m "WPF""1 HW"i.v3rW"w jitw - 'WHUyW'lk m-nfrr " '"'"lyft.yi-- EV1SMXG LKDGEK PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 3, 1917 5 IS I ssTAStamD lair &VUS IJXut&taMr lAVZXXV AVA'evlenJSe T)VA13T zjl H EARRIMGS Pearls rang ing from sixty grains to more than two liun tlred grains C artier 712 Fifth Avenue .New York PENNSYLVANIA TROOPS LEAVE FOR HOME TODAY Recalled Men Busy Breaking Camp Bringing Their Mascots Along n. TASO. Tex. .Inn 3 KxeitlnR prep arations for tlio homeward movement of re called Pr-nnsjlvntiln troops, which tusliii today, nnil resumption nT tnonolonoim routlno by thoso to icmnlii hnve Ktltred tlio camp Into new activity. Mno days of liollday, which bewail tlio .Sunday before Christmas, enmc to an end with tlio Intglo blasts nt sutirlso eitoril.iy Down In tlio rank f fie Sixteenth In. fantry. tlio thousand men of the leRiniont arc ROltlnK ready to (titinln The Six teenth lcaei toda in thiee sections the first of which will nlo cany General A J Logan and Second DrlR.ulu licwlqtinr tcri as well ni Colonel Itlckardt nnil th reelmental utaff. Tliey b by ivuy of S.m Antonio and St. Louis. J:cr thing Is In readiness for the order to entiuln save tcntage. Tents wero dinpped nnil paclieil or shipment homo with the troops early this morning and If the tho railroads h.ive the rollliip fctoclc on hand In time the lliat sec tion should Icavp here before night. Mascots of cciy lietcrlptlon, from tho ne liable burro to mountnln hawks, which the men nro pleased to bcllove to bo eagles, lmv been assembled and crated Tho fcplrlt of tho troops mounts as tho hourH of tho start homo fly by and tho "Wo Want to Uo Home" chant of a foitnlght ago has given way to popular tongs and cheers for evcijbcdy from Clement to IttcUards Tho Sixteenth, Fourth and Fifth C.ivnlty. signal coips Meld hospital and Held am bulance aro Included In tho ricall older Tlio Fourth leaves net. COUPLE UURIKU TOQETIIUIl John P. Murphy and Mrs. Murphy Laid at Rest at Double Funeral Former emplmes. friends and business nuii'.nhtniiLi'H attended the fuiu'iiil of .lohu V Minpliy. a rttlicd in Inter, who for many jp.irs minim ml .in establishment on Fifth direct south of Walnut. At tho name limo final tribute u.is nulil to Mis Miiipby. wife of the cteran pi Inter, whoso body, with that of hei husband. nits lound by neghbois In their home, i!.'. Winona uvo nup Germ ttitovvn. on lr il.ty. S ilemn requiem mass was relebtated In &i Patrick's I'huich, Twentieth and Locust s'reeis this nioriiliiEf, tho rauUetn lepnsInK nr.ir each othui in tho main aisle. Fol luvung the sei Mi'e the double Interment was made in Old I'.ilhiMlial Ctmetery. l'l.ui to tho ceieinunle.1 nt the church the icl.itives ard filnul'j of Mr. and Mrs llurphy vlpi.nl the limb's nt tiio OllVLr II Itair liuilding. ISL'O i hc-anut uticct. PNEUMONIA KILLS UltOTIIEKS Willinm J. and John Joseph Sweeney Die Few Hours Apart dliiini J Fvveoncy, it member of tho rinladelpbl.i Kind. ICxuhange. nud Ills Joungcr biotlier. John .loseph Sweeney, widelv knoun in llnanelnl elides, died of pneumonia ivlthtn .1 fen Iioiils of each other. It is hu.i'ved tho death of the elder tirnthr-i as the consequenco of n lh t paid to the joiing-i one lis bo lav 111 nt St Joseph .s Hospital l'pet b the oirciini rtaiito of his nunger brnther'H illness, bo rtiiirnt.il to his home, 1313 N,orth Fifteenth btiecf and never left It sillc. ruimr.il services Mill bo held lit tho icsl denee Triday morning nt tl o'clock, fol lowed by solemn ren.ii cm high mass at 10 o'clock at St Mal.iehy'a Chinch, Klovcuth and Master streets Interment will bo In the Old Cathedral Cemetery. MRS. KNOX, JR., FIGHTS SUIT Her Attorneys in Reno Get Demurrer in Divorce Action ni:o Nov, Jan 3. With Injunctions to fight her husband's suit for illvmcu to the last tlitt.li, Mary llovver Knox, wife of riulander I'linso Knox, Jr , his cmplo.'d local attorneys, who took their first legal fcteps vestcrilay Tho default nieviously en tered by Knox s attorney becauso of the failure of Mrs Knox to nppear vwu stt aside Her attorneys were granted per mission to Hie n. demurrer to tho complaint, and it has bten set for nrsument on Jan uary 8 The attorneys for Mrs. Knox would not lay on what grounds thu battle would b fought Knox camo to rteno about a year ago and filed lus suit last October. MADMAN BREAKS BARS OF CELL AND FLEES Criminal Inmate Makes Cunning Escape, After Evading Watchman MnitmsToM'X. ,V J, Jan 3- With n guard In the corridor, one outside in the electrlc-rghtcil park nnd his room inspected each hour during tho night nnd ilty, Wil liam Fall h criminally Insane patient nt the State Ilospitnl for tho Itisntip tit Morris Plains, escaped nnd Is now nt large Tivn cirs ngo tho man shot nnd seriously nounded nn attendant In tin effott to escape, nnd Medical tlirerttir Cvnn has sent u vvarnlhg to the police throughout the Stnto that Willi Is a desperate character Twenty guards nnil attendants at the hopl tnl Ime started on n innnhuni 'flic nun wns in n spccinllt cnnslructeil room with steel guards In the window and ' I i ' liars i.utsile lie s uverripil in some way In unlnchlliB the steel wfiidnw K aid toM'iiiR tlio bats nnd then mulling n i "lie of his blankets, nllil-tinwn fifteen feet to the Mroutid In his nig it i Int'ies mid t -capeil from the lighted psrk which was p.itiolled hv night tvnti'hiin n Iioctor llintis is intiklng a minute Imoi-t'.gitlMii Wall Is tnent-nlre cais old nnd was rent to the Institution fiom the llihwav Iteforin.itor: on May S. 1IM.1 i(. hud bet n a member nf the old "Itlicr Unng' of l'alerson. and was sent to Ihp reformntury from Pntei-Kon for looting bungalow t and cnmmlttlni other depredallnns as a ' gang ster ' on June IS. 1914. Wall got a revolver smuggled Into him and after escaping from his room, shot Altciidint I'ntili-'t J. Collins through the chest, snatched his keys nnd was oveicome after n struggle Collins, nftor hovering on the verge of death, finally I eeov ered Since tint time Wall lias been spec'nlly guai ded. and bis Isolated loom examined every hour The room was cinsldered vir tually esuipe pioof tveu t.ie locks tin the door being masked so tli.it thev uuuld nut be tuiiipued with fi tun tho inside HARRIGAN'S LEATHER COACH MAY BE HERE "Cemetery" for "Deceased" Ve hicles Really "Live" Place for Rej uvenating Carriages A iilinliiRriipli Illustrating this nrtlrle np pears tin (he plrtorbtl page. A "cemeterv" for "deceased" vehicles I mi' i:ievonth street and Alleglienv luenuo has been added tt Philadelphia's list of plat es of Intel est. Although tho establishment lias not yet rtliacted tit.v-wido attention the pl.uo has become a neighborhood Institution, and resi dents of North Philadelphia commonly re fer to the snap heap as 'tho cemetery" Disc inleil vihiclcs of all kinds and shapes .lie tollected here by John Crossoii, who has been In this business for ni.inv veals. After piiiohaslng tho vehicles, bo lcpalrs many of Ciein and describing them us "good as new" Micct-eils In finding profitable customers for them Thn wood of soine of tho wagons Is often of the finest oak anil lilcktuj. and soino t lines thu lion Is highly valuable Jinny old mid Interesting vehicles aio in the largo toilet tlon In the "cemetery" One "cariy all" Is said to bo more than I CO cars old. It has olil-faalilniicil high wheels that were once considered "fancy" It contains two seats and the spiing.s aio heavj, but still ittaln gieat Iteslhilltv Coaches, baroutlies, band wagons, carts, wheelbarrows, ninbulances, elc, uro now In tho "ecmetei.v." Several "lloats" In tho New Vcai's parado came from this Institu tion "Ned" Ilnrrigan's celebrated "old leather coach" may bo Inlened In this vehicular museum LEGLESS STRANGER A SUICIDE Police Try to Learn Imlentity of Man Who Shot Himself The police in o Irving to learn tho Identity todnv of .i man who committed sulcldo by shooting last night nt I.eithgow and ("am. bridge b. reels Hit took a rovnlver from his pocket and while seveinl bystnntlerH looked tin placed tho imiMlu to his head and fired He died vvhllo being taken to the Itooscvclt Hospital Culmination showed that tho man had two artificial legs There was nothing III lis clothing to n veal his identltv Tho man is deMTlhtd as being about tliirtv-two jears old. of medium Matuic and fall ciiupleIou. Meet and Eat at the J$anscom Restaurants Moderate Trite nnil Home Coultlne ami, !( of nil. Grand Banquet corri;i:, s a vvv l.lnrii iimiMii nrfil tn our ru tntiirrM, nnil liiumltrftl In our own j I iiimtry lo insuro ilemillneHtt ami kunlt ir t iintllllutw. i r:zi i uroiniii i, s 7ji inrkci m XZTQ Vi'ii MtrUrt M Sa Oil M ! s JBco?."JtV. V MLN'S TAILORS V Cor. 1 3tlTand Sansom OUR SEMI-ANNUAL SALE . An txt-vptii'iil upptiriunily to tio btyltjht ilitHst-il ul .t IIk Having til Sll urn! 4-iO.OO MHIM.S or COR DKK(UTIMiM In tinier . . ""'-' Sill till to a1 till bl ITI.M.S or Gffn UVi:Ht IIVriM.S tci tinlir . til till H I" I M! .Ill SI'lll.Mil ur Grtn iivrufoTlMts tu tirdfr wik nj , Heal your sick skin The Resinol treatment for skin troubles is not an ex periment. Doctors have pre. scribed jt for over twenty years, for eczema, ringworm, and similar itching, burning, unsignuy eruptions. They rely on Resinol Ointment because it usually atvps the itching at once giving the patient much-neqded relief and rest and usually removes all -trace of the distressing eruption. Resinol Ointment may be used freely on even the most sensitive, e .!'., iriitated sktn Keiiccl Omtmeni t to nuily Kth csltHcd thai It can be uicdou the Uc, bccL. or !und without ituictinf uo duueniloa. RwiuolSoipcooulM tho Resinol mediMUoo, tnjlii! It excellent lor tin complextoa t bilr KuInotOmtmentaolReiUel boa? i ot4 bf U druiftiU. BLINDED TOMMIES UNCONQUERABLY GAY DESPITE AFFLICTION OF DARK LIFE Laugh at Mishaps Occasioned by Inability to See Their Way About Treacherous Bochc Receives Summary Retribution How a "BlufP Captured 22 Germans Hy EI.LKN ADAIR (I'rHtrit Pprrlolla tor the tivtntno .rrfffrf t.O.VtlON. iVr. I(i t'rnlt, hntietih inMI. and men when ev Hlmll tifirr mnr look on the sdtMt Men tinmhlnK ns they po. ,v?hn set Jimokrt ihrlr ttrrntf rlgtrette And nr, nn, innirrttt- imv. n If w ir r,. n nnililiy ii I tn ntiqtiunhlv gaj ' Yes. It's tine To t'nv I I i "ted In .1 miiiiII party of blinded soldleis nnil tiiev were nil bubbling over with merrliviKnt Such n Joke "' sa nl onn of them A regulai ehap tei of nci'detits tills morning ' We were allowed mil hv out selv . so Just fot fun we got Into n mot ir bus lit ei v one was must kind and helped us to our seats hut tin in I here was ton quirk a n tl snt down plop on nil old Lull's knee. Then w hen we got out 1 missed the step nnd fell l.l.l.UV .vnvlit fiat In the mud ' And another nf t hv Inns ran us Into n dm k pond lint we nil manage to keep smiling' ' iniicli-wiitindeil and gnrruloir.i little lilshmnn whom I have reccutl.v assisted in t iirslng In a Itetl Cross hospital becomes almost Incoherent when he lelales th tale of his woiindn " "Pwns nvengitig our olllcer we were. ' he begins, "and as (lite n tnd ns ever ve savv tn pantile! Know how to Inke enre of ills pint ion. ton "We were In the tlerinnn first line then, dealing the trench We took it whole lot "I lliein prNoners. nnil Mr. Laiidis, our of ficii he'd nlvcr let .ve lav n linger on n htiehe If tho fellow made n s'gn nf ptr ling up his bands, although he'd seen something of their trick '.No, by ( iod " -or. he '.Vol III in platoon No )ou don't 'lis a point nf honor ' "Wi rtime to rt tluSiiif that hail lite entrance In II nlr blown In. nnil I was nil for bombltig ll flrst nnil onhlnrt rtnslloii! after. 'No,' sea Mr i-nmllr, t gn in front, untl you ntul Hip nthr bnvs twhlmt ' "With tltnt tip bemts ttnwn to the eitrnnee nf the iltiRout nnil Btnfis nut, cheerful lllnv Wo 1st tin? "T tlerman Hnrto, I tn tntd 'Then nnp.of tln snttsner-Mters rails bncli ro meeU nnd penile. In UtiBllsli, 'Only me. sir ' " 'Well point on out. nnd no on will hurt e' savs l.andls " 'Aeh. sir. I cannot move- rrv bait wound, sir' ! cnlls tip the sausage-enter. A TlllUCllUlincs tinciii: " "Oon't ri down, Mr l.nndls, sir' ex t knowing the nature of the creatures below stairs Hliure Itt me go down and 'tis lettllhB their nccount I'll be after' "'Put Hint bomb bach In Jour pocket, rntl stand Imrh'' snvs our officer "Tin ft point of honor not in attack the wounded ' nd with that down he goes himself nlotie ' 'Next moment I henrtl liim give n groan. 'Thev ve stuck me.' came erv faint-like "'lleie. bovs.' sea t to the section, 'tlio In rlie have killed Mr taindls. and 'lis avenging him we must be nfter' ' We mmlo one wild rush Into that dug. nt Zip! went n Herman bavonet Into mv thigh lie II do no more stlckln'. that chap! I smashed his head III with me butt nd I caught two others with me bavonet The other rhaps ncciuntcd for three more Tlio others I could hear scurry iii' off tike rabbits through the passages 'Then I turned to Mr Nnntlis TIs nil over with me. me hoy.' sea be. half smiling, ''tis n treacherous hole, and 'tis too trust ful Hint I was ' lie dletl as soon us be hud spoken And what with the sight of him so .voting nnd hnndsnint! anil honorable, iljln" by treach erv. ntul what with tb,' sting of that bnche bavonet In ine sjde, I was seeln' irettv reil 'So me anil another chap line along the ilnrk passages after the ones that bad Med. 'Tvvas b sergeant ntul tlve men we found, nnd thev squealed nil right when they saw the point of mo bayonet It was glltterln' In the sun Just at the mouth of the dug rut where they was ralculatln' to get clear ' Thev turned on mo pnl nnd me. nnd wo fought Hko rats in n hole 'Tvvfts it great merlin' hut they won't meet any one clso this side of hell' "Just at the last my tut was killed As vou see, I got chipped about a bit tnvfelf, inn It wns worth it nil. for I wits that wild nbout lue olllcer" WtNTOtt IlOiMlonS OP WAtt Mfn on tin? SnmniP In this terrible De cember weather 19 n. tale nf wne And wlntt the llrltlsh have lo suffer Is nothing tn Hie tlirPomforls which lite Hermans ard under Boinu. The Herman front" line Is n hrnkrti slre'ch of battered trenches nnd shell holes, without ntiy deep dugouts, nnd onlv n few "funk holes" hardly proof against shrapnel anil nffordlng absotutelv no protettloti ngnlnst artillery and mortar fire. The (lertnntl communication lienehes have been lunde Impassable hv mml ntul shell fire, nnd all carrying nnd reliefs have lo be done ncross tho open bv night, vvlih cut ntiy kind of rover The men suffer terribly from the c dil slid wet While the llrltlsh are well clothed, the Hermans Itnve had no allowance of leather, fur or shpepskln coats liven when thev get nvvay from tho mis ery of tlio wet trendies and the horrors of the shell fire there Is small comfort In their les'.-blllets. where they nro crowded (ngethpr In dnmp cellars "It Is Impossible to describe how nwful it Is here " w rites one man "I would not wish my worst enemy in this hell. Cvery second Is torture" And thoso seconds lengthen nut even to n period of forty-three days for one Her man division was In tho tines for nil that time! Vet the spirit of the Herman troops re mains unbroken. A wounded Uritlsh captain of mv nc iiunliiliiuce bus had n curious escape Aimed with an empty tevolver. lie tt managed to cnplure n number of the cneni, thtiiugh sheer ' bluff " "I'd been pipped In the left nrm," he told me. "just when wo it tnken n first lino Herman trench. My men wero so en tiled that thev dashed on to tho second lino without orders' .M orderlv, who was also wounded, was with me "Just ns Til finishing bandaging his hound and mv own. I heard a sciifillng fiudergrnund, round tho other side nf the traverse Looking out, I perceived a hochp olllcei the llrst I'd seen at the mouth of n dugout, feeling h s wnv out I could ee tho spikes of lota of helmets be hind him too Nasty situation considering that mv orderlv bad Just lo' t hl.t rlllo and that my ieolver was empty "Well, f did the one and onlv thing pointed my revolver nt the hoche olftcer "To mv surprise he called out In llng Ilsli, 'llnn'l shoot ' "I said I'd shoot tho whole crowd of them If one moved 'Vou sit tloivn perfctlv still, my friends I ndntntitshcd them, "nnd III Inkp you nil to Kngland Hut If jou move vou II get sit service bullets, and my men wll route along and bury ou In your little dugout ' "Thev all sat down like lambs I man aged to whlsppr to my orderly to first find me n bnvntipt or n Hlte, anything rather than nn empty ieoHpr. And hurry back with some men, for the loe of heaven, I added "then t was left nlonn with my hoche partv Their otTleer was cuilouslv sulky itnce he made n suddpn movement with his i lite, but I was took quirk ntul got II from lilm 'Ho psslly, mv friend.' I counseled him. 'I tn a conscientious objector when I m at home, and t hate killing Ilka tha devil ' "t tried htm on half a dozen Interesting topics of conversation, for he could talk Kngllsh perfectly, but ho remained very taciturn "Finally ho relented sufficiently lo led mo that our artillery was ho good and lhat obvlouslv we wero now near the end of out ammunition. "'I.lfe must be pretty beastly In England since our Kepps hne command of the nlr,' he added. 'I do not envy you English ' "I told him that I believed they'd man aged to kill n few cats nnd dogs, and a horse or two but that tho only worry our folk had was that so few' had able lo see a Zepp. nnd they were .nil Aery curious to have n look nt one. "After n while my orderly got back with three men nnd a corporal, nnd I ordered tho Hermans to march out without their tv capitis There wero actually twenty-two at litem "I thought It was rather a good Joke to have c.iptuied tho lot with only nn empty revolver, so I told the Herman officer about It Hut he said he savv no Joke nt nil, and only growled and scowled, and became so peovlsh that he wouldn't talk nt all." Platinum La Failure i . An attractive setting contain ing three large and two 1 p.. si iiui it; i uiiimuiius ut aiiji:iiui pAUi -v quality. The design enhances $!r$?!j the beauty of the gems $lj. S. Kind & Sons, 1110 Chestnut St. diamond mehcjiants ,n:wi:i,i:ns StIAi:nSMtTHS bvSHvSn m iJMSmMSMMMMSMMMMmSSSMMSMMMMMMMMS3 gMMi-V-l'mOMiM? u. M ason & DeMairy 1 1 15 Chestnut Street Opposite Keith's) Our FUR oiiLj& Means One-Fourth Off the Selling Price. A Very Large Inducement When the Discount Is Authentic Discount is a word much abused. Often the amount means little to the average buyer. To impress upon you the opportunity that one-quarter off our original tagged prices affords you, you must first appreciate what seventy seven continuous and successful years as leading Furriers of Philadelphia means. To you, the integrity and guarantee of an actual one-quarter off is more when proposed by a firm of our standing than one-half off advertising inducements generally offered. A comparison will prove our contention. Scarfs Black Fox Regularly 16.00 Now 12.00 Hudson Seal Regularly 20.00 Now 16.00 Skunk Regularly 18.00 Now 13.50 Black Lynx Regularly 39.50 Now 29.62 White Fox Regularly 35.00 Now 26.25 Ermine Regularly 39.50 Now 26.25 Raccoon Regularly 16.00 Now 12.00 Beaver Regularly 20.00 Now 16.00 a1 m Black Fox Regularly 1 6.00 Now 12.00 Hudson Seal Regularly 18.00 Now 13.50 Skunk Regularly 25.00 Now 18.75 Black Lynx . . . .,.. Regularly 50.00 Now 37.50 White Fox -.Regularly 58.00 Now 43.50 Ermine Regularly 89.50 Now 67.12 Raccoon Regularly 1 6.00 Now 12.00 Beaver Regularly 20.00 Now 16.00 3L i rr WW sN W N v Fur Sets Black Fox Regularly 35.00 Now 26.25 Skunk Regularly 50.00 Now 37.50 Hudson Seal Regularly 25.00 Now 18.75 Raccoon Regularly 32.50 Now 24.75 Beaver . . Regularly 50.00 Now 37.50 Red Fox Regularly 75.00 Now 56.25 Cross Fox Regularly 1 35.00 Now 101.50 Dyed Blue Fox Regularly 58.00 Now 43.50 Sable Brown Fox Regularly 75.00 Now 56.25 Slate Fox Regularly 98.50 Now 73.87 Natural Fisher Regularly 1 20.00 Now 90.00 Australian Opossum Regularly 75.00 Now 56.25 Kolinsky Regularly 98.50 Now 73.87 Moleskin Regularly 89.50 Now 67.12 Fur Coats RmuUrlv Now 54.50 French Seal Coats. . . .40,87 hkunk Opotsum Collar. 40-lnch Ssmart Jtodtl 69.50 French Seal Coats. . . .52.12 lilac U Opossum Collar and BoMr. 3-liwh. feman flare 87.50 French Seal Coats. . . .65.62 42-loch. Full l)elgn. boal Collar, 8elt Qualllj 89.50 French Seal Coats. . . .67,12 Conuaitlasr Collar of Ulack l.yni. -IS-lnch, Kull Model 92.50 Natural Muskrat Coats.69.37 43-Inch, Full MoJtlJ Lane Collar of llukrt or Hudson 4l 98.50 Hudson Seal Coats. . .73.87 lU-lnch. Full Model Smart Modal. Urocado 1 10.00 Hudson Seal Coats. . .82.50 Skunk or Seal Collar. 40-looti. Cblo Model Here Are Six Extraordinary Specials. The Values Are So Unusual That We Quote No Comparative Prices Russian Pony Coats French Seal Coat Hudson Seal Coat Beaver or Itaccoon Collars 40-inch Model 40-Inch Smart Model 40-lnoh Model, Moire Skins Contraatlng flulTy Collar Skunk Collar and Border 28.00 37.50 74.00 Black Fox Sets Skunk Sets t Raccoon Sets Newest Stls Newest Styles Newest Styles - 24.00 28.50 24.00 Fur Coats Regularly Now Charge Accounts Opened 135.00 Hudson Seal Coats. ..101.25 10 and 45 laoh Mod.U. galoot Quality, Full Cut 160.00 Leopard Skin Coats. .120.00 4 2 -loch Uod, Collar and CuiTa of Uadxtr , or llacbooOa 175.00 Hudson Seal Coats, .131.25 Very Full Jaunty Model 6-tacn Border and Collar vl Skunk. 195,00 Hudson Seal Coats. .146.25 Cass Collar and Wlda Border of EUky Skunk 245,00 Hudson Seal Coats. .183.75 43-lach Model, Collar and 0-Inch Border st Silky Skunk. 325.00 Scotch Moleskin Coats243.75 8-lBCh Border and Collar of SLunlc Fox or Fiylnic tioutrreL 700.00 Natural Mink Coat. ..525.00 ii Incfa Flax Model Tatla and SaUa rw at Bottom. B SfigggBeBSgSBrWgWgJ