlded tu eiilitlnuu thu bureau as a permit
mill featuro of lh urder and l . tonsldir the
isinliUshment of similar huteius in ditfureni
Parts of thu Htate Manager l.ii'litibl repurl.d
lhat thera hail Isten 1'17S upplhatluns Hied pelsl
tluna setureil fur IIT7 members s.'iluT ." re
telved and I'.MUt) expimbd The uffl.ers are
A llBiiey, preslil. nl , J V l.uux vbe nr.si
.unt, Charles I JIamiltun. secietur, li 1.
ricu, treasurer. ,
Mill I.oJcu conferred thu third d-gree in full
nnmonlil form on a .lass uf eight candidal. s
with thu full stmt In harness Tin loelgt was
honored hy a visit frum thu grand mast, r uf
thu Statu of New Jerse, Urother t'purles A
MaeCrussen and several associates Frank S
Kerr uf phoenlr, No .' Ilurllngton V J .
II Anderson ami O ltred.ly. uf It.x-I.llng So
217 Itoebllng. N. J., and U.ivo )ubert, of '
HI llurdontown, N. J. Among uther visiting
brethren weret
llruther Tucl.cr, uf Louisville. Ij Kruuk
Zinn of No l.'.l, W likes JJarre, Pu Clue L
Mailer llutullton laulge Nu. alio dliarhi
d puty, Ilruthers 1.0 lie und V Ox Ulefuuu . f
Wuvue Lodge. r,o. j, several visitors mprs.l
ilielr surprlsu an4 nUmlrutlun at thu pru.r. ss
uf the lodgu anil tha Iinu wurk uf lb., degree
Initiatory decree tonight In full fur in mi i
vil)ra dti nhftn
urn nn 10 in iin 1) nvinih in
Mi I Id in j on nnj Thurinlitv rvrnln.
Mirrlift'it-, 1 du Nn -3. i 1 1 1 nnolhr
r ti l-Mii r nlir.it m I rl In x lnut Th Inrtst
n hunnri il hv Urn ml Alautt r Vt rry A Hhnnor,
liHuu K .Mohr rvprt cntnii to iho Hoi i relet,
llrand l.oilm It ti J. Itobfft W MontRotnery
urn ml n.ini'n u imy u Unimn. tlrnml rrpns
unr Krfil i ji imnn nml Urana HutitHry
l t,ir A thill An unuiun!l In rim nurtimro
nri'tfi thu tni(nr rnunt torillnli Among
mo i-iiuiirf itrothrrH ttefr l in iiu ihinkt
i-Miuifr nroinrrH werr i' i pno in mirr
, I) Uipiiti Mmirr. of thP nlntn itiMrM.
lt? tlrtno It Kimiil'l Thrr l.lnkx t.oUe.
I. Alnntui. N .1 nml II Main- Jnh'
non I oil No imi, nlon. N .1 Intfrmilnff
nlln mi tt in r mmK b tti Urnml .oIri niiinrw
tutu m n rln. Ipillv on Ihe nnow.1 mluliy
cami'imn thnt han -rn oUtlltied h the Rrnnd
lttni r for tin titujtrdH or th Irnt rtilti
Ut.put m nml Mntr Mnlirotn r pnnut.l
Hurt ir thi.rut- liianttno r Mm hints with
ti JmuI for tnlrt fhu tatii m nun rnhlp In tiw
wnh r
A iIiim of urn i rntiitlilrttrii will rireln tht
Inltlntori lrM tomorrow v-nln(t in full form
mi nrM i rntn in thi- n w nr tli i tin
tn'Kinnlmr ot a immfn r nf it for .'tM M
Inunnln In M- r twin In iii I'll- liti It
firing 1-, u j w ii out W niliopn iliitinc broin
rt tu lluiiin i. f-txtli floor I'urKwnj Itutidlntf
Hunt litl Tiiwlgf. Nn. lot. nt Hprutt llnll.
VMUo HI itt ititnui. had n itoul incittiiK n iUph
Oti i i tnim llorrlflon KuiuIk rthtd tnp
Initiators irrtt'd nhft r sprite l .tin ndmimtioh
fur th 1iIkui HTlrtcM mnnmr In whl h tho
frinon unn ttcrfuftn rt An Intttcmliin tulb
on tin .-mut ten of VM KflloMPhip wn glvru
iv tip U U Coy. of Htnmlimt lioiitft No 1?7.
UmklKtuI Mn mt compHttu itlttttf the loilrti un tho
Irtttriml uptrtt howtt mu nminf muuil niHht
will by honl Jnn. au
KornVrton hotlffp teln irmd (ho liotk of nil
Iho iIiktu'! for lh iidtnlwiim nf ntiilintcn
ritttod I'm mrirht'M nnd riitnllltn ro in-
it'll to tho srfvlc next Hundu.i nt tho orohiii.
it tit
umir itiu nunpirvfl or me i t t m
Wnvne I.mlge Is Meimrhig fur Us ninety s, ennd
nnulv. rsnrv, tn ho held Jatiunr) .to A um
tnliicei or Messrs t' A unillh. II. Arm.tit K
luibs J t'aiginna II ra".iuih and 11 rarlagha
nas arrangtHl n progrnm vvniin premiss tu
cnei 1 that uf the previous i.ur
Tin Veteran tt.1.1 Fellows' Assui lutlon of
P. nnsvlvntttu hntl thnrge of tho Odd hilluvvs
Home servlees Inst Hlltldl1 A Juekson presl.
.lent nf the Hssoeintion presldeel. and weleomett
the largi eonffriSiitton Addri sses tviri nimti
b M tt he a rnrnirr prusidont of Ihu usso.
emu m ihtirge Tirtetll Joseph Hi nd rsoti. Pns
blent HI lips nntl William limit, ilee presbb nt of
I lie home. Mrs. John I'lslu r, soprano, was the
lluth Montgomerv. Ilubeksh l.odee, No 1.1,-,
had .lllirge of tin servlns nt tile tldd I i llmvs'
uphiiiiiji Ai'dr.ss.s vveri mul. bv rr s .1. ut
UP hardson nnd i hairimin t.ov. .Mrs. t Arto
mil Mrs Linns Hr mil. rat. lu sang I'here w.re
also si lertluus bv tho ihlltlrius eburus und
ore lustra.
.tohn II. riooiltv.n gniml s. er lure of Iho
Hi irelgn flranil l.uilgi, n ports th.so Items
I'i.et ilninil Hire and Mrs John H t'oekrum.
of Indianapolis 1 nil . with some Indianapolis
frl. mis ever. ne. nt vlsltnrs In 11 iltlmor. nt the
o rflii of tin Sovinlgll llrand Lodge and at the
Mart hind limine. .. ..
Inst tlraii I It. presi ntntlve und Mrs r I
t'linvvay. furmi rlv nf Ahilnmii. now nf I'hlln
d Inlila wire also visitors
Hi m nil John h, llliti r, of t'allfornli, rom
niundlnir the palrlanhs mllit int. was la Tii.lt I
mnr. I ir u f.n hours The g ntral Is giving
nitlve and stltiessfnl utteiittutt to the work
Il wis a lib nsure tu pre. t Hrnth. r tJsnr
fttigemati of .Mllivauk. i. who Is ihulrmnn of
the iiinimlitee Imving In i harge tin luiililliig of
lb. tldd I'. Ilown Temple In .Mllvviltlk", II lid Is
i irrung Ihe enterprise fomard wllh mero
and ability
llrotlur Hen Wi bite, grntut s.iretary of Ihe
tlrnml Lodge, of Missouri una ileitnl vlte prist
di nl uf tl.o (Irun.l H inta.les' Assahttlun ut
the Chattanooga si sslon The siliitlun Is a
good nn, . ami t ongratulntluns are extended to
our worthy broiler
Information n a. h, the nfflee of the dutth
nf llrotlur lleorgi I' Muns, V past grand rep
r, s ntntlve, a pr.tminint ami usi ful m mb r
of Hie ..nl. r. In Miim.iolt, N II llrotlur Munsi v
hsd sirvnl in maii honurahlo positions lu tin
ordi r
ii... nratul uffl.ers of Marvland nre giving
niuih netlve Int. r. st to tho vvurlt, and renntlj
I I run rally tin i tlus bavi bull held In llnlll
iiiur.i and othir lu.iiit 'Ihu membi rs t,enerull
show' nitiell i nthusl ism
Final I'rcpnmtiuii for tho ulonstcr
Joint Clnsa Knrollmcnt
All In In renilliipss fur the mnnster 2000
rliiss Inltltitlon nf tho rhlhitlelphia tninpH
to bo liohl on Snttirtliiy pvenlnu next nt
the Monte Hall. Ills North llro.itl street.
A List unrnltifj Is 1k.sii.mI tn all thu mi'inhcrs
who wish to attend to priHiiiu nn mlnilssioti
tleUet from the ramp tlt'legate It is irreat
Iv reiiritti'tl tint on nienmit of the serious
llliiess of .lililge Chuilcs X lliuinm. nf
Villus IUII t'ounty, vvho wan to h.io tle
llveretl the niiilii mlilress of the uveiiliiLT ho
t.ininit bo ine'seiit. but the nllleers have
bent nble to hi ure Nntlnnnl lte 1'itsltltnt
.l.iin. m IU un nf .M.ii j lan.l. t.i ihllver nn
nthlres' llrnther lleit'is Is r.itetl n't one
of the leailliiir niators of the lOtintij ami
Is enlh'il "the man with a uusiii:e Mt m
lurs who h.ivu iKer heinl llrniher llenps
will linvo n et. pletiNiint Mirprise
In addition to Urother Heaps the thus lull lit
II ,a uffliera hiv. nlsv siitir.il Stat. 'Iiuhi.
11 II llufflnglon to ilellvi r an i Idr ss 1'ioib. r
llufTington Is noted fur his .armstnnis slnnrltv
und orle.hi.il manner In oraiorv liv sum hi is
said to be a siinnil "lllllv" Sun I iv II' In a
lam a fishier for viars In Ihi stati famp sis
slons for u greati r. a pur. r and niiin l hrls
tl Ill-like ordi r ami has alwa.s In n i e.r. it
ailvoiate fur tin '.niniuull hove l'h. utli r
si . alu r Is Stat. Pr. sl.lont Urn. st 11 I'lurk i.
form r mlnist. r nu.l nuw iht.f of .1. teitlvis of
Plllshurgh Ills I illts nre thu Mud that alwavs
ntriko home' uud aru the uu. s tint ulwavs
I. iv.. some gr. liter ami nubb r tliuU4lit with tils
nudlinn His nitlri llf has Ihiii d. voti 1 to
brlnsjlng bus up to helm, btttir iltlnis. and
has Ihiii a nt. rn and unrelenting fighter
if th.
li nu nt uf uur Stale Ml of the m. m
Urs who vvlll aitiiid and har th three irnt
InHiilrlm: him'iiUi rs. it Is nn dli ti d vvlll
g I llotlli
Well satisfied and vvlll Ik fat gnat, r find tll'.n
lo.il and Iruu Patriot le sons ur Am ri.-a
Urother Walter S Thompson of Camp 117
m. t with a si rlous a. eblent While driving a
trutk he slipistl and Ml off hnaklnu his lift
arm In four phi. . As llroiher '1 bompson was
nn nitlve member, ho will be missed during lit-.
Illness, and the mmiiers vvlll suffir unxLtv until
bo eaii bu buck In the ranks again
Pi. inn JS1 will luild B nubile Installallun uf
iiffl. ers at Its hall Slxlv Ihlrd slr.-.t and W'u. I
land nv liue un Wedn. sda evi lilug Jinunrv in
Memlu rs uf thu unler hi this titv and nls.k tin,
publl. ure eurdlally luvlt.ii to all. nd this up. u
mci ting
Prnther Frank II Swirm-r urn uf ib live
wire" dlslrl.t t.reslilnts nf the urd r Ins an
nnuueed Ills si h. dill" uf visits for th pun ..si i.f
Installing tin mwly el.etnl off I. . rs In his
tamps The st hid lie Is as fellows Camp ills
Ituwnlnutown January ll, Cuin, Vl, Pink -burg
Jaliuarv II t'limp PIS Won. liuuirv
'J C'ump MH It rwjll Tu. s.lav Jriuilul lit
At thu lust llanuil meeting Stale Snnliir,
Helms will thllur the uddnss uf thu .tilling
Thu r mululng sthedule follows Camp lis
Malvern Janiinn '.'.I Camp 3w tluthrb -vlll,
Januarv in I'amii MTI. W'.st Cl.atir Jamiarv
IT and I'amp KIU. Cuni.svlll. mi Jinuary 1
llruth. r Hwarner I dlstrlil pnsld.nl uf lb
ch. sli r I' lavvan IMstrlit width Is one of thu
moat utlve III the Sl;'"
Cuiiiii -MS of l.tk'lis Pi, Ulslrllut. I t-' ".n
In gulil to all of tin widows nf th. Ir dte.jsed
numbers m Christmas morning
I tiling at S ivaiinah)
riao bteameis Li iv i-aies Uv.t flcrvlcv
Meals arid II. rln Included
Plan lour Trip to Include
"The Finest I'oatiwUe Irlps lu the orld"
Illustrated lluuklet un ItettUest.
Merchants & Miners Trans. Co.
Onlce, 103 South Ulli bt.. I'lilU.. I'a.
J.1M of 6Uti ( n 1 niI.1f.tflc.fi
jk. oimnu u. a. m.
The New Stnte Councilor Appointi
State mni District Deputies
nter-Hon of nllleers wns nun of (lie frn
ttires of nn Interest In merlins hehl hv .tnhn
It MfiMIn r'ottftcll. N'o 20, Irisl Tlmrsilny
pvenlnR. flrent rlnlry etlstmt between tlio
nomine for ortlfe nml Ihe elect Inn fesulteil
ttl follnns founrllor U'llllmn PIoss; vice
rouncllor, freilrrlch Steetter, nsnlstnnt le
eitnllnif peeretnry, Wtshy Kroffj wnrtlen,
U'nylantl II Herb: rontluotor, Htjfliert Plolt .
InsltJo sentinel, Albert f HivlRenr; nutshle
sentinel. Norman Kern; rli.iplnln, Stephen
A Walton: tMistee, Arthur Nevltt OwltiB
lo the tlerensc nf the flnnnrlnl seeretnr,
Imvltl II Thompson tho election of Iih
successor wns- hthl nu The recnrdlnR
secretnrv, llenrv Weilelimnnti, wns nnml
tintetl for the position 1 ,1 t' Hinniel tl
Scott pnlit n frnternnl visit to the council
nntl snlil ho Impptl thnt nt tho cntl nf 1DK
the cntihcll woiilcl liae renchetl Its Gonl of
lono members
1'lnns were rompleteil by the fjenernl com
mlttco for the nct-nslon of the public Instal
lation lo be hehl on January II. Utrli olll
ter Hntl lUpttty will nppenr in full dress
suits I'ust Htnte I'ottni llor Bcott will bo
tho (nst.nliinK otllcer, nsslsteil by lieputy
Btiitc Comii'llor .tnhn .' t'letnonn ttntl depu
ties of tho il 1st riot Hpeolnl InvltnTlons to
tho ladles linvo been Issued nntl a host of
EUcsts Is ettpected lo bo present
West fllttnitnllihln r...u. ll'l. tnl ttnkl..M n
rsvniluiled hv ici- I'outiellor William l-'ly and
wnn laiuelj attended. Tho cut. rinlninent enm
mittee nssiin.l Iho members thst tho speelnl
ntirnitlons nnd r. freshments thut vvlll b. tm
3mfei ui the fuiiith nnulversnrv eil.liratlon nn
amiarv In vvlll surpass nnv thing iver given nf
n similar eharmtir The ufflnrs rnsi. r for this
term Is nn follows louti'llor, William Tlv
vb.. eoutitlior. Inslerb k Mlihmer, rnordlng
seiretarv, William Luring, assistant r cording
snretarv. Hiivlil M.uitsom.rv llnanelal sure
tsry J Hiss llurhnus tn usurer. Iienjnmln
Warren i-nnihutor I'rnnk Cornwall vvnrdin.
Alliert llaxter Insltl . nntlnil. t'lnnnte Qnr.ltmr,
Suteltlo s. ntlni 1 P.nlvnl ctiirdlncr trust. ,s
amis Travis Warn n Sintmun, Hurry IMx
son 'linnliln. I'ovvi II 'Iravls tnstnllatlun itm
tnnnles vvlll lie performed ut the next nn ting
bv District Deputy ihorgi White of lone Coun
etl. Chn-ter Onh Coimi II No ISO held nn elee
tlon of offlters, with the following r. suit Coun
cilor Charles lllmiu vie. loutieilur William
Alltlns, nsslstant ri.unling s. . n tarv Jus uh
llolley, ci.iidiieiiir K M. Vein warden. W.
Kmlth. Inside nmtllK-l, Anma Ivnufman, nut
side sentliul Alls rt John. Junior pnst councilor,
ridwaril Urlflllbs trustee I Mntslngir. i hiui
laln. Chnrhs Mntslngir Thi so oftlurs will bo
tnslulled tomorrtw evitilng t hurii r link Coun
cil Is the babv i am. II of Deiuwaru Cnunty and
meets every 1 r!luj tit Inst Llinsdnvvne
Junior Past Rtnte Councilor flnmuel O Pnitl
ret ommt mini tho fulluwlng mums as diputlm
unt dlstrlit deputies for the eastern illslrlt t nnd
thi v win n.f Int. I to the resp.tlv. i nun. Us
bv Hlnln Coutu-llnr II tl llnldwln as follows
Illstrlit .1. pntt.s It. nrv Well, nm mn of c'oun
ill Nu -il ov.i Cuuni lis Nus yil S' 71 Ill
2.10 nnd tino. th urge lib hardson of Council
ISO 1' in in.r e uuu. lis eun u. i - i s.i lis
nml III'" l rni t vv . in r of i
1 1 ml C Wilur of Ciuinll So III
un.lls S'us nil is- r.JO us I and 7.10
oi r i
i i inni). i st ovr
"I 1..
J- i.4 1 .. I yi
'ii rrivk. r-nr.t
.ll,hll""' "I
I'WmTlrl Vfji&HSr
hoval poiricisns.
TltC DIlllAHEns
IMAGINE n wonderful natural Pier jutting
out for 600 miles into the blue waters of the
Atlantic, warmed by the Gulf Stream to an
even temperature of 70 F., and filled with
every summertime attraction.
The Florida East Coast
13 but a step away, reached by safe, clean railway trams,
and it3 hotels, famous the world 'round, arc linked to
gether by the Florida East Coast Railway.
FROM St. Auuuttino to thr Kcyi are ucceii!on of tunlit
golf links, whits In the planning: of IhU ldl winter play
ground, tennu ha bean ftrueroiuTy catered for. The moat
popular bathing beachvi in tho world aro here. Wonderful
tubing, tatlinff, motoring and. r.bovu all, tha brightest, gay
est and most congenial tociet) to share your enjoyment.
AeU your ticket agent for detailed Information, or write for the
bUNSHlNh. HOOKLUT, a rharmlnc brochure, beautifully Illus
trated and full of Interest free.
For information of other hotels on the Kast Coast of Florida, at
Nassau, Uuhnmns, or on the Island of Cubn, ask for Information
Ilaoklet of the Florida East Coast Railway address
Ml will l ft s. .1
Opcrv at qlLseasons
' of ttarcau
A rocortixisod ..standard
o: cxcellcrvcc,
Cpc.tv600 lt'AUEJtJ.BUZSy.
tVptsfniinsfpr h"- ae near u"!". ei
e,aniutloll,i (or to t j.rlVf lmthlfj r,
wuter fa up vvky up elatlv Chas. Jluluo.
I .
Willlnm r jUhn of Council No 1058 Over
While nf iiin.ll J. Til, uvcr Conn, lis Nos,
Bl C r.n and fii John It strf 0f ( ounell No.
MJ ovtr t ou irlls Nos 11-' 111. 127 077 nnd
"in Willi. m tirirrith nf J ounell sJo Sni, ove?
iminills Nus Ifui ; m sol nml 70S. John F
7 s 0,f.,'i0uni"..N.2 "" over Councils Not,
r-.-n1!, t' nl ttun nr c u tirirrith of
w.i . in ov.r i nun. lis Nos n 2sn, nus
no., ui.. .'nine wnuitn or council No. 080.
S5,7wun;"." N' "..-'",-' V nn'1 "soj William II
Sit .,;i0,o""V." No.,,,, over Councils Nos.
VJ A"-'' s I'erej Wnrthlngton of Council
No P71
over toumlls ,. ,,, 7H, 810, J
nnd ti;.t
ri?!!!ll,v.S",,';,.""II, " l"hn q Hemens, of
..n'n,lL s" '"'." .'"'r "tint II No iin lienrr
W.llinmiinn nf f'niin. II No ;n, over Counrl
No nnil William Ploss of Council No 20
uvtf Council No lIL'n, Augustus NeissSr. nf
!?" " 8 ,a "ownr. j hurnslde. of Coun
rll Nn Jfi.l over Cnunci No lsli Villlnm It.
tlrnhnm of Council No Is over CouneirNo:
2li John O. Wilson of t ounell No 20 over
fntintil No h.'ti II v Wnrrrn of Council n"
til. over Council ' 7m (leorge H White
of f 'nuneil Nn 7f.O ov.r Counell M le
M77 1 rwln Nfh.'iiu. nf rniiMfsii v
1 '.'"'v'" n"is n,r" ,.'' r""'. w "rlhlng'tnn, of, cSiio
cll No. D7.1 ov r Council Nn 730 i: K V.eath.
I.. '.'V' "'"" 'o l.in over Council No.
.11. i hnrles Krurn r. of Council No U20, over
t ounell N 0 stnnb v Mann of Coune I No,
? .. "i"c.' ou.W N" nin Allan Hmdrlrks, of
""'V".1.'. .N" Is' ovir Council No nml James
810 over
H tiihi;.. r iniuei ' .".'" rs.."". .''"" "'"'.T
Vo Pia. Alej llunt.r of Council No pnn. over
t nuneil Nu M fred Tvic of Council No 4fin
No am
iiiiiiiii .-.u -i-.- I, .1 Kin. of Council
.ver council Nu nsn
Piisne Luhrmnn of Counell No Oso, over
Cnllticll Nu 4ull W II rntz of Council No.
??- ".r'c,' ' No M7.' " i:ddlng.r, 'ot
Count II No 2.17 ovir Council No 2.17. W.
I'rnnk SmIi rt. of Counell No Pill over Coun
ell Nu SfllJ. J T A I'iii, of Council No 810,
over Conn. II No, 2': II Ununhcr, nf Council No.
20 ovir Cmml! No in, 1) llnehmnn, nf Coun
ill No 2S over Council Nn mo j Lewis
Piierie, of Coumll No Psl over Council No.
mni r struvhorn or t nuneil No nnii, over
Council Nn 2HS II Wright nf Council tio.
S1.1 over . Count II No IHI William lohnson.
nf Council Nu 211. ovir Council No s',3, rranle
Maclt'iniill uf Cuuni II No 121, over Council
Nu Ii7l. 1. T Stun of Councif No 074 over
tounill No 121 Arthur NeMtt, of Council
Nu 20. over Coumll No 2.10. cuuuci
VnuItl Itnise Lancaster Cops' Pny
IiANCAKT Pt . Jan 4 At tho Jnn.
it.try ineetlniT ot City rviuncll Inst night
Common Councilman llitthoy presented a
resolution Inireiihlnif the salaries of pollco
men anil it'innliiiT the fnrro from pnrtlsnn
poltths Tho pitlin.inoe una referred to tho
i""""" iii.'.iiiii.uiie ins le'ifrrra n
Municipal Comniftttc for consideration
l'ltiitim tst ( hast
"- Ocecmfiw-
v Sf .
r .,--r-jiVi
. KiM-il BEACH '
Swimming I'uol Gulf, Sei
fotlL uiiirt. bvvryLurotHan
Lath iuiJ Irratmcnt Wite
GEO r. ADAMS, Mansar
Farlrast Mont-ov. V ei
l" 41 r ut l.lii 1 1 id l hen tnu t ati :
'l.i Tuura 1J7 h Hroad at tho I'enna It U,
i i 1 ' m In htnui at and Itdgir Central
leim WMle. lou lirn
Shorthand 1 d writ in--. Hookkeeo
liu betnturnl .Spanish, taught In
I.tstnlim ufunioiid l'untttons Mtured tot
hrudujtcs LUhtti n iw
tJ" i lustnut Street.
CTRAVPITQ 'rna Uest -Uiuintwa fcchooL,
i31Inil-iIV O gih and Chestnut Streets.
.Uliifi)j lu trunrfit nttr now Viy or nlgnU
JIT.' -'.."' ".'T council jso 31 (leorgs
,.f,uurfihJi0iiV'T,n "' ounci No so. nvr
f nuneil No It iIisimo Thompson of ('ounell
.Nr.,ili nr ftl'"' N" " Wllllsm Monre of
iv,m I1 NJ' ..'ni Hxr '-ounell No nt L-lwsri
? 1- ',Ll"uT, No ,."1! c,r Council No,
N. mi VI"t".!iii',un5ll,.No ! ','..0"!rc'''ncll
iii (.'l, c T SI 111 of ( ullnell Vv ufirf . -a
SI V, r r-u ., ,"-;'"". lr!V""i f. Council No.
. nip routi So J Krfl C rnr nt
c uti.ll No Ml m.r Cunci No Jnii' r
Lang. hart. or Council No ail. over Council
No J 30 Abnim It Icohler nf t ounell No 702.
over Ciiutiril N'o nil rrr, lluisnn of Coini
v.1.!.? 12" over t ounell No 702 r Thomis
ns'i' f Sri.r'V.,m" tNo ." "srt Council No!
0S4 John. P llue, Jr , of tvnuncll No SO. nJi.
.11 .No Till O, erg.- Ite,,,- of f'o uncri No, 74:
ov.r c.iundl No nnl. I f'rorelt of Cnunci VJftT
?? "i.r,ii's'lium,l,l.,r"' ln ,! '- Hunsberw.
i' J.e.nr"N.n. ,1a.i 'S"r ' ncll No 127, Johrl
"iin li iin.
V t Mr
- 71