UU i OP lIlMVWWtlipll IH.I.W- wPVfr"! EVENING LEDGER-PniLADELPtllA, WEDNESDAY JNXJAET3. J917 A PAGE CONTAINING ARTICLESOF INTEREST TO WOMEnIn THE HOME, OFFICE J)R SHOP V I I p 'if LI? il i a ti. 1 R i r DEMANDS MADE BY CONVENTION GOVERNING EXCHANGE OF GIFTS ,Why the Rule Forbidding: Anything Really Use ful to Be Received by the Well-Bred Girl? She Who Laughs and She Who Smiles WHEN1 Owen Johnson wroto "Tlio Salamnndcr" several years ngo ho told of tho means used by a certain class of girls to exist more than that, to live on virtually nothing a year. How when theso girls received lutgo boxes ot orchids, they made an arrangement with tho florist whereby they woro permitted to return tho Ilowors to him, receiving for thorn a small sum to bo used In pay ing tho long-ovcrduo rent. When boxes of costly sweets arrived from n Fifth live nuo establishment tho card was removed and tho boxes exchanged for tho actual necessities of life. This Is all very well for that typo of girl. Perhaps alio can do It without singeing her wings although personally I doubt it. But I have often wondered nt tho per versity of tho domands made by conven tion In tho caso of tho young girl who, although of good birth and position and possessed of many acquaintances, is sadly lacking In this world's goods. 1 havo In mind ono girl who Is having a struggle to make ends meet. Sho recolved no less than twenty pounds ot expenslvo choco lates in no less expenslvo boxes and bas kets on Christmas. Altogether the sum represented must havo been considerable, yet this girl Is actually in need of clothes. But, unlike tho little salamander, she can only pretend to bo delighted over each and every box. TTAVE you over stopped to think of the difference in emotion expressed by tho laugh nnd tho smile? Some one said the other day in speaking ot ft woman alio knew, "Sho never laughs." True, but sho does smile. THEWO MAN'S Letters and question submitted to this department must be written on ono side of the paper and signed with the name of tho writer. Special queries like those given lelow arc fnt'ltcd. It Is understood that the editor docs not necessarily indorse tho itntimcnts expressed. All communications for this department should bo addressed at follows: Tin: WOMAN'S KXCHAXUK, Uvcnlna hctlger, Mitluttolphla, fa. The ttlnner nf IiiiIuj'h prli- It .Mis Mnrcnrrt A. frank, of Oil) Writ Srdnulrfc Klrrrt. (Icriirintmvii, nhuMt letter nppt-arril In estrril.i'.i imuit. TODAY'S INQUIRIES 1. Wliat In blruV nt puililliiR? t. How cnti Itnry knlTe liunill" be whitened? 8. Vow enn broken rlilnit be mended without tho aid of a patent Khie? ANSWERS TO YESTERDAY'S INQUIRIES 1. rinclnr n pun of cold water In an oien wilt cool It tery Kradunllr without iluniter of spoiling the food which U belnis cooked by too sudden coollni:. 2. A new clothes line kIiouM bo boiled for it short time to prcient Its tansllnc and to make -ICWeur lonter. i,' "" S. Uurnlne nplece of dried crane, rind or pole nkln on the Move will eliminate dlnatree atrie odors from tho Kitchen. Ham Baked Deliriously To the Editor of the Woman's rage: Dear Madam Ono hears tho merits of this ham or that ham compared. 1 havo ulwitys said that RtmuKt every liain could no ilell clous It balled properly. 1 lGy what la culled n. small picnic li.im; then, uftor thoroughly seruhblns It with a little brush kept for tho purpose. I ple,co it In a bolli,- unit cover with cold water, trton lot It KruiAinlly come to a boll and continue bolllnn for throe or four hours. This can bo don-j ths day before tho ham Is to bo eaten. Then, before putting It In to bake. I strip otf tho outer tough yellow fat. liberally stlclt In cloves, odd mace and allspice, about u cup of Wonesterahlro sauce, a pound of brown uugar. a. llttlo water, and balto for two hours In u moderate Pycn. The sauce imparls a ucncaio iiamr uie , aura cook ar takea that raw. salty tusto away. av, saiiy iusiu uu. ii ed In this ay Is tit for u klni r fnr il itlnir. AN- NA St. Fruit Suet Pudding To tht Editor of the lllmian" Taoe: Dear Madam Will you please publish a recipe for fruit suet pudding! , , ., M. M. A. This is ono way ot making the pudding: One halt cup finely chopped beef suet, 1-3 cup melted Imtter, I cup molasses. 1 cup sour milk. H4 teaspootifuls soda. 2Vi cups (lour. 1 tcaspuonftil cinnamon, i-j tcu apoontul cloves, i teaspoontul salt, cup currants, I cup seeded raisins and i cup citron cut Into thin ttrlps and tloured. Mix the ingredients well, turn Into a buttered mold, cover and steam four hours. Servo with hard buuec. President's Pudding ' To Ins Editor of Ihe Woman' rauc: Dear Madam Two tablerpooni butter and one cup of suxar creamed toeetherj bre.ili Into It the 1'olka of four rrs. all of tho crumbs of half a oaf of bread, tho Juico and rind of one larRe mon and one teaspoon of vanilla, jilt. Put talf of this mixture In pudding: dish, then nut on it a thin layer of presepes and .the rest of ttw mtsture on top. Make a merlnk'tie uf the stiffly beaten whites of the eggs and sugar, spread on top and balto a delicate brnvtn. Bsrve cold. It Is eicellent. A. U. Thanks and Another Recipe To tht Editor of the Woman's I'agt: Dear Madam I want to thank you and .the Evemxi LsKitu for the prlte. i was certainly delighted to see I was the lucky ono. i-or tho lady ho would like a good pie crust this recipe never falls: Three cups pastry flour, ono cup best lard, one saltspouu salt and ennimh cold mUk to bold together. (Mrs.) 1', U. ti. Cleaning Large Grater To the Editor ot Woman' Puae: Dear Madam I havo a four-sided grater, whtctt comprises large and small perforation. Until lately I have used the common method ot cleaning It with soap and hot water. In a desres. I found this way both slow und always unsatisfactory, unit! I thought of a. newer and mora expedient plan. Here It Is simple, satis factory, successful: When the tlner perforations ofyour grater become clogged with dried fruit, lemon or orange peel, or. In fact, any other residue of former operations, take a crust of hard bread or cake and rub It gently up and down the perforations. In less than five min ute the grater will bo cleaned. l Mrs. I ( A e Recipe for Baked Hominy To tht Editor ot Woa' ras: Dear Madam Baked hominy is dellolou. It cart be made as foUows: Two oups canned hom iny, one cup sweet milk, two eggs, one-half tea soon paprika, two tablespoons melted butter, salt to season. I'ut the hominy In a stralnar aod Ut drain for twenty or thirty minutes: ESt tha eggs until light, add the milk. salt, nacrika. then hominy and butter, four Into akto dish. srlnk Ughtly with cracker Lnmha and bake until set and brown on top. t&rM TtmSllUtely, CMrs.l WILLIAM U. Delicious Apple Recipes fa tht Editor of Woman' east: Tmt Madam- -I am sending- you two ways of nreiariss appU for dessert. Both are good: Ayple Rofypoly -Make cream tartar biscuit cmt and spread with butter, roll out narrow' and tooiT and about one-third of an inch thicks JSuMl wtttt apple iuce and roll up and pot iBdaind sfcj.s as tightly as possible to tew Sum Uom cumins out and water front soak !S!ein. fiasr up in a. cloth and boll two hours. 9 Appl Crsain Boll st. or seyeo apples with . ifiiE tmusoioo to a voip. with sutnelettt near to aweeteu hm the ouantity or sugar joust pa resuiatea oj m Ity w&en wmi su rh.n wii add lu iMto tna sja-mai", Tr T. . . -rrr.-- mt . - B it all iugur woju w ftUan! u! fro neo .'- ' . -. " i. ... . I ij n e ft rti ot . Sufficient ukXCK a. I.,, USMJi S"- himmm i i-.J " -lllljl iii.iii . , tmiiiiVi THE CHEERFUL CHERUB mwiwiMiiiiMww i.iiIIIiiiii mm I love to sit .nd reminisce About tKe. Foolish thinos I've. done,. Im $ls.d thfct I'm not .sensible. Or I'd iY&ve missed &. it- .-.? tr. c rtrvcflMr:' Ms k You havo known people who didn't be lieve they woro enjoying themselves un less they roared with laughter. They nro tho ones who hawhnw ill your ear at tho theatres and who are always in evidence no matter whero they g". Their tastes Invariably run to slapstick comedyto horseplay. With ft laughing audlenco Charlie Chaplin is generally In high fuvoi', while Sidney Drew is popular with those who smile. A smllo expresses happiness mid ap preciation moro real than a laugh, and tho girl who smiles usually is possessed of n keen sense of humor. In other words, "laugh and tho world Inughs with you," but smile and you smile with the discriminating few. EXCHANGE 1. When ut a dinner one does not rare to pur take ot one of the enum't what hhiinlil be done? 'J. What lire tho ilutle.t of it Ite-t ninn ut it eddlng? 3. Wlmt eun bo ilono for 'n dry? kin that I tint 1. A sllco of rold row potato rubbed on the IinmW lll remote tlio odor of onions. 3. Whrii n child pinches his llncrr In u door, hold the hiind univurd nnd rub tlcorou-dy liurlc tonnrd tho elbow to l.cei the blood from be comlns toneestcd In tho Injured tinner. Cim tlnuo rubblue for at leat ten minutes, Tho' siiBwstloii Is nudo by .llrs. .1. J. OT. 3. It Is riiKlomary for the nearest inalo rela tle to "sire tho lirldc nnitjr" ut it wrddlus. Ho iicioiiipanles her mi the uWc nnd rriiiiilns with her until after tho minister lus usUcd "Who eltctli this woman" when l.e retires. Ask Some One Else To the Editor of Woman's aoe.- Deur MaiSirn I mot a ouns man last win ter und saw him at s-srul parties. H,i wos very lollto to m. but though I naked Mm to cull he nover came. 1 havo not sen him for a couplu of months, but I haw been asked tu a party next weidt nnd would Ill.e to writ and ask him to talte mo. Would this be proper or should I nek nnothor ma,i? I'ArtOLt-NK. I would not seek tho yotinr; man It ho hao never called upon you. On the other hand, I would not Invito every youne man I met to call. Perhaps he simply wanted to he polite wlwn ho met you at parties, but did not i-are to carry the friendship further. t would certainly not ask him to talto you to tho danco In question. Ask Home ono with whom you are better uo ipjalMcd. Should She Offer Her Seat? To the Editor of Woman's J'uflr? Rear Madam With nil this talk of showing courtesy to one's elders I want tu Ml ou of tho following liuldent. Ono morning while riding downtown In u stjeet car I was occupying ono "'. .'Jl" ,la8 tB at tho front A wuman uf mlddlii ago got in. ilfty years or so she may hoto been. Now 1 am twenty und have always been nccustnmed to give my seut up to any ono much older than myself. Hut this woman wao deeply oilrnded. You can Imuglmi my em barrassment, not only bernus" I felt foolish, but becauso I was grleted owr offending the woman by giving ivi the linuressluu that I thought her old. ( shouhl llko to hear tho opinion of somo of your readers on this sub ject. Slnco thut day I havo boen very careful to keep my seat unless u very old lady or n feeblo old gentleman la standing. Yt snnetlmes I feel very rude when a woman with gruy hair Is standing In front uf mi. What would uu do? BUZAHUTIl T. I can understand your hesitancy in giv ing up your neat after one or two experi ences llko this. If a woman is fifty years younif It Homettmes cornea an a shqck to Jilt to realize that to others alio may ap pear to hu uKlne, although It seems fool ish for any one to talte offense when an act of kindness Is Intended. Perhaps my readers will express their opinions. Under the Mistletoe To the Editor of Woman's fuse: Pear Muilatn Why does mistletoe Invite kiss ing? If ft girl stands under It has a fellow uuy right to kiss her? m. O. M. .Since time Immemorial it has been con sidered a man's privilege to kiss a girl when she stood under tho mistletoe, and tho girl could hardly take offense at this action, if It is done in a spirit of fun, although there are kisses and kisses. Thankful for Her Large Family To tht Editor of Woman's I'aac; Dear Madam .lust what Is every one's opinion of a large family? Of which do you approve moro. the girl who marrlss and has six children, or the one who marries and has nuns? Wo hate been married nine years und havo six children and wo are not by any means well off finan cially. But we always manage somehow and cially, uut we always manage somehow and are very happy, which, after all. Is the tiul Now I hate several friends who have been married iust as long as 1 have been, with one or two exceptions, and havo no children. Their homa ure modern and all that could be desired, but what have they? Nothing. I am sure you agree with me that no matter bow much two people think ot each other there tre tlmea when even love becomes monotonous. suppose I must be wry old fashioned to ap rrove of so many babies, for ut present the universal cry seems to be "birth control." i do not understand the woman who does not want a dear little pink and white parcel of humanity to lots and cuddle, with the knowledge tnat It is all her ou. Altnougn 1 nave an ago, i toys tne utile one for log sweeter than a dear little new baby. It tneir v ,'erv helplessness. There Is noth U not muommott to hear the prospective bride .nnnimrH that she ia not aolo to have a fumlh Why should auy one who thlnKs like this marr .' IMKS.jMAItVa Largest Theatre To lf Editor at Woma' Foot: Dear Madam Am I right in claiming that the Hippodrome In New York Is the largest theatre tn the world or. at least, the largest In the United States? EsfllER N. No, the largest theatre In the world is the Empress Theatre. In London, the AiedUoriuui, in Chicago. W second, while tho llljipoAi'0JU4 i thiid It has scaling cayacity lor (&ure tuan vv persoua. n Ati a f-JW immmimmI, MY MARRIED LIFE, By ADELK GARRISON How Madge fried to lianish Katie's Strange Old-World Superstition T h: 1 Ki ftltl Hot know whether to be angry at Cntto of sorry for Iter when sho told tne that alio mttnt toave my service If Blrky's mother came, bea'tisp site did not dure to Bleep In tho houso with an old woman. Katie evldenllv knew what sho was talk ing almttt. hut t confessed lo myself that J was thoroughly bewildered. I have hail many curious experiences with the mental twists of nllen Ktfla of Katie's class, but this was something new "What do you mean, Kntlc?" 1 asked, finally. "What harm can It possibly do you to sleep m the house with an old woman?" Kntle shuddered Visibly. 'Hi. Missis rlraham, don't yon know old wtiitu-n dm turn Into witches, make charms tuer you. nctt morning you nil dead? I no sleep In house with my own inuddor when nhe get real old." "Katie, you am talking the mosf ridicu lous nonsense." t Rnld shnrply, for 1 was not only annoyed, hut nlnrmed at the gross Ignorance and superstition the girl dis played. A person holding such Idens as hers was really undesirable In one's home. "Von mi (Ink dot?" Kntlu queried anx iously. "Of course not," t returned. "Neither does nnjtiody eltw who has any rnmmoti sense Wherever did you pick up stich fool Ish Ideas?" "Lots of girls nnd women In my town say so." Katie answered sullenly. I had a sudden Inspiration. "Listen to me, Katie." I said firmly, trying to chooso words which she would understand. "Who were tho blggott men In your town, the smartest, the ones tho rest of tho people tried lo he hko?" Katie looked at inn ns If sho thought t hud suddenly guno Insnne. "Why, tlio priest and the doctor nnd the " "You don't need lo tell me nny more," I Interrupted her. "Did your priest or your doctor ever tell you old women turned Into witches." "Xo-o." The admission camo from her reluctantly. I knew tho power of these old-world Btipcrstltlnnn and revived to say no more about the matter for ti while. "We will talk more about thin Inter, Katie," I said calmly. 'Must now 1 want to speak to you about getting thu npnrt ment In perfect order so when Mrs. (Jrnh.'im Comes she will think I have had it good little housekeeper." Katie smiled brightly. "I feex- so-o nice." she said heaitlly "Vut you want wo to clean first?" WHAT Wtl.t. DICKY SAY? "Let's lake all tho corners nnd closets first." 1 suggested. I hnd all the horror of the oterage young hourokeoprr for tho erlti I'lsm of an older woman. "Take everything off the pantry shelves" I Indicated the tiny closot which was just big enough for our small Icebox, with it set of shelves and drawers opposite ,"nnd everything nut of the drawers. Then wash and dry the shelves and drawers thoroughly When you get ready lo put tho things back call me. There may be some things I will want to throw away, or something I need to buy." "All right. Missis flraliam. I feex." The cheery, fninlllar phrnso followed me Lack to the living room. I sank Into my big armi'hulr troubled and bewildered What I should do without Katie I did not know. She had been with me only a short time, but she was no elllulent, so cheery, so willing, thut housekeeping had been an easy lask with her. I dreaded unutterably either trying tho housework myself or breaking In a new maid under the critical eyes of Dicky's mother. I wondored what Dicky would say to Katie's defection. I Jo had Insisted upon my keeping her because sho was the model he wished of a pieturo entitled "Poland" which ho hud begun years before, when Katie had dono the houemvork fur a bach elor npaitment which Dicky shaied Willi three other nitists t know thai Katlo looked up to Dicky ns to some auperlor be ing. Perhaps he would be ublo to reason her out nf her superstition. If ho camo home to lunch I resolved to tell him about Katie's resolve. In the meantime there was much thut HOUSEHOLD HELPS How to Light Your WK AHB all fairly agreed thut the pleas nntest light Is not the direct glare or gas. oil lamp or electric bulb over our eyes, hut what Is called tho "indirect" or "seml ludirect" forms or lighting. The "Indirect lighting" Is tho system whereby thu electric bulbs are kept In an Inverted opaquo buwl, and as tho direct raya of tho bulbs ore thus thrown upward there is no glaro on thu eyea, but the light is gently suffused ubout tho room from above. Tlfe "semi-Indirect" system of lighting U somewhat simllur, except that the in verted bowl Is not so opaquo, but permits somo light to be reflected downward. The most common tjpes ot glnsa bowls used for this purpose ure tho whlto composi tion glaBs familiar to us all. nut there am Borne novel Ideas In these bowls which aro especially adapted to tho homo nnd which may ilnd moro faor with tho liomemaker than even some of the beautiful whlto ones, because the latter are Identified In many peoplo's minds with commercial lighting, tit course, the commercial bowls aro stand ardized in pattern, nnd those for home uto ure usually more ornato and beautiful. Xow, however, we seo that wo can use many other styles of "bowls" In this way Ono of tho prettiest effects seen in une homo was simply a bruwn wicker basket of the workbasket shape, lined with yellow silk. This was suspended from tho celling by thick cord stained brown to match the brown wicker, und gave n gay. outdoor ulr to the city living room. Theso brown wicker baskets are not expensive, and one clever housekeeper bought a basket of the required size In natural color, und stained and lined it herself. For the country cot tage where J here is electricity this is mobt appropriate and lovely. Another unique effect was seen In a very beautiful home whero Japanese furnishings and coloring prevailed. Instead of the con ventional chuva bowl fur tho electric bulbs, u gay parasol with a long handle was used. Tho narusol was suspended from the ceiling, by what looked like a wide ribbon, and In" Which the electric wiring was cunningly concealed. Two or three tiny parasols wire- placed horizontally near tho wall over the wall bockets and the whole effect was ex ceedlngly novel und pretty. Very often somo unusually lovely Ideas ore developed by getting away from tho usual lamp and lamp shade Ideas and' adapting something entirely different. Thus In one home a very unique blue lamp was made by the liomemaker herself. This Inventive lady wanted a larivj china- lamp of certain snapo ana couiu not una n....,hintf iii.'a' U nnd the morn rilrflnultt iijunti, ...- -.. .- her search became the more determined was she to obtain what she wanted. Final ly however, she had to give up. Hut it was only when a new idea occurred to her. Superfluous Hair Remover Tba only treatment which wilt remove permanently a'l uyrUuomj iijir from tht face, ntsrk. Arms or anv cart of tha body, fcavlnff no mtrk or MfmiAb on the most deli cate eklQe No electric ntedl. burn in cauatlo or powder used. Orfztnatnp. Hola Owner and Kf, u. &. r.i.u?- utea exciueifeir x Dr, Margaret Euppert "ftffirftL " Suite 10-rtrlJ. 1-st. .3 nt. i'buu Wit hint 1021 DHflffl " yirUOS. t must c.o to prepare for Ihe addition or lUelty'n mother to our household. I waiKcn Into my bedroom and surveyed It sadly. Of courts, 1 had hot possessed It !"" enough to beronio much attached to It. mit 1 had enjoyed it pretty nppointmr-nta im- ittmiBi, fttt.t i tfrin n innieuicouij' -" , Rc0u9 ,,'f (10 fnct nmt i did not want to RVe t lo my mothor-ln-law. However, ,u6r0 ...au imtiiina elso to bo done, bo, sil ling down In Ihe low rneltor nowm iu.v bed. I begun to plan the rearrangement of my belongings. KATIIl'S VKIIY noot) 8t:crRfiTtON The bed. of course, would have to stay where It was. Kortunately. 1 had a R"! supply of bed linen and dresei- scarfs. Ot course, 1 could talso nil the personal belongings from my dressing table. Dlcky'R mother would havo her own things, I know, t began to dismantle my dressing table with a heavy heart. It wns foolish. 1 knew', to start rearranging things so soon, but If I had lo change things around I wanted to have it over with. Uut when I had laid my toilet articles and tho other belongings of my dressing lablo on tho bed nnd had put the Unci; scarf Into tho hamper of soiled clothing, 1 had a sudden thought Where wns I to put these things nnd tho contents of mv chlffotinler drawers? I had said grandly to Dlelty that I Would dress In the bathroom, but there was no place thoro to put my things. 1 had also said that t would rent a room In the building for myself, but In my henrt I knew that t would nover do It. When Dicky, only a few ovenlngs before, had proposed to turn over his bank ac count to mo, I to take charge of till our ex penditures, I had determined lo ru.i things ns economically us possible. Thu added rental ot another room was not to bo thought of. I felt, mo, Unit Ihe purchase of n dressing tublo or chllYotinlor for my self would be an expense I would not core to Incur. Hut, In tho meantime, whut wns I to tin with my things? As If In answer to my tltiestloii, Kiltie, npiioared In tho doorway. "Wot you doing. Missus tlralium?" shu usked In wide-eyed amazement. "I mil trying lo decide whero to put my things, Katie." I replied helplessly. "You see, 1 am going to givo Mr, (.irnham's mother this room." "Whero you sleep?" Katie looked bel ligerent. "I nm going to sleep on a couch bed hi tho dining room," I returned. I felt llko n child being catechized by Its teacher. "I will dress In the bathroom, but I do not know whero tu put my things. 1 tin not want to buy a new thlffonnler. There is no loom for anything but a t-lilffunlor in tho bathroom, and it will look so out of place In there." Katie was silent for a minute, evidently tinning over thu problem In her mind. "I tell you vot," sho said excitedly nt last. "You know dot second-hand store right down tho street, around corner, two blocks? "I know man In dere. 1 seo pretty old ting dero cheap, because one drawer broken. I tell you vot, I get dat. get while enamel, you know, paint It right away ipieeck. Den you gut pink stuff, blue stuff vot you like make curtain around draw ers, you havo nice white ting all cheap go nlco with whlto bathroom." "Katie, you aro a genius," I replied en thusiastically. "I'll glvo you thu money now. and you may go any time this morn ing and buy the chest of drawers. I will get tho stuff for tho curtains this after noon." "All right." Katlo turned townrd the kitchen, hesitated, turned back und bluitcd out; "It tinno of my business, but I tlnk Mees tor llrnbam ho ought to sleep In dining room, dross hi bathroom. If his mudiler come, not you. You too easy," and she hurried toward tho kitchen. (Copyright) (COXTINITKD TOMOUUOW) House "DifTcrentlg" Sho saw a largo vase with an eight-inch opening that was tlio exact shape she wanted. So sho promptly bought it, filled It with plaster of parls, and had thu little base tu contain tho lamp burners set In this. Then sho found somo blue cretonne to match her blue vaso, and inadti a lamp shade herself to match It, and sho is ex ceedingly proud of the "homo-made lamp," as she calls It. Somo of thu smaller slender vases can bo adapted for candlelight for the night table or the guest room table. Very ulton It Is easy to match thu pattern of the Dresden or other china vases In cretonne and to make u shade to match and your result will be equal to many of the beit stores' imported creations. (Copyright.) Soap Jelly for Washing Flannels, Etc. Shave thinly one-half pound of soap into a saucepan and pour over It ono ipiait ot boiling water. (Homo pure whlto soap Is prefetable.) Hull until soup Is melted. mi Into a bowl ; when cold It will bo found t. be a stiff jelly, which will readily dissnhe m aim water. It Is preferable tu urtlin.iiv soap in wabhlng flannels and delicate fab rics where you do nut wish to rub the soap directly on the garment itself. Deerfoot Farm rbailSage have such a sa- Spry, smack your lips flavor. Farm at Southborough, Mass. PBi sitmmmBiKvrmmaBsssfnm mwmmmssmmmmmi i . . -- . Iff r u u ll u D u jo jo S? EWE nt Quality and Standard yA i. . Announcing tne upening of a Hew First Floor Waist Department t. )Ye I?r. '" ,his N'ew Bepartmsnt Uood Style, Good Quality .etching Waists that will make Dewees Waist values talkeirabotit! Smart Waists at Popular Prices Opening Specials, S3.85 These Waists will delight the most fastidious. Values such as you have never seen at this price. Georgette. Crepe de Chine Chiffon, Plaid and Striped Silks. White, Black, Flesh and Suit Shades. A variety of designs. Large selection. B. F. Dewees,1122 Chestnut St. TODAY'S FASHION, finikvl ill r 1 , 1 1 1 i f-w- M.C A smtirt tailored" suit for tlio matron. TIJH middle-aged woman who is Inclined to bo stout should always bo careful in tho selection ot her tnllored suits. TIiIb suit was built for a matronly ilgure. and is or nnvv blue suede, trimmed with velvet. I lie coat Is a becoming length. Just full enough to bo smart. Tho skirt Is or medium width und Is gored to do away with any unbecom ing fullness. (Coeyrlttht ) Some Don'ts for House keepers iJon't put vinegar or sour adds In metal dishes. Don't put Ico In your di Inking water. Cool the water by putting It near the Ice. Don't put butter In the refrigerator with the it rapping on It. Don't salt ment before tho Cooking. Add salt after meat Is cooked or when nearly done. Don't inaUe biead Into large loaves. Tho center Is apt to be underdone. Don't put damp towels or napkins In tlio hamper. Dry them llrst or they will mil dew. Don't usu steel knives for culling fish, oysters, sweet b reads or brains. Tho steel blackens and gives an unpleasant flavor to Ihe food. Don't wash glasses In clear water; uso a little soap. Don't spoil good, fresh fruit by making It Into pies or puddings. Don't scrub your refrigerators with warm water. When necessary sponge it out quick ly with two ounces of formaldehyde in two quarts of cold water. Don't crumple your dish cloths; hang them up to dry. Don't pour bulling water over china packed hi a pun. it will crack by tho sud den expansion. ' tVm't salt cucumbers or eggplant beforo cooking ; it makes them Indigestible and uu pahitablo. Don't use cracker crumbs If you can got bteud crumbs. Handy Clothespin Holder A modified type of clothespin bog Is seen In the house furnishings stores. It Is a well made bag of crash, with a hook at tho top which slides along thu clothesllno as tho bag Is needed, so preventing constant stoop ing to pick up pins. In addition, It has n galvanized tray underneath, so that pins can bo readily grabbed nnd used. Right under our eyes not here, there and every where is the creamery where we make MERIDALE BUTTER And because it ia made in one creamery instead of a dozen ; because it is made under the most careful supervision, in a sanitary place, in n sani tary way, from tho very richest, purest milk that healthy cows can pro duce Meridale Butter comes to you sweet, pure and wholesome, and it is nil alike, this "uncommonly good butter." AYER & McKINNEY (Makers of .... , , , , Mcridnlel Philadelphia Bell Phone. Market 3741 Keystone Phone, Main I7S3 Leak for the Mtrtfoll" Hfaeptralr-tliht, dust' and odgr-proof-at your groctri. Famous Over Half Century i ,8$5& il BS J YOU MUST KEEP BEAUTY OR "PAY THE PIPER" Uy LUCUKZIA UOKI Prima Donn.t of tho Jletropollti'it "P-ni Company. .. . . i .... it.A iitnet." htjK whu uancea must io " . XI is an n&as-olJ saym often fonrottcn by tho beauty who Is Immersed In the mad whirlpool ot social Rayctlrs. She Boe.t tho exciting round of parties nnd dames with never n thought of the toll that late suppers ntnl fallguo are Being to collect. Hut whMi It Is too late she will realise thut she hni lioen forced to "pav the piper" with the brilliant light of hrr eyes, the plnlt-niid-whlto coloring of her complexion, tho beau i of her hair ' sS i urareftllly I lines of her ( f tiful sheen nnil I ho rounded ill "7t "'is against the ' ' w" laws of naturo and or beauty for nny per son to stay up until the "wee sma houra night after night and not mittcr any 111 cousfiiuenres. To brcnlt the eight-hour-sleep law meant, that the bulldlng-up proc ess of the system Is Interfered with. Tho tissues under your skin tecnlvo less am less nourishment, and soon their starved condition will bo apparent In tho ilabby, wrinkled llesh that covers your face. It will talto many, many hours of pat lent treatment to restore the skin to Its norma condition, ami In many Instances It will never regain Its origin"! beauty no matter how persistent you may bo In massaging and feeding tlio starved tissues. "r'ATCit ui" on sli:l:i' The only sensible thing lo do when you keep late hours Is to make up tho lost sleep by going to bed early tho following night. P'lrst cleanse your fnco thoroughly by bathing It In warm water and it bland tioap. then tunssago It with bkln fond, leav ing a coating of the cream on the skin during tho night. This will glvo tho tis sues a chanco to absorb tho nourishing oils. If you wish to preserve tlio delicate coloring and tho velvety texture or your skin you must bo most careful what you eat lato ut night. Welsh rabbits, broiled lobster, deviled crabs and so on may be pleasing to your palate, but they almost Invariably play hnvoo with one's complex ion and digestion when eaten so lato at night. Mat lightly of vegetablo or fruit halntls or sandwiches. Hefraln from drink ing any beverages with the exception of lemonade, table water and milk. KUIU'IXO YOUlt UKAl'TV KltKSII Ritlguo lobs tho eyes of their beauty moro quickly than any other feature. To prcservo the star-llko brilliancy of your eyes you must batho them with a sooth ing lotion every night beforo retiring If you havo been out late. Thero Is nothing heller than a saturated solution of boraclo acid, t'so an ej-o cup when bathing tho eyes. Another sign of physlcnl exhaustion Is loss of flesh. Tho moment you notlco that you mo losing weight tnko tho rest cure. Ho lazy for two or three weeks. It Is foolish for any woman to mnko her.'olf a martyr even to retain her social p-.ilar-Ity. Her health nnd good looks should bo of far greater valuo than a tltlo of social queen. Unless sho abandons this strenuous mmmS x-x' "- !7 I ' ' I 15X3 Walmtt Children7s Depto Now Open Ilalrcuttlng, Shampooing and Manicuring Mothers are assured that the high standard for which this establishment is famed will be strictly adhered to in the New Department. Philadelphia v and Vicinity k Goes to Press on $ January Fifth Any Change in Listing Should k Be Communicated to the W Business Office jf at Once r Call Jff Filbert 2790 M BiiPiMriiirrTi THE LAWS OF modo nf living for n tlmo nnd through te arid wholesome, nourishing totnin rcmi., her lost Mesh Inw attractive figure win b, como bony and angular. Yotl will havo to depend largely UMl. Iho displeasing rouge pot. the lip 8l.k pmvder box nnd bottlo or lirilliantlnt h'r t. iit- beauty unless you rest when you ii,,llre Hint fnllgllo Is making Inroads Unn pood looks. I-or sho who breaks lh. nf iiiituto and beauty must "pay (J,. (ropyrlnht.) "Efficiency" Hint on Bread Making Holl one large potato until dono; mash thoroughly and use rilono with the water ft wns boiled 111 when making bread nnd It will be the mentis of producing u lighter finer bread, which remains moist Inngrr atiij one loaf more lo each three quarts of flour With tho prevailing high price of flour this hint Is ot great value. A Double Service Sweater When the sweater sleeves bnenmo quite thin at the elbow, cut them out nnd sew the right sleevo into the left nrnilmle and the left Into tho rlgtht. Sew In by band with it backstitch and stitrh the seam rdges Hat on the machine. ThH rhanuv Iiiiiibs tho Worn spot on the front of the liwe nnil the hw eater can In- worn as lung n it m. ready has been and without mending elbows. If allowed to be worn through nt clbowi before making tin- change, It will hardly pay lo change tliein. Milk For Infants & Invalids Subtitutce ? Coit YOU Same Price A Nutritious Diet for All Ages. Keep Horlick'3 Always on Hand Quick Lunch: Home or Office. Every Face linn it power to repel or rittrtirt It In human n.itnre the wurlil m.r In Jllilne p ople hv their personul Mppe.tr- enre. The 11.1)1 I) .Mlilllllll of flliirtl tr titineiit la unsiirp.iHii u. th (lrniet triiu.iis putuineu KittowMi. wiiik Kufirnnt il. Hi II. Spruce lf.lt. Jliit.c!tcnust comi'm-aion j:.i'i;ut -tia-107 riiiiuicr: niiic. ism. Walnut nt 1.1th nt.. I'hll.i. r-fL-. vmorp, r--TrT-gJJ$ffl imu j.r-i.i i-i w 1 1 1 1 1 i wiw Jft&w?39'7?SSa?y!' ULi&ar l.."3im:swwiv,vj lio rtfN r-ll ".rlrV " ft I'tTC'S? ''"' -!"'" FT' IS - 3f!fcjr-