Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 03, 1917, Night Extra, Page 9, Image 9

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Plans for Cafe Chantant Are Discussed by Nancy
Wynne She Comes Upon a Romance During
a Quiet Walk
S THE time advances tlie much-talked
on Monday nigtit, ft more ami mmo
be held out tit Miuiheim, Iho (Icrmaitlown Cricket club, and will consist of alt klndt
of cntprtalnmonts music, n playlet w two and rothcllc l.m inff Some of Herman
towns most attractive glrli will act ns aids Unit night, anions llipm being Agnes
nrocltlp. r.liznbeth Winter, Mnflnrt
Button. Marguerite Ilurton, Jose
phine ltcpps Mnr Hern, Helen
Mooie Nanrv Hoyt Smith, Maud
reylon Muijory Taylor, Etntyn
ghlplev rect,v Perot, .tnno Mittile,
Margaret D ils, Mnrgitrctta roltz,
Catheilne Mori Is nnd ttlnlno Hub
llsli The whole nlTnir is bolnjj gotten
mi to aid in the splendid wotk
whli h Is being done by the Army
and uvv nellcf branch of Got
mnntown of which Sirs. I'rtinci9
Howard Williams is ptealdent.
MR AN ItHNSSUIjAiail will
clo bis annual muslenl
Btnokei tonight In Horticultural
Hall In honor of Mr. Leopold Sto
"invKi mid the I'hlludclphia Of-Hip-ti.i
All iho prominent men
In town in uncial nnd muslenl cir
cle aip Invited to iittcml this lo
llRliiful nffulr, which nistimos n
decldodlv I.uro proportion, Inas
much ns It Is t;IVOIl 111 0110 Of
the 1 11 Best places for entertain
input in thl iltv, nnd Is crowded
nt tint
Both Mi nnd Mrs Van HOnsse
laer hap been untiring 1 uphold
ing nn lino of nnihlcnl endeavor
In Iho rif v ind thplr nnmes nro
nhwns to lip found among the
first m mi minuting this delight
ful ml
Till! I.i.iplncott family will hold
u iripptlon this afternoon nt their
home lOi'i -Spruce street, which was
foimei'v owned by tho Into Adolpho 12.
IIoiip Si ntii' of the N'ay under Presi
dent tiiiiiu lot a time. Ily tho family I
mean Mn ( i 'h-c Uppincott and her tinea
chililien anil their Inlaws, Jny and his
wife Mi mil Mrs Douglas rrnnchot,
the lutti i of whom was Coustanco Llppin-
cott oii will remember, nnd of courso
the Sam Kieves. Mis. Ueeves was Joso-
phlnc Mppiwott Tho VianchotH, who
live out in OKInhomu, nro on for tho holi
davs for .1 isit with Mia. I.lpplncott, nnd
It Is er delightful tli.it Mis. llpplncott
has Invited her fi lends to meet her chil
dren this dftfinoon, ns many of us novo
not spui Constance since sho marricil a
I year 01 so ago, though sho has boon home
in the meantime, but not for nnv great
I length of time
THI3 younger set will bo busy todav
with two luncheons nnd n. dinner to
its credit The Albert Kclsoys win i;io
a him lieoii for their daughter, UlUnbeth,
and J.me e.itm.iu will bo guost of honor
nt a luncheon which Mis Popo Yeatmnn
will give Then Mr. nnd Mrs. Hem')'
Held will onteitatn ut dinner for their
! daughter Mabel Held.
It is pnfpctU truo ono Is so much en
tertained btfoic ono comes out theso
jdas one has nothing now to which
lone may loik forward whon tho time of
; debut dually does come.
IT WAS only a weonty lltllo kiss ami
tliey wero peifectly within tho law.
i but win on earth did ho chooso such a
public i'pot or was It that they wero
both so ubsoihed they dill not icaihio that
tho window cm tains wero not pulled
down and the maid had lit tho light.
And wh, too, did Nancy hao to go
walking li Ju&t na It hnpponcd? Sho
did, howover, and sho had beon pretty
sure thfio was an engagement betweon
the tw.i 11 and now falie Is certain. Per
haps the will let us Into tho secret bo
I foro u long Sho is ery pretty, fair
I and petite, whllo ho is rather tall and has
BUCH beautiful c) clashes.
Mis C.eorco MlCIcII.Iii, of UK SpiUCO
street will glo 11 dinner on Pilday nlgat
before tlu (lrbt Assembly. TI10 guests will
Incluilo Miss riiailotto Harding Hi own,
MHs S .ileiitln Mlti hell. Miss Mury II.
1 Ilmiike Mims M.utli.i Putnam, Miss lie
MurtiU Mrs William Ponn-tiasklll Hull,
Mr l'ilu.11.1 (iardlm-r, Mr Ismail l.islo,
llr lUlwaid Drookp Mr William J'enn.
GaakLll Hull Mi William Kurness and Mr,
Henrv Ilous'on
Mrs 'Samupl Hmlen Carpenter, of 20
Bouih Tv.nt-flrit stieet. will uuterlulll at
I dinner, foltuuol by a theatro pirty, to-
smoriow nurht in honor of Miss Sin
ijllpm.is, of U.iltimore Among tho guests
v-viu us iihn taiaueiu jirociciu, .miss .imr
garet Thuer Miss Retiecca Tliom.son, Miss
fnieanor Carpcntur and Miss Kdlth Carpen
;ter Mr Alfred lien v. Mr. Livingston Hid-
die 1, Mr Henjatnln Hush, Jr., Mr. Hoff
man DoIjii, Mr C. A. lirlscuin, ud.
Mrs lbaac II Clothiel. Jr.. of Sunnv,
i brook Furm. Hadnor, gave a luncheon tit
the Hltz-Carlton. followed by a theatre
party jesterday In honor of her young son,
Master Itaac H Clothier. 3d. Among tho
guests were Master Tristram C. Colket,
Jr Master t.iiiilm.ott Colket. Matter Alex
andir j I'ussatt Master Antonio Casiatt,
Master l'runk Kane, Master Kent Kane.
Master 'diaden Kane, Master Hdvvard
Drowning Jr. Master Jack Conaway, Jr.
Master II ltudillffe noberts. Jr., and Mab
ter Ilosengarten MacLeod
Mr and Mrs William Jnues Forbes, of
Vlllanova ara entertaining tlie Countess
Suzanne rtabln. of Denmark, over the holl.
dajs They gave a dinner in her honor last
Week Amniii? thnsn iirPK.iit u'prft Airs
Morris W Stroud, Jr, Mr. and Mrs Ueatly
' uuues, Mr and Mrs. Henrv Ilrinton
case, Mr John Potter and Mr. William C.
Mr and Mrs Arthur fmlun Viihn!,l of
Laverock, Chestnut Hill, moved into their
town house, 201 South Nineteenth street,
Dr. and Mrs Henrv n. npiAlin lino r.
ij turned to their homo in New York, after
iwnaine the holldas with Doctor Gejelin's
wrents, Mr and Mrs. Henry Lausuat (3eye.
Ho. at Hardwlcke, Vlllanova. Mis Charles
Clement, of Sunbuiv. will stav with her
iMrents, Mr and Mrs. Geyelln, until Mr
ICHment returns from the border
Mr. and Mrs Wiiit,..- r ci.mi.u np
I ""re Mrs. Brooke's Committee Dauolns
1 ZT' J" honor of their daughter. MUs
;Jnilyn Shipley Tho guests will Ineluda
: Mtw Isauey Hoyt Smith, MUs Kllsabeth
' Ha Dusen. iib nr.,Pih. Ti.,ainn -....
Wes Hcppe, Miss Mary Biltard, of
r who j Mls Ileppa's guest j Mr
' awihrop, Mr Craig Hclwton. Mr.
n n iiiiiiiTT'1"14
, m ll4p,
of "Cafe ciinntnnt
which U to be nlven
urn topir of imiuptmitlnn You know It will
Tho engagement of Miss Glnilys K. Fries,
daughter of Mr. itnd Mrs. .1. Fismklin
Fries, of Ovcrbrook, nml Mr. Chnrlos W.
I. Andes wns recently announced.
Oernld Hlch, Mr. Hdw-nrd Ketchnmnnd Mr.
William Clothier.
Mr. nnd Mrs Colemnn Belters, .Id. of
Qui en Inno. nermantown, will bo nt home
Infounally on January 17 nnd 21.
Dr nnd Mrs Joseph Packard Laird, of
Devon, sppnt tho Week-end with lelatlves
In Wilmington, Del
Mr nnd Mrs Archibald Harkllr, of Invcr
House, will leave the end of this week for
Washington, where they linvo taken n
hotiM!, 170 Tw-entv-second street. North
west, for the rp-nalnder of tho winter.
Ilnron and Hnronpss von Kchoen. whoso
man-i.igo took nlnee a few weeks lino.
havo loft for Mexico City, where they will
be stationed Baroness von Schocn wns
Miss Catherlnn lllinev, of Wnhlngton, who
has frequently lslteU Miss niulno Taylor
i.ngnsii, or Uermantown
Mr. nnd Mrs Horaco Hugeno Smith. Mlsa
Edith Smith nnd Miss Mary Smith will
leave on Jantuiry 2S for California for a
three-months' trip.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Itlehnsd Grnv Pnilt. Jr ,
who havo been living nt Chestnut Hill this
winter', have taken a house In Washington
nnd will move there the beginning of tho
Tile annual luncheon nt the nermantown
Cricket Club was as usual a huge suecoss
on New Year's Dnv. Thero was an nlr or
general festivity about tho loom, which
was artistically decornted with huge led
hells through width gleamed tiny electric
lights, l'lr trees and holly were uspil to
bank tho fireplaces, window sills and tho
balcony, whero luncheon was served nt
small tables.
Among those iiotkeil wero Mr 1 3. W.
Clark, Mr nml Mis. Joseph Wnvne. Jr,
Miss Dnrotliv Hmlen New bold, JlWi Jo
sephine I'limrn-ui Iteeves, Mr and Mrs
Walter .Slilplpy, Miss Hmlvu Slilplev, JIlss
Nancy Hoyt Smith, Mi. unit Mis i'lnnton
Middlcton, Mr and Mis William K T.lovil,
Jlr and Mrs Hobert I.on, Ml. and Mrs.
Clnrcneo Uiusli. Mr. and .Mrs Aithur
Haines, Mr and Mis. Charles, lingers. Mr.
nnd .Mis. Noiman T Mooib, Miss Judith
Jonnlngs, Miss Natalie llllz.inl, Mr Dreel
Steel, Jlr J in no lloodwlu. Mr. ami Mrn
13. Itoss Carver, Mr. and Mis. IVoderli It
Dudlov, Mr. and Mrs Charles Hlizard. Mr
and Mrs Alfred Weill uod Mr. und Mrs
Warner O. Harushuvv
Mi-s. Poro WHmer, of West Coulter street,
nermantown will spend a fortnight as the
guest of her sister, Mrs. William Uiav
Warden, nt P.cdgute, School Hottso Line,
Mr. and Mrs Conrad H. drove, of Qitlncv
street, Clermantown, will return today fiom
Atlantic City, wheio they spent New Year's
Mrs S MaeCiien Smith, of West Chelten
avenue, Cpt'iimnlonn, gave a large family
dinner on Monday evening ut th (l-niuin-lown
Cricket Club Her guests wer Mrs
II D Hodgers, Mrs John Allon, )' , and
Mrs KiedeiiUc II Allen, Miss Ca.keilne,
Weston. Mr. and Mrs. Wurren Fllk- 'les, of
New York; Miss Hlla Colhssou, ) r und
Mis. Henjamln Allen, "lil, Dr and Mrs
Lewis S Zlegler, Miss Christine Meni., Mr.
Ueoige Allen Siiilth, Mr Louis SmiMi, Mr.
M A Hot. Miss ICDzabeth MucCuen
Sraltli is a member of u house pariy at tho
homo of Mr and Mrs, T. U Coultlin, of
Quogue, L. I.
Mr. John W Watson und Mr ItlUiunl A
Wutson cue spending their holidays with
the r paieius, Mr. and Mrs. T T Wutson,
ut Plnehurst, N. C.
Mrs Sparta Frltss. of Maplevvood inenue,
Oermantovvn, will glvo a hridgu tomorrow
In honor of Mrs. Arthur Uoodfellnvr and
Miss .Marlon Sharpless, Mrs. Uoudfellow.
who was Miss Helen Van Puson before her
mnrrlags in thu fall, is tho guest of her
parents, Mr and Mrs. Samuel Van Dusen,
MSI Morrib btrcet, nermantown.
Mita Dorothy Daniel, of 33 Hast Spring
field avenue. Chestnut Hill, is the guest of
her cousins, Mr. iuu Mrs Henry Tajtur,
Jr., Monument avenue, Itlehmoml, Va. Miss
Daniel attended tho New Year's german
Monday night.
Mr. and Mr3. Norman T. Moore, of New
York, spent New Year's Day with Mrs
Moore's fanflly, Mr. and Mrs. Hills Hanson,
52U Archer street. Oermaiitown. Mrs.
Moore was Mlsa Anno Hanson before her
Tho bal masque of tho Crekhelm Dancing
Clasa will be held tomorrow night In Oer
maiitown. Mrs. 13d ward. C Deardon. of Merlon, will
give a dinner on Friday night at her homo.
At the tea which Mrs. W K. Adams, of
toot; Spruco street, will glvo tomorrow In
honor of Mrs. W W Adams. Jr, Mm.
Frank DonaUon and Mrs. Henry C Wesks
those prlding at the tea. table will be Mrs.
Conrad Qrove and Mis. A. Adauui Knipe
Miss Frances Hoppe. of Cresbelm and
Pelliam roads, Oermaiitown. has MUs Mary
Hlllaril, of Rattan, as her guest. MIm
Hcppe will give a lunchtou and theatre
paity for Miss Hlllard on Saturday after
noon, when the guests will be MUut Klixa
beth Vdti Dusen, Mies linilyn Shipley. Miss
Dorothy Head lug. Mlsa Jane McLaughlin.
Ill-a Mary Taylor and Miss Violet Millies.
Mrs Henpe will cluperone the party
H1& Lliw Howard-SmlUi, of Pulaski avo-
? JwuiumMiWM.iiiMmi9mnmmmmBm i ' i " '" m ' ' k if1. ' '" " ' J
,,,!, ,,rTTV; yi iiffiippjppnR-,'nf'w'-
ntic, (lermnntovvn, la vlftltlnff friends In
Hlchtnond, Vft.
Mrs 13 B Foreter, Miss Dorothy I.lnn
rorster rtnd Miss Anna Whltnll Korster aro
spending a few dajs at Chotsea.
sapovits noar3xsTi3t
The marriage of Miss tiosalo Ihwniteln
of 022 Watklns street, nnd Mr Inld
Kapovlts. of 218 Concord avenue., took libra
last tilght nt ? o'clock at the lionip or
tho bride Owing to tho recent death nf
Miss Itoselislelli's father onlv the fnmllin
Wpre present, nnd tho brldo had no nt
tendnnts. Mr. Morris fJnpovlts, a bmtiii-r
of Iho bridegroom was best man, ntul the
bride was given 111 marriage by .Mr 1 11
HiPh The Ilnbbl lllvkln performed tiio
1 eiemonv
James Allien Guest Decitles Ho Doesn't
Wnnt to llegin Work nt Etltly-
stono nt 61
Jumps Aldan GuPBt, wealthv plubnnti
who accepted a position nt the Hddvstnno
pl ml of tho ltemlnRtnn Arms ('ompinv n
hi ollei, has changed his mind, tpinpoi.u h
nt least
finest nvvoko nt 5 n. m and looked nbout
bis sumptuous apartment In the rtltten
lioup Of course. It was dark ns night ind
the nlr had n peculiar, d-imp feeling s ,
Mr finest laid his head down on his pillow
and deilded that this Is not the tinu r
venr for a man of fifty-four years to in gin
his tlrst dny'B work
It was a perfeptly good Job ho had ob
tained at Rddvstonc He was to receive $ I s
n week ond If the Itemlngloii Arms Com
pany had orranged tho wnrkdav schedule
on tt illffeient basis finest might have been
on Hip lob todn
The fact that mnchlnery must be ollnl ns
soon or before It starts In the morning ind
that 'luest usually nrlses some time nftei '
win prevent the clubman from accepting the
job nt this time.
tluest s object In accepting the Job ns
ollei wns for the purpose of learning luuv
to run bis own yacht
1 "
Parmer Smith's
Denr 13ver)body This looks like n very
big word
Let us take It npait. Iils-cournge-metit
Ah I There Is our old friend COCUAUI3
tiultpil away In It.
AVheii you nro dls-couinged, what are you
to do'
One thing, nnd that Is very simple Mil
youisetr with coi'iunu
How- pan vou do It?
A'ou might take nn automobile pump or n
bicvi'le pump nnd pump jourtclf full of
coinage Hut wheio are ou to get tha
courage'' You cannot go to ti gaingo whero
courage Is sold tho same as gasoline.
Hut let us lenson this thing out Suppose
when you nro discouraged ou do some
thing In live This means, you must du
soint thing .vou nro afraid to do
Perhaps ou do not know what courage
Courage Is tho voice In our mind which
mnki s us do right bra veil-'
In tho silence of the night, when the stats
ure shilling the bilghtest nnd all the earth
Is clothed in Inky blackness and thoughts
hobgoblin thoughts como to )ou and you do
not entertain them ou conquer them with
thoughts of I.UVI3 the:. 1 say jou arc a
lllCIlO as much as though you had won a
battle In the great wni and .vou nru ci owned
with n cross of HOLD, not lion
Conquer dls-couragoment Tho news
papois iniy nevei mention jour namo
among those whom they wish to honor, but
your name will bo wiltten whero there nro
no battles to he fought whole all Is peace
forever and uvor !
Lovlnglv and courageously.
KAICMI3II SMITH. Children's Killtor.
Thc Foolish Little I'islt
Ily Farmer Smitli
It was onco agreed by tho Animals, the
Hirds and thu FlHhes of tho I3.utli that all
should combine to warn each other of ap
proiu lung danger.
Tin. Fishes were to send up bubbles when
the Indians or othei enemies came near, nnd
the low i wcio to watch for tho bubbles
and 'pivv" so that the lleasts 111 the foreBt
might 11111 to lover, while the Hirds of the
ulr -.ought sheltir
Vow the Little Pish heard tho other
Fishes t ilkiug about the signals which wcio
'uprii:lii, life I'ulilmhluu' t'uiiuuiiy.
to be given, so lie thought ho would havo n
great tlinu all b hhiiM-lf, so ho floated down
the mi earn and bent up as many tiny bull
ous ns his little lungs would allow
A passing Crow chanced to see tho bub
bles and tit onto began to "c.nv" with till
hlh might The lllids fiom fur nnd near
How through the i-ky at a rapid rate wltti a
great "wblr-r-r" of wings Tho lleasts all
scurried to cover und mailo a nolso of rus
tling leaves and breaking twigs. vvhiUi
greatly delighted tho Littlo Fish, who began
to rejlUi his power.
When tho liltds, tho Hcasts and tho Fishes
avv that there was no cuuso for alarm they
went about their business and kept silent
ull the time, in order to And out who hud
given tho false alarm.
It Is trit that the Itabblts blamed the
Crow and tho Hawks as well, but tho Ciovv
stoutly maintained that ho had done his
duty, and that ho had seen the bubbles In
tho water.
Soon after this tho Little Fish thought
he would have some more fun, so ha t.ent
up bubble after bubble, and again the Craw
"cawed" until ho was almost hoarse Onco
more tho Itlrda and the Fishes and the
lleasts ran to cover, the Fishes seeking dark
holes by tho bank of tho river. Hut tho
LUtla Fish did not seek cover, and so a
Trout cams up ond knh'
"Whero are the enemies which we are
warned of? Tell me, since yon uro the last
to fecek cover"
Tho Little Fish laughed a flsh laugh and
"I think It Is lots of fun to see the Pishes
and tho Hirds and the Uwsts run to cover
I send up a lot of bubbles and they all
bcurry to safetj Why don't )ou havo some
fun, too?"
It was not long after this that tho Trout
saw some Indians coming down the river
bank and he sent up such large Vubbles that
the Crow could not help seeing them Onco
more tha Hirds, the Beasts and the Fishes
all ran to cover, and this time they were
afe Hut the Little Fish thought the Trout
was having home fun and was only pleased
to see how well the plan worked
At that very moment tho Indians came
down fiom the woods on a fishing expedition
und the Little Fish In his glee did not dream
of danger
The Indians caught the Little Fish'
For one awful moment the Little Fish
thought he was surely going to die Then
the biggest of the Indians said, "He ts such
a little fish ; let us throw him back "
And so back Into the stream went the
Little Fish, trembling with fright And as
he hank doyi Into the cool, cool water he
said to himself over and over again
mm u. i4iwBWfjiMiuuuijjjuj
w'' - rwjJi,Hw' - ww,w'S' ---T'Wm''h -"'w.wfri
f. -r-fte WSt&mmw ' sMMBmh
ci f fmmMmmmwMmmmmmmmkm.
(oiMljhl I 1 r 1 ill II iln 1 imi 1111 It. print. I lti i , Itl titn in i
Mis. Robert Looscways, whose alimony is said to bo the largest on record.
(Sequel to "Tlie Vacant World")
CojivrliAl, life. Vu l'rank I. vin,u enmnnnv.
I'll M'l Hit VVII (Continued)
ALAS'" er
rltd be "What nm I ngninst a
thousand' A thousand, who mock at
me? Who believe )oti, veitl.v. to be onl
some new nnd stronger kind of LaiiMkaarn,
ns we call our ancient enemies on tho great
Islands In tho sen
"What can I do ' They hnvc let me have
upoech with ou merely because they think
1110 so old nnd so childish1 Hi muse they
say mv brnln Is soft' Whativer I mnv
tell them they will only mock Woe upon
mo that I have known this hour: That I
have heard this ancient tongtip, onlv now
forever to lose it' That I know the truth'
Tint 1 know the woild of old tiiidltlon was
true and Is hue, only now to have no more,
after this moment, nnv hope ever to loam
about It '"
"Tho devil )ou snv'" cried Stem, with
(Hidden anger. "You inrnii tliev won't llstrn
to reason ' You menu they're planning to
butrhor us. and hung us up theie along
with the rest of the captured Lnnsknarns,
r whatever .vou call them" You mean
l'O'ro going to take us us, tho only
chiiiiM they've got ever to get out of this,
and slick us like a inuple of pigs, eh?
Well, by God ' You tell them you tell "
In the doorway appeared another form,
armed with an Iron spear. Came a quick
word of command
With a 1 ry of utter hopelessness and
heartbreak, n wall that seemed to plotee
tho very soul, the patriate)! turned und
stumbled to tho door.
Ho paused He turned, nnd, stretphlng
out both feeble nrms to them to tlu.111.
who meant so Inllultolj much to him, bo
absolutely nothing to bis barbarous lace
cried :
"Pare Jou welt, O fodlllto people of thut
better time' Pate you well' Hefore an
other tide has rlBen 011 our aceursed black
hiach, verllv both of you, thu last sur
vivors "
With a harsh word of anger, the spears
man thrust him bnLk and invay
Stern leaped forward, revolver leveled
Hut bofoio bo could pull trigger the Iron
door bad 1 langed shut
Ones moie d irkness swallowed tin 111
Illaik though It wus. It equaled not. tho
blaikness of their absolute despair.
'I he llnllle In Hie Hurl.
IpOR a time no word fussed bitwoen them.
1 Shein took tho girl In his nrms and
comfoited her as bpt he might: but his
heart told him there wns now no hope
The old man had spok' n only too truly
Theio existed no way of convincing theso
barbarians that theii piihoners wein not
or some bated hostile tiilie, IMdtiitly tlie
tradition of the outer woild had lo-ig slnie
perished us a belief mnong them The
pati larch's faith in It had come to be con
sidcied a meru doting sipond ihlldhood
vagary, Just as the tradition of the Golden
Ago was held to be by tho later Greeks
That Stern nud Heatileo could In any
wny convince their captors of the tiutli of
this outer woild and establish their identity
as real survivors of the other time lay
wholly outside tho bounds of tho probable
And ns tho old man's prophecy of evil
Interrupted, yet frightfully ominous re
curred to Stern's mind, he knew the end of
ever) tiling was veiy close at hand
'They won't get us though, without a
stiff light, damn them1" thought he 'That's
uiie satisfaction. If they Insist on exter
mination if they want wai they'll get It.
all right enough' And It'll bp what Sher
man said war always wus, too Hell'"
Cams now a long, a eeemlnglv Inter
minable wait The door remained fast
baired Oppression, heat, th'rst. hunger
tortured them, hut relief there was none
And at length the merciful sleep of
stupefaction overcame them: and all their
pain, their anguish and foubadings wero
numbed Into a, welcome oblivion.
They wero awakened by a confused
noise the sound of ci.es and shouts, dulled
by the thick walls. )et evidently many
voiced harsh commands, yells, and oven
somo sharp mows upon tho pi iaou stones
The engineer started up. wide-eyed and
nil ulert now in the gloom
Gono were his lassitude, his weakness or '
his tenjo of pain. Uvety senso acute, ..o
awaited, hand clutching tho pistol butt,
fh'ger on trigger.
"Ready there, Itcatrlce '" cried he "Some
thing's started at last! Ma) be It's oijr turn
now- Here get behind mo but be ready
to shoot when I tell you! Steady now,
steady for the attack1"
Tense as colled springs they waited And
all at once a bar slid, cieaklng Around the
edge of the metal door a thin blue lino of
light appeared
"Stand back jou'" jud stern "The
first man through that door's a dead one'"
The line of light remained a moment nar
row: then suddenly It broadened Fiom
vv ilhout a pandemonium of sound burst In
howls, shrieks, imprecations, cries of ulu
Kven In that perilous moment a quick
wonder darted through Stem's brain what
the meaning of this infernal tumult might
be. and Just what ghastly fate was to be
theirs what torments and: indignities they
might still have to face before the end
'Remember Beatrice." he commanded,
"it I am killed, use the revolver on your
self before you Ut them take you'"
"I know'" she cried. And, crouching
mtMatlUtm ,.!.. ....w
" f-- vrywwi.tyW. trTw-jwjBi , tmp,
'side him In tho hnlf light. lu too,
luwiltpd vvhnt sppined the Inevitable
The door swung open
Tin re stood Hip patrliuch ngaln. arms ex
tended, face pagpr with a passionate hope
and longing, a grcnt pride even at that
strange und pregnnnt moment
"Pence, rrlpnds"' ho crlod "I glvp vou
pence' Strike mo not down with those
terrible weapons of jours! For vqrily I
bilng vou hope again1"
"Hope? What d'you mean?" shouted
Through the opened door hp caught vague
glimpses hi iho luminous Tog of mnnv
spoarmen gathered near of eselleil ges
tures nnd the wild waving of nrms of
othir ngiiies Hint, half seen, ran swiftly
here and theip
"Sped li up .vou' What's thp mutter"
What's wonted"' demanded the engineer
keeping his nutomatle sighted nt Hip door
way "What's all this Infermil i.m ir ,,...
people theie think they're going to pliiv
horsp with us thp.v'rp mightily mistaken'
ou tell them the first mnn that slips
through tint door to get us nevu'll tako
nnother stpp' Quick ' What's up""
"Come- nnkwered Hip nxed man, his
voice high and tremulous above the howl.
Ing tumult and the roar of (bo great gas
well 'Come, now' The Lnnskiuun thov
attack' Come. I have spoken of vour
weapons to my people Come, fight for us'
And verllv If we win "
"What kind of a trick aie ou putting
up on us. anyhow"" roared Storn with
mi icu iieiiieu rage ".Vone o' that now' If
our people want us let 'em come In here
nnd get us Hut iih for being fooled that
way ond trieked Into coming out "
"t swear the truth'" suppllentpd the
patriarh, raising his withered hand on high.
"If you come not, vou must verily die oh
friends' Rut If you come "
'Your own life's the first to paj for any
falsehood now."
"I give it gladlv' The truth, I swear
It' Oh, listen, while there is still time
and come ! Cumo !"
"Wlmt about li girl"' cried Stern. "Are
vou with me? Will uu take a chanco on
'There's nothing else to
They've got us, nnvvuv And
tho old man's telling the truth,
now "
do, Allan.
and I think
Hear thai,
off somewhere toward the fortification
wall that edged the heath, hounds of Inclii.
Iiutablu loiiflict wire arising The how Is,
New York
Will Continue for Tomorrow Thursday
Semiannual Clearance
Women's and Misses' Fur Trimmed Suits Reduced to 15.00
Women's and Misses' Velvet and Cloth Suits Reduced to 25.00
Women's and Misses' High Grade Suits Reduced to 35.00
Women's and Misses' Smart Street Coats Reduced to 15,00
Women's and Misses' Fur Trimmed Coats Reduced to 19.75
Women's and Misses' Fur Trimmed Coats Reduced to 25.00
Women's and Misses' Afternoon Dresses Reduced to 12.75
Women's and Misses' Serge Dresses Reduced to 25.00
Women's and Misses' Georgette Dresses Reduced to 28.00
Also the Entire Stock of
Women's High Grade Furs
To Bs Closed Out
At Greatly Reduced Prices ,
myy, tjyyi
cries, shrieks, blows wero not to bo mis
taken Stern's resolution was Instaht.
'I'm With you, old man'" he shouted
"llul remember vour promise And If you
fail me It s your finish '
romp Ileta' Stick plosp to mo' If we
'all well go down together Its both or
neither Come on come on' '
out Into the glare of the great flame they
mined wnrllv, out Into Iho Blrangel) glow
ing mist that covered the Incredible village
n with a vlrespent pall
Winking thpv Mnred about them, not
knowing for a moment whither to tun or
w herp to shoot
Hut the patriarch had Stern by the arm
n w nml in the inlilut nf a confused and
"limiting miss nf thp Polk all ttttnrd vvith
rim in mil flings, ktinbbpit clubs nnd bnttle
n 1 is pushing him out through the
1 li 1 1 tbosp gbnstlv posts whpncp
duipliil the hendlpss skeletons
vviui..'' Which wnv?' cried Stem
-h in in, I II do the rest "
lliiilnr the old man directed, pointing
null .111 bind, whtlp With the other he
li v . I the engineer forwnrtl Wind Ihougli
h. w i be knew tho right direction,
ThitiKi to iho wall' '
t r a second Stern had Hie thought of
1. iving Hintrlce In the cell, wherp she
1 i-i 1 11 I, 1st Iip safe from the keen peril
1 1 iiiic but grentrr dangers threatened
h. 1 in linen in his absence
At ill hirurdir they must keep together
tid with 11 i tv ' I'ome Comestick close
1 in. unci' more he broke Into a run
t n ml the si a
I in. ugh the mists' which grpw darker
1 li nenrpil Hip Wall with llpotrlpe close
1 de bun nnd the troop 'lint followed
a In could catch 1 loipses of the battle
I 'M but sprint f 11 lime poured forth
11 nhibitnnts, for nm, Hi.- plnsa svarmpd
"iih hii nun women ivmi ihiltlren, run
ning this ,i and Hint, some with weapons
lushing townul the wall others running
uildlv hither and yon with unintelligible
1 rles
A speir pierced the vapors; It fell elosh-
ng at Stem s fept and slid rattling away
v. r Hi' hl.uk stones, worn smooth and
ci isv bv uncounted feet
Past him ns he ran a man staggered j tho
while Mdt of his head was mushed In. nn
though In 11 frightful blow from n mace
1 i the wounded man Hung both nrms. and
U II tvvitihing
I he fog covered him with Its dllftlng
f 'Id-i Stern shuddered Hint H-ntrlce
should s, e such hideous sights, but even
now he almost fell opi nnotluM- prostrate
liodv hideously wounded In thu back, and
still kicking
'Iteid) now'" panted Stern "Heady
wllh the plslods'"
Where wns thp pntrlnrch?
He 110 longer knew About him the Folk
messed, but none molested either him or
In the confusion, thp rush of the out
skirts of battle, he could have shot down a
score of them, but he wis reserving his
fire It might pprhaps, bp true who could
tell" that safety lav in battling now ngninst
the Lnnsknuiii!
All nt once the captives saw vague fire
lights In the gloom seemingly blazing com
ets of blue. Hint tossed nnd hurled nnd dis
appeared Then came the nearer sound of shouting
nnd the eliiHh of arms
Stern, with the atavistic Instincts of even
the most civilized man scented the kill.
And with n roar he whirled into the con
fused and sweltering mass of men which
now. emerging fiom tho dnrkenlng mb,ts,
bad suddenlv bee one visible b) the line mny
light of the ctcssets on the wall
Reside him the girl, bpr face aglow, nos
trils dilated, bieath quick, held her icvol
ver icndy
And then, qulto suddenly, they found
thcmi-plvcs at tlie wall
"Shoot ! Shoot '" bellowed Stern, and let
drive, pnlntlilank, nt nn ugly, gi Inning face
that like 11 ntghtmnrc-vlslon nil nt once
projocted over the crest Ills own icvolvc-r
fho was echoed b) hers The face van
ished All down there, below him on the bench,
ho caught n dim. confused impression of
the attacking swarm.
Subconsciously he renlUed that he ho a
man of the twentieth eentuiv was wit
nessing iignin a M.-ene such us made the
whole hlstor) of the Middle Ages san
guinary a siege, by foue of human
strength ami uige'
Kven ns he vaguely saw the swift and
Mlllmln nion. wilt.RlrlitM,l tt I.nm. l,n.
,., ... .....,....., ,,. ,t.-i ,...,,, 1
the Folk, which crowded tho whole bench I
as far as l.e could pierce the mists with bis
i-li ainlng Kight, ho knew Hint hero was a
battle of huge tscope ond terrible danger
l'p from the Ben the muckers, tho Lans
kaarn. wpib swarming from their dimly
sepii taiioes Tho pluto was nllve with
At the base of tho wall they were clotted
hi dense hordes: and siege-ladders were
being raised ; and now up tho ladders the
lithe men of darknets weie running liko so
many ants
Automatically ns the mechanism of his
own gun which he pumped Into that dense,
mass as fast a 1 he could pull trigger
while beside him the girl was shooting
hnrd und straight, as well lie seemed to
be recording these wmuleiful Impressions
Here he caught a glimpse of n slege
hidder hulled backward by the Folk, back
waul and down to the beach. Amid fright
ful )pIIs and streams It fell; and a scorn
of crushed and mangled men lav vvi ithlnc
there, under tho uncanny glaio nf the
ci essets
There he saw lira-bales being hurled
down from the walls theso. the lomet-likii
apparitions hp had seen from a distance
Chestnut and 12th Sts.
-1 aritfii
H.yjMW BiiHW- W"J"W:W.1
t oprlght Llfo rubllnhlnir Company.
hurled, blazing, right Into the brown of th
Ueyond, a party had scaled tho wall, and
there thp fight was hnnd to hand with
gruntlngs, thrustlngs of spears, slashings
of long knlvtJ that dripped red nnd cut
again and lose and fell with hideous regu
larity! Ho Jacked Ida pistol full of shells once
more and thrust It Into tho girl's hand .
for slip, epled beyond all control, was
snapping tho hammer of her weapon on
empty steel.
"Glvo It to "em! Shoot' Kill I" ho jelled.
"Our only chanco now I If they get In
we're dead '"
Hp snatched her weapon, reloaded, nnd
ngnln mined tho steel-Jacketed bolts of
death against the attackers,
In the tumult and wild maelstrom of tho
fight the revolvers crackling seemed to
produip little effei t If Stern expected that
this unknown weapon would nt onco bring
pinip and quick victory ho reckoned with
out thn bprscckpr madness and tho storn
mettle of this horde of raging Lansknarn
White men, Ilko himself, thoy jlolded
not; but with strnnge cries and frightful
veils, prpsscd on and on up to the walls,
and up the bidders cvpr: and now came
(lights of spears, hissing through the dark
nlr and now smooth black rocks from tha
bench Hung with terrlblo strength nnd
skill bv thu sllngers below, mowed down
the defenders
I (pre there, men of tho Folk wero fall
ing, pleried by the Iron spears, shattered
bv tho swift and heavy locks
The plncp was becoming n shambles
where the blood of attackers and attacked
mingled horribly In tho gloom.
One bidder, pushed outward, dragged
half a dozen of tho Mcrucnans with It, and
at the bottom of the wnll a circling eddy
nf the Lansknnrn dlpntchpd the fighting
rolkmeii who had been hauled to their de
struction by tho grappling besiegers
Ulows. howls nnd screams, hurtling firo.
bales nnd great rocks flung from above
the rocks he had already noted laid along
the ns!de of the wall these, and the smell
nf blood mid file, the horrid, sweaty con
tact of struggling bodies, the press nnd Jam
of the battle Hint surged round thorn all
gavp Stprn n kaleidoscopic picture of war
wnr as It once was, In the long ngo war,
naked nnd terrible, such ns he had ncvor
even dreamed'
Hut, mad with the lust of the kilt, he
heeded nothing now "Shoot' Shoot"' he
kept howling, beside himself; nnd tearing
open tho bandoliers w here lay Ills cart
riilgcii, he ciammed them with feverish
fingers Into the girl's weapon and bis own
weapons now burning hot with thu quick,
long-continued firing
Board Places Fifteen School Building3
nt Disposition of Public
Fifteen night recreation centers were
opened last night In public school buildings
by Hip Hoard of Recreation, In accordance
with 1111 net of Councils which provided
$8000 for their support Thcs evening
centers will carry on work similar to tho
regular plaj grounds There will bo dnnc
ing, dr.1m.1tlc and other social clubs, games
and many pleasant features to keep the
)ouug folks off tho streets
Tho schools In which they were opened
nro Stow p. Agnew, Brown, Comly, Kend
rkk. Madison. .Marshall, Wayne. Morton.
Wilson, Cramp, Curtln. Durham and Gil
bort Figures of the Hoard of Recreation
show Hint about 3.1S1.B04 visited the city
playgrounds during 1D1G This was some
what smallor than during the previous year,
oulna- to tho Infantile p,iral)sls
What's Doing Tonight
Toutnlryinpn a
turers Ctuh,
A send 1 Hon meets
flfoisruptikJil Surlcty illtcu93ts
Wr,,r WUherppotm Hall
Tho Great
College of riijaklans
i went) -second and Lud-
ICJW Hirtl'l. n U t'HHH
Kpnalnuton llourd nf Trade, Hancock atreot
und Misuuuhunna aenup, I o'clock I roe
South rift-Hpund Street Ituslness Men,
rtft seomd und hansom streets, b oVIulIi.
1 ri-o
KttHt (.'ntrul Huulnesa Mrn -123 Sprue
unit Ho i lock Kri
PhlltidtlphU Manufui Mirers Hxport Associa
tion Assembly Itouin 1'hatnlmr of Commerce,
h n't lot k
I ,i lure, ' Tho Htov of Talth Johns Gospel
tind How to Study It ' l Dr C It Will la mi,
t ntrul Conj,rec4tlonul Chun h
1 ' f
I j 1 i..
. iiiiTfit